The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, July 18, 1850, Image 4

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    The New Cabinet. j
Waasbington, July 15.
® It ie definitely settled tKAt the' following
gentlemen will compose the new Cabinet,
under President Fillmore : •
Robert C. Winthrop, of Mass., Secretary of 1
Samuel F> Vinton, of Onio, Secretary of
- Thomas M. T. Mcßennon, of fennsylvani-
of the Treasury. v
Mr. Graham, Secretary of War.
Thes. Butler King, ofGa., Secretary of the
Navy." 4 . . . .
Gov. Mowhoad, of Kentucky, PostMaster
General. Cf
Mr Hopkins; *f Alabama, Attorney Gener
al. . , .
By Rev. Johr. on the 4th inst.,
Mr. ISAR; M ORRooar.of Abinglon, to Miss
LAURA BROWN of Providence.
On the tith inst., Mr. MATHEV HODGSON to
Miss MARIA KEPP, both ortjovington.
On the Bih inst.,by ,E B HAR
VEY Esq., to Miss SARAH M. (URHETSON .both
< f Wilkesbarre.
On Sunday evening of last week, by Rev.
I.fflahf, Mr. CLARK B. STEWART, to Miss
MARGARET RAPP, both of Union township,
• Schuylkill County.
On Tusday last, by Rev. T. Mitcholl, Mr.
ILLEMAN, all of Danville. .4^
Sheriff's Sales.
BY virtug of sundry write, of venditioni
exponas to me directed will be exposed to
Eublic sale at the Court-house in Blooms
urg, on Monday the 18th day of August
next at 1 o'clock P. M. the following real
ertale, to wit
A certain piece and parcel of land situ ate
in tho Borough of Dpnville in Columbia
■County containing two town lots, bounded
on tho west by Church Street on the north
by vacant lot late of Sarah 11. Sechter deed.,
on the East by an ally anf on by
Baltly'e containing on
Street, one hundred feet, and ig
<• ."ength one hundred and fifty feet whereqn
is erected a double two storv lrame dwel
ling House with the appurtenances.
' Seized and taken in Execution as the
property of John Grim.
ALSO, at the same time and place,
A certain lot of Ground situate in Antho
# ny township, Columbia Connty Bounded
by latfds of Andrew Shoemaker, John F.
Dorr and others. Containing four acres
more or less., whereon is erected a two sto
ry fram • dwelling House, and frame stable
and other out buildings, with the appurtenan
Seized and taken in Execution nnJ to be
sold as the property of Robert B. Carey.
I at the same time and place,
One town lot, situate in the Borough of
Berwick, Briarcrcek township Columbia
county, containing one fourth of an acre
■ inore or less., Bounded in front by main
street, a lot of Doctor Jacksor., and others
whereon is erected a new one and a half
story frame dwelling House, with the appur
Seized and takon in Execution and to bo
sold as tho .property of Levi D. Canouse.
ALSO, at the same time #nd place,
Ail the right title and Interest in a certain
lot or piece of Ground situate in Main Tap.,
Columbia County containing one half acre
more or less Bounded by lands df Wil
liam Ridemoyer Isaac Yetter, and others,
whereon'is erected a stone Church with the
Seized and taken in Execution and to be
sold as the property of Daniel Howler!
ALSO, at the same time and place, by
virtue of a writ of levarie facias,
All that certain messuage tenement and
tract of land, situate in thu township of Mad
ison, bounded and described as follows. Be
ginning at a post then by land ol Samuel
Moore North seventy degrees, west sixty
perches, to a post; thence south seventy de
grees west sixteen perches and six tenths [to
a post thence north seven degrees west one
hundred and thirty nine perches and seven
tenths to a post thenco by lands of Besiii.e
south Eighty a half degrees west
fifty two purches to a post, thence by land
of l'eter Everit south two degrees Enst forty
two perches and three tenths to a post, south
seventy two degrees, and three quarters forty
evan perches and six tenths to a post, south
seven degrees East one hundred and seventy
nine perches and four tenths to a post.
North sjvhnty degrees East one hundred and
twenty two perches lo the beginning, con
taining one hundred and twenty two acres
and one hundred and fifty five perches of
Land &c. &c.
Seized taken in execution anil to be si 11
as the property of Ludwig Young.
SherifTs Office, j
July 18lH 1850. j
Spring and bummer Goods.
AGAIN the undersigned take pleasure iq
announcing lo their friends anr the public,
that they have just received a select ami
heavy assortment of choice
adapted to the season, and wants of the peo
ple, which they offer for sale, at their old
stand at prices "cheaper than the cheapest."
Their stock comprizes a full assortment of all
kinds of goods, usually kept in counly stores,
and without particularizingeaoh article, feel
warranted in saying that those in want
good goods have only to call to satisfy the
taste and fancy.
Groceries, Qgceaawrnre, Hardware, Fish,
Salt, Molasses, Arc.
A Large ann beautiful selection of the a-'
bove articles of superior quality, at very low
ALSO—llajs Caps, Boots, Shoes,<ic., of
every variety, sort, Bize and price.
C3F" Cash paid for grain always.
Bloom sbing,|Am|j|
Remaining iu the Post Office at Bloomsburg
Adams Mr Esq M'Clitre Mr.
Heint Daniel ' M'Kinney JohnC.
Burnside John Oar Joseph
Battler Peter Pressor Thomas
Cathermeil Jacob Ruam Hugh (ship
Chambers Sarah Rumple J.
