The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, January 30, 1851, Image 3

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    otar of tlje Noril).
The Appointments Made.
By a gentleman from Danville we learn
that the following appointments havo been
made by the Canal Commissioners for this
GBORGE SMITH of Montour to be Collector
of tolls at Beach Haven.
JAMES MAXWELL of Danville to be Weigh
master at Beach Haven.
GEORGE W. SEARCH of Luzerne to be su
pervisor on the North Branch Canal.
MURE HELP. —We are highly pleased to
notice that Hon. Geo. R. M. Farlane of Hol
lidaysburg has become the editor of the Har
risburg Keystone, having purchased the half
of that establishment. Judge M. Fortune's
name is not a stranger to us, and the num
ber of trie Keystone which we open from his
administration speaks in u more truthful,
fearless and Democratic style than any thing
which has gladdened us in a long time. We
rejoice in the spirit of political brotherhood
that beams from the new page of tho Key
stone, and trust tvo shall long have its pros
perous companionship in our editorial labors.
Ruinous Effects of Burnt
A startling incident connected with the
'misery which follows in the train of King
Alcohol, occurred in Rev. Mr. Johnson's
Sedbnd Methodist Church, ot this Borough,
on Sunday evening last. While tho codec
tioti was being taken up, a man whose per
sonal appearance evidently denoted a shat
tered constitution, and consequent misery
and suffering, threw itilo the basket a small
paper carefully rolled np, which on subse
quent examination was found to contain a
half dime, the last remnant, it seems, of a
wasteful patrimony; for oil the paper was
written, " This is the last of Jour thousand dol
lars left me ly my father —Rum and its effects
Who the poor fellow was, or whence he
came, is not known, for he was a stianger.
and evidently a wanderer upon the face of
tho earth. Thiscase, painful and mortifying
though it be, is by no means a solitary one,
but tells a tale which will apply with equal
propriety to thousands of olhers who have
been under the same dominion of, and been
ultimately ruined by tho Rum Friend! —
i'ottsville Emforiuw.
SUPREME COURT —We understand that a
certain officer, residing at Harrishurg—(name
too tedious to mention) —is threatening to
abolish the Supreme Court for tho Northern
District of Pennsylvania, at Sunbury. And
for what is he full of wrath I 'Cause, the
<copyists there won't transcribe tho opinions
of the Court for about 50 cents a piece for him !
O the extravagant rogues, would they ruin
Ihe book-maker! He will be revenged on
thoin, for ho has a bill reported already—
new SlO counterfeits on tho Miners' Bank of
I'ottsville, which have appeared in New
York and other places, are thus described :
'Xhe notes arc supposed to be from a genu
ine plate, altored to suit the Bank of which
they purport to have been issued. They are
.lettered A., and dated August 1, 1848. The
paper is thin and light colored. In the sig
nature of the cashier, Charles Leoser, the C
is wanting. It is said that a numbar of these :
Aiotes have been put in circulation.
iy Hon. Truman Smith has perpetrated
a pretty ton mot. Some one byway of quiz
zing him, asked him how many slaves were
owned by his wife,( a Southern lady.) ' She
has but one slave,' was tho Jgallant reply OF
the Senator.
OT Thomas P. St. John, charged with
ffraud and conspiracy in managing the Bank
of-Susquelianna county, has escaped from
•New York State, wkero ho was about to be
.Ataplurec! on a requisition of Governor John
ston iipcn Kx-Govrnor Fish.
W NO. 4 Fum.xcc belonging to tho
.Montour Lson Company was blown in on
iMendav*drier the superintendence of tho
Messrs. GROVE, and is doing well. It is
capable of turning,cut from 150 to 200 tons
if iron per J)anvillc Democrat.
■SEED Hon. John M. Clay
Hon has imported from Liverpool 100 bush
.*! of'lrish ©atfor seed. They aro heavier
,4h*n ours, but -will soon deteriorate.
The "seventeen year locusts" which are
said to appear oneo in soventoetv years, will
jeturn in the summer of this yaiar, 1851,
their last appearance being in the summer of
Getting Round the Lato. —Tho authorises
of San Francisco passe - :' a 'aw that all the
J>ar rooms should be closed at J2o clock at
midnight. Tl.O keepers complied, shut at
12, and opened five minutes afterwords, far
the next day.
In China a man condemned to death may
procure a substitute, which can easily bo
done for money.
|y Some fellow spiked the cannon wijch
was to be fired on the arrival of Mr. BroJ
head, in Easton. Mean business.
jy A writer in the Peimsylvanian recom
mends the nomination of John W. Maytuud
of Williamsport, for the Supreme Bench.
tW There are prospects that threo cent
pieces wifl soon be issued from the Mint.
XST Gold has been discoverdin Blooms
burg-Aiii the tooth of an old woman.
Of all aorta, abapes and aizes for sale at
the Bloomsburg Book Store by
Election of U. 8. Senator in Missouri.
