The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, May 22, 1851, Image 3

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    Star of ti)t Nortl).
Ktiocktnc AccMeut on the PlUsbnrf
CLEVELAND, May B—Yesterday evening
the engineer of the "crab" upon this rood,
• finding it short ot water upon its arrival new,>
concluded to run down to the tank, two
mires from Newburg, for the purpose of re
plenishing it. A gentleman and his w'fe
and Cwe ladies got on at the invitation of the
engineer. They soon reached the tank, and
the signal was given to stop. After water
had been taken in, the gentleman proposed
to ride down to Newbdrg. The engineer
consented, as ail the trains of the day had
pasaed, and nothing but the tender was at
tached to the "crab" and they started off at
the rate of about six miles per hour.
After going about a mile {he engineer
thought he saw an obstruction in the road,
and the brakes were applied, but did not
stop the motion. A most dreadful crash en
sued. The engineer was thrown into the
air and fell upon the track. He struggled to
get out of the way, but could not, and every
wheel passed over his body. One of the
ladies was thrown among the cog.wheels
and machinery of the "crab" and was not
released uutil almost every stitch of clothing
was torn from her. She had receired most
severe injuries upon the forehead, and was
covered with blood. Another woman was
knocked senseless, but not much injured.
The gentleman and remainihg lady escaped
Tile "fcauSe of the dreadful accident was
"icon apparent. Some fiends had imbedded
a plank in the centre of the track, leaving
'the end projecting out several'feet The
whole itiiffg tvas ihahagcd tvlth the ntbst
'infernal'ingenuity. The [iiado selected was
near a high bank, where h tie whs placed
'across the track on the dJ2d of February.
The lady so seriously injured will proba- '
'bly recover. This is the first attempt oat of
many that lias succeeded. We hope that
no pains nor expense will be spared to ferret
out the peipetrators of this damning crime-
Cxt'OHT.—The vidians who is supposed to
have done the above damning deed, has
been caught by our vigilant police, and is
now in custody.—Pi/teWg Journal.
"Opposition to the Fugitive Slave Law.
BOSTON, May 16—The . Senate this inor- 1
'ning passed Ihe following resolutions in op- j
position to the slave law, by a vote of 33 1
yeas to 5 nays—the latter being two Whigs i
and three Democrats :
ItesilveJ, That Massachusetts protests
against the Fugitive Slave haw, as hostile to 1
the sentiments of Christianity, and übliorenl .
to the feelings of the people of the Com
monwealth—that such a law will naturally
fail to secure that support in the beart and
conscience of the community, without winch i
any law must sooner or later become a dead
T~—■*- -•-- l—
Hon. Jauics Buchanan Nominated Tor the ,
Philadelphia' May 13, 1851 —The Demo- 1
cratic Convention at Washington, Pa., have !
nominated lion James Buchanan for the
Presidency in J852.
Cel. I'ooto Nominated tor Goycruor of
WASHINGTON, May 16, 1851.— A despatch
has been received announcing that die Mis
sissippi I'niou Committee had met, and
nominated Con. l'oote for Governor. It does
not say 'whether the committee was com
posed of Whigs or Democrats.
Mr. Hodge, the Assistant Secretary of the
Treasory, left for New York and Boston this
morning, on government business.
A refutation of the charge of Lieut I
Forbes, of the English navy, of the exis- j
tetice of slavery in liberia, is published by :
the Executive Committee of the Coloniza- ,
lion Society.
Arrival at Dunkirk.
DUNKIRK, Thursday, May 16.
Th'e "Excursion Train, having on board the
ofiicers of Vli'o New York & Erie Railroad
Company, and their distinguished guests,
arrived at this this place at 44 o'clock this
hfiernoon, without any accident. A great
concourse of people! were present.
.. The train was greeted Jy the cheers of
thousands, and after the reception ceremony,
on alighting from the cars, the gneMfc formed
in procession and proceeded the Depot,
where a bountiful table had been spVead for
the multitude. * After a few reniarks from
Mr. Webster, the invited guest's Were coii
ducted to the Loder Hottus where tables had
btM spread f<st ibem. After patlhking df
the good things so lavishirigly provided, the I
crowd about the hob so were addressed from
lite balcony by bis Excellency President
FrHmOre, Gov. Hunt, Mr. Graham of N.
Carolina, Mr. Joseph Hoxie of New York,
Mr. Webster and Mr. Seward. At the same
time those within the imme.iso dining room
were addressed by Mr. Crittenden, Mr.
Dickinson, Mr. Douglas, and several others.
A'ter which the closing display—illumina
tion, bonfires and fireworks took place.
Arri-al of the President at Bhffulo.
buffalo, May 16.—The steamer May flow
er, with Preiident Fillmore, and Messrs.Gra
ham, Hail and Crittenden on board) accom
panied by tbe Mayor and Councils of the
City, arrived here at three o'clock this after
noon. The distinguished visiters were re
ceived with tbe most enthusiastic demonstra
tions of regard fay the immense crow'. which
bad been for hours awaiting jlte'r arrival,
and were afterwards escorted by a grand
procoaeiou ot the military and citizens to
tiidir quarters.
