The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, June 06, 1850, Image 1

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By Beaver & tiilmore.] * Truth and Right—our Country. [Two Dollars per Annum.
Is published every Thursday Morning, by
Weaver A tiilmore.
OFFICE—Up shirs in tin- NciV Ilrirkbuilding
on the south side of Main street, third
square below Market.
Tunas :—Two Dollars per annum, if paid
within six mouths fiotn the time of subscri
bing; two dollars and liuy-cem.-; if not paid
wilpiii tho year. No subscription received
ttr a less period than six months: no djtseon
tin nance permitted until oil arrearages axe
paid, unless at the option cif the edjiors.
ADVJUITISK.MK.N'TS not exceeding one - 'nam,
xvill bo inserted three times for one dollar, and
t went v-fivttcents for each additional insertion.
A liberal discount will be made to those who ad
vertise by the year.
I like an open, hottest heart,
Where frankness loves to dwell,
Which has no plare for base deceit,
Nor hollow words can tell ;
. But in whose tbrohbingsplain are seen,
The import of the mind,
Whose gentle breathings utter nought,
But accents true and kind.
I scorn that one whoso empty act,
And honied words of art,
Betray lire feelings of the soul,
With perfidy's keen dart;
. No more kind friends in such confide,
Nor in their kindness trust,
For black ingratitude but turns
Pure friendship to disgust.
Contempt is but agendo word,
A feeling far too mild,
For one who conttdence betrays,
And guilt has sore beguil'd ;
That hate which hellish fiends evince,
When in dark torments toss'd
Is not more loathsome to the soul,
Than one to honor lost
Thou give me one with heart as free,
And gen roils as the air,
Whose ready hand and greeting kind,
Give proot that truth is there.
Whose smiling countenance well shows, j
Alfectiou warm is found,
And springs pure as saints, whose notes j
Tit rough Heaven's vaults resound.
From the Pcnnsylvuaian.
Wo !e f t off at tho l'rtss; which has its J
representatives as veil on tho floor of lx th .
Houses of Congress, us in tho Reporters' !
Gallery. We cannot, however, point out
the Representative" who have once been
members of tho press; but your attention
cannot fail to be attracted to tlie tail gentle
matt of venerable mien, hat in gloved hand, j
now standing in the of Col. Bisell's !
seat, his usual sentry-box. That is 'Father j
Ritchie," of the Union, whose appearance on
the avenue, with)a black coat and white
waist-coat, narrovr-rimmci but and rapid j
walk, indicate anything but an approach to 1
four score. Wo must not, however, be '
tempted into a en! -y of this glorious old j
man, upon whoso bead so much calumny j
litis fallen, and whosO history is so full ol
instances of disinterested devotion to Wt
political faith. There, too, is his associate, i
Edmund Burke, the author of the Buudel- j
cuiid free trade papers, and the late Com- |
missionerof Patents. A calm, benevolent, J
and intelligent countenance, guiltless of the 1
symptom of whisker or moustache, healthy .
proportions, and plain attire, 'till recalj to
many who know him, tho bold and fearless
journalist, who has often defied the social
aristocracy of the Capitol, in his effective j
report of his principles. The younger getf j
tleinan, in black, with pale face, as if just ]
recotcred from illness, is tho associate edi- '
tor of lite Union, Mr. Overton, of Virginia,
whose knowledge of polities is as thorough 1
n? his opinions aro national. Such is the
corps editorial of the Washington Union, j
The individual, directly in front of the Spea- !
ker's chair—'.ho House having just adjourned j
—is A. C. Bullitt, formerly of tho Picayune I
and recently of the Republic. We mean the j
gentleman with the broad rimmed hat,
rather expansive shirt-collar, large, l'ul' face,
bee. It need not be sain that ho is a very
üble writer, though rather inert. He is wit
ty, agreeab'e, and a choice companion ; and
his house has been the abode of hospitality
ever since he opened its doors. Join" 0. Sar
gent, his editorial co-mate, is the dapper lit
tie person, rather dandified in his dress, now
in conversation with a disaffected Whig at
thd Clerk's desk.—Ho is a waspish writer,
fond uf elcganc!?* o< expression, and not
over-addicted to etatisuJ.® —unless they are
figures of speech. He has had so,'" o expe
rience in tho press, but is evidently better at i
literary labors than political polemics. Mr.