Jefferson City, Jan. 23.—The Legislature
on joint ballot yesterday, elected Mr. Geyer,
Whig, U. S. Senator for six years, in place
of Hon. Thomas H. Benton, whose term ex
pires on the 4th of March next. The last
ballot stood : —Geyer, Whig, 80 ; Benton,
Dem , 55; scattering, 23 s Necefs.-.ry to a
choico, 30. Mr Geyer was then declared
duly elected, and the joint convention ad
journed. i
the True Digestive Fluid, or Gastric J' llKe i
great Dyspepsia Carer, lrom hon
et, or the fourth StomJfch of fi le Qx after
direction of Baton Liebig q iu „ reat 'Physi
ological Chemist, by J, S.' Houghton, M. D ,
d° '-in . ? Street, Philadelphia,
Pa. Tins is a truly wonderful remedy for
Indigestion, ..lyspopsiu, Jaundice, Liver Com-
P; aln l. Constipation, and Debility, curing
alter Nature's own method, by Nature's own
agent, t';,e Gastric Juice. See Advertisement
ill ap.other column.
In Northumberland, January 18th, by the
Rev. Mr. Alleman, Mr. JOHN BOWMAN, of
Lewisburg, to Miss JANE REBECCA BELL, of
On the 16tli inst., by Rev. S. U. Boyer, Mr.
WM. Fex to Miss SARAH GOUGER, all of Lime
In West Hemlock township, on the 15th
inst., by the Rev. J. S. Lee, Mr ISACHER
TITMAN, to Miss MARY MARIA, daughter of
Rev. John C. Kinney.
By the Rev. D. S. Tobias, on the 23d inst.,
Mr. ELISHA HARTMAN, of Hemlock tp.. to
On last Tuesday, in Bloomsburg, Mrs.
■ Kahier, the widow of the late Chris
topher Kali ler, aged about 82 years.
In Dallas township, Luzerne county, en
the 17th inst , at bis lesidence, FREEMAN
BREERK, son of Capt. Lot Breese, aged 36
In Wilkesbarre Township, on tire 7th inst,
JOHN NAGLE, Jr., son of Mr John Nagle,
aged 25 years.
In Kingston. I.uzernc county on the 12th
inst. (ho Rev. GILES LA RAN, one of the Tea
chers in the Wyoming Seminary, at that
place, aged about 26 years.
Died, Jan. 16th, 1851, at the residenco of
Mr. Robert Hagenbuch, in Light St., Miss
MARY, daughter of Mr. Henry llomboy, aged
34 years, 7 months, and 8 days.
In Bloomsburg, on Tuesday of last week,
ISAIAH, son of Charles and Sarah Jones, aged
; 2 years and 2 months.
I In Fishingcreek tp., Columbia co., on the
17th inst., Mr. DANIEL MCHENRY, aged about
50 years.
Proposals will bo received until 4 o'clock
on the 251h day of February next, at the
house of Jacob Melick in Light Street for
building a Brick Church, 45 by 60 feet in
the town of Light Street. Plans and specifi
cations can be seen at the same place ten
days previous to the letting.
Licht Street, Jan. 29th 1851.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas I
will expose to public sale at the court house
in Bloomsburg on Monday the 24th day of
February next all that certain messuage,
tenemant and lot of Ground, situate in the
town of Bloomsburg, Columbia county,
bounded as follows: Beginning at a corner
of a sixteen feet alley, on main street of
said town and running along on said alley,
South twenty seven degrees, East one, hun
dred and fifty three feet three inches to an
alley, sixteen feet wide, South forty eight
and one half degrees East, fifty two feet to a
lot of Daniel Snyder, thence north twenty
seven degrees West, one hundred and thirty
nine feet two inches to main street afore
said, thence along main street South sixty
three degrees West, fifty two feet to the the
place of beginning; containing twenty six
I and one half perches of lanJ; whereon is
erected a two story Brick Store House and
dwelling HOUSBJ U two story frame buildsng
and frame stable, with the appurtenances.
Seized taken in Execution and to bo sold
as the property of William E. Albright and
John Mengle.
Bloomsburg, Jau. 30, 1851,
In pursuance of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Columbia county, on Saturday the
first day of March next, at 10 o'clock in the
forenoon, Cornelius I-undy and Lot Parker,
Administrators of Thomas Lundy late of
Greenwood township, in said county, de
ceased will expose to sale by Public. Vendue
upon the premises, a certain messuage
plantation and tract of land situate in Green
wood township Columbia county, adjoinin
ing lands of William G. Harris on tho East,
Joseph Reese or. North, William Courson
on the West, and Nicholas Cole on the South
containing Two Hundred and Twenty Acret,
of which about one hundred acres are clear
ed land whereon are erected on the premis
es TWO LOG HOUSES, each one story and
a half high, a Frame Bank Barn, and a wag
on housa. There is also an orchard on tho
Late the Estate of said deceased, situate
in Jhe township of Greenwood and county
OF Terms made k,*?own al 'h® sale.
