; otar of lljc Nortl). BLOOMSBURG: Thursday, November 20, 1851. "TELEGRAPHIC JEWS H Reported for Ihe '-mar of llic North," Up to Ihe Latest Hour on Thursday MORNING!!! NEW YORK ELECTION. ALBANY, NOV. 15.—The majorities on Ihe Slate ticket, received here officially, stand as follows : Comptroller—John C Wright, Dem., 483 Secretary of Slate—H. S. Randall Dem 1,420 Attorney Gen'l—Levi S. Chatfield, " 340 Engineer & Surveyor—VY. J. M'Alpine Democrat, 2,390 Treasurer—James M. Cook, Whig, 92 Canal Commissioner—Henry Fitzhugh Whig, 813 The above is the result, as received from •every County Clerk's office in Ihe State, anJ is said to bo official by the Evening Journal. The long agony is over. Massachusetts Election. BOSTON, NOV. 15—The complete vote of Middlesex county for Senators, shows the defeat of Cen. Wilson, tho Free Soil Presi dent of the Senate at the last session, by five votes. Mr. Beard, Coalitionist, of Low ell, is also probably defeated. Mlchaßoo Elec'icn. DITROIT, NOV. 14.—The Democrats at the late election in this Stale have carried every thing. The Legislature is largely Democrat is ;n both branches, and tho result is regar ded as a strict Cass triumph. The Louisiana Election. NEW ORLEANS, NOV. 13. —Tho Legislature has gone Whig. Tho Stale ticket is doubtful The Congressional Delegation stands as be fore reported. lyiseotlsln Election. CHICAGO, NOV. 14.—Tho returns of the late election in Wisconsin are now nearly complete, and show a majority for Fnrwell, Whig, for Governor of not less than 2000. It is supposed that the Wliigs have also car ried the legislature, but that such is tho re sult is not positively known. The question of the introduction of the new banking sys tem has been carried by a largo rnajorily The Wisconsin Democrat says that four fifths of the members elected are in favor of some kind of a banking system. Tennessee U. 5. Senator. NASHVILLE, NOV. 14.—Tho two branches -of the Legislature of Tennessee, met in Con vention to-day, and elected ex-Governor James C. Joue,.\Yhig, U. S. Senator for six years from the tho 4th of March next, in place of Hopkins L. Turney, whose term ex pires. The vote stood as follows : —Jones, Whig, 55 j Trousdale, Dem, 51; Nicholson_ Dem., 1. Louisiana Election. New Orleans, Nov. 17.—The comp'eto re turns for Congress in the Fourth Disttict show v very unexpected result- Judge Moore, whig, is elected over Isaac E.Morte, the present Democratic incumbent, by a small majority, making a Whig gain in die -Congressional delegation. It is also thought xhat Bordelan, Whig, is elected Auditor. Wisconsin Election Albany, Nov. 17 —ln tho Wisconsin Le gislature there is a clear Whig and Freosoil majority on joioi ballot. One Whig audit inc .Democratic Senators hold over. ty Tho energies and hopes of the Whigs •will be now turned to the promotion of the here Scott to the uext Presidency. He is our only hope —OUß ANCHOR."— Defiance. Ohio Manner. 'This reminds us of the green-horned land 'lubber, who went to "seek his fortune" on the briny deep. A storm arose—the ship •was about to sink; when our sagacious friend to make himself safe, tied himself fast to THE axciioß. GT" Judge Conyngham has written to the Pvothonotary of Wyoming county saying he will attend the Courts of Columbia county next month, and thu; cannot be present at those ofW'yoming, which commence on the •ame day as ours. NEW ARRIVAL! FALL AND WINTER GOODS!!! NeDienhall & Menscis "JIAVE just received and opened a splen did of fall and winter goods Hi their ol hstand in to which Ihey invite the attention of all who want good bargains. Their Slock consists in part of BLUE, BLACK S{ STEEL MIXED English and French Cloths,fancy eatsimeres, Iteeeds, satinets, table diaper cheeks, muslins. tncri no, cashmeres, ginghams alpacas,de Lanes, calicoes Satin Vesting, silk and satin Ribbons, silk Fringe <s• dress trimmings ; edging and insertion ; silk and cotton handkerchiefs ; a large assortment of long shawls; silk, plush and cloth caps. Hard-Ware and a general assortment of Glass and Queons-Tf'are, <3 SB © li 3S 3 g Cpffe, Sugars, Rice, Crackers, Cheese Soup, Candles and Molases. ALSO—A large assortment of j Boot* nnd Shoes, With ataxy variety of Goods generally kept in a Country .Store. j Give us a call and examine for yourselves ■ Bloomsburg, Nov. 19th, 1861.