From tki Albany Dutehman. (mki for All Kiiis of Cfcfckeii. hi speaking of tbo professors attached to our seminaries ot learning, Diokens says (hat their knowledge is as inversely as their •gee— that is, the moat recently elected gen - e rally know the most. The great trail It with our learned men is, that when they enter a college they leave the world, and become so immersed in Greek and Hebrew, that they can't eee common sense through the ' dust they kick up. Wo conversed the other day with a classical scholar who was perfect ly acquainted with every fiscal operation that aver took place in Alliens, and yet that same scholar could not toll whether the rate vif interest iu this Stele was seven per cent, ot fourteen. L&iiiM TO SIKO. —To sweeten toil, learn to sing. .A cobbler of our acquaintance at tributes not only his success, but his longev ity, to an early acquaintance with tho "Bay of Biscay." If he tnculs with a los, he eradicates its remembrance with 1 Koslyn Castle ;" while he forgets his wife's impro prieties, by refreshing his forgiveness with "Auld Lung Syne." How much better is this than flying to the bottle, or letting fly the smoothing irons. There is a man in Indiana so thin, that "when the sheriff is after him he crawls into his rifle, and watches his adversary through the touch hole. To attempt to iuttoduce female clerks into bur dry goods stores, don't pny. Tho wo men won't trade with them because they won't stand their bothering. Lucretia Molt says that a young man who cannot persuade n lot of foolish women to buy what 'hey will never want, or their hus bands be able to pay fcr, should never ex pect to become at all celebrated as a dry goods clerk. Lucretia is an observing young woman. DELICIOCS MADNESS —Going crazy after calico. Its premonitory symptoms are stan ding collars, and n passionate desiro to blow tho bowels out of a flute. Cere—A piece of bed cord applied to the neck, or six penco worth of arsdnic, taken internally. The hardest people to reason with arc topers. Tell a patron ot gm and sugar that a laborer of your acquaintance lived ninety years withoui touching liquor, and all tho resoonse he will make to your remarks, will bo a strong belief that all such a man needed to mako him live for ever, was a -taste ol beer now and then. The colder the weather, the more you should eat. According to Liebig, a plate of roast turkey will keep out as much frost as two pair of breeches and a flannel overcoat. When you go to church, go to sleep; for philosophers say that shutting the eyes, makes the sense of hearing more acute, To slop a runaway horse, throw tin pans at him, which will so increaso his vpecd, that in a short time he will fall to the ground from sheer exhaustion. If tin pans are not convenient, n greeu cotton umbrella will bo' found nearly as serviceable. Whether a man is courageous or not, de pends altogether on circumstances. While . the dinrrhoa willmake the brave irresolute— the too.hsche will cause even the timid to "go in" and face the devil. With a relaxed state of the bowels, Scott could never nave conquered at Chapultopoc till this day. Muilouey says that the mysteries of card p!aj ing can only be learnt by losing at it. Novices will please remember this, as it w ill save them much unnecessary study.— There are many modes of opening men's eyes, but we think tapping their pocket bocks is the most speedy and effectual. The editor that never lied, has turned his attention to raising Pbaniixea. He is cou sin to the young man that hollered watch the other night, becausca girl mot him in the street, and put iter arms around hitn. Muggins rays that a widow who don't wish to get married, shou.d bo as much cherished ss a thistle tree that bears figs. Where's the cistern pole! Definition of a* Yankee. As the Ysnkees are creating no litllo ex citement in the commercial, political, and military world, 1 hope my definition of a tea! genuine male Yankee, would not be con sidered a miss. A real genuine Yankee is full of snima tion, checked my moderation, guided by de termination, and supported by education. He hai veneration, corrected by toleration with u love of self approbation and emula tion ; and when reduced to a state of aggra vation, can assume the most profound dis simulation for tho purpose of retaliation, al ways combined, if possible, with specula tion. A real live Yankee, just caught, will be found uot deficient in tho (ollowing quali ties : Ho is self-deny ing, self-ielying, always Hy ing and into everything prying. AN INCIDENT.—A fashionable young lady secenlly met her plain old graudmoiher al the Springs. The old lady's heart was filled with innocence and simplicity, and her ide as of feshion halted at a straight coat and plain cap. When, therefore, she mat her dear niece, the first time for many years, and saw her a disfigured invalid, she was shock ed, and almost fainted. When her emotion had a little subsided, she turned with tears in bqr eyes, and said, "Margaret, honey, thee may get well; but, indeed, I fear that the waters never will cure thee of this dread ful thing," laying her band on Margaret's fashionable bustle.