Mr. Webster did not accompany the party,
hut will eopte up tomorrow. He iasioUmed
at Dunkirk by the illness of his s am
FLOUR AND MEAL— The market lor flour IS
dull. Standard brands are selling at 84 25.
Sales extra at 84 3lf as 4 60.< Fancy brands
are hold at 84| a ss|. Rye Flour-*- Pennsyl
vania is firm at 83 50. Cn Meal— l'emia.
is doll at s3j.
GRAIN.—W'AEUJ —SaIes of Penna red at
"05c ; and of prime white at 81 a6l 01. Rye
—sales at 70c. Corn —Good yellow sells at
*2 eta, afloat. Oats —Are selling at 44 c. for
Pentta and 41 jg for Southern.
WMIAKCY— SaIes of bbls at 53 a 22 j, and :
khdi. 21c. |
' ■ '- - -- j-n- * - " i
a— if '' '
Destructive Fire fa Hew York-
New York, May 15.—Al en early hour, a
fire broke out in the sbjp ohandlery ware-,
house of White & Roberts, which raged with
much violence. The lota or the firm is es
timated at 825,000. —The loss of other occu
pants of the building is about 820,000.
*' . I •- I
I3F The Soutlt Carolina Convention, it is
said, has not in the least discomposed the
mind of the government at Washington,
which does not recognize the rigKt of seces
sion. It is of the opinion (MA," like globules
of quicksilver, thes. States, when once uni
ted by the federal cdnafitUMetj, formed one
glorious whole, retaining their local organi
zation, but yielding to the general govern
ment all other existence. Should South Car
olina forcibly secede, the government will
not take cognizance of mn*es or Slate or
ganizations. but of individuals, who will
separately ue dealt with as violators of the
law or as guilty of treason, as the case may
be. The District Attorney of South Caroli
na is now at Washington, receiving full in
IMPORTANT FROM Mexico.— Sixty five Ameri
cant Imprisoned. —The New York Post iearns
by a private telegraphic despatch to an emi
nent merchaiitile house of that city, which
was received on Thursday forenoon Irom
New Orleans, that advices have been there
reueived, of the sleaprier, "Gold Hunter,"
which left San Franoisco on the 22d of
March last, for Tehuantepec, to the effect
that the Gold Hunter had violated the mari
time laws of Mexico, by landing her pas
sengers, in number sixty five, without the
requisite previous permission, and that the
passengers had been imprisoned by the
Mexican authorities aud were confined at
the dale ol the advices received. No
other particulars are given. Tehuantepec is
not a port of entry.
The Maryland Slate Convention, for revis
ing the Constitution, has terminated its la
bors. Tbe first Wednesday in June is the
time appointed for taking the sense of the
people upon'it, and, if adopted by them, it is
to go in force'ihe OtiSUing fourth of July. Its
adoption wiil not affect vested rights or exist
ing liabilities, and the present Governor ar.d
j all other Civil and Military Officers bf the
Slate ate to ItolfPatid exercise their respect
ire commissions according to the present
tenure until superseded pursuant to the pro
visions of the new Constitution.
MrciiicAN.—Among tiie aefa adopted by
the Tate Legislature was pne abolishing all
laws for the collection of debt. A number
of merchantile firms and dealers Ih Kalama
zoo, since the abolition of the law relating
| to debt, have announced their intention of
i publishing Ihe names of all delinquents,
| "being •rfell cdriVinced,'' as they say, "that
; no man of good 'intentions and honorable
j principles will allow himself to be thus post
: ed before bis neighbors and fellow citizens."
; The-honor of the man is hereafter to be the
' foundation of ail ordinary transactions.
! Gov. Dorr, of Rhode Island notoriety, hiis
I finally been restored to bis citizenship. Sa
' lutes were fired throughout the dav oil Sat
| unlay last, at Providence, in honor of this
' act of justice..
! Tun IRON TRACK- —l ite Reading Gazette
: 'ay, the Iron Trade is gradually improving
: throughout the oounfry, ai*B the market is
i becoming active, though a yet there has
j been but little advance in price. Many Fur
naces. Rolling Mills and other Iron works,
! wiiioh have been closed for months past by
depression jn business, are again being put
in operation with lull sets .of hands. This
revival will give increased activity to to the
] coal trade.
SINGULAR DEATH. —We learn that Mr. FA
rael Dewatt, a respectable citizen of Wash
ington township, left his residence on the
evening of the 4th inst., for the purpose of
visiting a sick friend, living at a short dis
tance from his own residence. He was seen
to pass a neighbor's bouse, on the way, and
soon after to return, but it seems did not get
lioine. Php next morning he was found,
| laying by the ro'adsiile, dead. An inquest
i was held over the body by Jas. 11. Whitson,
Esq., of Uniotitown, which returned a vet
; diet, that deoeased d ied of disease of the
heart. lie was 30 years Old.— Lyrorrting
j Gaiette.
of tha stockholders in the Snubary and Erie
Railroad Company is to be heid at Phila
delphia on the 221 inst.
