The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, May 09, 1850, Image 1

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4 IIIIWM.] .
1s published every Thursday Morning, by
Weaver A Gilmore.
OFFICE—Up stairs in the New Brick building
on the south side rf Main street, third
sqiuire below Market.
TERMS Two Dollars per annum, if paid
within six months from the time of subscri
bing ; two dollars and fifty cents if not paid
within the year. No subscription received
for a less period than six months: no discon
tinuance permitted until all arrearages are
paid, unless at the option of the editors.
ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding one square,
will be inserted three times for one dollar, ami
twenty-five cents for each additional insertion.
A liberal discount will be made to those who ad
vertise by the year.
From the Tribune.
SOFTLY the wild-bird sinks
Into his downy nest when twilight falls,
And not one care his truetiul spirit links
To the wide world without his fragde w ,11s.
Untaught by those who wake to watch and
He knows God giveth His beloved sleep.
The rangers of the hills,
Unnumbered herds that roam the verdant
plain, A
The gliding serpent, charming while he
The bee that homeward bears its luscious
These rest when o'er them evening shadows
They know God giveth His beloved sleep.
The very flowers are bowed
When cooler airs caress them, and the dew
Hangs on their limed petals, arid a crowd
Of glilt'ring stars look out from fields of blue;
Then, while trie songs of angels o'er them
They rest—God givedi His beloved sleep.
To all, most holy Night!
To the creoii leaves, tho mountain springs,
the flowers,
Thou cotnest with thy silent wing of
And blessings greet the for the tranquil
While Man, o'erborne with grief, forgets to
weep, v
Knowing—God giveth His beloved sleep.
And they all sleep in peace.
Passion is hushed, the toil, the strife are o'er;
The struggling spirit hath obtained re
And plumes its wings, though but in dreams '
Oh, blessed Night! that beaWthrough shad
ows deep
The charm that giveth God's beloved sleep!
And when the mellow light
From eyes we love grows dim and fades a
When the low, grassy mound conceals
from sight
One who had made the brightness of Life's
day ;
When floods of grief the spirit's chambers
Oh ! think—God giveth His beloved sleep:
The School Mistress.
"The school ma'am's school
ma'am's coming;'' shouted a dozen voices
at the close ot half an hour's faithful watch- !
ing to catch a glimpse of our teacher. E--
ery eye was turned towards her with the
most scrutinizing glance, for tho children as
well as others always form an opinion cf a
person, particularly of their teachers, at first I
"How tall she is!" exclaimed one. "Oh,
don't she look sweet?" cried ano'her. "Ho,
I ain't afraid of her, nor a dozen like her."
cried the 'big boy' of the school. "Nor I
neither," cried the big boy's ally. "I could
lick her easy enough, could'nt you, Tom ?"
"Yes, and I will too, if she goes to touch
me." "Hush." cried one of the girls, "she
will hear you." By this time she had nearly
reached the door, round which we wcreclus- !
tercd, antl every eye was fixed upon her
face with an anger yet half bashful gaze, '
uncertain, as yet, what verdict to pronounce !
upon her.
"Good morning, children," said she, in
the kindest voice in tho world, whilo her
face was lighted with the sweetest smile im
aginable, "ibis is a beamifulmorning to com
mence school, is it not ?"
'•I know I shall love her, whispered a lit
tie pet in my ear.
We all followed her into tho school room,
except Tom Jones and his ally, who waited
till the rest were seated, and then came in
with r swaggering, l.oisy girl, and a sort of
<laro devil, saucy loot, a 9 much as to say,
"Who cares foryou?"
Miss Wescott looked at them kindly, Liu!
appeared not to notice them fanher. After a
short prayer and reading a chapter in the Bi
ble, she passed round the room, and made
some enquiry of each one in regard to them
solves and their studies.
"And what is your name?" she asked,
laying her hand upon Tom's head, while ho
sat with his hand in his pook^swinging his
feet backward and forwards. 4
"Tom Jones," shouted he at tho top of his
"How old are you, Thomas?" she asked.
—"Just as old again as half," answered
Tom, with a saucy laugh.
"What do you study, Thomas ?"
"What books have you?"
