THE STAR OF THE NORTH K. W. Weaver Proprietor.] VOLUME 2. THE STAB OP THE NORTH Is published every Thursday Morning, by R. W, WEAVER. OFFICE—Up stairs in the New BrickbuiUling on the south side of Main street, third square below Market. Terms Two Dollars per annum, if paid Within si* months from the timo of subscri bine • two dollars and fifty cents if not paid wit Sin the year. No subscription received for a less period than six months: no discon tinuance permitted until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the editors. Advertisements not exceeding one square, ■will be inserted three times for one doller, and twenty-five cents for each additional insertion ! A liberal discount will be made to those who ad vertise by the year. "THE* ALL BELONG TO ME." BY Ell** MK>. Them are riches without measure Soattered thickly o'er the land, There are heaps and heaps of treasure, Bright, beautiful, and grand ; There are forests, there are mountains, There are meadows, there are rills, Forming everlasting fountains In the bosoms of the hills, There are birds and there are flowers, The fairest things that be And these great and joyous doweia, 0, "they all belong to mo !" There are golden acres bending In the light of harvest rays, Thereat garland branches blending WitfrH breath of June's sweet days ; There wßastur' grasses blowing In iltlPlwy moorland shade, There arfltherds of cattle lowing In theSjttkt of bloom and blade ; gitloTouiot fnl'. aiiirfree, , Tlioro are aldrns by the rivcr > ~ And "they m! belong to mo. 1 in sacks, Nor who has power to beckon The woodman with his axe; I care not who holds teases * Of the anplandorllie dell, Nor who may count the fleeces When the flocks are fit to sell. While there's beauty none can barter By the grgpnsward and fire "ree, The heslh-bells as they'tread. And ye, who count in money The value these may be, — Your hives but held my honey. For "they all belong to me." Ye mnnol shut the tree in, Ye cannot hido the hills, Ye cannot wall the sea in, Ve cannot choke the rills; The corn will only nestle In the broad arms of the sky. The clover crop must wrestle Willi the common wind, or dip. And While these stores of treasure Are spread where 1 may see, By Clod s high, bounteous pleasure, •'They all belong to mo." Wliat care I far the profit The Ftrickpn stem may yield ? 1 have the shadow of it. Whi.le upright in the field. What reck 1 of the riches The mill-stream gathers fast While 1 bask in Shady niches What teck I who has title To the widest lands that be ? They are mine without requital,— God gave them ail to BID. j 0 privilege and blessing. To find 1 ever own What groat ones, in possessing, Imagine theirs alone ! O glory to the Maker Who gave such boon to hold, Who made me free partaker Where others buy with gold! For while the woods and mountains Stand up where I can see,— While God unlocks the fountains,— 'They all belong to me!" ..... Sionor Bmtz in Market— Blitz was in! the market place, last week, inquiring for those little delicacies, the lady apple, with whioh he so well understands how to please the children at his exhibitions. Cn passing the stall of a rstg plain farmer his attctilion was attracted by a rather sickly looking, six-weeks' pig, and he enquired the price. •'One dollar," was the answer. "Tii too much," said Blitz. "So it is," joined the gruater "What >s that I" said the startled seller. "The pig,"says Blitz. "Yes it's me," echoed piggy "We are told that Satan entered the swin ish herd," said the now evidently alarmed seller, "but this speaking out is too much for belief— but I certainly heard it." "So did I," says the pig. The seller was evidently more excited and desirous to soil it. "Take it at 75 cents," said he. "Did it die .'" said Blitz, inspecting it more closely. Alarmed lest another answer from the pig might expose and confound him, the exasperated seller suddenly seized it by the snout, jerked it from the shambles, and thrusting at it Blitz, said— "There, there, take it at thine own price.' Blitz, however, not being in the pork way, arfts off iu a twinkling; and the last lie saw at (he affrighted seller, he was standing e. v tec j ) piggy tightly gripped by the snout at arm'* length ,' - • BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA"COUNTY? PA., THURSDAY. JANUARY 9, 1851. )From Eliza Cook's Journal. THE TWO nKOTUERS, OR PEACE AND GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD. The visiter to the banks of the Wye must doubtless have remarked the high hill, up on which rises the village of Sellack. The path leading to it from the neighborhood < meadows, is as steep as if intended to reach the clouds, and caused the magistrate of the place to give it the name of Jacob's Ladder. At the top of the hill stood the church, which from a distance, served as a guide to the straying travellers; around it were BcattereU the dwellings of the inhabi tants, stationed on the different platforms of the green hill, like nests in the wide branch es of a lofty cedar. At its foot, not far from Jacob's Ladder wara Uro email £om 7 oA(\arnted by a hedge of eldertrees. The two cottages, so exactly resembling each other in their neatly white washed walls, in the thatched roots, in the oasements round which hnng the honeysuck le in fragrant clusters, camo upon the eye as twin sisters, so alike in garb and feature as scarcely to be distinguishable from each oth er. In truth, both were built at tho same time, by Tom and Basham; not even a hedge divided them at first.