The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, January 09, 1851, Image 2

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silointir.i„, Thursday, Jan. o, lgSl.
"Every true Democrat ia anxious that hia
political representatives at Harriaburg should
make choice of a mail for United State*
Senator whose election would bo a like
creditable to the party and an honor to the
state. Pennsylvania should bo able to send
■ not a mere politician, but a statesman to the
highest legislative council of tho nation.
From such a state there should go a man of
auch commanding mind and dignity that his
counsel would be like oil upon the troubled
waters of these times, lie should be able
to give rest to the political Commotion of
these troublesomo times. And drat should i
be a permanent and not tnorbid roat of the
great public questions of these day*. It
should not bs a mere lethargy to be follow
ed by a mere fitful %ver of excitement—it
should not be tho mere depression 4nd ex
rymatioii which follows a feverish state of
tho body politic—it should not be only a
Wfom; •On ri pwtuilS, bOUghl by
bad and baneful votes ; but it should bo a
recurrence to the fundamental principles of
oar political faith, and tbeao should be put
.forth by a man trusting to them and devoted
.to their auceess.
Men long and actively engaged in the
details and turmoils of political life, ate '.oo
apt to trust to temporary expedients ; and '
not a few fall to regard politics as a mere
game in which every petty trick is justifia- 1
ble as a means to gain same assumed im
portant end.
Hon. George W. -a a man who
is not a politician of tricks, management
and expedients; but a statesman of eminent
talents, and kith a full iutotiigenee of all po- 1
lilical questions. He has never managed j
- himself into political eminence, but his j
.friends are (host who reaped his ability;
. and the stations he has filled were given to
him because he TYPE kuowa In half JMOU
well title" lorV.rem ; sod tot because he
■ electioneered, to get them. Thoy were the
-tributes to Ids manifest menial aud moral
merits, and not tho trophies of political per- j
tiuacity and recklessness. Though most }
meanly treated in 1845, he never demeaned ,
'r.mseli to •. onto down from the beach into j
the arena of potty politics to chastise pot- ;
; house politicians in a spirit of malice and
passion. He has held bnt few officers, and .
theso. all be honored. I
- in a peliticid point of view Judge Wood- j
■ wetii's election would bo most fortunate for
the. U'nnocratio parly. It would vindicato '
.the party organization and party usage.
Every Democratic member of the legisla- (
lure, by voting for Judge Woodward, can 1
clearhiiAtcif of every imputation of break
ir.g party discipline. Hero is a man who (
stands above every thing like a fictions spir- (
it, and whose eleotion will be a full Demo- •
cratic victory. He is a man who has not ]
-meddled in tho little details of securing del- j
.. egates, eonventioue and nominations for any .
particular set of men ; and whoso whole eu- 1
orgies would hence be devoted to the princi
ples rather than the men ot his party ; and to
all his political kindred alike. He is a man |
whose whole political character is identified |
• with a strict adherence to party discipline, <
, aud a vote for hint will be a vote for party |
usage and organization.
The Whigs and Cameron.
Tfce FoitsviHc Journal and Schuyllfill Ha
ven Map, mo Copper Whig prints
thai tlie Whig members of the logislature
should vote for Camoron as United Slate's
Senator because he would favor the "pro
tective system." Well, let the "tariff Dem
v crats(!)" see.whore they Hand. I ready
. -touch in 1844 did this tariff rant disgrace the
i Democratic party, and in 1845 destroy its
organization by affording a pretext for tariff
Domocrats to vote with Whigs for Cameron.
Was not that a leaf in Democratic history
that should have taught us something? Or
are we to ant after the same heresy and fall
into the same trap aguin ? Is the protective
tarifi to be a pretext again for Whigs and
Democrats to vote for some irregular candi
date upon a platform of one idea 1
It was Mr. Cameron's heresy that he went
for tho protective features and specific du
ties of the act of '42 L'ut it ia late—very
late— too late in the day fer those who once
dared not whisper against his heresy, to re
proach ind revile him new, wnen thoy steal
the sin that was laid at his door.
