The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, November 13, 1851, Image 1
THE STAR OF THE NORTH. S. fft Wearer Proprietor.] VOLUME 3, THE STAR OF THE WORTH " Is published every Thursday Morning, by R. W. WEAVER. OFFICE—Up stairs in the New Brick building on the south side qf Main street, third square beluw Market. TERMS : —Two Dollars per annum, if paid within six months from the time of subscri bing ; two dollars and fifty cents if not paid within the year. No subscription received for a less period than six months: no discon tinuance permitted until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the editors. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding one square will be inserted three times forone dollar,and twenty-five cents for each additionl inser tion-; A liberal discount Will be made to those who advertise by the year. "I" AND "WE." "Cork, May the 6th, year ninety-four," —(Thus wrote a captain—now no more— To let his owners understand Why he was then in Erin's land ; For he had his departure ta'en From Falmouth, bound direct for Spain.)— "Good sirs, upon the first of May, I got the Echo under way : J sailed along the English shore, Weathered the Wolfe a league or more ; I found the wind noiie of the best— I shaped my course about southwest— -1 saw a vessel heave in sight— I made all close to have a fight— I ran up on his weather side— I many skilful tactics tried— I fought him for an hour or so— I made him strike his colors low— I sept my prize to Plymouth Sound— I steered then as by order bound— I found the wind draw forward more— I braced sharp up to keep off shore— I found the gale increasing fast— I reefed the sails, secured each mast— I tried, but iour.d she would not stay— J wore, but she made mucb lee-way— I pricked our course upon the map, And fnnnd great danger of mishap ; So called all hands, who soon begun To try their best in many a plan ; But all in vain, for, truth to say, We lost the 6hip in Bantry Bay." A Modern Robison Crusoe. The pious feeling among strangers which is so frequently awakened by the vicissitudes ol their lives, lias caused the name "Provi dence" to be given to moro than one coral reef and desolate island in the Indian Seas. Rarely, perhaps, has it been more appropri. ntely applied than it was on a small rocky islet which lies to the northward of the Moz ambique channel, a few days sail from the Isle of Bourbon. In the year 1820, M. Cremasy, the captain of a Bourbon trading vessel, resolved to vis it the Island of Providence, or order to ob tain a cocoanut germ for planting in tbo col ony to which he belonged. The appliances for navigating the eastern coast of Alrica, were at that time very rude. Chain cables were not known, but wero made from the fi bres of the palm, similar to those which are called goumontou in the Belebeo, coer, on the Spanish main. These cables are very likely to bo cut by the sharp reefs and coral bottom which abound so plentifully in the Indian Ocean , aed in order to spare the an chors, a wooden frame filled with slones j called a pegase, was the frequent substitute. Immediately on his anchoring in this man ner at Providence, M. Cremasy went on shore, and sent back his boat with her crew to the ship, while he explored the island. He had thus been occupied for some time when the cable of the pegasso broke, anil the vessel was carried out to sea by one of those violent currents which set off those shores. The mate made ssil as speediiy as he could to regain the anchoring ; but ho was unable to head the current, and the night fell while he was endeavoring to do so. ThecaptHian, left on shore by this accident, had on at the lime nothing but a jacket and a pair of white trowsers, and his only wea pon a manchct/a, a kir.d of sabre used in bonrding. When he found himself condemned to pass the night on this desert land, his first care was to construct a place of shelter; and with the broad leaves of cocac tree he built up an ejoup, or hut, and made his supper of cocoa nuts, eating the fruit and drinking Iho milk. He did not sleep over soundly, for he was tormented by vaguo apprehensions con cerning bis vessel ; the sense of loneliness oppressed him. and he was somewhat in fear of rata and other noxious animals. At daybreak he was on shore anxiously looking to discover a sail on the horizgn ; but noth ing was visible through the misty morning air. The sun rose and dispelled the mists, but his rays fell upon a wide expanse of azure sky, unbroken by any vessel. He sat down upon a rock and began to meditate upon his future destiny. There was but one course open to him—to bestir himself for thfi support of his daily wants.