m , Tot the Removal iiml Pf; .ur.nent I'ure of a!] NERVOUS 'DISEASES, .Aod nf h ,sc Complaint* which an* OUUSPI ly au im paiicd, weukfirc-tl or unhealthy condition ol tiio i\ F. 11 VO U S SVti T K !I . 'iiti-4 bc-muUful an 1 convenient dpi licutiou at tho m>s terlomi j'owc is of GAI.V AN ISM b i M \.NKTIh.\f, bin been pronounced l y >!i Jiuguifchv-t phvwtviiem, both in k.uvon' and llie Unilcu hUUd, to be the iin.ii i aluable mitdiciyal ditCocrry of the %'lgt. Dr. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC BELT and MAUNF/riC FLUID, ia nrd with the most pel feet and ccilaiu mccess in all Oatkl Of Ci K MiillAL D E UILI T \ , rsticiiglheiuug tin weakened body, f,iv ii p tono to tho VAIKMI-. 01-FFOIU, ~nd inv isolating the cntiiv i v-iteui 4L n in KiTS CWW\[, VAWAI.VN'S ROD I AI.SV DYSrK.P. MA or ItfDh;;..- HON. lUll'l l AIATISM A UK and CHKONIC, tSOl'll KHLKISY, I.I'MIIUil), DKAi NESS, N! 15VOI n ThKMtiliS I A l.f. TATIfIN Oh THE It LA HI", AltriLlW. NKI liAl.tllA, PAINS lu thoaiOKinid ( IIEST, LIVKII ROMI MINT, SPIN AL COMPLAINT, ond CL'llVATL'ltk of the SPINK, HIP COMPLAINT, DISKASKS of the KIDNKVS, IEK|. CIENOY OF NK.ltVol'H mid PIIVSH AI. KNKIHiY, and all N Kit VOI'S DISK ASKS, which complaints uiiso lm ,11.1 Modi cine* inert t;* the disrasr, lor they \t enkon 'lie vital ener gies ol tlu r~'*frly piosliuted t-trin ; while, tiiulur the lib- giving. vitalizing influence ol ikil vanisia. u* ipplicd by this heauliliil and wondeitul dis covery. 4 .h.exhausted patient and weakened Mifl'erer i restored to former health, strc:.glh, < lasticity and vigor Tho great peculiarity and excellence of Dr. ChrifiUo\s Galvanio Chirativo.i, eonai-ts in tho foot thai they wriest and cure ili r.ise by nut ward nj'/dtcuhoi i, in place of the u.su.il nvwlo of ti tig ging. ntil nh> sicking the patient, till exhausted Nature bii ks liopclc .ly under tho infliction. 7'hry lh* whole sijilrm, t-iy.ml'rr the ciitu I alio n of tin hlixiit, jnoiiiulr the tern lion*, and tirm do ihr ih\htitt liijuty till.!' r mil/ < iicu Willi it- s NiliCC tlicil Intro I notion in the United Mate , only tliteo years since, more than 60,000 Persons Including nil ogos. elates nnd condition*, ntnonrf tvriich Were a luige j if I .Ik- v-. !. >ji: pcculiuilv subject to Nervous Complaint ;~i avc IMKMI ENTinELY AND RERMANENTITY CURED, w hen nil hope ol relief had been given up, and cveiy thing else been tried in vain . To illustiutc tho ujc of the (iAhVAMC IIEI.T, "b'ip|H>se ihc cuse of a peunn ollfictci with that ha tie of *.|vili'/.atio>| J>l UI'K.I'MA, or any other 11, ionic or Nerv ous lzisider. In oidiuury cn.-a •, rtimul.inU arc taken, which, by their action on the netves and miiM-lcsol the b torn aril, altind t*Ht\>oniiy iclief, but vhi*'h leave tho i atient in u low er Htate, ami with r nic.l iiu % i|ltios, alter the notion thus excited bus ' I -i. Now e.'Utiuie tins with Ibt.'lleot ii.ul'ing li'.iurtli iip|>lie.itioii o{ the ti \ L VANJC JJJ-.1.T, 'J' k* a iLv|ij ti. -nil', ui i v en In the Mi>t H) ID]ibiiiis el ail ati iek, and fimpiv tie the Hell Vs. in id tie J10.1),t. i,ig \ >l. ■ , ,tie llu'il ...diluted. 11l u short perimi till in eu ilde peisj iiuti ui Will Bet otl the positive cleineiil of tie- Itelt. tl.ei-üby < a i.sing ti (Jul veaje ciiciilutinii which will p. .on t ills' negative, and llicnee li.iek Mg.till to the positive, thus peepii ' li|i 0 COII lluuoUK tJalvauic rircul.dioii tin 1 out tllk- ij>tem 'I litis Use most hovnre casea of DIM I.P-i \ nre PK.lt- MANKNII.V 'I It Kit. A IKW DAYS |S AMI I. Y SUFFICIENT TO EICALDCATK. TliK I'ISKASK OK YE Alls. t'EHTIFK'ATES AM) TESTIMONIALS OI'(lie most Ciitloubtrsl C linriirter. From nil parts of the country could be given, i uiiicicnt to fill every column in this paper ! AN EXTRAORDINARY CASE, vvhlch conclusively proves that " Truth 13 stranger than Fiction." CpII i: O K* Rh£uma!i*m f BroudUiliu and Dyspejsia, BEV. Ull. LANDIS, A CLEUCiVMAN h to know of me what hi been lh>> result in my own on so of the application of 'l'llK ti VLVAMC UKI.T AND NKCK LACE. My tepl) i* us lolluws: For uliout fi<'r>i/y if'"is I liatl liecn Fuflutiug from Dyprpvji. K\'*ry j tar the t) mptr-nm l-i-< umc worne, i<-. luieuinatisin, which for \ car ufi i }iai, cuueed inc iude ciihuhle unguixli Further: in tin- winter nt I'. innl M 6, in coiikc quince of pruflcliintf a gnat !>.