The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, April 25, 1850, Image 3

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    The (ccne In the Sennte.
On Wednesday last, pending the consider
ntioa of a motion bearing upon the entile
ment of the California, or Slavery question,
io the U. S. Senile, quite an animated dis
cussion took place,_du[litg which Mr. Footo, ,
of Miss., look Occasion, to reflect pretty se
verely upon Mr. Benton, Mr. Benton rose, '
much agitated, and thrawrfig his chair from
him, proceeded towards Mr. Foots, when 1
the following disgraceful scene occurred, the
discriplion of which we copy from tho Con
gressional reports:
• Mr. Dodge of low a, and Mr. Dodge of
Wisconsin, and others, apprehending a colli
i-ion between Mr. Benton and Mr. Foote, en
deavored to detain the former from moving
from his seat. Overcoming all resistance, he
continued towards Mr. Footo, who, leaving
his place, stepped down the main aisle, and
took a position ill tiie area just in front of the
Sergemt-at Arm's scat, nt tho right of the
Vice President., at the same time drawing a
pistol from his bosom and cocking it.
Tho scene which ensued is indiscribabie.
I,oud calls for the Sergeant-at-arms were
made, and cries of ''order !" resounded from
nil sides of the chamber.
Many persons rushed from the Galleries,
and out of die chamber, in apprehension of a
general melee.
Several Senators surrounded Mr. Foote,
among whom was Mr. Dickinson, who, secu.
ring the pistu! locked it up in his desk.
Mr. Bonton in the meantime was strugg.
ling in the hands of (lie friends who were
endeavoring to prevent him from reaching
Mr. Foote. While thus pinioned, as it were,
and yet almost success!.Uy resisting the eff
orts of those who held him, Mr. Benton bold
ly denounced Mr. Foote as an assassin, who
had thus dared to bring a pistol in the Sen
ate to murder hiin. He said, "I have no
arms—examine me—l carry nothing of 'lie
kind—stand out of hie way, and ' cl the
scoundrel and assassin fire."
In uttering this sentence Mr. Benton throw
off from either side, those who held him—
tore open his vest, and invited tho fire of his
Mr. Foote, in the meantime, was restrain
ed from advancing towards Mr. Benton.
The Yico President, after repeated and vig
orous efforts succeded in restoring a compar
ative state of quiet.
Hon. Morris Longstreth—The Ptnnsyhanian,
of the 22(1. contains a letter from the Hon.
Morris Longstreth, declining to be a candi
date in the next Gubernatorial Convention.
The letter is addressed to William Deal, and
other Democrats of the city and county. Mr.
Longstreth declines on account of ill health.
\Vo are sorry that we cannot again testify
our approbation of this radical Democrat and
* higbtcned gentleman!
CHEAP GOLD MINES. —The gold mines in
Virginia owned, by Messrs. Barnum and
Colby, of Baltimore, are said to have been
sold to a New York company for $40,000.
They intend to go into extensive operations
The trial of Dr. Webster cost the Slate of
Massachusetts about S3OOO.
Fanny Kemble has written to Miss Bass,
of the Astor Place Theatre, that she connot
turn to a profession which was always dis
tasteful to her.
Green cucumbers have made their appear
ance at Macon, Georgia.
ty Broke Jail. —Three prisoners mode
their escape from the Orwigsburg jail, on
Friday night last, or.e of whom was tho noto
rious David Sands.
Fine Saturdnjr last we made a short
notice of a fire that broke out that morning
at half past twelve o'clock, and which des
troyed two frame houses at the Greenwood
mines, belonging to Carters', Smith & Co.
The buildings were not enstlted—loss about
The persons who resided in the houses
lost their all. They being poor, the loss will
be severely felt.— Tumnqua Legion.
ANOTHER.*— On Monday night last, at a
bout nine o'clock, the eteam Saw Mill, in
Nesquehoning valley, belonging to Carters',
Smith & CO., and superintended by Mr. Na
thaniel Hart, was entirely destroyed. The
fire is supposed to have originated through
the boilers—indeed, sd ragid did the flartles
spread, that although the greatest exertion
was made to save the mill, it was soon a
heap of smoldering ruins. The loss is esti
mated a t about 82,500. Insurance in the
Lycoming Fire Insurance Company to 1,600.
—Tomaqua Legion.
EP" Gold Graves. —The New Orleans
Crescent says: A. gentleman who has just re
turned from Calaforuia, having been absent
from the States fourteen months, states that
when he reached Caiafornia, curiosity led
him to visit a gravyard, where he found only
eleven graves; nine months from that time he
followed the last remain lof a friend to the
same graveyard, and during thtt time inter'
veiling between the two visits there had
been no less than fourteen kun dred person* in
terred in the same yard*
ty The Susquekarhttt County Bank Again.
—The Grand Jury of Sustjehanna county, do
ling their sittings last week, fohhtf an indict
ment against Ansel St. John, of Nfcw York
city, and hi* nephew, Thomas "P. John,
late cashier of the Bank of Susquehtam*
■eounty, for Iransaotions connected with the
Bank of Susquehanna county.— N. Y. Herald 1
SUMUEHANNA CouNTT.—The Democratic
citizens of this county met in Convention, on
the 15th inst. C. M. Gere, Esq., was appoin
ted representative delegate to the Williams
part Convention, and W. C. Ward Senatorial
delegate, subject to the '.concurrence of the
counties of IVayue and Wyoming.
