The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, September 11, 1851, Image 3

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    Slav of tlje Nortl).
Thursdays September 11, 1831.
The New Postage I.nw.
Tlds law went into operation on live first
day of July inst., and will operate to iho fol
lowing elluct upon tho STAU OF THE NORTH, i
J. Subscribers will receive it by mail, in
Columbia County, FREE OF POSTAGE.
2. For a distance not exceeding fifty raileF, !
at FIVE CENTS per quarter.
3. Over fifty and not exceeding three huat
dtrd miles at rim CENTS per quarter.
4. Over three hundred and not exceeding
one thousand miles, at FIFTEEN CENTS per
9. Over one thousand a-.d not exceeding
tiro thousand miles, at TWENTY CENTS per
0. Ovur two t-.vo thousand ami not excee
ding ftur thousand inilos ut TWENTY-FIVE
CENTS ner quarter.
Tho?o who desiro n good, and decided
Columbia county Democratic paper, free of
jnistagc. should subscribe at once for the Star
of Ike North.
l.toomsburg Iligter Club.
Tho Blooruoburg Bigler Club met at the
Court-house on Wednesday evening, August
10th Col. 1,. I. Tuto presiding. A. L. Dieia
bach was chosen Secretary.
11 W. Weaver Esq. iroui tho Committee
on officers nnd rules reported a number of
rules for tho regulation of the Club which I
wore road and adopted. By ono of tlieso
rules the tegular moetiu sof the Club are
fixed for every Saturday evening. Tho fol
lowing persons were chosen permanent offi
cers of the Club.
President —Hon. Daniel Snyder.
Secretary —Daniel
Treasurer —Kobe it 11. Arthur.
On motion it was thou
Bcstlved, That the Secretary of the Club
be requested to invite the attendance of spea
kers from u distance. Adjourned.
NEWS FROM Eiinora.—The steamer AMCR
10a arrived at Halifax on Wednesday. She
loft I.iperpool August 23d.—The Queen was
to pay a visit to Soolland on the 27th nit
The meeting of tho Catholics of tho United
Kingdom was hold at the Rotunda, in Dub
lin, on Iho 19th, and led, as was anticipated,
to scones of violoncc —The yacht America
has not yet found a competitor to accept her
challenge. The Foreign craft evidently don't
like "the cut of her jib." In a recent race,
where eighteen yachts entered for tho hon
ors, sho came in ahead by a long shot.—The
exhibition draws less. Ti Is announced to
close on tho 11th ol October, and on the
IMb the reports of juries will bo hoard and
tho prizes awarded. —The Prinoo de Join
villo will most probably bo a oamlidato for
the next Presidency. An i s
talked of, to hold tho election next year at
successive periods throughout the country,
in ordct to haven strong military force pre.,
out on the occasion utcacli place.
Tom Corwin, tho Whig Secretary of the
Treasury , mmlo 880,000 ont of tho Gardner
elaimMu one woek- It would require a la
boring mn or mechanic to live mid work
two hundred and sixty-six years, at one dollar
per day, to make this sum.
;;>y:K),000 FEU.
Geo. W. Crawford, Secretary of Wat un
der Gen. Taylor, received $90,000 for his
services in tho Galphin claim. A farmer
would have to sweat and toil three hundred
years to earn this sum of money.
13T Wn havo been informed that Gover
nor Johnston will bo in this place on Mon
day the 23d instant.
On Sunday evening o( last week, by Jiov.
J. llalil M.r. SEBASTIAN SVBEHT. am' Miss
J.TTUA \Voi.r, nil of Salem, t.uezrne co.
August 3lst, by Rev. Joseph France, Mr.
JOHN HANNA, of Norristown, to Miss MAHIA
VLAKNIOAN, of Danville.
In Danville, on tfie Sd irist. Mrs. KI.UA
HETII WAI.KKII, wife of Mr. Robert Wulker,
aged%bont 09 yours.
11l Hollenbnck Township, on Monday
night, Septombcr Ist, daughter of Mr. John
Dodson Ksq. of Huntington, and wife of Drt
Ilobort Hicks.
HQ HQ IP H <33 3
The Whigs of Columbia county are reques
ted to meet ut tlio Court Ilousc t/i Rloomsburg,
on Tuesday, Sr/ittmber IG, at 2 o'clock, J'. M,
in County Meeting, for the purpose of nom
inating candidates lor tlio various Offices of
the.County, to be supported by the whigs of
the county, at tlio ensuing general Flection,
and for the transaction ol such other business
as may peitain to tho I'ariy organization. A
full attendance of the Whigs ol the county
is earnestly requested.
If'/tig Standing Cummittlte of Col. Co.
September 8, 1851.
ipwieiLHO esiiiLiisj ®iy
IN persuatiCe of an order of tho Orphans'
Court of Columbia county, on Sulurday
the 18lli day of October next, at 10 o'clock
in the forenoon, Luther A. Garman and
Clernuel M'Heury &c., of Daninl
M'Henry late ol Kishingcrcok township, HI
said county, deceased will expose to sale hy
I'nblic Vendue, upon the premises, n certain
tract of
'^H^ l ,OOAf:,I,JS
1(1 Fishing-Cjeck township Columbia coun
ty, adjoining land of J Deirner M'Henry,
Moses M'Henry, Josoph Fullmer and l'hilip
Late the F.tate of said deceased, situato
in the township of Kishingcreek and county
Bloomabitrjt, r ept 11 1351.—:e •
, ESaaAds 2
; ftv WO valuable farms will bo offered lor'
j -I sale upon tho premises at the residence |
|of tho Into Leonard Lazarus in Montour tp..
j Columbia county on Saturday the 1 \th day of
) October IRSI.
j The tracts will be ofitred for bale sepn
j rately or together, as may suit purchasers.