—There was as ! little separation between the houses as be ! I wee n the hearts of the two brothers ; but ' their close neighborhood soon gave rise to innumerable quarrels, and, at the time our recital begins, the Bashams had long ceased to hold any intercourse with each otner. | lltev no longer oven entertained any | ! have parted in anger unconsci<rasiy Ü beeome | ■ embittered. We fill np with reproach and I censure the void which wounded affection ! has left in our hearts, and by incossantly 1 complaining to ourselves of those wo have ! loved, we at length think wo are quilo right in hating them. | No one could tell the cause of quarrel which, originating in some ebullition of torn \ per about somo trifle, and fomented by mu | tual recrimination, and by the injudicious in jjirfercnce of a third party, ended in an Hpen rupture. It unfortunately happened, at the time of a fresh dispute arose bo- them about a piece of ground, which to be dbcided by law, and though a fair Hud equitable division was made, both par- Hies left the court still more exasperated—for lit is love, not justice, that softens animosity j and soothes angry feelings | If, then, the impossibility of a reconcilia. | i lion between the Bashams had become, so jto speak, a thing of public notoriety, all i those who had failed in their endeavors to ; bring it about declared the thing was hope : less. "Had not his Worship's exhortation ! been perfectly useless'? Hnd not farmer So i ket got drunk three times in a vain attempt Ito make them take a glass together ? Had j not even Miss Rosin herself invited the two 1 | wives to lior house, under pretext of teach- 1 ittg them to make gooseberry wine, without j | "eing able to prevail upon them to shake J i hands?" But none of them seemed to re- ] member that he who would reconcile friends I j must make his appeal to feeling, not to rea- } son. Divided hearts can only be reunited j by gently touching some spring of feeling j t common to each. j Such was instate fifth intra when the ga-1 j rate of the parish arrived one day at the ! dwelling of Jones Basham. He was an ex ! cellent man ; he had no family, but his par • ishioners were his children, and he was as welcome to every house as a gleam of sun shine oi wintor. His words were grave and [ garitle, and even the rudest of his village i flock fplt, he knew not why, his heart soft, ened by a visit from him. To be with him seemed like the inhaling of a purer atmos phere, soothing, ard cheering, and bracing. His was, indeed,, pure and undefiled relig ion. Jones Basham received the young pastor j : as he was everywhere received, with a res i pedful and cordial welcome. The children { were brought to him, and as he smilingly 1 spoke to them, and stroked their little beads, stood timidly by. his side, now and again stealing a glance at him through their long eyelashes. Taking tho oldest by the hand, he said— "l have a favor io ask of you, George." The little one looked up in surpriso. "To-morrow is Palm Sunday, and I have ohosen you to distribute tho loavee." "I, sir!" exclaimed the child, crimsoning •with pleasure. "Yes, you! come early that I may Show you what you are to do." Tho child seemed as if he longed to thank him, but stood twirling his cap and turning . up tlie gravel with his foot, till his father came to his relief by warmly expreaeing his of the honor. The pastor now accompanied Jones through ; his farm, which he examined minnteiy, in > quiring into Basham'e plans, and pointing out soversl alterations which Basham agreed with him would be improvement, but de -1 clarod his utter disability to carry them out. "A hundred pounds," said he, "would be > necessary, and I have not so much avaiia i ble, and, as to borrowing it, it will set me i hard to work to meet my actual liabilities." "But the IjOk) has been pleased to grant you your health," said the pastor; "you aro ' more fortunate ill this respect than your , brother Tom, who for the last month has ■ been far from welL" "Is he suffering much ?" inquired Jones, k in a tone oi embarrassment. "I do not know—he expressed a wish to I see me to-day. I atn afraid lie is careless | about himself—he labors just as much as for merly, tnougli