The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, June 06, 1850, Image 3

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    It required the unbending fiimnoss of that
national Democrat and national patriot Geo.
M Dallas to set Pennsylvania right with his
great and noble easting vote.
Just so this Free soil heresy leads men
astray from patriotism and Democracy. It
took the Roman firmness of another great
. man to set the mark of the national creed.
The country found such a man in the Demo
cratic standard-bearer of our last campaign
—the leariess and patfiotic Lewis Cass. It
is men like him—national men and national
Demooflik, that we can alone rely upon.
After some further remarks by Mr. Fratter,
the Baltimore resolution was adopted.
A resolution was then adopted fixing Rea
ding as the place of holding tho next State
Convention and the first Monday of June
1851 as the time.
Tho thanks of the Convention were voted
to tho people of VVilliamsport for their hos
pitality and kindness to the members of the
No change was made in the manner of
chosing delegates to tho stato convention,
although several propositions were made.
At one o'clock in tho morning the conven
tion adjourned sine die.
What constitutes true loveliness?— Not
lire polished brow, tho gaudy dress, nor the
■show and parado of fashionable life. A
woman /nay have all the outward .marks of
"beauty, and yet not possess a lovely charac
ter. it is tho benevolent disposition—tho
.kind acts anil the christian deportment. It
is in the eenrt where meakness, truth, affec
tion, humility are lbund—whero we look for
loveliness, nor do wo look in vain. Tho
woman who can soothe the aching heart,
smooth the wrinkle bstw, alleviate tho an
guish of the mind, and pour the balm of
consolation in the wounded breast, posses
ses, in an eminent degree, true loveliness of
character. She is the real companion of
man, and does the work of an angel. It is
such a character that blesses with warmth
and sunshine, and maketh earth to resemble
the paradiso of God.
Mcoting ofthcGcr. I.nthcran Synod.
On Monday last tho Old Pennsylvania syn
od of tho German Lutheran Church, assem
bled at the Rev. Mr. Mennig's Church, in
this Borough, agreeably to previous ann
ouncement. There were about seventy
Clerical and 20 to 25 Lay Delegates in atten
dance, comprising a body of gentlemen
whoso demeanor and personal appearance
were well calculated to inspire respect.
On proceeding to organize, the Synod elec
ted Rev. Dr. C. R. Demme, D. D. of Phila
delphia, President, who declined serving,
and Rev. Dr. Richards, of Easton was elect
ed in his stead, Rev. YVm. J. Eyre, of Catta
wissa, was then elected secretary, and Rev.
Dr. Baker, of Lancaster, Treasuer.—Potts
vide Emporium.
HOLDER.—The Pennsylvania and Ohio Rail
road has been much troubled with the poor
landholders on the route who own a few
thousand acres. One who owns enough to
make him "almost miserable,".has, tho PittsJ
burg Despatch says, put in no less than elev
en specifications of damages resulting from j
the location of the road through one frag-)
mer.t of his property, which the road will
very probably enhance in value one hundred
per cent. The reason given is a forcible
one. He said it would probably increase
its value so much that tho taxes would be
come enormous, and he should bo compell
ed to sell his homestead!
The Anti-Slavery Convention is now in
full blast a'Boston. Garrison is preaching,
as usual, ngainst Bible inspiration as sanct
ioning human bondage. He introduced res
olutions charging against Mr. Webster with
having violated his public pledges, with
treachery to the North, and hostility to the
cause of human liberty, yet thanking him
"for the frankness of his treachery and the
openness of his opposition." The resolu
tions concerning the Bible, &c., and Mr.
Webster, were received with more hissing
than applause. Another resolution urges
Abolitionists forward in their course, Jam', com
pares them with the martyrs and prophets of
old.— Ledger
THE ROTHSCHILDS. —It is said that the for
tune of the Rothschilds is not less than sev
en hundred and thirty-five millions of francs
—about one hundred and forty five millions
of dollars. They are the true money-kings
of tho world, and control the policy of na
tions more, perhaps, than their reul sover
eigns do
Commodore Stockton, a despatch from
Wash ngton says, has resigned his commiss
ion in the Navy, and it has been accepted.
Mr. Clayton, it U again announced by the
correspondent of the Tribund, intends to re
sign his place in the Cabinet, for priva.'C? tea
sons. I
DEATH or A GREAT MAN —Gay Lussac,
the eminent chemist, died in Paris on the
"Oth of May, in his 73d year. Lussac, whose
whole life has been occupied by a series of
great and useful labors in chemistry and
physics, gave very early promise of the rep
utation he was to acquire.
Governor Johnston has published a pro
clamation, offering a Teward of one thou
sand dollars, for the arrest and conviction of
the individuals who recently murdered C
Mooney, a watchman of Moyamensing,
while in the discharge of his duty.
