The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, September 18, 1851, Image 3
1 R __N ; *otnr of tljt Nortl). BI.OOMSBURG: Thursday, September 18, 1851. For the Star of the North. COUNTY FINANCES, 1 observe that the matt who was never out of mischief squirms and whines because he did not get his'' share of county printing. Well, suppose he did not in 1850, who of the tax-payers cares, so that the work was only dona right and not overcharged? He does not tell how much he drew in previous years for printing', r.or how much he got even in 1850 from other officers than the Commissioners. Tho Treasurer, who lives in Montour county and through whom our gounty is yet in litigation for the monny our tax-payers have paid,Jgavo his jobs of print ing to Tale, and who cares or complains? Tate evidently feels that the less said a boutcontingent expenses the better for him, so he turns to the complaint that the printing of assessment books was put by the clerk under the head of books and book binding. Certainly that was the proper place for them to be accounted in. Tbey were posted there when Mr. Mendenhall was Clerk, and when the books cost $66 a set. They were posted there when Mr. Webb priulod them, and again when Tate himself printed v. set. Was this then a "perversion" of the record? The only attention 1 can learn that ho ever gave this account, was to try to get the printing of this set of books in 1850, and when he failed to gel them, to beat down the price. An act so contemptible is ol course beneath denunciation. But complaint for printing comes with an ill grace from a manlike him who on one occasion was compelled by the county com missioners to refund money which he had unfairly overcharged on a job. The tax payers have some interest in knowing that fact. Felty Best used it as a thing over which to make a great noiso about county- Tobbcrs and treasury leeches in Bloomsburg. Such things have and still do bring a heavy odium upon the honest people of our coun ty, and used to creato a deep-seated preju dice against the town. We can hear of such general and sweep ing charges of corruption from every corner of the county, and if tho men who thus "bring disgrace upon our county affairs are encouraged we shall hear more of it. Tho people of Lu/.erue understood this thing bet ter and gave such a man not a cent's worth of county printing They saw at Berwick he had been continually at war with every per son in his way, and spit out his billingsgate slang upon every person who did not feed him with ' Hack mail'' te his liking. He then commenced abusing the Luzerne com missioners and, after distracting the party 'there, abused himself out of that county. As soon as lie catne hero the Democratic party became distracted and divided, and di saster and defeat has been its recurring late ever since. I have desired to see the peo pie of the party and the county united and harmonious, and not the prey of unprinci pled and selfish harpies. I mentioned before, in brief, what swelled the contigeut expenses of the county for the few lastycars. I should only have added to the other items a large sum of interest paid on money which the county was compelled to borrow Nobody ever pretended that the suras as published wete incorrect, nor is there anything wrong in the items which makeup the account. JUNIUS. WARN BURNED.—Wo learn tbT. on Satur day evening last the barn of Mr. John Wat son, of Walsontown, North'd County, was struck by lightning, aad with its corneals of Giain, Hay, &c., was consumed. S I E GLE R St CO'S Embracing four Grand Divisions I A PANORAMA! OF a Voyage from N. YORK to SAN FRAN CISCO, via CAPE HORN, Presenting a se- Ties of Magnificent Viewy of all the Prin cipal Cities and Islands along the Atlantic -and Pacific Coast of North and South Amer ica, A DIORAMA > O V TII E California "Gold Diggings," MAGIC GROTTO, AND PANORAMA OF TIIE LPAEaiIOIE 8 8 The whole combined forming tho most com plete, Moral and Instructive Exhibition ever presented to the Public This stupendous Work of Art was executed by Beveral of the most talented Artists in the world, ftotn the Original Sketches, and covers upwards of 7000 feet of canvess, and will be Exhib ited at the COURT HOUSE in BLOOMS BURG, on FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEM BER 19, 1851, Admittance 15 cts.—Children under 10 years of age 10 ots. Doors open at 7 o'- clock. Panorama commences moving at quarter before 8. ry Lecturer, C. Seigleb. Scene Mana ger, F. Von Rodizkv. Agent, F. Gennings. HOVER'S INK MANUFACTORY, REMOVED TO No, 14 4 ltacc Street, 4ih & sth, opposite Crown St ) PHILADELPHIA, WHERE tho Proprietor is enabled, by increased facilities, to supply the growing demand for HOVER S INK, which its wide spread reputation has created. This Ink is now so well established ia the good opinion and confidence ot the A merican Public, that it is scarcely necessary to say anything in its favor, and the manu facturer takes this opportunity to say that the confidence thus secured shall not be abused. lu adJition to the various kinds of Wri ting Ink, he also manufactures Adamantine Critical for mending Glass and China, as well as superior Hair Dye; u trial only is ne cessary io insure iis luture use, and a Seal ing If 'ax, well adapted for Druggists and Bottlers, at a very low price, in large or small quantities. Orders addressed to JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer, No. 141 Race Street, Between 4th & sth, opposite Crown St., Philadelphia. £*pt. 18, 1851.