The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, August 01, 1850, Image 1

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    sBy W*avcr & Gilmorc., Truth and our loiiniiy. " [Two Dollars Aunnm
Is published every Thursday Morning, l>y I I
Weaver & Gitmore. i
OFFICE —Up stairs in the New Brick building \ i
on the south side of Main street, third ■
square below Market. , j j
TERMS :—Two Dollars per annum, if paid |
within six months from the time of subscri- | 1
fcing; two dollars and fifty cents if not jiaid j <
within the year. No subscription received i ;
for a less period than six months ; no (liscon- ]
tinuanco permitted until all arrearages arc j
paid, unless at the option of tho editors.
ApvERTtSEMEKTS not exceeding one square, j I
■will bo insortecl throo times for one dollar, and : i
twenty-five cents for each additional insertion. ,
A liberal discount will be made to those who ad- j (
vcrtisc by the year.
r- , [''a> | ,
As I strayed from my cot, at the close of the .
To muse on tho beauties of June, '
Neath a jessamine tree 1 spied-a fair maid, e
And she sadly complained to tho moon- j |
ci tones. 1
Roll on, silver moon guide tho traveller on j '
his way, i
While tho nightingale's song is in tune; t
For I never, never more, with my true love
will stray, j
By the sweet, silver light of tho moon. ' c
| 1
As tho hart on the mounlaiqf, my true love I c
was brave — . I
So handsome, so manly to view :
So kind and sincere, and lie loved me sodoar .
Oh ! love was so tree.
• s
But now lie is dead, and the youth once so , i
Cut down like a rose in full bloom ; r
And ho silently sleeps, and I am thus left to
Neath Ike sweet, silver light o r the moon. ! r
But his grave I'll seek out. when tho mor ;
ning appears, I
And wyep for my true love, so brave ;
I'll embrace tho cold earth and bedew with : 1
my tears
Tho flowers which bloom on his grave. I
Mil! never again can my heart throb with I
joy— * r
My best ono 1 hope to meet soon.
Kind friends they will weep o'er the grave
where wo sloop,
By the sweet, silver light of the re" in. t
lligoJtw Lawrence's Statement and i
Defence, I'repared by tits Counsel.
The peblieity w liioti ha recently horn giv 1
en to the diflit'.lilies brt ween Mr. I. Ili.-i low
Lawrence and his wife, a d the nnspaiir:
abuse tliel iu-.s been lavished upon him by
l!Ip adv.chiles and fitJOTrV* ?.Ls.iciiec
■ set Mto demand MP peril - ';, ely that - uric
Ma'cmen'sl.oiill bo made if the ninivcv
wliieli prompted, and the causes wlne't reu
dercd, his course necessary. Whatever may
tic argued by thoso unfriendly to him
his silence to the present hour, it is never
theless true he has thus refrained from i ia
m king any public explanation, front motives :
"* of delicacy, and from a consciousness that
bis justification could be cslablistied without
divulging lacts and a correspondence which
nothing but extreme necessity should call
forth His vindication lies, in a great mea
sure, in a series of letters written by airs.
Lawrence and various members of her fam
ily; and had it not been foi tho unjustifiable ,
manner in which he has been assailed lltey
would never have been known.
These reason-., in the opinion of counsel,
were sufficient to deter Mr Lawrence from 1
appearing either in person or by attorney at
Louisvi'lo, and in compliance with their ad
vice, he offered no opposition to the libel.
As it is difficult to say definitely what tcs
Ii 111011 y was gU'ttit at the trial, wo will first
notice the account contained ii one of tho t
leading journals of Louisville, not only from
-tho fact that it has been more extensively
copied than any other, but also because the
character of tho paper forbids tho idea of any
intentional error.
Mrs. Lawronco did leave Boston for Louis
villo in company with her father, but Mr
Ward had some lime previous ofiored to at
tend his daughter thither, in ease her litis- |
band should ho unable to do so. Mr. Ward,
in a letlor to Mr. Lawrence, under dale of
July 10th, said—"lf your cngagcmonls are
such as to prevent you from leaving Boston,
• let mo know by telegraph, and also by mail, l
and I will immediately go for her." In con- ]
sequence of this, a telegraphic communica- :
• lion was forwarded to Louisville, stating that
Mr. Lawrence could not leave Boston; and !
* immediately a second letter was written to '
him by Mr. Ward, dated July 25th, in which
it was said—"lf Sallie concludes to visit her
mother now, write tno at once, and 1 will
soon bo in Boston. When it is important
sho should bo horo, ;l would give mo plea- j
sure to go for her." On tho 17ih of August, j
Mr. Ward was in Boston.
