The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, October 31, 1850, Image 3

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Price Reduced!
Large Bottle*— Only One Dollar.
fhu Proprietor df thu Great American Remedy " Vafohn'u
Vcobtablk LiTiioirrftimc VtkTimu," induced by tbe
nrguut solicitations of bis Agents, throofboot Urn United
Btatei awl Canada, bas now
S*daeed the Price
of his popalar and well known article; and from thin date, i
henceforth, ho will pat l|> but one rim only, —ids quart j
books; —ilia mail prico will bo
Tho public inay rest assured that tho uharacttr of tho Modi
etna, its rtrongth, and curative proporiies WILL REMAIN
®*C*Ai*Ußt, mad the tents oaru will be bestowed in pre
paring it as hvutofore.
As this medicine, tinder its reduced j trice, will be purchased
by thoss who Ha to not hitherto made themselves acquainted
with its virtues, the proprietor would beg to intimnte that hit
•iticla is not to bo ckased wtth the vast amount or " Remedies
et the day j" it claims for itself a greater healing paver, in
diseases, then any olhar prrpmration noto before the
world and has sustained ttnff for eight yaont by its superioi
teiadieal virtues, and, tnrtfl this reduction, commanded double
the .price of any other orricte in this lino.
Motto* Tastm t this nruele acts with great heal
me pew or and urnlaity, upo\, the
81*4, lirer, Kidneys, Longs
and aH other ergaiu, u'pon the proper action of which lift and
i health depend.
This medicine has \ ftuUy high tepute as a remedy for
Dropsy and Gravel,
hnd all of that nnture. It may be relied upon when
the IntfJVfent physician has abandoned his pationt, and for
these .dMnwhinp diseases, mote especially DROPSY, the
wtot would earnestly and hooestly recommend ', f At its
present price it is easil> obtained b> all, the trial will prove
tho article to bo the
Cheapest Medicine in the World!
Please ask for pamphlets —the agents give them away
they contain over sixteen pages of receipts, (in addition to ftal
medical matter) valuable for household purposes, and whicl
will save many dollars per year to practical housekeeper*.
These receipts are introduced to make the book of great
value, aside from its character as an advertising medium for
the medicine, the tewtimony iu favor of which, in the form of
letters from all parts of the country, may be relied upon.
tW"Vaughn's Vegetable Llthontriptic Mixture" —the
Great American Remedy, now for sale in qnart bottles at $1
each, small bottles at 50 cts each. No small bottles will be
issued aAer the present stock is disposed of.
Principal Office, Buffalo, N. V., 207 Main fttrret,
Bold Wholesale and Retail by OLCOTT McKKHSON &
CO., 127 Maiden Lane, New York City.
N. D.—AU letters (excepting from agents and dealers witn
wlnAtt he transacts buMiiewO must be post paid, or no attention
will Iw given to them. j
AGENTS.—E. I'. LUTZ, Bloomsburg ;O.
F Mooro, Danville; Jno. \V. Frilirig, Sun
lmry, M A M'Cay, Northumberland ; John
Sharplese, Cattawissa; J K Millard, Eepy
town ; A. Millar Berwitfk ; Charles Seyberl,
Beach Haven. Oct. 31, 1850.—1y
a .
Jacob Harris ]By virtue of a mandate
vs I issued out of the Court
Wm. M. Sproul jof Common Pleas af Col
and others ] umbia county, at the suit
of Jacob Harris demandant, against.William
M. Sproul, Margaret Agnes Sproul a minor
by her guardian William M. Sproul, and
William Harris, Mary Ann Harris and James
Augustus Harris, minors, by their guardian
John Mcßeynolds, D< t mdaiits, 1 will expose
to public sale upon tho premises, on FRI
DAY, the Is\h day of Nocembcr next, at one
o'clock P. M.
Three ncveinl tracts cf land-
Lying together and adjoining each other,
situate in the township ot Madison and coun
ty aforesaid, the FIRST tract thereof boun
ded by lands hereafter mentioned and by
lands of Peter Shultz, John McGonigal ana
others, containing
The RECOND TRACT thereof bounded by
other lauds hereinafter mentioned, and by
lands of Jacob Stotler, Henry Tanner the
Heirs of Joseph Mellaril, and others, contain
ing sixty acres and eighty six perches.—and
tho THIHU and remaining tract thereof boun
ded by lands hereinbefore described and by
lands of Heirs of Joseph Mellaril. James C.
Sproul, John McGonigal, and others, contai
with the appurtenances to the said several
tracts of land respectively appertaining. The
said tracts of land are improved and have
bean in the possession of the said Jacob Ha r r
rip and William M Sproul &c. The sale
will be opened auhe House of William M
Sproul upon the premises now occupied by-
Jo. eph Bb-e as tenant. Terms made
known on the day of sale ; and the said
lauds to be sold as the property of the parlies
above named in the said action of Partition.
Sheriff's Office Bloomsbuig, j
October 22, A. D. 1850. j
Ureal Volume of "Graham !" j
Graham's Magazing unrivaled insplei.der
and excellence, will commence a new vol
ume with a magnificent Junuary number,
specimen copies ot which will be ready De
cember Ist, and will be furnished to all who
desire to make up Clubs {or the coming vol
The original puhlishftr of tho work re
turns his sincere thanks for the hearty wel
come with which his return to this favorite
pcriodieul has been hailed by the press and
•the public, and promises bis readers that the
past six numbers have nfiorded but a .light
foretaste of the excellence and beauty of
what is in store for the new vilumo Of the
early numbers we shall print Eighty Thou
sand copies, and stereotype the work for fur
ther increase.
