The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, December 26, 1850, Image 3

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    To the Sick and Afflicted.
CEBTJMCATSIUIH Testimonials sufficient
fo fill every column ol this paper, can bo
produced, setting forth the wonderful vir
Or Smiyae'a Compound Syrup of
Wild Cherry.
Croat Cure of Edward Hanson, Engineer, at
Mr. l'ellits' Factory, corner ol 9th and
Wallace Streets, Spring Garden.
More substantial evidence of the wonder
ful curative properties of
Dr. Swayne's fomponnd Syrup of
Wild Cherry.
PIULAD., April 15, 1850.
Dr. Swaync—Dear Sir—Being severely af
flicted with a violent cold and cough, which
settled upon my lungs attended with great
debility, sorei.css ill my side, that I could
scarcely breathe, spitting of b'ood, no ap
petite, could get no rest at night, owing to
tho severity of tny cough, would spit as
much as a pint of blood at a lime. This
mournful state of things continued until 1
Almost despaired ol being cured, having
tried physicians and nuroer HIS things with
out relief; but having t.eard of the great vir
tues of your C impound Syrup of Wild Cherry.
ai d its being np[ raved ol by physicians ol
tho firsf eminence, 1 concluded to make a
trial of it, and um happy to state that three
bottles peiformed a i erlert c.ire; my sleep
it now undisturbed sweet, and t firmly
believe that to your medicine 1 am indebted
for this great cure.
1 shall be glad to communicate with any
person on tho subject who may bo pleased
to call on me, and corroborate what 1 have
said in the above certificate, ut the factory ot
my residence.
Yours, most respectfully,
The above certificate is from a mail well
known ty n large portion of our citizens.
Thoco who doubt the truth of it, are invited
to call and satisfy themselves that it is anotlt
voluntary, disinterested and hving witness
to the groat virtues of Dr. Ssoayne's Compound
Sump of Wild Cherry.
original and only genuine preparation ol
Wild Cherry, as prepared by Dr. SWAYKE,
N. W. Corner ot Eight and Race strco'.s,
Philadelphia ; all others are "fictit o i
SIVA ysf: s vermifuge.
"A iiife and effectual remedy for Worms, Dys
pepsia, Cholera Morbus, sickly or Dyspep
tic Children or Adults, and the most
usejul Family Medicine ever of
feredto the public.
This Remedy is one which has proved
successful lor a long time and it is univer
tally acknowledged by all who liavo tried it
to to fur t nperior (being so very pleasant
to tho tax'.o at tho same time afleclnal) to
any other medicine ever employed in pea
ses hr which it is r.commei.did. It not
only destines Ilut invigorates the whole sys
Dr. Swayne's Vermifuge is now put up in
square bottle , See that the name is spelt
correctly—SW A YN E.
Dr. Eux.yne't Sugar Crated Sarsrpo.rUhe and
Tur Fills, Ac.l ts a gemlo purgative, produ
cing a healthy state of the Liver, and Bowels
acting as an Alternative, changing that stale
of cosvivencfrs, which is very eommon to
- some individuals, and for the irregularities
indident to females they are very valuable.
E. P. LUTZ A JOHN R. MOVER, Bloomsburg,
Pa; M CGrier&John Moore Danville; John
Sharpless&C Hartman & Co., Catawissa; G
&RShumnn Catawissa Forge; Brown and
Creasy, Miffliiiville; A Miller Berwick; John
Doak Briar Creek tp; Peter Ent Williams
burg; E. Lazarus Orangeville; J K Millatd
Espylown; Elias Wertmm Rohrsburg; Geo.
Masters Millville ; J M Sheldon Jerseytown ;
McCay & Patterson Washingtonville; Hugh
McWilliams Moresburg; and by most all
Storekeepers in tho adjacent Counties.
Bloomsburg, Oct. 17, 1850.—6 m.
The I'eopic's FrfcadT
mation, old sores, fresh wounds and bruises,
Piles, and all diseases of the bowels of a
chronic nature, tooth-ache ati-i ear-ache, &c.,
It is Iriicly what it professes to be, "the
People's Friend Providence has scattered
along the rugged paths of life many things
that contribute greatly to tho comfort and
happiness of every body ; hence their great
value, A l '.ell may they be culled 'friends
of tne pcopie.'
One word here to guard against imposition.
A man liy the t.atne of epetieer, has manu*
ufactnred and offered frr sulo u spurious ar
ticle called the Ccryll Extract, —that would
be extract of lite hazel-nut: —the geniiit o is
as wliitu and pure as water, while the spuri
ous article is colored, which enables the
public to distinguish.
None genuino, but llioso intrked Pond's
Pnin Destroyer. For sale by
Wm Robison, Bloomsburg, John Jessup,
Shickshinny, Challatit U Hughes, Danville,
Beth H Bowman, Berwick, Fowler & Trem
l>iy, Espvlown. 2 18 ly
Remaining in the Post OHice at Bloomsburg
.Pa. October Ist 1850.
Appleman Peter jr. Hilton Thomas 2
Brady James KoclicrTlarri-t
Busbey George fzrib Ephraim P.
Barton Joshua 11. Lookart Levi
Butler Aarroti Reuben Nichols Chauncy
Bochurd Solomon Philips John
■Burgess Georgo Runyan At.d'.v. B.
Daniel Mary Reeser A. Z.
Dean Sarah Fees David
.FOE Sytve tcr Tnos. John- (ship)
Heilman Elias Turnqf Susan
Hetlman Susana Fozer Wm. Jolm Philips WiimoyerGeo.
Hughes Daniel Weaver Capt. J.
Hock Stephen D. Hock Steven
C. (\ R R , "
Tenders his professional services to the
citizens of Williamsburg and its neighbor
hood for extracting and inserting teeth accor
ding to the best improvements in surgical
science and skill. He will insert teeth either
.-upon pivot or plate, and iaeucii a niauner
as will insure satisfactioh. His office is near
iPeler Enl'e store.
