The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, July 04, 1850, Image 1

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By Weaver ft Gilmore.] Trntb and Rigbt—God audour Country. [Two Dollars PER ABD-
Is published every Thursday Morning, by
Weaver * Gilmore.
OFFICE—Up stairs in the New Brick building
on the south side qf Main street, third
square below Market.
TERMS :—Two Dollars per annum, if paid
within six months from the time of subscri
bing ; two dollars and fifty cents if not paid
within the year. No subscription received
for a less period than six months: no discon
tinuance permitted until all arrearages are
paid, unless at the option of the editors.
ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding one square,
will bo inserted three times for one dollar, and
twenty-five cents for each additional insertion.
A liberal discount will be made to those who ad
vertise by the year.
Bong of the Tea-Kettle.
Wfch a gurgling noise in. iU s, put,
And nQk unmusical-sigh,
A loa-kettle old, and most worn out,
Sat itself down to die;
Slowly and sadly it snug,
Beyrimmed with soot and smoke;
I never heard that a tea-kettle's tongue
Could have uttered so sad a croak.
'•Sing, sing, sing, . -
The long winter evenings through,
I've sometimes hoped at t e coming spring,
I'd have nothing left to do.
O man, that makes the fire,
O woman, that drinks the tea,
Oft of your labors ye weary and tire,
Why don't you have pity on me 1
"Tea, and coffee, and toast,
Coffee, and toasl, and tea,
Ye eat and drink, while I burn and roast,
Why don't you have pity on me I
Crack, and snap, and burn,
The fire my song derides,
Not only wood and coal to bum,
Out a poor old tea-kettle's sides.
"0 ladies, who drink your souscbong,
And pour out your hyson with glee,
Remember the boys and frogs in the song,
And thai it's no sport for me. *
Aunt Parshall's dish-kettle fate
Surely was nothing to mine;
That had variety still in its state,
But I never got out of my line.
"Fill, fill, fill,
The tea-kettle up to the brim,
As fast ashct water for coffee goes out,
Cold lAer for dishes comes in.
Sing, siriJSßing,
For breakfast, dinner and tea;
O, there's a rest for every thing,
But there's never a rest for me."
On a very warm and sultry evening du
ring the summer of '5O, as Dr. B and
myself were seated in a fashionable saloon
of our town, indulging in the cool luxuries'
•which ihe proprietors of the establishment
know so well bow to prepare,* and chatting ,
the white upon such subjects as fancy and
caprice suggested—a tall, limber-looking j
fellow of about twenty-three, made bis ap- j
pearancc, and after looking about hiin lor j
sometime in bewilderment and doubt, scat ■ i
ed himself at a table close by the one at ;
which we were sitting. The young man j
was apparently a stranger, and f ro m the I
country; and the illuminated 6ign, with "Ice j
Cream," "Confectionaries," &c., blazoned ,
thereon, had evidently taken him in. Know- 1
ing the Doctor to have a great propensity for j
practical joking, I turned to seo what effect |
this new arrival would have upon him ; and
one glance at his restless, twinkling eye < sat
isfied me that there would be sport.
After sitting some timo, ar i' uncertain
how to proceed, the young man plucked up
sufficient courage to address us, and inquired
whether he could "get 'some ice cream and
a couple of confectioneries;" slating, at the
same time, that he had "never been at the
canawl afore, and didn't know how people
acted at sich placos." He was informed by i
the Doctor, that if he would ring a small
bell which stood upon the table, his wishes
would be gratified. The green 'un did as
he was directed, and in due time was served
with the ice-cream and "confectionaries."