G. P. R. James, the celebrated novelist,
■has been regularly engaged, and will fur
nish several brilliant romances during the
Geo, D. rrenlice w ill write his exquisite
poems exclusively for this Magazite. In
addition to which the publisher has re-en
gaged a host of brilliant writers whose ef
forts have heretoloro graced this Magazine.
The January uumber will contain some of
the moat exquisite productions of artistic
skill, and the series iheu begun will be con
tinued through the year.
Our artists in London, Paris, Italy and the
United States to whom WE PAY CASH for the
best and freshest, promise us that Gtaliam
. not be Beaten.' however others may
In ibe department of Fashion we shall ex
cel all that has ever been attempted either ill
the United States or Paris. In a word, wait
for the January number—then compare ami
decide—it will eclipse all others, or we shall
submit that we have not learned how- a mag
azine of tho most brilliant description can
be produced. It will be worth S3 ot itself.
TERMS.—Single subscribers, S3; Two
copies, 35; Five oopies, <lO ; and Ten cop
ies for 320, and an extra copy to the person
sending the club of ten subscribers. These
terms will not be departed from by any of
the Philadelphia three dollar magazines. All
orders to be addressed to
No 134 Ceestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Oct., 17th, 1850-lt.
Books 1 Books II
Joseph Swart 2 has just received a new 1)
of Literary Historical, Religious, Poetical
Miscellaneous and School booka, to which
ha invites the attention of the reading public
of Bloomsburg.
Grand Jurors for November Term,
Anthony —Hugh Wat. on,
Briarcrtek —George M' Bride,
Beaver —Edward Scheil
Bloom —James Thornton, Wm Rupert,
Samuel Kressler, George Mack.
Centre —David Sitller
Danville —lssaac Amerman, John unger
jr., Christian Laubach, Jesse Arter
Pishingcreek —Thomas Pealer, Isaac Kline
Greenwood —Philip Sipley
Hemlock —Kicharu Drinker
Limestone —John Dildino
Liberty —Russel Shedden
Madison —Richard Fruit
Mahoning —Daniel Rudy
Orange —Abner Welsch
Roaringcreek —Samuel Eck, James Robin
Valley —Benjamin McMahon.
Traverse Jurors, First Week.
Anthony —Robert McKee
Beaver —John Fisher
Bloom —Caleb Barton jr, Jacob Girton, Ja
cob Eyer, John M'Carty Jacob Deitrick, Ja
cob Snyder John Scott.
Centre—John WerV'.ieiser, Jesse Merril
Cattuwissa— John Hariman
Derry —Edward Henry, John Moyer
Dar.ville —John Armes, John Russel, Geo.
o Brown, Eli Trego, Stephen Morse
Fishingcrcck —William Robbins, Moses
MoHenry, Edwin Holmes
Greenwood—John Richards, Nehemiah
Hemlock —John Ohl
Jackson —Daniel Poust
Limestone —John Shearer
Maine —John Miller, George Miller, Ja
cob Fisher,
Madison —Gilberf C McWaine, Lewis
Schuyler, John Hend?rshot
Mahoning —Peter DeiiJ.'
Montour —David W. Clark, Eli Mendcn
Motm /pleasant —Samuel Johusorf, Androw
Mifflin —Matthew Brown, Jeremiah Bro Mr '
Orange —Joseph Richard,
Roaringcreek —Charles Metz, Jacob Hel
wig. John I'. Walter, John Belig
Sugar loaf—Sam uel Fritz, Henry Hess
Valley —David Davis.
Briarcreek —David Shaffer, John Zaner,
B/oom—David Melick, Douglas Hughes,
Moses Coffman,
Cattawissa —Peter Kern, Jacob Kreigh,
Danville —J. Clark Rhodes, Thomas Met
Derry —Conrad Springer
Fishmg'.roek —John White
Hemlock —Cornelious Styers
Jackson —Jacob Lunger, William E. Rob
erts, David Rcmly
Liberty —John Me Williams, John Wilson,
John Derr,
•^■mtstonc —George Wagoner. Fetcr Crom
Mifflin— Daniel Reinbold, Charles Hess
Mountp'easanl —Joseph Gilbert, Daniel
Madison —Robert Stout, John Crossley
Montour—Samuel Lazarus, William Mc
Niru.'h, John G Pegg,
Orange— James Patterson, Peter Aclion
bach, Jacob Seidle
Roaringcreek —Ellias Helwig, Reuben
Fah ringer,
Sugarloof— Alexander Colley,
Trial List for November Term 1850.
1 Frederick Beates Executors vs. Jonas
2 Wm Donaldson vs. J P Grove et. al
3 Daniel Hoates et. al. vs. Wm Schuyler
4 Jesse Hughes vs. B P Frick et. al.
5 Charles Kram vs. W E Albright
6 Lafayette Kessler, vs. Elisha Hess
7 Dr John Ramsay vs. Rev J P Heister
8 T Wildoners Executors vs. R Lochart
9 John Conner vs. John Stiles et. al.
10 William Betterly vs. Moses May et. ux.
11 Samuel Conner vs. Conrad Adams
12 George Fredericks et. al. vs. Veniah
13 Benjamin P.Frick vs. Charles F Mantt
11 Elias Simpson et. al. vs Robert B Carey
ct. al.