Williarasbarg, C'ol. Co., Oct. 20lh, 1850.
I i CM*.'**,, K ■
For the Cure of I
The tmifoim success which has ottonded the
use < fthis preparation; its salutary ctfi-H;iUpcw
ci to relieve and cure affections of the Lungs, have
gained for it a celebrity rquellc-J by no other med
ccine. We otter it tn tho nffiicicd with entire
confidence in its virtues. ,nl the full belief lhalfit
will subdue and rcoiovc the severestaltm ks of dis
ease upon the throat and f.ui gs, Tl'.e results, as
they tircoi-iu publicly known, very natuially ut
tract tho attention ofiucdica! in. u and philanthro
[lists every wheie. What ia theii opinion of CH
ERRY PECTORAL may be seen ih the follow
ing ;
Valentine Molt. M I) . Profe ssor Sur
gery. Medical College, A'. Y, says :
It gives me pleasure to certify to the valuound
effiicacy of Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, which 1 con
sider peculiarly adapted to cure diseases of the
Thionl and Lungs
The Rt. Rev. Lord Rishop Field
Writes in % letter to his friend, A* ho was sil king
under an affection of tho Lurgte'Tiy the Choiry
Pectoral, and if any nu dieine can give you relit 1
with the blessing of Gutl that wilt*
C/litjf Jtfslice Kustis,
rf fi' n, vAii'cs that a yountj duUL, r htcr of his
wuw cnre l >*' si ver d severe otta ki of Croup by
the Chen; IV total „
Hart foul, Jan 56,1943
Dear Sir: Having been 'c-co'ii fVoin a paiiifu
orul mi - disca. p by y> ur incdicii e, giatitude
pr mjr tne to send you thU ocknowletlguieril not
only in justice to you hut for the information o!
Liberal MI bite .iH ction
A bliglr cold jioti the lungs neglected at lirsi,
bcoaine MOMVCIC that spiting of blood, a violent
cough and profit c night .-weals followed ai.d fas
tene J UJJOII mo I became einaci'tcd, could not
sleep, was distress! J by my rniiiih, and a pain
through my chest and in shoit had ill the alarm
ing symptoms of quit k c n* <.ni| ti..u N medi
cine seemed at all to reach my case, until provi
dentially 1 tried your Cher y IVtoral, which le
lieved and now hat curid lOV
Youra whh respect K A STWART
Albany, N Y, April 17. 1843
Dear Sir; I have for years been afflicted wi h
lhma in the worst form; so that I have been
lipid to sleep in my ctnir fur a larger parted
o time, being unable to li VI'IIB on my 1.e.! !
had tried y gio t many intdiciii * t- no purpose,
until my physician pi escribed, us si • xporimetit,
your Cho-ry Pcctorul
At first it seemed to make mo worse, but in Ices
than a wet k I began to experience the inna* grati.
fving relit f from its use ; and in four wet ks the
disease was entirely removed I can sleep on my
bed with comfort, and enjoy a state of health
which l never expected (JLO h FARKAN'P
Prepared by J C Ayer. Lowell, Mass
Sold by E 1' LU'I Z, Blnomsbura
A B WILSON, Um wick
April -1 On ch
The niilictcd are invited to cull and soo Mi
j i-*aac 13rooks, Jr., at tho corner of Third and
IW ilcox streets, and Miss Chiistinna Sands,
13each street below Spruco street, t n the Schuy 1 i
kill. 'l'hcse two persons have bicii snatched I
i from the very jaws of tho dcetioyer through 'ho '
ageiicv "I that in .>t potent of nil inetlicines,
( Dr* Cullen's Punacci is the only cartain cure
. foi Scrofula or King's Kvil, Tetter, Erysipelas,
Old J3ores and Ulcers, Mercurial I'Uoascs, and all
other Hfl'estions, cuturieous or otherwise, arising
from impurities of thehlootf.
' in the extraordinary cure of Mr. Drooks, pco
, pie who vifit him, hold np the'r humls in .
| tonislimcut, that AN y medicine could have ar
rested ins disease—then go away resolved to re
-1 commend Dr Cullen's Indian Vegetable Pana.
' cea to every one they hear of whohus need of a
purifying medicine.
So with Christiana Bandc her cujo of Strof
i ulou sore throat wus quite as extraordinary as
1 Mr. Brooks', when we reflect that from the di 3
1 ease her tea or coffle would frequently pa?s out
of her cars, when attempting to drink, [See
her certificate.]
The people me beginning to ut doretacd, too,
that tho various Syrups of tfartopurilln are little
\ belter than molusbcs, and that it is cnadness to
throw away money on articles which, und r the
most favorable lircumstanccn, do not produce
any impression on tho system um.l several gal
| onshavobien ewulh wcd. O.o bottle of Dr.
Cullcu's i'auucea seld'titi fulls IJ | iot!ucc con
-1 viction i<) the minds of patients that a rat!icol
cure isce. lain.
Tbuahtq-c, [ o ally to medi
cine.] springs up at the onUet, and the patient
is cured hefre any other luepara.ion could have
made the sligl.tubt impression upon thedismsr f
In fact, the twelve ounce buttles of Dr. (Jul
ten's Panacea, compnted with the pint and quart
bottles of other purificri*, are valuable nbuut in
the proportion of gM t copper. Those who
1 wonlc prefer a penny to a half, on uccoont
of its £ize, would flii'kc o poor eelection to say
i tho least.
Sarsspnr'lla a good purifier! D' Cullcn s
Panacea contains its extract in it? mn. t Conrci
tratid lorn). Added to this nio extract.*,
more acti\n and povvciful, and which cfleet in
combination with the Sarsaparilla, A hat the lit
tcr article, or cuQibinc3 with'.he must powerful
poisons, cannot alone accomplish.
