The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, April 04, 1850, Image 4

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Mian Vegetable Panacea.
Rowand & Walton invite attention to the
following advertisement:
As a proof of the continued success of
NBCKA, we refer to a few of the many cer
tificates in our possession, of euros perform
ed by this great purifier.
Captain T. L. Sanders, constable of South
Mulberry Ward, cured of Barber's Itch.
Air. J. I'. Reese's child, No. 83 North Sev
enth street, cured of hereditary Tetter, which
covered his entire hotly.
Air. E. W. Maxwell, CJrape court, Murkot
street, above Eighth, cured of Scrofula, had
fourteen open ulcers upon his body at the
itrno lie commenced taking the Medicine.
Mis.* Christiana Hards, West Spruce slrcot,
between Beach and Willow streets, near the
Schuylkill, cured ol Scrofula; had suffered
eight years; her head was so much affected
that tea and coffee would pass out at her ear
—this is a strong case.
(.'apt. John K. <Barelay, No. -100 Market
street, cured of Scrofulous Sore Leg, of 3d
years' steading. This case is well known to
many ot our best Physicians, who havo fre
quently advised amputation.
Air. Isaac Brooks, Jr., No. 5 Jefferson, west
of Schuylkill Sixth street, below Locust.
This was, undoubtedly, otic of the most se
vere cases of Scrofula ever cured, and is
certified to by many of onr best physicians
and clergymen, and also by himself.
Joseph Barbour, No. 1 Short court, east
rom Twelfth street above Race, cured of
Scrofulous Sore Throat, of eight years stan
Mr. J. 11. Frick's child, No. 73* [Took st.,
Air. Alicliael Duffy, 14 South Frout street,
(at P. Brady & Co.'s.) Philadelphia, cured
of Tetter ot twenty five years.
Air. Wiltiom Flemmina, No. 210 Wash
ington street, between Eighth ant! Nineth,
1 hiladelphia, cured of Erysipelas four years,
which destroyed the flesh to the bone.
Wiliatn Barker, cured of Scrofula. This
case had been in the hospital many mouths
and discharged as incurable—he is now well
and may bo seer; daily at our office.
Air. David Cirgan, Muddy creek, 'Hamil
ton county, Ohio, cured of Scrofula. This
\raa a very severe case, and Kirgan says that
could money prevent, he would not undergo
the same affliction for ten thousand dollars,
and yet he was cured for a few dollars, by
Dr. Cullen's Indian Vegetable Panacea.
Air. John W. Jlazleton, of Alulica Hill.
New Jersey, eared of Tetter of ten years
standing, with a few bottles o.f the Panacea.
Mr. John Brocket), of Gernisatown, at the
age ot 61 years, was cured of a violent Tet
ter that had troubled him for 18 years.
Mrs. Eve Siscoe,No. 53 South street, be
tween Third and Fourth, from Schuylkill,
cured of fever sores on her ankles, after suf
fering 12 years with them. Airs. S. is 62
years of age.
Mrs Elizabelo C Foster, Second street,
four doors nbovo Washington street, was
cured of letter On her leg, which had troub
led her 14 years.
Mr Charles Otis, late of Parrish street,
now of Manayunk, cured of Totter of 5 yean
in hands and feet.
Air Mellon Grubb, Juniper street, near
Spruce, cured of Scrofulous ITlcers on the
shoulders, which had defied the doctors
more than a year.
Mr Hiram Ridge, Attieboro' Bucks co.,
Ii., cured of Salt Kheum. This case had
jecn pronounced incnrable by some 12 or 14
physicians ot the first standing—as a last
resort had reimurse to Cullen's Panacea, and
was cured completely in a few months, after
sit fieri tig 17 years—the disease had almost
covered his entire person.
Henry Reeves, of Bridgeton, cored of the
worst case of Scrofula ever seen in New Jer
sey, by bottles !
Thomas Wainwright, of Manyunk, cured
ot 'bca'ldHeaa; the disease extended over
the whole scalp until it was an entire mat*
of corruption ; and yet one bottle of tho Pa
nacea cured him.
IVe might add case after case, ad infini
tum; but we think it unnecessary; presu
ming the afflicted will want more evidence
than we can give in an advertisement, we
again ask them to send to our olfice and got
these certificates, from which you will learn
the extraordinary sufferings of these persons,
us well as the mode of cure.
ROWAND & WALTON, Proprietors,
No. 21 North Sixth street, Philad'a
C iT' Hie following persons are agents for
the above meeicine in Columbia count v.
E. P. Lutz, Bloomsburg; M. C.Grierj Dan
ville ; Peter Ent, Light street: Rickets and
Stewart, Orangeville ; Cyrus Barton, F.spy
town; J. Sclimick,Cattawissa; M. G. Shoe
maker, Buckhorn. .
Jan. ad 1850.—6 m.
Be Wise in Tine!—'Tis Folly to
Thousands are suffering from disease from
which there is 110 difficulty in being perma
nently relieved, provided tho right means
are used.—As every vice has its own pun
ishment, so it would seem every disease has
its remedy. This is true, and there is noth
ing in this life more'certain than that the
American Compound is thejnost speedy ami
ccrtuin remedy for all diseases erf a delicate
character, known to the world. Adapted to
every stage of the disease, sex and constitu
tion, at ail times and seasons, there is no
fear of exposure, detention from business
nor restriction in diet, from tho certain and
speedy relief that it gives it is now one of
the most popular medicines of the day.
Ten Thousand cases have been cured effec
tually by it during the past year. Prepared
by a practical physician, the afilicted can re
ly with confidence on its curative powers o
ver diseases of this character. Full direc
tions accompany each bottle.
CAUTION.—Ask f IR tho American Com
pound, and purchase only of the agents- 294
Market sireet, Pliilu.
kor sale by J. R. Jlo\ ER, Bloomsburg
Chidfnut & Hughes, and Dr. J. A. Moore-
Danville; E. Fmuciscus, Jersey Shore.
Bloomsburg, Nov. 22d, 1849.—3 m.
Tlio Subscriber begs leave to inform his
friends and tin- public in general that he has
Formerly kept by J. PKTKHS * SON. The
House being large and convenient, and in
the business part of the city, lie hopes by
strict attention to business, that his friends,
and all who may come to the city on busi
ness or pleasure, will give him a call.