Gen. Quitman, instead of going to Cuba
with his expedition, was at Vickburg on the
14th iust., making investments in cotton
tW Mr. G. E. A. CLARK, formerly of
Mauch Chunk, has associated himself with
J. FHTDER, of .the Berwick Telegraph, in the
publication of that paper.
Correspondence of the Star.
HAWLZT, Penna., May 31st. 1850.
The northwestern section of
Pennsylvania, is greatly advansing in pros
perity, owing undoubtedly to the extensive
public improvements ramafing through it,
which give employment to a numerous pop
ulation, of workmen, & mechanics, afford
ing a ready cash market for the produce ot
the serrounding country This'resource oi
wealth is very considerably augmented by
the completion of the Pennsylvania Coal
Company, Rail Road from this place to Pitts
on. over which a train sf Cars ran, the 28lh
inst., loaded with Wyoming Coal. The
length of this line of road, to the Pennsylva
nia Conal on tho Susquehannah River, is
fourty eight miles; of which there are two
tracks; one being for tho loaded trains com
ing this way, the other for their return to the
mines. There are twenty two stationary
engines, by which the cars ascend and de
cend the mountains, the other portion of tho
road being graded, so that they iun by their
own weight.
This company, from their extensive coal
land in Wyoming Valley , their new road, to
gether with the Deleware and Hudson Ca
nal, will bo enabled to compete in the New
York & Eastern market, with any Coal Com
ean'y in the state—And they will anually
mine and transport otoso to one million tons,
which will greatly enrich the community of
Wayne & Luzerne Counties. At this'place
they will give regular employment to some
ono hundred and fifty mechanics engaged in
thd different shops, and to about four hun
dred laborers occupied with screening Coal
and loading boats. It is expected that Wm.
R. Maffet, Esq., of Wilkesbarro, will have
supervision of this lino of road.
There aro exellent locations here for Man
ufacturing enterprise the water power being
of the first order; while the facilities for
transportation by the D. & H. Canal, and the
groat Erie rail road link us with the Seaboard
and tho western world. Tho population of
onr Village, numbers twenty five-hundred,
and men of different occupation, are estab
lishing themselves among us. A number of
large and elegant buildigs are now being e
rected, and the splendid HOTEL of Mr. Har
vey C. Nash is completed adding very much
to tho appearance of our place.
Faithfully Your*. R.
DEATH OF A U. S. SENATOR. —We aro in
formed by the Public Ledger, that Hon-
Franklin Elmore, U. S. Senator from South
Carolina, died at Washington city, on Wed
nesday night, of consumption. Mr Elmore
is the Senator who succeeded Mr. Calhoun,
but little better than a month ago. Ho took
his seat on the 18th of April, a few weeks af
ter Mr. C.'s death. South Carolina is par
ticularly unfortunate in thi loss of two of its
eminent representatives in one session of
Congress. Mr Elmore was in the Congress
of 1837-'39, but since that has been out of
political life, filling the office of President of
lire Bank of South Carolina.
Wilkesbarro Farmer says a young man
charged with theft, while being pursued by
the officers of justice and their possee, on
Sunday last, jumped into the river a short
distance below the borough, and in attempt
ing to swim across, was drowned. Truly tho
way of the transgressor is hard.
THE UNION CANAL. —The Lebanon Couri
er states that preliminary steps aro now been
taken for the enlargement of the important
link between tne Schuylkill and the Susque
hanna. It is the intention of the company
to proceed as far as possible before stopping
the navigation, which thoy expect to do in
October. They design having it so far com
pleted as to be ready for opening with tho
first Spring business.
CsT The Beaver Meadow Coal Company,
are busily engaged in relaying their railroad
with heavy iron rails, which is nearly com
pleted. They expect to get to market from
70,000 to 80,000 tons of coal before the
close of the present season.
A little girl, daughter of Isaiah Stryd cr,
residing near this Borough, died one day last
week from eating a quantity of the garden
vegetable called rhubarb or pie-plant. We
have road of several deaths from a similiar
cause.—[Wmsport Gaz., 22d May.]
IT A NEW WHIG PAPER is aboul to be
published in Pittston, Luzeme county, by
George M. Richart, formerly foreman in the
Danvillo Democrat, under the title of "Puts
lon Gazette and Susquehanna Anthracite
Journal." We hope the gentleman will be
success ul in his enterprise.
HtGtiwAT ROBBERY.— Wo learn from the
Emporium, that a Boat Captain named
Beidler was knocked down anil had his
watch stolen, or. Friday last. Mr. Biedler
fpund his watch in the cabin of another
jjj;'in thd neighborehood ;he feeling satis
fied that the j:. ,ra s waB not commilteiJ b y
the crew, concluded nbC f° PU""" tha mat
ler any further.
