The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, November 20, 1851, Image 2
R. W. WKAVER, EDITOR. Blooasbnrf, Thursday, Nov. 20, 1831. DANCING. AUDI ALTERAM PARTEM. A lady friend whose opinion has weight in our judgment taks exception to the views of Mrs. Swiss helm on dancing, which we published last week, asks us to give publicity to some very sensible conclusions in which*we heartily coucnr with her. It is all wrong that young ladies, in the coldest of winter weather, should array themselves in their thinnest gause and thin nest slippers, and in a close heated room dance Irom "early eve" to "broad day-light," do the midst of dust and some company per ' Laps not the most sober or moral. It is wrong (bat young ladies should by saltatory exercises work their blood to the highest fever heat, and then run out into the chilling air where the thermometer would stand at zero. But there are pros and eons to this thing; i and as good old Sir Roger De Coverly was iwant to-sey —something can be said upon 'both aides of this subject. We have seen young ladies dress very unbecomingly thin and fine at other places besides balls—aye, pven to church, to show the Lord. We have reen young ladies meet with question able company at other plates besides the ball-room, and to the pure minded all things are pure—Hoiii soil qui male pens'.} These objections of our friend then are rather to the management of dancing parties, and the imprudence of people than to dan cing in the abstract. The young blood is warm, and will flow last and free. Where grace, youth wit and beauty meet, and, tripping lightly through the merry dance, en joy with happy zest the pleasures of the fes ■ tive night a looker on might remember that a certain Tract society in our land of locomo tives once offered a prize of filly dollars for j the best tract against dancing, but he would remain intractable to its doctrine ; unless to i the fact, that even that sum had been una- 1 ble to purchase one ar.ti-sallatory text; and j we have it from very good authority that | even a certain cloven-footed personage of very doubtful character 'can quote scripture at a pinch.' Good old king David understood human nature, and we like even his eon's j songs much better than the Reverend Mr. j Carey's tract. We like grace in young peo ple's habits and social intercourse, as well as at the deacon's table, and we believe that taste is a fine thing in manners as well as in mince-pies. We do not see the connection between dancing and deviltry. But if this natural ami universal amusement is really very sinful, why not turn Iconoclast and I Write down pictures and statues ? for these | rhiogs wmetimo, represent peopte rattler 100 j indelicately natural. Oppose songs certain ly, for loose fellows sing; and there are songs that lack both religious sentiment and purity of diction. The Classics too are not all expurgated, ergo Christians should not .read. But we never yet saw good como from squeamish prudery. A bill was once intro -duced into tbo English Parliament "for the belter observance of Easter Monday," but we have since heard ot English perjuries, murders, and wars. In the days of the En glish Commonwealth, not only the visages .of men but their names were elongated to "an astonishing and inexpressible extent, (as Hew-Agag-to-pieces-belore-ihe-Lord, nam est exemplo) but the generation which these sanctimonious orthodox gentlemen begat | proved the most profligate, licentious and wioked thai ever disgraced the land, nnd made the conrt of Charles I I proverbial for its shameful outrages upon decency and mor ality.—Unnatural strictness, will ever be fol lowed by excessive laxity of morals, just as rebellious anarchy is the natural consequence of too galling a despotism. There is a quiet stream of innocent mirth in the spirit of man kind, that, if darned up, will c<#rode the bel ter part of our nature, eat out our enjoyment of life, ar.d then perhaps hurst forth in uu restrained wildness and vice, May the fair and gay of our friends whirl vthrough the throng in joyous merriment— -.may their witching smiles and tho glances of ireen piercing eyes do execution for many a year, and serus in coelum redeanl. LIFE INSURANCE. This prudent foresight for the benefit of a . man's family after his death is somewhat of a novelty in this latitude, but its efficacy and advantages has been fully tested in the older settled regions of the country. It will no doubt, in time, become a very common thing. A few cases in the history of the Keystone Company will illustrate its use fulness. Mr. Solomon Schoyer, a highly respecta ble commission merchant of Pittsburg, ef fected en insurance of 95,000 on his life •with the Keystone Mutual Life Insurance Co., v of Harrisburg, on the 17th of July, 1850. He ■received his policy and paid his premium on the 20lh of July, and died in a fit of night mare on the 22d day of July, 1850, but two days after he received his policy. He had enjoyed uninterrupted good health all his life up to the very moment of his death. His widow, Penelope Schoyer, received from thie company, within twenty daye after his death 85.000. Rev. T. Marshall Boggs, Pastor of a Pies byleriatt Church in Mount Joy, Lancaster county, Pa., took out a policy of insurance in this company in June, 1850, for 9800. He died of Erysipelas Fever on the 10th of No vember, 1850. By his provident care and forethought be left to his bereaved family bis policy of 9800, which had cost him but •83. Cm POLITICS.