The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, June 19, 1851, Image 3
Slat" of tlje Nortl). TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. FROM THE BLOOaiSBUUC; OFFICE. Two Weeks Later from California!! Arrival of the SleumslWp Alabama at New Orleans. SAN FRANCISCO IN ASHESII The Hotels anil Custom Houses burned—Ship . ping and mulicns of Property destroyed. NEW ORLEANS, Juno I7lb, 1851. . From tho steamship Alabama arrived we have our advices. She brings tho lamenta ble and astonishing intelligence that the city of Sanfrancisco has been almost entirely de stroyed by 0110 of tho most destructive con flagrations in this or any other land. Tho particulars of this terrible disaster are too long to be transmitted by tolegraph immedi ately and tho facts must be very priefly sta led. Property to tho amount of fifteen million of dollars is believed to liavo been destroy ed. Among tho ouildings destroyed are the custom-house, Union, Parker's, and the offi ces of tho steamship company. Tho fire spread to the shipping, consuming a large number of vessels lying at tho wharves. It was discovered in Cluy street and ran through one dozen blocks, quickly spreading to other parti of the city, a great part of wkiih including Cenlre and Eluorado streets, are completely gutted. The utmost cousterna lion prevailed during tho fire ami llioutandA were left out of house, some having lost their all. Measures were about being adop ted for the relief aud shelter of tho sufferers. It is feared a number of lives have been lost. Busines was entirely lost sight of. San Franoisco presents a sorrowing and heart sickening picture. The exertions mado jn arresting the flames were 011 the whole of little avail, ond so extensive were the la bors of the fire department thai but little was provided by their efforts. The consternation of the inhabitants was very great, and ol course every thing was in confusion. The number of persons rendered houseless by this calamity is beyond calculation, at pres ent. The news from the mines continues to be of a cheering character. Now discover ies were daily bei-'g made, and, arid llie prospects of thu miners were highly favora ble- The quartz crushing machines worn reap ing rich rewards in some instances the aver age per man was from 30 to 50 dollars per day. Lynch law is still in force and several new examples have been made. I-'iom Philadelphia" June l7ih.—Yesterday evening a rowdy party from hero wont on a moonlight excur sion on a steamboat to lied Bank? A dis graceful riot took place there ; a number of persons, including women and children were injured, several individuals were stabbed and some of them badly wounded. Some of them were subjected to shameful treat ment. A large number-of the rioters were arrested and 16 of tharn locked up at Wood bury jail. The Jersey people were outrage ously used by the rowdies, and a parly of women grossly abused. The captain of a Gorman Volunteer Co. is reported to have beeii shot and dangerously injured. lie ports were in circulation to day of two or three deaths. A bar keeper, by the name of Dover, it was rumored, died this morning of injuries at the meolee. There was an other story that a man living at \\ oodbury was shockingly cut in the fight and could not survive it. A stage driver staled to a gen tleman that a citizen of Woodbury, when the coach left this morning was lying in a dying condition surrounded by his family. Distressing Occurrence, Danville, Juno 18ih, 1851. This morning about 10 o'clock, Henry Wanck a laßorer in tho Monlour Rolling Mill wax caught by a band earned around one of the wheels and horribly crushed. The best medical attendance was immediately procured. It is very doubtful whother he survives.. SECOND DESPATCH. 4 past 11 o'clock.—Henry Wanek expired about 11 o'clock of tho injuries received this morning. Dreadful Storm. CHICAGO, June 17th, 1851. A dreadful slorm prevailed on highland prairie. Henry* county, on Friday last, during which 25 buildings were blown down, and 3 persons killed. From New Vork. NK\V YORK, Juno 17th, 4 P. M. We have as yet heard nothing of the Hunt bolt or Niagara now fully due from Liver pool. None of the steamers of the line from Liverpool, nor of the steamers expect ed from Chagres have arrived. From Boston. June 17, 1851.—The jury 011 the case of Hayden, who is charged with being a par ticipant in the rescue of Shadraek, came in the court this morning and staled that they could r.ol agree, whereupon the court dischar ged them. From'Pittsburg. PITTSBURG, Juno 17th 1851. The river continues to fall : there are now only four feot of water iu tho channel. The Ohio and Pennsylvania rail road will be completed to Brighton for cortain, by the fourth of July. The vvny to do It. The Commissioners under the act incor porating the Susquehanna Rail Road Com pany, have opened lliu books for the sub scription of slock Tho shares aro fixed at 950 each, five dollars per share to bo paid down, aud the balaiteo when tho Company require it, provided that the payments shall not exceed 95 per share, nor be demanded oftener than once a mouth. 