-if. Great Arrival of New Goods At the New Bloomsburg Cheap [Clothing Em porium. **• FOII fiAUC, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT AAMf OTOE® In tlio Exchange Building op posite the Court House, | A Splendid Supply of Fall and Winter Goods. ) r|VHE underpinned having just received j from the Eastern cilies, an unrivalled ; assortment ot (lie most choice Fancy and ; Staple Goods, ever yet introduced' iuto tips ! market avails himself of this opportunity to invite his old friends and new customers to step in and examine : for themselves. His stock has been selected with reference to the wishes of the community, and the newest fashions, and will be touud to com prise every variety of style, quality & kind. Black Cloth 7 quarters wide, from St to 85 00 per yard. Beaver Cloth from 87$ cts to S2 00. Fancy Cassimercs, from 62 J cts to $7 37}. Veslings—the greatest assortment ever known in town, such as Saline, Cassimores, French Vestings, and a variety of German Veslings. Hats and Caps, at greatly reduced prices Also.—The largest and most elegant assort ment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Comprising fine Dress Coats, Frock and bu siness coals, monkey jackets, wurnests, cra vats, shirts, and standing collars, &c. FOR THE LADIES : A great assortment of long shawls, blan ket shawls, tippet jmd de lane shatvls. Dress silks, cashmere de lanes, Alpncas, French and English Merinos, parmetoes, calicoes of all kinds from 4 to 12} cents per yard. Mus lins, bleached and unbleached, from 3 cts., to ono shilling per yd. ALSO:—Fancy goods, while goods, rib bons mantillas, Jenny Lind trimmings, frin ges, laces, collors, capes, combs, &c. Hoseries of all kinds. Boy's Ready-made Clothing, for Winter wear, of all sizes ! which consists of a great variety, i Our friends are respectfully invited to call I and get great bargains at the cheap Store I of AARON KLEIN. | November 17, 1851. | ■ , Keystone Mutual Life Insurance IIAHRISBURG, PENN'A. rjIHIS company respectfully call the atton tion ot the public to the following ad i vantages, which they are enabled to offer to I those wishing to insure their lives— ' FIRST—The Directors have provided a safe j guarantee capital of 575,000. j SECOND—AII persons insured for the term | of life, become stockholders to the amount ! of their annual premium paid to the cotnpa l.ny, and as such have a vote at all elections j for officers, and participate in all the profits j of the Company. THIRD—The profits are divided in Janua ry ot each year, in Scrip, bearing inteiest, < payable annually in cash. I FOURTH—AII premiums may be paid an | nually, semi-annually or quarterly, in ad -1 vance. Where premiums amount to 550, or j oyer on policies for life, if desired, one half i will be received in cash, and a note at twelve i months for the balance. FlFTH—Married ladies con insure the lives of their husbands for the benefit of ihem- I selves and children ; or husbands may in sure their own lives in favor of their wives, j thus securing to their dependent families a | sum of money that creditors cannot touch, t in tho event ot the death and insolvency ot 1 the husband. SIXTH —The rates are rs la<v • ihm ' charged by any other good Company in the j United States ; and nre based upon the only : reliable data of life insurance, (i. e.) the Carlisle tables of mortality. I. REILY, President. I J. W. WILSOX, Secretary. i ry Pamphlets and information furnished | l>y the undersigned who is an authorized 1 Agent at Bloomsburg. It. W. WEAVER. | W.w. B. HAWKINS, M. D., Examining Phy sicim. Bloomsburg, Nov. 15th, 1851. • First and True Love. i A true Love story, by George Sand, author of | •'lndiana," "Consuelo," ' The Countess of Ruco/studt," etc, etc. t rp B. PETERSON, No. 89 Chosnul slreet, a Philadelphia, publishes this day the ! above work. It is one of the most charm , ing and interesting works ever published. It j is embellished with eleven line large engra | vings, illustrative of different scenes in the j work, as well as a large portrait of the two j heroines of the work, and a beautifully il- I luslrated cover. It has met with an immense I sale in Paris, having already passed through j several adilious in the space of three months. |lt will have a very large sale, and it is a work no or.o will be disappointed with. It is said by critics who hare perused it, to be "the best work" ot the day. It is published complete in one largo octavo volume of 228 pages, and printed on tho finest white paper. Price fifty cents a copy. ' CW Single copies of the work will be sent to any ouo on receipt of remittances, i addressed to the publisher. Published and i for sale by T. B. PETERSON. No. 98 Chesnut si., Philadelphia, | To whom all orders must be addressed, l post paid. | LIST OF LETTERS, REMAINING in the Post Office at Blooms burg, Nov. 15th, 1851. Breace John, Moss John, Bell Simon, 5 organ John, Conner G. A. l'ense Daniel, 1 Craig Mahals, Ileinhard Samuel Dixon George A. Heritor Elizabeth I Ellis Joseph J.