—"O ! how . awful thee must feel about it !" and another answer of tears gushed forth. Good old lady, that. ty "Poor fugitive slave Bill," said Mrs. Partington, as her eyes ran over the morn ing papers, and her quivering lips betrayed the agitation of her mind; "poor fugitive slave Bill. 1 hope for my soul tbey won't catch him—l hope tbey won't.". ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER ipasponsis THE TRUE DIGESTIVE FLUID, OR A Great Dyspepsia curar, Prepared from RENNET, or the fourth Stomach of the Ox, after direction* of Baron Liebig, the great Physiological Chemist, by J. S. Houghton, M. D., No. 11, North Eighth Street, Phila delphia, Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indi gestion, Dyspepsia, Jaudiee, Liver Com plaint. Constipation, and Debility, Curing after Nature's own method, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice. Ey Half a spoonlnl of this Fluid, infused in water, will digest or dissolve, Fivt Pounds of Roast Beef-in about two hours, out of the stomach. DIGESTION, Digestion is Chiefly performed in the stomach by the aid of a fluid which freely exudes from the inner coat of that organ, when in a slate ol health, called the Gastric Juice. This fluid is the Great solvent of the Food, the Purifying, Preserving, and Stimula ting Agent of the stomach and intenstines. Without it thero will bo no digestion,—no conversion of food into blood, and no nu trition of tho body; but rather a foul, torpid, painf'il, and destructive condition of the whole digestive apparatus. A weak, half dead, or injured stomach produces nd good Gastric Juice, and hence the disease, dis tress and debility which ensue. PEPSIN AUD RENNET. —Pepsin is the chief element, or great Digesting Principle of the Gastric Juice. It is found in great abun dance in the solid parts of the human stom ach after de ith, and sometimes causes the stomach to digest itself, or eat i'solf up. It is also found in the stomach of animals, as the ox, calf, &c. It is the material used by farmers in makirg cheese, called Rennet, the effect of which has long been the spe cial wonder of the dairy. The curdliug of milk is the first process of digestion. Ken net possesses nstonislii"g power. The stom ach of a calf will curdle nearly one thou sand times its own weight of milk. Baron Liebig states that, 'One part of Pepsin dis solved in sixty thousand parts of water, will digest meat and other food." Diseased stomachs produce no good Gastric Juice Rennet or Pepsin. To show that this want may be porlectly supplied, we quote the following SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! BARON LIEBIO, in his celebrated work on Animal Chemistry, says : "An Artificial Di gestive Fluid analagous to the Gastric Juice, may he readily prepared from the nucous ineinbrano of the stomach of the Call, in which various articles of food, as meat and will be solicited, changed, and diges- I-d, just in tho same manner as they would be in the human stomach." Dr. I'ereira, in his famous treatise on "Food and Diet," published by Fowlers & Wells, New York, page 35. states the same great fact, and describes the method of prep aration. There are few higher authorities than Dr. Pereira. Dr Combe, in .his valuable writings on the "Physiology of Digestion," observes that "a diminution of the due quantity of the Gastric Juice is a prominent and all-pre vailing cause of Dyspepsiaand he states that "a distinguished professor of medicine in London, who was severely afflicted with this complaint, finding every thing, else to fail, had recourse to the Gastric Juice, ob tained from the stomach of living animals, which proved completely successful." Dr. Graham, author of tho famous works on "Vegetable Diet," says : "it is a remar kable fact in physiology, that the stomachs of animals, macerated in water, impart to the fluid the properly of dissolving various articles of food, anil of effecting a kind of artificial digestion of them in no wise dif ferent from the natural digestive process." Dr. Simon's great work, the "Chemistry of Man," (Lea & Blanc-hard, Phils. 1846, pp. 321-2): "The discovery of PEPSIN fo ms a new era in the chemical history of Di gestion. From recent experiments we know that food is dissolved as rapidly in an artificial digestive fluid, prepared from Pep sin, as it is in the natural Gastric Juice it self* Professor Dunglison of the Jefferson Col lege, Philadelphia, in'his great work on Hu man Physiology, devotes more than fifty pages to an examination of this subject. Ills experiments with Dr Beaumont, on the Gastric Juice, obtained from tho living hu man stomach and from animals are well known. "In all cases," he says, "digestion occurred as perfectly in the artificial as the natural digestions." As a DYSPEPSIA CUIIER, Dr Houghton's preparation of Pepsin has produced the most marvellous eflects, curing cases of De bility, Emaciation. Nervous Decline, and dispeptic Consumption, supposed to be on the very verge of the grave. It is imposs ible to give the details of cases in the limit of this advertisement—l>ut authenticate certificates have been of more than two hun dred Remarkable Cures, in Philadelphia, New- York, and Boston alone. These were nearly all desperate eases, and the cures were not only rapid and wonderful, but