The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, June 20, 1850, Image 3

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    GREAT TROT.— On Tuesday, the 4th inst.,
the great trotting mutch against time, came
off at the course, near Philadelphia. The
be*, waa oi o'thoueaml dollars on each side.
Tho performances were that a pair of hor
ses belonging to Mr. Dav. Connor, of this
p!a:c, could travel fif.een miles in one hour.
Thoy were driven by the owner himself,
and were hitched to a very light vehicle
with four wheels. The first few rounds they
lost time, but gradually got on the increase
and came out at the end ol the 10 miles,
53 seconds before the timo expired. The
average speed was 3 minutes and 36 seconds
per mile, being one of the greatest feats on
record.— Easton Argus.
ry The Railroad Journal states that at
least ten thousand miles of road will be
built in the U. Scales within tho next ten
years. Besides the iron required for the new
structures, a considerable amount will be
needed for relaying worn out tracks and re
pairs. Over 100,000 tons will bo purchased
ber on the siok list at West Point lust year
caused some investigation to bo made, and
tlio oitrgeou represents the causes to bo the
inordinato quantity oftobaoco used by diem,
and the practice of wearing pantaloons so
tight around the waist as to intorfere with j
digestion and cause many unpleasant symp
toms. lie recommends that tho cadets be
required to take a full inspiration beforo be
ing measured around the waist by their tai
lors !
fV The whole number of bills passed a
the late session of our Slate Legislature, is
iy Baruum has tho skin of Oalphin, stuf
fed, in his museum. Gaiphin's teirs, in re
venge, have skinned the people of tho Uni
ted States and stuffed themselves.
TELEGRAPH raortrs.—The monthly re
ceipts of the Washington and New Orleans
Telegraph Company are estimated to be $lO,
000, when in good working order, and the
e.vpensos about 55.000.
mittee of Patents, in Congress, have repor
ted favorably to renewal of Parker's patent
for improvements on water wheels—that is,
the patent to be extended for seven years
book is annonnced, soon to bo published in
London, entiiled "Rural hours in the United
States," by Miss Fennimore Cooper, daugh
ter of tho novelist.
r ty Professor Webster is said to be in
good spirits; he has his meals from Parker's
as usual, and enjoys excellent healthjand ap
petite. He is firmly of the opinion that he
never will be hanged. He reads a good part
his time in the Bible, and takes particular
pains to mark, as he goes along, all passa
ges refering to false witnesses and persecu
tors of innocent men. His family visits him
twice a week.
CI'RE FOR BAD FITS—Not by any pa ,
tent medicine, but by a good suit —not Mich
a suit as a man can get into at court,but such j
n neat, wcll-mado and fashionable suit of i
clothing as every body should wear; just j
such as you can find at A. H. Kllis", if you !
will call and examine his stock of coats, j
pants, vests, and other articles of dress at the ,
lower door of the new Exchange Block near- j
Iv opposite the Court-House, in Bloomsburg
His stock of ready-made clothing is not the
"llopwrk," made up for sixteen cents a day,
but is cut with attention and made up to u ear
and not only to sell.
Mr. Ellis lias also on hand an assormcnt of
cloth, eassimeres, sattinets, and suitable trim
mings; so thut he is prepared to make up
clothing to order at the shortest notice. He
will pay particular attention to cutting out.
In Sunbury, on Thursday, 11th inst., by
iheßiv. J. Stine, Mr WM. STOEKER, of
Schuylkill co., to Miss CHRISTIANA YETTER,
of Columbia, Pa.
On (lie 13th inst., by the Rev.G. \V. New
e'l at the r sideline of Mr. Geo ge Apple
man, near Orangeville, Mr. 11 E. BOMAN to
Miss AMANDA daughter of Mr.G. Apple
In Dallas, on the 2nd inst., by Corrad Knn
kle, Esq., Mr. ISAAC EI.STON, of LF.HMAN, to i
Miss AMV, daughter ol Jonathan Husted, of \
the former place.
At St I-ouis, on the 9th tilt., Mr. JOVN WM- !
I.EV Moi TIMER, f ormeily o' Pottsville, to Mrs. j
CATHARINE KINO, both of St. Louis.
On Tuesday last in Scottown. CHART.ES,
infant son of Michael E. and Eliza K. Eyer
ly, aged about 6 months.
"Once we had a little son
He was our favorite pride
We loved him, ah! perhaps to well,
For soon he slept and died.
In Danville, after a very short illness, on
Wednesday last, Mrs. ISABELLA JANE GRIER,
wife of Mr Michael C. Grier, and daughter
of the late Alexznder Montgomery.
In Huntington, on the 14th day of May,
Mr. THOMAS TI'BBS aged 96 years and 15
days. Mr Tubbs was a soldier of the revo
lutionary war.
On the 30th of May, CATHARINE BARTON,
aged about 95. She was the widow of the
late Chriatophor Barton of Huntington, de
ceased, wsa soldier of the revolution.
In Bloomsburg, on Thursday the 13th inst.
Mrs. ABIGAIL, wife of Agustus Wilson, aged
22 years, 4 mouths and 8 days.
