The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, July 18, 1850, Image 3

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. MlYlHitfg^^'
F the Berattinl and Permanent tare of all
•And of thoe Complaint: wl:; • h me cause! by an im
paired, weakened or unhealthy umlitioa of tho
Thit beautiful and convenient application of the mys- j
toriom powers of OAL\ VNIBM and MAGNETISM, has |
been pronounced by cLhtingurfhcd physicians, both in
Europe and the Unf'od States, to be lL'iorf vahmbl*
msdicinal ditcovci-v of Ike *£|.
ia used with tho meat perfect and certain success in all
eases of
f*troi "thening the weakened bo ly, giving tono to tho
- r.. .u oTf?an, and invigorating the entiro fyatem. Al*o
and all NERVOUS which complaints arise
from one aimplo cause— namely,
A Derangement of the Nervous System.
0(7- In NERVOUS COMPLAINTS, Drugs and Medi
oinei incrtu.:* t ■ di see sr. for they weaken the vital eucr
gies of theeiiindy p. osteite J system; while, under the
strengthening, life-giving, vit liziug influence of Gal
vanism. tu applied l-y this beautiful And wonderful dis
covery, !hi exhausted patient and weakened sufferer is
, sectored to former health, strength, elasticity and vigor.
The great peculiarity and excellence of
Dr. Christie's Galvanic Curatives,
consists iu the fact that they arrest and cure disease by
outward appl teat ion, in place' of the usual mode of drug
ging, and physicking tho patient, till exhausted Nature
sinks hopelessly under the infliction.
Th*y strengthen the whole system, equalise the circu
lation of the blood, promote the secretions, and nem- do
the slight tit injury undrr any circumstances. Since their
introduction in the United Mates, only three years since,
more than
60, OO O Persons
Including all agc, classes ond conditions, among which
were a iorge numhe r of Lidics, who are peculiarly subject
to Narvout Complaints, have been
when all hope of relief had been given up, and every
thing else been tried In vain .
To illustrate the use of the GALVANIC BKf,T,
suppose the cuso of a person afflicted with that Lane of
civilization, DYSPEPSIA, or any other Chronic or Nerv
oue Disorder. In ordinary cases, stimulants uro taken,
which, by their action on the norves and muscles of the
stomach, a/lbid temporary relief, hut which leave the
patient in a lower state, and with injured faculties, after
the action thus excited has c< nsed. Now compare this
*lth the efleet resulting from iho application ol'the GAL
VANIC BELT. Take n Dyspeptic sufferer, even in the
worst symptoms of an attack, and simply tie tho lielt
Wound tKb Body, using the .Magnetic Fluid at directed.
In a short period the insensible perspiration will act on
the .positive element of the Belt, thereby causing a Gal
vanic circulation which will pass on to the negative, and
thence back again to the positive, thus keeping up a con
tinuous Golvauie cirrulation throughout the system.
Thus the most severe cases of DYSPEPSIA are PER
Of the moat Undoubtful Character,
From all parti of Che country could be given, sufficient to
• All every column in this paper!
which conclusively proves that
" Truth is stranger than Fiction."
Rheumatism, Bronchitis and - Dyspepsia.
of Now Jersey, of distinguished attainments and exalted
reputation -
R . SUDXF.T, New Jersey, July 13,1549.
Da. A. H. CiwisTiKft-Dcur Sir : You wish to know of
•no what has bfen the result !n mar Town rase, of the
LACE. My reply |s as follows:
For about twenty years T had been suffering from
Dyspepsia. Every year the symptoms became 'worse?
nor could I obtain permanent relief' from any 'qpurse
nf medical treatment whatever. About fourteen years
sincu. in consequence of frequent exposure to tbto
weather, in tho dischaige ol iny pastoral duties, I
became subject tff severe Chfonic Rheumatism, which
for rear after year, aaused me indeitribatde anguish.
Farther: in the wAter of '45 and '46, in consc
quenoo of preaching a great deal in my own .arid
various other churches in this region, I was attacked
by the Bronchitis, which spon became so severe as
to require an immediate suspension of my pastoral
labors. My nervous system uiut ntuo thoroughly pros
trated, and as my Bronchitis became worse, so also did
my Dyspepsia and Rheumatic affection- thus evincing
that these disorders wore connected with each other
through tho medium of the Nervous System In the
whole pharfhacopaia there seemed to be no remedial
agent which could reach and recuperate my Nervous
System ; evefc* thing that I had tried for this purpose had
completely faded. At last I was led by my friends to ex
* amine your inventions, and (though with no very san
guine nones of ttleir efficiency,) I determined to try the
effect of the application oi the GALVANIC BELT AND
TIRELY CEASED*RO TRIM HI.E ME. Buoh is the wonder
ful and happy results of the experiment
I have recommended tiie BELT and FLUID to many
who haVc been likewise suffering from Neuralgic aflcc
tgins. yhoy have tried tffem, wmf UARR* RESULTS, I
1 am, dear sir, very respectfully yours,
Is us. * for nil cotnnlniuU affecting the Throat or Head,
auelj as Bronchitis, hi nomination of the 'i'hrout, Nervous
endjßirtt Headache, pjixqtiffiis of the llcad. Neuralgia In
tiier"YVe, Ito/zing or.Roeriiig the Ears, Deafness,
whiff* U g.j#cially Nervous, uiu .hat dhtressing com
attaint, called Tic Polortux.
Palsy and Paralysis.
All physicians iicknffwfeiigc that ihuo tetrlble dis
eWMWeamwit by b rttftfiehoy of ferrous Energy In the
affected Umbv. l)a. Un a ikrirftr Galvanic Articles will
•apply this dchtvauil powqr, uud a complete and entire
cure is thus effected. ,
. DR. CHRI6TIC f $
Arc ftuind of vast service In case of < onvuhion* or Fits,
ftpa-Miiodic t'omnhiinls, and general Nvvous Affections
of -the Head and tipper extremities. ALo in Poby and
& Paralysis, and all diseases caused' by a deficiency of powe:
Nfffvouf Laorgy in the limbs or other organs of thi
Tic Doloreux and Neuralgia.