experience ought to have made him wiser, for, if lam not mistaken, it was over exertion that killed your father." "It was, indeed," said Jones, affected by tho recollection; "but why does he not con sult a physician ?" "I have tried to persuado him to do so, but we have not one in the village, and he thinks his illneis too trifling to send for ad vice to the neighboring town ; so that there is no chance of managing the matter, unless a doctor should by any accident pass by or be sent for by somo ono else in the village. Unfortunately it may be somo time before such an opportunity ocours, and Tom's ill ness may increase; however I hope his youth and good constitution may oarry him if So saying, the curate, having now arrived at the garden gate, took leave of Jones Basil am and repaired to his profiler's. Arrived there, ho announced to the little Fanny, whom he met as he was entering the house, that she should next day help in the annual distribution of bread in the chnrch. Fanny, not a whit less proud or happy than George, ran to toll her father of tho honor intended her by the curate. Tom soon appeared to thank the young pastor, who made most par ticular inquiries about his health.—The far mer was still suffering, but seemed now much less occupied with illness, than with a small bgacy which his wife had just had her left, and immediately began to consult the j curato as to the comparative security of dif -1 ferent banks in which he proposed to lodge tUmoaci. The curate -a.,u e j him, in tne nrei in stance, to pay off all incumbrances on tin farm, and to make some improvements in it which he himsolf pointed out. "I have just given the same advice to your brother Jones," added the pastor, "and ho would gladly follow it, only that lie is in sad want of money." "I believe," observed Tom, "he has met with some heavy losses within these last two years," "I fear that ho is much pressed just now," added the curato,' and, to judge by appear ances, the legacy which you have just re coived would have been more wanting to him than you." When the curate left, Tom remained a long time thoughtful. His brother was in want of money, whilst lie had a sum of j which ho was actually at a loss to disposo. | Formerly had such a thing happened, it would not have been long before he would have taken the leathern purse which contai ned the guineas to his brother Jones, and said to him, "You may have as much as | you want, brother, and take a memorandum i of what you keep." But now his offer would have been insultingly rejocted. and this he felt he could not brook, or looked 1 upon as an advance on his part, which ho I would have dreaded still more. 1 Nevertheless, to leave Jones without help, ; if he were really in want, was very hard. \ Evon were every spark of affection extinct I in the hearts of the two brothers, tho honor j of the Bashams would not permit that one ] should see the other in poverty, or unable to meet his engagements. The heart is not i leßs quick in finding a pretext for kindness ilhaU. it is and Tom ivhiln fnneving he still preserved all his old rancor against Jones, passed the night in devising how he could manage to be of use to him. Joues, on his side, was not less pre-occu pied. The few words let fall by tho curate, relative to his brother's health, weighed upon his mind. The more he thought upon Tom's illness tho more his alarm increased. He feared it would become dangerous, and was uneasy at the little care he took of himself. Ho knew Tom had always been imprudent, not only taking no precautions against the attacks to which he was subject, but, when they did come, appearing to took upon them as a guest whom, though unwelcome, it would bo too troublesome to attempt to dis lodge. Any precautions that he aid take were always forced upon him by Jones, who was himself a bit of a doctor. He was con sulted by the villagers about their own corns, and their childrens' whooping coughs and chilblains, and concocted drinks renowned through the village. He had acquired this medical knowledge from his wife's brother, who was a doctor, and every yean spent a few days at the farm. Jones saw he could at once, by a letter, bring him to Seliack, where he might see his brother and judge of the elate of his health. But how would his viei l be received by tho latter? Would he not look upon it as on attempt at a reconciliation —as on indirect advance? Jones could not bear the thought. Thus the night was passed by both broth ers in uncertainty and doubt. Meanwhile George and Fanny nwoko be fore day-break, full of the ceremony in whioh tboy ware to play so oonspioious a part. Dressed in their best, they repaired to the church with their respective families, who lor this day were to occupy the seats of hon or near the'eommunion table. Jones and Tom had always carefully avoidod each oth er in the chnrch ; and it