13F The merchants and shopkeepers of Bloomsburg have sgrood to close their stores 011 the coming 4th of July. _ STATE AGRICULTURAL FAIR! TO TIIE PEOPLE OF PENN'A: <il will wot bo forgotten that the State Agri cultural Society of Pennsylvania has fixed llarrisburg as tho place, and the 23d, 2-ith and 25th of October next, as the time lur theirJANNt'AL EXHIBITION. There is no State in me Union whose climate, soil, and the habits of whose pcoplo afford more ample resources than our own for a creditable ex hibition of their skill and industry. There is nothing raised, grown or mauufuulured upon the face ol the earth, which is not more or less imcresing in the study and sci ence ol Agriculluo. The Farmer, the Horti culturist, the Inventor, the Mo.'hanic, are all cordially and earnestly invited to contribute i and partake in the interest which will be I excited by the occasion , and especially do we invite the aid, couuteuatico ond presence of our mothers and daughters, upon whose handy-work and good example we are so dependent for all the domcslie comforts of life. Arrangements aro now being made lor en closing the grounds, and providing separate and sate place for alt animals and articles which shall be presented for exhibition. All the canals and rail-ways of the Stato will be open free of charge for their transpor tation to llarrisburg ; and visitors will come and go 011 them at one half the usual rates. The young men of the Slate aro reminded that the PLOUGHING MATCH will afford them an opportunity tor the display of their skill, the training of their teams and the fitness of tdeir implements. v\ hile we address this communication to the people of "our State, it will riot be un derstood that it is designed to exclude the citizens of other Stales; much less to avoid tho honorable competition whioh their con. tribulors may afford. Now is the time to prepare. By direction ol the Execulite Committee. FREDERICK "WATTS, /'resilient of the State Agricultural Society. Carlisle, May 28, 1851. EsP* Papers thioughout the Slate are re quested, to copy. Democratic State Central Committee. Hon. WILLIAM DOCK, of Dauphin, Chair man. Gen. WILLIAM ROSS, of Luzerne. WILLIAM DUAL, Esq., of Philadelphia. THOMAS J. POWER, Esq., of Beaver. J. ELLIS BOXIIAM, Esq., of Cumberland. Col. JAMES Br UNSIDE, oi Cenlre. Col. FREDERICK IC. BOAS, of Dauphin. Gen. GEORGE W. BOWMAN, of Bedford. JAMES L. REYNOLDS, Esq., of Lancaster. We print the above State Stato Central I Committee, as appointed by Hon. JAMES L. J GILLIS, President of the Gubernatorial Dem ' ocral'c Convention, hel l at Reading 011 the ! 4th and sth of June. The Committee will exist, according to usage, for one political j year. j I V The following is a list of the Opera j tors 011 the Susquehanna, and W. and P. ("Telegraph lines: ' NORTH AN*) WEST BBANCM LINE. ! STATIONS. NAMES OK OPERATORS. j Milton, J. R. VVir.gate. Lewis-burg, 0. N. Worden & Co. Northumberland, Miss Agnes Forsythe. Sunbury, Samuel J. Packer. Danville, M. C. Grier. UloomsbuTg, J. M- Chamberlain. Berwick, fey Thompson. Ilazleton, . JUTLP W. Carver. Wilkesbarre, El#sjlr R. Collings. Pulsion, Ititflprt & Philips. WILKESBAIIRE & PHILADELPHIA LINE. Wilkesbarre, Ktifcxor B. Collings. Huzleton, John W. Carver. Mauch Chunk, Euos Tolan. Allentown, Edward W. Cornell. Freemansburg, John P. Heckman. Bethlehem, Miss Jane E. Chamberlain. Bath, # Daniel Sigfried. Nazareth, * Calvin G. Beitel. Glnndon, * E. Rockwell. Easton, Wm. J Brown. Doylestovvu, Thomas H. Walton Philadelphia, J. Lane Mingle. BANKING OPERATIONS. — During the trial of E. Collier, the late Cashier of the defunct Havre do Grace Bank, at Elkton, last week, Richard Grason, counsel for the prosecution, statod that on the 28th of Augnst last, the resources of the Bank amounted to $28,842, 32, while its liabilities were $13ti,050, leav ing a deficit of $107,207 68, which amount Mr. Collier was charged with embezzling. Mr. Constable, for the defence, contended that all the operations of tne Bank were fic titious—that the funds soon after they were paid in by the stockholders were returned to them in New Vork, where all the money belonging to the concern was kept, so that there was nothing left for Collier to steal. The jury acquitted Mr. C. of the fraud against the institution, but if what his coun sel staled be true somebody ought to be in dicated for a fraud upon tho public. Sheriff's