The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, June 06, 1850, Image 2

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Bloomsburg, Thursday, June 6, 1850.
Election held Oct. 8, 1850.
The Candidates of the Democracy.
We to-day raise the Democratic flag for
the contest this fall, aid we do so with a
hearty good will.
WM. T. MORRISON of Montgomery county
is a leader worthy of our cause, and of whom
every honest Democrat may be proud. He !
is a farmer—a gentleman of high intelligence,
and of irreproachable character. He last
year represented Montgomery county in the
state Legislature, and his votes there wer
sound and purely Democratic. The utmosf
unnniroity prevailed among the delegates at
Williamsport when Mr. Morrison was nom
inated, and as he was the first choice of
Columbia county, the Star of tho North will
roll up for him a good old fashioned Demo
cratic majority. With such leaders as Mr.
Morrison, Democracy is bound to triumph.
EMIRAIM BANKS of Mifflin county has oc
cupied high and responsible positions and
done honor to each of thom. Ho was a
member of the reform Convention, and was
designed by Governor Shunk as the succes
sor of Judge Woo dward, when that gentle
man was nominated by Mr. Polk to a Judg
ship in the United Statos Supreme court. In
tho Reform Convention he was true to the
cause of progress, and in the Slate legislature
was a Democrat of purity and intelligence.
The office of Auditor General is an impor
tant one,'and in Mr. Banks the people will
find a man true to their interests, and by
whom the accounts of the State will be safe
ly attended, to.
J. PORTER BRAWLET of Crawford county
was at an early age elected to the legislature,
and susequently to the StatoSeneate, where
his term has just expired. He is a man of
intelligence and energy, and fully compe
tent to make an excellent Surveyor General.
Let the people see to this!
Tho exposure of llanken & Ovenshine at
Williamsport, will open tho eyes of the peo
ple to frauds that havo been practised under
tho garb of Democratic professions. Every
year the plunderers league to gether to S|jJ
vance some man nnder whom they shall
be enabled to fatten from the public treasury.
—One of these abjoct creatures is an editor
who pufTs his Magnus Appollo week after
week. Another is a supervisor of some pub
lic work, and ho must carry his county or
lose his bread and butter. Another has per
haps no influence, bu the has money, and
falls to buying delegates at SlOO per head.
Some of these sycophants havo perhaps al
ready held office, and this sharpenstlieirap
pelite for a new suck at the public teat.
They stand licking their dry jaws, eagerly
waiting till fato shall elect their man. Some
of them sound his praises on the highways,
on the pavements, and in the public bar
rooms. The "Buggtown Ramshorn" puffs
him every week, and puts up his name in
letters six inches long. These are the plun
Tho Convention meets, and they swarm
aronnd the delegates like the (rogs and lice
of old Egypt. Their pestiferous breath ass
ails you every where. They are cleer, and
spend money freely. What care they for a
8100 ? They can easy make that up, if a
man is elected whom thoy can controL
Now, to como to the point, we do not
•mean to say that Mr. Hubley was privy to
tho bribery attempted at Williamsport. We
believe him far above that, and feel confi
■ dent that ho knew nothing of it. But he is
an amiablo, "clever" man, whose only fault
is that he has not yet barned to 'say "no" of
ten enough. The Rankens tho Ovenshines,
and that race of creatures felt that if ho was
nominated and elected they could bring in
fluence to bear on bim which would give
them office, where they could eaisly get
back the money they had spent, and pay
themselves for the boring they did to get
him delegates.
Tho mass of the heople are honest and
must seo to this thing. For ourselves, as
soon as we have room we shall fearlessly
spoak right out upon this subject again.
Columbia fount y In the State Convention.
Tho votes of tho delegates from this coun
ty in the State Convention will give satisfac
tion to those whom they represented. From
the first to tho fourteenth ballot they general
ly voted for Mr. Morrison, giving several
votes for Mr. Strickland. On Thursday af
ternoon when the test was between Hubley
and Strickland they voted for Strickland; and
when the test came between Hubley and
Vaneant, they voted for Mr. Vansant. On
Friday morning they voted for Morrison and
Strickland, and then urged Mr. Morrison's
with energy among the members, at a com
promise candidate. Mr. Roat gave one vote
for Peter Marlin on Friday morning. They
both served well the republic.
For Auditor General both delegates voted
for Mr. Beaumont, and for Surveyor General
on the first ballot for Mr. Montgomery of
Northumberland, and then for Mr. Carpen
IT Several editorial articles and also new
advertisements are orowded out this week
to make room lot the proceedings of the State
' BT Tho Nashville convention commenc-|
ed its session last Monday.
Reported far the Star of the North.
Democratic State Convention
WILLIAMSPORT, May 29th 1850.
