The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, November 27, 1851, Image 4

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    Unrivalled in Beauty and Excellence.
"EMGIITY Pages of Reading Matter in
-®~ i ear'., Number, being sixteen pages of
additional Reading over and above the usual
quanty given in the 83 Magazines.
The proprietors cf this popular Periodical
will spate iio expense in tho effort to impart
the-rr.ost decided tuperi Tiorily to their Mag
azine. and trust to receive the same maiked
appreciation that has heretofore rewurJed
their enterprise.
American Literature
Of the highest clans will be found iu their
partly of transcripts from original paintings
by eminet American Artists, will alone ex
ceed in value the price of a year's subscrip
has been added to their usual form of con•
etruclion, whero Puck Outiival/ing Punch will
monthly open his portfolio of the choicest
"good things" gathered from all parts of the
world. A summary of Musical, Literary,
and ArtislUt Intelligence! will be prepared
for every Number, by Air. Charles G Lelarid
embracing, as a prominent feature, interest
ing accounts of tho authors of Continental
Europe, and their publications. This, with
a full and impartial Review Department,
will, they hope, moet with the approval of
their literary friends.
Original designs of Cottage and Vill i Ar
chitecture, with accompanying ground plans
aud explicit directions, will be fttniishd by
the talented architect, T. Wad.-kier, Esq.
Rebus Illustrations ol Proverbial Philoso
phy, Poetical Enigmas, Music, Fashions,
Crochet Patterns, Embroidery, fee., &c., will
contribute to the monthly variety they prom
ise their subscribers.
As all Postmasters nro regular agents for
the wotk, persons wishing to obtain a fuller
description of it, or to soe a Specimen Copy,
will please call uySon ttie neatest Postmaster
who will recuive Ihe advance payment, and
forward their names and the money.
tenons wishing to get up a Club will be
euoMieJ with a specimen copy gratis.
~ Bv the new postal law, which went into
operation in July, the Postage an this Mag
azine is gieutly reduced. When paid quar
terly in advance it is now as follows: Un
der 500 miles, z'J cents ; over 500 miles, 5
Terms for 1852, Payable la Advance.
Oae copy one year, S3. Two copies one
year, 85. One copv two years, $5. Five
copies one year, 810. Ten copies one year,
820, and an extra copy to the person send
ing a Club of Ten. Single numbers 25cts.
I?' Small Notes of the different States re
ceived at par. Club Subscriptions sent to differ
ent Post Offices.
Address JOHN SARVAIN & Co ,
Glances at Europe,
Bt Hoiiace Greei.y. Octavo,(Cloth, Trice Si
fIMIIS volume comprises the observations
•* made during Mr. Greeley's recent Eu
ropean tour, on Society, Manners and Cus
toms. Art, Literature, Agriculture, Foreign
Politics, and a great variety of other attrac
tive ami exciting topics.
It has copious notices of the Great Exhi
bition or World's Fair in London; complete
descriptions of the Cultivation of the Soil in
different countries; brilliant criticisms of (tie
Works of Art in th" Great European Capi
tals ; and graphic Sketches ol Public and
Domestic Lite in London, Paris, Koine, &c.,
written iu the frank, straightforward, piquant
style, 'or which Mr-.Greeley is widely cele
.b rated.
A more authentic, instructive, and amus
ing Book ol Travels has probably never
been issued from the American press. The
vast amoun' of information which it con
tainers presented in such a lively aud off
hand manner, that the perusal of tho volume
becomes as interesting us a novol.
Whoever would obtain a fresh, daguerreo
vpo view of tho present state of England,
should not fail to make himself acquainted
with its contents. Even the discussion of
• he driest topics, which it sometimes takes
tip, is enlivened with suclt frequent flashes
ol humor, and pervaded vvillt such genial
and sparkling vivacity, that no one who com
mences the volhnie can lay it down without
finishing its perusal.
We confidently anticipate a very exten
sive circulation lor this work throughout the
Uuiled States. The name of Horace Gree
ley, which is as widely known as that of any
oilier American citizen, will excite a general
curiosity to Jeam the results of his European
experience. We are certuin no one can be
disappointed in this admirable recital of his
loreign adventures.
Agents, Booksellers, and the Trade gener
ally. will pleaso send their Orders without
delay to
DCWRTR S: Davenport, Publishers,
Tribune Buildings, N. Y.
Tlic New-York tily Budget!
the riNCH of amerjca!
Ij 1 ACH number containing not less than
J Tvitenty original Illustrations! Engra
ved aud drawn exprersly fur this paper
Twenty-eight columns of reading matter, all
original—Literature and the Drama. Follies
ar.d vices of the day show n up in an original
Price two cents per copy, one dollar per
annum, iu odvauoc.
The City Budget will bo furnished to clubs
at the following low rates :
6 Copies to one address 85 00
10 ' ' " 800
20 ' ' ' 15 00
30 ' ' ' 21 00
40 * 4 ' . 26 00
50 ' ' 30 U0
- 75 ' ' ' 41 00
100 111 50 00
nr Four copies will bo sent to one ad
dress three months for Si. A commission of
25 per cent allowed to Postmasters and oth
ers for funning Clubs at the abovo rates.
All letters tu be addressed per-pnid to
R. F. MATHER Proprietor.
162 Fulton St., New York.
RESPECTFULLY announces to the citi
izens ol Bloomsburg in geneial and his
old patrons in particular, besides tl;c rest of
mankind, that he has again opened his tai
lor-shop where hp will be pleased to furnish
the be3t of clothiug, cut according to the la
test fashions, and made in tho best manner.