Convention have adopted measures for the
abolition of lotteries in that State after April,
1852. The matter excited much debate.
• The Union Canal Company', wo under
stand, intend to unite their Canal with the
Schuylkill Navigation about four miles above
Reading.— That portion, therefore, whioh
extended to a point below that city, and wa
rn uch damaged by the freshet of last year,
will not be repaired. -
WILL enter the village of Bloomsburg
On Friday the 30th of May inst., head
ed by the New York Brass band.
Tbe animals are those which were Exhib
ited throughout tho principal ciiies of Eu
rope by Van Atnburg. Tire performing Ele
phant Abdallah exmlos the wonder and sur
prise of every indiyidhal who has seen his
almost incredible performances.
The Equestrian Trcupe is without its su
perior in the known world, among which is
that Celebrated Si* Horse Rider, N B. Turn
er; aud that Clown ot all Clows, J M-ors.
Will exhibit at BLOOMSBURG on Friday
the mh day of Mam, 185 U
Doom opeflat 1} and SJ. Performances
commence at 2 and 7P. M. Admission 25
cts. Children undpr 8 years, half price.
Weiiderftal News I
Just received and for sale by the subscri
ber a "Journal of the sufferings and
hardships of Parker H. French's Overland
Expedition to California, which left New
York city May 13, 1850, and landed at San
Francisco Dec. 14," by William Miles ol
Carlise, Pa. All lovers of California news,
Will call soon and buy, as wo have but a few
copies of this highly interesting work on
1 hands.
! May 22, 1861
i v '*
j. i T i j/L
- OF MerchJiaiidise within the county of
1 Columbia, Par for the year 1851, as Ap
" praised and clswflfied according lo the
several nets of "assembly, by the under
signed, 'duly appointed Appraiser of
9 Mercantile taxeet town:
Name <*> Li-
Residence § cense.
Bloomsburg R R Iron Co 10 30 00
William At Kclvy & (Jo 10 liquor 90 00
HO <s• I W Hantaan 19 do 15 00
Mendenhnl'. $ Menscli, 13 liquor 15 00
Leonard B Rupert 13 10 00
George Weaver 13 do 15 00
A. J. Sloan 13 do 15 00
Matthew M'DotVell 13 10 00
S I. Bettle T3 10 00
Fowler & Tiimbly • 13 tlo 15 00
Light Street Iron Co 14 .7 00
Peter Em, 14 7 00
William Robison . 14 700
J. J, Brower 14 liquor 10 60
John H Barton &Co J*4 700
s E P Lutz 14 .7 00
- John R Moycr 14 7 00
i Aaron Kline " 14 7 00
1 Simon Nathan Sc Co 14 7 00
* David Lonrenberger 14 7 00
f David Siroup 14 7 00
I Cyrus Barton 14 liquor 10 50
- S. A- Wortnan 14 do 10 50
- Millard Ac Trimly 14 liquor 10 60
' U Plummer & Co 14 liquor 10 50
! Berwick
3 Abraham Miller 11 liquor 22 50
' Seth IL Bowman & Co. II 15 00
! George A. Beam 11 liquor 10 50
Frederick Nicely 14 do 10 50
Briar creek,
* Dodson A" StackltQQse 13 10 00
,- William Shaffer 14 10 50
s Beaver
B Stronse 4" Novinger 14 liquor 10 50
, Centre.
8 Solomon Sterner 13 10 00
Gilbert H Fowler 13 liquor 15 00
I Jesse-Hicks 14 do 10 50
e Michael Brobst & Son 13 liquor 15 00
John Sfferplets 13 do 15 00
II , Fineher & Thomas 13 10 00
- j Jesse K Shttrpless 14 do 10 50
John Scbmick 14 do 10 50
! Stephen "Baldy 14 7 00
y 1 ,Char!e Martinet) A' Co 14 liquor 10 50
11 ;'yd Thomas 14 7 00
r i Greenwood. . .
, I George Masters 13 10 00
, j Ellas Wertman 14 liquor 10 50
C Schuyler A' Rezner 14 7 00
| Hemlock
' ! Marshal G Shoemaker 14 liquor ,10 50
'* ! Jacob Harris 14 do 10 feO
B j Fishingcreek.
" ! James M'Henry 14 liquor 10 50
' ; Benjamin M'Henry 14 do 10 50
0 | Mont Our.
| M. G. Hughes 14 liquor 10 50
3 - Geo. A* RisdolphShuman, 13 liquor 15 00
- | Mifflin.
Brown A" Creasy 13 liquor 15 00
s Stephen H.Miller - 14 do 10 50
Christian Zimmerman 14 700
! John Melletiry 11 7 00
? T- F. Craig 14 liquor 10 50
• William Kaatner, 14 , 10,50
s Madison.
James Masters 14 7 00
i, Orange.
f R J Lazarus 13 liquor 15 00
Rcketts A- Stewart 13 do 15 00
, Parvin Masters 14 do 10 50
' Persons returned for License under the
Act of Assembly passed the 10th of April,
18 IP ; to wit:
Names S J-i*
j Residence o cense.
t I Ricketts & Stewart, Orange 9 8 00
, | Reese A* Lolt, Uriarcrcek 0 800 |
t i John Laubach 10 5 00 I
, I Patent Medicines.
