The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, September 11, 1851, Image 4

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    The Geiletl Because the Best Fan.
fly Medicine iu the World
ATIVE PILLS, thoy liave succeeded in
-curing some of the worst cases, of diseai
over recorded, and tire daily accomplishin
the restoration of jtorsons after having tried
in vain to obtain relief from any other
Rourco. Ono of tho Proprietors is a regular
physician of extensive experience, who de
votes his time exclusively to their prcpcra
tion. For FEVER & AGUE, they have nev
er yel failed. At least o:*e thousand casus
in the neighborhood of Philadelphia, have
been cured since the first of Sept., last. In
Dyspepsia, Rheumatism. Liver Complaints
Sciofuia, for Worms, ami all other disease,
of children, they arc unequalled by anything
ever prepared for tho purpose, while for the
vaiious diseases of Females there is no me
dicine can compare With them. Thoro is
more of them sold—they aro in greater do
mand than another pill—and when onco
introduced family, they need no othor
medicine. Each box containing Fifty Pills
renders them the cheapest whilo thoy are
decidedly Ihc best, as well as tho mildest in
action, of any now in tho market.
The Editor of the "Citi/ Item," thus
speaks of them:
TSP READEII, you arc suffering from fever 1
and ague, and you have never tried IVors
dell's Vegetable Restorative Pills. Shake no
-more. There is still hope for you—you inay
yet be cured - Go, or send at onco to A.
Weeks &. Co., 70 North Eighth etreot. and
procure a box of these unrivaled pills, which
areasovrcign antidote for this distressing
L'ol. Forney of the Pennsylvania)!,
says :
WORSPF-LL'S PILLS. —This excellent family
medicine is daily winning now t-iumphj
over disease, and consequently in ti, a high
load to public favor. Iu the removal of the
every day ills that liesh is heir to, wo know
of no better compound. Wo heard the oth
er day of u desperate case of scrofulous o
ruptions ol tho head aud lace being enirely
cured by them.
Du Sullc of the "Times," says :
IST The great popularity of Worsdoll'a
Vegetable Pills, is attributed lo the just mer
it which thoy really possess. Thoy have
Leon quietly gaining tho fame they now
'havo. by tho force of their own virtues.
Tho means usually employed to givo eclat
to new remedies havo not boon ndoptcd by
tho proprietors. They havo been content to
lot their medicine speak fot itself. It is now
doing it in every section of tho country.
They aro for sale by most of tho Store
Keepers throughout the Country,and in quan
tities at reasonable rates, nt the Laboratory
No 70, North Eighth Street.
A. WEEKS & Co., Proprietors.
Agents, JOHN R. JMYKIt, BloomsJiurg:
I K. Lazarus, Orangcville,
M. G. Shoemaker, Buckliorn,
Funston & Dicfcnbach, Jorscytown,
M. C. Gricr, Danville,
C. Hartmau & Co., Cattnwissa, and In
most merchants throughout tho ttonntry.
(£or S/<rinj} nni Bmnmcr.
wis. sso saßn,\ra: & <u©o
T-fnvo just received and opened o largo as
sortment of new spring and summer
goods, which they offer to their old custo
mers and new ones at the lowest prices.
Their stock is large, and selected to suit the
wants of this region of country. It compri
ses every thiug of
and those who have long patronised them
are the best judges of their modo ol doing
business ; and the longcontiucd coufidenco of
ilic commmunity is tho best rccommoiula
lion they can otter to new patrons. Their
stock of goods will bo kept up by by the re
ceipt of new parcels from the city, noarly
every week during tho summer.
Bloornsburg, April 22d, 1851.
800 I S di SHOES.
pjl AT THE LOWEST riUCES.^^^^^
Respectfully announces to his friends and tho
public that lie has taken tho Boot and Shoo
Store lately kept by Warren Russcl, where
ho has always on hand and makes to order
all kinds of Boots aud Shoes at the following
Men's fine calf or morocco boots, $1 a I 50
do kip or cow hide, 3 25
do calf times 2 00
do cow hide, 1 75
do miners', nailed, 2n 2 50
Ladios' gaitors, 2 a 2 25
" l.ace boots. 1 62
" Thick soled slippers lal 37
" I'ump soled, 100
" Jonny Lind,s 125 a 1 50
Boys', youihs' and children's shoes in pro
portion. Ho manufactures his work of tho
best of stook—warrants it to wear; aud is
determined to sell it as low ns others can
their Yankee or city work. Call and sco (or
yoursclvos. {Shop on Alain St., next door
below Hartmati's Store.
Bloornsburg, April Ist, 1851.
,1 nn ■"! sxaJJ*
Tho subsctiber announces to tho pubile
that ho has just opened a Saddler Shop in tho
central part of Bloornsburg, on Alain street,
ono door abovo Rupert's Storo, where ho
will keep constantly on hand and mako to
order all kinds ot
And ovory other articlo in his lino of bttsi
noss. He will also attond to TItIMAHNG
carriages and buggies, in every desirable
stylo, and will turn oil all his work neat aud
good ; and ul tho lowost pneos. Those who
wish Work in his lino will do well to give
him a call.
GTHidcs, country produco, and oven gold
dollars will bo taken m payment for work.
Bloornsburg, May 16, 1849.
Announces to tho reading world in general,
and the good people of BToomsburgh in par
ticular that he has removed h'.s Bookstore to
the lower corner of Biggs Brick Block oppo
site the Court House, where he has a full
variety of Books for all manner ot men and
women kind. He has all tho popular works
of the day upon Morals, lloligion, History,
Literature, Politics and Travels ; and a gen
eral selection of all school books, English,
Classical, German and French.
