To the Sick and Afflicted. CERTIFICATE* and Testimonials sufficient to fill every column of thin paper, ran bo produced, setting: forth the wonderful vir 'lues of Da. SWAYNE'S CELERK .TEU FAMILY MEDICINES. ®r. Svrayaet) Compound Syrup or Wltd Cherry. "WMil MII 11"' II Ii" I 111 ANOTHER HOME. CERTIFICATE. us things with ' ■out relief; but having heard of the great vir i tues of your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, ' and its being approved of by physicians of the first eminence, I concluded to make a ' . trial of it, and am happy to stale that three 1 bottles pei formed a pet loot cure; my sleep 1 is now undisturbed and sweet, and 1 firmly tbelievo that to your medicine 1 am indebted -for this great cure. < 1 shall be glad to communicate with Rnv I person on the subject who may be pleased to call on ma, ami corroborate what 1 have said in the above certificate, at the factory ot my residence. 1 Yours, most respectfully, EDWARD HANSON. Tho above certificate is from a man well known by a large portion of our citizens -Those who the truth of it, are Invited c "10 call and satisfy themselves that it is anoth j voluntary, disinterested and h'ving witness | to tho great virtues of Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. GT- BE VERY PARTICULAR to get the original and only genuine preparation of Wild Cherry, as prepnred by Dr. SWAVNE, N. W. Corner of Eight and Race streets, Philadelphia ; all others are "fictitious anil I , counterfeit." i SH AVXR'S VERMIFUGE. "A safe and effectual remedy for Worms, Dys pepsia, Cholera Morbus, sickly or Dyspep v tic Children or Adults, and the most usejiil Family Medicine ever of fered lo the public. This Remedy is one which has proved • successful for a long time and it is univer ; .a'ty acknowledged by all who have tried it . lobe far superior (being so very pleasant ■ to the taste at tho same time aifectual) to any other medicine over employed in disea . ses for which it is recommended. It not only destroys But invigorates the whole sys tem. BEWARE OF MISTAKES! Remember, Dr. Swayne's Vermifuge is now put up in square bottle , See that the name is spell correctly—S\V A YN E. "GREATPURIFYER OF THE BLOOD." Dr. Swayne's Sugar Coated Sarsaparilla and Tar Pills, Act as a gentle purgative, produ cing a healthy state of the Liver, and Bowels acting as an Alternative, changing that state of costiveness, which is very common lo some individuals, and for the irregularities indident to females they are very valuable. AGENTS FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY. E. P. Lcrz A JOHN R. MOVER, Bloomsburg, Pa; M CGrier & John Moore Danville; John SharplessA C Hart man & Co., Catawissa; G & U Shu man Catawissa Forge; Brown and Creasy, Mifilinville; A Miller Berwick; John Doak Briar Creek tp.; Peter Ent Williams burg; E. Lazarus Orangeville; JK Millard Espytown: Elias Wertm in Rohrsburg; Geo. Masters ftlillville ; J M Sheldon Jerseylown; McCay & Patterson Washingtonville; Hugh McWilliams Moresburg; and by most all Storekeepers in the adjacent Counties. Bloomsburg, Oct. 17, 1850.—6 m. ~~ The People's Frleud. N s■ ■ Ob rn matron, old sores, fresh wounds and bruises, Piles, and all diseases of the bowels of a chronic nature, tooth-ache and ear-ache, &c., &c. It is tritely what it professes to be. "the People's Friend !" Providence has scattered aloitg tho rugged paths of lifo many things that contribute greatly to the comfort and happiness of every body; hence their great value, a... n-ll may they be called 'friends of tne people.' One word here to guard against imposition. A man by the name of spencer, has manu ufaotured and offered for sale a spurious ar ticle called the Coryll Extract —that would be emmet ur Uiu hazel-nut :—the genuire is as white and pure as water, while rhe spuri ous article is colored, which enables the publio to distinguish. None genuine, but tlroso mrrked Pond's Pain Deslroyci. For sale by Wm Robison, Bloomsburg, John Jessup, Shickshinny, Chalfant & Hughes, Danville, Seth B Bowman, Berwick, Fowler A Trem bpr, Espvtown. 2 ig ly LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Oflice at Bloomsburg Pa. October Ist 1860. Applsmati Peter jr. Hilton Thomas 2 Brady James Kocher Harriet Busbey George Leib Ephraim P. Barton Joshua H. Lockart Levi Butler Aarron Reuben Nichols Chauncy Booh aril Solomon Philips John Burgess George Run van Andw. B. Daniel Mary Hees'er A. 35. Dean Sarah Pees David Fox Sylve tor Tnos. John (ship) Heilrjian Elias Turnerusan Heflman Susana Fozer Wm. Handy John Philips WitmoyerGeo. Hughes Daniel Weaver Capt. J. Hoek Stephen D. Hock Steven J. M. CHAMBERLIN P. M. C. C.M ABB, OUtt(SMSN DSN®3O®, , Tenders his professional services to the citizens of Williamsburg and its neighbor hood for extracting and inserting teeth accor ding to the best improvements in surgical science and skill. He will insert teeth either upon pivot or plate, ard in such a manner as will insure satisfactioh. His oflice is near ' Fet?r Em's store. I Vrilltamsbaig, Col. Co, Oct. 29tlr, iB6O. I Cure of COUGHS, OOLD3, HOARSEIJES3, BRON