The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, April 18, 1850, Image 4

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    For the Removal ami rennantut Care of all
And of thoe Compliintu whltA are caucd by AD Ira
poittd, weakened or unhealthy condition of the
Thit beautiful and conrenient application of the mjs
tartan ■ poweia of OALVANMM ami M AONF.TIBM, ba
been pronounced by dia'.itiguhhcd phyaiciuns, both in
kurope and the United Statee, to be tue noil valuable
medicinal discovery of the tfge
ft need with the most peifect anJ certain success in all
eaeea of
Strengthening tho weakened body, givii.g tone to the
Tll ;oti* organs, and invigoiating tho entire *vtcm ALSO
and all NERVOUS DISEASES, which complaints ariso
from ono simple came—namely,
A Derangement of tho Norvoua System.
C7- n NER'/0;- COMPLAINTS. Drug* and Medi
oii4?< intra.:* i-e Uieeane. for they weHken the vital ener
y.-i of thj .. ladv prostrated svstein ; while, under the
trengii-irj.; lif.'-giiing. vltal'irin* Influence of Gal- h.- if.plied by tln beautiful and wonderful dis
oorer-. .u* piitlent and weakened sufl'mer is
restored to former health, strergth, elasticity and vigor.
Tho great peculiarity and exccllenco o/
Dr. Christie's Galvanic Curatives,
eon-lists in the fact that they arrest and cure di-oase by
v i'waid application, in place* of the usual mode of (Log
ging. and ihv ticking the patient, till exhausted Naturo
tonka hopelessly under the inflicliouf
They strengthen the whole eytlem, tqualixe the circM
lotion of the blood, promote the eecreliont, and never do
'tic elighteet injury under any ciremutlanett. Since their
h.tro .'net tan in the United States, nlv t':rec rears sines,
more than
60,000 Persons
t'-chullng .11 nil rendition., .runn, a melt
."ere. Urge number of is,"is-. tiosre occulta" it .U..J let
to Nervous Complaints, havo been
when .11 hope of relief had been given up, and every
tiring else been tried in vain .
i'o iliu.tiUe tbe use of the GAI.VAKIC HICI.T,
•i ppose Ihe esse <if s priron afflicted with tli.t bane of
ch dizatio-j, DVSI'EI'bl.l, or auv otber L hrouic or Nerv
oua Disorder- In ordinary cases, stimulants ate taken,
. leu, by their action on the nones and muscles of the
rtct.iocli, .ttr.mi temporary relief, but vvltieh leave tbe
patient in a lower Mate, and Willi injured faculties, afler
the action thus excited lias censed. Now compare this
rt.a U.o etlert resulting from tbe appllc .tionnl the (HI..
v.ViNtl. BELT. Take n Dyspeptic rtlti'ercr, even in the
wor.t symptoms of an attack, and simply tie Ilia Belt
S.uu it the Body. u,,ng the .Magnetic fluid as dinectod.
lit ;i siioit period the insensible perspiration will act on
t o (switivo element of tlie Belt, thereby causing a Gal
vanic circulation which wUI pis. on to the negative, and
thence back again to the positive, thus keeping up a con
tinuous (ialviinic circulation throughout the system.
Thus tbe most severe cases of DYSPEPSIA ate PKR-
Of Uie most Undoubted Clmrnctrr,
From oil part* of the country coulJ be given, sufficient to
fiii every column in t!ii paper !
-A inch conclusively prove* that
" Truth Is stranger than Fiction."
Rheumatism, Bronchitis and Dyspepsia.
(f Nutv Jersey, of distinguished attainments an J exalted
Biortr.r, New Jersey, July 19, 194*
Do A. II rimisrir.—Dear Sir: Von wish to know of
r • hiit hi* lioeti the result in my own case, of the
*j.p, Hi. ti ~f 'l'll K (J AI. V A NIC DLLT AND NkXK
i My leply is as follows :
For uiiont twenty y/j I had been suffering from
I>> pepsia. Kverv >Snr the symnloms becamo worse,
JOI could I oLd.iiii permanent ivlief Iroin any courso
of medical treatment whatever. Al>out fourteen years
since, in consrquence of frequent c.xposuro to the
w either, in the discharge of my pistoral dstici, I
terame subject to a saveiti Chronic Rheumatism, which
for vear after year, caused me indescribable anguish,
rait her: in the winter of '45 and '46, in coiite
q jence of pleaching a great deal in my own and
at ma* other churches in this region, I was aMneked
by the bronchitis, which soon became so severe as
to icquire an immediate suspension of my fiaetoral
labors. My nervous tystem was now thoroughly pros
tratrJ, and ai my bronchitis became worse, so also did
my I>) spepfia an I llheumatic affection —thus evincing
that these disorders weie connected with each other
thiougti the medium of the Nervous System lu the
MrV>Ja phnrmaconvia there teemed to be no remedial
agent which coi#hf icach Hn.l recuperate my Nervous
8\ item ; ever\ thing tnat I had tried for this purpose had
Ootiipletcly failed At last I WHS led by iny friends to ex-
Amine your inventions, and (though'with no very san
".nine hopes of their efficiency.) I detei mined to try the
effect of the application of tiic'o W.VANK UKLT AND
M-.CKI.At K, with the MAGNETIC FLUID. This was
in June, 1810. To NT GRKVT mosuHMr-ST, IN TWO
TIACLT CV.ASF.D TO TROUBLE UK. Sncli is iho w ondcr-
I and lif.ppy results of the expeiimeut
hasc recommended tho HKLT and FLUID to many
who hate teen likewise suite ring from Neuralgic nffec
'.lO.lS They have tried thfm, WITH i<A*rv RESULTS 1
I Sin, dear air, very respectfully yonra,
is us** for all complaint* affecting the Throat or Head,
such • CronrliitK Inflammation of the Thro.t, Nervous
and Hick lJc.idache, Dizziness of the Head, Neuralgia in
the Face, buzzing • Homing the Kara, Deafness
which is generally Nervous, u. .hat distressing coin
ilaint, called Tic Doloieux.
Palsy and Paralysis.
All J.h) siciani ncknowlctgn that the.e torrrhle dia.
•"*' *| c """'1 "jy ;„/ v,rri. En ar,, in th CJ lintb. 1.., CM.,..,, . <; 1. a„io AtUrlo. will
"apply in." power, and a complete end entire
sure is thus effected.
