The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, May 09, 1850, Image 2

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Btoomsburg, Thursday, May 9, 1850.
13*"V. B. PALMER, general newspaper, sub
motion, and advertising agent, N. tV. Corner
of Third and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia,
!TE. W. CARR, U. States newspaper agent,
Third and Walnut sis., opposite the Exchange,
Philadelphia, und
PRATT, 164 Nassau street, New
York, will receive ana receipt for subscriptions
and advertisements for the "Star of the North."
nr C. PF.IRCF. General Advertising Agent,
Bulletin Buildings Phila., is also agent for sub
tcription and advertising in the Star of the
RYS. M. GILMORE, SR., will act as our agent
at Berwick, Pa., in receiving and receipting far
subscriptions, advertisements and job-work. Ad
vertisements left with him on Tuesday rrill ap
pear in our paper of the same week. All orders
or job-work left with him will be attended to im
The Stnte Convention.
In less than four weeks, the Williamspori
Convention will be called upon to nominate
a Canal Commiss oner, an Auditor Genera]
and a Surveyor General. Let these nomina
tions bo of sound, reliable men—not such as
have hands polluted with political plunder,
a Jcoicience seared by habitual corruption,
or a reputation tarnished by a shameful
leazue with stale-robbers. Let the men be
of pure character, of firm mind, and of a re
liable political standing.
That class of men who live by robbing tha
Slate, will no doubt league together to se
cure the nominations for one of their minions,
that he may minister to their villiany, rtffd
pamper their greedy lust for "spoils." Too
many of these have too long, already, fatten
ed upon the hard-earned fruits of honest toil,
and it is high time, that the people began to
protect themselves against the avaricious
Let men, who are above suspicion, be
nominated for office, and let us hear no more
of this whining cry, that Mr. So and-so is too
honest to bo an availiable candidate—that he
"can't be elected." That Cameronian class of
old offenders alone talk so, whose malice
alone makes them Democrats only to "rule
or ruin." They are only Democrats when a
favorite of theirs is on the ticket, and at other
times vote with the Whigs. It does not hurt
• their political concience, to defeat a regulaq
Democratic nomination, when the nominee
is an honest man. And then they shameless,
ly boast that their regard is alone for an avail
able candidate. They say, if the Democratic
nominee suits our friends, we will vote for
him, but otherwise not. And then the min
ions of the plunderers truckle to their base
ness aud agree to sacrifice principle to expe
diency. These men of pluud tr never work
for Demccratic principles, but for men alone.
■•"They at* actuated byiM wetive-dm—made
the Whigs prefer Gen. Ilarison and General
Taylor, to a statesman liks Clay. Politics, is
a game with them, and thoir motto is that
"all is fair in politics."
Wo regard these men as stumbling-blocks
in the path of honest Democrats. They are
a reproach arid a disgrace in the ranks of an
honest parly; and let the Williamsport Con
vention tell them that they must either be
honest Democrats, or else go to the Whigs
where they belong.
Let there be no bargain and sale with these
men. Let there be no trading with them,
for this were demeaning houest men, to a
level with the plunderers.
The Old World.
The British ministry has suffered a Parlia
mentary defeat and will resign as soon as the
succession can be agreed upon. Sir Robert
Peel is expected to succeed Lord John Rus
sell, and even Lord Palmerstou will bo hard
ly able to retain his positioii in the cabinet.—
In England the rule is that when a ministry
is defcatod in Parliament it must resign.
In Paris it is rumored that Louis Bonaparle
will also be driven to a resignation of tho
Presidency. This event will depend upon
the support ho Bhall reeeivo from the Assem ■
bly. His popularity is certainly on tho de
Montour County
By our Legislative proceedings, it will be
seen that tho Governor has signed the Mon
tour county bill, and the outrage upon the un
offending people of Columbia, is thnsconsu
mated. It may have been a offence in them,
to have sent to the Senate, such a man as
Best, but it is hard that the innocent here
should suffer with the guilty. We Bhall here
after fully review subject.
A# JESSE G. CLARK, of this place has been
appointed Division Quartermaster lor the
9th Division of Pennsylvania Volunteers, by
Major Gen. Sturdevant. The appointment is
certainly a merited compliment to tho Major,
who, it will be remembered, was one of
those first to volunteer his services in the
Mexican war G/u. Sturdevant has made a
very creditable selection for his staff officer in
this latitude.