I'hc prom i was made to Mr. 1-awroneo,
at tho lime his wile toft, Boston, that she
shook! certainly return by the first of Octo
ber, nut oxpcctod tha( lie was to
nffHii] linelllll .flu reason why it
was impossibio for him to ito so was, that his
cr was to England on tho£filJi
of September, and ho uas unable Ht leawe
before that day. Tlo wa3 positively
answered^however, that his wifo should ho
nek, and this was only a repetition
of what had boon previously stated in a loi
ter to Mr. Ward. His language was—' If
you cannot stay, I will return with her to
Boston at any timo you may desire." * And
in another letter liosaid—"l will very cheer
fully return with her to Boston." Mr. Law
ronco. in a letter to Mi. Ward, dated Sept.
9th. reminded him of hits promise that Mrs
Lawrence should return to Doston 'by the
fust of Octobor. The reply to this letter did
not deny the promise, but alleged certain rea
sons why its fulfilment was impossible. Be
sides this, Mrs. Lawrence, when she depar
ted from this city, loft behind her a written
promiso that she would remain at Louisvillo
only one week ; but tho time was voluntari
ly extended by her husband to a longer pe
Mr. Lawrence's dissatisfaction at bis wi
fe's remaining in Louisville, was kuown to !
tho parents of Mrs. Lawrence more than five j
months before tho publication of the adver- ]
lisernon'. Tho same letter of Mr. Lawrence
above alluded to, dated Sept 9, contains tho
following:—"lf you prefer Sallio to remain
in Louisville, and do not embrace tho offer!
which I make, and 0:10 it is which is promp- j
ted by tho strongest affection and a truo do- !
sire for her welfare, I havo only to say to j
pott, sir, that you will effect a separation bo- l
twecn my wifo and myself; for, if Sallio re- ]
mains there, it would certainly bo forced ;
upon me." The reply of Mr Ward, dated
Sept. 19, said—"lf you deem my courso a
cause for separation, be it so." And no oth- !
or opportunity was afforded Ml. Lawrence ,
to express his dissatisfaction since all further j
correspondence on the subject was closed, at i
tho request of M. Ward. I
Tho foljowing oxtract from a letter of Mrs
Lawrence to her husband, dated Nov. 6, will ;
show that his disapproval of her remaining j
in Louisvillo was known and resisted by hor. j
"I cm quite as fixed (she says) in my deter
mination not to spend the wintor in Boston,
as you arc not to come to Kentucky. I j
must bog that you will not again write for
mo to come, even were my health porfect.''
And all further opportunity of making known ]
his dissatisfaction to hor, was rendered im
possible by the declaration, Correspondence !
on this subject (her return to Boston) is use- !
less entirely."
Moneys were furnished Mrs. Lawrence by ]
her husband, and bills were paid by him du |
ring her stay in Boston, besidos her bills at ;
tho Tromoul House, and thoso for medical ,
attendance, as can be prorod by unques
tioned evidence.—Tho sums of money so !
paid to and for her, would, by others, havo
been considered large and hor husband was I
ever ready and willing to supply all her rea- |
sonaVlo wants. Indeed, it had been the
wish-of Mr. Ward, at his daughter's mar- j
I'noyln provide I'm all Iter personal c.xpen- \
him. cif ;•* !)•; Imd nic 'e no settlement
u, iiher ai l le t :in ••:! :. eohliqgly, had
Mr. Lawrence u 1) , e.'sl the bills as testified
to t| h. .j ' I" ■
" . .J 1 bill, J
!• top- ted; 1 til I . ((fan this was'
!i mfc Whenever Mt ...iwrencc dost rod !
iiio.iwy, it was ftwtiishod licr without hes-iln- j
lion f-nnd whoever knows tire monoy so pro
i led, and the bills paid for her, ought not
to dqjfty kin l.tras nr.d liberality. The:
charge, of wanness, which it attempted to I
bo tlirown upon Mr. Lawroitco by the friends
and family ot his wifo, is without the slight
est foundation : and those who remember
tho costly gifts ho lavished upon her, at tho
lima of hi s murriago, lutvc no roasonto ques
tion his generosity towards hor.
But llio most striking instanco of tho nig- i
; garducss of Mr. Lawronco adduced at tho
trial, was what Mr. Preston was pleased to
call "the hundred dollar transaction." Mis.
Lawrence, in that case, mndc no application
whatever to her husband for money; but,
without his knowledge, wrote a note to Mr.
Abbott Lawrence, asking for the loan of one j I
; hundred dollars. Tho nolo was as follows: ! <
"DEAR FATHER. —You will confer a favor J i
, upon mo by sending me QUE huuJtod -M- -
iars Which my fidicr will return to you m
person —1 am expecting monoy cvory day,
hut Eliza wishes her wages to make imme
diate purchases with, which iudiices mo to
apply to you. I receive it as a loan. When
pa arrives, it will be returned to you.
Yours, SALIJE W. L.
