Indian Timetable Canaan. Kow.' if. \\ ui 'Mi lim'.o a'tf. . n:i to l!i eiJ : n; I LiLLli' Ei'Jlti VICTOIUOI'SJ An • ! ,Ol IhU I'Oatlit UVI •- U; ( '•• Ol I;]M i I.LI'iYN |->IIA*V, VKi^fiAbl.K I'A- N j Ll* A. we to i% low ui du mm > t*:r ill. ii.tft in our turiJ - imI by this jAitat |Lir iier. (hi >Uuii i. L 3ai.iler.-s coostiiblc o: fe >i.tli Wu;d, cured ol da.n Il h. Mr. J. P. l'ee e's < liitcl, NV. M i\o*.h Scv; e.rctn, cmt'd ol haiedilut) a oiler, wi.Kti coveiid his cut no I udy. Air. E. V\ Aluxwe-l. Grape court, Market Ktiot'i, übt vc t->fc.h h, cured ol **<-•'< lulu, lint font teen |>eii u.ccth ir-mi his body a; 1.10 i.rrif! l.e cm riiineu* c-il lakh g the Ah iiuir.e. M ; s,- Ci.r iuu;.a 3a it*, V\ i-ei b|.r uc iieot. bi.vvtcii Dt-uch unit Wiiioiv t-.n u.s, tar too S'l.i u ed ol Scro.uln; I cut "Uteri d e ju >vi.r-: 1| head was.-j. mae! ulfecied t!ii.' tea I.thl n.tTee would A )uroU' al i.t r ui* —.hi> iMii-"irj:i:giau:. UijVt. J .dot. 1 Luii'ny, No. -ICO Market mreei corn. o. Scroiuious Sole Le;/, ui (3 y tars' tU'.nhi'g. lhh> case is well known to i: any oi cu; keel Physicians, who have no* cuoi.ily acHifeil auij. uia ion. Mr. ~-uix isrniiks, Jr., No. J Ji fTe so t. wo t of v . oln; j .kit I SiXtti ft root, I flow LufU.-. liii v\ a>. in coLo.pdiy, 01.c ol Hie mast ft - \c;* enn Hof Sciotuia fitted, uiid i ;i i<> B.e Loin'. Wilium Bather, ""cured ul ftrulu u. This onrc iiitil boo.i in IBe iai6j Mil many ..It-, mill tliM'.li.'itgrd i.a i: curului—lie is now ivu.i ami may bv seep daily Ll our oliice. Mr. 1 1 viii t_ir c ;n., creek, 'fl,'mil ton cool.iy, Ohio, cuied ol bcrnlula. inis wu a veijr .-on ro case, ..nil says llnp could mm.ol prevent. liu would not it ilorgit il.e -nine nUtioiu li for ton iboii.-ainl do,tars, ami yel no wa. oil to lor a low dollars, by Lr. million's Inilinn Vegetable Panacea. Mr. John W. liuz.e.t.n, of Aluhoa Mill. Kow, oun d nl.'iu.a-r ol ton year--' Slatiduu, y.til a low bo,tie: of llio Panacea Mr. .'oliii Iv'iiktu' in'Cermunlown. a. tlio ago ol CI n-a.s, Was imi lot a violent Tet ter iliat tro, Dloil limi lor 18 years. lilts.l'-ni SB-coe.N-r. 63 South street, be tween 11nnl ami f jitr.h, front frcliuvlkill, t-tioil of li i'or Mill's on her ankles, alter sul lcring 12 years yilh them. Mrs. S. to ii 2 years ot litre. Mrs Kiizabete C Fos er, Second streot, fonr duors above Wuslnnirlmi street, was ciirt'il of Teltor on Iwr leg, uhieh had .tuub lt'ii her 11 vcars. Mr II is, late of Parrisb street, i.o 1 ' of M.inuyiii.k, curt dol ic-itur of i \cats in I. .i .Is and tool. Mr Vrli. n Grulrb, Juniper slrpct, near Spiuite, cured nl Sciolulous Client on the sbounleis, which hud defied the doctors more than a y ear. Mr Hiram ftiilge, Alllehoro', Bucks er , Pa., cured ol Salt Ithoiim. Tins ousc h <1 bein pronounced i' Oilruble by some 12 or la pliysii tans ol the first stand rig—us a Inst resort bad recourse to Cu!leu's Panacea, ai d wascured completely ill a I'eiv mouths, u'.ti r suffering 17 years—die disease had almost covered his entire person. Ilenry 18-evcs. of Bridgetou, curpd of tl e worst cat ol fcrofulu ever seen in New Jer sey. by 7 i bottles ! 'i'homas V\ aiuwrlgbt, of Martymik, cured of build Head ; il.e disease extended over the whole scalp until it was an entire mass ol corruption ; and yet one bottle of the Pa nacea cured V e might uild case after case, ail i.ifini turn; l-ut we think it untveessury; presu ming the attiicted will \v:vt mora evidence huti we eaa give it an advertisement, we again ask them to .-end to our office nod gel these certificates, from which you wid learn the ex'raouliuary sufferings ol these persons, as well as ihe mode ot cure. now AND & \V ALIGN. Proprietors. No. 21 Wr h Sixth street. Phtiud'a Cy - The I'dllow ing perso is arc Ejects lor tho abine. meeu ine in Columbia county. K.l'. Lui/. Bloom-burg; M. C.Gricr. Dan ville; Peler Kid, Ljgl.t street; Rickets mil S.civiiri, Orangevi.le ; Cyrus Barton, Kspy town; J. bi-l.mick,Caitavvissa; M. G. Shoe maker. Backbone iIMTAIIi CJ.OCIt NIORK. No. 238 Miiki-I St. shove Scvi-nlh, smith side, I'hdaili-lidila. Alllnmgh in- can fcan'clv •stima'ethe valu" ol TIM H .-•i|ipti'-r'ialU ; yet bv call inj; HI ill, above li-lalillsbilienl, JA M lIS IIAKUE'.t will famish Ins Irionl*. Hinong vvtinrii l,e included ail who duly i ppreiti me iis fl.ciut*'. wilt a lii-auuful and per feci IXDKX f.r innl.log i's progress, of w In.-a value llicv Call jiulgc. His i xn-iisiv stock nti hand, e.iiiiHtly clmoiiio in eiuiliirmiiy m the iinpr ivi- j t; His in bi*lc ami my le id' pn'li rn audi v -... i, I. i; i, |.,i||sl-l- ol I! to n l stv ill.l ' I ItlltTv II lilt H'H-S ('DUX I ING Hi.tisr, PALLOR. lIALI.. IfIIHUCU <$- Alarm i Gl 'sks. Kreiich, GuMiic rind fancy styles, ;>s well a- plain, which from his ckicnsivi i tiin i-ti.-n and eurirsnoi'deiice illi t' e mamif .cnircis lie flails that lie ran | lit at nie Lowest c i-li Fignie. In nnv quantity , frmn One m a Tlu asauil, of which lie will w-.irrs ilit- .I'' uiii'V, EkTMlin-k, icptii'ed mid warranted.