Caution to Rioters and Catathumpian Serana
dcrs.<—ln a late charge of the Coor, in a riot
: in Northumberland County, his Honor, Judge
ANTHONY gave notice that any person enga
ging in tho common riots at weddings, called
' 'Boilings,' "Calathumpian Serenadings." &c.,
' and are brought before him they shall be se
( verly punished.
I On the 18th inst., by the Rev. Wm. J. Ey
| er, Mr, JEREMIAH P. FINSHER, of the firm of
i Fiusherand Thomas, to Miss LOVINA CLEW
' ELL, both of Catlawissa township.
In Eishingcreek township, on Sunday the
7th inst., by Thomas J. Hutchison, Esq., Mr.
LEU, both of Fishingcreek tp.
By the same , on the Bth inst., Mr. ROB
enT OAKS, and Miss CAROLINE COLMAN, both
of Fishingcreek tp.
On the 14lh ult., by the Rev. Wm. J. Eyer,
Mr. DAVID ROSS, of Jerseytown, to Miss Su
j SAN WILSON of Cattawissa.
In Derry townahip. on the' 30lh ult., Mr.
THOMAS MOREHEAD, Sr., aged about 45years.
On the sth inst. Miss MARY FISHER, daugh
ter of JaJob Fisher, of Roaring Creek town
ship, in her 19th yearr
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that letters of ad
• ! ministration upon the estate of Adam Wah
' man deceased, late of Sugarloaf township
have been granted to (he undersigned by the
Register of Columbia county. All persons
indebted to the estate are requested to make
enrly payment to the undersigned, and those
having claims against it to present them prop
erly authenticated. Wm WALTMAN
Sugarloaf April 23d 1850 -6t
RESPECTFULLY invites the attention of the
publio to his new tock of choice Spring and
Summer Goods, which he has just opened &
oflers at the lowest prices. His assortment
consists of a full variety of Dry Goods, Gro
And among these will be found a variety
Of the cheapest styles and best fabrics.
His goods are purchased at the "lowest fig
ure," and will be sold at the lowest profit.
Purchasers will do well to see his goods and
prices before purchasing elsewhere.
His store is io the old stand upon Main
Bloomsbarg, April 19th 1850.
Sloan an d Mende nb a 11.
, HAS just received a fresh assortment of
Spring and Summer Dry Goods, of every va
' riety which they are now ready to exhibit to
I all those who may favor us with a call, as
we will sell on fair and accommodating
terms. Their stock consists of every variety
of Dry Goods.
Linen and Gotten fabrics and Summer
f : wear of alt kinds, Calicoes", Chintr, Ging
| hams, Lawns, and Muslins, bleached and
I'nlm-leaf and other Hats.
! Queens-ware and Hard-ware of all kieds.
I ! GROCERIES.—Fresh and new and a very
. fine assortment, as cheap as the cheapest.
P. S. Country produce and lumber, al
ways taken in Exchange for Merchandize,
' at the Brick Store directly opposite the Court
i Bloomsburg, April 13, 1650.
Spring and Summer Goods.
AGAIN the undersigned take pleasure in
announcing to '.heir friends anc the public,
that they hare just received a select ana
heavy assortment of choice
adapted to the season, and wants of the peo
ple, which they offer for sale, at their old
stand at prices "cheaper than the cheapest."
Their stock comprises a full assortment of all
kinds of goods, usually kept iu county stores,
and without particularizing each article, feel
warranted in raying that those in want of
good goods have only to call to satisfy their
taste and fancy.
Groceries, Queens ware. Hardware, Fish,
Rait, Molasses, Ac.
A Large ana beautiful selection of the a
bove articles of superior quality, at very low
ALSO.—Hats Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c., of
every variety, sort, size and price.
iy Cash paid for grain always.
Bloomsburg, April 13, 1850.
baguerlan Gallery.
Mr. MERRY would respectfully inform
tho public that he has taken Rooms over the
Drugstore of MR. LUTZ, where he is pre
pared to take
In the latest Boston style, with or without
colors, well put up in the best quality of
M irocco cases, and warranted not lb fade or
change by age.
Ladies and gentlemen are invited to call
and examine specimens.
Children who are old enough to keep still
2 or 5 seconds, can be taken as well as older
ty Call soon or you will be too late, and
remember that he taxes as good pictures in
clear, ' n cloudy weather.
A. C.
Respectfully informs the good cUixens of
BLOOMSBUOG and vicinity, mat he will re
main a short time to furnish w "° J" 5 * 1
a fine likeness either in CauPt Lockets,
Breast-Pins or Rings.
Mr. 8., has recommends from celec. ra ted
Artists iu Baltimore, Washington, D. C., Phil
adelphia, New York and Boston, that he is
capable of furnishing a fin* specimen of the
art to anjf favoring him with a sitting.
Rookns at the second door of Biggs' Ex
change Buildings, up stand.
Commence on Monday April 15th.
ty Instruction will be given in the A'rt of
taking likenesses.
ty Please call immediately, as I remain
but a short time.