-3 m To tbe Independent Voters of Col umbia County, FELLOW CITIZENS : I bavo been solicited to be a candidate for the office of ASSOCIATE JUDGE of Colombia county, and now sub mit to you of all parties my claims and qualifications among the other gentlemen named for that position. GEORGE H. WILLIT3. Montour to , Sept. 11, 1851. TO THE FREE ELECTORS OF COLUM BIA COUNTY. FELLOW CITIZENS I offer my claims and qual ifications for the office of ASSOCIATE JUDGE of Columbia County to your con sideration, and respectfully ask your suffra ges. If elected I will endeavor to discharge the duties of the office with impartiality, and to get justly to all men. ISAAC DtWITT. Greenwood township, Sept 17th, 1851. TO THE FIiEN ELECTORS OF COLUM BIA COUNNY. FELLOW CITIRENS;— I respectfully solicit vntir votes for the office of C. OUNTY COMMIS SIONER, and if elected 1 will endeavor to discharge my duties with fan'ness and hon esty for the best interest of all the lax-pay ers of the county. JACOB HAGE]VBUCH. Centre township, Sept. 16th, 1851. TO THE INDEPENDENT ELECTORS OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. FBLLOW CITIZENS J 1 respectfully solicit your i votes at the coming election for the office of I REGISTER AND RECORDER of Columbia | count)', and, if by your suffrages I shall be J thought competent and deserving the office i I will discharge iis duties with attention to j the interests and wishes of the people. DANIEL LEE. Bloomsburg, Sept. 17th, 1851, TO THE FREE ELECTORS OF COLUM BIA COUNTY. FEI LOW CITIZENS : I Solicited to be u candidate i lor the office of COUNTY TREASURER, J by many who do not regard the nomina tions of the late county convention as bind ing. I respectly ask your votes for that of fice, and if electe I will endeavor to dis charge the duties with correctness and safe ty to the tax-payers. JOHN SCHMICK. Cattawissa, Sept. 16th, 1851. Te the Electors of Columbia County, | FELLOW CITIZENS:— At the solicitation of my friends lam induced to be a candidate this fall for ASSOCIATE JUDGE of Colum bia county, and respectfully solicit your suff rages. If elected, I will discharge the du ties of that office with fidelity and imparti- j ality. JOHN COVANIIOVEN. Orangoville, August 30lh 1851. To llic Independent Elector* * of Columbia County. FELLOW CITIZENS : We propose CHARLES I KAHLER Esq., of Bloomsburg as a suitable | person for the office of PROTH ONOTARY of Columbia county. He is competent, and ! being able to speak both German and Ettg- I lioh, we believe him fitted for the office and ' well deserving it. He has consented to be > a candidate, and will be supported by. TFPFV Y VOTERS TO THE INDEPENDENTVOTERS OF CO LUMBIA AND MONTOUR COUNTIES. ! FELLOW-CITIZENS : Encouraged bv many solicitations to be a j candidate this fall for MEMBER OF THE j LEGISLATURE, I respectfully solicit your votes for tbat office, and tender you on hen- | est assurance that, if elected, I will act with j fidelity to the cause of tho people. BENJAMIN P. FORTNF.R. I ALEXANDER HUGHES, Of Centre township tvill be an independent candidate this fall before the people of Co lumbia County for tho office of COUNTY COMMISSIONER, and respectfully solicits the suffrages ut his fellow citizens. riT We are authorised to say that WIL LIAM ROBISON of Bloomsburg, will be a candidate for Associate Judge of Columbia county. Administrators' Notice. NOTICE is hereby given lltaT letters of administration upon the estate of Sam uel Schrock, late of Hemlock township Columbia county, deceased, have been granted to the subscriber residing in Bnck ltorn, Columbia county. All persons jknow ing themselves indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment ar.d those having accounts against the es tate to present them to JACOB HARRIS, Administrator. Buckhorn, August 30lh 1851—6t. Notice. THE Stockholders of the Susquchannn and North and West Branch Telegraph Co. are hereby notified that the Annual Mealing of Stockholders for the Election of officers for said Company will be held at the Montour House in Danville, Montour Coun ty, on the third Tuesday of September next, at three o'clock P. M. A. C. GOELL— President. Aug. 20lh, 1851. Executor's Notice. NOTICE is hereby gtvon that letters tes tamentary upon the estate of Corne lius Rittenhouse lute of Beaver township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in the said township of Beaver. All persons {mow ing themselves indebted to the said estate, are requested to make immediate payment to tho undersigned, and those having ac counts against the decedent to present them to MICHAEL RITTENHOUSE, JOSIAH RITTENHOUSE, PE TER RITTENHOUSE. Executors. Beaver Township, Sept. 16, 1851.