15 W W Cook vs. William Edgar and Jonas
16 James Losnon vs. Silas E Walton
17 Philip Krouse vs. Wm Koons
BY Divine Permission, tho newly erected
Evangolical Lutheran Reformed Church, in
Briarcreek township, will be dedicated to
the worship of Almighty God, on Sabbath,
ihe 17th day of November, 1850, to which
all persons friendly to the cause of Religion
are respectfully invited.
E3?~ A number of distinguished Clergy
men from a distance will be in attendance
and officiate on the occasion.
REV. I. BAHL, ..
David Shaffer, —eg
Lewis Deiterich,
Conrad Hippensteil,
George Kelchner, Esq.,
Oct. 24, 1850. Committee.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
several Courts of Commum Pleas, Gen
eral Quarter Scssi'nns'of the Peace, and
Orphans' Court. Court of Oyer and
Terminer and Jail Delivery, in and for
tho County of Columbia, to commence at
the Court House in bloomsburg, on
Monday the 18th dy of NovembsJ next,
continue two weeks.
The Coroner. Justice* of the Peace &
Constables, in and for the county of Col
ombia, are reqticated to be then and there
in tlieir proper persons, with their rolls,
records, inquisitions, and other remem
brances, to do those thing's to their sev
eral offices nppartaining to be done.
And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf
of the Commonwealth against any pris
oner, are nlso requested and commanded
to bo then and there attending in their pro
per person:; to prosecute against him, as
shall be just—and not to depart without
leave at their peril. Jurors are request
ed to be punctual in tlieir attendance, at
the lime appoiutcd agreeable to their no
Given under my hand at Bloomsburg the
10th day of Oct., i* the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and
fiftv—and the Independence of Ihe U
nited States of America the 74th.
(God save the Commonwealth.)
School Booka, Blank Books. Ledgers, D-iy
books and Journals; Gift books, Keepisakes
Ac., for sal* at the Bloomsburg Book Store'
Jeseph SwarM.
®f Literature anb "Art.
Great inducements to subscribe for the coming
Volume, January, 1851.
THE publishers of Sartain'sMagazine an
nounce that they have completed such ar
rangements for the forthcoming volume as
shall make it decidedly superior to all for
mer issues.
The Editorial Department will continue
under the control of
Prof. JOHN S. HART of Philadelphia,
Mrs. C. M. KIRKI.AND of New York,
Who, besides the constant contributions
from their own pens, will continue to secure
for it that unrivalled array of writers which
has given to this Magazine such a superiori
ty over all its competitors.
The proprietors are now making an ar
rangement which, when completed, will se
cure lor the work a series of articles on sub
ject, and of style and character entirely dif
ferent from the usual magazine (productions.
They will 'recommend themselves to the
reading public for their brilliancy of style,
as well as for propriety of the subject chosen.
But in no department of the Magazine
will there be such marked improvements as
in the embellishments for 1851.
In this respect the proprietors possess a
a peculiar advantage. Mr. JOHN SAR
TAIN, Mezzotinto Engraver, being one of
the proprietors, gives the best fruits of his
own skill every month to the Magazine, be
tides superintending and directing the other
embellishments. To carry into effect more
fully their views on this point, the proprie
tors have during the last season sent Mr.
SAMUEL SARTAIN, son of the formor, and
himself distinguished as artist, on a special
mission to Europe, to secure for the Maga
zine some of the choicest artistical talent in
London and on the continont During the
year 1851, Mr. John Sartain himself also pro
poses to visit Europe to carry through the
plans already projected, and to make still
more extended engagements. Tho particu
lars of these arrangements will bo given from
time to time.
TERMS—Single subscriber, 53,00; Two
copies, 55,00; Five copies, SIO,OO ; Ten
copies, $20,00 and an extra copy to the per
son sending the club often. These terms
wl 'M not be departed from by any of the
pv."-dphia three dollar Magazines.
A,n,'-e 's, JOHN SARTAIN & Co.
Oct. 17, ISo> 41 - Philadelphia.
A HIGH SClvl?.° L
For Young Ladies and Gfc•n*' e,ne,,
J. E. BRADLEY, Principal.
AsufTui ant number of co npe'.ent As'*
tants will, at . times be employed.
The ensu'tig Winter Session will com
mence on MONDAY the 28th day of Octo
ber next, and will continuo 22 weeks.
The Academic year consists of +4 weeks.
The price of tuition per quarter is as fol
low s:
For Reading, Penmanship, Grammar, A
rithmetic, Book-Keepiug by single entry, Ge
ography, History of U. S. $3 25
For same, and Algebra, Geometry, Survey
ing, Mensuration, Boook-Keoping by doublo
entry, General History, Natural History, Phy
siology, Philosophy, other English branches,
and Drawing. $4 50
For Latin, Greek and German, 5 75
tyGood boarding can be obtained in pri
vate familicsat from 81 50to $2 00 per week.
REFERENCES. —CoI. Joseph Pax ton, Hon.
Stephen Baldy, Hon. Geo. Mack, Michael
Brobst, Esq., John M'Reynolds, Esq., and
the Citizens of Bloomsburg.
ty Alter this Winter Session the French
Language will be taught in this School.
Bloomsburg Sept 28th 1850.
Register's Notice.