per manent. It is a great Nervous Antidote, and par ticularly useful for tendency to billions dis order, Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, or badly treated Fever and Ague, and the evil eflects of Quinine, Mercury, and other drugs upon the Digestive organs, after a long sick ness. Also, for excess in eating, and the too free use of ardent spirits. It almost rec onciles Health with Intemperance. OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS. —There is no forui of Old Stomach Complaints which it does not seem to reach and remove at once. No matter how bad they may be, it gives Instant Relief I A single dose removes all the unpleasant symptoms, and it only needs to be repeated, (or a short time, to make these good effects permanent. Purity of Blood and Vigor of Body, follow at once. It is particularly excellent in cases of Nausea Vomiting, Cramps, Soreness of the pit of the Stomach, distress after eating, low, cold state ol the Blood, Heaviness, Lownessof Spirits, Despondency, Emanciation, Weak ess, tendency to Insanity, Suicide, &c. Price, ONE DOLLAR per bottlo. 0::e bottle will often eflect a lasting cure. PEPSIN IN POWDERS, ty Sent by Mail Free of Postage. For convenience of sending to all parts o the country, the Ligestive Mat'er of tne Pep sin is put up in the form of Powders, with directions to be dissolved in water or syrup, by the patient. These powders contain just the same matter as the bottles, but twice the quantity for the same price, and will be sent by mail, Free of Postnge, for One Dollar sent (post-paid) to Dr J S Houghton, No-11 North Eighth street Philadelphia, Pa. Six packages for five dollars. . Every package and bottlo bears the written signa ture of J 8 HOUGHTON, M D, Sole Proprie tor. . ■ Sold by agents in every town in the Uni ted States, and by respectable dealers in Medicines generally. Ageuts for Bloomsburg. JOHN R. MOV ER, E. P. LUTZ. WINDSOR AND COMMON CHAIR made to order of any desirable style at the ohair manufaotorv of B.HAGENBUCII Bloomsburg, May 16th 1650. GREAT CODER REMEDY! For Ihe Care #f OOUOBB, OOX.DB, HOARSENESS, BRON CHITIS, CROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPING-COUGH AND CONSUMPTION. In offering to tho community ibis juttly eel ehrsted remedy for diseases of the throat and lungs, it i s not our wish to trifle with the lives ot hcsllh of the offlidtcd, but f-rkly to lay be fore them the opinions of distinguished men & ,sme of the evidence- of its success, from which they can judge for themselves. We sin cerely pledge ourselves to make no tinns or false statements of it- efficacy, Mb will wc hold not any hnpo to uttering humanity which fio s will not warrant. Many proofs arc here given, and we solicit an inquiry from the public into all we publish, fee ling assered they will And them perfectly relia ble. and the medicine worthy Iheji best 'confi dence and patronage. PROP. CLEVELAND, of Bowdoin Col lege, Maine, Writes—"l have'witnessed the effects of your 'CHERRY PEtJTORAL' in' my own family and that 6f my friends, and it gives me satis faction to state in its favor that no medicine I hive ever known has psoved so emiuently euc oessful in esiing diseases of Ihe throat and lunga." REV. DR, OBGOOD Writes—"That he considers 'Cherry Pectoral' the best medicine for Pulmonary Affectious ev er given to the public,' and states that "his daughter after being obligod to keep (he room four nionihs with a severe settled cough accom panied by raising of blood, nighi sweats, and Ihe attendant symptoms of Consumption, com menced the use cf (he 'Cherry Pectoral,' and had completely recovered," EX—CHANCELLOR KINO, of New York saya. "I have been a great suffer er with Uronchetia, and but for the use of the 'CnxiißT PscTonAL'might have continued to be so for many years to come, but that has cured me and I am happy to bear testimony to ila ofi cacy," From such testimony we ask tho public to judge foe themselves, HEAR THE PATIENT, Dr, Ayer—Dear Sir; For two years I was filleted with a very sevcic cough, accompanied y spilling of Wood and profuse nigh.; sweats, y the advice of lay attending pb'ysiciaa 1 was induced to use your Cherry i'cctsral, and con tinue .to do so tf. 1 considered myself cured, and ascribe '.o ctlect to your preparation, JAMBTBHANDALL, Hamden sa. Springfield, NOT. 27. 1848, 'Fliia day appeared the above named James Randall, and pronounced the above statement true in every rospect. LORKNZO NORTON, Juetico. THE REMEDY THAT CURES. Ponri.AMi. Me , Jan. 10,1847. Dr. Ayer; 1 have been long afflicted with Asthma which grew yearly worse until last au tumn, it bjought on a cough which confined me in my chamheitand began to assume the alarm ing symptoms of consumption 1 had tried the best advice and the best medir.'ne to no purpose, until I used your Cherry Pectoral, which has cured me, and you may well believe me. Graie fully yours, J, D. PHEI.PS, If there is any value in the judgment of the wise, who apeak from experience, here is a med icino worthy of the public confidence, Prepared by J. C. Ayer, Lowell. Mans., Sold by E P.HTTZ, B onmsbnrg A B WILSON, Berwick Jan, 16,1851.