Wo announced in out last issue the arri val of J. W. Bear, tho Buckeye Blacksmith, and we must this week record his departure for Or.vigsburg, attended by an escort of one or two constables. His chargo is seduc tion under promiao of marriage, The gill is a resident of Fottsville.— Schuylkill Haven Map. Gov. Seymote of Connecticut, was inaug urated on Thursday last, aud in his message reeomrmir.d free bankiug, the abolition of the death penally, and a homestead exemp tion. THK COMMITTER of conferenco upon the apportionment bill have r.ot yet reported in the Legislature. Best is tryiilig to gee Schuylkill attached to Montour and giving to district 3 me rabcrs. TST I.UCKT CALIFORNIA —lt is stated that Mr. James Bryant, a caipenter, who borrow ed tho meatus California a year ago in January, returned in the last steamer, and has arrived in Boston with $90,000. BFThe Rev. Canon Bowles, the poet, whose controversy with Byron, may be re collected by many, died at Salisbury, in En gland, on the 7th ult., at the advanced age of eighty-nine. ' CURE FOR BAD FITS.—Not by any pa tent medicino, but by a good suit —not such a suit as a man can get into at court, but such a neat, well-made and fashionable suit of clothing as every body should wear; just such as you can find at A. H. Ellis', if you will call aud cxamino his slock of coats, pants, vests, and other articles of dress at the lower door of the now Exchange Block near ly opposite the Court-House, in Bloomsburg His stock of ready-made clothing is not the "slop-work" made up for sixteen cents a day, but is cut with attention and made up to wear and not only to sell. Mr. Ellis has also 011 hand an assorment of cloth, cassimeres, sattinets, and suitable trim mings ; so that lie is prepared to make up clothing to order at the shortest notice. He will pay particular attention to cutting out. DIED. In Union township, Luzerne county, on Friday last, Mrs. John McCaulcy , formerly of Harrisbuig, aged about 45 years. In Danville, on Tuesday evening last, Mrs. Ann Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Wra. G. Moore, aged 23 years. In Berwick, on the 27th ult, Mrs. Nancy Stackhouse, in her 81st year. Market Prices—Corrected every Thursday Morning. to r | Articles. § a. A ** s- Flour, per barrel, $4 751 $5 00 Wheat, per bushel, 100 106 Rye, " " 50 62 Corn, " " 50 56 Oats. " " 33 34 Butter, per pound, 16 11 als Eggs, per dozen, 8l 28 Tallow, per pound, 10 8 Lard, " " 10 8 Beef, fresh, per 100 pounds, 55 as7l2 al3 Tork, do. " " Ssas6 11al2 Pig iron, anthracite, per ton, 25 " " charcoal, " " 28 AtteutiOu ! Columbia Artillerists! ITHE Company will meet at Mifflin Saturday the 18th of May inst., at 10 o'clock, A. M , armed and e quipped for the drill and parade of the annual Battalion to be held there. By order of the Captain. C. MARR, O. S. Liglitstreet, May 6, 1850. ATrENTION ! B riarcreek Riflemen! The Company will meet at Mifflinville, on Saturday, the 18th of May instant, at 10 o'- clock, A. M., armed and equipped for the drill and parade of the annual battalion to be held there. By order of the Captain. C. WORKHEISER. O. S. Mifflinville, May 6, 1850. ATTENTION! WASHINGTON CAVALRY. YOU are hereby commanded to meet lor Drill and Inspection, on Saturday, the ,Blli day of May inst., in Miffliuville, armed and equiped according to law. A punctual attendance is required, as there will be business of some importance to trans- Act on that day. \ aiicsale. "" ~l In pursuance order of the OipJiaflfC Court of Columbia ccuß4uj>n Tuesday -he 1 lth day ojf J\ne next, At 19 o'clock, A. M., Jacob R. Ytwvor, Ad ministrator, Sec., of John Shearman, laAa made by BERNARD RUPERT, who (R does Eushionable Tailoring as cheap ft a little