He teceivea the city fashions, and feels cer
tain that his work will look well and wear bet
His shop is on main street of Bloomsburg
next door below Lulz's Drug store.
In pay for work, he will take cash, store
1 order, or even GOLD DOLLARS.
1 Bloomsburg Nov. 21, 1850.
" ttltnwls ! Slinwls ! !
A new-parcel of tong,sh aw ! 8 > la,e
Mills manufacture, and 'Perkerri shawls
ust received and for sale cheap by
JJloomsbufg, October 14th, 1851.
! l ' la I'hiJaticli<bia Exchange.
I ' Ealent Soap Slone Lined
j i.HIANDBKS. Fire and thief
'JjHTj t roan RON CHESTS,
warranted to aland more heat than any other
cheats in the country. Alao, Patent Air Cham
ber IKON t'HE TS, 170(1 now in nee. They
also continne to make the ordinary Fire I'roufs
at very low prices.
We, tho ntidtraigrerl 'were preaent on the 11
day of September, when Messrs, Kvnna ,V Wot
sen tcated one of their Salamander Tiro Proof
Chests, at which lime they consumed five
cords cf wood over it, commencing at 9 A. M.
tin! continuing until 9 o'clock, P, M , making
ve houra intense heat, amounting to a while
neat. The Chests remained in tho lire until
the neat morning, when it was opene in our
presence, and all tho books and papers taken
nut, having been preserved entire. The above
named Chest, together with hocks and
papers, may be examined by calling at the Store
ot Evans & Watson, 83 Dock street.
THUS. HANSBLL, 13th st„ abovo Arch.
SAMUEL L. DAVIf. 111, N. Third at.
Messrs. Evans & Watson :
Oentlemen -Hnving been present when the
contents of the Chest alluded to in the above
certificate were exposed to view, I take pleasure
iu adding my testimony to the perfect security oI
the papers. No mark of fire was apparent on
any of them. Respectfully,
Fhilodolphia, Kept 10.
Messrs. Evans A 'Vutson, Philadelphia;
Gentlemen—We have much pleasuie in re
commending your Eire Ptouf Chests to the no
tice of the public—the one wo purchased from
you having saved our books and contents cfloc
tu.illy, after undergoing a very severe boat during
the fire, which destroyed the entire block of tiuil
dingo on A'ch street wharf, on the Schuylkill, on
the6th of June, 1810.
Yours, verv res ullv,
Seal and Letter Copying Presses, Eire prouf
Doors for U.inlts and Stores; Patent Slate Lined
Itefrigerirters, warranted superior to all others,
Water Fillers, Truck Wagons for Stoics, Sho.v
er II litis of the best quality,
June sth, 185t.1y
G£J>a -xi uciA-xta cs> Li*' ss
A BOUT two years ago a new discovery
■f* was made iu Europe, consisting of a
substitute lor the ordinary store coffee, called
Essence of Collee, which has gone into gen
eral use with astonishing rapidity, not only
among the poorer classes, wno ut once dis
pensed with the use ol the celebrated Chick
ory Coffee, but is now in general use in the
wealthiest families and the first hotels, and
is highly recommended by the medical fac
it ie extracted from pure, wholesome veg
etables. and excels all similar preparations
thai have ever been offered to the public,
either in this country or in Europe. Its su
perior quality lias already been attested to in
the cities by some of the most eminent phys
icians, and a number of the most distinguish
ed of the clergy and other highly respectable
citizens. Coffee made from this essence ac
cording to the prescription obtains a more
delicious and pleasant favor than the com
mon store coffee, and is certainly more
wholesome, especially for persons ill deli
cate health, which will be admitted by eve
ry physician who will tako die pains to test
the natule and properties of litis essence.
One paper costing only 12i ins., is equal
to four pounds of store coffee, will be bright
and clear without tho application of any
other ingredient to clarify or settle it. The
public are therefore invited to give this es
sence at lea6t a trial before they condemn it.
A respectable merchant of Luzerne coun
ty in writing of it say s:
'•My customers liavo been using of the
above Essence for some months past with
general satisfaction ; and Ido uot hesitate
to recommend it to tho public.
Mat.'ufaclerod by G. Humrrel, Bolder k
Co., 718 Callowhill.street Philadelphia.
For sale by GEORGE WEAVER, Blooms
burg, by whom merchants can be supplid a',
manufacturers prices—freight added.
Bloomsburg, July 31st, 1851.—3 tn.
01 ~ OL "ocTzs"
j© tUQU£<£<3<gS
Invites the attention ol the public to his
stock of clocks, watches, jewelry, watch
trimmings, glasses, keys, balance wheels,
jewels and
Gold Pf 113
which he continues to offer for salo at
reasonable prices.
He will also repair clocks, watches, and
musical and optical instruments in a satis
factory manner.
His shop is iu the middlo ygoin of the Ex
chango block, nearly opposite to the Cour
House. - w
Bloomsburg, July 21, 1851.
800 1 S & SHOES.
Respectfully announces to his friends and tho
public that lie has taken the Boot and Shoe
Store lately kept by Warren Russet, where
lie has always on hand and makes to order
all kinds of Boots aud Shoes at tho following
Men's lino calf r morocco boots, St a 4 50
do kip or cow hide, 3 25
do calf shoes 2 00
do cow hide, I 75
do miners', nailed, 2a 2 50
Ladies' gaiters, 2 a 2 25
" Lace boots, I 62
" Thick soled slippers lal 37
" l'uinp soled, 100
" Jenny Liud,s 125 a 1 50
Boys', youths' and children's shoes in pro
portion. He manufactures his work of the
best of stook—warrants it to wear; and is
determined to sell it as low as others can
their Yankee or city work. Call and soe for
yourselves. Shop on Main si., next door
below Harlman's Store.