The one contains 115 Acres and 02 perches
)of gooa land, which is all cleared except
some 30 acies, and is in a good state of cul
tivation. Upon this is a
A Barn, two apple orchards, a spring
house, other outbuildings, and a good Spring
of If'a tcr near tho house. Tire land con
tains a largo body of
CDI 22S 9
I And a good bed of LIMESTONE.
The other tract adjoins this and has been
a pnrt of tho same farm. It contains 12-t
Acres and 102 perches, ot which about so
■ Acres nro Woodland. Tho remainder is
well improved, and there are Upon the prem
OF WATER n ~r the door.
US'* Sale to commence at 10 o'clock ol
the said day, when attendance will bo giv
en and.terms made known by
Adms'tr. with the will annexed.
I Orangcviilo, September 10, 1851.
j 'IV the Electors ol' Columbia Uornily.
I A', tho solicitation of my
I friends I am induced to be a candidate this
fall for ASSOCIATE JUDGE of Colum
l bia county, and respectfully solicit your end
! rages. If elected. 1 will discharge the dn
| ties of lout office with fidelity and imparti
Orangeville, August 30lh 1801.
To llie Independent Electors
of Columbia County.
IT: i. i.o v C ITIZENS :
Wo proposo CHARLES
KAHLEU Esq., of Bloomsburg as n suitable
| person for tho office of l'UOl HONOTARY
;of Columbia county, lie is competent, and
j being able to speak both German, and Etlg
j lislt, wo beliove him titted for the office ami
I well deserving it. He has conserved to be
! a candidate, and will bo supported by.
Frt.t.ow-riTizKNS :
Encouraged bv many solicitations to be n
j candidate this fall for MEMBER OF THE
i LEGISLATURE, I rospectiully solicit your
I votes for that ollic-o, and tender you an lion
t est assurance that, if elected, I will act with
I fidelity lo the cause of the people.
i Of Ccnlre township will l>o an independent
' candidate this fall before the people of f'o
| himbia County for tho otlieo of COUNTY
' COMMISSIONER, nnd respectfully solicits
j tho stillragcS pl bis toiluw tiliyons.
IT" We are authorised to fay that WIL-
I LI AM ROBISON ot Bloomsburg. will be a
J candidate for Associate Judge of Columbia
I county.
I ■ ,
For A cting Undies nnd Gentlemen.
J. E. LKADLKY, Principal.
, A sufficient number of competent Assis
j Tints will tit all times be employed,
j Tito ensuing Fall Session will commence
!on MONDAY tho Ist day of September
j next, and will continue 10 weeks.
j The academic year consists of 1 1 weeks,
j The price of tuition per quarter is as fol
lows :
For Reading, Penmanship, Grammar, A
'ihrnotie, Book-Keeping by single entry,
Geography, History of tho U. S. $3 25
For same, and Algebra, Geomctrc, Sur
veying, Mensuration, Book Keeping by dou
ble entry, General History, Natural History,
Physiology, Philosophy, other English bran
ches. and drtiv ing. SI 50
For Latin. Greek, German &• Frenrh, 5 75
j L 6" Good boarding can be obtained in pri-
I vato families ut from $1 £0 to t?2 00 per
j week.
REFERENTCS.—CoI. Joseph Paxlort, Hon.
I Stephen Baldy, Hon. Geo. Mark, Michael
: Brobst, Esq., John M'Reynolds, Esq., ami
i tho Citizens of Bloomsburg.
j Bloomsburg, Aug. 12, 1851.
Admiiiislrators' Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters of
administration upon tho estate of Sam
| uel Sohrock, iato of Hemlock township
Columbia county, deceased, havo been
j granted to tho subscriber residing in Buck
| horn, Columbia county. All persons jkttow-
I ing thomsolves indebted to tho said estate
; are requested to make immediate payment
| those having accounts against tile cs
| tate lo preser.l them lo
| Administrator.
j Bttokhorn, August 30th 1851—Gt.
IHiiiioiigaliola Uliiskey.
j rtho subscribers nre in constant receipt and
| -■ consignment oi OLD MONONUAIIEI.a WIIIS
i net from Pittsburg, of various grades, which
! they oiler lor sale to lots to suit purchasers—
: recommending it as being pure, uuadultura
ted Rye.
I A Superior article of Cherry Brandy con-I
j stantly on hand.
! ALSO llagis, Lard, Cltooso, &e.
No. 13 South Water St., Philadelphia. ;
Aug. 2lth 1851.—3 m.
FJAHE Stockholders of tho Susquehanna
and North nnd West Branch Telegraph
Co. nro hereby notified that tho Annual
Meeting ot Stockholders for tho Election of
officers for said Company will bo held at the
Montour Ilonso in Danville, Montour Coun
ty, o.t the third Tuesday of September next,
nt threo o'clock P. M.
A. C. GOEl.L— President.
Aug. 20iit, 1851.
CSx A N E W 0k
MONDS for patent levers, detached :
levers and lopines just received nnd opened '
Bloomsburg, September 1, 1851.
OFFICE —On the Kn it side of Main Stroct. '
three squares below Market.
F a © tD3L A H A tt S.OH : [
fil3\FltAl, BL^criorv.