Burnley is tho business man of the Republic j
—a Kentuckian by birth, we think—and is i
at Bullitt's side, as sleek and as welt-brushed \
as if that excellent newspaper had not been
overslaughed. His placid and ingenuous
manners have made him many friends. You
xvill notice the short, stout, bustling gentle
man, with gouty walk, and jolly faco; that is
Joseph Gales, of the National Intelligencer,
ono of the most accomplished stenographers
of any country—though he rarely shows it
now—ono of the most complete newspaper
writers, and one of the most hospitable gen
tlemen. Do you know Jesso E. Dotv,, the
"Heroic Ago,"of the Union, the poo-, the o.'
ator, the editor, &c.? There you havo him,
in a good humored faco, a light frame, and
jaunty air. He isin at,imated conversation,
with John C. Rivos, of the Glob —a tall, mus
cular, ard rather awkward form, a head of
eandy hair, and a fondness for tobacco writ
ten on his collar and shirt bosom in many a
yellow character.—Such is his exterior, but
nowhere is there a more generous heart, or a
| linttd more "open lo moiling charily," than
his—nowhere is (here a mansion ill which
' there are more agreeable reunions than his j
! no whore a kinder husband, farther, friend.
| The Globe people tiro not beautiful; but they
I are intellectual. Francis P. Blair with broad-
I brimmed ha*, and somewhat Quaker dress,
, is the gentleman who is listening lo some
thing that Preston Kiu j is telling him, against
; one of the pillars on our .left. He is not
i handsome, bin ho holds a pen, which, wiel
ded in any cause, bad or good, is sure lo cut
deep. The venerable looking man, with
white hair, piercing eye, quick gait, nervous
manner, and canuieuance in deop study, is a
historical man—politically; and now his in
tellect, so long devoted to die public service
and i!>f public press, is engaged in making
the lightning write. Xlnp. Amos Kendall,
whose career as I'oStma'ster General, an.t
whole long public service, weto passed with
out relleetinga stain upon his good name.
Lot us follow this crowd to (he landing at
the top of the broad steps fronting the aven
ue, from which we sec Washington, stretch-1
ed out on a level space, the Potomac on ;
the south, and surrounded by hi Is—literally j
walled in, apparently, as if by tho huge
sides of a natural amphitheatre. He who (
has just nodded in this direction, is Joseph.
K. Chandler, a'face rather stern, an eye'
quick and keen, an abrupt but not unplea-1
sing address. He was a model editor, and j
is a reputable representative. His speech oil j
tte slave question was pretty, patriotic, and j
pointless, lie is an admirable speaker, and
made quite a hit in his oratory. The preach- :
er-it>oking man, from his white cravat, but
the impulsive man, from bis eye and swag- I
ger, is Mr. Venable, of North Carolina, .
whose cfevotion lo Mr. Calhoun has been so j
much noticed, and whose attachment to the j
South is so great that he will hardly allow a I
a Northern man to be its admirer or friend.
His is att impetuous, excellent-hearted, and
itnhprreet legislator. The noble form,
straight,' stout, and athletic, with rather dark
complexion, and searching eye, is Mr. Burt,
of South Carolina, a nephew of Mr. Calhoun,
lie is alii: It toned gentleman, and a reliable
nt?.n ; though distant and reserved until well
acquainted. The next that passes is Issac '
E. Holmes, of the same State, with figure
under tho medium size; a countenance
which seems to he absorbed in thought; a
prominent nose, eyes whose researches are
occasionally aided by a glass which is su-<-
pi-niod from a guard chain. Kueh are the |
exterior characteristics of the man whose
voles at the beginning of the session were ;
called "scattering." Mr. Holntes is a gentle
man of attainments, and a great wit. The
two members now coming out of the main j
door, are brothers in law. Hon. Richard Par-'
ker and Gen. Willson, of Virginia, the first I
a nephew of Mr. Ritchie, of the Union , tho
last the author of one of the bitterest at'.aeks .
upon Thnddeus Stevens, yet heard in the
House. That remarkably handsome man, i
with grey hair, expressive and benevolent
countenance, is Chatincey F. Cleveland, oi
Connecticut, the ultra Free Soiler. He is in :
company with Mr. Waldo, a Democratic
member from the same State, a tall, spare J
man of fifty odd, with grey hair, and rcso
lute expression of face. He is not inclined j
to sectional parties,'but lakes his stand on
the broad platform of the National Democra- j
cy. sho two gentlemen standing on thai
south-east eorner o! the landing, are inti
mate friends, and will he tecoguized as
Thomas Ross, of. Pennsylvania—whose keen j
black eye, direct manners, and frank oxpres-!
sion, i how him to be equal to any crisis— j
and Timothy R. Voting, originally of New !
