The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, June 06, 1850, Image 4

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For thf Cure of
Tho unifoim success which has attended the'
u*e of this picparalion; its *uliilury effect;itspovv-
IJI to relieve oud cure affee lions of the JLungs, have
gained for it a celebrity cquefh d by no other med
ecine. We offer ft to the afflicted with entire
confidence in its virfuc3, and the full belief that it
will subdue and remove the sevcrrat titlarks ofdi -
en so upon the throat and Longs, The result.*-, a*
they become publicly Known, very naturally ut
tract the attention of medical men ond philanthro
pists everywhere. V\ bat is their opinion of(H
fcuRY PECTORAL in a j be seen ih the follow- !
ing ;
Valentine. Mott, M. />., Professor Sur
gery. Medical College , JV. F, says:
It gives me pleasure to certify to the value and
cfliicacy of Ayer's Cherry J Vet oral, which 1 con
eider peculiarly adapted to cure diseases of the
Thioat and Lungs
The lit. Rev. Lord Bishop Field
Writes in sletlerto his friend, who was sinking
under an affection of tbo Lungs, Tiy the Cherry
IVctoral,and if any medicine can give sou relief
with the blessing of God that will'
Chitf Justice Fust is,
of Louisuu n. w iiies that a young daughter of his
was c ured of several severe attacks of Croup by j
the Cherry Pectoral
Hartford, .lan 2ft, 1818
Dear Sir: Having been rescued from n painful
ond - atigeious disease by your medicine, gratitude j
prompts mo to send you this acknowledgment not j
only in justice to > otf*\ ut for llie iufjrmation of
ethers in like nffl clion
A slight cold upon the lungs neglected at first, j
be on mo so severe that spitting of blood, .a violent [
cough and profuse night sweat- followed and fas
tened upon mo I became emaciated, could'not
Bleep, vas distrcsud by my cou. i. and a pain ]
through ny chest and in shott had ail tlie alarm
ing symptom* of quick consum,n IS incdi- j
cine seeiucd at all to reach my en e, until provj. i
dcntidlly I tried your Cherry Pectoral, which re [
iicved and now hat cured uv.
Yours with respect E A S'J'WAKT f
Albany,N Y, April 17, 1848 .
Dear Sii; I have fo years been afflicted wi h
Asthma in the worst form; so that 1 have been |
obliged to Bleep in my chair for a larger part of .
the time, being unable to b cube on my led 1 I
had tried y grert many medicines to no purpose, l
until my physician prescribed,as au < \pc.iiucnt, ,
your Cherry Pectoral
At first it seemed to make me worse, hut in less 1
thon a week I began to experience the most grati. I
fying relief from its use ; ond in four weeks the
disease was entirely removed I can sleep on my
bed with comfort, and enjoy a state of health
which I never expected GEO 8 FARRANT
Prepared by J C Ayer % Lowell, Mass
Sold by E 1' i.U'i Z, ntoomsburg i
A B WILSON, Berwick |
April 4 6tn ch
DilT suTvxe's
Celebrated Family llcdlcluer
The Original and Genuine Preparation !
Coughs, Colds, Asthma. Bronchitis, Liver
Complaint, Spitting Blood, difficulty of
Bread ing, Puin in the Sido and Broact,
l'alpitation of tho Heart Inilu.nza,
Croup, broken Constitution. Soro
Thioat, Nervous Debility, and all
diseases of the Throai, Breast
and Lung; the most effectual
and speedy cure known for
any of the, above diseas
es is •
Dr. Swayne's Compound of
Wild Cherry.
WM. MONTELIL'S, a respectable merchant of
St. Clair, Schuylkill county, writes, January
30, 184!): —Enclosed I send you a certificato
of Worn. Beaumont, a citizen of our town.
His case of consumption is well known hero,
and of long standing; lie attributes UL cure
entirely to your Compound Syrup of Wild
"A safe and effectual remedy for Iforo, Dys
pepsia, Cholera Morbus, sickly or Dyspep
tic Children or Adults, nod the vu st
usejul Family Medicine crer of
fered to the public.
ted, Andcrsiovn, Indiana. A man purchased
a botHe of your Vermifuge tho other day i n
his child, aud by its use it discharged 03 of
the largest worms he had over seen. It is
somewhat difficult to got tho peo lc to try it,
as they have so often been gulled by nause
ous and worthless worm medicines. Yours
being so very pleasant to tho taste, at the
same lime elfcetual, I shall he able todispose
of a large quantity. Respectfully, yours, dec.,
Remember: Dr. Swnyne's Vermiluge is
now put up in square bottles, (having recent
ly been changed;) covered with a beautiful
wrapper, (steel engraving.) with the portrait
of Or. Sw ayne thereon engraven, dear tins
in mind, and be not deceived. CLEKSE AMI
K EXTRACT OF TAR PILLS.—A mild and elec
tive purgative, great purifyer of tlie blood,
they correct all tho functions of the Liver,
and as an alternative Dropsical affections,
they arc very valuable. Giddiness of the
head, dimness of sight, depression of spirits,
headache, &c., are cured by these purifying
Pills. No medicine can have a betler effect
for monthly irregularities, which occasionally
happen to women, they aro perfectly sale,
and will in conjunction with Dr. Swayne's
compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, tako all
pain and disease from every part of tho sys
The above valuable medicines are pre
pared only by DR. SWA VNE, N. W. corner
of EIGHTH aud RACE Streets, Philadel
E. P. LUTZ K JOHN 11. MOVER, Kloomsburg,
Pa; M CGrier&John Moore Danville; John
Sharpless & C Hartmau & Co., Catawissa; G
<St R Shunt an Catawissa Forge; Brown and
Creasy, Midlinvilie; A Miller Berwick; John
Doak Briar Creek tp.; Peter Eat Williams
burg; E. Lazarus Oraugeville; JK Millatd
Espy town; Elias Wertin in Rohrsburg; Geo.
Masters Millville; J M Sheldon Jerseytown;
McCay &■ Patterson Washiugtonville; Hugh
McWiiliams Moresburg; urnl by most all
StnrekoeperBin the adjacent Counties.
Bloomsburg, Feb. 21, 1850.—6 m.
For Rent.
A largo and convenient dwelling house,
and a suite of rooms suitable for a small fa
mily, ar for au office or shop. Enquire at
this office.