I It has cured whe e everything ch-o had failed
and this iu a iiiul'itudc of cuFes—not in Bui ope
or iti the moon, (whete so luuny great cuics
have been poiformed.) lut in Pbiludelphia and
o:her pafts of the uuiuii. And bo it distinctly
understood that we do not obtain our extracts by
"boliug 400 gallons down to one," it being
known to every oruggi-st's apprentice that boiling
destroys the essential virtues of medicinal plants
and loots.
ROWAN' D & WALTON, Proprietors,
Wholesale anil retail, No. 21 Norib SIXTH
street; or E. P. Lutz, Bloomsburg; M C
Grier, Dai.ville; Peter Ent, Light street,
Rickets and Stewart, Orangeville ; Cyrus
Barton. Espylown ; J Schmidt, Cattawissa;
M G Shoemaker, Buckhorti.
z#v N*9AH S. PRENTISS M „ w , -
the public to
LV? y his new Mock of hnrsuJ
carriages and buggies, a vaiiety of which
can bo found ut his {.ivory Stable. He can
always furnish horses and vehicles of the
best kind , and on reasonable terms. He has
recently added a number of fashionable ve
hicles and good horses to his former sleek.—
He will furnish to parties four horse convey
ances with good and sale drivers, ut very
low prices.
Call at the lower end of Hopkinsville. on
the East side of Muin street.
Bloomsburg, Dee. 13, '49-ly
tricE— On tho Eant side of Main Street,
three squares be loir Market.
The Heatcst Because the Best Fam
ily Medicino in tho World
ATIVE PILLS, they havu succeeded in
curing soma of tho worst eat ee, of disease
ever recorded, and nro daily ncoompHshin
the refioration of poison-, after having tried
in vain to obtain relief from any oli.ei
source. One of the Prgivietprs is a regular
physician of extensive experience, who de
votes his time exclusively to their preperu
lion. For FF.V ICR & AGU E, they have nev
er yet failed. At least one thousand case
in the neighborhood of Philadelphia, have
been cured sinco the first ol Sept., last. Itr
Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Liver Complaint,
Scrofula, for Worms, and all other diseases
of children, they are unequalled by anything
evor prepared for the purpose, while tor tlif
various diseases ot Females there is no me
dicine can compare with them. 1 hero is
. more of them sold—-they are in grentor de
mand than any other pill—and when once
introduced in a family, they need no other
medicine. Each box containing rnty ldl ',
renders them the cheapest, while they are
decidedly the best, as well as the mildest in
action, of any now in tho market.
The Editor of the ••City Item," thus
ipreilcs of them'.
ty READER, you are suffering from fever
and ague, and you have never tried Wors
dell's Vegetable Restorative Pills. Shake no
more. There is Blill hope for) on—you may
yet be cured- Go, or send at oneo to A.
Weeks & Co., 70 North Eighth street., and
procure a box of these unrivaled pills, which
are a sovreign antidote for this distressing
Col. Forney of lie Pennsyloeeniun,
set ys :
WOUSUEI.T. s PILLS.—This excellent faml'y
medicine is daily winning new t-iumphs
over disease, ami consequently in the high
road to public favor. In the removal of the
every day -ills that flesh is heir to, we know
of no better compound. We heard ihe oth
er day of a desperate case of scrofulous c
ruptioiis of the head and face being enirely
cured by them.
Dei Sollc of Ihe "Times," says :
EX>" Tho great popularity of \Y -rsdelfi-
Vegetable Pills, is attributed to tho ju.- t Mer
it which they reaily possess. They have 1
been quietly gaining i!. lame lliey now j
have, by the force of thoir own virtues. I
The moans usually employed to give eclat 1
to new remedies have not boon adopted bv |
tho proprietors. They have been content to '
let their medicine speak lot itself. It is now
doing it in every section ol tlie country.
They are for sale by most of the Store
Keepers throughout the Country,and in quan
tities at reasonable rates, at the Laboratory
No 70, North Eighth Slreet.
A. \Y EEKS He Co., Proprietors.
Agents, JOHN R. MO\ El., Bloomsburg:
IC. Lazarus, Orangeville,
M. G. Shoemaker, Buckhorn,
1- unstori & Diefenbach, Jerseytown,
M. C. (Jrier, Danville, *
C. I annum Si Co., Cat'aw-issa, and by
most merchants throughout the uountry.
"LZ 1 J2. i>3 IT- L3T cj" rJ t i:; r-iT[ rf 1,
a r
IHE subscriber offers at private sale his
iAVERN Si'AND AND LOT, in Biooms
| burg; vvhich, to any perso i desirous ot
j purchasing real estate in the County Scat, of
li is a lino oppoilnnily for a inve.-t
-| inert. Tho properly is upon the Mam and 1
business sireet of tho town, and 111 that part
of tho place which has been growing niosi |
rapidly within a fotv years past The lot has i
a front of 6G feet upon Main street, am! ex
tends 2113 feet buck.
upon the premises might easily bo made to
ilo a good business and the
£2Z!£IS)3 ASfE) SE&aS&B'S
on it are new ones of the largest kind. There
is a good 11 MP a. the O.e je, and tvery oil*
er desirable convenience.
CrN It will be sold upon easy terms, by
early application to
Bloomsburg, October 2d, 1850.
fiood .Hid L'lieap (VitlcliM.
wJlulesah- anil No. 00 Notth 2..d
sir. I i, corner of Q.ysrry, Philadelphia.
Ui.ld lover wtKChes, full jewelled, 18
caret cases. SIM and upwards.
Silver lever do. full jewelled, $lO and
Silver lepine do, jewelh d, $ll and up
Silver quartii r watches, from $-3 to 10.
Gold pencils, from ©I 50 to $7-
Superior gold rings, from 37 to 80 els.
Oilier articles in proportion. All goods
warranted to be w hat ilu y nro sold for.
CoiiMßntlv on bund, a full assortment
WARE. Also, ail assortment of ,\l. J.
Tobias <fc Go. ; K, Simpson Samuel an-l
il.-pthcrs; E. S. Yules ij-Go.j John liar
risen i 0 R- Hec.-ley'.-, and other su
perior I'ATfctV'J' 1 E' !'-'i Movements,
whiclt will ho eased in any style .'j^iret!.
