r a I CHERRY PECTORAL: \ For l!c Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, % HOAKSJSHE3B, BHOXJ OHITIS, CROUP, A3TH \ MA, wnoopiHG-oouaH V AND OONSOMFTXON. uniform succcsa which has attended the use nCjhia preparation; its salutary effewf Itspow* ci to Wieve an J cure iiiTcclious of the Lunge, have gained]for it a celebrity equalled bv no other incd ecina* Wc olVcr t iho afflicted with entire cnfides\cf in its viitucs, an I the full belief thai[it will BabdtfjAand remove the severest attacks of dis r isc upon vhv throat ui:ci Lungs, Ihe renults, us ' * ihcy hecoins Hil'licly known, very naturally at tract tire atloflLm oftnodicnl uu n and philanthro pists everywheio,P M hut is theii opinion ofCH- CdHY FEI'/rOjtAL nuj b< seen ill the follow ing ; Valentine. /) , Professor fur eery. Medical l'o/tegt t A. Y, sayit: It me p!( nsun :o corlsfy t ihu valuo and cfTticacy of AM I'S Oiiert y lYetoral. which I con tsidcr peculiarly atleiF'd to cure diseases of the 'i hi .U and l.ungs The 111. Per. IPsho;) Field Write# iri Icttnr to hii frirnd, who was sinking undai nit affection of the Lungs, Tiy tho Chei ry Feet oral, and if any medicine cun give you r- lief with the blending I God that will' Chitf Jufifi'F Fastis, ■of Lcui •:>.a, wii'CH that u ywuflj L'r of his was cured of -vi-ra) *ovc?c altneKd Croup ly the Cherry Pectoral [ f llarliord, .Tun2o,lBlB Deai Sir: Having boon ncn"d from a pninfu nnd nngoroua d ; Hcano by your mcdicii o, gmtitude prrmpta mr* o send vo. tlii.s uekuowlcdginent not only in ju lice In ynu i ul I r the inf.uinalion of ethers in like ufil clhjn A *g!t* cold upon llie lungs nrgfcrl.'d nt first, boofine BO atvere thr.t spitting of blood, a violent congh nnd profuse night sweats followed and fas tened upon mo I became emaciated, could not sleep, was distressed by my cough, urd a pain through my cheat, and in short had all the alarm ing symptoms of quick consumption No medi cine seemed ht nil to roach my case, until provi dentially 1 tried your Cherry Pectoral, which rc Jicved and now hu.- cured inv Yours'w'th respect F A &TWAHT Albany, N Y. April 17, 1848 Deqr Sir; I have for years been afflicted wi h Asthma in ihe wor. t form; aolhot I have been to sleefi iu my chair forn larger part of tho lima, lining tin aide to hreaihu on iny bed I had tried y gre t many medicines to no purpose, until my physician pi escribed, as uu ( xperiment, your Cherry Pectoral At first it seemed Io make mo wokc,but in less than a wouk I began to experience the most groti. fying relief from its uce ; and in four week* the •Incase was entirely removed f ran sleep on my led with conv'ojt, and enj y a state of health which I never exported (it.OS I'MlllAM' Pri'iurcd by ./ C flyer. /,oirclf t Sold iy F. I* LUTZ. Pdnninßbnrg A P WILSON, Hot wick A pril *1 fin Hi BR. SWATHE'S ( elcbialol Family Ult tllciiicv C URE FOLLOW# < URF. nr. rn3 ol the largest wojins he had ever seen. It is somewhat difficult to got tl.e peo !o to try it. asthcy have so often iieen gulled by nauso ous and worthle. s worm mctlieines. Vours being to very pleasant to tho taste, at tho samit lime effectual, I shall be ablo lodlspose of a large quantity. Ilespeclfully, yours, &e.. TVAVNSFM)T. SHAUP, I'. M. IV BEW AUK OF MISTAKES. y?CS Kcmemher: Dr. S.vaytie •; \'ermiluge is now put up iu square hollies, (having recent ly boon changed ;) covered with a beautiful w rapper, (stool engraving.) with tho portrait of Dr. Swaync thereon engraved. Boar this • in mind, and bo not doooived. CLKNSK AND I'UHIKV. DR. SXVAVNK'S Sen VR COATED SAttsAPAnn.r.j J EXTRACT OF TAR I'II.I.S,—A mild and eli'oc tivo purgative, groat purifyer of iho blood, they oorrect all the function? of the Liver, ami as an ulloriiativo Dropsical affections, they nro very valuable. Giddiness of the lioad, dimno*s of sight, depression of spirits, headneho, &0., aro cured by tbeso purifying Pills. No medicine i-an havo a bettor olfocl for moulbly irregularities, w bieh oecasionally happon to women, they arc perfectly sal'o, and will in conjunction with Dr. Swayne's compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, lake all pain am!disease from every part of tho sys tem. The above valuable medicines aro pre pared only by DU.SW'A I'NE, N. VV. corner of ETGHTII and BAC'E Streets, Philadel phia. AGENTS FOB COLUMBIA COUNTY. P.. P. LUTZ I. JOHN 11. MOVER, Bloomsburg, f ' Pa; M C Grior & John Mooro Danville; John Sharpies#& C Hartnian & Co., Catawisaa; G it R Sluunan Catawissa Forgo; Brown and Croasy, Millliuville; A Miller Berwick; John Doak Briar Creek tp; Petor Ent Williams burg; E. Lazarus Orangovillc; JK Millaid Espylown: Elias Worlmtn llolirsburg; Geo. Mastors Millvillc ; J .VI Sheldon Jerseytown ; jVlcCay & I'attersou Washinglonvillo; Hugh McWilliams Motosburg; and by most all Storekeepers in iho adjacent Counties. Bloomsburg, Feb. 21, 1850.