After eyeing for a few minutes the articles
before him, he look the spoon from the gloss
took a small quantity of the cream, and put
it to the tip of his tongue; and then looking
about the room with an air of great satisfac
tion and delight. Soon, however, another
idea seemed to strike him; he rammed the
epoon deep into the glass, took out heaped
full, and in a moment its contents had dis
At this instant I felt a twitch at my side—
the rext the Doctor was on his feet—had
clutched my arm convulsively, and with one
hand pointing towards the victim, almost
"Shocking! that young man is eating hie ice
cream raw I"
Down went ice-cream, spoon, cbitfection
aries and table, upon the floor, out leaped
tha victim at least ten feet toward the mid
dle of the room, gasping for breath—his
iyes protrnding from their sockets—and
countenance exhibiting marks of the grea
test terror and helplessness. In a moment
the Doctor was by his side—Hit his pulse
unbuttoned his coat, waistcoat, and sbirt-col
lar, as if to admit fresh air—then gently
pushing him into a chair, commenced fan
ning him wi th the skirt of his coat. It was
then that the viofim's tongue first became
loose, and with imploring look, he half-whis
pered, half sere ached—
"Oh, kin I live 1"
Upon this the Dootor looked mysterious,
felt his pulso egain, examined his tongue,
and then, in a solemq tone, replied :
"It may &•', young man, that by implioit
ly following my directions,' you can yet es
cape the consequences of your rashness and
folly. 1 would advise you to—'"
"Anything, I'll do anything you "tell me,
so I kin get over this spell, and find my way
home again."
"Well, then,sir. take off your coat." The
young man did so. ®Yie a handkerchief a
| bout you." He was obeyed. "And now,
sir, go to the door, run three times around
this square with all the might that is in you;
and then come back to me, and I will tell
you what further to do."
The young man vanished, and we re
sumed our seats; in a few minutes, howev
er, he returned, puffiingand blowing and ap
parently in better spirits
"Now," said the Doctor, "do you put on
your coat, button it up close to your chin ; go
to your lodging-place, and torn into bed im
mmediately; and let me advise you, young
man, that hereafter, before you undertake to
eat ice-cream, see that it is properly pre
pared ; end let me particularly charge you
(and here he assumed a very t-jrious air,)
never again do you attempt to eat ax cream
The young stammered forth his thanks,
and then left—we followed soon after.
Speech of Mr. Frazer of Lancaster
In the Williamsport Convention, on the Appoint
ment of a State Central Committee.
Mr. FRAZER said: The appointment of a
Central Committee is of the utmost impor
tance to the Democratic party of the Com
monwealth. Upon its industry, integrity,
discernment, watchfulness, and zeal, mainly
depend the triumph of our candidates, our
measures, and our principles, at the ballot
box. 11, Mr. President, you select a body
consisting of one Irom each Congressional
district, then you have a scattered, not cen
tral committee. They cannot meet often to
consult, advise, organize, and prepare for
the army of Pennsylvania
DeTßSfcrats, to meet and conquer the com
mon foe. In my view, sir, and as far as my
experience extends, a quorum of the com
mittee, at least from six to ten, should reside
at Harrisburg, the seat of government, where
the means of information from every part of
the state, and communication with same,
are more easily had, than at any other point.
The committee may have a member also
from each Congressional district, and such a
committee ; thus combining central energy
with extended numbers in the different parts
of the state, would render most efficient aid
to-the "good cause," and to the magnani
mous and noble party, whose order anij. or
ganization are almost entirely dependent
upon its action and labours. He hoped,
therefore, that the Convention would thus
constitute this most important committee.
Let us (said Mr. Fi), take heed from the foe,
nnd sutpass them in energy and activity. In
1848 their efforts were untiring—a travelling
candidate for governor, no'; so much to in
fluence the people by reason ane argument,
as to plan and devise an entire and efficient
organization of ihe opposition, traversed the
entire slale. In addition, paid colporteurs or
trowelling agents were set into every nook
and corner of the Commonwealth, and mon
ey was scattered with prodigality far and
wide among the train bands of Federalism.
Tne Democracy, confident of -their large
and decisive majority, rested o/t their arms;
the central committedid little if any labour,
and the integrity of our cause, and the love
of our principles alone, brought the people
to the polls. And yet, strange to say, the
Democratic candidate for governor, received
22,000 more votes than Governor Shunk did
the year before, (1847) when he bad 18,000
majority, and the Federal candidate received
40,000 more votes than General Irvin, also
the candidate of the same party (and a most
popular man), received the year before. Yet
I have never doubted, that a large amount
of thoss Federal votes were illegal, and that
tha Democratic candidate was really elected
by a veiy decided majority. Certain Fede.
ral districts in the county of Schuylkill pol
led more votes in 1848, by a large amount
than the list of taxables as lately taken; and
we all know, that in times even of the
greatest excitement, the full tax list cannot
be voted within thirty per cent., save jp 18-
38, when the treasonable f-spds of Millers
town, &c., nullified the voice of the people
and corrupted the honesty and purity of the
ballot-boxes. This full and complete organ
ization of our party is of vital importance.