COMFLIMANTARY !—Wo soe it staled that
the citizens of Harrisburg expressed their
joy at the adjournment of the recent Legis
lature by ringing the bells in different parts
of tho town.—Berks tf Schuylkill Journal.
17* Mrs. Fanny Kemble found it impossi
ble to mount her horse, in New Yoik, the
other day, owing to the restlessness of the
nag. A man passing, coaxed the horse up
to the sidewalk once more, and stepping to
the side, took the off fore leg and held it till
the lady mounted hrn, the animal having evi
dently no confidence in resistance _on three
17 The last case of modesty is that of a
lady who discarded her lover, a sea captain,
because ho had >aid he had "hugged the
Tho "Mirers' Journal" published a state
ment relative to the withdrawal of certain
prosecutions against John W. Bear, tho
"BUCKETS, BLACKSMITH," which is contradic
ted by the prosecutor himself, in the follow
ing terms :
Mr. B. RANNAN —Sir— l perceived a small
paragraph in the Miners' Journal of Saturday
18th inst., stating that tho prosecution or
suits commenced against John W. Boar,
"had been withdrawn at the iustanco of the
prosecutor, who admits that he acted under
improper advice, and that Mr. Bear is busily
engaged in taking Daguerreotypes in Orwigs
burg." In reply to which, I beg leave to
answer, that the withdrawal of the suits was
at the instance of John W. Bear's Counsel,
which, after reflection and consideratios, 1
yielded to, upon the payment of costs and
expenses, and with the understanding that
he, (Bear,) would leave the county in a short
time, permanently. With reference to ray
having admitted .hat I had acted under im
proper advice, this is entirely incorrect.—Be
fore the suits were brought, as since, and at
present, I conceive it to be my duty, and the
duty of overy parent in this and all commu
nities, to try and save their children from the
seductive snare of the a>red and artful, who
are disposed to ofler violence to the young
and unwary, altho' at theexpensoof broken
hearts of parents, family and friends.
Your humble serv't, most respectfully,
Pottsville, May 21st, 1850.
Death ol'John Ncwland Ma ft it.
Tho Rev. John N. Usflit, woll known in
New York and vicinity, died suddenly at
Mobile on the 25th of May. Tho causo of
is unknown.
fire-damp explosion took place at Pottsville
on Tueilay morning, at tho mines of Bain
bridge and Byerson, on Mill Creek, near
Port Carbon, as tho operatives were going in
to their work. Thirteen of the operatives
were burned badly.
On Tuesday of last week, by Rev. J. H
Rittenhouse, Mr JOHN CARK, of Derry, to
Miss ELMIRA APPI EMAN, of Valley.
On Tuesday morning, the 28th ult., by
Rev, J. S. Lee, Mr. EI.IAS MAZE, to Miss
SADAH ANN STERNER, both of Lime Ridgo
In Montour Township, on tire 4th inst.,
SUSAN QOICK, Daugter of John Quick Sen.,
aged about 15 years.
WILLIAM WICHT has removed his
butcher-shop to the upper end of Third
Street at the foot of East or Iron Street,
where his numerous customed! can always
find the choicest meats to thoir palates con
Eagle Woolen Factory.
Near Berwick, Columbia County, Penn.
The subsbribers respectfully inform their
friends and the public that they are carrying
on tho woolen manufacturing business in all
its various branches, at the old stand former
ly occupied by Samuel Rogers & Son. Tlrey
are prepared to execute ah kinds of work in
their line of business- The Factory machi
nery and apparatus are in good repair, and
every effort will be made to render general
satisfaction. They are now prepared to
manufacture from the fleece
Broad and Narrow Cloths, Satinetts, Cassi
meres Blanketting'jfc.
Also, Carding and Fulling dono in tho
best manner and at the usual prices.
For the accommodation of those who live
at a distance, wool and cloth will be taken in
at, and returned, when finished, to the fol
lowing places, viz :
Berwick, A Miller, S Bowman's stores
Centre tsp, G H Fowler's do
Noscopeck, Miller & Schuyler do
Light Street, Sloan & Thompson do
Bloomsburg, Wm McKelvy &Co do
Conyngham, Seybert do
Mifilinville, Brown & Creasy do
Wapwallopen, Heller do
Nescopeck tsp, Walker do
Catawissa, Shirpless do
Nanticoke, Alexander do
Orangeville, Lazarus do
Beaver tsp, Shuman's tavern
Hyde Dark, Ricketson do
Pittstmi, Foreman" do
Catawissa Forge, Shuman do.
Espytown, Barton store
Wiikeebarre, Z Bennet, CB Fisher do
Salem, Seybert do
East Sugarloaf, Robert tavern
Abington Centre, Reynold store
Kingston, Helme's tavern
Catawissa Valley, Bristi do
Roaringcreek, Yeager do
ty Plainly written directions mustaccom
pany each parcel. They will at all times
exchange any kind of goods for wool.