Military Appointment-
Dr. A. J. Brass, of Berwick, has been ap
pointed First Surgeon for the Ist Brigade 9ih
Division, P. V.
It will be noticed by tho Brigade order that
the time of holding the Danville Battallion
will be on the Ist of Juno instead of the
2&lli of May, as announced last week.
Cy Henry Metcalf, Esq., has been appoin
ted Prosecuting Attorney for Sullivan county
in tho place of A. J. Dietrich, Esq., removed
for being a Democrat.
I7M. de Lamartine's new play, at the
Porte St. Martin, is considered to be a failure
There ate beautiful pasaagea m tha piece,
but in the aotiog it ie very heavy and inef
The Free Banking System.
A bill has lately passe'l the Slate Senate
i establishing the Free Banking System in this
State, and authorising an increase to our
1 State debt of $3,000,000. This amount of
i State stock is to bo issued bearing an interest
of 4J per cent, and to serve as the basis of
bank issues by any Association of three per
sons who will purchase the stock. The new
loan is to be called the coupon loan, after that
which proved so disastrous to France, and
produced the revolution of blood and crime.
We regard this project just a cunning de
vice to increase the State debt, and play still
deeper into the hands of capitalists at the ex
pense of labor. Such expedients have been
the common resort of desperate financiers in
the old world, and it has been by such
games lis these that the crowned robbers
have there entailed the present enormous
debts upon their subjects and their subjects'
At this rate the prosecution of any public
improvement will depend upon the will of
capitalists who loan to the State. If the men
of money are willing to lend, the Legislature
may appropriate; but it must always be upon
such terms as the masters of the laws see fit to
allow. Thus in the present instance,the pur
chasers of the caupou stock aro to have 4 per
cent, on thsloan ; and then upon four-fifths
of this amount they may issue notes and
loan these again at 6 per cent, more; making
to them a profit of more than 9 per cent.,
while other individuals get only six. Nor is
this all. The caupon loan is to be exempt
from every species of taxation, while in the
case of individuals the tax eats up about one
percent, of tho interest. The interest also is
to be paid semi-annually on this loan, which
will make it a species of compound interest
to the capitalist.
We say the tendency of this thing is to
make capitalists the masters of the legisla
ture. The members dare not go home with
out securing appropriations to the pet pro
jects, of their constituets, and to get these
they must bow the knee in abject servility
to the Lords of the heavy purse. It is easy
lor political quacks to run the State into
debt, but let them once exercise their inge
nuity to pay what wo already owe.
Under this free banking system, as well as
under any other, the notes may become de
preciated. There may be security for their
eventual redemption, but this stock must first
be sold in the mantel before it becomes a
vailable funds. In the mean lime, those of
the note-holders who are poor have been
compelled to part with their money, and suf
j far a loss, which profits no one but the bro
kers, or perhaps die agents of the bank it
The vote in the Senate on this free banking
law, stood 18 yeas to 14 nays. The yeas
were all Whigs except Messrs. Ives, Packer,
Guernsey and Best. The nays were all De
mocrats except Messrs. Crabb and Konig
Susquehanna County Baak. 1
The Legislature have at last appointed
Commissioners to investigate the affairs of
this rickety concern. C. R. Buckalew, Esq.,
of this place, and Caleb E. Wright, Esq., of
D°y! fi stowii, are the Commissioners.
CONGRESS.— Mr. Wilmol made a Free-Soil
speech, on last Friday, after which the House
adjourned over to Monday. Mr. Winthrop
spoke on Monday. The Census bill is in
such shape, that it will soon pass, but the
slavery question is the all-absorbing topic of
the day. The Compromise committee, has
not yet reported to the Senate.
For the Star of the North.
Permit me, through the columns of
the Star of the North, to recommend the
Hon. ANDREW BEAUMONT, as a suitable man
to fill the above office. I consider 'that Mr.
Beaumont, has the very head and heart to
qualify him for the post of Auditor General,
besides that he is an old fashioned and well
tried Democrat of the Simon Snyder school
and has never beep found wanting. I there
fore hope that his merits, will be well con
sidered at the Williamsport convention.