He has also a sweot lot ol Cotifcctiouarics,
s: ' ,or ' t st " O PP OB ' IO
iffißwifS" iKHB'' 10 I'hilntlcl|ihia Exchange.
Soap Htono I.incJ
Kcyhulu Cover BALA-
Firo and thief
warranted lo aland more beat than any other
chests in tho country. AIo, Patent Air Cham
lie- IRON CHE TS, 170(1 now in one. They
aUocontinno to make (he ordinary Fire I'roofa
at very low prices.
We, tho undtrsigrcd (were prcaent on the 11
doy of September, when Meaors, Evans A Wat
sen tested ono of their Salamander Firo l'roof
Chests, at which time they consumed five
cards of wood over it, commencing at 'J A. M.
and continuing until It o'clock, P. M., making
vc hours intonse heat, amounting to a white
heat. The Chests remained in the firo until
the next morning, when it woe opouc in our
prcsonco, and all tho hooks ond papers tuken
out, having been preserved entire. The above
named Chest, together with tho books and
papore, may he cxuinincd by calling at the Store
ol Evans & Wuteop, 83 Dock strict.
TH()3. lIANSELL, 13th st., above Arch.
SAMUEI, L. DA Vl3, 111, IV. Third at.
Messrs. Evans & Watson:
Gentlemen -Having bocn present when tho
conicnts of the Chest alluded to in the above
ccitifiealo wcic exposed to view, 1 take pleasure
in adding my testimony to Ihc perfect security of
the papers. No mark of Are was apparent on
any ol ihom. Respectfully,
Philadelphia, b'ept 16.
Messrs. Evans & 'Vatson, Philadelphia;
Gentlemen—We have much pleasure in re
commending your Fire Pioof Chests to the no
tice of the public—the ono we purchased from .
you having saved our books ami contents cflcc- j
luslly,after undergoing a vety severe heat duiing j
the fire, which destroyed the entire block of buii- j
dings on A'ch street wharf, on the Schuylkill, on ]
the6ill of June, 1819.
Fours, very res ully,
Seal and i.cllcr Copying Presses, Fire proof j
Doors for Uanks olid Stores; Patent Slate l.incd
Refrigerators, warranted suporior tn ull othora,
Water Filtors, Truck Wagons for Stoics, Sho.v
or Dalhs of tho best quality,
June 6 th, 1861-ly
LsLlQaQ^o.'XQ.<^>lL O CT
\ BOUT two years ago a now discovery
■'"was mado in Europe, consisting of a
substitute for tho ordinary Blore colfeo, called
Essonco of Cofleo, which has gone mtogon
cral use with astonishing rapidity, not only
among tho poorer classes. who at onco dt#
policed with the uso of tho celobratod Chick
ory Coffco, but is now in goneral use in tho
wealthiest families and the first hotels, and
is highly recommended by the medical fac
ulty. •
It is extracted from pure, wltolosomo veg
etables, and oxcols all similar preparations
thai have over been oMored to the public,
either in litis country or in Europe. lis su
perior quality has already been attested to in
tho cities by eomo of tho most eminent phys
icians, and a number of tho most distinguish
ed of the clergy and other highly respectable
citizens. Cotroe made from 'his essonco ac
cording to tho proscription obtains a more
delicious aod ploasant favor than tiiC com
mon storo colfeo, and is certainly more
wholesomo, especially for persons in dcli
cato health, which will bo admitted by cvo
ry physician who will take tho pains to tost
tho nalute and properties of this essonco.
One paper costing only 12 j ots., is equal
to four pounds of store colloo, will bo bright
and dear without tho application of any
other ingredient to clarify or settle it. The
public aro therefore invited to givo this es
sonco at least a trial before they condemn it.
A respectable merchant of l.uzorne coun
ty in writing of it says:
"My customers havo bocn using of tho
abovo Essonco for Bomo months past with
goneral satisfaction ; and Ido not hesitate
to recommend it to tho public.
Manufaclorod by G. Hummel. Bolder &
Co.. 718 Cullowhill stroot Philadelphia.
For sale by GEORGE WEAVER, Blooms
burg, by whom merchants can bo supplid a!
manufacturers prices—freight added, j
Blootnsburg, July 31st, 1851 -3 in.
Heading R. R. I'assongoi Trains*
NY.—Philadelphia, March 29, 1851.—SUM
MEB ARRANGEMENT, from Philadelphia
to Pottsvillo. Two PassengcrsTrains daily
(Sundays oxccptdd.) On and after April 1,
1851, two trains will be run each way, dai
ly, bolwccn Philadelphia anil Pottsvillc.
leaves Philadelphia at 71 o'clock, A M.,
daily, except Sundays. Leaves Pottsvillo at
7J o'clock, A. M., daily, oxcept Sundays.
Loaves Philadelphia at 3 o'clock, daily,
except Sundays, f.eavos Pottsvillo at 3j
o'clock, daily, except Sundays.
Fifty pounds of baggage will be allowed I
to each passenger in these lines, und pas- j
scngcrs ure expressly prohibited from taking I
anything as buggngu but their own wearing |
apparel, which will bo at tho risk of its own
By order of the Board of Man agora.
March 29, 1851. S. BRADFORD, Sccreta-
Invitos tho attention of tho public to his
stock of clocks, watches, jowolry, watch
trimmings, glasses, keys, balance wheels,
jewels and
Hold Pons
which ho continuos tu oiler for sale at
reasonable prices.