Bloomsburg, Jan. 22, 1851 -ts.
A Valuable New Work.
sketches of the Indian Tribes; a descrip
tion of American Antiquities, with an in
quiry into their origin and tho origin of the
Indian tribes; History of the United
gtatcs, with appendices showing its con
nection with European History; a History of
the present British provinces ; A History
0 |- {Mexico; and a history ot Texas
brought"do wn 10 Ibe time of its admission
into the Amenv-an Union. By Mwcius Will
son, Published by M. H- Newman & Co.,
199 Broadway New York. One large oo
tavo volume. Price S2,(NJ- .
The above valuable and ih!resting work
for sale by Thomas Ellis, Agent, bloomsburg.
January 23, 1851.-6 m
All those indebted to the subscriber in
Bond; note, or Book account, of over one
year's standing, are hereby notified that* the
same must be attended to, between this and
the Ist day of March next, or costs will be
made on - same without distinction.
Jan. 29tb, 1851.
A Valuable Faj-m at
A good farm qf 176 acres in Mountpleas
ant township, Columbia county is offered for
sale upon fair terms. It lays along Fishing
creek just opposite Light Street, and contains
as good lutul as is found along the creek.
About one fourth is wood land, the remain
der cleared and in goori state of cultivation.
Iho improvemec.',s are a convenient and
frame dwelling-house, a good
tarn, and other outbuildings. The land is
believed to contain a valuable deposit of
IKO.\ OltE,
ami the owner oi-ly agrees to sell it, because
ho cannot give his personal supervision to
the property. It will be sold upon such lib
eral and desirable terms as to mako it a
good, profitable, and cheap homo. For the
terms of sale inquire of
R. VV. WEAVER Agent.
Bloomsburg, Jan. 21, 1851.—tf
The subscriber offers, at public Sale, on
the premises, on Saturday, the Ist day of
February, 1851, liiß FARM in Roaring Crjek
township, Montour county, near Yeager's
Tavern, containing 18 acres of cleared land.
The Improvements consist of two Frame
Dwelling Houses, A CLOVER-MILL AND
CARDING MACHINE, a wheel right Shop
and a small Barn. A fine never-failing
stream of water runs through the premises,
and the whole would be a desirable property
either for a farmer or a mechanic.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock; A. M. on
said day, when conditions will be made
known by JESSE YOCUM.
Roaring Creek, January 9lh 1851—ts.
House & Two lots at rrltate Sale.
THE subscriber offers at private
the house and lot now oc-
WMjijjWcupied by him at Light Street,
JHSSSBCuluinbia Co., and would dis
pose of it on fair terras. The lot front's 60
feet on the main street of the town, and ex
tends back 150 feet. The house is a frame
dwelling, ami has a good well of water with
a pump in at the dooi. There is also upon
he lot a good stable.
Containing nearly one acre and adjoining
the above premises on the back alley, will
also be sold upon fair terms.
Light Street, Jan. Bth 1851.—6t
For Cod Watches.
Henry Zuppingcr returns
-i his thanks For past patrfl*
ii mure, and invites the pub
ffi\ lie to examine his new
v V i "aHfin assortment of
Glasses, and
Keys, Balance Wheels, Jewels, which he
offers for reasonable prices. He will also re
pair clocks, watches, and musical and opti
cal instruments in a satisfactory manner.
His shop is in the middle room of the Ex
change block, nearly opposite to the Court
Bloomsburg, Nov. 28, 1849.
Remaining in the Post Office at Bloomsburg
January Ist 1851.
Burnside Ellen Philips VVm. J. (ship
Cox William Richart Charles
Crawford Jane Ralph C.
Derr David VV. Rebegy Samuel
Edward William G. Raich Hetty J.
Eyer Wm. Richy George
Frew) Oeotge VV. itaisi James L.
Hagaman Dennis Rogers Geo. H.
Heller William Roberts William
Hartzel Jaques Struble Susan
Johnson Susan Ann Smart Elizabeth
Lewis Charles VV erwick John
Marple M. M. Weir Elizabeth (ship
Meacum Prudence Wasser George.
Church Dedication.
The new English Lutheran Church in
Caltawissa Columbia county Pa., will be
dedicated, God willing, on Sabbath the sec
ond day of February next. Divine worship
will commence at ten o'clock in the morn
ing. Christians of all denominations and
the public in general are respectfully invi
ted to attend and a number of Clergymen
from other places will be in attendance.
Stephen Baldy
John Hartman
Peter Boliue
Daniel Knittle
Francis Dean
Ruilding Committee.
N. B.—All Editors in the county friendly
to the cause will please copy.
Cattawissa Jan. 3d, 1851.
Executor's Notice.
Estate of Joseph Yettcr.