IN pursuance of an ant of tlic General As
sembly of the Commouweullh ol" Penn
Tlii.'i Sheriff o( the county of Colombia, in
said Commonwealth, do nurcby givo nolico j
to the Elector* of the county aforesaid, llial
a Gcnoral Election will be held in paid conn- |
ly of Columbia, on tho PF.COM) TUESDAY I
OF OCTOBER next, (it being the 14th day
of tho raid month,) at wnicli tho STATU and [
COUNTY OFUCKIIS, US follows, are to be elect- ;
ed, to wit:
One ncrson for Governor of tho Stale of
One person for Canal Commissioner of tho !
State of Pennsylvania.
Ino persons for Judges of the Supreme '
Court of Pennsylvania.
One person fur President Judge of tlia 11th ]
Judicial district of tho t'talo of Pemtsylvu* j
'Two persons for Associate Judges of the
several Courts of Columbia County.
Ono person lor Member of the ilouso of
Representatives of tlie State ot Pennsylvania, j
lor Columbia D id Montuitr counties.
One per-on for Prolhonotary, Clerk of the
Oyer and Terminer, Orphans' Court, and i
Quarter Sessions of Columbia county.
One person for Register of Wills and Re
corder ot Deeds ot Columbia county. person for County Treasurer.
Ono person for County Commissioner, to !
servo throe years.
Ono person for County Commissioner to
serve one year.
One person for County Auditor.
1 also hereby make known and givo no
tice tliat the places of holding tho General
Election in tho several election districts and
townships of Columbia County are as bil
lows : viz.
Kenton township at the house of Exckicl
Reaver township at tire house of Charlos
Bloom township at the Court-iiouso in
Briareroek township at the lowt house in
Cattawisa township at the house of Sta
cy Margerum in Caltawissu.
Centre township at the house of John
Eishingereek lowrship at tho house of
Abiaham Kline.
Greenwood township at the House ofJo
soph Palloti.
Hemlock township at tho Buekhorn
Jnokson township at tho tiouso of Joshua
Milllin township at the house of John Kel
Madison township at tho house of Jacob
W. Warner.
1 Mountploasnnl township at tho lion so of
I Frederick Millar.
| Montour township at tho house of bamuel
i Uazartis.
! Maine township at tho houso ol Isaac Yot
Iloaringcreek township at the houso of |
Daniel Yeager in Slablowu.
I Orange township at tho house of Richard
mr"ld Oransevillc.
; fbtgarlvaf al ''"a hou -o of Lina?
! Cole.
Tho general election lo ho opened between I
j tho hours of 8 and 10 o'clock in the lore- '
i neon, and shall continue without iuterrup- 1
! lion or adjournment until 7 o'clock in tho
I evening, when the polls shall bo closed. |
In pursuance of tin Act ot the General
| Assembly of tho Commonwealth of l'enn
i sylvania, entitled "An Act relating to tho
elections of this Commonwealth, passed
I the second day of July A. D. 1831), notice is
I hereby given :
"That no person shall Is? permitted to
vote at any election as aforesaid, other than
j a white Ireo man of tho age ot twenty-ouo !
veats or more, who shall have resided wilh-
I in the Slate at least otio year, and in tho
election diet riot where he oilers to voto at.
j least ten days immediately proceeding such
I clociipn, and within two years paid it stale
or county fax, which shall have been asscs
| sed at Ic'aM ten days before tho election. Rut
| a citizen ot tho United States, who had been
previously a qualified voter of this stac, and
removed therefrom ami returned, and who
■ bIkiII have resided in the election district,
| and paid tax as aforesaid, shall be entitled to
a vote after residing in lliisStjite six months :
provided, that the white lrccman citizens of
J the United States, between the ages of twen
ty-ouo and twenty two ♦ears and having re
! sided in this stale one year, and in the ulee- ]
, tion district tea days aforesaid, shall bo en- '
! tilled to vote, although they siial! not have
paid taxes.
'•No per.'on shajl be permitted to vote !
j whoso name is not contained in the list of I
[ taxable inhabitants Punished by the Com-
J missiotiers as ut'eresaid unless first ho pro- '
| dnces a receipt fot tho payment within two
! years, of a stato or county tax assessed
I agrcoably to the constitution and give
J factory evidence, either in his own oath, or
| affirmation of another, that he has paid such I
| a tax, or on lailuro to produce a receipt,
| shall make oath lo tho payment thereof; nr.
t second, il ho claims a right to vote by being
lan elector between the ages of twenty-ono
i and twenty-two years, ho shall depose, on I
j oath or affirmation, that fie lias resided in
the state al least one year next before fits np- l
I plication, and inako sucfi proof of residence
I in liis district as is required by this act, anil
that lie does verily believe from tho account
| given him that ho is of tho age aforesaid,'
I and give such other evidence as is required
| by this act whereupon the name of tho per
| son so admitted to vote shall be tnserled in
• tho alphabetical list by tho inspectors, and a
I nolo made opposite thereto by writing tho
j word ''tax" if ho shall bo admitted lo vote j
J by reason of having paid a tax, or tlio word
j "ago," if lie shall be admitted to veto on ne
[ count of his age, and in cither case tho ran-
I son ef such vote shall be called out to the j
| clerks, who shall mark it in the list of voters
| kept by them.
"In all cases wliero tho nnrro of tho per
son claiming lo voto is not found on the list ,
furnished by tho commissioners and assess- j
ors, of his right to vote, whether found ihore- '
on or not, is objected to by uny qualified cil- J
izi'us, it slu II be the duty of tho inspectors,
lo examine such person on oath as to his j
qualifications, and if ho claims to have resi- i
■led within the slnto for ono year or more !
his oat It shall bo sufficient proof thereof, but
he shall make proof by at least ono compe
tent witness, who shall lie a qualified elect
or, that lie has resided within the district for j
more than ten days next immediately p re . I 1
ooeding said election, and shall also himself
swear that his bona fidd residence, in pursu
ance of his Inwrul calling, is within the dis.
trie! and that he did not remove in tho said
district for the purpose of voting therein.