Arrangements have been made with at
the above celebrated makers, the bos
mamil'acitireis of to furnish a
short noiice any leqitiretl stylo < f Watch,
for which orders will he taken and the
name and residence of the person order
ing put on if requested.
O. CONRAD. No, 90
North Third Ntreet.
Importer of Watches.
January I, 1850,-ly 49
M A CHIN li SliO I*.
THE subscriber has now in active opera
lion the new FOUNDRY and Machine Shop
recently erected at Orangeville, and will be
ready to furnish castings of every size and
description, aud every desirable kind ot
Castings for Mills, Plough irons, Stoves of
every kind, Kettles, Boilers tu:d all other
kinds of Hollow-ware will bo furnished by
lum at the lowest prices.
He has also on hand, and will make to
PLOUGHS ready for use. nnd equal to the
best made in this region of the country.
Farmers in need of Castings or machine
ry will find it to their advantage to visit his
establishment. He will keep on hand a lot
of articles manufactured by lijin, out of
which a fair selection cau ulways bo made.
Ev.-ry description of machinery neatly re
paired on the shortest notice and most rea
sonable terms.
Old metal taken in payment for work.
Orangeville, July 2fHh 1850.
MANY ami many n wife endures yenro of bodily
suffering and f mental anguish, prostrate and help
lea.l*, her life, that of her husband, and
hazarding the futur* welfare of hor children, arising
from cauaen wliieii, if known, would have spared the
raftering, the anguish to the wife, and to the hue
hand embarrassments and pecuniary difficulties hav
ing rhoigtriuin flPiho'feind being weighed down and
harassed in of the sickness of the com
pnniou of hia hoioia.
How important thut tlio causes should bo known
to every wife, to every husband, that the dreadful
and harrowing consequences to tiro health and hap
piness of both may be avoided! Lifo is too short and
health too prccibus to admit any portion of the one to j
he spent without the full enjoyment of the other. ■
The timely possession of a little work entitled as I
follows has been the means of saving Uo health and
the life of thousands, as over
copies havo been sold since tho first edition was Is
The author has been Induced to advertise it by
the urgent and pressing request of those who have
been indebted to itn publication for all they hold dear
(that nil may havo an opportunity of obtaining it), and
who have lavorcd him with thousands of letters of
encomium, some of which ore annexed to the adver
Private Medical Companion.
Twentieths, Editwn. } B mo, pp !>O. Ence, #l.OO.
LY FOII Tlili MM EIED, or those contempla
ting marriage, as it ilisdofos Important secrets which
should lo known to litem particularly.
Here, every female—tho wile, the mother—tho
ono either bu Min:; into womanhood, or Ilia ono iti
tho decline ol" yeitrn, in wlinm nntnre cuiitemplatca
1 an important abango -can ilisenvor tho causes, syiop
torn., anil llie moat elllcioiit renicdic. and moat ocr
tnin mo le of cure, in every complaint to which her
sex is subject.
The revelations contained tn lis page, havo proved
a bl"Sln to thousands, as tlto innumerable lettora
received h.v the autlmf (which ho is permitted by tho
writers to publish) wtll attest.
Extinct of a Utter from a Oentleman in Dayton, O.
"DAYTON, May 1,1*7.
J "DR. A. M. MAURIOKAU — Mo Dear Sir: 'The
' Married Woman's Trivoto Medical Companion,' for
' wldeh I enclosed one dollar to yunc nddress, camo
■ snf ly to hand. I would not have troubled you with
j there lew lines, hut dial 1 am impelled by u sense
I of gratitude, for myself and wife, to givo utterance
, to our sincere an 1 heartfelt emotions.
" My wife has been perceptibly shilling for some
I three years or more, ill consoßuanca of iter great an*
guish and suffering some months before and during
confinement; everv successive ono more ntid more
I debilitated and prostrated her, putting her life tn tin
! mioent danger, and which was, on the last occasion,
I despaired tf. I -Kyi 0., ; d that thisvtateof thingawaa
inevitable, and resigned myself to meet the worst.
At tills lime (now nlscut two month.) I heard your
I cook highly spoken of. as containing scire matters
res. Icing ncv esse. On its receipt and pcrusnl, renn
not t xpress't.c you lice relief it atfi.rded my distressed
mind sod tho joy its pages imparted to my wife, on
learning that the great discovery of M. M. Dcso
tueoux provided a remedy. It opened a prospect la
mo which 1 little conceived was possible No pecu
niary consideration can over repay tho obligations I
am under to you for having been tho means ol tin
nsrtin to ns the ic.alters contained in - The Mnrrieil
Woman's Private Medical Companion. 1 lint for
this, ore allelic r vrar would have | as.l over my
head, to all hut can probability my v ifo would have
been in her crave a,nl my children left motherless.
Extract from a fatter.
Competence and Health.
" LANCASTER, PA , Ort 21,1847.
"Mr DEAR *?IK: 1 know yon will lmve the kit*-*
| ne to War with me in encronr-hing upon your rfme,
; while ! acknowledge (in behalf of myself uvf wife)
! the obligations wo feel cmraclvea under to in bav
j ing made known certain matters, contaiv°fi l p y° ur
I most iuvalunblo • Married Won,mi's Tr'fnte Medical
Companion.' It has been worth its Wright in gold
to mo. If lex pre as myself mthor warmly, von will
see that 1 con not do ro ten* warmly, when 1 inform
i vrn of the extent to which I havo, through it, been
I benefited. I will sure my Ki'uniton when I obtained
J your book throuuh the meruit curiosity 1 look upon
It an ono of tho moat forfunate events of my life. 1
lmd boon married )*© ton years, nn! waa the fftUicr
of seven children. Ilong struggling unceasingly,
to the end that Trnljfit gnin a moderate competency,
but tho result* t-f m y utmost exertions at the end left
mc about \yhero I was at the beginning of each year;
and that >uly. with the most stinted economy, suffi
cing wkh bafcly the necessaries of life. Finally, this
I effort was boginning to have * efFect upon
iiv health: 1 felt less capable to enduro its contraa-
Ante, while I felt tho necessity of persevcranco.