Davis James ■ • Kodgers George
Edgar Jonathan Rough Mtcal
Green Lewis C. ■ Smith George.
Humphrat John ' 'Stout John -*•'
Irwin Deniei E. Whitside George
Irwin Jeoob Wilson Peter <■
Losing Kale . Young Jeremiah 2
Mason. William
tW&LU E. WcKiLfW,
OFFICE —Two doors below the Court-Hogse,
North side of Main Btreet.
Nov. 8, 1849.
Mlt la PutttiNi
- Cshmhia County ss. -
* " •iWyH' Tle Commonwealth of Penqsyl
vania to Catharine widow of Geo.
> '.aKflJl£'^'" er senr ' deceased, Henry, E
vjKHJpTmabeth intermarried with John
"TJIRV Groover, David, Sarah mtermar
. tied wilt Paul Horn, Catherine intermarried
with Abraham Klase Jr., Samuel Mary, Re
becca intermarried with Jacob L. Shuman &
Susan a Minor about 18 years ot age, heirs
oi George Miller senr., late of Mifflin Town
ship deed., and all other persons greeting.
Yon and each of you are hereby cited lo be
1 and appear before the Judges ot our Orphans
Court at ail Orphans Court to be held at
. Bloomsbuig on the third Monday of August
next of said day, and then and there accept
or refuse to lake Estate of said George Mil
ler senr., deed., situate in Maine Township
in said County at the appraisraentput upon it
by the inquest duly awarded by the Court
and Returned by the Sheriff on 19th day of
November A. D. 1849, and in case all (lie
heirs and representatives to refuse the Estate
at the Valuation, then to show cause, why
the same should not be sold. Witness the
Honorable Joseph B. Anthony Esq., Presi
dent of our said Court at Bloomsburg the
first day bf February A. D. 1850.
Bloomsburg June 20, 1850.-lc
NOTICE is hereby given thai the
several Courts of Cotnmom Pleas, Gen
eral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and
Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer and
Terminer and Jail Delivery, in and for
the County of Columbia, to commence at
the Court House in Bloomsburg, on
Monday the 10th day of August next, Jo
continue one week.
The Coroner, Justices of the Peace &
Constables, in and forihe counly of Col
umbia, are requested to be then and there
in their proper persons, with their rolls,
records, other remem
brances, to do those (higga to their sev
eral offices to be done.
in behalf
against any pris-
and commanded
toattending in their pro
per against him, as
shall ft depart without
leave at"mQW* Jurors are request
ed to be punctual in their attendance, at
the time appointed agreeable to "their no
tices, •
Given under my hand at Bloomsburg the
lllli day of July, is the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and
, fifty—and the Independence of the U
nited States of America the 74th.
(God save the Commonwealth.)
Where may always be found a very large
and varied assortment of fine Watches, E
legant Jewelry, Fancy Articles, fine Cut
lery, Silver and Plated Ware, fyo., offers
greater enduceraents to purchasers than
any other similar establishment in Phila
Li addition to my heretofore Urge slock
I Iwle just added a now lot of Watches,
Jewelry, Fancy Articles, 4*-, making my
present assortment one of the best in Pliil
ladalphia. My assortment consists in port
of Gold and Silver Lever, Lepine, Quar
tier and other walchcs; a full assortment
of Jewelry, such as Cameo, Stone and
Mourning Broaches, Finger Rings, in a
great variety, Silver and Plated Table and
Tea-spoods, Butter Knives, Thimbles and
Pencil Cases, Lcckels, Purses, Keys, a
fine lotof Razors, Penknives, rj-c., with a
lull assortment of Gold Pens of all the
different Makers al the greatly reduced
price ol $1,25.
No, 238 Market St., above 7th, Phila.
All kinds of Watches and Jewelry care
fully repaired and warranted' My goods
are offered at the very lowest cash prices.
Cull and sea, it costs nothing to look.
Septembar 20* 1848, —ly.
List of Causes for trial at August
Term, 1850.
1 Edmund L Pipes vs. John Bailey
2 Geo Fox's Admr. vs Andrew Emmons
Admr. et nl
3 John Shlvely vs Jacob R Hower
4 Anna Dill man vsS B M Yantz
5 John Davidson vs Wm H Wooden
6 Isaac Bernheimerct al. vs Joseph K Fred
crick et al -
7 JohnG Brutmer et si vs Jonas llarlman
8 David Hitter §t al vs Joseph Maus
it Wm.A|MriCßßon vs John Peter Groves el al
10 et al vs Wm Schuyler
II et al vs Henry Johnson
12 JoflpHms vs Chas F Mann
13 vs Beuj P Frick et al
14 AllwSßchlcr et al vs John M- Fiester
15 Chas Kramm vs Wm E Allbright et al
16 Samuel PHueyvs the Montour Iron Com
pany et al.
17 Lafayette Kepler vs Elisha Hess.
18 W Mongomery's ex vs David F Kownover
19 Dr. John Ramsey vs Rev John P I leister
20 Moore & Biddle vs Simon P Kase
21 Wildoner's admr vs Robert Lockard
22 Levi Bissel's admr vs Amzi Brown
23 John Conner vs Stiles & Brink
24 Wm Bitterly vs Moses May etex
25 Samuel'ConrfOr vs Conrad Adams
26 E flicks et al vs Frederick Robb
27 Daniel- Hill vs Nicholas Soibert
28 Geo Fredericks et al vs Vaniah Rees
29 Jacob Fetterman vs Daniel Roller
. ,30 Daniel Blizard vs Solomon Rudy et al
31 Yard Gilmen & Co vs W Donaldson
32 B. P. Frick vs Chas F. Mann.
New Arrangement! Wilkesbarre to
2b the Travelling Public.