—6t OF JEWELRY, KEYS, GLASSES, DIA MONDS for patent levers, detached levers and lepines just received and opened by HENRY ZUPPINGEK. Bloomsburg, September 1, 1851. u. w. weaveuT ATTOMW-AT-ILAW BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO., PA Orrfcs—On the Eait side of Main Street, three squares below Market. P M o GENERAL ELECTION. IN pursuance of an act of tho General As- i sembly of the Commonwealth of l'enn sylvauia, I, PETER BILI/UYER, High Sheriff oi the county of Columbia, in said Commonwealth, do Hereby give notice to the Electors of the county aforesaid, that a General Election will be held in said coun ty o( Columbia, on the SECOND TUESDAY Of OCTOBER next, (it being the 14th day of the said month,) at wnich the STATE and COUNTY OFFICERS, as follows, are to bo elect ed, to wit: One person for Governor of the Slate of Pennsylvania. One person for Canal Commissioner of the State of Pennsylvania. Five persons for Judges of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. One person for ProsiJenl Judge of the 11th Judicial district of the Slate of Penusylva nfa. T'wo persons for Associate Judges ol the seve.'al Courts of Columbia County. One person for .Member of tho House of Representatives of the Slate of Pennsylvania, for Columbia and Montour counties. One per son for ProthonCtary, Clerk of the Oyer and Terminer, Orphan.?' Goutt, and Quarter Sessions of Columbia county. One person for Register of Wills and Re corder of Deiidi? of Columbia county. One person for County Treasurer. One person tor County Commissioner, to serve three year.l - person for Courtly Commissioner to serve one year. One person for County Auditor. I also hereby make known and give no nce that the places .of holding the General Election in the several election districts and townships of Columbia CouL'iJ" 3te 33 I°'" lows: viz. Benlon township at the house of Ezekiel Cole. Beaver township at the house ol Charles Michael. Bloom township at the Court-house" in bloomsburg. Br.'arcreek township at the tow.j houso Jn Berwick- CaUkw.' 333 township at the house of iff A cy Marge rum in Cattawissa. Centre township at the house of Joh.n "Thshingcreek ttfvrshlp at the house of Abiaham Kline. Greenwood township' At tho House oi Jo-, seph Patton. Hemlock township at the Buokhorn. Jackson township at the.' house of Joshua ( Savage. , ~ , „ , 1 Mifflin township at the hou'se ol John kel ler. Madison township at the houso ,if Jacob W. Warner. Mouutpleasant township at the house oi Frederick Miller. Montour township at the houso of Saino'ci Lazarus. # • Maine township at tho house ol Isaac Visi ter. . . . i lloaringcreek township at tho house of Daniel Yeager in Slabtown. Orange township ul the house of Richard Brewer in Orangcville. Sugarloaf township at the house of Lfnas Cole.° Tho general election to ho opened between the hours of 8 and 10 o'clock in thn fore noon, and shall continue without interrup tion or adjournment until 7 o'clock in the evening, when tho polls shall he closed. In pursuance of an Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, entitled "An Act relating to the electious of this Commonwealth," passed the second day of July A. D. 1839, notice is hereby given : "That no person shall bo permitted to vote ut any election as aforesaid, other than a white Iree man of the ago of twenty-one years or more, who shall-have resided with in the Slate at least one year, and in the election district where he offers to vote at least ten days immediately proceeding such election, and within two years paid a state or county tax, which shall have been asses sed at least ten days before the election. But a citizen ol the United Slates, who had been previously a qualified voter of litis stuo, and removed therefrom and returned, and who shall have resided in the election district, and paid tax as aforesaid, shall be entitled to a vote after residing in this Slate six months ; provided, '.hat the white irceman citizens of the United States, between tho ages of twen ty-one and twenty two yeais, and having re sided in this stale one year, and in the elec tion district ten days aforesaid, shall be en tilled to vote, although they shall uot have p a id taxes. '•No person shall be permitted to vols whose name is not contained in the list of taxable inhabitants ittrnished by the Com missioners as aforesaid unless first he pro duces a receipt fot the payment within two year*, of a state or county tax assessed agreeably to the constitution and givo satis factory evidence, either in his own oath, or affirmation of another, that he has paid such a tax, or on iailure to produce a receipt, shall make oath to the payment thereof; or. second, il he claims a right to vote by being an elector between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-two years, he shall depose, on oath or affirmation, that he has resided in the state at least one year next before his ap plication, and make such proof of residence ID his district as is required by this act, and that ho does verily believe from the account given him that he is of the age aforesaid, and give such other evidence as is required 'by this act whereupon the name of the per son so admitted to vote shall bs inserted in the alphebetieal list by the inspectors, and a note made opposite thereto by writing