Without appearing to be at all disturbed by
his replies, Miss Wescott said, "I am glad to
have one or two large boys in my school; you
can be of great assistance to rue, Thomas, and
if you will stop a few minutes after school
this afternoon, we will talk over a little plan
I have formed.
This was very mysterious to all, and par
ticularly to Tom, who could not comprehend
how he could he useful to any one, and for
the first lime in his life he felt that he was of
some importance in the world. He had no
home training; no one had ever told him he
could be of any use or do anv good in the
world. He had always been called the 'bad
boy' at school, and he togk a kind of pride
and pleasure in being feared by the children
and drea< ed by the teacher.
Miss Wescott at once comprehended his
whole character, and began to shape her
plans accordingly. She maintained that a
boy who at twelve years old made himself
feared among his school fellows, was capa
ble of being made something of. Heretofore
all influence hnd conspired to make him bad
and perhaps a desperate character; she was
determined to transform his character by
bringing opposite influences to work upon
him, and to effect this, she must gain his
confidence; which could be done in no bet
ter way than by making him feel that she
placed confidence in him. When school
was out, more than half the scholars lingered
about the door, wondering what Miss Wes
cott could be staying to Tom Jones. He had
often been bid to remain after school; but it
was always to receive punishment or severe
lectures; and nine limes out of ten he would
jump out of the window before half the schol
ars were out of the room; but it was evi
dently for a different purpose that he was to
remain now. and no one wondered more
what it could be than Tom himself.
"Don't you think, Thomas, that our school
room would be a areat deal pl-asanler if we
had some evergreens to hang around it;
something to make it look cheerful?" in
quired Mi:-s Wescott.
"Yes'nt, and I know where I can get plen
ty of thein."
"Well, Thomas, if you will have some
here by eight o clock to morrow morning, 1
will be here to help you put them up, and
we will give the children a pleasant surprise;
and here are some books I wi!l give you
Thomas; you may put them in your drawer;
they are what I want you to study."
"But I can't study geograyhy and history,"
exclaimed Tom, confused, "I never did."
"That is the reason why you think you
cannot," replied Miss Wescott. "1 am quite
sure you can, and you -will lor* them I
know." •
"Nobody ever cared whether I learned
any thing or not, before," said Tom, with
some emotion.
"Well, I rare," said Miss Wescott, with
i earnestness; "you are capable of becoming
a great and good man; you arc now forming
your character for life, and it depends upon
| yourself what you become. The poorest
boy in this country has an equal chance with
the wealthiest, and his circumstances are
more favorable, for becoming eminent, for
he learns to depend on himself. 1 will as
sist you all I can in your studies, Thomas, I know you will succeed; remember
that 1 am your friend, and come to me in ev
ery difficulty.''
Tom Jones had not been brought up, he
had come up, because he had been borne the world and couldn't help it; but as for
any mental or moral training, ho was as
guiltless of it as a wild bramble bush of a
pruning knife. His father was an intempe
rate bad man. and his mother was a totally
inefficient woman. At home he received
nothing but blows, and abrond nothing but
abuse. His bad passions were therefore all
excited at d fostered, and his good ones nev
er called out. He always expected thnt his
teachers would hate him, so he whetted a
new his combative powers to oppose them,
and he had made up his mind to turn the
"new school nta'am''out of doors. When,
therefore, Miss Wescolt declared she was glad
to have him in her school, he was amazed;
anil that she should manifest an interest for
him, ard give him a new set of books, was
perfectly incomprehensible to him. Miss
Wescott understood his position and charac
ter, and determined to modify them. She
fell that he was equally capable of good and
bad actions, though tho had predominated.
She knew that his active mind must be busy;
one might as soon think of chaining the
lightning, as binding down by force tha,
wild spirit to his books. She would give
him employment, but such as would call out
a new set of ideas and thoughts. Ho must
feel that ho was doing good to others and for
others' sake, and that he was not guided a
lone by his own wayward will, and yet there be no appearance of restraint upon
him, he must choose to do good
q"o,\n Jones went home that night with a
new feeling iS b' B breast; for the first time
in his life he felt th2t he w <w capable of ri
sing above his present condition and becom
ing something greater and beiler than he
then was. His mind became Inundated
with new and strange emotions, and like;
a mighty river turning from ita course, his
tho :ghts and energies from that hour sought
a new direction.