Are found of vast service in cases of ( onvulsions or Fits,
Spasmodic (omiilaints, and gene ml Ne-vous Affections
of the Head and upper extremities. Also in relay and
I analysis, and all discuses caused by a deficiency of pnwe:
Energy in the limbs or other organs of tiu
Tie Doloreax and Neuralgia.
These dreadful nnd (WITH/!.!- rnmplainte are imtae
tianly re lit vf it hy the am>li ra t,,.n of Iho Ourinc BKLI,
hscsncr ami f LCID J lie belt diffusos the Electricity
through the system : the Necklace has local effect and
11 8 cts directly upon the affected nerves. In thesa I
JlUressutg aUuitiona tho application NEVER FAILS.
Theae a'ormlng and,le complainla are ihtara
- • derangement of the ffe,v„. Tho In,
1M C *"K TJ " L L 'L [) will cure nearly every ca.e no
(he rnmn?.T,! °"v f? ' " ie patienl, or how confirmed
l. h^^of, ,nJ " ,oni ' hi " I'"" 6 ■"'
00- Meny hundred Certlflcalee fmm ell parte of the
m^d™ 1 ceu be
afi™; &!?vf n c*
Miiwi'L,, 1 "' rr„vv u * , I n °" f ™ bh with
They can be sent to any part of the country.
an. . . Fricee:
The Galvanic Bell. Three Dollars.
The Galvnmo Necklace, Two Dollsrs.
The Onlvanio Bracelets, One Dollar Each.
Tho Magnetic Flnid, Ono Dollar.
aiJS&B* J? 1 ® 1 ?!-!™ •° <,om panied hy full end plain
-Tf^; h b fU " P * r " CuUr " ro, > l,h "
DO- Swire ef OmtMerfeiu and ITartkltll ImUallane
1 Broadway, New York.
For tale tn Bloomtburg, Pa., by th
nulhorizetl agent,
F*r il.e Care ef
The uiiiftnm eucrew which has attended the
tiis •-f litis pippin Minn; its salutary effect; ilapnw
et t relieve and cure affection* of lite Lungs, have
gained for it a celebrity equalled hy no other mcd
cc-ine. YVe offer It to the afflicted with entire in its virtues, ami Ihe full belief lhat it
will subdue and remove tin- severest Mini ks Itt'ik--
e sc upon ilia ihroat ami I.tings, The waulta, as
they become publicly known, very tuluially at
tract the attention of medical men end philatillmi
pisls everywhere. What is doeir O|SIIII U ofCll-
EKBV PiStIfOKAL mas be seen ih lite follow
iug ;
Valentine J/nff. M. I)., Protestor Sur
gery. Medical College. A'. F. says:
It gives me ideasiire lo certify to lite value and
rflicrcy of Aycr'n Cherry Pectoral, which 1 con
sid.'r peculiarly ntlapled lu euro diseases of the
I IHOII aud I,tings
The lit. /leu. Lord Hi shop FirUl
YY'iit-a in a letter to bis friend, who was sinking
nndt'i an uflettioii of the Lungs, -Tiy the Chetry
Pectoral, and if auv medicine can give you relief
with the hies.iug of God that will'
Chi'f Justice Eitslis,
of I.ouisiat.n, wiiles that a votittg daughter of his
was fitted of several severe attacks of Croup hy
the C terry Pectoral
Harlf.ird, Jan 26,1843
Dear Sir: Having !ean -cstueti loan a painful
ami otigo om disease by yaur medicine, grutilui'e
pr oijitv tne to send you this acknowledgment not
oily In justice to you t.ut for the information ol
otheio in like ..ill ction
A alight cold upon the lungs neglected at first,
liensme an severe that spilling of blood, a violent
Cough and pmfu.-e night -wonts followed and fos
toned upon mo 1 became emaciated, could not
alert", as distress" d hy my cough, and a pain
through my cheat ami in short had all the alarm
ing symptoms of quick consumption No medi
cine sct tned at ail to re.irli my case, until provi
donllully 1 tried your Chetry Pectoral, which m
heved and llow has cured lac
Y'ours w'th respect fi A BTW ART
Albany, N Y, April 17, 1848
Dear Sir; I have for years been afflicted wi it
Asthma ill the worst form; so that I have hern
obliged tn sleep in my chair for a larger part of
the time, being unable Inbreathe nii'my led I
had tried y gre t many medicines to no purpose,
until my phyaictan prescribed, as au experiment,
your Cherry Pectoral
At first it secured to make tint worse, but in less
than a werlt I begin to experience the mos" graii.
fying relit I' from its use ; and in four weYks the
disease was entirely removed 1 can sleep on my
bed Willi comfort, and enjoy n atale of health
which 1 never expected GEO FA If if AN !'
Prepared by J C J/ytr. Lowell, Mrrvs
Sold by 13 I' I,U I Z. Hlntimsbiirg
A K WILSON. Met wick
April 4j6ti (tlx
Cclcbi'iilvil Family Jlvillcluc
ct'lir FOLLOWS CL'ilE.
The Original and Genuine Preparation!
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Broriohilis, Liver
Compliinl, S|iitling Blood, dilßeulty of
Breall inji, Pain j the Side and Breast,
Palpitation of the Heart Iniluanza,
Croup, broken Constitution, Sore
Throat, Nervous Debility, and all
diseases of the Throat. Breast
and Lung; the most cfiectual f
s and speedy cure known for
any of the above diseas
es is
Dr. Swaync's Compound Syrnp of
Wild Cherry.
WM. MONTELIUS, a respectable merchant of
St. Clair, Schuylkill county, writes, January
30, 1840:—Enclosed I send you a certificate
of Worn. Beaumont, a citizen of our town.