— In New York city Mike TYalah and Thomas P. St. John aro elected -tithe slate legislature SUICIDE. The Dan rills papers of last week give so count of the suicide of a stranger by shoot ing himself, near the highway leading from Danville to Washinglonville. He seems to have been a friendless stranger—an emigrant —perhaps an exile—from the Kingdom of VVurtemburg in Germany. He had been in Danville a tow days previous and begged for work, but his trade of iilk-weaving could gain him no employment, and he then talk ed of destroying himself, saving that other wise he mnst starve and freezd during the winter for no frieml.y hand would assist him to gel wotk. Spiritless and desponding, he was in a strange land and with a heavy heart laid himself down to die, afar from the land of his fathers and friends, and for ever closed his eyes to the beauties of life and earth. Life had no longer loveliness for him, and earth no pleasuteß for the weariad wanderer. He was young enough to have had time yet for an eventful and pleasant life, but who can tell the anguish, the joys, the sorrows and the pleasures that have heen crowded into the short twenty-six years of his life f He was well clad and intelligent says one who conversed with him ; but the name of Marlz is all we know of his his tory, or of his wanderings from the vine-clad hills of Germany to the western world. The imagination may paint the eventful scenes of his life,'and the sensitive heart conceive his trials and troubles ; and then both heart and mind will humble all false pride and say to us "we know what we are, but know not what we shall be." The child of sorrow grew weary of earth's coldness, and sighed to rest' at home in the bosom of the great and good All-father. May . the angel of Metcy bo moved by the sad cnronicle of the truant's griefs, and when the sin of his returning before he was called from his work comes to be recorded above, may the tear of pity blot it out forever. Homicide at Bench Haven, O.N last Sunday morning MR.'.CHIDLES SF.TBERT of Beach Haven, Luzerne county, shot MR. DKMOIT STOKEY, who had been living with Seybert lor some time as a pau per. We are informed that on Saturday evetiing the parties had a quarrel and afTray, Stokey attacking Seybert in a fierce and bru tal manner, and Seybert defending himself, until a girl in the family came to his assis tance. Seybert then swore that Stokey should no longer stay in his house, and drove him away. But next morning, while Sey bert was from home, Stokey went into the house and laid down upon a bed in a room up stairs. When Seybert'came home he in quired whether Stokey iiad been 'here, and the girl said he was up stairs. Seybert went to some pains to get some good precussion caps and then Stokey's room with a pistol, shot him through the bead, and the ball lodged in the victims neck. Seybert veemed but little concerned for his rash act, and told several persops that he had shot Stokey. A telegraphic despatch from Ber wick, on Tuesday, informs us that Seybert T8 arrenlttt WH! now in tko Willtoobamo jii. He is about 30 years of age, has been raised in the neighborhood of Beach Haven, and for some time kept a store there. CP* Some half-witted political adventu rers have attempted to drag the name of lion. Robert J. Walker into the movement in fa vor of an increased tariff. That gentleman lately made a speech at Southampton in En gland at the reception of Kossuth when in reply to the illustrious guest of the people on that occasion ho saiu—"He was delight ed to hear their friend allude to free trade. Tho United Slates struck off half the shackles from commerce, and, God he thanked, intended to strike off all the rest." TP* The Sheriff of this county has but one sale at the coming torm of our court; sad this stagnation in his business is doubt less caused by the tariff of '46. He mu6t get Congress to see to this matter. THE MORE THE MERRIER.