Dr. Peiuson'H
Pu 1 inoiiit Expeclorant,
Is the most certain and effect' I rcmaiy known
or the cure of Conglis, Colds. Com •m r tion In
j! (US' . ho<U:. inss. spitting of lUood. difficulty
of or. thing, hiiniihitis. pain in the locust anil
side, p dpilntiunof the hart, whooping cough,
relit,no. troop, rnuloil diseases of the Pulmonary
Or truu's.
thi .... |>n< . : i ' ' tl 1 rtnr.'Wl,
Inning grniltli. I •• • | li. -it; . ~ ~il fiillowc. I tlie
nutiu'uul ii , .i'lc- inn for several yours, can,
ii; ■ n n gi'o l" ih'Vi- |i.-r*nii: wi-o -iVjicri- such
■ ■ n-il ic-i 11 ii- il.n t amuwii'u u hi ill i.innni tie \|iccl
cil where u couipuuinl is only conpocted from un
ontiqunteil reci|ic. token from the leaf of an old
almanac or some similiu source.
Piepnrt'd hy S. \. Pearson, M. I) No. 106
North fourth Street, Philadelphia, price ft per
bottle, in six !o) 11 tic, lor f"5.
r. S. A. Pearson : Dour sir—For the benefit
of others. I would inform y<u that I haw been
u any your Pulmonic Expectorant for * cough
veJ iiain in my breast sod side, the efforts of a
relry heavy cold—l find that it In* given mc great
haief I consider it en invaluable medicine. 1
cidvc also used it in my family with the moat de
utted benefit—it cures cold* in the least oo**ible
timo that medicine coald cum them. II its vir
tue* were generally known, it would auve thous
ands from an untimely gtave. You skouldsparc
no pains nor ex jensc to have it brought into u*c
throughout the country.
Yours, Ac. WM. M.CADE,
J\o. 212 Cherry St.
Dr. S. A. Pearson • Dear Hit—About a year •
go I was attacked with a severe infl irnution of the
l.ungs, which threatened every syinptom of a
speedy t 'onsiimptioiia 1 called upon one of the
inOß*. eminent physicians of Philadelphia,who pro
nounced me incurable. My husband then procu
md l >r mo six hollies of your Pulmonic Lxpec
t >rant, whi h I Imd heard iiiuhlv recomiiicudcd--
and before I had taken the last of the .-i.xth bottle
my lungs wcie will, my cough and other symp
toiii*of L'ousumptton e. tiiely cured. lam now
enjoy in fine health nud heeoining quite fleshy.
.lay 58t., between Coatesdt Wallace.
Hunterdon County, N- J,
Dr. - A. Pearson, Dear sSir \ hout a year a
go I lnH inic severely afflicted with a pain in in;.
hrcist and tide, un extremely bad cough, spitting of
!| d, debility niglii sweats, and other syinptmns
of confirmed consumption. I became no much re
duced that I we* unable to attend to my ordioow
business. I m ule application to a physician, uli .
examined inv chest, and gave it as his decided o
pini 'i that my lungs were scrious'y affected I
then app.ied to another, who was of the same o
pinion. aiitl alter having prescribed advised me to
return to my IVienda.
Previous to 1 had for a long lime been la
boring under all the sympt.uui* usu d!y found with
persons laboring under disease of ihe lurgs. mid
t was thought by all who knew me that I wa> fast
vcaring away with decay.
At tho li i ' I applied to tho phy>ieianH I was
laboring utider a severe attnek •! spitting blood,
with pain in my breast and <le. Their prescrip
tioris failed to relieve the pain, and all their skill
could not arrest the discharge of blood from my
j lungs. This being my condition, 1 wm indued
lo make atrial of your valuable Pulmonic Mvp ■ -
! tornnt, oy the use of whicliH *.vas immcdi it. lv re
[ Iteved of all those unplea.-unt • vrrjt rn-. and am
now'so far restored to health, that i .in able to
attend to nil my ordinary bu iucss, and expose
i mvftctf as much as it is pru -cut for utiy one to do,
I 1 would thc.ofuro coulidoctiy recommend every
p'eraon who i* laboring under disease of the lungs
and breast, or who arc- alflrctcd with colds or with
coughs, to mike trial of your most valuable prep
aration* 1 would further add that alter having
I made use of your Expectorant fur a few weeks, i
i hecatnd o flesy that persons with whom i was
acquainted hardly knew me. i still remain in good
health at this time, March, 1810.
Yours truly,
Tho following cord of three respectable physi
cians sell forth the virtues of Dr. Pearson's Pul
monic Expectorant *
Having made Ovr of Dr. Pearson's Ptu.Moxir
EXPKCTOIIANT, wo feel it a duty to recommend it
i as a safe and effectual cu'e of the various dtHcaa
| es foi which it is intended. o arc acquainted
; with many persons who have been cured of cough
| bronchitis, pain in the breast and side, spitting of
' blood, palpitation of the heart, and incipient con
i sumption, cy its use. and many of them after all
! other means h id failed.
A. PEARSON, M. D;. U. Navy.
IS K LEHDOM, M. D. Charnplnin t'n„ O
I W. it.GADWALL\DEK, M.D., U- b.N,
i Patients may consults. A. Pearson, M. !>•,
) his office No. 100 North Fourth Street, above
i Race-
I For sale in Bloomslmrg by William ISubisou,
i Merchant,and also ut Piltston Ferry, by Dr. A.
Curtis, Druggist.
Agents in Columbia comity.
j Wm. Ronißon, Hloomsbttrg,
Peter Knl. Light Street,
John Selimiek, Cultawissa,
M O. Shoemaker, Buokhorn,
K. Lazarus. Orangoville.
40. ty
No. 238 Market St. above Seventh,
south side, Philadelphia.
Although we can n'arcely estimate the
value ol TIME eommefuialiy; yet by ea//.
| ing at tip' above l'lstablisbmcnt, JAMES
| BAlißEli will fmuish his friends, uirmny
j ivboiii lie included all who duly apprcci
| me its fleelness. with a beautiful and per
' feci ISDEX for mark inn us progress, of
i whose value they can judge,
j 11 is uXLiHsiv. •took uu (laud, constantly
! clanging in conformity to the impnvo-
I inents in taste and style of pattern and
workmanship, consists ot EPHIT-DAY and
| I'nittrv HOUR Bias COUNTING House,
j Clocks, French, Gothic and fancy styles,
, as well as plain, which from his extensivi
i QOnneetion and correspondence with the
j manufacturers lie finds that he ean put at
| the Lowest cush Figure, in any quarititv,
j from .Ouo 10 a Thousand, .of which he
I will warrant the accuracy.
ocks repaired and warranted.—
Clock trimmings on hand.