" This constant, uuceasing struggle on my part was
imperative, in < onsoquence of the prostrated condi
tion of ray wifo (with occasional intermission) for six
years, much of the time confined to her bed, and of
coarse incapable of taking die charge and manage
ment of household affairs. Her condition arose from
causes of which I was ignorant. Oh! what would
I havo given had I the six years to live over again 1
What would my wife havo given to have been spared
the long days ami still longer nights prostrate on u
bed of sickness! all of which would have been
avoided, had I thou seen a copy of • THK MAIUUED
Eon a Physician.
How rntuy are suffering from obstruction or irreg
ularities jieculiar to the female system, which un
dertirtno their health, the efleets of which they arc
ignorant, and for which their delicacy forbids seeking
medical ndvico! How many rafter from prolapsus
t tt vi* (fulling of tho womb), or from jli.or-tilbn* (weak
ness, debility, Ac., Ac.)! How many are in constant
agony for ninny months preceding confinement! How
Aany have difficult if not danccrous deliveries, nud
whose lives ore jeoparded during such time, will find
in its pages the moans of prevention, amelioration,
and Bcliofl
Extract from a fatter. *
To ihosc just Slurried.—"Had I known!"
" DR. A. M. MAITUCKAU : Had ! known of the ira
portent mutters fronted of in 'Thu Married Woman's
Private Medical Companion' some years ago how
much misery 1 might linvo escaped! I have suftcred
years from eauaes which you point out in your book,
without knowing what tn do. I obtained a copy, uitd
found tny CH treated of. I trust every female will
avail hei selfof the information contained in its pages.''
Letters are daily received of this character, unne
cessary to present,
To those vet unmarried, but contemplating mar
{ r or perhaps hesitating ns to the propriety of
I . - Iho ft/powwbHitii'B attendant upon it, llie
•' ,L " . T v H „ ' TIOM* ousted of the rovelatiouH eon
{uvuWißa their
futnro happines", can not " ' nirtrn fn ., v
It is, of conrnv. impracticable
the varlsus suhjecta treated cF, as ttiJ;
ture stUctly intended for the married, or r™'
tenipbting marriage; neither is it necessary, Si.'.T®
it is every one's duty to become (KirsesMed of knowl
edge whereby the sufferings to which a wife, a moth
ep or a sister, may bo subject, can be obviated.
(3T Copies will lie sent by Mull Tree ef Poatsgr
to tbe Purehnaer.
PJ 1 * On tho recoiptof One Dollar, " THE MAR
PAN ION" is sent (mailed free) to any part of the
United States. All letters must bo post paid (except
those containing a remittance), and addresaed to Dr.
A. M. MAUUiCEAU, Box 1221, New York City.
Publishing Office, No. 129 Liberty St.. New York.
Over 40,000 Ceplm* hnvr been went by 01 AIL
within three mouths with perfect safely and cer
Uhukcellers rikl aL'Oatt eitßaKeii in its sale
are banil.-nine cotnjittloitcie.s from
the ready ami extraordinary itemaml for it,
and tlie' exttemely liberal terms ailoideu
Aetive local or travelling Aaenln through
out the Coiled tilaies Canada will lie
supplied on Hie ratrtn terms. Commtinioti
iioosnre rHtinfred lo bo pat-pniil and nudres-
St'd a- tlb TtTr -
It?" CAI TiON.—The public are cautioned
variou< itiUch'peiiiii >s inicudeil to be
palmed olf upon ilium, imilalitctr lltelille ot
ihe work Is " I'he Married L tides' Medical
Cmnpaiiiai.'' mid various olher titles. The
titlo of lltf work is "The Mnrrieil ICO
MT.V .S irivale Medical Companion," Dr.
A. 1/ Mi uiriccait.
JOSEPH SWARTZj Agent, Bloomsburg.
Iloibe, Sign and Ornamental
DONE tS order in the best highly-finished
ojiluin s*le,by B IIAQENBVCH.
JatmiHce, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Ner
vous Debility. Disease of the Kid
neys, and
all diseases aris
inqfrom a disordered
Liver or Stomach, such as
Constipation, Inward Piles v
Fulness of Blood io the Head, Aci
dify of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart
burn. Disgust foi Food, Fulness or
If'eight in Ihe Stomach. Sour
Eructations, Sinking or
Fluttering at the pit
of the Stomach,
of the
Head, Hurried and difficult Breathing,
Fluttering at the Heart, ch' kiug or
suffoeuiing sensations when ill
a lying posture, dimness
of Vision, Dots or
Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull
Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspi
ration, Vellowness of the Skin and
Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back,
Chest, Limbs, fye. Sudden
Flushes of Heat, Bu
rning in the Flesh. Constant Imaginings
of Evil, and Great Depres
sion of Sjiirils,
No. 120 Arcli Street, Philadelphia.
Their power owr ihe above diseases is
not excelled, if equalled, by any olhdr rep
aration in the United Stales, as ihe cures
altest, in many cases after skilful physicians
had failed. .
These Biiters are w orlhy the attention of
invalids. Possessing great virtues in UKC
recliiication of diseases of lite Liver afnl lts
ser glands, exercising tho most searching
powers in weakness and allections of the di
geslivo organs, they are, withal, Fal'e, cer
tain and pleasant.
Read and be Convinced.
The Hon. Charles D. Iliiieline, Editor of
the "Camden Democrat,"the best paper in
West Jersey, says, July 21: —
have seen many Haltering notices of this
medicine, and the source from which they
came, induced us to make inquiry respect
itigils merits. From inquiry wo wore pei
suaded lo use it, and must say we found
it specific in its action upon diseases of the
liver and digestive organs, and tho powerful
iiillue-nec it exerts upon nervous prostration
is really surprising. Il calms and stregihens
tho nerves, bringing them into a stnlo ol re
pose, making sleep relreshing.
