The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, March 13, 1851, Image 2
wmer STAR OF TIE NORTH. a. W. WKAVXR, EDITOR. ttiootMsburg, Thursday, March. 13, 1851. AND WORKBOim Labor is dignified, and prompt attention to a man's calling or occupation most honor able. Tha workshop of the honest and en terprising artisan is a great school of life. But in America the man dependant upon the bounty and alms of govornment has ever beon regarded either as weak or imprudent, when no accident has made him utilortunate. In this land of the many broad rich acres, teeming everywhere with happy lite and bu oyant industry, accidont and misfortune must be the chief of honest excuses for being ve ry poor. Every channel of honest industry is here open for the thrifty man of toil and enterprise. Men are early taught to depend upon themselves for success in business, and our republican institutions do not contain plate that a privileged class of lawgivers and rulers shall make each study yeomsn an on -darling and bondman to the goverrfment. In this country the goverment looks up to the citizen for protection, and the servants 01" the people are not meant to be greater than their matters. In despotisms, where the patriarchal and protective system has ground down tho chil dren of toil to the lowest misery, the mania for workshops drives the government to erect edifices in which to find employment for the needy, and these hives of govern ment industry and official patronage are called "irorhhouft." In Parie a crowded and restless population could no longer earn enough to pay the oppressive tax of the ru lers, and the government erected workhou see—went into tho business of tailoring, hat ting and storakeeping, and became the over eeer of the citizen mechanic or merchant. (This was ■ pon the presumption that'the gov ernment knew more of business than the people. fn tbe worst days of old Roman degrada tion, the government diverted the attention of the ignobilt vu/gus fiom the corruptions of tbe rulers, by furnishing public plays and games for amusement, until the deluded and starving people of the whole empire cried . the.circus first. Mctternich of Austria has , played the same game upon his master's qp ■fHii subjects. tlnftU these cases the government becomes everything aud the ci'tlzoo Jesoa tbe esanly feeling of independence, esurgv STtd wauan •l pride. Ho ie degraded to b-j a toira ma - the privileged rriWs. .The world oaUt tbe w<*teho{. of govern ment a "srortAot/jr, ' 80 j e ( j| {,(, known where it must exist. But be it known, too, that the country which has the most of these workhouses is the most to be pitied ot despi ••a. England tins enjoyed me protective system to her sorrow and shame, until she has made of her Irish appendage one vast lazaretto of misery and suffering. The gov ernment took business under it| protection and now look at the picture even in the cap ital of tho merchant-princes and money changers. Read the history of the pauper from the government work house—the histo ry of toil aud suffering, of sin and shame, debased in character, but simple and sub , lime in it> agony a- d tears. Read it, says a friend of ours in his eloquent cnlhusiasm r written, as it is, in the puddle of the streets of the great metropolis, traced in the snow under the winter shed, engraved on 'tha granite steps of the rich man's door, blurred on tho damp floor of the workhouse, by this woman's blistering, burning tears—this . history, every word a drop of liquid fire, is envolvcd in the shadow aud glaro of that .-•nighty London. 'There she sits, the lone outcast, in her - empty-garret, tha garb of theft on her shoul ders, and the price of defilement in her hand, whereby she stills the hungry cry of one as dear to her->a is the boy Prince of -Wales to the mother>ef a line of monarchs; -wild having a soul as near and dear to God, as kindred to his spirit, and as much an heir to his kingdom ; there she sits, perhaps mid way between the palace and the tower, in a region overflowing with milk and honey, wine and manna, and yet dying of hunger and thirst; there she sits, having need of endurance more eternal than that of Tanta ,'lua, tor she had lost in hor shame and im -1 mortality that imparted his power to him; there-she sits, iu the midst of all the nation al wealfhi abundance, luxury and superfluity, which industry, unscrupulous energy and aekless rapacity, could pile together—there in the qtore house of the world, in the lap of excess, sits "ths desolate woman, owning nothing pf-her sox, but its shame; lonely . childless, tJ.'Ottgn the offspring of her error may bo still living, but chained to the re pentant iton Jing ot> heartless charity ; there she rocks her to a.?d fro, ritis fallen angel a thief, a beggar, and a J>rot>?' tu,e am ' *"> all because England must be Jhe . of tbe world. MB. HUKTER'S BILL. —As there is no littu" speculation afloat in regard to the .real opera tions of this bill, as affecting the .coal and iron intarests'of this State, ore publish the -following, which we'ate informed .by the 'gentlemen who communicated the informs tion he obtaiue'd frornthat quarter from which the constructioc of the new< law- is to email ate. The additional duty imposed on iron, M near as can be ascertained, is aquiralentto >boutsl T els., per too, which will add, -from this source alone, to the national reran ue about $490,000 per annum. The leading Wen masters profess, under all the circum st an en, to be satisfied with this inorease. The additional duty eneoal is about 60 cts., per toe. W Tae establishment of the Sullivan JCugft tabeen removed fiont Cherry to La axe A wer4 of Reply. A correspondent of the last Wilkesbarre Advocate volunteers to argue (he re peel ques tion relating to Montoor county, and in bis zeal betraye how little tboeo out of the dis trict can judge of the propriety of this mea sure, and how imperatively the case re quires that the people direotly interested in the matter ehould alone decide the question. They alone oan fully and fairly judge of all the facts, and see the bearings of any legis lative action on this subjeot. And they have ticict decided the question. First on the r# move! of the seat of justice by a triumphant majority; and again last fall, by tbe eleotion of the present Senator and Member, they de cided that the divisioo law should be repeal- j ed. These officers werein Colombia and Montour nominated on the repeal isaue, and (ho very vote tbey received is full proof of this fact, and, that their position was under stood, The people ir. interest ate the prop er tribunal to decide this case, and they have set in judgment upon it, end recorded their decision. Tbe case is not to be likened to that of Chester end Delaware counties. The peo ple of what is now Delaware said that the old removal of their county-seat was unfair ahd was the act of a minority of voters. In Columbia there was no room for such com- I plaint after a vote was onc (aken. Tbe people of the lower corns, had always insis ted ths;, majority was with them, and final ly the issue was made and they agreed to abide by it. Nothing was then whispered of a new county there to compromise the con troversy. Tho leaders there made lb isaue and went to the people. The decisive ma jority was against them, and the removal was quietly accomplished. The mass of the people there, were quiet and resigned to the fate of the contest. No "troop* marched" to Bloomsburg, "armed to the teeth," nor was the new court house threatened with cannon or conflagration. The people of Danville professed to£ave forgotten the old issue and came to our courts and county conventions in a spirit ol neighborship and friendliness. The elections were again conducted upon political grounds, and Skcji end of the COUR ty gave its strict party vote for party nomi nee. Even the mischievous and treacher ous Sinon who sacrificed his character to re vive the old feud with ten-fold iu wonted bitterness—even he came into the conven tion a penitent suppliant, and only obtained the power for mischief by professing a feel ingof union, harmony and friendship with the whole oounty, and a submission to the people's decree fo: a tetnoval. Stealthily and treacherously he obtained his power and most Drjely he used it. The first chance 9 ' v '°h the people obtained they improved to rebuke his faithlessness. Now in the case of Chester and Delaware there was nothing like all this. In obtaining removal there was no reference to spy di rest expression of the popalar will, nor was the eounty divided by an ignominious trick. Agtee, iu old Chester connty the seat of I justice had not been originally fixed at Ches-! ter under protest, as in the case at Danville. And hence there was in Chester some well founded ground for an implacable feud after a sudden removal and some reason to sup. pose that there could be no remedy but by division sf the county. But there is proof on the record of the Chester and Delaware case to show that even the people of Delaware county do not regard a removal of the as in it self a sufficient cause for a division of the •county. Within a few months the county seat of Delaware county will be removed to Media from Chester, and yet we hear of no necessity for a division now. No doubt many persons in Delaware are opposed to this second removal, for such things we nev er done by uuiversal consent. No doubt