— Maj. Jacob Heck of Chambersburg and John B. Bralton Esq., of Carlisle are named for the next Ca nal Commissio ter. An old lady reading an account of '.he death of a distinguished lawyer, who was stated te be the father of the Philadelphia bar, exclaimed: "Poor man ! he had a dreadful noisy set of children.'' ur That woman makes a good wife who, whatever may be the length of her journey, never travels with more than one trunk, and four band boxes. CP* We have received No. 5 of tho Hy dropathic Encyclopaedia, a neat duodecimo volume of 144 pages, eight numbers of which (at 25 cents each) will complete the work. Fowlers & Wells, New York, are the publishers. BERWICK TELEGRAPH. —Mr. Snyder of the Berwick Telegraph gives notice in his last paper that his publication has clpsed its ex istence—at least for tho present. Surely but few fortunes are mado by editors. Hon. THOMAS Ross.—Tho Bucks couuty Express, German, has an eloquent article in roference to this gentleman, the accomplish ed and fearless Democratic representative Irom Bucks and Lehigh counties, recom mending him fot Speaker of die next Con gress of the United States. Ha is worthy and competent for the station. ' I ST Gen. A. Bradford, of Mississippi, who is one of the Union candidates for the Le gislature in Marshall county, has a way of accounting for the late victory in that State. "Fellow citizens," said he, in a speeeh, "I'll tell you the reason we triumphed so signally in the election for members of die Conven tion : it was because it was the first time in the history of Mississippi that the CONSTITU TION was oyer a candidate." THE CATTAWISHA RAILROAD. The Committee appointed by the late rail road convention at Pbiladolphia has issued an address, and appended to it a letter from D. L. Miller, jr., Esq., the President of the Snnbury and Erie Railroad, which contains some very important facts upon this subject. They prove that if this work shall be under taken in good faith, and with a determina tion to make it pay, it can and will be soon completed, to the profit of all the stockhold ers and to the great advantage of the whole community. The following is Mr. Miller's letter to the Chairman of the Committee;— PHILADELPHIA, Umo. 6, 1851. Esteemed Friend—ln reply to thy note of yesterday, it affords me pleasure to stale that the Charter of the Company, which is one of the most liberal ever granted try the Le gislature of Pennsylvania, authorizes the construction of a Railroad from Sunbury to Erie, a distance of 286} miles. We propose first to build that portion of the road between Wilhamsport and Erie, a distance ol 240 miles. This accomplished, will form, in connec tion with the "Ca'tawissa," "Little Schuyl. kill," and Reading Roads, a continuo'is chain qf Railroads from Philadelphia to Erie, with out transhipment. The entire route is within the State of Penn sylvania. The distance is only 425 miles, being 8P miles nearer to New York, and 193 miles nearer than to Boston. The highest grade will be 02 8-10 feel to the mile, and that for only 8 miles. VVe propose to pay interest on the instal ments from the date ol payment, in the same manner as is done by the Pennsylvania Rail road Company* The time necessary required to complete the read will be short. We are informed, on the authority of the first engineering tal ent of the country, that no portion of the work need exceed two years in construction. The coat of the Itoad, graded and bridged for a double track—with a single track laid, and with sixty miles of siding—completed ready for the locomotive, it is estimalod will not exceed six millions' It is believed that at least one-fourth ol the whole cost can be raised by subscriptions to the Stock of the Company, along the line of the route, and that the road can be built and all the materials furnished upon the most favorable terms by responsible contrac tors and friends of the enterprise, payable one-fourth in stock at par. The present low prices of iron and provi sions, and the abundance of labor would en able contracts to be made at prices material ly below thoso paid by most railroad compa nies now in operation. The estimate of cost is based on the report of Edward Miller, the Engineer, by whom the route was surveyed. The advantages possessed by our terminus are very gieat; the Harbor of Erie is by far the best and safest on the Lake, if not the only one worthy of the name. Its capacity is very great, being about six K|unr* mia in nntant, and paving an vr- age depth of about 20 feet. It is free from obstruction by ice consider ably earlier in the Spring and later in the Fall. It is the point at which the competition between the Atlantic cities must take place, for the passenger and freight trade of all the railroads running westward from it, by rea son of the Law of the last Legislature, com pelling the break of guage between ihe eas tern and westward railroads to occur there. We shall connect at Erie with the entire net work of Railroads, penetrating in every direction