He will also repair clocks, watches, nnd
musical and optical instruments in a satis
factory manner.
His shop is in the middle room of the Ex
change block, nearly opposite to the Cour
Bloomsburg, July 24, 1851.
\WIIStfIS ob
rfQx No. 332 IN. Third St,
CUfcfeJfcJ (Abovo Callowhill,)
Aud Liquors of every description t
John Woodsides Agent.
House, Sign and Omamlenta
DONE to older in tho bust kighly-linisliod
pclain style, by B HAUENBUCTI
The "North American Miscellany,"
Issued wookly, in elegant stylo, with forty
eight large octavo pages, or two thousand
four hundred and ninety-six a year, will bo
delivered tho rosidonco of oach subscri
THE CNTENTS—Choico Miscollano
ous Selections from tho current Liloraturo of
this Country and of Europe—comprising
Historical and otlior Halos, and Romances of
high literary choraetor, Sketchos of tho colo
bratcd Dead or Living, Essays, Anocdotos,
Roviows, l'ootry, Criticisms, Movemonts ol
Distinguished Individuals, Currant Events,
otc., wilt bo properly editod and selected.
BY ISSUING WEEKLY wo shall prosont
our readers ono. two aud three wooks earlier
than wo could do in a molhly form with tho
most interesting selections from Foreign Lit
erature brought by ovory steamer.
NY" will equal in tasteful anpcaranco any
magazine published, and tho four numbers a
mouth, costing but 25 conts for tho four will
contain a considerably larger quantity ol
reading matter than any other monthly in
LECTED Irom all of tho following publica
tions, which sustain tho highost character for
Literature, Humor and Wit, amOng tho Pe
riodicals of England, to which will bo ad
ded frequent origin Translations from tho
Litoralurc of Franco and Germany, all sev
eral weeks earlier than could bo presented
in a Monthly Publication.
OUR OBJECT in issuing weekly is that
our readers may receive tho ehoioost selec
tions from the current literature at short in
tervals, iu a form more elegant and bottor
adapted to preservation than that of a news
A. PALMER & CO., Publishers,
111 Chcsuut street, Philadelph.
A. //'. Corner of Third and Union sts., \
between Spruce mid I'inc streets, >
Fifteen years of extensive and uninterrupted
practice spent in this city have rendered Dr. Iv.
tho moot export and ouccrsuful practitioner far
and near, m the treatment ol all diseases of a
private nature. Persons afihetod with ulcers on
lire body, throat or legs, puins tn the head or
thanes, or rheumatism, strictures,
gravel, disease arising from youthful excesses ■
or impurities of the blood, whereby tiro consli- j
lotion has become enfeebled, aro all treated with
lie who places himself undci the core of Dr.
K. may religiously confide in his honor as a
gentleman, and confidently tcly upon his skill
as a physician.
Take Particular Notice,
Young men who havo injured themselves by
a eortaiu practice indulged in, a habit frequently
lenrned from evil companions or at school, the
effects of which ore nightly I'cP, even wlion
asleep and destroy I oth mind and body, should
apply immcdiuloly. Weakness and constitu
tional debility, loss of nrußcular energy, physical
and goneral prostration, irratibility and
all nervous nffoctiur.s, indigestion, sluggishness
of tho liver, and every disease in any way con.
ncclcd with the disorder of tho procreSljvc funfl--
lions cured, and full vigor restored.
Youth and Manhood
A Vigorous Life or a premature Death,
This book just published is filled with usoful
information on the infirmities and diseases of tho
generative organs. It aildressos itself alike to
youth, manhood and old age, and should bo read
by all.
The valuable advice and impressive warning
it gives, will prevent years of misery and sul
fering and save annually thousands of lives.
Parents by reading it will learn how to pre
vcut he destruction of their children.
A remittance of 25 cents enclosed in a letter
addressed 10 !)'•, K \Y corner of
Third and Union streets, between Spruco ail J
Pine, in l'hiladelphiu will ensure a book under
envelope per return of mail.
Persons at a distance may address Dr. K by
letter, (post paid) and be cured at home.
Packages of mctliciiics, directions, &c. for
warded by sending a remittance, and put up se
cure from damage or curiosity.
Booksellers, News Agents, Pedlars, Canvas
sers and all others supplied with the above work
at very low ratca. ly j
®lly means of the pocket
Esculapius, or cvoiy one
his own Physician! thir
tieth edition, with up
wards of a hundred engra
vings showing private dis
eases in every shape and
form, and malformations of
the generative system,
The time hao now at riv
ed, that persona sulfating
from secret disease, need no more become tho
victims of quackery, on by the prescriptions con
tained in this book any one may cura himself,
without hindrance to business, oi the knowledge |
of the most intimate friend, and with one tonlli |
the usual expense. In addition to the general J
routine of private disease, it fully explains tho :
cause of manhood's early decline, with ohscrva* !
lions on marriage besides many other derange. !
inrirts which it would not be proper to enumerate j
in tire public prints.
Any person sending twenty five cents, en- |
closed in a letter, will receive one copy of this
I look, by mail, or five copies will be sent for one (
dollar. Address, llr. W. Young, No. 152 Spruce j
street. Philadelphia.' Post paid.
T7" Dr. Young, can bo consulted on, any ,
of tho Disoatros doscribod in his different |
publications nt his offices, 152 Spruce street, ;
overy day, between 9 and 3 o'clock, (Sun- ;
days excepted.)