— With his manchette In his hand, he set out once more to explore the territory of which he was unwilling sovereign. He got noth ing but cocoa nut for his breakfast, and din ed also'upon the same fruit— luxury to a school boy, but held not in equal estimation by a hungry jailor, though he thought him self lucky that the island produced anything testable. By dint of prosecuting his resear ches, M. Cremasy succeeded /• making an addition to his vegetable diet in the shape of some wild oucumbers; but he was !U>- v tiling to eat them raw, and he had no means of cooking them by a fire. A native, if the island had been peopled, would have lit one for him by the friction of two pieces of wood. He remembered the method of the savages ; and procured a sort of tight wood, made a hole in it with another piece of wood of a harder kind, and twirling it rapidly, endeavored to kindle a flame; but vbelbf! Fom acccident or waqt of skill, he BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1851. was not successful in his attempt; and when the sun went down he was once more left in darkness. On the following day, he again looked out for the ship, but again without success. He therefore redoubled his efforts to procure fire, and by dint ol perseverance at length pro duced a light smoke upon the wood ; he then hastily collected some fibres of the co coa nut, and placed them in contact with the ignited substance, and at last was rewarded by a brilliant spark, which presently broke into a blaze. He now got together a suffi cient quantity to keep the fire in all night, heaped it with branches and dried leaves, and watched it with interest until the third morning broke. Tired out with his exer tions, he at length fell asleep, but had not been asleep long before he was awakened by a singular noise as if some one was cree ping towards him. Ho opened his eyes and looked wishfully into the obscurity of the dawn, and presently saw a large object steal ing across the sand. He grasped his manchctte and waited ner vously for its near approach. At length he discovered an enormous turtlo coming, ac cording to the habits of that animal, to lay its eggs above high wa'er mark. The turtle always selects a situation that catches all the rays of the sun; they make a hole in the sand, cover up the eggs, and fifty days after wards, without fail, their instinct brings them back to disinter them. At the moment whan tho layer of sand which covers them ia removed, the young turtles break their shells and follow their dams to the water's edge, and when they reach the waves, they make themselves fast to her belly, and are towed out to sea, to qualify tbem tn time for the feasts of tho al derman. As soon as M. Cremasy ascertained who his early visiter was, he walked sternly tow ards her, and turning her over, kept guard over her till daylight come and then des patched her. It was a task of 6ome difficul ty to cut her up, but when he had succeeded he found himself ropaid for his trouble. The turtle was capital. He boiled the meat, which ho thought excellent, and preserved the fat, disposing of it in small shells, which he fourd on the shore, and out of the fibres of the cocoa nuts he made wicks, in this manner constructing a very notable sort of a lamp, antique in fashion, and moreovei high ly useful. To season his turtle, he then pro cured Balt from the evaporation of salt water, and converted the shell of his visiter into a cauldron. With these civilized means of cooking, he ceased to enjoy his cocoa nut milk, and laid in a stock ol fresh watar, ob taining it by sinking a well in the sand. It soon became necessary to wash his lin en, but he could not bring himself to the resolution of remaining a single instant en tirely naked; and he therefore would wash one garment at a time, wearing his shirt until his trowsers were dried, and vice versa.. He next burned a clear space around his hut to keep off the rats, and fortified himself with in a ditch, well fenced against intrusion by sharp palmetto branches and the stiff leaves of prickly pears. In the course of Ills walks he had seen a number of pigeons, who allowed him to get tolerably close to them ; he therefore set lo work to hunt them down on foot, with a pole, and thus added a very agreeable dish to bis repast, for when roasted they proved extrem ely tender and succulent. With flesh and fowl to supply his table, it was not long before he got a third