The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, April 17, 1851, Image 4

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    _„__J 1 J—LlllLJ.'—i- J
Bears* Hew Hnntbly Ptaily Visitor, .
For theHeme Cjrtk. -■ ;
Kifly cents per annum, ir* advance, (inelu
ding a large engraving of the City of
New York, Which sells alone for
Fifty Cents.)
DEVOTED to Literature, the Arte, Sciences,
Agricultural, Education, fee., fee. The first
number was issued in January last.
A Monthly Journal principally literary and
miscellaneous, embellished with benutiful
and meritorious engravings, designed to fur
nish the heads of families, as well as the
youth of both sexes, with a variety ot en
tertain;ng and -instructive information, which
will not merely possess the negative quality
of not ileing 'injurious, but m which the pos
itive one of being really useful will alone
be found; giving a healthy tone ol feeling
to their minds, and becoming instrumental,
it is hoped, in rendering them more happy
in themselves and in thpir families—more
useful in the various relations- of life which
they sustain—better members of society at
large, and preparing them for a state where
nil i> absolute perfection. One particular
feature of this New Monthly publication
will be an entire freedom from ail sectarian
spirit, and a careful avoidance of political
and controversial subjects in its pages—an
upholder of truth and virtues—with no
doubtful moralit/marring its pages—suita
ble for all, and proper to be read at all times.
. All the important movements and events
of the times will receive attention, and the
news of the month carefully gleaned and
Our object is to introduce it extensiveiy
among all classes, and secure for it a large
circulation arid field of usefulness. It will
be furnished at the low price of
Any person sending two subscriptions and
one dollar, shall be entitled to the Visitor one
year gratis,
Six copies, one year, f 2,00
Twenty conies, one year, 6,00
And hold, subject to the order of the person
sending tne twenty names, one volume of
any of our $2 50 or S3 00 publicat'ons, to be
forwarded at his exoense or risk of the per
son, though a member of a club, removing
during the year, may change the direction
ol his number to any other place.
All payments for the "Visitor" must be
made to the publisher. They may be sent
by mail at his risk—the person sending, to
retain a memorandum of the description of
money, date of mailing, fee. &c. Notes of
ail solvent banks taken at par.
gy Postmasters are authorized by law to
frank letters and remittances.
Specimen copies will be cheerfully fur
nished to all persons wishing to examine.
All letters must be post-paid, carefully seal
ed, and legibly addressed to „
ROBERT SEARS, publisher,
No. 128, Nassau street, N. Y.
To publishers of Newspapers, throughout the
United States.
%* Newspapers oopying the above adver
tisement, (including this notice,) and giving
it two insertions, shall receive a copy of
Sears' Pictorial Family Annual, containing
400 pages octavo, and Illustrated tvith 212
Engravings, designed as a valuable and
cheap present for parents and teachers to
place in the hands of young people : or the
TION, a handsome octavo volume of more
than 400 pages, with an account of the" ear
ly history of the conutry, the Constitution of
tne United States, and a chronological in
dex ; illustrated with several hundred engra
Register's Notice.
TV OTIC E is hereby given to all legatees,
J-™ creditors and other persons interested in
the estates of the respective decedents and
minors, that the following Administration
and Guardian accounts have been filed in
the Office of the Register of the County of
Columbia, and will be presented for confir
mation anu allowance to the Orphans Court,
to be held at Bloomsburg, in and for the
County aforesaid, on Wednesday the 23d.,
day of April next, at two o'clock, P. M.
1. The first account of Jacob Garretson,
acting Executor of the last Will and Testn
menl of Alexander Uarretson, late of the
Borough of Danville, in the"County of Col
umbia, deceased.
2. The final accouut of Hemy Metz, Ail
miuistrator of the estate of Mary Bamd,
fate of Roaring Creek township, Columbia
county dee'd.
3. The account of Henry Mnurer, Admin
istrator of the estate of Henry Johnson late
of Madison township, Columbia county,
4. Tho first and final account of Stephen
M. Giljiiore, Guardian ot the person and
estnte of Edward Reed Wheeler, one of the
heirs of Thomas C. Foster, late of Briar
Creek township, Columbia county, dee'd.
5. The final account of Samuel Mellick,
Administrator with the Will annexed of An
drew Delong, late of Orange township, Col
umbia county, dc'd.
6. The account of Daniel Reinbold, Ad
ministrator of the Estate of Peter Smoyer,
late of Miftlin township, .Columbia .county,
7. The firsl and final account of Andrew
Freae, Administrator of the Estate of Cath
erine Nicholas, late of Briar Creek town
ship, Columbia county, dee'd.
8. The first aud final account of John Bo
gart, fAdmi-islrator of the estate of John
Vandliug, late of Liberty township Colum
bia county, dee'd.
9. The account of Allen Shellliammer
and Daniel Neyhanl, Administrators of the
Estate of George Shellhammer, late of Ceu.
tre township, Columbia county, dee'd.
10. The account of Abraham Mostelier,
Jr., Administrator of the Estate of Abraham
Mostelier, Sr., late of Mifflin township, Col
umbiu county, deceased.
ll..The account of Caleb Thomas Execu
tor of the last Will and Testament of Eph
raim McCollutfi, late of Madison township
Columbia county, dee'd.
12. The final account of Charles and Ste
phen Michael. Administrators of the Estate
of Adam Michael, late of Beaver township.
.Columbia county, dec'il.