CHITIS, CROUP, A3TH KA I WHOOPING-COUGH AND CO?T3UMPTION. Tho 'triform success which I.UH ottended ihe use of this proparaliun; its salutary effect;itspow ot l<> relieve arid curt* affections of the Lungs, have gained for it a celebrity equalled by no other ined ecine* We offer to the aiflicied lib entire confidence in its virtues, and the full belief ihatfit will subdue and remove the severest attacks of dis ease upon the throat and Lungs, The results,an they become publicly known, very natuially at tract the attention of medical men and philanthro pists everywhere. What is their opinion of CH ERRY PKCTOIIAL may be seen ih the follow ing ; Valentine Mott, M. D. y Professor Sur gery Medical College, A. Y % says : It gives me pleasure lo certify to the value and effiicacy of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which 1 con sider peculiarly adapted to euro diseases of the Thioat and Lungs The Rt. Rev. Lord Bishop Field Writes in t letter to his fiend, who was sinking untie i an affection of the Lungs, Tiy the Chciry Pectoral, and if any medicine can give you relief with the blessing i.t God ihnt will* Chief Justice Fust is, of Lnuiß, wiites that a young daughter of his was cured of several severe attack.* of Croup by the Cherry Pectoral Hartfotd, Jan 20. 1848 Dear Sir: Having been rescued from a painfu ond angeious disease by your inedicice, gratitude pr< mp's me to send you ibis acknowledgment not ily fn justice to you but for the iufjimation oi ( .thers in like nfll ction A sligh* cold upon the lungs neglected at first, ( heoame so severe that spitting of blood, a violent cough and profure night sweats followed and fas toned upon me I became emaciated, could not sleep, Mas distressed by my cough, and a pain through my chest, ami in short had all the alarm ing symptoms of quick consumption No medi cine seemed at all to reach iny case, until provj. dentiully 1 tried your Cherry Pectoral, which re litved and now hat cured inv Yours w'lh respect E A STWART Albany, N Y, April 17, 1848 Dear Sir; I have for years been afflicted wi h Mhmn in the worst form; so that I have been liged to sleep in my chair for a larger part of e time, being unuble to brent he on my bed I had tried y grcrt many medicines to no purpose, until my physician prescribed .as au experiment, your Cherry Pectoral At first it seemed to make me worse, but in less ! than a week I began to experience the most groti, fving relief from its use ; and in four weeks the disease was entirely removed 1 can sleep on my led with comfort, and enjoy a slate of health which 1 never expected GEO S FARRAN'P Prepared by J C Jiyer, Lowell, Mss Sold by E P I.UTZ, Bloomsburg A B WILSON, Berwick April 4On ch EEJopo C£3ua.UUceaQ. 3 as PANACEA. The afflicted are invited to call and tee Mr Isaac Brooke, Jr., at the corner of Third and W ilcox street*, and Mitt Chii-liaria Stride, Beach street below Spruce street, i n the Scliuvl kilt. These two persona have bien sriutclied from the very jaws of tho deetinyer through 'he agency of most potent of all medicines, DR. CULLER"S INDIAN VEGETABLE PANACEA. Dr Cullen's Panacea is the only cirtain cure for Scrofula or King's Evil, Totter, Erysipelas, Old Sores and Ulcers, Mercurial Diseases, and all other atleslions, cutaneous or otherwise, arising from impurities of the trlood. In the extraordinary cure of Mr. Brooks, peo ple who visit him, hold up their hands in ns lonjshment, that ASY medicine could have ar rested ma disease—then go jvay resolved to re commend Dr Cullen's Indian Vegetable Pana cea to evcrv one they hear of who has need of a purifying medicine. So with Christiana Sands—her cujo of Srrof ulous sore throat was quite as extraordinary us Mr. Brooks', when we reflect that from the dia ease her tea or coffee would frequently pasa out of her ears, when attempting to drink, [Sec her certificate.] The people arc beginning tn understand, too, that the various Syrups of Sari aparilla are little heller than molasses, and that it is inadi.rn„ to throw away money on artiolea which, und< r the must favorable circumstances, do not pn-duce uny impression or, the system until several gal una have been swallowed. One bottle uf Dr. Culleu'a Panacea sclJom fails to produce con viction in the minds of patients thst a radical cure is certain. Thus hops, [ o necesaaiy. an ally to medi cine.] springs up nt the outset, and the patient is cured before any oilier prepare ion could have mode the slightest impression upon the disease ! In fact, the twelve ounce bottles of Dr. Cul len's Panacea, compared with tho pint and quart botllea of other purifiers, are valuable about in the proportion of gold to coppei. Those who wonlc prefer a penny to a half eagle, on account of ils size, would make a pour selection to say tho least. Baisnparilla a good purifier! Dr. Cullen's Panacea contains ils uxiraet in its most concen trated lorm. Added tu this are other extracts, more active and poweifol. and which effect in combination with the Barsaparilla, what the lut ler article, or combined with iho must powerful poisons, cannot