better than it can be done in town by any body else. He has just received the la test Fall fashions, and with his experiene in cutting garments, he can promise the best satisfaction to thoso who patronize him. If CALIFORNIA Was to be supplied with such garments as he tuins ofT, a fair fortune might be made at once. His shop is on Main street below Mar ket, in the building lately occupied as an of fice by C. R. Buckalew. GTllis will take country produce for his work, and gold dollars will not be refused. Bloomsburg, Nov. 8, 1849—tf. BOOT AND SHOE! STORE. New Arrangements and Great Bargains. The undersigned respccfully informs the citizens of Bloomsburgh and the public in general,that he has purchased Mr. Eraritz's Boot if Shoe Store and has added largely to his stock, and will continue the business at the same stand in the Exchange Building, on Main Stroet, where ho will be happy to receive the calls of old and new enstomers. Boots and Shoes, of every variety at prices to suit purchasers, kept constantly for sale, and customer's work made to order as usual. HTHo nvites the custom of his old friends and the public, and hazards nothing in prom ising fat bargains. t*"Store iu the Exchange Building, Maine street, sign of the Golden Boot. JOHN EGAN. Bloomsburgh, March 28, 1850. DAGUERREOTYPE PICTURES! A. C. Smith, Respectfully informs the good citizens of BI.OOMSBUHC and vicinit), that he will re main a short time to furnish thnso who wish a fine likenpss either in Case. Lockets, Bienst-Pins or Kings. Mr. S., has recommends from celebrated Artists in Baltimore, Washington, D Phil adelphia, New York and Boston, tha' ho is capable of furnishing a fine specimen of the art to any favoring him with a slllingj. r Booms at tne second door of iiiggS 1 Ex change Buildings, up stairs. Commence on Monday April 15th. ry Instruction will be given in the Art of taking likenesses. Ltr Please call immediately, as I remain but a short time. A. C. SMITH, Artist. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that letters of ad ministration upon the estate of Walt man deceased, late of Sugarloaf township have been granted to the undersignoi by the llegister of Columbia county. All persons indebted to theestateare requested tt make early payment to the undersigned, atil those having claims against it to present thoii prop erly authenticated. Wm. WALTMAN, Admiristrator. Sugarloaf April 23d 1850.-6t WRITE SWAN U OtfJiL. The Subscriber begs leave to itffam his friends and the public in general thaLA*, has taken the WHITE SWAN HOTEfc -AND STAGE OFFICE, NO. 108, RACE STIfIET, Formerly kept by J. PETERS T SON. The House being large and convenient, atjd in the business part of the city, he ho Its by strict attention to business, that his fiends, and all who may come to the city on busi ness or pleasure, will give him a call. He pledges himself that nothing sJull be wanting on his part to make them at hefne. TERMS — One Dollar per day. GEORGE RAIJN, Formerly of Schuylkill County. Philadelphia, March 22, 1849. RATS AND CAPS* _ THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and customers, that he has just re ceived from the city, a large and select as sortment of FASHIONABLE Hats and Caps, of DURABLE MAKE AND IMPROVED SI'YLE, which he offers for cheap, at his old stand, on Main Street, sec ond door South of the t ourt house. TP' He continues to manufacture Hats to order as usual. THOMAS WILLITS. Bloomsburg, Nov. 15, 1849. A Rouse & Lot at Private Sale. - Jwt THE subscribers offer to pttr- sjAchasers, at private sale, a house [ J SIS and lot upon the Main Street of tSSSRIiSKI Bloomsburg, in the business part of the town, between the two principal hotels, and only a little more