Notice is hereby given that letters testa
mentary have this day been granted to the
undersigned by Ihe Register of Columbia
county upon the estate of Joseph Yetter,
late of Cattawissa township, Columbia
county, deceased. All persons haviug
claims against the said estate are requested
to present them to the undersigned, residing
in the'town of Cattawissa ; and those know
ing themselves indebted to make oarly pay
Cattawissa, Ja.i. 14, 1851.—6 t.
ISAIfiHAIM) ISiWlPlEffilfa
RESPECTFULLY announces to the citi
izens of llloouiNbnrg in geneial and his
old patrons in particular, besides the rest of
mankind, that lie has again opened his tai
lor-shop whoro he will be pleased to furnish
the best of clothing, cut according to the la
test fashions, and made in the best manner.
He receives the city fashions, and feels cer
tain that his work will look well and wear bet
His shon is on main street of Bloomsburg
noxt door below Lutz's Drug store.
In pay for work, he will take cash, store
order, or even GOLD DOLLARS.
Bloomsburg Nov. 21, 1850.
Fire Insurance.
THE Delaware Mutual Safely Insurance
Comoany, have appointed the undersigned
an Agent, to make insurances in Columbia
county. The Company is in good credit,and
is conducted upon sound principles. Persons
insured by the Company are entitled to the
fights of membership therein, are elegible
as Directors of the Corporation, but without
any tnitifidual liability for the losses or expehses
of the Company. The amount of premium
and policy paiu when insured is the extent
of liability. Persons desirous of effecting
an insurance upon property, can call upon
the undersigned, at his Office in Bloomsburg.
May 21, 1850.
Notice is hereby given, that the Partner
ship heretofore existing between GOEL &
SHAW, as Contractors for the Construction
of the Philadelphia and Wilkesbarre Tele
uraph Line, and the Susquehanna River and
North and West Branch Telegraph Line, is
this day dissolved by mutual consent. All
persons having subscribed and paid for
slock in "The Philadelphia and Wilkesbare
re Telegraph Company," are respectfully re
quested to present their receipts for such
payments to ELI J. SIEGER, Esq., of Allen
town, Lehigh comity, Pa., President of tho
said Contpaiiy r receive their certificates
properly mthnt>cated therefor; and all per
sons having subscribed and paid for stock in
"The Susquehanna River and North and
West Branch Telegraph Company," are also
respectfully requested to present their re
ceipts for such payments lo A. C. GOELL, a
the American Hotel, Chestnut street, oppol
site the State House, Philadelphia, President
of said Company, or to T. O. VAN ALLF.N,
Treasurer, Danville. "Montour county, Pa.,
and receive their certificates in due form
therefor. And all persons having claims a
gainst the said Partnership, GOELL AND
SHAW, relating to the construction of said
lines, whether upon promissory note, draft,
book accounts, or otherwise, are respectlully
reqnosted to present correct statements of
the same, without delay, to JOHN TITUS,
Esq., No. 12 Mercantile Library, Philadel
phia, who is authorized to receive aud ar
range for settlement of the same.
January 3d, 1851. jal6-lm.
The Subscribers will expose to sale at
public Vendue, on the premises,on Tuesday,
the 25th day of March m xt, A. D. 1851, at
ten o'clock in the forenoon, in the township
ot Huntington, in the county of Luzerne.
The following valuable property being the
estate of Amos Franklin, deceased, late of
Huntington township, containing 217 acres
and some perches, and allowance for roads,
&c. Ninety acres of it is improved. The
unimproved is well timbered and well wat
ered On the property are erected three dwel
ling houses, a bam, stable, &c. There are
about fifty fruit trees on the place, also a
good spring near each house. The laud
may be conveniently divided into 2 or 3
small farms with a building on each, and
will be sold in two or three pieces, or togeth
er to suit purchasers. Any one desirous of
purchasing can view the pren- ises at any
time. A part of the purchase money can
be secured by Bond and Mortgago on tliß
property. The conditions will be made
..-own on the day °f sle by
The subscriber announces to the public
that ho has just opened a Saddler Shop in the
central part of Bloomsburg, on Main street,
one door above Rupert's Store, where he
will keep constantly on hand and make to
order all kinds of
And every other article in his line of busi
ness. He will also attend to TRIMMING
carriages and buggies, in every desirable
style, and will turn uff all his work peat and
good ; and at the lowest pricos. Those who
wish work in his line will do well to give
him a call.
CP'Hides, country produce, and even gold
-dollars will be taken in payment for work.
Bloomsburg, May 15, 1849.
A No. 933 N. Third St.,
(Above Callowhill,)
And Liquors of every description :
ALSO a full slock of Ilyson, Imperial,
teuchdtig; Black tf Green leas.
J. M. ARMSTRONG— A gent.
New Arrangements and Great Bargains.
The undersigned rospecfully informs the
citizens of Bloomsburgh and the public in
general,that lie has purchased Mr. Frantz's
Boot If Shoe Store and has added largely to
his stock, and will continue the business at
the same stand in tho Exchange Building,
on Main Street, where he will be happy to
receive the calls of old and new enstomers.