— Ci.O kiii N- 1 II GH rn. Iniiid. Call and sin ine ainnno ihcm. JAMIvS HAKnP.R. 238 Market si.. I't.i'a. Sept. 20, *4H-1 v FOR BEAT. THF. snlircrib'.r "ffers for rent his house and lot upon II ON .-tt-et near Bloom-burg, j Tie onse is a .luge two s nry frame build-, in * nearly new. si,mite on the best part of j thp go wing slreel nrr ho-iness. li is iil.-n a I it location, and oiler-it fine opportu- i nity to persons desirous of renting such | ro;arty. The lot is a corner one. ai d there l is a good pjrnp upon the porch at tho side I file iion.-o 'The privperty will bo rented on tho most reasonable terms. Enquire of 110 BISON KAY. Plnomsburg. ,4/wrch 2lsi 1850. AUiaiiiisfrjtor's Ncficc. Notice is hereby given that letter* of ad luiitisiraiion u,ion il.e estate 01 Leo.iiiTvl S,o nonberg. deceased, late itf Brian-reek town sbip, Columbia t-oimty, have this day been granted to tho uudei>igi.ed. All |icrsons knowing iliemselves iruleli.ed to the csta'e are requested to mako early pay me nr. a-id tho-e having uceounts against the same Ad ministrator to pre.-eiit ilscin to the suWribur. JOILN DOAK. Briarcreek, April Aih, 4850. _____ —___ , ot' io.l. \jiu~n-3i tub i:xvv . Y al.l. riLi. maM'f u .I e uusr IU v >i r *.'• r. I filer mil i Hiv'i.ei mm- ili.ui ii it % • ll.eir • ltd hfCHUM' die |u''llC will t.iko iio ollirr* if ilny i hi nt tii • them. 5.)0 oou |I(JX!:S litive Infii nolo in nut.llv loft ilie l.i-c five yrir^. V ii.iu H't'l '?d neile iimt teimili*. cu ..l.vnys lut.i! li cii with ei|M il naf. ty. willi ni l'ar. I? PI Lis UK NKOr.SHAUY fur iil l eloHtniirg il-c nl -mir i tid hew. • Is. mi ! i n )l\ Ml 4 (lie h|.i.itl 111 il 1) litis . f tlie lie ly lake mi •*1 llt*i—l ir im oilier |#|ll- |ir de-e ll%f I'Miulilll.ol i li'i Is if c Mil -in i;|:irdi. in llli lli. I*t, Lrink. and Live as Us iul, and |ji rue your u-ual eeeiipji im. n|dVl taking ll eui, widi nil loir of taking t:uh dining -ill kimU of H^itlirr IXK thousand DOLI.AR-* :ire wngeiiit duil morn nfounie eerl Ilea en [ ..itn |ihvii i lit... eh iliimi; M.-NFINFN of a Mil 'ij I'rl ihlr illizein.] i jii he puiducud ol lli ir il lietfey ih all ul any miters, and Ten Dollars will he forfeited im even manure wliric nsr h>\ will not ilo lll. ue mind limn iwo luai V f any . ihers. Foity Pille arc in a B:x ! >ll d niihi ni I vvi iii\ 'live i'euis a lso\, witlidiire -11• • 11 s Hint uiiiilt vvin>le4tiii\e advice iiecii(ii|iaii)ii g ca< li linx l'r.i-y hive no tanii. nor un -lea- utt mnell fiee IV. in (Imhl or |*nwilet ul miy k nil—:*• i.-n UipM tin* SiiMiia. h or hiiiveln jin-iliire ntH'.y, the T) \ Manvf icturcr, i* a reuutai iMligui*!. Chemist in d t*h\ mcian. ol llfeen ye.ra ei.ieri in:e ill Phi!a|el h i; fnemher • f l If-reiit \li'die.d InhOiiiii nia ol i'hi ud *l|.liin. New V.'k. Diiiimi. Ihihira • . and -m)i iie and ei>Mai*midiiie uiiti'mm *t sevetal .Metlieul lit* alitiitioMs of I.m.d n mid fai'M-lnMiiv the resi. on of the gre-uliM coefideiico |daei dm his |i||d, a i' I lu-re heinij reeomiuended in the prod ire of ni st rcsjiectahle |tiy*iciait ihiough mi the I'm led Slates. | i'linripnl Depm, Da. I.tint's Di-rnvstnt. 1 .N.n 114 N'.irih K.l,Mill M.tul. I'liiladelplii t. ui.vl | -..til wli.-li-siilt aiul rl>\- | J. R. Moyer & !'. P Lutz. B'oc.msburg; Dr. |A. B. Wilson, Berwick; Peler Kill, ! I.ight S reel; M. G. Shoemaker, Vuckhoru ; J. A. Moore, llnin-iile| Uii-ki-tls fk S.ewari, i Ui.i iget ille ; John Sc. jcii lt. Cutt;i'.vis.-a :-A. i Levers. Wa-hingtonville: J M. Sheldon. Jer- I seytowii; J. K. Derr. Wliueliall: J S. Woods, I Columlms; llr-oy fc Creasy, Mulliosbarg ; E. Wer.maii, Itbur.-biirg, ami by S.orck-epers getlFßlllv. I'll 11. vi< Hit I v IHI'IiiHCAI,. IIOI.MI, Estnblishi il Fifh tn I', urn ago, hi/ UK. UIBKRt.IV, " .V. IF. Comer if T.'iir.lno I Union .'ls., h-tinr. i S/iriire Fine streets, PItU.JtLELPItU. F.fiepii leiisnl rili'ualvs unit uuiittvriii|its.l itrutiitt* 6| cm in this* niv liuvu itiiilen i) |>i. |\ lln It owl *t|rn MMII nuc |*r:n*titi niv r fur neiir. if lh* m nil lllM***-* of .1 r IMIUIC. PCFMNOK aflliiltil with 1 ct* II Itiu (Hl* tly. I burnt ti lfg-4. |MHB 111 the In ,.i or lIOOCM. or •■•e c -roil rliPiiimioni tii*tain*. gmv* |. iri-ina fr.oii you li! 1 fxrcxM'tf or ini,.uihit-M of iiu* hluoil. wlittifhy tilt* riMitfiitiitMii li.u brcoiio eiifrcblpil. nif all trfiitctl w.ili rui'm*. l.l- who pi liioiwt |t 111111-r the rniß of )h J K •titv ri hui -u-ly> h, I,irt |. o ,ior an a K ci.