Bloomsburg, April Ist, 1851.
wnsrra <& BV®IBIB 8
®No.93dN- Third St,
(Abovo Callowhill,)
And Liquors of every description :
JOHN Woobsipes Agent,
House, Sign and Ornamlenta
DONE to order in the best highly-finished
pclain stylo, by B HAGENBU'CH.
58 Liberty street, between Broadway and Nas- i
sau-slreet, near the Pust OJjke, New York. 1
are receiving, by daily arrivals from ;
Europe, our Fall and Winter assortment 1
of rich fashionable fancy silk and millinery'
We respectfully invite all Cash Purchas
ers thoroughly to examino our Stock and
Prices, and as interest governs, we feel con
fident our Goods and Prices will induce them
to select from our establishment. Particular
attention is devoted to MILLINERY GOODS,
and many of the articles nru raunulectured
expressly to our order, and cannot be sur
passed m beauty, eiyle and cheapness.
Beautiful Par.s Ribbons, for Hat, Cap,
Neck, and Belt.
Satin and Taffeta Ribbons, of all widths i
and colors.
Silka, Satins, Velvets, and Uncut Velvets,
for Hats.
Feathers, American and French -Artificial
Puffings, and Cap Trimmings,
Dress Trimmings, largo assortment.
Embroideries, Capes, Collars, Under
steeves and Guffs.
Fine embroidered Reviero and Hemstitch
Cambric Handkerchiefs.
Crapes, Lisses, Tarletons, Illusion and Cap
Valencienee, Brussels, Thread, Silk, and
Lisle thread Laces.
Kid, Silk, Sewing Silk, Lisle Thread,
Merino Gloves and Mitts.
Figured ami plain Swiss, Book, Bishop
Lawn and Jaconet Muslins.
English, French, American and Italian
Straw Goods.
Aug. 28, JB5l-6m.
i\. IV. Corner of Third and Union sis.,
between Spruce and Pine streets,
Fifteen years of extensive and uninterrupted
practice spent in this ciiy have rendered Dr. K.
the mast export and successful practitioner far
and near, in the treatment of all diseases of a
private mttuie. Persons afflicted with nlctrs on
the lioily, throat or legs, pains in tho head or
bones, or rheumatism, strictures,
gravel, disease arising fiom youthful excesses
or impurities of the blood, whereby Hie consti
tution has become enfeebled, are all IreateJ with
lie who placcß himself undei the rare of Dr.
K. may religiously confide in his honor as a
gentleman, and confidently icly upon bis skill
as a physician. x
Take Particular Notice,
Voung men who have injured themselves hy
a certain practice indulged in, a habit frequently
learned from evil companions or at school, the
effects of which ate nightly fel', even when
asleep and destroy I oth mind and body, should
apply immediately. Weakness and constitu
tional debility, loss of muscular energy, physical
lassitude and general prostration, irrslibility and
all nervous affections, indigestion, sluggishness
of the liver, and every disease ill any way con
nected wiUi the disorder of the proceativo func
tions cured, and full vigor restored.
Youth and Manhood
A Vigorous Life or a premature Death,
This book just DublisheJ is filled with useful
information on the infirmities and diseases of the
generative organs. It addresses itself alike to
youth, manhood and old should be read
by all.
'l'he valuable advice and impressive warning
it gives, will prevent years of misery and uuf
fering and save annually thousands of lives.
Parents lv reading it will learn how to pro
vent lie dehtruction of their children.
A remittance of 25 cents enclosed in a letter
addressed to Dr. Kinkelin, N \V corner of
Third and Union streets, between Spruce and
Pine, in Philadelphia will ensure a book under
envelope per return of mail.
Persons at a distance may address Dr. K ly
letter, (post paid) arid be cured at home.
Packages of medicines, directions, Sec. for
warded by sending a remittance, and put up se
cure from damage or curiosity.
ilooksellers, News Agents, Pedlars, Canvas
sers and ail others supplied with tho above work
at very low rates. ly
®Dy mtans of the pocket
Esculapius, or every one
his own Physician! thir
tieth edition, with up. engra
vings showing private dis
eases in every shape and
form, and malformations of
the generative system,
The timo has nouyi riv
ed, that persons suffering
from secret disease, need no more become the
victims of quackery, as by tho prescriptions con
tained iu this hook anyone may curi himself,
without hindrance to business, or the knowledge
of the most intimate friend, ar.d with one tenth
the usual expense. In addition to the general
routino of private disease, it fully explains the
cause of manhood's eaily decline, with observa
tion. on marriage— besides many other derange
merits which it would not be proper toeuumeiste
in Iho public prints.
Any person sending twenty five cents, en
closed iu a letter, will receiro one copy of this
book, hy mail, or live copies will lie sent for one
dollar. Address, I)r. W. Voung, No. /52 Spruce
street. Philadelphia.' Post puid.
ty Dr. Young, can bo consulted on, any
of tho Diseases described in his different
publications at his offices, 152 Spruce street,
every day, between 9 and 3 o'clock, (Sun
days exceptpd.)
Philadelphia, March 23, 1850-12 m
Read! Read!
sl@3lE3>il SW&SiEE
Announces to the reading world in general,
and the good people of Bloomsburgh in par
ticular that he has removed h'.s Bookstore to
the lower corner of Biggs Brick Block oppo
site the Court House, where he has a full
variety of Books for ail manner ol men and
women kind. He has all tho popular works
of the day upon Morals, Religion, History,
Literature, Politics and Travels • and a gen
eral selection of all school books, English,
Classical, German and French.