Wo annnounced lost week that the Elev
enth Congressional District was redeemed
from Congressional misrepresentation, and
.now the official returns comfiim our assu
. ranee, and render it absolutely certain that
we have a Democratic memher from this
district. The fallowing are the official ma
joiitiu* for John Brisbin Esq., the Democrat
ic nominee
Columbia * 248
Wyoming 191
Montour 315
LuseHte gives a majority for Dana, volun
teer Democrat, but we have not yet learn
ed tht ofboiai number. We are told It ia a
bont 350.
W regret to announce* this week the
death of Mr. Joseph Yo:ter of Cattawiaea
* township ;eneof tho Commissioners or Col
umbia oouaty. He was taken suddenly ill
at Cattawiaea on last Wednesday, and died
.on Thursday morning He was a highly
.estimable aqd worthy citizen,* good neigh-
and an hens* men.
Commenced it* annual session at Harris
burg on last Tuesday. The preparatory
oeucuees of the two parties in the House
were held on Monday. The Democratic
concus was full, and among other partici
pants was Mr. Joseph Brown the Indepen
dent Democratic member of Northampton
who was elected against the regular Demo
ecatic nominee. The vole for Speaker stood
as follows:
John Cessna of Bedford 34
John S. Rhey of Armstrong 17
Scattering • 7
And so Mr. Cessna is to be tj l 0 Speaker.
He is a gentleman of talent, ahd ability, and
a true and radical Democrat. The Whig
mombers determined to vote for George H.
Hart of Philadelphia for Speaker, and for
the following other ofilcers:—
Clerk— -Daniel Fleming,
Sergca; ' a - Arms-—John Scckrist,
Door keeper—Jacob M. Jonea.
Columbia County Election Returns.
Districts. John Britbin. E. L. Dana.
Bloom, ]6l 171
Briaroreek, 71 80
Beaver, 00 39
Centre, 84 j6
Cattawissa, J6 58
Fishingcroak, 40 11
Or—Bi ft ouJ, 3g *2
Hmmimrk, IO 13
Jackson, 35 4
Maine, 28 30
Mifflin, 19 60
Mounipfeatant, 27 18
Montour, 59 5
Madison 6 3
Orange, 89 43
Sugarloaf, 88 00
Roaringcreek, 11 14
TOT* 1., 833 586
Mj. for Briebin, * 246
Ol the Special Election.
Brisbin. Dana.
Wyoming 642 451
Luzerne 1527 1838
Columbia 832 586
Montour 784 408
3625 3283
.. . . _ ii mSmt 1 * -*H
Brisbin's majority 342
licly noted that Judge Anthony was too un
well to attend "the Courts of Montour and
Sullivan counties. For soreral days past he
has been reported quite seriously ill, to the
regrets of his many friend-. Judge Wilson
of fio Union district supplies his plaoe at the
Northumberland court, but we have not yet
heatd of any one to fill the place for the
January Term of this county. We antici
pate but a very short term.
FIRE.—We learn that tho dwelling house
of a Mr. Furd in Fairmounl township, Luz.
Co. was dostroyed by fire 011 one day of last
week. Three small children were left alone
in the house for a moment, while tho moih
ei went to a neighbor's on an errand, and
they commenced playing wiih the fire;
when ono of them run under the bed with an
ignited torch and the whole house was soon
in flames. The children were rescued from
the fire by the daring and bravery of a boy,
wi o rushed into the burning pile to save life.
None ol the furniture was saved.
W Among the on dils of those days we
hoar that Judge Kidder of the Schuylkill dis
trict has resigned his Judgeship, and that
Governor Johnston has appointed or is about
to appoint Joshua W. Comly Esq., of Dan
ville to the vacancy.
GP" The ooupty Commissioners arc now
in session with the Auditors making the an
nual settlement of the public accounts. Tho
vrffiACey in the Board of Commißionr wili
b,3 bjjp]>!i p -d by an appointment at tho next
court.' The zw'dg* l of the Court and the two
remaining Commiszib!? o '* t ' ia appoinl
menl. _
number is already on bar.d and betokeils that
an American Magazine in these days can be
such a thing of magnificonce as would pass
for an English annual.
SARTAIN'I MAGAZINE for February is also
received and pours forth such a flood of
beauty as surptises and dazzles us until we
bardly know where to begin enumerating
OT The Harriaburg Keystone and Demo
cratic Union are to Mm published twice a
week, as usual, during tho ensuing session
of the Legislature.—Terms 82 each, during
the session—or 83 per annum including the
FIRST SHAD.—The first shad caught this
season at the South was sold in the Savan
nah maifcet for five dollars, on the 18th in
stant, and forwarded to Macon.