Philadelphia, March 23, 1850-12 m
THF. subscriber respectfully informs his
frionds and customors, that ho has iust re
ceived from the city, n large and select as
sortment of
£| Ilats and Caps, of
STYLE, which ho oflbrs for cash sales very
cheap, at his old stand, on Main Street, soc
ond door South of tho t ourt houso.
13P 110 continues to manufacture Ilats to
order as usual.
Bloomsburg, Nov. 15, 1819.
JUST received and opened at the Bloom -
burg Book Store by
Bloomsburg, April 15th, 1851.
Toys and Jewelry.
So that overy kind of tusto can bo gratified
by a selection ot something Irum hie stuck
Bloomsburg, April 15th, ISO 1
TTTJ Try, OojiaacßmOtsa
The nlllicted arc invitoil to call nnd soo Mr
Isaac Brooke, Jr., at tho corner ol Third and
Wilcox streets, and Miaa Christiana Sandn,
Roach street Irelow Spruce street, en tho Schuyl
kill. These two persons hovo been snatched
from tho very jaws of tho dostioycr. through the
1 agoncy of that most nnlont of till medicines,
Br Uullon's Panacea is the only cirtain cure
for Scrofula or King's Evil, Tettor, Erysipelas,
Old Sores and Ulcers, Morcurial Diseases, and all
other aflcstions, cutaneous or otherwise, arising
from impurities of the blood.
In tho extraordinary euro of Mr. Brooks, peo
ple who visit him, hold up tlioir hands in as
tonishment, that AMY medicine could havo ar
rested ins disease—then go away resolved to re
commend I)r Cullcn's Indian Vegotablo Pana
cea to every one they hear of who has nood of o
I purifying mcdiciuc.
1 So with Christiana Sands—hor cuic of Scrof
ulous sore throat was quito as extraordinary as
Mr. Brooks', when wa reflect that from the dis
ease-hor tea or coflbc would frequently pass out
of Iter cars, when attempting to drink, [Sec
her certificate.]
The people arc beginning to understand, 100
that the various Syrups of Sari nparilia arc little
bettor than molasses, and that it is madness to
throw away money 011 articles which, under tho
most favorable circumstances, do not produce
any impression on tho syHtom until several gal
oris have been swallowed. One bottle of Dr.
Cullcn's Panacea seldom fails to produce con
viction in the minds of patients that a radical
cure is certain.
Thusho|, {to necessary, an oily to medi
cine.] springs up at the ontsct, and the patient
is cured bofore any other preparation could have
made the slightest impression upon die disease !
In fact, thu twelve ounce bottles of Di. Cul
lcn's Panacea, compared with the pint and quart
bottles of other purifiers, arc vulunblo about ill
the proportion of gold to copper, 'llioso who
wonlc profer a penny to a half eagle, on accoun
of its size, would uinke n pour selection to sat
the least.
Saisoparilla a good purifier! I)r. Cullcn's
Panacea contains its extract in its most concen
trated form. Added to this aro other extracts,
nioro active and powciful, and which effect ill
combination with tho Hursaparilla, what the lat
ter article, or combined with the most powurfu
poisons, cannot alone accomplish.
It has curml where everything else had failed
and this in a multitude of cases—not ill Euiopo
or in the moon, (where so many great cures
have been performed,) but in Philadelphia and
other pafts of the union. And be it distinctly
understood that we do not obtain our extracts by
"boling 400 gallons down to one," it being
known to cvoiy druggist's apprentice that boiling
destioys the ecscntiul virtues of medicinal plants
and roots.
HOW AND & WALTON, Proprietors,
Wholesale and retail, No. 21 North SIXTH
street; or K. P. I.utz, Hloomsburg; M C
Orier, Danville; Peter Knt, Light street,
Rickets and Stewart, Orangeviile ; Cyrus
Barton, Espy town ; J Sehraick, Cattawissa;
M G Shoemaker, lluckhoru.
fM fi
C. W. ROBACK, Professor of Astrology
Astronomy Phrenology, and Gcomancy, com
Lined with CONJURATION from Swcodon,
oflicc No, 0 White Street New York City, of
fers his services to tho citizens of Uloomsliuig.
lie hnshecn consulted hy sit lite crowned heads
of Europo, and enjoys a higher reputation as an
AstrO'oacr than any ono living. Nativities col
culatod" occoruilte to Gcomancy—Ladies $3
Gentlemen $5, Persons *t a Uistanco can hav
their nativities drawn hy sending the ilato of the
day of their birth. All letters containing the
above fee will receive immediate attention, and
Nativities sent to any pattof tho world written
on durable paper; and Uo in prepared to make
uao of his power by conjuration on any of tho
following topics; Courtthip, ndvico given for
the successful accomplishment of a wealthy mar
riago / ho has tho power to redeem such |as aro
given to the frco use of tho bottle; anil for all
of hazard, and for tho rccovory of stolen or
lost property, and tho purchasing of lottery tick
ets. Thousands of the abovo named cases have
bcendonr in this city and its vicinity, and in the
United estates, to tho full satisfaction of all. 10,•
000 Nativities oi Horoscopes have been cast du
ring the lust four years while bee. Tetters
will aniwvi" every purpose, SIV I will do ss well as
to call in person, and tho mall id HP W s? oaf®
that persons need not fear to trust money through
tho Post Ollico. Dr. Koback receives from 600
to luOO letters monthly, and has uever missed
All letters will bo religiously attended to, if
prepaid. For more paiticulars call at the oflicc j
of the "Star of tho North," and got bu Astrolo.
gicul Almanac groiis.