The next Governor-
The suggestion of our correspondent lately
that COI.EAH FRAZER, of Lancaster, should
be the next Democratic candidate for Gover
nor, seems to meet with general favor from
the press. The North Pennsylranian, in speak
ing of it, says:
"We have known REAH FRAZER from the
earliest recollection of our boyhood, and can
bear testimony to liischaracter as a man and
a democrat. For twenty-five years ha has
been battling in the cause of Democracy,
with unceasing aidor, in a district where a
powerful opposition is waged against the Re
publican party. He has ever been consistent
in bis political character and 110 man can point
to his public course, and say that he has
once proved derelict in his duty to his prin.
ciple. So far as tee are concerned, (and we
aro proud to make tho assertion), we should
hail his nomination with both political and
personal gratification. Col. F., has never so
licited office; and is now one of thoso rare
exceptions who has battled for a principle
without seeking personal aggrandisement."
A lady came to Charles Wesly, complain
ing that sho was the chief of sinners—the
worst of trangressors—utterly lost and help
"I have no doubt, madam," repliod he,
"that you are wicked enough."
She instantly flew into a passion, declared
she was 110 worse than her neighbors,scolded
the preacher as a slanderer, and it is thought
would have boxed his ears if he had not quit
ted the apartment.
The following was propounded to a puns"
1 ter, the other day, by a leading Whig; "Why
is the Taylor Administration like a pinchlxuk
watch 1 The punster gave it up. Ans. Be
oauie it has been Galphinistd.
Beach Haven, May 1, 1850. J
Messrs. Gihnore & Weaver :—The follow
ing shows the collection of Canal Tolls at
this Office :
Amount per last report $5,266 91
ending April 30th, 10,455 86
A Total $15,722 77
Youis, &e.,
Columbia, May 1, 1850. j
Messrs. Editors :
The following is a state
ment of the amount qf Tolls received at this
Office for the month of April :
From Canal $22,077 50
" Rail Road 18,813 19
Outlet Lock 2,404 00
" Trucks 1,244 35
" Fines 20 00
Total $44,559 04
Total receipts since Nor. 30, '49 $98,475 35
Total iucrease $11,400 74
Talking Right Out.
The Independent Democrat at Doylestown
is one of the most fearless journals in tho
State. It dares to speak what it feels to be
right, and merits the well wishes of every
sound Democrat. It exposes the character
of one pretended Democrat in the following
Among others we observe the name, of Col.
FRANKLIN VANSANT, of Bucks county, associ
ated with the office of Canal Commissioner.
Now we protest against the nomination of
th# Colonel. Aside from his utter incapacitj to
the discharge of the duties of tha. office,
there are other reasons why he should not
be the candidate of the Democratic party. Not
many years since Col. Vansant was a resi
dent of the county of Philadelphia, and elec
ted to a seat in the Legislature, but as the
Democracy of that county did not relish bis
friendly bending towards that old load of sin-
Dr. DYOTT, they speedily releived him of his
representative functions, after which he
made his appearance as a lobby.member,
boreing for the Dyott Bank, through which
the community was swindled to such an ex
tent, as to justify tho criminal court in con
signing the old culprit for a term of years to
the Penitentiary. Subsequently Col. Van
sant located himself in tho lower section of
this county, and before he had became
fairly warm he was on the chase for office
he was elected to some unimportant little
county offices. In 1836 he was a candidate
before the County Convention for the Sen
ate, but being unsuccessful he aided the op
position to uefeat the regular nominee of the
Democratic party. In 1848 he ;.sought the
nomination for Congress and being again re
jected he and his tree soil friends absented
themselves from the election, with a view to
rikayjio Democratic candidate.. And in,
contributed to iho deftrat oftbo Dein*
ocratic candidate for the Senate, because his
favorite did not get on the ticket. As addi
tional evidence of his want of .popularity at
home, we need only mention that a majority
of the Delegation from Bucks county is op
posed to hie nomination.
now ri WAS DONE.
The following extract from a Harrisburg
letter to the Bradford Reporter explains how
the Montour county bill was passed. The
letter was written before the passage of the
bill, but the writer plainly saw the force of
the circumstances which put it through. He
says :
Valentine Best, Esq., Speaker of the Sen
ate, stands between the Democratic and
Whig parties, and absolutely holds the bal
ance of power; whichever way ho casta his
vote, on a strict party question the preponder
ance is given, and ofcoursea party triumph.
Ot course it will be easily seen and under
stood that his vote will be sought after, and
almost all kinds of caresses and appliances
used by members (of cither party who are
desirous of accomplishing some particular
project through the apportionment bit .There
are such members of both parties. Mr.