He has also a sweet lot of Confectionarics,
Toys aud Jewelry,
So that every kind of taste can bo gratified
by a selection of something from his stock.
Bloomsburg, April 15th,_lSG 1.
Fancy Chairs.
ceived from Philadelphia a new lot oi' FAN
CY CHAIRS, of Birch end Mahogany ourl,
and of the most fashionable style, which he
will sell at the lowest prices for good pay.
Blootnßburg, May 16th, 1850.
SEJaPo CS3on.nilci3a a a3
Tun nfilleted nre invited to call and uoo Mi
Inae Urooks, Jr., nt the corner of Third and
Wilcox streets, and Miss Christiana Sands,
Beach htreet below Spruce street, i n the Schuy I
kill. These two persons have been snatched
from the very jaws of the destiftjor. through *he
agency of most potent of all medicines,
Dr Culien's Panacea is the only cartuin cure j
foi Scrofula ot King's Evil, Tetter, Erysipelas,
Old Sores and Ulcere, Mercurial Discuses, and all
other uiibstions, cutaneous or otherwise, arising
from impurities of the blood.
In the extraordinary cure of Mr. Brooks, peo
ple who vi it him, hold up their hurids in as
tonishment, that ANY medicino could have ar
rested (its disease—then go away resolved to re
commend D> Ctilleu's Indian Vegetable Pana
cea to every one they Lear of who hus need of a
purifying medicine.
So with Christiana Sands—her cum of Scrof
ulous* soro throat wns quite as extraordinary us
Mr. Crooks', when wo reflect that from the dis
ease her tea or cofl'ee would frequently pass out
of her ears, when attempting to diiuk, [See
her certificate.]
The people ate beginning to understand, too
that the various Syrups of fiSanaparllla are little
bettor than molasses, ai d that it is madness to ,
throw away money on articles which, under the j
most favorable circumstances, do not produce
any impression on the system until, several gal
ons have been swallowed* 000 bottle of Dr. i
Cullen's Panacea seldom fails to produce con
viction in the minds of patients that a radical
cure is certain.
Thus hope, [;o necessary, an ally to medi
cine.] swings up at the otitAel, and the patient
is cured before any other preparation could have
made the slightest impression upon the discus? !
In fact, the twelve ounce bottles of Di. Cul
len's Panacea, compared with the pint and quart
bottles of other purifiers, are valuable about in
the proportion of gold to copper. Those who
won 1 prefer a penny to a half eagle, on accoun
of its size, wtuld make a pour selection to sat
the least.
Sarsnparilla a good portlier! Dr. Uuilen's
Panacea contains its extract in its most concen
trated form. Added to this are other extracts,
more active and powerful, and which effect in
combination with the tSarsaparilla, what the lat
ter article, or combined with the most powerfo
poisons, cannot alone accomplish.
It has cured where everything else had failed
and this in a multitude of ettV's—not in Kuiopc
or in the ntoon, (where so many great cures
have been performed,) but in Philadelphia and
other pafts of the union. And he it distinctly
understood that we do not obtain our extracts by
••holing 400 gallons down to one," it being
known to eveiy uruggist's apprentice that boiling
destroys the essential virtues of medicinal plants
and toots.
ROWAND & WALTON, Proprietor?.,
Wholesale and retail, No. 21 North SIXTH
street; or E. P. Lutz, Bloomsburg; M C
Crier, Danville; Peter Ent, Light street,
Pickets and Stewart, Orange villa ; Cyrus
Barton, Espytown ; J Schmick, Cattawisea;
M G Shoemaker, Buck horn.
r\ C. W. ROBACK, Professor of Astrology
Astronomy Phrenology, and Ucomancy, com
bined with CONJURATION from Sweeden,
office No. 6 White Stiect New Vork City,of
fcrs his services to the citizens of liloomsbutg.
He has been consulted by all ihs crowned heads
of Europe, and enjoys a higher refutation as an
Astrologer than any one living. Nativities col
culated acroiding to lieomancy—Ladies $3
Gentlemen $5, Persons at a distance can hav
their nativities drawn by sending the date of the
day i f theit birth. All letters containing the
above fee will receive immediate attention, and
Nativities scut to any part of the world written
on durable paper; and he is prepared to make
use of his power by conjuration oil any of the
following topics; Couruhip, advice given for
the successful accomplishment of a wealthy mar
riage; he has the power to redeem such fas are
given to the free use of the bottle,- ami for all
cases of hazard, and for the recovery of stolen or
lost property, and the purchasing of lottery tick
ets. Thousands of the named cases have
been donr in this city and its vicinity, and in the
United chat en, to the full satisfaction of all. It),.
000 Nativities or Horoscopes have been cast du
ring the last four years while he r e. Letters
will answer every purpose, and will do as well as
to coll in person, and the mail is now so safe
ihut persons need not fear to trust money through
the Post Office. Dr liohack receives from 600
to 1000 letters monthly, and has never missed
Ml letters will bo religiously nttended to, if
prepaid. For more particulars call at the office
of the "Star of the North,!! and get an Aatrolo.
gieal Almanac gratis.
C. W. ROB AUK,* Na, 6 White street,
New York City,
lie particular to mention the Post-office coun
ty and State. All communications kept relig
ously secret.
Spring anb Summer gooba.
All new and Cheap.