Thejdelegates elected to the democratic
State Convention assembled at the Court
House to-day, at 11 o'clock. General AP
WILSON, ol Huntingdon, was unanimously
chosen President pro Cm, and WM JACE, of
Westmoreland, WM H GAGAM, of Philadelphia
county, and F W GRASON of Washington,
were appointed Secretaries. The following
delegates then answered to their names and
were admitted to seats.
Ist. Philadelphia City —Michael McNiney
Daniel Haviland.
2d. Philadelphia county —William Hen
wood, W H Fagan, James W T McAllister
3d. Montgomery —George W Jacoby.
4th Chester anil Delaware —J T Worthing*
sth Rerks —Joel Ritter.
6th Bucks— Paul
7th Lancaster and Lebanon —Cyrus Zimm
erman, Reah Frazer
Bth Schuylkill Corbon and Monroe —B S
• 9lh Northampton and Lehigh —Thos. Sle
10th Susquehanna. Wayne and Wyoming
W C Ward
11th Bradford and Tioga —Samuel Dick
12th Lycoming, Clinton, Sullivan and Cen
tre—lra D Canfield.
13lh Luzerne and Columbia —Wesley
14th Northmmberlamland Dauphin —Wm
L Dewart
loth Alfflin, Juniata and Union —W P
16th Perry and Cumberland —George Blat
17lh York —James M /Anderson
18th Franklin and Adams— Joel B Dan
19th Huntingdon, Bedford and Blair— A
P Wilson
20lh Clearfield, Indiana, Cambria nnd
Armstrng —R P Linton.
21st Westmoreland and Somerset —Win
22d Fayette and Greene —Wesley Frost
23d Washington —John Graham
24th Allegheny and Butler —H S Mag
25th Beaver, Merer and Lawrence —John
N McGulfin
261h Crawford and Venango —Vincent
27th Erie —John Galbraith
28th Warren, Jefferson, Clarion, Toller
and McKcan —John Hastings.
Adams —Wm R Stewart
Allegheny —C Harnett, David Lynch, A
Black, John Coyle
Armstrong —Joseph Bullman
Bradford —B Laporte, E O Goodrich
Bedford —Joseph Filler, Hiram Lentz
Beaver —D I!ois,_Thos. J Power
Berks —B Tyson, I.ewis Frank, George
Smith, A M Sallade
B lair —(Contested)
butler —Amos Mylert
bucks —Noah Shull, David Evans, Caleb E
Crawford —Wm Porter, W M'Laugjilin
Centre and Clearfield —Wm H Blair, Wm
W Moore
Chester —-Major M'Veigh, John Hickman,
G W l'icree
Columbia —John S Fullmer
Cumberland —Samuel woodburn, J C Dun
Cambria —An gust in Durbin
Delaware —Philip Morris
Dauphin —Thomas B McCord, Jeremiah
Erie—James Thompson, George H Cutler
Fayette —wm Hatfield, Daniel Kaine.
Franklin —Georgo w Brewer
Greene —Maxwelll McCaslin
Huntingdon —Thos P Campbell
Indiana —Edward Carlton
Jefferson, Clarion and Venango —Ariiokl
Plumer, Wm TAlexauder
Lelxtnon —Cyrus Cormony
Lehigh and Carbon —Wm H Butler, Solo
mon Fogle
Luzerne —D. F Seybert, Wm Koons
lancnstcr —Jac B AmwakeJohn M Dulap,
Charles M Johnson, John Houston, James
Lycoming, Clinton and Porter —Oliver Wat
son, Charles Lyman
Mifflin —Joseph Alexander
Montgomery— John C Smith, A H Tippin,
S Shoemaker.
Mercer —John Hoge, Wm S Garvin
Northampton and Monroe —ll E James, W
H flutter
Northumberland —Wm Fullmer
Perry —Joseph Bailey
Philadelphia city —Peter Cullan, Chas J
Burns, John Scott, Dr T J P Stokes, Dr VV P
Philadelphia county —John Abram, Wm
Green, John liber, John G Brenner Dennis
Lamont, C L Carpenter, J S Donahoe, Jesse
1! Flitcraft
Schuylkill —Michael Weaver, Chas Frailey
Somerset —(Vacancy)
Susquehana and Wyoming —C M Gere
Tioga —Edward Mayiiard
Washington —John Moore, Richard Donald
Westmoreland —John Fausold, James Keen
an, ir John Snodgrass
I rarren Elk and McKean —Jas L Gillis
Wayne and Pike —Charles F Spering
Union and Juncata —J K Davis, E D Craw
Fork —James E Buchanan, II Gammill,
John Hursh.
From Blair county there were two dele
gates—Messrs Moses and Patterson. Each
of them was aljowed to make a statement
to the convention, and a motion was then
made to exclude botn, which was voted
down. Before the subject was disposed of
the convention adjourned.
A motion was made to admit both dole
gates from Blair, giving them only one vote
when they voted alike. An amendment
was offered to admit Mr. Patterson as the
delegate from Blair.