was, with no small emotion, that they found themselves side by side in the same pew. The faces of both flushed, as both at first indistinctively drew back, and then, as if actuated by the same feelings, again advanced. "He is HI," said Jones to himself. "He is io trouble," thought Tom. And they both took their allotted seals. In tho Meantime, George and Fanny, urho had sefHbm met since the quarrel between ¥ Truth and Right—God aid our Country. tho families, xvcro kneeling side by side, now and then exchanging a few words and smiles. The Bashams mado every effort not to look at each other, but their oyes found a common object in the two children, and sometimos met as if by seine irresistible at traction; tho young creatures were a kind of neutral ground, a living link of a chain, in sensibly drawing them to each other. Eve- ' ry joyous smile of George and Fanny was like a sunbeam playing upon their hearts' haired, and melting it away. Vainly did false shame and pride attempt to resist the genial influence Nature was stronger than the strong. And now each of them stole a glance at his brother. "Whata care-worn look he has!" said Tom to himself. "How delicate helooks 1" thought Jar-a.. ; """ at, tha instant through their minds, they stole a ! glance at each other. At this moment the curate began to deliv er his sermon, which, according to custom ot the good man, was short; but before lea ving the pulpit he pointed to George and Fanny, as they stood holding the baskets of loaves. "You are aware," continued the curate, "that one of ray predecessors established, at Shellack, this annual distribution, for which he left a provision in his will. His intention was, no doubt, to encourage ;ou to live to gether in harmony, poace, and love ; and it is no less the will of the God of love, who put this care for you into his heart, and thete foro, my brethren, when these children go round tho chnrch presenting to you their bas kets and repeating according to the direction of ihe 'PeaeS and good ixeiginwi hood,'therefore it WT" would exhort oach one of you to examine his own hear', and when each one puts forth his hand to take his share of the comnyn bread, to do so as a pledge of mutual forgtvoness." With these words the curate quitted the pulpit, and Goorgo and Fanny began the dis tribution. After goi.'g the rounds to the members of the chapter, they stopped at the bench occu pied by their parents, and, as they presented the baskets, repeated in die course the words—"Poace and good Neighborhood." The brothers .were evidently confused. Thoy looked up, and Tom saw the furrowed brow of Jones, and Jones the pallid cheeks I of Tom ; both were deeply affected. "IbiOoe and gooi Neighborhood," was ut tered in a half whisper, and their hands met in the basket. And now the ceremony over, tho two fam ilies lelt the church; the two brothers walk - ed out together, though no word was ex changed till they reached the churchyard. "Methinks wo have both just now made a promise to God," said Tom, but without rai sing his eyes. "And for my part, I desire no better than to keep it." "You cannot desire it more than I do," said Jones; "and if you do wish it, will you ! prove it by lotting tho children diuO together at my house next Sunday." "With all my heart," said Tom. "And what is to prevent your coming with them, Tom, it can do you no harm, and may do you some good, as by that time my brother-in law, the doctor, will be with us?" ~. . ..Jil ]■— ■■ AY—4—Y. ■■■ ■ that you find use for the hundred guineas just left me as a legacy, and which I am quite at a loss to put out to advantage." At these words Jones quickly raised his head, and his eyes encountered the gaze of his brothes. "Ah, the curate told you I was in Want of money ?" exclaimed he. "And told you I was in want of a doctor!" replied Tom. An exclaamatiua of gratified surprise burst from the lips of both, as they rushed into each other's arms. "Peace and good Neighborhood," mur -1 mured a voice at their side : it was the cu rate, and shaking hands with them both, he said, "are not Peace and good Neighborhood happy words 1" POETRY IN A MILLIONAIRE— The last item in the will of John McDonough, lately de. ceased in Louisiana, is a* follows: "And (I was near forgetting that) I have still one small request to make, one little fa vor still to ask, aud it shall be the last. It Is, that it may be permitted, annually, to the children ot the free schools, situate the near est to my place of interment, to plant and water a few flowers around my grave. This little act will have a double tendency; it will open their young and susceptible hearts to gratitude and love to their divine Creator for having raised up, as the humble instru ment of his bounty to them, a poor, frail worm of earth like me, and teaoh them, at the same time, what they are, whence they came, and whither