In Democratic counties the people ate easily
moved in full force to the polls. Not so in
the Federal; Ihere tha insolence of power
crosses the path of Democrats, to crush and
sneer tkem out of their political faith.
The news from far-famed Berks, (after an
I eiec!.' oD > al wa y> warms our hearts. Wo can
then oniy feel th* (fieatness of her power,
the magnificence of her Swelling mojorities,
and the grandeur of her crushing viotories
over the many-named foe. Westmoreland,
Northampton, Montgomery, Clarion, Greene,
Monroe, Luzerne, Columbia, and many oth
ers, also swell the noble list of popular tri
umphs. Columbia did I say 7 Yes ! victo
rious, never conqnered Columbia, (applause)
who has never failed to come to the rescue
in the day of danger, has now, through the
vile treachery of the ingratf Best, in league
with the Federal whigs, been shorn of her
fair proportions, cut up and dismembered,
her voice disregarded, her Democratio yeo
men insulted and betrayed, so that the mis
erable traitor could get a small pea-patch
county taken from her Demociatio area; and
thus minister to his own selfish interests,
and destro v, ii possible, the very Democracy
to whom, under written pledges, prior to bis
election, made vountarily and unasked for,
he promised, "to stand by and support, in
all regular Democratic nominations, county,
state, or national, and that "he was opposed
to any division or other dismemberment of Col
umbia County." And yet, with the ink scarce
ly dry in which the pledges were written,
did the entire Whjg party, in the Senate of
Pennsylvania,[by the aid of the casting vote
of " Valentine Best" himself, degradingly elect
this same Best Speaker of their body, whilst
he in return, them the present infamous
and unfair apportionment bill, and they in
return gave him Montour, by his misrepre
senting the Democracy of Luzerne and Col
umbia, with 2500 majority. Degrading spec
tacle! worthy only of Arnold Iscnriot, and the i
piebald enemy who jointly effected these
infamous measures; and yet, I see this |
arch-traitor hovering around this Convention
like a carrion-crow (great laugh et), seeking
for more food to satiate his cormorant appe
tite., But I say to the betrayed, yet undis
mayed Democrats of noble Columbia, to let
"Repeal " be the watchword, never to tire in
their efforts, unfit their beautiful hills and
dales shall resound its triumph, like "Ex
punge" in the Senate of the Union, when
the fair fame of Andrew Jackson was res
cued trom the foul aspersion then cast upon
its mantle. (Cheers.)
We have a noble work before us, fellow-
Democrats. The state and nation must be
brought bank, at the coming gubernatorial
and presidential elections, to the Demociatic
cause. Her candidates, her measures and
principles must then again be in the ascen
cendant, and must, as she has during the
present century, with but a fsw short inter
vals, control and direct this great state and
advancing nation. (Applause.) Federalism
is not qualified for power, having no princi
ples but a lust for privileged power, corpo
rate irresponsibility, protected capital, de
pressed labour, and distrust of man's capa
bility for self-government, and these con
cealed under various disguises and pretences.
Her administration of the national govern
ment exhibits broken pledges, vicillating in
decision, Galphin plunders, and heartless in
difference to the cause of suffering freedom
in the land of the Roman and Hungarian.
(Renewed applause.)
Then let us rally our ranks again, and ele
vate Pennsylvania to her lofty position by
the side of chivalrous Virginia (where a
Federal vote fom 1799 to the present time
has never been cast), and exhibit to the na
tion the Keystone commonwealth, founded
in "mercy and justice." rendered illustrious
by the genius of Franklin, Rittenhouse, and
Fulton, by the valour of Wayne and Decatur
and the incorrup.tible democracy of Snyder,
Wolf, and Shunk, crowned with victor ous
laurels that shall be green for ever. (En
thusiastic applause.) *
Speech of Mr. '.Frazer of Lancaster
in the Williamsporl Convention, on the adopt
• ions of the Resolutions reaffirming the Balti
more platform. •
Mr. Frazer followed in support of the re
port of the Committee, and in reply to Mr.