England, but now a member from Illinois;
—a very intelligent, popular and attentive j
member. Everybody in Congress will re- i
joico that ho has recovered from his recent ]
illness. The two now going down the |
broad steps are Louisiana members, Mar- j
manson and he Sere, both rather below the
ordinary size, and useful in their
representative capacity. They aro intimate
associate, and are nearly always seen togeth
er. Next to them is Isaac E. Morse, of the
same State, a slender, straight and wiry
frame, a face full of humor and kindness, a
voice that scents to have been made to utter
jokes and witticisms. He is tin original, and
poscsses dry humor that is irrcsislable. He
is always in iiis seat, and attends diligently
to his duties. Po not fail to notice tho next
that passes by. The gpnikliug face, tho
merry eye, tho elastic step, all point you lo
Robert W. Johnson, tho only member from
Arkansas, and the new of glorious old Te
-urP.seh. A model member is Johnson.
The throng pearly over, and now only an
occasional ptedufiti'iau w!'ids his way to the
a.venuo. Ah ! here aro two oi c ?Ue Main
delegation, Titos. J. P. Fuller and Cullt'P
Sawtelle—both tall, good looking Yankees,
and both admirable representatives. But
the dinner hour is at hand, and if we desire
to get a scat at the National, we, 100, must
descend from this elevated platform. There
aro still others worthy of notico; but wo
must wait for another day.
Tno members of tho present Congress,
who lought io the war with Mexico are, on
the whole, remarkably able a°ud influential
; representatives. Nearly all aro good spea
kers. Their distinctive merits, apart from
j their military services, mus'. sooner or later
i have advanced them to political position,
j We have aheady pointed out Colonel Pavis
' and Colonel Bissel. Tho first was in the
House when the war broke out, and when
| he camo back, it was to carry his broken
, frame into the Senate, of which he is now|a
1 conspicuous member." Bissel could not
! long have remained out of public lile; for
his abilities are of that steru and steady char
acter which command regard even from op
ponents. Colonel Jere. Clemens, of Ala
bama, came almost direct to the Senate,
from the battle-field. He is now in Close
conversation with Governor Brown, atta is
seated next to him in the House. He is
quite young, has long black hair, a settled
eoi'.'nleuance, and an elastic, wiry figure. In
! debate inJ is fluent and fearless; impassion
ed and indiscreet. Some of his speeches
have been strong, and his readiness|u grap
ple with the older Senators, shows that he
has confidence in himself ami his cause.
He was a Taylor Democrat, in 18-18, d.'td
ran agaitts/ Governor Fitzpatriek in the Ala- j
I batria Legislature, the regular Democratic
nominee, and defeated htm. From the
pijtou where vo atuu sn, 91 the, Reporters'- j
veuktt an il,a -tun,! Nt u*w-£fi ■wfaaiy —ml uvn> j
see the they come in to write let- 1
ters before the hour of twelve. The heavi- j
ly-built man, now going over to the Whig,
or left side of the House, is Colonel Hutn- I
phrey Marshall, of the Louisvillee, Ken
tucky, district. His full, ruddy face, indi
cates alike good nature and obstinacy. He
is a fair speaker, and a brave man. Colo
nel Marshall fought with distinction in the
early battles of the war ; but he came very
near being defeated by Dr. Newton Lane,
(a Democrat,) when he ran for Congress.
You will notice the person with a bald head, I
standing in conversation with Mr. Winthrop. j
That is Colonel Baker, an [ Englishman by !
birth and now a Whig representative from :
Illinois. He has a strange expression of
countenance; and the deciple of Lavater !
would not be apt to call it the expression of ;
a resolute man. Nevertheless, he fought ;
well for the country in Mexico, is an easy,
stirring, but somewhat wordy Speaker. Ev- j
erybody remembers his theatrical appear- j
ance in the hall of the House, during the |
war. in uniform, and his appeal in lavor of j
certain necessary legislation lor the army,
then quartered on the crooked river of Rio j
Grande. The next character is Col. W. A.
Richardson, also of Illinois. You can pick |
liirn ontas a man amongathausand. There
he is in conversation with Judge Douglass, !
of the Senate, whose successor he is in the j
House. His is a tall, large, frame with a
countenance that could not more plainly j
represent a brave man, ifit were in cast iron. )
He is an intense lover of tobacco, and a j
warm-hearted and impulsive man. His j
speeches are few but fearless ; short but stir j
ring; plain, practical, and direct.—He fought :
at Buena Vista with much gallantry, and is j
a sterling member of the Democratic party. j
Another of the heroes of the same war. and J
of the same field, is Col. Willis A. Gorman,
of Indiana; and one of rhe "Right" or De
mocratic side. Ho is the member with tho 1
black hair, sparkling black eye. genteel ap
pearance, and pleasing deportment. This is j
his first session ; but he has already mad„
his mark. His speech on tho slave question |
was national and high toned. The member i
about the same size, and apparently about j
the same age.—say forty —now conversing
with Linn Boyd, is Colonel George A. Paid
well of Kentucky. He has been in Congress j
before, is an experienced politician, a bold j
speaker, and won unfading laurels by his ,
bravery in Mexico Ohio contributes a he- j
ro-reprcsentativo, in Major Hoagland; the '
tall, woll-propnrtinned member, with a face
that wins upon you at once ; and that sol- |
diers' bearing so hard to imitate. He hns '
not yet spoken ; but when he does ho will
110 doubt make a hit. Tennessee has nNo • ,
representative on the floor, who did his |
country service in the same far-off battle- j
fields. Yon will see him there in converse- |
lion with Andrew Ewing, of the Nashville )
district—Ewing being the straight, youthful
looking man, with sharp and intelligent face.