than a square from the Court House. The lot fronts 60 on Main street and extends 2141 feet back. The house is a large stone dwelling, and the property in every way offers a fair dtance to any person wishing a residence or business location in the county-seat. For terms in quire of A. H. ELLIS. BloomsUtrg, or C. D. GEAJiIIART Boot and Shoemaking. JACOB F. DEITTERICH Has removed his boot and shoe establish ment, into the new frame building on Main Street two doors above Albright St Mangel's store, opposite the Forks Hotel, wlffere he in vites his old customers and the public gener ally to call and give his work a fair trial. Ho will furnish all articles in his line of busi ness neat, strong and cheap. Bloomsburg, April 19th 1849.-ly. For Good Watches. jjSG } Henry Zuppinger returns &2C. his thanks lor past palro /> S " a ?e, and invites the pub |w\ jHKT lie to examine his new Up assortment of (8& t CLOCKS, WATCHES, Trimmings, Classes, and Keys, Balance Wheels, Jewels, which he olfers for reasonable prices. Ho will also re pair clocks, watches, and inusiealr-mwF-opti cal instruments in a satisfactory manner. His shop is in the middle room of the Ex change block, nearly opposite to the Court House. Bloomsburg, Nov. 28, 1849. THE FORKS HOTEL The subscriber would inform his old friends and the public in general, that he has taken the well known Stand recently kept by Dan iel Snyder, Esq., on the head of Main street, in Bloomsburg, and will continue the public house known by the sign of "THE FORKS'' where he is prepared to accommodate those who may favor nim with their custom. His arrangements are complete, quarters spaci ous—location pleasant, and without promis ing too much, he flatters himself he will be able to do ample justice to his guests. Stabling and the best fare for horses, &c. SAMUEL BLUE. Bloomsburg, April 26. 1849. TAILORING IN LIGHT STREET JAMES SMITn Invites'ilie attention of the fashionable in Light Street to hisstsie of cutting garments Ho makes them in the best and most tasty manner, and, can can ensure satisfaction In his warkmanihip. He receives Ino latest fashions, end when cutting onlp is desired, the work is marked carefully for the maker. tyAIl kinds of country produce taken in exchage for work. Light Street, Feb. 14, 1850. CHEAP TAILORING. The subscriber is now doing a large busi ness at Tailoring in Light Street, and invites all who wish for fashion able, well-fitting and cheaply-made galrments to visit his shop and give him a trial. He has two shops in operation, turning ofT work, (too is in the npper end and the other in the lotver part of Light Street. Ha regu larly receives the CITY FASHIONS, and asks only for a trial to insure "tiUsfectioiH Particular attention will be oaidW- cutting out. B. F. TOLLMAN. Light Street, April 12, 1849-ly Notice. All persons having accounts or demands against Matildas Kline, of Orange township, are requested to make them known to me immediately ; and all indebted to him to make payment for such indebtedness to me without further notice. IHRIFM R. KLINE, Committee of Matthias Kline, j Orange tep., April >O, 1860. I TREASURER'S SALE Of Seated Lands,' In Columbia County. LIST of Seated Lands situate in Col umbia couttiy, on which ilie taxes assess ed remain unpaid, which lands tho collec tors of the respective townships in which said lands lio, have returned tor sale, ac cording to the 41st scuiiuu of mi Act T Assembly, passed Aynl 28,1844, entitled "an Act to reduce the State debt, &C,", there not being sullicieul personal proper ty on said lands to pay said taxes, and the owners thereof have neglected and refused in pay the same lor the space of 2 .years, I'hc same will he sold at the Court-house, in