alone accomplish. It has cured where everything clsa bad failed and this in a multitude uf cases—nut in Euiopc or in the moon, (where so many great cures have been performed.) but in Philadelphia and oihcr pafts of the union. And be it distinctly understood that we do nol uhtuin our extracts by "holing 400 gallons down lo one," it being known to every oruggist's apprentice that boiling destioys the essential virtues of medicinal plants and roots, ROW AND & WALTON, Proprietors, Wholesale and retail, No. 21 North SIXTH street; or E. P. Lutz, Bloomsburg; M C Grier, Danville; Peter Ent, Light street Rickets and Stewart, Orangeville ; Cyrus Barton, Espytown ; J Skillmink, Caitawissa; M G Shoemaker, Buckhorn. LIVEItY STABLE K NOAH S. PRENTISS tho public to LA / v his new Stock of horsey carriages ana -buggies, a vaiiety of which can be found qpttbLivery Stable. He can always furnish horses and vehicles of the best kind, and on reasonable terms. He has recently added a number of fashionable ve hicles and good horses to his former stock He will furnish lo parties four horse convey ances with good and safe drivers, at very low prices. Call at the lower end of Hopkinsville, on the East side of Main street. Bloomsburg, Dec. 13, '49-ly R. W. WEAVER, A®9PO]MfffiY-A®-I.AW BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO., P A rrtec—On the Fa it side of Main Street, three squares below Market. ' The Gealest Because the Sea Fam ily Medicine in the World IS WOHSDBLLS VEGETABLE RESTOR ATIVE PILLS, they have succeeded in cuting some of tho worst cases, of disease over recorded, and are daily accomplishiu the restoration of persons after having tried in vain to obtain relief from any othoi source. One of the Proprietors is a regular physician of extensive experience, who de voles his time exclusively to their prepora tion. For FEVER & AGUE, they have net er yet failed. At least cno thousand case in iho neighborhood of Philadelphia, have been cured since the first of Sept., last. In Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Liver Complaint, Scrofula, for Worms, and al 1 other- diseases 01 children, they are unequalled by anything ever prepared for lite purpose, while for the various diseases of Females there is no me dicine can compare with them. There is more of them sold—they are in greater de mand than any other pill—and when once introduced in a family, they need no other medicine. Each box containing Fiity Pills, renders them the cheapest, while they are decidedly the best, as well as the mildest in action, of any now in the market. The Editor of the "City Item," thus speaks of them: vy u FjtDF.K, you are suffering from fever and ague, and you have never tried V/ors dell's Vegetable Restore 1 ive Pills. Shake no more. There : s still hope for you—yon :nav yet be cured' Go, or send at once to A. Weeks & Co., 70 North Eighth Btreet., and procure a box of these unrivaled pills, which areasovreign antidote for this distressing complaint. Col. Forney of the Penneylvanian, says : WORSDEM.'S PII.LS. —This excellent family medicine is daily winning new t-iumphs over disease, and consequently in the high road to putdic favor. In the removal of the every day ills that llesh is heir to, we know of no better compound. We heard the oth er day of a desperate case of scrofulous e ruptious of the head and face being cniroly cured by them. I)it Sollc of the "Times," says : CV The great popularity of Worsdell's Vegetable Pills, is attributed to the just ,ner it which they really possess. They have been quietly gaining the fame they now have, by the force of their own virtues. The means usually employed to give cclai to new remedies have not been adopted b\ the proprietors. They have been content to let their medicine speak for itself. It is now doing it in every section of the country. Tliey arc for sale by most of the Store Keepers throughout the Country,and in quan tities at reasonable rates, at the Laboratory No 70, North Eighth Street. A. WEEKS & Co., Proprietors. Agents, JOHN R. MO\ ER, Bloomsburg! E. Lazarus, Orangeville, M. G. Shoemaker, Buckhom, Eunston & Diefenbach, Jerseytown, M. C. Grier, Danville, . C. Lartman & Co., Cattawissa, and by most merchants throughout the uouiitry. A VALSJADT B "O 1 ai \r ® tsi a 33 ti .1 T PRIVATE SALE. THE subscriber offers at private sale his TAVERN STAND AND LOT, in Blooms burg; which, to any persoi desirous ot purchasing real estate in the County Seat, of fers a fine opportunity for a profitable invest ment. The property is upon the Main and business street of the town, and in that pari ot the place which has been growing mosi rapidly w'.thin a few years past. The lot has a front of 66 feet upon Main street, and ex tends 21-1J feot back. THE HOTEL upon the premises might easily be maito to do a good business and the SSIIEJDS AS© SSPAMEjEB on it are new ones of the largest kind. There is a good PUMP at the dour, and every otli er desirable convenience. VsT R will be sold upon easy terms, b) early application to THOMAS C. BOM BOY. Bloomsburg, October 2d, 1850. ftood