C. W. ROBACK, Na, G White street,
New York City.
Uc particular to montion tho l'ost-oflico coun
ty and Slate. All communications kept relig.
ously secret.
Fire Insurance.
THE Delaware Mutan! Safety Insurance
Comoany, liavo appointed the undureigncd
nn Agent, to make insurances in Columbia
county. The Company ia in good credit,and
is conducted upon sound principles. Persons
insured by tlio Company arc entitled to the
rights of membership therein, arc olcpiblc
us Directors of the Corporation, but without
tiny individual liability for the losses or expenses
of the Company. Tho amount of premium
and policy paid when insured is tho oxtent
of liability. Persons desirous of eflecliug
nn insurance upon property, can call upon
tho undersigned, nt his Office in Hloomsbnrg.
May 22, 1860.
the Tine Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice I A
great Dyspepsia Curcr,' prennrcd from Ren
et, or the fourth Stomach of tho Ox, uflor
j direction of Baron Licbig, tho groat Physi
j ological Chemist, by J. S. lloughton, M. D.,
I No. 11 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia,
I l'a. This is a truly wotidorful remedy for
I Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Com
; plaint. Constipation, and Debility, curing
after Nature's own mothot', by Nature's own
agent, the Gastric Juice, bee Advoitiscment
n another column.
Wonderful News!
Just received and for snlo by the subscri
ber a "Journal of tho sufferings and
hardships of Parker 11. French's Overland
Expedition to California, which left New
York city May 13 1850, and landed at San
Francisco Dee. 14," by William Miles of
Carlise. l'a. All lovers of California nows,
will call soon and buy, as wo havo but a few
copies of this highly interesting work on
May 22, 1851
propor and desirable forms, for sale at the
Ofico tho "Star of tho North."
Gaiters and Slippers just manufactured and
for sale by AUGUS'IUS WILSON
fire insurance company.
Guarantee Capital over SIOO,OOO
Surplus Cash " 25,000
THIS Company has boon doing businoss
about ten months and has accumulated
an earned capital of ovor 8125,000 above all
losses and expenses with a surplus of ovot
825,000 on hand.
The premiums aro as low as any good and
responsible company.
Tho directors confine thomeelves to tho sa
fest class of proporty, and no risk to exceed
$2500 in ono locality, (with a few excep
tions.) Tho profits are wholly divided to the
mom Dors, which offers (owners of sale prop
erly,) inducements ovor most cotnpanios in
tho State.
John P. Rutherford, John B. Packer,
Albort J, Cillott, Philo C Sedgwick,
Samuel T. Jones, Alonzo A. Carrier,
Robert Klotz,
J. P. RUTHERFORD, President,
A. J. GILLETT, Secretary.
R. W. WEAVER, Agent , Bloomsburg.
Tho Directors havo the liberty to refer to
tho following gentlemen :
.Hon- A. L. Russell, Secretary of Common
wealth. , _ ,
Hon John T.anortd, lato Surveyor General.
James A. Weir, Esq., Casi.'ipr pf Harrisburg
Robt. J. Ross, Esq., Cashier Dauphin Depoft
ito Batik.
John M. Bickcl, Esq., Stato Treasurer.
A. J. Jones, Esq., P. M., Harrisburg.
Col. Israel l'ainter, Canal Commissioner.
Messrs. Jno. Wallowcr & Son, Commission
Merchants, Harrisburg, .
John 11. Brant, Esq., Commission Merchant,
llloomsburg, Juno 25th, 1851.
Price Reduced]
Large Hollies — Only One Dollar.
riio Proprietor of tho (Jrciu American Remedy " VAVOIIN*
\ COKTADLK L.i THONTRii'TIc MIXTURE," Induced by the
urgent solicitations of his Agents throughout the L r nilod
Stutcs and Canada, ho* now
Reduced tho Prico
of hid popular and well known artielo; and from this date,
henceforth, ho will put up hut one bizo only, —hir tjuart
bottlos: the retail price will lie
Tho public may rest assured that the character of the Modi
cine, its strength, and curative properties WILL REMAIN
UMCllanoki>, and tho same caro will be bojtowcd in pre
paring it as heretofore.
As tills medicine, under its reduced price, will be purchased
by those who have not hitlierto nrndc tlioniMtlvco acquainted
with its virtues, tho proprietor would bcrt to intitnato that his !
article is not to be classed with tho vast amount of " Remedies
of the day t" it claims for itself a greater healing power, in
all diteaeen, than any other preparation now before thi
world: rind has sustained itself for eight years by its superior
medical virtues, nnd, until tins reduction, commanded double
tho prico of any other artiolo in this lino.
NOTICE PARTICULARLY, tins article acts with great heat
ins rawer and ocrtaiuty, upon tho
Blood, Liver, Kidnoyo, Lungs
and all other organs, upon tho proper action of which life and
health depend.
This nieditduo has a justly high rcpnto as a remedy for
Dropsy and Gravel,
and u!l diseases of that natnTe. It may be relied upon when
the intelligent physician has abandoned Ids patient, —and for
these distressing diaoasea, mora especially DROPSY, tho propri
etor would earnestly and honcUy recommend It. At its
present prico a is easily obtained by all, and the trial will provo
the artielo to bo tho
Cheapest Mcdicino in tho World I
Tlcaso o.k for pamphlets —Uio agents give them away
they contain over sixteen pages of receipts, (in addition to ful
medical mnttcr) valuablo for household purposes, and whicf
will save many dollars ior year to practical housekeeper^.