-4 m. AN ADVERTISEMENT THAT APPEALS TO THE SOUXD SENSE OF TIIE COMMUNITY. Standard Medicines. The following unequalled series of Family Medicines may be depended npon with the ut most confidence. They have the approbation of the trest physici ana in the country, and are recommended try all who have used them aa superior to any family medicines known. They have been been before the Public Tor • Vive Yesil'N, during which time more then I 5,000 certificates have been teccived from emi nent public men and others, and are now on file at the Company's Ofiice. Tliey nre omponiidctl with the ut most care and skill, and the ingredients are thor oughly tested by scientific chemists, so that medicines of a uniform and reliablt quality are guaranteed in >tll cases. The Gtiefenlrerg VEOETABII PILLS, Are par ticularly valuable for Ihe prevention and cure of Fevers in general, all Billious aire Liver Com plaints, Jaudicc, General Debility, Common and Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Heart Uuin, Coa tiveneas. Griping. Urinary Diseases, Obstruc tions of the Menses. Influenza, Asthma, aixl for a variety of other Chronic Diseases; in Uiin for all ordinary family usee. Full directions for Ihe various Disea ses accompany each box, Price 25 cts. a box. Tbe Grnefeuberg Djaen 1e r y S)'l*up a A speedy and infallible remedy in Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Bloody Flux, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, and the Asiatic | Cholera, if taken with the first symptoms, viz , vomiting and diarrhoea. It never fails to cure the worst possible cases of bowel complaints, gcnoraliy in a few hours, seldom beyond a day. It is Purely Vegetable, at d taken in almoat any quantity is perfectly hurmleta. ~w. The Graefcnheig Green Mountain Ointment hrvaluable for Utrrna, Wounds, Spraiua, Chillblains, Corns, Sores, Swellings of ell kinds, Rheumatism, Erysipelas, Bronchitis, Scrofula, | leers, Parna in the Side and Hack immediate y relieved, inflammation of the Bow. ela, and for all cteee where there ie inflammation. THE GRAEFENBERG MANUAL UJF HEALTH. A Complete hand-book of medicine for fami lies. Price 50 cents. Office 214 Broadway, N. Y. CA UP ION. The public ie requested to in mind that everything prepared ky the raefen erg Com pany has their seal nan it. Spurious articles been Issued closely re sembling the genuine in every perticulsr except the seal, and the utmost care should be obeerved before purchasing. AGENTS, — Thomas Ellis, and E. P. I.utz, Bloomsburg $ Benjamin Bei ber, Catluwissa, Peter Ent, Light Street. Bloomsburg, Jan. 23, 1851-om, TAILORING IN LIGHT STREET JAMES SMITH Invites'the attention of the fashionable in Light Street to his alsie of cutting garments He makes tbem in tbe best and most tasty manner, and can can ensure satisfaction in his warkmauihip. He receives the latest fashions, and when cutting onlp is desired, the work is marked carefully for lite maker. E7*AII kinds of country produce taken u xchage for work. Light Street, Feb. 14, 1850. Price Reduced!- VAUGHN'S LITHONTRIFTXC MIXTURE! Largo Bottles —Only One Dollar* The Proprietor of the Great American Remedy " VAUOHN'J VKOKTART'K LlTaoitTßirnc MIXTURK," induced BY the nrjrent solicitation* of his Afeut, throaghuut the United Stales and Canada, has how A. it ami the Fries of hi* popular and well known article; and from tliw date, thenoefortli, lie will put np hut one siao only, his quart bottle*: the retail price wOl 1w ONE DOLLAR. The public may reel aaured that the character of the Medi cine, its strength, and curative propertiee WILL aKMain UNCHANGED, and the same ears will he bestowed in pre paring it as heretofore. As this medicine, under iaAeduoed price, will bo pnrohased by those who have not hitherto made themselves acquainted with ita virtues, the proprietor would beg to intimate that bis article is not to be clamed with the vast a mount of " Remedies of tlie day it claims for itself n greater fueling power, tn nit diaeaere, then any other preparation now before th( world: and he* sustained itmlf An- eight yean by ita superioi medical virtues, and, unHt this reduction, commands* slouble the price of any other artiele in this line. NOTIM PARTICULARLY, this artiste acts with great hear ing pewer and certaiuty, upon tlie Blood, Livor, Kidneys, Lungf and nil other organs, upon the proper action of whioh life and health depend. i This medicine has a justly high repute ae a remedy for Dropsy and Ch avel, anil all diseases of that nature. It may be relied upon when the intelligent physician has abandoned his patient, and for these distressing diseases, more especially DROPSY, the propri etor would earnestly ami honestly recommend it. At ita pregent pace ft is eqrily, obtained Py all, and the trial will prove the article to he 'the ChaipeStllafiieina is the World; CW Pliw* •* for pmplil,U— the '. (Cntl ,i v , lfcwn dux comnin over wxtteo PM-. of rvaipt., (in addition to fill medical mat let) Tali.i*, for SonmhoM purposes, and whicl will sqv tuany .tpflars per year to practical housekeepers. T new receipts are introduced to make tlie book of great Value, aside from its character as an advertising medium fos the medicine, jhe testimony in fgrorof which, in the form of letters from all parts of the country, may be relied upon. Cr *• Vaughn's Vegetable Litbmtnptic Mixture M the Great American Remedy, now for tale In qnaft bottles each, SRWJI bottles at 50 cU each. Np tma h bottles will be iasaeil after the present stock is disposed of, Principal Office, Baft*, tf, Y., 7 Main Street, G. C. VAUGHN. Sold Wholesale and Retail by OLCOTT McKESAON k CO., IST Maiden Lane. New York City. N. B.