the word ''lax" if he shall be admitted to vote by ronson of having paid a tax, or the word "ago," if he shall be admitted to vote on ac count of his age, and in either case the rea son ef such vote shall he called out to tho clerks, who shall mark it in the list of voters kept by them. "In all cases where tho name of the per son claiming to vote is not found on the list furnished by the commissioners and assess ors, of his right to vote, whether found there on or not, is objected to by any qualified cit izens, it skull he tho duty of the inspectors, to examine such person on oath ns to his qualifications, and if he claims to have resi ded within tho state for one year or more, his oath shall be sufficient proof thereof, but he shall make proof by at least one compe tent witness, who shall he a qualified elect or, titat he has resided within the district for more than too days next immediately pro ceeding said election, and shall also himself swour that his bona fidd rosldonoe, in pursu ance of his lawrul calling, is within the dis trict and that he did not remove in the said district for the purpose of voting therein. "Every person qualified as aforesaid, and who shall make duo proof if requwed, of residence and payment of taxes, as afore said, shall he permitted to vote in the town ship, ward, or district in which he shall re side. "If any perxnn ahull prerant or attempt to prevent any officer of an erection under tbis act from holding such election, or use or threaten any violence tq. any such officer or I shall interrupt or improperly interfere with | him in tho execution of his duty, or shall block up or attempt to block the window or avenue to any window where the same may be holden, or shall riotously disturb the peace at such election or shall use or prac tice any intimidation, threats, force or vio lence, with design to influence unduly over awe any elector, or to prevent him frem vo ting, or to restrain the freedom of choice, such person on conviction shall bo fined in any sum not exceeding five hundred dol lars and be imprisoned for any time not less that one or more than twelve months. And [ if it shall be shown to tho court where the J trial of such offence shall be had that the 1 person so offending was not a resident of the [ city, ward, district, or township, where the said offence was committed and not entitled to a vote therein, then on conviction, he shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than one hundred dollars, and be imprisoned not less than six months nor more than two : years. "If any person or persons shall make any bet or wager upon the result of any election within this Commonwealth, or shall offer to make any such bet or wager, either l>y ver bal proclamation thereof, or by any written or printed advertisement, challenge oi invite any person or persons to make such bet or wager, upon conviction thereof he or they shall forieit and pay three times the Amount so bet or offered to be bet." I also make known and give notice as in and by the 13th section of tho aforesaid act lam directed, "that every person except justice of lire peaeo, who shall hold any of fice or appointment of profit or trust under the Uuited States, or of this Slate, or of any city or incorporated district, whether a com missioned officer or otherwise, a snbordi nale officer or agent, who is, or shall be em ployed under the legislative, judiciary, or ex ecutive department of this Slate or United Stales, or any city or incorporated district; and also, that every member of Congress, aud of the Slate Legislature, and of the se lect or commpn council of any city, or com missioners tif-any incorporated district, is by law incapable ol holding or exercising at the same time, the office or appointment of Judge, Inspector, or Clerk of any election of this Common wealth, and that no Inspector or Judge or any oilier officers of any such election, shall be eligible to any office then toTfe voted for." And by the same act of Assembly it is al so made "the duty of every .Mayor, Sheriff", l>eputy Sheriff, Alderman, Justice of the ' l'eace, Constable or Deputy Constable, ot ' every city, county, township or district with ! in this Commonwealth, whenever called up lon by an officer of an election, or by llireo 1 qualified electors thereof, to clear any win ] c'ow or avenue to any window of tho place i of General Election, which shall be obstruct , ed i. - i such a way as to prevent voters front i a opto aching the same ; and it shall be the | vo f the respective Cotistable of such warn - district or township, within this Com- I monwi 11 ' I '' l 10 ' )B P rCfien( pqrscni or by deputy at tt,e P' lloo hoh'ing such Elec ! jJ,' Sl icli ward, dist/ict or township, for ; the purpose °f preserving tho peace as afore said." , Pursuant to tL in the I 76th section of tlu" 001 a,or( f a ' , '> ll,o Juil - 08 iof the aforesaid . 8 laU I lake charge of the ce.'""-* 10 of 1,10 'election of their rcspt o !'™ d'strtcls and I produce them at a meeh/'g n fro.'n each distiiot of Colum "j 1 0 " . t). o Court JloUse in Blooms. °" 1110 third chiy after the elevic.i twin* u.' o W®' e P' yetu on Friday the 17th day of r , l,e . x t thou and there to do and perform the' o required by law of said Judges. Also, !