thore is much bitter and angry feeling there and with quire as much cause for it as ever existed in Danville. The people of Media had induced the citizens of Chester to arm themselves to the tee'.h and to drag the can non under the very -walle of Wesohester in most fierce and belligerent attitude. The Medians no doubt helped iu forming the ranks, or especially in furnishing oflicets, but it is most natural that in such a case it was Cheetcr that bore the brunt of the charge. And then when the fray was over, for Chester to see the Medians bearing oil the trophiea of the contest in the shape of the county-seat must certainly have been a better cause for bitter feeling than any which Danville can point to. By the rule which |he Advoctae man would fix there must then be another necessity for dividing Dela ware, and *0 in every case where a county seat is removed. For it is quite certain that no town will quietly submit to have the seat of justice removed from its presincts ; and if mere petulance shall be in every such in stance gratified bjr the legislature, as a babe is hushed with a toy, or a hysterical spouse restored by a new sha*>l, we shall have no such things in legislation as removing a county-seat, for every removal will be an in direct division of a county. And tbe very fact that the legislature has heretofore recog nised such thing as a removal is evidence that this is meant to exist without an inevi table division of the county. BT The Delaware Legislature is talking of borrowing SBOOO from the school fund to I psy the expenses of the session and claims •raiuatthe State, to be teturned before it is {o ' de,wi bution. The Senate has de foaled th.' TEM Prance Bill. The bill to compel prop^ holder,of w 'l®'ngton city to pare to the streets in pmt of their real estate, becomes law. It is quires, howerer, the orO ,r of,h " majority of the property to petition w or^,r oompel the minority to aooede. POST Omcc DEPARTMENT.—A now office has bean established at Port Bland*l - Pa., and Samuel Hodgden jr. appointed poet master. John MdCauley has bean appointed post master at'Shiofcshinny, Lucerne 00., in the place of S. F. Headloy, resigned. U" At DanvHle the Epicureans have bean feaeting on fresh shad. SCHOOLS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY. from the annual report of lha superinten dent of oommon schools we gather the fol lowing interesting atatiatica showing the con aition of the echoola in thia count}. !f I I TOWNSHIPS w I I 5 J.lll J1 * * M Beaver 6 2 5 Bloom 2 3 7 2 Briarcreek 7 4 7 1 Cattawiasa 6 4 5 2 Centre 6 4 6 Derry 6 5 4 2 Fishing Creek 8 3 5 4 Franklin 4 6 4 1 Greenwood 8 3 6 8 Hemlock 6 3 6 2 Jackson 3 3 12 Liberty 8 6 7 9 Limeator.e 3 5 4 0 Madison 16 4 14 6 Mahoning 4 6 4 2 Maine 4 3 4 0 Mifflin 7 3 7 0 Moutour 5 3 6 0 Mount Pleasant 5 2 5 0 Orange 6 4 4 0 RCSling Creek 12 5 12 2 Stunt Loaf 9 3 8 2 Valley 5 5 4 6 Danville It 7 ' 6 6 Anthony 7 4 6 3 TOTAL, 171 4 150 60 The following table shows the average salary paid to teaohers in the various town ships. Towi, " n,pß - £. Bloom 24 28 15 00 Beaver 1711 Briarcteek 19 00 14 00 Cattawissa 15 60 11 50 Centre 15 34 Derry 18 50 12 00 Fishingcreek 11 50 7 00 Franklin 15 62 8 00 Greenwood 17 24 10 87 Hemlock 16 00 10 00 Jackson 15 00 10 00 Liberty 18 06 9 00 Limestone . 20 00 Madison 57 11 75 Mahoning ~8 00 10 00 Maine 14 50 Mifflin 18 00 Moutour 19 00 Mountpleasant 16 00 Orange 14 25 Roaringcreek It 75 7 00 Sugarloaf 11 00 • 9 00 Valley 16 50 9 50 Danville 25 00 12 00 Anthony 15 00 9 00 Total average, 16 80 10 33 The following table will also be found of interest in this connection, showing the num ber of scholars in eaoh township, the aver age number in each achool and the cost of instructing each scholar per month. . .11 ~ ''| It f| TOWNSHIPS. I IMP n vH ~ •> J. ** >| '" ' ' J|l il Beaver 108 58 21 81 Bloom 317 231 43 33 Briarcreek 261 177 58 46 Cattawissa . 157 175 28 40 Centre 207 14 1 58 26 Derry 177 132 34 47 Fishingcreek 218 188 44 Franklin 126 89 53 39 Greenwood 321 258 72 44 Heonock 189 169 89 33 Jackson 75 01 45 49 Liberty 303 161 44 30 LimeMohe 142 111 72 81 Madison 276 22 1 3 1 21 Mahoqing 137 114 46 43 Maine 97 72 29 47 Mifflin 173 141 35 Montour 141 112 46 41 Mountpleasant 116 144 52 73 Orange 191 129 54 26 Roarmgcreek 534 458 33 23 Suearloaf 143 9 1 27 1,00 Valley 106 93 26 60 Danville 360 360 62 Antbony 156 115 38 36 TOTAL, 4,9313,991 40 41 The number of scholars learning German in the county are given as follows : Beaver 28 Mifflin 36 Orauge 33 •7 The number of German scholars in O range as set down above we think should be for Roatingcreek, and it is most likely an error of the clerk. Cheap Postage' We are gratified in being able