ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER ! PEPSIN, the True Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice ! A great Dyspepsia Curer, prepared from Rcn . ut, or the fourth Siomach of the Ox, after direction of Baton Licbig, the great Physi ological Chemist, by J. S. Houghton, M. D., No. 11 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Com- ] plaint. Constipation, and Debility, curing after Nature's own rr.etlioif, by Nature's own - agent, the Gastnc Juice. See Advettiseinent ju another column. MARRIED. On Tuesday of last week, by the Rev. S. L. Consor, ALEXANDER ROBINSON, of Blooms . burg, Columbia county, and Miss M. 'jJ. TOMPSON, of Mifflinburg, Union county. On the 21st inst., by the Rev. '.'j Funk Mr AARON EARNS, to Miss ALMI' . ' D * V..™ 2 both 01 Fishingcreek towns' ,]p ' ' On the 19lh inst by *j 1(jy _ j M Yo Mt ISAIAH BOWER, of Br ar croek , , 0 " Mis 9 Columbilco^ 61 0f Centre town.hip, LawifU-r '"St., by Rev. J. Rndderow, Mr. . ER and Miss HANNAH BOWER, both cf tlr .t creek. DIED. In Light Street, on the 19th of October, 1850, Mrs. MARTHA C. SIATY, widow of Amos Sisty, Esq., late of Wilkesbarre. deceased, aged 30 years. Inthebornugi of Danville, on Monday Nov. 18th, EMMA MATILDA, daughter of Wm. and Magdalen a Levers, age 11 years and 5 months. .Public Sale, In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' ■Court of Columbia county, on Saturday tne twenty-first day of December next, at 10 o'- clock in the forenoon. Charles Mosteller Ad ministrator &c., of Lewis Smith late of Pri arcreek township, in said county, deceased will expose to sale by Public Vendue, upon the premises, n certain tract of land situate in Briarcreek township Columbia county, adjoining lands of Samuel Siller, Jacob Eis ner, Isaac Bower and Jesse Bowman con taining Forty two acies end 93 perches, of which about twenty-five acres are cleared land and the remainder woodland. There are erected upon the premises a ono and a half story FRAME HOUSE, A Frumo Shop suilod for a Carpenter, a ■Cooper or a Shoemaker, and also a frame barn. There is too, a peach nursery and young orchard on the premises, afitl the laud lays only about a mile from the tnrn ,.pike ou the road from Orangeville to ti'.'e turnpike. Late the Estate of said deceased, situate .in the township ot Briarcreek and county a- Jorosaid. JACOB EYERLY Clerk. Bloomsbuurg, Nov. 28th 1859. The IVew-Tork Family Courier. Published Weekly at No. 70 Wall Street. Tl|o Family Courier is the largest journal *>r its class fn the world. Its columns are ' f°r collection. AMANDUS LEVERS Treasurer. Blooms burg XSov - [ RESPECTFULLY am ixena of Illooinabm 9 "> 'r old patrons in particular, Ix ,s ' d j . (ai _ mankind, that he has again °P , f urn :,,i. lorshop where he will bo pie. Vs 'w .ho la tho hRi nf clothing, cut accon. ''iV 1 ho '' l test fashions, and made in the b ear • manner. He receives the city fashions, an " - 3 ' tain that his work will look will at wear His shop is on main street of 8100c 11 ebur ß next door below Lulz's Drug store. In pay for work, ho will take cash, s 1 order, or even GOLD DOLLARS. Bloomeburg Nov. 21, 1850. Auditor's Notice. Notice is hereby given to all persons in terested, that the report made to the Orphan's court of Columbia county, by the undersign ed, as auditor appointed to distribute the money in the hands of Rid.harH Demott Ex ecutor of John Kitchen deceahpj W ' D B from the sale of the real estate of said u?" ceased, on the 20th day of August, A. D. 1849, has been refurted back toliiin to make corrections therein, and that he wil attend 10 the duties of his appointment at the pub lio House of Samuel A. Brady in the town Kaof Bloomsburg, on the 261h day of Decem f ber A. D. 1850. E. H. BALDY Auditor. Bloomsburg, Nov. 21st, 1850—I d. Executor's Notice. Estate of Jaco. h Goo.* laU o/F,shinif Creek Up. NOTICE is ht' r 9by that letters Ex ecutory wore th.s day issued to the under signtM residing in . Huntm Jton tow,,h.p_Lu zems County, upon Re ab OVO Estate All those indebted to the ea , tat ® r^ q " eß ' led lo make payment an< * ose " avir, B claims against the estate t° present them without delay to the Executor- ; Nov. 19, iß6o.