- [ llffliuii, ill (I coillitlcillly icly II Oil llltf bkill ua u j ! -7°NK/ PARTICULAR NTIN ! V oil lip mvo \v os liivc it j .r>il lh*fiiM a l% jPH hy u j |r:i. ticc l in. hat i frt>qio> 11\ I I'Mroc-L 110111 evil ci 11 ,}. ii 11 iISI H or ill M'IH II llic pi. I led - of which arc nighlly I'll . veil when ulu*|i | 1 'nl ilii ir.iy IN|li Mii ii ami lilv. >hoi:M i>D|.h tin , •iicilialcly. \\ cnkiiriisi roil COI atilim>aui lt\ ol niiMctila> r|„ rpy. |.!t\hirul |-IKMIUII* mtl B-'ocr I irral*hilny atol nil oci v on uf. lociioiM iotlipi Hiiofi. xluuui liorxH uf tin* live . k cfciy il-eitc in 111 iy wtiv con on 1c I with ihc ili- OPI.t of t (sr.iv icativi; fuiutioiH fliinl, ui.J full **i £ tr rcß'ornl. 1 * fl v isoun j fIRJSii I'IGO'OUH Life, I'l'i'iiialuri* S>*I|I. KILSKLLLV UN SELF PRESERVATION, ONLY V 5 CRTI/H . Thi* hook j ixt (.ijtiltshcil in fiiie.l with u-cnil n **>••" a n the ii'lii niii t'4 mid .liurncx of ihu ▼ o uiin . it nd ir. xcim iuolf n! k • i>< I i. > u. 111 still'UJ uliii old :tgv, and cllould ho rrud | hy all. | Thi valuable advice mitl ini|iiri*xive wnrni' gii givAV, w ill |oi! v ciii yciim of miecry m.d ii.D'iiiiii; | arid Hive HOI llaliv llloi|eiit,d of Pirelli* hy n.idinu ii will leant how to nieveni } ihe dcHlMirllsin of then ch.l.hen. A ICIIIOTJUICE of rent* ®IIS Lwwl in H letter i R.!DI-.'NCD to L)r. KINKS'ho. N W conn r of I lord j AND Union ulieei*. he ween >|roco 111.D Pine, in lMiila.lT IJIHIN will Oiiautc U hook UNDER viivi|O|N |m r r> turn of ,i DL a dint inrc niny fdhexx Dr IC hy letter (.oxi piid) mid he eiir. d nl home. Pjrkag. * of niedicioi**. dir eliou*, &u f>r*vinl rd by M*. ding A r m ituuce, and |-ut up HCCUIC from dnm mo or ruriomiy, liookxeih rx. Nt \v< A'JientK, Pi'dlara. C invas-rm %n l n I ( U| phed with the niuve wik o< vetV lw rule*. **•!•! v Ricifmiiism. 1)'. Henry 'J'uriicr'* liheuixn'.ic Liriment I lit* xupeiior teini'dy tin the lilu uo ntiioii, lai recently iiitnidui'ed 11 It. ikM cntmttv hy the pre •diit proptii 1 nr. litis* liMi her,, known lis Lug- ITS 1 ill. *#ondsi|i*tv, MM 1 lie herd a d o|>|\ ' curtain CUi fr lllat • iFliexxing und painlul al |nc ioi . Itx oilt i'l il| illj thf MsH in I* llslid Ulsll ; I.oiliing. al Im dam* lulu < eriuin and tIB 'iii'imiK I idiely hilling |.i gie irlief upon llio liolappli ' i'iiiistn. nod ny repealing ll a lew tiuiea, a |ler maiieol tun' 1* cII' cUtI. We liu*e known iMxra of pain in tSie hrra-i and luck, \\i lixoreiieit*, of aoveral week* dmn tion. rined ill one einule and heard ill.* pnti-Tit rxpre-x lll*gniieliil Hiaok-ih I r-ucli re medy w.i evei d>*i!stveied- V\ e have iJm heard lndividiiMl* eay illey vvou'd give iliooaand- nl d. Ilui* lor u core for rheuiostimo. yel tho auine llileul uod r uilia I) \Va u erly *V l' prv prii |lm Mo '4 • Uoiu outer and then grin end agt lit* l( •wiAinl an I 4oii, Mo *.' l AN on ll Atilh s-tnet, I'll ladetpl iu Also, t'j JOHN k MOYER Bloomsburg. Cm gp^ CHERRY PECTORAL: For l!t Cure #f OOUC/HS, COLDS, noAiisiiNrras, mi ori- ENT T is, OIIOUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPX&O-COUOH AD COU3tf3VEPTIOH. 'lh** UIOL.i m AIIVVVM vv.ituu •.. .HO'IHUHI ilir HJW • flh'N ?> *•{• lllllllli lII* ulu'U V I If. X I, it(4|M w i*i I i elic' C imd cur.' uU'i'('lioii*> i*l (lie !iung' lit\e iitimil |*rit k '*h liri(y -qi 1 *u'uJui* auJ mini i- iln- Keven -t .•! n k- • f di rt m' u|i"i i.e thioil ind g-. 'i'.ic 11uIt*, mm ilti'V limc m |>nlli*U k "\M. VITV natuiufv ut irin t tie- ail- 01i...i . t inil il itit-ii mill utii!e•ln ••(■ii*. i'i'i'ivulhi 1 . Win then t)| inn nof CH ii I. V PLt l OiJAL utu* l u tfin. tU the fulli-w* litlenlitie /!/• It AI I) . J'rif; **or f.'w ucr;i Ah t!iru/ College. .1 1\ [L yivi'S lIH- J-LES-U- .'... .'*?' I' T • .LIT vu .IF ILNL ■ Hi en \ of A* erV t lierry |' rtorul wliiili I cor ilili'i |-t* ulinrlv mlii|itcd to t uie tl;"i*Utfi 0 ut tl I ii• o it a. tl hnnn* Vhr It'. Heo. Lord /lisho/* fit Id Wi t.H 111 t ll'ltl'l li* lII* llli'ml VIIOW.M Hnkilltf md'i MII , fierii'iit i.l iln* l.e u- • Tiy'lie Client l } c nr-il MII I if iiuv imili' no* cm uivc you ii-lixl w:llt ILIC lIIFM-I'.U i # G H thin will' Chi'/ Jit after Cits'is, •'( l.i'u'4im.ll. xxii.u* Unit n you ic l ujflil f < f hi® wun lIJ ei] of M-VCI >1 n veit Httu k* • I Croujt hj the Cinii) Pc (oral UII: F int. JsiltM. 1644 Dear II ttnK hem r — n #, l ir.-in II |*tiiuDi| olid :n oil* D.'wiiMi h. your moilK'l. r. gic.ili D lr in, H me to Mrinl yo 1 iliin ckiowl'ilgii.i'i.l to oil y 111 junlirß •• % oil hut lor the inf >1 Illation ol rlliei* 10 like .dil 11 011 A £•*. cuixl O|MIU the lung* ttogltvlid n> first, t con'lie m niM-iis i'ihl npittiiii* of a tiult'iu c oijli and | (I Lv MY ('•■LLV :, nniup oiimot ijuirk (•••n*oiiijti- u iN •• mcdi c 11• M. i nnd ai tdl o 1 each my <****• oiiiil dciitialiy 1 triu' your c Ki.y Piuiorah which it. I ivt'd at d now lijp 1 ttnd no. Your* w'th re*| MM i Iv A I W.\in' AltnV, N Y. A|oii 17 IMS Dear Sit; 1 huve for WUIM hceu •fllu , i(d \vi Ii AMhhi a in the wurd form ; no that I have hem ulitiucd to sleen in inv clniir for • liirger |u r? ut the lilllJ. lie tig unuldc I *h ea'he on my led I had iled y gel many nndicinen to no purport, tin il my I'hxniciit i |n eatrilcd, lIH on * X|icrimenl. your r_\ Peelo'til A lir-I it M-cim d to maktf me w rE. hul in lOHH 1 l-aii a wei k begin lo exfmriemc ihe nouc g.i'i lying rel tf f 0111 Hi tier S and in for week* 'he di.