the town of Bloomsburg, county of Columbia, on the second Monday in June next, and to continue by adjournment from day to day, for arrearages of taxes due said comity, and the costs accrued on each respectively. Acres. Owners. Tenants, Taxes, Fishingcretk, 1847 IS Haycock John M 1 7G Bloom, 1847 I lot Doty (widow) Terwilnger 39 1 lot Powell William self 05 1 lot Reinhart Daniel self 85 Orange, 1847 Miller Peter Green Wm 3 60 1 lot MePhereon C self 207 Mahoning, 1847 1 lot Br - bst Daniel self 80 i lot Co ok Jonas self I 47 C ook \\ m W self 220 Greenwood, 1847, 120 Mcl'hcrson C 2 20 50 Morris Geo unseated 41 40 Yallurchainp A 121 Briarcreels, 1847 3 lots Davis John unseated 275 4 lots Prick Geo A unseated 22 318 Powlcr David self 724 3 lots Jackson Josiali 4 95 1 lot Knouse Levi D self 1 75 2 lots Roed Win Chamberlain 1 37 1 lot •• • Clerry JW2 20 2 lots Seibert -Sebastian ' 204 42 Smith S Heirs MastcllcrC 2 31 72 Snyder John Basin Peter 188 4 lots Soli Peter 3 16 8 -S'eibert H Brocltwny B S 165 Madison, 1847 100 Artcr William vacant 1 48 50 Bleecher Jacob vacant 27 100 Kline Lowry vacant 220 70 Orwtg Joseph self 119 100 Slackson 'l'hos sr self 225 Aliffln, 1817 10 Enoch Charles self 78 38 Ludwig Jacob self 140 1 lot Mclich Samt Wintersieinß 34 2 lots Situate I/enry self 58 5 lots Wintersteen P self 98 Briurcretk Township, 1849 35 Bowman Win 2 75 1 lot Bowen Dan'l not occupied 34 1 lot Brewer J W vacant 85 s lot Brown Hannah A Opdike 2 20 318 Powler Daniel 7 02 2 lots //eadly S P Shires Maria 220 100 Lance John P not occupied 82 Greenwood, 1848 1 lot Cook Wm McHenry BN 82 120 Mcpherson Chas 2 20 42 Utt David 71 160 Watts Benjamin 188 Mahoning, 1818 a l.i IV-11- U||j| ; n H7 1 lot Divert Susan vacant 40 1 lot //.ifley Thomas (widow) 205 1 lot Markle Abraham 82 1 lot McClure SB 2 25 1 lot Potcklidge Levi vacant 41 1 lot Robsnn Thomas 1 36 2 lots Weaver Catharine 165 ltoaringcreck, 1848 11 Lamberson John self 66 Lloyd Thomas 4 40 Beaver, 1848 105 Cox Charles Sherman J 275 350 Long B W Nogle Peter 212 3 Former B P vacant 09 3 lot Mears Wm 7?ees Solomon 27 15 Weikle Chas self 97 Mt Pleasant, 1848, 100 Jacoby Andrew self 2 60 Filpot Wm H heirs 480 Bloom, 1848 1 Riitenbendcr Saml be Co 09 1 lot llowcr John Kramer John 1 48 Derry, 1848 1 Allen Elizabeth 110 33 Raymatt Henry 10 45 Sieinman John 7 31 1 Smith H McPaddin WW 3 10 AMANDUS LEVERS. Treasurer. TREASURER'S OFFICE, £ Bloomsburg, March 30, 1850, GL. nOLDEN'S lil JEWELRY STORE. Where msy always be found a very large and varied assortmeiftof ffffc Watclies.El egant Jewelry, Fancy Articles, fine Cut lery, Silver and Plated Ware, $-c., oilers greater enducements to purchasers than nnv other similar establishment in Phila delphia. In addition to my heretofore large stock I have just added a new lot of VVatclies, Jewelry, Fancy Articles, making my present assortment one of the best in I'liii ladelpliia. My assortment consists in part of Gold and Silver Lever, Lepine, Quar lier and other watches; a full assortment of Jewelry, such as Cameo, Stone and Mourning Broaches, Finger Rings, in a great variety, Silver and and Tca-spoods, Butter Knives, Thimbles anil Pencil Cases, Lockets, Purses, Keys, n fine lotof Razors, Penknives, $-c., with a full assortment of Gold Pens of all the difierent Makers at the greatly reduced price of $1,25. ELI HOLDEN. No, 238 Market St., above 7th, Pliila. All kinds uf Watches and Jewelry care fully repaired and warranted- My goods are offered at the very loWeslcash prices. Call uud sea, if costs nothing to look. September 20* 1848,—1y. ■ CHARLES R. BICKILKW, ATTOHOTT AT XILW. BLOOMSBURG, COL. CO., PA. OFFICE—Two doors below the Court-House, North side of Main Street. Nov. 8, 1840. IL IF. Brown, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, Has just received'the Spring & Summer Fash ions, which he will use in cutting all gar ments entrusted to his care for making. j Bloomsburg Feb. St, 1860. Dr, Kceler's Celebrated Family Medicines. Dr. Iveeler is rt regular graduate from one of the beet medical schools oi the country, and a practising physician of t! - city of Philadelphia. \\ o take great p.. a.