He pledges himself that nothing shall be
wanting on his part to make them at frame.
TERMS—One Dollar per day.
Formerly of Sclhiyfkrtl County.
Philadelphia, Alarch 22, 18-10.
Administrator's Notire.
LETTERS of Administration
grunted to the subscriber, upon the Estate of
Rachel Townsetul, deceased, late ofßriarcreek
township, Columbia county, all persons in
debted to said Estate are requested to mako
immediate payment; and persons having
claims against said Estate, are also requestep
to present them duly authenicated.
Nesoopcck, Feb. 18,1850.
The Greatest Because the Best Fam
ily Medicine in the World
ATIVE PILLS, thdy have succeeded in
curing somo of the worst cases, of disease
ever recorded, and are daily accomplishing
the restoration of persons alter having tried
in vain to obtain relief from any other
source. One of the Proprietors is a regular
physician of extensive experience, who de
votes his limn exclusively to their prcpera
tion. For FEVER & AGL'E, they have nev
er yet failed. At least one thousand cases
in the neighborhood of Philadelphia, have
been cured since the first of Sept., last. In
Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Liver Complaint,
Scrofula, for Worms, ami all other diseases
of children, they are unequalled by anything
ever prepared for tho purpose, while for the
various diseases of Females there is no me
dicine can compare with them. There is
more of''them sold—they are in greater de
mand than any other pill—and when once
introduced in a family, they need no other
medicine. Kaeh box containing Fifty Pills,
renders them the cheapest, while they are
decidedly tho best, as well ns the mildest in
action, of any now in the market.
The Editor of the "City Item," thus
Speaks of them:
CV READER, you are suffering from fever
and ague, and you have never tried H'ors
dell's Vegetable Ilestora ive Pills. Shake no
more. 'There is still hope for you—you may
vet be cured- Go, or send at once to A.
Weeks & Co., 70 North Eighth street., and
procure a box of these unrivaled pills, which
areasovreign antidote for tins distressing
Col. Forney of the Pennsytvanion,
says :
I WORSDELI. s PII.LS.—This excellent family
medicine is daily winning new triumphs
over disease; and consequently in the high
road to public favor. In the removal of the
every day ills that (iesh is heir to, we know
of no better compound. We heard the oth
er day of a desperate case of scrofulous e
ruptions of the head and face being e nirely
cured by them.
J) 11 Solle of the "Times,'" says :
TV The great popularity of WorsdelTs
Vegetable Pills, is attributed to the just mer
it which they really possess. They have
been quietly gaining tiie fame they now
have, by the force of their own virtues.
The means usually employed to give eclat
to now remedies have not been adopted by
tho proprietors. They have been content to
let their medicine speak fot itself. It is now
doing it in every section of the country.
They are for sale by most of the Store
Keepers throughout the Country,and in quan
tities at reasonable rates, at the Laboratory
No 70, North Eighth Street.
A. WEEKS & Co., Proprietors.
Agents, JOHN R. AzOVER, Bloomsburg: 1
E. Lazarus, Orangeville,
M. G. Shoemaker. Buckhorn,
Funston & Diefenbach, Jerseytown,
M. C. Grier, Danville,
C. Hartman & Co., Catlawiasa, and by
most merchants throughout the uountry.
The Trustees of the Columbia County Insti
tute take pleasure in announcing to the public
that they have secured the services of the
as Principal of the School to be opened in
Bloomsburg on Thursday, the sth day of
April next. The highly attested abilities of
Mr. Schaffer afford an ample guarantee for
thorough instruction in all the various bran
ches taught in the school. These will con
sist of the following:
Ancient —Latin, Greek and Hebrew.
Modern —German, Spanish, French and Ita
Arithmetic, Geometry, Algebra. Survey
ing. Navigation, Geography, with the use of
globes; History, Natural Philosophy, and
Chemistry, wiji lectures and experiments ;
Moral and Mental Philosophy, with lectures.
Penmanship and Elocution will receive daily
TERMS.—In order to secure the greatest a
mount of benefit to each pupil, we think the
standard number should be twenty-five, un
less the demand of the public should warrant
an assistant. The prices will be as follows :
'The English branches, $5 per quarter.
Do. with addition of languages, 6 " "
WM. McKEI.W, 1
CALEB BARTON, \ Trustees.
Bloomsburg, March 15, 1849.
The subscriber .would inform his old friends
And the public iti general, that he has taken
the well known stand recently kept by Dan
iel Snyder. Esq., on the head of Main street,
in Bloomsburg, ami will continue the public
house known by tho sign of "THE FOIIKS"
where he is prepared to accommodate those
who may favor nim with their custom. His
arrangements aro complete, quarters spaci
ous—location pleasant, and without promis
ing too much, he flatters himself he will be
able to do ample justice to his guests,
Stabling and the best fare for norses, &c.
Bloomsburg, April 26. 1849.;
l*ublic Sale.
In pursuance of an order of the Orphan's
Court of Columbia county, on Friday the
291h day of March next, at 10 o'clock in the
forenoon Peter Billmeyer, Esq. trustee, ap
pointed by the Orphan's Court of Columbia
county, to sail the real estate of Nicholas Hu
e-herd, lato of Madison township in said co.,
deceased, will expose to sale by public ven
due, upon the premises, two certain lots of
ground, situate in New Columbia, Madison
township, uforesaie, and numbered in the
plan of said town number one and two, lato
of said deceased, situate in the
township of Madison and county aforesaid.
Bloomsburg. Feb. 26 1850.
Mas opened a shop in one ol the upper
rooms of the new building opposite the Forks
Hotel, in Bloomsburg, Pa., where he invites
all customers who wish fashionable, well-fit
ting and well-made garments to visit his
shop, examine his work, and -give him a
trial. He regularly receives the
and ask only for a trial to ensure satifaction.
Particular attention will be given to cutting
Bloomsburg, April 9, 1849.
Attorney at Law and Counsellor,
Respectfully informs his friends and the pub
lic that ho has commenced the practice ot
liw in Bloomsburg, Columbia county, Pa.,
where he will promptly nttend to-all legal bu
-1 siness entrusted to his care.
1 Office on Main street, three d'oots south ot
Hayhurst& Baldy's store.