-i ae w m entirely remove| I rail n'e* mi rny i.e.l wno cooxtoil t"d ei jiv >i Mlsife t I.IMIiII w-iiith I never expected (>• O F.MIIIAN I' l'it;ared by J Csltjrr. iuvlt, A in** I-TILII Iv II P | 4 U IZ. BLOOINABUNF A B WILSON, Uf lWirk April 4 n rli DK. SWAYSK'S Cclcbrultul F.iiiilly Jlvdlclnr / CUHE FOLLOWS CUBE. MORE PROOFS OF THE EFFICACY 6>/' DB. SWAYHF/S COMPOUND SYRUP OP WILD CHERRY, The Oripwul and Cenuinc'Pteparituinl Cuiiwciusplioi'i Coughs, Colds, Asthnta, Bronchitis, Liver Compl-im, fSpittii g llloorl. ditficul y of Bread tag, Pain in the Side and Breast, Palpitation of the Heart Influenza, Croup, broken Constitution, Sore 'Throat, Nervous Debility, and all diseases ol the Throat, Bieast and Lung; the most and speedy cure known for any of the above diseas es is Tr. iLwajnc's (CD>FCU< his child, aiul by its use it discharged W of the largest worms he had ever seen. It }* somewhat diflieiilt to gel the pno le m try it, as they have ro often been gulled by nausc mis and worthless worm medicines. Yours beitig ro very pleasant to the taste, at the same lime cfftc.ual. I shah t'e ablo to dispose of a large qua- tn y. Respectfully, yours, &c\, TOWKSFXD T. SHARP. P- of- OK AiISTAKES.^ Kemeinker: Dr. Swnvne's Vermiluge is now put up in square bottles, (having recent ly I een changed ;) covered vviih a beautiful wrapper, (steel engraving.) with tho portrnii of • r.Svvayneihereo'i engraved. Bear this in mind, and bo not deceived. CLEXSE AISD PURIFY. DR. SWAYXE'S SCOAR COATED SARSASARILLA A EXTRACT OF TAR PILL-.—A mild and ellec tive purgative, gM-at pnrifyer of the blood, they correct all the luucimus of the Liver, anil as an alternative Dropsical affections, they are very valuable. Giddiness of the bead, dimne-s of sight, depression of spirits, I eadacbe, &c.. are cured by these purilying Pills. No medicine can have a better t-lfcci for monthly irregularities, which occasionally happen to women, they are perleetly sale, 1111.1 will iui onjiutclion with Dr. Svvayne s compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, lake all pain and disease frotn every part of the sys tem. The above valuable medicines tiro pre pared only by DR. SWA YNK. N. W. corner of EI-01l I'll and RACE S,rents, Philadcl phia. AGEATSFOR COLUMIHA COUNTY. K. P. LlTz it JOHN It MOVER, Bloomsl nrg, Pa; M C Grier & John Moore I lanville; Ji hu i a.-j-lessk C' Ifariinau & Co., Cuiuwissu; G 61 It Slitimaii Catawissa l orge; Brown ai d Crea-y. Millliiiville; A Miller Bervvuk: Jolm Uouk Briar Creek tp; Peter Ent \\ illiaius burg; E. Lazarus Orangevt.le ; JK .tullaid Espy,own; Elias Wen in an Itohr-burg ; Geo. Masters Milliiile; J M Sheldon Jerseylowii; Mi-Cay & Patterson Washiogtoriv ille ; Hugh Ali-W illiams Mori'sbnrg; and by m jst all S or-keepers in il.e adjacent Couimcs. llloomsluirg. Kel>. 21. 1850—6 m. "" For i.i'ui A large and convenient ifwelfing house, and a suite ol rooms sunablo for a small la inily, or ler an office or shop. Enquire at this office. i I ip^il CjSTct KAKiiirACTCRy Dr. S. I*. TOWXSr.NIO.S . OMi'Otl.M. KM'ltAI T Ol' 3 Alt'S AP A RIIJ L A, Thr innsi WiMitlrrrtil iVirdifillß f l!i Agf 1,500,003 BOTTLES M 'TUttc.l) VSMH.V. Thin Mntlfliii- In !•••! i*| lo Uiuirf IXlot liom vio ol mum llion 100,000 Caxeß ef Ohronlc IJIRBRO, ••llttl.i |lo Inat Ten Yfnr - I*rienuln* u01.M4 liy S. I\ TP.VAHI6MU. KXI'OSK. UY ItKAfU.N'd Tlr. Kit I.HU !.N S AKKII) \Vt'l - tun I'alifli' will learn Ike oiivui, u inllioi u hei* u r rfi'ii'H fui* ninko g llie *111"' t'o*x cull'.''! :;r Jvoob loxx loelnl't saiu; - iln cuiite fnan •' n u ill l> *l*HifcA|iiillM, hii.l hi* n.edkine ln cuned n re|UtUl*>n that n < oilier ei-fr gnined. 11l- lllftMirttf 111 IHO •*•.• tell* lllili."IM' ta-r.. * lust \ "*t ;ii- ; ,• nit'iiilhi'tii'iiin ul I'lPitul A,! 1 a hoiile* |ei In* ive v>e in. * ciaicipeidln miA wliiw imck in mir r ai'udioiei.t rch tU), tlni" Ml thtnlliii' Sana,.*! il|u Munitfne.liii Hl in the woild. Prioci|iul • ft* -*. lih I niton *i READ THE AFFID.vVIT. t'iiy "./ f'uoM/jj / b'ew-Vat A, H Will mi ol tlie woirl City, I.ring duly nwivu, il.itk ami u.iy thut he i* n iiro-.ual liitiggi'l n*l i iinaiiut 'I 101 l eome time In the lutlei I'Mil ol May. or t'r*t d .lime. HH, a man iix ti.e n one nf JMCOII 'I on n-oml. v. lio Ml that lime wv a lio>k ami liamplilel (leitdlni, eallel 'U-oii ifr|*riiieiit, at Mi* lioimc of Mr. '1 liom|HMMi No 4f liuil*oii*vtreet l xx here tle|io* la-lit b inrried, h'ul iei,u'i.led dH,Nnei-t t" xviite i.i m reci'-e i-y xxlnch to niAHe a Hyinpol saiw.<|iixidin II- |-oneiil fmttiei >HX i. llihl ha la-ciime ar.,-iainie-l with N*il 'l'oxx a-en-l il llie • I Titer- lore fouler, I f) , Honk piitili-her, Midi v. i.nm vniu Tnwno'iii! • enll Tliul Mini low n-eii'l had liaJ iivqueol conxeib I tjfi * wi' j .ll. t ut MS. i- i::g tin- i i.' ! i.'l iii- of an ' Article of .Hara,AiiiU t • l- K"hl under tin) name of L>r. JHCOH 1 iiv i-rml, TIIMI ki*i.l 'loxvinen-l Maleil l.e xva mi i-l-l m' t and jioor, nil WHI iiiit lit fr Inil -it-iil wklie lin make eome m • . 