Call and ste me among them.
238 Market St., Pllila. Sept. 20, '49-1 y
Removal !
The subscriber returns his thanks to his
friends for their liberal patronage to him,and
respectfully solicits a continuance of it at his
new shop on the lower end of il/ain street in
Bloomsburg, immediately opposite the 'Star
office, where he has removed his
He continues to manufacture all kinds of
Boots and Shoes in the best manner and nea
test style ; and keeps constantly on hand au
assortment of ready made work, which he
will sell at the lowost prices for cash orcouiv
try produce.
He canfurnish any desirable style of Men's
coarso or tine boots, brogans; gaiters, or slip
pers, and also Ladies' and Misses' shoes,
slippers and gaiters. J. B. WEAVER,
ap 10-60-tf „ OF ALL OTHERS!
Uecausc they aic saler. Letter ami more efficsci- :
| ou* than any other*, ami because tht public will j
lake 110 others if they can obtain them.
500.000 BOXES
havn linen sold annually for the last five years, j
! Youm; snl*hi. mule and fnmale, can always j
; lake them with equal safety, without fear
foi purging and rleansing I lie el unach and bow- ]
els, and puiityiiig the blood and fluid* of the bo
dy take no others—for no other pills produce those
combinpd effect*, or contain *ar*ajarilla in tbem.
Eat. Drink, and Live as Usual,
and pursue your uual occupa ion whilst taking
1 them, without fear of taking cold during all kind*
of weather-
are wagered that more genuine certiflcales [from
* physician*. cler*ymen; Members of ami
respectable citizen*] ran be producad of their ef
| Heavy than of any others* and
Ten Dollars
will le forfeited in every instance where ONF. BOX
will not do mote good than two boxc* of ant o
Forty Pillearein a Box.'
android at I wenly.five Cents a Hox, with direc
tion* ami much whultfroine advice accompanying
; each box
; They have no taste vi *r unpleasant smell
free from dust or powder of any k ; nd—do not
gripe the Stomach or Powels—produce no sick
m**s, vomiting or bud feeling*—they are good at
ail times, and e.dapted to most disqpses common to
mankind. No one having once taking them will
be willing aflei wards <i take any (.there, because
i e\ iLvay* do good ami if they do not then no
j others will.
Dr. N. H. Ltiuy, the Proprietor A* Manufacturer,
1 i* a regular Druggist, Chemist and Physician, of
fifteen year* exporh nee iu Philadelphia; member
: .f different Medical liibtitutioiis ol Phi adclphia,
| New York, Boston. Baltimore. Vc.. and associate
, tod coi reseonding m< inber of several Medieal In-
I Htitution* of Loml it and Pari*—hence the rea
son of the grcalei c.oulideuec placed in hi* pill*,
j .ind there being recommended in the practice of
most respectable physician* throughout the Uni*
j ted .>'l rites.
Principal Depot, Dn.*a DisrstrsAnr.
■ \> lit North Pontth WtreoL Phllidolphia. md
I sold wholesale and retail by
.1. K Isfover K. P. Lutz, Bloomsburg: Dr.
j A B. Wilson, Berwick: Peter Knt,
f.iuht S'root j M. C. Shoemaker. Buckhorn j
I. A. Moore. Danville; Bickotts Stewart,
1 Orangoville: John Si mick. ( altawissa : A.
I Lovers, Washingtouvilio; J M Sheldon. Jer
| seytown ; J K. Derr, Whitehall; J.S.Woods,
I Columbus; Brown & Creasy, AFitllincburg ;
I K. Wert man, Khorsburg, and by Store keepers
generally. 49-ly
I'iltl, viG.I.I-tli.V
IRE 111 OA E IIOHii:,
Establish! d Fifteen Years ago, by
.V. IV. Corner of Third and Union *ts. %
between Spruce cmt Pine streets,
Fifteen \eataol extensive ami uninterrupted
: j>r:i ticc spent in this city have rendered Dr. K.
the most expert and successful practitioner fur Jr
1 near, iu the treatment of all diseases of a private
\ nature. Persona afflicted with ulcers on the bo
! dy, throut 01 leg*, pains in tho head or bones, or
mercurial rheumatism, strictures, gravel, disease
.arising from youihfw I excesses or impurities of
the blood, whereby the constitution ha* become
, enfeebled, are all treated with success.
Hp who places hiuisclf under the care ol Dr
K. inay religiously confide in his honor as u gen
tleman, mid confidently rely upon his sail! us a
' physician.
Take Particular Notice I
Young men who have injured themselves by a
, cert lin practice indulged iu, a habit frequently
' learned from evil companions or at school, the ef
fect." cl* which are nightly felt, even when asleep
and destroy both mind and body, should apply im-
J mediately. Weakness and constitutional debility
10-8 of muscular energy, physical lassitude and
general prostration, irrutibility and all nervous uf
■ lection* indigestion, sluggishness of the live . &
: every disease in any way connected with the dis
j order of tt.o procicative functions cuicd, and full
j vigor restored.
: ■$ l-'OI'TII & MANHOOD
• .vyJ •'! Vigorous Life,
HmMMI l*r<;iiiaCiii'.' Death.
Only 25 Cents.
This book just published i* filled with useful
J information • u the infirmities nud diseases of the
, generative organs. It addresses itself alike to
• youth, manhood and old age, and should be read
by all.
The valuable advice and impressive warning it
i gives, will prevent years of misery and suffering
| inil save annually thousands of lives.
; Parent* hy reading it will learn how to prevent
| the destruction of their children.
| A remittance of 25 cents enclosed in a letter,
iuldrc* til to Dr. Kinkcliii, N W corner of Third
and Uuion street*, between spruce and Pine, in
i Philadelphia, will ensure u book under envelope
: per return of mail.
Persons at a distance may address Dr K by
' letter, (post paid) and be cured at home.
! Package* of medicines,directions, &c. forward
i ed by sending a remittance, ami put up secure
from damage or curiosity.