requisite of a good dinner. On the sonth side of the island was a coral reef, upwards of ten leagues in length, which the tide when it went out left it high and dry. At low water the fish hid themselves in the hollows where the water remained, and our solitary islander discovered in this fact a new source of em ployment. Every day at low water ho went out to the reef, sought for the reservoirs which contained the greatest number fish, and then harpooned them \yith his boaring sabre , some of these he salted and dried, the rest were immediately cooked. But however earnestly M. Cremasy labor ed to improve his position, one thought pre dominated over all others—the hope of find ing the means of escaping from solitude. When not employed in procuring and prepa ring food, he passed his whole time on the lookout for any vessel that might shape her course within sight of Providence. His eyes were ever turned towards that point of the compass where his own ship had disappear ed, and a thousand painful apprehensions disquieted him—the dread of its having been wrecked on some of the sunken rocks of that dangerous arohipelago, being the i most paramount. But he was not one to give himself up for any time to inactivity. He knew the value of the ptoverb which tells men to assist themselves if thoy look for the aid of others, and accordingly resol red upon constructing a beacon which should be visible al a distancs of several leagues. It was not without difficulty that he suc ceeded in collecting a sufficient quantity of heavy wood to make a pile; he heaped i t above a mass of dry leaves and placed dry branches in alternate layers, with the trunks !>f the cocoa and palmetto. This accom piishod, his eyes wandered over the ocean to seize a favorable moment for lighting up his beacon, but day followed day, sod hia solitude grew more add more dreary. His only pleasure eonsisted io watching the frig, ate birds as thoy ohased the gulls, aqd rob bed them of the prey they brought home from the great wators. It was after all a melancholy Bort of pleasure, and the screams of the famished birds did not tend much to enliven the solitatiness of the shore. M. Cremasy at length began'to get unea. sy about the condition of hie wardrobe. How could be manage to cover himself, he asked, when his shirt and trowsers were worn to tatters. The necessity of the case snggested an expedient. He manufactured a kind of cloth out of the thread-like sub stance of the interior of the palm, which he wove together as well as he was able. It was not a first-rate production, but it served at all events to preserve the sun from scor ching, and the night air from chilling him, and then he had the ineffable satisfaction of admiring his own handiwork. He managed also to fabrioato a pair of sandals out of the ropy bark of the cocoa aut tree. In this primitive costume ha determined upon examining the island thoroughly. The task was not difficult, Tor FroViOTSnec is tiu little more than two leagues in circumfer ence, and the surface is level. About one third of it, the part of it that lies to the windward, is covered with a forest of cocoa nuts.—The currents and prevailing winds have cast innumerable seeds on the eastern shore, where tbey have germinated, taken root, and in the lapse of Rges created the forest wo spoke of. The remainder of the island is merely a sandy plain, with stunted shrubs scattered hete and there ; but little grass, and where there is, course in touch and salt in taste. A more desolate spot altogether can hardly be imagined ; and hero it seemed probable that M. Cremasy was destined to end his days. Deliverance came, however, when least ex pected. He was one evening returning to his e. joup in a pensive mood, absorbed in thoughts of the home he feared he should never re visit, when as be stooped to gather some | shell fish for his supper, he fancied that | something like the sail of a ship glittered on thg horizon in the rays of the setting sun. He hail seen so often deceived by the clouds which assumed the same form, that he was afraid to trust to his first impression. He watched the object steadily, and noticed that whilst the aspect of everything else chang ed, this alone preserved its first appearance, and moreover, that it was nearing the island. He could no longer doubt that it was a ship. His heart bent high between fear and hope Was it his own vessel or a stranger ? Should ! he at once light the beacon, at the risk of rapidly and perhaps usulessly consuming what it had given so much trouble to col lect ? But the sail grew closer. Ho resolved to take his chance, and the moment It became dark enough for his purpose, he set fire to the pile. A pyramid of flame shot up into the sky, and a minu'.e afterwards the report of a gun assured him that the signal had bee i seen. He listened intently, and the next sound (hat reached his ears was the noise of the oars in the row-locks, as with measured beat they urged the boat ashore. The keel grated on the rocky bottom ; but he had al ready hailed the crew, and in the joyous an swer that floated over the breeze, he heard his own language and recognised the voices of his shipmates. The vessel in the offing was his own, and the mate had come back to look lor him. Carried away by the violent currents, water and provisions failing, the fotmer had been I obliged to make for Anjouan near Magnatto, to victual the ship; he then returned in "%earch of his captain. The exile wrote the history of his thirty two days' imprisonment, and placed it in a | bottle which he hung on one of the ir.ost prominent trees on the coast. An English vessel passing by a few months since hap pened to send a boat on shore lor a supply ot cocoa nuts, and thus discovered the nar rative. The sailors also found that the island was overrun with wild poultry; for when M. Cremasy look leave of Providence, he left behind him a small stock, which multi plied as he desired. It was an offering of grateful remembrance for the mercy which had spared him. Of Interest to School Teachers. —We have been requested by the Superintendent of the schools to call attention to the following act, passed April 24, 1850 : Sect. 1. Physiology and Hygiene shall hereafter be taught in all the PubficSchools of this Commonwealth, in all cases in which the School Committee shall deem it 1 expedient. Sect. 2. All school teachers shall hereaf ter be examined in their knowledge of the elementary prinoiples of physiology and hy giene, and their ability to give instructions in the same. Sect. 4. This act shall take effect on and after the first day of October, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one. At a meeting of the board ot Sohool Committee, on Thursday, it was voted that the Superintendent be authrized to introduce the above named stsdies "into any of the schools of this town, as he may deem it ex pedient.—Gloucester News. t* It is said that, the lady who causes a gentleman to loose his eye sight, is bound to marry him. The ladies knowing this, are determined to fumisb themselves with hus. bam!:, f? r ffiey make divers efforts to put out|the eyes of the males with the tips of their parasols. We shall all be blind pups before long, if the ladies don't up your sun shades up. 1 ' Truth and Right—GetMßeor Conntry. ~ The Great Exhibition. The editor of the New York Tribune, wh 0 served on one of the Juries of the GWat In dustrial Exhibition in London, has published a notice of the prizes awarded, as far as they came withiu his knowledge. These prizes were of two kinds, the jury Medals, awarded by the juries to the several articles of merit exhibited in their several classes, and the Council Medals, given by the Coun cil of Presidents of the juries. Of the latter there were to be in all but 169, which were to be distributed among the several nations, thus: !To Great Britain 79 To France 56 To Germany 12 To United Stales 5 To Austria 4 To Russia 3 To Belgium 2 To Switzerland 2 !To Tuscany 2 To Holland 1 1 fir fr" • 1 lo lull By®-" Tbo following are the awards of the five, which were to be given to the United States: To C. H. McCormick, Chicago, Illinois, for his Virginia Reaper. To David Dick, Meadville, Western Penn sylvania, for his Anti-Friction Press. To Charles Goodyear, New Haven, Conn . for his India Rubber Fabrics. To W. Bond & Son, Boston, Mass., for an Electric Clock. To Gael Borden, Texas, for his Mcat-bis cuit. Of tho Jury Medals it is stated that about 2,000 were to bo awarded, of which 100 probably would coma to the United States' In the class of General Hardware, including locks and grates, the following were the A mericans who received Jury Medals. To Day & Newell, New York, (represent ed by A. C. Hobbs,) for their Parauloptic Bank Lock. To W-Adams & Co, Boston, for their Combination Bank Lock. To McGregor & Lee, Cincinnati, for their Improved Bank Loek. To G. A. Arrowsmith, New York, for Jen ning's Permutation Lock. To Charles Howland, New York, for his Improved Bell Telegraph. To Cornelius & Co., Philadelphia, for a a Bronze Chandelier. To Silas C' Herring, New York, for nis