The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, August 08, 1850, Image 3

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    CURE FOR BAD FITS.—Not by any pa
tout medicine, but by a good suit —not such
a suit as a man can get into at court,but such
a neat, tvell-mado and fashionable suit of
clothing as'cvery body should wear; just
such as you can find at A. Ellis', if you
will call and examine his stock of coats,
pants, vests, and other articles of dross at the
lower door of the new Exchange Block near
ly opposite the Courl-llouse. in B'.&ornsburg
His stock of ready-made olbthing is not the
"stop-work' made n*, f or sixteen cents a day,
but is cut attention and made up to wear
hud not only to sell.
Mr. Ellis has alsoon hand an assortment of
cloth, cassimeres, saltinels, and suitable trim
mings ; so that he is prepared to make up
clothing to order at the shortest notice. Ho
will pay particular attention to cutting out.
In Berwick, on Tuesday the 22d ult., by
the Rev. I. Bahl, Mr. JACOB SITI.F.R, to Mrs.
SARAH SMITH, both of Briarcseek.
On Tuesday morning, July 30th, by the
Rov. William Sterling, Mr. HENRY WHITE,
ofFreeport, A rmstrong Co., to Miss CATHA
RINE, daughter of the Hot:. J. B. Anthony, of
In Mauch Chunk, 1111 Tuesday, July 2Sd,
WILUAM C., infant son of Dr. W. W. llight
cr, of that place.
E'er sin could blight, or sorrow fade,
Death cjmn with friendly care ;
This lovely bud to Heaven conveyed,-
And bade it blossom tt.ero.
In Danville, on Sunday oflast week. Mrs.
MARGARET CATHCART, widow of tho lato Wm.
Cathcart, former!) of this place, and daugh
ter of tho late llobt. Moore, of Hemlock tp.,
in tho 45th year of her age.
In DanAille. on Saturday morning of last
week, WIM.ARH, son of Thomas and Lydia
Wocui, aged 3 months and 25 days.
In Danville, 011 Monday of last week, SA
RAH S., daughter of Geo. and Arm Peuscl,
aged 5 years.
On the 27th ult, near Light Street, Mrs.
HANNAH MAHR, wife of Alem Marr, aged
52 years, 10 mo. and 3 days.
In MifHin township, on tho 22d ult, Mr
SOI.OMAN RAVER in his 50th year.
In the same place 011 Monday 29th, Miss
JKKVTHA RAVER aged about 18 years of age.
In Briarcreek 011 the tho 1 Ith ult., WII.SUN.
infant son of Levi Bredbcnder aged 0 mo.
In Berwick, on Thursday of last week,
Mrs CATHARINE, wife of Daniel Soil, in her
30th year.
111 Berwick, 011 the 31st ult., Mrs. NANCY,
wife of Mr. John W. Stiles, in her 37th
Iu Bloomsburg, on tho 2(ith of July, Mrs.
KI.IZA, consort ol Joseph Lilloy, and daugh
ter of the late John Knorr, aged 35 years, 3
months and 1 day.
In Mlfflnville. Columbia county, on Mon
day last, Mr. DAMEJ. HESS, aged about 37
lit Fishingcreek township. Columbia comi
ty, 011 Wednesday evening last, Mr. JOHN
LAZARUS, aged about fitly years.
fVF* WE are authorized lo announce to
the Citizens of Columbia County, the name
of JOHN G FREEZE, ns a candidate for
Deguly Attorney General, at the ensuing eluc
I ion.
Will be a candidate in lite Democratic Can
volition of Cohttnbia County lor the noiuiwu
lion of Prosecuting Attorney.
Solomon Ncyhanl
OF Centre township, will be candidate in
llto. Democratic Convention o r Columbia
County for the nomination of Deputy Sur
veyor General.
Samuel Evcrct
OF Oran.'O township will be > candidate ibis
all for Deputy Surveyor of Columbia coun
Tavern House and Farms,
On Monday the 10th of August inst., at 1
o'clock P M., *ko following valuable real
property will bo offered at public sale, at the
Court llonse in Bloomsburg First: —
Containing 117 Acres of excellont landj a
bout 60 Acres of which is cleared. Tho
property is situated in Columbia county, 12
miles above Bloomsburg. on the main* road
InTowauda. The improvements consit of a
l;ogo frame TAVERN HOUSE, well fur
nished. and which is entirely new—A NEW
LARGE BARN and stabling for Tavern Stand
—a good TENANT HOUSE & BARN, and
100 Voting Fruit Trees &c.
13K This oilers a rare chance lo persons
wishing to property of this descrip
tion, as it might he made a most profitable
tavern-stand, and is in a healthy and desira
ble location.
hi Hemlock .township, Columbia county,
adjoining lands of Ballis Appleman, Philip
Appleman, John M'Reynolds and otlters, and
continuing 174 Acres and 18 l'urcbes There
is in this farm a body of good
And the improvements upon it are A
outbuildings. It is only a few miles from
Bloomsburg, ami offers a profitable invest
ment to purchasers.
T BUMS and conditions will be in ado known
on the day of sale by
Bloomsburg, August 7th 1850.-21
Church Letting.
