The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, March 06, 1851, Image 1

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•• W% nm Proprietor.] •• —" ' 1 — 1 ' . . ■
"-p"; . ' | Tmth and Bight—Get! and oar Comtrj. DlUri per Aaatm.
It published every Thursday Morning, by
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on the south tide of Main street, third 1
square below Market.
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A liberal discount will be made to those who ad
. vsrtist by the year.
It chanceil to be our washing day,
And all our things were drying ;
The storm came roaring through the lines,
And sent them all a Hying.
I saw the sheets and petticoat*
Go riding off like witches ;
I lost—oh: bitterly I wept—
I lost my Sunday breeches. * !
•I saw them straddling through the air,
Alas! too lato to win thorn ;
I saw them chase the clouds as if
The very duce was in litem;
They were my darling and my pride,
My boyhood's only riches;
Farwell! farwell! I faintly cried,
My breeches !—-oh, my breeches! . j
That night I saw them in my dreams—
How changed since last I knew them !
The dews lied steeped their faded thread, !
The wind had whistled through them ; >
I saw the wide and ghastly rents,
Where demon claws had torn them—
A hole was in their hinder parts,
As if an imp had worn them.
I have had mar.y happy yeats,
And tailors kind and clever,
But those young pantaloons were gone, I
Forever aud forever!
And not till 'ate shall cut the la-t
Of all my earthly stitches,
This aching heart shall cease to mourn
My loved, my long-lost breeches.
On the resolutions rebit ire to a modification of
th* Tariff of 1846, delivered on Saturday and
Monday, February Bth and 10 th.
Sir. GRIFFIN rose and said—
Mr. Speaker :—I have no disposition to pro- 1
long, unnecessarily, this discussion, but as I
represent a great manufacturing comity, and i
also that I am under the very shadow of the j
great prince of tariffs, the Hon. Andrew j
Stewart, of whom you have all heard, it, !
perhaps, will be expected, that I should say :
something, oil this question, in explanation '
to the vote which I intend to give. Sir, you, j
as well as a number ol the members of this ,
House, arcuware that 1 am opposed to the •
introduction of questions of a national char- I
acler in our legislature. Yon will, proba
bly, recollect that at the last session I offered .
a resolution declaring it inexpedient to con- |
•tints the time of tho legislature in cousid- i
eritg and debating questions upon which !
we cannot act definitely and finally. But I
f°und there were some disposed to give tno i
"Hail Columbia," for tho act; yet, many
gentlemen, I ascertained, took the same
view of tho subject that I did, and I think
that, at that time, the able and eloquent mem
ber from Armstrong, (Mr. Rhey)—when a j
national question was under discussion in i
this House—rose in his place, immediately ;
behind me, and said : "Mr. Speakor, if a
stranger were to come into this hall, aud lii
ten to tbie discussion, ho would think that he I
had taken the wrong cars and reached Wash
ington," and be then immediately called the
previous questiou. Now, sir, with him it j
apposes that circumstances alter cases. Then,
when 1 offered the resolutions to which i
have alluded, as well as new, 1 conceived
the the time of the body would be much !
better and more profitably employ ed in at- I
tending to thv Ivgiiimatß 11*111?" before ns, !
lparuut to Congress tho settlement of nil na- j
(ional questions.
And, ir, there \ vas another reason that ao- j
turn'eil in? on the occasion ; it was the fret j
that Pennsylvania sends too many instruct
ing resolutions to Washington, as if we were
(Under the impression that our Senators and j
members iu Congress do not understand the j
state of publio opinion iu Pennsylvania, end |
win not do their duty by their constituents
Sir, in my opinion the Legislature ot this
Commonwealth has made an Israelite ol her j
self. She is e bye-word and a reproach at j
It is nothing uncommon to hear it said in '
Congress, "here come more Pennsylvania
instructing resolutions.', But as this House
hoe thought proper to enter upon the discus- !
•ion of the question of the tariff to-day, I
thought there would be no impropriety in
my making iu indulgenoe while I make a
tew remarks on e question about which
thee*fe eo meoh difference of opinion. I
em not afraid to express my sentiments with
out disguise, although a* I said before, 1
come from quder tho immediate shadow of
the groat leader of the protective system.—
And why, sir, do 1 not tear to give my vote I
Sir, previous to the election in Ootober last,
the organ of that honorable geutleman came
out upon my colleague aud myself, and gave
ue fits for not voting fot the instructing reso
lutions at the last session of the Legislature.