These receipts are introduced to make tho hook of *rrnl
value, nsido from its character as an advertising medium fu
the medicine, tho testimony in favor of which, in the form of
letters from all parts of tho country, may lie relied upon.
" Vaughn's Vouotablo Litliontriptio Mixture "—the
Great American Remedy, now for sale in qnart bottles at #1
each, small bottlea at 60 ets each. No small bottles will l
issued after tlin present stock is disposed of.
l'rinuipal Office, Buffalo. N. Y., 307 Main Street,
Sold Wholesale and Retail hy OLCOTT McKESSON St
CO., 137 Maiden Lane, New York City.
N. B.— All letters (excepting from agent* and dealers witn
wham he transacts business) must be post paid, or no attention
will bo given to them.
AGENTS.—E. T. LUTZ, Bloomsburg; O.
F Mooro, Danville; Jno. \V. Friling, Sun
bury, M A M'Cay, Northumberland; Jolm
Sliarpless, Cattawissa ; J K MiUard, Espy
town ; A. Miller Berwick ; Charles Soyberi-
Beach navon.Oct. 31, 1850.-ly
New Sprlnf? and Bummer Goods.
rjVHF. subscriber announces that ho has
-S* just received and opened a new and
generaPaosortment of
Spring nnil summer Goods.
at his old stand 011 Main street, to which ho
iuvitos tho attention of overy person desiring
AND CHEAT 000119.
His stock includes
of all styles and prices; and Uo has a rare
tully selected stock of
llomicry and (.lores,
which ho will soil at tho lowest prices for
cash 01 country produce.
Blocmsburg, Apiil 30, 1850.
Oi* Spring and Smuuic r
Which they oiler to their old patrons and
now ones at tho best of bargains. Thoy can
be found at their old stand on Main and
Market streets, and thoir stock will bo found
to bo selected with care, and to ombraco
every kind of gocds fashionablo and de
sirable for the season. They havo Fiench,
English and American cloths, cassimeres,
satinets and jeans for men's wear, and a va
rioty of Lawns and Gingham's of tho most
fashionable styles for ladies. Thoy havo also,
Groceries, Hardware, Qucenswaro, Cedar
ware, llats and Caps, and, in short, cvory
thing usually kopt in a country store.
Of" Call and see that wo do sell choap
for cash or oouiitry produco.
Hloomsburg, April 23d, 1851.
RESPECTFULLY announcos to tho citi
izens of lllooinsburg in general and his
old patrons in particular, bosides tho rest of
mankind, that no has again opened his tai
lor-shop whoro ho will bo ploased to furnish
the best of clothing, cut according to tho la
test fashions, and mado in tho best manner.
Ho receives the city fashions, and feels cer
tain that his work will look vitll and wear bet
His shop is on main slroct of Bloomsburg
next door below Lutz's Drug store.
In pay for work, ho will tako cash, store
order, or even GOLD DOLLARS.
Bloomsburg Nov 31, 1850
For the Core of
In offering to'tho commuiiity thia juitly ecl
chratcd remedy'for diseases of tho throat nnd
lungs, it is not our wish to trifle with the Vivos
01 health of tho alllicted, bulf-ackly to lay t>o
fore them tho opinions of distinguished men <s
-of Ihe evidence* of its succcfs. fro
which they can judgo for themselves. We sin
corcly plodgo ourselves to.mako tio 'wild asser
lions or false statements of its efficacy, nor will
wo hold out any hopo to suffering humanity
which fao's will not warrant.
Many proofc arc hero given, and we solicit an
inquiry from the public into all wo publish, fit
ling mo ored they will find them perfectly relin
hlo. and tho medicine worthy the;r best ctnfi
donee nnd patronage.
PROF. CLEVELAND, of llowdoin ol
Irgc, Maine,
Writes—'l have witnessed Ilia elicits of your
•CHERRY PECTORAL' in my own I'oinily
and that of my fiiends. nnd it gives 1110 satis
faction la tla'e in its favor Ihnt no medicine 1
hive ever known has proved so eminently sur
ocssful in (illin;; diseases of ill" throat and
Writes—"That he considcre 'Cherry Pectoral'
(holiest ineilieino lor Pulmonary Affections ev
er given to the public,' and stales that "his
daughter after being obliged to Keep Iho room
four months with a severe settlod cough accom
panied by raising of blood, night sweats, and
the attendant symptoms of Consumption, rnm
nienccd the use cf the 'Chorry Pectoral,' and
had completely rceovered,"
f Now oik says. "I have liecn a groat suffer
er with Uronchclis, and but for tho use of the
■Cuanui PECTORAL' might have continued to
I* so for many years in come, hut that hnaeured
mo and 1 aui happy to bear tesiimuny to its ifi
From such testimony wc ask the public to
judgo for themselves,
Dr, Ayor—DcarSic; For two years I was
lllictod with a very scvciocough, accompanied
Y spitting of blood and priilusc night bwcals.
1 y the advice of my attending physician 1 was
liduccd to u c your Cherry l'cctsrol, and con
tinue Ito do so till J considered myself cured,
and ascribe the cll'cct to your preparation,
Ilumdcn as. Springfield, Nov. 37, 1848,
This duy appeared lite above named Jnmos
Randall, and pronounced tho above stuteniont
true 111 every rospect.
PonTLAsn, Mo , Jan. 10,1817.