MR. MAORAW proceeded to show that both
delegates had been irregularly chosen,
though he believed that if there was any
difference in their claim for a seat, that of
Mr. Moses was to be preferred; and he
hoped that his friend would not only come
here, like Moses of okl, to obtain a view of
the promised land, but that he might be al
lowed to enter in and enjoy its good things.
MR. FRAZER was opposed incorporating
the two delegates into one. Such a course
wo Ud strike at the root of true represents,
tion. It would be a strange anaraoly in a
representative body. How would such a
partnership do in Congress 1 How would
the Clerk call the firm when they wete to
vote ? Should it be Patterson & Moses in
this case, and Thompson 8c Slovens in Con
gress? How would my friend from Erie rel
ish such a partnership?
After some further debate, a motion was
mado to postpone the subject indefinitely,
and this was agreed to.
A resolution was then adopted, requiring
the delegates from the several Senatorial
Districts to choose a committee equal to the
number of Senators allowed, for the purpose
of selecting officers for the permanent or
ganisation of the Convention; for which
purpose the Convention took a recess of half
an hour.
The oommittee to nominate officers, upon
the re-assembling of the Convention, was
announced as follows:
Messrs. W Alexander, Black, Buchanan,
Bums, Canfield, Carlton, Carmony, Carpen
ter, Cutler, Danner, Davis, Donaldson, J C
Dunlap, Garvin, Green, Haviland, Hickman,
Houston, James, Koons, Laporte, Lentz, Mc
Allister, McCord, McCaslin, Meylert, Phelps
Schoonover, G Smith, Snodgrass, Tippin,
Ward, Wright.
MR. CALEBE. WRIGHT, Chairman of the
committee to select officers, reported as fol
President —HENßY S. MAGRAW, of Al
Vice Presidents —John Fausold, James Kee
nan, Wm C Ward, Joseph Baily, Solomon
Fogle, James M Anderson, Wm L Dewart,
David Bciies, Gep VV Jacoby, Dr Wm R
Stewart, Johu.S. Qanahoa, Wm HaawAod,
Dennis Lamont, Robert P Linton, Wesley
Frost, Major M'Veigh, Wm H Blair, Joseph
Filler, DrT I P Stokes, Dr Wra Penn Lam
bert, Benjamin Tyson, Wm H Butler, John
Coyle, J S Fullmer, Wm P Cooper, Arnold
Plumer, J Galbraith, James L Gillis, Col S
Dickcrson, Noah Shull,. John Moore, Cyrus
Zimmerman, Samuel Woodbum.
Secretaries —Wm Jack, A N Moylert, R E
James, Geo W Pierce, Geo VV Brewer, C M
Johnston, Charles Barnett, Robert Gemmill,
Wm II Fagan, Geo S Carter, Joel Ritter,
Spencer Shoemaker, T W Grayson, Thomas
B M'Cord.
The Convention then proceeded to vote for
candidates for Canal Commissioner, a 9 fol
lows :
First Ballot.
Messrs. Anderson, Boies, Brewer, Bu
chanan, Canfield, Davis, Dewart, J C Don
lap, Dutbin, Filler, Frailev, Fogle, Frank,
Frost, W Fullmer, GemiU, Graham, Ifarner,
Hatfield, Hursh, Lentz, Linton, M'Cork, May
nard, Power, Ritter, Geo Smith, Sallade,
Stewart, Tyson, Weaver, Watson, Woodbum
—33 voted for EDWARD B. HURLEY.
Messrs. Bailey, Barnett, Black, Blattenber
ger. Bullman Carmony, Coyle, Danner, Fau
sold, Gere, Goodrich, Hickman, Jack, Kec
nan, Kaine, Koons, Laporte, Lynch, Mc
Laughlin, M'Veigh Magra w, Morris, Over
field, Pierce, Porter, Seybert, Snodgrass,
Ward, Worllungton, Zimmerman.—3o voted
Messrs. Abram, Jos Alexander, Burns,
Butler, Carpenter, Cullan, Donaldson, Fa
gan, Flitcraft, Grayson, Haviland, Henwood,
Lambert, Lamont, M'Nenny, M'Allister, J
Moore, Scott, Shull, Stokes, Über, Wright
23 voted for FRANKLIN VANZANT.
Messrs. W T Alexander, Blair, Carlten,
Culler, Garvin, Gilbrailh, Gillis, Hastings,
Hogo, Lyman, D W Moore, M'Guffin, Plum
er, Phelps, Thompson.—ls voted for SETH
Messrs. Applcbaugh, Dickerson, Evans,
J S Fullmer, Jacoby, Meylert, Roat, Shoema
ker, J C Smith, Afl Tippin.—JO voted for
Messrs. Amwake, Boon. J M Dunlap. Fra
zer, Houston, Johnston, —6 voted for PETER
Messrs Brenner, Donahoe, Green, —3 vo
ted for WM. S. HALLOWELL.
Messrs. Coolbaugh, Hutter, James, Sletor,
Schoonover, Spering.—6 voted lor JOHN H.
Messrs. Campbell Wilson, —2 voted for
Mesrs. Crawford and Cooper,—2 voted
Ballots, 2d 3d 4lh
Hubley, 38 42 44
Strickland, 32 34 39
Vansant, 23 23 22
Clover, 11 9 7
Morrison, 9 8 10
Martin, 7 6 3
Hallowell, 112
Creswell, 1 1
Olos, 2 2 2
Broadhead, G 2
After the 4th ballot had been announced,
Mr REAII FRAZER, moved the appointment of
a committee of nine, fo draft resolutions for
tho consideration of tho Convention, which
motion was adopted, and Messrs. Frazer,
Ritter, Hutter, Wilson, Lynch, Thompson,
Plummer, Kaine, and Danner, appointed
said committee.
The Convention then adjourned until half
past 8 o'clock, to-morrow morning.
Thursday, May 30.
Tho Convention met and consumed the
entire forenoon in balloting, without effect
ing a choice, as follows .•
BALLOTS sth 6ill 7th Bth 9th 10th 11th
Hubley, 49 53 53 53 52 52 51
Strikland 36 41 45 46 45 45 47
Vansant, 23 20 20 20 20 20 20
Morrison, 11 10 9 9 12 10 10
Martain, 2 2 11 11
Creswell, 12 2
Oles, 8 2 (withdrawn.)
Adjourned till 2 o'clock, P. M.
BALLOTS 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18lh
Hubley, 52 64 54 56 55 58 56
Strickland 46 44 43 44 44 43 41
Vansant, 20 19 22 23 23 21 26
Morrison, 10 11 9 6 7 5 2
Martin, 1 1. 1 1 12
Creswell, 1 2 1
There being yet no chice, the convention
adjourned to meet at 8 o'clock this evening.
Mr. HICKMAN, of Chester, arose and desi
red to say a word in thanking the friends of
Judge Strickland for their support of him. Ho
was urged, said Mr. H., for the nomination
of Canal Commissioner by ail the democrats
of Chester county, who knew his worth as a
democrat and his honor as a man. They
pressed his claims because they felt that he
was worthy for tho position to which they
had desired to elvevate him. He has been
before the people in this contest with an ir
reproachable private and public character,
and whether this convention shall favor him
or some other member of the party with the
nomination, Judge Strickland will go back to
those neighbors who are his best friends,
with clean hands and a pure heart, still now,
as ever heretofore, warmly attached to the
great and glorious causo of the people, and
again to do yeoman service in battling for
the pure principles of his political faith, no
matter what men may be their exponents.
But his namWts net withdrawn. Others
of friends will eaoh eonsult bis own judg
ment as to where * vite can do most for the
success of the party- But as fdt me, I shall
still continue to votflor Judge Strickland as
a man of the highM capacity and A Demo
crat without
Mr. Johnson, 6f Aacaster, arose and desi
red to make some remarks to the conven
tion, which affected the purity and welfare
of the party. Some corrupt and reckless
men had insidiously crept among the mem
bers of this body, and used the most foul
and disgraceful means-
Mr. Fraily—Mr. President, the gentleman
from Lancaster is out of ordei. There is
no qneMion or motion before the convention
which it debate-able.
Mr. Johnson—Then, sir, I rise to make a
motion that a committee be appointed to in
vestigate whether any unfair and corrupt
means luve been used to influence votes in
this convention.
Mr. Fraily—We have already heard too
much ot these rumors here about corruption.
They are a desperate crusade waged against
a prominent candidate before this conven
tion, and when we attempt to trace them up,
amount to mere rumor. They are mischie
vously calculated to distract and injure the
Mr. Johrnon*Pie charges I lave to make
are not only rumor. They are the part of an
infamous plot coiceived by unscrupulous and
villainous men, and to be carried out here
by their base and reckless underlings. For
ono I insist that the Democratic party owes
it as a duty to its character that it purge it
self of all corruptitn, and not send its nomi
nee out of this coivention tainted with the
slightest suspicion of unfairness clinging to
his endorsement. I hold that to keep the de
mocratic party pure is not to distract and di
vide it.
Mr. Fraily again insisted that there was no
dcbateable question before the convention,
and asked for specific charges.
Mr. Johnson—You shall have them, Judge
Fraily, if you only give us a committee to
ferret the rascals out.
Several members—"Give us the charges."
Amid some confusion, Mr. Johnson finally
obtained leave to proceed, and continued—
The party should never fear the exposure of
villains who steal its livery to serve corrup
tion in. Tne rules of parliamentary order
should never silence the exposure of bribery—
Here there was again confusion, and sev
eral motions mode; among others ono font
the convention proceed to ballot for Canal
Mr. Johnson—l will be heard, Mr. Presi
dent before another ballot is taken. There
is treason, aye, TREASON in our midst. The
money-changers are skulking around us, and
tainting the air we breathe with corruption.