Boots and Shoes, of every variety nt prices
to suit purchasers, kept constantly for sale,
and customer's work made to order as usual.
WHe invites the custom of his old friends
and the public, and hazards nothing in prom
ising fat bargains.
Er Store in the Exchange Buikling, Maine
street, sign of the Golden Boot.
Bloomsburgh, March 28, 1850.
Thomas C. Bomboy
Respectfully informs the public that he has
opened and arranged in good order
at the Pennsylvania Hotel, in the lower part
ot Main Street, Bloomsburg, where he will
be ready to furnish any kind of Firearms, in
good order and of approved workmanship.
He will also attend to
Repairing and Cleaning Guns
and will repair and make all kinds of light
machinery, locks, &c., at moderate charges.
Guns and Pistols on hanti for sale.
Bloomsburg, May 2, 1850.
Recently Published.
Physiology, Animal and Mental, Illustra
ted, cts. Combe's Physiology, wish
Nolea^lllustrated, 50 cts. Physiology of Di
gestion? ByfPr. Combe, 15 cts. familiar
Lessons on Physiology, I.lustrated, 25 cts.
Food and Diet, containing an Analysis of
Food, 50 cts. Cbrouic Diseases, especially
of Woman, 25 cts. Maternity, or the Bear
ing of Children, 50 cts. Combe on Inlancy,
with illustrations, 60 cts.
It#" Either or all of these |Works may be
ordered AND received by return of the FIRST
MAIL, at a (filling expense for postage.
Please enclos%the amount, and address all
lelteis post-paid, to FOWLER ft WELLS.
Clinton Hall, 131 Nassau Si-, N-Y.
December 26, 1851.
Fall and Winter Goods.
Wfi2 a sfpuwre & <®^ 8
IT AVE just received the largest assortment
■®"*of new and fashionable fall and v?uiter
goods to be found in Bloomaburg, and they
offer them at the lowest prices to their many
old patrons and new.
They have a full and Inrgo variety of
men 's coats, vests, and pants. French And
English Merinos, Cashmeres, Delaines,
And Salt—Cedar ware, Hats, < aps. Coarse
and fine Boots and Bootees for Men and
Youths—Leather, Morocco and Gum Shoes
for Ladies, Misses anil Children* wear, and
just about every thing else that can be de
sired to please taste or serve use.
Bloomsbuqg, Oct., 29th 1850.
C<^-- csaiTDciLiS3■-
The subscriber has just received a "d
opened at his old stand a choice lot of .tew
goods to which he invites the uttention o,
purchasers. He has a full and fair assort
ment of fall and winter goods consisting of
Q&mcD(aris i T'.aogag3 a
Queenswrre, Cedar I Pare, Fish and
Salt, Hats and Caps. Coarse and
Fine Hoots, Gam, Morocco
and Jenny Lind Shoes
for ladies, misses and
childrens wear.
Also. Terkerri, Woollen, Watterloo, Ray
state Mills and JENNY L ND Long Shawls,
IVI l F F s,
Cashmeres, Merinos, Delaines, Plaids. Prints
and Muslins. GEORGE WEAVER.
Bloomsburg, Oct. 30, 1850.
New Goods In Light Mrcct.
The subscriber has just received a new
assortment of goods from the city, which he
t offers to the buying neighborhood at the
lowest prices. His slock now consists of
every article usually kept in a country store,
Qucrnsvvare Hardware, Caps
Hoots it'Ml Shoes,
Ac.) ar*
He can furnish Cloths, Casimeres Satinels
and Jeans for men's wear; and Merinos, Al
pacas, Cashmers, Delaines, Ginghams and
Prints for the ladies. Also Shawls, Hosiery
and Gloves of every variety. Here is a
rare chance Jitr bargains to thoso who want
cheap and good goods for cash or country
produce. PETER ENT.
' Light Street, Oct. 29, 1850.
I The subscribers have just added to their
i former stock a large anc genaral assortment
I of Dry goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens
i ware Ccdarware, flstr, Salt, tec., carefully
i selected as to quality and priee, all of which
they ate anxious to sell on the most accom
I modaling terms, aud respectfully solicit a
call from all those who wish to buy cheap
goods' their old customers especially
Bloomsburg, Oct. 315i1850.
Reading R. R- Pnssrugci Trains
Office of Philada. & Reading R- R. Co j
Philadelphia, Sopt. 16, 1850. j
Until further notice there will be but one
Passenger Train daily, (Sunday excepted.)
between Philadelphia and Potlsvillu at ha f
past eight o'clock, A. M., and stopping at the
usual places on the line of the road.
Hours of Passing Reading : —For Philadel
phia at 10 o'clock, 10 minutes, A. M„ for
Pottsville at 11 o'clock, 20 minutes, A.M.,
By order of the Board of Managers.
S. BRADFORD, Secretary
Reading, Nov. 2, 1850.
FORNIA, but the business of Coach and
Wagon making will be continued by the sub
scriber at the old stand on Market street. He
will promptly attond to all orders for work in
his line ol business, and is always ready, at
short notice, to furnish Wagons, Coaches
Carriages, Buggies, Sleds am! Sleighs of any
style ; but always of tho best materials, and
made in the most substantial manner.
He will give his personal attention to the
business, and employ none but good work
men. Repairing will be attended to with
care, and upon the most reasonable terms.—
He proposes to serve his customers to such
work as will secure for him a continuance o
their patronage, and from all who need arti
cles in his line of business. He asks only a
rial of his work to insure satisfaction.*
THE subscriber respectfully informs his
friends and customers, that lie lias just re
ceived from the city, a large and select as
sortment of
Hats and Caps, of
STYLE , which he offers for cash sales very
cheap, at his old stand, on Main Street, sec
ond uoor South of tho ( ourt house.
ry He continues to manufacture Hats to
order as usual.
Bloomsburg, Nov. 15, 1849.
Fancy Chairs.
ceived from Philadelphia a new lot of FAN
CY CHAIRS, of Birch and Mahogany curl,
and of the moßt fashionable style, which he
will sell at the lowest prices for good pay.
Bloomsburg, May 16th, 1850.
BosksS Books!!
Joseph Swartz has just received a new lo j
of Literary Historical, Religious, Poetical j
Miscellaneous and School books, to which ,
he invites the attention of the reading public ]
of Bloomsburg.
Fancy Paper. J
Envelopes, Pens, Ink, Writing sand he.,
can be found at the cheap Book store of i
For ib,i Cure of
In offering to the Fummunity this justly eel
ebrated re meily for diseases of the threat and
lungs, it i s not cur wish to trifio with the lives
or health of the oflliclrd, but Darkly to lay be
fore them the opinions of distinguished met, &
same of the evidences ol' its success, from
which they can judge for themselves. We sin
cerely |>|c'lgc ourselves to make no wild aseer
lions or falso statements of it- efficacy, nor will
we hold out any hope to suffering humanity
which fio s will not warrant.
Many proofs arc here given, and we solicit an
inquiry from the public into all we publish, fee
ling assered they will find them perfectly relia
ble, nd the medicine worthy ihcjr best *c.nli
dcncc and patronage.
PROF. 0 LEV ELAND, of Buwdoin Col
lege, Maine,
Writes—"l have witnessed tho effects of yout
•CHERRY PECTORAL* in niy own faintly
and that of niy friends, and it gives mo satis
faction to sta'o in its favor that no medicine 1
h,v ever known has proved so einiucutly suc
aessful irt cuiiC<? diseases of the throut and
'"h*"'' RBy. DR, OSGOOD
Writes—'"That he Upnsider* 'Cherry Pectoral'
lhobe*t medicine for J l iliK l °n® r y AJirclions ev
er given to tlie public,' ami states 'but **ni#
daughter nfler being obliged to k.' ep the room
four mouths with a severe settled eoitffh accorn
panicd by raising of blood, night sue a, a, atnl
the attendant symptoms of Cotisumption, fom
menccd the use cf tho 'Cherry Pectoral,' and
had completely recovered."
of New York says. "I have been a great suffer
er with Bronebelis, aud hut for tho use of the
'Cultith y Pkctoiial' might have continued to
be so for many years to come, but that has cured
me and I am happy to bear testimony to its cfi
From such testimony wo ask the public to
judge for themselves.
Dr, Ayer—Dear Bit; For two years I was
afflicted with a very sevcto cough, accompanied
by spitting of blood and profuse night sweats.
By the advice of my attending physicina I was
induced to use your Cherry I'ectsral, and con
tinue to do so till I considered myself cured,
and ascribe the effect to vour preparation,
Haindcn ss. Springfield, Nov. 27, 1848,
This day appeared the above named James
Randall, and pronounced the above statement
true in every respect.
i Pohtlan o , Mc , Jan. 10,1847,
Dr. Ayer! I have been long afflicted with
i Asthma Which grfT vearly worse until last au
tumn, it bjougtu on a coug.b which confined me
l in my chomber;and begul l to the alarm
t ing syniplorna of conaumpliol. I had tried the
- best advice and the best medi : ne to no purpose,
until I used your Cherry Pectoral, which ha.
cuicd mo, and you ma) well believe me. Gra'e
fully yours, J. D. PHELPB,
If there is any value in the judgment of the
' wise, who speak from experience, here is a med
icine worthy of the public confidence,
Prepared by J. C. Jiycr, Lowell.
i Mass., Sold by E P.LU'I'Z, U.oomsbnrg
I A B WILSON, Berwick
Jan. 18.1851.-4 m.