(Canada Ileeser A. L. Elagg G. W. Staley William, i Gillespie Wiiliam Siekel H. G. (captain) 1 Greenly George Trnmben Samuel M'Donongh Michael Thomas John, i Maylin Nancy,' J. M. CHAM BERLIN, P. M. H. a. EOVTBrt, oyn T> ESI'ECTFi LLY offers his professional services to I I Lf the Ladies and Gentlemen of ' Bloomsburg and vicinity. He is prepared to 1 attend to all the various operations in Den tistry, and is provided with the latest im proved PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be inserted on pivot or gold plate, to look as as natural. A superior article of Tooth Powders, al- I ways on hand. All operations on the teeth 1 warranted. I CW Office near the Academy. Bloomsburg, Nor. 20, 1851. IN w. WEAVER, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO., PA OFFICE —On the Ea'tt side of Main Street, three squares belovr Market. Grand Jurors—December Term 1851. Bloom —Ephraim P. Lute, Jacob Bomboy, sen., John Sliuman, Washington Foster, George W. Abbott, Jesse Shannon. Briarcreek —Henry C. Freaso. Benton —Samuel Krickbaum. Cnttawissa —John Sbarpless, Peter Bodine. Centre —Lindley W. VVooloy. Fishingcrcek —A. VV. Kline, John Boston. Greenwood— Win. Johnson, sen. Ilendock —lsaac Pursell, Samuel Old. Mifflin —llenry Peltit, James Kirkendall; Maine —Jesse John Mount pleasant —John Jones. Orange —Philip Aohcubach. Roaringcrcck—W rri. Hughes, David Hewer VVm. Dreisbaeh. Traverse Jurors-December Term 'sl. Benton —Christian Ash. Bearer —Joseph Shurnan. Bloom —Join K. Grotz, Valentine Beidel min, Charles Kahler. Briarcreek —Abel Dalby, Jacob Moyer. Centre— Nathaniel L. Campbell, Dauiel Jamison. John Conner. Cattawiisa —Daniel Helwig, Jacob Keller, John Fenstermacher, George Hughes. Fishingcreck —Paul I'ealer, Edward Albetl son. Greenwood —James Gibson, John Reese Hemlock —William P. Wilson, Reuben Bo gart. Win. Kahler, Jamos Shoemaker, Perry Pursell. Maine —Charles Nuse, Michael Gruber. Madison —William Eyer. Montour —John G. Quick. Mounlplcasant —Daniel Vanderslico, Wm. J. Ikeler. Orange —Alfred Howell, Benjamin Hay man. Sugarloaf— James Hess, Alinns Cole, John Kile sen , George Dodson, Jacob Fritz. Trial List for December Term, 1851. 1 George Fridricks et al vs. Veniah Reese. 2 William W. Cook vs. Wm Edgar et al. 3 Truman M. Hubbell vs David J Waller. 4 Amos B. Knabb vs. John Robison 5 Simon P. Kase vs. George D 1 eib et al. 6 Samuel F Deadly vs John Soli sen. 7 Daniel Seybert vs. Nicholas Seybert. 8 Wm. Habor vs Jacob Good el al. 9 Rudolph Shuman we-Isaiah Shaman. 10 William Bitterly vs. Moses May. 11 William Sloan vs. Norman E Doan 12 Jacob Dossier vs. VVm Redenmoyer. 13 John Fisher v*. Philip Hess. 14 George Ohl vs. Michael llendershot. FALL AND WINTER GOODS!! wsfc wo zmers & ®® - A NNOUNCE the arrival of a new supply nf fall and winter goods al their old stand in Bloomsburg ; where they will be pleased to furnish to their old customers and as many new ones as can get into the crowd, all kinds of That may bo needed for comfort, use, or dis play. Their assortment is full, so that every taste can be satisfied, and their prices low so that all their euitomerJ*will be served at the same rate. They have CASHMERES, MERINCES, MOUSLIN DE LAINES, ALPACAS, FINE WORSTED PLAIDS, AND COMMON LINSEYS Among their dress gooods ; arid Long shawls Terherri, Bay slate mill and woollen shawls ot various patterns and styles. For gennomoo'o vrp— in-j- a— ■ C.,1l large assortment of Cloths, C'assimeres, Sat linets and Jeans, Beaver and Bear skin cloths for overcoats. They Wave also a lar ge supply of si j&jaaurWAi&sSo Queensware, Groceries, Cedar ware, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes which they offer on die fairest terms (or Cash or country pro duce. Bloomsburg, Nov. 4th, 1851. SberilFs Sale. BY virtue of a writ of vend. cxp. issued out of the Court ot Common Pleas,of Columbia county, and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court-house in Bloomsburg, on Monday, the Ist day of December next, ai 1 o'clock, P. M., the fol lowing described real estate, viz: A certain undivided } part of a tract of land, situate in Madison township, Columbia eo., containing Two Hundred and Thirty-lhree acres and one hundred and fifly-lbreo per ches and allowance, adjoining land of David Sweeney & Son ; Iram Derr, C. G. Rickets, Thomas Faus, Ira Sanders, and Abraham Titmau's heirs, whereon is erected a Saw mill, Dwelling House, and Stable, ire., with the appurtenances. Seized, taken in Execution, and to be sold as the property of Peter A. Mowrer PETER BILLMEYER, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, j Bloomsburg, Nov 1, 1851. j zS\ the plantation of tho . subscriber, at Buckhorn, on the U? V 17th, of October Inst, a BAY HORSE. The owner is requested to come for him, prove property, pay expenses and take him away ; or he will bo disposed of as the law directs. JNO. M'RKYNOLDS. Buckhorn, Nov. 4, 1851 -3t* BLANKS!! DEEDDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBITENAS, and JUDGMENT NOTES, cl proper and desirable forms, for sale at the Ofice the "Star of the North '' Mil a wis I Shawl*!! A new parcel of long shawls, of Bay Slate Mills manufacture, and Terkerri shawls ust received and for sale cheap by GEORGE WEAVER. Bloomsburg, October 14th, 1851. Hull's 1 Ml lid's!! A new lot of fine grey and black muffs just received and for sale cheap by GEORGE WEAVER. Bloomsburg, October 14th, 1851. Clocks ! Clocks!! C locks 1!! ANEW lot of GOOD CLOCKS just re ceived, and for sale cheap bv HENRY ZUPPINGER. Bloomsburg, Oct. 22, 1851. A MEW LOT Of BOOKS, J UST received and opened at the Bloom • burg Book Store by JOSEPH SWARTZ. Bloomsburg, April 16th, 1851. WINDSOR AND COMMON CHAIR made to order of any desirabio style at th ohair manufactory ot B.HAGENBUCH Bloomsburg, May 16th 1860. NOTICE is lierebv given that the several Courts of Coin mom Pleas, Gen eral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer ami Jail Delivery, in and for thu County of Columbia, tocotnmettue at the Court Ilnuse in Bloomsburg, on Monday the Ist. day of December next, to continue one week. The Coroner, Justices of the Peace &. Constables, in and for the county of Col umbia, are requested to be then and there ;n their proper persons, with their rolls, ecords, inquisitions, and other remem brances, to do those things to their sev eral offices appertaining to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Commontvealih against any pris oner, are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their pro per persona to prosecute against him, as shull be just— and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are request ed to be punctual in their attendance, at the lime appointed agreeable to their no tices. Given under my hand at nioomsburg the 6th day of Nov. tr the year of our jjord one thousand eight hundred and fifty one-and the Independence of the United States of America the 75t|i. PETER BILLMYER. Sh'ff. (God save the Commonwealth.) THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS! PETER ENT respectfully invites attention to his stock of now poods which he has received and opened at his old stand in < Light Street, and which he offers at the low est prices to his old customers and as many new ones as wish to buy GOOD? AND CHEAP GOODS. He has endeavored to comprise some thing in his stock to suit every taste, and to select with cure his assortment of goods. He can lurnish LADIES' DRESS GOODS of almost any variety, of-slyles and qualities for fall and winter wear; and for mens' wear lie can furnish about every article desirable from a cap down through broad clotli and satin to a good boot or shoe. About every article usually kept in a country store can be found in his selection of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, AM) CE DAIi WARE. And he is determined to sell good goods at snch prices that every purchaser will Leglad to come hack for a few- more of the same sort. Come, see the goods and try your luck at good bargains. Light Street, Oct. 15:h, 1851. THIS WAT GENTLEMEN. RESPECTFULLY announces to the citi zens of lll<lom*burg in genoial and his oUI patrons io particular, besides the rest of mankind, that he has again opened hTs tal- ' lor-shop where ho will be pleased to furnish the best of clothing, cut according to the la test fashions, and made 111 tho best manner. He receives the city fashions, and feels cer tain that his work will look well and wear bet ter. His shop is on main street of Bloomsburg next door below Lutz's Drng store. In pay for work, he will take cash, store 1 order, or even GOLD DOLLARS. Bloomsburg Nov. 21, 1850. rearer MARBLE YARD. TIMIE subscriber respectfully begs leave to -*■ announce to his friends and lha public in general that ho has established a IN BLOOMSBURG, on Main Street opposite the Hotel of CHARLES H. DOSBLER, where be is prepared to manufacture to order MOWTOrMJEMSS, Of the best American and llallian Marble, in the latest and best styles ; also Tombs, Gravestones, or any other kind of work in his line of business, in a workmanlike man ner, and at very low prices. ty" Loitering done in English and Get mall. PETER HUGHES. E. ARMSTRONG, Agent. Bloomsburg, October2sth, 1851.