• I in my own anil voi'ioui other chniohe* in tlnu region, I was attacked by the bronchitis, which soon Li-coiuo so severe us to iM|ulic tin hiinicdnilu suspension of my pustoiiil labors. fity tirrruvs *ystem tout now thoroughly firm tialtj, and .u my lfionchihs became worse, so also did my ln*|>cpKiu and Klienmutlc affection thus evincing that theno iluoi-It* wi re roiiiicetod with each other thimtgh the me hum of the Nervous By.tern. In the whole ph:innueo|Mcia there rcemcd to be no remedial •io ut which could reach and i -oipmuln my Nervous bjitcw ; every filing that I had tin-d lot (his purpose hud completely f.iilt-J. At la d I was led by mv fiicntls to ex. swine your invention*. and (though wilti no very san iiinn hones nt their efficiency,) 1 determined to tiy the ••fleet of (In; iippli.-utimi of the v tho inont fechlo und delicate, with pM'fcct "case and oafetv. In many coses tho semnition bttoiuling their ÜBO is highly ulrusanl and ogrtaabli. be scut to any part of tho country. Prices: Tbo GalyaQio licit, Thrco Dollars. The Uttlvahlo Nockluce, Two DollarH. Tho Galvanic BrneoUfo, One Dollar Each. The Magnatic Fluith One Dollar. gry- The articfes are imcomjmnied by full and plain direotions. Pmnphletfl With full puiticulitrs may bwbu/ i-l the authorised Agent. PARTICULAR CAUTION. (XJ- JHwnre of Courtttrfeiti und IVorlhlcss Imitation' v. Q. MORBHEAI), M. D., GENERAL AtiCNT FOR THE UNITED STATES, •ff 1J Uioudway, New York. Fur idle in fJloomsburg, J'a., by the tnilhorizcil agtnt, by JOHN It, MO YE It, * authorized agents in the jniiici fml'lfi/tit of tlu Slate, CHERRY PECTORAL: For th Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, SIOA'aSEIMUSS, BRON CHITIS, CUOVF, ASTH MA, WHOOPING-COUGH AND CONSUMPTION. Tho uniform Stici cas which ban attoiukul the use ( f this preparation; its salutary offerl; its pow er to relieve ami cunjaifediuimoftlui Lungs, hu' c h-Altied for it a celebrity equdh Iby rro o lier od e'ciiio, Wo oiler t t. tlio ulVficled Mjefi enfire cntifrf.c ce in its nnd the foil belief I half it will subdue and remove tire severest ailucks (•fffls e ise upon the throat urtd Lungs, Tho rceulls, os they become publicly known, very unitintUy al tract the (itteutiou ofmud'cul men "tnl p'ribmhro jiistn everywhere. What i- their optnton l (MT KKKY i'Ll- TOKAIJ run; >een ih the follow ifj ; Valentine. Matt. M. I) . Pf /\ *yor Sitr r. cry. Me die a I Cu!h :.r i, Y. > -iy s : (l gives uie pli .icUie lt> tertii'v t. tie- value and dietary of Ayci# < 'berry !\cl-ral. who It I < ")n ---iidcr (tcculiurly adapt d to cure dipctt^ts ol tin* i In oni and Lung* 7Vie lit* Jitv. Lord Hhhop Field Wri'.is i:. 1 t*r to hi* friend, who was sinking undoi an rdiocti m of tin Lungs, Try the Cherry lector al. and rl any r. Vi im can give you relief With the bltwio;; < 1 (Ltd tbiif v il'* Cituf Justice Fust is, of J.oiiihiai.n, writes that u young daughter of his was cured of several severe attacks >f Croup by lire (-'herr\ lVituial llurli ud. .fan 2fi, 1848 Dear bir: II iving been e'i.icd from n painfu ond imgcioiis li:-* use by your medicine, gratitude pp'inp'H me to sehd you this acknowledgment not only in justice to you but for lire infjunction of itlu'i.s in like nlll clion A sligli' cold upon the lungs neglected nt fiir-t, hcoaiiie so s vera that Kpitluig of blond, u violent cough and prfufe night rweafs followed arid las toned up>ii ine I became emaciated, could qpt sleep, was' di 'rcsad bv iny couttlr, and u pain through my chest, audio short had nil the alarm ing s) inptoiie> of qrih k eonauuij'fioii i\<- medi cine uiM ined at all to reach my ' " '*, "mil pro* i dentially 1 triad your ('lrery l'ei.toral, wlri' hi•• liwed and now Inn; run d in* Yours w'llr respect 11 A All 1' Albany, N Y, April I' IH-H Yleur Sir; 1 lurV.J fig years been alilu'lcd wi I: Asthma in tor VWM form; cnthttt I have been obliged hi vleep in lav chair fur a 1: gcr | >.i- * 'f the tiinc r liping unable to b-ea'.he o.i iry I i I had hied y gre t loany iiicdrcioi to no pufp I until mv physician | a esc ri bed, as au | your (-lieiry lVctornj At lir. ; l il seemed !•• make me \v irvo, bol in less than a wet k I Ufg iti to in juoici fe tho ino. gr oi. ! fving relit f from irs u c ; and in fmr v. i.cks the j draease was entirely removed 1 rati sleep on in;, bed with comluit, und enj.-v n stat.s of health , which 1 never expected UCO t FAHUAN 1' , Prepared in/ J (' .Jt/rr, /. nu 11. Mn 3 Sold by ' K I' I.UTZ. Inoniobiiri! A A WN.' .ON, R.C.VVII K A pi i! -1 r, n M!< K'WAYKE'S C< Kb atort r.nuSi;, •: U tiifv l I'lir. F01.1.0W8 f'l'ltr. /;/•; PROOFS (Jf TUB EFFICACY OF I 1 • J CUM I'Ot'Nl) I Vltl'l" OV WILD CI IKK. IIV. 't'iu Originalitm! Genrij.c Vi.yn. itin! Cu'i..li.-, C'oldn, Aktliliiii, I'roiiuliiliK, I.ivci Cumpl-iiiil, !3 ol llio lafcst worms ho had ever seeu. It is somewhat ililtienlt to cot the poo Into try it, ns they lnfvc so often boon polled by nause ous ami worthless worm moilieines. Yrntrs hoim; no very ploaant to tho I auto, at tho iaim lime elh ci.al, I : hall be able lodisposc of a far/re rjnafi/ity. liespeelfully. yours, Ac., J'OWNSCNOT. SIIARC. Al. IV ISKWAIIK 01-' MISTAKES. liL'tiinmbcr: Dr. hwaynt/f ViTiKilu^i 1 is IIII.V put up in sqiiuro bnlili's, (liavin-; nwul ly I-ecu r!t:tni:i''l:) ouvi-n-d witli u licantiful wr.ippor, (stool rnr;mviii;r) with tint porlmii nt 111. I'uiivho iliitciiii ciiitiavoil. Hour tlii in ininil, mill In'mil iloooiioil. Ci.K>:at: iko l'l.'KU v. Dlt. SwAYNn's Stfl.Ml Co \Tnt S.UIBAI'AIItI.T.I •k I'ahi.ut or 'l'au I'ii.i.s. —A milt) ami nfl'oo tivo pui'pativo.qri'at purilyTr us to admit any portion of the one to bo spent without tho full enjoyment of the other. Tho timely possession of n little work entitled as follows has been tho means of caving the health and the li.e of thoui >uids. as over TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND c. pies have been sold since the first edition was is sued. The author has been induced to advertise it by tlu uror nt and pressing request of those who have boon indebted U its publication fir all they hold dear (that ah may have an opportunity o" obtaining it), nnd who have faceted him with thousands of letters of encomium,some of which rrc annexed to .he adver tisement. THE MARRIED WOMAN'S Private Medical Companion. 1!V Oil. A M MAIIRtOBAU, 'J .rcnhirii Edition. 18MU., pp MO. J'ricr, 81.00. THIS VVOItK IS INTICNDICD ESPECIAL LY roll THE MARRIED, or tlinso eontcuipln lini- mnrrin RE. IIH it .lisoloao. importnnt .ccrcta which elintilJ bo known to tboni pnrtioulnrly. Hero, every femalo—tha wife, llio mother—the one cilhcr building into womanhood, or tlie om' in tlio dui lino ol yenra, in whom nature contemplates ■in important change—can .liacovcr (ho rau.es, symp lonis, and tlic moat efficient remedies ami moat cor tain mode of cure, in every complaint to which her ecx is subject. The revelations contained m its pages bovo proved a blessing to thousands, ns tho innumerable letters received by lite nutlici (which lie is permitted by the witters to publish) will attest. SICKLY AND UNHAPPY WIVES. Extract a/a Letter from a Gentleman in Dayton, O. "DAYTON, May 1, 1817. " I)it. A?M. MaDßierau— My Dear Sir: ' Tlio Married Woman's Private Medical Companion,' for which i enclosed one dollar to your address, carno solely to hand. 1 would not have troubled you will. Ilicm li .v lines, hut that I uin impelled by a senso el ernl.tude, lor myscll nnd wife, to give uttcruuce to our sincere und hcortlolt omoliona. ' Mv wife htm been perceptibly sinking for snmo three years or more, in consequence of her great uu guirlt rod sutibritig soino nsmtha heforo nuil during canlincmentt every . iiecetsive one nicro nnd more lb-hit let. li and pvestiuted lier, iiuttiug lier life ill Im minent dun rcr, uud which was. en the last occasion, despoil edof. 1 ounposed that this state of things was inevitable, nivl resigned myself to meet tlio werst. At thiri time (now about two months) 1 lienrd your bonk highly spoken of, as containing some matters reaching my case. On ita receipt and perusal, 1 can net expics toyou the relief it nilerdod my distressed mind and tlie'iov its pages imparted to my wife, nn learning Hint the great discovery of M. M. Deso to mix provide ! a remedy. It opened a prospect to in- which 1 little conceived was posHihte. No pecu niary consideration enn ever repay the obligations I am under to viu for having been the means of im part!.> ; to us'tbe matt, rs contained in ' The Married Woman's Private Medical Companion.' lint for this, ere another yenr would hnve passed over my head, in till human probability my wire would have been in iter crave, and my children left motherless." Extract from a Letter. Competence and Health. '•LANCASTER, PA., Oct. 24,1*47. " MY DEAR SIR : 1 know you will have the kind ness to bear with rao in encroaching upon your time, whil< l acknowledge (in behalf of myself and wife) the obligations wc feci ourselves under to you in bav in- mudf known certain matters, contained in your most invaluable ' Married Woman's l'rivnto Medical Companion.' It lias been worth its weight in gold to me. If I express myaolf rather warmly, you will sec lint I can not do so too warmly, when inform Vs hesitating as to the propriety of . mcurriug the rospoiisibilitlcs attendant upon it, the i importance of being po.'isofaed of the revelations cun- i taincd in tliuuo pages, so Intimately Involving their ! future happiness, can uot bo opfirccinted. It is, ot course, iiu|*ractlcablc to convoy more fully tho various subjects treated of, as they arc of ana \ turc strictly intended for tho married, or tlioso eon- ; tcmplnting marriage; neither is it necessary, since it is every one's duly to become possessed of knowl edge whoroby the sufferings to which a wife, a moth er, or u sister, may be subject, can bo obviated- IT CoidcH will bo wont by IMnll free of I'ostagc to I lie I'urchaacr. On the receipt of One I)ollkr, " THE MAR -111 ft L) WOMAN'S I'UIVATE MEDICAL COM PANION" i. .cut (mailed free) to any part ol the Dnitcl Btatos. All Icttorn must he post-paid (except tlioio containing a remittance), and addrcfl-d to Dr. A. M. MAUIIICEAU, lloa 122 L Now York City. Paliliiiiiug Ollicc, No. 122 Liberty at., Now York. Over 30,000 CoplM have lirrn rnt by 2IAIL witliin throo month. Willi perfect safety and cer tainty. Booksellers nir.l n;;enls erißngeil in its stile are hanilsome competencies from tlio ready and oxtruonliiiiiry iletnnint lor it, ami tho untiemoly liberal terms ufTotiloil tlmni. Active local or travelling Agents, through out tlio Unitod States and Canudas, will be supplied otftho -time terms. Communica tions aro loquircd lu bo jml-jmid uml addres sed na above. C v" CAFTION.—Tho public aro cautioned against various catch-penni ;s intended to be palmed oil .upon thorn, imitating tho title ol the work as " l'lto Married Litlics' Mo'dieal Cdfnpauion.''and various other titles. The iiiln ul tho \vo& is "The Alarritd WO MAN'S Private.Medical Companion,"in/ Dr. A •!/. Minn,aw ' \ .lO.SKI'M SVVAKTZ, zip cut, Blooms'uurg. ilouxc, Sfn find Ornamental fainting DONE to order in the best highly-fitiishcdr, Ct plain sty lid by H. HAULNBUCII 111©? il&ffll TTF MCE fiArJUf AC TOflY Dr. 48. P. TOWNSKND'S OOiU'OVKU EXTRACT Ob\ SAESAPAHIIiLA, The most Wonderful Medicine of the Age, 1,500,(T09 BOTTLES MANUFACTURED YitAnt.Y. Till* Mctliflni' N fleet up lu lliunt Ilutilcfl, anil lime curril more than 100,000 Canes of Chrouic Disoaae, within Hif liwtTrit Venn-rKoiti' li (A nulna uiiltiM ftlgiied by S. I*. TOYVNgKNO. KXPOSE. DY HEADING TlUi FOLLOWING A.FF! DAVIT —the Public will learn tlie origin, or miliar where tho rc!|>o lot making tlio stutt' they call did Dr. Jncuj ' Ua cam® front—u;ul will bo able to Jndjje v, job '•* Ufi qenuiuo *inl o. iginul, and nl (la hou ty of the men vi'.o aie employed ?• ••filing it aj tho ouginal I'r Townsond i Saituijaiilia. Dr. M P TovniM i'k'U th.' (f, ij'iuji i)ruj4otor and inrentor •{ Dr. Towns* -ifs }• ' -a,>;iill j, and liis inedicbe hm gained n reputation that uoowti re ready • _-r gained. 140 muriil.returod over one >..'.nnioi hottlcv last your oiul i. niai.niucturjtig at iresout .'i.tiod bottles per day W u iiso tnoro ht.'tiHiij.arilla a 1 d \ eliow Dock in nnr establishment each day, than nil tho other bamipni illu Manulactuiuf* in the world. I'liiieipal Office, Ko Fulton-st. HEAD THE APPIDAVIT. City ami County J Kcw-Vorh, William Armstrong, oi tire Raid I'itjf, being dnly iworn, doth depose and say thai ho i* it practical Druggist und < ficin : 9t. That route time in the latter I art of May, or nut ul Juno ldH, n man by iho iiumc of Jac >b Towt ' end. who nt that tim ? y. as u book and pamphlet pcddAei^cailed upon deponent, at the house of MivThoiiiPaon 'so. Mild non-street, where depo neat boat led, i?xf tl dt pomnl to wiite Ijjm a recipe by whirl; to make A Syrup of Sursupuiiila. Deponent further says, that ho became acquainted with baid Tpwnscud at Iho oflieo of Theodore Fouler, hq., Uo< k Publisher, with whom said Towiuend dealt. That said Tow wend hod bad frequent conversa tions with deponent i expecting thu manufacture of an at tic looi gnrfttipnrillu to bo soil undui the name of Dr. Jacofi I'owiiseud. That said 'i'ownsend slated he was an old man, and poor, niul was not lit for hard labor—and wished to niako some money, in order to live easy in his old days, and that, if Kjisaparilla under the nainoof Town •cud Moid so well, and so much money whs inmlc hy it, lie could see no reason why ho might not make something out of it too. (his name being Townsend,) if he could got u capable poison to prepare a recipe, and manulai Imp it tor him. Deponent in oiio of the convoisntioiifc .dkod said Townsrnd if he was related to Dr. 9. I'. 'lVwitfcnd, to which ho replied, that he knew Dr. :i. P Towiuend would bo down on him otter ho should commence, lint thut he did not cure for him, us hu had lounui! a co-partnership with men who could furnish the requisite amount of capital—and w as woll prepared to defend hinucil uguiiut any uttack hut might ho made on him. Deponent fu" thcr any a, that puisnant to the request of t>anl J icob he wrote a rcci!£ for the manufacture of a Karen p-u ilia, and gave it to iiirn. Said Towusoml observed that he wanted to nuke a specimen t exhibit to hi* p.itnor.s for their lpprov.il. as ho wished to grutifv them in every thing, is they furiii.slicd all the capital- so id Townsend also old dcpniwmt th t the bottles they were to me were :o be ot the sumo ri/.c and shapo ur Dr. H. P. Town* send's, and deponent, nt the request of said Jacob and procured one ot his labels. And dejKinent further says, that lie has been inform ed, and verily believes the* Syrup of Sarnnpariiln, sold iibm Jacob Tow mend's, is mnde alter the recipe fur ni ihed iy deponent, to Jacob Townsend, as aforesaid. And lurtlier deponent Raith not. WILLIAM AnMBTHONO. Sworn to heforo me, this J llli dav of May, IMt'i. f. S. WOODUULL, Mayor of the City of New York PROOF!! PROOF!!! Here is proof conclusive that J)r. S. i\ TownsenPii ■ Sawaptmlln ia the original. The 1 'Mowing is liom I some ol the most rospcclablo papers in this btatc. ! FROM THE AUmny Kveiling .lovrnnl. Dr. Towns end's Sarsaparilla. There probably never has been so popularn remedy, or paten*. medicine aa Dr. Town>ciul.'s Sarsuparill'ti, which was origin; llv, nnd continues to bim .1, tho Doctor has resided in New I'ork, where he keoj s n store, and attends to the business that accuinuiates nt tbnt point. 'J'ho munu factory is in this city, and in conducted by the juuior partner, Mr. Clopp—herd fell tlio medicine is maneiuc turcd Few of mar citizens have any idea of tho amount of this medicine that is manufactured and sold, besides the saletf in tliis country, it U shipped to the (Janudas, West India Island*, Houth America, and even to Ku lope, in considerable quantities. At the manufactory tin y employ a Sfruni engine, besides a large number oi men, women nnd gills, in the preparation of the a medicine, making boxes, printing, tin , and turn out, j or-.I y for shipment, over Jot) do/en per day, or neurlv 6000 bottles. This is an enormous quantity. The great Bale the medicine has acquired, has in duccd a mimherof men to get up imitations, and there is at the present tiino, otlu r medicines for sale, that are called " Dr. Tnwnsend's SaraapariUd. ' One in par ticular started a short time ago in New Vork, is called "Old Doctor Jacob Tow mend's Sarsaparilla," and ap parently with n view, by dint of advertising, and tho usual remedies resorted "to in such efforts, to appropri ate the name ol Dr. 8. r. Townscnd's great remedy, and tbud gain nil the advantages resulting from the popularity of the name whicli he has acquired for it, ly years of patient and expensive labors. Dr. H I* Townscnd, formerly of this city, us is well known here, is the inventor and original proprietor of the medicine known as "Dr. TownsciuVs SamoparillK," sud we think those persons who are attempting to sell their article as the genuine, should bo exposed FROM THE Nftv Turk Holly Tribune. (foj- M'e published en advertisement inadvertently some time since that did injustice to Dr. 8. I*. Town send, w iio is the original proprietor of the preparation of Sarsaparilla known as Dr. Townscnd's. Other parties have within the part few months engaged or connected themselves with a man by the nan • of Tow mend who put up- a mcdioinu und calls it by the same name Tins medicine was advertised in The Tribune ns the original, kc. This advertisement also contained mutter derogatory to the character of Dr. 8. I'. Townijcnd and that of bis medicine. We regret it appeared, and to the Dr. make tliis ox p lunation. FROM TIIF. New \ork Daily Sun. Di TovrniKjro's extraoidmoi) advertisement,which occupies an entire page of the Hurt, will not escape notice. Dr. S. P. Tow nsend, who is the original pro prietor of Dr. Tow iif end's Sarsaparilla, nnd whoso of lice s next door to ouis, w hero ho has b( en for sever cl is driving an invweiisc business. Ho rcceivos no less than four hundred dozen of Sarsapm ilia per day, ond even this enormous quantity docs not supply the demand. No medicine ever gained so groot a popularity as his preparation of the Sursupnrilla. lljs edition of Almanacs tor 1810 cost f 32,000, and he has paid the New York Bun for advertising, in the last four years, over SIO,OOO, niJ d bo acknowledges that it is the cheapest advertising he has lind done. This incdieiiio is exported to the Cunadas, West In dil Ottlh America SUM Kuiope, in considerable quantities, and is coming into gcnuiul use iu those countries, as well as hero. Swlmllcra. Drugghls and others that sell Sarsaparilla for the genuine and original Dr. Townscnd's Hatsnparillo. that i 3 not signed by 8. P. Townscnd, commits u fraud, and swindles the customers. Men that would he guilty *>f such an oct, would commit any other fraud —ami no Druggist of common intelligence but knows that ouis is tho only genuiuo. Old Jacob Townsetiri. Sonic people who ore not well informed, and have not lead the papers, and not scon our advcilisoments, have been leu to suppose, that because these men ad vertise their stall us " Old Jacob Townstndr," thut it must, of course, Lc lU**uigiwil. It is lesu than one year idnco ttioy commenced to moke their incliciae. Ouis has been in the market over ten years Tills Hkl Jacob Tow rise ml. They are endeavoring to palm oil on the public as an obi Physician, fcr. Ifc Is not a regular educated I hysiciaif. nnd never attempted to mauufacturo a mod icinc, until these men hired him for tho use of his name. They say they do not wish the pcoplo to be lieve tbnt thoir Sersanarilla is ours, or the same but thu hotter to deceive tho public, they at tho soma time assert thut thcir's is the Old Dr Townscnd'a, and the original; and endeavor to mako the people believe that the stuil tliey manufacture, ia the Dr. Townsoud u Sarsupariilo, that has performed BO many wonderful curbs for the post ten years, and which lias gained a reputation which no oClior medicine cvor enjoyed— which is a hire, villuinouj, unprincipled falsehood. Wc have commenced suits against loose men for ilamsgos. Wa-' wish it to br understood, that the old man is no relation to Dr. Townsend whatever. In their ud veitisements and circulars, they publish a number of gross falsehoods respecting Dr. Townscnd, which we w ill not notice. False Hv|iorfa. Our opponents have published in the papcu, that Dr. 8. I'. Townsend was dead. This they send to tlifir agents about tho country, who leport that we have sivcn up business, &c. lie. Tho public should bo on leir guard, and not be deceived by these unprinci pled men. Notice oj Hem oval.-' After the first of Septembor, 134 D, Dr. 8. I'. Townseud's Now Vork Office will Le in the South Baptist ( Ituicli, No. 83 Nassau street, which is now undergoing a thorough change, and u ill bn fitted for the better accommodation oi tho pro piietors and the public. Take yarlfealar JVohcs.—No Sarsaparilla is the genuino and original Dr. Townsond's Sursapariiia, uti le ss signed by B. V. Townsoud. AcKXTS.—Redding It Co., No. 8 BUte-street, and Mrs E. Kidder, No. 100 ( ourt street, Boston; Samuel Kidder, Jr., Lowell} Henry Pratt, Hnlem •, James B. Green, Worcester ; Allison & (fault, Concord; J Balch fk Hon, Providence ; and by Druggists and Mer chants geuerully throughout the United States, Wo# Indies und the Canada* JOHN 11. MOVER, DRUGGIST, is tlio solo agent in Bloomsotirg, for tlio salo If Jlr. S. T. Townsend'* t-ar3aptirilla-36-ly HOUSE I'APE RING, l'upcr hangin will.be iluiio in the mobt workmanlike man •for by B HAUEUrt'II . Petition's C ELK B HAT ED Pu 1 moi'.ic Eipectorant, Li the most certain anil effectual remedy known or the cure of Coughs, Colds,-Consumption, In fluenza, hoarseness, spitting of llloon, difficulty of breathing, Uronchitis, v.. in in the locust unit side, palpitation of the heart, whooping cough, asthma, croup, and all diseases "f the l'utmanaiy Organs. The jiropriclor of Ihis Pulmonic Expectorant, Ilium# gritiluulcd as .1 |>hytiiclau, unit lutlowoil tlio j,i ulie iwjf liib profe.niuu fornovcral yours, con, tliercforo givo to persons who require such ni.rliciircsthat nssurnnco which cannot he expect cj where aconrpounJ Is only coiieoctcil from on antiquated recipe, Inlten From the lecf of an olil al rianoc or sonic similat source. Prepared hy S. A. Pearson, M. D, No. 106 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, price $1 per bottle, orsia f utiles for |5. HEAD TilM FOLLOWING: r. S, A. Pearson: Df°r Sir—For the benefit of othere, I would inform you'hat 1 have been II ng your Palmonic Expectorant for a cough ved pain in nty breast and side, the elects of a retry heavy cold—l find that it has ;iv l res great hoicf I consider it an invnldahle medicine. I cidve also used it in my family with the moat do uae.l benefit—lt eerea colds in the least ooaaihlc lime flint medicine coald cure them, it in vir. (■tea were generally known, it would save tltous nnJs from an untimely gtavo. You shouldsparo no pains nor expense l have it brought into use throughout the country. _ Yours,&c. V'M. M.CADE, No. 212 (,'herry Kt. ,h LADY SAVED, i)r. 8. A. l'oarson . Dear Sir—About a year a go I was attacked with a severe inll.imulion of the I.tings, which threatened every symptom of a speedy Consumption. 1 called upon one of the irtoa*. eminent physicians of Philadelphia,who pio nounccd mo incurable. My husband then procu red for me six bottles of your Pulmonic Ex pec torant, whi:h I had hoard highly recommended— and heforo I had token the last of the sixth botUc my lungs were well,my cough and other symp. tome of Consumption entirely cured. lam now enjoying fine hoollh and becoming quite fleshy. ELIZABETH CI.IME, Juy St., bctwem Coates& WolJaeo, A WONDERFUL CURE. Hunterdon County, N. J, pr. 8. A. Pearson, Pear Sir—About a year a gn I became severely nfllictcd with a pain in my bruat anil side, an extremely had cough, spitting of blood, debility, night sweats, and other symptoms of confirmed consumption. I became so muchro duccd that I wos unable to attend to my ordinary business. I made application to u physician, who examined my chest, and gave it as his decided o pinion that my lungs were seriously alloclcd. I then app.icd tonr.othor, who was of tho some o pinton, and after having prescribed advised mo to return to my friends. Previous to this 1 had for a long time bocn la boring under all tho symptoms usually found with persons laboring under disease of ihe lungs, and it was thought hy all who knew me that i tvatjlgst wearing away with decay. At the time I applied to tUo I Was laboring under g egvere attack of spitting blood, with naiii to Tny breast and side. Their pruecrip. lions failed to relieve the pain, and all their skill t could not arresl tho discharge of blood from nty long.-,. This being nry condition, I was induced i to make atrial of your valuable Pulmonic Expec torant, oy the use or which I was immediately ro- I liovcil of all those unpleasant symptoms, and am I now ao far restored to health, that i am oblo to | attend to all my ordinary Imrincss, and expose myself as much as it is pru Jeut for any one to do. I would therefore confidently recommend every ! person who is laboring under disease of the lungs | und breast, or who arc afflicted with colds or with . coughs, to make trin! of your most valuablo prcp -1 oration* I would further add that after having | made use of your Expectorant for a few weeks, i I hccanid so flcsy that persons with whom r was | acquainted hardly knew me. i still remain in good health at this time, March, 1810. Yours truly; JOSEPH HOOLANL). OPINION OF PHYSICIANS. Ttio following card of three respectable-physi cians sets forth the virtuca of Dr. Fearson'a Pul monic Expectorant • Having mmlo uac of Dr. Pearson's Pcistosir Exer.CTonAK-r, wo feol it a duty to recommend it as a safe and Effectual cu*c of the various diseas es for which it is intended. We arc acquainted with many persons who have been cured of cough bronchitis, pain in the breast and side, spitting of blood, palpitation of tho heart, and incipient con sumption, cy its use, aud many of them after all other mcuna hod failed. A. PEARSON. M D„ V. 8. Navy. H. K. LEBDOM, M. D. Cliamplain Oo„t). W. U. OADWALLADER, M.D., li. S.N. Patients mayconsull fL A. Pearson, M. IP, a his olficc No. IOC North Fourth Strcei, above Ruco' For sale in Bloouisburg by William Robison, Merchant,and also at Pittstoii Ferry, by Dr. A. 1 Curtis, Druggist. Agents in Columbia county. Wm. Robison, Bloomsburg, I'oter Ent, Light Street, John Schmick, Ca'.tawissa, M.G. Shoemaker, Uuckhorn, E. La/.arus, Orangovillo. 4- iy WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL CLOCK STORE, No. 238 Market St. above Seventh, BOulh side, Philadelphia. Although wo can scarcely estimate the value of TIME commercially; yet by call ing nt the above Establishment, JAMES BARBER will furnish his friends, among whom ho included all who duly appreci ate its flcclncss, witli a beautiful and per fect INDEX for marking its progress, of whoso value they can judge. II is extensive stock on hand, constantly clanging in conformity to the improve ments in tasto and style of pattern nnd workmanship, consists ol EIOIIT-DAV and TIIIRTV-IIOUK Ilrass COUNTING House, PARLOR, II ALL, CHURCH iuoii. J. K. BRAI}LEY,'Tri/ifi/mL Thn next Summer tension of this Institution will C OMMUNES on MONDAY, the Bth of April. • Text Hooks. Emerson's-Spelling Book? and Hctwtot fjoodriclt' h Geography. Bullion's English Grunt mat. Parknr a Vrogrossivn Kveroisns. . " Aids to English Composition (Hair's Rliiitoric; Lnivtuoity edition RANOA' AriihnioUiu " Alpmbrn. " Goonicfry. " Surveying: " Monmrotron. Slifa's Book-ltoc^jing. Aokemon'S Nutum! HISTORY. C.'iittoj's Arjatomy, Physiology, £c Hygiejir' Gtierii6oy'S Histfirv of THE Hnrtqtl STALES, lordlier'qThitltitfr. Olmsted's School Philosophy Burritt'e Geography oljfl'e Heavcuis 1 . Johnston's 1 Uhiiuxilit',,. Wood's Roiuif^* Snhmtickev's Mental f'hilosopbv, Wayland'g .Moral Soiojutu. " Webster's Witiiouory, LATJN. —Bullion's Latiu CcramrUir, L)ulliott\ Latin Header. Anthon's Cmsar, Salltw, Civ oro. Hojncg, Tolerrm's Livv, Lcvoria'd Lafio Jar t icon, GaTKS. — Bullion s Gruek Grammar, BcJ lion's Cjtrcok lUcailor, Itruiinson's Groeic Tes tament, Xonoplurn's Anabasis, Xotiopli Memorabilia, Pirkoring's G,r>k lexicon GKBMAH —G J Atller's German Grammar, Ollondori's metfiocl of Learning the Gurijtaj. I.imgnago, Adler's German Reader. Tlmrc will I*; front tout exorcises in Decla* matirtn and C'omjvfsition. Instmction will TDSO BO GIVEN TU LHJUNTANSHIP and BOOK-ECU- \ ping. I'npils attending this School can enjoy the advantage? of instrnctionoti the Piano FORM ■at A model :UO chargs It will Im kio aim of tlio Toarher in Otis School, to imruiit to the pupils a thorough hurwledgt cif iLo bnwo.hoH gtudied, to educate • their iuuuU, and thus h> ptojuwo thotn tot hou (Uulchi pUHXX: ill tlio, TERMS. 'The Snmpior SE anion wiU oorucist of twenty- Four wcookij or two qtuutors of 12 weoks each, 'if to ptieo of tuition will bo US follows PER qutuJor : ■ _ For Reading, Penmanship, Grammnr, A rithmotie, Book -Reaping by single entry, Ge ography, History of If. S. J(3 25 For Kruno, ami Algebra, Geomotry, Purvey ing, Mousuration, Itoook Keeping by double entry, Gcueral History, Natural History, Phy siology, Philooojihy, otWit English branches, and Drawing. ff-l fill For Latin, Greek and Gonnait, 6 7b tjTGood boarding can be obtained in pri vate fiuuilloeat from St ,10to tj(2 00 por week- RKi-Hm jioKru—C'cd. Joseph l'nxtnu, Hon Stopluun HaLtly, Hon. Geo. Mack, Micb.nd Brobst. Esq- John M'Jleynolds, J\sq., Ret Daniel Block. lU{*)iibdiu.-g, Fob 21, 18.10 Gooduint (heap Walclics. JEWELRY AM) SILVER-WARM wholesale and retail, at No. HO Not llt '2nd street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. Quid luvor wauihas, full jcwulltd, 18 ! caret cases. 930 and upwards. Silver lever do, full jewelled, $lO and t upwards. Silver Icpinc Jo, jcwcllc D, $H 1 and UPJ wards. Silver quartjer watches, from 95 TO 10. Gold pencils, from 91 50 to 97' Superior gold rings, FROM 37 to 80 ct*. Oilier articles in proportion. All goods warranted to be what tlioy are sold for. Constantly on hand, a full assortment of tine UOLLKJEWELUY and SILVER WARE. Also, an asenrlmont of M. J. Tobias