—All letters (excepting from agents and dealers witn wh<*n he transacts business) must be poet paid, or no attention will be given to tbero. AGENIV>.—K. P. LtJTZ, Bloomsburg ; O. F Moore, .Danville; Jno. \V. Friling, Sun bur}*, M A M'Cay, Northumberland ; John Sharpless, Cattawissa; J K Millard, Kapy town j A. Miller Berwick ; Charles Seybert- Beach Haven.Oct. 31, 1850.-ly IBtPh C£BtailCߣXLl#S3 ■■ - SAtfAQIBA. Th* afflicted ore invited to coll ond tee Mi ■lsaac Brook*. Jr., ottiie corner of Third and Wilcoi aireeM, and Mia* Chiiatiana Sanda, Beach street below Sprnce street, i n the Bchuyl kill. These two persona have been snatched from the very jaws of the dostiojrar through 'he agency of that most potent of all medicines, DR. CVLLENS INDIAN VEGETABLE PANACEA. Dr- Cullen's Panacea is the only cirtain cure fot Scrofula or King's Evil, Tetter, Erysipelas. Old Bores and Ulctrs, Mercurial Diseusce, and all other affealions, cutaneous or otherwise, arising from impurities of the blood. In the extraordinary cure of Mr. Brooks, peo ple who visit him, bold up their hands in as tonishment, that ANY medicine could have ar rested ins disease—then go uwsy resolved to re commend l)r Cullen's Indian Vegetable Pana cea to every one they bear of who has need of a purifying medicine. So with Christiana Sands—her cujr of Scrof ulous soie was guile as extraordinary as Mr. Brooks', when we reflect that from the dis ease hei tea Or coffee would frequently pass out of lier earsrwhejr attempting to drink, [Bee her certificate.] The people die beginning to understand, too, that the various Vyrups of Bariaparillaare little better than molawes, and that it is madness to throw away money on articles which, under the most favorable bfirnuMlsncea, do not produce any impression an the system until several gal ena have been swallowed. One hottle of l)r. Cullen's Panacea reldnm fails to produce con viction in the minda of patients that a radical cure iscerlain. Thus hope. [ necessary, en ally to medi cine.] springs up st the outset, snd the patient is cured beforo any other pre|iaralion could hove made the slightest impression upon thedisesse ! In fact, the twelve ounce bottles of Di. Gal lon's Panacea, compared willi tho pint and quart bottles of other purifiers, are valuable about in the proportion of got.l to coppci. Those who woule prefer a peony to a half eagle, on account of it* site, would make a pour selection to say the least. j . Sarsaparill* a good purifier ! Dr. Cullen's Panacea contains its oilracl in its most concen trated form. Added to Ibis are other extracts, more active and poweiful. and which effect in combination with tho Barsaparilla, what the lat ter article, or oopihined with the most powerfu poisons, cannot aloae accomplish. It has cured where everything else had failed andlhis in a multitude of oases—not in Eutope or in the moony (where so many great cutrs have been performed.) but in Philadelphia and other pafta of the union. And he it distinctly understood that we do not obtain our extracts by "holing 400 gallons down to one," it being known to every Druggist's apprentice that boiling deatioys tWwsaential virtues of medicinal plants and roots. ROWAND & WALTON, Proprietors, Wholesale and retail, No. 21 North SIXTH street; or E. P. Lutz, Bloomsburg; M C (drier, Danville; Peter Ent, Light street, Rickets aud Stewart, Orangeville ; Cyrus Barton. F.spylown ; J Sohmick, Cattawissa; M G Shoemaker, Buckhorn. LIVJ3UY STABLE. *v NOAH S. PRENTISS the public to trvOfflJaßr f V/A Ilia new stock of bnr J W carriages and buggies, a variety of which can be found t his Livery Stable. He can always fntuish horses and vehicles of the best kind, snd on reasonable terms. He has recently added a number of fashionable ve hicles aud good horses to his former stock. — He will furnish to parties four horse convey ances with good and safe drivers, at very low prices. Call at the lower end of Hopkinaville, on the East side of Main street. Bloomsbnrg, Dec. 13, '4-ly GLIIVJSMITHIJYG IN BLOOMSBURG. Thomas C. Bomboy Respectfully informs the public that he has opened and arranged in good order A GUNSMITH SHOP at the Pmtttsylvania Hotel, in tho lowor part ol Bloontsbuio, where he will be ready to furnish any kind of Firearms, in good order and of approved workmanship. He will also attend to Repairing ond Cleaning Gum and will repair and make all kinds of light machinery, locks, to., at moderate charges. Guns and Pistols on hand for sale. Bloomsburg, May 2, 1860. ~rTw. weaver, ATTORNEY-AT-JLAW BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO., Pj rricz—On the Eait side of Main Street, three squares belov Market. To the Sick and Afflicted. CERTIFICATES and Testimonials sufficient to fill every column oi this paper, can be produced, setting forth the wonderful vir tues of Da. SWATHE'S CELEBRATED