-6 m. HATS AND LAPFH ~ THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and customers, that ho has just re ceived from the city, a large and select as sortment of FASHIONABLE a. Hats and Caps, of DURABLE MAKE AND IMPROVED STYLE, which he offers for oash sales very cheap, at his old stand, 011 Main Street, sec ond door South of tho ( ourt house. EST He continues-to manufacture Hats to order as usual. THOMAS WILLITS. Bloomsburg, Nov. 15, 1849. NEIVAND ~CHEAP Fall and Winter Goods. GEORGE WEAVER has just received and opened a lot uf new goods which he ofle-s at the lowest prices to purchasers at his old stand in Bloomsburg. Ills selection will be found to contain everything usually kept in a country store, arid in the new lot of goods just opened will be found every de sirable thing to suit the fail and winter sea son. Bloomsburg, October 14th, 1851. ANOTHER SciENTiFtc WONNER ! PEPSIN, the Trite Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice 1 A great Dyspepsia Curer, prepared from Ren et, or the fourth Stomach of the Ox, after direction of Baron Liebig, the great Physi ological Chemist, by J. S. Houghton, M. D., No. 11 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. This is a truly wonderiul remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Com plaint. Constipation, and Debility, curing after Nature's own method, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice. See Advertisement tr another column. Pooks! Books J Joseph Swartz has just received a new lot of Literary. Historical, Religious, Poetical Miscellaneous and School books, to which he invites the attention of the reading public ofßloomsburg. Register's Notice. TW"OTICE is hereby given, to all legatees, creditors and other persons interested in the estates of the respective decedants and minors, that the following Administration ( and Gunrdiau accoants have been filed tn , the office of the Register of tho county of , Columbia, and will be presented for confir- . mation and allowance to the Orphan's Court to be held at Bloomsburg, in and for the County aforesaid, on Wednesday the 3d day 1 of December next, at two oolock, P. M. 1 1. The account of Jacob Seidel, Execu tor of the last Will and Testament ol George King, late of Dcrry township, Colombia co, de, eased. 2 The Final accounts of Jacob Seidel, Guardian of Noah Catharine, Susan & Lydta Springer, minor children of Easier Springer, deceased. 3 The second and final account of Lloyd Thomas, Administrator of the estate of Ja cob Huber, lato of Franklin township, Col, co, deceased. 4 The account of Daniel Follmer, Amin istrator of the estate of Daniel Wagner, late of Limestone township, Columbia county, deceased. 5 The account of John Reece, Adminis trator of the estate of Chandley Eves, late of Madison township, Columbia county, de ceased. C The account of Joel and Jonathan Bredbenner Administrator of the estsle of Conrad bredcenner late of Beaver !p, Col, co, deceased, 7 The account of Jacob R Hower, Ad ministrator of the estate of John Shearman, late of Beaver township, Columbia county, deceased, 8. The account of James Evos and Geo. Stadon Executors of the last will and Testa ment of Samuel Staden late of Mount Pleas ant township Col. Co. dee'd. JESSE G CLARK, Register. REGISTER'S OFFICE, | ... . Bloomsburg, Oct 29, 1851, j 0 BLOOMSBURG ACADEMY. A HIGH SCHOOL For Young Ludies and Gentlemen. J. E. BRADLEY, Principal. A sufficient number of competent Assis tants will at all times be employed. The ensuing Fall Session will commcnco 011 MONDAY the Ist day of September next, and will continue 1C weeks. TERMS. The academic year consists of 44 weeks. The price of tuition per quarter is as fol lows : For Reading, Penmanship, Grammar, A ithmetic, Book-Keeping by single entry, Geography, History of the U. S. S3 25 For same, and Algebra, Geometry, Sur ' veying, Mensuration, Bojk Keeping by dou ble entry, General History, Natural History, Physiology, Philosophy, other English bran ches, and drawing. S4 50 For Latin. Greek, German & French, 5 75 UP* Good boarding can be obtained in pri vate families at from $1 50 to 512 00 per week. REFERENCES. —CoI. Joseph l'axton, Hon. Stephen Bnldy, Hon. Geo. Mack, Michael Brobst, Esq., John M'Reynolda, Esq., ar.d the Citizens of Bloomsburg. Bloomsburg, Aug. 12, 1851. NEW SADDLER SHOP. - The subscriber announces to the pubile that 110 has just opened a Saddler Shop in the central part of Bloomsburg, on Main street, one door above Rupert's Store, where he will keep constantly on hand and make to order all kinds of HARNESS, SADDLES, TRUNKS, VALIECES, And every other article in his line of busi ness. He will also attend to TRIMMING carriages and buggies, in every desirable style, and will turn off all his work neat and good ; and at the lowest prtcos. Those who wish work in his line will do well to give him a call. Cy Hides, country produce, and even gold dollars will be taken in payment for work. VV. M K. THORNTON. Bloomsburg, May 15, 1849. Tlic Model Architect. A SERIES OF ORIGINAL DESIGNS FOR Cottages, Villas, Suburban Resiliences, Coun try Churches, School Houses, Ifc., Ifc., Ifc. BY SAMUEL SLOAN, Ach't. The above work is designed to meet the wishes not only of those directly iuter csled in building, but all who desire the ad vancement of this noble art in our country, and wish to cultivate their tastes and ac quaintance with architecture. The hand so.ne manner in which it is prepared and embellished, renders it a tasteful ornament