Bribes, sir, have been paid here, and now
that wa have marked the 'rascals, let them
be held up to the just indignation of foe
whole country. Let us not go to sleep in se
curity while the sly serpent is insidiously
coiling itself around us and preparing to in
flict its poisonous fangs. Bribery is
Treason stalks among us, and the money
changers are around us.
Sevoral voices—"The charge,foe charge."
Mr. Johnson—Well, sir, it is this: a dele
gate of this convention has been paid four
320 bills foi a vots here upon the next bal
Mr. Gillis—l skould like to know how any
member here c8 tell if I have four 820 dol
lar bills in my potket. Let us have some
Mr. Johnson—Gi, sir, we are not without
proof in this matt<r. We have a mark upon
foe scoundrels, aril we have their plunder
Cries of "namo the fhen," "namo them."
Mr. Johnson at first asked that a commit
tee should be chosen, but being urged to
namo the men, he said "The money was ta
ken as proof in exposing vilfciny, and the
delegate's name is Donahue."
Here Mr. Donahue, who was ono of the'
Vice Presidents, arose, held up the money,
and throwing it on the President's stand said
"Hero the money is; I despise it." Mr.
Green also arose and said he had one hun
dred dollars which had been paid him for
his vote on the next ballot.
Amid intense excitement, Mr. Coyle mo
ceil that a committee of five be appointed
to investigate tho charges. The resolution
was adopted, and the President appointed
Messrs Coyie, Piuraer, Stokes, Frailey and
Bailey. The convention then adjourned un
til 8 o'clock to-morrow.
Friday, May 31
The committee to investigate th*> charges
of bribery and corruption was not ready to
report. The order of business; that of bal
loting for Canal Commissioner, was there
fore postponed.
A State Central Committee was then cho
sen to consist of twenty-four members, one
selected by the delegates ot each Congres
sional district, and seven additional members
residing in or near Harrisburg, to be selected
by the officers of the convention. Samuel
P Collings is the member of this committee
from the 11th Congressional district.
A resolution was then offered to appoint a
Corresponding Committee of three in each
county of the State, the members to be se
lected by the delegates from the respective
Mr. Frazer rose to urge the imporrance of
a full organization of the party. He knew
that in Democratic counties it was easly] to
rally a full force to the polls, but in Whig
counties, the insolence of Federalism cros
sed the path of every Democrat to crush him
and attempted to sneer him out of his politi
cal faith. Our brethren in Democratic coun
ties can scarcely conceive how we stem the
torrent in such counties as Lancaster. The
The news from Berks always warms our
hearts, as she rolls up her true Democratic
majority, and there was glorious Columbia,
where the Democraoy turned out proudly
with their banners and flags; before the trai
or Best di /ided that county and sold its peo
ple. I see tho traitor hovering around here,
tlike a carion crow, after having betrayed the
Democracy of the state, violated hie pledgee,
to those who elected him, and voted with
the Whiga.
[Mr. Frazer'e remarks were a scathing re
buke to the perfidious Senator, who was
present and complacently swallowed the
whole dose. The remarks of Mr. Frazer
we believe were stenographed, and*we shall
publish them in full it we can obtain them.]
The resolution was adopted unanimously.
Charles Conner C. F. Mann and Hon.
Samuel Oaks are the Corresponding com
mittee for Columbia county.
The Committee appointed to investigate
the charges of bribery and corruption made
report in writing. They exonerate all the
candidates. Messrs Green and Dooahoe
swear that Wm. B. Ranken paid Donahoe
>BO on Thursday evening just before the
meeting of the convention, for his vote on
the neat ballot for Edward B Hubley. They
also swear that Samuel Ovenshine paid Mr.
Green 1100 on the sams evening and for the
same purpose. Green and Donahoe at first
consulted whether they should take the
money, or make an exposure with mt doing
so. They finally took the money, agreeing
that when Donahoe voted next time in the
convention he should hold up the money
and dealare it the price of his vote. They
then on reflection sent for Mr Johnson to
make an exposure as soon as the convec
tion met, wntcn tie aid, as appears by last
night's report. The money is that exhibited
before the convention. Four >2O notes are
on the Middletown Bank,the others on tho
Harrisburg and Schuylkill Co. Bank. One of
the deponents says that when the money was
handed to him it was accompanied by the
rematk "General Cameron always roraem
bors his frionds."
Ranken and Ovenshine admit paying over
the money, and in theiP depositions say that
rt was loaned to Green and Donohue and not
given as a bribe to vote for any candidate.
They say that Green first made application
to Ranken to borrow money, and that Ran
ken got it of Ovenshine and paid it over.
They say that Green then asked for another
loan for his friend Donahoe, he said,
was also in want of money. Ovenshine, at
the request of Ranken, then paid 380 to Don
ahoe. We shall publish the full roport as
soon as we can obtain a copy.
After the report was read a resolution was
read adopting the report and severely cen -
suring Messrs Ranken and Ovenshine.
Mr. Gillis offered an amendment to expel
Messrs. Green and Donahue from tho Con
Mr Johnson offered an amendment to tho
amendment tendering to MessrsjGreen and
Donahoe the thanks of the convention for
their prompt and honest exposure of this
attempt at bribery. These men Jsaid Mr J.
took this money not as a base bribo, but to
hold the gilded villains up to the scorn and
honest indignation of every man who shall
meet them. They promptly exposed the
fraud. If they had been citizens of ancient
Rome, it would have been decreed that they
had served well tho republic. The money
had to be taken as proof. There must be
some way to catch tho Indians that Bhulk a
round us. If Green and Donahoe would
have come into this convention, declaring
that an attempt had been made to bribe them
men here would sneeringly have called for
their proof, and declared it was a crusade
waged against a particular candidate.
Dr. Lambert thought there was a middle
course of reason in this thing. Ranken and
Ovenshine were to be severely censured, but
they are beyond the reach of tho conven
tion . Donahoe and Green should never have
suffered themselves to be approached by
bribes, and are not without blame. They
too should bo censured.
Judgo Thompson too thought that Green
and Donahoe were not blameless in allowing
themselves to be approached with bribe s
and was for censuring them.
Mr. Hickman said it was the wicked In
tent and the corrupt heart alone which made
the taking of monfey a brih. It was the
perverse soul that contaminated the man
who touched it.
Dr. Stokes said, he felt that the conven
owed it to the Democratic party rather to ex
pose than to conceal fraud. If these men
Donahoe and Green are expelled I shall be
compelled to leave the convention, and I
know that I shall not be alone. They have
but done their duJy and could not have done
Mr. Johnson withdrew his amendment,
and in doing so desired to protest against the
convention making itself an accomplice in
crime by screening villains, or censuring
those who exposed base fraud and briber]'-
He sneered at the idea of Donahoo and
Green wanting to borrow money to the a
mount of 8100 each. What delegate would
need that sum here I And these, men in
pasy circumstances, who though they may
not own > line of omnibusses, are honest
men, and not without means of their own.
Mr. Gillis. But they had already borrow
ed >3O.
Mr. Green. I deny it.
Mr. Gillis. I have been iuformed so by a
gentleman here.
Mr. Green—Name him.
Mr. Gillis—l am not authorised to do so,
and will not without his permission.
Mr. Johnson—lf tho gentleman is here, as
you say, we insist that you obtain his per
mission before we proceed to another ballot.
This is a male rial fact in the case, and we
desire to have it explained.
After somo further debato, Mr. Gillis with
drew his amendment. The report was then
unanimously adopted, and also a resolution
severely censuring Messrs. Ranken and O
The convention then proceeded to vote for
a candidate for Canal Commissioner, as fol
BALLOTS 22d 23d 24th 251h 261h
Hubley, 86 84 80 35
Strickland, 34 31 29 18 4
Vansant, 23 27 28 20 18
Morrison, 6 8 13 42 106
Martin, 10 9 10 15 1
Creswell, 11 1
The President announced that W.T. MOR
RISON, of Montgomery county, was duly
nominated the Democratic candidate for Ca
nal Commissioner, and on motion his nomi
nation was unanimously confirmed. Alter
making nominations for Surveyor General,
the convention took a recess of ono hour,
before proceeding to ballot for a candidate
for that office.
When the convention again met six bal
lots were taken for Surveyor General, with
the following result.'
BALLOTS Ist 2d 3d 4th slh 6th
Brawley, 25 45 66 58 63 71
Carpenter, 17 32 42 47 48 56
Dieffenbach, 15 28 32 35 16wilh
Watson. 13 11 withdrawn
Ives, 14 15 "
Jackson, 9 withdrawn
Kelly, 10 "
Marks, 3 "
Baily, 8 "
Montgomery, 4 "
Robinson, 3 "
Ilein, 2 "
Madden, 1 "
The President announced that J AS. POR
TER BRAWLEY, of Crawford county, was
duly nominated the Democratic candidate
for Surveyor General, and on motion, his no
mination was unanimously confirmed.
The convention then proceeded to nominate
candidates for Auditor General, during which
the following interesting episode came into
the proceedings:
Mr. Hutter, of Northampton, said ho no
minated Valentine Best.
Several membeis—"Who t"
Mr. Hutter—"Valentino Best." %
A member—"Where ftom V
Mr. Hutter—"Felly Best, o* No-county."
President—Mr. Hutter, of Northampton,
nominates Valentine Best, of No-county.
One member offered a resolution that the
nominations made here be confined to De
Another member ofTered a resolution that
the convention refuse to receive the nomina
tion of Valentine Best.