Northumberland, Cant. Allabach, will leave
O. B. Hillard's Wharf for Pittston every mor-
7, Arriving at Pittston at 84 o-clock,
Returning leave Pittston at 8 o'clock, A.
M.—Arrive at Wilkesbarre 114 o'clock! A.
Leave Wilkesbarre at 3 o'clock, P. M
Returning, leave Pittston at. 4 past 6 o'clock :
Arrive at "W iMbsbarre at I before 8 o'clock,"
Passengers taken, on board and put off at
all intermediate landings.
'Fare, each Way, 20 Cent*.
CP" Pckages and Freight Carried at Low
T. M. HORTON & Co., Prop's.
B. Passengers for Hyde Park, Scran-_
tonia, Providence, Blakely, Carbondale and
Hotlpsdale. .will find it to their advantage to
take,this line as far as Pittston.
Far the Cere ef
OOUOHB, 00X.J38,
The uniform success which bee attended the
use oftbis preparation; ite salutary elfecl;ilapow
oi to relieve and cure affections of the Lungs, have
' gained for it a celebrity equalled by no other nied
' ccine, Weofl'eritt,, the afflicted with entire
: confidence in its virtues, and the full belief thellit
will eubduc and remove the severest attache of dis
ease upon the throat and Lungs, The results, as
they become publicly known, very naturally at
tract the attention of medical men and philanthro
pists everywhere. What is their opinion of CH
ERRY PECTORAL may be seen ih the follow
ing ;
Valentine Matt, M. D., Professor Sur
gery. Medical College, K. F, says :
It gives me pleasure to certify to the value end
efiiicacy of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which 1 con
sider peculiarly adapted to cure diseases of the
Threat and I.unga
The lit. Rev. Lord Bishop Field
Writes int lettar to his friend, who was sinking
under en affection of the Lungs, •Try the Cherry
Pectoral, and if any medicine can give you relief
with the blessing of God that will'
Chief Justice Eustis,
of Louisiana, writes thet a young daughter of his
was cured of several severe attacks of Otvup by
the Cherry Pectoral
Hartford, Jan 26, 1848
Dear Sir; Having been rescued from t peinfu
ond i.angeroue disease by your medicine, gratitude
prcmpte me to eend you this acknowledgment not
' only in justice to you but for the information of
ethers in likg affliction
A slight cold upon the lungs neglected at first,
beoame so severe lhat spitting of blood, a violent
cough and profuse night sweats followed end foe
. tened upon me I became emaciated, could not
eleep, wae distressed by my cough, and a pain
through my chest, and in short had all the alarm
ing symptoms of quick consumption No medi
cine aeemed at all to reach my case, until provi
dentially 1 tried your Cherry Pectoral, which re-
I raved and now has cured too
Yours "with respect E A BTWART
Albany, N Y, April 17, 1848
Dear Sir; I have for years been afflicted wi h
Asthma in the worst form ; so that I have been
obliged to deep in my chair for a larger part of
the time, being unable to breathe on my bed 1
had tried y grert many medicines to no purpose,
until my physician prescribed, as au experiment,
your Cherry Pectoral
At first it seemed to make me worse, hut in less
than a week I began to experience the most grati.
fving relief from its use ; and in four weeks the
disease was entirely removed I Can sleep on my
bed with comfort, and enjoy a stato of health
which I never expected GEO S FAIIRANT
Prepared by J C Aytr. Lowell, Mass
Sold by E P LUTZ, Bloomsburg
A B WILSBN, Berwick
. April 4-6 m ch v
Celebrated Family Medlclner
* The Original and Genuine Preparation!
■ Consiimplion,
Coughs; Colds, Asthma, Bronohitis, Liver
Complaint, Spitting Blood, difficulty of
lire all ing, l'ain in the Side and Breast, •
Palpitation of the Heart Iniluenza,
Croup, broken Constitution, Sore
Throat, Nervous Debility, and all
diseases of the' Throat, Breast
and Lung; the most effectual
and speedy cure known for
any of the above diseas
es is
Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of
Wild Cherry.
WM. MONTELIUS, a respectable merchant of
St. Clair, Schuylkill county, writes, January
30, 1849 Enclosed I send you a certificate
of Worn. Beaumont, a citizen of our town.
Hi s case of consumption is well known here,
and of long standing; he attributes his cure
entirely to your Compound Syrup of Wild
"A safe and effectual remedy for Worms, Dys
pepsia, Cholera Morbus, sickly or Dyspep
tic Children or Adults, and the most *
usejul Family Medicine ever of
fered to the public.