The next morning he was up with the
dawn, and when Miss Wescott arrived at the
school house she found Tom there with his
"Good morning, Thomas," she said, kind
ly, "and so you are here before me; you
must havo risen early, and you have found
some beautiful evergreens; and now if you
will help me hang them, we will have the
room well arranged by nine o'clock."
"I IrtfWbrought a hammer and some
nails," said Tom, "I thought we should need
"Yes, so we shall, lam glad you thought
of them," replied Miss Wescott.
That day every scholar looked amazed to
see Tom Jones actually studying his book
and to hear him answer several queslions
correctly, and they were still more confoun
ded when at recess Miss Wescott said:
'•Thomas, you will take care of tie little
children, will you not, and see that they do
not get hurt? you must be their protector."
One would as soon have thought of setting
a wolf to guard a flock of lambs, as Tom
Joncß to take care of the little children.
I "Well,"' exclaimed Sam Evan*, "I never
:aw suoii n school ma'm before in all tbe
i days of my life*| did yon Tom V '
j ,; No," replied Tom, "but I wish I had,
and I would have been a different boy from
( what I am now ; burl am going to aludy
j now and learn sameihing; Miss VVescolt
says I can ; I am determined to try."
It was astonishing to olftierve the effect
that Miss Wescott'* treatment of Tom had
j upon the scholars; they began to consider
I him of some importance, and to feel a sort
jof respect for him, which they manifested
first by dropping the nick-name Tom, and
i substituting Tommy, which revealed certain
jly a more kindly feeling towards him. In
| less than a week, Miss Wescott had her
; school completely under her control; yet it
I was by love and respect that she governed,
! and not by an iron rule ; she moved among
her scholars a very queen, and yet she so
gained their confidence and esteem, that it
did not seem to them submission to anoth
er's will, but the promptings of their own
desire to please. One glance of her dark
eye would have quelled an insurrection, and
one smile made them happy for a day.
Julia Wescott taught school with a reali
zation of the responsibilities resting upon
her, and she bent her energies to fulfil them.
Carefully and skilfully she unlocked the
I soul's door, and gave a searching glance
within, in order to understand its capacities,
; and then shaped her course accordinlv. The
j desponding and inactive she encouraged,
I the obstinate she subdued ; to the yielding
1 and fickle she taught a strong self reliance.—-
: She encouraged the one rain drop to do all
| the good it could, and the rushing torrent she
turned where it would fertalize, rather than !
destroy anil devastate.
There arc in every school some dormant
energies, which, if rotund might hke the
world. There are emertons and passions, j
which if let loose, will, like the lightnings of |
heaven, scatter ruin and blight, but if con- j
trolled, may like that element, become the j
messengers of thoughts to the world. In
that head that you call dull, may lie slum
bering passions like some pent up volcano;
open that closed crater, and see it there do j
not belch out flames which your own hand j
cannot stop. Put helmsman and pilot to that ]
wayward mind which floats at the mercy of)
wind t wave in the wide sea of thought, ami |
you will see it bearing its courte beautifully '
upon the water", and anchoring at last in a !
quiet haven, laden with the riches of the
earth. Call out the train bands of thought
that lie lurking under the benches of the
school room, arm and equip them foraction,
and give yourself the word of command,
lead them on, and see if there be not
vigor enough to scale those fortresses of I
knowledge which now rise like dark moun- '
tains before thetp. There is not a school;
room where there is not energy and vi^nr;
and thought enough, if developed and di- i
reeled, to revolutionize the world. There i
are geniuses which burst forth like a spring :
from the mountain, and there are also streams
as beautiful and pure, far, lar down in the I
earth, which will flow on forever in their
darkened course, unless some excavating 1
hand digs away the helpless piles of earth j
above them, and then there gushes up an
unfailing well of pure and sparkling waters.
The sculptor may form from the block of
marble before him, either angel or devil, so
'he soul may bo made either a seraph's I
home or a demon's haunt; and, do you not
know, parent, teacher, that it is your hand
that fashions (Ire abode, and beckons thither
the visitant.