—His companion is the gallant Colonel Sav
age, so well-remembered by all who setved
in the battles of the valley; a figure about
medium size, a prominent Roman nose, a
piercing eye. and a calm, retirjjig demeanor-
Tho military skill of Col Savage is well
set-off by good abilities as a speaker and a
There is one significant and suggestive
trait among these gallant men in Congress,
with rare exceptions. They are national in
their feelings. They treat the slave question
as patriots, rather than partisans. Theywor
ship the Union. They venerate the Consti
tution. The idle bluster of extremists of
either side, excites only their contempt.
They do not understane the valor that ex
pends itself in epithets, and the argument
that explodes in reproaches. They are all
personally calm, quiet, and unobtrusive.—
What a lesson such a fact should teach those
who are doing all to imperil a Republic
which these brave members would give
lilt if hearts' best blood to protect from dan
ger !
Before us, in the aisle, yon will not fail to
be attracted by gentleman with hat in hand,
in earnest conversation among a group of
listening members. He is himself not a
representative, hut he is "a character." That
is Whitney, the projector of tho great rail
road lo the Bacific ; a glorious idea, truly
and ono which he advocates With a z.eal and
a constancy, rarely witnessed. His head
and faco bear a striking resemblance lo Na
poleon, as represented in the bust of that
mighty captain; and none see him for the
first lime wilheut being impressed by the
likeness. The person now passing along the
main aiß|e, with hat on—the House not be
tnginsesion—erect figure, florid complex
ion, and rather thin face, is Caleb Gushing,
of Massachusetts, formerly a member of
Congress for the Newburyport District, and a
- General in tho Into war with Mexico, in
which, without having an opportunity to
• meet an enemy, he made many ftjends by
his skill and his energy. Beyond a)l doubt,
1 he is one of the able t men in this country,
whether regarded as a statesman, a writer, a
speaker, or a scholar. His speech in the
Massachusetts Legislature, in lSlf, upon
the duty of the State tocbithe the regiment
he had raised, at the moment they Were suf
fering from the severity ot the wer-.lher. was
a piece of oratory worthy of S/icridau or
Burke. The contrast he drew, it/the course
of his speech, between Calhoun ; and Web
ster, and between South Cnrolin* and Mas
, sachusetls. was original und overwhelming-
He visits Washington oi.- : Toe geutle
] man now advancing with fresh English com
[ 'i onif a: I k; \
' I H A !'' niniftT "aTTtH
; liat'ratbc'r jam ano side, aj
j sort of inquiring face, and j a voice heard
j from hero that seems to hav* been made for'
sarcasms—that is the favoflte grandson of!
, New York, John Van Buret!—whose great I
I reputation is based upon impertinent say
ings and cool assurance, rather than upon
any solid attainments, 'latere is twelve o'-
clock, and it is lime for ux to get down and I
let Mr. Curran, and the other reporters, into |
the places we have been kindly permitted to |
occupy, in order that they ntav record the j
I doings of another duv in this bustling and
busy hall. And here let ua close our work j
j tor this number.
I Congress is the place, of all others, in j
[ which quiet merit, though constantly felt, j
iis rarely known to tho outside public. The |
] member who makes a flaming speech, oneo !
! or twice during the session- acquires a noto- |
| iity, if not a reputation throughout the Coun
! try ; and he may or may not attend punctu
; ally lo his other duties as the humor lakes
I him. It isnot to be supposed from this, that 1
j we design creating the unjust impression :
] that all members wild speak are necessarily I
I inattentive to their engagements on the Stan- j
! ding Committees, or to ilte wants of their
j constituents, so often requiring their alien
! dance at the Departments. But it is olten
I the case[llmt those who rarely participate in
! debate are the wheel-horses of the Commit!-
;ees; and thus constitute, to the House and
j to the Country, an indispensable and vital j
j branch of the public service. Among the
I most vigilant members of their respective
Committees are, Geo. W.Jones, and Andrew
Johnson, of Tennessee, both, also, able and
! fearless speakers, You_*-'ll *-e- Mr. I->v,e- ,
j on tho right of the Speaker: aperson of mid
j d|e size-—with die lace and (he form of a J
1 man of great enorgy. Mr. Johnson is about j
S the same size, and sits in the midst of the [
Democratic motnl-cis. 01; a -<■ 0 tour or five !