to announce to our readers, that the bill reducing the rates of postage passed both branches of Congress and has been signed by the Presi dent. The law will go into operation on the Ist ef July neat. By this law, weekly newspaper? will g0 free in the mails to any paat of the c^* nt y in which they are printed. Out subscriber* therefore, in Columbia cgunly, will receive the Star free o. after the above men tioned date, We hope this will be a strong Inducement for many to subscribe who have heretofore neglected to take the paper. Will eur friends be kind enough to exert themselves tn * welling our subscription list? The new rale on letter*, not exoeediog half an ounoe, is to be three cents pre-paid, or fire eents if not pre-paid, (or all distances under three thousand miles. Over that dis tance, double those rates. The Mints are authorized to coin three cent pieces immediately. THE LAMM' Kaamaa for Febrnary is fur nished ap to make a rich oasket of rare beauties and happy thoughts. It is edited with talent and published with good taste, i John S. Taylor publisher, New York. Terms, jl per annum, free of postage to subscribers. Wa see jt stated thai John B. Gough has obtained Three Thousand names to the Temperance pledge, in Pittsburg. A Bridge is to be built over the Susque hanna at Tunkhsnnock. Tha Cheap rentage law. The lew, reducing the rate* of latter pos tage to three cent* when pre-paid, and five centa when not pre-paid, and aiao reducing the portage oa newspapers, 4p*e not fO into operation unfit the first of Jriy next, with the exception ef the coindfce of three cent pieces, ordered by it, which is to be com menced imirtediately. That our rMdfinmpy see at a glanoe the newspaper rates, 'present tha following table of the ngrouafs which are charged upon weekliee, semi- weeklies, tit-weeklies, Ac., according tojh* nges laid down ia the bill: wawsrxrxss via QOSBTW. . | J| $ In 00. where published Fret. Not exceeding 50 miles, 5 10 25 From 50 to 300, " 10 20 50 • XOO to 1000, " 15 30 75 " KWIOMSO,. * 40 UP " 200b to 4000, 25 60 125 Excepding 40000, " 30 00 160 Othpr newspapers, and each eircular not sealed* handbill, engraving, periodical,mag azine, exceeding oo* ounce, the follow ing rates: 900 miles, 1 cent. 500 to 1500, 2 cents' 1900 to 2900, 3 cents. , 2900 to 3500, 4 cts- Exceeding 3500 6 cents. Each additional ounce, double those rates. Subecriberste al periodicals shall bs re. 1 quiied to pay .en* rfttorter's postage in ad vance, Wd ia all seek mmi the am says the postage shall be one-half the foregoing rates- Sulllvaa County Democratic Coaveatlou. Convention met, pursuant to notice, at La ports, on Tuesday evening Fab. 18th, 1851, and organized by appointing Hon. YV*. COL LET, president; and James Deegan, Jacob Deitz and VV m. Smith, Esqrs., vice presi dents j Getk 0. Jaehsen and John Armstrong, secretaries. Hon. J. R, Jones, in a brief and eloquent speech, ofiered tbe following resolution -which was adopted. Ruoh)*d, Thayhe democracy. of Sullivan county on* and indivisible is and ever must be invincible. The object of the meeting being stated— L. Zaner, Geo. B fsehaeu, and Wm. Smith, were appointed Representative Conferees, A. J. Dietrich, Sena- On motion, the Representative Conferees were instructed to support Hon. YVm. Colley for delegate to the gubernatorial convention. On motion tbe the Representative Confer ees were instructed to support Hon. J. R. Jones, for delegate to the judioial convention. On motion, the Senatorial Conferees were instructed to support the nomination of the delegate appointed by Lycoming county in tbe judicial convention. On motion the Senatorial Conferees were instructed to support James Deegan, for the delegate to the gubernatorial convention. Re-Organization of the Canal Board. Mr. Penniman, from the Committee on Inland Navigation, in the House of Repre sentatives, has reported a bill for the re-or ganization of the Boarii of Canal Commis sioners, or rather the aboiitiou of the Board of Canal Commissioners, apd the appoint ment of a single fapmmptndent of Public Works in its atoad. This bill authoring the votes of tho Slate tapiect at tfie uex4 "-general election, and' every three years thereafter, a gunervn'in dent of the who perform all the duties now enjoined law upon the Canal other duties as may be prescrihad by law. It also pro •ides for the establishment of a revenue bu reau, and an etigihser bnreau, and the 'ap pointmcv.; iiso of a Slate engineer, and such othbr officers as assy be neeessary to an ef ficient iranagemeat ef the public works. Tut Tnutir SECOND CONGSSSS.