{■' where a J.tdge by sicknees or unavoidable accident is u.viable to attend said meeting Judges then the certiflictuto or return afore said"shall bo taken charge of by one of tho Inspectors or Clerks of the election of said district, who shall c'o and perform the duties required of said Judges unable to attend. The Return JudgO* of the Representative District composed of fhe counties of Colum bia an:! Montour, will .meot at the Court House in Bloomsbtirg, on Tuesday tho 21st of October next, to perform ltj.ise' duties joined by law upon the said Judges. EF* Tho return judges of this Judicial District will meet at tho Court hou'se Bloomsbnrg on Tuesday the 21st day ot Oc tober to discharge tho duties required of them by law. Given under my hand at the SlierifTs of- I f.ce in Bloomsburg this 4th day of Septem- j ber 1851 : 1 God save the Commonwealth i I'ETER BILLMYER Sheriff REAL ESTATE AT 2 rriWO valuable farms will bo offered lor i. sale upon the premises at the residence of tbe late Leonard Lazarus in Montour tp., Columbia county on Saturday the 11 tli day of October 1851. The tracts will be offered for sale sepa rately or together, as may suit purchasers. The one contains 115 Acres and 82 perches of goon land, which is all cleared except some 30 actes, and is in n good stato of cul tivation. Upon this is a jllll FARM HOTJSE A Barn, two apple orchards, a spring house, other outbuildings, and a good Spring of Water near the house. The land con tains a large body of am.Q&SS" OOLsaOSs, "And a good bed of LIMESTONE. The other tract adjoins this and has been a part of the same farm. It contains 124 Acres and 102 perches, of which about 30 Acres are Woodland. The remainder is well improved, and there are upon tho prem ises A HOUSE AND STABLE and a WELL OF WATER near tho door. EST Sale to commence at 10 o'clock of the said day, when attendance will be giv en and terms made known by EMANUEL LAZARUS, Adms'tr. with the will annexed. Orangeville, September 10, 1851. IFWHSILaIECS SAHjIS ©I? I IN of an order of tho Orphans I Court of Columbia county, on Saturday { tho 18th day of October next, at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon, Luther A. Garman and Clemuol M Henry Adnt's. &c., of Daniel M'Henry late of Fishingcroek township, in said county, deceased will expose to gale by ' Public Vendue, upon tbe premises, a certain tract ot 1 1 O O A CK L S ' jfci -WOODLAND J&L ' In Fishing-Creek township Columbia coun ty, adjoining land of J. Deitner M'Henry, Moses M'Henry, Joseph Fullmer and Philip Apple man. Lata the Estate of said deceased, situate . in the township of Fishingcroek and county aforesaid. 1 JACOB EYERLY, Clerk. Bloomsburg, Sept. 11, 1851.—1 a © u IE © vsr Hj & Hi 0 1 SURVEYOR GENERAL'S OFFICE OF PA. | June 30, 1851. j SOLOMON NEYH'ABU, Esquire, Surveyor of the County of Columbia : Sin:—"Jlto act passed the tenth day of April, 1835, authorizing the graduation and valuation of the unpatented lands in this Commonwealth, by the Commissioners of the several counties, and which has been extended from lime to time by supplemen ary acts, expires on the tenth day of De cember, 1851 (seo Pamphlet Laws, 1849, pago 38,) alter which lime no abatement of any interest can be made on the purchase money due on such lands. 1 have, fliere fore, conceived it to bo my duly to give this notice to all the County Surveyors. You will take such measures as you may deem proper to circulate this fact, in order that those interested may avail themselves of the benefit of a law which favors those who own unpatented lands very much. There is no appropriation made to defray the expenses of publishing this notice in the different counties, or else I should have ta ken that method of giving notice in the news papers. Very respeetfuly yours, J. POUTER BRAWLEY, Surveyor Gen. O?* The county Surveyor has a list of the unpatented lauds within the county of Col umbia. July 26, 1851.—3t. IV' EW CARRIAGE ! THOUSANDS HAVE GONE TO CAL FOUNIA, but the business of Coach and Wagon making will be continued by the sub scriber at tire old stand on Market street. He will promptly attend to all orders for work in his lino of business, and is always ready, at short notice, to furnish Wagons, Coaches Carriages, Buggies. Sleds and Sleighs of any style ; but always of the best materials, and made in tho most substantial manner. He wiH give his personal attention to the business, and employ nono but good work men. Repairing will be attended to with care, and upon the most reasonable terms.