'Kvery person qualified as aforesaid, and
who shall make duo proof if required, ol I
residence and payment of taxes, as afore- t
said, shall be permitted to voto in the town
ship, ward, or district in which ho shall re- I
side. (
"If any prron shall prevent or attempt lo
prevent any officer of an election under this
act from holding such elaction, or use or 1
threaten any vioieucajo any such officer or
shall interrupt or improperly interfere with
him in the execution of his duty, or shall
block up or attempt to block tho window or
avenue to any window whom tho samo may
be holder, or shall riotously disturb tho
poaco at suoh election or shall use or prac
tice any intimidation, threats, forro or vio
lence, with design to influence unduly over
awo any elector, or to prevent him from vo
ting, or to restrain tho freedom of choice,
such person on convici;on shall bo lined in
any sum not exceeding iivo hundred dol
lars and be imprisoned for aflj" lime not ICSH
that one or more than twelve months. And
if it shall be shown to trip court vrhere the
trial of such olTonce sf :!1 to hn.l !i,at the
per,ion so offending wne not 11 resident 01 ihc
city, ward, district, or township, where tho
said offaneo was committed and not entitled
to a vote therein, then on conviction, tie
shall bn sentenced to pay n fine of not less
than 0110 hundred dollars, and be imprisoned
not less than six months nor more than two
"If any person or petsons shall make any
bet or wager upon the result of any eltfdtion
within this Commonwealth, or shall olmr td
make nny such bet or wager, either by ver
bal proclamation llioroof, i.r by any written
or printed advertisement, chnllongo o: invito
any person or persons to make such bet or
wager, upon ceaviclion thctcof ho or they
shall lorieit and pay three times tho amount
so hot or offered to bo bet."
I also make known and give notice as ill
and by tho 13th section of tho aforesaid act
1 am directed, "that everv parson except
justice of the poaco, who shut! hold any of
fice or appointment of prulil or trim under
the l'ui>od State?, or of this State, or of any
city or in 'orporatdd district, wliuthei n com
missioned office! or iwhetwi-o, a subordi
nate officer or agent, who is, or shall bo em
ployed under tho legislative, judiciary, or ex
ecutive department of this Stato or United
Stales, or any city or incorporated district:
and atso, that every member of Congress,
ami of the Stale Legislature, and of tho se
lect or common council of any city, or com
missioners of any incorporated district, is by
law incapable o! holding or exercising at tiro
same time, tiro office or appointment o!
Judge, Inspector, or C ork of any election of
this Commonwealth, and that no 'lnspector
or Judge or any other officers of any such
election, shall be eligible to any office then
to be voted tor."
And by die same act of Assembly it is al
so made "the duty of every Mayor, Hherill,
Ileputy Sheriff, Alderman, Justice of the
Peace, Constable or Deputy Constable, of
every city, county, township or district with
in this Commonwealth, whcitover called up
on by an officer of an election, or by- threo
qualified electors thereof, to clear any vvin
dow or avenue to any window of tho pluco
of General Election, which shall be obstruct
ed in such a way as to prevent voters from
approaching tho same ; and it shall bo tho
duty of tho respective Constable of such
ward, district or township, within this Com
monwealth, to bo present in person or by
deputy, at tho place of holding such Elec
tions, in such ward, district or township, for
lite purpose of preserving the peace as ulore
Pursuant to tho provisions contained in tho
70th section of the act aforesaid, tho Judges
ol the aforesaid district shall respectively
lake charge of tho certiliculo or return of the
election of their respective districts, and
produce them at a meeting ot one Judge
from each distiict ol Columbia cointy, at
tlm Court Mouse in llloomsbttrg, on the
(bird day ulter the oleetion being tho present
year on Friday the 17tli day ol October next,
tiiyn and theru to do and perform the duties
""""'ireo*.'" Sual Judges. Also, that
r 1 ' sn iiriees of ""avoidable
where a Judge vy rh- Kn V. M °l •
accident is unable to attend said meeting oi
Judges, llien the certitnctato or return afore
said shall bo taken charge ot by one of the
Inspectors or Clerks of the election of said
district, who shall do and perform the duties
required of said Judges tumble to o'.toiul.
Ihe Return Judges of tho Representative
District composed id tho counties of fc'olum
tiia and Muntpyr, will "meet at the Court
Mouse in Blooifabitfg, on Tuesday tho 21st
ot October next, to perform those duties en
joined by law upon the said Judges.
MP The return judges of this Judicial
District will meet at the Court house in
Bloomsbuig on Tuesday iho 21st day of Oc
tober to di.-cliarge the duties required of
them by law.
Given under my hand at tho RhorifTs of
fice in Bloomsburg this Jth day of Septem
ber 1851
Out! save the Commonwealth
American repertory of Inventions.
Seventh volume of the Scientific American.
American ami foreign Patent Agents, anil
Publishers oj the Scientific American.