Best, you mHy bo euro is cunning enough to
see and know the value of his oto, and as
he holds the controlling vote over the big
bills of the session, he is determined to force
Senators and members to vote for his Mon
tour County, aye and pass it too before ho
will permit action to be taken on the other
bills. So between the two houses they are
playing shy, and practising in skillful legis
lative tactics, to see which can out manoeu
vre the other. The house trying to stave off
Montour, and pass the other bills, and Best,
(who i the Senate,) determined to force
Montour down their necks before he will
touch any thing else. In this way they have
psscd and rejected Montour—passed and re
jected an apportionment bill two or three
times, and present appearances indicate, that
they are now only in the middle of the fight.
Still all these matters may be brought to a
close and business closed in a few days.
PATENTS.— The following patents were is
sued from the Office last week :
John WuifHein, of Philadelphia, Pa. For
method of preventing accidental discharge
of the Prussian Gun.
E. Hervey Parsons and Sanford E. Parsons
of IVilkesbarro, Pa.—For improvement in
hanging Saws in saw mills. N
OTM. Bodisco, Minister of the Czar to
the Untied Slates, instead of being banished
to Siberia, has been decorated by the Em
peror witn the Grand Cross of the Order of
Waldimar. He came passenger in the Cam
bria to the United States.
HF"The Emperor of Morocco has sent
some native African animals and birds as
presents to Queen Victoiia. They consist of
a lion, lioness, tiger, five gazelles, and two
pair of ostriches.
Though sin may rciun from pole to pole
Oerall this wide domain,
Yet not a speech shall tinge the soul
When we in heaven reign.
Though troubles my beeet the life,
That leadsto and God
Yet. in the midfct of daily strite,
We love the path he trod:
I would not—no T would not leave
Religion's smallest joys,
For all tho pleasures we receive
From earth's vain trifling toys.
For in the last sad solemn hour,
When life is pperiug out,*
We have a Godkvhose gracious power
Can raise us viitli a shout.
If death dissolvt the union here,
A stronger ot* is given :
The tie of gospji grace is near
To waft us n<tne to heaven.
ROMANCE IN REL. LIFE. — The Lewisburg
(Pa.) Chronicle announces the marriage on
the 14th instant at John Johnson and Mrs.
Maria Miller, of 4hi)lisqusque township, and
tells the foliowiugrcmantic story respecting
the happy pair
The groom, work# at the boat
yard bere, was prmerly a seafaring roan.
The bride is froi South Carolina, and her
father ar.d hot firmer husband, both of whom
had been dead fhany years, were wealthy
planters. Soue five years ago the young
widow made a visit to England, in company
with her broth**, a southern gentleman ol
fortune; and oithe return voyage they em
barked ill a vesatl in which the groom was
serving as aconmon sailor. By some acci
dent she was kuacked off overboard in the
haroor of Liverpool, she sank to the bottom,
and was given )p for lose Our hero, howev
er, did not abgidon the search. A slight
change in the of the vessel discover
ed her, the wafer being remarkably clear, ly
ing on thegrdyid, twenty feet below the sur
face, and apparently dead. He instantly
plunged to thebottom, seized her by the hair,
and brougbLhlblAllia top—a large lock of
hair being pulled out in the attempt, and
which is still preserved. After some hours
of perseverii£ exertion, she was finally
brought to anil perfectly restored. She was
deeply gratefil to the preserver of her life,
and on the homeward voyage she formed a
strong attachment for him, and a union for
life was resolred upon. Their plans were,
however, frustrated, and for several years
ihey never met. In the mean time her for
tune became impaired. Some three or four
months ago eho heard of his locali on here,
and immediately came on from Charleston
to see him. Her unc'.e, however, overtook
her and carried her back. She came on a
gain, softie throe weeks ago, but was confin"
ed to bed for some lime by sickness. Re
covering or. last Sabbath evening, the long
deferred nuptial knot was tied, and the res
cuer and rescued are now united in life -part
nership, ftlTVSfte r or for Worse.
[ jKf A saw millji* in operation in Morris
town, N. J., which can readily be taken to
pieces and pur on th{pe wagons and transpor
ted to any place required in a dense forest
It saws a log 30 feet in length, and a few
days since transformed a log 15 foet long and
15 inches in diameter into j boards in short
order—the saw running through the log in 4i
minutes with The greatest ease. The crank
can be transformed from an eight inch to a
ten inch stroke in five minulos, and to pre
vent the usual jarring and heavy pressure on
one side of the machine, it has a pitman on
each side oflhe saw. The cost is $350.