Dr. Ayor j 1 liavo boon long alllicted with
Asthma which grew yoarly worse until last au
tumn, it bjought on a cough which confined mo
In my chamber; and began to assume tho alarm
ing symptoms of consumption. 1 haJ tried the
host advice and tho best medicine to no purpose,
until 1 used your Cherry Pectoral, which lias
cuicd mo, and you utay woll believe mo. Gra'o
ullv yours, J. D. Pll ELI'S,
If thoro is any vnluo iu tho judgment of tho
wise, who spcuk from X|>cricnro, hero is a med
icine worthy of tho public confidence,
Prepared by J. C. Jhjer, Lowell.
Mass., Hold by Ii I'J.UTZ, Ibooinsbnrg
A U WILSON, Berwick
Jan, 10.1851.-4 m.
Standard Medicines,
The following unequalled series of Family
Medicines may ho depended upon with tho ut
most confidence. They havo lho approbation
of tho best pliysicions iu the country, and nre
recommended by nil who havo uscJ them as
superior to any fiimily medicines known.
They havo boon been before the Public For
Five Tears, during which time more than
5,000 certificates have been icccivcd from emi
nent public men and others, and aro now on file
in tho Co.upany a GlSdd.'
Tlicy arc Compounded with tho ut
most carc ntul skill, ond iho ingrcdionts aro thor
oughly tested by scientific chemists, so that
medicines of a uniform and reliable quality arc
guaranteed in all cases.
The Griefcnbcrg V EGETASLK PILLS, Arc par
ticularly valuable for the prevention and cure
of Pavers in genrrol. all Uillious and X.ivcr Com
plaints, Jaudice, General Debility, Common and
Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Heart Hum, Cos- j
liveliest), Giiping, Urinary Diseases, Obalruc- ;
tions of the Menses. InQuonra, Asthma, and for
n variety of other Chronic Diseases; in Ufin
for all ordinary family uses.
Full directions for the various Disca■ j
sea accompany each box, Price 25 eta. ,
a box.
Tlio CirnoWiibi'i PC Dyttcii I f I V
gyi'U|>. A speedy ami infallible remedy in
Diarrhoea, Dyscntory, Bloody Flux. Cholera '
Morbus, Cholera Infantum! ami iho Asiatic
Cholera, if taken with the lirst symptoms, vix .
vomiting and diarrhoea. It never fails to euro j
the worst possible eases of bowel complaints, j
generally in a low hours, seldom beyond a dny. i
It ia Purely Vegetable, at d taken iu almost jjiy ;
quantity is pcifcctly hurmlcss.
The. Oiacfenbctg Crccn Mountain |
Ointment. Invaluable for Burns, Wounds.
Sprains, Chillblains, Corns, Sotes, Swellings of
all kinds, Hhcumntinn, Erysipelas, Bronchitis
Scrofula, 1 leers, Pains in tho Side and Hack'
immediate y relieved, inflammation of the Bow
els, and for alt coses where there is inflammation.
A Complete hand-book of medicine for fami- j
lies. Price SO cents.
Olllcc 211 Broadway, N. V.
Tho public is requested to bear in mind that
everything prepared by the (Jioefenbcrg Com
pany has their seal upon it.
Hpurious articles have been issued closely re
sembling tho genuine in every particular except
Iho ecal, and the utmost csro should bo obsorved
before purchasing.
AGENTS, — Thomas Ellis, and E.
P. Luti, Hloomsburg; Dtnjumin J I ei
der, Cattuwissa, Peter Ent, Light
Uloonvsburg. Jan. 23, 1851-om.
InvilOfl*the attention of tho fashionable in
Light Street lo hisslsio rtf cutting garments
He makes them in tho best and most tasty
manner, and can can ensure satisfaction in
ltis warltmanihip.
Ho receives tho latest fashions, nnd when
cutting onlp is desired, the work is marked
carefully for tho maker.
Of All kinds of country produce taken
exchit!>e for work
Light Street, Feb. 11, lUfrti
IP IS IP s 2 sy 8
A (Jreat Dyspepsia carer, Prepared from
RENNET, or the fourth Stomach of the Ox,
after directions of Baron I.icbig, the great
Physiological Chemist, by J. S. Houghton,
M. D., No.ll, North Eighth Street, Phila
delphia, Pa.
This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indi
gestion, Dyspepsia, Jaudice, Liver Com
plaint. Constipation, and Debility, Curiug
alter Nature's own mothod, by Nature's own
agont, the Gastric Juice.
U" Half a spoontul of this Fluid, infused
in water, 'will digest or dissolve, Five Pounds
of Roast lktf in about two hours, out of the
Digestion is Chiefly performed in llio
stomach by tlto aid of a fluid which freely
exudes from the hnrct coat of that organ,
when in a state o! health, called the Gastrin
Juice. This fluid is the Great solvent of tire
Food, the Purifying, Preserving, and Stimula
ting Agent of the stomach and iutenstincs.
Without it there will bo no digestion,—no
convulsion of food into blood, and 110 nu
trition of the body; but rather a foul, torpid,
painful, and destructive condition of tho
whole digestive apparatus. A weak, half
dead, or injured stomach produces no good
Gastrin Juice, and hcnco llio dis
rcssand debility which etrr.J.