Sale. IJV virtue of a writ of vendition exponas, " will bo exposed to public sale at the Court-house in Bloomsburg on Saturday the 19th day of July next, at one o'clock, P. M , the following real estate, to wit : A certain lot of ground situate in Bloom township Co lumbia county, containing 0110 aero more or less, bounded by lunds of Jacob Eckert. Andrew Criveling, Solomon Heckman and others, whereon is erected a one story log house, a log stable, and other out buildings, and a well of water at the door, with the appurtenances. Seized ana taken asthe proporly of Stephen C. Johnson- PETER BILI.MEYER, Sheriff's Office, Sheriff. Bloomsburg, June 18, 1851. Wo 11 tier fill News! Just received and for sale by the subscri ber a "Journal of the sufferings and hardships of Parker It. French's Overland Expedition to California, which left New York city May 13 1850, and landed at San trancisco Dec. 14," by William Miles of Carlise, Pa. All lovers of California news, will call soon and buy, as wo have but a few copies of this highly interesting work on hunds. JOSEPH SWAfiTZ. May 22, 1851 A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of Ladies Gaiters and Slippers just iiiaiiiif'Autured and for sale by At'Gl'S'l'US WILSON North Branch I'euu'a Canal. SEALED Proposals will be received at tho Engineer's Oiiiee in Towanda, until sun set on MONDAY, tho 23d of June, 1851, for completing the following work upon the North Branch Pennsylvania Canal, lo wit Dam No. 1 ; Sections Nos. 1, 20, 28 32, 44, 65, 85, 92, 97, 100, 110, 116, 128, 133, 150, 155, 160, 172, 182, ruid 184 together with the lock ; aqueduct and culvert masonry which may bo required on any of the said sections. AJso die towingpalh . sections nbovo dam No. 1, and a lock at the head of the pool of said dam. The work above spe cified is such as was chiefly done prior lo tho suspension of the North Branch Canal in 1842, and that remaining consists of fin ishing up the sections. The requisite infor mation in regard lo the maimer of doing tho work, with tho approximate quantities 011 each job, may bo obtained upon application at the office aforesaid, three days prior to the 23d proximo. WM. B. FOSTER, JR. Chief Engineer and Superintendent. May 21, 1851, 5w Lnd For Mile THE undersigned Executor of Jacob Good, deceased, offers to to sell at private sale, 30 Acres of the Real Estate. of said decoascd, situate on Fishingcreek and in Fishing Creek township, adjoining other lands of tile Estate, and lands of Mi chael Ruber and others. The Innd is valua ble—is mostly improved and is in a fa vorable situation The sale is made under a power in the will of Jacob Good, and the title is unquestionable. Conditions mado known by the undersigned resident in Huntington, I.uzerno county, or by James Mclleiiry resident near the premises. E. WADS WORTH, June 12, 1850. Executor of Jacob Good. I'IRE PROOF CHESTS, FOR BOOKS, PAPERS, JEWELRY, &c. EVANS &. WATSON, i'* 1 ' Philadelphia Exchange. Stone Lined warranted to stand more heat than any other clients in the country. Also, Patent AirCham bcr IRON CHESTS, 170n now in use. They also continnc to mako the ordinary Fire Proofs at very low prices. We, tho undtrrigred were present on tho 1. day of September, when Messrs, Evans A Wat j sen tested 0110 of their Salamander Fire Proof! Chests, at which time they consumed live I cords tf wood over it. commencing at 9 A. M. and continuing until 1 o'clock, P. M , making j five hours intense heat, amounting to a white ( heat. The Uhe.-ts remained iu the lire until 1 the next morning, when it wis opene in our presence, and all tho bonks and papers taken j out, having been preserved entire. The above ! named Chest, together with the books urul 1 papers, may be examined by calling ni the Store ] ol Evans A: Watson, 'S3 Dock strict. TrIOSf H ANSELL, 13lh-st., above Arch. SAMUEtfL. DAVIS, 111, N. Third at. WILLIAM HARPER, Jr, Messrs. Evans A Watson: Gentlemen -Having been present when the contents of the Chest alluded to in the above eeltiiieate were exposed to view, I take pleasure in adding my testimony to the perfect security uf tho papars. No mark of fire was apparent on auy of them. Respectfully, 8. V- MEIIRICK. Philadelphia, Sept 10. BALTIMORE, June 18. Messrs. Evans & 'Vatson, Philadelphia; Gentlemen—We have much pleasure in re commending your Firo Proof Chests to the no tice of the public—the one we purchased from you having saved our books and contents effec tually, after undergoing a very severe heat during the fire, which destroyed tho entire block of buil dinga on A-ch street wharf, on the Schuylkill, on lUe'Olh of June, 1849. Yours, very respectfully, KUBBEL 4 : GILLINB. Seal and y Letter Copying Presses, Fire proof Doors for Hanks and Stores; Patent ftlute Lined Refrigerolers, warranted superior to all others, Water Fillers,' Truck Wagons far Stores, Sho.v er Ualbs of the best quality, June sth, 1851-ly DOCTOR YOURSELF FOR 25 CENTS!! §Uy means of the pocket EscuLpius, or every one his own Physician ! twenty fourih edition, with up wards of a hundred engra vings showing private dis eases in cvory shape and form, and malformations of the generative system, BY WM. YOUNG, M. D. 