May 25, 1850—2 18-2 m
For Good Watches.
Henry Znppinger returns
§L-2VL _ his thanks for past patro-
and invites the pub
Bp * JOG. lie to examine his new
TV l U Kassortment of
iS2iaatygSwP*'Trimmings, Glasses, and
Keys, Balance Wheels, Jewels, which he
offers for reasonable prices. He will also re
pair clocks, watches, anil musical and opti
cal instruments in a satisfactory manner.
His shop is in tho middle room of the Ex
change block, nearly opposite to tho Court
Bloomsburg, Nov. 28, 1819.
The subscriber would inform his old friends
and the public in general, that he has taken
Jhe well known stand recently kept by Dan
iei <, n>T ,er ' Esq., on the head of Main street,
in Bloom*>g> will continue the miblio
house known by J be SI o n 0 THE FORKS
where he is prepared to those
who may favor him with their eiu?.' om - , s
arrangements aro complete, quarters sp* cl *
ous—-location pleasant, and without promis
ing too mnoh, ne tlatters himself he will bo
able to do ample justice to his guests.
Stabling and the best fare for norses, &c.
Bloomsburg, April 26. J849.,
Fancy Chairs,
ceived from Philadelphia a new lot of FAN
CY CHAIRS, of Birch and Mahogany curl,
and of the most fashionable style, which he
will sell at the lowest prices for good pay.
' Bloomsburg, May 16th, 1850.
HOUSE PAPERINO. Paper hanging
will be done in the most workmanlike man
ner \v B. HAGENBUCH.
Market Prices—Corrected every
Thursday Mernlng.
Articles. f £.
Flour, per barrel, ,$4 75 $5 00
Wheat, per bushel, 1 100 106
Rye, " " 1 60 62
Coni, i' " b 50 56
Oats, " } 33 , 34
Butter, per pound, 16 11 a 15
Eggs, per dozen, 8 28
Tallow,perpound, 10 8
Lard, " " 10 8
Boef, fresh, per 100 pounds, $5 as7l2 al3
Pork, do. " " $5 as6ll al2
Pig iron, anthracite, per ton, 25
" " charcoal, " " 28
Public Sale.
In pursuance of an order of the Oiphans'
Court of Columbia county, on
Tuesday die 11 th day of June next,
At IP o'clock, A. M., Jacob R. Hower, Ad
ministrator, &0., of John Shearman, late of
Beaver township, in said county, deceased,
will exposo to sale by Public Vendue, at tho
Publio House of Christian Shuman, in said
township, a certain
In said township, adjoining lands of Daniel
Johnson, Peter and Jesse Roberts, Thomas
Shearman, and other lands of deceased, con
taining One Hundred and T vo Acres
Late the Estate of said deceased, situate in
the township of Beaver and county afore
said. JACOjMiYERLY, Clerk.
Bloomsburg, May 6, iBso.—ts.
Sloan a n d Mentl en h a 11.
HAS just received a fresh assortment of
Spring and Summer Dry Goods, of every va
riety which thoy aro now ready to exhibit to
ail those who may favor us with a call, as
we will sell on fair and accommodating
terms. Their stock consists of every variety
of Dry Goods.
Linen and Cotten fabrics and Summer
wear of all kinds, Calicoes" Chintr, Ging
hams, Lawns, and Muslins, bleached and
Palm-leaf and (other lints.
Queens-ware and Hard-ware of all kieds.
GROCERIES.—Fresh and new and a very
fine assortment, as cheap as the cheapest.
P. S. Country produce and lumber, al
ways taken in Exchange for Merchandize,
at the Brick Store directly opposite the Court
Bloomsburg, April 13, 1850.
RESPECTFULLY invitos the attention of the
public to his new stock of choice Spriug and
Summer Goods, which he has just opened &
oilers at the lowest prices. His assortment
consists of a full variety of Dry Goods, Gro
And among these will be found a variety
Of the cheapest styles and best fabrics.
His goods aro purchased at the "lowest fig
ure," and will be sold at the lowest profit.
Purchasers will do well to see his goods and
prices before purchasing elsewhere.
llis store is in the old stand upon Main
Bloomsbarg, April 19th 1850.
Fire Insurance.
THE Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance
Company, have appointed the undersigned
an Agent, to make insurances in Columbia
county. The Company is in good credit,and
is conducted upon sound principles. Persons
insured by the Company are entitled to the
rights of membership therein, are elegible
as Directors of the Corporation, but without
any individual liabilitspfor the lotses or expenses
of the Company. The amount of premium
and policy paid when insured is the extent
of liability. Persons desirous of eftecting
an insurance upon property, can call upon
the undersigned, at his Office in Bloomsburg.
May 22, 1850. _
Auditor's Notice.