A. C, SMITH. Artist,
For Good Watches.
wi Henry Znppinger returns
_ his thanks for past palro
j nage, and invites the pub
lie to examine his new
If N "MS) assortment of
Glasses, and
Keys, Balance Wheels, Jewels, which he
offers for reasonable prices. He w ill also re
pair clocks, watches, and musical and opti
cal instruments in a satisfactory manner.
His shop is in the middle room ot the Ex
change block ,'nenrly opposite to the Court
Bloomsburg, Nov. 28, J849. ■
Executor's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that letters Testa
mentary upon the estate of Jeremiah Marty,
deceased, late of Orangeville, Columbia 00.,
have this day been granted to the under
signed. All persons having claims against
the estate are requested to present them to
the undersigned, and those indebted to make
immediate paymontto
Orangeville, March 11th 1850. —6t
New Arrangements and Great Bargains.
Tho undersigned respecfully informs the
citizens of Bloomsburgh and the public in
general,thatJbe has purchased Mr. Frantz's
Boot If Shoe Store and has added largely to
his stock, and will continue the business at
the same stand in the Exchange Building,
on Main Street, where he will be happy to
receive the calls of old and new enstomers.
Boots and Shoes, of every variety at prices
to suit purchasers, kept constantly for sale,
and customer's work made to order as usual.
lyile invites the custom of his old friehda
and the public, and hazards nothing in prom
ising fat bargains.
• HF"Store in the Exchange Building, Maine
street, sign of the Golden Boot.
Bloomsburgh, March 28, 1850.
By virtue of an order of the Orphan,*
Court of Columbia County Jacob R. Howet
Adnj'r. of John Shearman, deceased, will
expose to sale by public vendue at the pub
lic house of Christian Shuman, in Beaver
township, on Saturday, the 20th day of A
pril next, at 12 o'clock M. a certain tract of
land situate in Beaver twp., aforesaid, con
taining 102J acres, adjoining lands of David
Johnson, Peter and Jesse Roberts, Thomas
Shearman, and other lands of said deceased.
Terms and conditions nfade known on the
day of salo. By order of the Court.
A dm. of John Shearman, dee'd.
JACOB EYERLY, Clerk, 0. C.
March 28, 1850—ts.
THE subscriber offers for rent his house
and lot upon IRON street near Bloomsburg.
The house is a large two story frame build
ing nearly new, situate on the best part of
the growing street for business. It is also a
pleasant location, and offers a fine opportu
nity to persons desirous of renting such
properly. The lot is a corner one, and there
is a good pump upon the porch at the aide
of the house.
The property will be rented on the most
reasonable terms. Enquire of
Bloomsburg, A/arch 21st 1850.
To HAVE the best fitting suit in town Aa
made by BERNARD RUPERT, who f|
does Fashionable Tailoring as cheap & ■ IIHC.
a little better than it can be done in town by
any body else. He has just received the la
test Fall Foahiona, and v.-ith his experiene in
cutting garments, he can promise the best
satisfaction to those who patronize him. If
Was to be supplied with such garments as he
turns off, a fair fortune might be made at
once. His shop is on Main street below Mar
ket, in the building lately occupied as an of-
Scoby C. R. Buckalew.
tyHo will take country produce for his
work, and gold dollars will not be refused.
Bloomsburg, Nor. 8, 1849—tf.
The Subscriber begs leave to inform his
friends and the public in general that he has
Formerly kept by J. PETERS U SON. The
House being large and convenient, and in
the business part of the city, he hopes by
strict attention to business, that his friends,
and all who may come to the city on busi
ness or pleasure, will give him a call.
He pledges himself that nothing shall be
wanting on his part to make them at home.
TERMS— One Dollar per dap.
Formerly of Schuylkill County.
Philadelphia, March 22, 1849.
Peter S. Leidy
Can manufacture just as neat and fashiona
ble a suit of clothing as any other tailor in
these diggins. As a sample of his work
manship, ne refers you to the
To be found in the town, which is quite cer
tain to have come from his shop.
He regularly receives the latest city fash
ions, anil from his experience in the busi
ness can ensure satisfaction in his work.
He has also on hand an assortment of
At the lowest prices, from which he will
make up to order coatr, pants, or vests of any
desirable style.
CVHis shop is on the North side of Main
Street, a few doors abovg the Court-house.
Bloomsburg, Feb. 14, 1850.
Take Notice.
ALL persons indebted to the subscibers
for six months or mote, are earnestly reques
ted to call and settle the same by the last of
this month, without fail.
Bloomsburg, starch 12,1850;
IS hereby given that we will refuse to pay
the nOtds of hand against us, now in the
possessidn df Samuel Yetter and Alexander
Mean, as we have never received value for
them; and hereby eantidrt all persons a
gainst buying them. „
Cattawiasa, April 15th 1850—3t.
proper and ifesWahle firtms, foir sale at the /-
office the "Star of the North."
Market Prices—Corrected ever;
Thursday Morning.
ba §
Article!. I B.
Flour, per barrel, 5M 75 S5 00
Wheat, per bushel, Oft 106
Rye, •" " 50 62
Com, " " 50 56
Oats, " 31 34
Butter, per pound, 16 11 a 15
Eggs, per dozen, 10 28
Tallow, per pound, 10 8
I.ard, " " , .... 10 8
Beef, fresh, per 100 pounds, . s&as7 12 a 13
Pork, do. " " 85 a? 611 al2
Pig iron, anthracite, per ton, 25
" " charcoul, " " 28
Remaining in the Post Office at Bloomsburg
for quarter ending March 31, 1860.