through tho Western and North western States, the aggregate length Of which Roads, built and in progress of construction, exceeds 3000 miles. There is probably no country in the world traversed by a Railroad, the extent and vari ety of whose source of intrinsic wealth ex ceed those of the oountry lying between Philadelphia and Erie. The Forest not only offers an opening for the moat extensive lumbering operations, but also abounds in the most valuable ship timber. The Mines possess an inexhauslable sup ply not only of anthracite and bituminous coal, but also of iron ore. The Xramf embraces a vast extent and va riety of soil, of great agricultural capacity, much of it of the limestone formation. The construction of the proposed Road must inevitably induce a very extensive im provement in each of those branches of in dustry, and develope an incalculable amount of wealth now comparatively unproductive for want of such an ontlet—while in time those improvements will add largely and rap idly to the business and profits of the Road and the revenue of the State. The great Western Country with which the ptoposed road will unite us, contained in 1810, a population of only 272,000. The five States which have been formed out of the North-West Territory, bordering on the Lakes, now number a population of four mil lions and a half—being 50 per cent, more than the entire population of the United States, at the time of the Declaration of In dependence. The Territory embraced between the Ohio river and the Lakes, from the Western boun dary of Pennsylvania to tho Upper Mississip pi, containing about 180 millions of acres of arable land—measures 280,000 square miles, being nearly twice as latge as Franco, and about six times as large as the wholo of Eng land. The Trade of the Lakes, with which we seek a direct connection, in the aggregate of foreign and ddmestic imports and exports at the several ports, largely exceeds $200,000. The present avenues of travel between the Lakes and the Seaboard, are not only all do ing a profitable business, but they are entire ly inadequate to the prompt and satisfactory execution of the business already offering. I have thus hastily thrown together some of the facts and reasons which we think should induce the citizens of Pennsylvania to furnish the means for building the Sunbu ry and Erie Railroad, and thus opon a com munication with the Lakes shorter and chea per than any now ra existence or projected. With this, f also send some statements and tables showing— Th 9 estimated cost of the proposed Road, The comparative distances by it and other routes, The cost, receipts and expenditures of the present lines of communication between , Lake Erie and the East, The Trade of the Lakes, The increase the population of the northwestern bordering on the Lakes, Which, if thought proper, may be annex ed to the report. Very respectfully, D. L. MILLER. Estimated cost of building the road from Erie to Williamaport: Grading and Bridging 68} miles, Erie to Warren, as per Ed ward Miller's Engineers' re port, 3498,923 00 Grading and Bridging 171} miles, Warren to Williams port, at an average of 310,- . 000 per mile, 1,715,000 00 Superstructure—24o miles of single track, 35,000 permile, 1,200,000 00 60 do do siding do do 300 000 00 Laying 300 miles at 32000 per mile, j600,000 00 Making Pier and Water Lois at Erie Harbor, Water Stations, Turn Outs, Rett Crossings, Depots, Warehouses, Ma chine Shops, and Land dam ages, 350,000 00 4,653,923 00 Engineering and contingent ex penses, 10 per cent, 466,392 90 5,130,315 00 Interest on slock during construc tion, and margin to cover con tingencies, and towards the equipment of the road, 869,685 00 $6,000,000 00 COMPARATIVE TABLE or DISTANCES. I Erie to Buffalo, 90 miles. Buffalo to Albany, 328 " Albany to New York, 150 " Erie to New York, via Central N. Y. Line, Total, 568 " Erie to Dunkirk, 45 miles Dunkirk to N York, 460 " Erie to New York, 605 " via N. Y. & Erie Railroad. Erie to Philadelphia, by our Railroud, 425 miles. Erie to Buffalo, 90 miles. Buffalo to Albany 228 " Albany to Boston, 200 " Erie to Boston, 618 " The above statements are all taken from the published reports. The New York and F.rie Railioad was not completed to the kike till May of this year. The following state ment shows the receipts of that Road du ring the ten months of this year: January, 8144,909, 30 February, 125,105 20 oli, 103,409 99 April, 189,149 51 May, 174,345 12 June, 224,722 44 July, 228,460 33 August, 263,964 12 September, 306 888 96 October, 356,871 73 THE TRADE OF THE LAKES. General Packer, of Lycoming county, in a speech before the Senate of Pennsylvania, February 21st, 1851, says ; "f have prepared from an official source, a table showing the value of the entire commerce of tlto Lakes, both imports and