Jacob Harris, vs. Wtlliam M. Sproul, Mar
garet Agnes Sproul by her guardian William
M.Sproul, and William, Mary Ann&James
Augustus Harris, minor children of Mary
Harris decoased [for whom John M'ltoy
noldsie guardian.]
In the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia
County Ho. til August Term 1849— action
of Partition.
The undersigned Auditor appointed by
the said court, to ascertain the liens, incum
brances and demands upon the lands valued
by the inquest in the above stated procee
ding, or any part thereof, or upon the pur
parts or shares of all or one or moro of the
parties in interest Sto., -and make roport to
the said Court will attend to the duties of
his appointmont at his office in Bloomsburg
on Wednesday the 12lh day of June 1850 at
1 o'clock P. M., of said day at which time
and place all persons interested may attend
if they think proper. W. G. HURLEY.
Bloomsburg, May 18th 1850.
A House & Lot at Private Sale.
THE subscribers offer to pur-
at private sale, a house
lot upon the Main Street of
ABHHBBloomsburg, in the business
art of the town, between the two principal
otels. and only a little more than a square
from tne Court House. The lot fronts 66 on
Main street and extends 2141 feet back.
The house is a large stone dwelling, and the
property in every way offers a fair chance to
any person wishing a residence or business
location in the county-seat. For terms in
quire of A. H. ELLIS.
Bloomsburg, or
Books I!
Joseph Swartz has just received a new lot
of Literary Historical, Religious, Poetical,
Miscellaneous and School books, to which
he invites the attention ofthe reading public
of Bloomsburg.
OFFICE— On the Eait side of Main Street
three squares below Market.
The People's Friend.
niation, old sores, fresh bniiaes.
Piles, and all diseases of the bowels 6f a
chronic nature, tooth-ache and ear-ache,,&c.,
It is truely what it professes to be, "the
People's Friend !" Providence has scattered
along the rugged paths of life many things
that contribute greatly to the.comfort and
happiness of every body ; honce their great
value, and well may they be called 'friends
of tne people.'
One word here to guard against imposition.
A man by the name of spencer, has manu
u factored and offered for sale a spurious ar
ticle called the Coryll Extract, —that would
be extract of the ha/el-nut: —the genuiro is
as white and pure as water, while the spuri
ous article is colored, which enables the
public to distinguish.
None genuine, but those marked Pond's
Pain Destroyer. For sale by
Wm Robison, Bloomsburg, John Jessup,
Shiokshinny, Chalfant & Hughes, Danville,
Seth B Bowman, Berwick, Fowler & Trem
bly, Esprtown. 2 18 ly
Call in and See !
Tho subscribers would invito the attention
of the public to their new stock of Spring
and Summer Goods which they have just re
ceived. They have a full and general as
sortment of all such goods as are usually
kept in a country store, and will sell at the
lowest prices for good pay.
Ladles can find in this assortment a varie
ty of
Ginghams, Lawns, Lustres and Berangcs
of almost any desirable style and pattern.
For gentlemen, we can furnish
Broad cloth and Summer cloth, and almost
anything else that may be needed, including
Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Cedar
ware, Summer hats, &c.
Bloomsburg, May 1, 1850.
Peter S. Leidy
Can manufacture just as neat and fashiona
ble a suit of clothing as any other tailor in
1 these diggins. As a sample of his work
manship, tie refers you to the
To bo found in the town, which is quite cer
tain to have come from his shop.
Ho regularly receives the latest city fash
ions, and from his experience in the busi
ness can ensure satisfaction in his work.
He has also on hand an assortment of
At tho lowest prices, from which ho will
make up to order coat?, pants, or vests of any
desirable style.
ty*His shoo is on the North side of Main
Street, a few doors above the Court-house.
Bloomsburg, Feb. 14, 1850.
Thomas C. Bomboy
Respectfully informs the publio that he has
opened and arranged in good order
at the Pennsylvania Hotel, in tho lower part
oi Main Street, Bloomsburg, where he will
be ready to furnish any kind of Firearms, in
good order and of approved workmanship.
He will also attend to
Repairing and Cleaning Guns
and will repair and make all kinds of light
machinery, locks, &c., at moderate charges.
Guns and Pistols on hand for sale.
Bloomsburg, May 2, 1850.
Reform Your Habits.
Come ye, with garments bare and seedy,
Yebach'lors, widowers, husbands too,
If, in the outward man you're needy,
Wo soon can make you good as new.
Tho subscriber respectfully informs his
friends and the public that he continues the
at tho old stand, on the second story of the
Exchange Building, Bloomsburg.
He will bo careful to seo that his work is
made up in tho best manner, and he flatters 1
himself that he will be gble to give entire
satisfaction in point of cut, fit and style; as
well as in price. He therefore respectfully j
solicits his friends and the public to give liiin
a trial.