iuil Clicnp Watches. JEWELRY AND SILVER. W'A RE wholesale and retail,at No. 96 Notsh 'Jml sir. et, comer of Quarry, Philadelphia. Gold lever watches, full jewelled, 18 caret eases. $3" and upwards. Silver lever do, full jewelled, 116 and upw artls. Silver lepinc do, jewelled, 611 and up wards. Silver qnarticr watches, from 85 lo 10. Gold pencils, Irom 81 50 1087- Superior gold rings, front 37 to 80 els. Other articles in proportion. All goods warranted to be u lint lliey are sold for. Constantly on hand, n full assortment "f fine GOLD JEWELRY and SILVER WARE. Also, ail assortment of ,Vl. J. Tobias & Co. ; K. Simpson Samuel and Brother-; E S. Yates .5-Co.; John Hnr rilicn i G. o. Price, iI.OO. THIB WORK 19 INTENDED ESPECIAL LY FOR THE MARRIED, or those contcmpla ting marriage, as it discloses important secrets which should be known to them particularly. Here, every female—the wife, tlie mother—the one either budding into womanhood, or the one in the decline of years, in whom nature contemplates an important change—can discover the causes, symp toms, and the most efficient remedies and most cer tain mode of cure, in every complaint to which her •ex is subject. . , £ The revelations oontained in its pages have proved £ a blessing to thousands, as the innumerable letters \ received by the author (which he la permitted by the writers to publish) will attest. SICKLY AND UNHAPPY WIVES. J Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman in Dayton, O. ? " DAYTON, May 1, 1847. DR. A. M. MAURICKAO— My Dear Sir .- ' The f Married Woman's Private Medical Companion, for J which I enclosed one dollar to your addrts.% came safely to hand. I would not have troubled you with these few lines, but that I am impelled by a souse of gratitude, for mvsetf and wife, to give utterauce to our sincere and heartfelt emotions. •• My wife has been perceptibly siuking for some three years or mora, in consequence of her great un guish and suffering some months and during j confinement; every successive one more and more debilitated and prostrated her, putting her life in im minent danger, and which was, on the last occasion, ( despaired of I supposed that thia state of things was i inevitable, and reaigned myself to meet the worst. At this time (now about two months) I heard your • book highly spoken of. as containing some matters j reaching my caae. On its receipt and perusal, I can I not express to you die relief it afforded my distressed i mind and the toy ita pagea imparted to my wife, on J learning that the great discovery of M. M. Deso raeaux provided a remedy. It opened a prospect to mc which 1 little couoeived was possible. No pecu- j niary consideration can ever repay the obligations I am under to you for having been the means of im parting to us the matters contained in • The Married * Woman's Private Modical Companion.' But for this, ere another year would have passed over my head, in all human probability my wife would have j been in her irrava and tpy children left motherless." £ Extract from a Letter. 1 Competence and Health. 1 "LAHCASTER, PA., Oct 24,1847. ' "MrDr AR BIR : I know you will have the kind- J ness to bear with me in encroaching upon I while I acknowledge (in behalf of myself adHPvife) c the we feel ourselves under to you^hav ing made known certain matters, contained wyour most invaluable ' Married Woman's Private Medical Companion.' It has been worth ita weight in gold to me. If I express myself rather warmly, you will / ace that I can not do so too warmly, when I inform . you of tho extent to which I have, through it, been ' benefited. I will state my situation when I obtained t your book through the merest curiosity I look upon c it as ono of the most fortunate events of my life. I had been married some ten years, and was the father of seven children. I was long struggling unceasingly, F to the end that I might gain a moderate competency, f but the results of my utmost exertions at the end left f me about where I was at the beginning of each year; and that only, with the moat stinted economy, suffi cing with barely the necessaries of life. Finally, this I constant effort uaa beginning to have its effect upon ; my health: I felt leas capable to endure ita continu- a ance, while 1 felt the necessity of perseverance. " This constant, unceasing struggle on my part wis j imperative, in consequence of the prostrated condi- 3 ! lion of my wife (with occasional intermission) for six 1 j years, much of the time confined to her bed, and of a . course incapable of taking the charge and mannge [ ment of household affairs. Her condition arose from I causes of which I vrw ignorant. Oh! what would £ ! I have given had 1 the six years to live over again ! t> What would my wife have given to have been spared J the long days and still longer nights prostrate on a i bed of sickness t all of which would have been avoided, had I then seen a copy of ' THE MARRIED 3 WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION.' t From a Phyeician. c DANGEROUS DELIVERIES, i OBSTRUCTIONS, IRREGULARITIES, &C. C I How many are suffering from obstruction or irreg- 1 | ularitiea peculiar to the female system, which un- I: I derraine their health, the effects of which they are c ignorant, and for which their delicacy forbids seeking i medical advice! How many suffer from pnAapn vt uteri (felling uf the womb), or from Jlvor-olbiit (weak ness, debility, Ac., Ac )! How many are iu constant V agony fir many montha preceding confinement! How ti many have difficult if not dangerous deliveries, and : whose lives are jeoparded during auch time, will find , in Us jingo s the means of prevention, amelioration, | Extract from a Letter. ti To thou just Married.