'The time has now a riv ed, that prrs.ins suffering from secret disease, need no mure become the victoiy of quackery, as by the prescriptions con tained in this hook any one may cur. himself, without hindrance to business,or the knowledge of the most intimate friend, ar.d with one tenth the usual expenso, In addition to the general routine of private disease, it fully explains the cause uf manhood's eailT decline, with observe tiofis on marriage—besides many other derange ments which it would not be proper 10 enumerate in the public prints. Any person sending twenty five cents, en closed in a letter, will receive one copy of this book, by mail, or fivo copies will lie sont for one dollar. Address, Dr. W. Young, No. /52 Bpruce street. Philadelphia.' l'ost paid. s"b> j Dr. Young, can be consulted on, and of the Diseases described in his different publications at his offices, 152 Spruce street, every day, between 6 and 3 o'clock, (Sun days excepted.) Philadelphia, March 23, 1850-12 m . BOOKS* BOOHS.*! r||f\ BOOKS!! Read! Read! £r®SlE3>iai ©WihISEE Announces to tho reading world in general, and tho good people of Bloomsbnrgh iu par ticular that he has removed h'.s Bookstore to the lower corner of Biggs Brick Block oppo site the Court House, where ho has a full variety oT Books for all manner ol men and women kind. Ho lias nil the popular works of the day upon Morals, Religion, History, Literature, Politics and Travels ; and a gen eral selection of oil school books, English, Classical, German and French! He has ulso a sweot lot of Coufectionaries, Toys aud Jewelry. So that every kind of lasle can be gratified by a selection of something from his stock. Bloomsbtwg, April 15th, 1861. BLANKS!! DF.EDDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPOENAS, and JUDGMENT NOTES, ol proper and desirable forms, for sale at the Olico the "Star of tho North." LIST OF VENDERS. OF Merclihattdise within tho county of Columbia, Pa, for the year 1651, sa Ap praised and classified according to lite several acts of assembly, by the under signed, duly appointed Appraiser of Mercantile taxes; to wit: A' 12 " Li- Residence 8 cense. Bloom. Bloomsburg R R Iron Co 10 20 00 William M'Kelvv & Co 10 liquor 30 00 II C I W Martinis* _ 13 do 15 00 Mentlenlial! >V Xlensch," 13 liquor 15 00 Leonard B Rupert 13 10 00 George Weaver 13 do 15 00 A. J. Sloan *l3 do 15 "00 Matthew M'DowcH 13 00 S L Battle 18 10 00 Fowler & Ttimbly 13 do 15 00 Light Street Iron Co 14 7 00 Peter Em, 14 7 00 William Knkisoti 14 7 00 J. J, Brower 14 liquor 10 50 John H Barton £& Go 14 700 E P Lutz 14 7 00 John R Moyer 14 7 00 Aaron Kline ' 14 7 00 Simon Nathan 14 7 00 David Lowenberger 14 7 00 David Stroup 14 7 00 Cyrus Barton 14 liquor 10 50 S. A. Worman 14 do 10 50 Millard & Trimly 14 liquor 10 50 R Plommertfc Co 14 liquor 10 50 Berwick Abraham Miller 11 liquor 22 50 Setlt R. Bowman & Co. 11 15 00 George A- Beam 11 liquor 10 50 Frederick Nicely 14 do 10 50 Briarcreck, Hudson Siackhouse 13 10 00 William Shaffer 14 10 50 Beaver Slrnttse 4' Novinger 14 liquor 10 50 Centre. Solomon Sterner 13 10 00 Gilbert II Fowler 13 liquor 15 00 Jesse Micks 14 do 10 50 Catatvissa- Michael Brobst &Son 13 liquor 15 00 John Sltarpless 13 do 15 00 Fincher & Thomas 13 10 00 Jesse K Sltarpless 14 do 10 50 John Schmtck 14 do 10 5.0 Stephen Buldy 14 7 00 1 Charles Hartman Co 14 liquor 10 50 Ltovd Thomas 14 7 00 Greenwood. George Masters 13 10 00 Elias Wertman 14 liquor 10 50 i Schuyler f,- Reiner 14 7 00 j Hemlock. ' Marshal G Shoemaker 14 liquor 10 50 1 Jacob Harris 14 do 10 50 j Fishingcreek. ■ James M f Henry 14 liquor 10 50 ] Benjamin M'Henry 14 do 10 50 Montour. | M. G. Hughes 11 liquor 10 50 I Maine. j Geo. A- RudolphSluiman, 13 liquor 15 00 i Mifflin. 