—Bw A PAPER FOR YOUR FAMILY. New Series-New PeaTurcs-New Type. HOMllTFotmail. PUBLISHED WKItLY IN THY CITY OP NEW-YORK, AT TV/o DOLLARS A YEAR . rf"kN the fir at "of January next, comrnon- N.ew Series of this copious, coin prehensiv'j and elegantly printed Family New-spacer, which is now acknowledged to DO the indispensable drawing room gazette °| '" .e country. A home is hardly complete w ? think we may safely venture to say, " ithout the Homo Journal,' m which is the Chronicle of all that interests all classes of Society, and of the intelligence which most enlivens nn American Home. Now- York is the great centre, and here, at the fountain head of novelty, incident, litera ture, and foreign news, the Home Journal is printed and published. Its editors, (Geo. P. Morris and N. P. Willis,) devoto their entire time, skill and experience, to the task of giving, each week, every thing worth knowing. They particularly keep an eye on all the whims and novelties of New- York society, presenting sketches of the Belles of our lime, and careful portraits of ihe distinguished public characters. In ad dition tc this, the utmost pains are taken, by translations from French journals, and by foreign correspondence, to preparer such re ports of the fashionable Gossip of paris, as will exceedingly insluct and amuse. VVe present our readers, the facts and outlines of all news. In our literary department, we aitn nt sketches and readable criticism, and in our condensations of the fecund productions of the vast newspaper world of England, we aim to avoid the tiresome, and the local, and transfer to our columns the pick of Eng'lish information and brilliancy, whilo we endeavor to select with a true sense of pure .murals, true wit and genuine humour. In addition to the above, we propose to give in the course ot the coming volume, one en tirely new feature, which we think will par ticular! v interest the Ladies, viz .'—A SERIES OF REVi'RNED LOVE LETTERS. This being a .sp-wies of composition that inter ests all re wo trust to make the num bers of the Home Journul more eagerly looked for, and more carefully preserved than ever. VVe have also new correspondents in London and Paris, who will send us much that could neve r .'each us through foreign journals. As a .New Year's Present from a Gentleman to a L a.dv, the Home Journal is one, of which the remembrance is renewed every week, ami it is unsurpassed as a gift in good taste. TERMS. —For one ctop}', $2; for three cop ies, $5, or for one copy for three years, Ss— in advance. So bscribe without de lay. Address MORRIS & WILLIS. Editors If Proprietors, 107 Ei.'lton-street N. Y. Price Reduced! V VAUGHN'S MIXTURE! I.uj'pc ftji<]c§-Oiily One Dollar. The ProprtVor ? Afc\ % UW throughout the United Stale* and Canada, ha* ? r ' w Reduced TriC* of hi* popular and well known aru'k 5 ?° ,n l l '.'" henoetbrth, he will put up but one >*• 01.' > J ~,, quarl Ironies; die retail price will be _ ONE DOLLAR. ~ Phc publit? may a-l asiurcd tfiat the character of v. I '* i cute, in, Mmrieth, and curative propcrlie* WILL R ."'*• j it A. son D, ami the same care will bo bestowed in pK*- | paring it a* h*t paid, or no attention will be given to tliem. AGENTS.—E. P. LUTZ, Bloomsburg ; O. F Moore, Danville; Jno. W. Friling, Sun bury, M A M'Cay, Northumberland ; John Sharpless, Cattawissa; J K Millard, Espy town ;A. Miller Berwick ; Charles Seybert- Beach Haven. Oct. 31, 1850.-ly NEW SADDLER SHOP- The subscriber announces to the public [ that ho has just opened a Saddler Shop in the central part of Bloomsburg, on Main street, i one door above Rupert's Store, where he will keep constantly on hand and make to order all kinds of I HARNESS, SADDLES, TRUNKS, VALIECES, , 'd every other article in his line of busi- AU ■, He will also attend to TRIMMING ne • res and buggies, in every desirable i I a W 'R turn off all his work neat an 4 a', nr at the lowest pneos. Those who wish 'work ' :a his line wi " do well to give ii oftntry produce, and even gold • -liars will be ti>* en ln payment for work. aoJ WIU W. M'K. THORNTON, May 15, 1849. RloomsL u i A STRAY* ■-ay bnll camo to the A sw. ->f the subscriber iu premises u. a few days Roaringcreck i, apparently US ago. He is large, 1 brin about three years old, of a white anu 'of die spotted color, a white face and the cne his horns sawed oil. The owner can have him by satisfying as to properly, and paying the necessary charges of Roaringcreek, Nov. 4, 1850. Novels* School Bopks, Blank Books Udgers Day Uooks and Journals ; Oih' b " ok \„ &c., fjor sale t the Bloomsburg Book Store by Joseph Swarfct. Fall and Winter Goods. W2£S WWMfcTff <23 , o T.TAVE just received the largest assortment ■"••"•of new and fashionable fall and winter goods to be found in Bloomsburg, and they ofler them at the lowest prices to their many old patrons and now. They havo a full and large variety of CLOTHS, CASSfMERS, S.IT TINETS, JEANS. PLAIDS AND STRIPES FOR men's coats, vests, and pants. French and English Merinos, Cashmeres, Delaines, AJ.PAUAS, PLAIDS, GINGIIAMS AND PRINTS FOR LADIES DRESSES , TER KERRI WATERLOO. WOOLLEN AND LONG SHAWLS, HOSIE RY AND GLOVES—HARD* WARE. QUEENSWARE, GROCERIES FISH And Salt—Cedar ware, Hats, taps, Coarse and fine Boots and Bootees for Men and Youths—Leather, Morocco and Gum Shoes for Ladies, Misses and Childrens wear, and just about every thing else that can be de sired to please taste or serve use. Bloomsburg, Oct., 29th 1850. djXEK3D<£IS3 a . The subscriber has just received and opened at his old stand a choice lot of new goods to which he invites the attention of purchasers. He