-ure 'in presenting these remedies to the afflicted.— i'liey are all of undoubted medical powers mid hoi t out to the invalid a promise of re lief, such as none others possess. They each have been thoroughly tried in a long successful private practice, and have estab lished for themselves a reputation bnt few possess, and given better satisfaction to the afflicted than any of the boasted remedies of the day. In offering them to the public, the proprietor is influenced by no sinister motives of gain, but feels conscious that they are eminently deserving of public con fidence. No medicines ever before the pub lie have acquired such deserved reputation upon their merits alone, or nppeal with such irresistible force to the invalid. DR. KEELER'S PANACEA, For the re moval and permanent cure of all diseases a rising from an impure state of the Blood and habit of the body, viz: Chronic diseases of the Chest, Pleurisy, Bronchitis, Catarrh, etc., Scrofula ill all its forms, Tetter, Scald Head, Cutaneous affec tions of the lace and extremities, Chronic enlargements of the Joints, White Swelling, Syphlitic Affections, Constitutional disorders, arising from debility, Mercurial and Heredi tary predispositions, &c. CST hi every change that is taking place in the body, it is manifest that it is brought about by something having a substantive ex istence. 11 we suppose the organs of our body originally pcriect, they must continue perlect unless changed by the intervention of something that bears an unhealthy rela tion to it. In all cases of disease, there must be the mtorposi tiotwuf some new ingredient, which by playing its part as a course served to modify the properties bufore connected with the body. It is absurd to talk of spon taneous disease taking place in organs pre viously healthy, without the interposition of some morbific agent, as well might we ex pect a piece of chalk to transfer itself spon taneously into Plaster of Paris, without the aid of Sulphuric Acid. In all disease there is a prior cause which must be removed, through the agency of the Blood. For this purpose there is no remedy superior to the PANACEA. CP* In the evidence the following is sub mitted to the public : PHILADELPHIA, June 9th, 1847. Having been appraised of the nature of the Panacea, it affords mo much pleasure to be able to recommend it as a valuable reme dy for those chronic. constitutional and glan dular diseases, to which it is especially a dapted. To those who are afflicted, and re quire medicine as an alterative cannot obtain it in a more agreeable, active and uniform slate, than is to bo found in the Panacea. I have used it in several instances with deci ked and signal sufcees. Yours &c. D. Allison, M. D. For details certificates, &c., see circulars, &c.