Booksellers, New* Agents, Pedlars, Canvossers
and all others uppliod with the above work at
veiy low rates. 2-L-ly
D'. Henry Turner's Rheumatic Liniment.—
I bis superior remedy foi the Uhvumatihin, hu
recently introduced If it this countrv hy the pre
j sent proprietor, lis* long bee, kuowti in Eug-
CPIIU. London purliculsily, us the best at d Jll\
certain euro for that distressing uud painful al
feclion. Its effect U| on the system is mild and
nothing, nt tho same time certain and efficacious
rarely lulling to give relief upon the first appli
cation, und by repeating it a few times, a per
manent cure is effected.
We have known case* of pain in the breust
and back, with soreness, of several weeks dura
lion, cdrcd in one single nighf, und heard the
patient express his graceful such re
medy was ever discovered. Wchuveulso heard
individuals say they would give thousands of
dollars for a cure for rheumatiau), yet the same
uidividuls were cured by two bolilcs of this great
Liniment, costing hut filly cents each. Who
would icgret giving such u price for such o rem
edy -to be free from the exci minting tortuoe of
that most painful of all diseases.
Afflicted go procure a bottle of Dr. Turner'
Linimcijl and be healed at once ; do not longer
dola?, hut cast aside all nostrums and cuie alls,
fur the one thing needful to insure a cure. Hold
wholesale and retail by D Wonderly & Co. pro
prietors No 20 Commerce street, and iheit gen
eral agents Rowaud and Son, No 21 North Sixth
street, Philadelphia.
Also, JOHNR MOYEH Bloonulmrg. Grn
iiii ii
Dr. 8. P. TOWNS (END'S
S ARS A:s4fi RIL L A,
Tlif most WouiltrfuiTiOnlltint of the Age
1,500,000 BOTTLES
ThU Medicine U put up In U:mrt Bottle*,
Mtid line cured more than
100,000 Oases of Chronic Disease,
within the Inst Ten Years -Sinn In Ornulns
unless signed by S. P. TOU'SSKSI),
BY nivVDI.NU Tin: following AFFIDAVIT
tlic t'ubtir will learn tin- origin, or rather wlnere the
recli'c for making the stift' thev call Old Dr. Jacob
TownMltd'n SarfajteHlla, came from—and will be able
to judge which it the genuine n<l original, and oi tlu
honesty of the men w ii< aro employed • selling it a
the origin* I l>r Townsend's Karsnparilia Dr F
lowii-cml w as the original proprietor and inventor of
Or Townaeud's Srtrai>aiilla. and his inedicino has
gained a reputation thn( no other romedy ever gained.
He manufaotureJ over one million ot bottles last rear,
and h maiulnctniing at present 3,000 bottles per dav
We use more Sarsaparilld and \ ellow Dock in oi* r
establishment each da\, than ail the other bursa- .avilia
Manufactuivrs in the world. Principal Otftce, l'J6 I
City an.l County of NrvYork, it.
William Armstiong, t f the said City, being duly
•worn, doth depose and say that lie is a practical
Druggist and t demist. That koiuo time in the latter
l'f'l °* May, or trstol Jiino, 1849, a man by the name
of Jacob 'lownsend, who At that time was a book and
pamphlet peddler called u|*n deponent, at the house
° * jr. Thompson. No 42 Iludfon-street, w lmre dej>o.
ViCiil boarded, and requested do|onent to write him a
recipe by which to in.lhr a Syrup of Karwaparilla
Deponent further mm.- that he became acquainted
with said Townvend oitice of Theodore Fo*ter '
Kq., Book raviirhef%iik whom snt Towiuena
•celt That said Town-end had had frequent convert.ii
tioat with de|Hinent ! -epi-cting the manufacture of an
aitjcleot Sarsapanilu to be sold under the naine of Dr.
Jacob TowlFwnd.
That said Townsend stated he was an old man, and
IHior. and was not tit for hard labor—and wished to
make some money, in order to live easy in his old 1
Jays and that il Hai-aitarille under the name of Town
•end sold so well, and so much money was made by
it, he could seo no rea..n why he might not make
fornetliing nut of it too. this nunie being Townsond.)
it he could g t a caj.,.lde person to prepare a recipe,
tml manufacture it lor him. Deponent in one of the
conversation- asked said To.vnsend if hp was related
to >I B. I' TOWII-M.I. to which he replied, that he
knew Dr s p. Town-end would be down on him after
-ic should commence Hut that he did not care for
..n, as he had formed a co-partnership with men who
could fumi-h the requisite amount ot capital—and was
well prepared to delrid himself against any attack
hat might be trad© on him
Dejm.-icnt luithei •. > that pursuant to the request
of uid Jacob Townseno he v iot n reoipe for the
rr.auutacture of a .syrup Sarrajwirillo, ami guvc it to
.in .-m.I Tow mend -erv<d that he wanted to
tial.c a-; p. nueii to exhibit to his partners for their
ippiovol. as l.e \ i tie I t . gratifv them in every tiring,
n they furnisiu i lithe, .nihil said alio
old dept.neut that tlio bottled thev were to use were
viheol the same i*e and '.hape'as Dr. 8. F. Town
►end'*. and deponent at the request of said Jacob
Tow .cud, w :it to the , I. c ol' D< A T. Townscnd,
end procured one of his libels
And deponent further •> , that he has been inform*
•d, and vci i!\ '• :i v . *ie >•. i i|- i- n-apnrilla, §Oi4
mill 'aeon"Tow II P' I-. - ;.!E alter the recipe ftir*
nished iy dejinneiit, to Jr.- Ob . -wnseud, us aforesaid.
And furthe; deponent raith t
Sworn to before ma. ti. .'lth dav of May, Ht9.
a> <t the ' ityof New York.
Hi that Dr. 8.1 Townsend'a
Smimij...mi • . tin- 0r.^....1. The following is froui
some of the mo.t u-.e< t le popers in this sute.
tlbuny Flveiling .Journal.
Dr. Towusoikl'k SarHaparilla.
, eie jir.digtily never has been so popular a remedy,
or paten* medicine, as Dr Tow n-end-'s Sarsuparilla,
which was original!' . an i continues to be munutac
luted in this city, nt first by the Doctor himself, and
afterwards for several years and to the present time,
by < lapp Tow use nd, the present proprietors. Since
the puttuciship was formed, the Doctor lias resided in
New York, where he keeps a -tore, and attends to the
business that accumulates .it that point The manu
factory is in this cit>, and i- conducted by the junior
partner, Mr. Clapp—here all the medicine is inaunfec*
Few of our citizens have any idea of the amount of
this medicine that is inauulactured and sold besides
the sales in this is shipped to the < ana.las.