Nolice is hereby given to all legatees,
(■realtors, and other persons interested in the
esta'es of the respective decendents that 'he
following administration accounts have
been filed in the office of the office of the
Register of the County of Columbia and
will be presented for confirmation and allow
t nee to tho Orphan's Court, to be held at
Bloomsburg. in and for tho County aforesaid,
on Wednesday the 20ih day of November
next, at two o block J\ M,*
1 The account of Peter Roberts, Admin
istrator of the Estate of Jesse Roberts, late
of Beaver Township, Columbia Co dee'd.
2 The account of George Sloan, Executor
of the last will and Testament of David I
Sloan, lats of Briarcreek Township, Col Co
3 The account of Jeremiah Cromley, ad
ministrator of tho Estate of George Croinley
late of Valley Tp., col co dee'd.
4 The account of Benjamin Wintersteen
and Lewis Schuyler, administrators ot the
estate of Wm Wintersteen, late of Madison
Township, col co dee'd.
5 The uccount of George Girton_ Execti
tore of the last will and Testament of Peter
Girlon, late of Greenwood Township col oo
6 The first and final account of George
Kidd, Executor of the last will and Testa
ment of Mary Kidd, late of col co dee'd.
7 The final account of James Pleasants,
administrator of the Estate of E/.ra S Hay
hurst, late of Cattawissa, Columbia county,
8 The account of Samuel F Headley, act
ing Executor of the last Will & Tostament
of Eleanor Lochart, late of Berwick, Colum
bia county, dee'd.
9 The account of Margaret Creasey and
Elias Creasy, administrators of the Estate of
John Creasey, late of Centre Township, Col.
10 Tho nrcount of William Hidlay, admin
istrator of the Estate of Samuel F Price, late
of Orange Township. Columbia county dee'd.
11 The account of William T, Rhodes, ad
ministrator of the Estate of Charles Buda,
late of Briarcreek Township, Columbia co ,
12 The account of Rudolph Shumanoneof
the Executors of the last will of Jacob Shu
man late of Maine township, ..Columbia co.,
13 The account of Jacob L. •'human one of
the Executors of the will of Jacob Shuman,
late of Maine Township, Columbia county
JESSE G. CLARK, Register. \
Register's Office )
Bloomsburg, Oct. 2J, 1850. {
To School Teachers.
Two competent teachers are wanted to
take charge of schools in the town of Cat
tawissa An examination of the teachers
will be held by the board of Directors on
Tuesday the sth of November next, when
application must be made by persons desi
ring a situation.
President of the Board of Direetori.
Cattawissa, Oct 24th, 1850.
The Subscriber wishes all those who are
still indebted to the late firm of Hefiey k
Mendenhall to take notice that Le is com
pelted to urge an immediate payment; that
this is the last notice of this sort; and they
must blame themselves if they get a..other
kind of notice Boon, attended with costs.
Ptoemdburg. Oe'ober 10th 1800.-St
Sheriff Sales.
BY virtue of sundry writs of venditioni
exponas will be exposed by me to public
sale at the court-house in Bloomsburg on
Monday the 18th day of November next at
1 o'clock P. M., the'following real estate to
A ceitain lot of Ground situate in Bloom
township in the County of Columbia boun
ded as follows: Beginning at a Slake on
the North west side of first street of (he town
of Bloomsburg fifty three feet, North East
from the corner of a lot of ground owned
by Charles Kahler, running thence by fence
of Dr. John Ramsey North twenty nine de
gress west two hundred Sixty eight feet, to
an alley, thence along said alley North sixty
one degrees East forty one feet to a stake
corner of said said lot, owned by William
Lewis's thence by the same South twenty
nine degrees, East two hundred and sixty
eight feet to first Street aforesaid thence a
long said street south sixty one degrees west
forty one feet to the place of Beginning Con
taining ten thousand nine hundred and eigh
ty eight square feet, more or less, and where
on is erected n double two story frame
House a Well of water at the door with the
Seized and taken in Execution and to be
sold as the property o ( James Trace.
At the same time and nlare, a certain lot
or tract of land situate in Fishing Creek tp.,
Columbia County containing Eighty five
acres more or less, (feventy acres of cleared
land) Bounded by lands of Thomas Lunger
on the west William Evens in the north,
John Henry on the South ami others, where
on is erected a one and a half story log
House with a frnma attached to the end one
and one half story, one Bank Barn and a
large Apple Orchard, with the Appurtenan
ces. Seized and taken in execution and to
be sold as the property of William K. Moy
er and Isaac Robins.
At the same time and place, a certain lot
of land, situate in Main township, Colum-'
bia County, containing forty thiee acres
more or less (twenty five acres cleared)
Bounded by lands of Isaac Yetler on the
west, Daniel Yetter on the East, land of the
Shamans on the Sooth and others, whereon
is erected a one and one half story log
House and log Stable and other out build-
I ings, an Apple Orchard, with the appurte
na.'K'PS. Seized and taken in Execution and
to be solo as the property of. Henry Derr.
At the same lin.e and place, a certain lot
I jf land situate in Ligi'.'t Street, in Bloom tp.
It j'mbia County one quarter of
an Ar-ir more or less, bounded by lands of
pir Scr. '*i on l ''e South, Chari'es Schug on
the North! an ."'i?* on ' he Ea ? nn ' l ,he "K*
leading from t>omsburg to Orangevu.P
whereon is erected a on ,wo s .' or y
House with the appur;e." ,e,iceßße,ze . d and ,a "
ken in Execution and to bC 38 prop
erty of George W. Parks.