The undersigned Committee of tho Prim
itive Methodist Church will receive propo
sals for building a church ill Third Street of
Bloomsburg, tho building to bo 36 leet by
48. The plan of tho Church can be seen at
the Post office in thisplace, and tho propo
sals will be received on Thursday the 15th
of August inst., between the hours of 6 and
8 P. M. at the old Presbyterian church of this
Joseph Mason Abednego Syhvster
Benjamin Boddod William Waod
Charles Lathan James George
David Powell Charles Jonos
Andrew Falls John Williams
Richard Jvtiowllon Committee.
Bloomsburg, August Bth 1850.
made to order of any desirable style at the
dbair manufactory ot B. HAGE.NBUCH
Bloomsburg Slay Ifith 1850.
Register's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby givon to all legatees,
creditors and other persons interested in the
astates of the respective decedents nrid mi
nors that the following- administration and
guardiar accounts havobeeit filed in the Of
fice ol the Register of the county ot Colum
h'?. mid will be presented for confirmation
an 1 allowance to the Orphan's Court, to be
held at Bloomsburg, in and for the County
aforesaid, 011 Wednesday the 21st day of Au
gust next at two o'clock, P. M.J
1 illr? account of Edward M'Henry sur
viving Executor of the last will and testa
ment of Mathias Shipmsn, late of Mount
Pleasant, township, Columbia County deed.
2 The account of Jaijob Shellhart Guar
dian of Harriet Rhone late Harriet Bogart
one of the cljildieu of Jonathan Bognrt, 'Tate
of Hemlock township, Col. Co. deed.
3 The account of George Laubach admr.,
ol the Estate of Abraham Kline Bobbins,
late of Fishing Creek township, Col. Co.
dec I.
4 The Supplementary account of Dr. Wm
II Mngill, Jacob Hib er and George A Frick
Executors &c., of Daniel S'A ontgoniery,
late of Mahoning township. Col. Co. deed.
5 The account of Jonathan Barger, Ex
ecutor of the ast Will and Testament of
Mary Magdalena Stineman, late of Liberty
Township, Col. Co deceased.
6 The account of David Blue, Executor
of the last will and Testament of Reuben
Blue, late of Liberty Township, Col. Co.
7 The second and final account of Caleb
I liomns, admr.. of tho Estate of Samuel
Moore, late ol Mudison Township, Col. Co.
8 The account of William & Charles Car
nnlian. Executors of the Estate of David
Carnahan, late of Madison Township Col.
Co. deed.
9 The acQount of John II & James 11 Tyre
man admr, of the Estate of Thomas Tyre
man late of Limestone township, Col. Co.
10 Tim account of Jesse Bowman, Guar
dian of Elizabeth Knorr 0110 of the children
of Jacob Knorr, late of Briarcreek Township
Col. Co. deed 1
11 The account of Jesse Bowman, Guar
dian of Matilda Men.lonhall, lato Matilda
Knorr, one of tho children of Jacob Knorr,
lato of Briarcreek, Township Col Co deed
12. The account of Jesse Bowman, Guar
dian of Hannah Knorr, one of tho children
of Jacob Knorr, late of I riarcreek township.
Col Co deed 1 '
13 The first and final account of Sarah
Philpot, Administratrix of the estate ol Wm.
Philpot, late of .Mount Pleasant Township,
Col Co deed y '
14 The account of Joseph Mouser and
Samuel Frv. admr., of the Estate of John
Fry, let of Montour township, Col Co deed
15 Tho nccount of Jonas Linsenbigler,
admr., of the Estate of Daniel Carr, late ot
Derry Township, Col Co deed
•1(1 The account of William Girton admr.,
of the Estate of William Girton, lato of Mad
ison township, Col Co deed
17 The account of Leah Pohe laie Leah
Miller, Executrix of.the last Will and Tes
tament of Jacob Miller, Junior, lato of
Bloom Township, Col Co deed
18 The account of George Masters, Execu
tor ot the Last Will and Testament of Sam
uel B. Mather, late of Greenwood Township
Col Co deed
19 The account of Jacob & Michael Hilo
man, Executors of the last Will and Testa
ment ot Michael Hileman, late of Madison
Township, Col Co need
20 The Supplementary account of Robert
E Aulen Aiiiur._ &■'. oi John Aulen, late of
l.ihertv Township Col Co deed
21 llie iieconiii of Robert Ad
ininit'rainr t>um ti 'amc,i , .,> i.nneiCO of Gabriel
\ fiii/nul late ol l.iScrty Township, deed
' Ihe . ccoiiht ol I suae VV.
Adnir.. of the Einie of Catharine Ale, late
ol Mount Tleasant I'ownship. deceased.
2:t The account of George Nungesser, Ad
ministrator o! tlic Esta'e of George Nunges
ser late of Militia Township deed °
2 I The account of William Fister Admr.,
ol the Estate of Abigail Hughes late of
Homing Creek 'Township, deed
2b 'flic liual account of J K Sharpless, Ad
ministrator of the Kslato of John Harder
late of Cattavvissa Township, deed.
26 The liual account of Samuol Eck & Na
than Case Executors of the last Will & Tes
tament oi Adam Case, lato ol Roaring Crceic
township, deed.
27 riio account of Joseph Gibson & Jesse
Crash, Adtnr., of the Estate of Daniel Rei
ly, late of Lira jstone Township deed.
lSloomsbutg, July 24, 1850. J
August Term 1850.