Hi.sense of consumption is well known here,
a id of long standing ; he attributes his cure
entirely to your Compound Syrup of Wild
"Asrfe and effectual remedy for IForms, Dys
pepsia, Cholera Mart/us. sickly or Dyspep
tic Children or Adults, and the most
usejul Family Medicine ever of
fered to the p-tilic.
ted, Andcrstcnen, Indiana. A man purchased
a bottle of your Vermifuge ihe other day for
his child, and by its use it discharged 63 ol
the largest worms ho had evor seen. It is
somewhat difficult to gel the poo le lo try it,
as they havo so often been gulled by nausc
tins and worthless worm medicines. Yours
being so very pleasant lo ihe tnsle, at the
same time eifee nal, I shall bo able todisposc
of a large quantity. Respectfully, yours, &c.,
Remember: Dr. Swayue's Vermilugo is
now put up iu square bullies, (having recent
ly been changed;) covered with a beautiful
wrapper, (steel engraving,) with the portrait
of Dr.Stvaynethereon engraved. Bear this
in mind, and bo not deceived. CLENSE AND
FC EXTRACT OF TAR PILLS.—-A mild and effec
tive purgative, great purifyer of the blood,
they correct all tho functions of the Liver,
and as an alternative Dropsical affecting
they aro very valuable. Giddiness of the
head, dimness of sight, depression of spirits,
headache, &e., are cured by these purifying
Ptlls. No medicine can have a bolter effect
Jor monthly irregularities, which occasionally
happen to women, lltcy nre perfectly safe,
and will in conjunction with Dr. Swayne's
compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, take all
pain middiscase from every part of the sys
Iho above valuable medicines aro pre
pared only by DR. SWA PNE, N. W. corner
of ElUlli'H and RACE Streets, Philadel
E. P. LUTZ a JOHN R. MOVER, Bloomsburg,
la; M CGrier & John Monro Danville-John
-harplessSi C Ilarttnan & Co., Catawissa; G
II Sliuinan Catawissa Forge; Brown and
Creasy, Miiiliuville; A Miller Berwick; John
Doak Briar Creek lp- Peler Eat Williams
hurgjE. Uzarus Onmgovillc; JK Millaid
hspyiown; Elias Wertm in Rohrsburg; Geo.
Masters Millvilte j J M Sheldon Jertevto\vn •
Patterson Wasltingtonville; Hugh'
Me Williams Moresbttrg; and by most all
Storekeepers ii: the adjacent Counties.
Bloomsburg, Feb. 21, 1850 —6m.
For Heat.
A large and convenient dwelling house,
and a suite of rooms suitable for a small fa
mily, or for an office or shop. Euquiro at
this office *
£E>:ro CZ3anUUas>mGS 9
Indian Vegetable Panacea.
Rowanil & Walton invito attention to the
following ailverlit e ncnt:
As a proof of tho continued success of
NBCEA. we refer to a few of the many cer
tificates in our possession, of cures perform-"
etl hy this ureal purifier.
Captain T. L. Sunders, constable of South
Mulberry Ward, cured of Barber's Itch.
Mr. J. P. Reese's child, No, 83 North Sev
enth street, cured of hereditary Tetter, which
covered his entire body.
Mr. E. YV. Maxwell, Grapo court, Market
street, above Eighth, cured of Scrofula, had
fourtoea •open ulcers upon his body at the
itme he commenced taking the Medicine.
Miss Clwisliapa Sands, West Spruce street,
between Beach and Willow streets, near the
Schuylkill, cuied of Scrolulu; had suffered
eight years ; her head was so much alluded
that lea and coffee would pass out at her ear
—this is a strong case.
Capt. John K. Barclay, No. 400 Market
street, curid of Scrofulous Sore Leg,-of 36
years' Blending. This case is well known to
many of our best Physicians, who havo Iro
qucntly advised amputation.
Mr. Isaac Brooks, Jr., No. 5 JefTerson, west
of tschuylkill Sixth street, below Locust.
| This was, undoubtedly, one of tho most so
lvere cases of Sttrolula e.or cured, and is
ct r.ilied to by mmy of our best physicians
and clergymen, and al.-o Ity himself.
| Joseph Barbour, No. 1 Short court, east
f oni Twelfth street above Race, cured of
I Sc.roulous Sore Throat, of eight years stan
Mr. J. 11. Prick's child, No. 734 Dock St.,
Philadelphi t.
I Mr. Alirhael Duffy, 44 South Frout strecl.
I (at P. Brady & Co.'s.) Philadelphia, cured
! of Teller ol twenty fivu years.
! Mr. William Hemming, No. 210 Wash
ington street, bet wen Eighth-ant! Nineth,
Philadelphia, cured of Erysipelas four years,
which destroyed the flesh to the bono.
Wiliilin Barken, cured of Scrofula. This
case had been in tho hospital in any months,
and discharged as incurable—he is uow veil
and may bo seen daily at our office.
Mr. Duvid Cirgan, Muddy ereek, 'Hamil
ton county, Ohio, cured of Scrofula. This
was a ivtuy severe case, anil Kir'gan says that
could money prevent, ho would not undergo
tho same affliction for leu thousand dollars,
and yet he war cure for a feiv dollars, by
Dr. Cnllen's Indian Y'egetabhs Panacea.
Mr. John YV. Ilazleion, of Muliea Hill.
New Joey, eared of Teller of ten years'
standing, with a few bottles of the Panacea.
Mr. John Brocket!, ol GermuiilViwn, at the
ag of 61 years, was cured of a violent Tet
ter that had troubled him for 18 years.
Mrs.Eve Siscoe, No. 53 South slrtvtL, be
tween Thiid and Fourth, from SchnyHvill.
cured of fever sores on her ankles, after suf
fering 12 years with them. Mrs. S. is 62
yean- of age.
Mrs Eiizabeto C Foster, Second street,
four doors above YVashington street, was
cured of Tetter on her leg, which had troub
led her 14 years.
Mr Charles Otis, late of Parrish street,
now of Manayuiifc, cured of Tetter of 5 years
in hands and feet.
Mr Mellon Grubb, Juniper street, near
Spruce, cured of Scrofulous Ulcers 011 the
shoulders, which had defied the doctors
more than a year.
Mr Hiram Ridge, Attleboro', Bucks co.,
Pa., cured of Salt Rheum. This case had
been pronounced i"Ciirable by some 12 or 14
physicians ol the first standing—as a Inst
resort had recourse to Cullen's Panacea, and
was cured completely in a few months, after
suffering 17 years—the disease had almost
covered his entire person.
Henry Reeves, of Bridgeton, cured of the
worst case of Scrofula ever seen in New Jer
sey, by 7J bottles !
Thomas Wain wright, of Manyunk, cured
of Scald Head: the disease extended over
the whole scalp until it was an entire mass
of cirruption ; and yet one bottle of the Pa
nacea cured him.
We might add ease after case, ad infint
turn; but we think it unnecessary; presu
ming the afilicted will want moro" evidence
than we can give in an advertisement, we
again ask tlieni to semi to our office arul get
these certificates, from which you will learn
the extraordinary sufferings of these persons,
as well as the mode of cure.