has a full and fair assort ment of fall and winter goods consisting of IE) IB"2" © @ © EDS g HAE.D7T A P- Z3, Qucenswrre, Cedar H'are, IHsh and Salt, Hats and Caps. Coarse and ' Fine Boots, Gum, Morocco and Jenny Lind Shoes for ladies, misses and childrens wear. Also, Terkerri, Woollen, Walterloo, Bay stjte Mills and JENNY LND Long Shawls, MUFFS, Cashmeres, Merinos, Delaines, Plaids. Prints ■ and Muslins. GEORGE WEAVER. J Bloomsburg, Oct. 30,1850. New Goods in Light Street. The subscriber has just received a new • assortment of goods from the city, which he otl'ers to the buying neighborhood at the lowest prices. His stock now consists of every article usually kept in a country store, • including C^<3DC3SdIS3B GROCERIES, {{ucenNwnrc Hardware, Capo Hoots aud.Sliocs, &e.) &e. He can furnish Cloths, Casimeres Satinets and Jeans for men's wear; and Merinos, Al pacas, Cashmers, Delaines, Ginghams and Prints for the ladios. Also Shawls, Hosiery j .and Gloves of every variety. Here is a [ ja r o chance fir bargains to those who want I che.ap and good goods for cash or country I produce. PETER EXT. | Li"ht Street, Oct. 29, 1850 BLOOfISBCRG ACADEMY. A 1?IGH SCHOOL J For Young T,t.' d -' e " , " ,d Gentlemen- I J. E. BRADL K'V, Principal. ' A.sufiici ant numbai' of competent Ass tanta al a " limes be £nq'doyed. ' The nnsuing Winter>' m W, 'J oom " me nee on MONDAY the 28th \' double; entry, General History, Natural History*. Fhy siology, Philosophy, other English branc. ie s, and Drawing. ' $1 J*® For Latin, Greek and German, 5 75 lyGood boarding can be obtained in pri vate fainiliesat from S>l 50 to ¥2 00 per weok. REFERENCES.— CeI. Joseph Paxton, Hon. 1 Stephen Baldy, Hon. Geo. Mack, Michael 1 lirobct, Esq., John M'Reynolds, Esq., and the Citizens of Bloomsburg. I t?' After this Winter Session tho French i Language will be taught in this School. I Bloomsburg Sept 28lh 1850. i FOR FALL AND WINTER \ .The subscribers have just added to their ' former stock a large une genarul assortment of Dry goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens- 1 ware Cedarware, Fish, Salt, Sic., carefully selected as to quality and priee, all of which ' they aie anxious to sell on the most accom modating terms, aud respectfully solicit a 1 call from all those who wish to buy cheap 1 goods' their old customers especially MENDENHALL Si MENSCH. 1 Bloomsburg, Oct. 31st 1850. _ _ i - ( Reading R- R- Panrngci Train* , Office of Philada. & Reading R* R. Co ) Philadelphia, Sept. 16, 1850. j Until further notice there will be but one Passenger Train daily, (Sunday excepted ) between Philadelphia and Pottsvillo at ha 1' past eight o'clock, A.M., and stopping at the usual places on the line of the road. Hours of Passing Reading For Philadel phia at 10 o'clock, 10 minutes, A. M., for Pottsville at 11 o'clock, 20minutes, A.M., By order of the Board of Managers. S. BRADFORD, Secretary Reading, Nov. 2, 1880. DON'T ALL SPEAK AT ONCE ! To HAVE tho best fitting suit in town - s made by BERNARD RUPERT, who fl does Fashionable Tailoring as cheap 1 ittle better than it can be done in town by anybody else. He has just received tho )a est Fall Fashions, and with his experieue in cutting garments, he can promise tho best atisfaction to those who patronize him. If CALIFORNIA Was to be supplied with such garments as he turns off, a fair fortune might be made at onre. His shop is on Main street below Mar ' *>. in i'. l ' e building lately occupied as an of c*"' *C R Buckalow. rarn„ W : 'l cou 'itry produce for his Bloomsburg, Nor. 8, >- ' Books! BooJ^S'• Joseph Swartz has just received £ new . of Literary Historical, Religious, Poetici! Miscellaneous and School books, to which i he invites the attention of the reading public < df Hloomsbusf. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER IP US 2? S H KF 8 THE TRUE DIGESTIVE FLUID, Oil A Great Dyspepsia curer, Prepared from KLNNF.T, or Iho fourlli Stomach of the Ox, after directions of Baron Liebig, the great Physiological Chemist, by J. J. Houghton, M. D., No.ll, North Eighth Street, Phila delphia, Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indi gestion, Dyspepsia, Jnudice, Liver Com plaint, Constipation, and Debility, Curing after Nature's own method, by Nature's own agont, tho Gastric Juice. Of Half a spoonful of this Fluid, infused in water, will digest or dissolve, Five Pounds of Roast Beef in about two hours, out of tho stomach. DICJESTIOX. Digestion is Chielly performed in the stomach by tho aid of a fluid which freely exudes from the inner coat of that organ, when in a stato ol health, called the Gastric Juice. This fluid is the Great solvent of the Food, the Purifying, Preserving, and Stimula ting Agent of the stomach and intenstines. Without it there will bo no digestion,—no conversion of food into blood, and no nu trition of the boiiy; but ra'.her a foul, torpid, painful, and destructive