W SHUN* MONUMENT.— We perceive by
the proceedings of a meeting held on Friday
of last week** lie. Trappe, in Montgomery
county, to take measures for the erection of
a mounument to the memory of the late Gov
ernor Shttnk, that the amount collected is, as
yet, inadequate to the building of the propos
ed structure—teqniring SI,OOO to complete
the same, white the amount collected does
not exceed A large'number of sub
scription lists vthich were distributed though
out the State, sme time ago, have not been
returned, which is earnestly requested.
tion poll opened at the office of the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company, to decide as to the
running ot daily lines on this improvement,
was closed at 3o'clock on Monday, with the
following results : The whole number of
stockholders voting was 1829, representing
30,485 shares ; y35 stockholders gave 17,-
822 votes inTavur of daily lines, and 704
stockholders gaiw 12,603 votes against it,
leaving a majority of 421 stockholders and
5,159 shares in Igvor of the daily lines.
are being held is the several districts and
parishes of South Carolina, to take measuies
for the erection f a monument to the memo,
ry of the late Hon. John. C. Calhoun, at Col
umbia, by popular coutribution.
lir Cots* has fallen nearly 40 per cent,
from the late rise. Sugar i$ low. Mackarel
is very dear.
TY MILK-HOUSES are now proved to be
better in dry ground, if kept sweet and ventil
lated well, than wherethere is a spring of
runuing water—'* -
'" UTOPIAN.— In France, a scheme has
been started for the establishments of Banks
ot Honor, in which no security shall be re
quired for loans, except the honor of the bor
Thirty-one sections on the Western Divis
ion of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad be
tween Turtle Creak and Blairsville, were let
to contractors, at the latter place, on the 18th
ult. Section No. 35 was taken by Col. Wyn
koop and Lenagan, of Potlsrille.
HARRISBCRO, May 2. 1850
Mr. Darsie, from the Committee on Fi
nance, reported the General Appropriation
Bill, with several amendments.
Varioud" House amendments to Senate bill
were taken up and generally concurred in.
■ The Apportionment. —The bill to fix the
number of Senators and Hepresesenlntlvcß,
and to form the State into Districts, in pursu"
ance of the provisions of the Constitution,
came up in order on third reading.
The question then recurring upon the final
passage of the bill, it tvasagreed to—yeas 16,
nays 15—as follows :
Yeas—Messrs. Brooke, Crahb, Cunning
ham, Darsie, Frick, Haslett, Konigmacher,
Lawrence, Malone, Matthias, Sadler, Saney,
Savery, Sline, Walker, Best, (Speaker.)
Nays—Messrs. Brawley, Drum, Fernon,
Forsyth, Frailey, Fulton, Hugus, Ives, Jones,
M'Caslin, Muhlenberg, Packer, Shimer,
Sterrelt, Streeter.
Afternoon Session. —The entire afternoon
was spent in consideration of the general
Appropriation Bill. An amendment increas
ing the pay to members to three dollars per
diem was negatived, by a vote of yeas 12,
nays 16. The thirteenth section of the bill
had been reached on second reading when
the Senate adjourned. -r
May 3d.
SENATE.— Mr. Darsie read in place a bill
to incorporate the Short Mountain Coal Com
pauy, which, on motion, was taken up and
parsed a second reading.
Afternoon ScMion. —The Benate concurred
in the House amendments to the Lebanon
Bank bill.
The consideration of the Appropriation
bill was then resumed, and continued under
discussion till the hour of adjournment,
when it was referred to the Committee of
Conference. The names of the Committee
have not yet transpired. '
HOUSE.—A message was received from the
Governor, with the information that he had
signed the bill creating the new county,
Senate amendments to the Appropria'ion
bill were then taken up, and after prepara
tory reading, House adjourned.
May 4th.
SENATE.— The Senate Conference Com
mittee on the apportionment Bill, consist of
Messrs. Sankey, Frailey and Sadler.
Senate resumed the consideration of the
Gencial Appropriation Bill. The new sec
tion put on as an amendment by the Finance
Committee in Senate, which appropriates
$500,000 for the purpose ef avoiding eight of
the Inclined Planes on tho Allegheny and
Portage Railroad, was adopted by a vole of
yeas 24, nays 7.
The bill passed second reading and the
Senate adjourned.
Bills on third reading.— The bill to extend
the charter of the Kensington Bank. Upon
the final passage of this bill a debate en
sued between Messrs. Molloy and Steel. The
bill was lost by a vote of yeas 35, nays 40.