Standard Medicines,
The following unequalled series of Family
1 Medicines may be depended npon with the ut
most confidence, Tlicy have the approbation
of the best physici oils in the country, and are
recommended by all who have used them as
superior to any family medicines known.;
They havo been been before the Public. For
' Five Yctll 8, during which time nioro than
) 5,000 certificates have been received from cmi
I ncnt public men and others, and are now on file
3 at the Company's Office.
Tliey are 4 oiupoun<lril with the tit
- most care and skill, and the ingredients are thor
r otighly tested tfy scientific chemists, so thai
medieincs of a auifnrm and reliable quality are
guaranteed hi all cases.
The Grtrfenberg Veoktahlp. Pills, Aro par
ticularly vaiuable for the prevention nnd cure
of fevers in general, all Billions ant Liver Com
plaints, Jnudice, Goneral Debility, Common and
' Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Heart Burn, Cos
:l tivencss, Gtiping, Urinary Diseases, Obstruc
* lions of the Menses. Inlluenza, Asthma, and for
B a variety of other Chronic Diseases; in fine,
" for all ordinary family usee.
Full directions for the various Disea
y ses accompany each box, Price 25 i ts.
I a box.
The Gracfenbrrsr Djscn lery
B Syrup. A speedy-and infallible remedy ill
. Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Bloody Flux, Cholera
Morbus, Cholera Infantum, and ihe Asiatic
Cholera, if taken with the first symptoms, viz .
vomiting und diarrhoea. It never fails to cure
the worst possible cases of bowel complaints,
generally in a few hours, seldom beyond a day.
It is Purely Vegetable, ai d taken in almost any
quantity ia pcifectly harmless.
The Gtaefenberg Green Mountain
Ointment fit valuable for Burns, Wounds,
Bprnina, Cbillblains, Corns, Sores, Swellings of
all kinds, Rheumatism, Erysipelas, Bronchitis,
Scrofula, Ulcers, Puinsjn the Side and Back
1 immediately relieved, inflammation of the Bow.
- els, and fur all cases whqre there is inflammation.
A Complete hand-book of medicine for fami
lies. Price 50 cents.
Office 214 Broadway, N. Y.
The public is requested to hear in mind that
everything prepared by the Graefcnberg Com
pany has their seal upon it.
Bpurioua articles have been issued closely re
sembling the genuine in every perticulur except
the seal, and the utmost caro should be observed
before purchasing.
AGENTS, — Thomas Ellis, and E.
P. Lutz, Hloomsburg; Benjamin Hei
ber, Cattawissa, Peter Ent, Light
Bloomsburg, Jan. 23, 1851-om,
invites'lhe attention of the fashionable in
Light Street to hie stsie of cutting garments -
He makes them in the best and most tasty
manner, and can can ensure satisfaction in
his warkmanihip.
He receives the latest fashions, nnd when
cutting onlp is desired, the work is marked
carefully for the maker.
ES"AII kinds of country produce taken
eichage for work. i
Light Street, Feb. 14, 1850.
In ono of the chapter* of llio Constitution
of the Slide of Mgssachusetls, yet in force,
thero is a declaration, ''That thii encourage
ment of the Arts and Sciences, and good
Literature, tends to the honor ol God, the
advantage of die t'tiristian religion, and the
great benefit of this anil the other, United
Slates of America.'"' It has evor been tin*
highest purpose, of the Kmc-tiHlocxr.R to eh:
vale the staedard of American Literature
It hits been the medium of introducing tn
ny of otir inosi popular authors to the public
To lltOfO m 'io take a pride is sustaining g
"OOil American Magazine, entirely nation..i
m its' character, tie 'ook .'or support. Me:
of judgi.*?c:it need not be told that it is im
to gM up n Mtignxiup cntired; en
"inal a.' Oto battld prices at tvhicli those
made up i,^*n foreign sources arc sold. Tin,
unremitted elto." o"l the editor and pl.lis!
of will be continued -o ''Oprove 'hg ivo'.r
t lie 11 (I itl l*i < iufi:h. :• tlffi'
The publisher, grateful for the largo in
crease of patronage which this old favonn
of the reading community has received
since it passed into his hands, hasdetennin
ed to offer to the old patrons, and to all new
subscribers, a splendid engraving, recently
published in this city, by Messers. Goupii.
Vilberl & Co., from a painting by a well
known American aitist, William S. Mourn,
Esq. This print is entitled "Mude is Couln
It is 19 by 21 inclief, is printed on beitnti
fill paper, and framed, tv'll makn a vnluablr
and elegant ornament for the drawing-room
or parlor. The price of this engraving i
three dollars. It will be given to all subseti
hers to the Knickerbocker Magazine who
nay their subscription for 18.11 in advuiirr
or during the month ol Jaurnry,. 1851, and
pay in advance—To entitle the subscrib
to lite Engraving, all payments tinist In
ntade to the publisher. Subscrbers wh"
owe for more than one year will he expect
sd to settle up ail arrears, anil pay lor 186!.
to entitle tlrem to the Engraving. The In! ■
of specie paying hanks in aff parts of th
Poultry will bo received in ptrymeirl. Tin
engraving will be rolled on a stick, and s >
securely up that it can be sent to CaS
tornia, or any u'-'Ur part ol llie United Siatr -
whit perfect safely. The number lor Jantt
arv, 1851, will commence the thirty seventh
volume of this work.