"If (his medicine were mora generally
jscd, we are satisfied there would be less
sickness, as from tho stomach, liver anil ner
-1 vous system Ihe great majority of real and
! imaginary diseases emanate. Have them in
a hcalihy condition, and ,yon can bid deli
aiice to epidemics generally. This extraor
dinary medicine we would advise our friends
who are at all indisposed In givo a trial—it
I will then recommend i'.self. It should, in
fact, be in'every family. No olher medi
cino can produce such evidences of merit.'"
[From the "Boston 13ee."]
The editor said. Dee. 22d—
' Dr. Hoofland's Celebrated German Bitters
for the euro of Liver Complaint, Jaundice,
Dyspoysia, Chronic or Nervous Debility, is
deservedly one of the most popular medi
cines of the day. These Hitters have been
used by thousands, and a friend at our elbow
says be has himself received an effectual
and permanent euro of Liver Complaint
from the use of this remedy. We are con
vinced that, in the use of these Bitters, the
patient constantly gains strength and vigor—
a fact worthy of great consideration. They
arc pleasant in taste and smell, and can be
used by persons wilh the most delicate stom
achs with safety, under any circumstances.
1 We are speaking from experience audio the
afflicted wo advise their use."
Judge M. M. Noah, a gentleman wilh
great scientific and and litterary attainments,
said in his ' Ncto York Weekly Messenger,"
January fi. I^so.
''Dr. Ihofland's German Bitters. — Here is
a preparation which the leading presses in'
the Union appear to be unanimous in re
commending, and Iho reason is obvious. It
is made after a prescription furnished by
one o: thu most celebrated physicians of
modern times the la'.e Dr Chr" "ohcr Wil
helm Hoolkiitd. Professor to tt University
of Jptta, Private Physician to the King of
Prussia, and one of the greatest medical wri
ters Germany has ever produced. He was
emphatically the enemy of humbug, and
the,elore a medicine of which lie was the
inventor and endorser may be confidently re
lied on. lie specially recommended it in
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Debility, Ver
tigo, Acidity of tho Stomach, Constipation,
| and all complaints arising from a disordered
couditicn of iho stomach, the liver arid the
intestines. Nino Philadelphia paper- express
their conviction of its excellence, and sev
eral ot tho editors speak of its effects from
their own individual experience. Under
these circumstances, we feel warranted, not
only in calling the intention of our readers
to the present proprietor's (Dr. C. M. Jack
son't) preparation, but in recommending tho
article to ail afflicted."
The "Philadelphia Saturday Gazette," the
best family newspapei published in the Uni
ted States, the editor says of
"Il is seldom that we recommend what
-"e (crowd Patent Medicines to the conli
itonce and Bgw""!®® 0 of our readers; and,
therefore, whou We Dr. Hoot
land's German bitters, we tvi-3- 'l lO be dis
tinctly understood that ive are not speaking
of the nostrums of tho day, that are uoiseJ
about for a brief period and then forgotten
after they have done their guilty race of mis
eh if, but of a medicine long established,
universally prized, and which has met the
hearty approval of the Faculty itself."
Evidenco upon evidence lias been re
ceived (like the foregoing) from all sections
ol the Union, tho last three years, and the
strongest testimony in its favor, is, that there is
more of it used in the practice of the regu
lor Physicians of Philadelphia than all other
nostrums combined, a fact that can easily
be established, and fully proving that a sci
entific preparation will meet with their qui
et approval when presented even in this;
That Oil* mcJioiti* will ourt Livor COMA
plaint and Dyspupsia, no one can doubt, af
-1 ter using it as duccted. It acts specifically
I upon the stomach and liver—il is preferable
I to call reel in till bilious diseases —tho effect is
1 immediate. They can he administered to
FEMALE or INFANT with safety and reliable
. benefit, at any limo.
Tins medicine has attained that high char
acter which is necessary for all medicines to
attain to induce counterfeiters to pat forth a
1 I spurious article at the risk of the lives of
those who aro innocently decked.
They HUTQ tho written signature of C. M. |
JAC KPCN upon tho Wrapper, and the name .
blown in tho bottle, without which they are \
spurious j
For sale, wholesale and retail, at tho Gor
men Medicine Store, No. 120 Arch Street, ono
door below Sixth, (late of 278 llaco slteet,)
Philadelphia, and by respectable dealers
generally throughout tho country. Also for
Sale by JOHN It. MOVER, Itloomsbury, Pa.
. Penrron<s
Pulmonic Expectorant,
Is the most certain and effectual remedy known
or the cure of Coughs, Colds, Consumption, In-
Jluenta, hoarseness, spitting of It low i, difficulty
of breathing, Bronchitis, pain in the breast and
sidelpalpitation of the heart, whooping couoh,
asthma, croup, and all diseases of the Pulmonary
The proprietor of this Pulmonic Expectorant,
having graduated aa phyaician, and foll.iwoj the
practice of Ilia profession for acveral years, can,
therefore give to thoac persona who require auch
medicines that assurance which cannot be expect
ed where a compound if only concocted from an
antiquated recipe, taken from the leaf of an old
almanac or somo similar aourcc.
Picpared by S. A. Pearson, M. IX No. 100
North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, price #1 per
bottle, or six lottlea for |5.
r. S, A. I'catson : I)' a r Sir-for
of others,! would inform yoia thai I have been
gang your Pulmonic lixpeclorari for a cough i
ve.l pain In my breast and aide, the elects of a
relry heavy cul l—l find that it has given i great
haief. I consider it an invaluable medicine. I
cidve also used it in my family with the most de
uaed benefit—ll cures colds 111 the least nossible I
timo medicine cosld euro them. If its vir. |
tues weic generally known, it would nave thous
ands from an untimely stave. -You sbutildsparc
no pains 'tor expense lo have it brought into use
throughout ihecoutitry.