condition pf the whole digestive apparatus. A weak, half dead, or injured stomach produces no good Gastric Juice, and hence tho disease, dis tress and debility which ensue. PEPSIN AND RENNET. —Pepsin is tho chief element, or great Digesting Principle of the Gastric Juice. It is found in great abun dance m the solid parts of the human stom ach after de ith, anu sometimes causes the stomach to digest itself, or eat i'self up. It is also found in the stomach of animals, as the ox, calf, &c. It is the material used by farmers in making cheese, called Rennet, the effect of which has long been tho spe ciabwonder of the dairy. The curdliug of milk is the first process of digestion. Ren net possesses astonishl-g power. Tho stom ach of a calf will curdle nearly one thou sand times its own weight of milk. Baron Liebig states that, 'One part of Pepsin dis solved in sixty thousand parts of water, will digest meat and other food." Diseased stomachs produce no good Gastric Juice Rennet or Pepsin. To show that this want may be perfectly supplied, we quote the following SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE ! BARON LIEBIC, in Lis celebrated work on Animal Chemistry, says : "An Artificial Di gestive Fluid analagous to the Gastric Juice, may be readily prepared from the iittcous membrane of the stomach of the Cult, in which various articles of food, as meal and e Sg s l "'ill be softened, changed, and diges ted, just in the same manner as they would be in the human stomach." Dr. Pereira, in his famous treatise on "Food and Diet," published by Fowlers & Wells, New York, page 35-states the same great fact, and describes the method of prep aration. There are few higher authorities than Dr. Pereira. Dr Combe, in ,his valuable writings on the "Physiology of Digestion," observes that "a diminution of the due quantity of the Gastric Juice is a prominent and all pre vailing cause of Dyspepsiaand he states that "a distinguished professor of medicine in London, who was severely afflicted with this complaint 'finding every thing else to fail, had recourse to the Gastric Juice, ob tained from the stomach of living animals, which proved completely successful." Dr Graham, author of the famous works on "Vegetable Diet," says : "it is a remar kable fact in physiology, that tho stomachs of animals, macerated in water, impart to the fluid the property of dissolving various articles of food, and of effecting a kind of artificial digestion of them in no wise dif ferent from the natural digestive process." Dr. Simon's great work, the "Chemistry of Man," (Lea & Blanchard, I'hila., 18-18. pp. 321-2): "The discovery of PEPSIN to ms a new era in the chemical history of Di gestion. From recent experiments we know that food is dissolved as rapidly in an artificial digestive fluid, prepared from Pep sin, as it is in the natural Gastric Juice it self." i Professor Dunglison of the Jefferson Col ' lege.'• Philadelphia, in his great work on Hu man' /'hjsiology, devotes moro than fifty pages to an examination of this subject. His expef.'m'ents with Dr. Beaumont, on the Gastric Juice'., obtained from the living hu -1 man stomach ai.'d from animals are well j.-nowit. "In all c ases," he says, "digestion oc curred as perfectly in the artificial as the nati Ira l digestions." Aa a DVSPEWIA CURE!?, Dr Houghton's nrenarL ' l ' oll °f Pepsin has produced the rnnit mr 'vellous effects, cu'"'ig cases of Do bilitv Era 'ciation, Nervous .Decline, and disneptic Co.* 180 "'! 1 ;' 0 ". "uppotwd. ° be on the very verge of the grave. It j.s tmposs ble to give the Retails of cases in thfl limit of this advorti.-i I nieiit—but authenticate certificates have bf e * of more thani fire hun dred Remarkable Curfs, Philadelphia, New York, and Boston i'V ne - These were nearly all desperate cast's, an " 'be cures wero not only rapid and wan derful, but per manent. It is a great Nervous Antidc'l®, ~a R ar " ticularly useful for tendency to b.'" '°' ls aI8 " order, Liver Complaint, Fever mid .'kfi' ue > bndly treated Feve! and Age.., and tl.'® ® vll effects of Quinine, Mercury, and other air.' 1 ? 8 upon the Digeslivisbrgaus, after a long si. 'k ' ness. Also, for excess ih eating, and th a too free use of ardest spirits. It almost rec onciles Health with Intemperance. OLD STOMACH CO;PI.AINTS.