Bloomsburg, April 26, 1849.
F. Stewart, Attorney-at-Law,
Has removed from WiUesoarre to Berwick,
where he will attend to all ousiness entrust
ed to his euro in Columbia ar.a Luzerne
counties. Office oyoosjta the Ruing Sun
Hot d." ' sty.
UJ)!So ©0
: S TO 11 E ,
No. 120 Arch Strict, Philadelphia.
If 'ill effectually cure Liver complaint, Jaundice,
Dyspepsia, Chronic or Ferrous debility, Dis
ease of the Kidneys, and all diseases
arising from a disordered liver or
Such as Conitmiptlon, Inward Piles, Ful
ness of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the
Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for
Food. Fullness or weight in tho Stomach,
Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at
tho Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of tho
Head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Flut
tering at the Heart, Choking or Suffieating
sensations when in a iLying Posture, Dim
ness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the
Sight, Fever and Dull pain in tire Head, Deli
ciencv of Perspiration, Yellowness of the
Skin atid'Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back,
Chest, Limbs, &c., Sudden Hushes of Heat,
Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings
of Evil and Great "Depression of Spirits.
The Genuine are Entirely Vegetable and
free from Alcoholic Stimulant Syrup, Alcies,
Uheubard, Calomel, Acids, and all Mineral
and Injgpous Ingredients, they are pleasant
in taste and smeTl, and mild in their opera
tion, never griping or giving any uneasiness,
they give Btrcnglh to the whole system
whilst they drive from it disease. They can
b ; administered to the most delicate infant
with perfect safety.
It appeared in the leading German Jour
nall of Philadelphia—the "Philadelphia
Democrat." The Editor was personally ac
quainted with Dr. Hoofland, and prizing the
services of thisgreat man he could not qui
etly look upon the assurance of an impostor,
without apprizing the public of approaching
tCljriotopl) tiJilljclm fjufslctnb.
Christopher William Hoofland.
"One of the most renowned physicians
one of the greatest benefactors of modern
times, was born at Langen Salza, Germany,'
on the 12th day of august 1762. After a
careful scholastic education, he, like his fath
er and grandfather, (twocelebrated Doctors.)
voluntarily devoted himself to the study of
Medicine, at Jena and Gottigen, and in 1783
obtained the degree of Doctor of Medicine,
at the latter University. From 1793 to 1801,
he officiated as Professor at the University of
Jena. In 1801, he was appointed Private
Physician to the King of Prussia, Member
of the Academy of Science, and upon the
establishment Of the near College at. Berlin,
Professor and Court Physician by the Minis
try of the Interior. His characteristic pro
foundness anddefip ponetration enabled him
to combine the theoretical and practical; to
udite old and new systews; produce in com
mon the practical and useful, and thus draw
therefrom the results and necessary applica
ble means.
"It was Dr. H. principally; who exposed
and destroyed the 'Brown's System,' which,
notwithstanding the brilliant exterior, coulu
not conceal its many imperfections, brought
to light by Hoofland's noble impartiality,
sound truths, and deep penetration. Inde
pendent of his practical usefulness as Phy
sician and Professor of the healing art, ne
has earned uddying fame for his superior
knowledge in Materia Medica, as well as for
his manitold works on Medical jurispru
dence. Among these may be mentioned his
world renowned ' Makrobeolik, Or the art of
prolonging life,' 'System of practical healing
art," 'ldeas ol Pathogenic,' Journal of prae
itieal Medicine,' &c. He has besides all this
gained eternal lame and praise from suffer
ing humanity for the Aiseovery and combi
nation of several i:fallible medicinats, a
mong which is the far ramed and justly cel
ebrated compound, known as
The application of asciduous earth for the
cure of Sulphuric diseases—The celebrated
Diaphoretic remedy—and numerous lnval
liable recorded recipes.
After the celebration of his fiftieth profes
sional festivity in 1833, upon which occa
sion the King of Prussia, honored him with
the insignia of the Order of the Red Eagle,
and many other Royal Orders and marks of
distinction, he died on tho 25th day of Au
fusl 1836, (as the King of Prussia's private
ledical Counsellor,) without any legitimate
male heir or offspring.
"Dr. C. M. Jackson, of Philadelphia, has
had the means of obtaining the genuine re
cipes of the greaf medical councellor 'Chris
topli Wilhelm Hufeland,' and these invalu
able medicines are prepared with the utmos
care at tha German Medicine Store. The
bitter mixture: Hoofland's German Bitters,
is the result of many years study and expe
rience by the great inventor, and known and
prized in Europe as an infallible remedy for
the cure of Liver Complaint Jaudice, Dyspep
sia fyc. Dr. C. M. Jackson's preparation of
this medicine has obtained the same celebri
ty in this Western World. Tho testimonials
and innumerable confirmations of thousands
of the most severe and difficult casas cured,
is ample proof of this. The medicines com
pounded by Dr. C. M. Jackson have produced
the very effects and the fame happy results,
which the immortal inventor indicated, and
intended, and consequently must be prepar
ed with scrupulous accuracy. In view of
the above facts it seems singular, that any
body could havo tho liurdiliood and impu
dence 10 abuse the name of this distinguish
ed Doctor, who died thirteen years ago. To
pass off a charlatan quack preparation as tho
real and genuine medicine, and to give a
semblance of originality by affixing a fac
Simile of the deceased, is indeed extraordi
nary ! The public will understand what to
expect, and what to do under such circum
A number of German papers copied the
above and are therefore entitled tb Our
These bitters are worthy the attention of
invalids. Possessing great virtues in the
rectification of disease Of the liver and les
ser glands, exercising the most searching
powers in weakness and affections of the
digestive organs, they are withal, safe, cer
tain, and pleasant.
The German "Illustrated News" says :
"Our editor and others of this office have
used the German Hitter, and can recommend
it with confidence to our readers. As prepa
red by Dr. Jackson, it fully eqtfals If not sur
passes in its effects upon diseased Liver and
Stomach, tire fullest expectation of tlvo dis
tinguished physician.
The City Hen, October 16th ssys:
JOT FOR THE INVALID. —How many of our
readers arc afflicted with diseased liver,
stomach or nerves 1 Many, no doubt.