Mr. Fraily said that such procedure seem
ed out of propriety. If this convention wish
ed to reach Mr. Best it could do so through
a resolution of censure; but it was to bo re
membered that we would this fall need the
entire Democratic vote cf the State for our
candidates, and not drive away Mr. Best's
friends if they desired to vote our ticket.
A voice—Has he got any friends 1
Mr. Fraily hoped that the nomination w'ld
bo withdrawn.
Mr. Fullmer said that as he came from
that part of the country where Mr. Best liv
ed, ho thought it right to say that he hoped
the nomination would bo withdrawn.
Mr. Hutter said he only offered the nomi
nation in jest, and now withdrew it, remark
ing to the Recording Secretary "I don't want
my name to appear itt connection with it."
The Convention then proceeded to ballot
for Auditor General with the following result:
F.phraim Banks, 30 67
J B Guthrie, 24 40
Murray Whalley, 17 12
A Beaumont, 10 9
Thomas Power, 13
Kaine, 11
Forsyth, 7
Jamison, 5
Dougherty, 3
Armstrong, 1
So the President announced that that E
PHRAIM BANKS, of Miffiin county, was
duly nominated for Auditor General, and on
motion, his nomination was unanimously
Mr. Frazer, chairman of tho committee
on resolutions, then made tho fallowing re
port :
1 That the federal government is one li
mited powers, derived solely from the con
stitution, and the grants of power shown
therein ought to be strictly construed by all
the departments and agents of the govern
ment ; and that it is inexpedient and danger
ous to exercise doubtful constitutional pow
2. That the constitution does not confer
upon the general government the power to
commerce and carry on a geueral system of
internal improvements.
3. That the constitution does not con con
fer authority upon the federal government,
directly, or indirectly, to assume the debts of
the several States, contracted for local inter
nal improvements or other State purposes;
nor would such assumption be just and ex
4. That justice and sound policy forbid
the Federal government to foster one branch
of industry to the detriment of another, or to
cherish the interest of one portion to the in
jury of another portion of our common coun
try : that every citizen, and every section of
the country, has a right to demand and in
sist upon an equality of rights and privileges,
and to complete an ample protection of per
sons and property from domestic violence or
foreign aggression.
5. That it is tho duty of every branch of
tho government to enforce and practice the
most rigid economy in conducting our pub
lic affairs, and that no moft revenue ought
to be raised than is required to defray the
necessary expenses of tho government, and
for the gradual but certain extinction of tho
de.'H created by the prosecution of a just and
nccest'try war > after peaceful relations shall
have bee" restored.
6. cTOgress as no power to char
ter a national ba n ' c I 'hatwe believe such
an institution onr o* deadly hostility to the
best interests of the cojmtry, dangerous to
our republican institutions -0" the liberties
of the people, and calculated ,0 place the
business of the country within ihe control of
a concentrated money power, and abpve the
laws and tho will of tho people ; and i.ha? the
results of Democratic legislation, in this and
all other financijl measures upon which iss
ues have been made between ihe two politi
cal parties of (he country, have demonstrated
to candid and practical men of all parties,
their soundness, safely and utility in all busi
ness pursuits.
7. That Congress has no power under the
constitution to interfere with or control the
domestic institutions of the several Slates,
and that such States are the sole and proper
judges of everything appertaining to their
own affairs, not prohibited by the constitu
tion ; that all efforts of the abolitionists or
others made to induce Congress to interfere
with questions of slavery, or to take iucipi]
ent steps in relation thoroto, are caloulated to
lead to the most alarming and dangerous
consequences; and that all such efforts
have an inevitable tenderoy to diminish the
happiness of tho people, and endanger the
stability and permanency of the Union, and
ought notto be oountenanced by any friend
of our political institutions.
8. That the separation of the moneys of
thegovernment from banking institutions is
indispensable for the safety of the funds of
the government and the rights of the people.
6. That the liberal principles embodied
by Jefferson in the Declaration of Indepen
dence, and sanctioned ix the Constitution,
which makes ours the-land ot liberty, and
the atylum of the oppressed of every nation,
have ever been cardinal principles the
..... -i- \
i Democratic faith ; and every attempt to •-
bridge the present privalege of becoming cit
, zens and the owners of soil among us, ought
to be resisted with the eame spirit which
swept the alien and sedition laws from our
statnte books.
[The above is the Baltimore platform.—
' An additional resolution was inclnded in tho
report of the committee declaring it the sense
1 of the convention that Congress should im-
I mediately admit California as a State with
t its present constitution, and also immediate
ly establish territorial government for Utah
and New Mexico.]
Afier the resolutions were read, Mr. EL A.
Penniman, who, in the evening, had been
admitted as a snbstitute for one of the Phila
delphia oounty delegates, called for the sep
arate reading of the resolutions. They were
so and unanimously adopted until that
one was reached which relates to slavery,
j Mr. Pennin?an opposed its adoption. Mr.