Anthony —Samuel P Glenn
Rloom —George Miller
liriarcreck —Josiah Fowler, Nathan Soely,
m Adams, John Yost Joseph D Thompson
Caltawissa —Barnct Davidson, Mayberry
Centre —Abram Arwine
Danville —Wm H Magil, Thomas Jones,
Perry Deen, John F Heath
Franklin —Reuben Kniltle, Jacob Lorcman
John Zigler, John Kase
Fisltingereck— Matthias Kline, Jacob Win
ner sen.
Greenwood —lsaiah Kline, John W Eves
Limestone —Michael Smith
Maine —Matthias Hartmau
Mrt'fomi—John Welliver
Mminlplcasant —Joseph Crawford, Abra
ham Dildine John Jones
Mifflin —Levi Kirkendall
Mahoning —Harman Morrison
Orange —Jacob Flechenslcin,
Roaringcrctk —Jacob Yeager, Samuel
Sngarloof— Andrew Hess, John Dildine
Valley —Wm Boudman.
August Term 1850.
Anthony —Jacob Snyder
Bloom— Thomas C. Bomboy
Brtarcreek —John Shellhammer, James
Caltawissa —Wm Hart man
Centre —Henry Hess, Joseph Polte
Danville —John Ware
Dcrry —Robert F Allen
-Greenwood— Peter Bittcnbeuder, Isaac lke
Jackson —James Yocum
Limestone —E Hcndershot, Jacob Weiden
Liberty —John Kcsslcr
Mifflin —Christian Wolf
Madison —Daniel Welliver, Guorgo B
Orange —Abraham Coleman
Roaringcrcck —Andrew Madison, Silas
Crichbaum, Elisha Al
Valley —John Blue.
OFFICE—Two doors below the Court-House,
North side of Main Street.
Nov. 8, 1849.
Sheriff's Sales.
BY virtue of sundry writs of venditioni
exponas to me directed will be exposed to
public sale at tho Court-house in Blooms
burg, on Monday tho 19th day of August
next at 1 o'clock P. M. the following real
estate, to wit: —
A certain piece and parcel of land situate
in tho 1' trough of Danville in Columbia
County containing two town lots, bounded
nil the west by Church Street on tho north
by vacant lot late of Sarah H. Suchler dectl.,
on the East by an ally au' 011 the south by
Henry P. Baldy'g containing in front on
Chesnut Street, one hundred feet, and in
length 0110 bundled and fifty feet whereon
is erected u double two story frame dwel
ling House with the appurtenances.
Seized and taken in Execution as the
property of John Grim.
ALSO, at tho same timo and place,
A certain lot of Ground situalo in Antho
ny township, Columbia County Bounded
by lands of Andrew Shoemaker, Jnlm F.
Derr and others. Containing four acres
more or less., whereon is erected a two sto
ry fram > dwelling House, and frame stable
and other out buildings, with the appurtenan
, Seized and taken in Execution and to be
sold as tho property of Robert B. Carey.
ALSO, at tho same time and place,
One town lot, situate in tho Borough of
Berwick, Briarcreek township Columbia
county, containing one fourth of an acre
more or less., Bounded in front by main
street, a lot of Doctor Jacksor., and others
whereon is erected a new one and a half
story frame dwelling House, with the appur
Seized and takon in Execution and to be
sold as tho property of. Levi D. Canouse.
ALSO, at the same time and place,
All tho right title and Interest in a certain
lot or piece of Ground situate in Main Tap.,
Columbia County containing one half acre
more or less. Bounded by lands of Wil
liam Ridemoyer Isaac Yetter, and others,
whereon is erected a stone Church with tho
Seized and taken in Execution and to be
sold as the property of Daniel Mossier'
ALSO, nt the same time and place,
A moiety or undivided Half part of all
that Messuage tenement and lot of Ground
situate in the town of Bloomsburg, Colum
bia County. Bounded as follows : Begin
ning at a corner of a sixteen foot alley 011
Mam Street of said town, and running along
said alley South twenty seven degrees, East
0110 hundred and fifty throe feet, three inches
to an alley sixteen feet wide. South forty
eight and one half degrees. East, fifty two
feel, to a lot of Daniel Snyder thence North
twenty seven degrees, west one hundred and
thirty nine feet two inches, to Main street,
aforesaid, thence along Main Street, South
sixty three degrees, west fifty feel to the
placo of beginning containing twenty six &
one halt purches of land, whereon is erec
ted a two story Brick Storo House & Dwel
ling a two story frame building and frame
Stable, with the appurtenances.
Seized and taken in Execution and to be
sold as the property of William E. Albright.
ALSO, at the samo lime and place,
A certain lot of land situate in Hemlock
township Columbia County containing one
acre and a half more or less, bounded by
lands of Daniel Pursell, George Harlman
and others whereon is erected a frame dwel
ling House and Stable, with the appurtenan
Seized and taken in Execution and to be
sold as the property of Jane Miller.
Sheriffs Office, |
Blooomsburg, July 18th 1850. }
Dissolution of Partnership?