Respectfully announce to the public that
the tirst number of Volume VII. of this
widely circulated and valuable journal will
issue on the 20lh of September. The new
volume will commerce with now typo, print
ed upon paper ol JPheavicr texture than that
used in the proceeding volume. It is the
intention of the publishers to illustrate it
more fully, by introducing representations of
prominent events connected with the ad
vancement of science; besides furnishing
tho usual amount of engravings of now in"
vemioiis. It is published weekly in from
live to six hundred engravings, together with
a vast amount of practical information con
cerning the progress ol iuvontioi and dis
covery throughout the world. There is no
subject of importance to tho mechanic, in
ventor, manufacturer and general reader
which is not treated in tho most able mau
nor—the editors contributors and corres
pondents beinjr men of tho highest atiaiu
njents. It js in fact the leading sciemifig
journal of the country.
The Inventor will rind in it a weekly list
of American I'aterit Claims, reported from i
tho Patent Ofliee, an original feature not
found in any other weekly publication.
TERMS.—Two dollars a year, one dollar
lor six months All letters must bo post
paid and directed to Munn & Co., Publish
ers of the Scientific American, 128 Fulton
street, New Vork.
Any person who will send us four subscri
bers lor six months, at our regular rates,
shall be entitled to one enpy tor the same
length of time, or wo will fur mail—
Ten copies for six months, $8
Ten copies for twelve mouths, 15
Fifteen copies for twelve months, 22
Tweuty copies lor twelvemonths, 28
Southern and Western m.nioy taken at
par for subscriptions, or Post Otiice Stumps
taken lit their full value.
T> ospeelfully offers his professional service
"-••'lo the Indies and gomlcinen of Itlooms
burg and vici'liiy. He is prepared to attend i
to all tho various operations in DICNTISTRV
and is provided with tho latest improved i
porcelain tooth, winch will ho inserted on ;
jIOLD PRATE irom one to an entire set. I
niooinsburg, April 30 tßsi
Bookseller and Publisher,
Tho following books will be scut by mnil,
free of postage, to any part of tho United
Slates, on the receipt of tho money for tiro
same, which may bo forwarded by mail, at
fire risk of the i'ubltshor.
T. Iteadley, t vol. 12in0., Illustrated, full
cfoih, t?l,00; gilt edges, extra, ?1,50.
T. Iteadley, 1 vol. 18 mo., without tiro
plate?. Pundnv School edition. BO cts.
By liev. J. T. Hundley—l vol. i2,no ,
Illustrated, full cloth, ?1 00; gilt edges,
?1 50.
By Kuv. J. T. lleadtoy. 1 vol, !Bmo.,
without the plates. Sunday School edi
tion, 50 cts.
Rev. J. T Ileadley.— 1 vol. 18mo, Ilius
*'atcd, full cloth, 50 cts.
Rev. J. T. Hcadley. 1 vol. 18 mo. Run
day School ejilio.* 1 - ®' B '
MARSHALS. By ReV. J. T - Heudly.—l
vol. 12mo . Illustrated, full cloth, a -l-
T. Ileadley.—l vol. 12mo , illustrated, full
cloth, sl.
T. Ileadley—t vol. 12m0., Illustrated,
full cloth, SI.
T. Ileadley—l vol. 181110., Illustrated, fall
cloth, 50 cts ; gilt edges, extra. 75 els.
T. ileadley—l vol. 12m0., full cloth,
50 cts.
APOSTLES. With 11 portrait of each, en
graved on steel. With an essny on the
Character of tho Apostles, hy Rev. J. T.
Deadly.— 1 vol- 12rno , 15 engravings, St;
I gil edges, extra, 75 cts.
[ With his Life I vol. IHmo, Illustrated,
I 50 cts; gilt edges, extra, $1,50.
! Mrs. Steele. Illustrated with splendid en
j gravings. 1 vol. 12mo; new enlarged
and revised edition, fit; gilt edges, extra,
I Sl5O.
TURES. By Professor Gaussen of Gene
va. Translated by Rev. E. N. Kirk. A
now and enlarged edition. 1 vol. 12tno ,
410 pages, SI.
Onion TIMF.S.—By Mrs. Sherwood. 1
! vol, lHmo., Illustrated, 50ot*.
| LILY OF THE V A I.LEY. liy Mrs. Slier
] wood.— 1 vol 18mo., Illustrated, 50 els.
; Proofs thereof out of too Scriptures, in
words at lenth Per too, S3.
Extracts from opinions of the Press.
Sacred Siines and Charaitcrs —Uy the Rev
]J. 'J'. Hoadloy. This work may be very
properly considered a companion to the
•• Sacred Mountains,' by the same author.
1 lis object is to illustrate and ' render more
i life-like" the sacred writings. It is not the
author's design to supersede tho Bible. But
his wish is excite a solicitude to obtain, anil
to become intimately acquainted mid per
fectly familiar with its history, doctrines and
laws; to know its truth to imbibe its spirit,
| fs?l its power, and partake of its salvation;
- a wo™' 10 M' So s° measure ns it
! deserves, this wuuui is
yond price. We predict for it a fiireuiaiibi.
lur beyond ony of the author's former works.
L I he Neu-s. Jan. 7lk.
Tlamblrs ami Sketihes —By ltev. J. T. Head
ley. We have not for a long time sat down
to a book with more pleasing anticipations,
! or found those anticipations moro fully re
alized, than in the perusal of the work be
fore us, and we know it will bo hailed with
I gratification liy the many admirers oi tho
. talented author. Ifis "Napoleon and his
J Marshals" was, perhaps, as popular and J
J found at least as many enthusiastic readers
l as any book lluil can be mentioned. Wo
i think the liambles nnd Sketches are des
' lined to bo as popular al least as any of his
: previously published works. There is not a
I dull chapter in the work, tilled as it is with
'•an infinite variety." The author has am
! pie room and verge enough for lite employ
j ment of his lino talents to great advantage.