—6 m. U. W. WEAVER, AW BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO., P i GFFirE—Dn the Ka it side of Main Street three -quaros bolow MARRIACSE : HTHY SO OFTEN UNHAPPY THE CAUSES AND THE REMEDY! MANY nnil many a wilo endures ycora of bodily suffering and of mental nnguisli, prostrate and help less, embittering her life, that of her husband, nnd hazarding the future welfare of hor children, arising from causes which, if known, would havo flparcd tho soaring, the anguish to tho wife, and to the hus band embarrassments and pecuniary difficulties hav- IngHheir origin in tho mind boing woighed down and harassed In consequence of the sickness of tho com p&nion of bis hosoin. How important I hat. tho causes should bo known to every wife, to ovory In -baud, that tho dreadful and harrowing conicqaonccs to the Health and hap p:nefc. of both may bo avoided! Life is too short nnd health too precious to admit any portion of tho one to bo spent without tho full ogjoymcnt of the other. The timely possession of a little work entitled ns follows has been the means f saving tho hoallh and the life of thousands, as over TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND copies have been sold since tho first edition was is sued. The author has been induced to advertise it by the urgent and pressing request of tiioso who havo been indebted to its publication Tor all they hold dear (that all may have an oppoi tanity of obtaining ii} nnd who havo favored him with thousands of 1 iters of encomium, some of which are annexed to the adver tisement. THE MARRIED WOMAN'S Private Medical Companion, ny nit. A M MAUMCISAU, PROrnSJOR OK DISK ASKS Of WOMEN. Twentieth Edition. ISmo., pp 2jo. Price, $l.OO. THIS WORK. IS INTENDED ESPECIAL LY rua THE MAKKIEIhw tl'oso ronton:|Ti ling marriage, ns it diaclouc;! Important secrets which should be known to thorn panic.Jnrfy. Hero, every fomulc—tho wile, ttc mother—tho one either budding into womanhood, or tho ono in tho decline of years, in whom nature ronteinplnto* an important change— CßO discover tlio causes, symp toms, nnd the most efficient remedies nnd cer tain mode iif cure, in every complaint to which 1. r sex is subject. The revolatiens contained in it 3 pagca nave proved a blessing to thousands, ns the innumorablo letter.* received by the author (which he is permitted by the writers to puhlibh) will attest. SICKLY AND UNHAPPY WIVES. Extract of a falter from a Gentleman in Dayton, O. "DA YTON, May L 1 17. " Dn. A. M. MAURICF.AL' — Ml Dear Sir/ 'Tho Married Woman's Privnlo Medical Companion.' lor which I enclosed ono dollar to your nddreas, canio safely to hand. I would not havo troubled you with these few lines, but that I am impelled by a ecnie of gratitude, for myself and wife, to give utterance to our sincere and heartfelt emotions. " My wife has been perceptibly sinking for some throe years or more, in conscquonco ot her groat an guish and suffering some months before and during confinement; every successive one morn nnd moro debilitated and prostrated her, putting hor life in im minent danger, nnd which was, on tho last occasion, despaired of. I supposed that this Htatc of things was inevitable, and resigned myself to meet tlio worst At this time (now about two months) I heart! your book highly spoken of. as containing some mnttars reaching my rase. On its receipt and perusal, I can not express to you the relief it afforded my distressed mind and tho joy its pages imparted to my wife, on learning that tho great discovery of M. M. Dcso meaux provided a remedy. It opened a prospect to mc which 1 little conceived was posnihlc. No pecu niary consideration can ever repay tho obligations 1 am under 10 you for having been the moans of im parting to us tho matters contained in ' The Married Woman's Private Medical Companion/ lint for this, ore another year would havo passed oyer my head, in all human probability my wife would have hocn in her grava. and my children left molhcrlcos.' Extract from a falter. Competence and Health. "LANCASTER, PA., Oct. 21, 18-17. '• MY DEAR SIR : 1 know you will havo the kind ness to bear with mc in encroaching upon your time, while I acknowledge (in behalf of myself nnd wifo) the obligations wc feci ourselves under to yon in hav ing made known certain matters, contained in your most invaluable 'Married Woman's Private Medical Companion/ It has been worth its weight in gold to me. If 1 express myself rather warmly, you will see that I can not do so too warmly, when 1 inform you of the extent to which 1 havo, through it, been benefited. 1 will state my situation when I obtained your book through die merest curiosity I look upon it ns one of the most fortunate event my life. 1 hnd been married sorno ten years, and \\;ns the father of seven children. 