— Ho proposes to servo his customers to such work as will secure for him a continuance o their patronage, and from all who need arti cles in his line of business. Ho asks only a I rial of his work to insure satisfaction. JONATHAN MOSTELLER. GIVE 'EM FITS!! Peter S. Leidy i Can manufacture just as neat and fashiona ble a suit of clothing as any other tailor it theso digging. As a sample of his work miinship, no refers you to the BEST FITTING COXT To be found in the town, which is quifo cer tain to have como from his shop. Ho regularly receives the latest city fash ions, and from his experience in tho buei j ness can ensure satisfaction in his work. I He has also on hand an assortment of | CLOTH, CASSIMERES, & TRIMMINGS, | At the lowest prices, from which he will [ make up to order coatr, pants, or vests of any ' desirable style. ! shop is on the North side of Main j Street, a few doors above the Court-house. Blooyiburg, Feb. 14, 1850. ;j wMiaEG'iEo mEi<&ißaysr®Hss CiV" 4 ' iN E W 5 A I) 1) L E II S II 0 r - The BubseriL >er announces to the pubilc that he has just op' elK * d a Saddler Shop in the central part of lfloo. ns. uirjj, on i\laui street, ! one door above RupCt - x Storo, where he i will keep constantly on baf?d and make to ' order all kinds of HARNESS, SADDI.ES, TRUNKS, VALIECES, A, ,1 e'very Other article in his line' of bl >*'' ' j"'e will also attend to TRUVL.MIfSG carriacCb •' vlul bu S^ o!l ) in ever y desirable . =■ i turn otr all his work neat anj wish work in his ,ule Wl " do * elllo S ,ve him n call. . , ~ rg'-Hides, countrypr, duce > n " d oven gold dollars will bo taken fa Bloomsburg, May 15, 184t>. BLOOMSBCIt(a ACADEtci'** A HIGH SCHOOL for Young Ladies and Gentlemen. J. E. BRADLEY, Principal. A sufficient number of competent Assis tants will at all times be employed. The ensuing Fall Session will commcnco on MONDAY the Ist day of September next, and will continue 16 weeks. TERMS. The academic year consists of 44 weeks. | The price of tuition per quarter is as fol lows : For Reading, Penmanship, Grammar, A ilhmolic, Book-Keeping by single entry, Geography, History of the U. S. $3 25 For same, and Algebra, Geometry, Sur veying, Mensuration, Botk Keeping by dou ble entry, General History, Natural History, Physiology. Philosophy, other English bran ches, auu drawing. S4 50 For Latin, Greek, German & French, 5 75 OP Good boarding can be obtained in pri vate families at from Si 50 to $2 00 per week. REFERENCES. —CoI. Joseph Paxton. Hon. Stephen Baldy, Hon* Geo. Mack, Michael Brobst, Esq., John M'lieynolds, Esq., ar.d the Citizens of Bloomsburg. Bloomsburg, Aug. 12, 1851. H. b. eow3R7 T> espeelfully oilers his professional service •*■*'lo tho ladies and gentlemen of Blooms burg and vicinity. He is prepared to attend to all the various operations in DENTISTRY and is provided with the latest improved porcelain teeth, which will be inserted on GOLD PLATE from one to an entire set. OFFICE—NEAR THE ACADEMY Bloomsburg, April 30 1851 Moiiougaiiela Whiskey* Tithe subscribers are in constant receipt and -*■ consignment ot OLD MONONGAIIELA WHIS KEY from Pittsburg, of vnrious grades, which they oiler for sale in lots to suit purchasers— recommending it as being pure, unadultera ted Rye. A Superior article of Cherry Brandy con stantly on hand. ALSO Hams, Lard, Cheese, &c. ECKY & WATKIN, No. 13 South Water St., Philadelphia. Aug. 24th 1851.—3 tn. WINDSoIf AND COMMON CHAIR made to order of any desirable style at tk chair manufactory of B.HAGENBHCII Bloomsburg, May l<ith 1850. Philadelphia k Reading Rail Road. REDUCTION of frieght on Merchandize,, lo commence March 1, 1851. KATES OF FREIGHT PER 100 LBS. Between PMsvillc and Philadelphia. ARTICLES TRANSPORTED. — lsl Class.—Bi tuminous Coal, Bricks, Ice, Iron Ore, Lime stone, Eig Iron, Plaster, Slate, Tiles, 0 cts. 2d Class. —Blooms, Burr Blocki, Cement. Grmdstones, Guano, Laths, Pitch, Railroad Tror., heavy, Rosin, Salt, Sills, Shingles, far, Turpentine, Timber and Lumber, 10 cts. 3rd Class. —Ale, Beer, and Porter, Ashes, Pot & Pearl, Bark, Barley, Bones & Horns, Coffee, Cotton, Whiskey, & Domestic Li quors, Grain, Iron Castings, rouuh; Rolled, Bar or Hammetod Iron, Boiler Plates, Flat Bar Rail Road Iron, Lead and Shot, Mo lasses, Potatoes, Nails & Spikes,' Salt I'rovl sions, Sugar, Saltpetre, and Tobacco, un manufactured, 12J els. Flour per barrel, 25 els. 41ft Class. —Apples, Bran, Butter, Cheese, Cordage, Earthen Ware, E"gs, Grocer is (except those stated) Hemp, Hardware, and Cutlery, Hollow-ware , Lard, Leather, Live Stock, Manufactures of Iron, as Machinery; Oil, Oysters, Paints, Raw Hides, Rags, Rus sia Sheet Iron, Seeds, Steel, Sweet Potatoes, Tullow, Vinegar and Wire, 17 els. sth Class. —Books and Stationary, Boots & Shoes, Camphinc, and Spirit Oil, China, Glass and Queenawaro, Cigars. Confectionery, Dry Goods, Drugs, Fresh Fish, Meat & Fruit, Fo reign Liquors, Hops, Spirits of Turpentine Teas, Wines and Wool 22 els. March 13, 1851. NOV lIII'OKIKItS AC JOUHIIKS. FREEMAN, HODGES & CO., 58 Liberty street, between Broadway and Nas sau-street, near the Post Office, New York. WE are receiving, by daily arrivals frurn Europe, onr Fall and Winter assortment of rich fashionable fancy silk and millinery goods. Wo respectfully invite alt Cash Purchas ers thoroughly to examine our Slock niul Prices, arid as interest governs, wo feel con fident onr Goods and Prices will induce theiri to select from our establishment. Particular attention is devoted to MILLINERY GOODS, and many of the articles are manufactured expressly to our order, and cannot he sdr passed in beauty, style and cheapness. Beautiful Parts Kibbous, for Hat, Cap, Neck, and Belt. Satin anil Talfela Ribbons, of all widths