Usa or ALLIGATORS.—In Florida alligators
are now extensively killed for their oil and
hides—the rough skin on their belly is tan
ned aud used for saddles. An inexaustible
inpply i* annually produced.
tW It is computed that 5000 persons per
ished the last season on the overland route to
California. _ _
BP" Tho new Volume of N. P. VVillis'
Home Journal opens with a gem of |, nura -
her. < f|ii
tW The Clirtton Democrat has a statement
concerning the Lumber passing that place.
It appears that 1657 rafts have gone down
the river during the present year.
IV Mrs. Forrest and her sister, Mrs. Voor
hies, are employed as vocalists in the choir
of Trinity Church Now York.
W A new Post-office has bean establish
ed at Trevorton, Northumberland oounly,
and Wm. Alwater appointed ?• M
From the Harriaburg Keystone.
The Tnrill ia Pennsylvania.
y We have noticed with surprise and regret,
) a disposition manifested in certain quarters
c to discontinue hostility to the peruioious
- Whig principle ol protection, and to concede
- that the Democracy have been wrong in
1 battling against it. ?; ig fresh in our recol
- lection, that when instructing resolutions
1 were offered in the Legislature last winter, in
favor of increasing the duty ondron and qpal
Ib.ey were met with a united voico of con
demnation by the entire Democratic press of
the state; and yet some of the papers
1. which then opposed that movement, have
1 since abandoned the position at that time
5 assumed with the na'ional Democracy, and
. have fully endorsed the principle of the
r repudiated resolutions. -Such unsteadiness
is wholly inexplicable. We can see neith
er wisdom nor propriety in retracting steps
which have been firmly planted upon solid
and immovable groftd; nor do those who
have thus left the onward marching ranks of
the enlightened Democracy, offer Jany other
reason for their return, Ibau that it is wise
aid proper to rescue the subject of protec
tion from the strife of parly, and 'elevate it
. into an abstract principle for all men to con
template and decide upon, independent of
political connexions.
There can be no doubt but this is wrong,
and it is probable that those who have giv
en this unfortunate intimation, have done so
without reflection, and in comtdlanca wiih.
the wishes of interested clamorers. No
principle more clearly marks the distinc
tion between the two great national parties
than that of protection. Ic is the offspring of
the same corporation spirit which has ever
aotuated capital in its incessant clamours
for exclusive gnvtleges and class legislation.
It is also marked by the old characteristic of
baaing its claims to favour upon false preten
ces— itpretends a warm attachment to the
interests of labor, while its real object is to
increase 'ill power and accumulation by
robbing labor.
The course of the national democracy is
right on this subject, and the revenue princi
ple is the only true one in adjusting taxes
upon imports, as long as that system of sus
taining the is allowed to prevail.
On this platform the democratic party hat
taken its stand. There should bs no falter,
mj, in suaiailii'lg rr ITresls upon sound
principles which endure always, and will be
strengthened annually as its truthfulness and
propriety become more generally understood.
A DOWN EAST ROMANCE.—Tho following
iucident has just been communicated 10 us
from a source in tvhicb we place implicit
In the year 1814, a Mr. Thurston, of Poiv
nal, was married to a young lady of that
plaoe, with whom he lived for two or three
je ire, and then wont to the British Provin
ces where, a short time after, it was repor
ted that he was exeouted for trespass upon
the King's timtTec lands. A year or two af
ter this report-becamo current, and which
was supposed by Mrs. T. to be true, she
married a second time with a Mr. Lovell,
with whom she lives until his death, which
occurred a few years since.