They are to be pitied, yet to all theTe is a
cure. Dr. Hooftand's German liitters has al
ready cured hundreds; and 1 that it will cure,
no one who once uses it will dout, if they
use it as directeJ. It has established for
itself an undying fume, which few have
done out of the' vast number that has been
thrown before the pubic. It is one of the
most perfect preparations in nse, and',- as a
German eontempory has said, that as pre
pared by Dr. Jackson, it fully equals, if not
surpasses, in effects the fullest represonta
oat of tbe phyejgtau wh
first compounded it, As a spurious article is
now before the public, we would caution all
agaiTist using any but that signed C. M. Jack
son and sold by him at 120 Aroh street.
The "Camden Democrat," the best paper in
West Jersey, says, July 21.
"We Imve seen many Battering notices ofi
this medicine, and the source from which '
they came induced us to inako inquiry res-'
pooling its morits. From inquiry we were
persuaded to use it, and must say wo found
it specific in its action upon disseases of the
liver and digestive organs, and the powerful
influence it exerts upon 'nervous prostration
is really surgrising. It calms and strength
ens the nerves, bringing them into a state of
repose,"risking sleep refreshing.
If this medicine was more generally used,
we are satisfied there would bo less sickness,
as from the stomtidh, liver and nervous sys
tem the great majori y of real and imaginary
diseases emanate. Have them in a healthy
condition, you enn bid defiance to epidem
ics generally. This extraordinary rticd'cine
wo would adviseur friends who aro at all in
disposed to give a trial—it will then recom
mend itself.—lt should, in fact, be in every |
family." No other medicine can produce .
such evidences of merit.
This medicine has attained that high char
acter which is necessary for all medicines to
attain to induce counterfeiters to put forth a
sputious article at the risk of rhe lives of
those who are innocently deceived.
Look well at the marks of the genuing.
They have the written signature of C. M.
JACKSON upon the wrapper, and his name
blown in the bottle, without which they are
For sale wholesale and retail at the Ger
man Medicine Store, No. 120 Arch Street,
one door below Sixth, late of 278 Race St.,
Philadelphia. And by JOHN R. MOVER,
Bloomsburg, and by respectful dealers gene
rally. 41-6 m.
D'. Henry Turner's 1 Rheumatic Liniment.—
This superior remedy fo> the Rheumatism, bu
recently introduced irto (his couutrv by the pre
sent proprietor, has long bee,, known in Eng
cand, London particularly, as the beet and only
certain cure for that distressing and painful af
fection. Its effect U[ on the system is mild and
nothing, St tho same time certain and efficacious
rarely failing to give relief upon the first appli
cation, tnd by repeating it s few times, a per
manent cure ie effected.
Wc have known esses of pain in tha breast
and back, with soreness, of several weeks dura
tion, cured iu one single night, and heard the
patient express his grateful tbanka that such re
medy was ever discovered. We have also heard
individuals say they would give thousands of
dollars for a euro for rheumatism, yet tho aame
individuls were cured by two botilea of this great
Liniment, costing but fifty cents each. Who
would regret giving such t price for auch a rem
edy -to befreo from the exciutiating tortuoe of
that most painful of all diaeaaet.
Afflicted go piocuro a bottle of Dr. Turner'
Liniment end be healed at once ; do not longer
delay, but cast aside ell nostrums and cure alls,
fur the one thing needful to insure a cure. Sold
whote.ale tnd retail by D Wondarly <s c Co. pro
prietor! No 20 Commerce street, and their gen
eral agents Rowand and Son, No 21 North Sixth
street, Philadelphia.
Also, by JOHNR MOYER Bloomsburg. 6m
UDoPo CSoaLLO.cs>L£tbS
Indian Vegetable Remedy-No Cure
NO PAY.—Read riiysiciana' opinion of
its virtues.
I have precribed the above medicine in
several cases of Primary Veneral Diseas
es and Secondary Syphilis, and tho ef
feet litis been strikingly beneficial ; so
much so a to induce me to continue its
use in such cases with much satisfaction.
It is generally agreeable to the taste of
John A. Elkinoton. M. D.,
No. 102 N. Fißh at,
Phils.i June 12, 1849.
I have ptescribed "Dr. Cullcn's Rem
edy," in many cases of Gonorrhoea, and
found it to effect a cure in a very short
time. A. WILSON, M, D..
Cor-. Twelfth & Shipped sts.
Phila., Dec. 16th, 1845,
Messrs Rownnd & Walton—Gentle
men : I have prescribed your celebrated
"Dr. Cullen's Remedy," in several cases
of of Gonorrhoea -.and Syphilis, and
can conscientiously recommend it as a
certain and speedy cure.
Yours, <fce„
Corner of Second 4" Beaver, N 1..
Wholesale and Retail, by ROWAND
<s• W A L I ON proprietors. 21 SIXTH St.
and by the persons named in another
column as agents of Dr Cullen's Indian
Vegetable Panacea.
Bloomsburg, Jan. 3d 1850.-6 m
To Physicians, Druggists aud Country
Dr. J. N. Keeler and Bro. most respectful
ly sblihlts attention to their fresh stock of
English, French, German and American Drugs,
Medicines, Chemicals, Varnishes, Paints,
Oils, Dye Stuffs, Glass ware, Perfumery, Pa
tent Medicines &c. Having opened a new
store No. 294 Market St. with a full supply
of Frqjh Drugs and M edicines, we respect
fully solicit Country dealers to examine oti
stock before purchasing elsewhere, promts
ing una tin A all who may feel disposed to
extend to us their patronage, to sell them
genuine Drugs and Medicines, on as liberals
terms as any other house in the City, nn-1 to
faithfully eiecute all orders entrusted to us
promptly anil wilh dispatch.
Ono of the proprietors being a regular
physician, affords ample guarantee ol the
genume quality of all articles sold at their
We especially invite druggists and fcountry
tnerchants, who may wish to become agents
for Dr. Feeler's Celebrated Family Medicines.
(standard and populur remedies,) to forward
their address.
Soliciting the patronage of dealers, fve re
spectfully remain,. , .
J. N. KEELER & BRO., Wholesale
No. 294 Market street. Phila.-33-ly.