1 ;roin the lobby He lias a and rather j
I angry countenance, but no,man has a better I
; heart. Hiscareer lias beiii lull of events,
j and is a triumphant proof oi persevering |
I character. When nearly oj a re, it is said,
that this excellent represen whoso lilc \
had previously been one i.Jt-.nd toil, scarce-1
ly know the English aipliaret: and now lie
1 isone of the most iutiueJni;,! and capable
• men iu the national Leui /autre! Mr. Dan
iel, of North Carolina, tiff gentleman with
| the pale and settled expression of face. appa. 1
) reutly beyond fifty years y age, is one of tho I
I Committee on Claims,ami a vigilant]
! oye upon :lia. ereat < lUrauce to the public I
| treasury. No greedy Galphin will get past]
| him to batten upon the people's motley, and ]
to enrieh hired advocates in thej Cabinet 1
1 . \\ die, the successor of Patrick i
l'ompk -. -•• si Mis-i ippi,—you see him 1
there talking w itli thai hard-working mem-1
| ber, Thompson, from the same State —is al |
so a patient and laborious Committeeman. 1
He is Chairman of the Committee on print-1
ing in the House. On the left, or Whig side, ]
Mr. Yimou, of Ohio, the sparc inembor, with ]
a light, frame, and gentle expression of face, j
is a well known and able representative. He j
was Chairman of the Committee of Ways!
and Means during the last session of Con- I
gress. tviil be hard to I
fill his place when he retires, which he has
announced will bo at the end of this Con- \
gress. Our own statu furnishes in Chester j
Butler, of the Luzerne another capi- 1
lul working-member, lie is thu gentleman
in gold spectacles, ol good stature, and heal
thy, benevolent face, now conversing with
Mr. Chandler. He is a fair partisan, and is
one of the very low good memories Penn
sylvania entertains of Whig patriotism du
ring our Buck Shot War, twelve years ago,
when ho refused to obey the whip of Ste
vens, and hiialiy recognised and acted in the
organization of the majority. Talking of
Whig members, yonder is tlie somewhat fa
mous E. W. M'Gauglioy, of India la, reject
ed by tho Senate lor his opposition to the
war with Mexico, when nominated for Sec
ond Assistant Postmastor General, (we be
lieve) and since elected lothe House by the
Whigs of his District. That is he with light
hair and complexion, now talking to his
friend Mr. McDonald, of the same Stale, a
Democrat, and the youngest representative
011 the floor. The tall, ungainly-looking in
dividual, with not the most fascinating face
in the world, now walking along the main
passage, is James Wilson, nfNew Hampshire
a fierce Whig, and an excellent man person
ally ; even if he did not set the Conneticul
River on fire in April last. George Ashmun,
is a gentleman with a rather bald head,
black whiskers, and pule coinpiexton—a
Whig member from Massachusetts—and a
bold, bitter, and effective politician. A
, mong the many Committeemen in the House,
I" is our friend Milo M. Dimmick, of this State,
t —the gentleman at one of the front desks,
facing the Speaker 011 tho right, whose quiet
manners and general intelligence have made
him many friends. He has not yat spoken
but contents himself With attending to those
other duties which it is so important -o have
properly discharged. Tho very tall member,
with down look and stooping shoulders, now
crossing over to the left, is John Went worth,
I of Illinois, the editor of the Chicago Democrat,
a strange compound of a politician, docided
lymoreiusetut to the Whigs thaulotho Dem
ocrats. He has patient constituents, truly, to
bo permitted to act like he does, and retain
his place. Four or five seats from tho front,
on the Democratic side, you will be impres
ed by tho appearance of a ruomber of noble
stature, dark complexion, and black eyes—
generally ilrc.-.-CJ with ea-e and elegance:
l that is' Mr. Inge, of >an aotlvej
I WHICH fin, ittic 'iiigit tonetnepfdSemativo. In
the same range you will see Fraklin W.
Bowdon, of the same State, one of jthe most
thtilliug speakers in the House, and one of
the best representatives. Wo never shall
forget the manner in which, in May, 1848,
he retorted upon a delegate in the Baltimore
Convention, who made a fling at President
Polk, by classing him among the "outsiders."
Samson G. Harris is another of the delega
tion from this State—an experienced, popu
lar and agreeable representative. His'pleas
ant face and frank deportment prove at once
that he is a man of heart. Ohio is fortunate
in having several powerlul speakers and ac
live men in her delegation. Mr. Disney is
the successor ol Mr. Faratt, of the Cincinnati
district, and is the neat, well-dressed 'gentle
man sitting near R. 11. Stanton, of Kentucky
—a thoughtful face, hut an enthusiastic dis
position. His report on the Galphin robber
y, signed by himself, Messrs. Featerston. and j
Matin, rellc-els high credit upon him. Da
vid R. Carter is a new member from the
same State, and sits near Judge Thompson, 1
on the "extreme right"—the member with
very blaek eyes and pale face, and stout J
frame. He is a humorous and ready speak j
cr. l)r. Edson B. Olds, of the Circleville dis
trict, who sits near bun, is well known as *
capital popular speak -r; and Mr. Sweet.-er,
from the Columbus district, has already ta- '
ken patt in debate, and displayed decided a
bility. Both of those'are also new members. 1
You ask for William J. Broivn, of Indian ? I
There he is, in the vicinity ol Mr. Carter,; j
a member of ordinary size, with the appear
ance of having sufiered severely from sic k- j
ess. Ho has boen very much abused, for j
thejbrzpc* in rugxrtl to the s,.rahcrs chair; ,
but that affair has never led us lor a moment j
lo doubt that he was an honest man.
There are always more or less distinguish- :
ed gentlemen in Washington during the scs- j
sion of Congress, who generally obtain ad [
mission 011 tho floor, under the rules. Here j
are two Pemtsylvanians. Colonels Wilson
M Caudles and Samuel W. Black, of Pitts- ;
burg. Tho fine courtly manners, j
hair tinged with grey—person clad in black
—will recall the first to his many friends;!
while the keen eye, bright face, straight
form, and quick movements, well disliu- j
guish the latter, whose valor in Mexi :o, ear- J
tied for him unlading laurels. The erect
and elastic figure—a faco lighted up with an '
air of command—an eye that moves quickly 1
—is Commodore Robert F. Stockton, of Now
Jersey, a name famous in undying story, as j
identified with sumo of the noblest feats of'
daring on record. Murk well the next i
character. That gentleman now standing in j
conversation with lite Speaker, at one of the j
entrances to the passages between the sen's, j
with hat and snuff box in hand, is Win. L j
Marcy, tho very distinguished Secretary of I
War under Mr. Polk. He is "a historical]
character" as "'John Sivgeant" said ot G'ener. j
at Taylor. A mild, benevolent, good ha- j
mortal countenance, and an air ot repose j
and equanimity wonderfully at variance
with his bold and mas'erly reply to General ]
Scott. Look at him well; for he is emphat- ,
ically a man of the age, and has made his j
mark upon the imperishable annals uf our !
A Hoosier was called up to the stand, a
way out West, to testify to the character ofa
brother hooosier. It was as follows :
'How long have you known Bill Bush
wack V
"Ever since he was botn."
"What is his general character?"
"Letter A. No. 1. 'Bovo par a very great
"Would you believe him on oath?"
"Yes-sir-ee, ou or oft", or any other way."
"What in your opinion as his qualifica
tions to good character?"
"He is the best shot in tho prairies or in
tho woods ; he can shave an eyovvinker off a
wolf as far as a shooting iron t will carry a
ball; he can drink a quart of brandy any
day, and chaws tobacco like a hoss."
"No.v, girls," said our friend Mrs. Bige
low to her daughters, the other day, "you
must get husbands as soon as possible, or
thoy'll all be murdered."
"Why so, ma?" inquired one.
"Why, I see by the paper that we've got
a 'most fifteen thousand post offices, and
nearly all on 'em dispatches a mail every
day—the Lord have mercy upon us poor
windows and orphans!" and the old lady
stepped briskly to tho looking gloss to put on
her new cap.
HP* Mrs. Partington asked, very indig
nantly, if tho bills before Congress aro not
counterfeit, why there should , be so much
difficulty in passing them ?
WILD itovr.u an Indian girl,
Bright Alveratu,
Wheio sweep the waters
Of the blue Juniata.
Swift as an antelope,
Through the lorest glowing,
Loose were her jetty looks,
Wavy treuaes flowing.
Sweet was tho mountain song
Ol bright Alverata,
Where sweep the waters
01 the blue Juniata: •
"Strong and true my arrows are,
In my painted quiver,
Swiftly glides my tight canoe,
Down the rapid river.
' my waripr good,
I Tlfe love of Alverata,
Proud waves his snowy plume,
Along tho Juniata.
Soft and low he speaks to me,
In his war whoops sounding,
Waves his voice and thunders loud,
From height to height resounding."
So sang the Indian girl,
Bright Alvarata,
Where sweep the waters
Of the blue Juniata.
Fleeting years have born away
The voice of Alverata,
Still sweep the waters
Of the blue Juniata.
Our Notions | ol' Tobacco.