Youis, &c. WM. M.CADE,
No. 212 Cherry St.
Dr. S. A. Pcaraori. Dear Sir—About a year a
go 1 waa attacked with a severe infbmalion of the
Lungs, which threatened avery symptom of a
speedy Consumption. 1 called upon one of the
most eminent physicians of Philadelphia,who pro
nouneed me incurable. My husband then procu
red fur mo six bottles of your Pulmonic Expcc
turanl, which 1 had hoard highly reeommended—
and before I had taken tho last of the sixth bottle
my lungs cveie well, my cough and other symp.
tomsof Consumption entirely cured. lam now
enjoy in: line health aud becoming quitn fleshy,
Jay St., between Coutcs& Wullacc.
Hunterdon County, N. J,
Dr. 8. A. Pearson, Dear Sir—About a year a
go I became severely afflicted with a pain in my
breal and side, an extremely bad cough, spitting of
blood, debility, night sweats,and other evtr, plows,
of confirmed consumption. I became so much re
duced that I was unable to attend to my ordinary
business. I made application to a physician, who
examined my chest,and gavo it as his decided o
pinion that my lungs were serinus'y alfccted. I
then app.ied to another, rvho was of the same o
pimon, and after having prescribed advised melo
return to my friends.
Previous to this I had for a long timo been la- )
boring under ail the symptoms usually found with j
persons luboiiug under disease of ihe lurgs, and I
it was thought by nil who knew me that I was fast !
wearing away with decay.
At the time I applied to tho physicians I was |
laboring under a severe attack of spitting blood,!
with pain in my lireaal and aide. Their prescrip
lions failed to relieve tho pain, and all their skill >
could not airesl tho discharge of blood firm my j
lungs. This being my condition. I waa induced
lo make a trial of your valuable Pulmonic Expec
torant, oy the use or which i was immediately ro-
Sieved of all those unpleasant symptoms, and am
new Bit far restored to hcahh, that i am able to j
attend to all my ordinary butiness, and expose
myself as much as it is piu.lcnt for any one lo do.
I would thoiel'orc coufiilei tly recommend every j
person who is laboring under disease of iho lungs :
aud breast, or who are afflicted with colda or with I
coughs, lo mxke trial of your most valuable prep- j
aratiou' I would fuither add that afier ha- ing
made use of your Expectorant for a few weeks, i
becantd so flesy that persons with whom I was
acquainted hardly knew me. i still remain in good
health at this lime, March, 1846.
Yours truly,
The following curd of thiee respectable physi
cians sets forth the virtues of Dr. Pearson's Pul
monic Expectorant •
Having made use of Dr. Pearson's PULMONIC
EXPRCTOHAVT. WE feci it a duty to recommend if !
as a sufe and effectual cu"e of tho v. rious diseas- J
es for which it is inteifded. We arc acqoait.ieu j
wiilt many person's who have been cured of cough j
bronchitis, pain in the hreaal and side, spitting of ,
blood, palpitation of tho heart, unj incipient con- j
sumption, cy its use. and many of them ulter ail
other meat.s had "failed.
A. rCARSON. M. r>;, U. S. Navy.
S. If. LF.KDoM, M. D. Ehatnplain t.'o„o.
Patients may consults. A. Pearson, M. D-, a i
his office No. 100 North Fourth Street, above
For sale in Ulootnsburg liy William Robisnn, :
Merchant.and also at PilUton Ferry, by Dr. A. t
Ou r tis, Druggist.
Agents in Columbia county.
Wm. Robison, Bloomsburg,
I'eter Knt, Light Street,
John Sell mirk, Ca'.tawissa,
M.G. Shoemaker, Buck horn,
E. Lazarus, Orangeville.
_ 4 t y
£2 lIOi.DEN'S
Where may always be fouml a very large
ami varied assortment of fine Watches, El.
egant Jewelry, Fancy Articles, lino Cut
lery, Silver and Plated offers
greater endueements to purchasers than
any other similar establishment in Phila
In addition to my heretofore large slock
I have just added a new lot of Watches,
Jewelry, Faney Articles,4*-. making my
present assortment one of the best in Phil
,'adelphin. Mv assortment consists in purl
of Gold and Silver Lever, I.epine, Quar
ter and other watches; a full assortment
of Jewelry, such as Cameo, Stone and
Mourning Broaches, Finger Rings, in a
great variety, Silver and Plated Table and
Tett-spoods, Butler Knives, Thimbles and
Pencil Cases, Lcckets, Purses, Keys, n
fine lotof Razors, Penknives, Spu., with a
full assortment of Gold Pens of all the
difierenl Makers at the greatly reduced
price ol $1,25.
No, 238 Market St., above 7th, Pliila.
All kinds of Watches and Jewelry care
lullV rcpalrvru ami trailirrncd o4y good
are offered at the very lowest cash prices.
Call and seo. if costs nothing to look.
September 20* 1848,—1y.
Fancy Chairs,
ceived from Philadelphia a new lot of FAN
CY CHAIRS, of Birch and Mahogany curl,
and of the most fashionable style, which ho
will sell at the lowest prices for good pay.
Bloomsburg, May 16th, 18S0.
Because tbey are safer, belter and more efficaci
ous than any others, and because the public will
lake no others if they can obtain them.
500,000 UOXES
have been sold annually for tho last five yeats.
Young and old, male and female, can always
take thorn with equal safety, without fear.
fot purging and cleansing thestomach and bow.
els, and purifying the blood and fluids of the bo
dy toko no others—for no other pills producethoxo
combined effects, or contain sarsaparilla in tbctn.
Eat, Prink, and Live as Usual,
and pursue yotir usual occupa ion whilst taking
them, Without fear of taking cold during all kinds
of weather.