Culp Samuel Murray W A
Copliu Ira M'Cauly John
Cook James Measle Walte
Deibler Joseph Nine John
Davis Wm Richard Ann
Fuller A J Rice Daniel
Fisher Jacob Slater Sidney
Geier Christian Thomas John
Galavin John Williams Qporge v
Jones John
Persons calling fOV the above letters will
please say they are advertised.
Indian Vegetable Remedy-He Cure
NO PAY.— Read Physicians' opinion of
its virtues.
I hive preeribed the shore medicine in
seversl cases of Primary Twersl Diseas
es and Secondary Syphilis, snd the ef
feet has been strikingly beneficial ; to
much eo a to induce me to continue its
use in such cases with math satisfaction.
It is generally agreeable to the taste of
No. 102 N. Fifth at,
Phila., June 12, 1845.
I have pieacribed "Dr. Cullcn's Rem
edy," inSfnany cases of Gonorrhoea, and
found it to effect a cure in a very short
time. • A. WILSON, M, D. t
Cor. Twelfth & Shippen sts.
Phils., Dec. 16th, 1845,
Messrs Rowand & Walton—Gentle
men : 1 have prescribed your celebrated
"Dr. Cullen'e Remedy," in several cases
of of Gonorrhoea snd Byphilis, Ad
can conscientiously recommend It as a
certain and speedy cure. ■
Youre, Aic„
Joa P FrjLKR, M D.,
Corner of Second f'Uimvet, N L.
Wholesale and Retail, ROWAND
d - WALTON proprietor,'2l SIXTH St.
and by the persons named in another
column as agents of Dr Cullen's Indian
Vegetable Panacea.
Bloomsburg. Jan. 3d 1850.-6 m
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of a testatum writ of venditicoi
exponas directed to me by the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Schuylkill county, and entered
in the Common Pleas of Columbia couuty,
will be exposed to public sale at the Court
house in Bloomsburg, on Saturday the fourth
day of May next, at 1 o'clock, P M., all the
right, title and interest in three certain tracts
or pieces of land, situate in Sugarloaf town
ship, Columbia county, containing about 6-10
acres, more or less, bounded by land of John
Lewis on the West, —— Ashelman on the
North, Jacob Herrington etf die North-East,
and others, one tract of which contains 430
acres, one tract containing 170 acres, and
one tract containing 40 acres, all joining—
whereon are two saw mills with sufficient
water-power, a frame house and frame sta
ble, with the appurtenances.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold
as property of late the estate of Thos. Fitch,
deceased. PETER BILLMYER, SAtf!
Sheriffs Office, Bloomsburg, I
April 10, 1850. }
Reform Yoar Habits.
Come ye, with garments bare and seedy,
Yebacn'lors, widowers, husbands too,
If, in the outward man you're needy,
We soon can make you good as new.
The subscriber respectfully informs his
friends and the public that he continues the
at the old stand, on the IQIUJIII story of the
Exchange Building, Bloomsburg..
He will be careful to see that his work is
made up in the best manner, and he flatters
himself that he will be able to give entire
satisfaction in point of cut, fit and style, as
well as in price. He therefore respectfully
solicits his friends and the public to give him
a trial.
Spring and Summer fashions on hand, and
nothing shall be lacking to sstisfy the wants
of old friends and new customers.
Bloomsburg, April 6, 1850.
Removal !
The subscriber returns his thanks to his
friends for their liberal patronage to him,and
respectfully solicits a continuance of it at his
new shop On the lower end bf .Main street in
Bloomsburg, immediately opposite the 'Star'
office, where he has removed his
He continues to manufacture all kinds of
Boots and Shoes in the best manner and nea
test style ; and keeps caaatantly On hand an
assortment of ready made work, which he
will sell at the lowest prices for cash or coun
try produce.
He can furnish any desirable style of Men's
coarse or fine boots, brbjpms; gaiters, or slip
pers, and also Ladies' and Misses' shoes,
slippers and gaiters. -i. B. WEAVER.
ap 10 50-tf
Administrator's Notice*
Notice is hereby given that letters of ad
ministration upon the estate of Leonard Spo
nenberg, deceased, late of Briaroreek town
ship, Columbia county, have this day been
Cted to the undersigned. All persons
ving themselves indebted to the estate
are requested to make early payment, and
those having accounts against the same Ad
ministrator to present (hem to the subscriber.
Briarcreek, April sth, 4850.
Adaliistrator's Notice.