I have seen a father mourn over his belov
ed son, when his own band presspd first to
bischild's lips, the hellish draught that set
his soul on fire. I have se en a poor lone
mother weep as if her heart would break,
over her ruined idols. Vet that mother's
smile beamed first upon the coming foot
steps of the destroyer, and her voice warned
not her child of danger. In that day, when
God shall bring every thing into judgmen',
will not the curses which rung so fearfully
in the ofiender's ears m this world, roll hack
with crushing weight upon those who fulfil
led not their responsibilities to them when
voung? Who knows that every murderer
might not havo been n minister of mercy to
wretched thousands? He was not born a
murderes: that sweet blue eye had no fien
dish glare, as its baby face rested upon its
mother's bosom—that little hand bore no
slau.' of blood as it clapped them in childish
gleo. Mother remember that earnest eye
which now mirrors thine own glance so lo'-
ingly, will ever reflect the light thou givest
it. A skilful farmer first prepares the ground
and then plants such seeds as is adapted to
the soil ? and shall we be less careful to
make a fit dwelling place for the "thoughts
of immortal mould," that spring up iu the
soul 1 and shall we not care and know what
seed is sown in those immortal minds which
aie hereafter to be judged by their fruits?
The sower in the parable sowed good seed ;
but only that which fell upon good ground
bore fruit; had the thorns been rooted out,
and the soil enriched, would not the other i
Troth and Right—Cad and oar Conntry.
fields yielded a harvesjalso ?
I have seen a teuchel make his entrance
into a school by readikg a list of rules, two
or three feet in length :rYou must do this—
you murldolhat," witlfcut a single remark
upon the propriety or Inproprietv, the why
and wherefore of the tling, but only "you
must do it."
You might as well txpect to cure a man
ol stealing by pelting Itkn with bibles. The
truth ccr uinly hits enough—-and so
would stones—let a maj feel the beauty as
well as the violence ot tie law, and he will
be quite as apt to profit hj' it.
Julia Wescott human nature.
She made it her teacher ought
to do. Site roo.ed out eipr and prejudice '
from the minds of her puals, showed litem
the evils of sin, and the beaity of virtue, the
advantages of education,andkhe consequence
of ignorance, taught themltheir own capa
bilities, and adapted her'inJructions to their
capacities and necessities.. And thus she
went on, year after year, siltteiing the good
i seed into good ground, and [she has reaped
an abundant harvest.
From many a happy hone and high place
comes a blessing upon her hnd there is no
one who breathes her t.ane with a greater
reverence,or rcmentbets hcrwith more grate
ful afiectioii, than Tom who has filled
I with pminent ability, one highest ju ■
dicial offices in tho Union ; aid who freely
acknowledges that he owes lis present char
acter and position entirelvtMiej treatment
and instructions.
Truly, "he that goeth forll) weeping, bear
ing precious seed, shall com! back again re
joicing, bringing his sheaves with him."
Science and the Workinf )lan.
In every trade and occupafibn there is sci
ence. Every laborer is a jiractical philoso
pher, though too often, like the bee or bea
ver, working in the dark, performing prodi
gies of science without having the lvasf idea
:of his own skill This ought not to be. An
! imats may work from instinct, but reason
1 and science, are the only proper guides for
j mankind; nor should the' workman be a
more mechanic, moved by the skill or phil
osophy of others; his mind should be as
well versed with the science of his trade as
his hand is with art; and to arrive ut this de,
crve nf is-not v frjsyl -*
suppose, because there ate truth and philoso
phy in everything. The quarry man, in hewing
stones, the mason or statuary iu shapening
them, or the poor man breaking them, have
had volumes of facts befor<v.tlu-ir eyes. which
if registered, might havß settled all the knot
ty poinis in mineralogy. And the same tnay
bo said of him who sinks mines, levels hills,
cuts through the hearts of mountains, or e
veil lays down the gravel or pebbles in the
garden walk. How true the words, that the
thinking find
"Tongues in trees, books in'the tanning brook*
Sermons in stones, and good ta everything."