13. The account of John KOlehner, Exe
cutor of ihe last Will and Testament of Wil
liam Kelohnci, late of Centre township,
Columbia c (flinty, deo'd.
if. The account of John Rants and Ja
cob Christian, Administrators of the Estate
of John Christian late of Madison towiship
Columbia county, deceased. '
The account of George Hughes, Adminis
trator of the Kstste of William Hollinghead
iate of Catiawissa township, Columbia Co
dee'd. '
JESSE G. CLARK, Register.
Bloomsburg, March 18, 1851. j
Books I Books!!
Joseph Swartz has just received a new lo j
of Literary Historical, Religious, Poetical ,
Miscellaneous and Bchool books, to which
he invites the attention of the reading pubic .
of Bloomebmg. j
N >velg ' k - 1
School Books, Blank Books. Ledgers Day
books and Journals • Gift boob, Keepsakes
fee., for sole at the Bloomsburg Book Store
Joseph Swdpt.' it
.....: if. _.JL _-i—'-'—HL I .
A Great Dyspepsia curer, Prepared from
RENNET, pr the fourth Stomach-of the Ox,
after directions of Baron Liebig, the great
Physiological Chemist, by J. S. Houghton,
M. D., No. 11, North Eighth Street, I'hiia
delphia, Pa.
This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indi
gestion, Dyspepsia, Juudice, Liter Com
plaint, Constipation, and Debility, Curing
after Nature's own method, by Nature's own
agent, the Gastric Juice.
ry Half a spoontul of tins Fluid, Infused
in water, will digest or dissolve, Five Pounds
of lloast Beef in about two hours, out of the
Digestion is Chiefly performed in the
stomach by the aid of a fluid which freely
exudes from the inner coat, of that organ,
when in a alate ot health, called the Gastric
Juice. This fluid is the Great solvent of the
Food, tho Purifying, Preserving, and Stimula
ting Agent of tne stomach and intenstines.
Without it there will be no digestion,—no
conversion of fbod into blood, and no nu
irition of the body; but rather a foul, torpid,
painful, and destructive condition of the
whole digestive apparatus. A weak, half
dead, or injured stomach produces no good
Gastric Juice, and hence the disease, dis
tress anil debility which ensue.
PEPSIN AND RENNET. —Pepsin is the chief
element, or great Digesting Principle of the
Gastric Juice. It is found in great abun
dance in the solid parts of the human stom
ach after death, and sometimes causes the
stomach to digest itself, or eat itself up. It
is also found in the stomach of animals, as
Ihe ox, calf, fee. It is the material used by
farmers in making cheese, called Rennet,
the effect of which has long been the spe
cial wonder of the dairy. The eurdliug of
milk is the first process of digestion.' Ren
net possesses astonishing power. The stom
ach of a calf will curdle nearly one thou
sand limes its own weight A milk. Baron
Liebig states that, 'One parT of Pepsin dis
solved in sixty thousand parts of water, will
digest meat and other food." Diseased
stomachs produce no good Gastric Juice
Rennet or Pepsin. To show that this want
may be perlectly supplied, we quote the
BARON LIEBIG, in Lis celebrated work on
Animal Chemistry, says: "An Artificial Di
gestive Fluid analagous to the Gastric Juice,
■nay be readily prepared from the nucous
membrane of the stomach of the Calf, in
which various articles of food, as meat and
eggs! will be softened, changed, and diges
t-iT, just in the same manner as they would
be in ihe human sloinach."
Dr. Pereira, in his famous tieatise on
"Food and Diet," published by Fowlers &
Wells, New York, page 35. slates the same
great fact, and describes the method of prep
aration. There are few higher authorities
than Dr. Pereira.
Dr Combe, in .his valuable writings on
the "Physiology of Digestion," observes
that "a diminution of the due quantity of
the Gastric Juice is a prominent and all pre
vailing cause of Dyspepsia;" and he states
that "# distinguished professor of medicine
in London, who was severely afflicted with
this complaint, finding every thin" else to
fail, had recourse to the Gastric Juice, ob
tained from the stomach of living animals,
which proved completely successful."
Dr. Graham, author of the famous works
on "Vegetable Diet," says: "it is a remar
kable fact in physiology, that the stomachs
of animals, macerated in water, impart lo
the fluid the properly of dissolving various
articles of food, and of effecting a kind of
artificial digestion of (hem in no wise dif
ferent fron the natural digestive process."
Dr. Simon's great work, the "Chemistry
of Man," (Lea & Blanchard, I'hiia.. 1846,
pp. 321-2): "The discovery of PEPSIN
fo ms a new era in the chemical history of
Di geslion. From recent experiments we
know that food is dissolved as rapidly in an
artificial digestive fluid, prepared front Pep
sin, as it is in the natural Gastric Juice it
Professor Dunglison of the Jefferson Col
lege, Philadelphia, in his great work on Hu
man Physiology, devotes more than fifty
Kiges to an examination of this subjecl.
is experiments with Dr Beaumont, on the
Gastric Juice, obtained from the living hu
man stomach and from animals are well
known. "In all cases," he saysj "digestion
occurred as perfectly in the artificial as the
natural digestions."