Since that time nothing has occurred to
occasion a doubt of the truth of the rumor
respecting lier first husband, until a few days
[ since, a person called upon her and stated
that her first husband had recently died in
Hudson, N. Y., having been injured by a
, fall from his carriage, and offered her 850 for
. an assignment of her right in his property
[ This sho very wisely refused to do. The
: noxt day, another man called and offered
. 8150, which sho likewise declined. An in
quiry was instituted, and we understand the
result is that a fortune of some 330,000 will
probably fall into her hands. Thruston left
some eight or nine children by a second
marriage ; but us this, in the oyo of the law, illegal, sliu remains the solo heir
Lewiston Falls Journal.
paper of China has a namo which means
tho Fekin Gaxctle. It is impossible to ascer
4iui when its publication was commenced,
but it 66?ui" to he the oldest newspaper in
the world. TherSia a tradition that it began
under the Tsang dynasty, in the latter part of
the tenth century, n 7" originally a sort
of handbill, containing official u? l '"* s .' P o9l '
ed upon the walls of the Capital and sent* 12
manuscript to provincial officers. At Can
ton it is printed for the pubiio at large and
•old. It appears every other day in the form
of a pamphlet of ten or twelve pages.
The Homestead Bill. —The Homestead bill
before Congress provides forgiving to every
head of family, who is a citizen of the
United Slates, one hundred and sixty acres of
land out of the public domain. The Repub
lic, though not opposing the bill, suggests a
doubt of its propriety, and one effect ef the
law will be to destroy any advantages that
might have been expected by our soldiers
from the Bounty Land Law of last session.
No head of a family would pay the soldier
anything for his warrant or his land if he
could get his one hundred and sixty acres
for nothing. .' . .
The repairs of the Schuylkill Navigation
works will be all completed in a substantial
manner by the opening of navigation, the
, Pottsville Journal eaye. The number aud
oapacity of boats will be *0 increased as to
enable thorn to carry 800,000 tons of coal to
' Philadelphia and other accessible points the
present year. The expenses, it ia stated,
will be not over $225,000, being less than
( one half the cost at first anticipated for the
' IV A Slate Temperance Convention ie to
be held at Harriaburg, on tho 23d of thia
r The entire amount of city taxes- levied
in New York for the year 1860 was $3,230,-
085 02.
, IV A turkey weighing 284 pounds, was
sold in Philadelphia for sl4.
FELLOW CITIZENS: Certain members of
i the State Centra) Committee having met a'
i the Merchant's Hotel in the City of Philadel
i phia, on the erasing of the 30th of Decem
i ber, 1850, and, by their resolve, attempted
to chnr.go the place and time for folding
i the Judicial Convention, from the Borough
of Harrisburg. on the second Wednesday of
1 June next, to on the
sixth of June next, I cteem it my duty to ex
f press to you my conviction, that this meeting
> was informally called together, and that its
action is wholly void.
Of the motive for this open departure from
established usage, disorganizing in its ten
dency, hazardous in its consequences, and
calculated to lead to imputations against the
prudence and forecast of those participating
in the movement, it is not my place now to
speak ; I prefer mther, that those who were
active in the call, should satisfy you that
they were governed, in their course, by de
votion to your interests, and not by a meek
subserviency to ambitious men.
Whilst the regnlur masting of the Commit
ee on tne 20th of November last, came to
gether in pursuance of a call explicit as to
its object, the call tor the irregular meeting
of the 30th of December, concealed its pur
pose. If the question of a separate conven
tion and fhe time and place of its meeting
be of any important* to the Democratic par-
was the eti- ep J ■ a — .--n-i-- ——
ting wnrmeiOT WTIST benefit can possibly
accrue by merely changing time and place,
that is comraoiisurafe with the risk incurred
in attempting to effect that change, is an in
quiry of far more importance.
To concede to this irregular meeting the
power to annul the legitimate action of the
Cential Committee, would be to declare that
seven of jts members in any part of the
State, coming voluntarily together, should
bind the party by their determinations. Such
a doctrine would be subsersive of the ob
jects for which the Committee was raised,
and lead to confusion and defeat.
Viewing the proceedings of the irregular
meeting of the 3Qth of December, in the
light I have indicated, and holding the reg
ular meeting of the 20th of November to !
have defirritily settled both the line and j
place of the pmaCt'HMM uunreriTtOTl to j
put in nomination cur tne so- [
premo Conit of the State, I hereby announce j
that the delegates elected to that convention
will assemble in the Borough of Harrisburg,
on the second Weiflfcsdav of June noxt.
CI airman of the Democratic Slate
Central Committoe.
West Chester, Pa., Jan. 1, 1851.