Ihe Committee of Conference on the pert
of the House on the Apportionment Bill are
Messrs. Porter, Rhey aud Haldeman, (all
An act to extend the charter of the West
Branch Bank at Williamsport came up on
third reading, and was lost—yeas 34. nays
May 6.
SENATE. —Senate resumed the considera
tion of the General Appropriaiion Bill. On
motion of Mr. Streetei, a section was embod
ied, and adopted as follows. -
That the 10th section of the act, entitled,
' An act to reduce the expenses of Govern
ment," passed the 17th day of April, 1813,
shall not be construed to apply to any session
of the Legislature at which the Septennial
Apportionment is required to be made, in
pursuance of the 4th section of the Ist article
of the Constitution of Peuiisylvania. In sut>
stance, this section allows the present mem
bers of the Legislature/u pay for time spent
in session over the one hundred days. The
yeas and nays were required upon its adopt
tion and resulted as follows.
Yeas—Messrs. Brawley, Crabb, Cunning
ham, Darsie, Drum, Fernon, Frailey, Frick
llaslett. Hugus, Ives, Lawrence. M Casjin!
Muhlenberg, Packer, Sankey, Shimer. Stine
Streeter, Walker— 2o. ' '
Nays—Messrs. Foisyth, Fulton, Guernsey,
Jones, Konigmacher, Malone, Matthias, Sad
ler, Sterrett, Best, Speaker— 10.
After some further modification the bill
passed finally.
HOUSE.— Senate amendments to the bill
creating a sinking fund, and to provide for
the gradual and certain extinguishment of
the debt of iho Commonwealth; to authorize
a loan, and to establish a system of banking
thereon, were taken up in orcfe'r. The sec
ond section as amended in Senate, was now
concurred in; this section now taxes billiatd
tables, in each county, thirty dollars. Tho
same section was amended by inserting
' nine' 1 before "or ten-pin alley."
Dr Burden proposed a new section, taxing
horse-races in each county, five hundted dol
lars, which was negatived.
The third and fourth sections, as amended
were concurred in, when the House adjourn
May 7.
HOUSE.— Senate amendments to the gene
ral appropriation bill wero considered. The
House concurred in the amendment increas
ing the pay of clerks in tho surveyor gener
al's offie. House non-concurred in an amend
ment striking out a proviso relative to the
fees of the attorney general and his deputies.
Yeas 31, nays 46.
A proposition to increase the salary of the
State Librarian from SSOO to S7OO was lost
yers 34, nays 45.
An amendment made by the Senate in
creasing the pay of the Canal Commission
ers to $4 per day, was non concurred in—
yeas 37, nays 45.
Pending consideration of further amend
ments relative to private claims, House ad
AFTERNOON SESSION. —The House this after
noon voted itself three dollars a day, without
a division. Extra pay was voted to the Ser
geant-at At mi and other officers of both
The special Committee appointed by the
House to investigate the charges against Gid
eon J- Ball, late State Treasurer, reported at
length. The report exonerates that gentle
mac from any culpability in the discharge of
his duties.
State Central Committee.
. At a very full meeting of the Democratic
State Central Committee; at McKibbeftjj
Merchant's Hotel, Philadelphia, on the 111
iust., the following resolutions were unani
mously adopted:
Resolved, That this Committee deem it ex
pedient and proper, that the Convention that
will assemble at W illiamsport, on Wednes
day, the 29th of this month, should make the
nominations of Democratic candidates lor
the offices of Auditor General and Surveyor
General, or any oilier State offices that may
be made elective by the people.
And whereas, uoubta have arisen in the
party of the propriety of alternating the
place, and having dilterent petiods of the
year lor holding the State Conventions of the
party, and great inconvenience and difficulty
have sometimes arise in the choice of Sena
torial delegates; therefore,
Resolved, That this Committee respectfully
suggest to the (fenvumioti, the propriety uf
considering and determining upon a perma
nent time and place lor holdiug lutuie Dem
ocratic State Conventions
Resolved, That we also suggest to the Con
vention, the propriety of so arranging the
representation in future Conventions as tc
dispense with Senatorial delegates, and per
mit the Democracy of each county to bo dir
ectly represented.
J. GLANCY JONES, Chairman.
G.G. WESTCOTT, Secretary.