THE partnership heretofore existing be
tween the undersigned is this day dissolved
by mutual consent. The business of pub
lishing is transferred to R. W. WEAVER, by
whom it will hereafter be continued. The ,
books of the late firm are in his hands, and
all the firm accounts are to be paid to and
by him. R. W. WEAVER
Bloomsburg, July 261h 1850.
Remaining in the Post Office at Uloomsburg
Pa. July Ist 1850.
Adams Mr Esq M'Clure Mr.
Beirz Daniel M'Kinney JohnC.
Burnside John Our Joseph
Bastler Peter Prosser Thomas
Cathermen Jacob Kuatn Hugh (ship
Chambers Sarah Ifiunple J.
Davis James Todgers George
Edgar Jonathan Rough Mtcal
Green Lewis C. Smith George
Humphras John Stout John
Irwin Daniel E. Whitsido George
Irwin Jacob Wilson Peter
Loring Kate Vonng Jeremiah 2
Mason William
THE subscriber respectfully informs his
friends and customers, that ho has just re
ceived from the city, a largo and select as
sortment of
Hats and Cajfs, of
STYLE, which ho others for cash salos very
cheap, at his old stand, on Main Street, sec
ond door South of the t ourt house.
CV He.continues to manufacture Hats to
order as usual.
Bloomsburg, Nov. 15, 1849.
Invites'the attention of the fashionable in
Light Street to his stsie of cutting garmonts
Ho makes them in the best and most tasty
manner, and can can ensure satisfaction in
his warkmanihip.
He receives the latest fashions, and when
cutting on I p iB desired, the work is marked
carefully for the maker.
C7*AII kinds of country produco taken
eachage for work. ,
Light Street, Feb. 14, 1850.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that letters of Ad
ministration havo been granted to the sub'
scriber upon the estate of John Krasber sen.'
deceased, late of Koaringcreek township)
Columbia couuty. All persons having claims
against the estate are requested to present
them to the Administrator at his store in Nu
midia, and those knowing themselves to bo
indebted to to tho estate to mako immediate
payment to hiin. LEONARD ADAMS.
School Books, Blank Books. Ledgers, Pay
books and Journals; Gift books, Keepsakes
&c., for sale at the Bloomsburg Book Store,
Joseph Sw#rt2.
Notice in Partition.
Columbia County ■
vv.'*/// The Commorfvealth of Tonney!*
vnnitt 10 Catharine widow ofGuo.
Miller sour, deceased, Henry, E-
intermarried with John
Groover, David, Sarah intermar
ried with Paul Horn, Catherine intermarried
with Abraham Klaso Jr., Samuel Mary, lte
becea intermarried with Jacob L. Shuinnn tc
Susan n Minor about IS years ot tu>e, heirs
ot George Miller sonr., late ofMifllin Town
ship deed., and all other'persons grueling.
You and each of you are hordby cited to be
and appear beloro the Judges ol oor tlrphans
Court at an Orphans Court to bo held al
Bloomsburg 011 lite third Monday ot August
next of said day, ami then and lliero accept
or refuse to take Estate of said George Mil
ler senr, deed., situate in Maine Township
in said County at llio apprnismentput upon it
by tho inquest duly awarded by the Court
and Returned by the Sherilf on 19th day of
November A. I). 1849, and tn case all tho
heirs and representatives to refuse the Kstate
at the Valuation,'then to show. cause, why
the same should not be sold. Witness tho
Honorable Joseph li. Anthony Esq., Presi
dent of our said Court at Bloomsburg the
first day of February A. D. 1850.
Bloomsburg June 20, 1850.-tc
NOTICp is hereby given that the
several Courts of Commovn Pleas, Gen
eral Quarter Sessions of ttio Peace, and
Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer and
Terminer and Jail Delivery, in and for
tho County of Columbia, to commence at
the Court House in Illoomaburg , on
M.pndny the 19th dry of August next, to
continue one week.
The Coroner, Justices of the Peace &
Constables, in and for the county of Col
umbia, arc requested to bo then and there
in their proper persons, with their rolls,
records, inquisitions, and other remem
brances, to do those things to their sev
eral nflices nppartaining to be done.
And all witnesses prosecuting-in behalf
of the Commonwealth against any pris
oner, are also requested and" commanded
to lie then and there amending in their pro
per persons to prosecute ngainsf him,.as
shall he just—and not to depart without
leave at their peril. Jurors are request
ed to he punctual in their attendance, nt
the lime appointed agieeaiAc <0 their no
Given under my hand at Mloomtbure the
11th day of July, in the year of our
hord one thousand eight hundred nnd
fifty—and the Independence of the U
niled Statos of America the 74th.
(God save the Common wealth.)
t List of Causes for trial at August
Term, 1850.
1 Edmund L I'ipes vs John Bailey
2 Geo Fox's Admr. vs Andrew Emmons
Admr. et al
3 John Shtvely vs Jacob R 1 lower
4 Anna Dill man vs SUM Yantz
5 John Davidson vs Wm It Wooden
(j Isaac Bernheimeret al. vs Joseph K Fred
erick et al A
7 John G Brunner et al vs Jonas llartman
8 David Hitter et al vs Joseph Staus
!) Wm Donaldson vs John Peter Groves et al
10 Daniel Moats et al vs Wj-n Schuyler
11 David Masters et al vs floury Johnson
12 John T Davis vs Chas F Mann
13 Jesse Hughes vs Benj P Friek et-al
14 Aletn Scolder et al vs John M - Fiester
15 Chas Kramm vs Wm K Allbriglit et al
10 Samuel PHuey vs the Montour Iron Com
pany et al.