At the same time and place by virtue °^, a
writ of Levari facias, all that certain lot y. r
parcel of land Situate lying and beeing in j
Bloom lowuship in the County oi Columbia
aforesaid bounded and described as follows
to wit, Beginning at a post on the North east
side ot east Street ot the town of Blooms
burg at point opposite to the South East side
of First Street of said town and running
thence along a Street laid out by the said
John Ramsey and the Rev. David J. Waller
dividing their grounds, North fifty seven and
one fonrth degrees east, two hundred and
fourteen feet six int, esTu an ally thence a
long said alley south twenty eight and three
fourth degrees east forty feet to a post, thence
by a lot of ground conveyed or to be con
veyed by the said John Ramsey to Charles
Brown, South fifty seven and one fourth de
grees west two hundred and fourteon feet
sixty inches to east Street aforesaid, and
thence along said street North twenty nine
degrees west forty feet to the place of begin
ning together with the nppertenances. Seized
taken in execution ami to be sold as the
property of Kobison Key.
At the grnne time and place, a certain lot
of land situate in Sngatloaf township Colum
bia county, containing one fourth of an acre
more or lees' bounded by lands of Isaac
Hartman, Daniel Hartman, and on the road
leading ftom Benton to Rohrsburg, whereon
is erected a frame blacksmith shop,
ALSO one other lot situate in the Fame
township and county, containing one fourth
of an acre more or less, bounded by land of
Stott Cullv. and on the road leading from
Benton to Rohrsburg, with the app trtenances
seized, taken in execution, and to be sold
is the property of Valentine Fell.
By virtue of a pluries writ of venditioni
exponas all thot e certain six adjoining tracts
ol land situate formerly in CattawissaTown
ship County of Northumberland, but now in
the Township of Mifflin in the County of
Columbia, as follows to wit: The first cal
led Balbec, containing 412 i acres and al
lowance whereon is erected two log Houses
and two stables about twenty five acres of
which is cleared land, the second called Pal
myra containing 401J acres and allowances
the third called stcno Hall containing 438J
acres and allowance whereon is erected a
stone dwelling House and Stable an acre of
cleared land, and there is a vein of stone
coal opened on this tract. The fourth called
Farmer delight containing 418 acres and al
lowance. The fifth called, Troy, containing
4291 agres and allowance. The sixth and
last tract called Maine containing, 3811 acrts
and allowance adjoining lands ot Judge Cox
and others. Seized ard taken in Execution
and to be cold as the property of Jacob
Sheriffs Office j
Bloomsburg, Oct. 17,1850. |
It is hereb) given that the final account
Ot Daniel Yelter appointed by the Orphan'!
Court of Coiiimoi; county Trustee to sell
the real es'ate of Michae. Bitler deceased
on proceeding ir. partition, has been tiled a
mnng the proceedings of the Orph3 n ' l ' court
and will be presented to the said court Iff
confirmation on Wednesday the 20th day of
November next of which ull persons inter
ested will hereby Jake notice.
Bloomsburg, Oct. 20th, 1850.
proper and desirable forms, for sale at the
office the "Star of the North."
nnt-On the Eait side of Street,
three squares bele* Market.
Thomas €. Bomboy
Respectfully informs the public that be has
at the Pennsylvania Hotel, in the lower part
ol Main Street, Bloom-'burg, where he will
be reiuly to furnish any kin'P °f ' 'rearms, in
good order and of approved ptkmannip.
He will also attend to
Repairing and Cleaning Gunt
and will repair and make all kinds of
machinery, locks, &c., at moderate charges.
Guns and Pistols on hand for sale.
Bloomsburg, May 2, 1850.
New Arrangements and Great Bargains.
The undersigned respecfully informs the
citizens of Bloomsburgh and the public in
general,that he has purchased Mr. Franlz's
Boot i)' Shoe Store and has added largely to
his stock, and will continue the business at
the same stand in the Exchange Building,
on Main Street, where he will be happy to
receive the calls of old and new customers
Boots and Shoes, of every variety at prices
to suit purchasers, kept constantly for sale,
and customer's work made to order as usual.
invites the custom of his old friends
and the public, and hazards nothing in prom' i
ising fat bargains.
in the Exchange Building, Maine I
street, sign of the Golden Boot.
Bloomsburgh, March 28, 1850.
Fire Insurance.
THE Delaware Mutaal Safety Insurance
Comnany, have appointed the undersigned
an Agent, to make insurances in Columbia
county. The Company is in good credit,and
is conducted upon sound principles. Persons
insured by the Company are entitled to the
rights of membership therein, are elegiblo
as Directors of the Corporation, but without
any individual liability for the losses or expenses
of the Company. The amount of premium
and policy paid when insured is the extent
of liability. Persons desirous of effecting
an insurance upon property, can call upon
the undersigned, at his Office in Bloomsburg.
May 22, 1850.
For Good Watches.
OQ Henry Zuppinger returns
- his thanks for past patro
nage, and inviteß the pub
I'3®|j£r lie to examine his new
TIT i assortment of
f • i'- "'flfrl CLCCKS > WATCHES,
Glasses, and
Keys, Balance Wheels, Jewels, which he
offers for reasonable prices. Ho will also re
pair C.'ocks, watches, and musical and opti
cal instruments in a satisfactory manner.