— The Thirty-second Congress, which will com mence its sitdbgs in December next, will contain 61 Senators, of which number 41 (18 Whige end g3 % DcraocroU)bold ever from the 4th of Ms mouth, and ft are new Senators, of whom Sid am ym to be eUotod, as follows—Nedftptfc, Ohio, Massachusetts Connecticut, Cankxnia, Tennessee, the House ooosmu a( MB members and 4 tern orial delegate. These delegate, however, hffo no vote. Of the members of the now House 480 bare already boon elected— Whigs 53, DomocNOs 77, making a Demo cratio gain of 89 compared with tho petition of parties in tho lata, Congress. Dtmand qf tie Untied Stales on Htsyti for Redress —Letters from Capo Haytion, of the 15th of Febrsary, received at Boston, state* that Comraodre Parker, of the Saradeo, had made a formal dgmand upon the Emperor for redress ia tho matter of the imprison ment of Capiain.MayoJ of the brig Loander. (The Saranac sailed, February fMh| for Pr*,' r Rioo and St. Thomas, for nog), er-L n, ' returned In Paw 1W- -rerofthotapmm. . ilenry L. Dieffsnbach Esq., of Clin ton county has bean chosen Senatorial dele gate to tha Readbig convention from the district composed of Lycoming, Centre, Ciin ton and Sullivan nonntiea ; and C. D. F.ldred Esq., of Williamsport aa Senatorial delegate to the Harrisburg Convention. Despotism and Free Triads.-A journalist ir. Puebla, in Mexico, has been thrown into prison for writing krtieiM in favor of frae trade. THE SovEamcii POPE— Jt is mentioned in the French papers, that the Pope is abont to cause himself to be rspsesogtod aaa sover eign at Washtngtoa by a high diplomatic agent. If this be *O, his priests, bishops and cardinals will Ms constitutionally inter dinted from holding titles under hint' Mr. Webster, hrfco was larded partake of a public dmufitin BWtoa, Mtha 7th of Miroh, the szmimtssay of bUgtadt speech, declined Ifefi iqriMHm. „ rr I 1 ilT'lidßifili In Inn mm to thruaht thetnseJrtmfaßE perils a* cieeam* 1 stances, we ra*y expect la ham af Is meats bis con sequence*." OF "They wbh taka Am wo*d will par ish with the •word.'* LEGISLATIVE. Haaatsauao, Mirch 4tb, 1891 Mr. Fretley presented thirty-two remon ttrances from Montour County, against the annotation of that county to the county of j Columbia; alio,remonstrances from Colum bia county, on the aama subject. | Mr. Bockalaw, from Luaerne county, in favor of tbo repeal and utter annihilation of tbe charter of the Montour Iron Company. Mr. Sanderson, from Susquehanna ao. f te rn on at rating against the proposed removal of tha county seat of said county. * Mr. Guernsey, from Tioga eounty, in favor of a law prohibiting the sale of intoxicating drinka in said county, except to licenaed inn • keepera Mr. Shull, two for the repeal of the laws sxempting property from taxation. Mr. M'Reynolda, for a law to determine and fix disputed oomers and lines; also, fo r the repeal of the state road from Berwick to the foot of tbe North Mountain. HaaanacßO, March 8. On motion of Mr. Brindiu the HC%M took up the bill relative to the WilliamspoN and Elmira railroad, (Mr. Robertson in the ehair.) The bill passed finally. On Ibotion of Mr. Shull, the Ilouee took up the report of the Committee an Inland Navigation relative to the State keeping up the bridge* oyer tbe canal. Mr. Mowiy (of Somerset) moved to amend by exoepting township and county bridges from the erne of the State. The whole subject was debated by Messrs. Lilly, Shull, A. E. Brown, Mowry of Somer set, Bowen, Brindle, Linton and Huniecker, when the amendment was disagreed to. The resolution was then adopted: The following ie the resolution : Resolved, That tbe sense of this House is that tbe bridges which crow tha public works should bo kept in good repair by the Com monwealth, in accordance with the provis ions of an act entitled "An act providing for the repair of tb* bridges over the canals and railroads of this Commonweslth," passed on the 18th of March, 1839. Harrisburg, March 8, 1891. Mr Buckalew read in place a further sup plemenl to the act incorporating the Little Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad com pany, and for other purposes ; also, a bill to authorize the heirs of Francis Millen, of Philadelphia, to sell certain real eatate. On motion of Mr. Buckalew, the bill to incorporate the city of Carbondale was taken up and read a second and third time and pas J sed. ~ In the House, the bill to incorporate tho Fsrtnera and Mechanics Bank of Easton came up on motion of A.E. Brown and pas sed second reading by the following vote. Yeas—Messrs. Armstrong, Baldwin, Bent, Bingham, Blaine, Broomall, Brower, Alex ander E. Brown, Joseph Brown, Cooper, Downer, Dungan, Ely, Evans, (Indiana.) Fiffe, Freeman, Gossler, Haldeman, Harrj, ton, Hurt, Hunsecker, Kunkel, Lai'.Vv Lilly, Linton, Maclay, M'Clß&r.y jj'curdv'i **"• M Sh4, 0 eJ J P Raid, Rhey, Riddle, ™; 80n ' Slifer, Smith, Stmthers, Van H' n,, N\Vs—Messrs. v ßanedi r(i Bigelow. Blair dOnham, Brindle, Cmsiday, Derners, Dob bins, Feather, Fegely, Fmtz, Gabe, Gibbs, Gufley, Hemphill, Huplet, iagkeon, I.aughlim M'Koan, Moiroe, Mowry (Sorpertst,) Mow ry, (Wyoming,) Oiwine,backer, Penniman, Reck how, Reitsnyder, Rhoads, hoe;, Ecof field, Scouller, .Simpson, Skinner, Souder Steward, Trone and Cessna, Speakee —37. Harriaburg, March 10, 1851. SENATE —Speaker Matthias laid before the Senate a remonstrance, signed by Bishop Potftr, Rev. Dr. Dorr, Rev. Henry H. Board man, Dr. N. Chapman, and other citixens of Philadelphia against Dr. Wethcrill's appli- 1 cation for a divorce from his wife. The bill to repeal all laws exempting prop erty from taxation was recommitted to the Catnmluee on Finance. HOUSE.— Tha House beiicj called to order by Speaker Cessna, proceeded to business. Hoars qf labor Bill.—the bill regulating the hoars of labor ia manufacturing districts was taken up and discussed olength. Sev eral ameodments wece odwpd and rejected. Tim bifi paoeed seOood reading m its original form. T Has 43, nays 33. frrfilsfts warn received praying for a law inquiring tha togiHahl of births, mtrria gesand Iptfia; for widening Broad to* changing the mode of > Wld ,or the e f Rog erß ' Geological report in P.- . J" d, ° the ten hour law relating to tow*' P'-sied second reading by the follow ing Vote. Yms—Messrs Armstrong. Benedict, Bige low, Blair, BpnJjaqt, Brindle, Deraers, Dob biim, Downer, Evaas, (Berks,) Feather, Fegely, Freeman, Fretr, Gabe, Gibbs, Griffin, Guffey, Hagaa, Hemphill, Jackson, K oak el, Laeghlin, Leet, Lilly, M'Curdy, M'Kean, Monroe, Morris, Mowry (Wyo ming) Penniman, Seckhow, Reifsnyder, Rhonda, Ross, Scofield, Scouller, Sbull, Simpson, Skinner, Souder, Steward, Strnth en snd Cessna, Spraker— 44. NATS— Messrs, Blaine, Bowen, Broomall, Brower, A. E. Brown, Jos. Brown, Dungan, Evans, (Indiana,) Fiffe, Gossler, Hamilton, Hart, Hnnaeoker, Killinger, Loeoh, Linton, Maolay, M'Cluskey, M'Lean, M'Reynolds, Mowry, (Somerset,) O'Neill, Packer, Pat ten, Rhey, Riddle, Roberta, Robertson, Sli fer, Smith, Van Home and Walker— 32. THE COLONIZATION BILL, whioh passed CaogMse in the last houn of the session, will give to tha Colonization Society about 937,100, for taking care *f 710 slaves cap tured on board the Peas by a Government Vessel, which started with 900 alavas from Calranda for Braxil. They were carried to Monrovia, and there provided for by the Col onisation Society. Of the 900, 150 were ta ken into slavery. The Seorstory of the Treasury is authorized to pay a sum not ex q ceding fifty dollars for the car* of each. OT Tha Montour bill has not jet been acted upon in the Senate. Fatal aa4 Malaacrtlr AciMtab Yesterday moming about 5 o'clock a par ty oonaisting of four men, t. Miller, 8. Gum pel, N. Roberts and Mr. Kteanin, stared from the residence of the latter, about four miles from this place, in a skiff, towards Cox's Is land, with the intention of hunting for wild duoks. Whan about sixty yards from the shore, the skiff sprung a leak, and began to fill immediately, after which it capsized. The two former gentlemen clung to the skiff, and floated down the Susquehanna for about two miles, when they were rescued by Mr- Hummel, in a state of the utmost exhaus tion from cold aud exposure. We regret to say that the two latter gentlemen lost theii lives- Mr. Roberts leaves a wife, and Mr. Rierain, a wife and six small children, to lament (heir unimely death.— Harrisburg Amtricm■ r...yin.. —I letter from California, da ted 2>d of January, published in the New York Journal of Ctwn-Wce, says: Judg ing from the competition to Sacramento, Stockton, and other up rive" c?ties, the chan ce* for big profits to owners am Wy smalt indeed. Passengers have been (aheif up to Sacramento and Stockton the past md"Qth, for a mere nominal sum. Opposition run-.* high in these waters, now that coal has fal len to New York price, and labor in like pro portion. There are less being forced at auction now, than for a long time past, though there are but few articles now that will pay cost and charges. Chili flour has fallen to sl2 per sack of 200 lbs,, and is dull. Agricultural implements are all the go just now, at remunerative prices. Garden Seeds sell at sls to S2O per box of 100 small pa pers, while onion seed is in great demand at $lB per pound, with some sales at even a higher rate. WE have to record another warning again*! robbing the printers. On tho 20th ult., as Rev. Mr. Dosh was on his way to the Bait. M. F. Conference, (and also to bis own wed ding—see our Marriage Notices,) ha was robbed of his valiso while the stage was changing horses in Milton. Soon afteri however, the thief was detected, as w* are informed, while in the very act of devouring a splendid cake he had found in the valise, and which, doubtless, was intended for the printers. The thief was a stranger named Jesse Lewis, and was bound over to the April Term of Northumberland Court.