—There is no form of Old Stomach Complaints which it does not seem to reach and remove at once. No matter how bad they may be, it gives Instant Relief I A single dose removes all the unpleasant symptoms, and it only needs to be repeated, for a short time, to make these good effects permanent. Purity of Blood and Vigor of Body, follow at once. It is particularly excellent in cases of Nausea Vomiting, Cramps, Soreness of the pit of the Stomach, distress after eating, low. cold state of the Blood, Heaviness, Lowr. essof Spirits, Despondency, Etnancialion, Weak ess, tendency to Insanity, Suicide, &c. Price, ONE DOLLAR per bottle. One bottle will often efieota lasting cure. PEPSIN IN'POWDERS, EST Sent by Mail free of Postage. For convenience of sending to all parts o the country, the I igestive Matter of trie Pep sin is put up in the form of Powders, with directions to bo dissolved in water or syrup, by the patient. These powders contain just the same matter as the bottles, but twice the iiuantitv for the same price, and \\ ill bo sent by mail, Free of Postage, for One Dollar sent (post-paid) to Dr J S Houghton, No 11 North Eighth street Philadelphia, Pa. Six packages for five dollars. Every package and bottle bears the written signa ture of J S HOUGHTON, M D,Sole Proprie tor. Sold by agents in overy town in the Uoi ted States, and by respectable dealers iu Medicines generally. Agents for Bloomsburg, JOHN R. MOV ER, E. P. LUTZ. I WINDSOR AND COMMON CHAIR rflauP to order of any desirable style at ike chair manufactory of B. HAGENBUCH May ith 1880. THE PAGIIEIIREIAN JOURNAL. Devoted to the Doguerreian and Photogenic Art; Also, Embracing the Sciences, Art and Literature THE first number of this Jodrnal, consist ing of 32 octavo pages, commencing tho Is of November, 1850; and, after that date, will bo published on the Ist and 15lh of each month. Its principal object will be to aid the Dag uerreiau Artist; to obtain all useful and do si'able information at as early a period as may bo practicable. It is designed, nnt only to show tho artist the moat approved plan of conducting his operations, but ut tho same time, to lead all to a thorough investigation of an art' which has since its discovery boon deservedly held in high estiinati' k >. and to show tho impor tance of its being conducted with the utmost care and skill. Most Artists have long been groping their j way in the dark, occasioned by a want ol a j reliable medium, through which they could j receive the desired information. We shall endeavor to make this a Journal j worthy of the confidence of our Subscri bers; possessing Merit, Practical as well as Theoretical Knowledge, interesting aliko to the Artist and person of cultivated taste. Ail opportunity will here be found of interchang ing views best to aid in the rising progress of Art. Tho Journal will also embrace the ScieiiC" es, Art and Literature. It will rcedily be seen that we shall endeavor to present as great a variety as possible in making its pa ges a source of valuable interest. That this Journal may be within the reach of all, we have fixed upon the low price of THREE DOLLARS a year, in advance, and a dopt the principle of the newspaper press; admit of a small number of advertisements, from Daguerrcian Stock Dealers, Manufactu rers, and Artists, which will be of great in terest to its readers; particularly those at a distance from the market. Heretofore such information has been quite limited. 8. I). HUMPHREY, Editor and Publisher 235 Broadway, Hew York. GUNSMITHIJVG IN n LOOMS BURG. Thomas C. Bomboy Respectfully yflorms the public that he has opened and arranged in good order A GUNSMITH SHOP at the Pennsylvania Hotel, in the lower part ot Main Street, Bloomsbutg, where he will be ready to furnish any kind of Firearms, in good order and of approved workmanship. He will also attend to Repairing and Cleaning Guns and will repair and make all kinds of lighi machinery, locks, &c., at moderate charges. Guns and Pistols on hand for sale. Bloomsburg, May 2, 1850. BOOT AND SHOE STOItE. New Arrangements and Great Bargains. The undersigned respecfully informs the citizens of Bloomsburgh and the public in general,that he has purchased Mr. Franlz's Boot 4' Shoe Store and has added largely to his stock, and will continue the business at the same stand in the Exchange Building, on wain Street, wh%re he will bo happy to receive the calls of old and new enstomers Boots and Shoes, of every variety at prices to suit purchasers, kept constantly for sale, and customer's work made to order as usual. fTTHc invites the custom of his old frieudj and the public, and hazards nothing in prom ising fat bargains. l3P°Store in tho Exchange Building, Maine street, sign of the Golden Boot. ' , , JOHN EGAN. Bloomsburgh, March 28, 1850. Fire Insurance. THE Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Comoany, have appointed tho undersigned an Agent, to make insurances in Columbia county. The Company is in good credit,and is conducted upon sound principles. Persons insured by the Company are entitled to the rights of membership therein, are elegible as Directors of the Corporation, but without any individual liability for the losses-or expenses of the Company. The amount of premium and policy paid when insured is the extent of liability. Persons desirous of eflecting an insurance upon property, can call upon the undersigned, at his Office in Bloomsburir CHARLES R. BUCKALEYV May 22, 1850. For Good Watches. 