111 order to live en-x- !n hi* oil lay*. Mir' dial, if SunAinhiUi lc liie 1 (mf of Ti-xvn send 1-hi at r!|, rikl moi. uh mo-iey one nunle tx it, lie t t.llM Une mi . 8-'' 1 XX b> '.t lirtglit not mak'-i iiiiietliiiiff out ol it too (hi* ii* He heh.t? Tuxx netid.) if he con i n es*|iAl lc iit-moi l- •-' " ivi i,.e. ••id -nun l wottld I"* (!-• non liin. .ti he niniohl eiaovneiiee hul that h- di.l n . care f"t him. ah lie loot funn I: - • , i--iuenhl|ixvith men win. coulil fiiriii*li the reiiiiiteftnMntnf ru|iitn| nii-l wu m-ft |ire|iiue-l to ilefeu-l luinKe t ugiitwt any Mtiuck I awl miit 'it !-• n.tnle oil lii n fje|>oimnt In-tlier u\m. tliit ptimnftnt to the requeat •vf *Hiil Jeeidi Tnw IMVIUI. he wrote n rcci,ie for the aninn far loin of a SVMI, of ino faxe itln aim. Sni'l TOWOMPOII! observed tint he tvniualpito nuke a v|iec;men to exhibit t-i hi* pnrtnem lor lueir •l inovul. m l.e xx ialied !• grabfy the \ io every thing, is lliey f xx a* formed, the Doctor haa resided in New Turk, where he kei- a tore, ami attend* loth* htiinM that accumulate* at that imint The manu factory it in thia city, and i* conducted hx the junior partner, x,r C'lapp— her# all the medicine i* manx'fac tored rrxtr of out rrtirens hire any idea of the amount ot thi* medivine that i* innulMCtiired and aolxl. Beide the sale* in thia country, it it shipped to the Canada* tl e*t India leianda. Ninth America, and even to fu • ope. io ooiiaideiahle quantitie*. At the manuikctory they eirpii x a steam engina. beside* a laige number ol n.en, women end girl*, in the i>r*|ianktion of -ue Niedii'iiie. muking l-oxe., priutirg, iu', Mid turn out, , ready fur shipment oxer 4*lo dd'otii pei day, or nearly 4000 liottlea. Tin* is ai Rnormoua ijnantity The great ale the ;nedjt-iue ha* acquired, has in luced a nunxi-ei ol men to get up imitaUcn*. and there i* (be pie-i-iit time, other medicine* |hr sale, thai •ie called •' Dr. 'low rue lid's Harre|>ariUa. M One in iar- Ik ular ataited a khmt time ago in New Yoik i* calied " tld iMM-hir Jacob 'Jon nsei-d's ami ai |-.irei-r|y with a view, by dint -f advertising, and thr •'owl iriixcnie* leMiitvd to in such •'.its, t< appn-pn. ate the imnie ol Ui Sl % Tow wend's gieat rs-mely . and thna gain all the adx antages leauDn.g from the n-|iiilaiity rd the name winch he !*:•* ucqmred tor it. by y ears of patient and expensive labors Dr. A P 'lowioeml, fx.rioeily- ol this city, aa i* well known here, is the inxeiitor and ongiiiai pioprietor id the nxeoh-n.e kiMtwn as "Dr Towipwud'a Aat*B|Miiilia l ' r ami wetoink those peiw u w ho are ,>Monxptina to sell their aiticie as the he expoteu fifDM W. IfrW Toi k llally Trllmtte. 0(J- M'e ponfiNfieii MII adxeitisemant inaxlvertently tnii-e time snu-e that did injurtice t- Dr. S. P Town s--.nd, w h is the original piopnetor ol the ; operation of oaisaparilU known as Dr 1 owm-enu'a. Uthai pH.ties hexe within the |at lew month* engaged oi connei-txnl tlixmselxe with a man by the name of *1 owiu-eiid who out M medicine and calls it by the same name 'llus was mixcrtoed in 'i'ht 7'i lAnr.f us the OLEIIMI, kc 7 hi* adx ei tUeir.ent hIVII cxn Mined mailer nerxigMxiix to the chaiacter of fir. H. Mns useiNl and D.HI of hr meditiie ,t a-lveitiiiig !.e ha* iimi done 'I hi* medicioe is ex|*>nei.lrn oil' on the public a sn old rhyiiician, kc. lie i* not a regular educated f'by feiriMii, and nex er Mtlempted to mniiufaeture a med icine, until these men hiied him lor the uae of hh name 'i hey say they do not wish the people to be liex e that their . w ui*apaiil|n is ours or the same but the Ixetter to deceixo the imhlic. they- at the aame time ssseit that their* I* Hie Old Dr Tow-usea*)'*, and the original; and endeavor to make the people believe that the stult tliey mannfActure. is the Dr. Towuaend's , Bmrsapmii*a, that has pcrlormed Romany woudciful cuies for the jxaat ten years, ami which lias gained a ! reputation which IM other med in tie ever enjoyed— -1 which i a base, villHimui., iiupiim-ij le.f fMheliood YVe fate commenced ruts aguiii'-t lno*e men fot dam*) e YVeebli ittob • uiHlerstiNNl, that the old man I is no < ilMthmto Dr Townseml w hatvxer. Iu their nd veiUicmeiit* anil cirenlwr*. tbey publish a number ot gioaa lab olio.x.J* i expecting Dr Tow nseiid, which wt will not notice. Falls ItepsM-ia. Our o|i|M>neot* Irnxn i-ii iisiie-l m the papers, that IJr S P 'ma nseiol wax deal, i his Ibex send to tli u agent* about Hie country, who repott that wc have given up l>u*ineaa, kc Tlie public, should In? oa their guard, and not be deceived by these unprinci pled men. Nohc* of fit moral.—After the llr-t of September. 19ID, Dr. 4. P 'I owmend's New \nrk ONlce will he in the South Baptist f'hnrrh. No Hj Nassnu street which is now undf-igoing a tlionxugb change, and will !e fiUc-l ft-r Use better accommodation of the pits pnetofs ami the public. Take Salter —No Sar-sjaiillu is the f[enuine ami original Dr Townseud's Sarsaparilla, un ess sig.ied by 8. P. Tow mend. A MlSTS.