*IE. P. Lutz, Bloomsburg 4 500
' ! John R. Moyer do 4 500
'jß. L, Bettle 4 600
John Sharpless, Caltawissa 4 5 00
• Beer Houses ami Oyster Cellars.
3 Moses May, Bloomsburg, 8 5 00
An appeal will be held at the Com
missioners qfiice in Bloomsbv.rg, on Sat
] ; urday the 2lst of June next, for all who.
a | may think themselves aggrieved by tbe
, i foregoing appraisement and classification.
Tho licenses will be required to be
paid to the Treasurer on, or before the
16th of July next.
.. Mercantile Appraiser.
Bloomsburg, May 15th, 1851 4t
Spring onb Snmraer gooba.
. All new anil Cheap.
Invites the attention of the good pedple of
Bloomsburg to his stock ot new and fash
ionable spring and summer goods which he
has just opened in the Brick Dldbk third door
above the Exchange Hotel in Bloomsburg
and which he will sell
lie has an assortment of
Dry Goods, Fane,)' Goods,
And a full variety of dress-goocis_ for is
-1 dies and gentlemens' wear and fancy.
Can be made by purchasers who will call
and examine his gdods, for he will sell, and
i- sell 20 per cent, less than the goods can be
• bought elsewhere in town.
i- Bloomsburg, April 23d, 1851.
8 V 3 CS3-X>CIDI2>jS3
„ (for oprinu Bntniner-
S W£C. EC® Si
- TTave just received and opened a large os
"softment of new spring and summer
y goods, which they offer to their old custo -
mere and new ones at the lowest prices.
8 Their slock is large, and selected to suit the
5 wants of this region of country. It compri
ses every thing of
v and those who ItZve long patronised them
n ore the best judges of their mode ol doing
>f business; and the long confined confidence of
, tho commmunity is the best recominenda
n lion they can oiler to new patrons. Their
n stock of goods will be kept tip by by tho re
ceipt of new parcels from tho city, nearly
every week during the summer.
Bloomsburg, April %2d. IPM'.
1J I .il~iiiT .J.
Philadelphia * Reading Bail Road.
r REDUCTION' of ftieght on Merchandize,
. lo commence March 1, 1851,
• Between PotUville and Philadelphia.
tuminous Coal, Bricks, Ice, Iron Ore, Lime
stone, Pig Iron, Plaster, Slate, Tiles, 9 cts.
2d Class. —WoQine, Burr Block#, Cement.
Grindstones, Guano Laths, Pitch, Railroad
Iroe, heavy, Rosin, Salt, Sills, Shir.gles, Tar,
• Turpentine, Timber tun! Lumber,, 10 cts.
1 3rd Clasi. — k U. Beer, and Potter, Ashos,
) Pot & Pearl, |f€, Barley, Bones "ft Horns,
1 Coffee, Cottoa, Whiskey, Ik Domestic Li
j quors, Graiu, Jrou Coatings, rouuh; Rolled,
. Bar or Hainnreted Iron, "oiler I'lntes, Flat
Bar Rail Road Iron, Lead and Shot, Mo
' lasses,"Potatoes, Nails ft Spikes, Salt Provi
J sirina, Sowjir, Saltpetre, and Tobacco, un
) manufactured, IZ4 cts. Floilr per barrel,
) 23 cts. ,
) Hh Class —Apples, Bran, Butter, Cheese,
j Cordage, Karthen Ware, Eggs, Groceries
. (except those stated) Hemp, Hardware, and
Cutlery, Hollow ware , ferd, Leather, Live
' Stock, Manufactures of Iron, as Machinery ;
I Oil, Oysters, Paints, Row Hides, Rags, Rtts
) sin Sheet Iron, Seeds, Steel, Sweet Potatoes,
) Tallow, Vinegar and Wire, 17 els.
) sth Class.— Books and Stationary, Boots &
, Shoos, Camphine, and Spirit Oil, China, Glass
and Queensware, Cigars, Confectionery, Dry
' Goods, Drugs, Fresh Fish, Meat & Fruit, Ko,
' reign Liquora, Hops, Spirits of • Turpentine
I Teas* Wmoa and Wool 22 els.
I March 13, 1851.
C. VV. ROBACK, Professor of Astrology
' Astronomy Phrenology, and Goomancy, com
\ hined with CONIC RATION from Sweeden,
office .No. 71 LOCUST Street Philadaljihis, of
) feis his services to the citizens of Bloomstiuig.