FORNIA, but the business of Coach and
Wagon making will bo continued by the sub
scriber at the old stand on Market street. He
will promptly attend to all orders for work in
his line ot Business, and is always ready, m
short notice, to furaish Wagons, Coaches
Carriages, Buggies, Sleds and Sleighs of any
style ; but always of the best materials, and
made in tho most substantial manner.
He will give his persoual attention to tho
business, and employ none but good work
men. Repairing will bo attended to with
care, and upon the most reasonable terms.—
He proposes to serve his customers to such
wors as will secure for him a continuance o
ffieir patronage, and from all who need arti
cles in his line of business. lie asks only a
trial of his work to insure satisfaction.-
somsburg, Ft if. I®, 1813.
SARSA 1' A 11 I L L A <
Wonder mul Bleeelng of the Age.
7 "he most extraordinary Medicine ill the lVorld !
This Extract is put op In Quart Bottles ; it is six times
chcajer, nledfanter, and warranted superior to any
sold. It cures disease without vomiting, purging,
sickening, or debilitating the Patient.
The great beauty nnd superiority of this Sarsaparil
la over all other Medicines is, while it eradicates dis
ease, it invigorates the body. It is one of the very best
ever known; it not only purifies the whole system
and strengthens the person, but it creates, new, pure
and rich blood ; a power possessed by no other Med
icine.- And to this lies the grnd secret of its wonder
ful success. It has performed within the last two years,
more than one hundred thousand cures of severe f.ftseu
of dineasn, at least,' 00,004) were considered incurable. .
It hai saved the lives'of'moio than 16,000 children the
'three past seasons.
!00,000 coses of General Debility and want
of Nervous Energy.
Da. 8. P. TOWKSKND s Barxanarilla invigorates the
whole system permanently. To those who have l6t
their muscular energy, by thq effect 3 of medicine, or
indiscretion committed in youth, or the excessive in
dulgence of the passions, and brought on by physicul
prostration of tho nervous system, lassitude, want of
ambition, fainting sensations, premature decay and
decline, hastening toward that fatal disease, Consump
tion, can be entirely restored by this pleasant remedy.
This Sarroparilltf is far superior to any
As it renews and invigorates the system, gives activity
to the limbs, and strength to the muscular system in a
most extraordinary degree.
Conknmptlon Cured.
Cleanse and Strengthen. Consumption can be cured.
Bronchitis, Consumption, Liver Complaint, Colds,
Catarrh Coughs, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Sore
ness in the Chest, Hectic flush, Night Sweats, lHf
ft cult or Profuse Expectoration, Pain in the Side,
4 c-1 have been and can be cured.
Spitting Blood.
Da. 8. T. TOWHSKND— I verily believe your Barsa
parilla has been the means, through Providence, of
aving mv life I have for several years had a bad
Cough it became worse and worse. At last I raised
laige quantities of blood, had night sweats, and was
greatly debilitated and reduced, and did not expect to
lire. I have only used your Barsaparilla a short time,
and there has a wonderful change been wrought in
me. lam now able to walk all over the city 1 raise
no blood, and my cough has left me. You can well
imagine that 1 am thankful for these results.' Your
obedient servant WAI RUBBKL, 05 Catherine-it.
Fits! Fits!! FIUMt
Da. 8. P. Townmkrd, not having tested his Sarsa
parilla in case of Tits, of course, never recommended
it, and was surprised to receive the following from an
intelligent and respectable Farmer in Westchester
County :
Fordham,.lugust 18, 1847.
Da.'B. T. Towxsrnd—Dear Bir: 1 have a little girl,
•even veers of age, who has been several years
•ftticted with Fits; we tried almost every thing for
her, but without success ; at last although
And 110 recommendation in your circulars
hers, we thought, as she was in vory delicato nealth,
we would give her some of your Bersaparilla, and arc
glad we did, for it not only restored her strength, but
•he has had no return of ths Fits, to our very great
pleaaure and surprise. She is fhst becoming rugged
and healthy for which we feel grateful.
1 Yours respectfully, JOHN BUtLER, Ja.
Female 91 edict lies.
Da. 8. P. TowNiarrn's Sarsaparilla is a sovereign
and speedy curt for Incipient Consumption, Barren
ness, Prolapsus Uteri, or Falling of the Womb, Cos-
Uveness, Piles, Leucorrhces, or whites, obstructed or
difficult Menstruation, incontinence of Urine, or in
voluntary discharge thereof, and for tha general pros
tration of the system—no matter whether the result
of inherent cause or causes, produced by irregularity,
illness or accident. Nothing can be more aurpritlnf
than itt invigorating effeuts on the human frame.
Persons all waaknasa and laaaitude, from taking it, at
once become robust and full of energy under its (a
fluence. It immediately counteracts tha nervelaas
cess of the female frame, which is the great cause of
Barronness. It will not be expected of us, in esses of
•0 delicate a nature, to exhibit certificates of cures
performed, but we can aisure the afflicted, that hun
dreds of oases have been reported to us. Thousands
of cases where families have been without children,
after using a few bottles of this invaluable Medicine,
have been blessed with fine, healthy offspring.
Great Bleating to Mothera and Children.
It is the safest and most effectual medicine for
purifying the system, and relieving the sufionuga at- .
Undent upon childbirth aver discovered. It strength
ana both the mother and the child, prevents pain end
disease, Increases and enriches the food ; those who
have used it, think it is Indispensable. It is highly uae
ful both before tod after confinement, as it prevents
diseases attendant upon child-birth—in Coativeneu,
Piles, Cramps, Swelling of the Feet, Despondency
Heartburn, Vomiting, Ptla in tha Back end Lions,
False Pains, Hemorrhage, and in regulating the seore
tions end equelixing tho circulation, it has no equal.
The greet beauty of this medicine Is, it is always safe,
and the most delicate use it moet successfully, very
few cases require any other medicine, lu some •
litUe Castor Oil, or Magnesia is useful. Exercise in
the open air, and light food with this medicine, will
alweye secure a safe and easy confinement.
BlackwtWs Island, Sept. 14, 1847.
Ds. 8. T. Towxsknd— Dear bir : I have suffered ter
ribly for nine years with the Rheumatism ; considera
ble of the time I could not eat, sleep or walk. 1 had
the utmost distressing pains, end my limbs were ter
ribly swollen. I have used four bottles of your Sarsa
paiAla, and they have don# me more than one thou
•nnd dollars worth of good, I am so much better—in
deed I am entirely relieved. You ate at liberty to
use this for the benefit of the afflicted.