and colors. Silks, Satins, Velvets, and Uncut Velvets, for Hats. Feathers, American and French Artificial Flowers. Puffings, and Cap Trimmings. Dress Trimmings, large assortment. Embroideries, Capes, Collurs, Under sleeves and Cnife. Fine embroidered Ueviere and Hemstitch Cambric Handkerchiefs. Crapes, Lisses, Tarlelons, Illusion and Cap Laces. Valencienes, Brussels, Thread, Silk, and Lisle thread Laces. Kid, Silk, Sewing Silk, Lisle Thread, Merino Gloves and Mills. Figured and plain Swiss, Book, Bishop Lawn and Jaconet Muslins. English, French, American and Italian Straw Goods. Aug. 28, 1851-Gm. J.V LIGHT STREET. I'IiTHR IJi\T Announces to the people of Light Street, 'hat he has just received and opened a splen dod lot of new and tashionablo Spring; and Summer Goods, which ho offers at rates that cannot fail tc suit and pleaso all who wish a good chance for cheap purchasers. He has every thing usually kept in t country storo, Dry floods, Groceries, Uaril ware, Queenswaru, Cedar Ware. Dress Goods mid Fancy floods, of styles to please all lasts, and at prices tr a suit all purses. Call and see before the bt is gone. , Country produce taken in pay, am s cash not refused. 3 bight Street, Apri sth, 1851. Spring anil Summer goob3. All new and Cheap. i AAKCIT ZLXHIS s Jnvites the attention of the good people o I -- Bioomsburg to his stock o[ new and fash i jonaNo spring and summer goods which lit I, as iust opened in the Brick Block third doo above' the Exchange Hotel in Bioomsburg and which he w'.'U sell CHEAPER THAN THE CIIEPEST, lit has an tfworttneiif of Dry Goods, Fuucy Goods, READY MADE CLOTHING, And a full variety of dress-goods for la dies and genllemeus' wear and fancy. I ibaib®AlßJß C a 'U bo made by purchasers tvho will call and ''' 3 S OOl -' 8 , for he will sell, ami sell 20 w> ' CHnl - ' ess 'hati the goods can be bought)s^ her f Bloumsbu.'g, P 23d, 1801. The Housewife's Ht.'f and Husband's Joy ! THE GEKiUAN W,* SH,NG FEUIU DOES away entirely witn ,lhM laborious task of rubbing the CloU.' hpon the washboard. It contains no i tents hat ever injurious to the finest fabrw or the flesh. Tho proprietors wish every one to £if<r Jt a trial, and it it does not prove to bo as re commended, die money, in every such ca.'O will be refunded. Full directions accompa ny each bottle. Retail price 124 Cents per Bottle, sufficient to do two ordinary washings, and saving the Clothes more by not rubbing them than the cost of six bottles—besides removing stains of fruit, &c., if tlieie he any, and the time and labot saved. Prepared only by 1. P. HOV'T & CO. Philadelphia. J. K. Edgar, Bioomsburg, Agent lor Col umbia County. All orders received by him wholesale or retail, will De promptly attended to. ~ Land Far Sale TIMIE undersigned Executor of Jacob Good, deceased, offers to to sell at private sale, 30 Acres of the Real Estate. of said daceased, situate on, Fisbingcreek and in Fishing Creek township, adjoining other lands of liio Estate, and lauds of Mi chael llaber and others. The laud is valua ble—is mostly improved and is in a fa vorable situation The sale is made under a power in the will of Jacob GoojJ, and tlie title is unquestionable. Conditions made known by tho undersigned resident in Huntington, Luzerne county, or by James McHenry resident uear the premises. E. WADSWOUTH, June 12, 1850. Executor of Jacob Good. Fancy Chairs. BENJAMIN HAGRNBUCH has just re ceived from Philadelphia a new lof ot FAN CY CHAIRS, of Birch and Mahogany curl, and of the most fashionable style, which he will sell at the lowest prices for good pay, Bloomsburg, May 16th, 1850, VALUABLE BOOKS. JUST PUBLISHED AND FOR SALE BY JOHN S TAfLOR, Bookseller and Publisher, 143 NASSUA STREET, NEW-YORK.. The following books will be sent by mail, free of postage, to any port of Iho United States, on the receipt of tlio money for the same, which may be forwarded by mail, at the risk of the Publisher. THE SACRED MOUNTAINS, fly Rev. J. T. Headley, 1 vol. 12m0., Illustrated, full cloth. SI,00; cill edges, extra, Si,so. THE SACKED MOUNTAINS. By Rev. J. T. Headley, 1 vol. 18 mo., without the plates. Sunday School edition. 50 cts. SACRED SCENES AND CHARACTERS, By Rev." J. T. Headley—l vol. 12mo, Illustrated, full cloth, SI 00; gilt edges, $1 50. SACRED SCENES AND CHARACTERS. By Rev. .J. T. Headley. 1 vol, 18ino ;l without the plates. Sunday School edi tion, 50 cis. HISTORY OF THE PERSECUTIONS AND BATTLES OF THE WALUENSES. By Rev. J. T Headley.— 1 vol. 18mo , Illus trated, full cloth, 50 cts. HISTORY OF THE WALDENSES. By Rev. J. T. Headley. 1 vol. 18 mo. Sun day School edition. 31 cts. NAPOLEON AND HIS DISTINGUISHED MARSHALS. By Rev. J. T. Deadly.— 1 vol. 12in0., Illustrated, full cloth, SI., LUTHER AND CROMWELL. By Rev. J. T. Headley.— 1 vol. 12tno , Illustrated, full cloth, SI. RAMBLES AND SKETCHES. By Rev. J. T. Headley—l vol. 12ni0., Illustrated, full cloth, 81. THE POWER OF BEAUTY. By Rev. J. T. Headley—l vol. 18ino., Illustrated, lull cloth, 50 cts ; gilt edges, extra, 75.c15. LETTERS FROM THE BACKWOODS AND THE ADRONIDACK. By Rev. J T. Headley—l vol. 12ni0., full cloth, 50 cts. BIOGRAPHY OF THE SAVIOUR AND HIS APOSTLES. With a portrait of each, en graved oil slepl. With an essay oil the Character of the Apostles, by Rev. J. T. Deadly.