— Redding k Ho, Na 0 State street, and Mr* V. Kidder. No ItW * oilit-*tieet. Ronton: Samuel Kidder, Je, I-owell; ilenry Pratt. Selam-, Jame* B ' (Jreen. Worcester} \llinu k Haulr. t'oncord; J Belch k Aon. Ptox ntuuee ; and by Drurgbt* and Mer chants grikrally thmughout Die L'niftu states. Was* Indies srnl the Canadaa Jim \ II Mr/I'KH. f) HUG GIST. ih sol<* aaeni i.i fi-r iliß—le nf Or. S. P. Towi send'- sare, aiil 1 -36-1 y yriMS'l A now lot iuot rrflei-fH and for -ale cheap ty (M/UdF. VVIUVBk DWCJISntTiG AI'ADEMI'. A" in tin suiodr For Voilfg I.adlc uli-i I.KV, I'ri.rtpil. 'l'i.e nc.vl Summer fc> yj...- of this lusiiiulio . I will ( on AlOiv.'Aj the 811. of April * Text Hooks. ! Emcn-on'i- llooh and Header. Goodricli j. (juoanipl.y. Bußi6.iV Knglieh Grammar. I'arkerV Pro-, -TORSIVE I'M TOUCI-. '■ Aidn to Knglis!. Coin;io.d(ion. lili.i. V Rhuioric, University edition. Duviea' Atiilirr tic. " Algebra. | " Gooinolry. " Snrveyiiig, " AleoHitralion. Si -.' - Hook-keepiiiv. 4i'k.*mai.V Natural Hi-lory. CmierV Anau-rtiy, phy-inlduy. & Ilvnieno. tioeniM-yV History of the llm'.ed Slates. LarduerV Outonos. 01iii8te.IV Scliool Piiilosnphv. ; Bor-itt'ji Geography of the-Heavens. , Johnston': burner's Chemistry. ; Wood's Botany-. I Sof-mUcker's Alental Philosophy. U a lun.lV Moral Science, i \\ eh-cr's Dictionary". LATlN. —BullionV Lnun Grammar. Bullion's Latin Reader, Anthon's Ctt-sar, Sall-ist, Civ - ' cro, Iloruio, Kofsom's Livy, Levcrili's I.aun I l.e.yicou. , tiiiKEX. —Bullion's Greek Grammar, ilul i lion V Gruel: Header, Rol.i son's Greek Tc-- ! lament, XouopheaV Anabasis, Xenophou's | Memorabilia, Pickeiir.g's G- *ek Lexicon. I GKKMAN —G J ml lei's German tiiainmar, I OllenduilV inethn.l of I.eureing 'he Gurmaii Lanuuitge, AdlerV Gcin an Ktm.Vr. ! There will he Ifvuern exercise* in Decla mtuion and Composition. Instruciioii ni l also be given in Penmanship and Look-Koe ,-ing. Pupils abend ing ih's School ran rnV-y the | idvan -cres.ot inslrLelioin.i tho Piano form | ai a n; >.IL tie . I.nrgn : i; will he the uii.i of the Ten-her Li this I School, lo impart to the pupils liorovph \ knowledge of l .e branches siudie.l. lo ejiu le their minds, and liius to prepare them for hoi.- I oruble places i.i lite, j , TERMS, j Tiie' Summer Session will consist of twenty | Four yveeeks or two i,nar;.-rs of 12 yveeks | each. The pticc ol tuition will be as follows ' per quarter : I for Heading, Penmanship, Grammar, A , tHlimotif, Hook Keeping by single entry. Ge ography. History of LL S. e3 25 Fin same, ami Algebra, Geometry, Survey ing, Mensuration, Boook-Keeping by double i entry, Cnneral History. Natural History, Phy si 'logy, Pliilosupliy, other Kugllsh brunnlias, ! and Drawing. $4 SO | for Latin, Greek and German, 5 75 j tirfiood boarding can be obtained in pri i vale lamiliesal tram Tl 50 to S2 00 per week. UMXHEsru.—Col. Joseph Paxton, Hon. , Slephon Lardy, Hon. Geo. Mack, Alichael B obst, Esq.. John M'Reynolds, Esq., Rev. Daniel Meek. Blooinsburg, feb 21,1850 •KIMMI ti .ill liviip XTIIICIU'K JEXVEI.UY AM) stI.VKK-XVARE wlndcshh- and ro-ml.n' N ■. 00 iN-.tili 2ml rr .a, C'.-rtter of Q itti rv. I' Iplti t. (•■.ld lev. r UH.'lie-, lull Jen ellcl, 18 "ar-'i i-.tscs. 6J ) h ul iipivarils. Silver lever do, lull jewelled, $lO and upwards. Silver lepine do. jewelled, $ll nil.) up wards. Silver qmirti- r watrlie*. from *5 nt 10. (-1..1.1 pencils. It'-iii $1 53 ft 97 Snperi'-r cold rint, fio.ii 37 i 80 ets. Oill--r silicle* iu pr.-p.irti.'ii. All gmnU ivvrranle.l 1.1 be y. |ii iln-y arc sold tor. I (J-n-xntidv eti li'.ti'l. a full ! ..ffine OUl.I) JEWEI.KY mid SILVER 'XV'Alti'j. Also, mi s--r in.'tit • f M, J - r.dtiss & G-. : I'L Siiiios .ii S iiiiuel n.| llroilnr-: PL S. Y.-te J-hn Hai lISOII ; (•. 4* K. lsM..*|ev's. sml other Ml pt-rior I'A I'EixT I.EVER Movt'ineui*. which will be crs,;,| i,, anv sty le desired. Arr.ina„ine.its hive been luadf with sll l. wbove cel. brute.l makers, the he.- •nnlinlaciiirciK of Liverpool. <■> m i short 11-tiee tiv ieq"ire.l stylo ■ f Wu'eh, forwl.ielt orders will he t.ik.'ii mid 'h<- irirue and resilience ~f the pcisuu order ing put oil if teqursted. O. CONII XT) N0..00 Ninth Third f-lreet. Tiltp-rier of Watches. J.mtnry 1. 1850. -Iv 411 I?oots and Shoes. I CP" Encour ipe your con Mechanics, and you encourage Yourselves jtg\ I The subscriber would ii.i'cnn bis friends [ and the public, that lie has on band, and • makes to order till kinds of BOOTS AND 1 SHOES, at the following low prices : ! Men's (ii o calf or morocco boms, S4 a 4 CO do kip or cow hide, 3 35 do calf shoes 2 00 do cow hide 1 75 do miners', nailed, 2a 2 50 Ladies'gaiters, 2a2 25 " Luce boots, 162 " Thick soled slippers, lal 37 " Pump soled, 100 " Excelsiors, (25 Boys', youths' and children's shoes in pro portion. lie manufactures his work of the best of stock, nnd warrants it to wear ; and be is determined to sell it as low its others can their Yankee or city yvoik. Call nnd see for yourselves. ! hop on Main St., next door below Harirnnn's Store. WARREN RUSSELL. NEW S A DDL Kit SHOP- Tho subscriber announces to the public that lie has just opened a Saddler Shop in the central part of Bloomsburg, on Main street, one door above Rupert's Store, where he ■vill keep constantly on hand and make to order nil kinds of HARNESS, SADDLES, TRUNKS, V.