It asked the question—"What will the peo'
pie of fef ette county say to this aud i
| Sl ' ( ' et 'i "lot thym answer on Tuesday next."
Well, tde people did answer, anil our major-
ily was increase I over (he preceding elec
j tic.ii hy about thrco hundred voles. No, sir,
| 1 am not afraid to meet the question either
j here or elsewhere. I huve long been accus-
I tomed to hear the question of the tariff dis-
I cused, and that, too, from my earliest child
hood. I repeat thai I have heard it nearly
all my life from one of the greatest champi
ons and advocates of the system—ever since '
I was able to read. That man, I believe,
never made a speech in his life, either iu I
| this body, on the stump, or in Congress, thai
did not either begin or end with the tariff. [
(A laugh.) With Mr. Andrew Stewart lam |
and have been personally acquainted from
my buyhood. Well, sir, in hearing that gen- |
' tlemar, and others discuss this great national
question, 1 have always been reminded of
the nursery story which always ended with !
"this is the House that Jack built.', And
this tariff subject runs something after the '
same fashion. "If we don't have a tariff for
the protection of our manufactures, we will 1
all break up and certain it is we all will break i
up, if you do not give us a tariff for our i
manufactures." Now, sir, that Is about the ' i
burthen of the song. I come from the old j
est manufacturing county in western Penn | i
sylvania, Allegheny, perhaps, excepted; I
am certain as far as the manufacture of
glass is concerned, that branch of business i
has been the longest established in Fayette i
county. Sir, the lato Albert Callatin, soon ! i
after the settlement of that part of I'ennsyl- 1 1
vania, was tho means of bringing into it a I
number of Germans, from Maryland, who 1 i
embarked in the manufacture of glass ; and i
ever since thai time we have beon gradually 1
increasing and improving it, until, at length, ' i
we can now boast of having seven extensive I 1
and splendid glass factories. I i
Mr. Speaker, our county did not only, at j <
nn early day, embark in tho manufacture of 1 i
glass alone, but soon after her settlement she ; <
engaged in the manufacture of iron. Not ; i
long after the revolution tho Messrs. Mason j r
came to our county, and made large fortunes <
by engaging in and prosecuting the iron but
3inc6s. There was also a gentleman from
Chester county, by the name of Evans. By i
the way, my venerable friend from the conn- , I
ty of Columbia (Mr. M'Reynolds) was ac- <
quainted with a son ot his who has been en- ! i
ricked, ami is one uf me weulttilusi men in <
our section of the Stale, in consequence of <
his father's success in the business to which
I have already referred Tho old gentleman <
amassed a very largo fortune, and that, too, ! <
at a time when there were no high prolec- j <
live duties imposed. Well, sir, how did he [ '
succeed iu doing so .' Why, by the exer- i
cisc of tho strictest economy, the most rigid <
prudence, and an ever watchful attention to ;
his business. It was no uncommon occur- I I
reuce to see that industrious, frugal and in- I
defatigable man. with whip in hat.d, driving
his own team. lie was over on the look out j '
and never lost sight of turning to his advan- j '
lUge anything that pertained to his business. 1
With his industrious habits and attention, he 1
needed no protection Irom the government;' '
and if others had followed his example, we '
would not have this eternal and never ccas '
ing outcry for protection—year after year. \ 1
Now, sir, there is another iiistanco, Mr. F. j 1
Hughes Olipknnt, of my county, a gontloman '
of capital, who engaged also in the iron bu
sittess, has realized a very handsome fortune 1
by unremitting attention to business, and by '
economy and prudence. This gentleman i
survived the hard times of 1840—the great I
pressure of thai period—and ho never sua- i
pended opcralious for otto day. He did not
noed the protection of the government in or- 1
der to enrich him.