Spring and Summer fashions on hand, and
nothing shall be lacking to satisfy the wants
of old friends and new customers.
Bloomsburg, April 6, 1850.
To HAVE the best fitting suit in
made by BERNARD RUPERT, who |T\
does Fashionable Tailoring as cheap & JUL
a littlo bettor than it can be done in town by
any body else. He has just received the la
test Fall Fashions, and with his experiene in
cutting garments, ho can promise the best
satisfaction to those who patronize him. If
Was to bo supplied with such garments as he
turns off, a fair fortune might be made at
once. His shop is on Main street below Mar
ket, in the building lately occupied as an of
qce by C. R. Buckalew.
Cyilo will take country produce for his
work, and gold dollars-will not be refused.
Bloomsburg, Nov. 8, 1849—tf.
New Arrangements and Great Bargains.
The undersigned respecfully informs the
citizens of Bloomsburgh and the public in
general,that he has purchased sir. Franlz's
Boot If Shoe Store and has added largely to
his stock, and will continue the business at
the same stand in the Exchange Building,
on Main Street, where he will be happy to
receive tho calls of old and new enstomefs.
Boots and Shoes, of every variety at prices
to suit purchasers, kept constantly for sale,
and customer's work made to order as usual.
invites the custom of his old friends
and the public, and hazards nothing in prom
ising fat bargains.
Er"Store in the Exchange Building, Maiite
street, sign of the Golden Boot.
Bloomsburgh, March 28, 1850.
This house is kept by D. BLAIK, and is one
of the best in the city. Merchants and oth
ers visiting Philadelphia would do well to
give him a Jail.
c2BttaHlLcixiss 9
Indian Vegetable Panaceas
Itowand & Walton invite attention to the
ollowing advertisement:
As a proof of the continued success of
NBCEA, we refer to a few of the many cer
iflcates in our possession, of cures perform
ed by this great purifier.
Captain T. L. Sanders, constable of South
Mulberry Ward, cured of Barber's Itch.
Mr. J. P. Reese's child, No. 83 North Sev
enth street, cured of hereditary Tettter, which
covered his entire body.
Mr. E. W. Maxwell, Graph court, Market
street, aboVe Eighth, cured of Scrofula, had
fourteen open ulcers upon his body at the
itme he commenced taking the Medicine.
Misr Christiana Sands, West Sprute street,
between lleach and Willow streets, near the
Schuylkill, cured of Scrolula; hail suffered
eight years; her head was so much affected
that ten and coffee would pass out at lier ear
—this is a strong case.
Capt. John K. Barelay, No. 400 Market
street, cured of Scrofulous Sore, oi 36
years' steading. This case is well known to
many of our best Physicians, who havo fre
quently advised amputation. ...
Mr. Isaac Brooks, Jr., No. 6 Jefferson, west
of Schuylkill Sixth street, below Locust.
This was, undoubtedly, one of the most se
vere cases of Scrofula ever cured, and is
certified to by many of our best physicians
and Clergymen, and also by himself.
Joseph Barbour, No. 1 Short court, east
from Tw clfth street above Race, cured of
Scroulovs Sore Throat, of eight years stan
Mr. J. H. Frick "a child, No. 73i Dock st.,
Mr. Michael Duffy, 44 South Frout Btreot.
(at P. Brady & Co.'s,) Philadelphia, cureu
of Tetter of twenty .five years.
Mr. Williom Flemming, No. 210 Wash
ington street, between Eighth and Nineth,
Philadelphia, cured of Erysipolas four years,
which destroyed tho tlesh to tho bone.
VViliam Barker, cured of Scrofula. This
caso had been in tho hospital many months,
and discharged as incurable—lie is now well
and may bo seeir daily at our office.
Mr. David C'irgan, Muddy creek, 'Hamil
ton county, Ohio, cured of Scrofula. This
was a very severe case, and Kiigan says that
could money prevent, ho would not undergo
the same affliction for ten thousand dollars,
and yet he was cured for ;a few dollars, by
Dr. Cullen's Indian Vegetable Panacea.
Mr. John W. Hazleton, of Mulica Hill.
New Jersey, eared of Tetter of ten years
standing, with a few bottles of tho Panacea.
Mr. John Brocken, of Germantown, at the
age of 61 years, was cured of a violent Tet
ter that had troubled him for 18 years.
Mrs. Eve Siscoe, No. 53 South street, be
tween Third and Fourth, from Schnylkilh
cured of fever sores on her ankles, after suf
fering 12 years with them. Mrs. S. is 62
years of age.
Mrs Elizabete C Foster, Second street,
four doors above Washington street, was
cured of Tetter on her leg, which had troub
led her 14 years.
Mr Charles Otis, late of Parrish street,
now of Manayunk, cured of Tetter of 5 years
in hands and feet.