New Haven, May 3d.
j The Legislature was organized yesterday,
by the election of Ofigen S. Seymour, dem
ocrat, as Speaker of the House
David B. Warner was appointed Clerk pro.
tem., and byth Houses went ..into the elec
tion of State officers, with the following re
sult :
T. S. Seymour, (dem.) 122
L. S. Foster, (whig 103
Blank " 7
Failed to vote 3
Seymour's majority 4
Charles H. Pond, (dem.) was chosen Lieut
Governor by the following vote:
C. H. Pond, (dem) 124
Green Cendrtck, (W.) 101
Blank, 4
Pond's majority. 19
No other candidates were balloted for; but
there is no doubt the democratic Secretary
of State, Treasurer and Comptroller, will be
The Schuylkill URDU.
No less than three charters for new banks
passed the Senate, of this State in one day
last week—passed, too, by Democratic votes
The most recent movement, however, is to
revive the charter ofthe Schuylkill Bank —that
great gambling shop, by the failure of which
so many honest people were ruined a few
years ago. We see. with a-Signishment, that
this bill has passed the Senate. If this con
cern is allowed to commence operations, the
very next scheme will be to ressurrectionize
the dead bank of the United States. The
principle is the same, and the man who
votes for the revival of the Schuylkill Bank,
can next follow his vote consistently by sup
porting a bill for the revival of the charter of
the monster itself. We call upon the Dem
ocrats of the House to interpose between the
people and the Seriate for the purpose of re
straining this loose and objectionable prac
tice of clothing every bank with corporate
powers that chooses to ask for them.—Penn.
Widening of the Union Canal.
Tho managers of the Union Canal Compa
ny are taking preliminary steps toward com
mencing the work of enlarging the channel
of that important internal improvement. The
Lebanon Courier informs us that it is the in
tention of the Company to proceed with the
work as far as possible previous to the clos
ing of navigation, which will be in October.
They contemplate having the enlargeinentin
such a state of forwardness as to be ready
for re opening the Canal with the first Spring
business. Tho affairs of tho Company are
in a very prosperous condition, reflecting
high credit upon those to whom its manage
ment has been entrusted.
A gentlemen, says the New York Post,
writing to us on business,, from the Lacka
wana Valley, Pa., informs us that work on
the Legget's Gap Railroad has been comm
enced at the Summit, in the town of Abing
don, Luzerne County, aild 3 number of shan
ties located there. The Directors of the Board
promise to have it completed in seventeen
months from this time. This work will con
nect the Krie Railroad with the great Lacka
wana and Wyoming coal mines.
Or Destructive Fire at Fiie. —lntelligence
was received here on Saturday, of the de
struction by fire, at Pike, Wyoming county,
Pa., of the paper mill owned by Messrs. John
B. Smith, of this city, and W. Wheeler, of
Pike. The establishment was valued at
87000—manufacturing the best paper of its
kind in Western New York.
IV A wall known manulactaror of a Patent
Medicine, in New York, ha lately disposed
of his establishment arid given up tho busi
ness. He recovved for the mauhinery $28,-
000, and toy liie good will SIOO,OOO. The
manner in which he built up such a profita
ble concern was very simple—a liberal and
judicious system of advertising.
EF* Marble in Few Jersey. —A vein of Mar
bio has been discovered at Turkey Moun
tain, near Montville, N. J. It is beautifully
white, r.nd, in 6ome portions of it, shows
seams of asbestos, about an inch in thick
ness, and particlos of copper pyrites.
The Albany Dutchman says there is a
fellow in that city so jealous, that he counts
his wifo's hairs every day, to see if she has
not given away a moratnto ab
The following sections nre portion of the
la* relating to banking, as it 1/fiely passed
the Legislature. The bill has rreen signed
by the Governor, and will work a material
change in the oharacter of our currency. It
will be the means of drawing out • great
deal of specie into circulation, and all that ie
needed is to drive away the ragged re
a j The present law is such at will"
itself. '
Section 48. That from and after the twen*
ty-first day of August, one thousand eight
- hundred and fifty, it shall nor bo lawful for
1 any person or persons, corporation or body'
j coporatc, directly or indirectly, to issue, pay
r out, pass, exchange, put in circulation, trans
r fer, or catiso to be issued, paid ouf, passed,
1 exchanged, circulated or trasferred, any bank
a note, nolo, bill, certificate, or any acknowi-
Q edgment of indebtedness whatsoever, pur
a porting to be a bank note, or of the nature,
0 character or appearance of a bank note, or
f calculated for circulation as a banknote, is
sued, or purporting to be issued by any bank
y or incorporated company, or association of
,1 persons, not located in Pennsylvania, of lei*
denomination than five dollars; every viola*
ti°n of the provisions of this section by any
corporation or body corporate, shall subject
, such corporation or body corporate to the
} payment of five hundred dollars; and any
. violation of the provisions of this section b>
- any public officer holding any office or ar>
point moot of honor or profit under the con
stitution and laws of this state, shall su
ject such officer to the payment of one hun
dred dollars; and any violation of this sec
■ lion by any other person, not being a public
officer, shall subject such person to the pay
ment of twenty-five dollars, one half o
which, in each case above mentioned, sha!