Bo.uis.—One of our agricultural exchanges
points out a great error in tho making oi
roads from tho groat waste ot horse flesh,
caused by the unnecessary steepness of b ills
over which they arc required to climb in
maaay our long travelled roads. A little more
circuitous route, on a nearly level road,
would enable the team lo reach a poiut at
an easy trot, with less fatigue and in half the
time. The entire cost ot tho land on some
new route and the expense of grading and
working a road, would be repaid semi annu
ally by the economy in time and horse
flesh. The power of a horse to draw on a
level is equal lo 1000 lbs. In a rise of 1 in
100 feet he enn draw only 900; 1 in 50,
810; 1 in 44, 740; lin 40, 720; 1 in 30,
640;-1 in 26,540; lin 24, 500; 1 in 20,
400; lin 10, 250. In round numbers, upon
aslopo of 1 in 44, or 120 feet to the mile, a
horse can draw only draw three quarters as j
much as he can upon a level; on a slope of
1 in 21, or 22l£feetto the mile, he can draw
only half as much; and on aslope of 1 in
10, or 528 feet to the mile, only one quarter
as much. Though a horse ou a lorel is as
strong as five men, yt on a sleep hill it is
less strong than three ; fqr three men, carry
ing each 100 lbs., will ascend faster than a
horse with 300 lbs. The that
a gentle undulating road is less fatiguing to
horses than one which is perfeclly level, is
pronounced erroneous.
The King of Denmark and his Wivu.—A
letter from Hamburg, datod the 6th ultimo,
contains the following :—The latest news
from Copenhagen is of the Ist ult. Accord
ing to a rumor circulating in . the capital at
Jhat date, and in which there is reason for
believing the Jf'HC had resolved to separate
from Madame Kae'2<^- n : lhe Itll * tress
whom he recently married ana pfindblod.
The motives which may have led to the res
olution aro but vagaely understood. Should
it be realized, Madame Rasmussen will
make the third legitimate wife from whom
the king will have separated within a few
years. The first was daughter of the late
king, his uncle, Frederiok VI; the eeoond
a Macklenburg princess; tLe third, as every
one knows, was one of the ballet corps at
the Copenhagen opera. As the priee of this
matrimonial rupture, the Couuteas Rasmus
sen is to receive .an annuity of 12,000 dollars,
besides apauagos.
Telegraph Under Water. —Thero are three
lines of sub-marine telegraph wires in work
ing order under the Hudson River, four un
der the Connecticut, two under tho Dela
ware, and eight under the Harlem river. All
ooated with gutia peroha. And one, on
O'Reilly's line, under the river at Chicago.
The correct census of Schuylkill county i a
62,212. The increase ill ten years has been
33,130—a very large addition
The public debt of the United States on
the 30th of November, was $64,228,238.
It is in contemplation in Edieburg to em
ploy paupers in the cultivation of waste
The present strength of the Army in Ire
land is 35,000.
The number of peewits exiled from Romo,
•inee the reMun nf lhe Pope, is 36,000.
i i
The Small Note Law.
Like most other democratic measures, this
: law, since it has been subjected to the test of
practical operation, has proved the wisdom
o( its adoption. Throughout the State with
tho exception of one or two of the northern
Irontier counties, the opposition to it which
was so virulent at first, has almost entirely
ceased. Even the whig press have failed, of
late, to designate it as the "iniquitous loco
toco act." It bas done all that was expected
of it: It has driven out of the State near two
millions of tho worthless currency of our
neighboring States, the exodus of which has
been marked by the crash of tho rotten in
stitutions which had heretofore manulactur
ed and spread their depreciated paper over
the country, with perfect -impunity. The
failure of the Maryland banks attest this fact.
And if our neighbors in the counties of Pot
ter, Tioga, and Bradford havo obeyed the
law in good faith, and as good citizenship
would direct, it will have been the means
of averting a calamity, in the recent failure
of the bank of Corning, which would other
wise have visited them with peculiar severi
ty. Add, to this dispersion of the rags, the
fac* tba* through this law's operation their
place has been supplied with silver and gold,
and that, too, at a time when silver coin is
in great demand in all parts of the world,
and its increasing public favor may bo in
part accounted for. Our farmers now re
ceive lor their produce or give for their ne
—uu - n —i r ...„ f .i 1 .j, me naru
cash. The longer the law exists the lets ob
jection there will be to its enforcement, and
tho more popular it will become in every
part of tho commonwealth.