exports, for the year 1848 ; and 1 regret that I have not been able to lay my hand upon the reports for the year 1849. The value of the trade in the year 1848 on Lake Erie was $115,785,048 I)o Huron, 848,152 Do Michigan, 20,320,481 Do Ontario, 28,141,000 Do Champlain, 16,750,700 Do St. Clair, 639,524 Total, $186,484,905 Showing the total value of our Lake Trade, for the year 1848, to be over one hundred and eighty-six millions of Dollars! And I have not included in my calculation tho pas senger trade—in ils;',i a most important and profitable item. One hundred and eighty six millions, Mr Speaker, of a commerce concentrated on your northern frontier, ac cessible within your borders, through the best harbor on Lake Erie." Population of the five States bordering on, and contiguous to the Lakes, whose pro duce chiefly find outlet by the Lake.' 1810. 1830. 1850. Ohio, 230,760 037,637 1,981,940 Indiana, 24,520 341,582 990,258 Illinois, 12 282 157,575 850,000 Michigan, 4,528 31,629 3 97,576 Wisconsin, 305,596 272,090 1,468,433 • 4,625,370 Railroad Exairsion Tickets—lnteresting De cision.—An Alderman in Pittsburg has deci ded by giving judgment for plaintiff, that railroad companies have no right to refuse excursion tickets from passengers, offered after the time for which they were issued. The plaintiff in this case bought a ticket, which had on it "good for two days only.'' He offered it to the ticket agent within forty eight hours after he purchasod it, but beyond the ti m 3 which the company had fixed for its extension. It was refused. He then off ered the lie ket and the difference in money belweeu the excursion and regular ticket, which was al=o refused. He paid his faro in money, and then brought suit and recov ered the price of ticket and costs. The plaintiff's counsel argued that the notice "good for two days only," printed on the face of the ticket, did not nmount to a con tract, any more than the common notice of stage company and canal tickets, "all bag gage at the risk of the owner," did, which has been deoided again and again to be ot no virtue ; that defendants bad no right to re ceive the money of the plaintiff wrthou giving value therefor; or place on their tick ets anything which could bind the plaintiff without his consent. What is purchasing a ticket but consent to the conditions attached I to it T A WORD TO MECHANICS. BY ONE OF THEM. In the following article of merit from the Berwick Telegraph we think we recognize a young printer whom our tswn has Had the honor of giving to usefulness.— ED. STAB. I have thought for some time past, of off ering a few reflections upon a numerous and noble class of citizens—MECHANlCS—especi ally in regard to the position they actually sustain, and the position they should sustain in relation to the other classes of society. Their name is legion, and tbey are more or less identified with all the departments of business and life. They are the "lever of Archimides," which moves the world. Rut, are their importance and position duly con sidered and respected f I mean in the ag gregate. I know when some splendid luminary, like Franklin, shoots up from the sphere, and blazes through the world, attracting its gaze, it lights up by its reflection the rank of me chanic, nnd confers a temporary pride and dignity on the sphere whence the orb arose. But I also know, that when a mechanic, by his industry nr.d skill, or by a fortunate com bination of circumstances which confer no honor on himself, emerges from obscurity and poverty, and rolls amid all the luxuries of uncounted wealth, he often seeks to forget his origin in deference to the blind prejudi ces of society, and the dictates of a pervert ed and flattered heart, worse than cowardly, denies himself to his great family kindred, and turns up his pampered nose at the mere mention ot the name that forms the subject of this article. This place, even amidst its fashionable walks, is fqjl of such pictures.— Such facts speak more eloquently than words. Why should mechanics, who combine and exhibit in their diversified range, the highest and most plastic energies of genius; on whose laborious, never-tiring skill, wealth and luxury depend, and to whose power pride is subservient for its swelling "pomp and circumstances" be treated as inferior be ings, among the moving mass of the same humanity? Is it because their hands are harder or more stained, or because their hearts are less capable of those sentiments and affections which soften and elevate soci-- ety ? If the foimer, the cause must be ad mitted ; but I protest against the effoctas un natural and unjust. I deny that the proposi. lion in the latter alternative is true ; but as. sert on the contrary, that in this class natural | and wholesome affections of the heart are to be found. Merit should be the