The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, October 10, 1850, Image 4

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    For (he Curo of
The uniform success which has attended the
use ofthis preparation;' its salutary cffcctjilspow- j
el to relieve and cure allcctions of the I.ungn, have I
gilncd (or it a celehrily equclled by no other incd- j
orine, Wo offer !• U, ihu afflicted with entire
confidence in its virtues, and tl.e full belief Ihntfit
will subi W ant 1 remove the severest attacks of dis
roso won lbe throat and Lungs, Tho result*, aa
they become publicly known, very natuially ot
truct the attention of medical uten and philanthro
pists everywhere. What is their opinion of CH
ERRY PEOTOItAL max be seen ih tho follow
in* ;
Valentine Mott. M- I)., Professor Sur
gery. Medical College. A'. Y, says:
It gives me pleasure to certify to the value and
cfflicacy of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which 1 con
sider peculiarly adapted to cure diseases of the
Thiont and Lungs
The Rt. Rev. Lord Bishop Field
"Writes im letter to his friend, who was sinking
under on affection of tho Lungs, •Tiy the Cheiry
Pectoral, and if any medicine can give you relief
with the blessing of God that will'
Chief Justice Euslis*
of Louieinr.a, writes that a young daughter of his
was cureu or several severe alta< k3 of Group by
•the Cherry Pectoral
Hartford, Jan 26,1848
Dear Sir: Having been rescued from a painfn
ond angerous disease by your medicine, gratitude
prompts me to send you this acknowledgment not
only in justice to you but for the information of
ethers in like uffliction
A sligh* cold upon the lungs neglected at first,
beoame so severe that spitting of blood, a violent
cough and profuse night bweats followed and fas
toned upon me I became emaciated, could not
sleep, was distressed by my cough, ami a pain
through my chest, and in short had all the alarm
ing symptoms of quick consumption No medi
cine seemed at all to reach my case, until provi
dcntially 1 tried your Cherry Pectoral, which re.
lifved and now hat cured l o>:
Yours w'th respect E A ST WART
Albany, N V', April 17, 1848
Dear Sir; I havo for years been afflicted wi h
Asthma in the worst form; so that 1 have been
obliged to sleep in my chair for a larger part of
the time, being unable to hreutho on my bed I
had tried y gre. t many medieinos to no purpose,
until my physician prescribed,as au experiment,
your Cherry Pectoral
At firet it seemed to make me worse, but in lees
than a week I began to experience the most groti,
fying relief from its use ; ond in four weeks the
disease wus entirely removed 1 can sleep on my
bed with comfort, and enjoy a state of health
which I never expected GEO 8 KARRANT
Prepared by J C Jtyer* Lowell Ma*#
Suld by \) P LUTZ, Blnomsburg
A B WILSON, Berwick
April 4 0 ;J eh
CPlcbi'ftlctl Family Medicine?
The Original and Genuine Preparation!
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Liver
Complaint, Spitting Blood, difficulty of
Brcatl ing, l'uin in the Side and Breast,
Palpitation of tho Heart Influenza,
Croup, broken Constitution, Soro
Throat, Nervous Debility, and all
diseases of the Throat, Breast
and Lung; tho most effectual
and speedy cure known for
any of the above diseas
es is
Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of
Wild Cherry.
WM. MONTELIUS, a respectable merchant of
St. Clair, Schuylkill couuty, writes, January
30, 1849: —Enclosed I send you a certificate
of Worn. Beaumont, a citizen of our town.
His case of consumption is well known here,
and of long standing; he attributes his cure
entirely to your Compound Syrup of Wild
"A safe ami effectual remedy for Wornu. Dys
pepsia, Cholera Morbus, sickly or Dftpep
tic Children or Adults, and the most
usejul Family Medicine ever of
feredto the jmblic.
ted, Anderstoccn, Indiana. A man purchased
a bottle of your Vermifuge the other day for
his child, and by its use it discharged C 3 of
the largest worms he had ever seen. It is
somewmat difficult to get the peo, le to try it,
iKey have so often been gulled by nause
ous anil worthless worm medicines. Yours
being so very pleasant to the taste, at the
same lime effectual, I shall be ablo lodispoae
of a large quantity. Respectfully yours. Ac.,
Remember: Dr. Swayne's Vermifuge is
now put up in square bottles, (having recent
ly been changed;) covered with a Beautiful
wrapper, (steel engraving.) with the portrait
of Dr. Sway ne thereon engraved. Bear this
in mind, and be not deceived. CLENSE AND
*EXTAACT or TAU PILLS.—A mild and effec
tive purgative, great purifyer of tho blood,
they correct all the functions of tho Liver,
and as an alternative Dropsical ullections,
they are very valuable. Giddiness of the
head, dimness of sight, depression of spirits,
headache, &c., are cured by tlieso purifying
Pills. No medicine can have a better elfoct
for monthly irregularities, which occasionally
happen to women, they uro perfectly safo,
and will in conjunction with Dr. Swayne's
compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, take all
pain and disease from every part of tho sys
The abriT'fi Valuable meUuiieos are pro
pared only by DU. SWA PNE, N. W. corner
of EIGHTH and RACE Streets, Philadel
E. P. LUTZ K JOHN K. MOVER, Bloomsburg,
Pa; M C Drier & John Moore Danville; John
Sharpless& C Hartman & Co., Catawissa: G
& R Shuman Catawissa Forge; Brown and
Creasy. MitHinville; A Miller Berwick: John
Doak Briar Croek tp.; Peter Ent Williams
burg; E. Lazarus Orangeville; JK Millard
Espytown: Elias Wertmvn Rohrsburg; Geo.
Masters Milltflte ; J M Sheldon Jersey-town •
McCay A Patterson Waahingtonville; Hugh
McWitliims Moresburg; and by most all
Storekeepers in the adjacent Counties. I
Bloomsburg, Feb. SI, 185(r!*-6m.