1 Brovvn A* Creasy 13 liquor 15 00 | Stephen 11. Miller 14 do 10 50 I Christian Zimmerman 14 700 John Mcllettry 14 7 00 ' T. F. Craig 14 liquor 10 50 | William Kontrwi, • 14 10,30 Madison. James Masters 14 7 00 Orange. E A* J Lazarus 13 liquor 15 00 Rcketts A* Stewart 13 do 15*00 Sugar loaf. I Parvin Masters 14 do 10 50 ADDITIONAL. Persons returned for License under the j Act of Assembly passed the 10th of April, 18*9 ; to wit:. Distilleries. Names 3 Li- Residence cj cense. | Ricketls & Stewart, Orange 9 800 j Reese A- Loll, Briarcrcek 9 800 j John Laubach 10 500 Patent Mediciaes. lE. P. Lutz, Bloomsburg 4 500 I John 11. Moyer do 4 500 ! S. L, Bettle 4 5 00 j John Sltarpless, Catlawissa 4 500 Beer Houses and Oyster Cellars. | Moses May, Bloomsburg, 8 500 An appeal will be held at the Com- I miasioners office in Bloomsburg, on Sat | urday itio 21st of June next, for all who | may think themselves aggrieved by the I foregoing appraisement and classification. The licenses will be required to be paid to the Treasurer on, or before the 15th of July tie^. R. W. WEAVER, Mercantile Appraiser. Bloomsburg, May 15th, 1851 4t I Spring anb Summer goobs. All new mid Cheap. A4.3.01T KLINE Invites the ntlenliow of Tie good people of Bloomsburg to his etock ol new and fash ionable spring and summer goods which he has just opened in the Brick Block third door above the Exchange Hotel in Bloomsburg, and which he will sell CHEAPER TIIAN TIIB CIIKPE3T, lie lias an assortment of I)ry Ootids, Fancy Goods, READY MADE CLOTHING, And a full variety of dross-goods for la dies and gentlemens' wear and fancy. Can be made by purchasers who will call and examine his goods, for lie will sell, and sell 20 per cent, less than the goods can be bought elsewhere in town. Bloomsburg, April 23d, 185 J. ©or Spring nub Bnmtner. wan. eg© aniwrar & | YTave just received and opened a large as- I *-*sortinent of new spring and summer [ goods, which they offer to their, old custo- I mors and new ones at th# lowest prices. Their stock is large, and selected to suit the wants of this region of country. It compri ses every tliiug of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE QUEENSWARE, CEDAR WARE, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES; and those who have long patronised them are the best judges of their mode ot doing business; and the longcontiued confidence of j the cptnmmunity is tnejbest recommenda | fion they can offer to niMv patrons'. Their | Rtock of goods will bo llfcpt up by by tho re | cfeipt of now parcels from the city, nearly every week during the summer. Bloomsburg, April 22d, 18 SJ. Philadelphia & Heading Kail Road. REDUCTION of fricght on Merchandize, lo commence March 1, 1651. RATES Of FREIGHT PER 100 LBS. Between t'oltsvillc and Philadelphia. AHTICLKS TiiAKsl'onTF.n. — lit Class.—Bi tuminous Coal, Bricks, Ice, Jrun Ore, Lime stone, Pig Iron, Fluster. Slate, Tiles, P riB - Class. — Blooms, Birr Bloek, Cement, Grindstones, Onauo, Laths, Pilch, Railroad Iron, heavy, Rosin, Salt, Sills, Shingles, Tar, Turpentine, Timber and Lumber, 10 ct. 3rd Class. —Ale, User, and Porter, Ashes, Pot & Pearl, Bark, Barley, Bones & Horns, Coffee,* Cottofi, Whiskey, It Domestic Li quers, Grain, lion Castings, rough; Rolled. Bar or Hamineied Iron, toiler Plates, Flat Bar Rail Road Iron, Lead and Shot, Mo lasses,. "Potatoes, Nai Is k Spikes, Salt Provi sions, Sugar, Saltpetre, -and Tobacco, un manufactured, 124 cts. Flour per barrel, 25 cts. Ath Class —Apples, Bran, Butter, Cheese, Cordage, Earthen Ware, Eggs, Groceries (except those staled) Hemp, Hardware, and Cutlery. Mollow ware , Lard, Leather, Live Stock, Manufactures of Iran, as Machinery; Oil, Oysters, Paints, Raw Hides, Rag's, Rus sia Sheet Iron, Seeds, Steel, Sweet Potatoes, Tallow, Vinegar and Wire, it cts. sth Class. —Books ami Stationary, Boots & Shoos, Camphine, and Spirit Oil, China, Glass and Queensware, Cigars, Confectionery, Dry Goods, Drugs, Fresh Fish, Meat k Fruit, Fo, reign Liquors, Hops, Spirits of Turpentine Teas, Wines and Wool 22 cts. Match 13, 1851. I. . ."i ~' l 1 i'lrV; i ASTROLOGY —HIE CELEBRATED Dr. C. W. lIOBACK, Professor of Astrology Astronomy Phrenology, and Geomancy, com bined with CONJUKATiOiN from Sweeden, office No. 71 LOCUST Slicet Philadelphia, of feis hia services to lbs citizens of Bloonisbuig. He has been consulted by all the crowned heads of Europo, and enjoys a higher reputation as an Astrologer than any ono living. Nativities cal culated gccoidtng to Geomancy—Ladies Gentlemen $5, Persona at a-distance can hav their nativities drawn by sending the date of the day of their birth. All letters containing the above fee will receive immediate attention, and Nativities sent to any part of tho world written on durable piper; and he is prepared to make U3e of his power by conjuration on any of the following topics; Court.hip, advice given for the successful accomplishment of a wealthy ntar riage; he has tho power to redeem such as aro given to the free use of tho bottle,* anu for ail cases of hazard, and for tho recovery of stolen or lost property, and the purchasing of lottery tick ets. Thousands of the above named eases hove I Hteudonr in litis city and ils vicinity, and in the i United States, lo the full satisfaction of all. 10,. j 000 Nativities ot Horoscopes have been east du j ring the last four years while