—Price SI per bottle, large size, 6 bottles S5. DR. KEELER'S COUGH SYRUP. Among all the remedies before the public this stands pre-eminent in incipient Con sumption, Bronchitis, Catarrhs, Coughs, Hoarseness, Whooping caugh, Pleurisy, As thma, spitting of Blood, and for all affections of the pulmonary organs occasioned by cold. To much praise cannot bo bestowed upon this remedy, and the proprietor urges any one afflicted with any of the above com plaints to secure it at one. It is warranted to cure or no pay. Price 50 cents. Dr. Kceler's Cordial and Carminitive. family whether rich or boor, who anrt nH tto stl r>uill have this invaluable remedy at hand. It is infinitely the best remedy known for Diar rhea, dysentery, cholera morbus, cholera in fantum, cholio liatulency, griping pains, cramp, ect., and for all diseases of the sto mach and bowels caused by Teething. The numerous testimonials from Physicians and others unsolicited, has given it a reputation as firm as adamant. Price 25 cents per bot tle. Dr. Keelcr's Vermifuge Syrup. —This reme dy is pleasant to the taste, harmles to the pa tient and all powerful in destroying and re moving all kinds of worms from the body. It is without doubt, the cheapest and best worm destroying medicine before the public, and will if administered according to direc tions, remove them within sor 6 hours after taken.—The dose is small, and each bottle contains twice as much as similar remedies. Price only 25 cents per bottle. Dr. Keeler's Liver and Sanative PILLS. Although not recommended as a "cure all," yet they arc the mildest and best rem edy to remove Constipation, Jaudice. Dys pepsia, Biliousness, nervousness, foul stom ach, head ache, indigestion, etc. Unlike other purgative medicine they leave the bowels always relaxed consequently are the firoper medicine for females and persons eauing a sedentary life. Price 2octs, Dr. Kecler'e Rheumatic Lotion. A justly celebrated external application for pains ol the chest, neuralgia, head-ache, sprains, bruises, tic doloreaux swellings of the joints, rheumatism, gout, sciatiea and for all disorders wherein a sedative and ru befacient remedy is applicable. Price 374 cts per bottle. All of the above celebrated and extensive y used medicines, are prepared and sold Wholesale and Retail, 294 Market street, Philadelphia. For sale also by J. R. MOVER, Blooms burg; Chalfant & Hughes, and Dr. J. A. Moore, Danville; E. Franciscus, Jersey Shore; and. by Druggists and Merchants throughout the County and State. Bloomsburg, Nov. 22d., 1849.—1y. Foung Ladies' Seminary, Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania. Rev. John Smstlley, A. M., Principal. Mrs. M. B. Smalley, Associate Principal, Assisted by two well qualified teachers. This Seminary is designed to afford as good an education, in both tho solid and or namental branches, as can be Obtained in any schqol in Pennsylvania Hence, instruc tion will be given in rill the branches usually taught in tho highest order of female schools The Summer Session will commence ou Wednesday, the first day oi May, and con tinue five months TERMS. For boarding, and tuition in all the En glish and Scientific branches, together with drawing, painting, und embroi dery, per session, S6O Extra —lnstruction on Piano, with use of instrument, per session, 20 Latin, Frencji & Wax Flowers, each 5 Washing, per session, 4 HTThirty dollars must be paid in advance and the remainder at the close of the session For further particulars address Rev. John SmallCy, Muncy, Lycoming County. Pa. MOUNT VERNON HOUSE, NO. 95 NORTH SECOND STREET, PHIL ADELPHIA, PA. This house is kept by D. BLAIR, and is one of the best in the city. Merchants and oth ers visiting Philadelphia would do well to give him a '.'all. GrREAT ATLJC'^ NEW SPRING ANN BUMM SLOAN aDD IH • (L :U.. HASjiist rocelvfed n fresh ... >i tyring ni.dSr.mrner DryCi ■ .is, riety which tliey arc now .'• i, all there who may I'avir dp v. i-li wo will soil on lair aim i.cc terms. 'J hoir stock consh ;< ol t of L)iy Goods. • CLOTHS CASSIMGHEi Linen and Cotten fabrics and wear of all kinds, Caliches Chintr hams, Lawns, and Muslins, -V unbleached. Palnwleaf and ,->th. r Dr. QiieenS-waro and Hard-wnre of a! GROCERIES.