Letters of Administration having been
granted to the undersigned by the Register
of Wills of Columbia* eouat yupon the Es
tate of Adam Menscfa, .deceased, late of
Roaringoreek township, all persons having
claims against said Estate ate requested to
make the sarpe known without delay, and
those ipdebtod to the Estate to make pay
ment tp ABRAHAM MENSCH, or
BosringcreSk, March 14th 1850.-4R
Dr. Renter's Celebrated Family
Dr. Keeler is a regular graduate from ono
of the best medical schools of the country,
and a practising physician of the city of
Philadelphia. -We take great pleasure in
presenting these remedies to the afflicted.—
They are all of uudoubted medical pdwers
and hold out to the invalid a promise of re
lief, such as none others possess. They
each have be?t thoroughly tried in a long
successful private practice, and Imve estab
lished for themselves & reputation but few
possess, and given better satisfaction to the
afllicted than any of the boasted remedies
of the day. In oiluring them to the public,
the proprietor is influenced by no Sinister
motives of gain, but feels conscious that
they are eminently deserving of public con
fidence. No medicinos ever before the pub
lie have acquired such deserved reputation
upon their merits alone, or appeal with such
irresistible force to the invalid.
moval and permanent cure of alt diseases a
rising from an impure slate of the ltlood and
habit of the body, viz:
Chronic diseases of the Chest, Pleurisy,
Bronchitis, Catarrh, etc., Scrofula in all us
forms, Tetter, Scold Head, Cutaneous alfoc
tions of the face and extremities, Chronic
enlargements of the Joints, White Swelling,
Syphlitic Affections, Constitutional disorders,
arising from debility, Mercurial and Heredi
tary predispositions, &c.
f?' In every change that is taking place
in the body, it is manifest that it is Drought
about by something having a substantive ex
istence. If we suppose the organs of our
body originally perfect, tbey must continue
perfect unless changed by the intervention
of something that bears an unhealthy rela
tion to it. In all cases of disease, there must
be the interposition of somo new ingredient,
which by playing its part as a course served
to modify the properties before connected
with the body. It is absunl to talk of spon
taneous disease taking place in organs pre
viously healthy, without the interposition of
some morbific agent, as well might we eX
pect a piece of chalk to transfer itself spon
taneously into Plaster of Paris, without the
aid of Sulphuric Acid. In alt disease there
is a prior cause which must be removed,
through the agency of the Blood. For !hi:
purpose there is np remedy superior to the
CT In the evidence the following is sub
mitted to the public:
PHILADELPHIA, June 9th, 1847.
Having beeri appraised of the nature of
the Panacea, it affords me much pleasure to
be able to recommend it as a valuable reme
dy for those chronic, constitutional and glan
dular diseases, to whioh it is especially a
dapted. To those who are afflicted, arid re
quire medicine as an alterative cttrtnbt obtain
it in a more agreeable, active and uniform
state, than is to be found in the Panacea. I
have used it in several instances with deoi
ked and signal succes. Yours Sic.
D. Allison, M. D.
For details certificates, Sic., see circulars,
&c.—Price J1 per bottle, large size, 6 bottles
Among all the remedies before the public
this stands pre-eminent in incipient Con
sumption, Bronchitis, Catarrhs, Coughs,
Hoarseness, Whoopinj* caugh, Pleurisy, As
thma, spitting of Blood, and for all affections
of the pulmonary organs occasioned by cold.
To much praise cannot be bestowed upon
this remedy, and the proprietor urges any
one afflicted with any of the above com
plaints to secure it at one. It is warranted
to cure or no pay. Price 50 cents.
Dr. Ketler's Cordial and Carminiliv*.
Every family whether rich or poor, who
values health and all its blessings, should
have this invaluable remedy at hand. It is
infinitely the best remedy known for Diar
rhea, dysentery, cholera morbus, cholera in
fantum, cholio flatulency, griping pains,
cram p, eeti, and for all di—tws of the sto
mach and bowels caused by Teething. The
numerous testimonials from Physicians and
others unsolicited, has given it a reputation
as firm as adamant. Price 25 cents per bot
Dr. Keeler's Vermifuge Syrup. —This reme
dy is pleasant to the taste, harmles to the pa
tient and all powerful in destroying and re
moving all kinds of worms from the body.
It is withotit donbt ; the cheapest and best
worm destroyihg medicine before the public,
and will if administered according to direc
tions, remove them within sor 6 nours after
taken.—The dose is small, and each bottle
contains twice as much as similar remedies.
Price only 25 cents per bottle.
Dr. Keeler'i Liver and Sanative
Although riot recommended as a "cure
all," yet they are the mildest and best rem
edy to remove Constipation, Jaudice, Dys
pepsia. Biliousness, nervousness, fdul stom
ach, head ache, indigestion, etc. Unlike
other purgative medicine they leave the
bowels always rolaxcd consequently are the
proper medicine for females and persons
leading a sedentary life. Price 25cts.
Dr. Keeler's Rheumatic Lotion.
A justly celebrated external application for
pains ol the chest, neuralgia, head-ache,
sprains, bruises, tic doloreaux swellings of
the joints, rheumatism, gout, sciatiea and
for all disorders wherein a sedative and ru
befacient remedy is applicable. Price
37J cts per bottle.
All ot the above celebrated and extensive
y iised medicines, are prepared and sold
Wholesale and Retail, 294 Market 'street,
For sale also by J. R. MOYF.R, Blooms
burg; Chalfant & Hughes, and Dr. J. A.
Moore, Danville; E. Franciacus, Jersey
Shore ; and; by Druggists and Merchants
throughout the County and State.
Bloomsburg, Nov. 22d., 1849.—1y.
Philadelphia Beading and Pottsville
Offict qf the Philadelphia and Reading Rail
road Company.
PHILADELPHIA, March 29, 1850.