Salamander Safe. To Ohilson, Richardson & Co., Boston, for Furnaces, and Stoves. Condensed History of Steam. About 280 years B. C., Hego of Alexan dria formed a toy which exhibited some or me pawers itnl Waß~morea iy its power. A. D. 450, Anthemius, an architect, arran ged several cauldrons of water, each cover ed with the wide bottom of a leathern tube, which rose to a narrow top, with pipes ex tended to the rafters of the adjoining build ing. A fire was kindled beneath the caul drons, and the house was shaken by the el forts of the steam ascending the tubes. This is the firrt notice of the power of steam re corded. In. 1543, June 17, Blasco D. Garoy tried a steamboat of 209 tons with tolerable suc cess at Barcelona, Spain. It consisted ol a cauldron of boiling water, and a movable wheel on each side of the ship. It was laid aside as impracticable. A present, however, was made to Garoy. In 1650 the first railroad was constructed at Newcastle on-Tyne. The first idea of a steam-engine in Eng land was in the Marquis of Worcester's "History of Inventions," A. D. 1663. In 1710 Newcomer made the first steam engine in England. In 1718 patents were granted to Savary for the first application of the steam-engine. In 1764 James Watt made the first perfect I steam-engine in England. 1736 Jonathan Hulls first sot forth the idea of steam navigation. 1778 Thomas Paine first proposed this ap plication in America. In 1781 Marquis Jouffroy constructed one on the Saone. In 1785 two Americans published a work on it. In 1789 William Tymington made a voy age in one on the Forth and Clyde Canal. In 1802 this experiment was repeated. In 1782 Ramsey propelled a boat by steam at New York. In 1787 John Fitoh, of Philadelphia, nav igated a boat by a steam-engine on the Del aware. In 1793 Robert Fulton first began to apply his attention to steam. In 1793 Oliver Evans, a nativo of Phila delphia, constructed a locomotive steam-en gine to travel on a turnpike road. The first steam vessel that crossed the At lantic was the Savannah, in the month of June, 1819, from Charleston to Liverpool.— Hunt's Merchants' Magazine. fF A person never thinks so meanly of ambition as when walking through a grave yard.—To see men who have filled the world with their glory for a half centory or more, reduced to a six foot mud hole, gives { pride a shock whioh requires a long stay in a city to 'counteraot.—The gentlemen who are now "spoken of for the Presidency," will in less than a century have their bones caried away to make room for a street sew er. Queer creature that man—well, he is. iy In Warren county, Pa., the vote of j the candidates for Register and Recorder is a tie. This shows (he .importance of one rot*. From the Keystone. W liat the Whigs Mean by "Free-Trade." It is usual with the whig party to call the tarifl of 1846 a "free-trade tariff," and to in sist upon increased duties upon imports "to protect American labor." We quote the fol lowing from an article in a late number of the North American, to show the manner in which that party speak of our present re venue system : "But while we wonder at the folly of oth er and distant people, we have much rea son to inquire whether we are any wiser our selves at home. We havo long contended with the growing infatuation as we are now suffering from somo of the direct evils, of American free trade. At the last and most critical mo.-nent, Pennsylvania, whose inter est in the protective policy is a vital one, more close, more obvious, and more su- liberately places herself on the side of free trade by electing William Bigler, the avow ed candidate of that policy, over William F. Johnston, the tried, the true champion of proteotion, and Pennsylvania. Is protec tion, then, to be deemed an "obsolete idea" in Pennsylvania—in the United Stales!" "'We cannot but regard the result of Tues day's election as the evidence of an infatu ation having come upon tho majority of our fellow citizens of Pennsylvania promising to work them much evil. Whatever they in tended. they have pronounced actually a gainst the protective policy—against increas ed duties on coal and iron—in favor ol tba tariff law of 1846." Now let us enquire a little into the tion of the tariff of '46 and see whether it is not more likely that the people of the U nited States will call for a diminution of du ties rather than an increase. During the present year it is universally conceded, that the collections under the tariff will amount to at least sso,ooo,ooo—the cost of collec ting being about $3,000,000, the net pro