Invites the attention of .the good people of
Bloomsburg to his stock of new and fash
ionable spring nnd summer goods which he
has just openeil in the Brick Block third door
above the Exchange lintel in Bloomsburg.
and which he will sell
lie lias ail assortment of
L)rj Goiuli, Fnijcy GOUIIN.
And a full variety of dress-goods for In
dies and genllemens' wear nnd fancy.
@©<2)23 mUR&AQHO'
Can bo made by purchasers who will call
I and examine nis goods, for ho will sell, and
sell 20 per cent, less than the goods can be
bought elsewhere in town.
Bloomsburg, April 23d, 1851.
Fire Insurance.
THE Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance
Comoany, have appointed the undersigned
an Agent, to make insurances in Columbia
county. The Company is in good credit,and
is conducted upon soniid principles. Persons
insured by the Company are entitled to the
rights of membership therein, are elegible
as Directors of the .Corporation, but without
any individual liability for the'losses or expenses
of the Company. The amount of premium
and policy paid when insured is the extent
of liability. Persons desirous of effecting
an insurance upon property, can call upon
the undersigned, at his Oliice in Bloomsburg.
May 22, 1850.
Wonderful News 1
"■"list received acid for sale by the subscri
•F her a "Journal of the sufferings and
hardships of Parker H. French's Overland
Expedition to California, which left New .
Vork city May 13 1850, and landed at San I
Francisco Dec. 14," by William Miles of
Curiise, Pa. All lovers of California news,
will gall soon and buy, as we have but a few
copies of this highly interesting work on
Msy 22, 1851.
Guarantee Capital over SIOO,OOO
Surplus Cash " 25,000
VJVHIS Company lias been doing business
X about ten months and has accumulated
an earned capital of over $125,000 above all
losses and expenses with a surplus of ovei
$25,000 on hand.
The premiums aro A 9 low as any good and
responsible company.
The directors confine themselves to the sa
fest class of properly, and no risk to exceed
*2500 in one locality, (with A few excep
tions. F The protils are wholly divided to the
members, which offers (owners of sale prop
erly.) inducements over most companies in
the State.
John P. Rutherford, John B. Packer.
Albert J, Gillelt, Philo C Sedgwick,
Samuel T. Jones, Alouzo A. Currier,
Robert Klotz,
J. P. RUTHERFORD, President,
A. J. GILLETT, Secretary.
R. W. WEAVER, Agent, Bloomsburg.
The Directors have the liberty to refer to
the following gentlemen :
Hon. A. L. Russell, Secretary of Common
Hon Jotm Laporte, late Surveyor General.
James A Weir, Esq., Cashier of Ilarrisburg
Robt. J. Ross, Esq , Cashier Dauphin Dcpos
ite Bank.
John M. Bickel, Esq., Stalo Treasurer.
A. J. Jones, Esq , P. M., Ilarrisburg.
Col. Israel Painter, Canal Commissioner.
Messrs. Jno. Wallower & Son, Commission
Merchants, Ilarrisburg,
John Hrßrant, Esq., Commission Merchant,
Bloomsburg, Juno 25th, 1851.
Price Reduced!
Largo Bottles Only One Dollar*
The Proprietor of th® Great American Remedy " VAFOHNN
VeuxTAiii-K LITIIOSTRIPTJC MIXTURE," induced by the
urgent solicitation* of hi* Agents, throughout lit® United
Statei and Canada, ha* now
Reduced the Prico
of his popular and well known article; and from this date,
henceforth, be will put ap but one six® only, hii quun
bottles: —the retail prico will bo
The public mar rest assured that the character of the Medi
cine, iu strength, and curative properties* WILL REMAIN
I'NCII ANU ED, and the same car® will bo bratowed in pre
paring it ax heretofore.
A* this medicine, under its reduced price, will be purchased
by those who have not hitherto innde tlicnirelve* acquainted
with iu virtues, the proprietor would beg to intimate that hit
r.rticle is not to be clamed with the vast amount of " Remedies
of the day j" it claims for itself a greattr healing power, in
all distant, than anp other preparation now before the
world; and boa sustained itself for eight years by its snpsrior
medical virtues, nnd, until this reduction, commanded double
the price of uny other article In thin line.
NOTICE PARTICULARLY, this article acta with greet he ai
ing p®wcr and certainty, upon the
Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Lung*
nail nil oilier organs, upon the proper action of which life and
health depend.
This medietas a justly high repute as a remedy for
Dropsy and Gravel,
, nnd p.ll dire®*®* of that nature. It may be relied uion when
J the intelligent physician has abandoned his patient, nnd for
j these distressing disease®, more especially DROPSY, the propri
i etor would earnestly and honu'.iy recommend ft. At its
j present price It M easily obtained by si!, and the trial will prove
I the article to be the
Cheapest Medicine in the World!
l'lease ask for pamphlet* the agent* give them away
tlioy contain over i.\Un pages of receipts, (in addition to ful
j medical matter) valuable for household purpose'*, and whict
I will save many dollars per year to practical housekeeper".
These receipts are introduced to mnke the book of great
value, nide from its character as an adverthing medium fot
the medicine, the testimony in favor of which, iu the form of
letter* from ali parts of the country, may be relied upon.
W " Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontriptic Mixture " the
Great American Remedy, now for sale in quart tattles at $1
each, small bottles at 50 cts each. No small bottles will be
issued after the present stock is disposed of.
Principal Office, Buffalo, N. Y., 807 Maiq Street,
Sold Wholesale and Retail by OLfJOTT McKESSON &
CO., 127 Maiden Laue, New York City,
i N. B.—All letters (excepting front agents and dealers witn
| whutn he transacts b urine#*) must be post paid, or no attention
J will he given to them.