Every worker in iron, brass, tin, copper,
steel, silver, or gold, is perpetually experi
menting in those metals, ami therefore has
an immense sphere of natural science and
philosophy glittering before What a
physiologist the butcher otlgbfYobe ! What
a botanist, aw, natur. j
alist, generally, every farmer's man and i'ai- j
rymaid might become ! Many of these have
ten thousand more advantage! for study than
Solomon. The philosopher walks miles in I
pursuit of truth ; but truth follows and envi- i
r'ons tho cowherds, shepherds and ploughmen.
The experimentalist has put hp forges or fur
nished laboratories, at great rouble and ex
pense; but the smelter, the blacksmith, the'
founder,, glass bloiver, and a hundred other 1
mechanics ami operatives, have all this app- j
aratus daily before them, ami, therefore with
out any trouble, might sound the depths and
scan the heights of knowledge. Nothing
would be required but a little observation.—
If 'orking Man's Friend.
A "PINT" IN Nxvic-ATION.-s-Suppose a ca
nal-boat heads west-nor'-fHf tljfl horse's tail,
and has the wind abeam, with a "flaw com
ing up in the south-woule tTf captain accord
ing to marntime law, be justified in taking a
rcef in the stove pipe without the
If you wish to be truely prlite, exhibit real
kindness in the kindest inntnier. Do this,
and you will pass at bar in usy society with
out studying r.les of etiquette.
tjr Youth is a glorious invention. While
the girls chase the hours, and you chase the
girls, the months seem to dance away "with
down upon their feel." What a pity our
summer is so short, isn't it t Before you
know it, lovers become deacons and romps
L# Somebody says he nesec-kncw a poli
tician aboliti onibl to put a negro into his bed
—nor a poor man to obtain a premium at a
tair where there was a rich ono to complete
with him.
"Why is a certain tree ealteifa weeping wil
ow V asked a schoolmaster, addressing one
of bis pupils. "Because you take whips
from it to whip the boys with."
It speaks well for the people of Texas that
already thirty-one newspapers have been e
stablished there, two of whioh ate religious.
The following bills have passed both bran,
ches of the Legislature and been signed by
the Governor : *
Relative to GYonnd Rents.
That from anil after the passage of this act,
vhenever a deed or other instrument of wri
ting, conveying rial estate, shall be made
wherein shall be contained a reservation of
ground rent to become perpetual upon the
failure of the purchaser to comply with the
conditions therein contained, no 'such cove
nant or condition shall be so construed ns to
make the said ground rent a perpetual incum
brance upon the said real estate, but it shall
and may be lawful for the purchaser thereof,
at any time after the said ground rent shall
have fallen due, to pay the full amount of
tho same, and such payment shall be a com
plete discharge of such real estate from the
incumbrance aforesaid.
The Bights of Married Women
That the true intent and meaning of the
act of Assembly, to secure the rights ot mar
ried women, passed April 11, 1848, is, and
hereafter shall be, that the reai estate of any
married women in this commonwealth, shall
not be subject to execution for any debt a
gairist her husband, on account of any inter
est lie may have, or may have had therein,
as tenant by the courtesy, but the same shall
be exempt from levy and 6ale for such debt
during the life of the said wile.
Service of Process against Sheriffs
That in all suits which may hereafter be
instituted in any court of this commonwealth
in which the Sheriff of any county may be a
party, where there is no coroner in commis
sion to serve process, it shall bo lawful for
any constable in this county where the pro
cess has been issued, to servo the same and
perform the duties in relation thereto, which
coroners are authorised to do under the laws
of this ccmmomvealth
Relative to Aldermen If Justice of the Peace
Tiiat every alderman and justice of the
peace, and every pcr-on exercising or hold
ing any office ol publ it trust, who shall be
guilty of wilful anil inalicous oppression, par
tiality, misconduct or abuse of authority in
his offical capacity or undercolor of his office,
shall, on conviction thereof in any court of
quaiter sesasions in this commonwealth, be
adjudged guilty of of a misdemeanor in office
and be punished by imprisonment in the
county jail for teim not exceeding ono year,
and a fine not exceeding five hundre^Ate
Land and Building Associations.