110 WAND & WALTON, Proprietors,
No. 21 Sixth street, Philad'a
CV Tho following persons are agents for
the above meeicine in Columbia eounlv.
E. P. Lulz, Bloumsburg; M. C.Grierj Dan
jville; Peter Enl, Light street; Rickets and
S.ewart, Orangeville ; Cyrus Barton, Espy-
Itown; J. Sc'.itriickjCaltawissa; M. G. Shoe
maker, Buckhorn.
Jan. 3d 1830.—6 m.
No. 238 Maiket Si. above Seventh,
soiuli side, Philadelpliia.
Aliltoiigh we can scarcely estimate the
value of TIM IS commercially; yet by call,
tog at the above Establishment. JAMES
HARDER will I'miiish his (rientls, among
whom l.c included all who duly appreci
ate its fleeiucs-* with a beautiful ami per
fect INDEX for marking its progress, of
whoso value they can judge.
His extensive stock nil hand, cnnsutiily
clanging in conformity lo iho iinprive
•npills in tasie anil style of pattern and
workmanship, consists ol EIGIIT-DAY and
THIRTY noun linos COUNTING House,
Clocks. Preach, Gothic and fancy styles,
as well as plain, which from his extensive
ceiitiM ciioti >,nd correspondence "iih ,'|, e
manufacturers he finds that he ei>- '
i i >i P' *® I'l'i ni
the l.nwe.l cash Figure, in any qi|a , lliu .,
.rmn Ono in a TliuHStm;,,, of which , le
will warrant tlio tecufvey.
cw< Jlneks repaired and warranted.
Clock ttimoiings on hand.
Call ami tie ine aiming iliem.
238 Market at., Phila. Sept. 20, '49- I v
'Hie subscriber would inform his old friends
and the public in general, that he has taken
the well known stand recently kept by Dnn
jel Snyder, Esq., on tho head of MIMII street,
in Hloomsburg, and will continue the public
house known by the sign of."THE FORKS"
wfllru ho is prepared to accommodate those
who may favor him with their custom. His
arrangements nro complete, quarters spaci
ous—location pleasant, and without promis
ing too much, he flatters himself ho will be
able to do amnio justice to his guests.
Stabling and the best fare for noraes, &c.
Bloomsburg, April 26. 1849.
SUBPfENAS, ami •
proper and desirable lorras, for sale at the /•
office the "Star ef the North."
The noit Wonderful Meilieine of Ihe Age,
1,&#*,000 BOTTLES
This tfedlelne Is put tip In ttnsrt Hetties,
HIM! Uns cured more thsn
100,000 Oases of Chronic Diseaso,
trllhlii the Isst Ten Ycnri —None le Genuine
unless feign set bp 8. P. TOWN SICK AS.
—the rUlic-will Jearn the origin, or rether where the
recipe for making the stuff tney cell OM Dr. Jacob
TownsonrTsSarsapaiiila, came from and will be able
to judge which i* Ihe genuine Rml original, and of the
honesty of the man who arc employed in selling it a
the original Dr. Towns®nil's Karsaparilla. Dr. 8. P.
Townsend was the original proprietor and inventor of
Dr. Townjciura HursapaiiliM. ami his medicine has
gained a reputation that no other remedy ever gained,
lie manufactured over one million of hollies last ye.vr
and is u.Bimlarttuing at piosent ft.tKK) hottles tier day
Wo use more Baiespai ill* and Yellow Dock in our
establishment each day, than all the other Harsaimnlla
Manufacturcis in the uoiM. ■friucipal Oflico, 126
City an J County of \ewVork, it.
William Armstrong, of the Mini t.'ity, being duly
sworn, doth denoso and say that he is a practical
Ih'iggist ami Chemist. That some time in the latter
pait of May, or tirst of June, 1413, a man by the nntue
of Jacob Townsend, who at thigptime WHS it book and
pamphlet peddler, called upon deponent, at the limine
of Mr. Thompson, No 42 Hudson-street, w here depu
nent hoarded, and requested deponent to wtite him a
recipe by winch to make a Syrup of .Sarsapaiiile.
I>< pmieiit further says, that lie' became acquainted
with aaid ToWnsend at the ortice of 'l'hcodore Foster,
Kan., Hook Publisher, with whom said Townsend
dealt That said Town-end had hud fiequent conversa
tions with de|>nnent t expecting the manufacture of an
article ol Sarsßpnrilia to be sold under Abo mim uf Dr.
Jacob Townsend.
That said Townend stated be was an old man, and
poor, and was not fit for -hard labor—and wished to
make rome money, in order to live easy in hit old
•lay a, and that, if AarsanarilU under the name of Town
send sold so well, and no much money was made by
it, he could SOP no nfeeson why he might not make
something out of it too, (his name being Townsend,)
if he could get a capable peiaon to prepare a recipe,
and ma uii fat tine it lor him. Deponent in uiie of the
conveisstions asked said Townsend if he was related
to Dr. 8. P. Town-end, to which he replied, that he
knew Dr. 8. IV Tow usend would lie down on him after
he should commence. But that he did not care for
him, aa he had formed a eo partnership with men who
could furnish the requisite amount of capital—and was
w ell prepared to defend himself against any attack
hat might tie made on him.
Deponent further says, that pursuant to the request
of said Jacob Townsend. ho wrote a recipe for the
munnfactuie of a Svrup of Manroparilla. and gave it to
•liin. Saul Towmeud oWrvrd that he wanted to
nake a s|*ecimen to exhibit to his partners for their
lppmval. as lie wished to gratify them in every thing,
is they furnished ail the capital— said Townsend also
old deponent that the bottles they were o use w ere
be or the same sice and shape as Dr. 8. P. Town
semi's, and deponent, at the request of said Jacob
Town-end, mput to the *fllce of |)r S P. Townsend,
and procured one of hiv Ulwls.
And dc|Miiieut further says, that he has been inform
ed, and verily believes tlio* Syrup of Samaparilla, sold
a* trio Jacob Tow nseud's. is maiie after the recipe Bir
wished tiy deponent, to Jacob Townoend, as aforesaid.
And 'flirlher deponent snith not.
Sworn to before Ine, this 21th day of May, 1819.
Mayor of the City of New York.
Ifere is proof conclusive that l)r h P. Townsend'a
Barsaparilla is the original. -The following is from
some of the most respectable papers in this 8lat.
Dr. Towuaend'* Sariinparilla.