—"Had I known!" s "PHILADELPHIA, NOT. 89, 184 T. ® "DR. A. M. MAURICKAU : Had I known of the im 11 porta nt matters treated of in 'The Married Woman's tl Private Medical Companion' some yeara ago. how e much misery I might have escaped ! I have suffered . years from causes which you point out in your book, without knowing what to do. I obtained a copy, and tl found my esse treated of. I trust every female will o avail herself of the information contained in its pages," l( Letters are daily received of thia character, unne cessary to present R To tlioae yet unmarried, but contemplating mar riage, or j remaps hesitating as to the propriety of incurring tho responsibilities attendant upon it, the importance of being possessed of the revelations con- u tained in these pages, so intimately involving their future happiness, can not be appreciated. R It ia, of course, impracticable to convey more fully the various subjects treated of, as they arc of a na ture strictly Intended for the married, or those con templating marriage; neither ia it necessary, since it is every oue'a duty to become possessed of know]- a edge whereby the sufferings to which a wife, a moth er, or a sister, may be subject, can be obviated. XW Coplea will be sent by Mall Tree of Postage i. to the Purchaser, try* On tho receipt of One Dollar, " THE MAR- 11 RIB D WOMA N'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COM 0 PANION" la int (mailed free) to any part of tho a United Btate. All letters must be post-paid (except a those containing a remittance), and addressed to Dr. n A. M. MAURICEAU, Box 1234, New York City. c Publishing Office, No. 129 Liberty St., New York. J 1 Over 20,000 Coplea have been sent by MAIL within three montha with perfect safety and cer tainty. Cl BonkHellera ami agents engaged in it* pale o are making handsome competencies from si the ready and extraordinary demand for it, n and the extiemely liberal terms a/Toidf.i lc them. n Active local or travelling Agents through- b out the United Stales and Canada will be e Hipplied on the same terms. Communica- e lions are required to bo post-paid and audres- fc sed as abovo. EV CAUTION.—-The public are cautioned p .tgaiiiM variou i catch-pennies intended to be U palmed off upon them, imitating the title of u Ihe work as "The Married L idies' Medical t( Companion/' and various other titles. The ii title of the work is f l The Married WO F M.AN'S Private Medical Companion/ ) Dr. b 4 W. Mauriceau. JOSEPH' SVVARTZ, Agent, Bloomsburg. lleuse, Bign and Ornamental . Fainting * DONE to order in the best highly-finished si opiam style, by B HAGENBVCtt. tl BfflS.ff'ir ii -Mis'Ss-Vt.rf 1 r-. V,_a.JS LITER CO9IFLAINT, Jaundice, Dyspepsia. Chronic or Ner vous Debility, Disease of the Kid neys, and all disease aris ing from a disordered Liver or Stomach, such as Constipation, lnwar l Piles n Fulness of Blood io the Head, Aci dity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach. Sour Eructation*, Sinking or Fluttering at the pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Hcatl, Hurried and difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, choking or suffocaiing sensations when in a lying posture, dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspi ration, Yellowness of the Si,in and Eyes, Pain in the Stile, Back, Chest, Limhs, (re. Sudden Flushes of Heal, Bu rning in the Flesh. Constant Imaginings of Evil, and Great Depres sion of Spirits. CAH BE EFFECTUALLY CURED BY DR. HOOF LAND'S CELEBRATED BITTERS, FREPAHED BY DR. C. N. JACKSON, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Their power over the above diseases is not excelled, if equalled, by any other rep aration in the United States, as the cures attest, in many casus after skilful physicians had failed. These Bitters are worthy the attention of invalids. Pr essing great virtues in the rectification of diseases of tho Liver nfid hs ser glands, exercising the most searching powers in weakness and aflcctionuot the di gestive organs, they are, withal, safe, cer tain and pleasant. Read and be Convinced. The Hon. Charles D. Hincliue, Editor of the "Camden Democrat," the host paper in West Jersey, says, July 21: — "HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTF.RS."