I AGENTS.—E. P. LUTZ, Bloomsburg; O.
F Moore, Danville; Jno. W. Friling, Sun
bury, M A M'Cay, Northumberland ; John
Sharpless, Cattawissa ; J K Millard, Espy
town ; A. Miller Berwick ; Charles Seybert-
Beach qaveiuOct. 31, 1850.-ly
Philadclphia & Heading Rail Road.
REDUCTION of trieght on Merchandize,
lo commence March 1, 1851.
Between Pottsville and Philadelphia.
tuminous Coal, Briiks, Ice, Iron Ore, Lime
stone, Pig Iron, Plaster, Slate, Tiles, 9 cts.
2d Class. — Blooms, Burr Blocki, Cement,
Grindstones, Guano, Laths, Pitch, Railroad
Iron, heavy, Rosin, Salt, Sills, Shingles, Tar,
Turpentine, Timber and Lumber, 10 cts.
3rd Class. —Ale, Beer, and Porter, Ashes,
Pot & Pearl, Bark, Barley. Bones & Horns,
Coffee, Cotton, Whiskey,'& Domestic Li
quors, Grain, Iron Castings, rough; Rolled,
Bar or Hammmed Iron, Boiler Plates, Flat
I Bar Rail Road Iron. Lead and Shot, Mo
j hisses, Potatoes, Nails & Spikes, Salt Provi
sions, Sugar, Saltpetre, and Tobacco, un-
I manufactured, 12 j cts. Flour per barrel,
25 cts.
4th Class — Applet, Bran, Butter, Cheese
Cordage, Earthen Ware, Eggs, Gto ceris
(except those staled) Hemp, Hardware, and
Cutlery, Hollow ware , Lard, Leather, Live
I Stock, Manufactures of Iron, as Machinery ;
Oil, Oysters, Paints, Raw Hides, Rags, Rus
sia Sheet Iron, Seeds. Steel, Sweet Potatoes,
Tallow, Vinegar and Wire, 17 cts.
sth Class. —Books and Stationary, Boots &
Shoes, Camphine, and Spirit Oil, China, Glass
nnd Queensware, Cigars. Confectionery, Dry-
Goods, Drugs, Fresh Fish, Meat & Fruit, Fo
reign Liquors, Hops, Spirits of Turpentine
Teas, Wines and Wool 22 cts.
March 13, 1851.
I\'o. 14 4 Race Street,
(Between 4lh & sth, opposite Crown St.)
WHERE the Proprietor is enabled, by
increased facilities, to supply the
growing demand for HOVER'S INK, which
its wide spread reputation has created.
This Ink is now so well established IN
the good opinion and confidence ot the A
merican Public, that it is scarcely necessary
to say anything in its favor, and the manu
facturer takes this opportunity to SAY THAT
the confidence thus secured shall NOT be
In addition to the various kinds of Wri
ting Ink, he also manufactures Adamantine
Cement tor mending Glass and China, as wel l
as a superior Hair l)ye; a trial only is ne
cessary to insure its future use, and a Seal
ing H'ux, well adapted for Druggists and
Bottlers, at a very low price, in large or
small quantities.
Order# addressed to JOSEPH K. HOVER,
Manufacturer, No. 144 Race Street, Between
4th & sth, opposite Crown St., Philadelphia.
Sept. 18, 1851.-3 M.
made to order of any dcsirablo style at tfc
chair manufactory of B. HAGENBUCH
Blooradbnrg, May 16th 1850.
For the Cure of
In offering to the community thi* juitly col
ehraled remedy for diseases of the thrust and
lungs, it is not our wish to trifle with the Vivos
01 health of the aflliclid. but far lily to lay bo
fore them the opinions of distinguished men Sf
j some of ■ the evidences of its success, tro
I which thev car udge fee thtiusflvcs. \4 tie
C Mu,y pte*'go unrssiiss to incite no wild nee
lions or false statements of its cllicacy, nor will
we J;old not any hopo to sufl'cring humanity
which Iso-'s will nut warrant.
Many prom's art! here given, and vtc solicit ail
inquiry froin tho ptii.'l'C into ail we publish, fee
lingosscred they will find relia
hie, and the medicine worthy tL?;l beat ctn/i
dence end patronage-
PROF. CLEVELAND, of UoWuuiu .*°l
lege, Maine,
Writes—.-1 hove witnessed tho cffeiU of your
'CHERRY PECTORAL' in iny own fotnily
and that of my friends. and it gives me satis
faction to state in its I'avoi that no medicine 1
hive ever known has proved so eminently suc
cessful in cuiing diseases of the throat and
Writes—"That ho considers 'Cherry Pectoral'
the best medicine for Pulmonary Aflcctioiis ev
er given to the public,' end stales that "his
daughter after being obliged to keep the room
four months with a severe settled cough accom
panied by raising of blood, night sweats, and
the attendant symptoms of Consumption, com
menced the use ef the 'Cherry -Pectoral,* end
had completely recovered,"
f New ork saya. "I have been a gieat suffer
er with Uronchetia, and but for the use of the
'Chmuit' might have continued to
be so for many years to come, hut that has cured
ine and I am happy to hear testimony to its eft
From siirli testimony we ask the public to
judge for then selves.
Or, Ayer— Dear Sit i For two yeurs I was
filleted with a very scveie cough, accompanied
v spitting of bleed and profuse night sweats,
ly the advice of n\y attending physician I was
nouced to use your Cherry Pccisrul, and con
tinue., to do so till 1 considered myself cured,
and ascribe the efl'cel to jour preparation,
| llnmden ss. Springfield, Nov. 117, 1848,
| This day appeared the above named James
Randall, and pronounced the above statement
true in every respect.