Some years ago the Messrs. Fowlers ask
ed tin Editor of Tho Tribune for a written
statement of his opinion of thu use and eff
ects of Tobacco, which was given. Find
ing tho letter in a neat twenty-five cent book
just issued by them entitled "TOBACCO: Its
History, Nature, and Effects on the body and
Mind, by JOEL SHEW, M. D. with the Opin
ions of Dr. Nott, Rev. H. W. Beeehcr,,' &ic.,
&c. and finding it to express our present
sentiments 011 thu subject, we make room
lor it. Cannot our young donkeys who are
just learning to brutii'y themselves by the
vile weed be somehow induced to read and
think ?
GENTLEMEN: You ask me for a statement
oi what I know and think respecting tobacco.
I ha l 0 had 11 good deal of experience on this
subject; in fact I once smoked nearly an
inch of cigar myself, It served me right,
and ! never ..i. t .- aad any inciin-Jion to out
raae human nature and insult decency in
any such way. I was then somo six years
old, and naturally aspiringflio the accomplish
ments of manhood ami gentility ; but the
lesson I then rereved will suffice for my
whole life, though it should be spun out to
the length of Methusola's. I have since en
tired tny share of the fumigations and kin
dred abominations of tobacco, bu: I have in
flie ed none.
1 wish some budding Elia, not a slave to
narcotic sensualism, would favor us with ar.
essay on "The Natural affinities of Tobacco
with Blackguuffisin." The materials for it
are abundant, and you have but to open
your eyes (or nostrils) in any promenade,
(glorious Boston excepted.) in any village
bar room, to findyourselfeoufroutedby thern.
Is Broadway sunny yet airy, with the atmos
phere genial and inviting, so that fair mai
dens (and oko observing bachelors) throng
the two-shilling sidewalk, glad lo enjoy ami
not unwilling to be admired ?—Hither (as
Satan into Paradise, but not half so gentle
manly,) hies the host of tobacco-smokers, to
puff their detested fumes iiito the faces and
eyes of abhorring purity and lovliness. to
spatter the walk, and often soil the costly
and delicate dresses of the prometiaders
with thir vile expectorations And. even
should the smokers forbear to pollute the
outraged but patiently enduring lite flag
stones with their foul saliva, the chewers
will not be far behind (as the llevelator saw
"Death on'the pale horso, and Hell follow
ing after,") industriously polluting the rair
face of earth, as their precursors havo pois
oned the sweet breath of Heaven. How
long, o!i! how long, must all this bo suffer
eil ?
I have intimated that the tobacco-consu
mer is—not indeed neeessarially and inevit
abyl, but naturally and generally—a black
guard; that chewing or smoking obviously
tends lo blackguardism. Can any matt
doubt it? Let him ride with uncorrupled
senses in the stage or omribus, which ho
insists on defiling with the liquid product of
his incessant labors, seining nnenncious of
its utter ofleusivencss; and when even the
smoker, especially if partly or wholly drunk,
will also insist on transforming into a minia
ture Tophet by his exhalations, defying a
like llio express rule of the coach nitd the
sufferer's urgent remonstrances, it he tan on
ly say, "Why there's no lady here " [No
ladies is his expression , but tho plea is exec
rable enough, though expressed grammati
cally.] Go into a public gathering, whore n
speaker of delicate lung-, and an invincible
repulsion to tobacco, is trying to discus
some important topic so that a thousand
men can hear and understand him, yet
whercinto ton or twenty smokers have intro
duced themselves., a long-nine projecting
horizontally from beneath the nose of each,
a fire at ono end and a fool at tho other, and
mark how the puff, puffing gradually trans
forms the atmosphere (none too pure atbes!)
into that of some foul and pestilential cav
ern, choking the utterance of tho speaker,
and distractirg (by annoyance) tho attention
: of the hearers, until the argument is arrested
!or its effects utterly destroyed. If he who
will selfishly, recklessly, impudently, inflict
so much discomfort and annoyance on many,
jn order that ho may enjoy in a particular
place att indulgence which could as well be
enjoyed where no one else would be eflect
ed by it. bo not a blackguard, who can be
j What could indicate bad breeding and a bail
j heart, if such conduct does not 1 "Brethreul"
: said Darsou Strong, of Hartford, preaching a
Connecticut election sermon, in high party
times, ,-omt! fifty years ago, " it has been
charged that I have said every Democrat is
a horse-thief: I never did. What I did say
only that every horsc-thicf is a Democrt, and
thut I can prove." So Ido not say that ev
ery smoker or chewer is necessarily a black
guard, however steep tho proclivity that way!
■but show me a genuine blackguard—ono of
the buoys, and no mistake—who is not a
lover of tobacco in in some shape, and I
will agree to find you two white black
A Rarhclor>„Reverie.