for the drawing room, while its accurate de , lincations give it (he highest practical value. The Projector will find iu it every variety of style and design accompanied, as ruetn lione'd below, by all minuliu necessary to construction By its aid lie may build with n out danger of making those ludicrous and expensive mistakes which so oflefi occur. , The Operative Arlizan of every grade will find the work of inestimable value. It is a complete book of reference, and all plates are drawn to a scale with the utmost accura cy, so that he has only to study them with his rule and compass. The work, iu two volumosot twelve num bers each, to be issued monthly until com plete. Each number contains four litho graph engravings of original designs, costing lrom SBOO to SI4OO. There are also 4 sheets of detuils accompaning the designs, com- I ptiiing grand plans, &c. Besides this, each , number contains eight pages of letterpress, I descridtiAe of the designs, giving extended 1 accounts of the various styles adopted, et r says on warming, vinlilation, &c., elaborate I specifications, estimates tables, and in short . everything desirable, either for construction . or for general information, in deauliful type : tho whole being executed on the very finest paper, manufactured, expressly for the . work. PRICE —SO cents a number. The work can hd obtained through any bookseller. Address, post paid, E. S. JONES & CO. Publishers. S. VV. eor. 4th and race sis., Phila., Pa. Monongahela Whiskey. rjU.e subscribers are in constant receipt and -*■ consignment of OLD MONONGAHELA WHIS KEY from Pittsburg, of various grades, which they offer for sale in lots to suit purchasers— recommending it as being pure, unadultera ted Rye. A Superior article of Cherry Brandy con stantly on hand. ALSO Hams, Lard, Cheese, &c. ECKY k VVATKIN, No. 13 South Water St., Philadelphia. Aug. 24th 1851.—3 ra. I'UBUC SALE OF SEAL ESTATE. THE unders.ijjr.ed Executors of the es tate of Samuel Webb, deceased, will offer at public rale on SATURDAY the 2Vth day of November next, upon the premises, now the residence of Nathaniel Campbell, a farm of about FORTY EIGHT ACRES ■' Of good land in Centro township, Columbia county, adjoining "lands of Benjamin Boon on the East, Joseph I'olie on the North, J. W. Meriell and others on the West, and the Susquehanna river on the south ; the farm beina about five miles on the main road j from Bloomsburg, and seven miles on the same rood Ironi Berwick. There are on the premises A FARM HOUSE, A barn, a fulling-mill, a saw-mill, a black smith shop, und other outbuildings ; and a stream of water runs through the place suf ficient for other mill-works. A larger part of the farm is cleared ami in a good state of cultivation—about five or six acres are woodland. On the same day and place lliey will ofler for sale a tract of good land in Bloom town ship, Columbia county, adjoining lauds of Henry Trimbley on the South, of Philip Miller on the Las', of Erioa Fowler 011 the North, and of Thomas Webb on the West, containing fifty one aces, of which about thirty-six acres are cleared and in a good stale of cultivation, and the remainder tim ber land. The laud lays just back of Lime llidge, and is supposed to contain a good body of limestone. They will also, on the same day and place offer lor sale a third tract of well timbered land, situate in Main township, Columbia county laying along the south bank of the Susquehanna river, just opposite the first mentioned tract, or old homestead It ad adjoins lands of Philip Miller, Jacob Gitling and George Longentergcr, and contains a bout twenty seven acres. The lands il| be sold in persuance of the last will of the late owner. The sale will commence nl 10 o'clock in the forenoon, \y|ien the conditions will be made known by JOSHUA WEBB. SOLOMON NEYHARD, Executors. Centre township, October 15th 1851. Reading R R- Paosengti Trains O OFFICE PAILADELFHIA AND HEADING KAII.KOAD COMPA NY.—Philadelphia, Aug. 30, 1851. FALL AHII ANGEMENT,/irc reductdUum Pliilaila. lo l'oiisville. Two Passenger Trains daily (Sundays excepted.) Oil and afier Sept. 1, 1851, two trains will be run each way, dai ly, between Philadelphia and Pottaville. MOUSING LINE Leaves Philadelphia at 7J o'clock, A. V., daily, except Sundays. Leaves Pottaville at 7J o'clock, A. M., daily, except Sundays. AFIERNOON LINE Leaves Philadelphia at 3 o'clock, daily except Sundays. Leaves Pollsvillo at 3j o'clock, daily, except Sundays. i Between Philadelphia and Pottsville 552,75 Ist class cars and 52,25 2d class cars. Between Philadelphia and Reading 51,75 Ist class cars and 1,45 2d class cars. Depot in Philadelphia corner of Broad and Vine streets. Passengers cannot enter the cars unless provided wiih a ticket. Fifty pounds of baggage will be allowed to each passenger in these lines, and pas ara expressly orohibited from taking 3 anything as baggage but their own wearing > apparel, which will be at the risk of its own er. j By order of the Board of Managers. , S. BRADFORD Secretary. Aug. 30, 1851.