17 LifiWelte Kepler vs Elisha Hess.
18 W Mongonic.:)''* ex vs David FKownover
19 Dr. John Ramsey vs *,!JV John 1' Heislcr
20 Moore & Biddle vs Simoil r* Ease
21 Wildoner's admr vs Robert Lockaii'
22 Levi Bissel's admr vs Amzi Brown
23 John Conner vs Stiles & Brink
21 Wm Bitterly vs Moses May et ex
25 Samuel Conner vs Conrad Adams
20 E Hicks et al vs Frederick Robb
27 Daniel Hill vs Nicholas Seibert
28 Geo Fredericks et al vs Vaniah ltees
29 Jacob Felterman vs Daniel Keller
30 Daniel Blizaril vs Solomon Rudy et al
31 Yard Gilmr.n & Co vs W Donaldson
32 B. I'. Frick vs Chas F. Mann.
The Subscriber bogs leave to inform his
friends and tho public in general that he has
Formerly kept by J. PETERS & SON. The
House being large ami convenient, and in
the business part of tho city, he hopes by
strict attention to business, that his friends,
and all who may come to the city on busi
ness or pleasure, will give him a call.
Ho pledges himself that nothing shall bo
wanting on his part to make them at home.
TERMS — One Dollar per ilay.
Formerly of Schuylkill County.
Philadelphia, March 22, 1849.
Fire Insurance.
THE Delaware Mutual Safely Insurance
Company, have appointed Ihe undersigned
an Agent, lo make insurances in Columbia
county. The Company is in good credit,and
is conducted upon SOIIIM principles. PARSONS
insured by the Company are entitled to tho
rights of membership therein, aro olegible
as Directors of the Corporation, hid without
any individual liability for the losses or expenses
of the Company. The amount of premium
and policy paid when insured is tho extent
of liability. Persons desirous of effecting
an insurance upon property, can call upon
the undersigned, at his Office in Bloomsburg.
May 22, 1850.
New Arrangements and Great Bargains.
The undersigned respccfully informs the
citizens of Bloomsburgh and the public in
goneral,that he has purchased nr. Frartlz's
]Boot If Shoe Store and has added largely to
his stock, and will continue the business at
the same stand in tho Exchunge Building,
on Main Street, where he will be happy to
receive the calls of old and new customers.
Boots and Shoes, of every variety at prices
to suit purchasers, kept constantly for sale,
and eutiiomer's work made lo order as usual.
&*He invites tho custom of his old friends
and the public, and hazards nothing in prom
ising fat bargains.
BPStore in the Exchange Building, Maine
street, sign of the Golden Boot.
Bloomsburgh, March 28, 1850.
This house is kept by D. BLAIR, and is one
of tho best in the city. Merchants and oth
ers visiting Philadelphia would do well to
give him a ;dl.
The ofllictod ore invited to c all and HOC IVk.
Isaac Brooks, Jr., at the corner of Third and
Wilcox streets, and Miss Chiistiuua Sand*,
Beach street below Spruce street, on the
kill. These two persons have been snatched
from the vcrpftwa of tho deetioye;, through tho
agency of that most potent of nil medicines,
Dr (Juliet,'* Panacea is the only cirtain cure
for bcrofula or King's Evil, cr JSrysipelas,
Old Jorrs and Ulcers, Mercurial DfsofW fl a, and all
other atlestb us, cutaneous or otherwise, arising
from impurities of the blood.
In the extraordinary cure of Mr. Brooks, peo
ple who visit him, hold up their bunds in as
tonishment, that anv medicine could havo ar
rested 111s disease—then go away resolved to re
commend J)r Cullcn's Indian Vegetable Pana
cea to every one they hear of who has need of a
purifying medicine.
So willi Christiana Sands—her cujo of Scrof
ulous sore throaty was quite as extraordinary as
Mr. Brooks', when we reflect that from the dis
ease her tea or colVee would frequently pass out
of her ears, when attempting \o drink, [See
her certificate.]
The people are beginning to understand, too,
that tho various Syrups of Sanaparilla are little
Oettor than molasses, and that it is madness to
throw away money on articles which, under the
moat favorublo circumstances, do not produce
any impression on the system until several gal
lons haVfc boon swallowed. One bottle of Br.
Cullcn's Panacea seldom fails to produce con
victioh in the minds of patients that a radical
cure is certain.
Thus hope, [*o necessary, an oily to medi
cine.] springs up at tho oaUet, and tho patient
is cured before any other preparation could have
made the slightest impression upon the disease !
In fuel, the twelve ounce bottles of Bi. Cul
lcn's Panacea, compared with the pint and quart
bottles of other purifiers, are valuable about in
the proportion of gold to copper. Those who
woule prefer u penny to a half eagle, on account
of its sue, would make u poor selection to say
the least.
Saisuparllh a good purifier! Dr. Cullcn's
Panacea contains its extract in its most concen
trated form. Added to this ore other extracts,
more active and poweiful, and which cll'ect in
combination with the JSnrs.ijmrilla, what the bit
ter article, or combine J with the most powerful
poisons, cannot alone accomplish.