The Mim asked for was immediately en
closed to Mrs. Lawrence in a leltcr, wherein
' all that was Faid In reference to tho money j
was—"l cncloso one hundred dollars, which j
1 you wrote to me for this morning, for the
purpose of paying_yom maid." Mr'. Law-!
roucc, in an aiwwijy day, j
said, "Receive my thanks for your prompt
attention to my request, which shall be re
j turned lo^-ouSmmodialoly."
} Frvo days, at least, after Mrs. Lawrence's
return to Louisville, viz, llio first of Soptctn-
I ber, she wrote a lettor to her husband, in
which sho said—"Fa commonced to-day
with my yearly allowance; tho first appre
j priation I made was to send ono hundred
I dollars to your fathor."—And in duo courso
I of mail, according to tho testimony of Mr.
j Ward, a letter was received, acknowledging
' tho receipt of the money. F.rom first to last,
I there was no application made for tho repay- j
I men! of tho sum. Mrs. Lawrence asked!
1 1 for it, and choso to considor it as a loan, at.d
1 its return was voluntary and unsolicited.—
i Wo trust that tho hundred dollar transaction
will induco Mr Frcslon to "pauso aiqi rc-,
' ■ tloct." *•*!-•
ij What renders the charge of Tnoanness. |
i , which tho advocates of Mrs. Lawronco havo
i j attempted to throw Mr Abbott Law
' awnce, in connection wilhthis transaction
s peculiarly unjust, is the fact that only a few
l days before this sum of ono hundred dollars
• was borrowed, ho offorrod "to pay any bills
f that she might havo in Boston.—Sho doclin
> d tlrtf o'fifcr, with thanks, saying sho owed
1 no hills in tho city whklover. Two or threo
-1 days after, Mr T. C. Lawrence reeoived a
- I bill of ninoly-oight dollars, from Messrs
l Jones, Lows ft Ball, cqptracted sonin weeks
; 1 previously by bis wifo
Tims much has been said, in answer to
specific testimony given at the rccont trial
in Louisville ; but great injuslico would bo
dono to Mr Lawrence if this statement were
to .terminate here. It now becomes neces
sary to indicate the reasons which rendored
him unwilling to repair to Lfiuisville, and to
show tho obstacles and trials ho was obliged
to contend with, during his wife's rosidonce
in Uoston.
* With Mrs Lawrence, prior to her coming
to Boston wo have nothing to do. She arri
i vod in this city (Boston) on tho Ist of April,
] HMO.—Her famo as a bello had certainly
I preceded hor, and thuro was an eager dosire
to sec one who had elsewhere created so
J great a sensation. But the cutiosity of th > 1
I public, great as it was, did not oqual the
i kindnoss and love with which sho was wol
-1 corned by the kindred of Mr. Lawrence; and"
the efforts made to render hor satisfied and I
i happy in hor now homo, were prompted by I
| the warmest affection and regard.
| Hor own acknowledgment of that kind- J
noss i 3 thus oxprossod in one of her letters,
j written since returning to Louisvillo:—"My ,
i new homo has for mo many attractions. 1
met with unqualified kindness and attention 1
j while there, which I shall never forget,
j With health I could not fail to bo happy,
I when such efforts were made to render me
i so." But, however earnest or sincere were j
' thoso efforts, they were still ineffectual in
j producing oithor contentment or happiness; .
j and immediately after reaching Boston, sho
commenced writing to Louisvillo in a tono
that argued nothing but disappointment and
i distress. It appeared that devotion and kind- j
ness were unable to reconcile her to her new
' abode; and notwithstanding tho ratik sho
1 occupied, and the attentions that were shown
' to hor, the letters sho wroto to her family, in
; the language of ono who pcrsucd them all,
1 "conveyed tho idea of utter, perfect misery."
| Tho cause of all this sorrow and suffering
I was so idle, that wo are reluctant to mention
j it. While every reasonable wish was grat
i ified, some foolish whims were opposed,
: and this determined the whole character of
I her thoughts and feelings. Till Mrs Law
rence arrived in Boston, she had never learn
| cd to heed tho wishes of others—tho idol of
j tho ball room had always met with subrais"
sion, and tho secret of obedience had never
j boon acquired by her. Among the habits to
' which she had bocn accustomed while in
1 Louisville was ono which her husband cn
. dcavorcd to break, not only because it was
; injurious to herself, but also because it was
injurious to horself, but also because it was
r.ity among whom she had become a rosi- j
dent. Wo alltido to the frequent and free ,
use-of paints and other cosmetics. What-]
ever sho had done elsewhere, Mr Lawronco |
represented that in Boston such a habit [
could not be allowed, and ho sought to exert '
tho porogativo of a husband by forbidding ,
its praclieo. This prohibition was received '
with any'hing but favor by Mrs Lawrence,
and colored darkly tho early letters sho wrote |
to her parents.
Hor complaints wore not long unknown.