PEPSIN AED RENNET.— Pepsin is the chio
element, or great Digesting Principle of tho
Gastric Juice, ft is found in great abun
dance 111 the solid parts of tho human stom
ach after tic till, and sometimes causes tho
stomach to digest itself, or eat hsolf up. It
is also found in the stomach f animals, as
the ox, calf, &•'. Ilia tho material used by
farmers in making cheese, called Rennet,
the effect of which lias long been the spe
cial wonder ol the dairy. 'I ho curdliug of
milk is 1 lie lirsl process of digestion. Rou
nct possesses astonishing power, lho stom
ach of a calf vi ill curdle nearly one thou
sand times its own weight of milk, llato
I.iebig states that, 'One part of Pepsin ilia
solved in sixty thousand parts ol water, wil
digest meat nnd other food." Disoascd
stomachs produce no pood Gastric Juico
Rennet or Pepsin. To show that this want
may ho pcrlcctly supplied, we quote tho
BAIION LIEDIO, in his colebraled work on
nimal Chemistry, sa ye : "An Artificial Di
esiivo Fluid nnalago us to the Gastric Juico,
may bo readily prepared from the nucous
gmcmbrano of 1(10 stomach of the Call,
which various articles of food, as meat and
eggs" will be softener!, changed, and diges
tej 5 , just in the same manner us they would
ho in the human stomach." . f
Dr. Percira, in his famous treatise on
"Fowl and Diet," publishod by Fowlers &
Wells, New York, page 35. slates tho sumo
great fact, nnd describes tho method of prep
aration. There are few higher authorities
than Dr. l'orcira.
Dr Combe, in .his valuable writings 011
iho "Physiology of Digestion," observe
hat "a diminution of tlto due quantity o
ho Gastric Juice is a prominent amf all-pre
niling cause of Dyspepsiaand ho state,
that "a distinguished professor of mcdicino
in London, who was soveroly alllicted wi h
this complaint, finding every thing olso to
fail, had rccourso to tho Gastric Juice, ob
tuinod from the stomach of living animals
which proved completely successful."
Dr. Graham, author of the famous work
on "Vegetable Diet," says: "it is a remar
kable fact in physiology, that the stomachs
of animals, macerated in water, Impart to
tho fluid tho property of dissolving various
articles of fowl, and Of effecting a kind of
artificial digestion of them in no wise dif
ferent from the natural digestive process."
Dr. Simon's great work, the "Chemistry
of Man," (Lea it Blaneliard, l'hila., 1840;
pp. 321-2): "Tho discovory of PEPSIN
fo ms a now era in the chemical history of
Di gostion. F'rom recent experiments wo
know that food is dissolved us rapidly in an
artificial digestive fluid, prepared from Pep
sin, as it is in the natural Gastric Juico it
Professor Dunglison of tho Jefferson Col
lege, Philadelphia, in his great work on Hit
man Physiology, dovotes more than fifty
pages to an examination of this subject.
I lis experiments with Dr. Beaumont, 011 thv
Gastric Juice, obtained from tho living hu
man stomach and from animals aro well
known. "In all casos," ho says, "digestion
occurred as perfectly in the artificial as the
natural digestions."
As a DYSPEPSIA CI'RER, Dr Houghton's
preparation of Pepsin has producod the
most marvellous clients, curing eases of De
bility, Emaciation, Noiyous Decline, and
dispoplie Consumption, supposed to bo on
the very vcrgo ot tho grave. It is imposs
|,|o to give tho details of cases in the limit
of this advertisement —but authenticate
certificates have been of more than two hun
dred lUmorkidilc Cures, in Philadelphia, New
York, and Boston alone. Those were
nearly ah desperate cases, and the euros
were not only rapid ami wonderful, but per
manent. . .
It is n great Nervous Antidote, nnd par
ticularly useful for tendency to billions dis
order, Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, or
badly treated Fever and Ague, and tho ov
,l effects of Quinine, Mercury, and otherdnig
upon Iho Digestive organs, alter a long sick
ness. Also, for excess in eating, and tho
too free use of ardent spirits. It almost rer
oneiles Health with Intemperance.
form of Did Stomach Complaints which it
docs not pectn to reach and removo at once
No matter how bad they may bo, it gives
Instant Relief! A single dose removes alt
lho unpleasant symptoms, and it only needs
to bo repeated, lor a short tiino, to make
theso good effects permanent. Purity of
ltlood aud Vigor of Body, follow at onco. It
is particularly oxcellont in cases of Nauson
I Voiding, Cramps, Soreness of the pit of
the Stomach, distress after eating, low, cold
state ol tho Blood, Hoavir.oss, Lowross ol
Spirits, Despondency, Emaiiciotion, Weak
oss. tcu'loncv t<? Insanity. Suicido, &c.
price, ONE DOLLAR per boltio One
bottlo will often efloct a lasting cure.
CEP Sent by Mail Free of Postage.
For convonicncc of Bonding to all parts o
tho country, tlio Ligostivo Malicrof tho Pop
sin is put up in tho form of Powdora, with
directions to bo dissolved in wator 91 "yrU5,
by tho patient. Theso poWiiors contain just
tho same matter as (ho bottles, hut tvvieo tho
quantity for tho samo price, anil will bo son
by mail, Frco of Postage, forOno Dollar soul
(post-paid) to l)r J S Houghton, No II North
Eighth street Philadelphia, Pa.
Six paekagos for five dollars. Every
package and bottle bears tho writton signa
ture of J is HOUGHTON, M D., Sole Proprie
Sold by agents in every town in tho Uni
led Stales, and by rospeclablo tloalors in
Medicines goiiorally.
Agents for ltloomsburg, JOHN R. MOY
books! Books!!
Joseph Swart/ hns just roceivod a now lot
of Literary Historical, Religious, Poetical,
Miscellaneous and School books, to which
lie invites the attention of the reading public