As a DYSPEPSIA CURER, Dr Houghton's
preparation of Pepsin has produced ihe
most marvellous effects, curing cases of De
bility, Emaciation, Nervous Decline, and
dispeptic Consumption, supposed to be on
the very verge ol the grave. It is impnss
ble to give the details of cases in the limit
of this advertisement—but authenticate
certificates have been of more than two hun
dred Remarkable Cures, in Philadelphia, New
York, and Boston alone. These were
nearly all desperate cases, and the cures
were not only rapid and wonderful, but per
It is a great Nervous Antidote, and par
ticularly useful for tendenay to btllious dis
order, Liver Complaint, FfVer and Agne, or
badly treated Fever and Ague, and tne evil
effects of Quinine, Mercury, and other drugs
upon Ihe Digestive organs, after a long sick
ness. Also, for excess in eating, and the
too free use of ardent spirits. It almost rec
onciles Health with Intemperance.
form of Old Stomach Complaints which it
does not seem lo reach and remove at once.
No matter how bad they may be, it gives
Instant Relief! A single dose removes all
the unpleasant symptoms, and it only needs
to be repeated, far a short time, to make
these good effects permanent. Purity of
Blood- and Vigor of Body, follow at once. It
is particularly excellent m cases of Nausea
Vomiting, Cramps, Soreness of the pit of
the Stomach, distress after eating, low, cold
state ot the Blood, Heaviness, Lowressof
Spirits, Despondency, Enunciation, Weak
ess, tendency to Irfsanity, Suicide, &c.
Price, ONE DOLLAR per boltlo. One
bottle will often effect a lasting cure.
ty Sent by Mail Free of Postage.
For convenience of sending to all parts o
the country, the I igestive Matter of the Pep
sin is put up in the form of PowdeTs, wi/li
directions to be dissolved in water or syrup,
by the patient. These powders contain just
Ihe same matter as the bottles, but twice the
quantity for the tame price, and will be sent
by mail, Free of Postage, for One Dollar sent
(post-paid) to Dr J S Houghton, No 11 North
Eighth street Philadelphia, Pa.
Six packages for five dollars. Every
packsge and bottle bears the written signa
ture of J8 HOUGHTON, M D., Sole Proprie-
T/"? in GTer Y lown the Uni
M&£!eX reSP *° dea ' erß in
ER^rp. f U'TZ° mßbUrff ' J ° HN * MOY "
Reuse, Sign ani Orntalenu
DONE to order in the best highly-finished
dglein style, by B HAGRNBDCH.
"(JR EA fee B H RE MED VI '
I'M the Cars mt
OOVOIS, 00X.3D8,
; OHITIB, oxovx, ASTH
' In offering to the community this jutlly eel
■ ebrsted remedy fur (blesses of the throat and
lungs, it i s not our wish to triflo with the lives
or health of the aflficlri), bul f-arkly to lay be
! fore them the opinions of distinguished men 6c
' seme of the evidence of lis success from
i which they can judge for themselves. We sin
: eerely pledge ourselves to maks no wild sssei
! lions or fatso statements of jl efficacy, nor will
• we hold not any hope to suffering humanity
>. which fao s will not warrant.
i Many proofs are here given, and we solicit an
. inquiry from the public into all we publish, fee
ling assered they will find them perfectly relin
j hie, and the medicine worthy the;i best 'ccnti
f dence and patronage
j PROP. CLEVELAND, of Bowdoin Col
lege, Maine,
Writes—'l have witnessed the effects of your
, 'CHERRY PECTORAL' in my own family
and that of my friends, and it gives uie satis*
9 faction to state in its favor that no medicine I !
have ever known has proved so eminently suc
aessful in cuiing diseases of the throat and
9 lungs."
9 Writes—"That he considers 'Cherry Pectoral'
' the best medicine for Pulmonary Affections ev
j 'tr given to the public,' and states that "his
- daughter after being obliged to keep the room
four months with a severe settled cough accom
panied by raising of blood, night sweats, and
the attendant symptoms of Consumption, com
menced Ihe use ef ihe -Cherry Pectoral,' and
1 had completely recovered,"
■ of New Yoik says. "I have been a great suffer
er with Urouchetis, and but for Ihe use of tbo
' 'Cuxiiav PKCTOR AL' might have continued lo
be so for many years to come, bat that has cured
5 me and lam happy to bear testimony to ill cfi
From such testimony we ask the public to
1 judge for themselves.
Dr, Ayer—Dear Sir; For two years I was
j fflicted with a very seveie cough, accompanied
, V spitting of bluod and profuse night sweats.
I y the advice of my attending physiciaa I was
induced to use your Cherry Peclsral, and con
j tinue to do so till I considered myself cured,
and ascribe the effect to vuur preparation,
Hamden vs. Springfield, Nov. 37, 1848,
This day appeared the stiovo named Jsmes
Randall, and pronounced the above statement
true in every respect.
S POUTLANII, Me , Jan. 10,1847.
I* DC. Ayer; 1 have been long afflicted with
Asthma which grew yearly worse until last au
tumn. it brought on a cough which confined me
in my chamber; and began lo assume Ihe alarm
-9 ing symptoms of consumption. 1 had tried the
' best advice and the best niedii ne to no purpose,
3 until 1 used your. Cherry Pectoral, which has
cured me, und you may well believe me. Grate
i fullv yours, J. D. PHELPS,
If there is any value in the judgment of the
s wise, who speak from experience, here is a ntcd
• icine worthy of the public confidence,
" Prepared by J. C. •dyer, Lowell.
1 Mass., Sold by E P.LUTZ, Honmsbnrg
r A B WILSON, Berwick j
Jan, 16,1851.-4 m.
1 Standard Medicines,
The following unequalled series of Family
Medieinss may be depended npon with tho ut-
confidence. They have the approbation
of the best physicians in Ihe country, and are
recommended by all who have used them as
, superior to any family medicines known.