Mr. Speaker, I atn merely relating my ob- ; '
solvations iu reference to this matter of the
tariff". I have told you hoty those inanufac-j 1
turers succeed in my cotttity, and we have !
got a number of them of various descript
ions. Sir, I set it down as a .willed rule, to
which there are few, if any, exceptions, that J 1
where there is capital to go upon and strict j 1
economy is observed in the besiaess, no fail I
uros will take olace. Where is there a gen- i 1
lleman, either on this floor oraisewhere, that. 1
can uduce any exception to tborule I have j
laid down Sir, tt cannot be done. Now, ; 1
when a man has no capital, or happen e to be
unfortunately located, I grant you he cannot
get along without a protective 'arid to sus
tain him. But, is not that the case in every
business in which a man may choose to en-
i'. be in the mercantile, farm
ing, specuUtidJ. in Bhort . other P" r '
j iU ,ii Without oapu. al he cannot succeed in
! business.
Second DAY, Feb. 10, 1851. I
Mr. GRIFFIN said: Mr. Speuker —Just be j
fore concluding my remarks on Saturday last,
| when I gave way in consequence of tiie hour
'of adjournment having arrived, I put this
questiou to the House : "Will any gentle
man rise in his place and say that he knows
| an instance in which a manufacturer, with
j sufficient capital, and who exercising pru
dence aid economy, has failed to realize a
hanpsome profit upon his investment 1" Sir
I pause lor a reply.
Mr WALK EH —Yes, I do. I refer the gen
tlemen to Mr. Hughes, of his own country,
lie was rold out three times.
Mr. GRIFFIN —WeII, sir, I do not know
what were the resources at the command of
Mr. Hughes when he commenced bisiuess,
but judging from the location of his manu
factory ; if he hadoapital aud tailed, ho cer
tainly acted uuithcr with prudoticc nor econ
I onty. But, if was told out llitec times, as .
the gentleman from Allezhenny (Mi. Walk
er) says he was, it must strike every one
that in the last two instances, at least, he
pursued his busier!< on borrowed capital.
Further, in reply to tho gentlemen from
Allegheny, sir, 1 will venture the assertion,
without fear ol successful contradiction, that
in the iron manufacturing business there are
more instances in which men, having little
or no capital, have made fortunes, than there
| are men having capital, and who failed. It,
therefore, follows that all capital, when prop
j erly and prudently directed, will give a fair
| per centage.
j Mr. Speaker, I ask again to refer to the
' Fair Chance iron works and Spring Hill fur
nace, in our county ; the first owned and
[ conducted by the gentleman to whom I
have alluded, Mr. F. Hughes Olephant. The
latter has made two fortunes for its owners.
It is true that tho gentleman who last owned 1
the Spring Hill furnace failed for a large a
mount, but this was not owing to a want to
a want of success with that establishment,
but to tho fact that he was perhaps 100 sue
cessful. He commenced there with a very
small capital, and in a short time he was
able to pay for the whole establishment.—
Like some others, who have been engaged
in the iron business, he became inflated
with his success, and attempted to tun two
oilier furnaces, at distant, inconvonient and
expensive points while he lived in an extrav
agant style, and, as was to be expected, he
spent all he had accumulated in the days of i
his prndetice and economy, and failed. But
he to this hour, (although belonging to the
school of politics which claims the tariff as
its own offspring) does not dare to attribute
his failure to tliu tariff of '46. No, sir, tho
cry for an increased tariff does not come
from Fayette county. Sit. Mr. Andrew Stew
art attempted, at a public meeting in that
county, recently, to mount his old hobby,
and to renew the cry for a tariff, to produce
effect abroad ; but, conscious that at home
tho public opinion aud experience were
against him, with his usual cunning, ha en
deavored to unite it with tho fugitive slave
question ; but iu this he failed.
Sir, as I have said, there is no cry coming
tip from ray county; the disease is to be
found in another region, and the hue and
cry comes up from the Clarion and Arm
strong districts. Sir, let us look, lor a mo
nmiitj <*i l# ttf tLa irqn hu&lnOKß
of that district.
The Kittauning rolling mill,, at Kittanning, j
conducted by Mr. James E. Brown, was ]
established since the tariff of 1846 went into
operation. It has the capacity of throwing
off' four thousand tons ol iron per annum, &
is now in full blast. Tho monthly balahcc
sheet presented to tho owners, exhibits tiie
affairs of the concern as being in a very
flourishing condition. And his excellency,
William F. Johnston, lias a considerable in
vestment in this establishment, and receives,
therefore, a handsome per centage. Strange,
that with all his wisdom, his shrewdness and
cunning—and his friends laud him for all
these—that ho should invest his money in j
an iron establishment, and that too not be- i
lore but after the passage of this ruinous tar
iff of 1846. The Pine Creek, alias "Skinall (
furnace," which obtained its "alias" from
the reputation of its owner, was erected a
few years ago by this same Mr. Jatnes E.