These dreadful and egonizing complaints are imme
iiately rrticßtd bjf the applicslion of ihe UvivANio .BnT,
NECKLACE and FI.DID. Ihe Belt diffuses the Electricity
through the sygtniu ; the Nveklace has a tueal effect, ami
the Fluid adts directly Hpou the oflected nerves. In these
JttlMttfmg ofltieUous tho applieation NIJVF.II PAILS/
These slarmiug and terrible cooipUinH are- always
caused by a d*, angement of the tftrve/. Tno BELT,
HaAcfxEtn and FLUID will cure nearly every cese, no
matter hotv young or old the patient, or how confirmed
the complaint, Numerous and astonishing proofs urc in
IKWicqsion of tho proprietor.
Q&- Many hundred UarUAcatos from all parts of the
country of the most extraordiuary character can be
given, If required
(- No trouble'or 'lnconvenience attends the uso f
Die C*tM*Tl¥?B G.tLV.WrO .IHTrCI.ES, and
they may be worn bv the most fsblo and deliaate, with
perfect case and safety. In many cases tho sensation
attending their use Is highly nlevsant and agreeable.
They can be sent to any part of the country.
TUc fiulvanic Halt, Thrte DnllM-s.
Tho a>l(r*ifir Xicckliice, Two Dollars.
The Onlvnnie Ilrae.lotA, < <hio Dollar Enoli
tic Vioia. One Dollar.
or/- The arllclr, hr full and plain
direction, r.„M h1 fN w.Tti uii £ . nu^
rjJmf..r y itiiuMfjMU and H'.rtMu.
Sfiw* . C/MOBSHBAD, M. D.,
(JiKEKAh ASJCNT lim mti W*Wl
tVJ BroiulWey, new York.
/'or suit in Jiioomitburg, /•",, by the
nulli'ii'tzi,! ngtiig
by , JOtttMt, lUOEJSft. ,
. 4'mm..*'* s I
;.v - " ' -:■**** 7tii
TmtniUte, liy\gtpsia, i.'lconic or Ntr
"rofrs'Dcbi'hly, foiischsebf rfte Kill- ;
all (ii.iea-it.i aria
ins from a ditordercil ,
Liver oC Utomaeli.sHch as i
Constipation, Inward Piles v
Fulness of Blood io the Head, Aei• "j
di/// of tii' Stomach, Xausca, Hear!.' '
burn. Diigust fo) Food, Fulness or
Weight in the Stomach. Sour
Eructations, Sinking or
Fluttering at the pit
of the''S}cmach,
of the
Head, Hurried and difficult Breathing, ,
Fluttering at the Heart, clicking or
sufforaiing sensations when in
a lying posture, dimness
nf,Visinn, Dots or
| iVebs before the Sight, Fever and Bull
! Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspi
ration, Vcllowness of the Skin and
Eyes, Pain in the Side. Back,
Chest, Limbs, he- Sutldcn
Flushes of Heat,Bur
| ning in the Flesh. Constant Imaginings
of Evil, and Great Depres
sion of Spirits.
l\'o. 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia,
Their power over Ihe above diseases is
not excelled, if equalled, by any other rep
aration in the United States, as the cures
attest, in many cases after skilful physicians
had failed.
These Bitters are worthy the attention of
invalids. Possessing "rent virtues in ihe
rectification of diseases of the Liver aftd ba
ser glands, exercising tho most
powers in weakness and affections of thejm
geslivo organs, they are, withal, safe, cer
tain and pleasant.
Bead nntl be Convinced.
The lion. Charles D. Hinelinc, Editor of
the "Camden Democrat," the best paper in
West Jersey, suys,-July 21: —
have seen many flattering notices of this
medicine, and lite source from t whieh they
came, induced us to mako inquiry respect
ing its merits. From inquiry we were per
suaded to use it, and must say wo found
it specific in its action upon diseases of the
liver and digestive organs, and tho powerful
influence jt exerts upon nervous probation
is really surprising. It calms and stregfhens
the nerves, bringing them into a state of re
pose, making sleep retreshing. , ■
"If this tnedicino were moro generally
jsed, wo are satisfied there would _bp less
sickness, as frpm tho stomach, liver and ner
vous system the groat majority of real and
imaginary diseases emanate. _ Have them in
a heahhyseondjlion, and yon can bid defi
ance to epidemics generally. This extraor
dinary medicine wo would advise our friends
who are at aU indisposed to-give a trial—it
will then recommend itself. It should, in
fact, be in |overy family. No other medi
cine can produce such evidences of merit."
(From the "'By: Jon flee."]
The editor said, flee. 22d—
''Dr. Hooflhnd's Celebrated German Bitters
for the c.ttre. of Liver Complaipt, Jaundice,
Dyspeysia, Chronic or Nervous Debility, is
deservedly one of the roost popular medi- '
cines of the day. These Bitters hive been
thousands, and a friend at our olbow
kays be lias himself received an effectual
and permanent cure of Liver Complaint
frotn the use of this remedy'. Wo are oon
-vinced that, in the use of these Bitters,' tho.
patient constantly gains strength and vigor—
a fact worthy of great consideration. They
are pleasant in taste and smell, and can be
used by persons with the roost deiicSle stom
achs with safety, utide'V any circumstances.
We are speaking and to the
afflicted we advise their use."
Judge M. M. Noah, a gentleman with
great scientific and and liuerary attainments,
said in his "New York Weekly' Messenger,"
January 0, 1850.
'■Dr. lloofland's German Bitters. —Here is
a preparation which tho leading presses in
the Union appear to bo unanimous in re- !
commending, unci the reason is obvious. It ,
.is made after a prescription furnished by j
one o: the most celebrated physicians of'
modern times, the late Dr Christopher VVil- j
helm Hooftand, Professor to fJnivetsity
of Jena, Private Physician to thk King of
Prussia, and one of tho greatest medical a-ri
terS Germany has ever produced. He was
emphatically Iho enemy of humbug, ami
therefore a mcdiciijo of which he was the
inventor and endorser may fco'cpnfidenfly re
lied on. He specially-recommended it in
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Debility, Ver
tigo, Acidity of the Stomach, Constipation,
and nil complaints arising from a disordered
condition of the stomach, the liver and the
intestines. Nine Philadelphia pajters express
their conviction of its excellence, and sev
eral ol the editors speak of its effects from
'heir own individual experience. Under
these circumstances, we feel warranted, not
only itr calling the intention of our readers
to rho present proprietor's (Dr. C. M. Jnek
son's) preparation, bui in recommending the
article to alt Btflictod."