They have been been before the Public For.
Five Yeni'fl, during which time more than
. 5,1100 certificates have been teceived from emi
nent public men and others, and are now on file
3 al the Company's Office.
B Tliey are torn pounded with the ut
most cate and skill, and the ingredients are thor
" oughly tested by scientific chemists, so that
0 inedieiues of a uniform aud reliablt quality are
* guaranteed In all cases.
' Tho Griefenberg ViorrAaia PILLS, Are par
-1 ticularly valuable for Ihe prevention and cure
- of Fevers in general, all Uilliout am. Liver Com
t plaints, Jsudice, General Debility, Common and
e Hick Headache, Dyspepsia, Heart Uuin, Cos
- tiveness, Gtiping, Urinary Diseases, Obstruc
v lions of the Menses, [nfluenxa, Aalbntt, ami for
9 a variety of other Chronic Diseases; in Uin
s for all orJtn.rry family uses.
Full directions for ihe various Disea
ses accompany each box, Price 28 cfs.
| a boa?.
* The Graefeuberg Dysentery
j Sir up, A speedy and infallible remedy in
Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Hloody, Flux. Cholera
® Morbus, Cholera Infantum, and the Asiatic
Cholera, if taken with the first symptoms, via .
3 vomiting and diarrhoea. It never fails to cure
the worst possible cases of bowel complaints,
generally in a tew hours, seldom beyond a day.
> It is Pu.ely Vegetable, at d takea in almost uny
I quantity is peifectly buiwless.
Tha Gtiefrnberg Green Mountain
| Ointment. Invaluable for Burns, Wounds,
I Sprains, Chillbluius, Corns, Sores/Sweltings of
> sit kinds, Rheumatism, Erysipelas, Bronchitis
> Scrofula, ; leers, Pains in the Side and Ilsvk'
f immediatey relieved, inflammation of the Bow-
I ela, and for all caaea where there Is inflammation.
A Complete hand-book of medicine for fami
-1 'lies. Price 50 rants.
Office 314 Broadway, N. Y.
Ihe public ia requcated to | ( ear in mind that
everything prepared by (ho raefen tig com
pany has their seal upon it,
Spurious articles have been issued closely re.
sembling the gennins in every particular except
the seal, end the utmost care should be observed
before purchasing.
AGENTS,— Thomas Ellis, and E.
P. Lvtz, Bloomsburg { Benjamin Bri
ber, Cattuwissa, Peter Ent, Light
Bloomsburg, Jan. S3, 1851-Btn.
atlenlion of the fashionable in <
Light Street to hiastsie of cutting garments
He makes them in the beat and moat tatty
manner, and can can ensure satisfaction in i
his warkinanihip.
He receives the latest fashions, and when
cutting onlp is desired, the work is marked
carefullv for the maker.
W All kinds of country produce taken t
exebage for work. - .
Light Street, Feb. 14, iso.
Price Reduced! J
Large Bottle*—Ouly One faollnr. '
The-Proprietor ef (be Onat Aawricw BwMtir " Varaas'i
VKakTAßbv Lmnmumc Mix-rma," indured br tin
orjmt •otloiUtbn. of he Agent., ttaoufheat the Uniu-.l
Suu* sad Cuada, hu now
BefluedTtk* VriM
of hu iiopnlnr awl wat a now a arlicta i and Own ihU date.
liaiicefaeUi. be will luh a* by o* dae ontr> hte quart
trout*, the retail prwa'wflfge \
Tlte public may reel aeesred that the cliaiurter ef the Medi
nine, in rtreurth, and eamtive prepertiea wlia. aaHaia
t-arnaanap, and lite tame care will be beaiowed in pre
paring -it 11 heretofore. I
Ai Una medicine, aniler ita ledaced price, will be pnrehnwd
hy ihoee who have not hitherto made tlieonelvei acquainted
with it. vtrieee, tile proprietor won 1-1 beg to inthnate that hie
article ia not to be clawed wilh the real aroonnt of "Re Weil lea .
or the day It clatme for haeif d greater Statist potcrr, in |
nil e aay elder preperataea eeao *r/ere lit
icer/d,- and hae analalnrd iteeif for eight by ite aaiierioi
medical virteea, and, nntll thb leilectien, eorawanded doable
the price of ony other article in tble line.
Keni a PABTtct'LAtthT. tide"article acta with greet heat
ing pewer and oeitahHy, upon the
M, Unr, Kidneya, Ltrngi
and all ethet organa, apoa the proper action of whioh life aad
hf.ihh depend.
This medicine bun justly high repute us a remedy for
Dropuy and Grmvel,
nnd all diseuseu of that nature. It may bu relied npon when
tlie iiiiplligent physician has ahandoned his patient,— ami for
thee distreiwHiv diseases, more espeeially DROPSY, the propri
etor would earnestly ami honestly recommend H. At its
present price it b easily obtained oy all, and the trial wilTptove
the* article to he the *
CheapMt Medicine in UM World !
QT* Please ask for pfflfflfflffli thuafeutsßwe them away
they contain over riatctn pages of receipts, (In addition to ful
medical matter) valuable for household purposes, end whict
w ill save many dollars per year to practical housekeepers.
These receipts are introduced to make the book of great
value, aside IVom its character as an advertising medium Gov
the medicine, the testimony in Ihvorof which, in the form of
letter* from all parts of the country, may be relied upon.
tW* '•Vaughn's Vegetable laithontriptio Mistnre" —the
Croat American Remedy, now for sale in quart bottles at •!
ruch, small bottles at M cts each. No small bottles will be
issued after the present stock is disposed of.
*"" Principal Office, Buffalo, N. Y., 207 Main Street,
Solo Wholesale and letuil hy OLCOTT MtKESSON
. CO., 187 Maiden Lane. New York City,
i N. B.— All letters (excepting from agents and dealers witn
•whom bu transacts business) must be post paid, or no attention
will be given to them.
AGENTS.—E. P. I.tJTZ, Bloomsburg; O.
F Moore, Danville; Jno. \V. Friling, Son
bury,'M A M'Cay, Northumberland; John
Sharplces, Caiimvinaa; J K Millard, Espv
town; A. Miller Berwick ; Charles Seybert-
Beach jqaveu.Oct. 31, ]850.-ly
The afflicted are invneil to coTt "and gee Mi
Intc Brook*, Jr., at the corner of Third end
Wilcox •tree!*, end Miss Christiana Send*,
Beach atreet below riprnce street, t n the Bcbuy I
kill. These two persoir* have Ixen snatched
from the eery jsws of the deslioyer. through -he
agency of that most potent of all medicines,
Dr Cullen's Panacea is the only cirlain core
fot Scrofula or King's Ei|, Tetter, Krysipelee,
Old Bores and Ulcers, Mercurial Diseases, and all
othet affestions, cutaneous or otherwise, arising
from impurities of the blood.
In the extraordinary cure of Mr. Brooks, peo
ple who visit him, hold up their hands in as
tonishment, that a* v medicine could have ar
rested HIS disease—then go away resolved to re
commend l)r Cullen's Indian Vegetable Pana
cea to every one they hlar of who hae need of a
purifying medicine.
So with Christiana Sainls—her euje of Scrof
uloua soie throat was quite a a extraordinary as
Mr. Brooks', when we reflect that from the die
ease her tea or coffee would frequently pass out
oTUer ears, when attempting to drink, [Bee
her certificate.']
The people are beginning to understand, too
that the various Syrups of Sarraparitla are little
belter than molasses, and that it is madnaas to
throw away money on aniclea which, under the
most favorable circumataneea, do opt produce
any impression on the system until several gal- j
ons have been swallowed. One bottle of Dr,
Cullen's Panacea seldom fails to produce con
viction in the minds of patients that a radical
cure ia certain.
Thushope, [ro necessary, an ally to medi
cine.] springs up at the eateet, and the patient
ia cured before any other prepare lion could have
made the slightest impression upon the disease f
' In fact, the twelve ounce bottles of Di. Cul
j ten's Panacea, compared with the pint and quart
! bottles of other purifiers, are valuable about in
the proportion of gold to copper. Those who
woule prefer a penny to a half eagle, on account
of its size, would make a poor selection to say
the least.
Barsaparlla a good purifier! Dr. Cullen's
Panacea contains ita oxtraci in ita most concen
tratrd-form. Added to Ibis are other extracts,
more ietiWigal pS luiAitaWtnT Whlttl effect in
combination with !he Barskparilla, what the bit
ter article, or comhined wbh the most powerfn
poisons, cannot alone acclnpliah.
It baa cured where every thingaelse had failed
and this in a multitude of cases—not in Europe
or in the moon, (wheie so many great cures
have been performed.) but in Philadelphia and
o;her pafu of the union. Anal be it liiaiiuctiy
-understood that wo do not obtain our extract* by I
"holing 400 gallon* down to one," It being
known to every uruggUt'a apprentice that boiling -
dealt oy a tbecMClUill virtue* of medicinal plants
end mots.
ROWAND k WALTON, Proprietors,
Wholesale and retail, No. 21 North SIXTH
street; or E. P. Lutz, Bloomsburg; M C
Grier, Danville; Peter Etit, Light atreet,
Rickets and Stewart, Orangeville ; Cyrus
Barton. Ksjrytown ; J SphijiiCK, Cattawisea;
M G Shoemaker, Buckhom.
Thomas C. ISomboy
Respectfully informs the public that ha has
opened and arranged in good order
at the Pennsylvania Hotel, in the lower part
ol Main Street, Bloomsburg, where he w ill
be ready to furnish any kind of Firearms, in
good order and of approved workmanship.
He will also attend to
Repairing and Cleaning Guns
and will repair and make all kinds of light
machinery, locks, kc., at moderate charges.
Guns and Pistols on hand for sale.
Bloomsburg, May 2, 1850.
Orrtce—4} n the Eait side of Main Street I
three squares below Market. 1
- UAifiov. ;
All persona aro hereby cautioned against
purchasing * note of hand given by me- to
Aaron Hess, dated about the last of May
1850, and made payable si* months after
date, for SSO. A credit of S3O is endorsed
upon the note as paid on the 11th of March f
1831, and I have a legal defeoce to the bal- '
ance on the note. t
Cenflß townahip, March 14th 1851.
made to order of any desirable style at the
chatr manufactory of B. HAGENBUCH c
Bloomsburg, May |th 1850.
To the Mick and Afflicted.
CERTIFICATES and Testimonials sufficient J
to fill every column pi this paper, can be
produced, setting forth* the wonderful vir
Dr- ftvrturne* Compound Syrup of -
Wid cherry
Great Cure of Edward Hanson, Engineer, at J
Mr. Pettits' Factory, corner ol 9th and
Wallace Streets, Spring Garden.
More substantial evidence of the wonder
ful curative properties of
Dr. Swayne's Conpound Syrup of
Wild Clwrry.
PHII.AD., April 15, 1850.
Dr. Swayne—Dear Sir—Being severe!* af
flicted with a violent cold and cough, which
I settled upon my lungs attended with great
debility, soreners in my side, that I could
scarcely breathe, spitting of blood, no ap- -
petite, could get no rest at night, owing to
the severity of my cough, would 'spit tut
much as a pint of blood at a lime. This
mournful state of tilings continued until I
almost despaired of being cured, having
tried physician* and numer >u things with
out relief; but having heard of the greal vir
tues of your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry,
and its being approved of by physicians of
the first eminence, I concluded to make a
trial of it, and am happy to state that
bottles performed a perfect cure; my sleep
is now undisturbed and sweet, and 1 firmly
believe that to your medicine 1 am indebted
for this great euro.
1 shall be glad to communicate with any
person on the subject who may be pleased
to call on me, ami corroborate what 1 havo
said in the above certificate, at the factory or
my residence.
Yours, most respectfully,
The above certificate is from n man well
known by n large portion of our citizens.
Those who doubt the truth of it, are invited
to call and satisfy themselves that it is anoth
voluntary, disinterested and l'ving witness
to the gregt virtues of Dr. Swayne's Compound
Syri*> of Wild Cherry.
original and only genuine preparation of
Wild Cherry, as prepared by Dr. SWAYNC,
N. W. Corner of Eight and Race streets,
Philadelphia ; all others are "fictit io
U A soft and effectual remedy for Worms, Dys
pepsia, Cholera Morbus, sickly or Dyspep
tic Children or Adults, and the most
usejul Family Medicine eucr of
fered to the public.
This Remedy is one which has proved
successful for a Ion" time and it is univer
sally acknowledged by all who have tried it
lobe far superior (being so very pleasant
to the taste at the same time effectual) to
ai?y other medicine ever employed in disea
sed for which it is recommended. It not
only destroys But invigorates the whole sys
Dr. Swayf"'* Vermifuge is now put np in
square botllb . See that the name is spelt
correctly—SW AYNE.
Dr. Swayne's Sugar Coded SarsapariUa and
Tar Pills, Act as a gentle purgative, produ
cing a healthy state of the Liver, and Bowels
acting as an Alternative, changing that state
of costiveness, which is very com.ioit to
some individuals, anil for the irregularities
indident to females they arc very valuable.
J E. P. LCTZ a JOHN R. MOVER, Bloomsburg,
1 Pa; M C Grier & John Moore Danville; John
sharpies* & C Hartman & Co., Culawissa; G
dtßSltumnn Catawissa Forge; Brown and
Creasy. Miftlinville; A Miller Berwick; John
Doak Briar Croek tp.; Peter Ent Williams
burg; E. Lazarus Orangeville; JK Millaid
Espytown; Elias Wertm \n Rohrsburg; Geo.
Masters Millville; J M Sheldon Jerseytown ;
McCay & Patterson Washingtonville; Hugh
McWilliams Moresburg; ami by most all
Storekeepers in the adjacent Counties. *
Bloomsburg, Oct. 17, 1850.—6 m.
The People's Friend.
■Pain Destroyer and
Healing Extract.—
An extract from the
shrub called Witch
Huzel, and purely
from that with the
exception of a lit
tie Alcohol to pre
serve it.
cal pain and infla
f _ round* and bruise"!
| Piles, and *H disease* of ih* bowels of a
chronio nature, tooth-ache and car-ache, &0..
k. c -
It is Iruely what it professes to be. "the
People's Friend !" Providence has scattered
along the rugged paths of life many things
•hat contribute greatly to tlte comfort and
happiness of every body ; hence their great
value, a'-' 1 veR may they be called 'friends
of ine peopie.'
One word here to guard against n'dpositiort.
A man by the name of spencer, has mann- |
ufaptttreu and offered for tale R spurious ar- |
ticle called t||e Coryti Extract, ™-that would ]
j be extract of the hafel-nut :-=the genuiro is :
I as whif# and pure as writer, while the apuri
olts article is colored, which enables the
public to distinguish.
None genuine, but those mrrked Pond's
Pain Destroyer. For sale by
Wra Robison, Bloomsburg, John Jessup,
Shickshinny, Chalfant & Hughes, Danville,
Seth B Bowman, Berwick, Fowler & Trem
bfy, Espytown. 2 18 jy
For Good Watches.
CQ Henry Zuppinger returns
. IA. -kis thanks for past palrc- i
nage, and invites the pub i
|r\ lie to examine his new
it l *fflHassortment of
Glasses, and I
Keys, Balance Wheels, Jewels, which he I
offers for reasonable prices. He will also re i
pair clocks, watches, and musical and opti t
cal instruments in a satisfactory manner. I
His shop is in the middle room of the-Ex
change block, nearly opposite to the Court
House. -
Bloomsburg, Nov. 28, 1849. i
While absent during the session of the le
gislature, ray professional business will be
in charge of R. W. Weaver, Esq., who will j
attend to all matters in relation thereto. >
January 2d, 1851.
Fancy Paper* d
Envelopes, Pens, Ink, Writing sand kc I
can be found at the oheap Book store of a
Jaundice, IJuspepSia, Chronic or Ner
vous Debility, Disease of. the Kid
neys, and
alt dbeases ari: - <
ingfrom a disordered 1
Liter or Stomach, such as
Constipation, Inward Piles o
Fulness of Blood to the' Head, Aci
dity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart
burn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or
H'eight in the Stomach, Sour
Eructations, Sinking or
Fluttering at the pit
of the Stomach,
of the
Head, Hurried and difficult Breathing,
Fluttering at the Heart, choking or
suffocating sensations when in
a lying posture, dimness
of Vision, Dots or
Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull
Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspi
ration, yellowness of the Skin am-
Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back,
Chest, Limbs, tfe. Sudden
Flushes of Heat, Bu
rning in the Flesh. Constant Imaginings
of Evil, and Great Depres
sion of Spirits.
nit. .n. jcn iov,
No. 120 Arch Street* Philadelphia.
Their power over the above diseases is
not if equalled, by any other rep
aration in the United Stales, as the cures
attest, in many cases after skilful physicians
had lulled.
These Bitters are wopby the attention of
invalids. Possessing great virtues in the
rectification of diseases of the Liver and lis
ser glands, exercising the most searching
powers in weakness and affections of the di
gestive orgnns, they are, withal, safe, cer
tain and pleasant.
Read and be Convinced.
The Hon. Charles D. Hineline, Editor of ]
the "Camden Democrat," tho best paper in i
West Jersey, says, July 21: —
have seen many flattering notices of this
medicine, and the source from which they
came, induced us to make Inquiry respetl
ing its merits. Frorr inquiry we were pei
suaded to use it. and must say we found
it specific in its notion upon diseases of the
liver and digestive organs, and the powerful
influence it exerts upon nervous prostration
is really surprising. It calms and stregthens
the nerves, bringing them into a state of re
pose, making sleep retreshing.
[From the "Boston Bee."]
Tho editor said, Dee. 22d—
"Dr. llooJUwifs Celebrated German Bitters
for the cure of Liver Complaint, Jaundice,
Dyspeysia, Chronic or Nervous Debility, is
ileservedlv one of the most popular medi
cines of the day. These Bitters have been
used by thousands, and a friend at our elbow
says he has himself received en effectual
and permanent cure of Liver Complaint
from the use of this remedy. We are con
vinced that, in the use of these Bitters, the
patient constantly gains strength and vigor—
a fact worthy ol great consideration. They
are pleasant in taste and smell, and can be
used by persons with the most delicutestom
nchs with safety, under any circumstances.
We are speaking from experience and to the
afflicted we ndvise their use."
Judge sl. M. Noah, a gentleman with
great scientific and and liuerary attainments,
said in his "New Tori Weekly Messenger,"
January 6, 1850.
"Dr IloofiantTs German Bitters. —Here is
a preparation which the leading presses in
the luion appear to be unanimous in re
commending, and the reason is obvious. It
is made after a prescription furnished by
one o: the most celobruted physicians of
modern times, ihe late Dr Christopher Wil
helm lloofland, Prolessor lo the Unireitity
of Jena, Private Physician to ihe King of
Prussia, and one of the greatest medical wri
ters Germany has ever produced. He was
emphatically the enemy of humbug , and
therefore a medicine of which ho was the
inventor and endorser may be confidently re
lied on. He'specially recommended it in
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Debility, Ver
tigo, Acidity of the btomach, Constipation,
ami all complaints arising from a disordered
condition of the stomaoh. the liver and the
intestines. _ Nine Philadelphia papers express
their conviction of its excellence, and sev
eral ot the editors speak of its effects from
iheir own individual experience. Under
these circumstances, we feel warranted, not
only in calling the aitention of our readers
to the present proprietor's (Dr. C. M. Jack
son's) preparation, but in recommending the
arliole is a!! afflicted."
The "Philadelphia Saturday Gazelle," the
best family newspapet published in the Uni
ted States, the editor says of
"It is seldom that we recommend what
are termed Patent Medicines to the conft
| dence and patronage of our readers; and,
I therefore, when we recommend Dr. Hopf
-1 .'- r -d's Bitters, we trfcb •? to be dis
tinctly understood turn T.T ?_ re 1101 sponun."
of the nostrums of the day, that are
about for a brief period and then forgotten I
after the y have done their guilty race of mts
chif, but of a medicine fopg established,
universally pri?ed. and which has met tlm I
hearty approval of the Faculty itself,"
Evidence upfin evidence has been re
ceived (like the foregoing) from all sections
ol the Union, the last three years, and the
strongest testimony in its favor, is, that there is
more of it used m the practice of the regu
lor Physicians of Philadelphia than all other
nostrums combined, a fact that can easily
be established, and fully proving that a sci
entific preparation will meet with their qui
et approval when presented even in this
That this medicine will cure Liver Com
plaint and Dyspepsia, no one can doubt, af
ter using it as directed. It acts specifically
upon the stomach and liver—it is preferable
to calcmel in all bilious diseases —the effect is
immediate. They can be administered to
rEMALE or INFANT with safety and reliable
benefit, at any time.
Tills medicine hae attained that high char
acter which is necessary for all medicines to
attain to induce counterfeiters to put forth a
spurious article at the risk of the lives of
those who are illnooently deceived.
Ttay have the written signature of C. M.
JACKSON upon the wrapper, and the name
blown in the bottle, without which they are
For sale, wholesale and retail, at the Ger
man Medicine Store, No. 120 Arch Street, one
door below Sixth, (late of 278 Race stieet,)
Philadelphia, and by respeotable dealers 1
generally throughout the country. Also for
Sale by JOHN R. MOYER, Woowsbure, P a .
ft 7.
The tieatest Because the Beat Ftr
lly Medicine in the WorM
ATIVE PILLS, they have succeeded Its *
curing some of the worst caeetq- of diseaea
ev6t recorded, and are daily aCcomplishin "■
the restoration of persons after having tried
in vain to obtain relief from any other"
source. One of the Proprietors is s regular
physician ot extensive experience, who de
votes his time exclusively to their prepara
tion. Fqr FEVER & AGUE, they have nev
er yet failed. At least ono thousand oases
in tho neighborhood of Philadelphia, have
been cured since tho first of Sept., ta*f- In
Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Live* Complaint,
Scrofula, for Worms, and all ojmt pRtM
of children, they are unequalledbv anything
ever prepared for the purpose, while for the
various diseases of Females there is no me
dicine can compare with them. There ia
more of them sold—they are in greater de
mand titan any other pill—and when once
introduced in a family, they need no other
medicine. Each box containing Fifty Pills,
renders them the cheapest, while they are
decidedly the best, as well as the mildest in
aetion, of any now in the market.
The Editor of the "City Item," thus
speake of them:
IST READER, you are suffering from fever
and ague, and you hare never tried Wors
dett's Vegetable Restorative Pills. Shake no
more. There is still hope for you—you inay
yet be cured- Go, or send at once in A.
Weeks & Co., 7o North Eighth street., antll
procure a box of these mtrivnlcd pills, whiehi
are a sovreign antidote for tins itktressMfg
Col. Forney of the Pcnnsyfvapidn
says :
\\ OUSDEU.'S PILLS. —This excellent family
medicine is daily winning new Hntitphs
over disease, and consequently in the high
road to public favor. In the removal of the
every day ills that flesh is heir fit, we know
of no better compound. We heard the oth
er day of a desperate case of scrofulous e
ruptions of the head and face being eniroly
cured by them. *-
Du Solle of the "Times," says •
W The great popularity of WtrxdelP*
Vegetable Pills, is attributed to the just .ner
it which they really possess. They - have
been ouietly gnining the fame they now
have, by the force of iheir own virtues.
The means usually employed to give eclat
to new remedies have not been adopted by
the proprietors. They have been content to
let their medicine speak foi itself. It | a MOW
doing it in every section of the country.
They are for sale by most of .the Store
Keepers throughout the Country,and in quan
tities at reasonable rates, at the Laboratory
No 70, North Eighth Street.
A. IVEEKS & Co., Proprietore.
Agents, JOHN R. Mo\ ER, Bloomsburg;
E. Lazarus, Orangeville,
M. G. Shoemaker, Bttckhom,
Pension & Diefenbach, Jersey town,
M. C. Grier, Danville,
C. Ilartman & Co., Catlawissa, and by
most merchants throughout Ihe "uouutry.
The subscriber announces to the public
that he has just opened a Saddler Shop in the
central part of Bloomsburg, on Alain street
one door above Rupert's Store, where he
will keep constantly on hand and make lo
order all kinds of
And every other article m his line of busi
ness. He will also attend to TRIMMING
carriages and buggies, in every desirable
style, and will turn off all his work neat and
good ; and at the lowest prtpos. Those who.
wish work in his lino will do well to give
him a cull.
IT?"Hides, country prod UPC, and even gold,
dollars will be taken inpayment for work.
Bloomsburg, May 15, 1845 J.
TUB subscriber respectfully informs hie
friends and customers, that he has just re
ceived ft om the city, a large and select as
sortment of
H Hats and Cap*, of
STYLE, which he offers for cash sales vary
cheap, at his old gland, on Main Street, sec
ond door South of the ( ourt house. -
TV He continues to manufacture Hats to
order as usual.
Bloomsburg, Nov. 15, 184' J.
The Dutchman is published every Satur
day, and sent to subscribers at tho foi (owing,
terms payable in advance: ■ "
One copy S2OO per an-
Three copies sou "**■
Fivo '* 8.00 ""
Ten " 1500 <• -
' City sob-cribers will be served regularly with
the Dutchman at $2.00 per annum, names
' sent to the publication office, 72 State street,
Albany, N. V.
, Any person sending us a chip of five, at
I tuu " ,¥ ' vc terms, will be entitled lo an addi
—' - Proprietor*.
Tenders his professional services to the.
citizens of Williamsbarg and its neighbor
hood for extracting and inserting teeth accor
ding to lire beat improvements in surgical |
science and skill. Hu will insert teeth either •
upon pitot or plate, and in such • manner
as will insure satisfaciioh. HU office is near
Peter Ent'g store.
Williamsburg, Col. Co., Oct. 29th, 1850.
The subscribers have just added lo their
former stock a large urn. genaral assortment .
of Dry goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens
ware Cedarware, Fish, Salt, tic., catefully
selected as to quality and priee, all of which .
tliey ate anxious to sell on the most accom
modating terms, aud respectfully solicit a
call from all those who Wish to buy cheap
goods' their old customers especially.
Bloomsburg, Oct. 31st 1850.
IS hereby given to all persons interested
that the account of Jacob Hanman trustee
of Mary Heinbaoh of Hemlock 'township
Columbia County, a lunatic, has been filed
in the Qffioe of the Protbonotary of said
County and will be presented to the court for
Confirmation on tk 22d day of April next.
Bloomsbitrar. March 2nth mki _i„