In Bloomsburg, on Sunday last Miss CATH
ERINE SMITH, aged about 26 years.
In Bloomsburg, on Monday last MARTIN
VAN BCBIN son of Andrew and Matilda
Kuhn, aged 12 years and 14 days.
This house is kept by D. BLAIR, and is one
of the best in the city. Merchants and oth
er* visiting Philadelphia would do well to
give him a -all
Nttlee in Partition<
Columbia County si.
#The Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania to Catharine widow of Geo.
Miller senr. deceased, Henry, E
lizabeth intermarried with John
Groover, David, Sarah intermar
ried wilt Paul Horn, Catherine intermarried
with Abraham Klase Jr., Samuel Mary, Re
becca intermarried with Jacob L. Shuman &
Susan a Minor about 18 years ol age, heirs
ot George Miller senr., Into of Mifflin Town
ship deed., and all other persons greeting.
You and each of you are hereby cited to be
and appear before the Judges ot'our Orphans
Court at an Orphans Court to bo held at
Bloomsburg on the third Monday ol A 1 gist
next of saiu day, and then and there accept
or refuse to take Estate of said Georgo Mil
ler senr., deed., situate in Maine Township
in said County at the appraismenlput upon it
by the inquest duly awarded by the Court
and Returned by the Sheriff on 19th day of
November A. D. 1849, and in case all the
heirs and representatives to refuse the Estate
at the Valuation, then to show cause, why
tho same should not be sold. Witness the
Honorable Joseph B. Anthony Esq., Presi
dent of our said Court at Bloomsburg the
first day ot February A. D. 1850.
Bloomsburg June 20, 1850.-to
To Collectors and Tax-payers of Columbia
Is Hereby given, that an abatement of five
per cent, will be allowed on all Stale .Taxes
for 1850, paid on or before the 1 Jay of
July next, and the Collet txrs are requested
to mre; at the Treasurer's Office in Blooms
burg on that day, for the purpose of paying
over all taxes received by thern up to that
time, in consequence of the passage of a la v
by the last Legislature prohibiting tho cirou
lation of bank notes of other states and ol a
less denomination than five dollars in pay
ment of county, or Slate Taxes, or militia
The Collectors for '4B and '49, will do well
to call on the day above mentioned, and
settle the amount of their respective dupli
cates as we intend to place all back standing
I Taxes, at that time for those two years in
I pio.-ess of collection.
A MA NMrs LEVERS, Treas. )
Treasurer's Office, June 12 1850. j
By virtue of a testatum writ o. venditioni
exponas from the Court of Common Pleas
of Wyoming county, entered in the Court
of Common Pleas of Columbia county, will
be exposed to public s ale at the Court House
in Bloomsburg on Saturday the 3d day of Au
gust nex',Jat 10 o'clock P. M., all the rigl t
title and interest in a certain tract of land
sit;:a'e in Fishingcreek township, {Columbia
county, containing two hundred acres more
or less, about eighty a eras of which is
cleared land, bounded by lands of Simon
Todd, John Eveland, Sam'l Yost and others,
w'.iereon are erected two l)g houses anoji
small log barn.
Seized, taken ir. execution and to ba sold
as the property of Ralph R Carpenter
At the same time and place by virluo of a
writ of venditioni exponas a certain tract or
piece of land situate in Briarcrcck township,
Columbia county, containing 48 acres more
or less, of which about 20 acres is cleared,
bounded by lands of John Marlz on the south
on the north by lands of John Van pelt, and
others, whereon is erected a two story frame
dwelling house, a log barn and other out
buildings, with an applo orchard, and the ap
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold
as the properly of Josiah Fowler
Sheriff's Office, Bloomsburg, \
Jutffe 13, 1850. (
List of Causes for trial at August
Term, 1850.
t Edmund L Pipes vs John Bailey
2 Geo Fox's Admr. vs Andrew Emmons
Admr. et al
3 John Shively vs Jacob R Ilower
4 Anna Dill man vsS B M Yantz
5 John Davidson vs Wm H Wooden
6 Isaac Bernheimeret al. vs Joseph K Fred
erick ct al
7 JoltnG Bruuner et al vs Jonas Hartman
8 David Ritter et al vs Joseph Mans
9 Wm Donaldson vs John Peter Groves et al
10 Daniel Hoats et al vs Wm Schuyler
11 David Masters et al vs Henry Johnson
12 John T Davis vs Chas F Mann
13 Jesse Hughes vs Benj P Frick et al
14 Alem Recnleret al vs John M- Fiester
15 Chas Kramm vs Wm E Allbright et al
16 Samuel Plluey vs theMoutourlron Com
pany et al.
17 Lafayette Kepler vs Elisha Ilass.
18 W Mongoinery'sex vs David F Kownover
19 Dr. John Ramsey vs Rev John P Heister I
20 Moore & Riddle vs Simon P Kase
21 Wildoner's admr vs Robert Lockard
22 Levi Bissel's admr vs Amzi Brown
23 John Conner vs Stiles & Brink
24 Wm Bitterly vs Moses May et ex
25 Samuel Conner vs Conrad Adams
26 E Hicks et al vs Frederick Robb
27 Daniel Hill vs Nicholas Seibert
28 Geo Fredericks ot al vs Vaniah Rces
29 Jacob Fetterman vs Daniel Roller
30 Darnel Blizard vs Solomon Rudy et al
31 Yard Gilman & Co vs W Donaldson
32 B. P. Frick vs Chas F. Mann.
The undersigned, appointed Sequestrator
by the Conrt of Common Pleas ot Colum
bia county in the suit of Jonas Dayman for
the use of R. R. Carpenter, now for the use
of John Snyder us. William Shoemaker, will
expose to public sale at the Court-house in
Bloomsburg, on Saturday the 3d day of Au
g ist next, agio o'clock P. M., all the life
Estate of William Shoemaker in a certain
piece or tract of land situate in Greenwood
Township Columbia Corn y Containing fifty
acres more or less of which nearly ull is
cleared land, bounded by lands of Peter Bit
tenbendrr, Elijah Albertson, and others
whereon is erected a one and a half story
frame d wajjing House ar.d a large Bum
with the appurtenances.
Bloomsburg, June 13th 1850.
iYOU are hereby ordered to meet
al Orangeville, ox Thursdo) the 4th
day of JULY, next at 10 >'olock
A. M. fully equipped for drill and
parade, to join with the citizens in
celebrating the birth day of AMER
Persons wishing to join this Com
pany or wishing to form other uni.
torm Companies, should be in attendance,
as the General, Major, and various other Of
ficers will likely be there to give any assis
fance. or information.
I.ivht Street, June 11, 1850
Sloan and Meatfeabtli;
HASjnst received a fresh assortment of
Spring 4ir,d Summer Dry Goods, of every va
riety which they are now ready, to exhibit to
all those who may favor us with a call, as
we will sell on fair and Accommodating
terms. Their slock consists of every variety
of Dry Goods.
Linen and Colten fabrics and Summer
wear of all kinds, Calicoes, Chiutx, Ging
hams, Lawns, and Muslins, bleached and
Palm-leaf and .other Hats.
Queens-ware and Hard ware of all kieds.
GROCERIES.—Fresii and new and a very
fine assortment, as cheap as the cheanest.
P. S. Country produce and lumber, al
ways taken in Exchange for Merchandize,
at the Brick Store directly opposite the Court
Bloomsburg, April 13, 1850.
RESPECTFULLY invites the attention of the
public to his new stock of choice Spring and
Summer Goods, which he has just opened &
oilers at the lowest prices. His assortment
consists of a full variety of Dry Goods, Gro
ceries, •
And among these will be found a variety
Of tho cheapest styles and best fabrics.
His goods are purchased at the "lowest fig
ure," and will be sold at the lowest profit.
Purchasers will do well to see his goods and
prices before purchasing elsewhere.
His store is in the old stand upon Main
I Street.
Bloomsbarg, April 19th 1850.
Fire Insurance.
THE Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance
Company, have appointed the undersigned
an Agent, to make insurances in Columbia
county. The Company is in good credit,and
is conducted upon sound principles. Persons
insured by the Company are entitled to the
rights of membership therein, nre elegiblc
as Directors of the Corporation, but u'itliout
any individual liability for the losses or expenses
of the Company. The amount of premium
and policy paid when insured is the extent
of liability. Persons desirous of effecting
an insurance upon property, can call upon
the undersigned, at his Office in Bloomsburg.
May 22, 1850.
Eagle Woolen Factory.
Near Berwick, Columbia County, Penn.
The subsbribers respectfully inform their
friends and the public that they are carrying
on the woolen manufacturing business in all
its various branches, at the old stand former
ly occupied by Samuel Rogers & Son. They
arc prepared to execute ah kinds of work in
their line of business- The Factory machi
nery and apparatus are in good repair, and
every effort will be made to render general
satisfaction. They are now prepared to
manufacture from the fleece .
Broad and Narrow Cloths, Satinetts, Cassi
meres Blanketting.\lpc.
Also, Carding and Fulling done in the
best manner and at the usual prices.
For the accommodation of those who live
at a distance, wool and cloth will betaken in I
at, and returned, when finished, to tho fol
lowing places, viz :
Berwick, A Miller, S Bowman's stores
Centre tsp, G H Fowler's do
Nescopeck, Miller & Schuyler do
Light Street, Sloan & Thompson do
Bloomsburg, Wm McKelvy &Co do
Conyngham, Seybert do
MilHinville, Brown & Creasy do
Wapwallopen, Heller do
Nescopeck tsp, Walker do
Catawissa, Sir rrpless do
Nanticoke, Alexander do
Orangeville, Lazarus do
Beaver tsp, Shuman's tavern
Hyde Park, Ricketson do
Pittston, Forsman do
Catawissa Forge, Shuman do
Espytown, Barton store
Wilkesbarre, Z Benuet, C B Fisher do
Salem, Seybert do
East Sugarloaf, Robert tavern
Abington Centre, Reynold store
Kingston, Helme's tavern
Catawissa Valley, Bristi do
Roaringcreek, Yeager do
CyPlainly written directions mustaccom
pany each parcel. They will at all times
exchange any kind of goods for wool.
May 25. 1850—2 18 2m
Removal !
The subscriber returns Lis thanks to his
friends for their liberal patronage to him,and
respectfully solicits a continuance of it at his
new shop on the lower end of Afain street in
Bloomsburg, immediately opposite the 'Star 1
office, where he has removed his
He continues to manufacture all kinds of
Boots and Shoes in tho best manner and nea
test style ; and keeps constantly on hand an
assortment of ready mado work, which he
will tell at the lowest prices for cash or coun
try produce.
"Ho canfurnish any desirable stylo of Men's
coarse or fine boots, brogans; gaiters, or slip
pers, and also Ladies' and Mis'es' shoes,
slippers and gaiters. J. B. WEAVER,
ap 10-50-tf
A House & Lot at Private Sales
THE subscribers offer to pur
gdß jlAchasers, at private sale, a house
lot upon the Main Street of
MKHBloomsburg, in the business
part of the town, between the two principal
hotels, and only a little more than a square
from tne Court House. The lot fronts 66 on
Main street and extends 2144 feet back.
The house is a large stone dwelling, and the
property in every way offers a fair chance to
any person wishing a residence or business
location in the county-seat. For terms in
quire of A. H. ELLIS.
Bloomsburg, or
made to order of any desirable style at the
chair manufactory of B.HAGENBUCH.
Bloomsburg, May 16th 1850.
Webster's Unabridged Dictionary,
German Bibles, Gcrraan'Hymn Books, and
just about all other kind of Books for sale at
| tho Bloomsburg Book Store in Biggs Ex
change Building, by
Tlw People's Friend.
mation. old sores, fresh woundsand
Piles, and all diseases of the bowels of a
chronic nature, tooth ache and ear-ache, &c.,
It is truely what it professes to be. "the
People's Friend !" Providence lias scattered
along tho rugged paths ol life many tilings
that contribute greatly to the comfort and
hanpinesk of every body ; hence their great
value, and well may they be called 'friends
of tne people.'
One word hero to guard against imposition.
A man by the name of spencer, has manu
ufactureu and offered for sale a spurious ar
ticle called the Coryll Extract , —that would
be extract of the hazel-nut: —the genuire is
as while and pure as water, while the spuri
ous article is colored, which enablos the
public to distinguish.
None genuine, but those mrrkod Pond's
Pain Destroyer. For sale by
Win Robison, Bloomsburg, John Jessup,
Sliickshinny, Chnlfant & Hughes, Danville,
Seth B Bowman, Berwick, Fowler 8c Trem
bly. Espvtown. 2 18 ly
Call in and See !
The subscribers would invite the attention
of the public to their new stock of Spring
and Summer Goods which they have just re
ceived. They have a full and general as
sortment of all such goods us aro usually
kept in a country store, and will sell at the
lowest prices for good pay.
Ladies can find in this assortment a varie
ty of
Ginghams, lawns, Lustres and Reranges
of almost any desirable style and pattern.
For gentlemen, we can furnish
Broad cloth and Snmmer cloth, and almost
anything else that may be needed, including
Groceries, Hardware, Queenswaro, Cedar
ware, Summer hats, &c.
Bloomsburg, May 1, 1850.
Peter S. Leidy
Can manufacturo just as neat and fashiona
ble a suit of clothing as nny other tailor in
these diggins. As a sample of his work
manship, lie refers you to tne
To be found in the town, which is quite cer
tain to have come from his shop.
Ho regularly receives the latest city fash
ions, and from his experience in the busi
ness can ensure satisfaction in his work.
He has also on hand an assortment of
At the lowest prices, from which he will
make up to order coatr, pants, or vosts of any
desirable style.
13^His shop is on the North side of Main
Street, a few doors above the Court-house.
Bloomsburg, Feb. 14, 1850.
Thomas C. Pomboy
Respectfully informs the ptthiic that he has
I opened and arranged in gool order
at the Pennsylvania Hotel, in the lower part
ol Main Street, Bloomsbutg, where he will
be ready to furnish any kind of Firearms, in
good order and of approved workmanship.
lie will also attend to
Repairing and Cleaning Gnns
I and will repair and make all kinds of light
| machinery, locks, &c., at moderate charges.
I Guns and Pistols on hand for sale,
j Bloomsburg, May 2, 1850.
Reform Your Habits.
Come ye, with garments bare and seedy,
Yebacn'lors, widowers, husbands too,
If, in the outward man you're needy,
We soon can make you good as new.
The subscriber respectfully informs his
friends and the public that he continues tl.o
at the old stand, on the second story of tho
Exchange Building, Bloomsburg.
Me will be careful to see that his work is
made up in the best manner, and he flatters
himself that he will be able to give entire
satisfaction in point of cut, fit and style, as
well as in price. He therefore respectfully
solicits his friends and the public to give him
a trial.
Spring and Summer fashions on hand, and
nothing shall be lacking to satisfy the wants
of old friends and new customers.
Bloomsburg, April 6, 1850.
To HAVE the best fitting suit in town >l*
made by BERNARD RUPERT, who
does Fashionable Tailoring as cheap fc
a little better than it can be done in town by
any bony else. He has just received the la
test Fall Fashions, and with his experiene in
cutting garments, he can promise tho best
satisfaction to those who pntronize him. If
Was to be supplied with such garments as he
turns off, a fair fortune might be made at
once. His shop is on Main street below Mar
ket, in the building lately occupied as an of
fice by C. R. Buckalew.
jyHo will take country produce for his
work, and gold dollars will not be refusod.
Bloomsburg, Nov. 8, 1849—tf.
New Arrangements anil Great Bargains.
The undersigned respecfully informs the
citizt ns of Bloomsburgn and the public in
general,that he has purchased Mr. Frantz's
Boot If Shoe Store and has added largely to
his stock, and will continue the business at
the same stand in the Exchange Building,
on Main Street, where he will be happy to
receive the calls of old and new customers.
Boots Rnd Shoes, of every variety at prices
to suit purchasers, kept constantly for sale,
and customer's work made to order as usual.
STHe invites the custom of his old friends
and the publicj and hazards nothing in prom
ising fat bargains.
E5 r Storo in the Flxchange Building, Maine
street, sign 6f the Golden Boot.
Bloomsburgb, March 28, 1850.
WILLIAM WICHT has removed hi
butcher-shop to the upper end of Third
Street at the foot of East or Iron Street,
where his numorous customers can always
j find the choicest meats to their palates con
ODa9 (23unlIIIcBao.s3®
Indian Vegetable Panacea.
Ho wand & Walton invite attention to the
ollowiug advertisement; ,
As a proof of , the continued success of
N BCKA, we reler to a few of the many cer
ilicales in our possession, of cures perform
ed by this great purifier. .. .
Captain T. L. Sanders, constable of South
Mulberry Ward; cured of Barber's Itch.
Mr. J. P. Reese's child, No. 83 North Sev
enth street, cured of hereditary Tetter, which
covered his entire body. ~,
Mr. E. W. Maxwell, Grape court, Market
street, above Eighth, cured of Scrofula, had
fourteen open ulcers upon his body at the
itme he commenced taking the Medicine.
Miss Cbfistiana Sands. West Spruco street,
between Beach ancl Willow streets, near the
Schuylkill,, cured of Scroliila; had suffered
eight years ; her head was so rtiuch affected
that tea and coffee would pass out tit her ear
—this is a strong case.
Capt. John K. Barelay, No. -ihO Mtirkol
street, cured of Scrofulous Sore Leg, ol 36
years' standing. This case is well known to
| inany of our best Physicians, who have fre
quoritly advised amputation..
Mr. Isaac Brooks, Jr., No. 5 Jefferson, west
of Schuylkill Sixth street, below Locust.
This was, undoubtedly, one of the /host se
vere cases of Scrofula over cured, and is
certified to by many of our beat physicians
and clergymen, and also by himself.
Joseph Barbour, No. 1 Short court, east
from Twelfth street above Race, cured of
Scroulous Sore Throat, of eight years stan
• Mr. J. H. Flick's child, No. 73j Dock st.,
Mr. Micliaol Duffy, 44 South Frout street,
(at P. Brady & Co.'s,) Philadelphia, cured
of Totter ol twenty five years.
Mr. Williom Flemraing, No. 210 Wash
ington street, between Eighth and Nineth,
Philadelphia, cured of Erysipelas four years,
which destroyed the flesh to the bone.
VViliam Barker, cured of Scrofula. This
case had been in the hospital many months,
and discharged as incurable—be is now well
and may bo seeit daily at our office.
Mr. David Cirgan, Muddy creek, 'Hamil
ton county, Ohio, cured of Scrofula. This
was a very severe case, and Kirgan says that
could money prevent, he would not undergo
tho same affliction for ten thousand dollars,
and yet he was cured for ,a few dollars, by
i Dr. Cullen'e Indian Vegetable Panacea.
Mr. John VV. Hazleton, of Mulica Hill,
New Jersey ; cured of Tetter of ten years'
standing, with a few bottles of the Panacea.
Mr. John Brocken, of Germanlown, at the
age of 61 years, was cured of a violent Tet
ter that had troubled him for 18 years.
Mrs. Eve Siscoe, No. 53 South street, be
tween Third and Fourth, from Schnylkill,
cured of fever sores on her ankles, nfier suf
fering 12 years with them. Mrs. S. is 62
years of age.
Mrs Elizabete C Foster, Second street,
four doors above Washington street, was
cured of Tetter on hor leg, which had troub
led her 14 years.
Mr Charles Otis, late of Parrish street,
now of Manayunk, cured of Tettet of 5 years
in hands and feet.
Mr Mellon Grubb, Jiiniper street; near
Spruce, cured of Scrofulous Ulcers on the
shoulders, which had defied the doctors
more than a year.
Mr Hiram Ridge, Attleboro'. Bucks co..
Pa., cured of Salt Rheum. Tnis case haa
been pronounced incnrable by some 12 or 14
physicians of the first standing—as a last
resort iiad recourse to Cullen's Panacea, and
was cured completely in a few months, after
suffering 17 years—the disease had almost
covered his entire person.
Ilenry Reeves, of Bridgeton, cured of the
worst case of Scrofula ever seen in New Jer
sey, by 7i bottles !
Thomas Wainwright, of Manyunk, cured
of Scald Head: the disease extended over
the whole scalp until it was an entire mass
of corruption ; and yet one bottle of the Pa
nacea cured him.
We might add case after case, ad infini
turn; but we think it unnecessary; presu
ming the afflicted will want moro ovidence
ban we can give in an advertisement, wc
again ask them to send to our office and get
these certificates, from which you will learn
tho extraordinary sufferings of these persons,
as well as the mode of curb
ROWAND & WALTON, Proprietors,
No. 21 North Sixth street, Philad'a
iy The following persons are agents for
the above meeicine in Columbia county.
E. P. Liitz. Bloomsburg; M. C. Grier, Dan
ville; Peter Ent, Light street; Rickets and
Stewart, Orangeville ; Cyrus Barton, Espy
town; J. Schmick, Cattawtssa; M. G. Shoe
maker, Buckhorn.
Jan. 3d 1850.—6 m.
The Subscriber begs leave to inform his
friends and tho public in general that he has
Formerly kept by J. PETERS U SON. The
House being large and convenient, and in
the business part of tho city, he hopes by
strict attention to business, that Ids friends,
and all who may come to the city on busi
ness or pleasure, will give him a call.
He pledges himself that nothing shall be
wanting on his part to make them at home.
TERMS— One Dollar per day.
Formerly of Schuylkill County.
Philadelphia, March 22, 1849.
THE subscriber respectfully informs his
friends and customers, that he has just re
ceived from the city, a large and select as
sortment of
Ilals and Caps, of
STYLE, whieh he offers for cash sales very
cheap, at his old stand, on Main Street, sec
ond door South of the ( ourt house.
UF" He continues to manufacture Hats to
order as usual.
Bloomsburg, Nov. 15, I 84&.
Invites'lhe attention of the fashionable in
Light Street to his stsie of culling garments
He makes them in the best and most tasty
manner, and cart can ensure satisfaction in
his warkmanihip.
lie receives the latest fashions, and when
cutting onlp is desired, the work is marked
carefully for the maker.
EF" All kinds of country produce taken in
exchage for work.
Light Street, Feb. 14, 1850.
Douse, Sign and Ornamental
DONE to order in the best highly-finished
or plain style, by B. HAGENBUCH.
School Books, Blank Books, Ledgers, Day
books and Journals • Gift books, Kcepsakos
i Ac , for sale at the Bloomsburg Book Store,
Joseph Swartz.
Dr. Keeler'3 CtltkraM Fairily
Dr. Keeleris • regular graduate from one
of the best medical schools of the country,
and a practising j>bysician of the city pf
Philadelphia We take gre'iit pleasure in
presenting these remedies to the afflicted
They are all oT undoubted medical powers
hnil hold out to the invalid a promise of re- 1
lief, such as none _ others J>OSSJSS. They
each have been thoroughly tried in a long
successful private practice, and have estab
lished for themselves a reptltatioil but few
possess, and given beltfe'r satisfaction to the
afflicted than arty of the boasted remedies
of the day. In offering them, to the public,
the proprietor is influenced b'y no sinister
motives rff giiin, but feels conscious thdt
they are eminently deserving of public con
fidence. No medicine* ever before the pub
lie have acquired such deserved reputation
upon their merits alone, or appeit! with such
irresistible force, to Jthe invalid.
DR. KbELKR S PANACEA, For the re
moval and permanent cure of all diseriae* a
rising from an impure state of the Blood and
habit of the body, viz:
Chronie diseases of the Chest, Pleurisy.
Bronchitis, CatSrrh, etc., iScrnfulsi in all its
forms, Tetter, Scald Head, Cutaneous afleo
tions of the lace dnil extfarflhibs. Chronic
enlargements of theJdlnts White Swelling,
Syphlitic Affections, Constitutional disorders,
arising from debility, Mercurial dud Heredi
tary predispositions, &c.
In every change that is talking place
in the body, it is manifest that it is brought
about by something having a substantive ox
istepce. If we suppose the organs of our
body originally perfefct, (hey must continue
perfect unless changed by the intervention
of something that bears an unhealthy rela
tion to il. In all eases of disease, there must
be the interposition of soma now ingredient,
which by playing its part as a course served
to modify the properties before connected
with the body. It is absurd to talk of spon
taneous disease taking place in organs pre
viously healthy, without the interposition of
some morbific agent, as well might we ex
pect a piece of chalk to transfer itself spon
taneously into Plaster of Paris, without the
aid of Sulphuric Acid. In all disease there
is a prior cause which must be removed,
through the agency of the Blood. For this
purpose there is 110 remedy superior to tho
ty In the evidence the following is sub
milled to the public:
PHILADELPHIA, June 9th, 1847.
Having been appraised of the nature of
the Panacea, it affords me much pleasure to
be able to recommend it as a valuable reme
dy for those chronic, constitutional and glan
dular diseases, to which it is especially a
dapted. To those who are afflicted, and re
quire medicine as an alterative cannot obtain
it in a moro agreeable, active and uniform
stale, than is to be found in the Panacea. I
have used it in several instances with deci
ked and signal succes. Yours &c.
J). Allison, M. D.
For details certificates, &c., see circulars,
&c.—Price SI per bottle, large siie, 6 bottles
85. . , , * i ,
Among all the remedies beforo the public
this stands pre-eminent in incipient Con
sumption, Bronchitis, Catarrhs, Coughs,
Hoarseness, Whooping caugli, Pleurisy, As
thma, spitting Of Blood, and for all affections
of the pdlmouary organs occasioned by cold
To much praise cannot be bestowed upon
this remedy, and the proprietor urges any
one afflicted with any of the above com
plaints to secure it at one. It is warranted
o cure or no pay. Price 50 cents.
Dr. Heeler's Cordial and Carminitive.
Every family whether rich or poor, who
values health ahd till its blessings, should
have this invaluable remedy at hand. It is
infinitely the best remedy known for Diar
rhea, dysentery, cholera cholera in
fantum, cholic flatulency, griping pains,
cramp, ect., and for all diseases of the sto
mach and bowels caused by Teething. The
numerous testimonials from Physicians and
others unsolicited, has given it n reputation
as firm as adamant. Price 25 cents per bot
Dr. Heeler's Vermifuge Syrup. —This reme
dy is pleasant to the taste, liarmles to the pa
tient and till powerful in destroying and re
moving all kinds of worms from the body
It is without doubt, the cheapest and best
worm destroying medioino before the public,
and will if administered according to direc
tions, remove them within sor 6 Tidurs after
taken.—The dose is small, and each bottle
contains twice as much as similar remedies
Price only 25 cents per bottle.
Dr. Heeler's lAver an d Sanative
pi IJ.S.
Although not recommended its a "cure
all," yet they are the mildest and best rem
edy to remove Constipation, Jaudice. Dys
pepsia, Biliousness,.nervousness, foul stom
ach, head afche, indigestion, etc. Unlike
other purgative medicine they leave the
bowels always relaxed consequently are the
proper medicine for females arid persons
leading- a sedentary life. Price 25cts.
Dr. Heeler's Rheumatic Lotion.
A justly celebruted external application for
pains ot the chest, neuralgia, head-ache,
sprains, bruises, tic dolorcaux swellings of
the joints, rheumatism, gout, sciatica and
for all disorders wherein a sedative and ru
befacient remedy is applicable. Price
37} cts per bottle.
All of the above celebrated and extensive
y used medicines, aro prepared and sold
Wholesale and Retail, 294 _Market
For sale also by J. R. MOYER, Blooms
burg ; Chalfant & Hughes, and Dr. J. A.
Moore, Danville; E. Franciscus, Jersey
Shore; and; by Druggists and Merchants
throughout the County and State.
Bloornsburg, Nov. 22d., 1849.—"1y.
Spring and Summer Goods.
AGAIN the undersigned take pleasure in
announcing to 'heif friends an; the public,
that they have just received a select and
heavy assortment of choictf
adapted to the season, and wants of tliepco
ple, which they ofTer for sale, at their old
stand at prices "cheaper than the cheapest."
ThSir stock cofnptizes a full assortment of all
kinds of gciods, usually kept in county stores,
and without particularizing each article, feel
warranted in saying that those in want of
good goods have only to call to satisfy their
taste and fancy.
Groceries, Queeusware, Hardware, Fish,
halt, Molasses, Ac,
A Large ana beautiful selection of the *-
bove articles of superior quality, at very low
ALSO —Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoos, &c., of
every variety, sort, size and price.
Cr Cash paid for grain always.
Bloornsburg, April 13, 1850.
Bonks! Books!!
Joseph Swartz has inst received a new lit
of Literary Historical, Religious, Poetical,
Miscellaneous and School books, to which
he invites the attention of the reading public
of Bloornsburg.
Gaiters and Slippers just manufactured and
for sale by WARREN JMSSEL
Fir it Car* mt
■oAßnniMi smoir-
MA, WI06fla:0V
The uniform success which bar attended the
lire of ibis preparation; iu nldtirjr effect; in pov
or to relievtand cure affections of the |,uagi,kn >
gained (or it a celebrity equalled by no other b ed
ecinc, We offer'tin the afflicted with rnfi. in it* eirtOia. itttd it.o full belied' that i.
will sdtidhe drit* rorti'ovO die ieiiw||lti. ks rfdia
e.iae upon the throat apt! f.ungs, Tnt rr*u.' , a,
they heetrirfe publicly known, vefy nature,iy at
tract the attention of niVdical rfteh arid philanthro
pists everywhere Whit is their bphtinn ol Clf-
EKRY PECTORAL may be aaen ih' (he MM
f'alentine Moll. St. T)., Profrtoor Sur
gery. MedicUl College. Sf.Y, Buys :
It gives me pleasure te certify to rbe value and
efliicacy o'f Aver'* Cherry Pcclofal. which 1 con
aider peculiarly odaptid to c6re diaafsni uf the
Throat and l.ifn^s
TVie Hi. Riv. I.Jrd Wallop field
Writee in kletter to hie friend, whp viae sinking
under en offection of thy l.ungs. 'Try the Cherry
Pectoral, and if any medicine ran give you rsliof
with the blessing of God that will'
Chief Juallce EUVIf, .
uf liouisiar.a, writer that si young daughter of his
was cured of several severe attack* of Croup by
tho Cherii Pectorkl
Hanloid. Jan 2d, 1848
Dear Sir: Having been roeewj from a painfd
ond angerous disease by vner medicine, gratitudu
prrmpia me to send you this acknowledgment riot
only in justice to you but for the information of
ether* in like nfH ction
A slight cold upon lire I'Jngi htgiectrd at flrat,
heoime so severe thrit apittilig or blood, a violent
cough and profuse night sweat* followed and fa*-
'# red upon riie I became emaciated, couM not
sleep, was distressed by fny coUgh, and * pain
through my chest, and In aliort Had rill the alarrii
ing symptoms of quick consumption No medi
cine aeemed at all to reach my ckar, until provi
dentially 1 tried your Cherry Pectoral, which ra
ti* ved and now ha> cured in-.-
Yours w : th respect g A STtP.iRT
Albany,N Y, April if,1848
Dear Sir; I have for y ear* been jfi li
Asthma in the worst forin; so that I have been
obliged to sleep in my chair for a larger part of
the time, being unable to breathe tin my bed I
had tried y grc-t many medicine# to no purpose,
until my pliysicisn i>r**rribed,as an ripnrirocnt,
your Cherry Pectoral
At first it seemed to mt'Ke trie Worsal but In leu
than a week.l began to fip'orienrk tho moat frati.
fving relief froth iu Use ; add In four Bull* the
diaeaw Was entirely removed I can oleop on tHy
lied with. comfort, and enjoy a state of, health
which I never expected GliOS FARRAfIT
Prepared by J C flyer, f.owell, M*
Sold by E P l,tJT£, lilonmburg
A B WlLsdN, Berwick
April 4-6 m ch
Celebrated Family Metllclncv
The Original and Genuine Preparation !
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Li vet
Compbint, Spitting Blood, difficulty of
Bread ing, Pain in the Side and Breast,
Palpitation of the Heart Influenza,
Croup, broken Constiilitiori, Sore
Throat; Netvous Debility, and all
diseases of thd Throat, Breast
and Lung; the most effectual
and speedy cure known for
any of the above diseas
es is
Dr. Sway ne's Compound Syrup of
Wild Cherry;
W'M MONTELIUS, a respectable merc hant of
St. Clair, Schuylkill county, writes, Januafy
30, I send you a certificate
of Worn. Beaumont, a citizen of onr town.
Hi s case of consumption is well known hero,
and of long standing; he attributes his euro
entirely to your Compound Syrup of Wild
"Jsafi iind effectual remedy for Worms, Dys
pepsia, Cholera Morbus, sickly or Dyspep
tic Children or Adults, and the most
usejul Family Medicine ever of
fered to the puMic.
ted, Anderstcncn, Indiana. A man purchased
a bottle of your Vermifuge the other day fir
his child, and by its use it discharged 63 M
the largest worms he had ever seen. It it
somewhat difficult to get the peo, le to ft,
as they have so often been gulled by- nause
ous and worthless worm medicinbs. Youth
being so very pleasant to the taste, at tHo
samn time effectual, 1 shall be able to dispose
of a large quantity. Respectfully, yours, AC ,
Remember: Dr. Swayne's Vermifuge is
now put up in square bottles, (having recent
ly been changed;) covered w-ith a beautiful
wrapper, (steel engraving,) with the portrait
of Or. Swaype thereon engraved. Bear this
in mind, and bo not deceived. DICKIE AM!
A ExtRACT OTTAR P11.1.1.—A mild arid effec
tive purgative, great purifyer of the blood,
they correct all the functions of the Liver,
ami as an alternative Dropsical affections,
they are very valuable. Giddiness of the
head, dimnes of sight, depression of spirits,
headache, &c., are cured by these purifying
Pills No medicine can have a better effect
for morfthly irregularities, which occasionally
i happen to women, they are perfectly safe.
| and will in conjunction with Dt: SWayne's
| compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, take all
pain and disease from evefy pkrt of the sys
The above valuable medicines are pre
pared only by DR. SVVA VNE, N. W. corner
of EIGHTH and RACE Streets, Philadet-
E. P LUTE A JOUR R. MOVER, Floorasburg,
Pa; M C Orief A John Moore Danvi(le; Jonn
SharplesaA C Hartrnan & Co., Catawissa; G
StßShuman Catawissa Forge; Brown and
Creasy. Mifflinville; A Miller Berwick; Joh if
Doak Briar Crock tp.; Peter Ent William*-
burg; E. Lazarus Orangeville : JK Millmd
Espytown: Elias Wert mm Rbbrebuig; Geo.
Masters Millville; J M Sheldon Jerscytown ;
McCay t Patterson Washingtonville; Hugh
McWilliams Moresburg; and by most all
Storekeepers in the adjacent Counties
Bloomsburg, Feb. 21, 1850.—6 m.
K. W. WEAVER, **
i Orrirp—On the Ee-it side of Main Street
I three squares below Market