' go to the informer, and the other half to tin
county in which the suit is brought, and
may be sued farand recovered as debts
like amount by law recoverable r
any action of debt, iii the name of the cm;,
tnouwealth of Pennsylvania, as well for tu
use of the proper county, as for the person
Section 49. That in addition to the cit i
penalties imposed for a violation of tha pro
visions of the last preceeding section, e-,c
ry person who shall violate the provi.-dons of
1 that section, shall be taken and deemed tc
have committed a misdemeanor, and shall,
upon conviction thereof in any ctimnal co :t'.
in this commonwealth, be fined in any sum
not less than one dollar, and not more tha-
one hundred dollars; and the several courts
of quarter sessions shall, in their charges to
the grand jury, call their attention to this
subject; and it shall be the duty of the aeve
ral grand juries to maSfc presentment of a,.v
person within their respective counties. uh<
may be guilty of a violation of the pro- s
ions of the last preceding section; and v
shall be the duty of the several cons'a
and other peace officers within this
monwcalth, to make information again.
person guilty of such violation, and t:.-
shall be sworn so to do: Provided, "Hia.
shall not be necessary, in any civil suit' ct
criminal prosecution under this section, and
the last preceding section, to produce, in ev
idence, the charter of any bank, or artie e.
of association of any company, not located
in this state.
Great Convention of Women inOhio.
Correspondence of The Tribune.
SALEM, Columbiana Co. Ohio, Apr:! 21
The call of a Convention to frame a new
Constitution forjhe State of Ohio has arouse.:
'he Buckeye women to an effort to seeur
for themselves equal rights with men in ma
king and administering the laws by wr.ioi
they are to be governed. A Convention, co -
posed of four or five hundred of the sex, ha
just closed a session of two days in this pUi.
Men took no part whatever in tho procei
ings, but attended in great numbers as ,■
tators The whole subject of Womatf s posi.
lion, political, social and .intellectual, in,-
pretty thoroughly canvassed, and that, to o,
with an ability which would have dono no
discredit to elevated and enlightened minds
of the other sex. Among those most \cti>*
in the proceedings were many who oc -pjr
the highest place of society in our YVesteir
villages— women of vigorous and cultivated
minds, and distinguished for all the virtues
pertaining to tho sex. The call was addr. s;.
Ed to the Women ofOhio, and excue .1 y- .
deep interest in many portions of the b -.-
From this and the adjoining counties the a;,
endanco was large, and many came from a
distance.—The Convention excited ar in
terest in this village ar.d vicinity. Little ol
was talked about or thought of while it was
in The large meeting-house of
Friends (Hicksiies), in fvhichall thesesßic
save one were held, was crowded mucl e,
the limo to overflowing—tho women occu
pying one part, and the men, scarcely it >-
numerous, the olher.
MODESTY.—It is said that a lady recently
asked Lor i Brougham who was the best de
bater in the House of Lords. His lordsli'p
modestly replied, '-Lord Stanley is the tcv:..
The modesty of his lordship is equal to
that of a lecturer on Phrenology, who once
visited Philadelphia. He told his auJieni
there were three remarkable heads in '.u
United Slates, one was that of panicl Web
ster, another John C. Calhoun, "the third. i >
dies and gentlemen," said the lecturer, ''mod.
esty forbids me to mention,"
NEW POST-OFFICES—'The Postmaster Car
eral has estabtthed post-offices a! the
lowing places 7n this State :
East Sharon, Potter county, Pa., Fcl
Lerch. The Post-office at Beech Ridg
Wayne county, has been discontinued; ai
that at Boston, Northumberland, naruejehs-r.
ged to "Kautinchunk."
of laborers on the strike on the inclined pi •
railroad, west of Philadelphia, is from 7d J
800, and avow their delernfinttiu>n no' to :
sume work until their hoiiis art grantad—
that is. ten hoars td the day.