That when any number of persons of the
city and county of Philadelphia, the counties
of Berks and Schuylkill, are, associated, or
-mean to associate, for the putpose of forming
Mutual Savings Funds, Land or Building As
sociations, they shall make application to
the court of common picas of the proper
county, in which said corporation or body
politic in law is intended to be situated in the
same manner and at snch times as are pre
scribed by the 19th section of an act passed
tho 13lh day of October, 1840: entitled "An
act relative to orphans' courts, and for other
purposes," and upon compliance with the
provision of said section of said acts, the
said court shall be and is hereby fully em
powered to grant acts or charters of incor
poration to said associations, and the 13th
14th att'i 15th sections of the aforesaid act of
Assembly are here by extended lo and made
a part of this act with regard to said associa
tions, corporations or bodies politic in law,
Provided, That no charter granted under nnd
by virtue of the provisions ot (hie act, shall be
for a longer period than ten years.
Stc. 2. Tha'. the members of the associa
tions may adopt such constitution or articles
of association as to may seem most benefi
cial, ami that parents may sign such consti
tutions or articles of associations for and on
behalf ol their minor children, and such pa
rents may hold the shares subscribed for, or
tho certfic.ites of stock or stocks or other in
dicitof ownership of interest in such associa
tions, cotporations or bodies politic in law or
in the common fund or property, and act in
such associations, corporations or bodies pol
itic in law, for those whom they represent:
but the investments and tho benefits, profits
and increase theroof shall insure to the parties
SEC 3. That the number of share* in any
of the mutual savings fund associations
which may bo incorporated under the provi ■
sinus of this act, shall not exceed 5011, nor
the value of each share nor any instal
mnt or periodical payment ol money on any
one share the sum of two dollars.
SEC. 4. That in investigating the fund or
funds of said mutual savings fend associa
tions, corporations or politic inlaw,
preference shall be given to the members
thereof, in such manner and under such con*
ditions and regulations as they may have a
greed upon, or may muiually agree upon.
SEC. 5. That if any officer, or any mem
ber or person, cannected in any capacity
with such associations, corporations or bod
ies politic in law, shall embezzle or convert
to his own use any money or property be
longing to said associations, corporations or
bodies politie in law, every such officer,
member or person, & evrey other person or
persons aiding and abetting, or being in any
way accessary to such embezzlement or con
verting, slia'l, upon conviction thereofin any
court of competent jurisdiction within this
commonwealth, be adjudged guilty of a mis
demeanor, and shall be sentenced to pay a
fine equal to double the amount of money,
and double the value of the property embez
zled or converted as aforesaid) and also to
undergo an imprisonment in the county pri
son, for a terra not exceeding two years, at
the discretion of the court before whom he or
they ware tried.
V/hrre is the baby? Bess its heart-
Where is muzzer's darling boy ?
Does it hold its little hands apart,
The dearest, bessen toy?
And so it does; and will its little chin
Grow just as fat as butter?
And will it poke its little fingers in
Its tumiin little mouth and mutter
Nicey wicev words,
Just like little yaller bitdv?
| And so it will, and so it may.
No matler what its poppy mammy say.
| And does it wink its little eyeses,
I When its ntad. and up ami crises ?
And docs it squall like chickadees
At ever,thin'it sees?
Well it does! why not, I pray?
Ain't it muzzer s darliti' evey day ?
Oh ! what's the matler? oh my ! oh my !
What makes my sweetest chicken ky ?
Oh, nasty, ugly pin, to prick i
It's dailin' muzzer's ilarliir' cricket!
There! there ! she's thrown it in
The fire—the kuel, icked pin!
There I'hush my honey; go to seep,
Hocked in a battle of a deep!
A Description—lly Mike Hooter.
That Yazoo, said Mike, is the uamdest
place that ever come along. If it aint the
next place to no wbur, you can take my old
head for a drinkin gourd— you can : and as
lor that ar devil's camp-ground, what they
calls Satartia, if this er wotld was er kitchin,
it would be the slop-hole, and er mighty
stinkin one at that. I pledge you my word,
it conies closes bein the jumpin ofT place of
any I ever hearn tell on. Talk about Texas!