There probable never ha* torn *o|tpulsra remedy,
or paten*. medicine, at Dr. Tow mend*.'a Sarsaparilla,
which wc originally. and continue* to tie manufac
tured in this city, at first by tlo Doctor himself, and
afterward* for aeveral year* and to the present time,
by ft Tnwn*rn>l, the present proprietors. Since
the partucmhip was fmi#d, tlie Doctor SIM resided in
New York, w here he keeps a More, and attends to tha
business that sccumulatee at that (Mist The manu
factory is in this city, and i* conducted by the junior
partner, Mr. Clspp —here all the medicine is manniac-
Few of our citizens have any idea of tha amount of
thi* medicine tLst is Msnufactuied and sold. Besides
the saloffJh Ibis country, it is shipped to the Canadus,
West India Mauds, South .Ameitc*, and even lo fcu
rop, in consult i able quantities. .At the manulactory
Ui my employ a steam engine, besides a large number
ol men, women and fills, in the irre|ration of she
medicine, making bone*, printing, lie, and turn out,
ready for shipment, over 400 do/en per day, or nearly
•000 bottles. 'Jhis is an enormous quantity.
The great sale the medicine hss aeqiiiied, has in
duced a number of men to get np imitations, and theie
is at the present time, other medicines for sale, that
are called " Dr. Townsend's Sanaperille." One in par
ticular started asboit time ago in New York, ta celled
" Old Doctor Jacob Tow mend's Seiws|nlla," and ap
parently with a view, by dint of advertising, and tha
usual lemedies istoried to in such aSorts, to apivroflui
ate the name ot Dr. S P. Tow.asewd's gtest remedy,
and thus gain all the advantages lesulting from the
, popularity of the name w Licb he has acquired lor it,
by years i patient and es|eniive labor* Dr. S P.
Townsend. Airmerly of fins city, a* is well known
here, is the inventor and oiiginal proprietor of the
medicine known as "Dr 'J'ou in end's harsaj*rillß,"
and W E tiiink those peiaons w ho HIP attempting to sail
their article at the genuine, should be exposed
KBOM 'itlK.
New York Dally Tribune.
tXJ- IVd |,ti!ili-l,cil an utlvertnrment inailvertentlr
ome lime kincc that did injustice to Dr. 8. P. Town
send, who is the original proprietor of the prei>ration
of Seisaparilia known us Hr. Tow mend's. Other
liaities have within the past lew months engaged or
connected themselves with a man by the name cf
'I tiwiisend who out up a medicine and calls it by the
same name. Tins medicine was advertised in Tfit
Tiihune as the oijaiual, kc This adveitisoment also
contained mutter derogatory to the r.haiacier oS Dr.
S. P '1 ownsend and that of bis medicine. We regret
it appeared, and in justice to the Dr. make this ex
Nt w ltork Dully Sun.
Dh. Townskmii'* extraordinary edveitisemont,which
occupies an entire page l the Mr*, will not cho ape
notice. Dr. S i\ TownsoriJ, who i the original pro
pi let or of Dr. Tow trend's SsiMpatilla, ami whoee of
fice next door to oaia, * here he has lt en for aever
,vyW, ik driving an immense hukiurs* lie receives
no lea* than four bund rod doyen of Sarsepaiilla per
day, ond even tbia enormoua quantity doca not aupply
tbe demnml. No medicine ever gained so great a
popularity as Ins preparation of tbe ha ma pari I la. Ilia
edition of .Almanacs for 1819 coat ***,ooo, and he
haa paid tho Now A oik Run for adverting, in the
lent four yeara, over *lO.OOO, and he acknowledges
that it in the cheapest advciUsing he haa had done.
Tbia medicine is exported to the Camillas, AV'est In
dies, Rontli Anieiica and Knrope, in considerable
quaotitiea, and is coming into geueial use in those
countries, as well aa here.
Druggist* and others that sell BarsaparilJa '<■ . ..
genuine and original l)r. Townsend's H
thai is not signed by SP. Towitsend, e- " , -*uperille,
ami swindles the customers. M •"•nmita a fraud,
guilty of anch an act, would * ,e ' u *kut would bs
-and no Druggit of com** w .°nnlt any other fraud
that ours is the only g* ,' l0 'i intelligence but knows
Some |.enp'' U ', J *-cb Towturlul.
not read tl iC *° #rc not well informed, and liave
have be j,,'- and not teen our sih ei tiaemeiita,
veiti* a . ,cd to ? u l , I HW# i t,,al because these men ad
n. . thoir stuff as •' Old Jacob Tnwncnda," that it
•• V f e the original. It is less t*-n one
| ' fc -ar since they commenced to make their intdiciue.
Ours has been in the market over ten yeais
This OUI Jacob Towitaoud.
" apt endeavoring to palm off on the public as
an old Physician, lie. lie is not o regular educated
I nysician, and novar attempted to manufacture a med
icine, until theso men hiied him for the use of his
name. They aay they do not wish the people to be
lieve that their fearxapariila is ours, or the same—but
the bet er to deceive the public, they at the same time
assert that (heir's is the Old Dr Townsend's, and the
original; and endeavor to make the people believe
that the stuff they manufacture, is the Dr. Townsend's
Sarsoparifla, that has performed so many wonderful
cures for the past ten years, and U-hlch has gained a
imputation which no other medicine ever enjoyed—
wliioh is a base, villainous, unprincipled falsehood.
AVo have commencod nits against these men for
damage*. We wish ittob.* understood, that the old man
is no relation to Dr. Townseud whatever. In their ad
veitiaemeoU and circulars, they publish a number of
gross lulKchoods respecting Or. Townssud, which we
will not notice. '
False Heporfa.
Our .M0T..,!, iiav. jiahod i„ ()„ pnpnr,. that
fownsend was dead. This they send to thf lr
ageots about the country, who report thet we have
given up Iniiincia, fcc. he. The public ahould be oa
" lIOt 1,0 tlec,iv ® J by tli,M uninfect
I;/ Bm—L-AIW the flr.t nf September,
■... ?! . ... Ntw Vorh Office will be
h lb. Soetb Baptist Church, No. Si Nutsu ilrnt
HlllilSj?!!. ""'•.rgolng a tliorongh change, and
w in ie fitted mr the lcUcr accommodation of the nre
pi tutors ami the public.