West India Islands, South America, and even to Ku
rope, in considerable quantities. At the manufnetory
they employ u steam engine, besides n large number
of men, women and girl-, in the preparation of ilie
medicine, making hose.-, punting, in*, and turn out,
ready for shipment, over 4(U> dozen jei day, or neatly
6000 bottles. This is an enormous quantity.
The great sale the medicine has acquired, has in
duced a uumhei of meu to get up imitations, and there
is at the present time, other medicines for sale, that
aro called " Dr. Towneud's Sairaparilla." One in par
ticular htaited m shoit tiine ago in New Yoik, is called
"Old Doctor Jacob Townsend'a Sarsaparilla,'' and ap
parently with a view, by dint of ad vet Using, and the
u-ual remedies resorted "to in such cSortu, to appropri
ate the name ot Dr. S P TownsendV great rr medy,
•nd thus gain all the adi ant ages resulting from th<>
popularity of the name which he has acquired for it,
by years of patient and ex pensive labor* Dr K P
Townscnd, formerly of this city, as is well know n
here, is the inventor and -<nginal proprietor of the
medicine known as "Dr Town-end's Sarsapaiilla,"
and we think those persons who are attempting to sail
their article as the genuine, should be exposed
New York Dally Tribune.
d(J- We published an advertisement inadvertently
some time since that did injustice to Dr. M. P. Town
send, who is the oiigmal proprietor of the preparation
of Sarsapaiilla known as Dr Townsenu's. Other
parties have within the pa.>! few months engaged or
connected themselves with a man by the name of
Tow mend who put up a medicine and colls it by the
same name. Tins medic me was udveitised in Tht
Tribune us the original, fct This adv citisement also
contaiued matter dorogat.# to the character of Dr.
S. P. Townsend and that of his medicine. We regret
it appeared, and injustice to the Dr. make this ex
New lark Dolly Sun.
Dx. Towom.i'j extraordinary advcitisement,which
occupies bu entire page of tho Si x, will not escape
notice. Dr. 8. P. Townseml, who is the original pro
nrietor of Dr. Townsend's Haisapaiilla, and w hose of
fice *s next door to ours, whcio he lias h#en for sever
cl yrxrs, is driving an immense business, lie leccives
no le-s than lour hundrvd dozen of Sarsaparilla per
da), and even this enormous quantity does not supply
the demand. No medicine ever gained so great a
popularity as his preparation of the Sarsaparilla. His
edition ot Almanacs lor 1849 cost f-JJ.OOn, and he
has paid the New York Si x lor advertising, in the
last tour years, over iMo.iKR), and he acknowledges
that it is the cheapest advertising he has had done.
This medicine is exported to the < anudus, West In
dies, South America and Europe, in considerable
quantities, and is coming into general uso iu those
countries, us well as here.
Druggists and others tlrut sell SaiHiq arilla for the
genuine and original Dr. Townsend's s-arsuparilU.
that i* not signed by S. J'. Tow nsend, commits a fraud,
and swindle# the customers. Men that would be
guilty of such nil act, would commit any other fraud
—and no Druggist of common intelligence but knows
that ours is the only genuine.
Oiil Jacob Townsend.
Some people who arc not well informed, and have
not lead the papers, and not seen our udveiticemcntN,
have been led to suppose, that because these men nd
: vortise their stuff o - Ot* Jacob i','' thai it
liiUkt, of course, be the original. It is let,# one
year xi;:ce they commenced to make their medicine.
Ours ha- been in tLc market o*. *r ten yeors
Title Old Jncoti Touilltnd.
They are endeavoring to naim oft on the ptlbiiC P
an old Physician, fee. lie is not a regular educated
Ph) 6ician, and uever attempted to manufacture a med
icine, until these men hireJ him for the use of his
name. They a\ they do not wish the people to be
lieve that their Sarsapuiiilu is ours, or the same-but
the better to deceive the public, they at the same time
assert that their'n is tho Old Dr Towiibond's, end the
original ; and endeavor to make the people believe
that the -tuft they manufacture, in the lr Townsend's
Sarsapuilla, that ha> peti .uned -o many wondciful
cures lor flu putt ten year* und which has gained a
reputation which no oilier medicine ever enjoyed—
w hich is u tie-ii, villninoi;., unprincipled falsehood.
We have coimneured suits against these men for
\y r H ~j,,(. oiideiMtood, that the old man
is no rciatjot. to |)i- Twhpikl whatever. In their ad
verti-cmeu b i.nd ciicular-, ihey puldirh a number of
großft lal-ehoods re purling Dr. Townsend, which we
will not noticb.
Falsi; H< poi-tM.
Our opponents have published in the papers, that
Dr. 8 P. 'low nscnd we* dead. This they send to thf ir
agents atMiut the country, who report'that we have
Siven up business, fcc. k'c. The public should be oe
leir guard, and not be deceived by these unprinci
pled ineu.
Notice of Kfisoivt-After the first of September,
1949, Dr. 8. P. Townsend's New York Office will be
in tho South Baptist C hurch, No b-J Nassau street,
which is now undergoing a thorough change, and
will bo fitted for thediette. ovroimno iutiou of the pro
prietor* and the public.
Take particular NoUce.— No Saraparilla is the
genuine and original Dr. Townteud's Sarxapatilla, un
less signed by 8. P. Townsend
AGlUlTS. —Redding & Co., pio. 8 State street, end
Mrs. E. Kidder, No. 100 Conrt-itreet, Boston ; Samuel
Kidder, Jr., Lowell j Homy Pr>lt, JSalem ; James II
Ureen, Worcester ; Allison St (fault, Concord ; J
Balch Ic Son, Providence ; am) by Druggists aud Mer
chants generally throughout the United States, We*
Indies and the Ceuedae
Is tho solo agent in Bloonnsborjt'. for the sale
of Dr. S. P. Townsend's Sarsaparilla-36-ly
A new lot just received and for sale cheap
I'or Young Ladies nnd Genttcinen
J. E. BRADLEY, Principal.
The next Summer Session of this Institution
will commence on MONDAY the Bth of ,
Text Books.