Poin t*sii, Mc , Jan. 10,1847.
Dr. Ayer; I have keen long afflicted with
Aalhma which grew yearly worse until last au
tumn, it brought on a cough which confined me
in my chamber; and began to assume the alarm
ing symptoms of consumption 1 had tried the
best advice and the best medit no to no purpose,
until I used your Cherry Pectoral, which has
cuied me, and yuu may well believe me. Gra'e
ullv jours, J. U. PHELPS,
If there is any value in tho judgment of the
wise, who speak from sipericnce, here is a med
icine worthy of tho public confidence,
Prepared by J. C. Ayer, Lowell.
Mass., Sold by E I'.LUTZ, B onmsburg
A B WILSON, Berwick
Jan, 16,1851.-4tn.
Standard Medicines,
The following unequalled scries of Family
Medicine* may be dcpcndeJ nj>on wilh the ut
most confidence. They have the approbation
of the beat phyaicions in the countiy, and are
tecum mended by nil who have useJ thepi a*
| HUperior to any family medicines known.
They have been been before the Public For
I Five Vcars, during which time more than
! 5,000 certificates have been teceived ftorn emi
nent public men and other*, and are now on file
iu the Company's Oilicc.
THey arc out pounded with the ut.
most cure and skitl, and the ingredients are thor
oughly tested by scieniilV: chemists, so thai
medic Ties of a uniform and reliable quality are
guaranteed in I 1 cases.
Tho Griefenberg VEOF.TAULK PILLS, Aro pnr
ticulaily valuable for the prevention and cure
of Fevers in general, all Billions am I.iver Com
plaints, Jnudice, General Debility, Common and
Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Heart Hunt Cos
liveness, Griping. Urinary Diseases, Obstruc
tions of the Menses. Infiuenza, Aathma, and for
a variety of other Chronic Diseases; iu Ufin
for ail orJio iry family uses.
Full directions for the various Disea
ses accompany each box, Price 25 cts.
a box.
Iliu Grnefcnbcrg Dysrn lory
Syrup, A speedy oud infallible remedy in
Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Bloody Flux, Cholera
Morbus Cholera infantum, and the Asiatic
Cholera, if taken with the first symptoms, viz .
vomiting and diarrhoea. Il never fails to cure
the worst possible cases of bowel complaints,
generally in a few hours, seldom beyond a day.
It is i'uicly Vegetable, at d taken in almost uny
quantity is perfectly hatmless.
The Graefeubeig Green itlouol illil
OllltUlClit. Invaluable for Bums, Wounds,
Sprains, Chiilblains, Corns, botes, Swellings of
all kinds, Rheumatism, Erysipelas, Bronchitis
Scrofula, * leers. Pains in the bide and Back*
immediate y relieved, inflammation of the Bow.
els, snd for all cases where there is inflammation.
A Complete hand-book of medicine fur fami
lies. Price SO cents.
Office 214 II toad way, N. Y.
The public is requested to hear in mind that
everything prepared liy the Graefenbeig Com
pany has '.heir seal upon it.
B pur;ous articles have been issued closely re
sampling the genuine in every particular except
the seal, and the utmost care should be observed
before purchasing.
AGENTS.—Thomas Ellis, and E.
P. I.utx, Bloomsburg; Benjamin Bei
ber, Callawissa, Peter Enl, Light
Bloomsburg, Jan. 23, 1851-6 m,
Invites'the attention of tho fashionable in
Light Street to hiastsio of cutting garments
He makes them in the best ami most tasty
manner, and can can ensure satisfaction in
his warkmanihip.
He receives the latest fashions, and whon
cutting onlp is desired, the work is marked
carefully for the maker.
All kinds ol country produce taken
exchago for work.
Light Street, Fob. 14, 1850
A Great Dyspepsia eurer, Prepared from
Rennet, or th%fourth Stomach of the Ox,
alter direetiolis of Baron Liebig, the great
Physiological Chemist, by J. S. Houghton,
M. U-, No.ll, North Eighth Street, I htla
delphia, Pa.
This is a truly wonderful remedy for Inot
gestion, Dyspepsia, Jaudiee, Liver Com
plaint, Constipation, and Debility, Curing
after Nature's own method, by Nature's own
agent, tho Gastric Juice.
gy Half a spoonful of this Fluid, infnsetl
in water, will digest or dissolve, Fir* Founds
of Roast Reef in about tuo hours, out of tho
Digestion is Chiefly performed in the
stomach by the aid of a fluid which freely
exudes fror.t the inner coat of that organ,
when in a state o! health, called tho Gastrin
Juice. This fluid is the Great solvent of tho
Food, the Purifying, Preserving, and Stimula
ting Agent of tho stomach anil intonstines.
Without it there will bo no tllgstiiot),—ft4
conversion of food into blood, and no nu
trition of the body; but rather a foul, torpid,
painful, and destructive condition of tho
whole digestive apparatus. A weak, half
dead, or injured stomach produces c.O good
Juice. and hence tho d:s
reseai.u debility which e'-tl.