Mr Mellon Grubb, Juniper street, near
Spruce, cured of Scrofulous Ulcers on tho
shoulders, which hail defied the doctors
more than a year.
Mr Hiram Ridge, Attloboro', Bucks co..
Pa., cured of Salt Rheum. This case had
been pronounced incnrable by some 12 or 14
physicians ot the first standing—as a last
resort had recourse to Cullen's Panacea, and
was cured completely in a few months, after
suffering 17 years—the disease had almost
covered his entire person.
Henry Reoves, of Bridgeton, cured of the
worst case of Scrofula ever seen in New Jer
sey, by 7i bottles !
Thomas Wainwright, of Manyunk, cured
of Scald Head; the disoaso extended over
the wholo scalp until it was an entire mass
of corruption ; and yet one bottle of the Pa
nacea cured him.
We might add case after caso, ad infini
turn; but we think it unnecessary; presu
ming the afflicted will want mora evidence
han we can give in an advertisement, we
again ask them to sond to our office and get
those certificates, from which you will learn
the extraordinary sufferings of these persons,
as well as the modo of cure.
ROWAND & WALTON, Proprietors,
No. 21 North Sixth street, Philad'a
rW The following persons are agents for
the above meeicine in Columbia county.
E. P. Lutz, Bloomsburg; M. C.(trier, Dan
ville; Peter Ent, Light street: Rickets and
Stewart, Orangeville ; Cyrus Barton, Espy
town; J. Schmick, Caltawissa; M. G. Shoe
maker, Buckhorn.
Jan. 3d 1850.—(im.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that letters of ad
ministration upon the estate of Adam Walt
man deceased, late of Sugarloaf township
have been granted to the undersignod by the
Register of Columbia county. All persons
indebted to the estate are requested to make
early payment to the undersigned, and those
having claims against it to present them prop
erly authenticated. Wm WALTMAN,
Sugarloaf April 23il 1850,-fit
The Subscriber begs leave to inform his
friends and the public in general that he has
Formerly kept by J. PETERS T SON. The
House being large and convenient, and in
the business part of tho city, ho hopes IJr
strict attention to business, that his triends,
and all who may come to thd city on busi
ness or pleasure, will give him a call.
lie pledges himself that nothing shall be
wanting on his part td mako them at home.
TERMS—One Dollar per day.
Formerly of SchtiyUcill County.
Philadelphia, March 22, 1849.
Tttfe subscriber respectfully informs his
friends and customers, that ho has iust re
ceived from the city, a large and select as
sortment of
Hats and Cap&, of
STYLE, which ho offers for cosh sales very
cheap, at his old stand, On Main Street, sec
ond tloor South of the 1 ourt houste.
CP" He continues tb manufacture Hots tb
Order as usual. ...
llloomsburg, Nov; 15, 1849.
Invites'the attention of the fashionable in
Light Street td hisslsieof cutting garments
He makes them in the best and most tasty
manner, and can can ensure satisfaction ill
his warkmanihip.
die receives the latest fashions, and when
cutting onlp is desired, the work is marked
carefully for tho maker.
CP* All kinds of country produce taken in
exchagc for work.
Light Street, Feb. 14, W5O.
Dr. Keeler's Celebrated Falnity
Dr. Keelcr is a regular graduate froitt 0110
of the best medical schools of the country,
and a practising physician of the city ot
Philadelphia. We take great pleasure in
presenting those remedies to tho afflicted.—
They are all of undoubted medical power.)
and hold out to the invalid a promise of ro
lief, such as none others possess. The)'
each have been thoroughly tried in a long
successful private practice, ikm! have estab
lishod for themselves a reputation but few
possess, and given better satisfaction to th"
afflicted tbUn any of the hoisted remedies
of the day. In offering them to the public,
the proprietor is influenced by no sinirV
motives of "Sin, bilt feels conicfons that
they are eminently deserving of public con
fidence. No medicines pub
lie have acquired such deserved reputation
upon their merits alone, or appeal with such
irresistible force to the invalid.
Dlt. HEELERS PANACEA, For the re
moval and permanent cure of all diseases a
risihg from nn impure state Of the lllood and
habit of tho body, Viz:
Chrohfc diseases of the fchest, Pleurisy,
Bronchitis, Catarrh, etc., Scrofula in all it*
forms, Totter, Scald Head, Cutaneous affec
tions of- the face and extremities, Chronio
enlargements of tho Joints. White Swelling,
Syphlitrc Affections, Constitutional disorders,
arising from debility, Mercurial and Heredi
tary predispositions, &c.