The moitt Wonticrfui Medicine or the Age,
1,500,000 BOTTLES
Tills Mulkliif Is put up lit <luni# Unttlci,
nml hits cured more then
100,000 Oases of Chronic Diseaso,
within the Inst Ten Yean --None Is Genuine
unless signet! by 8. P. TOW A' 8 liiN 13.
—the Public will leant the origin, or rather wlieie the
recipe for m.tking tho stuff they rail Oi l Dr. Jacob
Townond*s Hnr*ap®>*ilta, ennfp from—and will be able
to Jud£b which is tho geuui:t& ond original, ami ol° tin
benefit! of tho men who Employed felling it ju
the original Dr. Towusend't* sarsapurjlla Dr P.
'i'own-eiid was the origin*! proprietor and inventor c."
Dr. Tow mend's San ainuilh, ami his medicine lias
f amed a reputation that no other reuird- *. .r gained.
Ic rntnufar.lured over one K...1i0u0l bottles last year
und is manufacturing it present 8,000 bottles pur day
VVs use moie Burssparillu and follow Dock iu our
fftUbli.hmont each day, thin all thenthor Sarsnpaiillu
Manufacturers in the world. Principal Office, IJf
City and County of New-York, tt
William Armstrong, of the said t'ity, being duly
sworn, doth depose and sny that he is a practical
Druggist and Cnemist. That some time in the latter
part of May, or first ol Juno, 1844, a man by tho name
of Jacob Tow nsendflpho at that time was a book and
pamphlet peddlery called upon dejmnent, at the house
of Mr. Thompson, No. 4i Hudson-street, where depo
nent hoarded, and requested dei>onent to wiile luin a
recipe by which h> make a Syrup of Sarsaparilla.
Deponent further says, that he became acquainted
with said l owQuad at<Lc olllce of Theodore Foster
Ken., Hook whom said Townsend
dealt That said Townscnd had had frequent conversa
tions with deponent respecting the manufacture of r a n
article ni Sarsaparilla to be sold under the name o( Di\
Jacob Townsend.
That said Townsend stated he was an ot j an( j
poor, and-was not fit for hard labor—wished to
make some money, in order to live easy In his old
J.J i, an.l that, if Sai satin ill. unjp; <h o nam. of Town
send sold so well, and so mur\ Tnoncy was made by
it, he could see no reason he might not make
something out of it t<\, <his name boing Townsend,)
if lie could get a r unable person to prepare a recipe,
and manufactur. it for him. Deponent in one of the
conversation** asked said Townsend if he was related
to Dr. 8. P Townsend, to which bo replied, that he
knew D*. 8. P. Townsend would be down on him after
ho m>' tild commence. But that he did not care for
him, f*s he hud lorined a co-partnership with nien who
Conjd furnish the requisite amount of capital— and was
'V*ll prepared to defend himself against any attack
hat might be made on him.
Deponent further says, that pursuant to the request
of tiud Jacob TowiLsund. he w rote a recipe for the
manufacture of a Syrup of Sanuiparillo, ana gave it to
aim. Said Townsend observed that ho wanted to
Dike a specimen to exhibit to his partners for their
approval, as he wished to gratify them in every thing,
M they furnished all tho capital -said Townsend also
old deponent that the bottles they were to use were
to be of tho same size and shape as Dr. 8. P. Town
send's, and deponent, ot the request of said Jacob
Town-end, went to the olllce of Dr. 8. P. Townsend,
and procured one of his labels.
And deponent further says, that he lias been inform
ed, and verily believes the Syrup of Sarsaparilla, sold
ai (no Jacob Townncr.d's, is made after the rcripe ftir
nlshcd \y deponent, to Jacob Townsend, a* aforesaid.
And lurther deponent snith not.
Bworn to before me, this iitli day of May, 1849.
* Mayor of the City of New York-
Hero is proof conclusive that Dr. S. P.
Sarsaparilla is the original. The following is from
some of the most tespcctable papers iu this State.
Albany Kvcnlng Journal.
Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla.
There probably never lias boon so popular a remejy,
or patent medicine, us Dr. Towuseuds'a Sarsaparilla,
which was originally, and continues to be manufac
tured in this city, at first by tho Doctor himself, and
afterwards f>r several years and to the present time,
by f lpp fc Townsend, tho present proprietors Since
Hie paitm-rship was formed, the Doctor has resided in
New York, whore he keeps a store, and attends to the
bucinoss tlmt orcpmtllab'a ut that point. The manu
factory Is in thio city, and is conducted by tho junior
partner, Mr. Clapp -here all tho medicine-is manufac
Few of our citizens have any idea of the amount ol
this medicine that is manufactured and sold. Besides
the sales in this country, it is shipped to lite Capadas,
West India Islands, South America, and even to F.u
mpe, in considerable quantities. At the manufactory
they employ a steam engine, besides a large number
of nieir, women and girls, in the preparation ol' die
medicine, making boxes, printing, Ice, and turn out,
ready for shipme nt, over 400 dozen per day, or nearly
8000 bottles. This is uu enormous quantity.
The great sale the medicine has acquired, has in
duced a number of men to get up imitations, and there
is at the present time, other medicines for sale, that
are called " Dr. Townscnd'a Sarraparilla." One in par
ticular started a short time ago in New York, is called
"Old Doctor Jacob Townsend's Harsapnnlla," and ap
parently with a view, by dint of advertising, and the
usual remedies resorted to in such afforts, to appropri
ate the name ol Dr. S. P. Townsend's great remedy,
and thus gain all the advantages resulting from the
popularity of the uame which he has acquired for it,
by years of patient and expensive labors. Dr. 8 P.
Townsend, formerly of this city, as is well known
here, is the inventor and original proprietor of the
medicine known as " Dr. Townsend's Sarsa;>arilla, a
and we think those persons who are attempting to sell
their article as the genuine, should be exposed
New York Dally Tribune.
Q&- We published an advertisement inadvertently
some time since that did iiyuvtico to I)r. 8. l\ Town
•end, who ia the original proprietor of the preparation
of Sarsaparilla known an Dr. Towniond's. Othei
parties have within the pant few months engaged or
connected themselves with a man by the name of
Towtuend who put up a medicine and calls it by the
same name. This medicine was advertised in The
| Tribune as the original, Btc. This advertisement also
. oontained matter derogatory to the character of Dr.
i 8. P. Townsend and that of his medicine We regret
it appeared, and in justice to the Dr. make this ex
, plauution.