Emerson's Spelling Book and Reader.
Goodrich's Geography.
Bullion's English Grammar.
Parker's Progressive Exercises.
" Aids to English Composition.
Blair's Rhetoric, University edition.
Davies' Arithmetic.
" Algebra.
" ■ Geometry.
" Surveying.
" Mensuration.
Siiea's Book-keeping.
Ackemau's Natural History.
Cutter's Anatomy, Physiology, & Hygiene.
Guernsey's History of the United States.
Larijner s Outlines.
Olmsted s School Philosophy.
BuTrHt's Geography of the Heavens.
Johnston's Turners Chemistry.
Wood's Botany.
Schmnt'ker's Mental Philosophy.
Waylartd's Moral Science.
Webstet s Dictionary.
LATIN Bullion's Latin Grammar, Bullion's
Latin Header, Anthon's Ctnsar, Sallust, Cic
ero, Horaoe, Folsom's Livy, Leveritt's Latin
GREEK.— Bullion's Greek Grammar, Bul
lion's Greek Reader, Robinson's Greek Tes
tament, Xonophon's Anabasis, Xenophon's
Memorabilia, Pickering's Greek Lexicon.
GERMAN — G J Adler's German Grammar, |
Ollendort's metliod ol Learning tlie German
Adler'p (JcTtrtnn Hrrtdcr.
There will be frequent exercises in Decla
mation aud Composition. Instruction will
also be given in Penmanship and Book-Koe
Pupils attending this School can enjoy the
advantages of instruetionon tho Piano Eorto
at a modei ate charge
It will be the aim of the Teacher in litis
School, to impart to the pupils it thorough
knowledge of the branches studied, to educate
their miiuls, and thus to prepare them for hon
orable places in life.
The Summer Session will consist oftwonty-
Four weeeks or two quarters of Y2 weeks
i each. The price of tuition will be as follows
per quarter :
I For Reading, Penmanship, Grammar, A
| ritlimetie. Book-Keeping by single entry, Ge
ography, History of U. S. S3 25
For same, and Algebra, Geometry, Survey
ing, Mensuration, Uoook-Kecpiug by double
entry, General History, Natural History, Phy
siology, Philosophy, other English branches,
and Drawing. ill .on
Eor Latin. Greek and German, 5 76
ESUGood boarding can be obtained in pri
vate familicsgt from S 1 onto >2 oft per week.
REVERENCES. — CoI. Jo eph Paxton, Hon.
Stephen Baldy. Hon Geo' M.u k. Michael
Brob.-t. Esq.. Jolrn M'Rcynolds, Esq., Rev.
Daniel Steele.
Bloomsburg, Feb 21, 1860
(oo(l riiitl ( iicap ll'aiclieti.
wholesale and retail,at No. !H> Ninth 2nd
strict, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia.
Gold lvr watches, lull jewelled, 18 |
.caret cases. SHO and upwards.
| Silver lever do. full jewelled, $l6 and
i upwards.
Silver lepine do, jewelled, 611 and up
Silver quartier watches, from fir to 10.
Gold pencils, from 61 50 to 67'
Superior gold rings, from 37 to 80 cts.
Other articles in proportion. All goods
warranted to be what they are sold for.
Constantly on hand, a full assortment
j WARE. Also, an assortment of M. J.
| Tobias <s£ Co. ; E. Simpson Samuel and
j Brothers; E. S. Yates Co.; John liar-j
rison ; G. <s• R. Beesley's, and other su- j
j perior PATENT LEVER Movements, j
j which will be cased iu any st\ le desired, j
| Arrangements have been made with all !
j the- above celebrated makers, the best
j manufaciurets of Liverpool, to furnish at
I short notice any required style of Watch,
! for which orders will be taken and the '
name and residence of the person order
ing put on if requested.
O. CONRAD, No. 96
North Third Street.
Importer of Watches.
January I, 1850,-ly 49
Boots and Shoes.
.Encourage your own Mechanics, end yon !
The subscriber would inform his friends
j and tho public, that he has on hand, and
makes to order all kinds of BOOTS AND
SHOES, at the following low prices :
Aleir's line calf or morocco boots, S4 a 4 50
do kip or cow hide, 3 35'
do calf shoos 2 00
do cow hide 1 75
do miners', nailed, 2a 2 50
Ladies' guiters, 2a2 25
" l.ace boots, 162
" Thick soled slippers, lal 37
" Pump soled, 100
" Excelsiors, 1 26
Boys', youths' and children's shoes in pro
portion. Ho manufactures his work of tho
I best of stock, and warrants it to wear ; and
| he is determined to sell it as low ns others
| can their Yankee or city work. Cull and
see tor yourselves, bhop on Main St., next
door below Hartman's Store.
The subscriber announces to the public
that he lias just opened a Saddler Shop in the
central part of Bloomsburg. on Maift street,
one door above Rupert's Storo, where he
will keep constantly on hand and make to
order all kinds of
And every other article ru his line ol busi
ness. He will also attend to TRIMMING
carriages and buggies, in every desirable
style, and will turn oil all his work neat aud
good ; aud at tho lowest prices. Those who
wish work in his line will do well to givo
him a call.
{"eNlides, country produce, and even gold
dollars will bo taken in payment for work.
Bloomsburg, May 15, 1849.
And Gi'iicral SCngc Office.
The subscriber has taken the large and
commodious hotel in Berwick Pa., lately
kept by Frederick Nicely., aud refitted it up
anew in a stylo comfortable and convenient
for travellers and boarders. HIS TABLE
will be supplied with tire best products of
the markets ultord, aud HIS BAR furnish the
choicest liquors.
Attentive hostlers will always be in atten
dance, and by obliging attention to tho wants
of his patrons he solicits a share of the pub
lic patronage. , G. W. NICELY.
Berwick Pa. April 19th 1849,-ly.
A Word to
Dr- Poarsnn's Barber Embrocation is de
cidedly the best preparation that can he used for
the cure of Sprains, Bruittes, Cute, Gall*, SplintH
suib, ringbone, spnviu, Ftifl'oesf of the joints, Ac
it is an article which should be in tho hands of
every liortomaii, and noHtuhle should be without
u buttle of it. price 25 and 50 cents, propeied
only by N. A. Pearson, M. I. and for sale, whole
sale and retail, at 106 North fourth street philad.