ceeds will be 847,000,000. This is first paid by the importers and enters into the cost of the imported articles upon which they charge a profit of from 10 to 15 per cent. Next the goods go into the hands of the city whole sale merchants who add their profit of from 12 io 20 per cent. From these they pass in to the hands of the retail merchants through out the Union, who again charge their pro fits of from 20 to 30 per cent. It will be ob served that the profit upon profit, is com pounded at every transfer. By this process, and it is the true one that cannot be contro verted, the last purchasers, or consumers, who are tho whole people of the United Sta tes, are taxed at feast £75,000,000. to place $47,000,000 ia the national treasury ! In addition to this vast sum, the manufac turers of dutiable articles, who produce a bout four fifths of ail that are consumed in the country, under cover of the tariff, in crease their prices, so that they levy upon consumers more than tho government. This can be proved by an investigation of the proper statistics. But we will take a lower figure, far within what the facts would es tablish, ar.d call the levy made by the manu facturers only equal to that made by the government with its expenses and profits say $75,900,099. By adding this to the gov ernment tax above, we have the enormous sum of $150,000,000 actually paid by tho people -of the United Stales, lo place $47,- 000,000 in the treasury ! In other words, the collection of $47,000,000 actually costs the people $103,000,000 ! And yet, in the face of these astounding facts, and in defi ance of this crushing burthen upon the peo ple of the United States, the whig leaders have the inconceivable hardihood to denom inate the tariff of '46 a "free-trade" tariff, and to clamor incesnntly for an increase of duties ! On a further examination of these figures, and coming nearer home, it will be found I that Pennsylvania, having a tenth of the pop- I elation of the Union, pays a tenth of this vast imposition amounting to $45,000,000 an nually ! or to about $7 each for every man, woman and child in the Commouwcalth ! a sum sufficient to pay off our State debt in three years! An aggravation of this system is that it operates unequally and oppressively —people are taxed, not in proportion to their means, but in proportion to the amount they consume—the poor, and those in moderate : circumstances, oftentimes paying more than ' the rich. It increases all the expenses of ' living—every thing we eat, drink and wea r —rents, labor, &c.,,&c. It is a perpetual drain upon d%ry body, and meets all with a charge of more than 30 per cent, whenever money is paid out, no matter what for. In this way it taxes all labqr, all producers. The farmer, in effect, is taxed over 30 per cent, on all he sells, and the mechanic and day laborer are burthened with an equal imposi tion. The pressure is universal upon all transfers of values that enter into daily con sumption, aud yet, good heavens, the Whigs persist in calling it free trade I If we had free-trade truly, and our gov ernment were supported by a direct tax upon property, who oan calculate the immensity of the burthen that would be removed from the national industiy and business ? When Congress assembles now, no question of fi nance is agitated for raising ways and means the money flows into the tress ary so rapidly that the question is, how can it be expen. ded ! and millions of it is lambed upon Gal phin'claims, and other profligate or unneces sary objects. Were direct taxation the re sort, economy would be tbe order of the day and $25,000,000 would carry on the govern ment respectably and strongly, without the corruption and enirgvagauce that now mark its career. Here would be a saving to the national tax payers of $125,000,000 a year —a saving to those of Pennsylvania of $12,- 500,000 ; yet this is a difference which the reason-proof Whigs cannot see, and in dis pite of which they call for an increase of duties I Many despair of seeing real free-trade es tablished for the reason that they think the people would rather pay 8150,000,000 indi rectly, that is, by a perpetual daily and hour ly drain encountered in seemingly volun tary expenditures, than submit to a direct I call by the government tax-gatherers fot $25,000,000; that Congressmen and other public officers are too prone to lavish expen ditures, drawing therefrom too much profit to themselves or Irier.ds to aid in the estab tablishmont of a system which would make the people look closer into the objects of