FAMILY MEDICINES. Dr- gwayne's Compound Syrup of Wld Cherry. ANOTHER HOME CERTIFICATE. Great Cure of Edward Hanson, Engineer, at Mr. Peltits' Factory, corner ol 9lh and Wallace Streets, Spring Garden. More substantial evidence of tho wonder ful curative properties of Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. Pmr.AD., April 15, 1850. Dr. Swayne—Dear Sir— Being severely af flicted with a violent cold and cough, which settled upon my lungs attended with great debility, soreness in my side, that I could scarcely breathe, spitting of blood, no ap petite, could get no rest at night, owing to the severity of my cough, would spit as much as a pint of blood at a time. This mournful stale of things continued until 1 e.linOßt despaired of being cured, having tried physicians and mimer JUS things with out relief; but having heard of tho great vir tues of your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, and its being approved ol by physicians of the first eminence, I concluded to make a trial of it, and am happy to state that three bottles performed a ported cure; my sleep is now undisturbed and sweet, and 1 firmly believe that to your medicine I am indebted for Ihl; grealcore. 1 shall be glad to communicate with any person on the subject who may bo pleased to call on me, and corroborate what 1 have Said in the above certificate, at the factory or my residence. Yours, most respectfully, EDWARD HANSON. The above certificate is from a man well known by a large portion of our citizens. Those who doubt tho truth of it, are invited to call and satisfy themselves that it isanoth voluntary, disinterested and living witness to the great virtues of Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. GT BE VERY PARTICULAR to get the criminal and 6nly genuine preparation ol W iid Cherry, as prepared by Dr. SWAYNE, N. W. Corner of Eight and Race streets, Philadelphia ; all others are "fictit io counterfeit." SWAYNE'S VERMIFUGE. "A safe and effectual remedy for Worms, Dys pepsia, Cholera Morbus, sickly or Dyspep tic Children or Adults, and the most uscjul Family Medicine ever of fered to the public. This Remedy is one which has proved successful for a long time and it is univer sally acknowledged by all who have tried it to be far superior (being so very pleasant to the taste at the same time effectual) to any other medicine ever employed in disea ses for which it is recommended. It not only destroys But invigorates the whole sys tpm. BEWARE OF MISTAKES! Remember, Dr. Swayne's Vermifuge is now put up in square bottle , Sec that the name is spelt correctly— SVv AYNF,. GREAT PURIFYER OF THE BLOOD:' Dr. Swayne's Sugta• Coated Sursnparilla and Tar Pills, Act as a gentle purgative, produ cing a healths otntoAof the Liver, and Bowels acting as an Alternative, changing that state of coMiveness, which is very common to some individhals, and for the irregularities indideht to females tlicy are very vnluable. AGENTS FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY. E. P. LUTZ A JOHN R. MOYEB, Bloomsburg, Pa; iCI C Drier it John Moore Danville; John Sharpless&C Hurtman &. Co., Catawissa; G (tcßShumati Catawissa Forge; Brown and Creasy, Miflfinville; A Miller Berwick; John Doak Briar Creek tp.; Peter Eat Williams burg; E. Lazarus Oraugcville ; J K Millaid Espytown; Elias iVertmun Rohrsburg; Geo. Masters Millville ; J M Sheldon Jerseytown; McCay & Patterson Washingtonville; Hugh McWilliams Moresburg; and by most all Storekeepers in the adjucent Counties. Bloomsburg, Oct. 17, 1850.—Cm. The People's Friend. T. T. POND'S, OK NEW YORK' mawm, old'sores, Piles, and all diseases of the bowels of a chronic nature, tooth-ache aud ear-ache, Ac., & c. It is truely what it professes to be. "the Feople's Friend I" Providence has scattered along tho rugged paths of life many things that contribute greatly to the comfort and happiness of every body ; honce their great < value, a', s'ell may they be called 'friends of tne people.' One word hero to guard against imposition. I A man by tho name of spencer, has raanu- i ufaclurea and offered for sale a spurious ar- J licle called the Coryll Extract, —tlint would be extract of the hazel-nut: —the genuire is as white and pure as water, while the spuri ous article is colored, which enables the public to distinguish. None genuine, but those mtrked Pond's Pain Destroyer. For sale by Win Robison, Bloomsburg, John Jessup, Shiekshinny, Chalfant & Hughes, Danville, Seth B Bowman, Berwick, Fowler & Trem b|y, Espytown. 2 18 ly BLOOMSBURG ACADEMY. A HIGH SCHOOL For Young Ladles and Gentlemen- J. E. BRADLEY, Principal. A sulliciant number of competent Ass tants will, at all times be employed. The ensuing Winter Session will com mence on MONDAY the 28th day of Octo ber next, and will continue 22 weeks. TERMS. The Academic year consists of 44 weeks. The price of tuition per quarter is as fol< | lows.- For Reading, Penmanship, Grammar, A rhhmetrc, Book-Keeping by single entry, Ge ography, History of U. S. $3 25 For same, and Algebra. Geometry, Survey ing, Mensuration, Boook-Keeping by double entry, General History, Natural History, Phy siology, Philosophy, other English branches, and Drawing. $4 50 For Latin, Greek and German, 5 75 WGood boarding can be obtained in pri vate families at from 1 50 to If 200 per week. RzrEaKNcKs.