lie-e. Letters i will answer every purpose, and wtjl do as well as ( to call in person, and tho mail is now so safe j that persons need nut fear lo trust money through tho I'ost Otlico. l)r Hobauk receives from 500 | lo 1000 letters monthly, and has never missed I one. | All letters will bo religiously aitcnicd to. if prepaid. For more particulars call at the office lof the "Star of the North," and get an Aslrolo. j gical Almanac gratis. C. W. ROBACK.7 Locust street above j Eighth, opposite the Musical Fund Hall Philada. Ue particular to mention tho PoaUoflice couu- | Ity and State. All communications kept rclig ously secret. SEQUEL TO THE MELLOLKV OF A PHYSICIAN. BY ALEXANDER DUMAS. The ITUCEU'S Necklace, I Or the Secret History of the Court of Lewis XVI. rpHIS work is the sequel to Dumas' cele- X bratetl work "The Memoirs ot a Physi cian,".by Alexander Dumas, author of "The Iron Mask," "Count of Monlo Cristo,' kc. Translated from the French by Thorn a q\\ it liams. Esq., with beautitully illustrated Cov ets and Poitraits. Complete in two largo Octavo volumes. Price 50 cents a volume. This novel is founded on ce Abutted incident of tho diamond necklace which Cardinal Cohan purchased, as he s pposed, for Maria Antoinette, but which fell into the hands of a female sharper, Who personated the Queen, and so dooped the poor cardinal. Dumas always writes with spirit The pres ent is better than most novels novv-a-days, j and we recommend it as an agreeable com panion for a railroad car, or a rainy after noon. Published and for sale at the cheap book store of T. B PETERSON, No. 98 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. March 13 1851. ANOTUKR SCIENTIFIC WONDER! PEPSIN, the Trite Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice A great Dyspepsia Curer, prepared from Ken et, or the fourth Stomach of the Ox, alter direction of Baron Liebig, the great Physi ological Chemist, by J. S. Houghton,.M. p., No. 11 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Com plaint. Constipation, and Debility, curing alter Nature's own method, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice. See Advertisement in another column. Steam Iron Railing, MOUi: ASB GALLADIIER, C orner of Ridge Road and Broad Street, 1>1I1[LII)GL1>III1, WOIJLD call tho attention of purchasers to their elege.Tit assortment of HYoitg/if and Cast Iron Railing for CEMETERIES, BALCONIES, VERANDAS, Railing for Churches, Public and Private Buildings, Public Squares, ko., together with all kinds of Plain and ornamental Iron work. MORE & GALLAGHER S POOKiOF Containing lire best selection of designs that has over been issued, will be sent lo any person who may wish to make a seloction. Feb. 20, 1851-3 m Fire Insurance. THE Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Comuany, have appointed lite undersigned an Agent, lo make itisurauees in Columbia county. The Company is id good credit,and is co:>ducled upon sound principles. Persons insured by the Company are entitled to the rights of membership therein, are olegih', 0 as Directors of the Corporation, but tr any individual liability for the losses p~. txptnses of the Company. The amount of premium and policy paid when insu- e a' i s the extent of liability. Persons d dS | rous of e ßecting an insurance upon Property, can-call Upon the undersigned a t his Office in Bloomsburg. CHARLES R. BUCKALEW. May PJi, iB6O. Fancy Palters Envelopes, Pens, Ink, Writing sand &c., ; can be found at tho cheap Book store ot JOSEPH SWARTZ. WHITE'S BONNET MANUFACTORY, NO. 41 SOUTH SEC ON D STREET, mo\y conducted bv Thomas White, 'son of lis late proprietor, at lite Old Stand, where Dealers will at all times find a stock of Foreign and Domestic Straw, I.ace, Fancy, Crape and Silk onri'ts- Panama, I'ulm Leaf, and ever; variety of IJat *< 8,1(1 Arliflclni Flowers unequalled by any other for extent or beauty of manufdOture, and at very low prices, having facilities for .producing these goods possessed by no OiJicr pslah lishment. ~ ■ To lite Ladies and Milliners gcncratif. he would tender his grateful acltnowledgl mollis for titeir kind spp.oval of the busi ness Bvstem of litis house, sltall be waft ing, to merit a continuance of their liber al patronage, They will still be greeted with the same old familiar faces, who will at all times endeavour to exoeute their commissions with fidelity and promptness. March 6, 1851 '-307, Rending R. R. I'antseiigDi Tratus O OFFICE OF THE PAIL A DELPHI A AND READING RAILROAD COMPA NY.—Philadelphia, March 29, 1851.