1 was long struggling unceasingly, to tho end that I might gain a moderate competency, but the results of my utmost exertions at the end left me about where 1 was at the beginning of each year. and that only, with the most stinted cconomv, Rufll cing with barely the necessaries of life. Finally, tlita constant effort was beginning to have its effect upon my health: I felt lcsscnpablo to endure its continu ance, while 1 felt the necessity of perseverance. " This constant, unceasing struggle 011 my part was , Imperative, in consequence of the prostrated condi tion of my wifo (with occasional intermission) for six years, much of the timo confined to her bed, nnd of course incapable of taking tlio charge and manage ment of household affairs. Hor condition arose from causes of which I was ignorant Oh! what would 1 have given had I the six years to live over again ! What would my wife havo given to have been spared tho long days nnd still longer nights prostrate on a bcjJ of sickness! all of which would have been avoided, had 1 then seen a copy of 'THE MAIUIIFU WOMAN'S PHIVATE MEDICAL LOMI ANION.' From a Physician. DANGEHOL'S DELIVERIES, OBSTRUCTIONS, IRREGULARITIES, &C Ifow many arc suffering from obstruction or irreg ularities peculiar to tho femnlo system, which un dermine their health, the effects of which they are ignorant, and for which thoir delicacy forbids necking medical advico! How many puller from prolapsus uteri (falling of tho womb), or from Jluor-aWus (weak ness, debility, &o„ Ac)! llow many aro iu constant agony for many months preceding confinement! 1 low mnnyjiavc difficult if not dangerous deliveries, nnd whose lives are jeoparded during such time, will find in its napes tho means of prevention, amelioration, and relief! Extract from a Letter. To tlio.se just Married.—"llnd I known!" "PHILADELPHIA, NOV. 2F), 1847. "Dn. A. M. M AURIC:FA i'r Had 1 known of tho im portant matters trontod of in 'The Married Woman's Private Medical Companion' some yearn ago, how much misery I might havo escaped ! I have suffered years from causes which you point out in your hook, without knowing what to do. I obtained a copy, and found my case treated of. 1 trust every female will avail herself of the information contained in its pages/' Letters arc daily received of this character, unne cessary to presen*-. To those vet unmarried, but contemplating mar riage, or perhaps hesitating as to tho propriety of incurring uic responsibilities attendant upon it, the importance of being possessed of the revelations con tained in these pages, to intimately involving their future happiness, can not he appreciated. It is, of course, imprficlicablo to convey mprc fully tlio vnrious subjects treated of, ns they nro of n na turo strictly intended tor tbe married, or tlioso con lempfating marria£o; neither is it ncecssnrv, since it is every one's duty to become possessed of knowl edge whereby the Buttering* to which n wife, n moth er, or a sister, may bo subject, can be obviated, ty Copies will be sent by illnll Free of Postage to the Purebnscr. ft?" On the receipt of Ono Dollnr, " THE MAR RIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COM PANION" is sent fmailtd free! to nny part of the United States. All letters must bo post pnid (except those containing a remittance), and n.lihvasod to Dr. A. M. MAURICBAU, Dux 122), Now York City. Publishing Offlco, No. 129 Liberty St., New York. Over 20,000 Copies hnve been sent by Al All. within threo months with perfect safety and cor tainty. Booksellers mi 1 agents engaged in its sale, are making handsome competencies from the ready and extraordinary demand for it, and the cxtiomoly liberal terms afforded thorn. Active local or travelling Agents, through out tho United States and Canadas, will be supplied on tho same terms. Communica tions are required to bo post-paid ami addres sed as above. £j?" CAUTION.—Tito public arc cautioned against various catch-pennisn intended to be palmed oir upon them, imitating tliclitlo ol tho work as "Tho Married Ladies' Medical Companion/' and various other titles. Tho title of tho work is "The Married WO MAN S Private Medical Companion," by Dr. A. M. Mnnriecau. House, Sitfn anil ornamental Painting; DONE to ordor in the host highly-finished, cr plain style, by II II ADEN lil'Cll LITER COMPLAINT, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Ner vous Debility, Disease of the Kid neys, and all diseases avis ins from a disordered Liver or ■Stomach, stick as Constipation, Inward Files n Fuluess of Blood io the. Head, Aci dity of ihe. Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust fin Food, Fitness or IFtight in flic Stomach. Sour Emulations, Sinking or Flutter fig at the pit -f the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and difficult Rrcathing, Flu tier in" at the Heart, choking or Buffocv 'ng sensations when in a lying posture, dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Fain in the Hcittl, Deficiency of Perspi ration, Yellowness of the Skin and. Eyre, Fain in the Side, Hack, Chest, Limbs, (,-c. Sudden Flashes of Ileal,Bur ning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and (Ircat Depres sion of Spirits. rvN I>K v' t FKCTUATJLY CORED BY OR, IfOOFLAKDS t EI.F. BRA TED BITTERS, JBEPAHBD BY 15 K. 111. JACKSON, AT TIL* LEHMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. 120 Arcli Street, Philadelphia. I Their power ovr r the above diseases ii not excelled. if equalled, ly any other rop ;irati< n in the United States, as the cure;, attest, in many eases after skilful physicians liarl tailed. Those Hitlers are worthy tlio attention of invalids, Possessing great virtues in the reetifieation of diseases of the Liver and 1 ;s -ser elands, exercising lite tnost searching powers in weakness and atlec.lions of tho di gestive organs, they are, withal, safe, cer tain and pleasant. Read and he Convinced. The Hon. Charles D. Hinelino, Editor of the 1 Catndon Democrat,"the best paper in West Jersey, says, July 21 : "lIOOFI. AMI'S HERMAN HITTERS.''—'AVo have seen many Haltering notices of this medicine, and the sourc.o from which they eame,iiin!neod ns to make inquiry respect ingits merits, Erotr. inquiry we were per suaded to use it, and must say we found it specific in its action upon diseases of the liver ami digestive organs, and tlio powerful influence it exerts upon nervous prostration is really surprising. It calms and stregthons tho nerves, bringing them into a stale of re pose. making sleep reircshing. "It this medicine were ninro generally s<;d, we are satisfied there would he less sickness, as from tiro stomach, liver artd ner vous system the great majority of real and imaginary diseases emanate. Have ihctn in a healthy condition, and you can bid defi ance to epidemics generally. This extraor dinary medicine we would advise our friends who are at all indisposed to givo a trial—it will then recommend itself. It should, in fact, bo in Jcvcry family. No other medi cine can produce such evidences of merit." [From tho "Boston Boo."] The editor said, Dec. 22d— "Dr. Hoof unit's Celebrated German Bitters for tlio euro of Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Nervous Debility, is deservedly one of tlio most popular mcdi i inc.; of the day. Those Biltors have been ttscd'by thousands, and a friend at our elbow ;-ays he 11 a°* hitnsell received ofiectual nnd permanent euro of Liver Complaint from tho use of this remedy. We aro con vinced that, in the use of these Hitters, the patient constantly gains strength anil vigor— a fact worthy ol great consideration. They arc pleasant in taste and smell, and can be used by persons with tlio most delicatostom achs with safety, tinder any circumstances. Wc arc speaking from experience audio the alllictcd we advise their use." Judge M. M. Noah, a gentleman with great scientific and ami litterary attainments, said in his "Nctu York Weekly Messenger," January fi, 1850. "l)r Ilonjlnud's German Bitters. —Hero ts a preparation which the leading presnos in thy b nie.n appear lo to unanimous in re commending. ami the reason is obvious. It i-> made after a prescription furnished by one o: tlio most <■ lobralcd physicians ol modern times, tho iato Pr Christopher Wil lie lin Ilootlamh Professor to the University of Jena, Private Physician to the King of I'ru , ia, and one of tho greatest medical wri ter- Cermany has ever produced. Ho was emphatically the enemy of humbug, and the,afore a medicine of which he was the inventor and endorser may be confidently re lied on. lie specially recommended it in Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Debility, Ver tigo, Acidity of tho Stomach, Constipation, and all complaints arising from a disordered condition of the stomach, the liver and tlio intestines. Nine Philadelphia papers express their conviction of its excellence, and sev eral ot the editors speak of its effects from dieir own individual e.xporioncc. Under these circumstances, we feel warranted, not only in calling the addition of our readers to the present proprietor's (Dr. C. M. Jack son's) preparation. I nt itt recommending the article to all atllioled." MORE EVIDENCE. J lie "Philadelphia Saturday Gazette," the best family newspnpet published in tho Uni ted States, the editor says of DR. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. "It is seldom that we recommend what are termed Patent Medicines to tlio confi dence and patronage of our readers; and, thorium-, when wo recommend Dr. Iloof land's < iermnu Hitters, we wish it to bo dis tinctly understood it at wo aro not speaking of the nostrums of the day, that aro noised about for a brief period anil then forgotten after they have done their guilty race of mis chif, hut of a medicino long established, universally prized, and which has mot the hearty approval of the Faculty itself." Evidence upon evidence has been re ceived (like tlio foregoing) from all sections ot lire Union, the Inst three years, and the strongest testimony in its favor, is, that there is morn of it used in tho practice of tho rogu lor Physicians of Philadelphia than all other nostrums combined, a fact that can easily he established, and fully proving thai a sci entific preparation will meet with their qui rt approval when presented even in thi form. , That this modicino will euro Liver Com plaint and Dyspopsia, no ono can doubt, af ter using it as diioctcd. ft acts specifically upon tho stomach and liver—it is profcrablo to calomel in all bilious diseases —tho oflccl is immediate. They can ho administojed to FEMAEE or INFANT with safety and roliablo benefit, at any tiino. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. This mcdioino has attained that high char acter which is necessary for all medicines to attain to induce couutorfciters to put forth a purious article at tho risk of tlio lives of those wh-1 are innocently deceived. LOOK WELL TO THE MARKS OF THE GENUINE. Tbev Imvo llio written signature of C. M. JACKSON upon llio wrapper, and ilia name blown iutlio bottle, without which they arc ) spurious. i. For sale, wholesale ami retnil, at tho Gcr- | mnn Medicine Store. No. 12i> Arch Si-cut, one , door bolow Sixth, (lute of 275 Uaoe sttect,) , Philadelphia, and by respeotablo dealers | generally throughout tho country. Also for Sale by JOHN it MOVER, Bloomabur/r, pa . Pearson's C F.I.K PRATED ' PulmoD'c Expectorant, i h the mr.-l certain >it,d cy can judge, Ilis extensive stock on hand, constantly clanging in conformity to tho imprive inents in taste and style of pattern and workmanship, consists o( EIGHT-DAY anil THIRTY HOUR Drass COUNTING House, PARLOR, HALL, CHURCH oo,ooo Boxes liavo lpon sold annuMly for tho lis( five years. YWig and old, male nnd female, can always take thom with equal safety, without fear. IF PILLS DF NECESSARY for purging and cleansing the stomach and bow cltf, and purifying the Mood nnd fluids of the bo .' their ef ficaey (hau of my others, and 7'eii Dollars will 1 • forfeited in every instance whiro ON E lIOX • will not do Main good than two boxes of any o- P'ors. j Forty nilc arc in a Rote ! | and a dd at Twrzity.fivo Cetils a Ilox, with direc tions and ninth wholesome advice accompanying ! caeli box. __ ; They have no last-, nor unpleasant smell free from 'lust or pnwdoi of any k'tid—do nut I gripe the Stomach or bowels, —produce no sick ness, vomiting or bad feelings—they are good at all limes, and adapted to most diseases common to mankind. No one having once Inking tliem will bo willing afterwards to take any ethers, because I tlioa always do good, and if they do not then no others will. J l)r. A'. R Leidy, the Proprietor -V Manufacturer, is a regular Druggist, Chemist and Physician, of 1 fifteen years experience in Philadelphia; member of dilVcrcnt Medical Institutions ot l'hi'adclphia, New York, Boston, Baltimore, de., and associate and corresponding member of several Medical Ill s' slitntions of London and Paris—honco the roe -1 son of the greater confidence placed in his pills, and there being recommended in the placticc ol most rcspccta'.do physicians throughout tho Uni ted Slates. Principal Depot, Dn. Lrrov's Disrßirs.tnv I No. 114 North Pom til Street, Philadelphia, and ' sold wholesale and retail by | J R. Moycr E. P. Lnlz, llloomsbitrg; Dr. A. B. Wilson, Berwick; Peter Km, Eight .Street; JVJ. O. Shoemaker, Buckhorti; J. A. Moore, Danville; Rickctts & Stewart, OrangcviUc : John Schmick, Cuttawissa ; A. ' Levem, Washingtonvillc; J. M. Sheldon, Jor seytown; J. F. Dorr, Whitehall; .I.S.Woqils, Columbus; Brown Hi Creasy, Mitllinaburg ; E. Wcrlman, and hy Storekeepers i generally. -19-ly | KiiilHHiHrtiii I JIM PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL HOLSE, Established Fifteen Years ago, by Bill. BiS.YSiIJMN. /V. IF. Corner of Third and Union sis., between Spruce end I'ine streets, PHILADELPHIA. Fifteen years of extensive and unhitcriuptod j practice spout in this city have rendered Dr. K. the most expert and successful practitioner far dj ; near, in the treatment of all diseases nf a private nature. Persons atlli' ted with ulcers on the bo dy, throat oi legs, pains in tho head or bones, or mercurial T hciV.iinti. c m, strictures, gravel, diseaso j arising f;oni youthful excesses or impurities of tho tdood, wherohy tho eonstitulion has bccomo I enfeebled, are all treated with success, lie who plaeeojiimsclf under the care of Dr K. may religiously confide in his honor as a gen l llcman, and confidently rely upon his stiill as a | physician. Take Particular Notice! Young men who have injured themselves by n i certain practice indulged in, a hal.it frequently | learned from evil companions or at school, the ef fect. of which ore nightly felt, even when asleep i and destroy both mind anil body, should apply lin ' mediately. Weakness and constitutional debility loss of muscular energy, physical lassitude otul general prostration, irratildlity and all nervous af fections, indigestion, sluggishness nf the liver, k I every disease in any way connected with the ilis j order of the procieativo functions cured, and full | vigor restored. , YOI'TH & M ANHOOD : Vigorous Life, I Prcmnturc Dcadi, KIRK ELLS ON SELF PRESERVATION, Only 25 Cents. | Tliis book just published is filled with useful information eu the infirmities nnd diseases of the generative organs. It addresses itself alike to youth, manhood and old age, and should he read by all. Tho valuable advice and impressive warning it gives, will prevent years of misery and sulfcting and save annually thousands of lives. Parents hy reading it will learn how to prevent tho destruction of their children. A remittance of 25 cents enclosed in a letter, addressed to Dr. Kinkelin, IS W corner of Third and Union streets, between Spruce and Pino, in Philadelphia, will ensuro a hook under envelope ! per return of mail. Persons at a distance may arwivss ir u Lj, loiter, (post paid) and he cured at home, j Packages of medicines,directions, he. forward | ed by sending a remittance, anil put up secure i from domago or curiosity. Uooksollers, News Ageuts, Pedlars, Canvassers j and all others ' applied with llio abeve work at vciy low rales. " 2-1-ly ltlioiimatism. | D'. Henry Turner's Rheumatic Liniment.— ! This superior remedy for tho Rheumatism, bu recently introduced it to this country hy the pret sent proprietor, has long boon known in Eng. caud, London particulaily, as the best and only 1 certain cure for that distressing and painful af | feclion. Its cflcct u| on llio system is mild and nothing, at the same time certain and efficacious rarely falling to give relief upon the first appli cation, end tiy repealing it a lew limos, a per manent cure is effected. We have known ease.) of pain in the hrens and hack, with soreness, of aoveial weeks dura tion, curod in one single night, and heard the patient expte.s hisgratcful thanks phut such re mody was cvet discovered. Wohavonlso heard individuals say llicy would give thousands ot dollars for a euro for rheumatism, yol tho same ! individuls were cured hy two hotiics of this great i Liniment, costing hut filly cents each. Who would regret giving such a price fur such a rem edy -to lie free from tho cxcruttatjng tortuoo o | that most painful of all diseases. I Afflicted go procure a bottle of Dr. Turnet' Liniment and be healed at onco ; do not longer delay, but cast asido all nostrums and cute alls, for tho one thing needful to insure a cure. Sold wholesale and retail by D Wondsrly Sc Co. pro prietors No 2tl Commerce street, and thoir gen eral agents Rnwandsnd Son, No 21 North Sixth street, Philadelphia. I Abm. to, JOHN It MOYER liloomin/g dm BLOOMSBURG A ADEMY. A HIGH SCHOOL I'or Young Ladies nml Gentlemen• J. E. BRADLEY, Principal. Tho next Summer Session of this Institution will commenco on MONDAY tho Bth oi April. Text Hook*. Emerson's Spelling Book ami Reader. Goodrich's Geography. Bullion'.-; English Grammar. Purkor's Progressive Exercises. " Aids to English Composition. Blair's Rhetoric, University edition. Davico' Arithmetic. Algebra. " Geometry. Survoyittg. " Mensuration Shea's Book-keeping. Ackeman's Natural History. Cutter's Anatomy, Physiology, k Hygiene. Guernsey's History of the United States. Lard tiers Outlines. Olmsted's School Philosophy. Burritt's Geography of the Heavens, j Johnston's 'turner's Chemistry, i Wood's Botany. I Schmuckerts Mental Philosophy. ' Way land's Moral Science. Wobeter's Dictionary, i Latin.— Bullion's Latin Grammar, Bullion's ; Latin Reader. Anthon's Caesar, Sallust, Cie | ero. Horace, Fo'som's Livy, I.cvoritt's I.ntin i Lexicon. Guf.ex. —Bullion's Greek Grammnr, Bul j lion's Greek lleauer, Robinson's Greek Tcs ' tamcnt, Xunophett's Anabasis, Xeitophon's i Mcmoruhilia, Pickering's Greek Lexicon. , Gehmak —G J Aillcr's German Grammar, ' Ollondorf's method ol Learning the German ) Language, Adlcr's German Reader. Tliero will be frequent exercises in Decla mation ami Composition. Instruction will i also he given itt Penmanship and Biok-Kec . ping- Pupils attending litis Seliool can enjoy the advantages of instructionon tho Piano Porte i at a ntodei ate charge It will be tho aim of tho Teacher itt this : School, to impart to tho pupils a thorough knowledge of the branches studied, to educate their minds, and thus to prepare thorn for lion -1 orabio places in life. TERMS. The Summer Session will consist of twenty : Four woeeks or two quarters of 12 weeks each. Tho prico ol tuition will be as follows i per quarter : For Reading, Penmanship, Grammar, A | rilhmetic, Book-Keeping by single entry, Ge j ngraphy, History of U. S. .j:t 25 P'or same, ami Algebra, Geometry, Survey ing, Mensuration, Boonk-Keeping by double i entry, General History, Natural llistory, Phy ; sblogy, Philosophy, otltcr English brunches, | and Drawing. #4 50 For Latin, Greek and German, 5 75 137 'Good boarding can be obtained in pri vate familicsat from SI 50 to -to 00 per week. References,— Col. Joseph Paxlon, Hon. i Stephen Baddy, Hon. Geo. Mack, Michael Brohst, Esip, Joint M'Reynolds, Esq., Rev. | Dauiol Stock. Blonnisburg, Feb 21, 1850 Gooilniiil Cheap Watches. JEWELRY AND SILVER-WARE \ wholesale and retail,at No. 00 Notth 2nd street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. (Sohl lover watches, full jewelled, 18 ! caret eases. $OO and upwards. Silver levfr do, full jewelled, $lO and upwards. Silver lepine do, jewelled, $ll and up wards. Silver quarlicr watches, from $5 to 10. Gold pencils, front $1 50 to s7' Superior gold rings, from 37 to 80 cts. Other articles in proportion. All goods warranted to be what they are sold for. Constantly oil hand, a full assortment of fine GOLD JEWELRY and SILVER WARE. Also, an nssortnTent of M. J. Tobias & Go. ; E. Simpson Samuel and ! Brothers; E. S. Yntes S'Co.; John liar-! rison ; G. iS' R. I'eeslcy's, and oilier su- j perior PATENT LEVER Movements, which will bo eased in any style desired. Arrangements have been made with all lite above celebrated makers, the best! manufacturers of Liverpool, to furnish at' ! abort notice any required stylo of Watch, | for which orders will be taken and the i name anil residence of the person order j ing put on if requested. O. CONRAD. No. 00 North Third Street. Importer of Watches, j January 1, 1850.-1 y4O 15oots and Shoes. Vsf Encourage your men Mechanics, and you encourage j Tho subscriber would inform his friends , .uid die public, that he has on hand, and . makes to OTdcr all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, at tho following low prices : Men's fine calf or morocco boots, SI a 1 00 do kip orcow hide, 3 35 tlo calf shoes 2 00 do cow liido I 75 do miners', nailed, 2a 2 50 Ladies'gaiters, 2a2 25 " Lace boot', 162 " Thick soled slippers, lal 37 " Pump soled, 100 " Excelsiors, 125 Boys', youths' and children's shoes in pro portion. Ho manufactures his work of the -iest of stock, and warrants it to wear; and he is determined to sell it as low as others can their Yankeo or city work. Call and see for yoursolves. Shop on Main st., next door below Hartman's Storo. TTAlttttttt HWMM. NEW SADDLER SHOP. The subscriber announces to tho public that lie has just opened a Saddler Shop in tho central part of Bloomsburg, on Main street, ono door above Rupert's Storo, where be will keep constantly on hand and mako to order all kinds of HARNESS, SADDLES, TRUNKS, VALIECES. Arid every oilier article in his lino of busi ness. Ho will also attend to TRIMMING carriages and buggies, in every desirable style, and will turn oil all his wotk neat and good ; and at tho lowest prices. Those who wish work in his line will do well to give him a call. Cxf Hides, country produce, and even gold dollars will bo taken in jiayment for work W. M'K. THORNTON. • Bloomsburg, May 15, 1819. BE It H I C K 111 US E . ~~ And General Singe Ofliee. BY G. IV. NICELY. Tho subscriber has taken the largo anil commodious hotel in Berwick Pa., lately kept by Frederick Nicely., and refitted it up anew in a stylo comfortable and convenient for travellers and boarders. HIS TABLE will bo supplied with tho best" products of tho matkets afford, and HIS BAR furnish tho choicest liquors. Attentive hostiors will always be in atten dance, and by obliging attention to tlio wants of hispatrou - he solicits a share of tho pub lic patronage. G. \V NK 1.'1.y Berwick Pa April imh !;.-1y Tho Greatest Because the Best Fam - ily Medicine in the World IS WORS DELLS VEGETABLE RESTOR ATIVE PILLS, they have succeeded in curing some of tho worst cases, of discaso ever recorded, and are daily accomplishing tho restoration of persons ai'ter having tried in vain to obtain relief from any other source. One of tho Proprietors is a regular physician of extensiveexpericnco, who de votes his lime exclusively to their propor tion. For FEVER& AGUE, thoy have nov er yet failed. At least one thousand CCJCS in tho neighborhood of Philadelphia, have been cured since tho first of Sopt., last. In Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Liver Complaint, Scrofula, for Worms, and all other diseases of children, thoy aro unequalled by anything evor prepared for tho purpose, while for the various diseases of Fotnalos there is no mo - dicino can compare willi them. There is more of them sold—thoy aro in greater de mand than any other pill—and when onco introduced in a family, thoy need no other mcdicino. Each box containing Fifty Tills, renders them the cheapest, while they are; decidedly tho best, as well as the mildest ire action, of any now in tho market. The Editor of t,he "City Item," thus speaks of them: 17T Ukadf.ii, you are suffering from fever and ague, and you liavo never tried Wors dell's Vegetable Kcstora ivc Pills. Shake no more. There is stiJl hope for you—you may yet bo cured- Go, or send at once to A Weeks k Co., 70 North Eighth street., and procure a box of ilieso unrivaled pills, which are a sovrcign antidote for this distressing complaint. Col. Forney of iU Pennsylvania)}, sai/s: IVomdell's Pills.— -This excellent iarniiv medicine is daily winning now triumph's over disease, and consequently in the high toad to public favor. In tho removal oi tho every day ills that llesh is heir to, we know of no belter compound. We hoard tho oth er day of a desperate case of scrofulous c ruptions of lite head and faco being enirely cured by them. Ou Sullc of the "Times," says : ry'l'he great popularity of WorsdellV Vegetable Pills, is attributed to the just mer it which they really possess. They have . been quietly gaining tho fame they now , have, by tho force of their own virtues , The means usually employed to give eclat to now remedies have not been adopted by . lite proprietors. They have been content to . let their medicine speak for itself. It i s now 5 doing it in every section of tho country. They aro for salo by most of tho Store , Keepers throughout tho Country.and in qnan . tines at reasonable rales, at the Laboratory No 7n, North Eighth Street. ) A. WEEKS & Co., Proprietors, i Agents. JOHN 11. MO\ KK, Bloomsburg: F. Lazarus, Orangovillo, M. G. Slioomakcr, Bttckltorn, Fnnslon & Diofunbach, Jerseytown, I M. C. Grior, Danville, C. I artinan & Co., Catlawissn, and by most merchants throughout the uouiitry. To Physicians, Druggists and Country MERCII A N T S Dr. J. N. Keeler and liro. most respectful ly solicits attention to their, fresh stock of. English, French, German and American Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Varnishes, Paints, Oils, Dye Stufls, Glass ware, Perfumery, Pa tent Medicines &e. Having opened a new storo No. 204 Market St. with a full supply of Fresh Drugs and Medicines, wo rospeet fully solicit Country dealers to examino on stock before purchasing elsewhere, promts # ing one and all who may feci disposed to extend to tts their patronage, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medicine's, on as liberals terms as any other house in tho City, and to faithfully execute ail orders entrusted to us" promptly and with dispatch. Otic of lite proprietors being a regular I physician, affords amplo guarantee of the genuine quality of all articles sold at their establishment. | We especially invite druggists and country J merchants, who may wish to become agents ! lor Dr. Heeler's Celebrated Futility Mcdiciur.i, I (standard and popular remedies,J to forward their address. I Soliciting tho patronage of dealers, we rc | spectfully remain, J.N. KEELER & BRO., Wholesale Druggists, No. 2!) I Market street. Phila.-33-ly. i'iiilatlf Ipliia Reading and PoUsviile RML^,ROjID. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT Office of the Philadelphia and Reading Rail road Company. Philadelphia, March 29, 1850. Two Passenger Trains daily (oxcoplSut day .) ON and after April Ist, 1850 two traits will bo run each way, daily, between Phila delphia and Pottsvillo. Morning Line, ( Accommodation ) Leaves Philadelphia at 7J A M ,daily, ex cept Sundays. Leaves Pttitsville at 74 A. M., daily, ex cept Sundays. Aflcmoon Line, (Fast Train) Loaves Philadelphia at 2J o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Leaves Pottsvillo at 2J o'clock daily ex cept Sundays. Passengers cannot enter tho cars unless providod with Tickets. Tho afternoon, or fast trains do not t°P R ' Auburn, Allhouse's Bridoobora', Uogor's . Ford, Valley Forge, Port Kenncdey, Spring Mill or Falls. NOTICE.—Fifty pounds of baggago will bo nllowcit to eat-li fiassuDger in these lines ; and passengers are expressly prohibited from taking any thing as baggago but their wearing apparel which will be at tho risk of its owner, iiy order of the Board of Managers. April 18, 1850. S. BRADFORD, Secretary. THOUSANDS HAVE GONE TO CALI FORNIA, but the business of Coach and j Wagon making will be continued by the sub- ' scriber at tho old stand on Market stroot. Ho will promptly attend to all orders for work in his line of business, and is always ready, at short notice, to furnish Wagons, Coaches Carriages, Buggies, Nfcd.-j and Sleighs of any style; but nhraysol the best made in the most substantial manner. Ho will givo his porsoual attention to the business, and employ uono but good work- mon. Repairing will be attended to with care, and upon tho most reasonable terms. * Ho proposes to sorvo his customers to such work as will sccuro for him a continuance o \ their patronage, and from all whonoedarti. ' clos in ltis liuo of business. Ho asks only a tj trial of his work lo insure satisfaction. JONATHAN MOSTELLER II Bloomsburg, Feb. 16, 1819. j BLANKS!! i DEEDS. SUMMONS, J EXECUTIONS, J SI'BPIENAS, an l ■ JUDGMENT NOTES, of propet and desirable forms, for sale si the f , I ••Mice the "Star ot the North t|