9Q Henry Ztippinger returns thanks for past patro nage, and invites the pub "TKj> be to examine his now i\. j assortment of i CLOCKS, WATCHES, Trimmings, Glasses, and Keys, Balance Wheels, Jewels, which he offers for reasonable prices. He will also re pair clocks, watches, and musical and opti cal instruments in a satisfactory manner. His shop ie in the middle room of the Ex change block, nearly opposite to the Court House. Bloomsburg, Nov. 28, 1849. Notice. f s 'hereby given that the final account of j rt i-ie.s Kocher, Committee of Martha Cau ley a lu." ,al ' c > has been filed in the Court of Common . v leas of Columbia county, arid will be ptese.*" 01 ' 10 'be Judges 'of the said court in session 0,1 Wednesday the 20th day of November lib'*', for confirmation, of which all persons in.' cr f s '®s' aro hereby no tified. j.ACOB EYERLY, Clerk. Bloomsbujg Sept. 19th 185(7. TAILORING IN LIGHT STREET JAMES SMITH Invites'the attention of the fashionable in Light Street to hisslsie of cutting garments Ho makes them in the best and most tasty manner, and can can ensure satisfaction in his tvarkmanihip. He receives the latest fashions, and when cutting onlp is desired, the work is marked carefully for the maker. E7*All kinds of country produce taken exchage for work. Light Street, Feb. 14, 1860. HATS AND CAPS. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and customers, that he has just re ceived from the city, a large and select as sortment of FASHIONABLE Hats and Caps, of DURABLE MAKE AND IMPROVED STYLE, which he offers for cash sales very cheap, at his old stand, on Main Street, sec ond door South of the ( ourt house. X3T He continues to manufacture Hats to order as usual. THOMAS WILLITS. Nor. IS, 1849. fSTTo the citizens of Cohtmhia county.ur Uead what otheis say of the virtues of Dr. Keeler's Cordial & Carmiiuative. For the speedy cure of Diarrha-a. Dysen tory, Cholera Infantum, Cholera Morbus, all summor complaints, Cholio, Flatulency, and a M derangements of the stomuch and bow. eisti'ora teething, &c. Thoti* an d a J' lo annually with diseases of tho stomal*'* am ' bowels from neglect. A moii" llie iunrmrous remedies both public & private, recommended for the above diseases none aro equal to the Cordial. oa™ "j ef perieuce and trials mi:do yviui it in hundieds of eases, superadded to ti.C l voluntary tesii mony from physicians and otuore gives it a char. uter not to be unheeded by lhC so ''lji'r isli ; the welfare "1 th. mselves au l (Iron Speedily subduing the pain and in flammatory tendency, allaying irritability of the stomach, and constraining unhealthy e lacuat.ons, its operation is prompt and ef fectual. That it will cure, and has cured, the worst form of disease of dethstomach and bowels read the following evidence : Philalphia, June 1, 181!). Dr. J. N. Keeler — I received yourno'.e this morning asking for information as to the dis tribution I made of the package of cordial you put into my possession while in com mand of tho 11. States transport during tire Mexican war According to your direcnou a part was distributed in Vera Cruz, the other j for:!' use of my seamen and other* on board, beliving I shoud! have use lur it, as 1 bad on board frequently from ond 1,1 three hundred persons, and that many Wui leaving Mexico would be-on the sick list.— Such was the fact, for Dysentery and Diarr hoea extensively prevailed ; I used the cor dial freely, and ill not a single instance do I recollect of its havii.g failed to cure. own crew would often be attacked with be arrhoia, Dysenlcrry, &c, peculiar to nearly all after getting on shore and eating fruit and vegetables ; in all such cases the cordial did not mil to cure speedily When in Now Orleans, a friend informed me of a Philadelphia gentleman, S Church man F.sq, who was sick with tho Dysentery, and despaired of by his doctor I mention ed having a bottle or so of your cordial 1 I sent it to liirn, and in a few days I had tho pleasure of seeing him well, 1 can give yon many names and testimonials of the efficacy of your cordial if necessary. I havo given I it to one ship master of this port, in particu | lar Capt Whipple, ship Monoiigahelu, and he ) informed me he would not be without it I | think it is the safest and best medicine that 1 . have ever known to be used in aflections of ] the stomach and bowels. I remain yours respectfully, D D Wilcox, 288 S Eighth street Davisvillo, Bucks co. Aug 25, 1847 Dear Sir—l am now prepared to recom mend your cordial from having used it with success in several instances, ana I am now trying your Sa-saparilla Panacea in a case of j'fotracted debility, attended with cough, ap parently produced in the young lady by her 'outgrowing her strength,' to use a common phrase. Yours, A EARLE, M D From the Upland Union. We are as little disposed as most persons to encourage appeals to law or medicine, but with all the legerdemain of the first, anil the ignorance