— "We have seen many Haltering notices of this medicine, and the source from which they came, induced us to make inquiry respect ing its merits. From inquiry we were pei suaded to use it, and must say we found it specific in its action upon diseases of the liver and digestive organs, and the powerful influence it exerts upon nervous prostration is really surprising. It calms and strogthens the nerves, bringing them into a state of re pose making sirup relreshing. "If this medicine were more generally gsed, we are satisfied there would be less sickness, as from the stomach, liver and ner vous system the great majority of real and imaginary diseases emanate. Have them in a healthy condition, and you can bid defi ance to epidemics generally. This extraor dinary medicine we would advise our friends who are at all indisposed to give a trial—it will then recommend itself. It should, in fact, he in 'every family. No other medi cine can produce such evidences of merit." [From the "Boston Bee."] The editor said, Dec. 22d— "Dr. Ilooflurd's Celebrated German Bitters for the cure of Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspeysia, Chronic o r Nervous Dnlnlity. is deservedlv one of the most popular medi cines of the day. These Bitters have been used by thousands, and a friend at our elbow says he has himself received an eflectual and permanent cure of Liver Complaint from the use of this remedy. We are con vinced that, in the use of these Bitters, the patient constantly gains strength and vigor— a fact worthy of great consideration, i'hey are pleasant in taste and smell, and can be usee by persons with the most delicatostom achs with safety, under any circumstances. We are speaking from experience and to the afflicted we advise their use." Judge M. M. Noah, a gentleman with great scientific and and liUerary attainments, said in his "New York Weekly Messenger," January 6, 1850. "Dr Hoofland's German Bitters. —Hero is a preparation which the leading presses iu the Union appear to be unanimous in re commending, ami the reason is obvious. It is made after a prescription furnished by one o; the most celebrated physicians of modern times, the late Dr Christopher Wil helm lloofiand, Professor to the University of Jena, Private Physician to the King of Prussia, and one of the greatest medical wri ters Germany has ever produced. He was emphatically the enemy of humbug, and theidfoce a medicine of which he was the inventor and endorser may he confidently re lied on. Ho specially recommended it in Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia. Debility, Ver tigo, Acidity of the Stomach, Constipation, end all complaints arising from a disordered condition of the stomach, the lfver and the intestines. Nine Philadelphia papers express their conviction of its excellence, and sev eral ot tho editors speak of its effects from • heir own individual experience. Under these circumstances, we teel warranted, not only in calling the a.tentiou of our readers to the present proprietor's (Dr. C. M. Jack son's) preparation, but in recommending the article to all afflicted." MOBE EVIDENCE. The "Philadelphia Saturday Gazette," the best family newspapei published m the Uni ted States, the editor says of DR. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. "It is seldom that we recommend what are termed Putent Medicines to the confi dence and patronage of our readers; and, therefore, when we recommend Dr. Hoof land's German Bitters, we wish it to be dis linctly understood that we are not speaking of the nostrums of the day, that are noised about for a brief period and then forgotten after they have done their guilty race of mis chif, but of a medicine long established, universally prized, and which has met the hearty approval of the Faculty itself." Evidence upon evidence has been re ceived (like the foregoing) from all sections ol the Union, the last three years, and the strongest testimony in its favor, i s, that there is more of it used ID the practice of the rogu lor Physicians of Philadelphia than all other nostrums combined, a fact that can easily be established, and fully proving that a sci entific preparation will meet with their qui- Bt approval when presented even in this form. That this medicine will cure Liver Com plaint and Dyspepsia, no ono can doubt, af ter using it as diieotcd. It acts specifically upon tho stomach andlivnr—it is preferable to-cali met iu all bilious diseases —the effect is immediate. They can be administered to FEMALE or INFANT with safety and reliable benefit, at any lime. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. This medicine lias attained that high char icter which is necessary for ail medicines to Utaiu to induce counterfeiters to put forth a spurious article at the risk of the lives of nose who are inaocenriy deceived. "i- . •' : V---*" ... -sitAnrs—:. LOOK '.VELL TO THE MARKS OT TUB .".F.NUINE. I Tltcy havn tlie written signature of C. M. JACKSON upon the wrapper, and the name | blown in the botllu, wthout which they are spurious For solo, wholesale and retail, at the Ger man Medicine Stare, No. 120 Arch Street, one door below Sixth, (latt; of 278 Race stieet,) Philadelphia, and by rep boring under nil the symptoms usually found with persons laboring under disease of the Itirgs, and it was thought try all who knew me that 1 was fust veering away with decay. At the time I applied to the physicians i was laboring under a severe attack of spitting blood, wilh pain in my breaet and sitla. Their prescrip tions failed to relieve the pain, and all t'i- skill could not arresl ihe discharge of blond Irom my lungs. 