\ LIEGES. And every other article in his line of busi ness. He will also attend to TRIMMING earria es and buggies, in every desirable style, and will turn otf ull his work tiuat and good ; and at liin low est prtoos. Those who wish work i.i his line will do well to give him a call. tV°il ides, country p-odncc- and even gold dollars will be taken in pa. m ml or work. W. M K. THORNTON. Bloomsburg, May 15, 1840. BERWICK HOT¥E7 A u(i Griirriil Nlagc OfHcv. BY G. If. NICELY. The subscriber lias taken the largo aid commodious hotel in Berwick Pa., lately kept by Frederick Nicely., and refnte.l it up anew in n style comfortable and convenient for travellers and boarders. HIS TABLE will be supplied with the best products ot" the markets afford, aud HIS BAR furnish the choicest liquors. Attentive hostiers will always be in atten dance, and by obliging attention to the wants of his patrons he solicits a share of the pub lic patronage. G. VV. NICELY. Berwick ra. April 19th 1849.-ly. A Wort] Co llusx'i* •. Dr. |Mr- -it's Barber HiiihriiCit'Tt , il<- •••ill t!'v tlie I'px I ith'U run I• umiil f.n lis* •tle ol ft)t tifjij h. t.'u'H 1 *. in. >j ltfti> Kdllt ri. lit, 1 1 |V "I'm* t t* llifi llitn 4 yr li ii tin tirlili* wliicli ntiiiQ d ' |io ; t Ifit* huMifn of loir. I'liiiin. tfn l no si.l)'i ll ito utflioiti it ImMill* ol it. Pfiro J d ">0 cent*. .inl\ I v ?! A. PiMrfiHt, m. it. iiutl forsiV. uholi* n.V noil r*1:J n I' OIS *• tti fourth nirect hlii^rtil I llf toiloWl Jt C H ft-HlC* Hr. f,,„„ hVMCtu>ii'ut tho li'glunl nhilf T • w!i i htroll.lll .f the kiod illUeC, Pliiia.. MarclHiS, 1347 !)•, H. A IVnr"ii, I'ctu r>ir—j !'.•* !it u ihi'y v\hivli I owe iu you and (lie ( ••inmuaif v i lii*kc. .•crmlito .ir o the coMuniti.ity v/! pons cur* •r in tiu\ w.v Imvc i Ii iric ol U"irH;! to •• tll u*>cts. n h ll fillc.tfy tllf l*al |oO|U?r.i!loll I IlilVf tv" Hard, .it :!••• nity nt' hr tlie vuiimir *r ich ii i-. rtH'oin nemlcd. I ultH> kfow (•••' • utim'i'rof my oho n-wl it u u! llicv *ll Miy h 'l it U the !'*-• otoiliriiiH t'r iiurwf** ';• y huvc ever iciil I wula •iM'oilllliciu! CH 'V per*..mi It •. lia< ti h ro nh.'.uht liT|i. Uitile of lh; vuluuhlv* (Cmhro v utisid in hit aUl"lr. Vours, AD A!. C/SCIIEXCK. Salern. N. J.. Mny 12. 1847. Dr. £. riirHUi. Nil— Ida*ing t ifil yum •I" mhrui iiiitfii* I r burrfu, I huvo fouml it ih.* hr.-: remcilv ilm* I h.ivc ctcrMfii or tricii fur -hcriire*. ill it it i u'coitiuien* i! to iKolurtu. Ii mire* g til - with i'if leu*l |*• .*Mihlc ifdav thnt ji coiiM oe d u. I would cl.ei'ilully r-c.imo ciol ,t l> hII btuhiekpf |*. vrr mid (iWiiCK ol liuim'M. WM. S. SOUDER. DAVID C. WOODS, Proprietors Salem T.ino i : ;ayes u New .Intrey. Phila. May 28, 1847. 'l'hin i* •> crrli\ flint I hav- u.'ol Ui. I'curt j mi * llMrhcr'* Ktvih Ot'Hii'in for unit nolic*. I iiuiiiiulv miiv ili.t it t* decidedly tin* hf*i r.-inetly | . •* flic Miml. f.r tins viriutH diM it*ee *vhich il in j ie*i in*.ii nd.'d. fliii l 1 have ever tincd, or luve ran v kniiwl .'Jiti' nf; and cmifi.lenilv recoiniueml it t | hl| I 101 (.eiin ii nt.j keej er* . f liosrev, tu be kept ci'liMaullv II ill. If i'lMweeirioil. WM. KIXG. | White Home, Corner of Wood &3d*. Phila 1 fully ng ee with lite ahove cfrt ficatu ami ii j | iuioii of i\|i. king, in the ue of |r — I'eumiti'ii I liarbur'tf •Kiuhroc.ititiii.' JOHN* CAN,-, Buck* County, P.t., June 12, 1847. February 13. 1848. s. A. I'rnrnon, M. D. I'hin U to certify ; that I have used \our Fmbrocutinn fur Imreea.tiud givs it a de.-.dfil prelerence uvcr every other arti ; • le i f tin* kind in u*e for the varinu- disease* fn it ia rccoiiim nd-d; it iloe-i not d -utioy lh h'lir ii* iiiOdt other article* d •. 1 would rocutninttul i it to eveiy hurecman t he kept constantly in their aiublctf, Yunr*. the br.t il'm I arervrr u-m,l. or linvrsnv knuleilgr ..f, f,,r the |S|'|. .> '..r which il is i'.iirude.l. mid w..nld ni.wt, irrontnieiMi il to I lie holier ..: every hrsrniaii. Il -lu.uld Iw kept con.-nntly ill ilieu |>u.ies.iun. Vrrv ,e.|.n-tirlv VUIN. JOHN VANDERBELT, Ph' rd ti.Hi i I have tiled Dr Pearson'. Barber's Hmlrasi- | lion for llor 0., and i am cnnfiJriit llui it | m,..1 u..f il pr.'isirslion can iir u-..', tor" all ! • which it i. ern. Imrsa, to l-e u..d ly lliem in j |,ie'Vrener *o any oilier nilicle. 