The "Philadelphia Saturday Gazette," the
best family newsjiapet published m tho Uni
ted Slates, the editor say* of *
"It is seldom that we recommend what
aro tcmn d Patent Alediciiies to tho confi
denoo and parrotiagc of; our renders; and,
therefore, when wo recommend Dr. Hoof
land's German Bitters, >ve wishit to bo dis
tinctly understood teat we are not speaking
of the nostrums of the dgy, that are noised
about for a brief period and then forgotten
afver lire w have done their guilty racoofmts
chjf, but of n tnedicino long established,
utjiyeriially prijked, and which has met the
hearty approval of the Faculty itself.''
Evidence upon', evidonce has been ro
'eetVed (like tho rolegoing) from all sections
' ol the Union, tire lust three years, and the
strongeM testimony in its favor, is, that there is |
more of it used in lite practice of the regu
lor Physicians of Philadelphia ilran all other |
nostrums combined, a facj, that can easily
bo established, and fully proving that a set- I
entiflc preparation wiH inhef With their qui- ■
et approval when presented even in this
That this medicine will cure Liver Com
plaint and Dyspepsia, no quo can doubt, af
ter usiog it as uiiecied. ft acts specifically
upon dip stomach auijiivwr—n is preferable
to <fh mtd iq all bilious ihstuset —lire effect is
immodiute~ Tfioy can he administered to
FEHAfE arjEFAHT'wkU safety and reliable
benefit, at,any ferpe. ~
ring iiredicrue h"---attained that high char- i
.U'ici wirjuli W iKoessatv lor all medicines to
-itlani io iiiduto counterfeiters to put forth afj
-apiinoife .uncle at.the rtsk of the lives, of ■
those wdrowjf i.nio-.enllj deceived.
Tlioy have iho wriuptj. of C. M.
JACKSOIf upon tlie wrapper, and the name
Ulouu in the byttla, without which the* are
qui r tints.
For Bale, wholesale and retail, at the Ger
man Medicine Stare. No. 120 Arcli Street, one
door below Sixth, (lute of 27ft Rare stlrnl.)
Philadelph* v R " ' feapept; Ido dealers
irenofailv throutihonl the conntry. Also for
Sale by JOHN It. MOVER, Bloomsburg, Pa
. I'i n son a
Is the most certain and effectual remedy known
or the cure of Coughs'. Colds. Consumption, In
fiuenta, hour-crtcs*, spitting of JJ/000, difficulty
of breathing, Bronchitis, pain in the breast and
side, palpitation of the heart, whooping cough,
• asthma, croup, and all diseases of the Pulmonary
The proprietor of this Pulmonic Expectorant,
having graduated an a physician, and followed the
practice of his profesefcn for several years, eon,
therefore give to lltoae persons who require such
medicines that assuranco which cannot tie expect
ed whore a compound is only concocted (roin an
ulitiqualed recipe, taken from the leaf of an old
alma one or some similai source.
lhepured hy 9. A. Pearson, M. I) No. 100
Noith Eoui.lh Stieet, Philadelphia, price f> 1 per
buttle, or six 1 utiles for J5.
r. S. A. Pcaiaon : D' tt r Sir —For the benefit ,
of others, 1 "would inform Jto* tljat I have been
u eng your Pulmonic Exprclorart for a cough
vedpaioinmy breast and Bide, the tfecls of a
retry hcov v cold—l find that it baa given rn great
liaicf. I consider it an invaluable medicine. 1
cidve also used it in my family with the most do- i
uaed benefit—it cures colds in the least onssible
lime that medicine coald cure them. If its vi'r.
tues were generally known, it would save thous
ands from an untimely giave. You sbtfuldeptiro
no pains nor ox lonsc to have it brought into use
throughout the country.
Yours, dec. WM.M..CADE,"
No. 212-Cherry St.
Dr. 8. A. Pearson . Dear Sii—About a year a
go I was sttacked with a severe influmation of the
I'UPgs, which threatened every symptom of a
speedy Consumption. 1 called upon one of the
most eminent physicians of Philadelphia,who pio
nouueed me incuratdo. My husband then procu
red for me six bottles of yodr Pulmonic Expcc
torani, whi ih I had heard highly recommended—
and before, I had taken tho last of the sixfh bottle
my lungs wetwfll, my*cough and other syinp
tcntsf entirely cured. lam now
enjoy in-fine health aud becoming rptite fleshy. •
Jay St., betwotn Conies & XVullaco.
* Hunterllon -County, N.J,
Dr. 8. A. Pearson, Dear Sir—About a year a
go I tiecatye severely nlllicled with a pain in my
lucat and side, an extremely bod cough, spitting of
blood, debility, night sweals v and other symptoms
of "confirmed consumption. I become so mych re
duced that I wos attend to my ordinary
business. I made application to a physician, who
examined my cMM,"an<l gave it-as his decided o
pinion that my lunga were seriously, affected. I
then app.icd to another, who was of the same o
pinton, and after having presciibcd advised me to
return to my friends.
Previous to this I had Tor a long tiqc.,been la
boring wider all the symptoms usually will!
pqrsons laboritfg under disease of ills lunga, and
it was thooob', - u y n Q w ha knew ine that I was fast
Tvettring away with decay. •
At'the limo I applied to the physicians I was
laboring under a severe attack of spitfing" blood,
with pain in my breast and sido. Their prearffip
tiona failed to relieve the pain, oml all their skill
could not arrest the discharge of blood from my
lungs. This bting my.condition, I was induced
lo uiakc a trial of jrour valuahlc-Pulmonic Expec
• toront, oy the use or which I was immediately re
lioved of ail those unpleasant symptoms, and %m
now so far restored to "liaaUh, that i am abTe to
attend to all my ordinary business, and expose,
myself a#innoh as it is prudent for any one to do.,
I would thnrcfiHb confidently rqcommend every
person who is laboring finder disease of the lungs
and.breast, or wty> ore afflicted with colds or with
coughs, to mike trial of your moot valuable prep
aration- I would further add that after having
made use of vourKxpcctorant for a few W¥cks. i
becamd so flc'sy that persons w hom T was
acquainted hardly knew me. i still remain ill good
health at this jitne, March, 1846.