—Leu etburg Chronicle. John B. Bratton, Esq., of Cumberland, county, has been named as a candidate for Canal Commissioner, ii. a numbe; of Dem ocratic papers. Mr. Btefton ,e the fearless and energetic, editor of lie Carlisle Volunteer, or.e of the übfost orthodox papers in the State, and is *oundantly compotent to per form the. duties of Caual Commissioner. His Co,r *mporaries of the press have generally I noticed the suggestion of his name for that I office with high favor.— Pennsylvanian. I BEAR IN MlND. —Tbat the life of business ■is publicity—especially ot extensive and I profitable business. Wherever we look, wo find that large and money-making operations in l.avsi r nly been reached by climbing the ladder of publicity. Deoltedly the ea ' sic-, method of doiug this, ie Sheetgh ike newspapers, and the cheapo* way beyond doubt, is by advertising laapeiy ia the Star. LOOKING PRETTY Fau Ann.—A good an any of Col. Benton's friends are felicita ting themselves upon their gbility to run him into the Senate, at (tee next election, in ptace of Judge ATCHMM. The Judge's term, however, does not nxpira until the 4th of March, 1855; and the election cannot take place before the wiuleref 1851. CV John B. Bratton, Esq., of the Carlisle Volunteer, is urged by some of the Demo cratic papers as a candidate for Canal Com missioner. Mr. BnMaitaa done good ser vice in possesses all the requisite qualifications to make an efficient officer, end richly deserves the honor of a nomination at the hands of the -Democratic party.— Rending Gazette. TUB town of Fayetterille, Tennessee, was nearly destroyed on the 24th ult., by a tornado, causing tho loss of many lives. The wind blowa perfect hurricane, and the at mosphere wsi highly charged with eleotri city- lio rain fell during the violence of the tornade, but it afterwards fell in torrents. iy The people of Marshfield, Mn-s. where Mr. Webster resides, have held a meeting, at which th-y passed violent reao lotions against the Fugitive Law, anffideclara they yrdl assist all slaves to escape. Has Web**' got the pluck of a Douglas, and i will be go back and set matteis right at home? „ QT John B. Bratton, Editor of the Carlisle Volunteer, is named in several Democratic papers, for the office of Canal Commission er. He is a sound Democrat, a man of en ergy and decisiou, well qualified for the sta lion, and would make an exoellent officer.— fVesteheeter Republienn. CANAL COMMISSIONER. —A correspondent in the Reading Gazette, warmly recommends Maj. Maxwell MoCaslin, of Greene county, as the next Democratic candidate for Canal Commissioner. Mr. J. B. Bratton, of the Carlisle Voluntee' is recommended as a suitable candidate for Canal Commissioner. He would make an excellent officer.— Pottstovm Ledger—neutral. CONSUL TO BELFAST. The President has tendered to Hon. H. Jones Brooke, Pennsyl vania State Senator from Delaware county the appointment of consul to Belfast. CONFERENCE.— The German Methodist Conference was held in Schuylkill Haven lest week. Above forty ministere were pres ent. High Ptite of Negroes Eight negro men were sold at Camden, Ark , lately, tor an av 'age of SJIOO. dT A New OfMverg tn lib JMgitew rtfti Art I* Jest SIMM need by the Daguenean Journal of Fetrtery, by which Impressions upon plates see procured with all the esters of nufrin. This discovery has beea made by L L. RiO, of WemkUl, N. Y., and it is said that ho has produced numerous copies of colored engravings true to the tint. Etch particular shade ie presented with all the softness in nature or art, and marked with great delicacy and brilliancy. The dlsoev eter had some difficulty with the yellow cot or at first, but all colon have end can now, it is said, be produced. The picture* have much the appearance of enamelling, gad am believed to be equally durable, tor it ie very difficult to efface them by scouring, and are not acted upon by light. This process, he says, involves the use of one substance, entirsly new, and ia unlike anything over na mod by chemists. Mr. H. says he hat been offered $20,000 for a half interest in hie dis covery, but declares his intention to eoathuie experimenting until he has perfected it as he can: when, whatever disposition'may be 1 made of it, he has resolved that it shall not be monopolised. ' A PERTINENT QUESTlON.