they must return," THE WOOB-SHEB— "My dear Amelia," said a dandy, falling on bis kneea, before his adorable, "1 have long wished for this opportunity, but hardly dare speak now, for fear you will reject me ; but I love you— say, bo mine? You would be everything desirable—everything my heart could wish —your smiles would shed " Here tke fellow came to a pause. "Your smilns would died!" and again came to a stop for be could not think of a word suitable to be ap plied. "Never mind tho wood shell" exclaimed Amelia's younger brother, who had slipped into the room unperceived, at this moment, "but go on with your courting." Dlltz in mi Omnibus. The Philadelphia City Item, a spirited, ra cy, and fun-loving paper, tells the following good story of Signor-Blitz: A night or two sinco Blitz, the renowned magician and ventriloquist, took a seat in an omnibus, containing seven or eight passen gers. The coach liad%ily procoeded a cou ple of squares, when the driver heard some one exclaim : 'Hold up—hold up, I say ' The horses were stopped, and Jehu looked nround smilingly for tho passenger, but none appeared. With an immodest exclamation, he gathered up his reins and said 'git up.' Pretty soon some one cried out— ' Stop, driver, stop!' The driver again stopped, and looked down into the coach, inquired what was i wamtm:. The iiitsscrmqi-i ami such other, i as much as to say, 'I didn't speak.' i Again tho coach rolled on, only to bo stop ped at the next corner by the heart-rending squeaking of a poor, run-ovor pig. Instant ly each head was thrust out of the window to behold tho death struggles of the grunter, but no gruhter was to be seen. In another minute some one exclaimed in a gruff voice; 'Keep off my togs.' Every one looked around, but in vain, for the man with the damaged toes. The pas sengers were completely bewildered. At the next crossing, the coach stopped to take in a lady. Hardly had she taken her scat before she exclaimed— ' Lot me be—keep your hands off me.' "The gentleman seated next to hor, said very innocently— 'l didn't touch you, madam !' And the driver, looking down, shouted— 1 'Look-a-here, m ihere; if you ro gentle men, I'd thank you not to take improper lib erties with the lady passengers. It won't do.' The lady made an observation, as the coach rolled on, but she was not understood. They had scarcely gone a square further, when the passengers were startled by the cries of an infant. Instantly all eyes were fixed upon a middle aged gentleman, who had a carpet bag on bis lap. The man blush ed, and stammered out barely intelligable— 'What the deuce is all this about ?' 'Lot mo out!' screamed the lady. 'Murder!' shouted a boy on the- steps, while three or four lugged lustily at the strap 'What is the mattor in there?' inquired the driver. 'Mattor enough !' replied a gentleman, j 'take my fare out of this quarter.' 'Keep your hand out of my pocket,' pro ceeded from soma one. 'Did you address me, sir?' nskod anoth er. 'I didn't spoak at all,' gravoly replied tho \ man with the quurter. 'Because, sir, no ono shall, with impunity, accuse ' Again tho baby was heard to cry. 'Shame!' said one. 'Who would havo believed it?' rcmarkod another, while a third, (Blitz, of coure,) shook the omnjbus with a hoarse laugh. Thinking ho had fun enough, tho ventrilo quist paid his fare and jumped out of iko omnibus. Scarcely had ho reaehed tho side walk, howover, before tho driver heard the " " 1 "* 11 1 I* ■ i fi ... 1....... m- mm many seconds, but not a passonger could he discern. Filled with wonder, he hurried on his way. Blitz is a great fellow. Census of the United States. In 1790 tho Union consisted of sevonteen States, with a population of 4,929,527, and 451,424 square miles of land, or 9 persons to a square mile. In 1800 there were twenty Slates with a population of 5,305,040, and an area of 572,- 024 square miles, or 8 persons to a square mile. In 1810 there were twenty-four States, with a population of 7,239,414, and an area of 782,544 square miles, or 10 persons to a square mile. In 1830 there were twenty-seven States, with a population of 12,866,020, with an a rea of 849,314 square miles, or 13 persons to a square mile. In 1840 there were twenty-nine states with a population of 17,068,666, with an area of 1,107,344 square miles, or 14 persons to the square mile. We havo now 31 states, containing a pop ulation (by estimate) of 21,686,000, and an area of 1,914,125 square miles, or 12 persons to the square mile. ty Hon. Levi Woodbury, ono of the Judges of the Supreme Court of tho United States, has been chosen a delogato to the State Convention for ihe revision of the con stitution of New Hampshire. IST "Dr. Parr," said a young siuden once to the old linguist, "lut's you and I write a book." "Very well," replied the doctor, "pot in all that I know, and all that yon don't know, end we will make a