Two Passenger Trains daily (except Sunday.)
ON and after April Ist, 1850 two trains will
be run each way, daily, between Phila
delphia and Pottsville.
Morning line, ( Accommodation.)
Leaves Philadelphia at 7 J A. M., daily, ex
cept Sundays.
Leaves Pottsville at 71 A. M., daily, ex
'cept Sundays.
Afternoon Line, {Fast Train)
Leaves Philadelphia at 2} o'clock, daily,
except Sundays.
Leaves Pottsville at 2} o'clock daily ex
cept Sundays.
Passergers cannot enter the oars unless
provided with Ticket*
The afternoon, or fast trains do not stop at
Auburn, Althouse's Bridesboro', Roger's
Ford, Valley Forge, Port Kennedey, Spring
Mill or Fatls.
NOTICE.—Fifty pounds of baggage will
be allowed to each passenger in these lines:
and passengers are expressly prohibited
from taking any thing as baggage but their
wearing apparel which will be at the risk of
its owner.
By order of the Board ef Managers.
April IS, >BSO. fc. BRADFORD,
I Jk Word to Horsnnen.
Df- Pearson's Barber Embrocaiion ia de
cidedly Ibe beat preparation that can be uacd for
the care of Sprains, Bruiaaa, Cuts, Calls, Splint*
•utb, ringbone, spavin, auffueaa of the joints, <Vc
■t ia an article which ehoald bo in the hantleof
every horaeman, and no iiahle should he without
a bottle of it. rrico 25 and 80 tenia. ereps'ed
only by 8. A. Pearaon, nr. n. Slid for aale, whole
sale and retail, at 106 North fourth street. rhriid
Tho following certificatea are front horaemen c'f
the highest respectability who have giveit It a de
cided preference over otbar preparstioit of ttftkipd
irt use.
Phila., March 4, IS-lT
Dr. 8. A Pearaon, bear Sir—i feel It a doty
which i owe to you and the community in huge,
or rather that part of the comiridriiiy tvbo posse*,
or in any way have charge of Horata. to eiy, that
t have Used your "Embrocation" I'orboraea. it ia
dreidedly the beat preparation i have cvei naed, or
have any knowledge of for the various diseases
wr.jch it ia recommended.
I alao know a g'oat number of my friends who
have used it. and they all say that it is the best
medicine fur horses they have ever uaed. I would
confidently recommend every person who haa a
horse should keeps bottle of this valuable Emhro
cation in his stable.
Yours respectfully,
Salem, N. J., May 19, 1847.
Dr. 8. A. Peaiaon, Bii Having tried yout
■Embrocation' for horses, I have found it the beat
remedy tha l I have ever seen or tried for ihe curea
that it is recommended to perform. It cures galia
with the lent possible delay that it could tie done.
I would clieeifully recommend it to all stablekee
peera and owucrs of horsea.
Proprietors Salem Line Stages tj Bridgelon,
New Jersey.
Phila. May 28, 1847.
This is to certify that I hove used Di. Pears
en's Barber's Embrocation for horsea, and unhea.
■laUngly say that it is decidedly the beat remedfe
of Ihe kind, for Ihe various diseases which it ia
recommended, that I base ever used, or have any
knowledge of; and confidently recommend it to
' all hoiseinen and keepers of horse*, to be kept
constantly in their poseossion,
White Horse,. Corner of Wood & 3d sts. Phila
I fully agree with the above certificate and 0-
pinion of Mi. King, in Ihe use of Dr. Pearson's
Barber's ■Embrocation.' JOHN CABE,
Bucks County, Pa., June 19, 1847.
February 13, 1848.
8. A. Pearson, M. D. Sir—Thi is to certify
that I have used your Embrocation for horees.and
give it s decided preference over every other arti
cle of the kind in use for the various diseases for
which it is recommended; it does not destioy the
hair as moat other articles do. I would recommend
it to every horseman to be kept constantly in their
stdblei, Your*. Btfc.,
WM.S. ridupii.
Solebury isp, Bucks Co., Pa.
Doylestown, May 29, 1848.
Dr. Pearaon.Sir—Having uaed your "Embro
cation for Horace" on aeveral occaaiona with greet
surcess, f do moa* fuhy recommend it eaari in
valuable preparation for sprains, bruiaea, cuta end
jn abort almoet any of the ilia that horae fleah ie
heir to. Youri, Ac., a
fc. H. xMANN,
High Sheriff of Bucks Co., Pa
Philad., Sept. 7, 1848.
Dr. Pearson, Sir-Having made uae of your Em
brocation for horaea on aeveral occaaiona, With
great aucceaa I tlo btelierb it to be a moat eicellent
aud valuable piepiaratioh, decidedly the beat that
I have ever need, or have any knowledge of, for
the purpose for which it ia intended, and woold
moat conßdantly lecornmend it to the notice of
every horaeman. It ahould be kept coilataHlly in
their possession. Very reapectively yours,-"
I have tried Dr Pearaon'a I limber's Embroc -
lion for Horaea, and I and confident thai it ia hhe
moat uaeful preparation that can Be Uaed, for all
diaeaaea which it ia recommended; and also, for'
Bpraina, Biuieea end Rheumatics, of men.
December *Brd, 1848.
