The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, October 10, 1850, Image 2

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Bloomslinrgt Thursday, Oct. 10, 18SO.
The Flection.
The [news from this Congressional dis
trict loaves it uncertain whether Wright or
(Fuller is elected, for wo have conflicting re
ports from Luzerne. In Montour county,
Fuller's majority will be 1250, in Columbia
Wright's wll be 650. In Columbia and
Montour Buekalews majority will be about
550, and that of M'Reynolds about 200.
Staley, the Commissioner on the repeal tick
et is elected by a large majority. As many
of the Whigs in Columbia voted for Buck
alew and M'Reynolds, they threw all thoir
force to trude votes for Thomson tho volun
teer Whig, and he is elected by a small ma
We cannot regard this as a personal defeat,
but alone as the disaster of that parly which
made the nomination. Treason like this to
mens political faith in their party organiza
tion is what will and must lead to the over
throw of their political principles, if such
men can be said to have any principles.
This system of gneirilla warfare commen
ced in this county two years ago when the
.Whigs, with the help of pretended Demo
crats, elected a volunteer candidate over the
ragular nominee of the Democratic party for
Register aud Recorder. Hero was a suffi
cient encouragement in disorganization, to
the Whigs for a second trial. So last year
hey played their card adroitly and elected
a Whig member of tho Legislature in Col
umbia county. This year they are success
ful in effecting still further disorganization;
and as on the election night, when the re
turns were coming in, over-heard a Whig,
■with the fumes of h ; s revelry giving strong
er stench to his utterance, exclaim—"Well
by G—d, at that rate we'll have tite next
Sheriff in this county"—we felt that disor
ganization had much more injnred tho Dem
ocratic party than it could harm any ono
We can now sco that state of things 'Bp.
proaclting in this county which has disor
ganized the Democracy of Luzernip, until a
Democratic majority in that Democratic
county is only a thing of acci'ueut. Demo
• cratic candidates have there in tun been
marked by Whigs, and. treacherously sacri
ficed by false Deiuo.crats, until everything
like political piinuiple is forgotten in the
.heat of personal animosities.
Wu had thought it might havo been for
given Us by the people of this region, for
whose, good, as well as our political faith,
wo meant to have labored, that in 1847 wa
were the only person in this place who went
out tocanvass a single township against Val
entine Ben's nomination. We know that
many of those around us then differed with
"Us iu opinions ; and wo know 160 that Best
himself had not forgiven us a week ago, at
Berwick when his cadaverous countenance
lit up with a smite of malignant joy as he
prophesied our defeat. Perhaps he was not
only thinking of his own subtle tools and
dupes in the county, but remembered the re
ply which the prince of Cameronism made
when 'old he had some opposers in Colum
bia. "Yes," was the answer, "and some
godd friends."
We speak of this subject apart from per
sonal considerations, and desire others so to
think of it; for reflection on it cannot bene
fit its, but we hope may prolit,the party for
the future. Without affecting modestly, we
treat th-* subject as if any other parson was
concerned, and refer the reader to our simi
lar remarks of last year upon tho defeat of
Mr. Mcßeyiiolds For ourselves, though
•uch an event may prompt to less disinter
estedness iu our labors for men, it cannot
dampen the ardor of out attachments for the
political f.ilh we profess. Tho humble en
ergies of our mind and hand are urged to
activiiy rather by impending danger and the
necessity of exer'ion, than by the triumph
of success. Though only a craven would
lick ih; hand that smote him, and notWiig
living is ao spiritless and abject but it will
turn when trodden on, yet he is only fit to
ke called a Democrat whose ardor lags not
when he toils in tho face of defeat and disas
LUZERUE County.—Tho following are the
.few returns received from Luzerne county.
Wrigiif. Fuller, Buclcalew. But.
Pittstnn 86m.
Salem 41 in, 28m.
Wilkesbarre 181 212 183 194
Nescopeck 8m 35m.
■ Huntingdon 88 163 131 129
Chester Duller, tl.e member of Congress
from this district died at Philadelphia oil lust
Saturday at the American House, where -he
had been detained by sickness for several
•days, in company with his wife. Mr. But
ler had boon sick for some time at Washing
ton City. His remains were brought to
Wilkesbarre by his family, and there inter
red: A special election will be held in this
.district to supply the vacancy for the unex
pired .term to end on tho 4th of March next.
For the Star of the North.
It becomes the Democrats to
look around in some haste for a proper can
didate for Congress, lo 'fill the unexpired
term of tho late Mr. Butler. I think Colum
bia county might with fairness claim to fur
bish the man,"and desire to name to my fel
low Democrats Mr. Charles Conner for (he
.office. Let us each name our preferences,
end then, in a spirit of conciliation, nomi
nate and unite upon the man who shall bo
and strongest.
Election News.
In Philadelphia county the Democrats
have elected their 11 members by over
600 majority- In the City the Whigs have
elected Gilpin their candidate for Mayor, and
the members. In (he first Congresional Dis
trict Florence, Democrat, is elected. In the
second district Moore, Whig.
BERKS --In Keim, Whig has
106 majority, being a gain, of some 1300
over the utual DemocraMc 'majority This
Juilef, jhrf Democratic candidate
is the good a Demoornt for somi men there.
His election, however, is bijyotal doubt. •
NORTHAMPTON.—The vote inEaston, bor
ough indicates the defeat M. Por
ter for Assembly, and the election
Whig volunteer,
W ESTMQitEANn.—Kuhn V hig runs ahead
of the highest vote for one of the three
Democratic candidates for Congress, and is
elected by 1500 majority in the district.
William D. Boas for Congress has 300 ma
jority in Harrisburg.
For the Star of the North.
As the death of Mr. Butler will
render a special election necessary in this
district, and as ihaflfelertion will soon be
held; it Democratic parly to
look out for a candidate. Luzerne county
seems to share of Congress
ional proper that Col
date be concMPto this county, I would
suggest the name of Hon. George Mack, as
a Democrat and worthy to repre
sent this district.
state of California.
Though there remained but a few week;,
for legislation after California was admitted
as a Slate, Congress matured and pa', se d all
her appropriation bills, established judicial
districts, and divided the Slatr, i llto collection
districts. The following are the principal
appropriations made 'for ,he youngest mem
ber of the confeuerjujy .
hor the erection QI Custom Houses SIOO,OOO
" tho erection of a Marine Hospital 550,000
" the establishment of Indian Agen
cies, ' . 25,000
" Coaa Survey, 100,000
" tho establishment of Light Houses 9,000
" the establishment of a Dry Dock 100,000
Total $555,000
The Double Execution ut New Haven.
PALLADIUM OFFICE, N. Haven, Oct. 2, 12,
M.—At 11 o'clock this foreuoou, Henry be
amier Foote and James McCaffrey were ex
ecuted iu tho jail yard Now Haven, the first
for the murder of a young girl named Emily
Cooper, and the second for tho murder of
Mrs. Anne Smith, on the East Rock, near
this city. Mrs. Smith's husband was also
killed at the same time, and it is supposed
by the same hand.
Religious services were had in the prison
ers' cells at an early hour. Boih prisoners
expressed contrition, hut McCaffrey deniod
hi s guilt to the last.
They were brought out of their cells at
ten minutes before 11 o'clock, attended by
the clergy—McCaffrey by the Rev. Mr. O'
Reilly, Catholic. He said nothing to the
spectators, but continued to ejaculate
"Oh, God!" ''Oh, Christ,'' etc. About
11, Sheriff Parmilee Meppod on the spring of
the drop, and instantly both persons were
suspended by the nock. McCaffrey died
with hardly a s ruggle, but Foote suffered
more, the noose of tho rope slipping around
towards tho back of (lie neck. After a few
minutes of hard struggles, however, all was
over with liim. They are yet hanging upon
| the scaffold.
Row omoi.g the Whigs of N. York.
We learn from the Now Yotk papers, that
after the Syracuse Whig Slate Convention
passed a resolution endorsing lire course pur
sued by Senator Seward, during the present
session of Congress, on the slavery question,
the President of the Convention—the Hon.
Francis Granger—made a speech in which
he dissented from '.lie resolutions, and thon
| resigned iiis scat, and seceded from the Con
vention, followed by tho Secretaries and foi
ty delegates.—They proceeded to a treigb
boiiig Hotel and organized a meeting, at
which Mr. Granger presided.
A committee was appointed to draft an ad
dress, and resolutions for the support of tho
Whigs of the Stato, aud a resolution passed
ordering the proceedings to bo published.
The seceding members, wo learn, resolved
to hold a Convention on the 17th of this
month, in Syracuse, and recommended pri
mary elections throughout the State.
A Village Press.
Perhaps no one establishment is of more
advantage to a community thnn that of a
newspaper press. A ncwfpapcr in a village
I advances the interest of alt trades, profess
ions and callings, by drawing to its vicinity,
much business that would oihorwise bo di
verted into other channels ; and by giviflg
prominence and notoriety abroad, to the bu
sines.* capabilities and other advantages of
such The press is, as it were, the
special contii ,e 'tho citizens of tho town
wherein it is locked— pleading in many ca
ses without fee or re gard; and in some in
stances conveying light . H "d heat to estab
lishments whicMnight othe , . rw ' 8e "drag their
slow length along" in utter obsu ur "y
If the Spting pats fofth no blossoms, in
Summer there will be no beauty, and in Au"
tumn no fruit—so, if youth be trilled away
without improvement, riper years will be
contemptibie, and old age miserable.
James Gamble is elected to Congress in
ho 13th District.
NESQUEIIOHIKG.— Nesquehoning, Carbon
co., contains 91S inhabitants.
ty There ate eleven newspapers now
published in California,
From the Pacific News, August 15.
rremendoaa Gold Stories.
Heretofore we have occasionally recor
ded discoveries of lumps of gold. Once we
said something about a mountain, which,
although true to Iho letter, provoked only a
little mirth at our expense. Truth, however,
is mighty. Converts are coming over daily.
The mountain is no longer a fable. Now
we have another weighty fact to record. At
Carson's new diggings, on last Friday, a
chunk ol gold, almost wholly free from
quartz, wfis taken out, weighing forty
pounds ! This fact we have from Col. D. J.
VVoodlief, collector of the foreign taxes for
Cnlaneras county. Carsoi's diggings are
about throe miles from Robison's ferry, On
the Stanislaus on the north side. Who says
the mines are failing?
The same gentleman from whom we ob
tained the information of the forty pound
lump, relnted another instance of fortune of
which the recipient does not complain. It
occurred at Murphy's diggings, for a long
time famed as tho richest in California. A
person by the name of Ashe took out of
ono hole last Friday or Saturday gold to the
amount of $4,000.
An Important Fact.
In the year 1845, whet; the tariff of 1842
was n operation, the exports of this country
front brQodstuffs and provisions, were sHlj
-7-Tj,421. In 1819, when the tariff of 1846
was in operation, they were $38,795,664, or
upwards of $22,000,000 more than in 1845.
These exports are the products of agricu -
ture in the middle and westeru States alone.
—Tlicy tlo not include the gp.lon and tobac
co of the south and other domestic articles,
which amount to the additional sum of $83,-
871,291. This is a full and complete refuta
tion of ali the Whig humbug about the bal
ance of trade and the exportation of spe
cie. The truth is, the balance of trade doc
trine has been shown to be a fallacy by
HUSKISSON, in England, and by WEBSTER in
1816, in America. Every step towards un
fettering commerce in all its branches has
proved decidedly beneficial, and we hope to
see all these badges of federalism finally ob
NEGRO POMP.— The Paris correspondent |
of tlie New York Joirnal of Commerce, in a
late letter, says:
"Amid the displays of Pari* workman
ship, no articles have attracted the curious
and the saunlerers more than two diadems
and several swords, in massive gold,
wrought for tho sublimo Kmperor of Hayti,
Faustin I. One of the crowns is surmount
ed by eight eagles, and weighs four pounds ;
the other, of two pounds, is formed of oak
and laurel leaves. The execution of both
is admirable; the cost, a hundred and fifty
thousand francs.
EXTRAVAGANCE — The Npw York Courier
and Enquirer closes an editorial article in
defence of the Gothamites' Litulmania, with
this florid passage :
"Honor, Donor, honor, then we say, to
her who sings like the angels—whose purity
is as stainless as the snow of her own na
tive hills—whose charity droppeth as boun
tifully, and yet as gently, as the dew of
heaven—in genius a St. Cecilia, the idol of
the rich, and in goodness a St. Theresa, the
servant of the poor."'
STILL ANOTHER FIRE occurred at Northum
berland about eight o'clock on Thursday
evening. It broke out in the stable of Capt.
VYm. Forsyth. By tho time this was uearly
reduced to ashes, an alarm was given in an
other quartor. Capt. Lee's stabling, attach
ed to his Hotel, was discovered to bo on fire.
This, too, was burned to the ground. In the
afternoon previous, fire was discovered ir.
Mr. Burr's stable, but it was put out before
any serious injury was done. It is very ev
ident that this is the woik of incendiary.
—Sunbury Gazelle.
bout 8 o'clock, on Monday evening last, an
other fire occurred in the borough of North
umberland. It broke out in the stable at
tached to the Hotel of Mr. Peter Hanselman,
opposite the Town Hall, and in a short time
it reached the Hotel and a large dwelling
house in which several fancy stores were
kept by Mrs. McCteland and Miss A. Young
mati. These, together with a barn contain
ing 80 bushels of grain, were entirely de
stroyed. These buildings belonged to Mr.
Hanselman, and were insured to the amount
of 81900. It is supposed that this property
was set on fire.— Sunbury Gazette.
Tho Bounty Land Bill, for the aid of those
officers and men who fought during the late
war with Mexico, has passed both houses
and is now, doubtless, a law of the land.
The Naval Approprialion bill, in which, a
mong other great reforms, whipping in the
Navy, has been abolished.
CINCINNATI, Oct. 1, 1850.— The House of
Bishops aro now in secret sessiou, and it is
understood that they have the case of Bish
op Onderdonk under discussion.
The convention will assemble to-morrow.
There are a large number of delegate* in at
CV A man in Kentucky recently commit
ted suicide. Previous to the act he enclosed
his subscription money for the MaysviUe
Flog in a letter and sent it to the editor, sta
ting therein that ho was "fearful of shuffling
off this mortal coil" without paying the prin
ter. Poor fellow, his path must have been
much lighter, and hiscouscious much easi
er, after this noble act.
17* 140,000 Moimons have emigrated
from England to the United States, most of
them men of some substance, from Wales
and the Northern ami Eastern parts of Eng
land. •
* Cbngrest. Senator. Assembly.
TT > | '*s |
BLOOM 215 865 430 30 412 53
BRIARCREEK 44m. 23 m. 84 151
CATTAWISSA 78 103 IGO 3 130 53
CENTRE 91 48 114 14 105 30 .
GREENWOOD 74 88 156 2 157 4
HEMLOCK 140 39 M 1 ISI 1
MONTOUR 32 23 64 62
MIFFLIN 99 41 117 23 98 35
MADISON ' 78 9 95 1 85 0 .
MAINE ' 75 16 83 5 83 2
MOUNTPLEASANT 63 28 94 3 86 7
ORANGE 118 61 130 37 117 55
Democrnit in Roman—Whig* in Italics. # Volumeer,
Montour County
HELD 0GT.,8, 1850.
Congress. Senator. Assembly.
'== g >' 1 ' s y
3. Ss o 2 50 B
£E a I I
5 o
ANTHONY 5 *\ io * *1
rnOPFR It 46 6 50 6 46
DANVILLE 31 2 3 ?40
DERUY 1 ° * w?
FRANKLIN 33 ,® 3 J 3 5 ® J®
lIKKRTY 33 153 00 186 2 184
LI M F STONE 40 81 28 93 28 93
MAHONING 13 111 1 122 1 119
MADISON 11® 81 '
ROARINGCREEE 127 119 H9 93 139 107
VAILKY 5 138 6 140 4 140
Democrat* in Rohan —Whigs in Italics. *Voluniecr.
Returning Thanks.
The Cincinnati Atlas is responsible for the |
following: "Our old fripnd Dr. N. has a lit-,
tie daughter aboutTive years old, who has
been taught to "say grace" audibly at every
meal. The other morning the little girl
came down to her breakfast after the rest of
the family had finished theirs, and arisen
from the table. Her mother helped her as
usual to the food upon the table, but forgot
to give her the cup of coffee of which she
is very fond. The meek and dutiful little
daughter would not remind her dear mother
of the neglect, but when about to rise from
the table, closed her eyes and said—"Thank
the Lord for a good breakfast, all but ily cof
A violent hail storm visited Pittsbtftg on
the 27th tilt. iUs represented as being one
of the soverest storms ever known in the
West. It commenced aOout hall past two
o'clock in the afternoon— tho stone-* descen
ding as large as hickory nuts. Towards
three o'clock tho storm increased, necompa
nied by vivid lightning attd heavy crashes
of thunder. The hail stones a', this lime,
it is said, varied in size trom nine to four
teen inches in circumference, and, weighed
upwards of one pound! Several persons
were more or less injured.
lustincl of the Cat.
It is stated thai during the severity of the
cholera at Harper's Ferry, the cats in large .
numbers migrated. The night watch on the
railroad bridge saEMta many as live or six
cross the bridge of a nigh:. They became
very scarce, unl if one was seen near the
place, it '.flsuld bo fouud on a hill with an ;
air of great alarm.
A telegraphic despatch announces that {
great excitement prevails in Honesdaie, I
Pennsylvania, occasioned by the appearance;<
of two men from the South, who are after ajl
beautiful creole, the wife of a Mr. Evans, <
and who, they say, is a runaway slave. "If
she is discovered," adds the correspondent,
"it will hardly be possible for them to take I
her, the feeling is so strong against them." I
THE man who commenced reading Web- <
ster's Dictionary through in course, reports
that he finds it very nice reading, but "some
how the subjects are dreadfully mixed up.''
He "don't more than get launched upon one, i
before the writer starts upon another."
ON the day on which Louis Phillippedied, 1
there departed this lifts, in Paris, an eccen
tric old Ursaliue nun, who was born in Cor
sica on the 15th of August, 1779, the same
day as Napoleon. She had lived nearly fif
ty years in the same apartment, in which
she had collected 200 or 300 birds.
Result o( the Maryland Election.
BALTIMORE, Oct- 6—The returns of the e
lection held in the State of Maryland on
Wednesday last, are all in, and show that E.
Louis Lowe, Democrat, elected Governor
by a majority of 1526.
There was a time in the reign of Queen
Elizabeto, when rum and brandy wore sold
by the ounce, by apothocaries, as a medi
cine, and a tea-spoonful was considered a
' dose by all the regular physicians. Not so
now 1
VERY STRONO FAlTH. —Brighnm Youngand
two other mormon saints, in calling the faith
ful io the Great Salt Lake city, close with the
followin" appeal: "Push the Saints to Zion,
and persuade all good brethren to come;
who Tiave a whellbarrow and faith enough
to roll it over the mountains."
Dale. Esq ; has been appointed Treasurer of
tho United States Mint, 'in place of Col.
James RossSncrwden
Democratic Victory.
The election in Maryland for Governor and
.Stale Legislature took place on Wednesday
'E. L. Lowe is the Democratic candidate for
Governor, and \V. B. Clark the Whig. The
returns from Baltimore city show a Demo
cratic majority of over 2700, being again of
nearly 1200 over the vote which Thomas,
democrat, received in 1817, when he was e
lected Governor by 700 majority in the State.
ry of Harris county. Georgia, in the dis
charge of those duties which requre thorn to
take notice of nuisances, have made a pre
■eminent disapprobating the courso putsued
by the last Legislature of that State, in mak
ing provisions for calling a State Convention
in the event California is admitted into the
Union s a State. That's the way to % treat
such disorganizing, disunion action.
A teacher one day, endeavoring to make
a pupjl understand the nature and applica
tion of a passive verb, said :
"A passive verb is expressive of the na
ture of receiving an action, as Peter is beat
en . Now what did Peter do V
"Well I don't know," said the boy paus
ing a moment, with the gravest countenance
imaginable, "Without he hollered."
•Ts there anything really the matter with
youj" said a physician to a person who had
sent for him.
"I don't know how it is," was the reply,
"I eat well, sleep well, and have a good ap
"Very well," said the doctor, "I'll give
you something to take away all that."
MR. LAYARD, in excavating beneath the
great pyramid at Nimroud, had penetrated a
mass of masonry, within which he bad dis
covered the tomb and staluo of Sardanapa
lus, with full annals of that monarch's reign
angraved on the walls.
MAINE. —The vote for Governor in Maine
foots up as follows: Hubbard, dem., 36,921 ;
Crosby, whig, 29,989 ; Talbot, f. s., 6,460
Only a few towns to come in, which #ill in
crease Hubbard's majority.
Fugitive Slave Meeting at Boston.
ROCHESTER, N. Y. Oot. 7.—lt is said that
the celebrated Fred. Dduglass has been in
vited to attend an anti-fugitive slave meet
ing to be held in Boston on Monday evening
next, and that he has accepted.
Case of Drowning.
IIONESDAJUC, Oct. 7.—A man, named Ed
ward Terwellager, was found dead in one of
the canal basins at this place, upon the wa
ter being drawn off. Verdict of the jury,
"Accidental drowning, caused by intemper
Politic a I Intelligence.
ALBANY 7 , Oct. 7.—The lowa Statesman,
(Democrat,) concedes the election of Mr.
Miller, Whig, to Congress, by a majority of
about 100.
IF THE Democrats of Michigan, at a
Slate Convention recently held there, passed
a series of resolutions strongly recommend
' ing to the parly throughout the Union the
re-nouinatiou of Gen. Cass for the tic '
.... -Mt
Tribune and Herald printing offices were
1 lately visited by Miss Jenny, who desired to
contrast the large newspaper establishments
I of New York with those she had visited in
1 London.
Of THE enlargement of the Union Canal
. on that portion that is used for the Pinegrove
f coal is to be prosecuted vigorously, with the
. promise of completion by the middle of next
A Nrw MUSICAL accommodate
10,000 persons, is talked of in Boston. The
Bostonians must calculate on a succession of
Jenny Linds, or a sudden diffusion of musi
cal taste, to fill so vast a structure. Though
music may be in fashion just now in "Mod
ern Athena," literature is rather out at the el
bows. Ms. James, tho novelist, has slim
audiences. He gave a sly dig at the music
made a few nights ago. Alluding to the sale
of indulgences by the Roman Church, prior
to the reformation, he remarked, that for the
price now paid for one concert ticket, tho
church would sell indulgences to admit a
man to the abode of the blessed, whore he
could listen to the angelic choir through the
countless ages of eternity.— Public Ledger.
Murder in Chester Comity*
On Saturday morning of last week as the
Scholars were assembling at a School near
Rocky Hill, about three miles east of West
Chester, tho lifeless body of their teacher,
FIIEBE SHAIIPI.ES*, daughter ol Aaron
less, of that county, was found lying at the
door of the Schoolhouse, having been shot
in the back part of the Tleck, so as to cause
instant death! A person named George
l'haraoh, who was seen about the place
with a gun, has been arrested on suspicion
of being the Murderer. No cause is assign
ed for the foul deed.
ty Mr. Adams, manager of the Bend I
ron works, in Clarion county, has discovered
a process by which iron can bo made ten
dollars a ton cheaper than by the old meth
od, and of better quality. Improved manu
facture and improved conveyance to and
from market is the true protection of Amer
ican industry.
Somebody found a glove that Jenny Lind
happened to lose in Now York, and sold it
to a Yankee for live dollars. Tbe Yankee
charges two dollars for an intide kiss of
the glove, and one shilling for an outside.
He is making money almost as fast uc Bar
num. What next?
Ritnaway Slaves at Pittsburg.
We learn that the announcement at Pitts
burg, of the passage oi the" Fugitive Slave
Bill, produced tho most intense excitement
among the Runaway Slaves. Up to Satur
j day evening not less than 3UO had fled to
■ Canada. The Hotels were Igfl almost entire
ly witnout waiters.
CV We see it stated that Mrs. Conner,
who some years ago laid claim to the im
menso property of Gen. Van Ness, of Wash
iugton city, on the alleged ground of her be
ing his widow, has recently came in the pos
session of abeut 8500,000, left to her by a
distant relative in New Orleans.
A NODLE SENTIMENT. —Henry A. Wise, in
his late Address on the subject of Education
I says .• "Teach your children the elements
of Christian Philosophy, the Bible, lessons
of I.ovn and Temperance, and Knowledge,
and Virtue, and Faith, and Hope and Char
ity, and you may turn them out into the
world without a pange of apprehension,
without a doubt - of di6rrust, or fear; they
will never hurt each other, and never injure
the State."
That is tho titte idq—an education which
looks to the head the heart.
rr Edwin Forrest was on Saturday las,
discharged from arrest by Judge Edwards of
New York, the writ of tie exeat having been
abolished by "the code "—This is the resell
which every unprejudiced mind felt mus'
be the termination of the extraordinary ap
plication made to stay the course of justice
tv Pror. F. A. Muhlenberg, now of Frank
lin College, Lancaster, has been elected Pro
fessor ot Greek in Pennsylvania College, at
Gettysburg. Prof. Muhlenberg is a son of
Dr. Muhlenberg, the Democratic candidate
for Congress in Lancaster county
rr The American mail steamer Pacific
made the shortest passage on record—short,
er by eleven hours than that made by any
other American steamer, and eighteen hour®
shorter than that mado by any Britishsteam er
THE bill to grant the public lauds cf Ore
gon to actual solders, which passed the Sen
ate, provided for the donation of 320 acres
to each family, native or foreign, whether nat
uralized or not.
Isf The incendiary who set fire to the
Bridge at Clark's Ferry, a few weeks ago,
has been arrested. His wile informed oil
him—probably induced to the step by the
reward of SIOOO offered by Gov. Johnston.
POPULATION OF MUNCV. —The population
of the borough of Munoy is 910, being an
increase of 148 since 1840.
A Dublin paper contains the following
"Yesterday, Mr. Kenny, returning to town,
fell down and broke his neck, but happily re
ceived no farther damages I"
THANKSGIVING.— The Governor of Massa
chusetts has appointed Thursday, the 28th of
November, to be observod as a day of thanks
giving in that State.
THE Dauphin and Susquehannah coal
company has begun to send their emi-b ; ; u .
minous coal lo market via ca
nal. . . _.
THE STATE CANAL is again in navigable or
der, all tho breaches between Harrisburg and
Columbia have been repaired.
the present season at 25,000,000.
CP The Lackawanna Journal thinks the
loss by the fire at Carbondalo will amount!
Jenny Lind favored Providence, ft. 1., with
one concert.
Oodey's Lady's Book for 1851,
Devoted to American Enterprise, American Wri
ters, and American Artiste.
The publisher of the Lady's Book having
the ability, as well as the inclination, to make
the best monthly, literary, and pictorial peri
odical iu this country, is determined to snow
the patrons of magazines to what perfection
"IDis branch of literature can bo bro ght.
He has now been publishing the lady's Book
for twenty-one years, and he appeals to his
subscriber* and tho public whether the
"Book" has not improved every -year, and
ho now pledge- his well-earned reputation
that, in the Morality and Superiority of his
literature, and in the Purity and Beauty of
lu6 engravings, the Lady's Book for 1851
Shall Exceed Every Other Magazine. The
literary department will still be conducted by
Mrs. SARAH J. HALE, whose name i*
now recognized throughout our country as
the abre champion oi her sex in nil that per
tains to tho proper rights of woman. Ar
rangements have been made with other than
our well known contributors, and we shall
have the pleasure of adding to the following
some writers of great celibrily, whose
names have not yet appeared in the "Book.'
Mrs J C Neal, Mrs E F Ellel, Enna Duval,
Mrs E Oakes Smith, Mrs A F Law, the Au
thor of Miss Bremer's Visit to Cooper's Lan
ding, Mrs L G A hell MrsO M P Lord, Kate
Berry, Mrs S J Hale, F E F., Maiy Spenser
Peate, tho Author of "Aunt Magwire, ' Mr*
C F Orne, Mrs J H Campbell, VV Gilmore
Simrns, H T Tuckerman, Paik Benjamin,
Hon R T Conrad, John Neal, Tom Owen
(the Bed Hun er), Alfred B Street, George P
Morris, Rev H H Weld, H Wm Herbert, Pro
lessor Wm Alexander, Professor A Idea, Pro
fessor John Frost, T S Arthur, Richard Coe,
Herman Melville, Nathl. Hawthorn, and a
host ol other names, which our space will
not permit us to mention. In short, no ef
forts will be wanting to retain for Gody's La
dy's Book the proud title of the Leading Pe
riodical in America.