Yours respectfully, JAMES CUMMINGB.
The Rev. John Beger
Of Jersey City, an old and highly respectable clergy
man of tne Utiptkt Denomination, handed in tho fol
lowing certificate at Dr. 8. P. Townsend's office. It
speaks for itself.
DH. 8. P. TowNsr.Nn— Dear Sir: lam constrained to
give you a statement of the benefit 1 derived from
using your Sarsaparilla, believing, by to doing, 1
•hell render a benefit to tlioee who ere suffering ee 1
kave been. I was reduced for many months liy the
Dyspepsia, so much that it was with much difficulty
for (tie to walk Or keep about. I had also a tetter,
which covered the most pait of my htad—which was
extromely troublesome end sore; it got to be almost
a scab. I used quite e number of remcdiee for both
the complaints, but received little or no benefit, until
I took your Sarsaparilla, which, through the kindnce*
of Providence, has restored me to more than my usual
health, as I am now enjoying better then f have for a
number of years. Ina now 00 year* of nge. I be.
licve it to be an invaluable medicine, and recommend
it to my numerous acquaintances, which is very
largo, as I have been a minister a great many y ears
1 hope this hasty sketch may be as much benefit to
you as your meuiciue has to me.
July 11, 1847. JOHN BEGER, Jersey City.
Methmllet Clergyman.
The following was sent to our Agent in lUbway,
by the Rev. J. O. TUN (SON, of the Methodist Knisco.
pal Church— ono of the most learned and respected in
the connection—and ie another evidence of the won
derful effects of Dr. S. r. Townsond's Sarsaparilla en
the system.
Friend PrAßSON—Having for some time past, ce you
are aware, experienced greet general debility of my
system, attonded with constant end alarming irritation
<wmy throat and lnnga, I was, at yoqr instance, end in
Consequence of having reed Captain McLean's de
cided testimony in ita behalf, induced to try Dr. B. P.
Townsend's far-famed Sarsaparilla. I tried it, I con
fess, more In tho hope than in the confidence of its
proving efficacious ; but I am bound in candor now to
acknowledge, that 1 had not tried it long before I be
gan to experience Its salutary effects ; and I may now
say, with Captain McLean, "that I would not he with
out it on any consideration." It has done mo more
Bnod8 nod than any previous remedy I have tried, end if
lis statement in deemed by you of any importance,
you have my foil coneent to make it utthilc
lUhway, August 3d, 1847. J. 0. TUNIION.
Thie certificate inclusively provee that this ffnrea.
perilla hes perfect control over the most obstinate
diseases of the blood. Three persons cured in one
house is unprecedented.
Three Children.
Ds. 8. P. T6WNSI;ND— Deer Sir : I have the pleasure
to Inform you that three of my children heve been
curbd of the Scrofula by the use of your excellent
medicine. They were effiictld very iev*rely with
bed Soree; heve taken only four oottlee ; it took
thorn away, for which I feel myeelf under great
obligation. Very respectfully,
IBAAC W. CHAIN, 100 Wooetit-it.
Dn. 8 P. TOWNSKND is almost deity receiving orders
from Physiciaus in different parte of the Union..
This ie to Cortify that we, the undersigned, Physi
cians of the City of Albany, have in nnmCroui cases
proscribed I)r 8. P Townsend's Barsparillu. and ta
li# ve it to he one of the most valuable preparations in
the market. ,
If. T. PULING, M. D.
ft. fi. BHIGUB. M. D.
Albany, April 1, 1847.
A'nfic. if '.t-Aftor lb ltrl of SnpHmti.r,
1840, Dr. 8 P. Townsend's New York Offioe will he
in thd KoiUh Baptist Church, No. 84 Nassau street,
which h now undergoing a thorough ohango, and
will be fitted for the bettor accommodation of the pro
prietors and tho pubUo.
AOKNTS.— lledding k Cd, iV 1 State-street, and
Mrs. E. Kidder, No.. 100 Court-street, Boston ; Samuel
ItMdtr, Jr. Lnwtpi Henry Pratt Salami Jamae B.
Orson, Worceteri Allison k CJault, Concord t J.
BahJi ft Son, Piovidonce ; and by Druggists and Mar
chants generally throughout the United States, Wtat
ladivs. and the Cenadae.
Is the sole agent in Bloomsburg, for the sale
Of Dr. S. P. Townsend's Sarsaparilla-36-ly
A new lot hist received and for sale oheap
by ' CEgPttE WAVS.
Because they are safer, better Rnd more efficaci
ous than any others, and because the public will
like no others if they can obtain them.
500,000 BOXES
have been sold annually for the last five years,
• Young and old, mala and female, can always
take them with equal safety, without fear.
for purging and cleansing the stomach and bow
els, and purifying the blood and fluids of the bo
dy take no others—.for no other pills produce those
combined effects, or contain aarsaparilia in them.
Eat, Drink, and Line as Usual,
and pursue your'uautl occupa ion whilst taking
them, wilhuut fear of taking cold during all kinds
of weather.
are vvagnrdd that more genuine certificates [from
physicians, clergymen; Members of Conptesß and
respectable citizens] can be produced of (heir ef
ficacy than of any others, and
Ten Dollars
will be forfeited in every instance where oxi eox
will not do mote good than two boxes of any
thera. a
Forty' Pille arc in a Box!
and aold at Twenty-five Gents a Box, with rlirec
ions and much wholesome advice accompanying
etch box.
They have no last z nor unpleasant smell
freo from dust or powdei of any k'nd—do not
gripe the Blomnch or bowels, —produce no sick
ness, vomiting or bod feelings—they are good at
all times, and adapted to most diseases common to
mankind. No one having once taking them will
be willing afterwards to take any others, because
they always do good, and if they do not then ho
others will.
Dr. N. B Lcidy, the Proprietor 4 Manufacture)-,
is a regular Druggist, Chemist arrdf hysician, of
fifteen yeors experience in Philadelphia; member
of differrnt Medical Institutions of Philadelphia,
New York, Boston, Baltimore, 4c.. and associate
and correseonding member of several Medical In
stitutions of London and Paris—hence the rea
son of the greater confidence placed in his pills,
and there being recommended in the practice of
most respectable physicisns throughoni the Uni
ted States.
Principal Depot, DR. LUST'S Dtsravsanr,
No. 114 North Fouith Street, Philudelphi t, and
•old wholesale and retail by
J. R. Mover & E. P. Lutz, Bloomaburg; Dr.
A. B. Wilson, Berwick; Peter Ent,
Light Street; M.G. Shoemaker, Buckhortt;
J. A. Moore, Danville; Ricketts & Stewart,
Orangeville; John So! tnick, Cattawiasa; A.
Levers, Washingtonville; J. M. Sheldbn, Jer
seytown; J. F. Derr, Whitehall; J.S.Woods,
Columbus; Brown & Creasy, Mifllinsburg ;
E. Wertman, Rhorsburg, and by Storekeepers
generally. 49-ly
Dr, Pearson's
Pulmonic Expectorant
Is the most certain and effectual remedy known
for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Consumption, In-
Jlusnta, hoarseness, spitting of Blood, difficulty
of breathing, Bronchitis, pain in the breast and
side, palpitation of the heart, whooping cough,
asthma, croup, and all diseases of the Pulmonary
The proprietor of this Pulmonic Expectorant,
having graduated es a physician, and followed the
practice of hie profession for several years, can,
therefore give to those peraona who require such
medicines that aseurence which cannot be expect
ed where a compound is only concocted from en
antiquated recipe, taken from the leaf of en old
almanac or eome similar source.
Prepared by S. A. Pearson, M. D, No. lt)6
North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, price ft per
bottle, or eix bottles for |5.
l r. 8. A. Pearson : Deer Sir—For the benefit
of others, I wpuld inform you that I have been
u sng your Pulmonic Expectorant for e couglt
ved pain in my breast and side, the effects of n
relry heavy cold—l find that it bee given me great
haief I consider it an invaluable medicine. I
cidve also usej it in my family with the most de
uaed benefit—it cures colds in the least oosaible
time that medicine coald cure them. If its .vir
tues were generally known, it would save thous
ands from en untimely giovo. You ekOUltlopero
no peine nor expense to have it brought Into uie
throughout tho country.
Yours, dec. WM. M.CADE,
No. 212 Cherry bi,
Dr. 8. A. Pearson . Dear Sit—About a yesr •-
go I was attacked with a severe inflAnation of the
Lungs, which threatened every symptom of a
speedy Consumption. I celled upon uneof the
moa*. eminent physicians of Philadelphia,who pro
nounced me incurable. My husband then procu
red for rae six bottles of your Pulmonic Ex pec
turnnt, whirh I had heard highly recommended—
and before I had taken the Jest of the sixth bottle
my lungs wete well, my cough and other symp.
tome of Gcmeumption entirely cured. lem now
enioyini fine health aud becoming quite fleshy.
Jay St., between Coatesfic Wallace.
Hunterdon County, N. J,
Dr. 8. A. Petrion, Doar Sir—About a year a
go I became severely afflicted with e pain in my
brent end sido, an extremely bed cough, spitting of
blood, debility, night sweets, end other symptoms
of confirmed consumption, I became so much re
duced that I was unable to attend to my orditfllry
business. I made application to q physician, who
examined my chest, end gave it es hie decided o
pinion that my lUnge were seriously effected. I
then app.ied to'another, who wee of the same o
pinton, and after having preactibcd advised ma to
return to my friends.
Previous to this 1 had for a long time been la
boring under all the symptoms uauelly found with
persons laboring under disease of Ihe lunge, and
it was thought by all who knew me that I wee fttet
wearing away with decay. .
At the time I applied to the physicians I was
laboring under a severe attack of spitting blooff;
with ptvln In my bresdt end side. 'I heir preeerib.
tions failed to relieve the pain, end ill their •kill
could not arrest the discharge of blood from my
lungi. This being my condition, I was induced
to make a trial of your valuable Pulmonic Espec
torent, ey the use or wbtch I was immediately re
lieved of all ihoae unpleasant symptoms, and am
now so far reatored to health, that i am able to
attend to all my ordinary bur lubes, and expose
myself ei much as it is nrudint to r any one to do.
I Would therefore confidently recommend every
person who is laboring under disease of the ',ungs
and braaat, ot who are efflioted with Quids or with
coughs, to make trie! of yuvtr most valuable prep
aration' I would further add that after having
made use of your Expectorant for a few weeks, ■
becomd so flesy that pereons with whom i was
acquainted herdiy knew me. I e(ill remain in good
health at thie time, March, 1848.
Yours truly,
The following card of three respectable physi
cians eels forth the virtues of Dr. Pearson Pul
monic Expectorant •
Having made use of Dr. Pearson's PULMONIC
> ExracToniNT. wo feel it a duty to recommend it
n a safe and effeval au-a of the vartwoe dwette
es for which il is intended. Wo nre arqtion.ted
with man; persons who have bcrn cured ofcougli
bronchitis, pain in the breast and side, spitting of
blood, palpitation of the heart, and incipient con
sumption, cy its use. and many of them aflec aU
other means had failed.
A. PEARSON, M. D;, U. S. Navy.
S. K. LEKDOM, M. D.Champlain Co,, O.
Patients may consult 8a A- Pearson, M. D', a
his office No. 108 North rVrUi'th Slreei, aboro
For gale in Bloomshurg by William Robiaon,
Merchant, and a'/so at I'iltston Ferry, by Dr.'A.
Curtis, Diuggist.
Agents in Columbia county.
Wm. Robison, Aoomsburg,
Peter EM, Light Street, .... . y
John Schmick, Cattawiasa, "
M.G. Shoemaker, Buck horn,
E. Lazarus, Orangeville.
A Word to Horsemen.
Dr* Pearson s Barber Embrocation is de
cidedly the best preparation that can be used for
the cure of Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Calls, Splints
auib, ringbone, spavin, stiffness of the joints, 4c
rt is an article which should be in the hands of
every horseman, and no stable should bo without
a bottle.* it. rrice 25 and 50 cents. rrepared
only by 8. A. Pearson, K. n. and for sale, whole
sale and retail, at 108 North fourth street, aMfcd.—
The following certificates are fiom horsemen of
the highest respictabilily who have given il a da
cideJ preference over other preparation of the kind
in use.