Brown, of Kittanning, a gentleman celebra
ted for his close dealing and great business
habits. He is a mail of capital, his furnace
is in full operation, and he tins been lieatd
to declare that pig metal could be made a: 1
it for thirteen dollars per ton. The Ore Hill, j
ulias "Look-out-in-time" furnace, is now i
owned by tho Messrs. M'Cutcheon, of Pitts- I
burg, men of capital. This furnace is in I
blast, aud a large stock is now on hand. The !
Muiioning, alias'-Hungry Hook" furnace, is i
owned by A. &J. Cadwell, men of capital, j
The funaco is in full Hast, and doing a
profitable business. The stock on hand now '
will m ike one thousand two hundred tons of
pig metal, and they have refused fifty thou- :
sand dollars for the establishment. The Red
Bank, alias "Pinch Gut" furnace, is tho prop
erty ot Messrs. Reynolds & Richey, wko are !
men of capital. This furnace is now in!
blast, and about two years ago they declared !
a dividend of twenty thousand dollars each.
Aud the Buffalo furnace, with two stacks is j
located on Buffalo creek. It is owned by
Peter Graff & Co., gentlemen of capital, and j
is now in blait, aud although they have
been obliged to haul most of ihoir materials
from a distance of eight miles, yet they
heve declared that they have cleared ten
thousand dollars per annum. There are
I other instances, but I presume it is unneces-
I sary to enumerate any more of lliem. Sir, 1
I ftk'pw that these men, as well as others, cry
j out against the taftff of 1840, but their ob-
I ject is apparent. It is to enable them to
make greater profits, for men are seldom
satisfied with their profits, let them be what
they may. While I state these instances, I
wish to show that capital, if properly inves
ted, and the business is economically con
ducted, will j ield a good per centage on th i
investment, whether we have the so called
protective tariff or not. Sir, it is those only
who commence business without capital—
who have no foundation upon which to base
their operations, that need the bounty and
protection of the government. I grant you
that they cannot compete either with the for
eign or domestic manufacturer who is pos
sessed of capital. Aud why I Becauso they
have not the requisite means, the resourcos
to carry oil business j iu fact, their opera
tions rail on a sandy foundation, and when
tho storm comes and the rain falls, thoy can
not resist its overwhelming effect*, and con-
sequently are prostrated in the dust. They
commenco on credit, end pay in • prom ises.
If they borrow capital, they have to pay six
per cent., or more, for the use of it; but
should they not be compelled to resort to
that course, they nevertheless have to pay,
or rather promise to pay, more than thst up
on all produce and every thing that enters
into the manufacture of their article, be
cause they do not obtain any thing on cred
it as cheap as they would for cash. Besides,
too, you must take into consideration tho fact
of the existence of a fictitious currency,
which is about sixty-six per cent, below the
real value of money, and if I mistake not
the signs of the times, this difficulty will be
increased by the adoption of a system of
banking upon debt. Then add to all the dis
advantages to which I have alluded that of
location, and you unavoidably make them
pensioners upon the bounty of tho govern
I will now proceed to notice the Phoenix
furnace, sitiTated on the Mahoning creek, in
Armstrong county. It was commenced a
few years ago by Mr. Whan, a man without
capital, and before it was completed, it went
into the hands of Smith & Co.; and they
not having sufficient canital to prosecute
their undertaking, obtained a credit from Mr.
Lamar, a grocer of Pi'.lsburg, for the sum of
86,000 in goods; and they also entered into
an article of agreement with tho Holland
land company for about fourteen hundred
acres of land, upon which they paid about
fifty dollars, the balanee bearing interest.