Ho has boon consulted by ell tho crowned heads
j of Europe, and enjoys a higher reputation at on
. Astrologer than any one living. Nativities cal
culated according to Geomancy—Ladie* $3
' Goutlemen $5, Persona at a distance can hav
their nativities drawn by sending the date of the
I day of their birth. All letters containing the
| above fee will rctcive immediate attention, and
I Nativities aont to any part of tho world written
on durable paper; and he is prepared to make
use of his povray by conjuration on any of the
1 following topics J Court.hip, advice given for
I the sucueaaful accomplishment of a wealthy mar
I riage,- he haa the power to redeem 6uch ,as ore
I given lo the free tne bf Ike bottle, anil for all
casea of hazard, and for the recovery of alolen or
lost property, and the purchasing of lottery tick
I ets. Thousands ol the above named cases have
1 been door in this oily and jta vicinity, and in lite
I United States, to tbe full salisfacliou of alt. 10,-
Out) Nativiiiee oi Horoscopes have been cast du
I ring the last four years while he*e. Letters
! i will answer every purpose, and will do as well as
| lo call in person, and lite mail is . now so safe
j that persona need not fear to trust money through
1 i the Post Office. Dr Koback receives from 500
i | to 1000 Icttere monthly, and hoe never missed
t one.
i I Ml letters will be religiously attended to, if
j prepaid. For more particulars call si the office
of tho "Btarof the North," and get ait Astrolo.
gical Almanac gratia. . .
C. W. KOBACK, 7 I.ncust stroet above
i Eighth, opposite the Musical Fund Hall Philuda.
Be particular tn mention tho Post-office coun
ty ami State. Ml communications kept rclig
ously secret.
Mimoins or A puvsiciA.i.
Tlic Queen's Necklace,
Or the Secret History of the Court of Leeds XVP
THIS work is the sequel to Dumas' celo
bratcd work "The Memoirs ol a Physi
j ciun," by Alexander Dumas, author of "The
Iron Mask," "Count of Monto Cristo,' §:c
! Translated from the French by Thotna il
liums. Esq., with beautilnlly illustrated Cov-
I era and Poilraits. Complete irt two large
' octavo volumes. Price 50 cents a volume.
1 This novel is founded on tho ce sbrated
! incident of the diamond necklace, which
Cardinal Cohan purchased, as he 8 pposed,
for Maria Anionic! I ®, but which lcll into the
i hands of a female sharper, who personated
j the Queen, aj)d so dooped the poor ca~.!" a '-
Dumas always writes with spirit The pres
ent is better than most novels now-a-days,
and wo recommend it as an agreeable com
panion for a railroad car, or a rainy after
noon. ,
Published and lor sate at the cheap book
store of TAB PETERSON,
No. 98 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
March 13 1851.
the Due Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice ! A
great Dyspepsia Curcr, prepared from Ren
et, or the fourth Stomach o; the , Ox,' after
direction of Baron Liebj*, the great Physi
ological Chemist, by J. S. Houghton, M. D.,
No. 11 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia,
Pa. truly wonderful remedy for
Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Com
plaint. Constipation, and Debility, curing
alter Nature's. QWll rnethoi'. by Nature's own
agent, the Gastric Juice. See Advertisement
in another column.
Steam Iron Railing.
Corner of Ridge Road and Broad Street,
WOULD call the attention of purchasers to
| their elegant assorimeut of IVrought and Cast
| iron Railing for
Railing for Churches, Public and Private
Buildings, Public Squares, &c., together with
all kinds of Plain and ornamental Iron work.
, Containing the best selection of designs tliat •
has ever been issued, will be sent lo any
person who may wish to make a selection.
Feb. 20, 1851-3 m
WHSM ftaflSUQQLßVailllls
afrvv W0.931V- Third St,
LffiasdUa (Above Callow hill,)
And Liquors of every description t
ALSO a full stock of Hyson, hmeiial,
Souchong, Black If (iften Teas.
t. t. sltEEr?.. P. P. SfcLTZEH.
i Books! Books!I
r ! Joseph Swartz has just received a new lo
• of Literary Historical, Religious, Poetical
■ Miscellaneous ami Sclyiol books, lo Which
ha invites the attention of the reading public
of Bloonlsburg.
-w -r-- "■ * ' "ft
WTOW! conducted by ThomM White,
-'-'son of its Iste proprietor, at the Old
Stnnd, where Dealers will at .ell times
lind a etocht i of Foreign, and Domestic
Straw, L®e, . Fancy. Crape and Silk
Bonnets. Pnnama,,Palnj Leaf, end every
variety of Straw Hatg, and .
Artificial Tloweri
unequalled by ny other for extent or
beauty of mantiTactnre, *nd at very low
prices, having I'ucilitics for producing'
these gboda'possessed by no other eslab-'
lithmeni.. ■, 1
To tlte Ladies and Milliners 'generally,
he would tender his grateful scltqqwledgl
tncnts for their kind app,oval of the bttsi-.
ness avsteni of this house, shall be want
ing, to merit a continuance of their liber
al patronage, They will still be greeted
with ih&siitqe old familiar faces, who
will at all times endeavour lo execute
their commissions with fidelity and
March 6, 1851--3 m,
Reading R. R. Passenger Trains
NY—{Philadelphia, March 29, 1851 —SUM
MER ARRANGEMENT, from Philadelphia
# lo Pottsrilie. Two' PassengprsTrains daily
"(Sundays exceptdd.) On and after April 1,
1851, two trains will be run each way, dai
ly, betWeeh Philadelphia and Pottsville.