It aint nothin to them Yazoo hills. The tar
nalist out uv the way place for bar, an pun
ters, an wolfs, an possums, an coons, an liz
ards, an skeeters, an frogs, an mean fellers,
an drinkin whiskey, an stealin one another's
hops, an gittin corned, an swappin hosse,nn
playin h—II ginerallj-, that ever you see ! 1
pledge you my word, it's enough to sink it 1
And as for snakes, whew ! don't talk 1 I've
hearn tell of the Boa Constructor, an the An
nagander, an all that kind uv ruptilo what
swallers er he goat whole, an don't care er
switch of his tail for his horns; an I see the
preacher tell about Aaron's walkin stick
what turned ilselt into er serpent, an swal
lered up ever so many other sticks an rods,
an bean poles, and chunks o' wood, an was
hungry yet—and all that kinder heller-baloo,
but that's all moonshine. Just wait er minil
uv cm come precious nigh chawin up my
darter Sal, an if you don't forgit everything
you ever know'd, then Mike Hooter's the
durndest liar that ever straddled er fence rail.
Jneminy, criminy ! just to see one uv them
are great big, rusty rattlesnakes, an hear him
shake that are tail of hi/zeu ! I tell yet
what, if yer didn't think all the peas in my
corn-field was cr spillen on the' floor, there
aim no 'simmons ! Talk about the chuds
bustin an the hail ratllin down in er tin pan!
Why'taint er patchni toil! Cracky! it's
worse nor er young earthquake—it beats
A Daughter's I.ovo.
There is no one eo slow to note tho follies
or sins of a father as a daughter The wife
of his bosom may fly in horror from his em
brace, but his fair-haired child cleaves to
him in 'boundless charily. Quickened by
the visitation of pain to the paerrial dwell
ing, her pray ers are more brief but more ear
nest—her efforts doubled and untiring—and
if she can but win a transient smile Iroin
that sullen and gloomy face, she is paid—oh,
how richly paid !—for all her sleepless cares
and unceasing labor. The father may sink
from deep to deep—from a lower to a yet
lower depth—Satan's kinsman and Satan's
prey. Those who, in a happier hour, recei
ved largely ot his benefactions, may start
when they behold his shadow,
their pace to get beyond it—all, all may for
sake him—God and the world—ail but Satan,
and his daughter. Poor child, if thou canst
not save, thy feeble torch, made as bright aa
thy power canst make it, ttitows, at least, a
flickering light upon the path, till the object
ot thy unquenchable love has forever left
thee, and is shrouded in the thick darkness ;
and when undone—when gone from thee,
and gono forever—though thou mayst wea
thy early love, and know in him all that thy
young heart pictured, yet, again and again,
in the midst of thy placid joy, even with thy infant on thy knee, the lost ono will
not bo all forgotten. Seeing the past, as if it
were only yesterday, forgetful of thy little
darting, thou wilt exclaim from the depths of
thy ever mindful and affectionate spirit "My
father ! oh, my father !"
To know the worth of women, just imng
tho world without (hem once.—Where would
you spend your Sunday nights ! Who would
hold your head when you had the tooth-ache?
What would you do for buttons to your shirts
or partners for your cotillions! Without
girls a sleighrido sqceze would he Worth less
than a sqeezed orange—cold weather would
have an extra chill added to it, while suicides
and broken breeches would be multiplied by
an hundred. To take the women from the
world, would be to take the rose from the
garden—the nightingale from the songsters
summer from the yeat.
"1 say, Clem," cried two disputing darkies,
appealing for decision to a sable umpire,
"which word is right— -Jy-xacOy or de-zactly l "
The sable umpire reflected a moment, end
then, with e look of wisdom* aaid—l can't
tell p*r-netly"
[Two Dollars per Afinor'-
A farmer on Lie return from merle <
Southern, in the county of Warwick, i
la ill, was murdered. A man went the' i .
morning to his wife, and inquired if her .
band came home the evening before; .-
replied no, and that "the was under the
moat' anxiety and terror on that acc ti.