, Thompson, of J5C> P ok o against Free soil
. ism with vehemence.
Mr. Magraw then offered as an amend
-5 ment the resolution last ye'ur adopted at the
4 Pittsburg Convention. He said it was no ar
} guinent for the gentleman from Erie to say
that we had triumphed in a presidential can
. test with the Baltimore platform, or at least
it was a sufficient reply that we had also last
year achieved a glorious victory upon the
Pittabnrg platform. He proceeded to read a
letter written by Jndge Thompson in 1840,
when he was a candidate for Congress, in
which he declared himself of opinion that
Congress had the right to legislate in the ter
ritories of the Union upon the subject of sla
very, and that that body ought to exercise
that power in tho case of Oregon. He said,
if what he had often beard Judge Thompson
say in private conversation was true, that
gentleman had quite as much to do with the
preparation of tho Wilmot Proviso as poor
YVilmot himself; and indignation against
Free-soilism would therclore come from him
now with a poor grace.
Mr. Snodgrass, of Westmoreland, made
some personal remarks about Judge Thomp
' son's connection with the State Convention
of 1635, but tho President called him to or
Mr. Thompson hoped the gentleman from
Westmoreland would bp allowed to proceed.
Ho then retorted with some personal allu
sions to Mr. Snodgrass, which the President
decided wore also out of order. He then
proceeded to explain his view of the Wilmoc
Proviso. He said he believed that Congress
had the power to legislate upon the subject
. of slavery in the territories. In 1846 we
were told that slaves were taken and held iu
, bondago in Oregon, and for that reason he
, bad desired to seo Congress exercise its
power and restrain slavery. With these feel
ings he had written the lettor just read by
the gentleman from Allegheny.
Now in New Mexico and Utah the case
was different. There the Mexican law had
prohibited slavery, and that law continued
in force after wo acquired those territories,
until it was expressly repealed. Henoe, no.
necessity for a new prohibition, of slavery in
those territories, for it was already excluded
as well by the law as by the soil and climate
of that region. Oregon was a part of the ~"
Louisiana purchase, where slavery was tole
rated by the French law, and hence the ne
cessity for legislation in that case.
Mr. Frazer then went into an able vindica
tion of the doctrine of non-interventiOn. He
said, if Congress has ever exercised the pow
-1 er of legislating for the territories of the Un
| ion, it was a usurpation of right, and a vio
-1 lation of the great and glorious constitution
■ of the republic. So too we have had •U.
' §|fttes Bank chattered against the spirit and
power of the great charter of our freedom.
r And so too have we had the nation's money
i squandered in unconstitutional and unrighte
-1 ous projects of internal improvements.
Aad where does this negro creed lead youf
The poor deluded Van Burenites got beside
' themselves, cowardly ran away from the
great Democratic army, and took refuge un
: der the negro flag, until their defection and
treason helped to elect a southern slavehold
-1 er. Oh that was helping to emancipate the
i negro and restrain slavery! Shame that
men should become so lost! 1 was sorry
| when I saw Wilmot fall from his high emi
r nence. I had loved that man for his noble
stand upon the tariff of 1846. I idolized him
when he stood tearless and unmoved, faith
fully among the faithles. I could have
wept over his fall. 1 went to him and be
sought him to come again into the great
Democratic fold. I said, take your pioviso
into the House, and there before the assem
bled statesmen of the nation, mako an offer
ing of it, tear it in pieces, trample it to the
dust, and let the whoio people know that
you will be an American patriot—an Ameri
can Democrat. But he is joined to his idols.
Ho is lost.
I was sorry to see tho Fitsburg convention
pass such a resolution as it did. I ,was sor
ry to see Mr. Gamble write such a Jetlet as
he did. It didn't gain him one vole, for jj
was the great Democracy of the state that
elected him. I was grieved too to see my
friend here from Allegheny in bad company
I have known him for many years as one of
the best and soundest Democrats of the
state. I thought, when I heard him here
that I must rescue him. It was too much
to bear in silence. Oh Harry, never do so
any more.
Ihe only true course is to hold to a nation
al creed. It is the only course that will wear.
These sectional faction can never do any
good. I know no Pennsylvania Democracy.
Tho wholo American people our countrymen
—our brethren, and the American Constitu
tion is otir political guide. Let us hold to
that as our creed ; for it is by it that this
country has grown great and glorious; un
der it our people have spread from ooean to,
ocean, and under it have tho Democracy.-
goneto victory year afier year! Whenever
you set up Peon sylvania against the nation,
you go wrong. It was so in the tariff cry;
and it will be just so if you try to tot up the
North against the whole country. Pennsyl
vania con have no interests that conflict
with Ihe prosperity of the wholo nation. We
must grow great through the prosperity Of
the whole country. The so people found this
out who gotaMrav on the tariff