Leaves Philadelphia aj 74 o'clock, A- M.,
daily, except Sundays. Leavos I'otlsviiie at
74 o'clock, A. M., daily, except Sundays.
Leaves Philadelphia at 3 o'olock, daily,
except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at 34
o'clock, daily, except Sundays.
Fifty pounds gf baggage will be allowed
io each passenger'iii these .lines, and pas
sengers are expressly prohibited from taking
anything as baggage but their own wearing
apparel, which will be at the risk of its own
Bv order of the Board of Managers.
March 29, 1851. S. BRADFORD, Sccrt'.a-
Stale School Fund.
Harrivburg, April Bth. 1851. j
To Ike Commissioners of Columbia Co.
GENTLEMEN:—In pursuance of the thirty
second section of an act entitled " An Act
lor the regulation and continuance of a sys
tem ol education by Common Schools,"
passed the 7th day of April, 1819, I here
with transmit to you a statement of the
amount to which every district in your coun
ty is entitled, out of the annual appropria
tton of $200,008, lor the school year 1852, as
follows :
Anthony $79,39 Liberty 90,30
Beaver 59,61 Limestone 7), 18
Bloom 248,21 Mahoning 77,42
Briar Creek 121,82 Ml. Pleasant 59,61
Centre 85,32 MadisOn 164,71
Cattawissa 100,12 Mainq 43.05
Danville 299,41 Miftfin 91,64
' Derry 75.4- Montour , 65,57
Fishing Creek 89,2 i Jrange . 101.12
Franklin 62,41 Roaring Crcelr J93,94
Greenwood 124,01 lugarloaf 116,92
Hemlock 118,81 Valley 54,11
Jackson 30,0'.
'Respectfully yours,
A. L. lU'SSEL,
Superintendent of Common Schools.
SALMON, on hand St fot
HERRINGS, >-' aloby t 'V.
SHOULDERS, I j^dclphia.
March C, 1851.-3 m,
Establiahctl in Jttuuury, 1850.
This work, so well known lo tlte profess
ion, contains:
- I. Judicious essays upon legal topics, the
most useful und interesting to the profession.
11. Biographical sketches of distinguished
lawyers, now living, with well executed por
111. Early notes of the more able and im
portant decisions of the octirts, in A merit a
and Great Britain.
IV. Monthly alphibetical digest of all ca
ses ol general interest in the Superior Courts
of law and equity, both in the United States
and England, properly classified and arrang
ed for reference.
V. Critical notices of new books, and a
list of all. new Idw publications—together
with a record of the events of the month,
and a general miscellaneous survey of sub
jects of interest to the profession as well as
to the general reader.
Terms of the Monthly Law Magazine.
The work is published regularly on the
first of every mouth. Each number contains
at least 104 octavo pages, printed in ihß best
manner, on superior paper. Twelve num
bers will jnak trrft volnmns of 1248 pages,
lor winch indexes and title-pages will be
prepa'ed. The price of the work is FIVE
DOLLARS a year, payable in advance ; the ex
tremely low terms on which it is furnished,
make a strici adherence to this rule indispen
sable*. All moneys may be sent by mail, post
paid, at the Publisher's risk, and lite postmas
ter's certificate wilt be considered #RfHeint
evidence of the mailing of subscrlfftions.
I'ostttißHtera are the publisher's only agents.
All letters must be addressed to
Editor ami Proprietor, 157 Broadway I'.
The twelve back numbers, compri
sing the first and second volumes, ctin be
i Announces to the people of LLML i .Arect,
that lie has just received and openecTa splen
ded lot of new and fashionable ,
Spring and Snaiher Goods,
which he offers at rates that cannot fail to
suit and plbaite all who wish a good chance
for cheap purchasers.
He has every thing usually kept in a
country store, Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard
ware, Queensware, Cedar Ware.
Dress Goods and Fancy Goods,
of styles to please alt tasts l and at prices to
suit all purses. Call and sac before the best
is gone.
W Country produce taken in pey, and
caslt not refused.
Light Street, Apri sth, 1851,
ma " m * '">*** . mmm ' m !f92f l^^m ' mm^mmm
Administrator's Notice,
' Letters of administration on the estate of
Mahlon Hamlin, late of Bloom township,
Columbia county, deceased, hate been grab
, ted to the undersign*!}, residing in Light
I Street, Columbia county. All persons hav
, ing claims against the estate are requested
, to present them duly authenticated for, set
' tlcment, and those indebted to make imme
' diate payment
Light Street, April J7th, 1851.—G t.
Executor's Notice.
LETTERS testamentary open Ilia estate of
Nathaniel Mart late of Bloom township,
Columbia comity, deceased having been
' granted to the subscriber residing >ll Light
Street, Columbia county; all persons indebt
ed to the said estate are requested to make
immediate payment, and. those bavins ac
counts against the estate, to present them
dbfy attested to JOHN VANLIEVV,
... ■ Executor.