—tf. KEW CARRIAGE ' MANUK^VTORY! THOUSANDS HAVE GONE TO CALI FORNIA, but the business of Coach and Wagon making will be continued by the sub scriber at the old stand on Market street. He will promptly attend to all orders for work in his line of business, and is always ready at short notice, to furnish Wagons, Coaches Carriages, Buggies, Sleds and Sleighs of any style ; but always of the best materials, and muriu iu the moat substantia] manner. He will give his persoual attention to the business, and employ none but good work men. Repairing will be attended to with care, and upon the most reasonable terms. Ho proposes to serve his customers to such work as will secure for him a continuance o their patronage, and from all who need arti cles in his line of business. 110 asks only a rial of his work to insure satisfaction. JONATHAN MOSTELLER. GIVE 'EM FITS.'! Peter S. Leidy Can manufacture just as neat and fashiona bio a suit of clothing us any other tailor ir these digging. As a sample of his work manship, he refers you to the BEST FITTING COX T To be found in the town, which is quito cer tain to have come from his shop. He regularly receives the latest city fash ions, and from his experience in the busi ness can ensure satisfaction in his work. He has also on hand an assortment of CLOTH, CASSIMERKB, & TRIMMINGS, At the lowest prices, from which he will make up to order eoatr, pants, or vests of any desirable style. EfHis shop is on the North side of Main Street, a few doors nbove the Court-house. Biooinsburg, Feb. 14, 1850. The Housewife's Help and Husband's Joy ! THE GERMAN WASHING FLUID TAOES away entirely with that laborious -'-'task of lubbing the Clothes upon the washboard. It contains no ingredients what ever injurious to the finest fabric or the flesh. The proprietors wish every one to give it a trial, and it it does not prove to be as re commended, iho money, in every 6uoh case will be refunded. Full directions accompa ny each bottle. Retail price 12! Cents per i Bottle, sufficient to do two ordinary washings, I and saving the Clothes more by not rubbing i them than the cost of six bottles—besides removing stains of fruit, &c., if there be any, and the time and laboi saved. i Prepared only by 1. P. HOVT & CO. i Philadelphia. I J. K. EOGAB, Bloomsburg, Agent for Col- I umbia County. ] All orders reoeived by him wholesale o t retail, will be promptly attended to. i „ ~ Fiicy Papers . ' Envplopoa, Pens, Ink, Writing sand. &c 1 ean be found at the cheap Book store of JOSEPH SWARTZ, C I ■ -it'-' VALUABLE BOOKS. JUST PUBLISHED AND FOB SALE BY JOHN S TAYLOR* 1 Bookseller and Publisher, 143 NASSITA STREET, NEW-YORK. The following books will be sent by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United Slates, on the receipt of the monfiy for the same, which may be forwarded by mail, at the risk of the Publisher. THE SACRED MOUNTAINS By Rev. J. T. Headley, 1 vol. 12m0., Illustrated, fall cloth. 81,00; gilt edges, extra, 81,50, THE SACKED MOUNTAINS. By Rev. J. T. Headley, 1 vol. 18 mo., without the plates. Sunday School edition. 50 c*. SACRED SCENES AND CHARACTERS, By Rev. J. T. Headley—l vol. 12mo, Illustrated, full cloth, 81 00; gill edges,' 81 50. SACRED SCENES AND CHARACTERS. By Rev. J. T. Headley. 1 vol, 18mo., without the plates. Sunday School edi tion, 50 cts. HISTORY OF THE PERSECUTIONS AND BATTUES OF THE WALDKNSEB. Ky Rev. J. T Headley.— 1 vol. ISmo , Illus trated, full cloth. 50 cts. HISTORY OF THE WALDKNtIES. By Rov. J. T. Headley. 1 vol. 18 mo. Sun day School edition. 31 cts. NAPOLEON AND HIS DISTINGUISHED MARSHALS. By Rev. J. T. Headly.— t vol. 12m0.. Illustrated, full cloth. 81. LUTHER AND CROMWELL. By Rev. J. T. Headley.—l vol. 12mo , Illustrated, ful cloth, sl. RAMBLES AND SKETCHES. By Rev. J. T. Headley—l vol. 12m0., Illustrated, fall cloth, 81. THE POWER OF BEAUTY. By Rev. J. T. Headley—l vol. 18mo., Illustrated, full cloth, 50 cts ; gilt edges, extra, 75 cts. LETTERS FROM THE BACKWOODS AND THE ADRONIDACK. By Rov. J. T. Headley—l vol. 12tu0., full cloth, BIOGRAPHY OF THE SAVIOUR AND HIS APOSTLES. With a portrait of each, en graved on steel. With an essay on tlm Character of die Apostles, by Rev. J. T. lleadly.— 1 vol- 12m0., 15 engravings, 81; gil edges, extra, 75 cts. TITK BEAUTIES OF REV. J. T. HEADLEY. With his Lite.— 1 vol. 18mo, Illustrated, 50 ciy Sdt edges, extra, 81,50. HEROINES OF SACRED HISTORY—By Mrs. Steele. Illustrated with splendid en gravings. 1 vol. 12mo; new, enlarged and reused edition, 81; gilt edges, extra, 81 50. THEOPNEL'STY. OR THE PLENARY IN SPIRATION OF THE HOLY SCRIP TURES. By Professor Gaussen of Gene va. Translated by Rev. E. N. Kirk. A new and enlarged edition. 