New York Dally Sun.
Da. TOWNSRNO'B extraordinary advertisement,which
occupies an entire page of the Bt?i*, will not oscape
notice. Dr. 8. P. Townsend, who is the original pro
prietor of Dr. Townsend's Saisaparilla, and whose of
flee *s next door to ours, where he has br en for sever
c! yvira, is driving an immense business, lie receives
no loss than four hundred dozen ol Sarsaparilla per
day, and even this enormous quantity does not supply
the demand. No medicine ever gained so greet a
popularity soliis preparation of the Sarsaparilla. His
i edition of zftmanacs lor 1849 cost s*i-J,OOO, and he
has paid the Now York Sun for advertising, in the
last four years, over SIO,OOO, and he acknowledges
that it is the cheapest advertising he has had dono.
This medicine is exported to the Canadas, West In
dies, South America ami Europe, in considerable
quantities, and is coming into geueral use iu those
j countries, as well as here.
Druggists and others that sell Sarsaparilla for the
genuine and original Dr. Tow mend's Sarsaparilla.
that ia not signed by S. P. Townsend, commits a fraud,
and swindles the customers. Men that would be
guilty of such an act, would commit any other fraud
—and no Druggist of common intelligence but knows
that ours is the only genuine.
Old Jacob Townsend.
Some people who are not well informed, and have
not read the Papers, and not teen our advertisements,
have been led io suppose, that because these men ad
vertise their stuff'as " Old Jacob Tow mends," that it
must, of cohrse, be the original. It is less Iran one
yeaivsince they commenced to make their medicine.
Ours has been in the market over ten years
This Old Jncob Townsend.
They are endeavoring to palm ofl' on the public as
an old: Physiciau, fcc. Ho is not a regular educated
Physician, and never attempted to manufacture a med
icine, until these men hired him for the uso of his
name. They fffy they do not wish the people to be
lieve that their saraaparilla is ours, or the same—but
the better to deceive the public, they at tho same time
assert that their*! is the Old Dr. Townsend's, end the
original; and endeavor to make the people believe
that the stufl'thev manufacture, i< the Dr. Townsend's
Sarsaparilla, that has pcrlonr.ed *o many wonderful
curst for the past ten years, and which has gained a
reputation which no other medicine over eiyoyed—
which ia a base, villalnou~, unprincipled falsehood
We havu commenced suits against these men foi
damages. Vfr with it tobi understood, that the old man
is no relution to Dr. Townsend whatever. In their ad
verts amenta and circulars, they publish a number of
gross falsehoods respecting l)r. Townsend, which we
will not notice.
t'tx lne Reports.
Our opponents have tmblishod in the papers, that
Dr. 8. P Townsend was dead. This the. sond to the ir
agents about the country, who report that we have
Siven up business, ifce. lie. The public should be on
icir guard, and not <bo deceived by these unprinci
Notice of Removal. —After the first of September,
1549, Dr. 8. P. Townsend's Now York Ofllco will be
in tho South Baptist Church, No. bi Nasaau street
which is now undergoing a thorough change, and
will bo fitted for the better accommodation of tiw pro
priotora and the public.
Take particular Notice— No Sarsaparilla ia the
Kenuine and original Dr. Townsend's BaraapariUa. Un-
MI signed by 8. P. Townsend.
AUDITS. —Redding It Co., No. 8 State-strect, and
Mn. E. Kidder, No. 100 Court-street, Boston: Samuel
Kidder, Jr., Lowell; Henry Pratt, HAlem , James B
Orean, Worcester ; Alllaon It Gault, Concord; J
Belch &. Son, Providence ; and by Druggist* and Mar
St?? 1 * throughout the United States. We*
ladies and the Canada*
is the sole agent in Bloomsburg, for the sale
ofDr. S. P. Townsend's Sorsaparilla-36-ly
aitars aad Slippers just manufactured and
•r aala by WARREN RUB6EL.
e Geatost Because theße st Fam
ily Medicine in the World
ATIVE I'ILLS, ihoy have succeeded in
curing some of the worst cases, of disease
ever recorded, and are daily accomirlisliin
tho restoration of persons after having tried
in vain to obtain relief from any other
source. One of the Proprietors is a regular
physician of extensive experieucOj who de
votes his time exclusively to their prepera
lion. For FEVER & AGUE, they havo nev
er yet failed. At least one thousand cases
iu the neighborhood of Philadelphia, have
been cured since tho first of Sept., last. In
Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, T.ivcr Complaint,
Scrofula, for Worms, and all other diseases
of children, they arc unequalled by anything
ever prepared for the purpose, while for the
various diseases of Females there is no me
dicine can compare with them. There is
more of thorn 6old—they ure in greater dc
maud than any either pill—and when once
introduced in a family, they need no other
medicine. Each box containing Fifty Pills,
renders them the cheapest, whilo they are
decidedly the best, us wolf as the mildest in
aetiou. of any now in the market.
The Editor of the "City Item," thus
sjixiki of them :
0P HEADER, you are suffering from fever
and ague, un.l you have never tried Wors
ilctl's Vegetable Kestoro'ive Pills. Shake no
more. There is still "nope for you—you may
yet lie cured- Gt>, or send at once to A.
Weeks & Co., 70 North Eighth street., and
procure a box of these unrivaled pills, which
are a sovreign antidote for this distressing
Col. Forney of the Pennsylvaniun,
WORSDELI.'S PII.LS.—This excellent family
medicine is dailv winning new triumphs
over disease, ami consequently in the high
road to public favor. In the removal of the
every day ills that llesh is heir to, we know
of no bettor compound. Wo heard the oth
er day of a desperate case of scrofulous e
ruptions of the head and face being enirely
cured by them.