It has cured where everything else had failed
and this in a multitude of cases—nof in Kuio|ie
or in the moon, (where so many great cuies
have been performed,) but in Philadelphia and
other pafts of the union. And he it distinctly
understood thnt we do not obtain our extracts by
"holing 400 gallons down to one," it being
known to every druggist's apprentice that boiling
destioys tho essential virtues of medicinal plants
and roots.
ROWAND & WALTON, Proprietors,
Wholesale and retail, No. 21 North SIXTH
street; or E. P. Lulz, Bloomsburg; M" C
Grier, Danville; Peter Ktit, Light street,
Rickets and Stewart, Orangeville ; Cyrus
Barton, Espy low it ; J Schniick, Callawissa;
M G Shoemaker, Buckhorn. .
ouanceviliTe foundry
THE subscriber has rtovg in active opera
lion the new FOI'NDRY and Machine Shop
recently erected at Orangeville, and will bo
ready to furnish castings of every size and
description, and every desirable kind of
Castings for Mills, Plough irons, Stoves of
ever) kind, Kettles, Boilers and all other
kinds of Hollow-ware will be furnished by
htm at the lowesfprices.
I 11c has also on hand, and will make to
PLOUGHS ready f or use, and ei]ual to the
best made in this region of the country.
Farmers in need of Castings or machine
ry will find it to their advantage to visit his
establishment. Ho will keep on band a lot
j of articles manufactured by him, out of
which a fair selection can always bo made.
Every description of machinery neatly re
paired on the shortest notice and most rea
sonable terms.
Old litelal taken in pa) nient for work.
Orangeville. Jit.'v 29th 1850.
~i 'i T>invites the public, to
C,l/ A his new stock of ltorsoF,s2Z_l_2Z_
carriages and buggies, a variety of which
can be fouud at his Livery Stable. He can
always furnish horses and vehicles of the
best kind, and on reasonable terms. Ho has
recently added a number of fashionable ve
hicles and good horses to his former slock.—
He will furnish to parties four horse convey
ances with good and safe drivers, tit very
low prices.
Call at the lower end of Hopkittsville, on
the East side of Main street.
Bloomsburg, Dec. 13, '49-ly
The subscriber would inform bis old friends
and the public in general, that bo has taken
tho well known stand recently kept by Dan
iel Snyder, Esq., on the head, of Main street,
in Bloomsburg, and will continue tho public
house known by the sign of "THE FORKS"
where lie is prepared to accommodate those
who may favor him with their custom. His
arrangements are complete, quarters spaci
ous—location pleasant, and without promis
ing too much, lie Hatters himself ho will be
able to do ample justice to his guests.
Stabling and the best faro for (torsos, &e.
Bloomsburg, April 26. 1819.
Auditor's Notice.
The undersigned Auditor appointed by the
Orphan's Court of Columbia county, to au
dit and adjust &0., tho account ol Gcorgo
Hidley administrator of Henry llitlley deed.,
will attend to the duties of his appointment,
at his ollice, in Bloomsburg, August 15tli
1850, at 2 o'clock P. M., wheu all persons
interested may attend.
Auditor. \
July 31, 1850 3t
Reform Your Habits.
Come ye, with garments bare nnd seedy, j
Yebach'lora, widowers, husbands too,
If, in the outward man you're needy,
Wo soon can make yon good us new.
Iho subscriber respoctfnlly informs his -
blends and the public that lie continues 11.0
at the old stand, on the second story of tho
Exchange Building, Bloomsburg.
He will be carehtl to see that his work is !
made up in the best manner, and he Hatters i
himsell that he will be able to givo entire
satisfaction in point of cut, fit and style, as
well us in price. He therefore respectfully
solicits his friends und the public to givo hint
a trial.
Spring ami Summer fashions on hand, and
nothing shall be lacking to satisfy the wants <
of old friends and new customers. j
Bloomsburg, April 6. 1850.
aitors and Slippers just manufactured and ;
for sale by WARREN RUSSEL
IF To the citmens of Columbia county.^g-j
Read what otheis say of the virtues of
Dr. Heeler's ordial & armiiuaUve.
F'or the speedy cure of Diarrhrra. I)ysen-<
lory, Cholera Infantum, Cholera Morbus,,all
summer complaints, Cholic, Flatulency,-and
all derangements of tho stomach aud bow
els from teething, &c.
Thousands die annually with diseases of
tho stomach and bowels front neglect. A
mong the numerous remedies both public &
private, recommended forthh above diseases
none are equal to the Cordial. Years ol ex
perience aud trials made with it in hundreds
of cases, superadded to tho voluntary testi
mony from physicians and others, gives it a
oliajtclcr not lo bo unheeded by tliose chirr
ishitrg trip welfare of themselves and chil
dren. Spdfeu'jly subduing the p#in and in
flammatory teno'ency, allaying irritability ol
the stomach, and cOlictraie'ig unhealthy .e
--vacuations, rts operation is pio.7'ol and el
That it will cure, and has cured, the wor."'
form of disease of tho stomach aud bowels,
read the following evidence :
Philadelphia, June t, 1819.