and quakery of tho last, appeal must occasionally be made to both. The excessive heat and tho accompauing pro ductions of the season are already producing Diarrhma, Dysentery and holera Infantum' complaints which it not promptly relieved produce great debility and frequent death. From a knowledge of its beneficial effects, we refer to Dr. Keeler's Cordial and Crrmin ative," advertised in this paper. Dr. Keelnr is a physician of intelligence, skill, and largo practice, and if the remedies and commen dations of medical authority are to be de pended on the ndove named article will be found useful in the complaints referred to. £3s** Also Dr. Keeler's Sarsaparilla, a med icine of great efficacy in freeing the system from all diseases arising from impurities of the blood. In chronic diseases of the chest, stomach, liver and skin it is of great benetit. Females suffering with nervous debility loss of appetite, costiveness, pains of (he chest, functional obstructions will find a positive cure in the Sarsaparitla. iAf See pamphlets. Price 81. 1 All of the above celebrated and extensive ly used medicines, are prepared and sold Wholesale and Retail, 291 Market street, Philadelphia. For sale also by J. R. MOVER, Blooms burg; Chalfant & Hughes, and Dr. .1. A Moore, Danville; E. Franciscus,' Jersey k.hore; by Druggists arul Merchants throughout tho County and State. Bloorrsburg, Nov. 22d., 1849. ly. Boots and Shoes. nTEncourage your own Mechanics, anil you encourage Yourselves Tho subscriber would inform his friends and the public, that he lias on hand, and makes to order all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, at tho following low prices : Men's fine calf or morocco boots, $4 a 4 50 do kip or cow hide, 3 35 do calf shoes 2 00 do cow hide 1 75 do miners', nailod, 2a2 50 ! Ladies' gaiters, 2 a 2 25 " Lace boots, 162 " Thick soled slippers, lal 37 " Pump soled, jOO " Excelsiors, 125 Boys', youths' and children's shoes in pre - portion. Ho manufactures his work of the best of stock, and warrants it to wear : and ho is determined to sell it as low as others can their Yankee or city work. Call and I see for yourselves, t'hop 011 Main st., next | door below Hartinan's Store. WARREN RUSSELL. GIVE EM FITS! ! Peter S. Leidy Can manufacture just as neat and fashiona bio a suit of clothing as any other tailor in these diggins. As a sample of his work m.uiship, iie refers you to the BEST FITTING COX T To be found in tho town, which is quite cer lain to have come from his shop. He regularly receives the latest city fash ions, and from his experience in tho busi ness can ensure satisfaction in his work. He has also on hand an assortment of CLOTH, CASSIMERES, & TRIMMINGS, At tho lowest prices, from which 110 will make up to order coats, pants, or vests of any desirable style. tyilis shop is on the North side of Main Street, a few doors above the Court-house. Blootnbburg, Feb. 14, 1850. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that letters of Ad ministration have been granted to tho sub scriber, the Register of Columbia county, upon the estate of Margaret Shearman, de ceased, late of Roaringcreek township, Col umbia county. All persons knowing them selves indebted to the said estate are requir ed to nicke early payment to the undersign ed, and all having claims against the estate to present them to him for settlement, at his ' residence in Roaringcreek township, Colum bia county. 1 OctoberJtb, 1890. JACOB RHOWER. 1 For the fltfiovnl nut! Peraaitfttt Cure of c!) NERVOUS PIBEA.SES, Ami of tkoco Contplilntu ■•Uieli p ca:i; rated iratein ; while, Tinder Oh. influence of Ut vaniaia. h lunlicd DY tliifi bfleutilul and wondciiuldH cover/. \u< exhausted patient mid woikened sufferer ;n (••tored to former health. CtfCCftli. elasticity and vlgo. The greet peculiarity and excellence ot Dr. Christie's Galvanic Curatives, consists in the fact that they arrei ei/d cure di eiro by outwjrd application, in plucu of the ufiiial mode oi drug, and uliyaifkii.g the patient, till oxhaustcd Natuie sinks hopelessly under tho inllictioo. They strengthen the whole system, it/ualive the circu lation vf the blood, promote the seeretumc, a..d never J the slightest injury under any circumstances Since their introduction in tho L'uiicd fctatos, only three years since, uioro then 60,000 Persons including all sges. dune* and conditions, among wnK-h were a large number of ladies, w ho are peculiarly subject to Nervous Complaints, have heon ENTIRELY AND PERMANENTLY CURED, when all of relief had bean given up, Slid eveiy thing clso been triod in vain . To illustrate tho use of the OALYAHC MSI.T, suppose the cuse of a nerson afllicUnl with that bane i t civilization, DYbPEI'SIA, or any ether I'hronic or Net*, ous b tinnier. In ordinary cases, tlunnlants . *t v i the positive element of the Bolt, thereby causing a (Jui vmiic circulation which will |>as on to the negative, at I thcuco back again to tho imsitive, thus keeping up a con tinumH Oalvauic circulation throughout Uio system Thus tho most severe cases of DY6PKI'BIA are f I li- MANENTLY CURED. A FEW DAYS IS AMILY SUFFICIENT TO ERADICATE THE DISEASE Ol* | YEARS. CERTIFICATES AND TESTIMONIALS Of the most Undoubted Character, From all parti of tho country could be given, su&cfent to fill every column in thin paper ! AN EXTRAORDINARY CASE. wlilr.h Conclusively proves that " Truth is stranger than Fiction." CUKE OP Rheumatism, Bronchitis and Dyspepsia. HEV. Dlt. LANDIS, A CLERGYMAN of New Jersey, of distinguished attainments and exalted reputation SIDXKT, New Jeiscy, July 12. 