Tmkt particular N'elirr—No Barsaparilla la the
genuine end original Dr. Townsend's Srseparilla, un
less signed by 8. P. Townacnd.
k, k to -' 8 State-street, and
Airs. K. Kidder, No. 100 Court-street, Boston : Samuel
Kinder, Jr., Loss ell; Henry Pratt, Salem ; James &
Woecoster ; Allison U Uault, Concord: J
Belch k Son, Provi-ience ; and by Druggists and Mer
chants generally throughout the Uolted States. We#
Indies and the Canadas %
JO/I.V r. mover, druggist.
Ia the utile agent in Bloomsburg, for than!*
of Dr. S. P. Townsend's Sarsaparilla-30-iy
31 tiffs
A naw lot jurt received aid for sale cheop
W apqpir vnjavua "
For Yonng Ladies and Gentlemen
J. E. BRADLEY, Principal.
The next Slimmer Session of this Institution
will commence on MONDAY_ the Bth of
Text Hooka.
Emerson's Spelling Book and Reader.
Goodrich's Geography.
Bullion's English Grammar.
Parker's Progressive Exercises.
" Aids to English Composition.
Blair's Rhetoric, University edition.
" Algebra.
" Geometry.
" Surveying.
" Mensuration.
Shea's Book-keeping.
Ackemnn's Natural History.
Cutter's Anatomy, Physiology, & Hygiene.
Guernsey's History of the United States.
Lardner s Outlines.
Olmsted's School Philosophy.
Bitrritt's Geography of the Heavens.
Johnston's Turner s Chemistry.
Wood's Botany.
Sehmucker's Mental Philosophy.
Wayland's Moral Science.
Webster's Dictionary.
LATIN .—Bullion's Latin Grammar. Bullion's
Latin Reader, Anthou's Cccsar, Sallngt, Cic
ero, Horace, Folsom's Livy, Leveritt's Latin
GREEK. —Bullion's Greek Grammar, Bul
lion's Greek Reader, Robinson's Greek Tes
tament, Xenophon's Anabasis, Xenophon's
Memorabilia, Pickering's Grrek Lexicon.
GERMAN —G J Adler's German Grammar,
Qllendoif s method of Learning the German
Language, Adler's German Reader.
There will be frequent exercises in Decla
mation and Composition. Instruction will
also be given in Penmanship and Book-Kee
Pupils attending this School can enjoy the
advantages of instructionon the Piano Forte
at a modetato chargd
It will be the aim of the Teacher in this
School, to impart to the pupils a thorough
knowledge of the branches studied, to educate
their minds, and thus to prepare them for hon
orablo places in life.
The Summer Session will consist of twenty-
Four weeeks or two quarters of 12 weeks
each. The price of tuition will bo as follows
per quarter:
For Reading, Penmanship, Grammar, A
rithmetic, Book-Kceping by single entry, Ge
ography, History of U. S. 83 25
For same, anil Algebra, Geometry, Survey
ing, Mensuration, Boook-Keeping by double
entry, General History, Natural History, Phy
siology, Philosophy, other English branches,
and Drawing. $4 50
For Latin, Greek and German, 5 75
CCGood boarding can be obtained in pri
vate familiesat from 81 50 to 82 00 per week.
REFERENCES. —CoI. Joseph Paxlon, Hon.
Stephen Baldy, Hon. Geo. Mack, Michael
Brobst. Esq., John M'Reynolds, Esq., Rev.
Daniel Steck.
Bloomsburg, Feb 21, 1850
ftood and Cheap Walclies
wholesale and retail,al No. 00 Notlh VJuil
street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia.
Gold lever watches, full jewelled, 18
caret cases. $3O and upwards.
Silver lever do, full jewelled, $l6 and
Silver lepine do, jewelled, $ll and up
Silver quartier watches, from $5 lo 10.
Gold pencils, from $1 60 to s7*
Superior gold rings, from 37 to 80 cts.
Oilier articles in proportion. All goods
warranted to be what they are told for.
Constantly on hand, a full assortment
WARE. Also, an assortment of M. J.
Tobias & Co. i li. Simpson Samuel and
Brothers; E. S. Yates Co.; John Har
rison ; G. <s• R. Rreslev'e. and other su
perior PATENT LEVER Movements,
which will be cased in any style desired.
Arrangements have been made with all
tlx? above celebrated mabejrs, the best
inantifactnreis of Liverpool, to furnish at
short notice any required style i f Watch,
for which orders will be taken and the
mime and residence of the person order
ing put on if requested. *
O. CONRAD. No. 06
Nonli Third Street.
• Importer of Watches.
January 1, 1950.--ly 49
Hoots and Shoes.
Cy Encour.ige your own Mechanics, and r O .
encouragt Yourselves._A=i J "*
The subscriber would inform V. c i
and tho public, tliat he h-., * V _ , SI?. ,
makes to order alt ki-,i f
SHOES, at the f01i0;...- "* of BOOTS AND
Men's line r-ilf in S low prices :
• 0 ■ ef morocco boots, S4 a 4 50
" kip or cow bide, 3 35
calf shoes 2 00
do cow hide I 75
do miners', nailed, 2a2 50
Ladies' nailers, 2 a 2 25
" Lace boots, 162
" Thick soled slippers, lal 37
" Pump soled, *1 00
" Excelsiors, 125
Boys', youths' and children's shoes in pro
portion. He manufactures his work of the
best of stock, and warrants it to wear ; and
he is determined to sell it as low as others
can their Yankee or city work. Cal| and
see for yourselves, iihop on Main 6t., next
door below Hartman's Store.
The subscriber announces to tho public
Ihpt he has just opened a Saddler Shop in the
central part of Bloomsburg, on Main street,
one door abovo Rupert's Store, whero he
will keep constantly on hand and make to
order all kinds of
And every other article m his linn of busi
ness. He will also attend to TRIMMING
carriages and buggies, in every desirable
style, and will turn olf all his work noat and
good ; and at the lowest pricos. Those who
wish work in his line will do well to give
him n call.
tVHides, country produce, and oven gold
dollars will be taken in payment for work.
Bloomsburg, May 15, 1849.
The subscriber is now doing a large busi
ness at Tailoring in Light Street, and invites
all who wish for fashiouable, well-fitting and
cheaply-made garments to visit his shop and
give Vim a trial.
He has two shops in operation, turning ofl
work. One is in the tipper end and iheother
in the lower part of Light Street. He regu
larly receives tho CITY FASHIONS, and
asks only lor a trial to insure satisfaction.