It will be seen that we have commenced
furnishing original designs for our Model
Cottage department, than which no set of il
lustrations have ever given more satisfaction.
we particularly pride ourselves upon. We
have bepn the first to give everything new
in this line —Crochet Work, Knitting, Net
ting, Patch Work, Crochet Hower Work,
Leather work, Hair Braiding, Ribbon Work,
Chenille Work, Lace Collar Work. D'Oyley
Watch Safes, Children's and Infants' Cloths,
Caps, Capes, Chemisettes, and, in fact, ev
erything that we thought would please our
leaders. In addition, we have also com
menced the pnblication of Undoubted Re
ceipts foi Cooking, Removing 'Stains, ai d
every trailer that can interest the head of a
Godepi Reliable Faiblou Plate*.
This department will be under the sole su
perintendence of a lady—sne ot our first
modistes—who receives proof sheets of the
fashioiiß direct from Paris, mid is intimately
connected with the publishers in that city.
This favor is granted to her exclusively.
They are arranged, under her direction, -o
suit the more suldued taste of American
ladies There is no other mugnzino in A
in eric a that can he oqnxlly favored. We
have so long led in this department that the
fact would hardly be worth mentioning, ex
cepting that others claim the merit that has
so long been conceded to the "Book."
They will be got up, as usual, iu our superi
or style to the French.
NEW MUSI'-", Printed Separate on tinted
paper. This is another advantage that Go
dy possoses over all others. A gentleman
it engaged expressly to attend lo this depart
ment, and no music is inserted in the 'Book'
that has not undergone his strict supervision.
It may as well be staled that Mr. Tucker,
our own artist, than whoin no one stands
I higher in America, has been iu London for
more than a year, and all his plates are now
finished One series of our plates in lino
engraving will be CONSTANCY & CO
QUETRY, done in a sty le to defy any imi
tation in mezzotint, Good Counsel and Evil
Counsel, Dress the Maker and Dress the
Weare.- Emblematic Pictures of "Tho
North," "The South," "The East," "The
West." Scriptural, Historical, and other En
gravings. In Line, Stipple, Mezzoiinto, and
Gemograph. The cost of the plates, for en
graving, printing, coloring, and for paper,
will exceed
The most Magnificent Engravings ever pub*
' lished in this or any other Country. Tho
j original designs are beautiful, and will far
j exceed annual plates both in engraving and
I originality.
j Of religious plates alono there will be
J enough to illustrate any edition of the Bible
ever published. The Scriptural illustrations
i will be furnished by tho Rev. 11. Hastings
| Weld.
Let the public judge, by a comparison of
our magazine with any other, which has
kept its word relative lo its published list of
If the test of the superiority of a maga
zine is its subscription list, then must Go
dey's Lady's Book claim tho superiority by
the voice of the public, as it las as mauy
subscribers as any othor two magazines now
published. Tho largest number issued of
any month in 1850 was 71,250 copies.
Terms Cash iir Advance, Postage Paid.
For all orders commencing with January,
1851. they will be as follows, and no devia
tion from that price will be made by any of
the Philadelphia $3 magazines.
One copy 1 year $3 I Five copies, 1 y. $lO
One " 5 years 10 (Ten •' •' 20
Two copes,'l y., 5 |
And one copy for a year to the person (en
ding the club of ten.
Postmasters and others sending clubs will
oblige us very much by having them all ad
dressed lo one name It is no inconveni
ence to them, and will be a great favor to us
No old subscriber will be received into a
club until all arrearages aro paid.
Address, L. A. GODEY,
No. 113 Chestnut Street Philadelphia.
Remaining in the Post Office at Bloomsburg
Pa. October Ist 1850.
Appleman Peter jr. Hilton T'.oraa* 3
Brady James Koc.her Harriet
Busbey George Leib Ephraim P.
Barton Joshua H. Lockart Levi
Buffer Aarron Reuben Ni hols Cbauncy
Bochard Solomon Philips John
jess Run yah Ar.dw, B„
Daniel Mary Reese r A. Z.
Dean Sarah Bees David
Fox SyTvo ter Tnos. John (ship)
Heilmun Elias Turner Susan
Heilman Suesna Fozer Wm.
HairJy John Philips WilmoyerGeo.
Hughes Daniel Weaver Capl. J.
Hock Stephen D. Hock Steven
The Subscriber wishes all those who are
still indebted to the late firm of Hefiey ft
Mendenhall tn take notice that ho is com
pelled to urge an immediate payment; that
this is the last notice of this sort ; and they
must blame themrelves if they get a..other
kind of notioe soon, attended with coats.
Ploemsborg, October IQth 1890.-31