Fifty to-day ! fifty; little chance now of
my getting a wife and huose-full of "little
responsibilities," as Fanny Wright calls
them, lleigho / I'm getting to be—no, not
'•a middle aged-gentleman,', for I've been
that, any lime the last ten years ago; no,
I'm a gentleman declining in years, and I
may advertise for a housekeeper without
giving a handle to scandal to make free with
my character. Twenty-five years ago, and
I should have affronted the man who fore
told this: that I should be sitting this day in
an arm-chair, newspaper in hand, breakfast
before mo, one foot on a cushion, and only
one cup and two eggs 011 the table. News
papers aro stupid things, I'd much rather
chat over my morning meal. Why the
deuce am I not marred ! Nobody makes
tea fit to drink now; and the toast never
comes up to me hot. What capital tea Lucy
Smith used to make. Poor Lucy; I wonder
what makos me think of her? People said
Lucy and I would certainly make a match,
' and so we should, I suspect, if it hadn't been
lor thut cur od cousin of hers. I'm sure she
would have married me if 1 hail asked her;
but I kept putting it off day after day, and he
—cct mo out, and bo banged to him. I was
a young gentleman then, ant! thought I
could marry whenever I liked. They went
away to the west ami got rich ; he's a mem
bm oi Congress, and she has grntvn fat, ami
ritles about in her carriage, with two or
three grown up daughters; pretty girls, too,
as I'm told, but they 'll never be like their
•umber! I've a ribbon ol hers, that she used
lo wear round Iter slender waist, that I brib
ed her little brother to steal for me, with the
loan of my towling-piece; and sometimes,
when it rains, I feel sentimental, I take it
out of my uriling-dcsk, and look at it awhile,
and think I'll throw it into the fire but I
don't though, ami tho.igh it is yet in the sei
cret drawer with my mother's picture, and
(he last lock of my own hair. They make
capital wigs by the way ; ,nobody seems to
suspect that my curls ate not the natural
crop. Lucy usejl to say that my hair was
beautiful, and I'm almost certain that fho
cut ofi a lock once, when I was asleep on
the sola. I wonder whether she has lost any
ol her splended teeth ; mine have stood it
out pretty well, but they're going. Parruly
said[hers would lust a long time, and lie
ought to know. I must go to hint and get
himto make tnea couple of new ones.
What shall Ido with myself to day 1 I've
given up business and made money enough
to last mo my time. I've 110 one lo)leave it
to after I'm gone. Where's the use of going
on adding dollar to dollar, and acre to aero,
unless one has children to set up ? Nino
marriages in the paper to-day 1 Nine lrus
bands and wives created since yesterday
morning. 1 dare say they'll all have [young
sprouts—say four a-piece on the average;
that's thirty-six little mouths to be stuffed
with bread and butter, and seventy-two little
feel lo buy shoes for, and two hindred and
eighty- eight luttle fingers to wash and keep
clean ! No fool of a job that for the nine
papa 3 and mamas? I was always remarka
bly fond of children.
There is a new marred couple moved into
the house over the way, on purpose to pla
gue me, I Jo beliovo ; they seem to be very
fond of each o'.her, and dreadfully happy.
There's a gig comes lo the door, every after
noon.'and he hands his wife so carefully in
it, and she smiles so brightly as they drive
off, that I'm jalmost tempted to wish they
might break their necks before they come
back That's a nice looking girl that lias
come to stay with them during the honey
tnoon ; she's the bride's sister or something,
1 dare say ; the prettiest foot and the most
rogti'.sh eyes I.vo ever seen*—except Lucy
Smith's. I wonder whether she's engaged
to be married ; I don't see any very suspi
cious young men come to the door, and
But what the dense is it to me whether she
is or not? I'm an old bachelor, and must go
down to the grave without leaving anybody
to cry lor mo. I should like, though, to see
the girl nearer ; it's easy enongh to get in
troduced into the house, and though I'm too
old to marry, there's no reason that I know
of, why an old man like me shouldn't do tho
polite thing :o a new-comer into the nighbSr
hood .I've a new coat coming home, thatmy
artist says, will make mo look fifteen years
younger—lather impertinent, by the way.
And Fin not so amazingly old, after all.
When I sat down to breakfast, I "elt rather
lilueish, and thought myself quite a Mathu
saleh. Poll, no such thing; I can walk as
briskly as e'er —almost—I can ride, sing,
dan—, no, I'd better leave out dancing. But
what ofthat? I'm a good-looking middle
aged man, tired of living alorte, and hang
mo but I'll make one more try for the ring,
iff die lor it. There's a pretty girl over the
way, and I'll send over a basket of grapes
with my complimentSj