1 vol. 12m0., 410 pages, SI. SHANTY THE BLACKSMITH: A TAI.HOF OTIIEU TIMES. —By Mrs. ShyrWooX 1 vol. 18mo., Illustrated, 50 els. LILY OF THE VALLEY. By Mrs. Sher wood.— t vol 18mo., Illustrated, 50 ds. THE SHORTER CATECHISM OF THE | REV. ASSEMBLY OF DIVINES. With Proofs thereof out of the Scriptures, in words at leulh Per 100, S3. Extracts from opinions of the Press. i Sacred Scenes and Characters —By tho Rev. J. T. Headley. This work may be very properly considered a companion to the •'Sacred Mountains,' by the same nulhor. , [is object is to illustrate and ' render moio life-like" the sacred writings. It is not the - } author's design lo supersede the Bible. But his wish is excite a solicitude to obtain, and . I to become intimately acquainted and per fectly familiar with its history, doctrines and 9 laws; to know its truth to imbibe its spirit, feel its power, and partake of its salvation; . in a word, to prize in some measure as it deserves, this treasure which is indeed be yond price. We predict for it a circulation = far beyond any of the author's former works. [ The News. Jan. 7th. Rambles and Sketches —By Rev. J. T. Head ley. We have not for a long time sat down to a book with more pleasing anticipations, or found llioso anticipations more lnlly re alized. than in the perusal of the work be - fore us, and we know it will be hailod with' gratification by the many admirers of tho talented author. His "Napoleon and his Marshals" was, perhaps, as popular and found at least as many enthusiastic readers as any book that can be mentioned. Wo i think the Rambles and Sketches aro dea . lined to he us popular at least as any of his previously published works. There is not a [ dull chapter in the work, tilled as it is with j "ari infinite variety." The author has am pie room ami verge enough for the cmploy e inent of his fine talents to great advantage, n and most successfully has he accomplished lt the task. The biographical sketch of the , author is interesting and "well considered," .. and adds much to the value of the book, j which is got up in a very neat and attractive stylo by lbs pilll!islipr P...1L. ...I 1 e script, Dec. 15th. Mr, Hea Iley is one of themnat promising wri h ters of this countty, and we have here orio of his - best books—oi.e on which he can safely rest his h fame. It possesses tho unfjtiguing charms of Q perfect simplicity and truth. There is graceful . frankness pervading Iho composition, which cn. ~ gages lite interest of the reader in the author as well as in thr subject. His rambles about Rome. Paris and London exhibit athnusund traits of un ingenuous nalute, upon which a man of tnsto will delight to linger. We predict for this a sale equal '.o that ot any of tho nuthoi's works. [New York News. The collection is one of which no author need he ashamed, lt consists, indeed, of somu of. Mr. Heudley's most brilliant and highly fin ished compositions of those specimens of his sbililies by which he may ,l>e judged with the greatest safety to his fame as a word-painter and thinker. [New York Tribune, N. U. The above books will be forwarded in orrler at tlto prices mentioned, free of postogc, to any part of tho United States, mi the receipt of orders, with the tnonoy. Money may he sent by mail ot my risk- JOHN S. TAYLOR, Publisher, 143 Nassau st. New Yurk. "cTcTmarrT Surgeon and Mechanical Drnllst IC> ESPECTFULLY offers his professional to the Ladius and Gentleman of Orangovilla and its vicinity. ILi is provided with the the latest improved PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be inserted on Pivot or Gold plate to look as well as tho natural. Trie cavities of decayed teeth will be dressed out and filled with Gold of the finest quality, which will prevent their further decay or aching, and rentier them useful for many years itt MOST cases during life. Thojtnrtnr and other foreign substances, will be removed, ren dering the Teetli cloan and the Gums and* breath sweet anil healthy. Teeth, and stumps of Teeth, which have become use less or troublesome, will be extracted with the latest and most approved instruments, in the careful and scientific manner, and with the least possible pain. Persons .desi rous of procuring whole sots ol Teeth woubi do well to give him a call, as rr.ttqh time, trouble, and expense might be saved by having their work done at home. In short, he is prepared to attend to every thing in the line of Dentistry, and his performances will be warranted to answer all tho useful and ornamental purposes of the art. For references apply to his numerous ou*. tome re. Cofu m S bta Pe cl 4 n7, , pr idCnC9 ' ofan#ville .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers