STAR OP pi NMITIKj K. W. WKAVKK, EDITOR. aiDMKktiqt, Thursday, March. 20, 151. I CATTAWISHA RAILROAD. The work or completing tho Ca'mwigsa raHread, WHS are mht Htm go on vi„xi illm mer in ornu. TWr Mock has Ullcn into the l)amls of men possessing requisite energy and enterprise and the city capital ist J •( awakening (0 importance of a iliiect railroad cotnmunioitloti with the North. Wrt our neighbor* to be within a hall day'* journey ol Philadelphia rauat work a vaat change in the business of this coitimu r.ity,and must totally revolutionise tho op-, prcreive credit system which has been such a .dull, dead ch>g upen business hore. A railroad communicatiod with Philadel. pbta w>U open a readjaeaah market to the -rest agricu luteal and lumber prodncts of tbie region, and the iron and coal interests here will find in it a most bou itiful and heal thy protection. Wo look with high interest JO see tho work in progress, and feel assured that nothing could more highly benefit this community, New Mall Ront. At the close of the late session of Congress the following new mail rout wns establish ed " From Blnomsburg; Columbia coun ty, via Uuckliorn, Jerseytown, Whitehal' and Bulla Tavern to Muncy, in Lycoming county. This rout will be of good service to lite towns west of us, and will furnish their best means of communication with Philadelphia. The travelling from the Wert Branch to the city will now in a groat degroe pass through Blnomsburg, and we •bail hereafter have a daily line of stages from this place to Potlsville through the whole year, at least until the new Cattawisaa Uailroad shall be ii ilshed. A Fancy BALL. —The merry ones of Hot lidaysburg enjoyed a fancy ball at that place on last, week, and the editor of the Standard rotes the personages and dresses with a happy gustorthat smacks of good old ''Fal ernian red," rucli ns is not interdicQd by the Temperance Society. He ia certainly in most merry mood and the fairy forms that yctdlit osaund-hie bewildered vision, attest that the company of wmiblaiiceil characters enjoyed tltemnelves to their heart's content— that they away till broad day light, and went net homn till morning. Among .other items of his chronicling, he tells that a rumple of wags, dressed in fancy costumes, in their researches after ' brandy-an'-water," on the nigblof the ball, fell in with a coup le of counuymen whom they induced to bo lieve that there was a circus in town.—They pursuaded them to the Hall and seated them among the spectators, where they looked on quietly, for a long time, when one drawled out— "Come Jake, let's go back—tl n such a circus—there aint no horses, nor no tumb ling" State IIOIK! to JUtporle. A proposition is now beforo the legisla ture for laying out n new state rond from this place to Laporte in Sullivan county, going byway of Kolirsbnrg, and avoiding the mountain which the old road crosses abovo the head waters of Fishingcreek. A bill for this purpose has been read in the Senate by Mr. Bucka.V.w. S3T We inrite Billion to the extract from General Packer's spJ >ec ' l u P on our rs '- psge to day. He fully unileisu" 0^8 | m porta nee of a-cai'road communica^' 011 w "'' Philadelphia, and urges the matter upon' 'he legislature and city capitalists with fot'pe and ability. The railroad if finished aocor ding to the survey .made would run along the edge of our town and make this the de pot forthe farmers of Columbia. The out let for'ihedumtmrmen will be at Milville for ibis county, and at Williamsport for Way to Defeat a Bill.—A bill to a mend the charter of the Buffalo and Missis sippi Railroad Company pasted the House of Representatives of the Indiana Legislature, and went to the Senate, where it waa itolcn to prevent its final passage PLURALITY LAW.-— The Senate Committee in the Massachusetts Legislature have repor ted favorably on a ball for a plurality law to elect Representatives to Congress and 'Presi dential electors. It ieisaid that the bill will, in at.' probability, pare. THE CUBAN INVASION.—A despatch from New Orleans, dated, March 7th, says, tliat in the cases of (JAN. QUITMAN, Gen. Henderson and all other* charged ™tcorr, situated in ; White Havefi, Luzerne county, were totally . consumed by fira on Sunday night lat. The fire is supposed to havo been the work of •n incendiary. Loss about $15,000, little or no insurance— Carbon Democrat. QT "If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch " I Soars' New Monthly Fanily Visiter, t- Ftmtke /feme Circle. It pcrfinum, in advance, (inclu largearravlng of the City of sells alone for D to tjtisralurg, the Arts, Sciences, Agricultural, Education. Sec., fee. The first number was issued ia January last. A Monthly Journal prlncipallv literary and miscellaneous, embellished with beautiful and meritorious engravings, designed to fur nish the heads of families, as well as the youth of both sexes, with a variety of enf tcrtaining and instructive information, whisn will not merely possess the negative quality' of not dcing injurious, but in whieh the pos itive OPS of being reaUy useful will alone be found; giving a healthy tone of feeling to their minds, and beooming instrumental, it is hoped, in rendering them : more happy in themselves and in their families—more useful in the various relations of life which they sustain—better members of society at 'large, and preparing them for a slate where all is absolute perfection. One particular feature of this New Monthly publication will be an entire freedom from all sectarian spirit, and a careful avoidance of political and controversial subjects in its page*—an upholder of truth and virtues—with no doubtful morality marring its |>ages—suita ble for all, and proper to be read at all times. All the important movements and erenta of the times will receive attention,-god tho news of the month carefully gleJs*d ancfc chronicled. Our object is to introduce it oxtenaively among all classes, and secure for it a large circulation and field of usefulness. It wnft be furnished at the low price of FIFTY CTS. PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. Any person sending two subscriptions and one dollar, shall be entitled to the Visitor one year gratis, Six copies, one year, c 2 on Twenty coo-Os, one year, a'oo And ho • vuoject to the order of the person ■Sliding the twenty names, one volume of any of our 92 50 or S3 00 publications, to bo forwarded at his exoense or risk of the per son, though a member of a club, rrwnovuig during the year, may change the direction ol his number to any other place. All payments for Hie "Visitor" mnst be made to the publisher. They may be sent by mail at his risk—the person sending to retain a memorandum of the description of money, date of mailing, lie. kc. Notes of all solvent banks taken at par. IT Postmasters are authorised by law to frank letters sad remittances. Specimen copies will be cheerfully fur nished to all persons wishing to examine. All letters must be post-paid, carefully seal ed, and legibly addressed to ROBERT SEARS, publisher, No. 128, Nassau street, N. Y. To publithere oj Newspaper*, throughout the United States %* Newspapers copying the above adver tisement, (including this notice,) and giving it two insertions shall receive a copy of Sears' Pictorial Family Annual, containing 400 pages octavo, anil Illustrated with 212 Engraving, designed as a valuable and cheap present for parents and teachers to place in the hands of young people : or the PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THE REVOLU TION, a handsome octavo volume of more than 400 pages, with an account of the ear ly history of tho country, the Constitution of the United Sta'es, and a chronological in dex; illustrated with several hundred engra vings. Register's Notice. IVO'I'ICE is hereby given to all logatece, creditors and other persons interested iu the estates of the respective decadents ami minors, that die following Administration and Guardian acuounts havo been filed iu the Olfico of the Register of ihe County of Columbia, and will be presented for confir mation ami allowance to the Orphans Court to bo held at Rloomsburg, in and for tho County aforesaid, on Wednesday the 23d., day ot April next, at two o'clock, P. M. 1. The first account of Jacob Garretson, acting Kxocutor of tho last Will and Testa ment of Alexander Garretson, lato of Ihe Borough of Danville, in the County of Col umbia, dccoased. 2. The final accouut of Henry Metz, Ad ministrator of the estate of Mary Bartul, lato of Roaring Creek township, Columbia county dee'd. 3. The account of Henry Mourer, Admin istrator of tho estate of Henry Juhnson lato of Madison township, Cohutbia county, dee'd. 4. The first and finnl account of Stephen M. Gilmore, Guardian ol the person and estate of Edward Reed Wheeler, one of the heirs of Thomas C. Fo.-ter, late of Briar Creek township, Columbia county, dee'd. 5. Tho final account of Samual Mellick, Administrator with the Will annexed of An drew Delong, late of Orange township, Col umbia county, dve'd. 0. The account of Daniel Re in bold, Ad ministrator of the Estate of Peter Smoycr, late of-Mifflin township, county, dee'd. 7. Tho first and final account of Andrew Frees, Administrator of Ihe Estate of Cath arine Nicholas, late of Briar Creek town ship, Columbia county, dee'd. 8. The first and final acoount of John Bo gart, fAdmi-istrntor of the estate of John Vandling, late of Liberty township Colum bia county, dee'd. 9. The account of Allen Sht-llhammer and Daniel Neyhard, Administrator* of the Estate of George Sliellhammer, late of Cen tre township, Columbiacounty, dee'd. 10. The account of Abraham Mosteller, Jr., Administrator of the Estate of Abraham Mosteller, Sr., late of Mifflin township, Col umbia county, deceased. 11. The account of Caleb Thomas Execu tor of the tail WilTand Testament of Eph 1 - rnim McCollum, late of Madison township, Columbia county, dee'd. 12. The final account of Charles and Ste phen Michael. Administrators of the Estate of Adam Michael, lain of Beaver township, Columbia county, dee'd. 13. The account of John Kelchner, Exe cutor of ihe last Will and Testament of Wil liam Kelchnei, late of Centre township, Columbia county, dee'd. 14. The account ot John Rants and Ja cob Christian, Administrators of the Estate of John Christian late of Madison towzthip, Columbia county, deceased. The account of George Hughes, Adminls trator of tbe Estate of William Holliughead, late of Cattawissa township, Columbia Co , dee'd. JESSE G. CLARK, Register. RXOISTEK'S Orricc, J Bloomsburg, March 18, 1851. ( " CAUTIOiV ~~ All persona are hereby cautioned against purchasing a note of hand given by me to Aaron Hess, dated about the last of May 1850, and made payable six months after date, for $5O. A credit of $3O is eodoreed upon the note as paid on tbe 11th of Metch 1831, and I have a legal defence to the bal ance on tbe note. JOHN THRASHER. Centre township, Maroh 14th 1851. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of Lvlies Gaiters and Slippers just manufactured and for tale by W ARREN RD6SKL. I •