big one." 1 ty Whatever is good is worthy of pros- ( ervation, is worthy of cultivation. The little gorm of truth you throw by tho wayside will not be lost—it shall not perish ; no! it will be guarded and nurtured by angels, and shall , flourish forever! I3T Mr. Collamer, late Postmaster Gener al, has been elected circuit Judge of the sec ond Judicial district of Vermont. , / Fi om the Albany Dutchman. I THE BRIEFLESS BARRISTER. | A BALLAD. , nr JOHN a. SAXE. AH Attorney was taking a turn, In shabby habiliments drent; His coat it was shockingly worn, And the rust had invested his vest. - [ His hreechs had suffered a breach, His linen and worsted were worse: He had scarco a whole crown in his hat, 1 And not half a crown in his purse. And thus as he wandered along, A cheerless and comfortless elf, He sought for relief in a song, Or complainingly talked to himself: "Unfortunate man that I am ! I've never a client but grief; Tho case is,, l'vo no case at all, i AuJ in hriul, t ve no er had a bnefl_ "I've waited and waited in vain, Expecting an 'opening' to find, VVhoro an honest young lawyer might gain ! Some reward for tho toil of his mind. j • V ''.>• J " 'Tis not that I am wanting in law, Or lack an intelligent face, That others have cases to plead, While I have to-plead for a case. "O, how can a modest young man E'ro hope for the smallest progression— The profession's already so full Of lawyers so full of profession!" Whilo thus ho was strolling around, His eye accidentally fell On a very deep hole in ground, And he sighod to himself, "It is well To curb his emotions he sat j On tho cuib-stone the space of a minute; I Then cried, "here's an opening at last !" Alia 111 Icco than . gUTy uraa in it ! Next morning twelve citizens came, ('Twas tho coroner bade them attend,) To the end that it might be determined How the man had determined his end ! "The man was a lawyer, I hear." Quoth the foreman who sat on the corse; "A lawyer? Alas?" said another, "Undoubtedly died of remorse ! A third said, "He knew the deceased, | An attorney well versed in the laws, And as to the cause of his death, — 'Twas no doubt from the want of a cause.' The jury decided at length, After solemnly weighing the matter, j "That the lawyer was drowmsrf, because He could not keep his head above water!' ! | THE PRINCE OF MAGICIANS. It is related of Signor Blitz, that wishing one day, while in Pennsylvania, to procure a draft on New York, for a certain amount, he i stepped into one of the country banks in j this State, and mado known his wisheatothc j proper officer, who, by the way, was a stiff, , staid, old Quaker. Being informed that he could be accommodated, he was asked— In whose name shall I draw the draft ?" •'ln my own, Signor Blitz," was the an swer. "Art thou the wonderful man who jis per- [ forming all these mysterious things?" asked the Quaker. "The same," answered the Signor. "And now, friend, wilt thee show me one of thy tricks ?" interrogated the Quakor. 1 —; i ii. ■ AA— taking a quarter of a dollar from his pocket he handed it to tho officer, and requested him to mark it so that he would be able to distinguish it. This the Quaker did. "And now,' said the Signor, taking a glove from his pocket, and placing it over I the'quarter, which ho had laid upon the counter, "are you sure tho quarter is under the glove?" "Quite sure," answered the Quakei, gent ly lifting the glove, aud beholding the quar ter snugly ensrouced under it. "Sure, quite sure?" asked the Signor. "Yes, friend, I see it with mine own eyes,-' answered the other. "Lift the glove," said the Magician. The Quaker did so, and to his consterna tion, the quarter was gone. "Friend," said "wilt thou do that once more f" Again the Quaker placed the quarter in the same position, and motioning the Signor to stand back, the Quaker placed his eyes down on a level with the counter, and then making a sudden dive at the glove, he lifted it, and——the quarter was gone. "Jonathan," said the Quaker, drawing a long breath, "place that money," referring to the amount received from the draft, "a way in the safe, and look it up, and put the key in thy pocket." "Well," said the Signor, who is ulways fond of a joke, "now I will you a proposi tion. If I can, standing where I am, draw that money into my pocket, I may koep it; if I cannot, I will surrender the draft, and the money is yours." "Go thy way, friend, thou shouldst not do such tl inga," said the Quaker, politely bow ing the Signer to the door. fctr Hon. Thomas Dorr, who was so vilely persecuted by the algerine whigs of Rhode Island, is now in very ill health at his fath er's residence, and it is doubtful whether he wilt long survive. NOVEL ADVERTISING.