I and most successfully has lie accompli sired
j the task. The biographical sketch of the
I author is interesting and "well considered,"
i and adds much to die value of the hook,
| which is got up in a vary neat and nttraclivo
style by the publisher.—See Portland Trans
, s rij l, Dec. 1 bth.
I Mr, Headlcy is onouf dioniest promising wri
! tors of this country, mid we Imvo here onu of his
j best books— one mi which ho can wifely rest his
fame. It possesses the uufadguing charms of
t perfect biinpii ily and tuiih. Tlmru is graceful
| frankness pervading tho composition, which en
; gages the interest of the reader in the author as
j well as in the aubjoct. His rmnhlcs about Rome,
| Paris and I.oiulon exhibit a thousand Units of an
I ingenuous naturo, upon which n man of taste
j will delight to lingct. We predict for this a
j solo equal to diat ot ony of the author's works
[New York News.
! The collection is ono of which no nuthor
j need lie ashamed. It consists, indued, of some
I of Mr. Headley's most brilliant and highly lin.
ialn d compositions of Ihoso specimens of his
| abilities liy which lie may ho judged wilh die
! greatest safety to his fame as a word-pniutcr nod
j thinker. [Now York I'riliunc,
i N. B. The above books will lie forwarded to
onler at die piicca mentioned, free of postage,
to any part of tho Hailed Statu, on the receipt'
"1 orders, wilh the money. Money may ho scut
by mail at my risk. JOHNS. TAYLOR,
Publisher, 113 Nassau st, New York.
C. C. MARK, "
Surgeon mid illcclimilcnl ix iiiist
F.SPF.CTFUI.LY odors his professional
1 ■'services to the Ladies and Gentleman of
Orangovillo and its vicinity. Ho is provided
wilh die Iho latest improved
which will he inserted on l'ivot or Gold plato
lo look as well as dio natural. The cavities
of decayed teelh will bo dreused out and
filled with Gold of the finest quality, which
will prevent their further decay or aching,
and render the#useful for many years in
MOST cases during life. and other
foreign substances, will bo romoveil, ren
dering tho Teeth clean and die Gums ami
breath sweet and healthy. Teeth, and
stumps of Teeth, which linvo become use
less or troublesome, will be extracted with
die latest and most npproved instruments,
in the careful anil scientific manner, and
with the least possiblo pain. Persons desi
rous of. procuring whole sets of Teeth would
do well to "ive liiin u cull, us much lime,
trouble, ami expense might be suvud by
having their work done at home. In short,
he is prepared to attend lo every tiling in
tho lino of Dentistry, and his performances I
will bo warranted lo answer all the useful
and ornamental purposes ol tiio art.
For inferences apply to his numerous cus
P. S. Permanent residence, Orangcville, I
Colombia County, Pa.
Philadelphia & Heading Rail Road.
REDUCTION of lrieght on Merchandize,
lo commence Marcli 1, 1851.
Between Pottseillc anil Philadelphia.
tuminous Coal, Brick*, 'oe, Iron Ore, Lime
stone, Pig Iron, Piaster, Sluto, 'Piles, !) cts.
2d Class. —Blooms, Burr Block,, Cement,
Grindstones, Guano, Laths, Pitch, Railroad
Iror., hotivy, Rosin, Suit, Sill*, Shingles, Tar,
Tttrpenlinc, Timber ntnl Lumber, 10 ct*.
3rd Clan. —Ale, Beer, and Porter, Ashes,
Pot & Pearl, Bark, Barley, Bonus tk. Horn*,
Coliee, Cotton, Whiskey, & Domestic Li
quors, Grain, Iron Casting*, rough; Rolled,
Bar or Hammered Iron, Boiler Plates, Flat
Bar Kail Road Iron, lend und Phot, "hlo
lasses, Potatoes, Nail* ik o, ikes, Bull Provi
sioiis, Sugar, Saltpetre, and Tobacco, un
manufactured, 1-i cts. Flour per barrel,
25 ct*.
ills Class —Apples, Brail, Butter, Cheese,
Cordage, 10.unbelt Ware, Eggs, Grocer is
(except lltoso slated) Hemp, Hardware, ntnl
Cutlery, Hollow ware , Lard, Leather. Live
Stock, Manufactures of Iran, tis Machinery;
Oil, Oysters, Paints, Raw Hides, Buys, Run
sia Sheet Iron, Seeds, Steel, Sweet Potatoes,
Tallow. Vinegar arid Wire, 17 cts.
sf/t Class. —Books and Stationary, Bonis St
Shoos, Camphino, und Spirit Oil, China, Glass
and Queor.svvaro, Cigar.*, Confectionery, Dry
Goods, Drug*. Fresh Fish, Moot & Fruit, l-'o
| reign Liquors, Hops, Spirits of Turpentine
Wines ami Wool 22 cts.
Mare, 1 ? 13 t 18 31.
XiC\Y l3iS-*i.:tT*-KS it JOllllLU!!,
FREEMAN* ioltG. , : s & to.*
ISS Liberty street, between JlruoilwayC ,l d *Vi<-
sau-street, ncar the Post Ujfuc, New York.
; 'j are receiving, by daily arrivals front
* * Europe, our Full and Winter assortment
of rich fashionable fancy silk and millinery
We respectfully invito all Cash Purchas
ers thoroughly to examine out Stock end
i Prices, and as interest governs, we feel con
fident our Goods and Prices will indnco them
; to select Irom our establishment. Particular
attention is devoted to MILLINERY GOODS,
and many of tho articles aro mtiiuifaelureti
expressly lo our order, and cannot bo sur
passed in beauty, sivbr and ehettpness.