The following certificates are from ho'scmen of
tho highest respectability who have given it a de
cided preference over other preparation of the kind
in use.
Phila., March 2, 1847.
Dr, 8. A. Pearson, Dcpr fcrtr—i feel it a duty
which l owe to you and • the. community at large,
or rather that part of tho community who possess
or in any way have charge of Horses, to suy, thut
i hive used your "Eiuhrocution" for horses, it is
decidedly the best preparation l have ever nued, or
have an)' knowledge of lor tho various diseases
Wi.ich it is recommended.
I also know a g r eat number of my friends who
have used it and they all say that it is the best
medicine for horses they have ever used. I would
confidently recommend every person wh i has u
horse should keep a bottle of this valuable Einlrro
cation in his stable.
Yours respectfully,
Salem, N. J.. May 19, 1847.
Dr. S. \. Pearson, Sii Having tried youi
'Embrocation* for horses, 1 have found it the best
remedy tha* I huvo ever seen or tried for the cures
that it is lecommom cd to perform, it cures galls
with the least possible delay tint il could no done
I would cheerfully recommend it to all stnhlekec
peers and owners of horse*.
Proprietors Salem Liim Starred t.i Bridgcton,
New Jersey.
Phila. May 28, 1847.
This if to certify that I have used Di. Pears
oil's Barber's Embrocation for horses, nnd u nil us- |
ilatingly say that it is decidedly the best remedy
of the kind, for the various diseases which it is
recommended, that I have ever used, or have any
knowledge of; and confidently recommend it to
all hotseincn and keepers of horses, to be kept
constantly in their possession,
White Horse, Corner of Wood & 3d :4s. Phila
I fully agree with the above certificate and o
pinhin of Mi. King, in the use of Dr. Pearson's
Barber's 'Embrocation.' JOHN CAS/ ,
Bucks County, Pa., June 19, 1817.
February 13, 1848.
S. A. Pearson, M. I). Sir—This is to certify
that I have u-cd yoiu Pmbrocution for horses,and
give it de ided prr rente over every other arti
cle of tin* kind in ti-v for the variou* diseases for
whith it is rccomni nded; it docs not destroy the
iiaii a- most other dilutes do. I would recommend
it to evciy horseman to he kept constantly in their
stables, Yours. Arc.,
Sole bury tap, Bucks Co., Pa
Doylestown, May 29, 1848.
Dr. Pearson.Sir—Having used your "Embro
cation for Morses" on several occasions with great
sufccss, I do mo* fully recommend it as an in
valuable preparation fur sprains, bruises* cuts and
]ii abort almost any of the ills thut horse flesh is
heir to. Yours, do.,
C. H. MANN, ,
High Sheriff of Buck's Co., l\i '
Philad., Sept. 7, 1848. I
Dr. Pearson, SirH iv jug made u*e of your Em- j
brocation for horses on several occasions, with j
great success I do believe it to boa most excellent |
aud valuable prepaiation, decidedly the best that
I have ever used* or have any knowledge of, for
the purpose for which it is intended, uiid would
most confidently iccommend it to the notice o! |
every horseman. It should bo kept constantly in
theii possession. Very respectively yours, j
Philadelphia .
I have tried Dr Pearson's Harbor's Embroca
tion for Horses, and I am confident that it is Hhc
most useful preparation that can be u-ed, for all
diseases which it is recommended ; and also, for
Sprains, Hiuisrs and Rheumatics* of men.
December 23rd, 1848.
i'iltsgrove, da lent Co,, N.J. |
j We, the undersigned, having made us of Dr. ;
j Pearson** Barber's Embrocation, fully agree in
| the opinions cxprusied in the above Certificates,
j and fully recommended it to every Horseman and ,
j Farmer who keeps horses, to be used by them in
preference to any other article, for the various uis '
eases for which it is recommended.
A. J. Beaumont, New Hope. Pa; John V. ,
Scheck, Stabiekoeper, St bonis; A. Pearson, '
M. [)., Dublin, Bucks County, Pa; Jared j
Boyd, Solebury Tp., Bucks Co., Pa; Win. j
R. Dickerson. Esq. Philadelphia; James Y. i
Nicholas, Boxboro, Pa : J. H. Reading,
Fleminjiton. N. J.„ Merchant; H. C. Bulf
inglon, N.J., Editor; J. Larrison
Hunlerdoii Co.. N. J Merchant ; Wm.Erlev
Bristol, Coroner of l uvksCo ; John Shadier,
j Lancaster. Ohio: Henry Johnson, Milford.
jN. J.; William Iviti:*. Esq. New Pork; Win. j
j Robison, Ulooin.sbrrg, J } a ; Win. Seudder, |
Scudder's Falls near Trenton, N. J : Win.
j M. Cade, Philadelphia; Dr. A. Curtis, Drug
gist, Pitlhton Ferry.
Win. Robison, Bloomsburg,
Peter Knt, Light Street,
John Schmick. Cattawissa,
M. G. Snoeinaker, Btu khorn,
E La/arus, Orangeville,
Be Wise in Time !—'Tls Folly to
liefer !
Thousands are suffering from disease from
which there is 110 difficulty in being pcrtiia
nontly relieved, provided tho right means
aroused.—As every vice tin. hs own putl-
I ishmont, so it would 00111 every disease iff."
its remedy. This is true, and there is noth
ing in this life more certain than that the
American Compound is the most speedy and
certain remedy for all diseases of a delicate
character, known to the world. Adapted to
every stage of the disease, sex and constitu
tion, at all times and seasons, there is no
fear of exposure, detention from business
nor restriction iu diet, from the certain and I
speedy relief that it gives it is now one of
the most popular medicines of the day.—
Ten Thousand cases huvo been cured effec
tually by it during the past year. Prepared,
by a practical physician, the afllictcd can re
ly with confidence on its curative powers o
ver diseases of this character. Full direc
tions accompany each bottle.
FY CAUTION.—Ask fir the American Cam
pound, and purchase only of the agents, 294
Market sireet, I'hihi.
For sale by J. R. MOVER, Bloomsburg
Chalfant & Hughes, and Dr. J. A. Moore;
Danville;' E. Frauciscus, Jersey Shore.