led, gl ndersloum, Indiana. A ngan purchased
a bottle of your Vermifuge the other day for
his child, and by its use it discharged 63 of'
the largest worms he had ever seen. It iB
somewhat difficult to get the people lo try it,
as they have so often been gulled by* nause
ous and worthless worm medicines. Yours
being so very pleasant to thp taste, at the
same time effectual, I shall he able to dispose
of a large quantity* Respectfully, yours, Ac.,
Remember: Dr. Swayne's Vermifuge is
now put up in square bottles, recent
ly been changed;) covered with a oeautiful
wrapper, (steel engraving,) with the portrait
of Or. Swaynethereon engraved. Bear this
in mind, and be not deceived. CLENSE AND
* EXTRACT OF TAR PILLH.— A mild and effec
tive purgative, great purifyer of the blood,
ih?V correct all the functions of the Liver,
ancf as an alternative Dropsical affections,
they are very valuable. Giddiness of the
head, dimness of sight, depression of spirits,
headache, &0., are cured by these purifying
Pilla No medicine can have a better effect
. for monthly irregularities, which occasionally
happen to women, they are perfectly safe,
ana will in conjunction with Dr. Swayne's
compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, take all
pain anddisease from every part of (he sys
The above valuable medicines are pre
pared ouly by DR. SWA YNE, N. W. corner
of EIGHTH and RACE Streets, Philadel
E. P. LUTZ A JOHN R. MOVER, Bloomsbulg,
Pa; M CGrier& John Moore Danvilte; John
Sharpless&C Hart man & Co., Catawissa; G ,
R Shuman Catawissa Forge; Brown and
Creasy, Mifflinville; A Miller Berwick: John
Doak Briar Croek tp.; Petor Eat Williams
burg; E. Lazarus Orangeville; JK Millatd 1
Espytown: Elias Wertmxn Rohrsburg; Geo.
Masters Millville ; J M Sheldon Jeraeytown ;
McCay & Patterson Washingtonville; Hugh <
McWilliams Moresburg; and by most all t
Storekeepers in ihe adjacent Counties. j
Bloomsburg, Feb. 21, i860.—6m.
OFFICE— -On the Es it side of Main Street i
three tqatret belev Market.
UT To the citisSns of Columbia county..An
Read what otheis say of the virtues of
Or. Keeler's Cordial & Carminative.
For the speedy cure of Diarrhcßa. (dysen
tery. Cholerj Infantum, Cholera Morbus, all
summer complaints, Chouc, Flatulency, and
all derangements of the stomach and bow ■
els from teething, tic.
Thousands die annually with diseases of
the stomach and bowels from neglect. A
mong the numerous remedies both public &
private, recommended for the above diseases
none are equal to the Cordial. Years ot ex
perience and trials made with it in hundreds
of cases, superadded to the voluntary testi
mony fiotll physicians and others, gives it a
character not to be cher
idling the welfare of themeetOPsand chil
dren. Speedily subduing the path and in
flammatory tendency, allaying irritability of
the stbmach, and constraining unhealthy e
vacualions, its operation is prompt and ef
That it will cure, and has cured, the worst
form of disease of'the stomach and bowels,
read the following evidence :
Philadelphia, June 1, 1849.
Dr. J. N. Kecler —l received your note this
morning asking for information as to the dis
tribution I made o< the package of cordial
you put into my possession while in com
mand of the U. States transport during the
Mexican war According to your direolion a
rart was distributed in Vera Cruz, the other
kept for the use of my seamen and others
on board, beliving I should have use for it,
as I had ou board frequently ' from one to
throe hundred persons, and that many when
' leaving Mexico would lie on the sick list.—
Such was the fact, for Dysentery and Diarr
hoea extensively prevailed ; I used the cor
dial freely, and in not a single instance do I
recollect of its havir.g failed to,core. My
own crew would Often be attaolaKd with Di
arrhrna, Dysenlerry, &c, peculiar to nearly
all after getting on shore arid eating fruit and
vegetables ; in all such cases the cordial did
not fail to cure speedily
When in New Orleans, a friend informed
me of a Philadelphia gentleman, S Church
man Esq, who was sick with the Dysentery,
and despaired of by his doctor I mention
ed having a bottle or so of your cordial I
I sent it to him, and in a few days I had the
pleasure of seeing him we 11,4 can give you
many names ahd testimonials rmthe efficacy
of your cordial if necessary. I have given
it to one ship master of this port, in particu
lar Capt Whipple, ship Monongahelu, and he
informed me he would not be without it I
think it is the safest and best medicine that 1
have ever known to be used iff affections of "
the stomach and bowels.
I remain yours respectfully,
D D WilcoX, 288 6 Eighth street
Davisville, Bucks co, Aug 25, 1847
Dear Sir—l am now prepared to recom
mend you* cordial from having used*it with
success in several instances, ;uid 1 am now
trying your Sa-sapa'rilla Pan usee ia. a case of
protracted debility, attended w'rth cough, ap
parently produced irathe young lady by her
'outgrowing her strength,' to use a common
phrase. Yours, A EARLE, M D
From the Upland Union.
We are as little disposed as most persons
to encourage appeals to law or medicine, but
with all the legerdemain of the first, and the
ignorance anuquakery of the last, appeals
must occasionally be made to both. Thg
excessive heat and the accompaning pro*
ductions of the season are already producing
Diarrhea, Dysentery and/ holera Infantum,
complaints.which if not "promptly relieved
produce great debility and frequent death.
From a knowledge of its beneficial effects,,
we refer to Dr. Keeler's Cordial andCrrmiu
alive," advertised in this paper. Dr, Keeler
is a physician otintelligence, skill, and large
practice, and if thtf remedies and commen
dations of medical authority are to bo de
pended on the ndovo named article will be
found useful ia the complaints referred to.
IV Also Dr. Keeler's Sarsaoarilla. a med
icine of great efficacy in freeing the system
from all diseases arising from impurities of
the blood. In chronic diseases of the chest,
stomach, liver and skin it is of great benefit.
Femalesrouffering withtiervous debility loss
of appetite, costiveness, pains of the chest,
functional will find a positive
cure in the Sarsaparilla. KST Sea pamphlets.
Price SI.
All of the above celebrated and extensive
ly used medicines, are prepared and sold
Wholesale and Retail,* 294 Market 'street,
For sale also by J. R. MOYER, Blooms
burg; Qhalfant & Hughes, and Dr. J. A.
Moore, Danville; E. Francisctrs,' Jersey
Shore; and" by Druggists and Merchants
throughout the County and State. •
'Bloomsburg, Nov. 22d., 18A9.—ly.
The undersigned, appointed Sequestrator
by the Conrt of Common PiuvtS Colum
bia cqunty in the suit of Jonas Dayman for
the use of R. R. Carpenter, pow for the use
of John Snyder vs. William Shoemaker, will
expose to publio sale at the Court-house in
Bloomsburg, on Saturday the 3d day. of Au
gust next, at 10 o'clock P. M., all the life
Estate of William Shoemaker in a certain
piece or tsact of land situate in Greenwood-
Tn<Mship Columbia County Containing fifty
acres more or less of which nearly all is
cleared land, bounded by lands of Peter Bit
tenbender, Elijah Albertson, and others
whereon is erected a one and a half story
frame dwelling House and a large Barn
witlrthe appurtenances.
Bloomsburg, June 13th 185#.
lb Collectors and Tax-payers of Columbia
County, ■>
Is hereby given, that an abatement of five
percent, will be allowed on all State Taxes
for 1850, paid on or before trie 18th day of
July next, and the Collectors are requested
to meet at the Treasurer's Office in Blooms
burg on that day, for the purpose of paying
over all taxes received by them up to that
time, in consequence of the passage of a law
by the last Legislature prohibiting the eircu
lajion of bank notes of other states and of a
less denomination than five dollats in pay
ment of county, or State Taxes, or mdiua
The Collectors for '4B and '49, will do well
to call on the day above mentioned, and
settle the amount of their respective dupli
cates as we intend to place all back standing
Taxes, at that time for those two years in
process of collection.
Treasurer's Office, June 12 1850. (
This house is kept by D. BLAIR, and is one
of the best in the city. Merchants and oth
ers visiting Philadelphia woulddo well to
give him a Jail.
Webster's Unabridged Dictionary,
German Bibles, German Hymn Books, and
just about all other kind of Books for sale at
the Bloomsburg Book Store in ' Bi b gs Ex
change Building, by
MART snd pisny * wife endures years of bodily
•offering and of mental anvuish, prostrate end Help
less, embittering her life, that of ber Husband, and
hazarding the fotore welfare of ber children, arising
from causes which, if known, woold have spared the
suffering, the anguish to the wife, and to the hus
band embarrassments and pecuniary difficulties hav
ing their origin in the mind being weighed down and
harassed in consequence of the sickness of the com
panion of his bosom.
How Important that tlie causes should be known
to every wife, to every husband, that the dreadful
and harrowing consequences to the health and hap*
pineaa of both may be avoided! Life is too short and
health too precious to admit any portion of the one to
be spent without the full enjoyment of the other.
The timely possession of a little work entitled as
follows has been the means of saving Use health and
the life of thousands, as over
copies have been sold since die first edition was is
The author has been induced to advertise it by
the nrgent and presting request of those who have
been indebted lo its publication for all they liold dear
(that all may have an opportunity of obtaining it), and
who have favored him with thouianda of letters of
encomium, some of which are annexed to the adver
Private Medical Companion.
raoranoß or DISEASES or WOMEW.
Twentieth Edition. 18sio., pp. 930. Price. 81.00.
LY FOR THE MARRIED, or those contempts
ting marriage, as it discloses Important secrets which
shoutdlelmown to them pertteolarfy.
Hare, every ferotle—tho srtfe, the mother—the
one either budding into womanhood, or the ooe in
the decline of yeara, in whom nature contemplates
an Important change—can discover the causes, symp
toms, snd the most efficient remedies and most cer
tain mode of cure, in overy complaint to which her
The revelattona contained in Its pages have proved
a bleating to thousands, as the innumerable letters
received by the author (which he Is permitted by the
writers to publish) will attest.
Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman ia Dayton, O.
"DAYTON, May 1, 1647.
"Ila. A.'M. MAURICIAO—Afr Dear Sir: 'The
Married Woman's Private Medical Companion,' for
which I enclosed one dollar to your address, came
safely to bond. I would not have troubled you with
theso few tinea, but that 1 am itopeltedfifcr recuse
* of gratitude, for myself and wife, lo give utterance
to our sincere and heartfelt emotions.
■ My wife has been perceptibly sinking for some
three years or more, in sonsequence of her greet an
guish and suffering some months before ana dunng
confinement, every saccesaive one more and more
debilitated and prostrated her, puttfeg her life in im
minent danger, and which waa, on the last occasion,
despaired of I supposed that this state of things was
inevitable, and resigned myself to meet the worst
At this time (now about two months) I heard your
book highly apoken of, as containing some matters
reaching my case. On ita receipt and perusal, I sen
not express to you the relitf it afforded my distressed
mind and the Joy its pagffi imparted to my wife, on
learning that the great diacovety of M. M. Deso
meaux provided a remedy. It opened a prospect to
mo which I littfe conceived was possible. No peon-
Diary conaideration can ever rtpiy the obligations I
am under to you for having been the meana of im
parting to ua the matters contained in 4 The Married
Woman's Private Medical Companion.' But for
thia, ere another year would have posed over my
head, in all human probability my wife would have
been in her grave, end my children left motherless.
Extract from a Letter.
Competence and Health.
"LANCASTER, PA., Oct 24, 1847.
" Mr DEAR SIR: I know yen will have the kind
neaa to boar with me in encroaching upon yottr time,
while I acknowledge (in behalf of myaelf and wife)
the obligations we feel ourselves under to you in hav
ing made known certain matters, contained in your
most invaluable 4 Married Woman'i Private lfealcal
Companion.' It bus beeu worth ita weight in gold
to me. If I express myself rather warmly, you will
Eee that I can not do so too warmly, when I inform
yoiw>f the extent to which I have, through it, been
benefited. I will situation when I obtained
.your book through the merest cariosity I look upon
it as one of the moat fortunate events of nay life. 1
had been married some ten and was the father
of seven children. I was long straggling unceasingly,
to the end that I might gain a moderate competency,
but the results of my utmost exertions it the end )eft
me about where I was at the beginning pf each yesr;
and that only, with the most stinted economy, suffi
cing vgith barely the necessaries of life. Finally, this
constant effort was beginning to have ita effect upon ;
my health: I felt Jem capable to endure its contmu
anee, while I felt the necessity of perseverance.
- This constant, unceasing struggle on my part waa
imperative, in consequence of tlie prostrated condi
tion of my wife (with occasional intermission) for six
yCSre, much of the time confined to ber bed, and of
course incapable of taking the charge and manage
ment of household affairs. Ucr condition arose from
causes of which IWM ignorant. Oh! what would
I have given had I the at* yegfi to live over agsin!
What would my wife have given to have been spared
the long days and stlU longer nights prostrate on a
bed of sickness!—all of which would have been
avoided, had I then teen a cbpy of 4 THE MARRIED
Frgm a Physician.
How many are suffering from obstractibn or irreg
ularities peculiar to the female sy#em, which un
dermine their health, the effects of which they are
ignorant, andribr which tbfcir delicacy fix-bids seeking,
medical advice! How many suffer from prolapsus
uteri (falling of the womb), or from Jtuor-albus (weak
ness, debility, &£., Ac )! How many are in constant
agony for many.months preceding confinement! How
many have difficult if not dangerous deliveries, and
whoae lives are jeoparded daring such time, will find
in its pages the means of prevention, amelioration,
and relief! m
Extract jrom a Letter.
TJ thou juit lirrifU.—"Had I known!"
"Dn. A. M. MADHICIAII I Had I known oi the im I
portent matter, treated of in 'The Married Women's
Private Medical Companion' some years ago. how
mnch misery I might have escaped ! I have suffered
years from causes which you point out in yonr book,
without knowing what to do. I obtained a copy, snd
found my esse treated of. I trust every female will
avail herself of the information contained in its pages."
Letters are daily received of thi, character, unne
cessary to present.
To those yet unmarried, but contemplating man
riage, or pertiaps hesitating as to the propriety of
' incurring the responsibilities attendant upon it, tho
importance of being possessed of the rerelstioes con
tained in these pages, so Intimately involving their
fqtare happiness, ctn not be appreciated.
ItV or course, impracticable to convey more fully
the various subjects treated of, as they are of a na
ture strictly intended for the married, or those eon
templating marriage; neither is it neceeeair, since
it Is every one's duy to become preeessed of knowl
edge whereby thjpfifferings to wblMi\ wife, a moth
er, or a sister, may be subject, csn be obviated,
(y Copies will be seat by Mall dree mt Fes tags
to tbe Pure baser.
EJ r On the receipt of One Dollar, " THE MAR
PANION" ia stint f mailed free I to any part of the
United States. All letters must be post paid (except
those containing e remittance), aad addressed to Dr.
A. M. MAURICEAU, Box 1994, New York City.
Publishing Office, No. 19* Liberty St., New York.
Over 941,000 Copies bare beea seat by MAIL
within,jnrce months with perfect safety aad cer
Booksellers an-J agents engaged in its sale,
are making handsome competencies from
the ready and extraordinary demand for it.
and the extiemely liberal terms affordca
Active local or travelling Agents, through
out the United States and Canadas, will be
supplied on the same terms. Communica
tions are required to be post paid and addres
sed as above.
LF CAUTION.—The public are cautioned
against various cutch-pennirs intended to be
palmed off upon them, imitating the title of
the work as "The Married Ladies' Medical
Companion,'' and various other titles. The
title of the work is " The Marrud WO
MAN'S Private Medical Companion," by Or.
A. M. Maurueau. •
House, sign and Ornamental
DONE to order in the best highly-finished
or plain style, by B. HAGENBUCH
CJ-MAT AR3J? A 2iX v
. gloan and Mendenhalls
HAS just received a fresh., assortment' of
Spring and Summer Dry Goods, of everv va
riety whiohithey are now ready 4o.exhibit to
all those who may favor us with a. call, a*
we will sell ou fair and accommodating
terms. .Their stock consists, of every variety
of Dry Goqds. ■ t (
Linen snd.Colten fabrics And Summer
wear of all kinds' Calicoes, Chints, Ging
hams, Lawns, ana Maslins, bleached and
unbleached. ■■•*. ... • ...
Palm-leaf and other Hats.
Queens-ware and Hard-ware of all kieds.
GROCERIES.—Fresn and new and a very
fine assortment, as cheap as tbe chenpest.
P. S. Country produoe and lumber, al
ways taken in Exchange for Merchandize,
at the Brick Store directly opposite the Court
Dloomsb'irg, April 13, 1850.
RKSPECTFULLV invites the attention oT the
publio to his new stock of choice Spring and
Summer Goods, which he has just opened &
ofters at the lowest prices. His assortment
consists of a full variety of Dry Goods, Gro
And among these will be found a variety 1
Of the cheapest styles and best fabrics.
His goods are purchased a! the "lowest fig
ure," and will be sold at the lowest profit. <
Purchasers will do well to see his goods and
prices before purchasing elsewhere.
dUis store is in the old stand upon Main
Bloomsbarg, April 19th 1850. \
Fire Insurance.
THE Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance
Company, have appointed the undersigned
an Agent, lo make insurances in Columbia
county. The Company is in good credit,and
is conducted upon sound principles. Persons
insured by life Company are entitled lo the
rights of membership therein, are elegible
as Directors of the Corporation, but without
any individual liability for the losses or expenses
of the Company. The amount of premium
and policy paid when insured is the extent
of liability. Persons desirous of eflecting
an insurance upon property, can call upon
the undersigned, at nis Office in Bloomsburg.
May 22, 1850.
Eagle Woolen Factory.
Near Berwick, Columbia County, Penn.
The subsbribers respectfully inform their
friends and the (ffiblic that they are carrying
on the woolen manufacturing business in all
its various branches, at the old stand former
ly occupied by .Samuel Rogers & Son. They
aro prepared to execute ah kinds of work in
their line of business' The Factory machi
nery and apparatus arejn goot! repair, and
every effort will be made to render "genera!
satisfaction. They are now prepared to
manufacture from the fleece
Broad and Narrow Cloths, Satinetts, CasSi
meres Blunketting,'Jfc.
Also, Carding and Fulling done in the
best manner and at the usual prices. * .
For the accommodation,of those who live
at a distance, wool and cloth w,i|l be taken ip
at, and returned, when finished, lo the fol
lowing places, viz :
Berwick, A Miller, S Bowman's stores
Centre tsp, G H Fowler's do
Nescopeck, Miller & Schuyler do
Light rilreel, Sloan & Thompson do
Bloomsburg, Wm Mcjjelvy &Co do
Conyngham, Se'ybefft do
Mifflinville, Brown & Creasy do
Wapwaliopen, Heller do
Nescopeck tsp, Walker do
Catawissa, Shirpless do
Nanticoke, Alexander do
Orangeville, Lazarus do
Beaver tsp, Shumau's tavern
Hyde Park. Rickelson do
. Pittston, Foreman do
Catawissa Forge, Shuman do
Espvtown, Barton store
Wilkesbarre, Z Bentiet, C B Fisher do
Salem, Sejkiert do
East-Sugarloaf, Robert tavern
Abington Centre, Reynold store.
Kingston, Helme's tavern.
Catawissa Valley, Brisli do
Roaringcreek, 1 eager . do
tar' Plainl y-written directions must accom
pany each parcel. They will at all times
exchange any kind of goods for wool.
May 25, 1850—2 18 2m '
By virtue of a testatum writ o. venditioni
exponas from the Court of Common Pleas
of Wyoming co'inty, entered in the Court
of Common Pleas of Columbia county, will
be exposed to public sale at the Court House
in Bloomsburg on Saturday the 3d day of A"u
gust next,*at 10 o'clock P. M., all the right
titlo and interest in a certain tract of land
situate in Fishingcreek township, |Columbia
county, containing two hundred acres more
or less, about eighty a cres of which is
cleared land, Jiounded by lands of Simon
Todd, John Eveland," Sam'l Yost and others,
whereon are erected iwo log houses and*a
small barn.
Seized, taken ir. execution and to ba sold
as the property of Ralph R Carpenter
At the same time and place by virtue of a
writ of venditioni exponas a certdin tract or
piece of laud situate in Briarcrcek township,
Columbia county, containing 48 acres more
or less, of which about 20 acres is cleared,
bounded by lauds of John Martz on ths south
on the north by lands of John Vanpelt. and
others, whereon is erected a two story flame
dwelling house, a log barn and other ont
buildings, with an apple orchard, and the ap
purtenances. I
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold
as the property of Josiah Fowler
Sheriff's Office, Bloomsburg, |
, June 13, 1850. (
, The subscriber appointed sequestrator in
. suit of Fruitfe Weliiver for the use of Rus
sel P. Weliiver vs. Harris Hartman will ex
pose to publio stile upon the premises in
| Madison township Columbia, on Friday the
, 2d day of August next at 10 o'clock A. M-,
f ail the life Rs.ate of Harris Hartman in a
| certain tract of land situate in Madison Tp., !
, Columbia County containing one Hundred
. acres more or leas, Bounded by lands of
William Johgst<, Isaac Logons and other*,
of which about thirty acres is cleared land i
. whereon ia erected a one stora log dwelling
Bouse and an eld log Bam ana a gdod Spring
at tbe Reuse with the appurtenances.
i [Sequestrator.
Bloomsburg, June 27th ItSO.-ts
TKfiJi|iifl. PrteM,.
An extract from the*
Huzel, and purely
fijjm that with th
eticebtiort of, a lit.
tie Alcohol to pre>
senveiM ...
,■ It will care all lo
cal pain and infla
maiion, old sores, ireen wounds.and hrui>a ,
1 Piles,.and ail disease*. of the bowel# of a
I chronic nature, tooth ache and ear-ache, &.,
|TO J ■ N '• :• 1 }., r ■
| It i truely what it professes to bo. "My
, People's Friend !" providence ha* scattered
i along, the rugged paths of life many thing*
j that oontribcto. greatlyi to 'the comfort and
I happiness of eVery body ; hence their greet
j value, and well may they be called 'frieuda
lof tno people.'. v •/ •
One wurdhere to guard against imposition.
A man by the name of spanner, has . inarip
ufactured and offered fot sale usurious ar
ticle ca Med the Coryll Eitratt,— that would
be extract of the hazel-nutthe geliuir® is
ss white and pure as wnter. while the spuri
ous article is colored, which enables the
public to distinguish.
None genuine, but those mr rked Pond's
Pain Destroyer. For sale by
Wm Robison, Bloomsburg, John Jessrrp,
Shickshinny, Chalfant & Hughes, Danville,
Seth B Bowman, Berwick, Fowler Si Trem
bly, Espvtown,. 2 IS 1 y
For Good Watfcjies.
Henry. Zuppinger returns
_ tor past palro
nage, and invite* the pub
JK lie to examine his nit*
\ \ 1 "Kit assortment of
Glasses, arid
Keys, Balance Wheels, Jewels,, which be
offers for reasonable prices. He will also re
pair clocks, watches, and musical and opti
cal instruments in a satisfactory manner.
His shop is in the middle room ot tho Ex
change block, nearly opposite to the Court
Bloomsburg, Nov. 28, 1849. '
Peter S. Leidy
Can manufacture just as neat and fashiona.
bleasuitof clothing as any other tailor in
these digging. As a sample of his work
manship, ne refers yob to the
To be found in (ho town, which is quite cer
tain to have come from his shop.
He regularly receives the latest city fash,
ions, and from hia experience in the busi
ness can ensure satisfaction in his work.
He has also on hand an assortment of
& TR * •: i
At the lowest prices, front wt. , \
make up to order coatr, pants, orstint a.,
desirable style. i,. \..,u „ .
His shop is on the North side of Main
Street, a few doors above; the Court-house.
Bloomsburg, Feb. 14, 1850.
Thoftms C: Bomboy
Respectfully- informs the public that he has
opened and arranged in good order
at the Pennsylvania Hotel, in the lower part
ol Main Street, Bloomsburg, where he will
be .ready to furnish any kind of Firearms, in *
good order arid of approved workmanship.
He will also attend to „ . ,
.. . Repairitig and Cleaning Gun*
end will repair and majio all kinds of light
maohinery, locks, Sic., at moderate charges.
Guns anil Piatols on hand for sale.
Bloomsburg. May 2,
Reform Tour' Habits.
Come ye, with garments bare,and seedy,
Yebach'lors, widowers, husbands too,
If, in the outward man you're, peedy,.
We soon can make you good as new.
The subscriber respectfully informs his
friends and the public that he contihuea tie
at the old stand, on the second Story of the
Exchange Building, Bloomsburg.
He will be carelul to see that his work is
made up in the best manner, and he flatters
himself that he will be able to give entire
satisfaction in point of cut, fit an-J style, as
well as in price. He therefore respectfully,
solicits his friends and the public to give him
Spring and Summer fashions on hand, aud,
nothing shall be laeking*to satisfy the wants
of old friends and new customers.
Bloomsburg, April 6, 1850.
To HAVE the best fitting suit in town -ag"
made by BERNARD RUPERT, who
does Fashionable Tailoring as chedf- 4t-J"L
a little better than it can be done in town by.
anybody else. He bos just received the la-,
test Fall Fashions, and with his experiene in
cutting garments,' he can prorpise the best
satisfaction to those who patronize him. If
Was to be supplied with such garments as he,
turns off, a fair fortune might be made at
once. His shftp is on Main street below Mar-,
ket, in the building lately occupied Man of-
Sce by C. R. Buckalew. , o
HTHo will take country produce for .his
work, and gukl dollars, will not be refused.
Bloomsburg, Nov. 8, 1849—1f.
Nine Arrangements find Great Bar gams.
The undersigned taspecfuiiy informs the.
citizens of Bloomshurgp and thu public in
general,thut he has purchased Mr. Krantz's,
Boot If Ska* Store and has .added largely to.
his stock, and will continue tbp. business '
the same stand in the Exchange Build
on Main Street, where he will be hap
receive the calls of old and ne-.. ... \
I Boots and Shoes, of every v •:!► t pi.c
Jto suit purchasers, kept corn..,.r y .or
and custonier'a work made to orriura* uf nah'
I OF*He invitee the custom of his old friend*
and the public, and hazards nothing in prom-*
I ising fat bargains. ... ,
| Pr" Store in the RfphapgeJßuilding, Maine
j street, sign of the Golden Root-.
Bloomsburgh, "arch 28, 1850.
WILLIAM JSttL .removed hfee
| bntcher-sbnp to the upper end of Third
| Street at the foot of Eaat or Iron
; where bis numerous oustauiers can, always
find the choicest meats to their {Mates eon
B—k V l loots! 1
Joseph Swartz has nut received a oa.w .1 it
of Literary Historical, Religious, Poetical K
Miscellaneous and School boohs, to which,
be invites the attention of the reading jJublio"
1 Bf Bloomsburg.