Accordingly, with this aid and assistance,
they commenced completing the erection of
the furnace, but the parties disagreed about
the time that the stack-was completed, and
an officer of this Housfe. (and for whom I
entertain the highest regard,) the only man
who had any moi.ey worth naming, went
out of the company. It has since fallen in
to the hands of several owners, and in order
to prove that they were men without capital,
I mention the fact that the land upon which
tho works are erected, is not yet paid for j
and, at the last court of Armstrong county,
the claim of Mr. Lamar, still remaining un
settled, was pressed for collection. The ag
gregate claim against the establishment
would exceed 320,000. The furnnce is now
in blast, and the present owners believe that
they will be able to relieve it from its diffi
culties and embarrassments, by the proceeds
arising from the sale of their pig metal, pro
vided the government will enable them to
sell for a high price. The Buffalo furnace
was erected by Nicholas Biddle and Henry
D. Rogers, the State geologist. After the
failure of Mr. Biddle ane the United States
Bank, tho works were purchased at Sheriff's
sale by Messrs. Graff & Co., who are men
of capital, and have carried ou the business
successfully Since the furnace came into
their hands, they have erected an additional
stack. They state thesr profits to average
310,000 per annum. The Cowan Shannock,
alias "The Bake Oven" furnace, was erect
ed by Messrs. Bonner, men without capital
It has since been sold to Messrs. Brown &
M'Connel, and is now in blast. The Olney
furnace, erected by Messrs. M'Cray & Gal
brarlh, is not in blast, the owners having
failed in consequence of tho indifferent
quality of the ore in the vioinity of this
establishment, —it requiring four hundred
bushels of charcoal to make one ton of met-'
In the neighboring county o f Clarion, there
was a perfect mania for building furnaces
and iron works. Those who could raise a
few hundred dollars, or get credit, must
have one. The consequence is, they have
overdone the rnaltvr. Even the Senator
from Clarion, (Mr Myers,) the liege lord of
Martha, was not content with her, but must
have another, [a laugh,] and if he has faiV
ed, it was because he wants to do too
Now, sir, hero is the true stato of the mat. I
ter, in reference to invokiug the fostering
care of tho government. These gentlemen
engaged in trie manufacture or iron, tell us
that they will break up unless thay have its
protection, when in fact they havo nothing
to lose But, nevertheless they have the
effrontery to come forwurd end ask the gov
ernment to give them what they have not-
Then, why this Clario.i voice, this lamenta
tion and t vol Sir, the history of the matter
is this ; a parcel of rogues went into that
country, and persuaded the good people that
they would not only get rich themselves, but
also make others so. By this representation,
they wheedled them out of their grain and
provisions, and no* instead of getting twice
as much as their neighbors, as* the gentle
man from Clarion said, they will get nothing.
Therefore, as a matter of course, all the
blante and odium is to be attributed to the
tariff. Sir, that voice is long and loud, but it
is not quite alone; for we heat another dole"
fill sound—(looking in the direction of the
seat of the member from Lebanon) that dis
mal cry ootnes up from amid the cedars of
Lebanon, and chimes in harmonious concord
—"the tariff, tariff, tariff." (A laugh.)
These, sir, are the pleadings of the friends
of the would-be favorites of Heaven. Why,
ate thoy not composed of flesh and blood
like others ? Do they not breathe tho same
air, and move in the same light of the day,
and live under the same government as oth
ers ?—a government whose genius is equal
privileges to all, and special privileges to
none. From whence do they derive the
j right—a right granted to none other? But,
1 sir, if their prayers should bo granted, those
! who do possess capital would be reaping im
i monso profits al the expense of the people of
these Slates.
Now, Mr. Speaker, I have, as I believe,
clearly and conclusively shown that this
right is no where to be found, and it re
mains for the friends of special privileges
to disprove, if they can, my position ; und
if they are able to do that, 1 want them to
devise some means by which those having
no capital, and who wish to be farmers, mer
chants. &c., may he treated with as much
benevolence and kindness as the iron mas
ters. The gentleman from Clarion (Mi.
Laughlin) would have us believe tbal it is
greatly to the advantage of the laborers to
have these establishments—that cannot sus"
tain themselves—kept up. He wishes us to
believe that they can get nothing else to do,
nor are they fitted for any other labor. Now,
if this be so, they may well exclaim, in the
language of Cardinal Wolsoy, "how wretch
ed is that poor man who hangs on Princes'
favors !" But, sir, is it true that they can
get nothing else to do ? The opportunities
to obtain employment are very numerous
among our farmers and others. If, howev
er, they cannot gel work at reasonable com
pensation, they have another remedy. There
is almost any amount of unseated lands,
both iu this State as well as others, upon
which they could live much better than
they do now.
The friends of protectiou urge that a pro
tective tariff benefits the farmer, by increas
ing the price of hi grain and provisions.
Now, sir, it the price of the anicie is en
hanced by an additional duly—and that is
certainly the object of the manufacturers in
asking it—how then is the farmer benefit
ted? If he gets a higher price for his pro
duce, he pays more for the article which
he receives in return ; and thus one balan
ces the other. The consequence is, that he
is not in the least benefitted. If on tho con
trary it has the effect to reduce the price of
the article, then the obj ct defeats itself—no
protection being afforded. They cannot
pay a high per centage on the capital which
•hey employ, and upon everything that en
ters into tho manufactured article, and at
the same time sell for a low price.
Sir, 1 have no disposition to go into a
discussion of the effects of a tariff, whether
based on the ad valorem, specific, minimum
or the foreign or home valuation, because
my friend from Cumberland (Mr. Bonham)
I has debated that matter so ably that it would
:be superfluous in me to detain the house
with anything I could say in relation to it.
j Now, sir, in tho otiginal resolution before
this body, something is said about increas
ing the duty on coal, but not a word has
fallen from any gentleman here I believe,
nn that subject. If it be that coal needs
more protection, I should like to know where
this species of legislation is to end. Is it
England that we wish to stand up against .'
She has to get her coal from the deep bow
els of the earth, and it is not reasonable to
suppose that she would import to this coun
try any very great amount ol coal, as it
would not pay. Then why, I ask, should
there be an increase of the tariff on that ar
tile? I presume, sir, those who advocate an
increase of it, look for competition from
other quarters. We have lately heard that
a son of Robert Burns, the celebrated Scot
tish poet, who has rnauo a geological sur
vey o r the island of Borneo, has discovered
mmense coal beds upon it ; and perhaps,
it is for feai of competition from that quar
ter. Sir, I would like to know where is the
necessity of an increase of the duty upon
coal *
Mr. DOBBINS. —I would merely state that
there are largo bodies of coal on this conti
nent. The Pictou coal mines are the most
exlonsive in the world.
Mr GRIFFIN —WeII, sir, that is very satis
factoiy, indeed.
Sir, it is sufficient for me to know that
since the passage of the act of 1846 we j
have received a higher price for our pro- 1
duce of different kinds than under the tariff'
of 1842. At best, the manufacturer has an |
advantage over tho farmer; he fixes the pri- I
ces of his own articles, and also the prices i
of the grain and provisions of the tiller of ,
(he soil. Under the protective system this [
advantage is increased. Now, where is (he
benefit to bo derived from a high protective 1
'ariff? I have been taught to believo that J
like causes produce like effects, and we
see the effects of the protective system in j
Great Britain.—VYhat has it brought that ,
country to.' Do we wish to be in tho same
condition? Sir, I listened, several days
since, with some interest, in the Senato, to
the remarks of the Senator from Berks, (Mr
Muhlenberg.) who spoke of the beneficial j
effects of rhe protective system of Great !
Britain. He said that that system had made I
it what it is—the richest and most powerful '
country on the globe, and that it had expan- i
ded its territory to such a degree as that the ;
sun never sets on its dominions. But, sir,
that gentleman forgot to tell us that very |
system had impoverished the mass of the '
people—that it had brought ruin, and mise- I
ry and poverty upon them. Now, do we i
want such a state of things in this country?
I trust not. In my opinion, the true policy |
of the United States is to keep the ngricul- i
tural interests in tho ascendancy, and that!
is the policy of most countries. Why to |
make the agricultural inlerett dependent
upon the manulacturing, would be like re
versing the order of nature, and the same
disastrous consequences would ensue. Our
first parents were agriculturalists in their
primeval state.—They tended tho garden,
\ and so long as they were content to do that,
I they enjoyed :the smiles of Heaven. But
I old mother Eve turned manufacturer, and
from that lime may be dated the misery and
wretchedness of this world.
Sir, some of our ablest statesmen, at all
periods of the existence of our government,
have opposed the doctrine of protection for
the sake of protection; among these I would
mention John Q. Adams and Albert Gallatin—
the former for ttoror.siderabletime in his long
political life held the principle ttiata high tar
iff was the policy of this government—and
the latter never. Nor do we find writers up
on political economy advocating the doctrine.
I do not recollect that any eminent author,
either in the old or the new woild, takes that
ground. Even since this question has been
brought into the political arena, and has caused
so much excitement and discussion, our great
American, Dr. Francis Wayland, has pub
lished a work in which he repudiates the doc
trine as impolitic. This distinguished gentle
man, I believd, is a Whig—at least I have
two very good reasons for thinking so—tho
first is becaue he lives in Providence, Rhode
Island, and the second is because he is a
minister.—(Laughter.) But, sir, will the tar
iff asked for produce the desired effect? Will
it act as tho great regulator, keeping tho
market regular for the pomestic manufacture
r, anpdrevent the importer from selling chea
per at ome times than at others; You might
as well dass an act to regulate tho weather.
v o, sir, the law of sudly and demand is the
greato reSulator. The present depression of t
he iron buisness in this country is the efeel o
f causes over which our government could h
ave no control. The failure of raihoad compa
nies iu Europe has caused a great influx of
ron into this country; anil it would make
no difference if we had a duty o( forty or
fifty per cent. Under such circumstances
our manufacturers could not sell as cheap as
the importers, because they must sell at
some price.
But why, sir, pass these resolutions ? Ac- j
cording to tho admission of Home gentlemen, j
the instructing resolutions of '46, which i
tied our Senators hand and foot, prevented j
them from getting a duty of forty per cent,
upon iron.—The Legislature told them that '
they should vote for the act of '42; they |
could make no compromises If gentlemen ,
are sincere in their desires, why wish to :
place them in a like position? But our |
membes you cannot instruct; you request !
them. Well, what will they do? Some of:
them come from districts that are not entire
ly under the control of. the manufacturers. J
Will they obey? You may call "spirits:
from the vasty deep," but will they come ?
I trust, sir, they will not comply, so that
truth ami justice may soon triumph over er- j
-That the Coflce is not Strong."
The appending stanzas are copied from |
Fisher's Drawing Room Scrap Book, where 1
they are entitled "The Foolish Quarrel." j
They possess a deal of merit, and are dts- i
tinguished for the wit and good-humored ;
satire embraced in them. We commend |
them to all our wedded friends.
"Hush, Juana: 'lis quite certain
That the coffee was not strong;
Why so stubborn in the wrong f"
"You'll forgive me ! Sir, I hate you !
You have used me like a churl;
Have my senses ceased to uuide me? I
Do you think I am a girl ?" • |
"Oh, no, no ! you're a girl no longer,
But a woman, lormeu to please,
And 'tis time you should abandon
Childish lollies such as these."
"Oh, I hate you ? But why vex me ?
If I'm old, you're older still ;
I'll no longer be your victim,
Aud the creature of your will."
"But, Juana! why this pother ?
it might happen I was wroug;
But, if common sense inspire me,
Still, that coffee was not strong."
"Common sense ! You never had it! !
Oh, that ever 1 was born
To be wedded to a monster,
Who repays my love with scorn."
"Well, Juana, we'll not quarrel—
What's the use of bitter strife?
But I'm sorry I am married;
I was mad to take a wife."
"Mad, indeed! I'm glad you know it,
But if there be law in Spain,
I'll be tied to you no longer —
1 am weary of the chain."
Hush, Juana! Shall the servants
Hear you argue, ever wrong ?
Can you not have done witn folly.'
Owu the coffee was not strong."
"Oh, you goad me past endurance,
Trilling with my woman's heart;
But I loathe you, and detest you—
Villain! Monster! Let us part!"
Long this foolish quarrel lasted,
"1 ill Juana, halt afraid
That her empire was in peril,
I Summou'd never-failing aid :
Snmmon'd tears in copious draughts,
i Tears, and sobs, ana piteous sighs;
j Well she knew the potent practice,
The artillery of the eyes.
J And it chanced as she imagined—
j Beautiful in grief was she—
Beautiful, to best advantage;
And a tender heart had he.
1 Kneeling at her side lie sooth'd her—
"Dear Juana. 1 was wrong ;
Never more I'll contradict you—
But, oh make my coffee strong!''
1 _ .....
' E3F" Why is the fortieth car on the Phila
! delphia and Ohio Kail Road, very musical ?
I Because it is a "P. &0. 10." (piano forte.)
He stood at the aJinr, ,
(Beciiuso tie Jiiul 110 chair,)
With brats rings OJI liis fingers,
And lard on his hair.
He stood at tho altar,
With a watch in his fob—
A young whiskeradn,
As straight as a cob.