I "* wagercti that moro genuine certlfioa es (from
physicians, clergymen; Member* of Uottgtesa acit
respect tblo cilixen*] ran be producad of then • <
flcacy than of any others, and
Ten Dollars
will he forfeited in every instance where oxi Roc
will uut do mote good than two boxes of any o-
Forty Pille are in a Box I
and sold at Twrnty-flve Cents a Box, with dine
tins mid much Wholesome advice accompany it g
each box.
They have no taste, nar unpleasant smell
f.-eo from dust or powdet of any kuid—do net
gripe tho Stomach or bowels,—produce no sick
ness, vomiting or bad feelings—they are good at
all times, ami adapted to must diseases common to
mankind. N having once taking tliem wiii
be willing afterwards to take any others, because
they always do good, and if they do not then no
others will.
Dr. N. ft-Lady, the Proprietor J- Manufacturer
is a regulur Druggist, Chemist and Physician, o
fifteen yeara xperi, nee in Philadelphia; tnern' o
of difl'crent Medical Institutions of Phi'adblphi.t
N'ow Yuik, Huston, Baltimore, 4-c., and associst
and enrrcseonding member of several Medical In
stitutions of Loudon and Paris—hence the rea
son of the greater confidence placed in hia pills,
uttd thcro being recommended in the practice of
most respectable physicians through nl the Uni
ted Slates.
Ptinripul Depot, Dn. Lranr s DISTKT D>
No. 114 North Fontih ill.cot, Philadelphia, aud
sold vvholcsalo and rnuii by
J. R. Mover & F.. P. Lulz, Bloomsburg; Dr.
A. B. Wilson, Berwick; Ptler Eut,
Light S'.reet; M. G. Shoemaker, Buckhom ,
J. A. Moore, Danville; liicketts & Stewart;
Orangeville ; John So; inick, C'attnwjssa ; A.
Levers, Wushingtonviile; J. M. Sheldon, Jer
soytown; J. F. Durr, Whitehall: J S \VQO< ! .S
Columbus; Brown & Creasy, MliHiusburgv
i E. mid by Storekeeper
I generally. 49-ly
Plf I L A Uli lPlif f A
.ISS'illfAe'i kOUSE,
! Established Fifteen Years ago, by
J ,V. IV. Corner of Third and Union sis.,
b'ltcce.i Spruce end Pint streets,
Fifteen wears of extensivo and uniatcriupled
practice spent in this city Itnvo renthtrcd Dr. K.
the most export and successful practitioner far Oy
1 near, it' the treatment of all diseases of a private
nature. Persons afflicted with ulcers on Ihe bu
! dy, throat ot logs, pains in tho head or bones, or
| mercurial rheumatism, strictures,gravel,disease
truing from you hfu.l execs-co or impurities o*
j tho blood, whereby the constitution has become
| enfeebled, are all treated with success.
Ho who places himself under the care of Dr
IC. may religi usly confido in hia honor as a gen
tleman, und confidently rely upon his suit) ss a
Take. Particular Notice!
Young men who have injured themselves by a
certain practice indulged in, a habit frequently
learned from evil companions or at school, the ef
fects of wh'trh are nightly felt, even wheu asleep
and tic troy both mind and body, should apply Im
mediately, Weakness and constitutional debility
loss of muscular entrgy, physical lassitude and
general prostration, irratibl'lty and all nervous af
j fectioitH. Indigestion, sluggishness of the live,, Sc
I every disease in any way connected will, the dis
i order i ft c pr-cicativc functions cuted, and full
I vigor restored.
A Vigorous Life,
Premature Drnlb,
Only 25 Cents.
i This book just published is filled with useful
j information tn the infirmities and diseases of the
j genet alive organs. It adJrcsses itself alike to
j youth, manhood and old age, and should be reaJ
! by nil.
Tho valuable advice and impressive warning it
gives, will prevent yeurs of misery aud sutTenng
and site annually thousands of lives.
Paibiits by reading it will learn how to prevent
the destruction of their chtlJrcn.
A retiiiltanrc of 2ft cents enclosed in a letter,
addressed to Dr. Kinkclin, N W corrtrr of Third
and Union streets, hctwoeu Spruce and Pine, in,
Philadelphia, will cttsuto a book under
per return of m iil.
Petaons ut j distance may address Dr K by
letter, (post paid) and be cured at home.
Packages of medicines,directions, &c. forward
ed by sending a reudltaaw, ssa p-l-p secure
from damage or curiosity.
Booksellers, News Agents, Pedlars, Canvassers
and ail othera i uppllcd with tho abeve work at
vcty low rates. 2-1-ly
D'. Henry Turner's Rheumatic Lir.iment.—
This superior remedy for tho Rheumatism, bu.
recently introduced irto this cnuntrv by the pre)
sent proprietor, has long been known in Eng
cend, London particularly, aa the beat and only
certain cure for that distressing and painful af
fection. Its olfect u(en the system is mild and
nothing, at the sumo timo certain and efficacious
rarely fulling lo give relief upon the first appli.
cation, sttd by repeating it a fets times, a pert
inonenl cure is effected.
We have known cases of pain in the breat
and back, with soreness, of several weeks* dun
lion, cured in one single night, and beard the
patient express his grateful thanks that suuli re
rncdy waa ever discovered. We have also heard
individuals say tbey would give thousands of
dullars for a cure for rheumatism, yet the asms
individuls were cured by two bottles of this great
Liniment, coating but fitly cents each. Who
would regret giving such a price for such * rem
—lf—La Lu-ftav f..>m qfca ru.-ta.aa o
that most painful of all diseases.
Afflicted go piocuro a bottle of Dr. Turnep
Liniment upd bo honied at once ; do not longer
delay, but cast aside all nostrum* nd euro alls
for the one thing needful to insure a curs. Sold
wholesale and retail by D Wooderly & Co. pro
prietors No 20 Comiuerce street, and their gen
orul agents Rowandsnd Son, No 21 North Sixth
street, Philadelphia.
Also, by JOIIN R. jl/OYER Bloomsburg. flnx
Gaiters and y i npets just manuftoS e " ddL
or sale by ,r AYARREN RUSSK^nr