Bloomsburg, Nov. 22d, 1849.—3 m.
invites the public to tryOgßjjSjsfe)
l.y} v his now stock of linrai-s VTZ
carriages and buggies, a variety of which
can be found at his Livery Stable. Ho can
always furnish horses and vehicles of the
best kind, and 011 reasonable terms. He has
recently added a number of fashionable ve
hicles and good horses to his former stock.—
He will furnish to parlies four horso convey
ances with good aud safe drivers, at very
low prices.
Call at the lower end of Hopkinsvillo, on
the East side of Main street.
Bloomsbuig, Dee. 13 f '49-ly
The Greatest Because the Best Faiu
iiy Medicine in the World
ATIVE PILLS, (hey havs succeeded ill
curing some of the wiyst cases, of disease
ever recorded, and are daily accomplishing
the restoration of persons alter having tried
in vain to obtain relief from any other
source. One of the Proprietors is a regular
physician of extensive experience, who de
votes his lime exclusively to their prepera
lion. For FEVER& AGUE, they have nev
er yet failed. At least one thousand cases
in the neighborhood of Philadelphia, have
been cured since the first of Sept.ylast. In
Dyspepsia. Rheumatism, Liver Complaint,
Scro hda, for Worms, and all other diseases
of children, they are unequalled by anything
ever prepared for the purpose, while for the
various diseases of Females there is no me
dicine can compare with them. There is
more of them sold—they are in greater de
mand than any other pill—and when once
introduced in a family, they need no other
medicine. Each box containing Fifty Pills,
renders lliem the cheapest, while they are
decidedly the bost, as well as the mildest ia
aetion, of any now in the market.
The Editor of the "City Item," thus
sppitfs of them:
FT' ITZ ADER, you are suffering from fever
and ague, and you have never tried Worn
dell's Vegelau'e Restorative Pills. Shake 110
more. There is sfu'l hope for you—you may
yet be cured' Go, or send at once to A.
Weeks & Co., 7o North Eighth street., and
procure a box of these unrivaled pills, which
areasovreign antidote for this distressing
Cot. Forney of the Pennsylvunian,
says :
WonsDEi.i.'s PILES.—This excellent family
medicine is daily winning new triumphs
over disease, ami consequently in the high
road to public favor. 111 the removal of the
every day ills that flesh is heir to, we know
of 110 better compound. We heard the oth
er day of a desperate case of scrofulous e
ruptions of tho head and face being enirely
cured by them.
I) 11 Sollc of the "Times," says :
!?' The great popularity ol Worsdell's
Vegetable Pills, is attributed to the just mer
it which they really possess. They have
been quietly gaining tho fame they now
have, by (ho force of their own virtues.
The means usually employed to give eclat
to now remedies have not been adopted by
the proprietors. They have been content to
lei their medicine speak for itself. It is now
j doing it in every section of the country.
I They are for sale by most of the Store
j Keepers throughout the Country,and in quail
t lilies at reasonable rates, at tho Laboratory
No 70, North Eighth Street.
A. \\ EEKS & Co., Proprietors.
Agents. JOHN 11. A/OVER, Bloomsburg:
K. Lazarus, Orangeville,
jVI. G. Shoemaker, liuckhorn,
Funston & Diefcnbach, Jerseytoxvn,
j M. C. Grier, Danville,
j C. Larlrnan & Co., Cattawissa, and by
j most merchants throughout the uountry.
! To Physicians, and foautry
Dr. J. X. Kccler and Bro. most respectful
t Iv solicits attention to their fresh slock of
English, French, German and American Drugs,
Medicines, Chemicals, Varnishes, Paints,
Oils, Dye Stulls, Glass ware, Perfumery, Pa
tent Medicines &e. Having opened a new
store No. 294 Market St. with a full supply
of Fresh Drugs and Medicines, we respect
fully solicit Country dealers to examine ou
stock before purchasing elsewhere, promts
ing ono and all who may feel disposed to
extend to its their patronage, to sell them
genuine Drugs and Medicines, ou as liberals
terms as any oilier house in the City, an i to
faithfully execute all orders entrusted to us
promptly and with dispatch.
One of the proprietsrs being a regular
physician, affords ample guarantee ol the
genuine quality of all articles sold at their
We especially invite druggists and country
merchants, who may wish to become agents
for Dr. Feeler's Celebrated Family Medicines,
(standard and popular remedies,) to forward
their address.
Soliciting tho patronage of dealers, we re
spectfully remain,
J.N. KEELER & BRO., Wholesale
; No. 294 Market street. Phila.-33-ly.
Philadelphia Reading and Pottsville
Office of the Philadelphia and Reading Rail
road Company.
PHILADELPHIA, March 29, 1850.
Two Passenger Trains daily (except Sin day.)
ON and alter April Ist, 1850 two trains will
be run each way, daily, between Phila
delphia and Pottsville.
Morning Fine, (Accommodation.)
Leaves Philadelphia at 74 A. M.,daily, ex
cept Sundays.
Leaves Pottsville at 74 A. M., daily, ex
cept Sundays.
Afternoon Line. {Fast Train)
Leaves Philadelphia at 2) o'clock, daily,
except Sundays.
Leaves Pottsville at 24 o'clock daily ex
cept Sundays.
l'a mergers cannot enter tho ears unless
provided with Tickets.
The afternoon, or fast trains do not stop at
Auburn, Alihouse's Bridesboro', Roger's
1 ••'i.i.l. Valley Forge, Port Kennodoy, Spring
Mill or .' jiis.
NOTICE. i'ior pounds of baggage will
be allowed to each pass^'. n S er 'liese lines:
and passengers are express'.)' prohibited
from taking any thing as baggage oil* *" el *
wearing apparel which will be at the risk P*
its ownor.
By order of the Board of Managers.
April 18, 1850. S. BRADFORD,
FORNIA, but the business of Coach and
Wagon making will bo continued by the sub
scriber at the oiil stand on Market street. He
will promptly attend to all orders for work in
his lino of business, anil is always ready, at
short notice, to furnish Wagons, Coaches
Carriages, Buggies, Sleds and Sleighs of any
style; but always of the best materials, and
made iti the most substantial manner.
He will give his personal attention to the
business, and employ nono but good work
men. Repairing will be attended to with
euro, and upon tho most reasonable terms. —
Ho proposes to serve his customers to such
work as will secure lor him a continuance o
their patronage, and from all who need arti
cles in his lino of business. He asks only a
trial of his work to insure satisfaction.
Bloomsburg, Fob. 18, 1849.
proper and desirable forms, for sale at the f
office the "Star of the North."