Light Street, April 22d, 1851 Gt.
brigade ORbEii f
j mHE,uniformed companies belonging to
the I Bfigndp 9 Division P- V. are. noti
fied to meet at Orangevilie. on Saturday the
17th day of May next at.lojtCclock . A M.,
-* equipt with arms and accoutrements in good
I order for parade and drill. ... . i
Staff and,company officers will be punct
ual in their attendance. .. ,t \ ,
1 ..... Brig'r Gen. 1 Brig. 9 Div. I*. V.
Brigadier. General's Otfiee,,
Liglit Street, April 22d, 1851, 3t.
' Public Saio of Real Estate.
In pursuance o( an .order of the Orphans'.
Court of Columbia county, on
next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Dnnicl
Hranligam and David Taggait Administrators
of William McCoy late of Northumberland
county, deceased will expose to sale by Pub
lic Vendue at the Court House in Danville a
certain tract of land iu-Derry township Mon
tour county, bounded and described as
follows:—bounded by lands of Jolpi lllce,
Samuel Brittiau, John Benfiohl, the widow
. Gingles and others, containing .
more or l.ess, and, whereon is erected
and frame Barn and oilier-out buildings late
the estate of said deceased, situate in the
township of Derry and county of Montour.
Bloomsburg, 21 April 1851.
Of Spring nntl SiuiiuWi'
CS3> C£> <E> CE> SS3 9
Which they offer to their old patrons, and
new ones at the best of bargains. They can <
be found at their old stand on Main and
Market streets, und their stock will be found
to bo selected with care, and to embrace
every kind of gocds fashionable and de
sirable for the season. They have French.
English and American cloths, casr-imeres,
satinets and jeans for men's wear,' and a va
riety of Lawns and'Ginghgm's qf the most
fashionable styles for ladies. Tltcy have also,
Groceries, Hardware, Queeusware, Cedar
ware, ITats and Caps, and, in short, every
thing usually kept in a country store.
BT CttlL and see that we do sell cheap'
for cash or country produce.
Bloomsburg, April 23d, 185*1.
RESPECTFULLY announces to the eiti
izens of Illoomabiirg in "eneiul and his
old patrons in particular, besides the rest of
mankind, that tie has again opened his tai
lor-shop where lie will bo, pleased to furnish
the best of cioffiiiig, cut recording tq the .la
test fashions, and made in the best manner.
He receiver the city fashions, and feels cer
tain that his work will look well and wear bet
His shon is on main street of Bloomsburg
next door nelow Lut/.'a Drug store.
In pay.for work, lie will take cash, store
order, or even GOLD DOLLARS.
Bloomsburg Nov. 21. 1850.
A Valuable Farm at
A good farm of 176 acres in Mountplcas
apt township, Columbia county is offered for
sale upon fair terms. It lays along Fishing
creek just opposite Light Street, and contains
as good land as is found along the creek.
About nne fourth is wood land, the remain
der cleared.ond in good state of cultivation.
The improvements, are a, convenient and
comfortable frame dwelling-house, a good
barn, and other putbtiiUlingp. .The land is
believed to cqntsiisa valuable deposit of
and the agrees to sell it, because
he cannot give his personal supervision to
the, property. , It will be sold upon such lib
eral and desirable terms as io maku it a
good, profitable, and cheap home. For the
lends of sale inquire Of
' R.W. WEAVER Aged.
Bloomsburg, Jan. 21, 1801.—if
New Spring and Siimaer Goods.
ritHE subscriber aimb' that ire lias
just-received and opened a new and
general assortment of
Spring and Kuiumeb
at his old stand on Main stteet, to which hu
invites the attention of every person desiring
Ills stock includes
of all styles and prices; and he has a care
fully selected stpek of
i^o6<sidlsS o
lloiiri'} nntl Gloveii
which he will sell at the lowest prices for
bash oi country produce.
Bloomsburg, April 30, 1850.
H. O. HOVT33R,
i 17 espeoifully offers his professioiial service
, •"'to the ladies and gentlemen of Blooms
burg and vicinity. He is prepared to attend
k to all the various operations in DENTISTRY
. and is provided with Ute latest improved
porcelain teeth, whi'cb Will be inserted on
GOLD PLATE from one to an entire sot.
( Bloomsburg, Aprtl"3o 1831
Fancy Taper,
I Envelopes, Pens, Ink, Writing sanrl &c
can be found at the cheap Book store of •
■ -v- •- • •
\ ' Peter S. Leidy ,
Can inanufacture Just as neat and fashion,!
t hie a suit of clothing a# any other tailor 11
tl ese diggnis. As a sample of his work
i manihip, tie refore yon to the
To be found in the town, which is quite cer
lain to have.come from his shop.
He, regularly receives the latest city fash
ions, and from hftt experience in the bus:
ness easy ensure: satisfaction in his-work.
He .has also on hand an assortment of
' CLOTH,i -
r . caSsimeres,
i At the lowest- pricqs, from which ho wi'l
t make up to order, [rants, or vests of any
. desirable style.
i (drills shop is on the North side of Mui.i
. Street, a few doors above the Court-house,
i Bloomsburg, Feb. 14, 1850.
n a cii i Ni e sn op.