Particular attention will be paid to cutting
out. B. F. DOLLMAN.
Light Street, April 12, 1849-ljr
UMBo (Do SGo Uii(gi2S@Ss'o
No. 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
Will effectually cure Liver complaint, Jaundice,
Dyspepsia, Chronic or Nervous debility, Dis
ease of the Kidneys, and all diseases
arising from a disordered liver or
Such as Consumption, Inward I'ilcs, Ful
ness of Blood to the Head, Acidity of tho
Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for
Food, Fullness or weight in tho Stomach,
Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at
the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the
Head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Flut
tering at tho Heart, Choking or Sutficaling
sensations when in a Lying Posture, Dim
ness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the
Sight, Fever and Dull pain in the Head, Defi
ciency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the
Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back,
Chest, Limbs. &c., Sudden flushes of Heat,
Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings
of Evil and Great Depression of Spirits.
The Genuine are Entirely Vegetable and
free from Alcoholic Stimulant Syrup, Aloes,
Uheuburd, Calomel, Acids, and all Mineral
and Injurious Ingredients, they are pleasant
in tnste and smell,,and nnld in tiieir opera
tion, never griping or giving any uneasiness,
they give strength to tho whole system
whilst they drive from it disease.. They can
h i administered to the most delicate infant
with perfect safety.
It appeared in the leading German Jour
nall of Philadelphia—the "Philadelphia
Democrat." The Editor was personally ac
quainted witli Dr. Hooflaml, and prizing the
services of this great man lie could not qui
etly look upon the assuranco of ail impostor,
without apprizing the public of approaching
€l)riotopl) U)ill)clm fjnfclanb.
Christopher William Hoqfland.
"One of the most renowned physicians
one of tho greatest benefactors of modern
times, was born at Langeu Suiza, Germany,
on the 12th day of august 1762. After a
careful scholastic education, ho, like his fath
er ami grandfather, (two celebrated Doctors.)
voluntarily devoted himself to the study of
Medicine, at Jena and Gottigen, and iri 1783
obtained the degree <i£,Doctor of Medicine,
at the latter University. From 1793 to 1801,
ho officiated as Professor at the University of ;
Jena. In 1801, ho was appointed Private !
Physician to the King of Prussia, Member
of the Academy of Science, and upon the
establishment of tire nearCoifege at Berlin,
Professor and Court Physician by the Minis
try of the Interior. His characteristic pro- j
loundness and deep penetration enabled him I
to combine the theoretical and practical; to |
udile old and new systews; produce in com j
mon the practical and useful, and thus draw ,
therefrom the results and necessary applica
ble means.
"It was Dr. H. principally, who exposed
| and destroyed the 'Brown's System,' which,
I notwithstanding the brilliant exterior, could
not conceal its many imperfections, brought
to light by Hoofland's noble impartiality,
sound truths, and deep penetration. Inde
pendent of his practical usefulness as Phy
sician and Professor of tho healing art, he
has earned uddyirig fame for his superior
knowledge in Materia. Metlica. as well as for
his manifold works 011 Medical jurispru
dence. Among these may he mentioned hie
world renowned ' WakroUeolik, or the art of
prolonging life,' 'System of practical healing
art," 'ldeas ol Pathogenic,' Journal of prac
itieal Medicine,' &c. He has besklesall this
gained eternal lame and praise from suffer
ing humanity for the -Recovery and combi
nation of several ir tallihlc medicinals, a
mong which is the far ramed and justly cel
ebrated compound, known as
The application of asciduous earth for the
cure of Sulphuric diseases—The celebrated
Diaphoretic remedy—and numerous inval.
uable recorded recipes.
After the celebration of his fiftieth profes
sional festivity in 1833, upon which occa
sion the King of Prussia, honored him with
the insignia of the Order of the Red Eagle,
and many other Itayal (B*l ers and marks of
distinction, he died on the 25th day of Au
gust 183 d, (as the King of Prussia's private
Medical Counsellor.) without any legitimate
male heir or offspring.
"Dr. C. M. Jackson, of Philadelphia p ,
had the means of obtaining the '
cipes of the great medical
,o ,h Willi olm HufUaiid.'
able medicines arc V.; epare a with the utmos.
care at lire Medicine Store. The
. ° r .lore: Hoofland's German Bitters,
18 .e result of many years study and expe
rience by the great inventor, and known and
prized in Europe as an infallible remedy for
the cure of Liver Complaint Jauilicc, Dyspep
, sin Ifc. Dr. C. M. Jackson's preparation of
this medicine has obtained the same celebri
ty in this Western World. The testimonials
• and innumerable continuations of thousands
of the most severe and difficult casas cured,
is ample proof of this. The medicines com
pounded by Dr. C. M. Jackson have produced
the very effects and the fame happy resttlls,
which ilte immortal inventor indicated, and
intended, and consequently must bo prepar
ed with scrupulous accuracy. lit view of
the above facts it seents singular, that any
body could have lUu hardihood and impu
dence to abuse the name of this distinguish
ed Doctor, who died thirteen years ago. To
pass off a charlatan quack preparation us the
real and genuine medicine, and to give a
semblance of originality by affixing a fie
simile of the deceased, is indeed extraordi
nary ! The public will understand what to
expect, and what to do under such circum
A number of German papers copied the
above and are therefore entitled to' our
These bitters are worthy the attention of
invalids. Possessing great virtues in the
rectification o( disease of the liver and les
ser glands, exercising the most searchiiur
powers in weakness and affections of the
digestive organs, they are withal, safe, cer
tain, and pleasant.
The German "Illustrated News'' says :
"Our editor and others of this oliice have
used tho German Bitter, and can recommend
it with confidence to our readers. As prepa
red by Dr. Jackson, it fully equals if not sur
passes in its effects upon diseased Liver and
Stomach, the fullest expectation of the dis
tinguished physician.
The City Itim, October 16th ssys:
readers are alHicted with diseased liver,
stomach or nerves I Many, no doubt.
They are to be pitied, yet to all there is a
cure. Dr. Hoofland's German Bitters has al
ready cured, hundreds; and that it will cure,
no one who once uses it will dout, if they
use it as directed. It hs established for
itself an undying fame, which few have
done out of tho vast miniber that has boon
thrown before the pubic. It is one of tho
most perlocj preparations in use, apd, as a
German Junlempory has aaid, tljtp as pre
pared by Dr. Juckspn, if fpTly equals, if not
surpasses, in elfects the fullest represetila-
OTM ef the distinguished phystotat) 1 who
first compounded it. As a spurious article is
now before the public, we would caution all
against using anv but that signed C. M. Jack'
son and sold by nim at 120 Arch street.