—Eresn ■ .. fine assortment, as chec;. v tii'• <. . FISII, SALT, If PL/S/Ek ' P. S. Country produce and I-n; ways taken in Exchange for :n at the Brick Store directly opposite ...- House. A. J. SLOAN, K. MENDENfiAI.L, Bloomsb'trg, April 13, 1850. NEW GOODTT GEORGE WEAVER Rr-sPECTruLi.T invites thr ,/• ;■ public to his new •took of choice Summer Goods, which he has jusi vpe ... oders at the lowest prices, li.s assoi consists of a full variety of Dry Cor.il ccnee, HARDWARE, QUEEXSWARL HATS, CAPS. ROOTS AND SHOES. And among these will bo fou 'd a v? ' of LAWNS, GINGH \ Mr' LINEN LUSTRES,SUMMER CLO l 11 . AND CASSIMEI.IuS. Of the cheapest styles and best fai • His goods are purchased at the "low, uny'and will be sold at the lowest Purchasers will do well to see fc'.o c 0( prices before purchasing elsewhere. Hia store is in the old stand u nor ft? Street. Bloomsbarg, April 19lh 1860. Spring and Sumner Goods AGAIN the undersigned tako picas:- ; announcing to their friends an: 'the on' that they have just received a eolect . heavy assortment of choice SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, adapted to the season, and wants of die pie, which they offer for sale, at 1. , stand at prices* "cheajHJr than the of sap. ,r Their stock comprizes a full as ortmcnt of kinds of goods, usuiilly kept id con 1} and without particularizing each artic.. . warranted in saying that those in v : , good goods have only to call to satisfy tb.iv. taste and fancy. Groceries, Quecnswnre, Hunt warp, Ti ' Snlt, .Molasses. Arc. A Large ana beautiful selection of the bove articles of superior quality, ' y i prices. ALSO.—Hats, Caps, Boots, She ic., every variety, sort, size arid pri< <. l if Cash paid for qfaiu alwav's. WM. McKE 1 Y" C< Bloomsburg, April 13, 1850. Brigade Order—i Brigade luspceioPs Of ", ) Uuruiioltj AptiliiQ. t> *>o. 1 The First Battalion of the Fir' diigm. Ninth Division, P. M., commando i vMa B. S. Gilmore, are directed to hold •' ir r nual battalion at Mifiiinvillo. oq Saturday, the 18th day of May ir.>l, and all the organized companies beiv . to this battalion are required to bo rnne.: equipped for drill at that time and nlu-- ALSO, The organized Volunteer Con c the 2d Bettalion of the same Brie j quired to meet at Danville, on Saturday, the \stdayof fane .: r for the purpose bf holding their ainiu. talion. The companies are direet"d tc > armed and equipped for drill. N.£EELY Brig. las. Ist Brig j/'.'i 7 Indian Vegetable Remedy->o Curt NO PAY .—Read Physician*' opinion u. its virtues. I have prccribetl the abo*e Ithsdioine in several cases of Primary Venerul I es and Secondary Syphilis, hnd\lie cf feci has been strikingly beneficial ; so much so a to induce me to continue its use in such cases with much satisfaction. It is generally agreeable to the taste of patients, John A. Elkinoton. M. D., No. 102 N. Fifth st, Phila., June 12, 1845. I have prescribed "Dr. Cullen's R-m --edy," In many bases of Gonorrhoe a, and found it to effect n cure in a very short time. A. Wir.soN, M, D., Cor. Twelfth : ministration upon the estate of Leo'nni neaborg, deceased, late of Briarcreek t ship, Columbia cdunty, have this dh granted to the undersigned. All :c knowing themselves indebted to tht .it are requested to make early payment. ;u ■ those having accounts against thb tain , ministrator to present them to the subst : JOHN DO Briarcreek, April sth, 4850. BLANK.SI! DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPtENAS, and JUDGMENT NOTES, n.' proper and desirable forma, for sale At the office the "Star of the North." It. ffi VP a vim r aotoiehiby-AT-IL* BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO. OfncE—On the Kant side of Main Street fcaee afniw belew M.rlr*