PkfbiN a' O RtNNcr. — I'epsin is trio cbi
element, or gredt Digesting Principle of tho
Gastric Juice, It (u found in great abun
dance in Ihe solid parts ot |h<l human stom
ach after do tih, and sometimes cttuees tho
stomach to digest itself, or cat t'sejf up. It
is also fountl in the stomach of animals, a*
the ox, calf, &c. It is the material used bjr
farmers iu mnkirg cheese, called Rennet,
the effect of which has long been the spe
cial wonder of the dairy. The curdling of
milk is the first process of digestion. Ken
net possesses astonishing power. The stom
ach df a calf w ill curdle nearly one thou
sand times its own weight of milk. Bato
Liebig states that, 'One part of Pepsin dts
solved in sixty thousand parts of water, wil
digest meat ami other food." Diseased
stomachs produce no good Gastric Juice
Rennet or Pepsin. To show that this want
may be perlectly supplied, wo quote tho
Bakon Liebio, in Lib celebrated work on
nimal Chemistry, says: "Ar. Artificial Di
csiive Fluid analago us to Ihe Gastric Juice,
may be readily prepared from the-nucoua
gmembrane of the stomach of the Calf,
which various articles of food, ns meat and
eggs' will be sbflened, changed, and diges
ted, Just in the same manner as they would
be in the human stomach."
Dr. Pereira, in his famous treatise on
•'Food and Dipt," published by Fowlers &
Wells, New York, page 35. slates the sarno
great fact, and describes the method of prep
aration. There are few higher authorities
than Dr. Pereira- _ .
Dr Combe, in his valuable writings on
die "Physiology of Digestion," observe
hat "a diminution of the due quantity o
he Gastric Juice is a prominent and all-pre
ailing cause of Dyspepsia;" and he state,
that "a distinguished professor of medicine
in London, who was severely afflicted tti h,.
this complaint, finding every thing elso to
fail, had recourse to the Gastric Juice, oh
tainetl from the stomach of l'vittg animals
which proved completely successful."
Dr. Graham, author of the fan,cub work
on "Vegetable Diet," says : ' it is a remar
kable fact in physiology, that the stomachs
of animals, macerated in water, impart to
the fluid the property- of dissolving various
I articles of food, and of effecting a kind of
artificial digestion o/ them in no wise dif
ferent front the natural digestive process."
Dr. Simon's great work, the "Chemhtry
iof Man," (Lea it Blancliard, Phila., 1846
; pp. 321-2): "The discovery of PEPSIN
j fo nts a new era in the chemical history of
Di gestion. From recent experiments wo
know that food is dissolved us rapidly in an
artificial digestive fluid, prepared lrotn Pep
sin, as it is in the natural Gastric Juice it
Professor Dunglison of the Jofferson Col
lege, Philadelphia, in his great work on Hp.
I man Physiology, devotes more than fifty
I pages to an examination of this subject.
; llis experiments with Dr Beaumont, on the
j Gastric Juice, obtained from the living hu
i man stomach ami from animal* aro well
| known. "In altca.-es," he says, "digestion
' occurred as perfectly in tho artificial as the
natural digestions."
| As a DYSPEPSIA CURER, Dr Houghlon'n
i preparation of Pepsin lots produced tho
I most marvellous etlccis, curing cases of De
| bility, Emaciation. Nervous Decline, and
i dispeplie Consumption, supposed to be on
| the very verge oi the grave, it is impoa
, ble to give tiie details o' cases in the limit
of litis Rdveriifcmetil- —but authenticate
j certificates have been of more than two hun
dred Remarkable Cures, in Philadelphia, New
York, and Boston alone. These Worn
.nearly all desperate cases, and the cures
were not only rapid and wonderful, but per
It is a great Nervous Antidote, and par
ticularly useful lor tendency to billious dis
order, Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, or
badly treated Fever uud Aglie, and tho ev
il ellectsof Quinine, Mercury,, ami other drug
upon tho Digestive organs, after a long sick
ness. Also, for excess in eating, and the
too free use of ardent spirits. It almost rec
onciles Health with Inlumporance.
i Old Stomach Complaints.—There ia no
form of Old Stomach Complaints which nc
docs not teem to roach ami remove atone it
No matter how bad they may be, it givee
Instant Relief! A singlo dose removes ai
tho unpleasant symptom?, and it only noedg
to he repeated, lor a short time, to make
iheso good effects permanent. Purity of
Blood and Vigor of Body, follow at once. It
i- particularly excellent iu eases of Nange"
Vomling, Crumps, Soreness of tho
the Stomach, distress after eating ' ?'
state of the Btood, Ileavir.e^
Spirits, Despondency, E.r Weak
ess tendency to Irtsa;;,,|y, Suicide, &c.
l rtce, ONE LuI.LAR per bottle. On
bottle will q.ieu efieot a lasting cure
CP" Sad by Mad Free of Postage.
For convenience of sending to all parts o
the country, the igestive Ma'ter of ih ß Pep
sin is put up in the form of Powders, wilh
directions to be dissolved in water or syrup
by the patient, i heso powders contain just
Ihe same mutter as the bottles, bin twice 'the
quantity for the same price, uud will bo son
by mail, Free of Postage, forOno Dollar sent
(post-paid) to DrJ S Houghton. No 11 North
Eighth street Philadelphia, Pa.
Six packages for five dollars. Every
package ami bottle bears the wHtten signa
ture of JS HOUGHTON, M D.,5010 Proprie
tor. r
Sold by agents in overy town in 'ho Uni
ted States, and by respectable dfcilSrs in
Medicines generally.
Ageuts for Bloomsburg, JOHN R, . MOV
Books 1 Books I
j Joseph gwariz has just reoeiverl a new 'lot
[of Literary Historical, Religious, Poetical
J Miscellaneous and School books, to whick
bo invites (he attention of <he reading publro
nfßloomub'jrg. ' '