We hope to see the legislature, this win
ter, put down its foot upon all attempts to
repeal this truly democratic measure.—Ly
coming Gazette.
ECLIPSES FOR 1851 —There will be four
eclipses in 1851, —two of the sun and two of
the moon. A partial eclipse of the moon,
on the 17th of January, will be invisible on
this continent. An annal eclipse of the sun
ou the Ist of February, invisible in Norlli
America, but central and vertical in the la
dim Ocean, near the Isle of Java. A par
i tial eclipse of the moon, on the 18th of July,
I vifiibla thrauflk m4iu Uiiituti _-j ntTJT
nliti Bituuow, 1 o'clock, 6 mill.; mid
| die of eclipse, 2 o'clock, 35 min.; last con-
I tact with shadow, 4 o'clock, 8 min.; mean
time, morn; magnitude of eclipse, 8 2-5
digits on moon's southern limb. A total
eclipse of the sun, on the 28th July, partially
visible. This eclipse will be total at Baff
in's Pay, Labrador, a part of Greonland, and
in the Atlantic Ocean, east of Newfound
HEART-RENDING CASE. —During the (ronton
dous storm on Monday afternoon, a poor
woman, who resides about two miles from
this city, oil the Shaker lload, started for {he
town for the purpose of buying a small bill
of groceries. Having effected her purcha
ses, she left for home, the storm still raging
more violently. She continued her progress
till within a few rods of her home and her
little children, when she became so embed
ded in a snow drift that she froze to death.
Her husband, who is a laborer connected
with the Troy Turnpike, went homo about
night fall, when he found his children hall
perished and crying for their mother's ab
sence. She leaves a family of nine children.
—Albany Knickerbocker.
total number ol miles of railroad in opera
tion in tho United States, at tho beginning of
the present year, was 8797, which cost to
build them, 8286,455,078. In Now York,
the number of miles of railroad in opera
tion is 1402, at a cost of 855.202,060. Penn
sylvania 917 miles, at a cost ol" 835,401,033.
New Jersey 259 miles, costing 88 225 000.
In nil <R n— 1C..„1.,.l Sim— <l —.
2644 miles, costing 896,946,450.
It was Chapman, the Philadelphia sur
geon, who rang tho bell and said that good
thing at the expense of Norton, tho player
on the trumpet, who, with his back to the
chimney, was spreading himself and covor.
ingthe hearth, to the exclusion of the com
pany—"Waiter, I say, take that blower from
the fire.
A new democratic paper has made its ap.
pearance in Bradford county, at Towanda,
called the North Branch Democrat. Geo. Sau
de.'.son Esq. the new Senator elect, is the Ed
itor, fLMi.:?d !?v Smith, Esq. H. L
Shaw is the publisher. It is tjttite provable
'.hat this will be a more durable enterprise
thar, was the establishment of the North
Penneylvanian at the same place, by Wein
GOLD AND SILVER.—A London paper slates
that-"it has been determined by the French
Ministry, apparently in view of the appre
hended depreciation of gold in relation to eil
ver, to propose to tho Assembly an immedi
ate abolition of the law making gold, equal
ly with silver, a legal tender.
HARPERS' MAGAZINE for January has been
received by VY. B. Ziober. Its oontents are
as usual of a most interesting character, em
bracing the finest articles selected from the
leading periodicals of the age.
COPPER MINES. —The amount of copper, in
the rough, which was sent down Lako Su
perior, in the year >BSO, is estimated at
2,680,000 tons. About 1000 operatives will
be employed the coming winter.
A Bio BOOK.— In the course of a sermon
preached at Boston, on Thursday, Professor
Park stated that all the sermons delivered in
the land in the course of a year, would make
120,000,000 large octavo pages.
D. C. Kitchen, formerly of Berwick, has
associated himself with Geo. M. Reynolds,
Esq., in the publication of the Lackawanna
Journal, at Carboiidale *
Take Your County I'npers.