Yours truly,
The following card of lliree respcctahle'physi
cians sets forth the virtues of Dr. Pearsoiw? Pul
monic Expectorant •
Having made use of Dr. Pearson's PULMONIC
EXPKCTOHANT, WO feed it a duty toTct'OMmend it
as a safe and effccjual cu-c nf the various diseas
-ses for which it is intended. Wo ore acquon.teo
with many pessons who have been cured of cough
bronchitis, in the breast and sfrHsspitting of
.blood, palpitation of the heart, nd incipient qpn
suinption, cy ih use, and many of thfim ufter all
other means liall failed. .
A. PEARSON. M. B;, U. 8. Navy.
' 8. K. LEF.DOM, M. D. Champlain Co„0.
W. R. CADWALI". AUER, hj. D., U. S.N.
Patients may consult 8. A. Pearson, M. D', a
his office No. 106 North Fouith 'Street, above
Race- -V
For sale in Bloomsburg by William Robison,
Merchant,ond also at Piltston Posy, by Dr. A.
Curtis, Druggist. f' _ ,
Agptts iti Columbia county.
Wm. Robison, Hloomalitirg,
Peter Ent, Light Street,
i John Schmick, CaUawissa,
| M.G.. Shoemaker, Bttckhorn,
! J£. Lazarus, OrangeviUfi.
No. 238 Market St, above Seventh,
south side, Philadelphia.
Although ww can scarcely estimate the
value of TIME commercially; yet by tptlK
ing at the above Establishment, JAMES
HARDER will furnish his friends, among
whom he included all who duly appreci
ate its fleetnrttfi with a bcaWtfnl and per
fect INDEX for marking its progress, of
whose value they can judge.
ilia extensive stock.on hand, constantly
clanging in conformity to tbo imprm
tnents in -laslo anil style of pattern and
workmanship, consists ol EIGHT-DAY and
PARI.OR, 11 ALL,.CHURCH 4- Alarm
Clocks, French, Gothic and fancy slyles,-
as well as plain, which from his extensive
I connection and correspondence with the
manufacturers he Gnds that ho can put at
the Lowest cash Figure, in any quantity,
from Ono to a Thousand, of which he
will warrant the accuracy.
EM^Clocks repaired nml warranted.—
Clock trimmings on hand.
Call and see mc among them.
238 Market gt., Phita. Sept. 20,'49-ly
Fancy Chairs.
ceivetl from Philadelphia acr.ew lot of FAN
.CY CHAIRS, of Birch and Mahogany curl,
4tpd of tjie lnort fgehionable style, which he
will -ell -at the lowest prices fur good pay.
Bloomsburg; May UWj 18S0. •
fiorauss. they me safer, better and more cffiiaci
ous than miy others, and because the public will
tike no oiltara if they can obtain Iticm.
*#T)00,000 liOXES
havo bicri sold annually for the last five years.
Young und old, male and female, can ulwnys
take irtoin with equal safety, withnnffcar.
for purging and elennsing theslomach mid liow
ela, ami purifying ttie blood and fluids ofthe bo
dy tako 110 others—fir no other pil|p produce those
combined elfects, or contain sorsopariila in them.
Eat, Drink, and Live as Usual,
tntf pursue your usual occupa ion whilst taking
them, without fear of taking cold during all kinds
of weather.
ore wogetcd that moro genuine certificates [from
lihyaicixns.clc „Yinun; Members of Gongtess and
r> , I'.iM'tubie cititceiia] con be produced of their cf
iicacy than of any others, and
Ten Dollars
will lie forfeited in every inmnnco where ONE tiox
will not do moto good than two boxes of any o
Forty Pillc "re in a Box!
and aolifat'd wretity-fivo Oeixlv a Box, with direc
tions and tiiufb wholesome advice accompanying
eileh box. *■
They have no taslx nor unpleasant smell
free from dust or powdet of any kind—do not
gripe the Stomach or bowels, —produce no sick
ness, vomiting or bad feelings—they are good at
all times, and adapted lo most diseases common to
mankind. No one having once taking them will
he willing afterwards to take any others, because
, they always do good, and if they do not then no
.others will- * *x
Dr. N. B feity, the Proprietor J- Manufacturer,
is a regular Druggist, Chemist and Physician, of
fifteen years experience in Philadelphia; member
of dilferent Mcdica| Institutions of Philadelphia,
New York.Tloston, Baltimore, and associate
and corrcsoonding member of several Medical In
stitutions of d.ond.m and,.Poris—henco the rea
son of the greater confidence placed in_ his pills,
and there being recommended in tho practice of
most respectable physicians Ihrougliont tho Uni
ted i-jtales.
Principal Depot, Dn. Lsinr's DISPENSARI
No. 1U North Fouith Street, Philadelphia, and
sold wholesale and retail hy
. J. R. Min or & E. V. Lutz, Bloomsburg; Dr.
A. B. " w!is'o"h7 Berwick; Peter Ent,.
LighfStscet; AI. G. Shoemaker, Buckliortt;
J. A- Moore, Dahville* RickeUs & Stewart,
1 Orangevillo; John Schmick, Cattawisaa ; A.
levers, WaahingtonviJle; J. M. Shghlon, Jor
s*ytown; J. F. Derr, Whitehall; J.S,Woods,
Columbuß; BroWbi & Creasy, Mifflinsbur-i:
' E. Wertraan, lUtocsburg, auti by I
if liHUfMliWjiillllll
mcprciiL nous 1;,
1 Established Fifteen Years ago, by
1 ! N. IF. Corner of Third and Union sis:,
" j between Spruce (.net Pine streets,
, Fifteen years of extensive and unintefiupted
, I practice spent in this city havo rendered Dr. K.
.;) the iSitTi ex"petTand successful practitioner for if
' j near, in tho treatment of all diseases of a private
, j nature. Persons afflicted with ulperr on the bo
, | dy, throat 01 legs, pains in the head or 'bonek, or
. mercurial rheumatisusy Aricturct, grastel, disease
, j arising from youthfv.l excesses or impmities of
[ the Idood, whereby the constitution has become
, i enfeebled, are alt treateifwith success. •
) 1 He who places himself undor the care of Dr
K. may religiously confide in bis honor as a gen
tleman, and confidently rely upon his sxill as a
physician. . . ,
Take Particular Nolitel
Young men who have iijured themselves hy 1
certain practice indulged in,'a habit frequently
learned from evil companions or at school, the ef
fects of.which arc nightly fell, even when asleep
■ and destroy both mind and body, shbuld apply lm
mediately. * Weakness and constitutional debility
loss of muscular cnxrgy, physical lassitude and
' general prostration, irratihility and all nervous of
' fecfions. indigestion, sluggishness of the liver, Si
every disease in any way connected'with the die—
' order of the procicative functions' cuied, and full 1
vigor restbred.
BTy^'• A Figorous Life,
WmlmfmH&i- Premature Death.
Only 25 Cents.
, > This book just published is filled with useful
.information on the infirmities ond disenses q£ the
generative organs. It addresses itself al A lo
youth, manhood and old age, and should he read
by air.
The valuable advice and impressive warning it
' gives, will prevent years of misery and sufl'ering
I and gave annuajly thhu.ands of lives.
| Parents by reading it will learn how to prevent
the destruction ef their children.
' \ remittance of 2fi rents enclosed in a letter,
| addressed lo N W corner of Third
and Union streets, between Spruce ami I'ine, in
1 Philadelphia, will ensuro a hook under envelope
per return of mull.
Persons at a distance may address Dr K by
letter, (pott paid) and be cured at home.
Packages of medicines,direction*, &c. forward
ed hy sending a remittance, ami put up secure
from damage oTWriosity.
BooksellerswNcw-i Agents, Pedlars, Canvassers
and all others tupplied with l|)e above work at
vety low rates. _ 2-l-ly
. • Rheumatism.
D'. Henry Turner's Rheumatic Lir.iment
This superior remedy foi the Itheuinatißm, bu*
recently introduced irto this cnuulrv by the pre
sent proprietor, has long been known in Eng.
cattd, London particularly, as the best and only
certain cure for that distressing and painful af
fection. Its effect u| on the system is mild and
nothing, at the same timo certain and efficacious
rarely failing to give relief upon the first appli
cation, slid by repeating it a few times, a per
manent cure is effected.
We huve known cases of pain in the breast
and hack, with soroness, of severul weeks dura
tion, cured in 0116 singlo night, and heard the
patient express hisgrateful Ihunksthat such re
medy was ever discovered. Wehavealso heard
individuals say they would give thousands ol
dollars for a cure for rheumatism, yet the same
mdividuls were cured by two bottles of this great
Liniuteiil, filty cents each. Who
would regret giving such a price for such a rem
odv -to he free fturn the excrutialing tortuoo o
that moat painful of all diseases.
Afflicted go procoro a bottle of Dr. Turner'
Liniment and be healed at once ; do not longer
delay, but cast aside all nostrums and cute alls,
for the one thing needful to insure a cure. Sold
wholesale and retail by D '.Vondeily & Co. pro.
'prielors No 80 Commerce street, and tbeii gen
eral agents Rawsndand Bon, No 2 Worth Sixth
street, I'hiludalpbia. 1
Also, by JOHN R IHOYER Bloomsburg. 6m
Tbc most Wonderful Medicine of ilic Age,
1,500,000 BOTTLES
TKls Mcfllrliic Is put up In (iunrt Bottles,
nml ha fiuwl morodiuu
100,000 Oases of Olironio Disease,
wlllklii lite la( Ten Vcftri.-lVoii Is flfimliif
signed ty H. P. TOWKBEJID.
E X P C> S E.
—tlio rabliowill lenrn tho crialh, of rnther where the
recipe lor making tho stuil' they call Old Dr. Jacob
Townsend's ilia, camo from—and will hs abU
to judge which Is tho genu Ine and original, and of tlit
honestv of tho men who are onifftoyeij'i/* selling it at
tho otlginvtl Dr Townsend's Sarssparilla. Dr. P.
Townsend was the original nroprietor and inventor of
Dr. Townsend's Sftrsanarilfa, and his has
rainod a reputation that no other remedv '.~<t gained.
1c manufactured overauo *.i.lion of hottlei last >ear.
ond i- manufacturing at present 5,000 bottles per day
We use more Sarsnparilla and Yellow Dock our
• establibhment cadi day, than all the other Sarsaparilla
.Manufacturers in the world. Principal OlHco, 1-46
Fulton st.
CUtj avd County vf New-York, is
William Armihtnig, of the said City, being duly
sworn, doth depose and say that he is a practical
Druggist and Chemist. That some time in tne latter
part ol May, or first ol Juno, 1649, a man hy the name
of Jacob Townaend, who at that timo was a book and
pamphlet peddler, called upon deponent, at the house
of Mr. Thompson, No. 4-J Hudson-street, where depo<
nent boarded, eiul requested deponent to wiite him n
recipe by which to make a Syrup of Sarsaparilla.
Deponent farther says, that he became acquainted
with said Townsvnd at tho ollice of Theodore Foster,
t.mi., Book rubhshor, with whom said Townsend
dealt That said Townsend had had frequent conversa
tions with deponent respecting the manufacture of an
article ol g?rsaparilla to bo old under the name of Dr.
Jacob Townsend.
That said Townsend stated he was an old man, and j
poor, and was not lit for hard labor—and wished (o
make some money, in order to live easy in his old I
days, and that, if Sarsanarilla under the name of Town- I
•end sold so well, and so much money was made by
it, he could see no reason why he might not make
•omething out of it too. (his name being Townsend,)
if he could get a capable person to prepare a recipe,
and manufacture it lor him. .Deponent in ono of the
conversations asked said Townsend if he was related
to Dr. 8. P. Townsend, to which he replied,' that he
knew Dr. 8. P. Townsend would be down on him after
he should commence. But that he did not care for
him, as he had formed a co partnership with men who
conld furnish the requisite.nmount of capital—and was
well prepared to defend lumsulf against any attack
hat might be made on him.
Deponent farther says, that pursuant to the request
of said Jacob Townsend, he wrote a recipe for the
manufacture of a Syrup and gave it to
aim. Bud Townsend observed that ho wanted to
jiake a speoimen t<.exhibit to his'partners for their
approval, as ho wished to gratify them in every thing, i
u they furnished all tbo capital— said Townsend also
old deponent that the bottles they were to use were
to bo or the same size and shape as Dr. 8. P. Town
send's, and deponent, at tho request of said Jacob
Townsend, went to tho office of Dr. 8. P. Townsend,
and procured one of his labels.
And deponent further says, that he has been inform
ed, and verily believes the Syrup of Sarsaparilla, sold
as uia Jacob Townsend's, is made after tho recipe fur
nished \>y deponent, to Jacob Townsend, as aforesaid.
And further deponent saith not.
Sworn to before me, this 24th dav of May, 1840.
Mayor of the City of New York.
Hero is proof conclusive that Dr. S. P. Townsend's
Sarsaparilla is the original. The following Is frciii
tomo of tho most respectable n*n|~ * n gtatQ.
* , t?°M THE ,
Albany jcivciilng Journal.
Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla.
I 7nere probably never has been so jiopular a remedy,
or patent as I>r. Townsends'a Bnrsßpari!la,
• which was originally, and continues to be manufac
tured inihis city, at Hast by the Doctor himself, and
afterwards for several years and to the prgsent time,
by Clapp fc Townsend, tho present proprietors. Since
the partnership was formed, the Doctor has resided in
New York, where he keeps a store, and attends to the
business that accumulates at that point. The manu
• factory is in this city, and is conducted by the junior
partner, Mr. Clapp—here allthe medicine is mannaac
tured %
Few of our citizens have any idea of the amount of
this medicine that is manufactured and sokl. Besides
the sales in.this country, it is shipped to the Canadas.
West India Islands, South America, and even to Ku
Spe, in considerable quantities. At the manufactory
ey employ a steam engine, besides a large number
of men, women and girls, in the preparation of the
medicine, making boxes, printing, Ac , and turn out,
ready for shipment, over 400 dozen per day, or nearly
6000 bottles. This is aiMnormous quantity.
The great sale the medicine has acquired, has in
duced a number of men to get up-imitations, .and there
is at the pretcnt time, other medicines for sale, that
are called " Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla." One in par
tioular started a short time ago in New York, is called
• "Old Doctor Jacob Townsend's Harsftpariila," and ap
parently with a view, by dint of advettiaiug, and the
usual remcdios resorted to in such effort*, to appropri
ate tho nnme ot l)r. S. P. Townsend's great remedy,
and thus gain all the advantages resulting from the
popularity of the name which he has acquired for it,
by years of patient and expensive labors. Dr. 8 P.
Townsend, formerly of this city, as is well known
here, i* the inventor and original proprietor of the
medicine kqpwn as " Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla,*
and we think those persons who ure attempting to sell
their article as the genuine, should be cxposeu
,New York Daily Tribune.
0(7- We published an advertisement Inadvertently
some time since that did injustice to Dr. 8. P. Town
send, who is the original proprietor of the preparation
of Sarsaparilla known as Dr. Townsend's. Other
parties have within the past few months engaged or
connected themselves with a man hy tho name of
Townsend who put up a medicine and calls it by the
•amo name. This medicine was advertised in The
'fvihune as the original, Sic. This advertisement also
contained matter derogatory to tho character of Dr.
8. P. Townsend and tharof nis medicine. We regret
it appealed, and in justica to the Dr. make this ex
New York Dally Sun.
Dr.{Townsrni>'s extraordinary advertisement,which *
occupies an entire page of the Bun, will not escape
nojtico. Dr. 8. P. Towiuond, who is the original pro
prietor of Dr. Townsend's Saicaparilla, and whose of-
Boo § next do<A to ouis, whore ho has b< en for sever
al yrui, is driving an immense business. He receives
no less than fotir hundred dozen orHarsaparilla per
day, and even this enormous quantity does not supply
Jhe demand. No medicine ever gained so great a
popularity as hit preparation of the Sarsapnrilla. His
edition of Almapaos tor 1849 cost $22,000, nn4 he
has paid the New York Sun for advertising, in the
last four years, oxer SIO,OOO. and he acknowledges
• that it is the cheapest advertising he has had dono.
. This medicine is exported to the "Canadas, West In
dies, South America and Europe, in considerable
quantities, and is coming into genetal nse in thoso
cuuntriqp, as well as bore.
Druggists and others that sell Sortsparilla for the
Senuino and original Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla.
iat is not signed by 8. P. Townsend, commits e fraud,
and swindles the customers. -Men that would be
gyiltv of iuch an art, would commit any other fraud
—and no Druggist of common intelligence but knows
that ours is the only gonuine.
Old Jaeob Townaend.
Some people who are notjweli informed, end have
not read the papers, and not seen our advertisements,
have been lod to suppose, that because these men ud
vertise theif stuff as " Old Jacob Townsends," that it
must, of course, he the original. It is loss than one
year since they commenced to make their medicine.
Ours has been In the market over ten years
Title Old Jacob Townaend.
They arc endeavoring to palm off on the public as
an old Physician, ko. lie is not a regular educated
Physician, and never attempted to manufacture e med
icine, until these men hired him for the use of hit
nume. ThAy say they do not wish the people to he
lieve that their Fanaparllla is ours, or the same—but
the better to deceive tho public, they at the same time
assert that their* is the Old Dr Townsend's, and the
original j and endeavor to make the peoplo believe
that the stuff they manufacture, Is the Dr. Townsend's
Sarsaparilla, that has peiformed so many wonderful
cures for the past ten years, and which has gained a
reputation which no other medicine ever eiqoved—
which is a base, villainom, unprincipled falsehood.
We have commenced nits against these men for
damages. \\e wish it to be understood, that the old man
is no relation to Dr. Townsend whatever. In their ad
vfcrtbemcnts and circulars, theypublish a number of
gross falsehoods respecting Dr. Townsend, which we
will not notice.
False Reports.
Our opponents have published in the papers, that
Dr. 8- P. Townsend was uead. This they send to thfir
agents about the country, who report that we have
Siven up business, kc kc. The public should be on
oir guard, and uot he deceived by these unprinci
pled men.
Notice of Removal.—Attar the first of September,
1849, Dr. 8. P. Townsend's New York Office will be
in Ujo South Baptist Church, No. 82 Nassau street,
which is now undergoing a thorough change, and
will be fitted for the better accommodation of the pro
prietors and the miotic.
Take particular Notice. —No Pnrsaparilla is the
Ctenuine and original Dr. Townsend's gurtaparilla, un
cut signed by 8. I'. Townsend.
AaaxT#.—Redding k Co., No. fl State-street, and
Mrs. E. Kidder, No. 100 Conrt-street, Boston : Samuel
Kidder, Jr., Lowell; Henry Prtt, Salem j James B.
Green, Worcester j Allison k (fault, Concord; J
Batch k Bon, Prevalence ; and by Druggists and Mer
chants generally throughout tho United Stater, tya*
Indies end the Canadas
Is the sole agent in Bloomsburg, for the sale
of Dr. S. P. Townsend's Sarsaparilla-36-ly
Gaiters and Slippers' just manufactured and
for sale by WARREN RUBSKL.
A \lirjn sciiool
i'or Vomit; Undies ami Gentlemen
J. E. BRADLEY, Principal.
The next Summer Session of this Institution
\iiit commence 011 MONDAY the Bth ol
Tert Books.
Emerson's Spelling Book utlil Roader.
Goodrich's Geography.
Bullion's English Grammar.
I'ntker's Progressive Exercises.
" Aids to English Composition.
Blair's Rhetoric, University edition.
Dairies' Arithmetic.
" Algebra.
" Geometry.
" Surveying.
" Mensuration.
Shea's Book-keeping.
Ackeman's Natural History.
Cutter's Anatomy, Physiology, & Hygiene.
Guernsey's History of the United States.
Gardner's Outlines.
Olmsted's School Philosophy.
Bullitt's Geography of tho Heavens.
Johnston's Turners Chemistry.
Wood's Botany.
Schmucker'- Mental Philosophy.
Wayland's Moral Science.
Webster's Dictionary.
I.ATlV. —Bullion's Latin Grammar, Bullion's
Latin Reader, Ambon's Ctcsar, Sallust, Cic
ero, Horace, Folsom's Livy, Lcveritt's Latin
GUEEK. —Bullion's Greek. Grammar. Bul
lion's Greek Reader, Robinson's Greek Tes
tament, Xeuophon's Anabasis, Xonophon's
Memorabilia, Pickering's Greek Lexicon.
GEHMAN-G J Adler's German Grammar,
OllundorPs method of Learning the German
Language, Adler's German Reader.
There will be frequent exercises in Decla
mation and Composition. Instruction will
also be given in Penmanship and Book-Kee
Pupils attending this School can enjoy the
advantages of instyctionon the Piano Forte
at a modoi ate charge
It will be the aim of the Teacher in this
School, to impart to the pupils n thorough
knowledge of the branches studied, to educate
their Minds, and thus to prepare them for hon
orable places indfta.
The Summer'i^nsMitfflri^Mp-
Four weceks or two
each. The price qf
per quarter : *
For Reading, A-
ography, History of S3 25
Fof same, and AlgebrmTTWfrietry, Survey
ing, Melioration, Boook-Keeping by double
entry, General History, Natural History, Phy
siology, Philosophy, othor English branches,
and Drawing. ~ 84 50
For Latin, Greok and German, 5 75
I3?"Good boarding can be obtained in pri
vate familiesat from #1 50 to S2 00 per week.
REFERENCES.— CoI. Joseph Paxton, Hon.
Stephen Bnldy, Hon. Geo. Maek, Michael
< ".oDst. Esq.. John M'Reynolds, Esq., Rev.
Daniel Sleek.
Bloomsburg, Feb 21, 1850
. Good ami Cheap Watches.
wholesale and retail,at No. 96 Notlh '2nd
street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia.
Gold lover watches, fnll jewelled, 18
caret cases. 930 and upwards.
Silver lever do. full jewelled, #l6 and
Silver lepine do, jewelled, #ll and up
wards. 9
Silver quprtier watches, from $5 to 10.
Gold pencils, from $1 50 to s7*
Superior gold rings, from 37 to 80 cts.
Oilier articles in proportion. All goods
warranted to be whui they are 6old for.
Constantly on hand, a full assortment
WARE. Also, an assortment of M. J.
Tobias & Co. ; Samuel and
Brothers; E. S. Yates is" Co.; John Har
rison ; G. <s• R. Beesley's, and other su
perior PATENT LEVER Movements,
which will be cased in any style desired.
Arrangements have been made with all
the above celebrated makers, the best
manufacturers of Liverpool, to furiiisji at
short notice any required style of Watch,
for which orders will be taken and the
name and residence of the person order
ing put on if requested.
O. CONRAD, No. 96
North Third Street.
Importer of Watches.
January I, 1850.--ly-49
"Boots and Shoes.
CP" Entourage your own Mechanics, atul you
encourage Yourselves.
The subscriber would inform his friends
and the public, that he has on hand, and
makes to order all kinds of BOOTS AND
SHOES, at the following low prices :
Men's fine calf or morocco boots, #4 a 4 50
do kip or coivlmlo. 3 35
do calf slioejU 2 00
do cow bide I 75
do miners',
Ladies' gaiters, 25
" Lace boots. L I, J
' " Thick soled slippers, 1 ifl 37
" Pump soled, _ 100
" Excelsiors, 125
Boys', youths' and children's shoes in pro
portion. He manufactures his work of the
neat of stock, and warrants it to wear : and
he is determined to sell it as low as others
can their Yankee or city work. Call and
see for yourselves. Shop on Main St., next
door below Ilartmau's Store.
The subscriber announces to tho publio
that he has just opened a Saddler Shop in the
central part of Bloomsburg, on Main street,
one door above Rupert's Store, where he
will keep constantly on hand and mako to
order all kinds of
And every other article in his line of busi
'ness. Ho will also attend to TRIMMING
carriages and buggies, in every desirr.ble
style, and will turn off all his work neqt and
good ; and at the lowest prions. • Those who
wish work in his lino will do well to give
him a call.
tyilidcs, country produce, and even gold
dollars will be taken in paymuntfor work.
Bloomsburg, May 15, 1849.
And General Stage Office.
The subscriber has takon tho large and
commodious hotel in Berwick Pa , lately
kept by Frederick Nicely., and refitted it up
anew in a style comfortable and convenient
for travellers and boarders. HIS TABLE
will be supplied with tho best products of
the markets afford, and HIS BAR furnish the
choicest liquors.
Attentive hostiers will always be in ntteu.
daiioe, and by obliging attention to th'e wants
of his patrons he solicits a share of the pub
lic patronage. G. W. NICELY,
Berwick Pa. April 19th 1819.-ly,
The Greatest Because the Best Fata
lly .Medicine fn the World
A'IIVK PILLS, they have succeeded in
curing conic of tho worst cases, of disease .
ever recorded, end nro daily accomplishing
the restoration of persons after having tried
in vain to obtain relief from uny other
source. One of the Proprietors is a regular
physician of extensive experience, who de
votes his lime exclusively to their prcnofa
tion. For FKVKR& AGUE,Yffey haw4ev
er yet failed. At least one tbniisamV-TO s ca
in the neighborhood of FhßadelpliiaN hnvo
been cured since tho first
Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Liver JCompiaint,
fccrotu a, for Worms, and all othlr diseases
oi children, they are Onequalmdtiy anything
ever prepared for the nnrposepwhile for the
various diseases ot hemaßrf there is no me
dicine can compare wigr them. There is
more of thera sold—they,are in greater de
mand than any other pilij-and when once
introduced in a family-they need no other *
medicine. Each boy containing Fifty Pills
renders them the cheapest, while "they are'
decidedly the bes£ as well as the mildest in
action, ol an) uowin the market.
The Editor' of the "City Item," thus
speaks of them,'.
RE A DUN, you are suffering from fever
' and ague, and you havo never tried Wors
dttte Vegetable Remora.rte Pills. Shake no
i more. There is still hope for you—youenav
b , e °„ ure ''' "Do, or send at once to A.
V\ eeks & Co., 7o North Eighth street., and
■ proenro a box of these unrivaled pills, which
i are a soVreign antidote for "this distressing
complaint °
i Col. i'orncy of the Pennsylvanian,
' 3a .V S ■ ,>
Honsnjxi.'s PILLS. —This excellent family
! medicinfc is daily winning now triumphs
over disease, and consequently in the high
road to public favor. In the removal of the
every day ilfethat tlesh is heir to, wo know
of no bettor compound. We heard the oth
' er day of a desperate caso of scrofulous e
ruptions of the head and face being enirely
( oured by them. %.
, Du Solle of the "Timet," says :
" The sreat P°pu'arity ol Worsdell'# -
Vegetable Pills, is attributed to the just mer
it which they really possess. They havo
. been onietly gaining the fame they now
, foroe of their own virtues,
j The nPlfilis usually employed to giv,e eclat
to new remedies have not been adopted Bp"
. the proprietors. They have been content to*
. let their medicine speak for itself. It w now
j doing it in every section of the country. :
They aro for sale by most of the Store
, Keepers throughout the Country,and in quan
. titios at reasonable rates, at tho Laboratory
No 70, North Eighth Street. .
i A. WEEKS & Co., Proprietors. •
, Agents, JOHN R. MOVER, Bloonftburg:
E. Lazarus, Orangoville,
M. G. Shoemaker, Buckhorn,
Funston & Diefenbach, Jerseytown',
| M. C. Grier, Danville,
C. Hartman & Co., Catlawissa, and by
most merchants throughout tho country.
To Physiciaus, Druggists aud Country
'Dr. J. N. Keeler and Bro. most respectful*
ly solicits attention to their fresh stock of
English, French, German and American Drugs,
Medicines, Chemicals, Varnishes, Paints,
Oils, Dye Stufts, Glass ware, Perfumery, Pa
lent Medicines &c. Having opened a new
store No. 294 Market St. with a full supply
of Fresh Drugs and Medicines, svu respect
fully solicit Coiwtry dealers to examine ou
stock before purchasing elsewhere, promts
ing one and all who may feel disposed to
extend to us their patronage, to sell tliem
genuine Drugs and Medicines, on as liberal*
terms as any other house in the City, and to
laithfnlly execute alt orders entrusted to us
promptly and with dispatch. * * *
One of the proprietors being a regular
physician, affords ample guarantee ol the
genuine quality of all articles sold at their
We especially invite ilruggjsts and country
merchants, who may wish to become agents
for Dr. Kecler's Celebrated Family Medicines,
(standard and popular remedies,) to forward
their address.
Soliciting the patronage of dealers, war re
spectfully remain,
J.N. KEELER & BRO., Wholesale
No. 494 Market street. Phila.-33-ly.
Philadelphia Beading and Pottsvilie
Ii.IIL ggfc R PAD.
Office of the Philadelphia and Reading Rail
road Company.
PHILADELPHIA, March 29, 1850.
Two Passenger Trains daily (except Sci day
ON and after April Ist, 1850 two trau.s w>.;
be run each way, daily, between Phila
delphia and Pottsvilie.
i Morning Line, (Accommodation )
Leaves Philadelphia at 7i A. M,, daily, ex
-1 copt Sundays.
Leaves Pottsvilie at 71 A. M., daily, ox
' cept Sundays.
Afternoon Line, (Fast Tram)
Leaves Philadelphia at 2J o'clock, duily,
( except Sundays.
t Leaves Pottsvilie at 2j o'clock duily ex
cept Sundays.
Passengers cannot entet tho cars unless
provided with Tickets.
The afternoon, or fast trains do-rot stop at
Auburn, Allhouse's Bridesboso 1 , Roger's
Ford, Valley Forgo, Port Kennedey, Spring- •
Mill or Falls.
NOTICE.—Fifty pounds of bnggago will
bo allowed to each passenger in these lines;
and pussengers are expressly prohibited
from taking auy thing as baggage but their
wearing apparel which will be at the risk of
its owner.
By order of the Board of Managers.
April 18, 1850. S. BRADFORD,
EORNIA, but the business of Coach aiid
Wagon making will be continued by the sub
scriber at the old stand on Market street. He
will promptly, attend to all orders for wurk in
his line of business, and is always ready, at
short notice, to furnish Wjigons, Coaches
Carriages, Buggies, Sleds anil Sleighs of any
style; but always of tho best materials, nod*
mane in tho most substantial manner.
lie will give his personal attention to An
business, aud employ none but good work
men. Repairing will bo attended to with
oave, and upon the most reasonable terms.
He proposes to serve his customers to such
wors. as will secure for him a continual-ce r>
their patronage, and from ull. who need arti his Rue of business. Ho tfck.i only u
trial of his work to insure satisfaction.
Bloomsburg, Feb. 10, 1849.
SUMMONS, . ...":. - Ms *
. - -EXK6I;IONS, • - ~-
proper and desirable forma, for sale at the I -
office the -'Star of the North.,"