— 1 vol- liino., 15 engravings, Si; gil. edges, extra, 75 cts. THE BEAUTIES OF REV. J. T. HEADLEY. With his Lilu.— 1 vol. ISino, Illustrated, 50 cts: gilt edges, extra. Si,so. HEROINES OF SACRED HISTORY—Lv Mrs. Steele. Illustrated with splendid e gravings. 1 vol. l£mo; new enlarged and revised edition, SI; gilt edges, extra, 51 50. ' TIIEOPNEUSTY, OP. THE PLENARY IN SPIRATION OF THE HOLY SCRIP TURES. By Professor Cansscii of Gene va. Translated by Rev. E. N. Kirk. A new and enlarged edition. 1 vol. 12mo , 410 pages, Si. SHANTY THE BLACKSMITH: A T.w.'c ov OTHER TIMES.—By Mrs. Sherwood. 1 vol. ISmo., Illustrated, rid cts. LILY OF THE VALLEY. By Mrs. Sher wood.— 1 vol ISino., Illustrated. 50 cts. THE SHORTER CATECHISM OF THE REV. ASSEMBLY OF DIVINES. With Proofs thereof out of t'no Scriptures, in words at leuth. Per 100, S3. Extracts from opinions of the Press., Sacrcil Scenes and Characters —By the Rev- J. T. Headley. This work may be very properly considered a companion to the " Sacred Mountains,' by the same author. Its object is to illustrate arid ''render rnoio life-like" the sacred writings. It is not tlio author's design to supersede the Bible. But his wish is excite a solicitude to obtain, and to become intimately acquainted and per fectly familiar with its history, doctrines and laws; to know its truth to imbibe its spirit, feci its power, and pahake of its salvation; in a word, to prize in sorro measure as it deserves, this treasure which is indeed be yond price. We predict for it a circulation far beyond any of the author's former works [ The News, Jan. 7th. Rambles end Sketches —By Rev. J. T. Head ley. We have not for a long time sat down to a book with more pleasing anti'cipauons, or found those anticipations more fully re alized, than in the perusal of the work be fore us, and we know it will be hailed with gratification by the many admirers of the talented author. His "Napoleon and his Marshals" was, perhaps, as popular and found at least as many enthusiastic readers as any book that can be mentioned. We think llie Rambles and Sketches aro des-i lined to be as popular at least as any of his previously published works. There is not a dull chapter in the work, filled as it is with "an infiuilo variety." The author has am ple room and verge enough for the employ ment of his fine talents to great advantage, and most successfully lias lie accomplished the task. The biographical sketch of not author is interesting and "well considered," and adds much to the value of the bowK, which is got up in a very neat and altracu style by the publisher.— See Portland Tran script, Dec. 15th. Mr, Hcadlcy is one of themost promising wri, ters of HIM couilli Y , anil we liavo hero one of hi. , host hooks—ol.e oil which ho can safely real his fame: It possesses Iho unfatigning rharma of perioft simplhily and tiulh. There is graceful frankness pervading the composition,. which en gages the interest of lite reader in the tiaihor ns well as in the subject, his rumbles about Route. Paris and London exhibit a thousand tiaits ofuti ingenuous natu e, upon which a man of tasto will delight to linger. We predict for this a aale equal to that ol any of the author's works. [New Voik News. Tho collection is one of which no ttuthor need he ashamed. It consists, indeed, of sumo of Mr. Headlcy"sjitost brilliant and highly fin [ ished compositions of those specimens of his abilities by which he may be judged with the greatest safety to his fame as a word-pnintor hud thinker. [New York Tribune, N. B. Tho abovo books will be forwarded to order at tho niiccs mentioned, free bf postage, to any part or the United Stales, on-the receipt ,'f Olden, Willi the money. Money may be sent by mail at toy risk. JOHN S. TAYLOR, Publisher, 143 Nassau at, New York. C. C. MARR, Sjii."B-' ,#u nnd Mechanical Demist RESPECTFULLY offers liis professional services to ij'd Ladies ami Gentleman of Orangoville nmi its vJuiiT'lv, Ho is provided with the the latest improved PORCELAIN TELTII, which will he inserted on Pivot or Gold plato to look as well as the natural. The cavities of decayed tetiili will bo dressed out and filled with Gold of the finest quality, which will prevent their further decay or aching, and render them useful for many years in MOST cases during life. and other * foreign substances, will bo removed, ren dering the Teeth clean and the Gums and breath sweet und healthy. Teeth, ami stumps of Teeth, which have become use less or troublesome, will be extracted with the latest and most approved instruments, in the careful and scientific manner, and with the least possible pain. Persons desi rous of procuring whole sets of Teeth would 1 do well to givo him a call, as much time, trouble, and expense might be saved by having their work done at homo. In short, he is prepared to attend to every thing in the line of Dentistry, and his performances will bo warranted to answer all the useful ami ornamental purposes of the art. For references apply to his numerous cus tomers. P. S. Permanent residence, Oratgtville, Columbia County, Pa.