— Children bent and bread in a village, imbibe sauemeae and pop at one and the same time, and .draw in impudence and daily bread in about equal proj.NWtions. Our bachelor dignity was nev er ntorrf significantly or severely trodden upon, than one day last week, when making some trifling remark to a psffifinfe minx tm the street, shp looked up to where We art enthroned in majesty above a standing col lar—and with an afv of supreme indifference, screamed, "You think great, don't you? I'd just like to know Uhottpnja you arrV'—Lytoming Gazette. Commodore Stockton is elected I'. S. Sen ator at last. Well, so far as we knew the character of the man, he will do honor to the position be is called to fill. A fresh rea ding or Washington's farewell advice, makes us feel less inclined than ever to insist upon mere party distinctions in candidates for of lice. Give as good, so 2nd, intelligent I'm- ON MEN, and we won't wrangle about tri fles.—N. Y. Mirror, If lug. Marriage of the President of France,-Presi dent Bonaparte's friends are said to be ma king a marriage for him with the Infanta Amelia, of Sparj,. The young lady ia sev enteen, pro'ity, accomplished and rich. The Paris Correspondent of the N. Y. Commer r'.al it ''more inclined to believe in the ear nestness of the president in his intention to marry, from the fact that in the last few months certain matters that afforded ground for scandal have disappeared." BROKE JAIL. —Two individuals named Jack M'Avoy and Thomas Davis, who were con i fined in the Sniibury jail on a charge of as- I saull and battery, mado their escape on Monday night week, by breaking through ' the jail wall. The Sheriff offers a reward of ! Sls for their apprehension and delivery. MVTIIII.DE DE.MIDOFF, oousin to Louis Na i potoou, a year ago seut the prosident a largo ' cake with the single word "Dure.' worked on the top in sugar. This year she repeated the present, with the words "will yon never I da® J" worked in the same agreeable man- I tier. GENERAL S<orr.—Tito whig members oftho legislature of this State havo published a cir eular to the friends of General Scott through out the Stain to meet and consult together op - • on the expediency end propriety of prase at iug his name for the next Presidency. W When the members of the RsnnsyL- . vania legislature lately visited Baltimore a 1 wag cried out ia seeming wild suprira "Why, by Golly, some of em doesepeak English It seems that many Held mo ream had though, the Pennsylvania legislators transacted ml) their busniew in the Gorman language. The IVest Branch Caual will be ready for navigpfion rt Marty- We learn that the water be let in m Stfrtiuy, and the Packet boons wWmeome their ragutee trips on Tuesday —Jfiftonsen \3r Ttw Mhoftk flTcmaal w eopoetod to be ia navigable order from PhMa. to Reading by the 10th inst, and to Pottaville by the Mtiuast. QT Tire Donaldson estate in Safcuylkill Co., was sold by Sheriff Strmab, on Saturday last, for $50,900. IW The first load of gispared timber lor the new railway station at Pottsvilie, came ,40 hand in a train on Wednesday last. IT was Bonaparte who said, speaking of family quarrels:—"Our dirty linen should be privately washed." DIBO. In Mahoning township, on the 24th ult., ROBERT, son of John and Elizabeth RisheL aged 5 years, 10 months and 7 days. * Died at the residence of Miss Ann C. Mor 'is, m this place on Thursday the 27th ult., ISAAC Ttujtn, aged about 70 years. The deceaed was formerly a slave of the late Thomas Grant near this place, one of the earliest and most prominent settlors in this section of the State. He resided ia the family of Mr. Grant and his descendants, un til the time of his death, a period of fifty five years. The early years of the deceased is not without interest, and lead* us back to the time when slavery existed in Pennsylva- • nia. Isaac, a brother, two sisters and parents were purchased by Mr. Grant, about the • year 1796, in what is now Columbia county. They were the property of a Mr. Rosenberry, and were sold as a part of his offsets, at his death. The scene at the eefe was a most, trying one to the poor slaves. A gentleman, who wanted them for the Southern market, was bidding against Mr. Grant, hnd tbsir fate, for a time, was uncertain, and when it was - announced that Mr. Grant had become the - Grchaaer, the poor creatures were almost ntio with joy. Mr. Grant set them aU free at the age of 21 years, but Isaac would nev er leave the roof of his master art benefso i tor, aud remained with his descendants until I the day of his death, s faithful, honest art | trustworthy servant. He was wfce in his I choice, for he never knew what it was to bis HI want, and was kindly attends I to in sick ness and in hoalth.— iSunbury American,