CP* every change that Is taking place
in the body, it is manifest that if is brought
about by something having a substantive ex-
H We supjrbso the organs of our
body originally perfect, they must continue
perfect unless changed by tho intervention
of something that bears an unhealthy rela
tion td it. In all cases of disease, there must
be tho interposition of soma new ingredient,
which by playing its part as a course served
to modify the properties before connected
with the body." It is absurd to talk of spon
taneous disease taking place in organs pre
viously healthy, vvithonWho interposition of
some morbific as well might wo ox
pect a piece of chalk to transfer "itself spon
taneously into Plaster of I'aris, without the
aid of Sulphuric Acid. In all disease there
is a prior canso which must be removed,
through the agency of tiie Blood. For this
purpose there is no remedy superior to the
T" In tho evidence tho following is sub
mitted to the public:
PiiiLADEi.riiiA, June 9th. 1847.
Having been appraised of the nature of
the Panacea, it affords me much pleasure td
be able to recommend it as a valuable reme
dy for thoso chronb, constitutional and glan
dular diseases, to which it is especially a
dapted. To those who are afflicted, ana re
quire medicine as an alterative cannot obtahl
it in a more agreeable, active and uniform
state, than is to bo found in the Panacea. I
havo used it in several instances with deoi
ked and signal SUCCOR. Yours Sic.
I>. Allison, M. D.
For details certificates, &0., see circulars,
&c.—Price SI per bottle, large size, 6 bottles
Among all the remedies before the publio
this stands pre-eminent in incipient Con
sumption, bronchitis, Catarrhs, Coughs:
Hoarseness, Whooping caugh, Pleurisy, As
thma, spitting of Blood, and for all affections
of the pulmonary organs occasioned by cold
To much praise cannot be bestowed upon
this remedy, and the proprietor urges any
one afflicted with any of the above com
plaints to secure it at otie. It is warranter!
o cure or no pay. Price 50 cents.
Dr. Keeler's Cordial and Carm initio*.
Every family whether rich or poor, who
values health and all its blessings, should
have this invaluable remedy at hand. It is
infinitely the best remedy known for Diar
rhea, dysentery, cholera morbus, cholera in
fantum, cholic flatulency, griping pains,
cramp, cct., and for all diseases of the sto
mach and bowels caused by Teething. The
numerous testimonials from Physicians and
others unsolicited, has given it a reputation
as firm as adamant. Prico 25 cents per bot
Dr. Keeler's Vermifuge Syrup. —This reme
dy is pleasant to the taste, harmles to the pa
tient and all powerful in destroying and re
moving ay kinds of worms from the body.
It is without doubt, tho cheapest and best
worm destroying medicine before the public,
and will if administered according to direc
tions, remove them within sor 6 hours after
taken.—The dose is small, and each bottle
contains twice as much as similar remedies.
Price only 25 cents per bottle.
Dr. Keeler's Liver and Sanative
Although not recommended as a "cure
all," yet they are the mildest and best rem
edy to remove Constipation, Jaudice. Dys
pepsia, Biliousness, nervousness, foul stom
ach, head ache, indigestion, etc. Unlike
other purgative medicine they loavo the
bowels always relaxed consequently are the
proper medicine for females and porsons
leading a sedentary life. Prico 25cts.
Dr. Keeler's Rheumatic Lotion. ,
A justly celebrated external application for
pains ot tho chest, neuralgia, head-aclio,
sprains, bruises, tic doloreuux swellings of
tho joints, rhoumatism, gout, sciatiea and
for all disorders wherein a sedative and ru
befacient remedy is applicable. Price
37 J cts per bottle.
All of the above celebrated and extensive
y used medicines, are prepared anil sold
Wholesale and Retail, 294 Market 'street,
Fbt sale also by J. R. MOYER, Blooms
burg; Chalfant & Hughes, and Dr. J. A.
Moore, Danville: E. Franciscus * Jersey
Shore : and; by Druggists and Merchants
throughout the County and State.
Bloomsburg, Nov. 22d., 1849.—1y.
Spring and Summer Goods.
AGAIN the undersigned take pleasure in
announcing to their friends anc the public,
that they have just received a select ana
heavy assortment of choice
adapted to the season, and wants of thepeo
ple, which they offer for ealo, at their old
stand at prices "cheaper than the cheapest.'!
Their stock comprizes a full assortment of all
kinds Of goods, usually kept in county stores,
and without particularizing each article, feel
warranted in saying that those in want of
good goods have only to call to satisfy their
taste and fancy.
Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, Fish,
Salt, Molasses, Ac.
A Large ana beautiful selection Of the s
bove articles of supeflof quality, at very low
ALSO.—Hate, Caps, Boots, ShocS, &e., of
every variety, sort, size and price.
IT Cash paid for grain always.
Bloomsburg, April 13,1850.
All persons having accounts or demands
agiitlst Matthias Klins, of Orange township,
are requested to make them known to me
immediately; and all Indebted to him td
make payment for such indebtedness to rad
without further notice.
Committee of Matthias Khne.
Orange tsp., April 30, H5O,