only passport to socie ty and consideration, and the state of socie ty will be artificial and disordered until mer it shall be thus respected. I wi'l admit that I the inferior estimation in which mechanic* ! are regarded, is to some extent attributable to their ow fault. They do not assert and properly defend their rights. Let them as a class, cultivate greater dignity and polish of manners—fill memory's storehouse with food for the mind to feast upon—and attend generally to thoso minor accomplishments which constitute, in the eye of a correct, noi aiakU'lasls. JLheltruu uentlemau. Aiid by doing this they will commend themselves !as the true representatives of that skill and genius which they exhibit in their various departments, and be respected as such dele gates, unencumbered by factitous impedi ments.—Yes, Mr. Editor, methinks I SP in the movements of the age, a progressive tendency to the spirit of equality I advocate. It is not the Agrarian principle ol "equality in spite ot dollars and cents !" It is foun ded on the recognition of the internal man, in whatever guise he may be found—the valuation of the jewel in the midst of its re pulsive incrustation, the discernment of the true ore, though deeply embedded in the common earth. It is the test of the equality to which the great Scottish poet alludes : ••l'he rank is but the guinea's stamp, The man's the gold for a' that." The operations of our Democratic institu tions is helping on this moral consumalion.— It is planting on every side free public libra ries, and other means for the development and improvement of the mind and heart, and offering to all, facilities, in spite of die" parities ot external advantages, to achieve an equality with the highest standard of mental and moral excellence. To tho me chanic, I say, lift up your eyes to this stan dard and keep it in view. Do your part in the movements of the day, and compel, by your efforts, recognition of your just position. "So nioto it be." ALCHA. Wilkes-barre, Nov. 1851. Oarnnm. Barnum, while highly estimaiing the pop ular qualifications of Lola Monte/, has had no engagement with her, for it seems he has retired forever from the field of his glory. Here is perfect evidence of the fact JAMESTOWN, July 11, 1851. My Dear 1 received your note, and en. closed the within according to orders. Lola, if rightly managed, will draw immensely here ; but lam not the man for her. I have done. lam perfectly content to slop where I am, and hope I shall never aspire to again cater for the public, in any way. Thanking you for your kind attention. I am truly yours, 1' T. KARNUM. Second Marriages. From the Marriage Statistics for 1850, of the city of Boston, we compile the following facts in referedqp to second marriages ; Ist marriages, : Q'- 5,611 persons. 2d " 563 " 3d " 32 " 4th " 7 " We thus see that a little more than one tenth of married parties enter into second marriages but the number of thoso who mar ry oflener is very small. Some may be curious to know what diff erences there may be among men and wo men in the tendency to second marriages. The numbers are— MEN. WOMT.W. 2d marriages 354 SJ9 3d " 28 5 4th " 5 1 This seems to give men the greatest ten dency to marriages; but is not something due to the difference of opportunities in tho latter pari of life ? Georgia V. S. Senator—Union Party of Georgia. Charleston, Nov. 13th.—The Legislature of Georgia yesterday elected Robert A. Toombs U. S. Senator for si* years from the 4th of March next, in place of Berrien, whose term expires. There was no oppo sing candidate. In the evening after his e lection, Mr. Toombs addressed a large con ' coarse at Slate House, and in the course of bis remarks announced thi t the Constitu ting] Union Party would adhere to its pres ent isolated state and independent organiza tion and name—that it will not Bend dele gates to or be represented in either tho Na tional Whig or Democratic Conventions ot the next year, hut that it will wait until these Conventions have assembled atte set forth their principles and candida'es before the country, before determining with which side or part it will act. He said, also, that as an iddispensible condition for securing the sup port ot the Union party of Georgia, the Na tional Convention, whether Whig or Demo crat, with which it might coalesce, must adopt tho Compromise part of the Union Party of Georgia, would be free to unite with either the National Whig or National Democratic Parly. What Pennsylvania has done lor Common Schools —We have received an address de-v |ivered by Thomas Burrowes, Esq , before die Lancaster county Educational Society, on the 4lh ult., which, among other matters of interest, exhibits the magnitude of the Com mon School System of the State, which is highly creditable to the character of the