Dr. J. N. Keeler —l received your note this
morning asking lor information as to the dis
tribution 1 made ol the. package of cordial
you put into my possession while in com
mand of the U. Slates transport during the
Mexican war According to your direction a
part was distributed in Vora Cruz, the other
'I kept for the use of my seamen ami others
on board, beliving 1 should have use for'it,
as I had on board frequently from one to
three hundred persons, and that many when
leaving Mexico would be on the sick list.—
Such was the fact, for Dysentery and Diarr
hoea extensively prevailed : I used the cor
dial freely, and in not a single instance •lo I
recollect of its having failed to cure. My
own crew would often ho attacked with Di
arrheal, Dysenlerry. &e. peculiar to nearly
all after getting on shore and eating Iriiit and
vegetables ; in all such cases the cordial did
not fail to cure speedily 0
When in New Orleans, a friend informed
me of a Philadelphia gentleman, S Church
man Esq, who was sick with the Dysentery,
and despaired of by kis doctor 1 ."nentioii- I
ed having a bottle or so of your cordial I
I sent it to liiin, and in a few days 1 had the
pleasure of seeing him well, I can give you
many names aud testimonials of the efficacy
of your cordial if necessary. 1 have given
it to ono ship master of this port, in particu
lar Capt Whipple, ship Monongahel i, and lie
informed ine he would not he without it 1
ihiuk it is the safost and best medicine that H
have ever known to be used in affections of
the stomach and bowel*.
I remain yours res cctfully,
1) D Wilcox, 288 S Eighth street
Davisville, Bucks co. Aug 25, 1847
Dear Sir—l am now prepared lo tecoin
meiid your cordial from having used it with
success in several instances, ana I am now
i trying your Sa-sapnrilla Panacea in a case of
| protracted debility, attended with cough, ap
parently produced in Bio young lady by her
•outgrowing her strength,' to use a common
phrase. Yours, A F.AItLE, M D
From the Upland Union.
We are as little disposed as most persons
I to encourage appeals to law or medicine, but
j with all tho legerdemain of the lirst, and the
I ignorance and quakery of the last, appeals
i must occasionally ho made to both. The
j excessive heat arid the accompaniitg pro
! duotions of the season are already producing
I'iarrhma, Dysentery and - holera Infantum,
complaints which it not promptly relieved
produce great debility and frequent death.
From a knowledge of its beneficial ell'ects,
we tefer to Dr. Keelor's Cordial and Crimin
ative," advertised in this paper. Dr. Keeler
is a physician of intelligence, skill, and largo
i practice, ami if the remedies aud cornmen
- nations of medical authority are lo ho do-
I ponded on tho adove named article will be
found useful in the complaints referred to.
Iff Also Dr. Heeler's Sarsaparilla, a med
icine of great eltioae.y in freeing tho system
from all diseases arising from impurities of
the blood. In chronic diseases ot the chest,
stomach, liver and skin it is of great benefit.
Females suffering with nervous debility loss
fuf appetite, costivouess, pains of the chest,
Junctional obstructions will find a positive
cure in the Sarsaparilla. L3P" See pamphlets,
l'rice 81.
All of the above celebrated and extensive
ly used medicines, are prepared and sold
Wholesale and Retail, 294 Market street.
I Philadelphia.
For sale also by J. R. MOVER, Blooms
%irg; ciiiu'fanl & Hughes, and Dr. J. A.
Moore, Danville ( E. Franciscus, Jersey
Shore ; ami* by Druggists tiitd Merchants
throughout the County and Slate.
Bloomsburg, Nov. 22d., 1849. —ly.
Sloan all il Meu<lc 11 li a 11.
j HAS just received a fresli assortment <>l
Spring arid Summer Dry Goods, of every va
i riety which they are now ready to exhibit to
j all those who may favor us with a call, as
we will sell ou fair and accommodating
terms. Their stock consists of every variet)
I of Dry Goods.
| Linen and Colten fabrics and Summer
wear of all kinds, Calicoes, ChinU, Ging
hams, Lawns, and Muslins, bleached and
j unbleached.
I'alm-lcaf and other ITats.
Queens-ware and llard-ware of all kinds.
1 GROCERIES.—Eresii and new and uvery
! fine assortment, as cheap as the cheapest.
\ I*. S. Country produce and lumber, al
ways taken in Exchange lor Merchandize,
j at the lirick Store directly opposite the Court
| liloomsb'irg, April 13, 1850.
Respectfully invites the attention of the
; public to his new tock of choice Spring and
I Summer Goods, which lie has just opened N
i oilers at the lowest prices. His assortment
j consists of a full variety of Dry Goods. Gro
| ccries,
I And among these will be found a variety
; Ol'
I Of the cheapest styles and best fabrics.
His goods are purchased at the "lowest fig
ure, and will bo sold at the lowest profit.
Purchasers will do well to see his goods and
prices before purchasing elsewhere.
His store is in the old stand upon Muin
Blootnsbarg, April 19th 1850.
One Cent Reward.
Ran awny from the subscriber on the 18th
instant Sedgwick Mack, an indented appren
tice. The uDove reward will be paid to an
person returning him, but no further ehar
ges paid. All persons are ferbid harboring
or trusting him ou my account, as 1 shall pay
no debts of his contracting.
Kisfiingcrcek bp, July 20. 1850.
The People's Friend,
million, t<l Mires, frejh Wtmnfis H id J&jMfcjß*. .