. . Pittsg-rovc, Salem Co,, N.j.
We, the undersigned. having made ua of Dr.
Pearaon'a Barber'e Embrocation, fully agree in
Ihe opiniona expraaied in the above CerliAcalea,
and fully recommended it to every Horaeman and
Parmer who keepa horaea, to be usrd by them in
preference to any other article, fur the varioua ilia
eases for which it ia recommended.
A. J. Beaumont, New Hope. Pa; John V,
Scheck, StablekOeper, St Louis; A. Pearson,
M. D., Dublin, Bucks County, IV; Jttfed
Boyd, Solebtiry Tp., Bucks Co., Pa; Wm.
K. Dickerson, Esq. Philadelphia; James F.
Nicholas, Boxboro, Pa; J. H. Reading,
Flemington, N. J.„ Merchant; H. C. Buff
iugton, Flemington, N. J., Editor; J.Larrison
Hunterdon Co., N. J., Merchant; YVm.Erley
Fristol, Coroner of Pucks Co; John Sheffer,
Lancaster. Ohio; Henry Johnson, Milford,
N. J.; William King; Esq. New Pork; Win.
Rdbisdti, Bioomtburg, Pa ; Wm. Sciitlder,
Scudder's Falls near Trenton, N. J; Wm.
M. Cade, Philadelphia; Dr. A. Curtis, Drug
gist, Pittstou Ferry.
Wm. Robison, Bloomsburg,
Peter Ent, Light Street,
John Schmick, Cattawissa,
M. G. Stioemaker, Buckhorn;
E Lazarus, Orangfevillfe,
Be Wise in Tine !—Tls Folly to
Deftr t..
Thousands are suffering ftom disease frohi
which there is no difficulty in being perma
nently relieved, provided the right means
are used.—As fevery vibe has its bwn pun
ishment; sb it iCriuld Seem every disease has
its remedy. Thii is true, and there is ndth
ing in this life more certain than that the
American Compound is the most Speedy and
certain remedy for all diseases df a delic-Ste
character, known to the world. Adapted to
every stage df the disease, sfex and constitu
tion, at all timrni and nwasnna, there Is no
fear df expdsufe, detention fhtth business
nor restriction in diet, from the certain and
speedy relief that it gives it is hbw One of
the most popular medicines of the day.—
Ten Thousand cases have been clired effec
tually by it during the past year. Prepared
by a practical physician, the afflicted con re
ly with confidence On its curative powers o
ter diseases of this character, hull direc
tions accompany each bottle.
IT CAUTION. —Ask f <r the American Com
pound, and purchase only of the agents; 294
Market sireet, Phila.
For sale by J. R. MOYEfI, Blbomjburg
Chalfant At Hughes, and Dr. i. A- Moore;
Danville; E. Franciscus, Jersey Shore.
Bloomsburg, Nov. 22U, 1849.—3 m.
AijyNinvites the public to trymWk
I ' ' ' his new stock of horses,ißr -Wn
carriages and buggies, a variety of Which
can be found at his Livery Stable. He Cltn
always furnish horses and vehicles of the
best kind, and on reasonable tends. He has
recently added a number of fashionable ve
hicles and gobd horses to his former stock—
He will furnish to parties four horse convey
ances with godd and safe drivers, at very
low prices.
Call at the lower end of HopkintviUe, bit
the East side of Main street.
Bloomstrarg, Dec. 13, '49-ly
Or. PMrMfCt
Palmonle Elper tsraat*
Ia Ihe moat certain and tfktaat remedy In ov j
for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Conemttftion, h.
Jliienza, hoarseness, spitting of Bio <od, iliffici '-'
of breathing, Bronchitis, ufsn in the breast u .
side, palpitation, of the heak, irhoopmg oentgh.
asthma, croup, and alt riistaies ef the Pulmonary
The proprietor of I hi* Pulmonic F.ip*cio.'ir'
Jiai'ing grnduntcd h physician, anil fuV.woJ tl,t
pt.arUA* of hia profession fur several years, ean,
there r "i '■ B' ve 10 <hmw per tons who -rquiro sftcb
n,etHcii > *a'lf' at assurance which cannot be exm.r.l
eU where a compound is only concocted from r,'
oiiiittu'ifed re.-ipe, taken from the leaf of an bhi
alltrdUsc orev' ,, •" , imilar oorcc.
Prepared by tf- A. Pearson, M. D Nr. 1 !|f
North Potirih Si. edt, Philadelphia. price *; p,
bottle, briil bolt I* 4
r. 8. A. Pearsdh : Di" 8 "~Por the bencf
of othcra, I would irtfbrm J '°t , thßt I bate beet
u sng your Polnionll- Hi pec. or *ot foe a cough
0.l pain in my lireaat and akin, ">• elTeete of .
relry heavy cold—l find ihdi It haa,""*" 1 megrei,:
haief I conaider it ait ihVdlridble n. edicine.
cidvn also used it iu my family witb the rniXl de.
uaed benefit—it curea colda in the least k *<aagMa
time that medicine could cure them. If lie vtt
tues were generally known. It would aaVe thou,,
anda from an untimely giave. Vou should)),a-,
no paint nor expense to have it brought intdb.e
throughout thecouutry.
Yours, Ac. WM. M.CADE. .