'l'ltis being my condition, ( was induced to uiakc a trial of your valuable Pulmonic Exp-c --lorant, ny the use or which I was immediately re lieved of all those unpleasant symptom*, and am now so far restored to health, that i am able to attend lo all my ordinary butiness, and expose myself as much as it is prudent for utiy one to do. 1 would therefore confidoi tly recommend every person who is laboring under disease of the lunj'S and hrcasi, r who are afflicted wilh culds or wilh coughs, to mike trial of your most valuable prcp arat.oir I would further add that afler having made use of your Expectorant for a few weeks, I becamd so flesy that persons with whom I was acquainted hardly knew me. t still remain in good health at this time, March, IBi6. Yours truly, JOSEPH HOGLAND. OF/NION OF PHYSICIANS. The following card of three respectable physi cians sots forth the virtues of Dr. Pearson's Pul monic Expectorant • Having made use of Dr. Pearson's Pulmonic Expectorant, wo feel it a duty to recommend it as a safe and efl'eclunl cu-c "f the various diseas es for which it is intended. We are acquainted with many persons win* have been cured of cough nrcnchitis. pain in the breast and side, spitting of blood, palpitation of the heart, and incipient con sumption, cy its use. und many of them after ail other means had failed. A. PEAKSIIN. M. D;, U. S. Navy. S. K LEEUOM, M. I).Champlain C 0.,1). W. K.CADWALLADER, M.D., U. S.N. Patients may consult S. A. Pearson, M. D*, a his office No. lOti North Fouilh Strcei, above i Race- ( For sole in Dloomshurg by William Rohison, , Merchant, anil also at Piltslon Ferry, by Dr. A. j Curtis, Druggist. Agents in Columbia county. I Wm. Robison, Bloomsburg, • t Peter Ent, Light Street, John Schmick, Ca'tawissu, t M.G. Shoemaker, Bttckhorn, E. Lazarus, Orangeville. t J"-fy ' UOLDEN'S ] JEWELRY STORE. Where may ulwaya be Ibuntl a very large ' and varied assortment of fine Watches,lSl- f egant Jewelry, Fancy Articles, fine Cut- | lerv, Silver and Plated Ware, 4*c., offers greater enducements to purehnsers than ' anv other similar establishment in Phila- 1 tlelphia. In addition to tny heretofore large stock I have jttst added a new lot of Watches, Jewelry, Fancy Articles, ty., making my present assortment one of the best m Pfiii iadelphia. Mr assortment crnt.jsu in purl ' of Gold and Silver Lever, I.epinc, Qnar- ' tier and other watches; a full assoruneni \ of Jewelry, such ns tlameo, Stone nnrl Moitrning Broaches, Finger llings, in a 1 great variety. Silver and Plated Tablu and 1 Ten-spoods, Butter Knives, Thimbles and 1 Pencil C&ses, Lockets, Purses. Keys, n fine lot of Razors. Penknives, 4"t., with a ( lull assortment of Gold Pens of all the | difierent Makers at the greatly reduced t price of *1,25. i ELI GOLDEN. d No, 238 Market St., above 7th, Phila. j All kinds of Watches and Jewelry care- v fully repaired and warranted- My goods e are offered at the very lowest cash prices, t Call and sea, if costs nothing to look. September 20- 1818,—ly. j Fancy Chairs, J BENJAMIN HAGENBUQH has just re- " ceivedfrom Philadelphia a new lot of FAN- - CY CHAIRS, of Birch and Mahogany curl, and of the most fashionable style, which he will sell at the lowest o'rices for good pay f" a Bloomsburg, May 16th, 185(1, • J o ............ . .Jl AIIE4D OF ALL OTHERSI THE ENVY OF ALL PILL M tNOFACTURBRS. Dec jae they are eafer, heller and more efficaei ous than sny others, end because the public will | take no others if they can obtain them. 000.000 BOXE3 have been eold annually for the lost five years. Young and old, male and female, can always take them with equal safety, withonl fear. IF PILLS BE NECBSSART for purging and cleansing tnestomach and bow els, and purifying the blood and fluids ofthb bo dy lake no others—.for no other pills produce thoeo combined effects, or contain sarsoparilla in iheOi. Eat, Drink, and' Live as Usual, and pursue your usual oecupa /on whilst taking them, without fear of taking cold u'"iug all klnd^. — s of weather- ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS are wagered that mora genuine certificates [froM physician*.clergyman; Members of Congiets and respectable citizens] can be produced of their e( ftcacy than of any others, end Ten Dollars will he forfeited in every instance where on Box will not do mote good than two boxes of any o *hers. Forty Pillearein a Box t and sold at Twenty-five Cente a Box, with direc tions and much wholesome advice accompanying each box. They have no tastr. nor unpleasant smell free from dost or pnwdct of any k : nd— do nut gripe the Stomal h or bewels,—produce no silli ness, vomiting or bad feeling*—they are good at *i all limes, and adapted to most diseases common to