Wo copy the following excellent ml vice
: from the lant number of Graham's Moga
> zine:—
"We bop; there is not a subscriber to
"Graham," who has overlooked the proprie
ty and duty of sustaining, by bis subscription
and advertising, the paper of his own coun
ty, This duty is the first, even before sub
scribing to i'Graham." The prosperity of
the county in which you live—its thriving
business character—active intelligence, and
more thau all, Its very moral strength de
pends upon the liberal policy of each and
every one of you, toward the central point
of your greatness— Your own County Jour
Now think of this!—belore you squander
your dollar upon some ephemeral, trashy,
and perhaps pernicioas sheet of a distant oil
y. The telegraph and railroad hare brought
jhe news early to your editor—earlier than
you will get it from afar by duo course of
mail. Now, encourage his heart and
strengthen his hands by a manly support, and
let his sheet widen, lengthen and brighten,
under tho genial influence of a generous and i
proper estimate of his position.
If you want literature, as well as news and
general miscellany, he will give you "Gra
ham" and his paper for, perhaps, £4—but,
GRAHAM himself does not want you unless
you appreciate and support your own coun
ty newspapers—he has no just right to re
ceive, or you to remit him 83, while this
debt remains unpaid at home. Go to !-—you
are a dull fellow !—stupid ! and would not
understand us. Put your three dollars in n
stocking and g to sleep drowsy !—enact Rip
Van Winkle over again—but come not to usj
GRAHAM wants subscribers that have brains,
heart soul —a quick eye to perceive a duty
and a truth, and manly courago to meet and
back thorn—now
"Life's first, bast duty, always is at homo."
Try our suggestion reader, and you will
feel more like a man, the first day you take
hold of the newspaper of your neighborhood
as a subscriber who has paid his 82 and
done a proper act of citizenship."
Carious Commercial Fact.
Onii if jlimmmM iei ' '
"SWfncen of record is-the fact that for centu
ries before the Christian ore, the principle,
not only of modem warehouses, but of tho
Cunard and Collins' steamer, was recom
mended by Xonopho, in his "lieuenue of ths
State of Athens." "And if we build shops,
warehouses, and exchanges," says he, "for
common retailors, tho rents of the houses
would be a great addition to our public ro
venues, and the magnificence of tho build
ings would bo an ornament to the city.
"As the public builds galleys lor wars,
it might likewise be for tho advantago of
state to make a new experiment, and
merchants ships fur trade, which might
farmed out, like the other branches of
revenue, upon good security : for, if this
sign were found practicable," it would formH
considerable article in the increase of our
public revenue."
Another Comet. —Mr. Bond, of the Astromi
cal Observatory at Harvard University, bas
discovered another comet, making the eleo '
enth first seen a Cambridge, before any in
formation thereof had reached this country.
The comet was so faint that it could not bo
seen through a four feet telescope, It ap
peared like a very faint nebulosity, whoso
right ascension was 22h. 334 m., and its
south declination 4 deg. 36 mitt. It is sup
posed to be the same as that seen by M.
Fayo, Nov. 22J, 1843, as the calculations of
Nicolai and Leverriur assigned to it a period
of 2717.68 days, with an ecccnlriciiy of
0.55596. and an inclination of its orbit to
tho ecliptic of 11 deg. 32 min. 31 sec.
Removal of the Body of Stephen Gtrart l
Ciiy Councils having dotermined to cause
the removtu or tne remains or me rmiamnro
pist, Stephen Girard, from tho grave yard
attached to the Church of the Holy Trinity,
at tho corner of Sixth and Spruco streets, to ,
the grounds of the Girard College for j
Orphans, tho matter was referred to the com- 1
missioners of the Giraid Estates for appropri
ate action. Accordingly on Friday ihe body
was privately exhumed and conveyed to the
establishment of Mr. Simon Gartlane, under
taker, in Thirteenth street above Chcsnut, in
whose custody it now is. It will remain in
this place until arrangements are made for
its reintoiment. We are informed that the
public authorities design to connect with this
event suitable and imposing ceremonies—
and the Grand and Subordinate Lodgea of
Masons will probably cooperate with them,
id producing a grand demonstration com
memorativo of the great virtues of this public
benefactor. The preparations, whioh, it has
been said, ate to be on a very extensive
scale, it is expeoted will take some consider
able time to perfect. The Masonic fraternity
have contemplated turuning out in process
ton, with all the insignia belonging to the
order. Such a display has not been wilnce
sed in this city for many years, and when it
will take placo, it will probably be exceed
ingly handsome. A monument is to bo plac
cd over the remains ol Mr. Girard at their
final resting place.— Public Ledger.