He stood at the altar,
In humanity's guise
A pin graced his dickey,
And goggles his oyes.
He stood at the altar,
As shrewd ones have said,
Wuhout cents in his poaket, '
Or sense in his head.
of Pittsburg, is decidedly the plainest spo
ken Jurist xve think we ever heard of. In a
recent trial for murder, in that city, the jury
brought the defendant, James Kelly, in guil
ty of murder in the second degree. Tho
Judge did not like this, and when ho came
to sentence him, he addressed the prisoner
|as follows "You, James Kelly, well merit
the gallows, and that you have not got it, is
no fault of mine. I charged the jury point
edly that you were guilty of murder in the
first degree. Tho blSod that will hereafter
be shed, on account of tho verdict of the
jury by whom yon are tried, will not be
upon my skirts; had I charged otherwise, I
would have considered that I might as welt
have let a wild tiger loose on the streets, or
placed a rattlesnake under the pil'ow of an
infant. Tnere is no doubt as to your atro
cious guilt in the fiendish and diabolical
I murder of John Cox. You stand before (hie
court spotted all over with the crime of wit
ful and premeditated murder—unparalleled
in the annals of crime, and instead of pas
i sing a sentence consigning you to a cell in
the Penitentiary, we should at this time bo
: passing sentence of death upon you—you
richly deserve it."
A HCNDHED EARS A oo.— A hundred yuais
ago a stupid German monarch reigned over
these Lniled States—then colonics ol Great
Britain—and on the whole earth, with the
exception ol Switzerland, there was not a
single republic of any pretension. A hun
dred years ago the French lilies floated [over
Quebec, Pittsburg, and New* Orleans. A
hundred years ago Poland was still a nation.
A hundred years ago the old French mon
archy dkisted—the Bastiie reared its accur
sed towers—and Louis the Fifteenth dallied
with infamous wantons, squandered his sub
jects' money, and blasphemed in his own
person the name of man. • # # Fifty
years ago the name of Napoleon tvoa still
comparatively strange, for Marengo, Auster
litz, Wagam am Waterloo, had not boon
fought. Fifty years ago the steam engine
was anew thing comparitively. Fifty years
ago cotton mills had as it were, just been
invented; and railroads, locomotivos, and
magnetic telegraphs, were practically un
known. Fifty years ago there scarcely five
millions of people in the United Stales, aud
Ohio was almost as much of a wilderness
as Oregon is now. Fifty years ago Wash
ington had just died, Jefferson was still livi tg
and Clay, Webster, and Calhoun, were
names yet unknown to fame.
tyMrs Swieshelm gives the following
unique character to George Lippard s writ
ing. Lippard must feel highly complimented.
"We know no name for your style, and
have not learned that tny oritic invented any
other than the "Lippard Style,' which must
mean a style that requires the writer to be
born with St. Vitus'dance, to be inoculated
for the Delirium Tremens, lake the night
mare to the natural way, get badly fright
ened at a collection of snakes, and write
under tho combined influence nl these
manifold causes of inspiration."
"Ocii, Jamie, an' did ye niver hear uv my
tny great spacli afore the Hibernian Social)?"
"No, Pat, how should I, for sure I was
not on the ground."
| "Well, Jamie, ye seo I was called upon
by the Hibernian Society for a spaih ; and
be jabers I rose with the enthusiastic cheers
of thousands and tins of thousands, with mo
heart overflowing with gratitude and mo
eyes filled with tears, and divil the word did
sp ike nm -
ANECDOTE or OLD HICKORY. —In the diffi.'
i rulty with France, the French Ambasador
I at Washington, hoping to frighten Gen. Jack
son, asked of him when ho demanded his
passports—"What shall I tell the King of
the French, Monsieur President V "Tell
your master, the King, that Andrew Jack
son says he must either pay or tight 1" There
was no misunderstanding such diplomacy,
at.d the money was soon after forthcoming.
STATE or IOWA. —We find the population
of this thriving young Western State for tho
year 1850, reported at 192,204. In 1840 Tls
population was only 43,111. Ita gain in
population, therefore, in ten years, has been
149,098 ; or, in other words, it has nearly
quintupled its population in that space of
t3T It is estimated that there are now in
tho United Slates 10,000 daguerreolypists,
aud 15,000 persons connected with the art,
so that tho amount of materials annually
consumed in tho operation is 8J,000,000 •