1943. DR. A. H CHRISTIE—Dear Sir: You wish to know of me what has been the result in my own coso, cf tho application of THE GALVANIC BELT AND NECK LACK. My reply is as follows : For about lwnty yeart I had been suffering from Dyspepsia. Every year the symptoms become worse, our could 1 obtain permanent relief from Ony couno of medical treatment whatever. About fonrtten yean sincu, in consequeuce of frequent exposuro to the weather, In the discharge of my pastoral dutie-. I became subject to a severe Chronic Rheumatism, which for year oiler year, caused me indescribable arguith. Farther: in tho winter of '43 and '46, ju cou o quence of preaching a great deal in mv own and various other churches in this region, I was attacked by the bronchitis, which soon so s."- . i to require an immediate suspension of my p. Mr labors. My nervous system was now 'horoundly "• hated, and as my Bronchitis became worse, co ul -. lid my Pytpepsia and Rheumatic affection-thus evincing that these disorders were connected with each other through the medium of the Nervous System.. In tho whole pharmacopoeia there seomed to be no remedial agent which could reach aud recuperate my Nervouo System ; every thing that I had tried lor this purpose had completely failod. At last I was led by my friends to ox rrnino your inventions, and (though with no very sun. hopes of their eflicioncy,) I determine I to try tho effect of tho application of the OALVANIC BELT AND NECKLACE, with the MAGNETIC FLUID. This wna In Juno, 184 d. To MV UREAT ASTON IS HM r >T, IN TAJ OATS MV DVSPEMIA HAD DONE; is EIGHT I AVS I WAS SINCE OMITTED A SINGLE SERVICE ON ACCOUNT OF 1118 BRONCHITIS; AND MV RHEUMATIC AFFECTION HAS r.i• TIREU CEASED TO TROUBLE ME. Such is the wonder fnl and happy results of the experiment. I havo recommended the BELT aud FLUID to many who have been likew iso suffering fr>m Neuralgic affec tions. Thoy have tried them, WITH HArrV RESULTS, I ILLIKTE, IN EVERT CASE. I am, dear sir, very respectfully your", ROBERT W. I.ANDJf). DR. CHRTSTIE'B GALVANIC NECKLACE It tiik' for oil complaints affecting theThiootor Head, such as Bronchitis, inflammation oT the Throht, Nervrus •ml Sick Headache, Dizziness of the Head, Neuralgia in the Face, Buzzing or Roaring to tbe Ears, Deafness whioh is generally Nervous, t*iu diet distressing com ilaint, called Tic Doloreux. Palsy and Paralytiin. All physicians acknowledge that these terrible din hJ * Ur J' lcieac y n f V"rous Energy in U.o affected hmbs. DR. CHRISTIE'S Galvanic Articles will supply this deficient power, and o complete and cutire sure is thus effected. DR. CHRIBTIE'S GALVANIC BRACELETS Are found of vast service In cases of Convulsions or Fits, Spasmodic rnmidaints, and general Nervous Affections of tho Head and upper extremities. Also in Palsy end Paralysis, and oil diseases caused by a deficiency of powei or Nervous Energy in the limbs or other organs of thi body. Tic Doloreux and Neuralgia. These dreadful and ogonizing complaints lire imms stately relieved hy the application of the GALVANIC BELT. NECKLACE and FLUID. Ihe Belt diffuses the Elec'ricity through the system : the Necklace has a local effect, anil the Mni.l acts directly npon the afforded n-rves. In these Jlstrcising afflictions the application NEVER FA I LB. FITS AND CONVULSIONS. Thc.o alarming (nil terriblo complaint. hrn nlwar. C..H.1.J by a d,,./ t.t, 00- Many hundred c.rllflcate. fmra ,11 port, of tho O AU',"R E ED MOT; r. InoonrerUouoo attend. tho u.o of DR. CHRISTIE'S MLVAttIC ARTICLES, Ond th.y may bo worn hv tho moot ftobloond diilicolo, with 0- t eafrty._ In nony con tlio .ensotlun ■Tkt/ISI k?tl . U .'* *'*' J.o.otit and OfH.oil* Thoy con bo ynt to ony p.,, of too country • Prices * Tho Gnlvaulo Belt, "Three Dollars. The unlvamo Ncoklace, Two Dollars. The Galvanic Bracelets, One Dollar Eaeh. Tho Magnetic Fluid, One Dollar .. The artieUi are eeonmpeeled br fill ami rliln fu " ruxicui >--' • b<,h " PARTICULAR CAUTIONI 0(7" Beere o/ CtunUrfHU and Wtrtkl,,, ImUUim* O. a MORE HE AD. M. D., GENERAL AGENT FOR THE UNITED STATE. 1 ?. 13# RroiMlmjr, New Karl:. Fur sale in Rluomsburg , fa., by authorized agent, JOHN R, MOVER, and byaulhorized agent* in the p rind pat towns nf the State.