No. 212 Uhetry 81.
Dr. 8. A. Pearaon . Desr Sii—About a prtet a
go I wss altaoked with a severe inflntialidn of the
Lungs, which threatened etery symptom ot *
speedy Consumption. I colled upon oheof the
moa'.eniinettl physician* of Phllsdelphia.tvho pro
nounced me incurable. My huyhand then procu
red for me ii> bottle* of your Pulmonic Ex pec
lorant, whi 'h I had heard highly recommended
and before I had takew the laet of the sixth battle
my lungs were well, my cough and other ayrnp.
tons of Consumption entirely cured. lam no#
enjoying fine health aud becoming quite fleehv
Jay St., between Coite.dc Wallace:
Hunterdon Codnty, N. J,
Dr. 8. A. Pearson, Door Sir—About a year S
go I became seeerely afflicted with a paib in nty.
hreat and aide, en extremely bad cough, spitting of
blood, debility, night sweats, and other symptoms
of confirmed consumption. I became so much re
duced that I wss unable to attend to my ordinary
business. I made application to S physician, wbd
examined my cheat, and gave it aa his decided o.
pinion that my lunga were aerious'y affected. t
then app.ied to another, who was of the same o
pinton, and after having prescribed advised nfetd
return friends.
Previous to this I hid rut 1 J long live bon la
boring under ill lha symploirta usually found with
persons Übdrtng under disease of ihe lungi, and
it waa thought bj all Who knew me that 1 vraifut
wearing away with decay.
At the time I applied to the phyaiciand I war
laboring under a severe attack of spitting Wood,
with pain in ngf breaet and aide. Their preecrip.
tiona failed to relieve the pain, and all their akill
could not arreal thti discharge of blood froth biy
lunga. This being my J WM induced
to make a trial of your valuable Puluibuic F.ipee
torant. ay the uae or which I waa immediately fbi
lieved of all thoae unpleaaant aymptonla, and ant
noitr an far restored to health, that i am able Id
attend to all my Ordinary bu.ineaa, end eipoeU
myself ta much as it ia prudent for any one to do;
I would therefore confidently recommend every
person who ia laboring under disease of the lung*
and breeat, or who are afflicted with coida or with
cougha, to mike trial of yoitr moat valuable prep
aration' I Would further add thai after having
made bae of ydiir Efpcctorant fdr a feW weeks, t
becamd so flesy that peraoha with whom I Waa
acquainted hardly knew me. i atill remain in good
health at this titrie, March, 1846.
Yodra truly,
The fallowing card of three rerpectabla'phrsii
cUns MU tUrth the Wrtiibs of br. Phsrsaa's Phl
motiic Expectorant *
Having mkde use of Dr. Pesrson's Ptirtoxib
Eimc+onAvr, We feel it s duty to recommend it
ss s safe and effectual cn-e of the various fltsrnv
es for Which it is Intended. We are acquattilca
With maiiy persons who have been Cured of en tub
bronchitis, pain in tha brSait and aide. spitting of
blood, pelpitalion of the heart, and incipient eon;
sumption, ey its use, and thaity of them after ad
other nteana had failed.
A. PEARSON, M. D;, U. 8. Navy.
8. K. LEEDOM, M. D. Champlaia Co., lX
Patients niay consult 8. A. Pearson, M. D-, i
his office No. 106 North Fourth Slrbei, abovh
For saie in Bloomaburg by William Robtsooj
Merchant,and also at Plltaton Parry, by Dr. A>
Curtis, Dfiiggiat.
Agerltt in Columbia county.
Wm. Robison, Bloomsburg,
Peter Ent, Light Street,
John Schmick, Catutwiaah,
M.G. Shoemaker, Buckhorn;
E. liazarus, Orangeville.
A House A Lot at Private Sale.
THE Subscribers offer to pnr
dai| ITlAChasers, at private sale, a house
HUH and lot upon the Main Street of
dHHHßßlooraabtirg, in the business
part of the town, between the twrf principal
hotels, and only a Utile more than ti square
from tile Court House. The lot fronts 66 oh
Main street and extends 214$ feet back.
The house is a latge atone dwelling, and the
property in every way offers a fair chance te
any person wishing a residence or business
lociltion in the cdtinty-scat. Fob terms ih
qiiirb of A. 11. ELLIS.
Bloomsburg, at
THE subscriber respectfully Informs his
flvmtrU end nustoiper*. that ho has ill St ro'
ceived from the oity, a large and select as 1
sortment of
Hats and of
STYLE, WhieH he Offers for ensh sales very
cheap, at bis qld stand, on Main Street, sec
ond door South of the ( ourt house.
tar He continues to manufacture Hats to
order as usual. .
Bioomtburg, Nov. 15, 1649;
▲TTOAira? AX IiA.IT.
Omclt—Twb doOrs bhlow this Court-House,
North side df Main Strtßt.
Nov. A, 1840.
feot and HhocMaktag.
Has removed his boot ant) shoe establish
ment, intO the new frtlrte Building on Main
Street two doors above Albright & Mangel's
•tore, opposite thß Forks Hotel, where he in
vites his old customers and the public gener
ally to ctlll and give his work a fair trial.
HO will furnish all artioles in his line of bnsi
Hess nfeat. strong and cheut.