mankind. No one having once taking them wi'l he willing afterwards to lake any Gthnrs, because the) always do good, and if they do not then no olheia will. Dr. N. B. Leidy, the Proprietor \ Manufacturer, is a regular Druggist, Cbeuiist and Physician, o fifteen yeara expcriinee in Philadelphia; munilio of different Medical Institutions of Philadelphia New York, lluslon, Baltimore, cVu.. and aasocist and corresennding member of several Medical In stitution* of London and Paris—hence the rea son of the greater confidence pieced in his pills and there being recommended in the practice of most respectable physicians throughont the (Jni- ' teJ Slates. x Principal Depot, Dr. Lxidx's Dispkx r - No. 114 North Fottith Street, Philadelphia, at. \ sold whole. • le and retail by J. R. Moyer & E. P. Lutz, Bloomsburg; Li A. B. Wilson, Berwick; Peter Ent, Light Street; M. G. Shoemaker, Buckhom J. A. Moore, Danville; Ricketts & Stewart Orangeville; John Schmick, Cattawi-ia ; A Levers, Washingtonvilie; J. M. Sheldon, Jc seylown; J. F. Derr, Whitehall: .I.S Woods Columbus; Brown & Creasy, Miftlir-> ■ F. H'ertman, Rhorsbnrg, and bybiorekei , a generally. 4tt-ly • PHILADELPHIA | • MEDICAL ROUSE, Established Fifteen Years ago, by OK. KIXKIILIX, X. IV. Comer of Third und Union sis., between Spruce c.nei Pine streets, PHI I.A DELPHI A. Fifteen vears of extensive and uninterrupted practice spent in this city have rendered Dr. K the most expert and successful practitioner far \ near, in Ihe treatment of all diseases of a private nature. Persons afflicted with ulcers on the bo dy, throat or legs, pains in the head or bones, or mercurial rheumatism, strictures, gravel, dine* a arising from you'hfr I excesses or impurities rt the blood, whereby tho constitution has becoi. o enf eblcd. arc all treated with succesi. Ho who places himself under tho care of fir K. may religiously c nfide in his honor as ■ gen tleman, and conGdcr..,y rely upon his sxilt as a physician. Take Particular Notice! Young mon who have injured themselves liy a certain practice indulged in, a habit frequently learned from evil companions or al school, the ef fects of which are nightly fell, even when asleep and de-troy both mind and body, should apply im mediately. Weakness and constitutional debility loss of muscular energy, physical lassitude and general prostration, irratlhllity and all nervous af fections. indigestion, sluggishness of the liver, & every disease in anyway connected wilh the dis order of tho procteativo functions cuied, and full vigor restored. [fir rMtfrlilil v "*"° & MAMioun IMS® A •mfyadKmKßml Prcmalure Dcnfli. KINKELIN UN SELF PRESERVATh. Only 25 Cents. This book just published is filled with usel information en the infirmities an J diseases of th genera'ive organs. It addresses itself alike I youth, manhood and old age, and should.l -try all. Tho valuable advice and impressive,, gives, will prevent years of misery and sutlern .; and save annually thousands nf lives. Parents by reading it will learn how to nrs* the destruction of their children. A remittance of 2fi cents eo'.li'eed in let addrcs ed lo Dr. Kinkelin, N. vy corner of Thr and Union streets, between etpiuce on j p. nP . , I hiliulctphia. will ensu'ro a book under onvolo" per return of moil. Persons at a >'.is;ance may address Dr K letter, (post pe,J] Hl „| be cured at home. Park ages „f medicines, directions, be. forivar, ed by SLodi i.,g a remittance, ami put up sccu. Irom or curiosity. Br.okr.allers, News Agents, Pedlars,Canvassi ,D 't s'j others i upplicd with tho aheve work Neiy low rotes. 2-i RheunaUsms Dr. Henry Turner's Rheumatic This superior remedy for the Rheumatism, I, recently introduced irto this cnuntrv by the .• sent proprietor, hes lor> bee,, known in h caud, London particularly, as the tieat and c certain cure for that dislresipg and p-iinfe' * foction. Its effect uj nn the system is mild a. nothing, at tho same time cert".in and e'ftcad'pt rarely failing to give relief upon the first appt ration, *nd by repealing it a few times, a p. manenl cure is cfi'eetej. Wo hove known cases of pain in the lire and back, with soreness, of several work#] du lion, cured in one eingie night, and heard - patient express his grateful (hinksthaf unci medy was ever discovered. We have also '■ individuals say they would giye thousanu* dollars for a cure for rheumatism, yet the san individul* were cured by (wo hottlee of this gr Liniment, costing but cents each. Wt-. would regret giving such a price for such a rem edy -to be free from the excrutiatiug tortuoe o that most painful of all diseases. A fflicted go procure a bottle of Dr. Turner Liniment and be healed stones; do not lohge delay, but .cast aside sll nostrums and cuts-all fur the one thing needful to insure a cure, jsoh wholesale and retail by D Wonderly & Co. pre prietors No 20 Commerce street, and thelt go oral agents Rowandand Son, No 21 North ixih street, Philadelphia. AJso, by JOHNR. MOYER Bloomsburg. 8m A SPLENDID ASSORTMEN I . Lmiie" alters and Slippers just mnnufacu rrd an or sale - ' M. k.--,. '.. i. . .JWL