Jg. Ledger ; Or, The Threads of Life.
The publisher has great pleasure in on
nouttcing to the readeis of the Kuickerbook •
er, and to the public generally, that he has
affected an arrangement with Mr. Richard
B. Kimball, the author of this popular and
extraordinary Romance, to give the sequel
in the pages of this Magazine. The first
chapter will appear in the Janmiry number,
and be continued regularly until completed
This work has already passed through thrc.-
editions, in this country, and two in Kng
land, and has received more favorable notice
from the American and English press tha
any work of fiction which has beeir issue.>
during the last five years
TERMS— Five dollars per Annum in aJ
All letters on business must bo addressed
post-paid, to SAMUEL HUKSTON,
139 Nassau street, New York.
December 27, 1850,
I-EDoPo <22ua.Ulic©ixi. 9 s3
The afflicted are invited to call and see Mr
Isaac Brooka, Jr., at the corner of Third ar-t
Wilcox streets, and Miss Christians Hand-.
Beach street below Spruce street, r n the Bcliuv I
kill. These two persons have la en snatched
from the very jawa of the dustioyer through Mr
agency of that most potent of all medicines.
Dr Cullen's Panacea is the only cartain cure
foi Scrofula or King's Evil, Tetter, Erysipelas.
Old Bores and Ulcers, Mercurial Diseases, and off
othet afiestions, cutaneous of stlicTwise, arising
from impurities of the bkiod.
In the extraordinary cure ofMr. Brooks, pen
pie who visit him, hold up their hands in as
tonishment, that axy medicine could have m
restcd urs disease—then go away resolved to re
i commend I)r Cullen's Indian Vegetable Pane.
: cea to every oue they hear of who has need of -
i purifying medicine.
Bo with Christiana Bauds—her ruse of Scrof
> nlous sore throat was quite as extraordinary
i Mr. Brooks', when wo reflect thut from the dr
oa.-e her tea or coffee would frequently pass o> '
i of tier cars, when attempting to drink, [B./
her certificate.]
The people arc beginning to understand, to ,
■ that the various Byrups of Bariaparilla are littl.
1 belter than molasses, and thut it is madness t .
1 throw away money on articles which, under th,
most favornhlo circumstances, do not produi • •
• any impression on the system until several gii
' oils have been swallowed. One bottle of Dr.
[ Cullen's Panacea seldom fails to produce Cm -
' viclicn it! th? minds of patients that a radii-.. I
' cure is certain.
Thus hope, f=o necessary, an ally to mcih
' cine.] springs up at the outset, and the patiei t
> is cured before any other preparation could hnV,
mode the slightest impression upon I lie disease !
In fact, the twelve ounce bottles of Mi. CII>-
ien's Punacca, compared the pint and qua t
bottles of other purifiers, are valuable about ii,
r the proportion of gold to copper. Those wlm.
woule piefera penny to it half angle, on accoui i
of its size, would make a poor selection to so.
| lite least.
Barsnpnrilla a good purifier I Dr. Cullen's
Panacea contains its nxtroct in its most conec-i
--tratrd form. Added to this ore other extract .
' more active and powciful, and which effect io
combination with the Bara.ipnrilla, what the lit
tor article, or combined with tho most prgwerlu
poisons, cannot atoae accomplish.
It has cured where everything else had failed
and this in a multitude of eases—not in Kuiop,-
or in the moon, (where so many great runs
have been performed.) but in Philadelphia ami
other pafts of the union. And be it dislinctlv
understood that we do not obtain our extracts |.\
"holing 400 gallons down to one," it being
known to every uruggist's apprentice that boiling
desttoys the essential virtues of medicinal plants
and roots,
ROW AND & WALTON, Proprietors,
Wholesale and retail, No. 21 North SIXTH
street; or E. P. Lulz, Hloomsburg; M I
drier, Danville; Peter Ki11,.. Light street
Rickets and Stewart, Orangeville ; Cyru
Barton. Espytown : J Schmick, Cattaurissu.
M G Shoemaker, Buckliorti.
the pu'jlic to
U7\ hia new stor'g of horses,JSfisl22L':
carriages anil buggies, a variety of which
can be found at hia Liveiy Stable., He con
always furnish, horses atul vehicles ojf the'
best kind, arid on reasonable terms. lie ha:.-
recently added a number of fashionable ve
hicles and gootl horses to his former stock
He will furnish to parties four Lorso convey
ances •with good aud safe drivers, at very
low prices.
Call at the lower end of Ilopkinsville, on
the East side of Main street.
Bloomsborg, Dee. 13, '49-ly
men—On tho Ka 1 tt side of Main Street,
three square* below Market.