ap propriations- and that tba monopolist man ufactures, who are pocketing yearly under the tariff system $75,000,000, will never re lease their grasp upott such a mountain of plunder whilst venal pens and venal orators can be bought to manufacture ingenious so phistries in favor of protection —to flatter all the legislators, and other public men who side with them, as statesmen of far-seeing views, patriotic uphulders of the interests of American labor; and to stigmatize as Ja cobins, red republicans, Sans culottes, agrari ans, degraders of American labor to the lev el of the pauper labor of Europe, all who oppose the existing crafty scheme of rob bery by indirect taxation. For ourselves, we cannot believe in the existence of such bru tish ignorance as all Whig policy seems based upon—we cannot believe that the peo ple will not see their true intorests, will not see that the present tariff is any thing but tree-trade, and that they will refuse much longer to league with their plunderers, and aid them in pickiug their own pockets. THE UNITED STATES.— The Courier, in an able and well written editorial, upon the present position of the United States com pared with Great Britain, relates the follow ing reminiscence ; "Forty years ago, Europe sat in astonish ment and (error under the shadow of Napo leon's gigantic empire.—At that time, in a I debate in the British Parliament, something was said of the American navy, when a member remarked that 'the American navy consisted of six vessels,' 'whereupon,' says the newspaper account, 'the House burst in to a fit of laughter.' It would be interesting to know how many of those laughing legis lators Pre now living. The gigaqjjc empire of Napoleon has cram bled to dust, aad the despised nation of six vessels has now with in her grasp the empire of the seas and the dominion of the civilized world 1" A JUDGE in Illinois, says that the only way to keep doubt and indecision from the bench is for the bench to listen to only one side. This is the same Blackstone, who once charged a jury as follows : "Gentlemen: This is an action brought by the plaintiff against the defendant. You have heard the evidence on both aides, and the court knows of no point of law that |you may not be supposed to know already. The case is a very plain one, and if upon a care ful review of the testimony, you should think the plaintiff entitled to a verdict, the decision must be in his favor; but if, on the contrary, it should appear that the defendant ought to be the plaintiff in this suit, you will please bring in a verdict lo that effect, believe that is about all that is to be said in the matter. If you think of any thing eise that 1 ought to say, however, I have no ob jection lo mention it." For even-handed justice, this charge even takes down those for which Recorder Wright is distinguished. To TAKE INK OUT ot LINEN. —Take a piece of tallow; melt it, and dip tho spotted part of the linen into the tallow; the linen may be washed, aud the spots will disappear without injuring the linen.— Ex.paper. idtr' The Brussels carpets woven by power j looms in New England, excited a great deal lof attention at the World's Fair. None have ! ever been woven by power looms in Eng | land. j tW A Monk, named Rivalto, mentions in : a sermon preached in Florence in 1305, that ' spectacles had then been known about twen ty years. This would place the invention in tho year 1285. . IF The man who was arrested in Arkan sas last week, for assault and battery, got clear by proving that he was at the time complained of, "too drunk to lift his fist." A novel defence, that E7* Dr. Johnson compared plaintiff and defendant in an action of law, to two men ducking their heads in a bucket, and daring each other to remain the longest under wa tei. ty If you can get a man's thoughts to entertain what is right, you tnay trust him to do what it right, if he have a right principle. OT A broker without money, is a good deal like a man with a good set of teeth, and nothing to eat.