Du Sollc of the "Times," says :
ry' The great popularity of Worrell's
Vegetable l'ills, is attributed to the just ."Mer
it which they really possess. They have
been quietly gaining the fame they now
have, by the force of their own virtues.
The means usually employed to give eclat
to new remedies have not been adopted by
the proprietors. They have been content to
let their medicine speak fot itself. It is now
doing it in every section of the country.
They aro for sale by most of the Store
Keepers throughout the Country,and in quan
tities at reasonable rates, at the Laboratory
No 70, North Eighth Street.
A. WEEKS & Co., Proprietors.
Agents, JOHN K. A/OVER, Bloomsburg:
E. Lazarus, Orangeville,
M. G. Shoemaker, Buckhorn,
Eunston & Diefenbach, Jerseytown,
M. C. Grier, Danville,
"C. llartman & Co., Cattawissa, and by
most merchants throughout the uounlry.
ToPhyslciaiis, DruggfsFsaiid Country
Dr. J. N. Keelcr and Bra most rasp
ly solicits attention to their fresh stock 01
Fnghsh, French, German and American Drugs
Medicines, Chemicals, Varnishes, Paints'
Oils, Dye Stulls, Glass ware, Perfumery. Pa
tent Medicines &c. Having opened a new
store No. 291 Market St. with a full supply
of I'resh Drugs and Medicines, we respect
fully solicit Country dealers to examine ou
stock before purchasing elsewhere, promts
tug one and all who may feel disposed to
extend to us their patronage, to sell them
genuine Drugs and Medicines, on as liberals
terms as any other house in the City, and to
faithfully execute all orders entrusted to us
promptly and with dispatch.
One of the proprietors being a regular
physician, affords ample guarantee ol the
genuine quality of all articles sold at their
We especially invite druggists and country
merchants, who may wish to become agents
or Dr. Feeler's Celebrated Family Medicines,
(standard and popular remedies,) to forward
their address.
Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we re
spectfully remain,
J.N. KEEI.ER & BRO., Wholesale
No. 294 Market street. Phila.-33-ly.
fitooil ami Clienp Watcbei,
wholesale and retail,at No. 00 Notth 2nd
street, comer of Quarry, Philadelphia.
Hold lever watches, full jewelled, 18
caret cases. 930 and upwards.
Silver lever do, full jewelled, 910 and
Silver lepine do, jewelled, 811 and up
Silver quarlier watches, from 95 to 10.
Gold pencils, from $1 50 to $7-
Superior gold rings, from 37 to 80 cts.
Other articles in proportion. All goods
warranted to be wlint they are sold for.
Constantly on hand, a full assortment
WARE. Also, an assortment of M. J.
Tobias & Co. ; E. Simpson Samuel ami
Brothers; E. S. Yales Co.; John Har
rison ; G. $/■ R. Beesley's. and oilier su
perior PATENT LEVER Movements,
which will be cased in any style desired.
Arrangements have been made with all
the above celebrated makers, the best
manufacturers of Liverpool, to furnish at
short notice any required style of Watch,
for which orders will be taken and the
name and residenco of the person order
ing put on if requested.
O. CONRAD, No, 00
North Third Street.
Importer of Watches.
January 1, 1850.-1y.49
Hoots and Shoes.
I ITT Encourage your own Mechanics, and you
encourage Yourselves
! Tho subscriber would informhis friends
and the public, that he has 011 hand, and
makes to order all kinds of BOOTS AND
SHOES, at tho following low prices :
Men's ftno calf or morocco boots, 94 a 4 50
do kip orcow hide, 3 35
do calf shoes 2 00
do cow hide 1 75
do miners', nailed, 2a2 50
Ladies'gaiters, 2a2 25
" Lace boots. Ig2
" Thick soled slippers, laf 37
" Pump soled, , 00
Excelsiors, j 25
Boys', youths' and children's shoes in pro
portion. He manufactures his work of the
oest ol stock, and warrants it to wear • and
he is determined to sell it as low as others
can their Yankee or city work. Call and
see for yourselves. Shop on Main st., next
door below Hartman's Store.
made te order of any desirable style at the
chair manufactory of B. HAGENBUCH
Bioonjßbutfc jjay 19th 1880.
MANY and many a wife endures yenra of bodily
Buffering and of mental anguish, proitTftte end help
less, embittering her lifo, that of her husband, and
bozardlug the futuro welfare of her children, arising
from cAUHea which, if knoien, would have opnred the
suffering, the anguish to tho wife, and to tlto hus
band embarrassments and pecuniary difficult ioe hav
ing their origin in tho mind being weighed down and
harassed in conscience of the sickness of the com
pauioa of his bosom.
How important that the causes should ho known
to every wife, to every husband, that i.he dreadful
and harrowing conei-qucnccs to the lioalth and hap
piness of both msy be avoided! Lifo is too short and
health too precious to admit any portion of the one to
be spent without the full enjoyment of the other. v
Tho timely possession of a little work eutitled as
follows has been the means of saving the health and
the life of thousands as over
copies h&vu been sold sinco tho first edition was is
The author has been induced to advertise it by
the urgent aud pressing request of those who liavo
been indebted to its publication for all they hold dear
(that &U may havo an opportunity of obtaining it), and
who have favored him with thousands of letters of
encomium, some of which are annexed to tho adver
Private Medical Companion.
raorcsaoa or Diiß.fi. or WOMEN.
Twentieth Edition. 18mo.. pp. 230. Price, •1.00.
LY FOR THE MARRIED, or thoe contempla
ting marriage, u it disckne important aecreta which
should be known to tbom particularly.
Here, every female—the wife, the mother—the
one either budding into womanhood, or the one in
the decline of yeart, in whom nature contemplate!
an important change—can diacovor the cauacs, aymp
toma, and tho moat efficient remedies and moat cer
tain mode of cure, in every complaint to which her
tea is subject. ,
The revelations oontained in Its pages have proved
a blessing to thousands, as the innumerable letters
received oy the author (which he ia permitted by the
writcre to publish) will attest.
Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman in Dayton, O.
"DAYTON, May 1, 1847.