His shop is in the middle room of the Ex
change block,, nearly opposite to the Court
Bloomsburg, Nov- 28, 1849.
w* T
TtlE subistriber offers at Private sale his
TAVERN STAND ANI? '- 0T > .B!ooms
burg: which, to any desirous ol
purchasing real estate in the CVnty ofur, ot
fersa fine opportunity for a profitable in,'est
ment. The property is upon the Main anu 1
business street of the town, anthin that part I
ot the place which has been growing most
rapidly w'.lhin a few_years past. The lot has
a front of 66 feet mfn Main street, and ex
tends 214J feet bacP
upon the premises might easily be made to
do a good business and the
on it are new ones of the largest kind. There j
is a good PUMP at the door, and every oth
er desirable convenience.
py It will be sold upon easy terms, by
early application td
Bloomsburg, October Sd, 1860.
Is hereby given that the final account of I
James Kocher, Committee of Martha Cau- 1
ley a lunatic, has been filed in the Court of
Common Pleas of Columbia county, and
will be presented to ihe Judges of the said
court in session on Wednesday the 20th day
of November next, lor confirmation, of i
which all persons interested are hereby no- <
Bloomsburg Sept. 19th 1850.
Invites'the attention of the fashionable in
Light Street to his stsio of cutting garments
He makes them in tho best and most tasty
manner, and can can ensure satisfaction in
his warkmanihip.
He receives the latest fashions, and when
cutting onlp is desired, the work is marked
carefully for the maker.
ry-All kinds of country produce taken
ixchage for work.
Light Street, Feb. 14, 1850.
THE subscriber respectfully informs his
friends and customers, that he has just re
ceived from the city, a large and select as
sortment of
Hate and Caps, of
STYLE, which he offers for cash sales very
cheap, at his old stand, on Main Street, sec
ond door South of the ( ourt house.
ISP" He continues to manufacture Hats to
prder as usual.
Bloomsburg, NoV. 15, 1849.
To HAVE the best fitting suit in townOa
made by BERNARD RUPERT, who II
does Fashionable Tailoring as cheap ti. IQT
1 iltle better than it can be done in town by
anybody else. He has just received the la.-
est Fall Fashions, and with his experiene in
cutting garments, he can promise the best
atisfaction to those who patronize him. If
Was to be supplied with such garments ae he
turns off, a fair fortune might be made at
ohce ; His shop is on Main street below Mar
ket, in the building lately occupied start of
fice by C. R. Buekalew. .
Of He wpll take boOntiy produce for hia
work, and gold dcillars wilt out be refused.
Bloomsburg, Nov. B,tHKMV.
IP IS IP S E S5 1 8
A Great Dyspepsia curer, Prepared from
RENNET, or trie fourth Stomach of the o*,
after directions of Baron Liebig, the great
Physiological Chemist,,by J. S.. Houghton,
M. D.,, North Eighth Street, Phila
delphia, Pa'. ■
This Is a truly wonderful remedy for Indi
' gestion, Dyspepsia, Jaudire, Liver Com
| plaint, Constipation, knd Debility, Curing
gfter Nature's own method, by Nature's own ;
age.nt, tho Gastric Juice.
jy" Half a spoontul of this Fluid, infused
ih wader, will digest or dissolve, Five Pounds
of Roasi E"f in about tvo hours, out of the
Digestion is C.hiell/ performed in the
stomach by the aidOOfi f a lit'ld which freely
exudes from the inner "J** WS® 1 . 1 '
when in a state ot health, Ctw'ed .'he Gastric
Juice. This fluid is the Great solvent 01 lllc
Food, the Purifying, Preserving, and Stitrifa
ting Agent of the stomach and iiitonpne.
Without it there will be no digestion,—no
conversion of food into blood, and no itu* j
trilion of the body; but rather a foul, torpid. .
painful, and destructive condition of the (
whole digestive apparatus. A wesk, half j
dead, or injured stomach produces no good j
l Gastric Juice, and hence the disease, dis
tress and debility which ensue.
I PursiN AMI RENNET.—l'epsin is tho chief
i element, or great Digesting Principle of the
Gastric Juice. It is found in great abun
dance in the solid parts of the human stom
ach after de ith, and sometimes causes the
stomach to digest itself, or eat hself up. It
is also found in the stomach of animals, as
the ox, calf, &c. It is the material used by
farmers in making cheese, called Rennet,
lite effect of which has long been the spe
cial wonder of the dairy. The curdling of
milk is the first process of digestion. Ren
net possesses astonishi' g power. Tho stom
ach of a calf will curdle nearly one thou
| sand times its own weight of milk. Baron
, Liobig states that, 'One pert of Pepsin dis-
I solved in sixty thousand parts of water, will
i digest meat and other food." Diseased
j stomachs produce no good Gastric Juice
j Rennet or Pepsin. To show that this want
j may be perlectly supplied, we quote the
BARON LIRBIG, in celebrated work on;
Animal Chemistry, says: "An Artificial Di
gestive Fluid analagous to the Gastric Juice,
may he readily prepared from the micous
membrane of the stomach of (he Call, in
which various articles of food, as meat and j
eggsj will be softened, changed, and diges
ted, just in the same manner as they would
be in the human stomach."
Dr. Pereira, in his famous treatise on
"Food and Diet," published by Fowlers &
Wells, New York, page 35. states the same
great fact, and describes tho method of prep
aration. There are few higher authorities
than Dr. Pereira.
Dr Combe, iu his valuable writings on
the -"Physiology of Digestion," observes
that "a diminution of the due quantity of
the Gastric Juice is a prominent and ail pro
vailing cause of Dyspepsia;" and he states
that "a distinguished professor of medicine
in London, who was severely afflicted with
I 'his complaint, finding every thing else to
I tki). bai! recourse to the Gastric Juice, ob-
I lain'ed from tiiC stomach of living animals,
which proved comp''* l ®'}' successful."
Dr. Graham, author ot *.he famous works
on "Vegetable Diet," says: "li ' 8 a rernar-
I kable fact in physiology, that the .stomachs
|of animals, macerated in water, impa."! to
' tho fluid the property of dissolving various i
I articles of food, ami of effecting a kind of
i artificial digestion of them in no wise dil
fß*ent from the natural digestive process."
Dr. .Simon's great work, the "Chemistry
of Man,'' & Blanchard, Phila.. 1846,
pp. 321-2): "The discovery of PEPSIN
fo ms a new era itl ibe chemical history ol
Di gestion. From recent experiments we j
know that food is dissolved os rapidly in an j
artificial digestive fluid, prepared from Pep-1
sin, as it is in the natural Gastric Juice it
Professor Dunglisort of the Jefferson Col
lege, Philadelphia, in his great work on Hit- I
man Physiology, devotes more than fifty !
pages to ail examination of this subject. |
His experiments with Dr Beaumont, on the i
Gastric Juice, obtained from the living hi.-i
man stomach and from animals are well j
known. "In all cases," he suys, "digestion j
occurred as perfectly in the artificial as the !
As a DYSPEPSIA CI'RER, Dr Houston 's j
preparation of Pepsin has produced tlid
most marvellous effects, curing cases of Do
bility, Emaciation. Nervous Decline, and
disp'eptic Consumption, supposed to be on |
the very verge of the grave. It is imposs
ible to give the details of cases in the limit
of this advertisement—but authenticate;
certificates have been of more than two hun
dred Remarkable Cures, in Philadelphia, New I
York, and Boston alone. These were I
nearly all desperate cases, and the cures j
wero not only rapid and wonderful, hut per
It is a great Nervous Antidote, and par
ticularly useful for tendency to billious die
order, Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, or
badly treated Fever and Ague, and the evil j
effects of Quiniue, Mercury, and other drugs j
upon the Digestive organs, aflor a long sick- j
ness. Also, for excess in eating, and the
100 free use of ardent spirits. It almost rec
onciles Health with Intemperance.
form of Old Stomach Complaints which it
does not seem to reach and remove at once.
No matter how bad they may be, it gives
Instant Relief! A single dose removes all*
the unpleasant symptoms, and it only needs
to be repented, lor a short time, to make
these good effects permanent. Purity of
Blood and Vigor of Body, follow at once. It
is particularly excellent m cases of Nausea
I Vomiting, Cramps, Soreness of the pit of
| the Stomnch, distress after eating, low. cold
stale ol the Blood, Heaviness. Lowe ess of
I Spirits, Despondency, Ktnanciution, .Weak
! ess, tendency to Insanity, Suicide, &e.
Price, ONE DOLLAR por boltlo. One
bottle will often eflect a lasting cure.
tV Scut by Mail Free of Postage.
tor convenience rf t 6Bnt j| n g | 0 a j| p ar | S 0
the country, the I'igestive Mat'er of the Pep
sin is put un ,n th e f orm c f Powders, wifh
directions to bo dissolved in water or syrup,
by '.'ne paliont. These powders contain jusi
'.he same matter as tho bottles, but twice the
quantity for the same price, and will be sent
by mail, Free of Postage, for One Dollar sent
(post-paid) to Dr J S Houghton, No 11 North
Eighth street Philadelphia, Pa.
Six packages for five dollars. Every
package and bottle bears the written signa
ture of J S HOUGHTON, M D ,Sole Propria
; tor.
Sold by agents in every town in the Uni
ted States, and by respectable dealers in
1 Medicines generally.
■ Agents for Bloorasburg, JOHN R- MOY
; ER, E. P. LUTZ.
; aiters end Slippers raM. manufactured and
(* rale by WARREN ROBBKt.
PTTo the cititene rf Columbia county. OT
Red what otheis say of tha virtual of
Dr. Heeler's Cordial 4 CarallaatlTe.
For tho speedy cure of Dianbma, Dysan
tery, Cholera Infantum, Cholera Morbus, all
summer complaints, Cholic, Flatulency, and
all derangements of the elonlach ana bo**
els from teething, ftc. ■ .■
Thousands die annually with disease* of
the stomach and bowels frpm neglect. A
raong the numerous remedies both public ft
private, recommended for* the above diseases
none are equal to the Cordial. Years ol el*
perience and trials made with it in hundreds
of cases, superadded to the voluntary testi
mony fiom physicians and others, gives it u
character not to be unheeded by those chat*
isliing the welfare of themselves and chil
dren. Speedily subduing the pain and in
flammatory tendency, allaying irritability of
the stomach, ami constraining unhealthy #-
vacuations, its operation is prompt and ef
That it will euro, and has cured, the wotK
form of disease of deihstnmacli and bowrH
read the following evidence :
Pliihdphia, June 1. 1549.