Beautiful P.u.s Ribbons, for Hat, Cup,
. Neck, and Beit.
I Satin ami Taffeta Ribbon*, of all width*
and colors.
Silks, Satins, Velvets, and Client Velvets,
for llals
_ Feathers, American attd French Artificial
I'll flings, and Cap Trimmings.
| Dress Trimming.*, largo assortment,
il Embroideries, Capes, Collars, I'mler
. sleeves and Gulls.
Fino embroidered Revicro and Hemstitch
Cambric I lutidkcrchiofs.
Crapes, hisses, 'Variolous, Illusion and Cup
Valencienes, Brussels, Thread, Silk, and
Lisle thread Laces,
Kid, Silk, Sowing Silk, Lisle Thread,
Merino Gloves and Mitts.
Figured and plain Swiss, Book, Bishop
Lawn and Jaconet Muslins.
English, French, American and Italian
.Straw Goods.
Aug. 28, 1851-Sm.
i sys:
IN LIGHT sTiiKirr.
I Announces In tho peoplj ol Light Btroot
that he lias just received and opened a spiutt-
I detl lot of new and fashionable
Spring and Summer Roods,
i 'to c"Vrs a! rales ihat cannot fail to
j suit ami pier'.' n " .'ho wish a good r.mitco
for cheap purchasers.
Ho has eveiy thing usually kept in a
country store, Dry Goods, Groctiiies, Hard
ware, Uacenswaro, Cedar Ware.
Dress Goods ntid I'll lie y Goods,
of styles to please nil tasls, and at prices lo
suit all purses. Call and see before tho I e
is gone
C>T Country produce taken, ill pay, ami
cash not refused.
| Light Street, Apr! sth, 1851.
Gpciiij nub Stumttci- goobo.
All new niitl (liirap.
I ffttviles the attention ol the good peoiilo of
"-Bloomsburg to his stock ol new and fash
ionable spring and summer goods which ho
has just opened in tho Brick Block third door
above lite Exchange llotoi in Bloomsburg,
ami which ho will sell
He has an assortment of
JDry Goods, Fancy Goods.
And a full variety of dress goods for In
dies and gentlemen*' wear and innoy.
Can bo mtulo by purchasers who will call
and examine Ids goods, for ho will sell, and
sell 20 per cent, less than the goods can bo
bought vls-jwhore in town.
Bloornsbtirg, April 23d, 1831.
The Housewife* Help and Husband's Jr.,, t
T\O);.S away entirely with that laborious
task ol tuiibing the Clothes upon llio
washboard. It contains no ingredienls what
ever injurious to the lines! Jilhric or the Jlesh.
Tho propriotors wish every one to givo it a
trial, ami it it dous not prove to bo as re
commended, tho money, in every such case
will ho refunded. Full directions accompa
ny each bottle. Retail price I2J Conis per
Horde, stiliii-ient lo do two ordinary washings,
and saving tho Clothes more by not rubbing
them than the cost of six bellies—beside*
removing stains of Irnit, &e., if there bo
any, ami lire tiino ami latioi saved.
) l'repared only by I. I'. IIOYT & CO.
V Inhale'fun
J. K. Reran, Bloomsburg, Agent lor Col
umbia County.
All orders received by him wholesale or
retail, will be promptly altemled to.
lallllfl For killc
fpilE undersigned Executor of Jacob Good,
dncoased, offers to to sell at private sale,
30 Acres of (lie Real Estate.
of said deceased, situate on Fishingcrcek
ami in Fishing Creek township, adjoining
other lands of tho Estate, and lamia ot Mi
chael Ruber and others. Tito land is 'valua
ble—is mostly improved and is in a fa
vorablo situation. The sale is made under
a power ill tho will of Jacob Good, ami tiro
[ title is unquestionable. Conditions made
known by tho undersigned resident in
Huntington, Luzerne courtly, or by James
Mellunry resident near llio premises.
Juno 12, 1860. Executor of Jacob Good
Fancy Chairs,
BENJAMIN HAG I-.N it I has just re
ceived from Philadelphia .t .ew lot ot FAN
CY CHAIRS, ot Birch and Mahogany cud, I
attd of the most fashionable style, which lie (
will sell at the lowest prices for good pay. I
Bloomsburg, May l'tith, ISSO.
l'rospectus or the Washington I'niout
rnliK un<JrtaHiiPd having purchased thta jf a
-1 |ier i-f Tnmaa litjchic, E*q , It will in future
bo conducted by A. J. Dottelaon, according to
the principles of tbe old dcmocralio republican
party. Tliu editor ontors upon hie task with a
deep sonsc oft lie responsibilities ho baa oseuuiid
but wlijle ho dial)lists bis qualifications for the
urdiiotis duties which the persuasion* of friends
more than his own inclinations have imposed on
him, ho takes his post with a firm determina
tion that the expectations of those friend* shall
not he disappointed by any want on his own
port of enorgy, constancy, courtesy, and n firm
udbercnco to those great principles on which the
honor, glory and prosperity of tko CoQnlry iff
pen J.
The Psrotr will advocate principle.*, not inert,
and it will bo so conducted an to furnish no p,c.
text lor the imputation that it will be dovotial |o
the ocivico of any political enpirant, or bfcotrl"
thn organ of nay combination formed fin the
personal or political advancement of its tnembots"
contrary to the principle and usage* of t!i"
dciuourntic ; arty by rrbuking tfimto who won'M
depait tr,oo its pin e.iples, or roar the beatiry o
its creed by the intindiiclioii cJ" dangerous Jen.
Tin* groat object of tho Utries in lo C'mpa,n
political rosultn; yet it* co'utnnn will not bo de
voted exclusively to politics, it will endeavor to
keep up with the spirit ol the ago, mid to present
all dl icovetin* to seienec or ait. tuid more enia.
cinlly to chronicle all tin|iiovenient* relative m
sericulture, commerce and ttianoficturcs which
may promote the interest* tod lend to Ihoadotn- *
mont of the country.
I nt eaune in which wu have tnibarkcd canTTot
bo sustained without a liberul patronage. />
daily pnpor at Washington requires a heavy e)r
peoditure; noil we tnoreforn L) iq-tii| to tIVoS.
who Wish us success to aid to procuring thi
means of nuecasa Iry using 'heir exertion" to oli
tarn patrons and subscriber*, (fur 'urpea an
l"si d solely on nuelt support, and on the strength
the democratic party ol the Lulled Htuln .
0 a 1£ <0 & iu A j&o
Fi'avEToH (rßNeiiAi,'s Oj-yiCE OF PA >
June 30, 1861. j
SOLOMON iNsvirinn Esq tire, Surveyor o
the County ol Columbia:
i Slit'—l lie art passed the tenth day C
r April, 1835, iiulliori/.iiig (ho graduation mi<
valuation ol the unpatented* in ihi<
j ( ommoti wealth, hy the Com m lss in no is o'
. the several counties, ami which has laice
extended Irnni time in time ly supploiiieu
| ary nets, expues on the tenth day ol lie
comber, 1 851 (..on l'amphlot Laws, |84!.
, page J8 ) alter which time no abatement el
any inlen'st can he made oil the puichase
, money dtte on sueli I.mils. I have, theie
fori) eooeeived it to ho my duty to give
I notion to all the County Surveyors. Von
util lake sttelt measures as you may deem
proper to circulate this (act, in order Ihtc
these interested may avail themselves el
the henelit ol a law which favors those win
own unpatented lands very much.
, i hero is no appropriation mado In defray
Ihe expenses ol publishing this notice tit tin
, dtiiereot counties, or else I should have ta
ken that meiliud of giving notice in the riow.-
I Very rmpeetluly yours,
. .V!' Sitrivuor (ten.
, ' 'The county Survevor has a list of the
unpatented lands witiiin tlio county of Col
, timhia.
July id, I?5L—St.
Ml 3 w Ca h ill i a c;
FOItNIA, but the business of Coaoh nnd
Wagon making will be continued by tie? tub
seriber at tlio old stand on Market streot H
will promptly attend to ail orders for work in
| his lute o! business, and is always roady, a?
i short tioue'V to mvnh-ii Wagons, Coaches
Carriages, Burgle, bleds and Sleighs of any
stylo ; bill always ol' the best materials, anil
made in tlio most substantial manner.
lie will give his personal attention to the
business, and employ none but good work
men. Repairing will bo attended to with
care, and upon the most rctwpunble terms.
Ho proposes to servo his customers to suoit
work- as xvill secure for him a continuance e
their patronage, and from all xvho need arti
elos in his line of business. He asks only a
rial of his work to insure satisfaction.
(treat Inducements.
The ball is fairly opened, tho cammaign
is commenced and as it is important to lime
Democratic doctrines and principles widely
circulated nttp fairly understood, wo oli'e?
Lite following inducements for subscribing to
the Stnr of the North , from the first of July,
when tho cheap postage law will go into op
oration, until the election ttt October next •
One Copy, 50 c ts
Five copies, $2 00
Eight " 3 on
Ten " 3jo
Twenty " 0 on
fx?* To bo in nil eases accompanied by
the cash. \\ e hope our Democratic friends
will lake hold of this matter, and send us a
lew names—each of yon.
to out wiiio rntrNDs
We will send the Shir at the above rates,
j to be paid when W.m. Biolkii is elected Gov
! ernor! Send on ycur orders.
Peter 8. Lcidy
Can mamifnctnro just as noat and fnshlonn
ble a suit of clothing as any other tailor ir.
theso diggitts. As a suntplo of his work
m.utship, ho refers you to tho
To bo found in the town, which is quite eer
tain to have come from his shop.
Ho regularly receives the latest city
ions, and from his experience in the hu
ttess can ensure satisfaction in his work.
He has also on hand an assortment <>f
At the lowest prices, from-which he will
make up to order coats, prints, or vests of utty
desirable style.
Cxrllis shoo is on tho North side of Main
Street, a low doors above the Court-house,
Bloom.-,burg, Feb. 14, 1850.
To CUo I'ublic.
El ROM tho lirs? day of July, 1631, tlin pos
tage oa tho JXii/u Jmertcnn Telegraph,
Washington city, l>. (J., will ho per quarter
in advance, ns follows ; Fifty miles or under,
V 5 cents ; over fi'ty u.ul not throe huruireil'.
50 cents ; over three hundred and not ex
needing one thousand, 75 cents, &o. Any
person wishing to bo served for three months
after the above dale, need only to pay his
quarter's postage anil send us n gold dollar
mid a silver quarter in a small letter—pos
luge paid, of course , or fivo dollars foi a
year. The Telegraph is independent in poll
ties, polite, moral, agreeable, and familiar,
prompt in liirinshing the news, and a terror
io all evil itoer:*.
School n. cko, Blank Books, Ledgers, Day
books r.nd Journals, Gift hooke. Kuepsnkee
hee., or sale at the liloamsbutg Book tu
T-eph :-w W