"DR. A. M. MAURICEAU— My Dear Sir: 1 The
Married Woman's Private Medical Companion,' for
which I enclosed one dollar to your address, came
safely to hand. 1 would not have troubled you with
these few lines, but that I am impelled by a aeuse
of gratitude, for myself and wife, to give utterance
to our sincere and heartfelt emotions.
41 My wife has been perceptibly sinking for some
three years or more, in consequence of her groat an
guish and suffering some months before and during
confinement; every successive ono more and more
debilitated and prostrated her, putting her life in im
minent danger, and which was, on tho last occasion,
despaired of I supposed that this state of things was
inevitable, and iwgtietf myself to meet the worst
At this time (now about two months) 1 heard your
book highly spoken of, as containing some matters
. reaching my case. On its receipt and perusal, I can
not express to you the relief it afforded my distressed
mind and the joy its pages imparted to my wife, on
learning that the great discovery of M. M. Doao
meaux provided a remedy. It opened a prospect to
me which I little conceived was iiossible. No pecu
niary consideration can ever repay the obligations I
am under to you for having been-tho means of im
parting to us the matters contained in ' The Married
Woman's Private Modical Companiou.' But for
this, ere another year would have passed over my
head, in all human probability my wife would have
been in her grave, and my children left motherless."
Extract from a Letter.
Competence and Health.
41 LANCASTER, PA., Oct. 24, 1847.
" MY DEAR 8IR: I know you will have the kind
ness to bear with me in encroaching upon your time,
; while I acknowledge (in behalf of myself and wife)
tho obligations wo foel ourselves under to you in hav
ing made known certain matters, contained in your
most invaluable 4 Married Woman's Private Meaical
Companion.' It has been worth lis weight in gold
to me. If I express myself rather warmly, you will
aee that I can not do so too warmly, when I inform
you of the extent to which I have, through it, been
benefited. I will state my situation when I obtained
your book through the merest curiosity I look upon
it as ono of tho most fortunate events of my life. I
had been married some ten years, and was the fnther
of seven children. I was long struggling unceasingly,
i to the end that I might gain a moderate competency,
I but the results of my utmost exertions at the end left
mc about where 1 was at the beginning of each year;
and that only, with tho most stinted economy, suffi
cing with barely the necessaries of life. Finally, this
oonstant effort was beginning to have its effect upon
my health: I felt less capable to endure its continu
ance, while I felt the necessity of perseverance.
" This constant, unceasing struggle on my part was
imperative, in consequence of the prostrated condi
tion of my wife (with occasional intermission) for six
years, much of the time confined to her bed, and of
courso incapable of taking the charge and manage
ment of household affairs. Her condition arose from
causes of which I was ignorant. Oh! what would
I have given had I the six years to live over again !
What would my wife have given to have been spared
the long days and still longer nights prostrate on a
bed of sickuesst all of which would have been
avoided, had I then seen a copy of 4 THE MARRIED
From a Physician.
How many are suffering from obstruction or irreg
ularities peculiar to the female system, which un
dermine their health, the effects of which they are
ignorant, and for which their delicacy forbids seeking
medical advice! How many suffer from prolapsus
uteri (falling of the womb), or from fluor-albus (weak
ness, debility, Ac., Ac.)! How many are in constant
agony for many months preceding confinement! How
many have difficult if not dangerous deliveries, and
whose lives are jeoparded during auch time, will find
in its pages the means of prevention, amelioration,
and relief!
Extract from a Letter.
To these just Married. —"Had I known!"
" DR. A. M. MAURICEAU : Had I known of the im
portant matters treated of in 'The Married Woman'a
Private Medical .Companion' some yeara ago. how
moch misery I might have escaped I I have suffered
years from cnusea which you point out in your book,
without knowing what to do. I obtained a copy, and
{bund my case treated of. I trust every female wit)
avail heraelf of the information contained in its pages."
Letters are daily teceived of thia character, unne
cessary to pesssnt
To those yet unmarried, bat contemplating mar
riage, or perhaps hesitating aa to the propriety of
incurring the responsibilities attendant upon it, the
importance of being possessed of the revelations con
tained in these pages, so intimately involving their
future happiness, can not be appreciated.
It is, of course, impracticable to convey more fully
the various subjects treated of, as they are of a na
ture strictly intended for the married, or those coo
templatiag marriage; neither is it neoeaaary, since
it ia every one's duly to become possessed of knowl
edge whereby the sufferings to wnich a wile, a moth
er, or a sister, may be subject, can be obviated.
V Copies will he seat by Mall free ef Postage
to the Purchaser.
ry On the receipt of One Dollar, " THE MAR
PANION" ia aent (mailed free) to any part of the
United Btates. All lettore must be post-paid (except
those containing a remittance), and addressed to Dr.
A. M. MAURICEAU, Bo* 18*4, Now York City.
Publishing OSes, No. 189 Liberty St., New York.
Over 20,000 Copies have been sept by fit All,
within three months with perfect aafety and cer
Booksellers and agents engaged in its sale
are making handsome competencies from
the ready and extraordinary demand for it.
and the cxtiemoly liberal terms afforded
Active local or travelling Agenla, through
out the United States and Canada*, will be
supplied on the aamo terms. Communica
tions are required to be post-paid and audres
sodas above.
ty CAUTION.—-The public are cautioned
against various catch-pennies intended to be
palmed off upon them, imitating the title of
the work as "The Married Ladies' Medical
Companion," and various other titles. The
title of the work is "The Married WO
MAN'S Private Medical Companion," tru Dr.
A. W. Mauriceau.
JOSEPH SWARTZ, Agent, Bloomsburg.
House, Sign and Ornamental
DONE to order in the best highly-finished
oplain style, by BHAGEKBUCH.
Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Ner
vous Debility, Disease of the Kid
neys, and
all diseases aris
ing from a disordered
Liver or Stomach, such as
Constipation, Inward Piles v
Fulness of Blood to the Head, Aci
dity of the. Atomacli, Nausta, Heart
burn. DisgusLfot Food, Jhtlness or
W'lighl in tlie-Sfbrnmlt•- Sour
Eructations, Sinking or
Fluttering at the pit
of the Strmuch,
of the
Head, Hurried and difficult Breathing,
Fluttering at the Heart, clicking or
suffocating sensations when in
a lying posture, dimness
of Vision. Dots or
TVebß before the Sight, Fever and Dull
Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspi
ration, Yellowness of the Skin and
Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back,
Chest, Limbs, See. Sudden
Flushes of Heat, Bu
rning in the Flesh. Constant Imaginings
of Evil, and Great Depres
sion of Spirits.
No. 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
Their power over the above diseases is
not excelled, if equalled, by any other rep
aration in the United Slates, as the cures
attest, in many cases after skilful physicians
had failed.
These Bitters are worthy the attention of
invalids. Possessing great virtues in the
tectification of diseases of the Liver arid ba
ser glands, exercising the most searching
powers in weakness and aflections of the di
gestive organs, they are, withal, safe, cer
tain and pleasant.
Read and be Convinced.
The Hon. Charles D. Hineline, Editor of
the "Camden Democrat,"the best paper in
West Jersey, says, July 21: —
have seen many flattering notices of this
medicine, and the source from which they
came, induced us to make inquiry respect
ing its merits. From inquiry we were pei
suaded to use it. and must say we found
it specific in its action upon diseases of the
liver and digestive organs, and tho powerful
influence it exerts upon nervous prostration
is really surprising. It calms and stregthens
tho nerves, bringing them into a slate of re
pose, making sleep refreshing.
"If this medicine were more generally
;sed, we are satisfied there would be loss
sickness, as from the stomach, liver and ner
vous system the great majority of real and
imaginary diseases emanate. Have them in
a healthy condition, and yon can bid defi
ance to epidemics generally. This extraor
dinary medicine wo would advise our friends
who are at all indisposed to givo a trial—it
will then recommend itself. It should, in
fact, be in fevery family. No other medi
| cine can produce such evidences of merit."
[From the "Boston Bee."]
Tho editor said, Dec. 22d—
"Dr. lhofland's Celebrated German Hitters
for the cure of Liver Complaint, Jaundice,
Dyspeysia, Chronic or Nervous Debility, is
deservedlv one of the most popular medi
cines of the day. These Bitters haue been
used by thousands, and a friend at our elbow
say 6 he has himself received an effectual
and permanent cure of Liver Complaint
from the use of this remedy. We are con
vinced that, in tho use of these Bitters, tho
patient constantly gains strength and vigor—
a fact worthy of great consideration, i'hey
are pleasant in taste and smell, anil can be
used by persons with the most delicate atom
aclis with safety, under any circumstances.
We are speaking from experience and to the
afflicted we advise their use."
Judge M. M. Noah, a gentleman with
great scientific and and litterary attainments,
said in his "New York Weekly Messenger,"
January 6, 1850.
"Dr Hoofland's German Biltcrs. —Here is
a preparation which the leading presses in
the Lnion appear to be unanimous in re
commending. and tho reason is obvious. It
is made after a prescription furnished by
one ol the most celebrated physicians of
modern times, the late Dr Christopher Wil
helm Hoottand. Professor to the University
of Jena, Private Physician to the King of
Prussia, and one of the greatest medical wri
ters Germany has ever produced. He was
emphatically the enemy of humbug, and
therefore a medicine of which he was the
inventor and endorser may be confidently re
lied on. He specially recommended it in
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Debility, Ver
tigo, Acidity of the Stomach, Constipation,
and all complaints arising from a disordered
condition of the stomnch, the liver and the
intestines. Nine Philadelphia papers express
their conviction of its excellence, and sev
eral ol the editors speak of its effects from
their own individual experience. Under
these circumstancos, we feel warranted, not
only in calling the attention of our readers
to the present proprietor's (Dr. C. M. Jack
son's) preparation, but in recommending the
j article to all afflicted."
The "Philadelphia Saturday Gazette," the
best ' family newspapei published in the Uni
ted States, the editor says of
"It is seldom that we recommend what
are termed Patent Medicines to the confi
dence and patronage of our readers; and,
therefore, when we recommend Dr. Hoof
land's German Bitters, we wish it to be dis
tinctly understood that we are not speaking
of the nostrums of the day, that are noised
about for a brief period and then forgotten
after they havo done their guilty raceofmis
chif, but of a medicine long established,
universally prized, and which has met the
hearty approval oi tho Faculty itself."
Evidunce upon evidence has boon re
ceived (like the foregoing) from all sections
of the Union, the last three years, and the
iircsgut Uiliiaety favor, IS, that thoro w
morn of it used in tne pfaCuCD of liio regu
lor Physicians of Philadelphia than all other
nostrums combined, a fact that can easily
be established, and fully proving that a sci
entific prepafalion.will meet with their qui
et approval whon presented even in this
That this medicine will oure Liver Com
plaint and Dyspepsia, no one can doubt, af
ter using it as diiected. It acts specifically
upon the stomach and liver—it is preferable
to calonlel in all bilious diseases —ihe effect is
immediate. They can be administered to
FEMALE or INFANT with safety and reliablo
benefit, at any time.
This medicine has attained that high char
acter which ia necessary for all medicines to
attain to induce counterfeiters to put forth a
spurious article at the risk of the lives of
those who are innocently deceived.
Tliev have tho writtc :i rigiinlure of C. M. '
JACKSON upon the wrap r, and tho numo '
hjown in the bottle, without which the / are j
For ealo, wholesaler and retail, at the Ger
man Me'licir Store, No. 120 Arch Street, cue
door below Sixth, (lute of 2TB Rnco street.)
Philadelphia, and bv rcspootable dealers
ijoneraliy throughout tho country. Also fori
Sale by JOHN P.. MOYER, llloonißbury, Pa. |
• rear sou's
Pulmonic Expectorant,
Is the most certain anil effect ual remedy known
or the cure of Coughs, Colds, Consumption, In- !
fluenza, hoarseness, spittii - of hloutt, difficulty 1
of breathing, Bronchitis , pain in the breast and
side, palpitation of the heart, f hooping cough, 1
asthma, croup, and all diseases of the Pulmonary
The proprietor of this Pulmonic Expectorant,
having graduated as a physician, arid followed the
practice of his profession for soveral years, can.
thereforo give to those persons who require auch
medicines tl.a. assiirsnco which cannot ho expect
ed where a compound is onlv concocted from an
antiquated recipe, token from tho leaf of an old
almanac or some similar source.
Piepourd by S. A. Poaraon, M. D, No. 106
North Fvrurlh Street, Philadelphia, price $1 per
bottle, or six follies for $5.
r. 8. A. Pearson : Dc°r Sir—For the benefit
of others, I wrftrld inform yon that I have been
usngyour Pulmonic Expectorant for a cough
ved pain in my breast and aide, the effects of a
retry heavy cold—l find that it has given great
haief. t consider it an invaluable medicine. 1
cidvo also used it in my family with the moat de
uaed benefit—lt cures colds in the least possible
time that medicine coald cure them. If its vir.
tues were generolly known, it would save thous
ands from an untimely giave. You shouldsparo
no painß nor expense to have it brought into use
throughout the country.
Yours, Ac. WM. M.CADE,
No. 212 Cherry St.
Dr. 8. A. Pearson . Dear Bir—About a year a
go I was attacked with a severe inflamation of the
Lunga, which threatened every symptom of a
speedy Consumption. 1 called upon one of the
most eminent physicians of Philadelphia,who pro
nounced mc incurable. My hushand then procu
red for mc six bottles of your Pulmonic Expec
torant, whi-.h I had heard highly recommended—
and before I had taken the last of the sixth bottle
my lungs were well, my cough and other syrup.
tomßof Consumption entirely cured. lam now
enjoying fine health aud becoming quite fleahy.
Jay St., between CoatesA Wallace,
Hunterdon County, N. J,
Dr. 8. A Pearson, Dear Sir—About a year a
go I became severely afflicted with a pain itr my
hrcat and side, an extremely bad cough, spilling of
blood, debility, night sweats, and other symptoms
of confirmed consumption. I became so much re
duced that I was unable to attend to my ordinary
business. I made applicatiorr to a physician, who
examined my chest, and gave it as his decided o
pinion that nry lungs were seriously affected. I
then app.icd to another, who was of the eamc o
pinion, and after having prescribed advised me to
return to my friends.
Previous to this 1 had for a long limo been la
boring under nil the symptoms usuully found with
persons laboring under disease of ihe lurgs, and
it was thought by all who knew mo that I was fast
wearing away witb doroy.
At the time I applied to the physicians f was
laboring under a severe attack of spitting Mood,
with pain in my breast and side. Their prescrip
tions failed to relieve the pain, and all their skill
could not arrest the discharge of blood from my
lungs. This being my condition, I was induced
to uiakc a trial of your valuable Pulmonic Eipcc
orant, oy the use or which I was immediately re
lieved of all those unpleasant symptoms, and am
now so far restored to hoollh, that i am able to
attend to all my ordinary business, and expose
myself as much as it is pruJcnt for any one to do.
I would therefore confidcrtly recommend every
person who is laboring under disease of tho lungs
and breast, or wire are afflicted with colda or with
cougbs, to mike trial of your most valuable prep
aration- I would further add that after having
made use of your Expectorant for a few weeks, i
becamd so flesy that persona with whom i was
acquainted hardly knew me. t still remain in good
health at this time, March, 1846.
Yours truly,
The following curd of three rcspectable'physi
cians acta forth the virtues of Dr. Pesrsoa's Pul
monic Expectorant *
Having made use of Dr. Pearson's PUIMOXIC
EXPICTORAXT, WO feel it a duty to recommend it
as a safe and effectual cu*e of tho v.irious diseas
es for which it is intended. We are acquainlcu
with many persons who have been cured of cough
bronchitis, pain in the breast and side, spitting of
blood, palpitation of tho heart, and incipient con
sumption, cy its use, and many of them after all
other means had failed.
A. PEARSON. M. D;, U. 8. Navy.
8. K. LEEDOM, M. D. Champlain Uo„().
W. R. OADWALLADER, M. D., U. 8. N.
Patients may conaull 8. A. Pearson, M. D-, o
his office No. 100 North Fouilb Strcoi, above
For sale in Bloomsburg by William Robison,
Merchant,and also at Pittslon Ferry, by Dr. A.
Curtis, Druggist.
Agents in Columbia county. ,
Wm. Robison, Bloomsburg,
Peter Ent, Light Street,
John Schmick, Ca'.lawissa,
M.G. Shoemaker, Buekhorn,
E. Lazarus, Orangeville.
4°' ty
No. 238 Market St. above Seventh,
south side, Philadelphia.
Although we can scarcely estimate the
value of TIME commercially; yet by call
ing at the above Establishment, JAMES
BARBER will furnish his friends, among
whom he included all who duly appreci
ate its fleetness, with a beautiful and per
fect INDEX for marking its progress, of
whose value they can judge.
His extensive slock on hand, constantly
clanging in conformity to the imprive
ments in taste and style of pattern and
workmanship, consists ol EIGHT-DAY and
Clocks, French, Gothic and fancy styles,
' well;; piSlr., which from his Cwicimve
connection and correspondence with the
manufacturers he finds that ho can put at
the Lowest cash Figure, in any quantity,
from One to a Thousand, of which he
will wurranl the accuracy.
({IV Clocks repaired and warranted.—
Clock trimmings on hand.
Onll and ste me among ilieni.
238 Market st., Phils. Sept. 2^'49-ly
Fancy Chairs,
ceived from Philadelphia a new lof of FAN
CY CHAIRS, of Birch and Mahogany eurl,
and of the most fashionable style, which he
will sell at the lowest prices for good pay.
Bloomsburg, May 16th, 1850.
because they nic salor, better and more cllicaci
ous than any others, and because the public will
take no other- if they can obtain them.
500,000 110XES
have been sold annually for the last five years.
Young and old, male and female, can. always
take them with equal safety, without fear.
for purging and cleansing tno stomach and bow
els, and purifying tho blood and fluids of the oo
dy take no others—forno other pills produce those
combined effects, or contain aarsagarilla in tbem.
Eat, Drink, and Live as Usual,
and pursue your usual occupa ion whilst taking
them, without fear of taking cold during all kind*
of weather.
arc wagered that more genuine certificates [from
physicians, clergymen; Members of Congtesa and
respectable citizens] can lie produced of their ef
ficacy than of any others, and'
Ten Dollars
will lie forfeited in every instance where on BOX
will not do moie good then two boxes of any o
Forty Pillc are in a Box I
and sold at Twenty-five Centa a Box, with direc
tions ami much wholesome advice accompanying
each box.
They have no lasts nor unpleasant smell
free from dust or powder of any k : nd—do not
gripe the Stomach or bowels, —produce no sick
ness, vomiting or bad feelings—they sre good at
all times, snd adapted to most diseases common to
mankind. No one having onco taking them will
be willing afterwards to take any others, becauso
they always do good, and if they do not then no
others will.
Dr. N. B. Leidy, the Proprietor 4- Manufacturer,
is a regular Druggist, Chemist and Physician, of
fifteen years ex peril nee in Philadelphia; moinber
of different Medical Institutions of Philadelphia,
New York, Boston, Baltimore, Ac . and associate
and corieseonding member of several Medical In
stitutions of London and Paris—hence the rea
son of the greater confidence placed in his pills,
and there being recommended in the practice of
most respectablo physicians throughonl the Uni
ted Slates.
Principal Depot, DR. I,inn's Disexsamr
No. 114 North Fouilh Street, Philadelphia, and
sold wholesale and retail by
J. R. Moyer & F,. P. Lutz, Bloomsburg; Dr.
A. B. Wilson, Berwick; Peter Ent,
Light Street; RI. G. Shoemaker, Buckhorr ,
J. A. Moore, Danville; Ricketts & Stetvar:,
Orangeviile; John Suhmick, Cattr.wissa ; /
Levers, Washinctonville; J. M. Sheldon, Jet-
I seytown; J. F. Derr. Whitehall; J.S.Woods,
I Columbus; Brown & Creasy, Milllinsburg ;
j E. Wertmau, Rhorsburg, and by Storekeepers
j generally. 49-ly
Established Fifteen Ytars ago, by
08. RI!fHI!I.I.V,
A T . If. Corner of Third and Union sts.,
between Spruce una' Fine streets,
Fifteen venrs ol extensive and uninterrupted
practice spent in this city have rendered Dr. K.
the most expert and successful practitioner far Sf
near, in the treatment of all diseases of a privalo
nature. Persons afflicted with ulcere on the bo
dy, throat or legs, pains in the head or bones, or
mercurial rheumatism, strictures, gravel, disea •
arising from youlhfnl excesses or impurities of
the blood, whereby thu constitution has become
enfeebled, arc all treated with success.
Ut who places himself under the care of Dr
K. may religiously confide in his honor as a gen
tleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as •
Take Particular Notice!
Young men who huve injured thomselves by a
certain practice indulged in, a habit frequently
learned from evil companions or at school, the ef
fects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep
and destroy both mind and body, should apply im
mediately. Weakness and constitutional debility
loss of muscular energy, physical lasaitudc ami
general prostration, irratibility and all nervous af
fections, indigestion, sluggishness of the live , A
every disease in any way connected with the dis
order of tho procieativo functions cuied, and full
vigor restored.
hifcr *2 Vigorous Life,
■jn'vftt BJK--' or a
Premature Death.
Only 25 Cents.
Thia book juat published is filled with useful
information on the infirmities and diseases of the
generative organs. It addresses itself alike to
youth, manhood and old age, and should be read
by all.
The valuable advice and impressive warning it
givee, will prevent years of misery and suffering
aud save annually thousands of lives.
Parents by reading it will learn haw to prevent
the destruction of their children.
A remittance of 2fi cents enclosed in a letter,
addressed to Dr. Kinkelin, N W corner of ThiiJ
and Union streets, bctweeu Spruce and Pine, in
Philadelphia, will ensure a book under envelope
per return of mail.
Persona at a distance may address Dr K by
■ letter, (pott paid) and be cured at home.
Packages of medicines,directions, Ac. forward
ed bv sending a remittance, and put up secure
from damage or curiosity.
Booksellers, News Agents, Pedlars, Canvassers
and all others supplied with the sbeve work at
vcty low rates. 2-l-ly
D'. Henry Turner's Rheumatic Liniment.
Thia superior rdhicdy fot the Rheumatism, bu
rceently introduced into this country by the pre.
sent proprietor, has lonu beet, known in Eng
cond, London particularly, aa the best and onjy
certain cure for that distressing and painful af
fection. Its clTect U(on the system is mild and
nothing, at tho >--^ e ?er t # i n Bm ] efficacious
rarely failing to give relief upon the firatapplf.
cation, tuft by repeating it a few times, a per*
monent cure is effected.
1 We have known cases of pain in lha breae
i and back, with soreness, of several weeks' durs
-5 tion, ourod in one single night, and henrd the
patient express his grateful ihsnkatlwt such to
medy was ever discovered. We have also heard
individuals say (bey would give thousands of
dollars for a euro for rheumatism, yet the as mo
individuls were cured by two bottles of this great
Liniment, co<ttng..irt>t fifty eenls each. Who
would regret gwihg ahch a price for such a rent,
edr -to be free from the exciutiating tortuoe o
that most painful of all diseases.
Afflicted go ptocure a bottle of Dr. Turner'
Linimeut and be healed at once; do not longer
delay, but cast aside all nostrums and cute alls
fur the one thing needful to insure a cure. Sold
wholesale and retail by D Wonderly & Co. pro.
prietore No SO Commerce street, and then gen .
sral agents Rowand and eon. No 21 North tjinh
etreet, Philadelphia.
AIM, HI JOHN K. MOYER Bhomtburg bx