—He is willing to bite bat whera is the goose to do it on I tF It costs us more to be miserable than would tupta us ptrijsctly happy. [Two Dollars pr Annum. NUMBER 42. A* Exciting Scene, A few days sinoe, on boaida steamer from Memphis to Cincinnati was a very larg3 crowd of pnsseDgers. Our attention was drawn to the unusual number of passengers crowding below deck ; with the captain and two or three officers we joined the crowd in search of nn incident to drive away the mo notony of a steamboat trip. Arriving at the spot which seemed the centre of the excite ment, we found a man in Quakerlike attire, sitting Spon a large chest, declaring that it should not be broken open unless they kil led him. Soon from the chest, as if M dis tress, was heard a voice apparently of a col ored person. • "Let me out—l had rather go back to my massa. O, mercy ! I can't stay here any longer." "Look here, my friend," says the captain, "von'll have to aet off that chest immedi ately." "I'll be darned if I do," he replied. "0, dear, let me out." came distinctly from the chest, as if in apparent suffoca tion. 'Male," said the captain, "bring some men, take that person off the chest, and break it open." Ihe person showing fight, was seized by the passengers, all believing he was carry ing off Mr. Darkey, contrary to law made and provided. The mate seized an iron bar, and forced it between the lid and body of the chest. "O, don't! you'll Kill me," says the sti fled voice; "I want to go back, O, dear ! I shall die 1" "Hold out a few minutes longer," says a good naturod philanthropic person, stepping out, "you shall soon be released." j Quite an intense feeling was now raised in , the crowd, when the male forced off the lid- I as it came fiom the chest, an unearthly, de j moniac laugh came from the old clothes , with which it was filled, and no sign or ap pearance of any living thing.—Amazement appeared on the countenance of the before angry, but now bewildered lookers on. VVe were shortly after let into the mystery by i the captain, who informed us of what he was before aware, but had forgotten that the inimitable ventriloquist, the "Faker of Ava," stood by, an apparently anxious spectator of the proceedings. The Itfan of Honor* The man of true honor ever forgets an in* sultj or if remembered, it is only with the the kindness of a superior mind looking above the shafts of onvy. True honor gains I nothing bv fending the spirit of contention j for if once that evil is harbored, it is sus tained by the sacrifice of every just and manly principle. The gentle rivulet becomes a torrent when the elements contend; but when the tempest has passed, the waters contract to their former limits, flowing with more freshness and adding new beaut)- to their progress. So the elevated mind, if ev er disturbed by the malice of ignorance and envy, like that little stream, soon regains its wonted gentleness, and feels the happiest for the test. True honor acknowledges it* self in rags as well as in costly raiment—it neede no covering— most beautiful when un- itself in all conditions, for it is of it's cftvn croafing. The world would be its arbiter, and false distinctions of society would restrict it to high station ; but the world would have been made to worship it when clothed in the garb of the lowly. Detraction has no blemish for n-Mt abide ß all worldly tests.— Henry. Time. It waits for no man—it travels onward with an even, uninterrupted, inexorable step, without accommodating itself to the delays of mortals. The restless hours pursue their course; moments press after moments; day treads upon day ; year rolls after year. Does man loiter? procrastinate? Is he listless or indolent ? Behold the days, and montbs> and years, unmindful of his delay are never sluggish, j>ut march forward in silent and solemn procession. Our labors and tods, out ideas and feelings may be suspended by sleep, darkness, and silence; and death may reign around us, but Time knows no stoppages. We may dam up mighty rivers; stop them in journeying to the ocean; gross them back to their source ; but the arrest of Time is beyond the power of any human being, besides Omnipotenee. The clock may cease to strike, the beU to toll; the sun may cease to shine, the moon and the stars withdraw their light; but the busy hours pass on. The mon hs and years must move on, ever forward. U" Dabster says he would not mind living as a bachelor, but when he comes to think that bachelors must die—that they have got to go dowi to the grave "without any body to cry for him"—it gives him a chill that frost-bites hre philosophy. Dabster was seen on Tuesday evening, going convoy to a mil liner. Putting this fact to the other, and we think we "smell something," as the fellow aaid when his shirt took fire. E7* Summer is gone sure enough. Wa took a stroll into the country the other day, and all that was left of '<the painted day* of June" were a few broken-hoarted hollyhocks shivering against an Out house. IST* Among the curiosities just added to the Piaerinctum Institute is ''a caravan 47 yegrs old, sttffted