The subscriber has now in active opera
i tion the new FOUNDRY ami Machine Sho >
, recently ercctod at Oraugnville, and will b •
I ready lp furpish castings of every size and
description, ami every desirable kind ot
machinery. ><„. _
Castings for Mills, Plough iron, Stoves c'
every kind, Kettles, Boilers ami rdl. othm
kiudeof Hollow-ware will bo furnished by
him- at the lowest prices.
He lias aisp on .hand, ami will make In
PLOUGHS ready 'or use. and equal 1o the
best made'in thj.i. region of the country,
i Farmers in xeuil of Castings or machine
ry will find it to their advantage to visit hi •
establishment, lie will keep on hand a In!
of articles manufactured by him, out of
which a fair spigelian ran always be mad.
Ev ry description of machinery neatly re
paired on the shortest notice and most re..
"Sonnble terms.
Old metal tgk'cn in payment for work..
Orangeville, July 291h 1850.'
Fancy CtV&irsf.
ceived from Philadelphia a lew lot of FAN
C.V CHAIRS, of Birch anil Mahogany curi.
and of the most fashionable style, which ho
will soli at lite lowest prices for good pay. *
Bloomsbtifg, May 16th, 1850.
proper attd desirable forms, for sale at (lie
Otice liio "Star of the North."
Fire Insurance.
THE Delaware Mutual Safety Insurunc"
Comoany, have appointed tho umlersigne.l
an Agent, to make insurances in Columbi.i
county. The Company it in good credit,and
is conducted.upon sqtind principles. Person -
insured by the Company are entitled to tin
rights of membership therein, aro eiegibh
as Directors of tho Corporation, but withooi
any individual liability for the losses or expenst.
of the Comjiany. The amount of premium
ar.d policy paid when insured is the extent
l of liability. Persons desirous of etl*ctiu„
an insurance upon property, ran call upon
the undersigned, at his Office in Bloomsburg.
May 22, 1850.
uookxj noons:.
Qy&ißsgalfßmL Read! Read!
Announces to the reading world in genfral.
and the good people of. Bloomsburgh in par
licular that he has removed IT.s Bookstore to
die lower corner of Diggs Brick Block oppo
site the Court House, where I.e has . a full
variety of Books for all tnauntr o! men ami
women kind. Ho has all the p ipttlar works
of the day it put . Morals, Religion, History
Literature, Politics and Travels ; and. a gen
eral- selection of ell so hoof books, English
Classical, fJermair and. Frencli. ,.■
He lias also a sweet C^tirectionaries.
Toys and Jcwcln'. ...
So that every kind of taste can J>e gralifie I
by a selection of somothing bis stock.
Bloonrsbutg, April lSth, \ff6l.
FORNIA, but the business pf Cotteh an I
Wagon malyittg wdj ijc <joutJnued bytfie (til
Hcriber rtt me cid stand c n.rMarknt street. H
will jironptly attend tp ull orders for work i:
his lriic of business, au,d is, always ready. M
short notice, to furtVisU Wagons, Coache
Carriages, Buggies, Sleds attd Sleigh sol' an.
style ; but always of tfip best materials, ami
made id the most crieytaiitial manner.
He will give hia -personal attention to the
business, and employ nono but good worl.
men. Repairing vvrll be attended to with
care, and upon the most reasonable terms.—
He proposes to sefvo his customers to stn-i
wgrk as will secure for him a continuance ••
Rieir patronage, :imt from all who need art.
cfos in his line of business. He asks only a
rial of his tvdrk to insttrc satisfaction.
LIST of letters
Renlnuiing in the Post Ollicc at Bloom
burg, April Ist, 1851.
Amor VVilliam Kelly William
Applcman Miss S. E.Kramtn Ephraiui
Brown Mrs. Mary Lewes J. Esq.
Baker Charles Mummy Hester
Butts James Morris L...G. .
Bowen James Otbout John A.
Cool Sarah K. Pr'oe 0,
Carrington Malo Ptirseß A. L\
Divefs Mary " Propst Davkl +
Deily Pltiues Roazor Jacob M.
Flood John. Kubbius KK
Flagg Q. W. Seigfrcul Isaac
Freeman Mathew, 2 Scuyfer J. W. '
Gibbson Francis Stack Henry
Griggs John S. Stuart Joim"
Han Mr. Stino.John •
Anopping, G R. Trump Adam 2
Killer Mary K. Washburn J. S.
Knisie Jacob "Williamson- Jas. S.
\Vliito Sarah
Auditor's Notice.
, 7|Mia mnlersigned auditor, appointed be
* the Orphans' Court of Columbia count,
I to marshall the assets of the estoto of Joli
- B. lless deceased, in the hands of -Jacob D
I Kline the Administrator, and .make dfotribu,'
, tion of the saino among the creditors of th ,
said estate,, will attend to the. duties of hj -
appointment at his office id' Bloom4iurj. a,
Salurtley the 21st day of June noxt f
o'clock T. M., where all persons interest'.. -I
arc hereby itotiTied to humul. " /
Bloomsburg, May 15, Isst