-—SUM MER ARRANGEMENT, from Philadelphia to Pottsville. Two PasengersTrnins daily (Sundays e'xecptdd.) On and after April 1, 1851, two trabit; will lie run each way, dai ly, between Philadelphia and Pottsville. MORNING LINE Leaves Philadelphia at-7 J o'clock, A. M., daily, except Sundays. Loaves l'otlsvili j at 7i o'clock, A. M., daily, except Sundays. AFTERNOON LINE Leaves Philadelphia at 3 o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at 3i o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Fifty pounds of baggage will bo allowed to each passenger in tiieso lines, und pas sengers are expressly prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their own wearing apparel, which will be at the risk of its own er. Bv order of the Board of Managers. March 29, 1851. S. BRADFORD, Surd a- Stale School Fund. SECRETARY'S OFFICE, J Ilarrisburg, April Bih, 1851. j To the Commissioners of Columbia Co. GENTLEMEN: —in pursuance of the thirty second section of an act emitted ''An Act tor the regulation and continuance of a sys tem of education by Common Schools,'' passed the Ttil day ot April, 1849, i hcre.- with transmit to you a statement of the amount to which every district in your coun ty is entitled, out ol the annual appropria lion of tiOOjbOO, lor the school year 1852, as follows : DISTRICTS. AMOUNT. LLLSTHFTJ AMOUHL. Anthony $72.39 Liberty 86,30 Beaver ,59,64 Limestone * 71,18 Bloom 248,24 Mahoning . 77,42 I Briar Creek 124,82 Ml. Pleasant 59.64 ! Centre 85,32 Madison 164.71 Cattawissa 100,12|Maine 43,05 Danville 299,41 Mifflin 91.64 Horry 75,44 Montour 65,57 Fishing Creek 89,91 Iraugo , 101,12 Franklin 62.41 Roaring Creek 193,94 Greenwood 121,0 c -ugarloai 116,92 Hemlock 118,8! /alley 54,11 Jackson 30,01 Respectfully yours, • A. L. RUSSKL, Superintendent of Common Schools. MACKAUEL, "J SHAD, ObDFISH, I C onstantly SALMON, .. I on hand fc fot HERRINGS, >,fl b h S r POWK" I I ALMKR&Co. H AMS AND SIDES j AliU whaTf re " SHOULDERS, | Philadelphia. LAUD AND CHEESE. J March 6, 1851.-3 m, THE UNITE/I STATES IIIOATIILY LIW MAGAZINE, Establihed in January, 1850. This work, so well known to the profess ion, contains: 1 Judicious essays upon legal topics, the most usotul ami interesting to tho profession. 11. Biographical sketches of distinguished lawyers, now living, with well execute', 1 , poj. traits. 111. Early notes of the more e.jfa alu | j, n . portant decisions of tho com?*, in America and Great Britain. IV. Monthly alphibeiic.-J, digest of all ca ses ot general inter'.-sl m the Superior Courts of law uud equ'.ty, oolh iu tlio united States and England, properly classified and arrang ed for re'roremee. V. Cr'.iical notices of new books, and a list of all new law publications—together H'i'ii a record of the events of tho month, and a general miscqlUueous survey of sub jects of interest tq the profession as well as to the general reader. Terms ol' the Monthly Law Magazine. The work is published regularly on the first of every mouth. Each number contains at least 104 octavo pages, printed ill tho best manner, on superior paper. Twelve nurn bers will make two volumes of 1248 pages, tor which indexes and title-page* will be prepared. The price of tho work is FIVE DOLLARS a year, payable itl advance ; tho ex tremely low terms cu which it is furnished, make a strici adherence to litis rule indispen sable. AH moneys may he sent by mail, post paid, at the Vublisher's risk, and the postmas ter's certificate will be considered stilficieut evidence of the mnifing of subscriptions. I'ostmasters are the publisher'* only agents. All letters must bo addressed to JOHN LIVINGSTON, Editor and Proprietor, 157 Broadway N. Y. TV The twelve back numbers, com , r ;. sing tho first and second volumes, r jan [, e furnish ed. j£2fOS\S"3'' CftU, rv t!7Tnt;r',. /.V L!G' AT STREET. L'etkr ent Annon'; lO o g tp t t,o people of Light Street, 'J 18 '. ne has just received and opened a splon 'ned lot of new and fashionablb Spring and Summer Goods* which he offers at rates that oannot fail to suit and please ail who wish a good chance for cheap purchasers. He has every thing usually kept in a country store, Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware, Queensware, Cedar Ware. Dress Goods and Fancy Goods, of styles to please all lasts, and at prices to suit all purses. Call and see before tho best is gone. ES r Country produce taken in pay, and cash not refused. Light Street, Apri sth, 1851. GIVE 'EM FITS 11 Peter S. Leidy Can muiinfndnre just as neat and fashion;* bit-a suit ol'clothing as any other tailor in t! eso diggitiS. As a sample of his work nans tin, no refers you to tho BEST FI TTING COX T To be found in tho town, which is quite cer lain to have come from his shop. He regularly reoeivos tho latest oily fash ions, ahd from his experience in tho busi ness can ensure satisfaction in Ilia work. Ho has also on hand an assorimont of CLOTH, CASSIMERES, fc TRIMMINGS, At the lowest prices, from whltJll ho will mako up to order