I Piles anil nil diseases nf the bov ta
! chronic nulure, tooth ache and ear-ache, U- ,
,v I■. , - ,
It in tritely what it professes to he. "i
P cv/i/i .. Friend !" Providence him scattoror!
along the, rugged pal lis of life many . iing
that contribute (•reallyi to the comfnrt ami
hajcpiiK'Urt ol uvury body. ; hence their greip
value, and well may lliey be called "friends
of (lie people,', , ... i i. i.
One word here to guard against imposition.
A uicid by 'be name of, spencer, has matin
nfacturen and nflercd for sale a spurious ar
ticle calico tho C'nrytt Extract.— -mat would
ho extract of the hazel-nut :—the genuine is
as while and pure in" water, while the spuri
ous article is colored, which enable? the
public to distinguish.
None genuine, but those pirrked Pond's
Pain Destroyer. For sale by
Win Robison, Blooinsburg, JohA Jessnp,
Shickshinny, Chalfant li: Hughes, Danville,
Setli It llowinun, Berwick, Fowler .V , I'rern
bjy, Kspvtown. ' j> 18 It?
For Good Watches.
Henry Ziippiugcr returns
his Blanks for pasPpatro-
Mil - f b and invitesth" pub
[jyd \ ' J-gjjE lo examine his new
Hos a .jWuSt assortment of
tivL x- .'l'iiiiiniHigK, Glasses, and.
Keys, Balance Wheels, Jewels, ,wh It Ire
oilers for reiisonahle prices, lie will jso re
pair clocks, watches, and musical aud opti
cal instruments in u satisfactory manner.
His shop is io the middle room ot the Kx-.
change block, nearly opposite lo the Court
Bloom-burg, Nov. 28, 1849. . -
Peter 8. Leidy
Can manufacture just as neat and fashiona
ble a suit of clothing as any other tailor in
these diggins. As a sample of his work
manship, he refers you to the
To be found io the town, which is quite cer
tain In have come from his shop.
lie regularly receives the latest city fash
ions, and from his experience iie tl.e busi
ness can ensure satisfaction in his work,
j lie has also-eat hand an assortment of
& TimrMrxos, .
At the lowest prices, from which ho will
maku up to order coatf, pants, or vests of any
desirable style.
ty His shop is on the North of Main
Street, a few doors above the Couct-iiouse.
Rlootnsburg, Feb. 14, 1850.
/a' n LOOMS nun a.
Tlioimis C. Poinboy
Respectfully informs the public, that he has
opened and arranged in good order
at the Pennsylvania I Intel, in the lower part
ot Main Street, Bltiotnsburg, where ho v. ill
be ready to furnish any kind of Firearms, in
good order and of approved workmanship.
He will also attend to
Ihpairing and Clttmitf'g (Sim? .
and will iepair and make all kinds of light
machinery, locks. &c., at moderate charges.
(Jims and I'islnls on hand for sale.
Blooinsburg, May 2, l8a().
Spring aud Summer Goods.
AGAIN the undersigned lake pleasure in
niiimnuciiig to 'heir friends an? the public,)
that they have just received a select and
heavy assortment of choice
i adapted to the season, and wants of the peo
ple, wluchthey offer for sale, at their old
stand at prices "cheaper than the cheapest."
Tliolr stock comprizes a full assortment of all
kinds of goods, usually kept in comity stores,
• and without particularizing each article, feel
warranted in saying I hat those in want ot
good gci ds haic t lily lo call lo ratisly the
i taste and fancy.
Groceries, Quecu-wnrc, Hardware, Fish,
' Null, Molasses, A c.
' A Large aim beautiful selection of the a
bovo articles of superior quality, at very low
ALSO.—Hals Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c., of
every variety, sort, size ami price.
J3F Cash paid lor uraiu always.
\VM. McKKLVV & Co.
Blooinsburg, April 13. ISSO.
New Arraugcmenl! Hilkesbarre lo
To tlic Travelling Public.
| Northumberland, ('apt. Allabach. will leave
O. B. Ilillard's Wharf tor Pittston every mor
ning at 7, Arriving at Pittston at 8] o'clock,
A. M.
I Returning leave Pittston at R o'clock A.
M.—Arrive at Wilkcsbarre ll] o'clock, A,
Leave Wilkcsbarre at 3 o'clock, P. M
Returning, leave Pittston at J past 6 o'clock :
Arrive at Wilkcsbarre at J before 8 o'clock,
P. M.
Passengers taken on board and put oil at
all intermediate landings. .
Fare, each IFui/, 20 Cents.
IV Pokagcs and Freight Carried at Low
T M HORTON & Co., Prop's.
N. B. Passengers for Hyde Park, Scran
tunia, Providence, Blakely, Curbondate and
Honesdulo, will find it lo their advantage to
take this line as far as Pittston.
July 4, 1850.
WILLIAM WIGHT has removed his ,
butcher-shop to the tipper end of Third
Street at the loot of Last or Iron Street,
where his numerous customers can always
find tho choicest meals to their palates con
Books! Booksl!
Joseph Swartz has just received a now lot
of Literary. Historical, Religious, Poetical
Miscellaneous and School books, to which
lie invites the attention of the reading public
of Bloomaburg.