1-.r the various uis f r tvhicb it is rrcomiiipinlcil. A. J. Beaumont, New Hope. Pa; John V.! Si-herk Slab'..'keeper. SI Louis; A. Pearson. | •M. D.. Dublin, Bucks Comity, Pa: Jaied B >vd. Soleburv Tp.. Burks Co., Pa; Win. ! R. Dickersou, Esq. Philadelphia; James F. j Nicholas, Boxboro, Pa: J. H. Reading, j Hemiugioti, N.Merc-haul; 11. C. Bull ington, I Icmington. N. J.. Editor : J. Larri.on Hunterdon Co., N. J.. Merchant ; Win. Erley I I ristol. Coroner of fucks Co; John Shfl'er, ! Lancaster. Ohio: lleurv Johnson, Mdford,-j N. J. ; William King, Esq. New Pork; Wm. ; Itobisou, llloomsburg. Pa; Wm. Sciiddar. I Si-udder's Falls near Trenton, N. J: Wm. M. Cade. Philadelphia; Dr. A. Curtis, Drug- ! gist. Pulsion Ferry. AGENTS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY. Win r.obison. Bloom-burg, l'eier Km, Light Sireet, John Schmick. Ciittawissa, M. G. Snretnakcr. Bitckhorn, E Lazarus, Orangeville, Ce Wise in Time !—Tls Folly to liefer I AFFLICTED READ! ! Thousands are suffering from disease from which there is no difficulty in being perma nently relieved, provided the right means are used.—As every vira has its own pun ishment. so it would seem every disease lias its remedy. This is true, and there is noth ing in this life more certain than that the American Compound is the most speedy and certain remedy lor all diseases of si delirute character, known to the world. Adapted to every stage of the disease, sex and constitu tion, at all times and sea-nns, there is no fenr of exposure. detention from business nor restriction in diet, from the cenaiti and speedy relict' that it gives it is now one of the most popular medicines of the doty 7>p Vtouennd cases have been cured cireu tmilly by it during the past year. Prepared by a practical ph)sieian, the atflu terf can re ly -.villi confidence on its curative powers o xer di-cuses of ihis character. Full direc tions accompany each bottle. I CAUTION. —Ask f -r the American Com poand, and pnrcha-e only of the agents, 294 Market sireet, Pltila. For sale by J. R. MOVER, Bloomsburg Chalfnnt & Hughes, and Dr. J. A. Moore; Danville ; E. Franciseiis, Jersey Shore, liloomshurg, Nov. 22d, 1819.—3 m. LIVEUV N'l'ADlsK- A NOAH S PRENTISS n,*. .(JjTXtiivhes lue public to iryO&SrJf&g? ClZijLhis new stock of horses, Y carriages and buggies, a variety ol watch can be found al his Livery Stable. He can always (urnish horses and vehicles m the best kind, and on reasonable terms. He Los recently lulled a number of fashionable ve hicles and good horses to his former slock.— He will furnish to parties four home convey ances with good ami safe drivers, at very, low prices. Call at the lower end of HopiiuSTtUe. on the East side of Main street. Blootnsburii, Dee. 13, '49- ly lii Gjvatcst iJecause the L'est Fam ily fiiedkice in the World IR V, (E:SOKI;LS.VEGKTABLE KESron. Al ll E PILLS. iluty liHva succeeded in run ig >ome <>t the wop>t cpacs, of diserr eve.- recorded. and iirc ou are suffering from fever 1 and ague. and you have i.rin, , r ; e( | ff crs '. ; dell's Veeeinlile Restora ive Pills. SluV uC j more. There instill hope for you—-j-.- in, vet he cured* Go. or send nt o"Cn to A. | Weeks & Co., 70 North Fijath strca... a-,-'. - procure a box of th-so unrivaled pills, iv' . !i | are it sovreign antidote fur fins lU tressu i complaint. j Col. I'ornnj of t!.c PennaylmitLn, I iu i/1: I WoRS3EU.'t PILLS.— This excellent fnm-iv | meiia ine is daily winning new triuti.;.: s overdisease, mid consequently in the liiijn | roml to public favor. In t'.ic romovnl t. if.o 1 every day ills that Hush is heir to, we !. lOW iof mi better rorapound. We heard i.-.r oth er day of a desperate ease of scro. i j ruptioiis of tne head and face being e : •!. I cured by iliein. * /V" Snlie of the "Time*," says : ty The great popularity ol Worse". I Vegetal le Pills, is attributed to tho }e >• u . lit which they leally possess. Tliey he been quietly gaining the tamo they n i have, by the force of llieir own -ir. j The means usually employed to g v v < | to new remedies have not been ado itv.i b j the proprietors. They have been cofit; p j let their medicine speak ioi itself. It is doing it in every section of the cou;. -v. They are for sale by most of the r I Keepers throughout the Country,and in q. | lilies nt reasonable rates, nt the Lahore No 70, North Eighth Street. A. WEEKS Hi Co., Prcprictoi. Agents, JOHN R. .MOVER, Bloointburg: K. Lazarus, Orangevdle, M. O. Sh.ieninker" Burkhom, Fnnslon & Diefenbarh, Jersey town, M. C. drier, Danville, ' C. I nrtmnn & Co., Cattawissa, and b most maarhams throughout the nouutrv. To Physicians, Druggists and Cchu; ; M ER C HANTS, Dr. J. N. Keoler and Kro. most respecifu Iv solicits attention to their Iresh sioek c Enpluh, French. German and American Dm merchants, who may wish to become agenu lor Dr. Heeler's Celebrated Family Medicines, (standard and popular remedies.) to foiv. a their address. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we re spectfully remain. J.N. KEELER & BRO., Wholesale Druggists, No. 294 Market street. Phila.-33-ly. Philadelphia Reading and I'ottsvhk RJIILSS9& R OjHj. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT Office