The Prize Wedding to Trvortou.
Thistown, which sprung .into existence,
minerva like, only six months since, is al
ready a thiiving busy placo, numbering more
inhabitants, larger stores, and better hotels
thau soma county towns a quarter of a con
tury old.—The first wedding came off on ths
24th ult., and the happy conpU, according to
previous stipulation, were entitled to the fol
lowing premiums, viz: the wife to the beat
dress in the Company's stote and the hus
band to a town lot.
The group of statuary, ordered by Con
gress, of the sculptor Greenough, emblemat
ic of the oarly settlement of our country is
nearly ready for shipment, Tho artist will
reseivo 820,000.
tST The debt of the oily of PoMen en the
first oi the year was 81,756,652. This is ex
clusive of the ttatardebi
ll' ALMANAC ft
fob ml. jjfp*
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17 18 19 20 21 22 23
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Dro. 1 2 3 4 1 (T 1
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' '\~3T~ M U1,,-
yon see I ick, w hen a poor man steals, it is
called larceny', but when it's a rich'uu, the
jury aays it is 'monomeny,' and they can't
- help ir-—that's it."
the True lAgestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice ! A
great Dyspepsia Ouror, propnrod from lion
et. or the fourth Stomach of the Ox, after
direction of Baron I.iebig, the great Physi
ological Chemist, by J. S. Houghton, M. D ,
No. 11 North Eighth Street. Philadelphia,
Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for
Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice. Liver Com
plaint. Constipation, and Debility, curing
after Nature's own method, by Nature's own
agon#, the Gasiric Juice. Soo Advancement
in another column.
On tho 17th ull., by tho Rev. I S Loo, !:•
Light Street, LEWIS V MYERS, of !loar:ii
nr-ot. B.wl \li* Er tIIUTM BoUOttMAN Of 11] O
forrnur place
In Mifliti township, Columbia county. 011
the 17th ull., by the Rev. 1 Babl, Mr. STE
i PHEN Tt'RHtucH, of Black creek, Co.
and Miss HANNAH HETLKR, of the former
Iu Ni'scopock township, Luzerne county,
on the 24th ult., by ths same, Mr. PHILIP
FENSTKMACHBR, ol Uollen' ack township, and
Misa CATHARINE BoirootE, of the forrnor
In Ilollouback tp., Lux. Co., on the 25th ult,
by the same, Mr. SAMUEL Eao, to Miss ELIZ
ABETH UOUCH, both of that place.
In Briarcreek township , Columbia county,
onthe 31st of Deeember, by John Doak,
MZABETM SIIULTZ, both of Centre tp., Colum
bia co.
By tho Rev. D. S. Tobias, on the 28th ult.'
REMLY, of OrangeviUe.
By the same, on tho 2nd inst, Mr. DANIEL
P. Fox, to Miss MARIA HARTMAN, of Maho
On the 96th ult., by the same, in Hollon
back, Mr. JOHN HART, to Miss ANN M. DRUM,
both of tho above named place.
On Sunday evening of last week, by tho
same, iu Berwick, Mr. Ku HUMMEL, to Miss
DESIAN KiixTOß, toth of Salem, Luzerno
On thfl 29th ult., by tho Rev. P. Willard,
KREPPS, all of Danville.
On the 31st inst., by the same, Mr Amies
LA Miflliimlle, on the 18th ult., SARAH
JANE, daughter of Mr. John Keller, aged 1
j ear, 3 months and 12 days.
In Mifflin tp.,*on the $1 inst, ABRAHAM
HESS, aged about TO years.
In Black creek township, Lnzeme county,
on the 24th ult., Mr. GEORGE SHRLLUAMER,
aged 73 years, 7 months and 11 days.
At the residence of her son-in-law, (Will
iam Moore,) in Valley township, on Satue
day the 21st of December, 1850, Mrs. HAN
NAH SECHI.KR, widow of tho late John Sech
ler, of Mahoning, aged 69 yoars and 8
In Roaringoreek township, r on Thursday,
January ?J, Mrs.Catharine Mensoti, widow
of the lalo Adam Munich.
[Heading pi,pure pica* cepy.J