Magraw. The gentleman (said Mr. F.) has
attempted to place us in a position we do
not occupy, which 1 will uot permit whilst I
can reply. The rights of a state and territo
ry are clear and distinct, and the | powers of
Congress equally so; and, without the Con
stitution confers upon that body the jurisdic
tion now claimed, expressly and clearly, the
Proviso legislation (unmeaning as it ever
has beeit, save for evil) would be, if sue*
cesful, a flagrant usurpation of power. I
differ directly with Judge Thompson as to
the power of Congress to legislate on this
subject over the territories. Surely there
are no words in the Constitution that confer
it. And again, who would contend that
Congress now could establish slavery in
Minesota or Oregon 1 Who, amoi.g those
from the Northern, Western, and Middle
States, where this domestic servitude does
not exist, but would and do deny any such
authority in Congress. The mere statement
ot the preposition carries its refutation
Then, if Congress cannot establish the in
stitution—is devoid of constitutional authori
ty—how, I would ask, can she prohibit it 1
The territories are the common property of
the nation, —the common treasury, obtain
ed, like the Union, "in a common cause,"
by "joict counsels, joint efforts, by common
dangers, sufferings, and successes." Sure
ly the citizens of every state have an equal
right to participate therein, and settle there
with their frmilies, servants, and property.
No wonder that the people of the Southern
States rise up unanimously against this att
empt to deprive them of their constitutional
rights. This common soil is open to all;
and the people, the Democracy of the terri
tory, will soon settle the question themsel
ves in the territory, and in the slate, when it
is luffied therein. This sovereign power
can only be exercised hy the sovereign peo
ple ; and, as the majority" ihere decide for or
aganist domestic servitude, so it must be.
Were I a citizen of the territory or state, I
would vote against it, but I could and would
not deprive my neighbor of voting for it;
and, if in the minority, I must submit or re
move away. lam not for its extension ;
but I will not take away from any citizen of
this Uhion, nor can Congress, his constitu
tional rights of emigration, with servants
and property, and voting aooording to his
own sovereign will and pleasure, in the terrt
ritory to which he may go. This is the
doctrine of the Democracy—the groat meflt
sure of non-intervention-—so n oblj advoca
ted and manfully Retained by ths states
man and patriot, Cass, in 'lie Senait of the
nation, in his great speech of the ? *t and
22d of last January. It wi I triumph, and ho
will triumph, and this great coi.'titutional
measure, of union and freedom, will save
and harmonize this nation and, lik > the bow
set in the clouds, will be irophetic of our
enduring constitutional ccenant among the'
American States, firm as tioir mountains of
rock, and lasting as the oceans that wash
the shores _of the might, continent over
which they expand. (Great applause.
This Convention, representing the entire
Democracy of Pennsylvania, responding
warmly and cheerily to thesf sentiments,
causes my heart to thrill ,n:hdelight; and
1 am> ay, wuh hut taw
exceptions in ■> ranks, ifci-y are the unani
mous voice of the party thro ighouc the Com
monwealth. Here let me no justice to the
roport on our Federal relations made in our
last Legislature by the Hon. Andrew Beau
mont, the Representative from Luzerne, in
which the same doctrines are ably advoca
ted and sustained by this pure-minded Cato
and veteran in the Democratic cause. And
I cannot pass by the able speech of the Hon.
Thomas Ro> s, the Represented to in Con
gress from the Bucks and Lehigh district in
the House of Representatives at Washing
ton, on this same impor ant subject. It is
well worth the perusal of every patriotie
Pennsylvanian, and is a high honor to its
gallant auhor. (A plause.) This Wilmot
Proviso has been omnipotent for evil to the
Democratic cause; has divided our ranks,
wherever it has many advocates; has sacri
ficed all uur leading m&vsuies to this one
bald idea and been of no service, even to its
friends, but of great advantage and useful
ness to the common Federal enemy in hel
ping them to triumph, and to place in pow
er a slaveholding President, and elevate to
high places the revilers of Andrew Jackson,
the very men who spit upon and traduced
Van Buren in the days of his Democracy,
and who triumphed over him, with demoni
ac glee, in the hard cider campaign of 1840
It was introduced into Congress in time of
war, placed as a Proviso to that with which
it has no oonnexion; was attempting to an
ticipate the acquisition of new territory; le
gislate for Unacquired possessions ; throw a
fire brand into Congress ; distract the nation, >
and impede the passage of war-measures,
and delay the advance of our victorious
troops in Mexico ; thus adhering 'moraiy tp
the enemies of our country in time of war,
aud "giving them aid and comfort?'
Its author, by his own true and sincere
friends, was implored to desist; to lay aside,
and to let it rest. He was young, rising in
to eminence, and truly eloquent-had ad
vocated alone from Pennsylvania in Con
gress, the passage of the tariff of 1846, stood
high before the country, with distinction and
usefulness awaiting hira in the future ; it
was a matter of deep regtet to those who
knew and admired him, that he should be
led away. All that friends could do was
exercised to save him, but nothing could
save his mad career. In the Presidential
election of 1848, he deserted the Democrat
ic cause ; voted for iho candidate of a Con
vention, where blacks were suffeied to par
ticipate ; divided his own county, and gave
Taylor 150Q majority, ju a region where
Clay was beat nearly 600 hundred by Polk.
(Much applause.) In Congress, last winter,
he voted against the Democratic candidate
for Speaker, supported Root, Giddinge, and
others, the most bitter enemies of the Demo
cratic party ever had, and assisted to delay
the organization of the house for weeks. But
he is gonejoined to his idols; yet I think
he will find, when too late, that the Dem
ocracy can do much belter without him,
than he without the Democracy. (laughter
and applause.) I cannot here desist in re
ferring to Martin Van Buren. A short time
since he was high in our affections; enjoy
ing the confidence and respect of the whole
American Democracy, and elevated by them
to the highest station on earth : and although
defeated in 1840, was still a favorite, and
looked up to with respect and veneration by
all. In an evil hour he turns round, takes a
nomination from a convention of abolition
ists and their kindred allies' placed on the
ticket with the heir of Brsjntree, opposing
the very Democracy who h#d made him all
he was or ever/sould be, not receiving a
single electoral vote, but causing the success
of the enemy, and the defeat of his former
great party; and like Arnold after hie treas
on, at New London, when the "red coat was
on his back, fired upon ibe glorious Demo
ctacy, who in 1832 and 1838 elevated him
to the Vice-Presidency and Presidencjr of
the Republic, with the steady vote of chival
rous, noble, and SouTiwae VIRGINIA, if you
please, always cast for him. Out, out upon
such dark ingratitude !!! (Bursts of app
lause) We can truly say of him,
"Living, shall forfeit fair renown,
And doubly dying, shall go down
To the vile dust from whence he sprung,
Unwept, unhonoresH and uneun^?^
But we have the FUsburg plaiform, offei
ed as a substitute for the national platform
now before the Convention. Such a PLAT
FORM, why, it is to nrrow for even a Free
Soiler to stand straight "P Cull length upon.
(Laughter.) The Pittsburg Convention
ehonld hare discarded v? once.
Yet, we are told, we were victorious un
illr it last fall; that our victory wee caused
Mptfr How ridiculous ! It was the giant-
Jttength of an aroused Democracy, deter-
mined to succeed and bring Pennsylvania
back again to her old position, that caused
our triumph, irrespective of the departure of
the Pittsburg Convention from the national
The only true course is to hold a national
creed. (A vqice, "It is, it is.") It will con
tinue, whilst sectional views or dogmas can
never prevail. I recognise no Pennsylvania
Democracy; no Northern or Southern Dem
ocracy, but American Democracy!! Jef
fersonian Democracy!! that noble, inspi
ring Democratic faith that is alike acceptable
along the granite hills of New Hampshire,
the mountains of Pennsylvania, the shores
of Virginia, the sands of Carolina, the levees
of Louisiana, the banks of the Mississippi,
the prairies of Illinois, the shores of Michi
gan, the woods of lowa, the gold mines of
California, an'd the valley of the Oregon.
That inspires us with the nobleness of self
respect, breaks the chain of the oppressor,
vindicates the right of self government, rai
ses MAN from the earth, and teaches him to
walk proudly erect with no superior but that
all-wise Creator, whose image he bears and
whose breath he breathes. (Reiterated ap
plause.) Let us hold to this creed ; it ie
from our fathers ; under it, our institutions
have prospered; new states added to the
confederacy, now spreading from ocean to
ocean ; and one bright star after another ap
pearing in the canopy of freedom; thus for
ming A UNION, whose bright example is des
tined to overthrow kings and thrones, and
free the world from bondage.
When Pennsylvania sets up a measure or
movement in opposition to the National De
mocracy, she is always in the wrong. Wit
ness the Bank and Tariff questions, and the
state candidate in 1832 for Vice-President.
We must stand with our brethren of the U
nion apd go with "the Democracy of the U
nion for the sake of the Union." Pennsyl
vania can have no interests that conflict with
the prosperity of the whole nation. We
must become prosperous, through the pros
perity of the coantry at large. The people
found this out, when they strayed off on the
Tariff question, and it required the unflin
ching firmness of Vice-President Dallas, a
national patriot and a national Democrat, to
set Pennsylvania right with his fearless, 'and
noble, and casting vote. (Immense app
lause.) Just so this free soil heresy leads
mer. imperceptibly away from patriotism and
.Democracy. (A voice, "So it does.")
It look the Roman firmness of another
great man, to set tha mark of the nation
al creed. The country found him in, Lewis
Cass, the Democratic candidate in our last
campaign. (Cheers.) It is men* such as
he— national men and national Democrats—
who are our towers of strength in the times of
of peril and danger.
But lam accused by the gentleman (Mr.
Magraw) of loving the South■ Loving the
South !! My country—my countrymen ! !
American freedom and freedom's own land!
I plead guilty to the accusation, if accusation
it be ; and if I did not love the whole South
as well os my whole country (applause,) I
would be udworthy of the name of American-,
unworthy of its glory, and forever unworthy
of these great blessings enjoyed by no other
people on earth. When 1 forget Jamestown,
Braddock's Field, Yorktown, Virginia, the
Tenth Legion, Monlicello, Mecklenburg,
Eutaw, Charleston, Savannah, Orleans, and
author of the Declaration of Independence;
Madison, the father of the Constitution ; Patrick
Henry, the opponent qf the Stamp Act; Giles,
Randolph, John Marshall, Macon, Marion,
Will, Washington, Moultrie, Laurens, Pinck
noy,Jackson, aud his veto of the Monster "Bank,
t hen, and not till then, will I, can I for gut my
noble countrymen of the msich-abused, mucn-in
jured, yet heroic, dauntless, and patriotic Amer
ican South. (Enthusiastic and long-continued
EVIDENCES or FOLLT. —Asking the publish
er of a new periodical how many copies he
sells per week.
Making yourself dissagreeab'e, and then
wondering that no one will visit you.
Getting drunk and complaining next day
of the headache.
Judging people's piety by tbeir attendance
at church.
Neglecting to advertise, and wondering
that you do not succeed in business. ,
Refusing to take a newspaper, and being
surprised that people laugh at your igno
rance. t
"So you would not take me to be twenty!"
said a young lady to her partner, while dan
cing the polka, a few evenings ago. "What
would you take me for then 1" "For better
or worse," replied he.
Carson has been elected to the chair of Mate
ria Medica, vacated by the transfer of Dr.
Wood to that of the Prac ice of Medicine.
The Juniata Register publishes three deaths
by drowning on three successive days, in
that county. Their vers all children ..the
oldest twelve yean old.
OT The president has recognized James
F. Meline as Consular Agent of France for
Cincinnati, in the State of Ohio.
I Tne locusts, after an absence of aeven
■ teen years hav# appeared again in tho neigh
■ borhood of Lewi*town,-V..
I did love thee, Lilly Lee,
As the petrel loves the sea,
As the wild bee loves the thyme
As the poet loves his rhyme,
As the blossom loves the dew-
But the angels loved thee 100.
Once, when twilight's dying head "
Prest her golden sheeled bed,
And the silent stars drew near,
White and tremulous with fear,
While the night's repelling frown
Strangled the young zephyr down,
Told I all my love to thee,
Hoping, fearing. Lilly Lee.
Fluttered then her gentle breast,
With a troubled sweet unrest,
Like a bird too near Ihe net
Which the fowler's hand hath set;
But her mournful eyes the while,
And her spirit speaking smile,
Told me love could not depart
Death's pale arrow from the heart.
Hushing from that very day
Passion pleading to have way,
Folding close her little hand, 1
Watched I with her till the sand
Crumbling from tread,
Lower'd her softly to the dead, ..
Where in peace she waits for me,
Sweetest, dearest, Lilly Lee.
As the chased heart loves the ware,
As blind silence loves the grave
As the penitent.lover's, prayer,
As the pale passion love's despair,
Loved 1, and still love I thee,
Angel stolen Lilly Lee.
YANKEE DOODLE.—A late number of the
Knickerbocker contains some amusing ad
ventures of Yankee Doodle. The following
is a pretty fair illustration of the adventuroua
and wandering character of the hardy sons
of New England. Speaking of the won
derful übiquity of the true Yankees, the
writer says—
"lt is harder than a Chinese puzzle to put
your finger on a territory, disputed or undis
puted, where the Yankee Doodle is not. If
you go to Land's End, he is there; to Mount
Ararat, he is there; Chimborozo, Himlaya,
the Mountain of the Moon, or the Pyramid
of Cheops, he is there; anywhere, in fine
where an ark, a dove, a camel, a snake can
arrive by their several faculties; bartering,
scratching his name on trees, stones and Af
rican slaves. He knows the whole map of
the ancient dominions of Prestor John, and
he is hand-and-glove with all the savages in
the world. He has been to Incbaboe until
he has scraped it perfectly clean; and- if
your English trader has discovered a new
bank of Guano, and is getting ready to fire
a gun or two and take possession of it in
the name o" her Majesty, imagine his con
cernment to disc over a dozen of these fel
lows seventy feet deep m a guano cavern,
scooping it out with their fingers and a Ban
gor schooner bouncing up and down in a fit
tie cove like a duck among bulrushes. Now
if you walk on the shore at Bildarax, you
will find that you.are not the first'here, per
haps to your great sorrow, as Captain Jix
swore violently, when, in walking through
the streets of Rundown, at the very limits of
the dominions of Prince Pompadello, in Af
rica, he he ard a sharp whistler going through
the tune of "Yankee Doodle," with arv easy
execution and a devilish unconcern, "which
threw him at once into a coast fever. And
just so it was with the poor soul who discov
ered Bimpaz, and was just uncorking a bot
tle of Maderia in comemoration of the event,
when he saw a Yankee on a hill-side admin
istering the cold water pledge to three na
Chips from the Albany Dutchman.
This is tho great paper of these time* for
humor and we give from it the following
THE Tribune goes against ad valorum du
ties, because a large number of the impor
tations are undervalued. This fact, we
think, don't prove that this mode of levying
duties is improper, but that we have got a
lot of asses connected with the Custom
House, who don't know their duty. The
appraiser who can't tell a fifty dollar shawl
from one valued at two hundred, is not fit to
be corporal to a clam wagon. Such a man
should be shaved with cold water under any
THE best cure lor love is Mckness. If
any of your friends are troubled with this
complaint, therefore, don't persuade them
to seek consolation in good advice or arse;
nic, but induce them to eat green fruit till
they get the eholie. Ae Dr. Wing very justly
objserves, no man can go crazy about a piece
of calico, as long as his bowel* are -deran
LOOKING NICE.—A lejm invented to keep
boys off the grass and make girls consump
tive. In our opinion, dirt is one of tfie very
elements of health, and no boy should be
denied hislegilimate share thereof. Clean
children are always "pale and interesting "
WHIN strolling in the country with the
girle, always hold a parasol over their heads.
It not only keepe the sun from injuring their
complexion, but it often affords you an op
portunity of exchanging Hps even when the
old folks are within listening distance.
BSEAXINO IN HEIFERS.—This is what court
ing is now termed in [Wisconsin and other
Western States. More expressive, we think,
thai poetic.
The Deipooratio Citizens of Pittsburg have
tendered the Hon. Robert J Walker, new in
that cily, a public dinner.
The following brief a ail pungent article,
from the Public on the of
the immigration of Foreigner? to our .land,
bjeathes a liberaj and truly American spirit,
the sp.rit of our patriotic forefathers, which
we are happy to find in that able and influ •
entialpaper: v ,
"ABjORmrK—A Boston journal observes
that, we have received as much of the popu
lation of Europe as we ca,n absorb; at least
this was said some timo ago, since which
we have continued to absorb several, thou
sands more, and are destined every day to
continue the absorption, whether we will op
not. TheJloston philosipher is at
fault. There is no principle of absorption
that \yill regulate Of litpit immigration. The
surplus of European population will flow up
on us and we most receive it, according to
the most powerful principle of nature, which
controls all other?, th?.principle of oqualiza-.
tion. If God made the earth for man, what
branch of the human famiiy shall claim a
parent the exclusiy? possessipn of
this vast continent ? , Does it not belong c,j
much to the European as to the American,
as a dwelling place ! Facts always crush
theories, qml the faqt is pll around. and a
bout this, that this land of freedom ever has
been, and ever will be, the dwelling place,
of the foreigner.., ,YVho were our ancestors 1
Foieigners. Who are the Americans ? The
children of foreigners. What right had the
original settlers, whether of Plymouth. Rook,
or Virginia, or Old Rotterdam, or Pennsylva
nia, to the land as a dwelling place, not com
mon to all who came after them 7 Who dis
covered this vhst continent ~ Europeans.
Who peopled it t ; Why Europeans I And
mast the ports of the new world now be
closed agajnst the original owners, oil a fan,
ciful principle of absorption ? What would
"Americus Vespueius" aay to this Boston Edi
}or? What ineffable acorn would ourvri jthe
lips of Columbus, were he alive to hear this
superlative nonsense? The hand of indus the only patent to lam}, and that i?
given by God. Steam has brought us 200Q
miles nearer to Europe, at a time when the
increased intelligence among the people ,is
crumbling into fragments her oppressive sys.
tern. Is it marvellous that the shock should
send thousands for refuge to the land of Col
umbus, who cannot obtain food, or defend
their rights in the old world ? Nature will
find a remedy for all evils With a wilder
ness yet unexplored by the fqot of man, a
boundless region extending from the Atlantiq
to the Pacific Ocean, what sane ipind can
deliberately announce the preposterous idea,
that the United States can 'absorb no mora
European population'? We can yet,' and
will soon, absorb millions apon .millions,
God has written it as an unalterable decree
on the fece of human events. Wi(h onei. "
half of the human race wanting bread, our
fertile tracts cannot regain barren. Hu
manity shudders at the thought. Benevo;
lence scouts at the narrow suggestions of a
cruel bigotry. . Trade welcomes the access
ion of laborers. Commerce prospers in
transportation, and agriculture flouishes from
their enterprise. But we have "absorbed,'?
as much of this "Boston notion" as seems
meet, and consign the rest to the general
reservoir of "wooden nutmegs" and "tin
pans," to which it is, at least, cousin gor
A Newly Married Editor's Rhapsody.
Some newly Caught Editor, who has nev."
er been kept awake o' nights by the squall
ing of tho "nice, wice, bossed little baby,"
or bis inkstand tipod over among his ox
changes, or upon his newly writ editorial
by his eldest hopeful, thus rhapsodizes the.
pleasure acd the necessity of matrimony •
"If you are for pleasure—Marry? If you
prize rosy health—Marry! And even if
Money be your object— Marry! A good
wife is "Heaven's last gift to roan"—his an
gel and ministers of grade innumerable—his
Sal Polychrostura or gem of many virtues—
his Pandora, or casket of celestial jewels
her presence forma his best company—her
voice, his sweetest music—-her smiles, his
brighest day—hei?kiss, innocenoe—her arma,
the pale of his safety, the balm of his health,
thk balsam of his life—her for
est wealth—her lips, his fa'ithfullest counsel
lors—-her bosom, thj) .softest pillow -of his
carep—and her prayers the ablest, advocates
of Heaven's blessings on his bea&
If you lovjftlM Creator you" ought to marry,
to raise him up worsptppers-if you love
the ladies, you ought to marry to make them
happy—if you love mankind you ought to
marry to perpetuate the glorious race—if
you loe the country, you ought'to marry to'
raise up soldiers to defend it—in fine, if you
wish well to earth or heaven, you to marry/
to give good citizens to (he one, and glori-''
ous saints to the othei!"
MRS. PARTIKQTOU'S LAST—" An apt to take
the senses of the People; well I vow," said
Mrs. Partington, "if thing* mint coming to a
pretty pass; these Legislatures want to take
everything away from a body—l think they
might have left the sense* alone, there's pre
cious little of 'em to spare any howso say
ing the old lady dropped her specs aid re
lapsed into a profound melancholy.
The difficulty which has to long existed
between the Freemasons of the State of New
York has been, amicably settled. All the
Lodges under the jurisdiction of St John's
Grand lodge are acknowledged as being le
gally constituted, and the members thereof'
as regularly made Masons.