.' Your terror," said he, "cannot Squal nine
for last ni-h', as I lay in bed, quite uw.-k
the apparition of your hnsband appea ■
me, showed me several rtaba in hia b >
told me he had been murdered by sue'i a p >■
eon, and his carcase thrown into such a n an
pit." The alarm was given, the pit e<-
ed, the body found, and the Wound*
swered to tho description given to them,
tnan whom the ghost had accused, v.
rehended and committed on a violent
cion of murder. Hia trial came on at '
wick, before the Lord Chief Justice 1
mond ; when the jury would havo co v..
him as rashly as the juatice of the peai !•
committed him, had not the judge c?
him. He addressed himself to u. .
words to this efTect ; "I think, gentle
yon seem inclined to lay more stress o\
evidence of an apparition than it will >
I cannot say that I give much credit to
kind of stories; but, be that as it will,
have no right to follow our private op
here. We are now in a court of la. . _
must determine accordingto it; and I km
not of any law now in being which will
mit of the testimony of an apparition:
yet, if it did, does the ghost api>ear to
evidence ? Crier," said he, "call the gh •
—which was thrice done to the marm
purpose; it appeared not.
"Gentlemen of the jury, continued 1
judge, "the prisoner at the bar, asyou he.
by undeniable witnesses,, is a man of i.
unblemished character; nor has it ap;
in the course of the examination, that
was any manner of quarrel Or gru
tween liim and the parly deceased,
verily belive him to bo perfectly inl
and as there is no evidence against h.
ther positive or circumstantial, he rriur
acquitted. But from many circumsrt:
which have arisen during the trial, 1
strongly suspect that the gentleman wit
the apparition was himself the murderc
which case, he might easily ascertain ih
fco„uihMV out any sufei. tT* r "'
•IStfnce; and ort such suspicion, I s
think myself justified in committing h....
I close custody till the matter can be 1
inquired into." This was immediatfl,
and a warrant granted for searching his.,
when such strong proofs of guilt appc
gainst him, that he confessed the t
and was executed at the next assi/.c
gis'.cr of Crimes.
The Sonnies' Secrsta
The following is an exiract from an
res*, delivered on the occasion of a ha t.
presentation by an unmarried lady, to ;
vision of the Sons of Temperance, in Cc
"As a lady, I might perhaps corn; !
that by your organization, yon exclud
from the secrets of your Order You
yourselves together—) ou talk—you |
you act. N'o listening ear of woman i* re
to catch the words which fall from yoi
—no prying eye to mark your deeds
secret—as you think. But in spite ofy
secret will get out, and tee ladies know u
"You talk and plan—but we see He y,
tnnn who, just now, by his devotion Ir
cup, was wrecking all of good for ttr—
all of hope of eternity, mingling in yo r s.
ociation, safe from ruin which belided
The greyheaded father looks upon h
they saved, at.d a smile, radient will
light of joy, plays brightly upon the old •
"We see the husband, who stood t
tiling upon the verge of a volcano—
step or two, aod the fearful plunge had '
taken—retreating from his perilous pot
ami seeking safely in the sssoc ation of j
| Order; ami then the wife, whose a
heart has long endured in ailence the i
ity of its grief, stands Up with the n
pressure gone, and linksjher affection to
sobered husband. These are your
You dry up the tears of grief, you hush
sig of the broken hearted, you stop the )
i igal in his career—you give light for dark
hope for despair, and roll upon the b.
society a stream which has healing in
w. ter. 77ii sis you' secret."
cry Ledger says; The Supreme Court h
cided in a case—"The Burgess at.d
Council of the borough of Allentown vs.
Bridges''—that money at interest, stock*
could not be taxed for boroug puryose*
following is an extract fron the deeison ■
"We are not bound to carry taxstio:
thet than the Legislature has carried
has done no more than make the ba*is
for county and township purposes; the n
by the 32d section of the act of 18-, 1
the second as a consequence of it, by f-.c
of 1843, which had made the coun>;
serve as the basis of taxation by the
ships. If the intent had been to incluH
ire, boroughs and other municipal r
tions, why was it not expressed ? The r i
of thse usually) contain a special provu.r...
for the subject; and when ii has been o
luoked, the county basis which existed at
time of its organization, has been tike
There is no provision in ths charter of <<
bore ugh, and tha tax, of course, illegal. Judg
ment rensrsed.