eoafr, pants, t>r rcstsof Any rtfesirable style. tQFTIis shop is on the North side of Main street, few doors above tho Court-house Bic'Oinsl'Urj, Feb. 14, 1850. "OBISCEVMJ-E FOUNDRY AND n JFC SIIiVE SHOT-. THE subscriber lias now in aottve opera lion the new FOUNDRY and Machine Shop recently erected at Orangeville, and will bn ready to furnish castings of every size and description, and every desirable kind of machinery. Castings for Mills, Plough irons, Stoves of every kind, Kettles, Boilers and all other kinds of Hollow-ware will bo furnished by him at the lowest prices. He has also on hand, and will make to. order, THRESHING MACHINES AND. PLOUGHS ready far use. and equal to tho best mado in this region of the country. Fanners in need of Castings or machine ry will find it to their advantage to visit Ins establishment, lie will keep on hand a lot of articles manufactured by him, out of which a fair selection enn always tic made. Ev ry description of machinery neatly re paired on the shortest notice and moat soriablu terms. Old metal taken in payment for work. B. F. H AYIIURST. Orangeville, July 29th 1850.' MEAWLAMAI.L & HIENDCII HAVE JUST RECEIVED ASD OPENED A NEW STOCK OF Spring ami S'.iniMH-i* <25 3D • LiD 513 B Which ifioy offer to their old patrons ami, now ones at the host of bargains. They can he found at their old stand on Main and- Market streets, and their stock will be found to be selected with caie, and to embrace, every kind of gorda fashionable and de sirable lor tho-eason. They have Fiencli, English and American cloths, casr-imeres, satinets mid jeans for men's wear, and a VE riety of Lawns and Gingham's of the most I: .hionaMf styles for ladies. They have also; Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Cedai- Ware, Hats niiil Caps, and, in short, every thing nniaily kept in a country store. _ , IAT" Call and see that wo do sell cheap for cash or country produce. Bloomsburg, April 23d, 1831. TBI IS WAV EiVIXEM 12.^: SSAI&Kr&Ss© RESPECTFULLY announces to the eili izeris ol SJlooisisliiii gin goiieiul and liis old patrons in particular, besides the rest of mankind, that he has again opened his tai lor shop where lie will bo pleased to furnish the best of clothing, cut the fa lest fashions, and iriado in (lie besi manner. He receives the city fashions, and feels cer tain thai his tV'drk will look will and wearbe\• ter. His shop is on main street of Bloom.-.btirg next door below Lulz's Drug store. In pay for work, lie will take cash, Stora order, or ercn GOLD DOLLARS. Bloomshurg Nov. 2.1, 1330. A Valuable Farm at PRIVATE SALE. A pood farm of 176 acres in Mountplcas ant township, Columbia county is offered lor sale upon fair terms. It lays along Fishing creek jtisi opposite Light Street, an t contains as good land as is found along tho creek. About one fourth is woo l land, tho remain der cleared and in good state of cultivation. The improvements are a convenient ami comfortable frame dwelling-house, a good barn, and other o.itbuild.higs. Tho land is believed to contain P. valuable deposit of I'/.OA OliE, and the owner mly agrees to sell it, because he carnol give bin personal supervision to the properly. It will bo soW upon such lib , etai and desirable terms as to mako it u good, profitable, and cheap home. For tho terms of sato inquire of 11. W. WEAVER Ag*nt. Bloomsbnrg, Jan. 21, 1851.—11" AOH Spring and Summer Goods. 011 HE subscriber announces that he Ims * just received and opened a new and general assortment of Spring ami summer Goods. at his old stand on Main slieet, to which lie invites the attention of every person desiring ®3)C3)l® B4tfv&fcHSyS> AND CHEAP 000 US, His stock includes LAWNS, GINGHAMS, SILKS, A PRINTS .if all styles and prices; and he has a care iully selected stock of C£S*t£}C£3'-JiS3a GKRCQSKTESU CEDAR WARE, HARDWARE, qVEENS IVAIIE. HATS. CATS, IIOOTS If SHOES. Hosiery J-JHI Giloves* which he will R | the lowest prices for cash ot country produce. GEORGE WEAVER. Blofamsburg, April 30, 1850. H. d. KQWMR, 'STOOIOSf OjiBW!IPES2!?, B> espectfully offer's his professional service* •"'to tho ladies and gentlemen of Blooms burg and vicinity. He is prepared to attend to alt the various operations in DENTISTRY aid is provided with the latest improved porcelain teeth, which Will be inserted on GOLD PLATE from one to on entire set. ( OFFICt—NEAR THE ACADEMY Bloomsburg, April 30 1851 Fancy Chairs. BENJAMIN lIAGENBUCH has fast re ceived from Philadelphia a retv lof of FAN CY CHAIRS, of Bircli and Mahogany carl, and of the most fashionable style, winch Do will sell at the lowest prices for good pay. Bloomsburg, May lGth, 1850. WINDSOR AND COMMON CHAIR made to order of any desirable stvlo at llio oltnir manufaetprv of B. HAGENRUCIi Bloomsburg, May 16th 1850.