Dr. /. S. Kncler — 1 received yourno'.e this
•Homing asking for information as to tho ilis
triuPtioii I mado ol the package of cordial
vo'i pu( 'i' 3 niy possession while in com
mand pf the I'- States transport during tha
Mexican vpr According to your direction a
pari was distributcu l U * l ' ra C'ruz, the other
1 kept for the uso of my' scaipen and others
on board, belivirig I should .V'ave use for it,
as I had on board frequently to
three hundred persons, and that man/ when
leaving Mexico would be on tlio sick lts| A —
Suvrh was the fact, for Dysentery and Diarr
hoea extensively prevailed ; I used tha cor
dial freely, and in not a single instance do I
recollect of its having failed to curs. My
own crew would often be attacked with Di
arrhoea, Dysenlerry, tec. peculiar lo noarly
ail after getting on shore and eating fruit-aral
vegetables ; in all such case# the cordial itiJ
not fail to euro speedily
Wlien ill New Orleans, a friend informed
me of a Philadelphia gentleman, S Chureh
! man Esq, who was sick with tho Dysentery,
I and despaired of by It is doctor I mention
ed having a bottle or so of your cordial I
' i sent it to him, and in a few days 1 had the
j pleasure of seeing him well, 1 can give you
j many names and testimonials of the efficacy
lof your cordial if necessary. I have given
] it to one ship master of this potl, in purlieu
i lar Capt Whipple, ship Monongahel i, ami he
j informed me he would not be without it I
1 think it is the safest and best medicine that 1-
have ever known to be used in affvetious of
the stomach and bowels.
1 remain yours res ectfoliv, ~
D D Wilcox, 388 S Eighth street
Davtsville, Bucks co. Aug 25, 1847
Dear Sir—l am now prepared to recom
mend your cordial from having used it with
success in several instances, aim I am no*
trying your Sa-saparil!a Panacea in a case oi
protracted debility, attended with couh, ap
parently produced in the young lady by her
'outgrowing her strength,' lo use a common
phrase. Yours, A EARLE, M. I)
From the Upland Union.
We are as little disposed as most persons
to encourage appeals to law or medicine, but
with all the legerdemain of tho first, and the
ignorance and quakery of the last, appeal ■
must occasionally be made to both. Thj
I excessive heat and the accomyaning pro
| duetions of the season arc already producing
Diarrhff.a. Dysentery and holera Infantunr,
complaints which it not promptly relieved
produce great debility and frequent death.
From a knowledge of its beneficial effects,
we refer to Dr. heeler's Cordial and C'rrmin
ative," advertised in this paper. Dr. Keeler
is a physician of intelligence, skill, and large
practice, and if the rotnedies and cominen-
I dations of medical authority are to he de
pended on the adove named article will be
found useful in the complaints referred to.
Also Dr. Keeler'e Sarsaparilla, a med
icine Oi"£real efficacy in freeing the system
from all diseases arising from impurities of
the blood In chronic diseases of the cheat,
stomach, liver and skin it is of great benefit.
Females sntiering wit!.' nervous debility loee
i of appetite, thilivenoss, pains of Ihe chest.
| functional obslfnetions will find a poeitive
I cure in the Sarsdparilla. Is" See pamphlets.
Price Si.
All of the above celekvatoJ and exteusivi.
ly used medicines, am p rpprrVcd and sold
Wholesale and Retail, 294 Market street,
For sale also by J. R. MOVER. Blooms-
Ltirg; Chalfant k Hughe*, and Dr. J. A.
Moore, Drmville; K. Franciscug, Jersey
Shore ; aritU by Druggists and Merchants
throughout the County and State.
Bloomsburg, Nov. 22d., 1849.—1y.
.Boots and Shoes
ITT Encourage yoV.T oxen Mechanics, and you
encourage Youtselvee .A 1
The subscriber would inform his frienlls
and the public, that he has on hand, and!
makes to order all kinds of BOOTS ANId
SHOES, at the following low prices :
Men's fine calf or morocco boots, $4 a 4 80
do kip or cow hide, 3 38
do calf shoes 2 00
do cow hide 1- X'<
do miners', nailed, 2a2 6(j
Ladies' gaiters, 3 a 2 25
" Lace boots, I W "
" Thick soled slippers, Jal 37
" Pump soled, 1 o(t'
" Excelsiors, 1 2a
Boys', youths' and children's shoes in pro
portion. He manufactures his work of the
best of stock, and warrants it to wear; and
ho is determined to sell it as low as others
can their Yankee or city work. Call amf
see for yourselves, Shop on Main at., next
door below Hartinan's Store.
Peter S. Lcidy
Can manufacture just as neat and lasliiona
ble a suit of clothing as any other tailor in
these digging. As a snCiple ofeliia work
manship, he refers ',oti to the
To be fon'jij in the town, which is quite cer
,a ' n '.o have come from his shop.
lie regularly receives the latest city faali
ions, and from his experience in the b&tK
ncss can ensure satisfaction in Ills work.
He has also on hand an assortment 6f
I At the lowest prices, ftqin which he wi|l
I make up to order coatf, pants, or vests of any
desirable style.
ry ibs shop is on, the North side pf Mai*
Street, a few nopra above the Court-house.
Uloomsburg, Feb. 14, 1850.
AdSiiistrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that leifcts of Ad
ministration have been granted to the sub
scriber, the Register of Columd>ia county,
upon the estate of Margaret Shearman, de
ceased, late of Roaringcreek township, Col
umbia county. All persons knowing them
selves indebted to the, said estate ere requir
ed to make early payment to the undersign •
ed, and all having claims against the estate
to present them to him for settlement, at hi* *
i residence in Roaringcreek township, Ooliiat-
I bia county. .
October 3th, 1890. JACOB R HOWER.