—Col. Joseph Paxton, Hon. Stephen Baldy, Hon. Geo. Mack, Michael Brobst, Esq., John M'Reynolds, Esq., and the Citizens of Bloomsburg. El"* After this Winler Session the French Languago will be taught in this School . Bloomsburg Sept 28lh 1650 LITER COMPLAINT, 1 Jgundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Ner vous Debility, Dictate of the Kid neys, and i all diteatet aris- . c ingfrom a disordered e Liver or Stomach, such as Constipation, Inward Piles n 1 Fulness of Blood io the Head, Act- 8 dity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart• J burn, Disgust foi Food, Fulness or t Weight in the Stomach, Sour t Erurtations, Sinking or i Fluttering at the pit 1 of the Stomach, ] Swimming of the Head, Hurried and difficult Breathing, , Fluttering at the Heart, choking or , suffocaiing sensations when in a lying posture, dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Feoer and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspi rationi, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pair, the Side, Back, Ches{, Limbs, g-e. Sudden Flushes of Heal, Bu rning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings or Evil, und Great Depres j sion of Spirits, CAST BE EFFECTUALLY CURED BY j DR. HOOFLAND'S CELEBRATED BITTERS, PREPARED BY DR. C. HI. JACKSON, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Their power over the above diseases is not excelled, if equalled, by any other rep aration in the United States, as the cures attest, in many cases after skilful physicians had failed. These Hitters aro worthy iho attention of invalids. Possessing great virtues in the rectification of diseases of the Liver and 1 ts ser glands, exercising the most searching powers in weakness and aficctionsof the di gestive organs, they are, withal, safe, cer tain and pleasant. Ilead and be Convinced. The Hon. Charles D. Hineline, Editor of the "Camden Democrat,"the best paper in West Jersey, sap. July 21 I "HOOFLANU'S GERMAN HITTERS."—"We have seen many Haltering notices of this medicine, and the source from which they came, induced us to make inquiry respect ing its merils. From inquiry we were pet suaded to use it, and must say we found it specific in its aclion upon diseases of the liver and digestive organs, and the powerful influence it exerts upon nervous prostration is really surprising. It calms and stregthens the nerves, bringing them into a state of re pose, making sleep relreshing. [From the "Boston Bee. ] The editor saitl, Dec. 22d— "Dr. Hoofland's Celebrated German Bitters for the cure of Liver Complaint, Jaundice, 1 Dyspeysia, Chronic or Nervous Debility, is deservedlv one of the most popular medi • cines of the day. These Hitters have been used by thousands, and a friend at our elbow says he has himself received an effectual 1 and permanent euro of Liver Complaint 1 from the use of this remedy. We are con -1 vinced that, in the use of These Bitters, the patient constantly gains strength and vigor— ' a fact worthy of "great consideration. They I are pleasant in taste and smoll, and can be . j used by persons with the mst delicatestom ; achs with safety, under any circumstances. , We are speaking from experience and to the > afflicted wc advise their use." i Judge M. M. Noah, a gentleman with great scientific and and litlernry attainments, said in his "Few York Weekly Messenger," , January 6, 1850. i "Dr Hoajland's German Bitters. —Here b I u preparation which the leading presses in I the Lnion appear to bo unanimous in re i commending, and tbe reason is obvious. It ■ j is made after a prescription furnished by I one or the most celebrated physicians of ■ modern times, the late Dr Christopher W if ; helm Honlland, Professor do the University of Jena, Private Physician 1° the King of Prussia, and one of the grectlest medical wri ters Germany has ever prot.htced. He was ! emphatically the enemy of humbug, and j the,efore a medicine of whiofd he was the | inventor and endorser may be i lonfidenlly re- I lied on. He specially recomn tended it in Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, D ability, Vcr ligd, Acidity of the Stomaclr, <- '-onstipation, ! and all complaints arising from * disordered condition of the stomach, the Irver and the intestines. Nine Philadelphia pape TS express their conviction of its excellence, sua cral ot the editors speak of its eih\ 'ls bom their own individual experience- Under these circumstances, we feel warrant! *l, not only in callhig the attention of our J eaders to the present proprietor's (Dr. C. M. Jack son's) preparation, but in recommendin n T 'he article to all afflicted." MORE EVIDENCE. The "Philadelphia Saturday Gazette," t he j best family newspapet published in the Un i ted Slates, the editor says of I DR. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, j "It is seldom that we recommend what ] are termed Patent Medicines to the confi dence and patronage of our readers : and, ! therefore, when wc recommend Dr. Hoof i land's German Bitters, wo wish it to bo dis ! tinctly understood that we aro not speaking of the nostrums of the day. that are noised about for a brief period and then forgotten after they have done their guilty racoof rnts chif, but of a medicine long established, universally prized, and which has oiet the hearty approval of the Faculty itself." Evidence upon evidence has been re ceived (like the'forcgoitfg) from all sections ol the Union, the last three years, and 'J, t strongest testimony in its favor, is, that there is more of it uspd tn the practice of the rcgu lor Physicians v more. There is still hope 101 you—yo- —. _ yet be cured- Go, or send at once to A. Weeks & Co., 70 North Eighth street., anch procure a box ot these unrivaled pills, which are a sovreigri antidote for this distressing complaint. Cot. Forney of the Pennsylvnnian, says : WORSDF.LI.'S PILLS. —This excellent family medicino is daily winning new triumphs over disease, anu consequently in the high road to public favor. In the removal of tho every day ills that flesh is heir to, we know of no belter compound. We heard tho oth er day of a desperate enso of scrofulous e ruptions of the head and face being euirely cured by them. I)u Sollc qf the "Times," soys : IV The great popularity of Worsdell's Vegetable Pills, is attributed to the just mer it which they really possess. They have been quietly gaining tho fame they now have, by tho force of their own virtues. The means usually employed to give eclat to new remedies have not been adopted by the proprietors. They have been content to let their medicine speak foi itself. It is now doing it in every section of the country. They are for sale by most of the Sloro ■ Keepers throughout the Country,and in quan tities at reasonable rales, at tho Laboratory No 70, North Eighth Street. A. WEEKS & Co., Proprietors. Agents, JOHN R. A/OVER, Bloomsburg: | E. Lazarus, Orangeville, 1 M. G. Shoemaker. Buckhorn, Funston & Diefenbach, Jerseytown, 1 M. C. Grier, Danville, C. liartman & Co., Catlawissa, and by I most merchants throughout the ttountry. IPWIi>2MK3 ST®SncD32o Notice is hereby given, that the Partner-' ship heretofore existing between GOEL St SHAW. as Contractors for the Construction of tho Philadelphia and Wilkesbarre Tele graph Line, nnd the Susquehanna River anil North at:d West Branch Telegraph Line, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. AH persons having subscribed and paid for stock in "Tho Philadelphia and Wilkesbane re Telegraph Company," are respectfully re quested to present their receipts for such payments to ELI J. SiEGKR, Esq., of Allen town, Lehigh county, l'a., President of tho said Company, and receive their certificates 1 properly authenticated therefor; and all per sons having subscribed and paid for stock in 1 ''The Susquehanna River and North and West Branch Telegraph Company," are also, respectfully request oil to present their re ceipts for ouch payments to A. C. GOELL, a i tho American llntol, Chestnut street, oppot i silo tho State House. Philadelphia, President of said Company, or to T. O- VAN ALLEN t Treasurer, Danville. " Montour county, : and receive their ceilitk ales in duo_ fornri f therefor. And all persons having claims a • gainst the said Partnership, GOELL AN.D " SIIAW, relating to the construction of sap! f lines, whether upon promissory noto, draft, • book accounts, or otherwise, aro respectfully ' requested to present correct statements of . I the same, without delay, to JOHN TUTS, t Est)., No. 12 Mercantile Library, Philadel phia, who is authorized to receive and ax i tango for settlement of tho same. A. C. GOELL JAMES SHAW. ' January 3d, 1831. jaltJltn. NEW SADDLER SUOP- Tho subscriber announces to the public tliat ho has just opened a Saddler Shop in lha central part of Bloomsburg, on Main one do'ir above Rupert's Store will keep lO-M on hand udlZZt color nil kinds or." HARNESS, SADDLES, TRUNKS VALIECES, ' And every other article tit his line of busi ness. He will also attend to TRIMMING carnages and buggies, in every desirable style, and will turn oil all his work neat ~,,7 :?ood ; and at the lowest prices. Those who \visit work in his last*- will do well to gi?7' hun a call. 8 i '-o-^p r oduee,„d oven gold l dollars will bo taken in payment for Work wt i, „W- M'K. THORNTON. Bloonisburgj May 15, 1849. IsIVE 'EM FITS I! Peter S. Leicly Can manufacture just as neat and fashionn ble a suit of clothing as any other tailor in these diggins. As a sample of his work m.mship, he refers you to the BEST FITTING CO A T To be found in the town, which is quite cer lain 1o have come from his shop. He regularly receives the latest city fash ions, and from his experience in the bust ness can ensure satisfaction in his work. He has also on band an assortment of CLOTH, CASSI MERES, & TRIMMINGS, At tire lowest prices, from which he will make up to order coatr, pants, or yasts of any desirable style. UTllis shop is on the North side of Main Street, a few doors above the Court-house. Bloomsburp, Feb. 14, 1850. NOTICE. While absent during tlj ~ thete-. gislature, toy profession,', bu.i will be in charge of It. VV. Wp aver , will , attend to all matters r„ [e |j ((4^jrTL, eIO CHAT,LES A. Rt'CKALEW. January 2d, 18k,i. 7-r A SPLEKP.w A' iSOh'miWT oTudi^s uaiters and oltpper . manufactured and for .ale bx r WARftN RIStsEL.