—A dog covered with advertising placards perambulates the Strand and fleet, Loudon, with the utmost gravity and decorum. W BARNOM is now out in search of the I Minister wjist always minds his own business [Two Dollars per NUMBER 50. ' From the Albany Dutchman. Crumbs for All Kinds of Chickens. MARRIAGE— An institution that enables us to engraft ourselves upon new stems, and thus transmit our names to the latest poster ity. While tho name of Sourby, the bache lor, will expire with himself, the name of ; Smith the marrying man, will flourish like a green bay tree, till time throws away his | scythe, or breaks his hour-glass. Being the author of an epic poem, is a good way to render your name immortal; but being the author of six healthy boys, is still bettor. Tho young lady that wouldn't go into a gun factory, because some of tho rifles hadn't their breeches on, is stopping at IV, She was awfully shocked on Wednesday. It appears that she had bsen rolling a potstoe limy. v... , k .. things had eyes. Burnt feathers wore promptly administered, hut we regret to say that her nervous system is so deranged, that there are hut small hopes entertained of her j recovery. It is really amusing (o son the generalship that women display to keep themselves in pockot money and nick-nacks. A hus band's inexpressibles aro very frequently transmuted into a pair of flower vases, while his second best shirt goes into a cruci ble as rags, and. comes forth a pair of pie pans. Our friend Dubois says his wife will make money enough from hor last baby': croup, to buy herself a silk frock and ne - bonnet. Four limes a day she would send up to tho shop for "ninopence right away," to buy paregoric with. So much for the croup. When the measles aro in the family she contrives, he says, to get up a revenue of sixpences mai aiuuuiinu Dumtt-lw. dol lars per week. Smith says that Donelly would he a pat tarn of a husband, if it was not foi a failing or two he's got. He always comes home drunk, and when he's drunk, ho always pitches his wife out of tho window, and sends the tea table after her. With these slight drawbacks, ho says, he is "as good a man to his family" as you oould possibly desire This being the case, we hope Mrs, Donnelly will bear his foiblee, end bless the T-ord that he didn't send her a brute lor a husband, like some poor women have got. The effect of commerce on politeness is | strikingly shown at Constantinople. A cen tury since, Turks used F.nglishmen for spit toons. They now attend horse-races togeth er, and get drunk and sociable out of tho same punch-bowl. j LOSING ITS POETRV.— A late traveler ! among the lonian isles, says the first thing I he met at Alliens, was a Greek girl selling I "Morrison's Pills." Had the pyramids i thrown scmersets, ho would not have been | more astonished, The first throo months of marriage is gen erally spent in finding ou'. each other's bad I qualities—the next three in getting use to them. Till you aro wedded, therefore, h half year, don't count on being happv. An gels frequently become devils in that time. Father Muloney says the only way to make puiu-.h, is to hava ihs beverage two . E.i..1 i —l.l I- RR —a -u .J- - _RC, ENTIMN ii11ji jl l Should this be too strong, you must dilute it he observes, by throwing in more whiskey. Dobbs says that the man that keeps a fast horse and a fighting-cook, is just us sure to i go to the devil as a brick house that is lock ed up in a law suit. Bashful people are generally mischievous. While our office boy never talks to a person without looking down the left leg of his breeches, bo is no sooner left alone, than he is setting figgery four to throw foreman into '.he coal bin. If you would know how a bull wcgihl look when hie tail is twisted, just aak a man for "that little bill he owes you" when he is talking to a woman, A late writer yqs that the skies of Italy are bluer than any thing he ever saw, with the exception of Miss Smith's eyes. Miss Smith is the young woman he sits up with An exquisite who boards at the City Ho tel, says that oysters ore so cold and damp, that he dare not oat the Mora things," for fear of catohiug "a dem catarrh." to make poople idle and poetic, we know of nothing better than love. A -young friond of ours, who "has got it bad," has done nothing for the last three months, bnt sit in the garret, and writ# sonnets to bis Snivellinker's eyebrow. Mrs. Smithcrs says that Jenny Litid is a blessed woman—all she lacks being wing* to make her a perfeel "syrup." CHURCHES— PIaces where dressy women go to learn the fashions. ty A lad Who had lately gone out to ser. vice, having had sallnd served up at dinner every day for a week, ran away and when ho was asked why he left his place replied, i "they made mh eat grass 1' the summer, and I wur afraid they'd make tne yeal bay i' the Winter, and I would not stand that; so 1 wur off." tad" Alex. E. Brown, of Northampton court • ty, is spoken of by the whigs for t f . States Senator.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers