The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, June 20, 1850, Image 1

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Bj Weaver & Cllroorc.]
• .11 rj • .■
ft published every Thursday Morning, by
Weaver & Gthnore.
OFFICE—Up staifs in the New Brickbuiiding
on the eolith side of Main street, third
squar*.btlom Market.
TERMS TWO Dollars per annum, if paid
within six months from the time of subscri
bing; two dollars and fifty cents if not paid
within the year. No subscription received
for a less period than six montlvs: no discon
tinuance permitted until all arrearages are
paid,, unless at the option of the editors.
AuvEjifisKMF.NTS not exceeding one square,
will be insetted three times for one dollar, and
twenty-five coots for each additional insertion.
A liberal discount will be made to those who ad- j
virtue by the ycqr.
i .1 ' *, !
"J North.
• Written on viaring the grave-yard at the
■ Presbyterian Church of Briarcreek, on the mor
-71 ing of Ihe 3 d of June 1830.
1 passed the lonely "round
Where lay some father's bones,
I thought 1 heard a sound
Which spoke in Wanting tones.
_ There soma in Jesus sleep
In that lone quiet place :
Bit others howl and weep,
While banished from God's face.
There many bitter tears
Were shod o'er parting friends ;
Vet God protracts our year's
And still his mercy sends.
The old, the young, the fair,
Are subject to that late ;
A voice near says prepare
To enter heaven's gate.
' if you neglect the grace
Which brought us life and love, j
Yon cannot have a place
With Christ in heaveu above. ' I
l'repaie, Oh friends prepare
'lo meet that solemn end!
Oh ! will you all forbear,
Your kind attention lend.
1 ask you not lo lend
A listening ear to man.
But oh your thoughts extend
Aiid view the Gospel plan.
OUT human bodies must
Dissolve and then return
Back to their native dust
Cod's truth more to confirm.
Dear friend, that rosy cheek
Will soon in death be cold !
0 come and daily seek
Tuc lore that's ne'er untold.
Tlien wlien our flays shall end,
And we must bid t'orcwell;
God will sweet comfort send,
And all our fear's dispel.
It is belter to go to the bouse Of mourning
than to the house of feasting because by j
the sadness of the countenance the heart is |
made better. But laughter repelleth 6erious 1
thoughts and weighty considerations.
1 shall give you a sermon to Jay, drawn '
Ito in the following text:
The lady who before a tub,
"ron the lloor ashamed to scrub,
And cares no! who calls in to see
Her laboring so industriously,
Will make o wife for you or me.
My hearers—it was ordained by Heaven—
riot by the devil—that every man should I
have a wile, and every woman be blessed
with a husband. In the beginning, God
roado two of the genus homo —of opposite
sex. '%e one he elected positively, and the
other one negatively; so thai when they "ap
proximated, their mystical effect would fbe
produced from the onfe to the other. The
how, the why, and the wherefore, no mortal
has yet been able lo understand*—neither is
it necessary that he should. The sexes nat
urally approach and adhere to each other,
through some myslereoui influence that ad- 1
mite of 110 solution. Let it suffice that it is
so. When the Creator made Auam, he saw
that it was not good for him to be alone, so
he mesmerised the man—dug a rib from his
side without the least particle .of pain—and
from it he made Eve, to be helpmate for
him, as well as a fancy plaything. Now,
w-ithoulknowiug what love was, they couldn't
help loveiug the moment they set their eyes
upon one another. He cast sheep's eyes at
her at a distanootand she threw some hill
ing glance in return, that fired his soul, and
set his heart vibrating like a splinter upon a
ehesiiut rail iw a sou' wester. They finally ,
fame together just as naturally as a couple of
Hpple syeds swimming in a basin of water,
fiutrilnia'.ed as they were at fltst, *nd(having
little or no manual labor to perform—Eve i
could be -of little real utility to Adam, and j
Adam couldn't do a great deal for Eve. Still.
rfiey ftved atid were ready to assist each
other, in oase of any emergent casuality,
" and so when they found that aprSns were
necessary, they|sat to, and with the needle
worked together for mutual good. Eve on
ly wtalemtood plain sewing—she knew noth
ing about your embroidery, laee working,
and piano playing, and oared about the same.
The couple were perfectly happy in their
rude and rongh stum, until the old sarpint
got among 'em, and even then stuck to each
other through thick ami iMn—through all
the bramWing vicissitudes of life—from Par
adise td Perdition. 1
My brethren since you know that "mar
riage is adivine institution, and that every
one of you should have a wife, what kind of
n rib would you sblect?A pretty little use.
■ less doll, or a woman big and spunky enougi
j to rassel with a bear, and come off first best
I imagine you would care nothing for eithe
extreme; but you would look for persona
j charms. 0 you foolish idolatois at thi
' shrine of beauty!— Know you not that hun
I dreds of husbands are made misetable b;
handsome wives and that thousands are hap
I py ill the possession of homely ones? home
Ily without, but beautiful within. Alas
I what is beauty 1 It is a flower that wills ani
I withers almost as soon as it is plucked, i
I transient rainbow, a fleeting'meteor, a deceit
, ful will of the wisp sublimigated moonshine
j The kind of a wife you want is of good mor
I ala and knows how to mend trowsers, whe
; can reconcile peeling potatoes with practi
eal or flxshtoiiablo piety, whc/caojwallx with
the ohura-dash, and sing with the tea-kettle
—who understands brooniology, and the true
science of mooping—who can knit stockings
\ without kniting her brows, and knit up hei
husband's ravelled sleeve of care—who pre
fers sewing tftres with her needle, |to"eowing
the tares of scandal with her tongue. Such is
i decidedly a better half. Take her if you can
get her, wherever you can find her—let her
j be up to her elbows in the suds of a wash
I tub, or picking the geese in the cow stable
| My hearers—my text speaks of a lady be
fore a wash tub. You may think it absurd,
but let me assure you that a female can be a
tody before a tub or in the kitchen, as much
as in the drawing room or in the parlor.
, What constitutes a lady ? It is not a costly
dress, paint for the cheeks, false hair and
still falser airs ; but it is her general deport
ment, her intellectual endowments, and tha'
i evidence of virtuejwbich commands the si
lent respect and admiration of the world.
She would be recognized as a lady at once
, —it matters not where or in what situation
she were found—whether schorching bed
! bugs with a hot poker, or hollering hallelujai
at a Methodist camp meeting. All that 1
have farther to say, [fellow-bachelor, is that,
I when you marry, see that you get a lady
I inside and out—one who knows how to
keep the pot boiling, and looks well to hei
household. So mote it be! Dow,[Jß.
Character and Integrity.
We havo somewhere seen a notice of a
Rotterdam thread merchant, who had accu-
I mutated fifty .thousand dollars by his Own in
dustry, punctuality and integrity; and it was
1 remarked ot him that he never let a yard ol
bad thread go out of his hands, and would
never take moro than a reasonable profit.
By these means he acquired such entire pub
lic confidence, that his customers would as
willingly send a blind man or child to buy
for tbem as to go themselves.
We refer to the case not to intimate that
, We have no instances among ourselves, but
for the purpose of suggesting the great value
1 to any business mao of such a character, and
! the exceedingly [agreeableness to dealers
1 with him of the confidence he inspires. And
we affirm nothing.extravagant in sayiug, that
the characterjfor strict, integrity acquired is
j of as much real worth to its possessor as the
- the pecuniary saving of his industry. Let
j such a man lose by any misfortune all his
money, he is still a man of capital, of weight
j rf influence, and is the superior, on mere
ca'culations, of many a man of .large mon
-1 eyed means.
' But the beauty of the thing is this, that
any man, however small his business and
! limited liis capital has just as good
I an opportuity as a millionaire. Integrity
in small things is e<en more impressive than
' integrity in great things. And after all thai
men may say in praise of the enterprise,
skill, shrewdness and tact of par.icular bu
! siness men, there is one character towards
which all minds indistinctly render theii
reverence—and that is, the man who had
rather be honest than wealthy, and who pre
fers integrity to gold.— Neu> York Dry Good!
THEATRE.— A homeopathic hospital, where
small doses of society are given to cure so
ciety. The chamber whereiu old bachelors
receive curtain lectures.
MISER —An amateur pauper. A lovei
i who is contented with a look.
BACHELOR. —A man who shirks his regulai
■ load. .
| NAPOLEON. —A naughty boy who was pui
, into a corner, because he wanted the work
1 to play with.
AMERICA.— Young John Bull, working will
his coat off.
! TOBOCCO. —A triple memento wort —dust loi
the nose ashes for the mouth, and poison foi
i the stomach.
XW The Albany boat had just arrived,
and the landing was, as usual, crowded wid:
' cabmen, porters, loafers, &c. When the
passengers commenced landing, a coloret
porter stepped up to a country looking chap
"Carry your baggage sir ?"
"No, I rather guess not," was the reply.
"Shant 1 carry your baggage?"
''No! darn ye! I aiu't got any baggage!'
The porter looked at him for & moment
then very coolly stooped down, and takiuj
hold of his foot, said with an air of astonish
"Why, massa, that's One! of ycrar fact
ain't it 1 hang ine if I did.-.'t think it was i
leather trunk!"
E V Mr BUR* has retired from the Edi
torial Department of the Washington Union
When I firat went to live up at the Grange
[ Farmer Bake took me into the fields to talk
| to me. I was young then, but quite old e
nough to understand what he said
"My lad," said the farmer, "if you are to
learn farming, and we are lo go on tidily to
gether, either I must teach you or you must
teach me. Now, as I happened lo know
I more than you, it will bo but reasonable
( that I should take the lead, and it will be
time enough when you arc the wiser of the
two to alter the -plan."
" Farmer .Blake said this in a kind tone of
! voice, but the firmness with which he spoke,
convinced me at once that his word was to
be a law.
"You have picked np a little knowledge
at the school house," said he, "and now you
must try to pick up a little at the Grange
Farm. The first lesson that I will give you
to learn, is this— a little at a time, and go on-
Almost all great things are done on this prin
ciple. The rain from the skies comes down
to littlo drops, and the snow comes down in
little flakes; yet both of them, by going on,
cover the face of the ground."
; "Look here," said Farmer Blake, stoping
at a bush, on which a spider was weaving
I his web, "see how the little creature is em
ployed. First he fastens one line, and then
j another, withouOfwasling his time by idling
between, and it will not be very long, I am
thinking, before he catches his fly. The
weaving spider, is following the rule— a lit
tle at a time, and go on.
What Farmer Blake said appeared so very
clear to me, that I wondered the same thing
had not occurred befo e. But the farmer de
iermined to impress his first lesson deeply in
I my mind.
On turning round a comer we came sud
denly npon a woodman, who was felling an
elm tree, and the dry chips flew around him
as he dealed his lusty stroke with his axe.
"Oh," thought I, "the farmer will be at me
again now, about his first lesson;" but no,
not a word did he speak . I saw, however,
j that his eye was now and then fixed upon
me. Though the woodman did not appear
to get oil very fast yet by repeated strokes
| he made a great gash more than half-way
through the tfunk of the trei; and not long
! after down came the elm with a lond crash,
j Farmer Blake walked on in silence, and
I was silent too; when suddenly he said to
me, "Well, my lad, what arc you thinking
of?" "I was thinking sir," said I, "that the
woodman has brought down the tree, by do
ing a little at a time and going on. "Just as
I expected," he replied ; "and noxv I see
that you have learned my first lesson.
When left to myself I thought over every
woid that Farmer Blake had spoken, and
felt sure not only that he was the wisest man
I knew, but also that I could rot do a better
thing than attend to his remarks. In the
course of that day I could hardly look around
without seeing some object which brought
before me Farmer Blake's first lesson. A
bricklayer was building a wall near acotage;
a shepherd with his crook, was climbing a
high hill; and two men were filling a cart
with gravel. By laying a brick at a time
and going on, the brick layer would build
the wall; by taking a step at a time and go
ing on, the shepherd would get to the top of
the hill; and by throwing a spadeful at a
lime, and going on, the cart would be filled.
Many have 1 known who were not satis
fied with doing a little at a time ; they must
needs de a great deal, haste to be rich ; but
they fell into snares, and their riches did
them no good. And some have 1 known
who were very zealous In holy things, but
they did rot go on. Oh, it is an excellent
thing to feel tnat we are dependent upon
our Heavenly Father fbr all we have, even
I our daily bread. 1 feel myself much wiser
I than I was before.
. j 1 lived many years at the Grange, and
have great reason to be thankful for the ma
ny use fill lessons that the honest farmer
taught me ; but not a singlo day of nil these
years is belter remembered by me than the
first tiay that I entered on the farm, and not
a single lesson is more deeply impressed on
my mind thdn the very first tHat he taught
I know thSt FUrmet Blake in teaching me
his firat lesson, intended to apply it especial
' ly to farming ; but I have learned to apply
it to other things. Thousands would have
l been benefitted had they understood und
1 practised the lesson with humility— a little at
a time, and go on.
i ~,,,
ftf WE cut the following quaint compar
, ison of the olden time with the modern,
from the Detroit Free Press:
Men to the plough,
Wife to the cow,
Girl to the yam,
, Boy to the barn,
And all dues settled.
Men a mere show,
Girl. Piano,
Wife, silk nod satin,
Boy, Greek and Latin,
And all hands gazetted.
1 Men all in debt,
I Wives in a pet,
Boys, mere muscles,
Gide, snuff and bustles,
And every body cheated.
ty A wife once having boasted of hav
ing cut and made a shirt for her husband in
- one day. "Yes," replied a wag of a fellow,
. "and he wore it out the next.
Truth and Right—God and our Poultry.
A Story of the Highway.
e Not many years ago, an Irishman, whose
k finances did not keep pace with the demands
i- made upon his pocket, and whoso scorn of
honest labor was immensely unfavorable to
0 their being legitimately filled, borrowed an
- old pistol one aay, when poverty had driven
it him lo an extremity, and took to the high
v way, determined to rob the first man he con
-3 veniently could, who was likely to havo a
heavy purse.
3 A jolly old farmer came jogging along and
Pat put him down instantly as a party who
f possessed those roquisites he so much stood
in need o r himself. Presenting the pistol,
he ordered the agriculturist to stand and de
The fifty dol
begged a five to take him home, a distance
of half a mile by the way. The request was
complied with, accompanied by the most pa
tronizing air. Old Acres and Roods was a
knowing one. Eyeing the pistol, he asked
Pat if he would sell it.
"Is it to sell the pistol ? Sowl, an it's that
same thing I'll be afther doin'. What will
ye be afther given for it ?"
"I'll give this five dcllars for it."
"Done ; an doiie's enough betwane two
1 gintlemen. Down with the dust, and here's
- the tool for yer "
i Ihe bargain was r.iade by an immediate
i transfer. The moment the farmer got hold
. of the pistol, he ordered Pat to shell out;
and pointing the pistol, threatened to blow
, his brains out if he refused.
Pat looked at him with a comical leer,and
buttoning his breeches pocket, sung out
"Blow away, ould boy ! the divil a bit of
powder's tr. it!"
We believe the old man never told the
last part of the story but once, and that was
by die purest accident. Pat moved on, and
'once away forever away' has since been his
So VVc Go.
The American Mechanic, published at
Poughkeepesie, Me., justly remarks:
A man growls at paying a shilling for a
loaf of bread, thinking he ought to get it for
eleven pence, and the sa me evening takes
his fatoily to witness the feats of a magi
cian, for the purpose of being humbugged,
knowing they will be humbugged; and
willingly pays a dollar for the privilego I A
nother is too poor to pay for a newspaper,
but can spend a levy brw'quarter,- torervrf*
poppet show or other foolish exhibition that
travels the country, and not miss it. Another
is toe poor to pay a few dollars, but can attend
concerts and negro performances that come
aloog.—Another wants a mechanic to work
for nine and six-pence, when he demands
ten shillings and watches him to see that he
labors faithfully, and the next day hires a
horse and wagon, at the expense of two dol
lars, to travel ten miles to see a horse race.
Another "beats down" an old woman a pen
ny on a bunch of radishes, and before get
■ ting home spends two three shillings in
• treating his friends,
The Two Flower* ol Creation.
Women love flowers, and flowers are
1 like women in their beauty and sweetness, 1
so they ought to grow up together. No
flower garden looks complete without a
1 woman in it; no woman ever seems so
1 lovely as when she is surrounded with flow
' ers. She should have her fragrant bouquet
1 at the paity; window plan.s in her parlor;
1 If possible, some rich and rare flowering
' shrubs in her conservatory—but, better than
1 all these, and supplying all, every woman
1 in the world should have a flower garden.
r Every man who has the least gallantly or
paternal feeling should make a flower gar
' den for hi* wife and daughters. Every
liouso—the smallest cottage in the country,
r as well as the largest mansion—should have
! around it the perfume of lilacs, pinks and
' other hardy oderiferous flowers that cost no
1 trouble, but bring with tnem every year a
' world of beauty and fragrance.
> A Doctor's Advice to a Patient.
A man of property had for years been de
clining Nature could endure it no longer.
I He went to consult the celebrated Dr. Spring,
, of Watertown, Massachusetts. He stated
the symptoms of his case so clearly, that the
learned physician could not mistake the na
ture of the disease. "lean cure you, sir
■ said he, "if you will follow my advice."
, The patient promised implicitly to do so.
'Now,' says the doctor, 'you must steal a
horse.' 'What—steal a horse i' 'Yes, you
must steal a horse.—You will be alrested,
then convicted, and placed in a situation
where your diet and regimes will be such
that in a short lime your health will be per
fectly restored.'
Woman's Rights.
A large Convention of Wdmen was held
at Salem, Ohio, OH the 19th inst., and lasted
two days. About five hundred were present.
The whole business was conducted by the
ladies, and in a most orderly Manner. Miss
Betsy M Cowles, of Canton, was President
The object, we believe, eras to take taeas
ures to secure for thetoshlves equal rights
with the men in the making and adminit
- taring of the laws. They intend to present
i their cause to the Convention to meet at
, Columbus to reform the Constitution of the
A Modern Lear.
- I An eminent trader of Lyons, France, who
s : acquired a'defrtrp'efenoy, had two har.risome
f ! daughters, between whom on their marriage
' | he divided all his properly, on condition that
i j he should pass ihe summer wilh one, and
1 j the winter with the other. Before the end of
• | too first year he found sufficient ground to
- j conclude that he was not an acceptaclegnest
1 ' to either. Of this, however, he took ro no-
I lice, but hired handsome lodgings, where he
' resided a few weeks. He then applied to a
' friend, 4n'd told him of the matter, desiring
1 the gilt of 200 livres and the loan of 50,000
> in ready money for a few hours. His friend
readily complied with his request, and the
the next day the old gentleman gave aspleri
' ( did entertainment, to which' his daughters
J a fid husbands were invited. Just as dinner
' was over his friend was in a great hurry and
'' ; told of an unexpected demand upon him,
" | and desired to know whether he could lend
1 | him 50,000 livres. The old man told him,
1 without any emotion, that twice the amount
j was at his service, if he wanted it, and going
into the next room, brought him the money.
' | Afier this he was not suffered to remain any
longer in lodgings; and his daughters were
I jealous if he stayed a day longer in one
1 j house than the other. At the expiration of
1 three or four years, spent in comparative
comfort, he died. Upon examining his Du
reau, instead of livres was found a note con
taining these words: "He who has suffered
' by his virtues has a right to avail himself of
the vices of those by whom he has been in
jured ; and a ought never to be so
fond of his children as to forget what is due
to himself."
Imaginary Hydrophobia.
In a memoir of a learned professor is
found recorded a strange case of imaginary
1 hydrophobia.
A Lucehess peasant, shooting sparrows, saw
his dog attacked by a strange and ferocious
mastiff. He tried to separate the animals
and received a bite from his own dog, which
instantly ran off through the fields. The
wound was healed in a few days, but the
, dog was not fotlna, and the peasant after a
lew days began to feel symptoms of a ner
vous agitation. He conceived that the dog,
from disappearing was mad; and within a
day or two this idea struck him, he began to
feelsymjomsofhyprophobia. They grew
hourly more Virulent; he raved, and had all
• the evidence of this most rlotenv distemper.
As he laid wilh the door open tb let in the
last air he was to breath, he heard his dog
bark. The animal ran up and frolicked a
bout the room. It was clear that he, atleast
was in perfect health. The peasant's mind
was relieved instantly, he got up with re
newed strength, dressed himself, plunged
his head into a basin of water, and t-us re
freshed, walked into the room to his astonish
ed lamily. It is not improbable that many
attacks of disease so strongly dependent on
the imagination might equally be cured by
ascertaining the state of tho animal after the
i bite was given.
It is not so easy a task to write for a news
paper as people suppose. A man majr be a
good scholar, a profound thinker, a vigilant
observer of passing events, without being a
ble to write for a newspaper. The power of
writing d leading article for a newspaper is a
tac: whickfew possess, and which we have
known mmy, with all their learning and dil
i igencb, unable to acquire. It requires a ve
j ry large amount of information on a variety
j of subjects, and a readiness of application
; that must never be at fault, or the writer will
1 fail. For, remember, the editor is always
writing against time, and the inexorable prin
ter must have his copy, so that there is no
! time to revise and amend ; but as slip after
slip is written, the 'devil' snatches it away,
' and one half is usually set up in print before
: ; the other half is written. This exacts a de
cision of thought and a facility of writing,
i , which, like poetry, secm6 rather a gift of na
. t tilre than acquired facility.
A LITTLE IIEATHEN.— "WiII you please to
mand my trowsers ?" said H little fellow the
other ddy to a lady friend of his mother, the
rags exhibiting themselves pretty clearly a
bout the knees.
"Why, no, you little mischief you; why
ddn't you go and ask your mother to do it?"
"dh, she don't have time for that—she
belongs to a Sewing Society, and goes to it
every day almost, to make clothes for the
heathen, nway off somewhere arridrtg the
Indians, 1 reckon.
was arraigned before a court for horse steal
ing after having pleaded riot guilty, the judge
asked him by whom he would be tried? 'By
the twelve apostles, r answered the prisoner.
The judge told him that would not do, for if
he was tri ed by them he could not hßvri . his
trial until the day of judgment. 'Faith,'
cand I have no objection to that neither, for
I am in no hurry about it at all, at all.'
An absfclfi Minded gentleman on retiring
at night, put his flog to bed, and kicked
himself down stairs! He did not disoorer
his mistake till he went to yelp, and the
dog tried fo snore.
I He is rich who receive* more than he
) spends; he, on the contrary, is poor, who
spends more than he receives.
The following lines, frojn the Louiivilic
i Journal, are above all praise—surpassingly
i beautiful.
The spring of life is past,
With its budding hopes ard fears,
And the autum time is coming
With its weight of weary years—
-1 Our joyousness is fading,
Our hearts are dimmed withcare,
Hud vouth's fresh dreams of gladness,
All perish darkly there.
While bliss was blooming near us
In the heart's first burst of spring,
While many hopes could cheer us.
Life seemed a glorious thing!
Like the foam upon a river,
When the breeze goes rippling o'er,
These hopes have fled forever,
To com'e t6 us no more.
'Tis sad—yet sweet—to listen
To the, soft'wind's gevtle swell,
And think we hear the music
Our childhood knew so well;
To gaze out on the even,
And the boundless fields of air,
And we feel again our boyhood's wish,
To foam, like angels, there.
There are many dreams of gladness
That cling around the past—
And from that tomb of feeling,
Old thoughts come thronging fast;
The forms we loved so dearly,
In the happy days now gone,
The beautiful and lovely,
So fuir to look upon.
Those bright and gentle maidens
Who seemed so formed for bliss,
100 glorious and too heavenly
For such a world as this;
Whose soft, dark eyes seemed swimming
In a sea of liquid light,
And whose locks of gold were streaming
O'er brows so sunny bright.
Whose smiles were like the sunshine
In the spring time of the year-
Like the changelul gleams of April,
They followed every tear;
They have passed—like hope—away-
All their loveliness has fled—
Oh! many a heart is mourning,
That they are with the dead.
Like the brightest buds of summer
_ They have fallen from the stem—
Yeh Oh ! it is a lovely death,
To fade from earth like them!
And yet the thought is saddening,
To ntUse on such Us they—
And feel that all the beautiful
Are passing fast away;
That the fair ones whom we love,
Like the tendrils of a vine.
Grow closely to each loving heart.
Then pomhtni thtrrr shrttlS !
And we can but think of these
In the soft and gentle spring,
When the trees are waving o'er us,
And flowers are blossoming ;
For we know that winter's coming,
With his cold and stormy sky—
And the glorious beauty round us,
Is budding but to PIE !
Religious Feelings.
This excellent extract should be read by
every one. The Author used to live in Phil
The impression entertained by many, that
to enjoy rbligion it is necessary to forego ev
ery species of amusements, to deny one's
self every pleasure, and wear a face as long l
as your arm, lias proved to the
progress of genuine piety. It is opposed to
the best impulses of human nature.
Many of our readers doubtless remember
the Rev. Win. Barnes, for many years Pastor
of St. George's Church, and though some
what eccentric, ajvory devout and pious
We recollect some years ago, when he was
stationed at Harrisburg, that at the close of
one of his extraordinary discourses, he took
occasion to reprove the membership of the
church for their uniformly long faces, and ex
ceedingly redate deportment. He had no
objection to it, if they felt in that way, but
he protested in the name of the gospel he
preached, that it enjoyed no such repulsive
bearing. He pitied them—from the bottom
o( his soul he pitied them, if they felt half
as bad as their looks indicated. They looked,
he said, as though memory of some great
crime were weighing on thehi, and no matter
how they might labor, they must not look
for any revival of religion until these long fa
ces were laid aside. He then read an old
familiar hymn, which the choir commenced a mournful funeral tune. He re
quested them to slop, and, addressing the
audience, said he had no idea that the devil
should claim all the best times. He desired
the whole congregration to join in singing
the hymn, and wished it sung to the tune
"Old Lang Syne.',' It was sung, and never
did tlio walls ofpliat spacious edifice resound >
with louder praise.
field Democrat says, the following verbatum
el literatum, was seut to the presidint judge
of a court in that county recently:
to the lloriable cort •
Sir youi juris canter Gree.
EF" Captain Alphouso M. Duperu, late
Captain of the 3rd Dragoons, who was re
ported to have been captured and shot, at
Cardenas, denies the charge. Ho is alive,
and well, and at Washington, D. C.
(T One of the heaviest mining and man-1
ufacturing firms m Schuylkill county, has
failed for a very large amount.
ET Experience is a torchlight in the ash
es of our illusions.
[Two Dollar* per kumvm^
A Beautiful Character.
\Ve extract from a volume of Lectures apd
Essays, by (he Rev. Henry Giles, the follow
ing beautiful picture of a just man. T1 a
two volumes are filled with similar passages
of eloquence and truth:—"A just man is al -
ways simple. He is a man of direct ains
and purposes. There is no complexity ill
his motives, and, thence, thdre is no jarring
oi discordance .n his character. He wishes
to do right, and in most cases he does it j he
he may err, but is by a mistake of his judg
ment, and not by perversity or intention.
The moment his judgment is enlightened,
his action is corrected.—Sotting before hirtt
self, always a clear and worthy end, he will
never pursuo it by any concealed or unwor
thy means. We may cariy our rtmarks fdr
tlturtfatJOn, both frto private and publlh lifeJß
Observe such a man in his home; therts nr
a charm about him which no artificial grace
has ever had the power to bestow; there is
a sweet, I had almost said a music in hft
manners, which no sentimental refinement
has ever g ven. His speech over fresh from
purity and rectitude of thought, controls
that are within its hearing, with an unfelt
aud yet a resistless sway. Faithful to every
domestic, as to his religion and his God, ho
would no more prove recreant to any loyalty
of home, than he would blaspheme the Ma
ker in whom he believes, or than he would
forswear the Heaven in which he hopes. Fi
delity and truth to those bound by love and
nature to his heart, are to him most sacred
principles; they are in the last recesses of
his moral being, they are embedded in the
life of his life; and to violate them, or dven
think of violating them, would seem to htai
as a spiritual extermination, the suicide "of
his soul. Nor is such a man, unrewarded,
for the goodness that he so largely [gives, is
largely payed back lo him again ; though the
curent of life is transparent, it is not too swnl
ow on the contrary, it is deep and strong.The
river that fills its channel, glides smoothly a
long in the power of its course ; it is- the
stream which scarcely covers the raggedness
of its bed; that is turbulent and noisy. With
all this gentleness there is exceeding force ;
with all this meekness, there is imperative
command .* but the force is the force of
wisdom, and the command is the command
of love. And yet the authority which rules
so effectually, never gathers On angry or Art
irritable oloud over the brow of the ruler;
and this sway which admits of no resistance,
does nrtt repress ope honest impnlw of na
ture, one moment of the soul's high freedom
one bound of joy from the heart's unhidden
gladness, in the spirits Of the governed." <
YotritC MEN.
The idea is prevalent in some communi
ties, that young men are fit neither for gene -
rals or statesmen, and that they must be
kept in the back ground until their physical
strength is impaired by age, and their intel
lectual faculties become blunted by the
weight of years, Let us look to the history
Of the past, and from the long list of heroes
and statesmen, select some who have dis
tinguished themselves, and we shall find
that they were JreUng men when they per
formed those acts which have won for them
an imperishable, meed of fame, and placed
their names high on the pago of history•
Alexander, the conquerdr of the then whole
civilized world, viz., Greece, Egypt, and
Asia, died at 33. Bonaparte was crowned •
Emperior of France when 33 years of age.
Pitt, the younger brother, was about SO,
years of age, when, in Britain's parlament
he boldly advocated the cause of the Amer
ican Colonies, and but 22 when made Chan -
cellor o/ the Exchequer.—Edmund, Burke,
at the dge of 25. was first Lord o" the Trea
sury. Our own Washington was but 25
when he covered the retreat of the British
troops at Braddock's defeat, and was ap
pointed to the command in chief of all the
Virginia forces.
Alexander Hamilnton, at 20 was a Lieu
tenant Colonel and aid to Washington—a t
25 a member of Congress— at 53 Secretary
of the Treasury. Thomas Jefferson was but
23 when he drafted the ever memorial Dec
laration of Independence. At the age of jjd
years, Sir Isaac Newton accupied the math
ematical chair at Cambridge College, Eng
land, having, by hit scientific discoveries
rendered his name immortal. We might
continue the list to a greater length, bet nj
nough has been said already, to show that
young men are not capable of performing
great and ennobling actions, or of taking a
high position In the counsels of a nation, is
chimerical and visionary. And what has
been said, may well serve to encourage the
young to set up a high standard and press
towards-it with ardor, suffering 'nothing to
discourage them from soaring "onward and
upward" in the paths of fame, or iu the pur
suit of literature and science.
Car We never like to say a man is drunk '
unless we have good evidence of the fact
nor then, if we can help it; but we must
concur wirh the Boston Herald in giving it as
our decided conviction that the hero of tho
following anecdote was "very drunk." A
few ev lings since a young married gent,
who had just commenced house-keeping,
went towards his house on Beacon street,
and mistaking his neighbor's door for his
! own, fumbled away some fifteen or twenty
minutes, trying io find a hole for his night
key—bnt he ooulilnt, for there happened to
i be none in the door. In despair he finally
exclaimed—" What—ni c—is coming next—
!.'omtboJy has stolen my—hic—kryhote,