Commonwealth, and shows the deep inter est taken in this State in the cause of gener al education. In the seventeen years that the system has been in operation the people of Pennsylvania have expended over fifteen miUions of dollars in support of this noble effort, exclusive of the large sumt annually paid to sustain the numerous private acade mies, seminaries and schools, which are al so j.iving their invaluable aid to the cause of general education. The number of schools in tht Stale has increased from 762 j to 9200. and the teachers from 808 to 11,- ; 500. The pupils number half a million, and ftlilTannual cost of the system is now SI, 100,- | 000. Few States in tho Union have done I more than Pennsylvania to dispel ignorance and qualify its rising population for the du ties of citizens required under its free Con stitution. Drawing for Terms bf the Snpieme Court Judges. Harrisburg, Nov. 14.—The drawing for tho term each Judge of the Supreme Court ] recently elected, is to fulfill, took placo in this city, to-lay. JeremiahS. Black drew the threo year term. Ellis Lewis drew six years, and will follow Judge Black as Chiol Justice. J. B. Gibson drew nine years. Wal ler H. Lowrie drew twelve years, and Rich nrd Coulter drew the full term of filteen years. The first election to fill a vacancy, created by law, will be that of Judge Black, and will be for - 1 lections will be in the order of the shorter terms, as they stand above. ty The Case of the United States vs. R H. Morris, the colored lawyer of Boston, in dicted for abetting in the rescue of the fugi tive* slave Shadrach, terminated on Wednes day, in the United States District Court, by a sealed verdict of not guilty. When the jury first went out, they stood 11 for acquittal to I, and remained so four hours and a half, at the end of which period the outstanding ju- j gave in. All tho jurors were in favor of en forcing the law, as constitutional, but they were not satisfied that Morris was in the cab ; with Shadrach, as testified by some of the witnesses being met b) the witnesses for the defence, who testified they saw all the persons who were in tho cab, and that Mr. j Morris was not one of them. WINE-MAKI^;. —In Cincinnati and neigh borhood not less thai one thousand acres of land are devoted to the culture of the grape i for making wine. A writer in the newspa pers suys that oti a visit to Mr. Longworth he saw 75,000 botllos of sparkling Catawba, and abont 40,000 gallons of wine in casks, varying from 40 to 50 gallans in each. This cellar is 120 feet long, 40 feet wide, and 40 feet deep; and it is the intention cf the own er to increase it to double Vtbis size during the coming spring. Besides Mr. Longworth, there ate many other persons in Cincinnati, and the neighborhood, engaged in the culti vation of the grape. Railroad AccJdeut. We are informed that a young lady, na med Elizabeth Adams, met with a shock ing accident, near Leesport, on Friday after noon last. She was in company with one or two other ladies, returning home fiom a vis it to a relative, and was walking on the Rail road. Meeting a train, they passed to the opposite track. Another train was approach ing from tho opposite direction, which they did not notice, owing to the noise of the one passing them, until too late fur this unfortu nate one of the company to escape. Both ! legs were so severely injured as to render amputation uecessary.— Tamaqua Legion. CV The death of SAMUEL FEGELY, Esq., in announced under the obituary notice, iu the last Reading Gazette, which speaks of him as follows: "He died at his residence in Greenwich township, on tho 4th inst., from the effectß of a disease wi'.'u which he had been long afflicted. MR FEOELY was a member of the State Legislature from this county, for o;,e term as Senator, and for sev eral yec.vs as Representative; and throughout his public career was a uniform and consist ent supporter ot Democratic principles and measures, and a faithful adherent to the will of his constituents in all things." ty A correspondent of tho Reading Ga zette names Gen. Wm. Lilly of Carbon coun ty for Speaker of the House of Represents, lives. TUB SECRET I!ALLOT. We referred in a paragraph a few days a go, to the opposition of Ibe Whig papers of .New England to the law passed nt tho last session of the Legislature of Massachusetts giving the people of that State the protection of the Secret Ballot. Since that we have ob served that the subjeet has elicited remarks in other quarters. The Hartford Daily 'limn, in a recent number, after remarking the op position of the Whig press generally to this fust and salutary law, gives the following . forcible illustration of its beneficial results: Moreover, it has been frequently asserted by the opponents of Democracy that there was no necessity for snch a