The " Camden Democrat," the best paper in .
West Jersey, says, July 21.
"We have seen many flattering notices of
this medicine, anil the soorce from which
they came induced us to make inquiry res
pecting its merits. From inquiry we were
persuaded to use it, and must say we found
it specific in its action upon diseeases of the
liver ami digestive organs, ami the powerful
influence it exerts npon nervous prostration
is really sig rising. It calms and strength
ens the nerves, bringing them into a state of
repose, making sleep refreshing.
If this medicine wan more generally used,
we are satisfied there would be less sickness,
as from the stomach, liver and nervous sys
tem the great majorr y ef real and imaginary
diseases emanate, ffwve them in a healthy
cono'.'tion, you can bid defionee to epidem
ics genr.'rally. This extraordinary medicine
we would adviseur friendb who are at all in
disposed to gi"e a trial—it wi# then recom
mend itself —lt s.'iou.'d. in fact,- be in every
family."' No other medicine can producer
such evidences of merit.
This medicine has attained that high char
acter which is necessary for all medicines to
attain to induce counterfeiters to put forth a
sputious article at the risk of rho lives of
those who are innocently deceived.
Look well at the marks of the gemting.
They have the written signature of C. M
JACKSON upon the wrapper, and his name
blown iri the bottle, without which they art
For sale wholesale and retail at the Ger
man Medicine Store, No. 120 Arch Street,
one door below Sixth, late of 278 Race St.,
Philadelphia. And by JOHN R. MOYER,
Bloomsburg, and by respectful derlers gene
ra'ly- 41-6 m.
Tho Greatest Because the Best Fam
ily Medicine In the World
A'IIVE PILLS, they have succeeded in
curing some of the worst cases, of disease
eve,- recorded, and are daily accomplishing
the restoration of persons after having tried
in vain to obtain relief from any other
source. One of the Proprietors is a regular
physician of extensile experience, who de
votes his time exclusively to their prepera
lion. I'or I-EYKU&: AGUE,they have nev
er yet failed. At least one thousand caees
, in the neighborhood of Philadelphia, have
been cured since the first of Sept., last. In
Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Liver Complaint,
Scrotum, lor Worms, and all other diseases
of children, they are unequalled by anything
ever prepared for the purpose, while for tho
various diseases of Females there is no me
dicine can compare with them. There is
more of litem sold—they are in greater de
mand than any other pill—and when once
introduced in a family, they need no other
medicine. Each box containing Fifty Pills,
renders them the cheapest, while they are
decidedly the best, as well as the mildest in
aelion. of any now in the market.
The Editor of the "City Itemthus
speaks of them 1
I* READER, you are suffering from fever
and ague, arid you have never tried Wors
dett's Vegetable Restora ive Pills. Shake no
more. There is still hope for you—you may
yet bo cured- Go, or send at once" to A.
Weeks & Co., 70 North Eighth street., and
procure a box of these unrivaled pills, which
are a sovreign antidoto for this distressing
Col. Forney of the Pennsylvanian,
WOMDEM.'S PILLS. —This excellent family
medicine is dailv winning new triumphs
over disease, and consequently in the high
road to public favor. In the removal of the
every day ills that flesh is heir to, we know
of no belter compound. We heard the oth
er day of a desperate case of scrofulous e
ruptiotis of the head and face being euirely
cured by them.
Du Solle of the "Times," says :
W The great popularity of Worsdell's
Vegetable Pills, is attributed to the just mer
it which they really possets, They have
been quietly gaining 'l, e tamo they now
have, by lite forge of their own virtues.
Ihe means Usually employed to give eclat
to new remedies have not been adopted by
the pre l)rielors They have been content to
i '.* their medicine speak fot itself. It is now
I doing it in every section of the country,
j They are for sale by most of the Store
j Keepers throughout the Country,and in quan
j tities at reasonable rales, at tho Laboratory
No 70, North Eighth Street.
A. WEEKS & Co., Proprietors.
Agents, JOHN 11. JMOYER, Bloorrisburg:
E. Lazarus, Orangeville,
I M. G. Shoemaker, Btickhorn,
| Fnnston & Diefenbach, Jerseytown,
j M. C. Grier, Danville,
j C. fart mart & Co., Cattawissa, and by
j most merchants throughout the nountry.
To Physicians, Druggists aud Country
| Dr. J. N. Keelcr and Bro. most respectful-
I ly solicits attention to their fresh stock of
j English, Frcnrh. German and American Drags,
I Medicines, Chemicals, Varnishes, Paints,
Oils, Dye Stuffs, Glass ware, Perfumery, Pa
tent Medicines &c. Having opened a uew
store No. 201 Market St. with a full supply
of Fresh Drugs and M, we respect
fully solicit Country dealers to examine ou
slock before purchasing elsewhere, promts
ing one and ail who may feel disposed to
extend to us their patronage, to sell them
genuine Drugs aud Medicines, on as liberal
terms as any other house in tiie City, an t l.
laithlully execute all orders entrusted to n
promptly and with dispatch.
One of the proprietors being a regular
physician, alTords ample guarantee of tha
genuine quality of all articles sold- at their
Wo especially invite druggists and country
merchants, who may wish to become agent's
for Dr. Keeler's CcMmated Family Medicines,
(standard and popular remedies,) to forward
their address.
Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we re
spectfully remain,
J. N. KEELER & BRO., Wholesale
No. 294 Market street. Phila.-33-ly.
FORNIA, but the business of Coach and
Wagon making will be continued by the
scriber at the old stand on Market street, ii
will promptly attond to all orders for work in
his line of business, and is always ready, at
short notice, to furnish Wngons, Coaches
Carriages, Buggies, Sleds and Sleighs of any
style; but always of tho best materials, and
mado in tho most substantial manner. Jf
He will give his personal attontion to the %
business, and employ none but good work
men. Repairing will be attended to with
care, and upon the most reasonable teuus.—
lie proposes to serve his customer* to such
work as will secqrp fqr Ititn a cwuinu(itice o'
their patronage, and ffqnq all who need afti-'
cles in his line of busp\pss. He asld) only a'
trial of his work tq insure satisfactiife
Bloomsburg, Ft)h 1(5, 1849.