Tho suspicion that all was not right soon ri
pened into a conviction, and reports xvoro
circulated in the West that sho was far from 1
being happy in her new home. Side by ;
sido with tlicso tales, xvent forth accounts of j
her physical suffering, and the people of |
Kentucky heard that hor life was in danger.
It was even said that hor return to hor native
city was not improbable, and in a letter writ- !
ton to a friend in Louisville, only sixteen
days after her arrival in Boston, Mrs Law- j
ronce said that sho should go back to Louts- ■
-vittc, If not bolter. . But there reports w ere a
few days subsequently corrected ; for sho j
wroto to a friend, under dato of April 21st. 1
that sho "was as well as sho over had been !
in her life."
In consequents of statements made by
Mrs Lawrence to her parents, sho received a
letter from ho* mother, (postmarked Lonis
'■illo, Aptil 15th) It should ho borne in
I mind that this was one of the earliest letters 1
j written, by a mother to hor daughter after
: marriage, it having been written only thirty !
j three days after Mrs Lawrence loft Louis- j
| ville, and only fifteon days after arrival in I
! Boston. Airs Waul wroto thus:—"l am go-!
! iug to xvrito you a/eal war fetter. You say ;
you arc acting by Mr. Lawrence's command ]
and you are unhappy by o doing. Then lot
mo advise you in this case ; socm to obey
but do so as you please. If you use proper
caution lie can nover know it. You should
rouge or not as you wish, and 1 havo nothing
to object to either.—You are better looking
I without complexion than with too much
This I have always said.—But if. feu think l
differently, thon do what would mako you
happy. You could not bo less so, I should
judgo under any circumstances.—Thou never
[gar Air Lawroeco's anger, it could not bo
! more than what you are now enduring. Now j
dear Sullie, if you would tako tho right
| moans, ho could never discover it.' You
must begin with caution and koop it up. Tho
most dclicato tinge possible is all j oil want.
Vi>'8 u have no more, defy tho opinion ol
■ tho universe, tho commands of Mr Law
rence, and evory ono else. Stick to it with
] some of your mother's spunk. Could you
I bo worse off than now !—You are misorable
now; could you be more so then 1 It can't
last long, and you leavo giving out to others.
, Alv dear child, determine ono of two things
—to livo it up at onco or stick to it in defiance
of all and everything that may oppose. A r *u
cannot livo long as you are. Then Sallio,
i bo n woman, and act as ono in iuturo." Tho
i letter further says—"l know you are caro
? less with your lo'tcrs. Now do burn this as
sooii as read " * *
Whatever may havo been the (Janso, Mr.
Lawrence discovered, a short timo after the
receipt of tho lotlor of April 15th, that his
commands were defied ; that what ho had
desired might be discontinued, merely , for
the interest anddteputalion of his xvifdpf was
steadily persisted in ; and ho strovo, through
the infiuenco of his father, to gain that com
pliance with his wishes which Ito alono was
unable to effect. Tins apparently, was not
without its result; and on Sunday, April
29th, tho following note was sonl to Mr. Ab
bott Lawrcnca: —"Rccoive, my dearest fath
or, my solomtt oath, which is this day regis
tered above, to conform fo tho wishes of my
husband. Your dangtor, Sallie." The fact
of this rceolvo v as evidently communicated
to her friends in Louisvillo, sinco a lettor
from her sister, dated May 4th, says:—"l
write to assure you of my pleasure at re
ceiving voiHUpod resolutions. -Fray koop
thorn, and you will all "vory happy.
It would have boon expected that a prom
ise made at such a tirr c, and in so solemn
a manner, would have boon hooded; and so
it was hoped and bolicvcd by .Mr. Lawronco
and his relatives. But tbeso hopes and ex
pectations wore soon disappointed. At tho
expense of being somewhat tedious, wc will
hero relate certain circumstancos that trans
pired soon after tho abovo promiso was.mado.
On Saturday, May 29th, Mrs. Abbott Law
(hor husband being then absent at Washing
ton) *avc a dinner parly in hongr of Will"
iam C. Rivos, who was then,on a visit to
Boston. Mrs. Bigekiw Lawronco was pres
ent, and. although it was not quite three
wocks after tho abovo note Was written, it
was evident from hor appearance that ike
old habit had again been praoliocd. Air.
Lawronco, however, did not make an accu
sation, but, after the company had separa
ted, Mrs. L. said of her own accord, to Mrs.
Abbott Lawronco, "Bigclow thinks I have
been rouging to-day, but it is not so; there
is no paint on my checks." Mr.'L.'s *rcply
was, "I havo nothing to say at all ; Sallio
knows best; 1 do not accuse hor of any-,
thing." His wifo then said, "To convince
your mother that what I say is true, about
half an hour ago, I was in tho music room
with Kitty and Abbott, (youngest son of A-
Lawrence) and Abbott said, "How red your
cheeks are—l should think you had boon
j painting," and ho wet his handkerchief with
cologne, and wiped my faco with it. Now,
j if there had bocn paint on my checks, it
woul Ice rtainly have como off.'' Sho then
added, "1 call - Heaven to witness that there
j is not any rouge on my checks."' Mrs. Ab
, Lolli l-wwmro© in vnm to 4e
suado her from urfllfe Sfch violent language,
, for she said again, "1 swoar to God there is
j not a particle of paint on my face."
Mr. Lawrence lived at the Tromont House,
after arriving in Boston, and subsequently re
sided at tho Nahant Hotel during a portion
1 of tho summer; but his residence at th ;so
places was only intended as a temporary ar
' rangement and it was his intention to go to
i housekeeping when a suitablo dwelling could
bo procured.—Mr. Ward, in a letter to Mr.
Lawrence, dated Juno 8, earnestly recom
mends this courso, and says :—"You speak
iof going "to housekeeping. II you can get a
j houso, wo earnestly advise it. I will most
' cheerfully assist you in fitting up (ho house,
and likewise in supporting it. 1 beg that to 1
j "eeling of delicacy will prevent your writing ,
me at onco tho rent of your house, tho cost of
j furnishing it, and the cxpenso cf living."' ,
. Mr. Lawronco accordingly hired, a houso ill i
! Beacon street, on a lease ol three years, tho !
(.rent thereof, including taxes, amounting to I
SlOOO per annum. This leaso was executed I
on the 13th day of August, four days before j
Mr. Ward canto to Boston lor his daugter, at
which timo tho fact was communicated to :
him, and Seemingly met with hishcarly ap- 1
proval. Mr. Lawrenco was to tako posses
ion of his houso on tho l:t of October, whoti, j
as boforo stated, ho confidently (anticipated j
hif wilo's return. Ho had hired his servants, j
procured his furnituroj ordorcd his silver, ;
and had made all necessary arrangements ;
for proceeding to housekeeping.
But, although he had thus engaged a house
for a term of years, yet "Mi. Lawronco had
no intention thereby of pursuing a course
that would impair Iho health ol his wife. Oil
the contrary, he had frequently promised
Mrs. Lawrence, m case sho found a resi-j
donco in Boston too severe, that he would
accompany hor to omo warm climato to
pass tno winter months. But it was main- ,
laincd by hor husband, as well as by her
physician in Boston, that a change of climate
would make little diflcrcnco if sho omittod to
use proper caution. Hor carelessness was
well known, and whoever iparkcd attontivo
ly her courso, found a ready explanation for
, hor ill health. Nor was tho fact of her
J liSC'.UcssiiQss unknown to hor mother, who
says in a loiter to Mrs. Abbott Lawronc, A
pril 20lh :—"That Sallio should bo impru-1
dont in dross, I expected; she has over
been, and could never bo convinced that
caro is important for health." But, dospito
hor negligence, her health had greatly im
proved before loaving Boston, and, at no time
during hor married life, had sho been botlcr
than the month or two preceding hor depar
ture. As hor happiness was dependent up
on hor health, this improvement was clearly
indicated in the following lottor written to
Louisville a short timo before sho loft Bos
ton. This lottor was writton at Nahant, a
j boutaho 20th of July, and wo trust that tho
i following extract will bo read attentively by
all who assert that Mr. Lawronco was uif
; kind to his wifo while there : —"I have nov
or been so happy -at amy poiioii of my mar
ricd life an now. Mr. T.awfotlJo As most kind
and affectionate, and 1 forgot society whilo
with him. Whatever my past faults may
have been, thoy will never return. I shall
strive, in every way, to mako my husband
happy, and will comply in overything to his
It is well known that certain storios have
been set on foot, representing that personal
violence had been exerted towards Mrs.
Lawronco by her husband. To one and al 1
such tales wo cun givo an unqualified doni
al. At no lime whilo living together, did
Mrs. Lawrence receivo any harsh, or oven J
unkind treatmont from her husband, as her
abovo acknowledgement clearly indicates.
Sho was accustomed, whonover opposed, no
matter how trivial the eauso, to shriek at
the top of her voice, and wo leave it to oth
ers to say how long a timo would transpire
in a public hotol before such a peculiarity
would give rise to stories of crueltios and a
Ityl long after Mrs. Lawronco arrived in
Louisville, .Mr. Ward wrote a letter to hor
husband, in which ho proposed (hat Mr.
Lawronco should at ouco repair to that city,
and thore tako up his abode. It was stated
that the parents of Mm. Lawronco would not
consont to her residing in Boston. Tito lan
guage of tho letter (dated Aug. 301h.) was—
"Her return to Boston is not a debatoable
question." Tho residue of tho letter propos
ed that Mr. Lawrence should give up all his
other plans and arrangements, and, without
any expression of regret on account of tho
house in Beacon strcot, ho was asked to go
at once to Louisvillo to reside. Tho letter
made known certain facls with great minute
ness. It stated the rent of houses in Louis
villo ;it told llio cuius requisito for living .
cither handsomely or extravagantly, in that
city; it mont'ionod certain of business
in tho West, that could not fail of being profi
table, and it considerately informed Mr. Law
rence that ho could purchase his furniture
peilher in New York or Louisvillo.
Tho reply of Mr. Lawrence was courteous,
but decided. Alter expressing surptiso at
this unexpected course, he says; "It is far
from being my wish to do anything which
might risk my wife's health, since you think
the cold weather here will prove so danger
ous." 110 then asked that Mr. Ward would
bring his daughter! to New Yoik by tho first
of October, (according to the spirit of his
promise) where ho would embark with her
for tho West Indies, to spend the winter at
ono or several of the Islands, as Mrs. Law
rence might select : or. thould she prefer,
ho would proceed with her to Rto Janeiro,
and there pass tho w titer mouths. Air. Law
rence mentioned that there wore ovcrwhelm-
ing reasons against his residing in Louisville
What those reasons wore, wc deem it hardly
necessary to name.
Mr. Ward's answer (dated September 19-
th) said that tho state of his daughter's
health demanded her mother's care and ad
vice. The question of Airs. Lawrotico's re
turn, and tho kind invitations of her husband
were thus answered : "1 cannot bring her,
nor will f consent to a voyage to tho West
But Mr. Lawronco's efforts to obtain the
return of his wife, did not terminate here.
In a letter to Mrs. Lawrence, (dated Octo
ber,) lie repeats his offer to tako her to a
warm climate, and expresses his willingness
to repair with her to tho Mediterranean.
This offer was distinctly declined, and a
third expressed in most affectionate terms,
mot with the same response.
This is tho tone of Mr. Lawronco 's invila
lions. Tho fetter of October says—"Accept
of this offer I entreat you, dear Sallio ; and if
you are not well and happy, it will not. I as
sure you, bo your husband's fault, for I shall
do everything to render you so."
Another letter in October, says—"l now
xvrito you onco again, to urge, to entreat
you, if you havo any lovo for mo or your
self, to return. I ask yon, dear Sallio, to
como back to mo. In tho sight of God and
man, yon are my wile—with mo you have
sworn to livo, and iron mo yon havo ro
right to remain."
Ernm the limn Airs. Lawrence reached j
Louisville, hor health, according to her oxvn j
letters, began rapidly to iinprovo. Every |
loiter assumed the snmo thing, and so spec- i
dy was llio change, that in less than two i
wocks, sho wroto t at sho had a'ready at- i
tendod ono party, and fell well onouglt lor a !
little dissipation. Under dale of Oct. 7th i
sho wroto to a relative of Afr. Lawionoo, that
Louisvillo was then very gay, that tho color
had again givon hor check tho lino of return- !
ing health and that a fancy ball was soon to
tako placo, which sho xvas to attend as a
"Circassian slave," for which a beautiful
new dress had been received. "Louisville
has boon extromoly gay—wo havo had mas
querades, fancy balls, tabloanx, and parties."
Mrs. Lawrence's cons.ant attendance at
thoso partios can ha clearly proved. In this
gay season sho was tho gayosl of tho ladios
of Louisvillo, and wo leave it to thoso xv ho
then saw her, to say whcllior tno happy
belle soomed to ihom like a pining invalid !
Tho following extracts apparently imply
that the conduct of Airs Laxvroncn, xvhilo in
Boston, xvas not altogether unexceptionable :
This fe tho opinion of hor mother :—"Sal
io has given you (Mr. Lawrence,) great
causo for dissatisfaction. God only knbws
how deeply 1 have lamented it. I havo nov
] cr lieon disposed to uphold hor in hor felly,"
jln a loiter to hor daughter, Airs. Ward fur-
I thor says :—"Never shall Emily (a younger
] sister,) change as you did. It is all there,
j hut you will not givb it room It is crow
dod by folly and fashion. My child, you
could bo just as perfect as then, if you
would give nature its sway.- My dread is,
that tho world will learn of your difficulties,
and I cannot bear tho idea of their triumph.
if you do bettor in future, the past will soon
bo forgotten, oven if it should bo known."
This Was her father's opinion :—lndepen
dent of your own happiness, you are unau
thorized to destroy the peace and happiness
of two families.—You can bo anything you
ploasc in Boston, but it depends upon your
self. All you have to do is to act the part ot
a woman, and not that of a child."
This is Mrs. Lawrence's own opinion.—
"1 havo learned a sad lesson in the past
year, which will profit nio. Tiro past has
taught us both a losson which I have profi
ted by. Let all ho forgotten, my husband."
Hlsewhorc sho says:—"l feel how wrong I
have acted, and the injustice I havo dono
my real disposition, for it seems to mo liko
insanity. I only wish my folly had escaped
Mrs Ward entertained feelings ol cmnity
towards Airs. Abbott Lawrence, which no
circumstances could justify, and which she
did not sock to disguise from her daughter.
Tho cause of tho animosity was this :—Mrs.
Abbott Lawronco wrote a letter to Air. Ward
(dated Alay 3lst,)accorduigto a previous a
groenient, in which sho commontcd on
some ot tho faults of Airs. Bigelow Law-
ronco, and proposed means whereby thoy
might bo corrected. The whole tone of the
lettor was kind and affectionate in tho ex
treme, and could only have proceeded from
a warm heart, and ono that lamented doep
ly the errors that were sought to be reme
died. But this loiter, instead of being rc-
favor, was read in anger; it was
sent hack to Boston, ilia/ "Sallie might see
what her dear mother said of her," and from
this time until Mrs. Lawrence loft for Louis
ville, every lettor sho received from her
mother, so far as known, expressed undis
guised hostility against tho mother of hor
husband This is tho language o f one lettor:
—"0, that letter, my child, had like to craze
me. 1 havo never been well since. You
know lam a proud woman, Sallio, and to
havo such a woman speaking so of my
daughter Sa lie, havo nothing to do with
hor Sho will bo your ruin." In another
placo she says : "We shall have anoth let
ter of complaints from Mrs Lawrence soon,
about your extravagance. Thoy must havo
cost at least a quarter each. This is not
jest with mo, Sallio. Read yrmr dear moth
er's letter again, and you will readily con
cludo so But, pnor woman, sho did not
know what many of her own terms meant
(written 'lurms meant ') When little is
given, little is required." Elsewhere she
says:—"Tho woman says your education
lias been neglected. She does not know
what education is. Sailio, only treat her
with the coldest and in jst distant respect.'
In another letter, Mrs. Ward concludes a
fresh volume of abuse; by saying"Sallie,
beware of her; she is a wolf in sheep's
clothing "
Thus stood the case Mrs. Lawrence had
repaired to her former homo, under eircum
stancos that were certainly significant, and
which implied anything but a return. She j
apparently had gono to Louisville, in aecor- 1
dance with a previous putpose, and her hus
band was invited to follow her to a city thut j
did not promiso him a very happy or inde- j
petition! life. He was solicited to resign tho i
tics of friendship, and tho pleasant associa
tions of homo, and to repair at onco to the
societies of strangers and the intimato com
panionship of hor who regarded his own
mother with aversion and contempt.—lie
was asked to place his wifo under the care
of a mother who had always loft hor pur
sue her oxvn way, and under tho counsels of
a mother who horo to him an enmity that
could never bo forgotten.
Oospito her errors and her folly, Airs.
Lawrence had boon kindly and affectionate
ly invited back, lot to expose Iter health to
the rigor of a New England winter but to re
pair to tho most delightful climato that heart
could wish. Once, twice and thrice that in
vitalioh had been offered, and coldly, unfool
ingly declined. Wo will not say what mo
tives wielded her so closely to Louisville,
or whether chagrin and disappointment clou
ded tho morAories that gathered around her
sojourn in Boston. Wo will not say wheth
er othor reasons than those which 'lio upon
tho surface boro her to Louisvillo and
| bound her there. AH prospect, or even pos
sibility of her return, had at least "passed a
way, and the last letter sho wroto to hor bus-
I band indicated, with too certain a precision,
i that in hor opinion, tho gulf that separa'cd
them was impassable. Hor parents had as
sumod privileges that were unwarranted,
and had exerted ihom in a stem manner,
which forgot ontiroly tho feelings, tho rights,
and tho happiness of hor husband. That
husband well know tho oxlravagance of his
wifo ; a shoit but sad experience had taught
him that there was nothing, however costly,
or however foolish, that sho did not obtain,
provided sho desired it; tha' her purchases
wcro regulated by no method, and'controlled
by no discretion; that year after year, bills,
might bo presented to an almost unlimited
amount, sololy on her account, and that for
all and overything she might procure, lie,
wronged, insulted, abandoned, as lie had
boon was liable. Ho remembered to , hor
prido and placo, and he felt assured that ov
ory moasuro of duplicity would bo employed,
both to abuso hinsclf and explain the shatnc
ol her own desertion. Under thoso eircum
stancos, tho advertisement appeared Who
could have done otherwise ' What other
rraouiCu was before him f Ami vvlio, hnmE- .
ing his wrongs, will now come forward nnn®*
rarraign his motives or impugn his conduct ?
Iho foregoing statement does but partial
justico to the causo of Mr. Lawrcnco. Much
that is contained in the loiters lias boen pa?-
red over in silence, that the lovers qf scan- •'
dal would bo happy to read, llomarks upon
Indies of Louisville, and relatives ofMr Law*
rence in Boston, might have boon published,
that would make no new frionds, and might
surprise some old ones. Certain peculiari
ties, that are not considered ornaments in e
pistolatory correspondence, have* been wil
lingly suppressed. Nothing has been slated
that has not been deemed ussoutial in vindi
cating the course and conduct of Mr. Law
rence, and every tiling heroin contained, lias
been brought forth by llio zeal of the de
fenders of Mrs. Lawrence, and tho vancour
of her relatives. Let thcso-lust indulge in no
mutmitrs of complaints. Tlioy liavo hero
: 110 witnesses against them", but themselves.
! There iH nothing hero statin! that has not
| been rendered ncco.-sa.ry by their own acts
and agency. And whatever may be tho
judgment which tin' world's tribunal shall
hereafter record in rctcrenco'to this unhappy
troub'o, that jttdgmcn', if advorso to their
own wishes, thoy have invited upon them
i FEMALE EDUCATION. —' She lias finished
I her education," said a friend. Finished her
1 education? said wo, just as though a young
. lady's education was a stocking, or railier a
bonnet, and now it was to bo placed in n
a band-box, to bo displayed to visitors gud
'to bo worn only on set occasions. Wo pro
tost against the doiiffe up and finishing ofT a
young lady's education with her toons, just
, at the time whon sho begins, if ever sho
j does begin, to THINK. A young man has
' just acquired at one and twenty die elements
of education, and is prepared to study ad
j vantageously according to his own discretion;
! but a young lady has done—finished—th>
j circle of her sciences is con plcto, and ?ho
is ready for any station in life that may be
thrown in her way. Now why, in tho namo
of common sense, may not a woman think :
and if sho think, why may sho not sludy
1 and acquire profitable food for thou gin?
: There is a lady, for instance, that "finished
; her education" by having peculiarly, good
advantages at an corly ago. Sho is now a
wife and mother of six children. She plays
j well upon ihe piano, sings sweetly,—but her
! husband, and actually does, put all tho chit-
I ilrcn to bod andhas ihc care ofthom through
1; and, as for her table, tho broad is
I perfectly cxecraldn to one who has visited
his grandmother's pantry; and tho coffeej—
| Oh! her cofiee ! it would cost her nothing
| less than her Lead if it reachod tho Brand
\ Turk's palaco—and yet for all this, the ladv
| has a "finished education"!
A Hctmtiful Allegory,
A traveler who spent some time in Turkey,
relates a beautiful paffiilo which wa3 told
him by a dervish, and which seemed oven
, more beautiful than Sterne's celebrated fig-
I ure of the accusing spirit and recording an •
I gel:
i "Every man," said die dcrviso, "has two
angels, one on his right shoulder and one
on his left; wlicn lie does anything good, the
angel on his right s ouldcr writos it down
j and seals it, becauso, what has once been
well done, is ilono forever. Whon ho doos
; evil, the angel on tiro loft ann writes itdoWu
—he waits till midnight: if, before that timo
I llie man bows his head and exclaims, "Gra
cious Allah! 1 have sinned—forgive me!"
, the angel rubs it 'out: but if not, at midnight
lie seals it, and the angel on the right shoul
der weeps "
I iscouteut is a sin that is its own punish
ment, Tuid makes men torment themselves ,
it makes tho spit it sad—die body sick--ami
all enjoym lit sour; it rises not from tho con
dition, but the mind, l'aul was contented
in a prison—Ahab was discontented in a
j palac ■; ho had ail tho dolights of Cannaan,
that pleasant laud, tho wealth of a king
dom, tho pleasures of a court, tho honors
and powers of a throne; yet all. t|iis . avqils
him nothing witho il Nabolh's vineyard. In
ordinate desire exposes men to continual
: vexations, and being disposed to fret, they
. will always find something to fret about.—
M<i thcu> Henry.
The Worn.ragman's West.
i Cheer iheo up, child of labor! tho blessed
! Sabbath is thine own. It is tho excellent
gift of thy Makor—sco then that no man rob
thoo of the boon ! It is tho heir loom of Jtliy
family—sco that it bo not alionatod from thy
' possesssion ! It is a sacred inheritance ho-
I qucalod by successive generations qf tho
I gorily—seo thon that its fences are unhrokon,
1 ami that its fruitful soil is not, through neg
lect, cursed with sterility and nakedness
i Tho fifty two Sabbaths of rest with whish
tho year is inlorsporsod, are like patches of
i. verdure by ever-springing fountains, that
dot tho iiihospital wilderness, and invites its
fainted travellers to cxliilcralion and repose
r As Gold which ho cannot spend will
make uo man rich, so knowledge which ho
cannot apply will majtt uo man wise.
TIIE COTTON Cnor.—lt is estimated tin'
i I tho cotton crop of the present year will a
r mount to 2 31t>,b0O bales