law—that there were no Whigs who would coerce those in their employ to vote tho Whig ticket. _ Now mark the result and the operation of this law upon its first trial. Lowell, the great est manufacturing town in Massachusetts, and one which has been unsformly and reli ably Whig heretofore, now sands lit Demo cratic Representatives to the Legislature in tho place of the ten Whigs that have always been elected from that place. The Demo cratic vote is increased in that city from B'Jl to 1342—a gain of 451. What does this mean? It cannot well be ascribed to the eo alition, for the "coalition" was in fyrce, ami just as thorough and effective, in Lowell last year. But it can be explained by the fact that Lowell contains a large population of laboring men, who aro employed in the fac tories lhare, and who have in this election, for the fiist tirr.e, had the privilege of voting as they please. The result shows which way their political tendencies are. By the oper ation of the "secret ballot" law, which has I been so heartily opposed and ridiculed by the Whig press, they have revolutionized ; the city and made a relative difference of 20 j in the Legislature. In Boston, where there is a large amount I of manufacturing under Whig control, tho Democratic vote is increased 1,725, while j the Whig vote has fallen off about 600! j In Roxbury the Democratic vote is larger than that of last year by 108, while the Whig vote shows a decrease of 250. Other towns where laborers are employed collect ively exhibit a similar incrcaso of the Dem ocratic vote, and a falling off of Whig j strength. The result of the first election in Massa- I chusells under the "secret ballot" law would ! seem to indicate that the Whigs had exccl- I lent reason for the fears they entertained of that law. FIRE AND LOSS on Lire.—On Wednesday evening about G o'clock, a most destructive fire occurred at the Southwest corner of Nix on and Hamilton streets, near Fairmonnt, Philadelphia, in a large lour story brick buil ding, owned by Mr. J. I'. Bruner, wolleii manufacturer, and occupied by Mes-re Faulkner U Lewis, machinists, D. & L. DonJ nelly, for spinning and carding wool, Ber nard McNntt, manufacturer, J. P. Kroner, above named, and Wm. Wilson, dyor. The destruction of the building was complete nothing but £he bare walls left standing. The loss, in stock, machinery. Sea., mny be estimated at from £30,000 to £35,000, upon which there is only a partial insurance. Tho fire is supposed to have been the result of accident, although one person has been ar rested on suspicion of huving fired tho prem ises. The most melancholy part of the afi'air is the loss of human life, threo persons hsving perished in the flames. Their names are Edward Crossley, aged 88, a wool spinner, in the employ of Mr. Bruner, and two fe males, Miss Mary Ann Browning and Miss Agnes Morrow, aged, the former 18, and the lattor 21 years. Mary Ann Palmer, a bouncing young girl, leaped Iroin the third story window, and es caped unhurt. AN ENGINEER TO TRUST TOUR LIVE TO fn one of the New York Courts ou Wednes day, a witness was called who has been running an engine in the city ; he swore that he had been an engineer for the last eight years; took up the business himself; was now employed running an engino. It appeared further that during these eight years he had been six mouths on Black well's Island for drunkenness; that Very re cently he had been confined in a cellar for getting drink, he did not know how long; he was told "one day," but could not swear to one day or two, only as they told him. fn summing up the counsel averred that he was shut up so that he might be sober when called on as a witness. If any period of his drunkenness the boiler ot the engine he ten ded had bursted, thero would, as usual, have been ' 'nobody to blame." 01110. The Ohio Statesman of tlip 6th has full re- " turns of the vote lately cast in that State Tor Governor. They sum up : For Samuel F Vinton, Whig, 119,538 " Samuel Lewis, Free Soil, 18,911 " Reuben Wood, Opp. incumbent 145,607 " Wood over Vinton, 26,169 Wood over all, 9,148 LEGISLATURE. Senate —Whig 8 ; Free-Soil I ; to 26 Dem ocrats. House —Whig 27; Free-Soil l ; to 6lfc Democrats. MA!tRIEI>. Oil tho 13lh inst., by Rev. Win. J. Eyer, Mr. SAMUEL KELLER, to MUs MART RUIN BOLD, both of Roaringc,reek. On the 13lh inst , by tho Rev. P. Willard, Mr. JOHN ROHIIRACN, of Catiawissn, to Miss JULIA ANN RELD, ofShamokin Valley, North umberland county, O'.i the Ist inst., by Rev. J. Franco, Mr. JOHN JORDAN, to Miss M.uiv JUNK Arties, all of Danville. I B, - J M DIED. In Danville on tho Glh inst.. Mrs. ELIZA BETH GRAY, wife of die late John Gray, a god 32 years, 6 months and 3 days. In Sa|em, Loserno county, on Wednesday nt last weak, Mrs. FRANCIS, wife of Stc.ilietj Sj beri, in her 38m year.