Phila.. March 2, 1847.
Dr. 8. A Pearson, Dear Sir—r f ec | it a duty
which i owe to you and the community at large,
or rather that part ol the community who posaeas
or in any way have charge of Horses. to say, that
I hive used your "Embrocation" for horses, it is
decidedly the best preparation i have cvor need, or
have any knowledge of lor the Various diseases
w.-lcb it is recommended.
I also know a g'eat number of my friends who
have used it. and they all say that it js the beet
medicine for horses they have ever used. I would
confidently recommend every person who baa a
horse should keen a bottle of this valuable Ernbro
cation in his *t'al>l*.
Yours respectfully,
Salem, X. J.. May 19, 1847.
Dr. 8. A. Pearson, Sit—Having tried your
'Embrocation' for horsea, I have found it the beat
remedy the' I have ever seen or tried for the curee
that it is lecommcnt'ed to perform. Il curea galls
with the least possible delay tbat it could tie done.
I would cheeifully recommend it to all atablekee
peers and owners of horses.
, Propriotore Salem Line Stages tj Bridgetoru
New Jersey.
i • . ... Phila. May 28. i 847.
This is to certify that I have used Dt. Pear*
tin's Barber's Embrocation for horsea, and unhes
itatingly aay that it is decidedly the best remedy
of the kind, fur the various diseases which it is
recommended, that I have ever used, or have any
knowledge of/ and confidently recommend it to
all horsemen and keepera of horses, to be kept
constantly in their possession,..
White Horse, Corner of Wood k 3d sta. Phila
I fully agree with the above certificate end o
pinion of Mr. King, in the uie of Dr. Pearson.'*
Barber's 'Embrocation.' JOHN CASK,
Bucks County, Pa., Juno 19, 1847.
February 13, 1848.
8. A. Pearson, M.D. Sir—This is to certify
that I have used your Embrocation for horsea,and
give it a decided preference over every other arti
cle nf the kind in use fur the various diseases for
which it is recommended/ it does not destroy the
hair as most other articles do. I would recommend
it to every horacman to be kept constantly in their
atabies, Yours, drc.,
Rolebury tap, Bucka Co., Fa.
Doyleatown, May 29, 1848.
Dr. Pearson,Sir— Having need your "Embre
cation for Horses" on several occasions with great
auiceaa, I do moa*. fully recommend it as an in
valuable preparation for sprains, bruises, cute and
ih short almost any of the ills tbat horse fleah id
heir to. Yours, &c.,
High Sheriff of Bucks Ob., Pa
Philad., Sept. 7, 1848.
Dr. Peataon, Sir.Hiving made use of your Em
brocation for on seveisl occasions, with
great success I do believe it to fie a moat eacellenf
aud valuable preparation, decidedly the beat that
I have ever ueed, or have any knowledge of, IW
the purpoae for which it ia intended, and wcVnIJ
moat Confidently tecoHimend it to the notice of
every horseman. It should be kept constantly in
their possession. Very respectively yours,
I have tried Dr Pearson's Barter's Embeoot
tion for Horsea, and 1 am confident ihat it ie]the
most useful preparation Ihat can be Used, for all
diseases which it is recommended; and also, foe
Sprains, Bruises and Rheumatics, of men.
December 23rd, 1848.
. Plti.grove, Salem Co,, NJ:
We, the understgiied, having made us of Dr.
Pearson's Barber's Embrocation, fully agree in
the opinions expresied in the above Certificate,
and fully recommended it to every Horseman n d
Farmer who keeps hursea, to be uacd by them in
pteference to any other article,for the verioua uie*
rases for which it ia recommended.
A. J. Beaumont, Now Hope, Pa; John ti.
Scheck, Stablekee'per, St Louis; A, Pearson',
M. D., Dublin, Bucks County, Pi; Jnreti
Boyd, SoiaburyTp., Bucka Co., Pa; Wm.
R- Dickerson, Esq. Philadelphia; James F.
Nicholas, Boxbpro, Pit j J. H. Reading,
Flemington, N. J.„ Merchant; H. C. Buff-
ington, Flemrngton, N. J., Editor; J. Larrison
Hunterdon Co., N. J., Merchant; Wra.Erley
Bristol, Coroner of Pucks Co; John Shaffer,
Lancaster. Ohio; Henry Johnson, Milford,
N. J.; William King, Esq. New Pork; Wm. ♦
Rsbison, Bloomsburg, Pat Wm. Seudder,
Scudder's Falls near Trenton," N. J; Wra.
M. Cade, Philadelphia; Dr. A. Cuftis, Drug-'
gist, Pittston Ferry.
Wm. Robiaon, BfboMsburg,
Peter Ent, Light Street.
John Sqhmick, Cattawisea,
M. G. Snoemaker, Buckhom,
E Lazarus, Orangeville,
Eyes Tight;
A word to th lick and afftttiid.
E. P. LUTS, would again Invite the attention
oftha clllaens of Bloomsburg, and vicinity, to his
naw anil splendid assortment of Drugs, Medicine*
Oils, Peinta, Varnishes, Glow., Dyestuffs, Con
feotlonaries at d aoforth, which he has just re
ceived, and will (all Upon the moet reasonable
In addition to the above, he would offer e gen
eral assortment of spices, Paint Druehee, Varnish
Btushei sash-tools and Patent Medicines from a
I Pill up to any amount of Townsand's Sorstpe
Also, Large Glass for pictures and clock-feces,
ea large as 24 by 30 inches,and should the sites
not suit he will cut tbem at his own risk for a very
little addition to the original prices—Gold end
Silver Leaf, French Leaf, Dutch Metal, Red,
White, Green and Yellow Bronzes, Kept Con
stantly on hand varying in prices from 37cts to
sr. en ounce -
Physician's, Painters, Gihiers and the publio
generally are inviteu to call anu examine hikstock
before put chtostag elsewnre. No ehorge for look
ing at articles. Remember the sign of the goldctt
Mortar and pestle.
N D. Glass-cutting done to order at the abort
eel notico.
Bloomshurg. Feb. 8, 1848—8