THE STAR OF THE NORTH. B7 Weaver & Gilaore.] VOLUMS THE STAR OF THE NORTH It published every Thursday Morning, by Weaver & Gilmorc. OFFICE — Up stairs in lite New Brick building on the south side of Main street, third square below Market. TERMS :—Two Dollars per annum, if paid within six months from the time of subscri bing ; two dollars and fifty cents if not paid within the year. No subscription received for a less period than six months: no discon tinuance permitted until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the editors. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding one square, will be inserted three times for one dolls r, and twenty-five cents for each additional insertion. A liberal discount will be made to those who ad vertise by the year. GOOD WISHES FOR THE UNION. BY B. B. FRENCH. The bravestj truest, best of men With patriot dread behold Tho dark and dismal cloud that seems Our Union to enfold, Rouse ye, ye sons of those who died To give this Nation birth— The happiest and the fairest land Of all tho peopled earth— Rouse ye, ye patriots of the North— Treason mid yoi hath thriven— For traitor voices have proclaimed "This Union must be riven 1" Rouse ye, ye Southern Statesmen rouse ! And lend your power to save Our Constitution from its death And Freedom from its grave 1 Oh that some pure Archangel, Sent down lrom Ueaven's bright band, Would sound the voice of warning, Through all this glorious land, As a herald from our God above Whose goodness and whose might, By miracles, to us has taught That "God defends tho right"— And that the words of warning Thus, on each ear might fall , "Let each to all the rest be true, And God will prosper all." Maine would respond.N Hampshire's voice Would shout the warning high, Vermont, from all her mountain tops, Would raise it to the sky; Old Massachusetts, bravely too, Would bear the warning on— For her blood first sealed our compact On the field of Lexington 1 Rhode Island, all along thy coast The electric sound should swell; Connecticut, thy steady voice, Should speed it onward well, The Empire State a mighty shout, Like her own torrent's roar, Would raise to bear it, till it roll'd Along New Jersey's shore; And Pennsylvania's iron tongue To Delaware would call, "Let each to all the rest be true, And God will prosper all." On, on the warning still should go, O'er all our sunny land, Till to the broad Potomac Rpspouds the Rio Grande! And where the vast Pacific's waves Break on our Western shore, The echo should return to greet The fierce Atlantic's roar. And every man would say to each, "Our Union cannot fall — While each to all the rest is true, Sure God WILL prosper all." Washington, Feb. 22, 1850. Eloquent Extract. The following is one of the very many beautiful passages of the speech of General Cass: "I atn no panegyrist of the South. It ueeds none. lam a northern man by birth, awes tern man by the habits and associations of half a century; but lam an American above all. I love the land of my forefathers. I revere the memory of the Pilgrims for all they did and suffered in the great cause of human rights, political and religious And I am proud of that monument which time and labor have built up to their memory—tho in stitutions of New England—a memorial of departed worth as noble and enduring as the world has ever witnessed, glorious and inde structible. But while 1 feel thus, 1 should despise myself if any narrow prejudices or intemperate passions should blind my eyes to the intelligence and patriotism of other sections of our united country: to their glo rious deeds, to their lofty sentiments, to their high name, and to those sacred aspirations, common to thorn and to us, for the perpetuity and prosperity of this great confederation, which belong to the past, to the present, and to the future ; and whoso feelings and opin ions are brought here and reflected here by a representation in this hall and in the other, which now occupies, and has always occu. pied as high a position as that held by any other portion ol the Union—a representation which does honor to our country in all that gives worth to man, and gives dignity to hu man nature." One of the courts of Alabama has been trying to sou'. o . {ot 'it o ,aBt fortnight, the birth and parentage of a little darkey, who has fal len heir to quite an esta-'e Lit o Mungo Park they ate endeavoring to dibO'-ivCJ' "the source of the Niger," but whether they will succeed is still problematical." EF" FUNNY. —Mr. Monroe brought in a kill on Saturday, in the lower house of the Le gislature of New York, authorizing the taxa tion of bachelors for the benefit of old maids and orphans. EFTHE California Convention, which pro hibited slavery there, was composed of 71 persons from slave States, and only 41 from all other quarters. EP"THE TOBACCO CROP in Missouri is very) Urge this year. They have invented anew plug, which they call tho "Bentonian twist." It is said to be a puzzle to ohewers. BLOOMSBURG, COLtIMBIA COUNTY, PA , THURSDIY, 4, 1850. RUNAWAY MATCHES. Our readers must have noticed before now that tone and feeling with which clandestine marriages are commented upon in conversa tion, and by the press genefally, is one of levity and undisguised satisfaction. It is commonly regarded as one of the best of jokes, if a foolish girl of fifteen or sixteen succeeds in outwitting her father and mother, and runs off with a comparative stranger.— Editorial wit is taxed to its utmost capability to render ridiculous the distress and anxiety of the bereaved father, as he follows his wandering child. And if fortune favors the runaways, and the knot is tied before the parent can interpose a warning word, the general joy is rapturous. It is a triumph of j young lovo ever stern, unsympathizing, tyr- , anr.ical household authority, which calls for | tlio merriest celebration. Or, if tho idea should occur to any, that alf is not quite right in such cavalier treatment of parents, it is soon apologised for by the sage observa tion that young folks will bo young folks. | Take it in all, a stranger to our rules and 1 customs would be likely to infer that paren- i tal rule and counsel implied something very ; dreadful and oppressive, and that the young i ladies of the laud were held in home bon- I dage of the most unjust and ungenerous cha [ racter. At the risk of being regarded as very old j fashioned, we shall nevertheless ncknow- ; ledge that we rarely can see any thing of the ! nature of a good joke in a clandestine or run- 1 away wedding. Wo confess to a feeling of sadness and evil foreboding, when we hear that a girl who is a mere child, has made up her mind to repudiate tho love and the anx- 1 ious care of the mother who bore licr, and : of the father who has cherished her as his life—that she has turned her face away from the altar of home, from the nest of her in fancy, and put herself in tho hands of a man whom her parents daro not trust. We need hardly remark that marriage is the greet event in a woman's life, and from which all other events take their coloring.— If she err here, her whole life is of one una vailing penance, of scalding tears, of sharp and blighted sorrow. She cannot go back to undo her fault, she dare not look to the fu ture, for it is all desolate to ner. These things being so, it follows that a young lady sjjould yield hor hand and heart only after the most prudent and cautious forethought. She should avail herself of tho wisdom and experience of those who love her, and above all, of her patents, and she will feel that the chances are sufiieient.y numerous that she may still make an unwise choice. But, in most clandestine marriages, the girl is a child, ignorant of the world ; with out experience, deficient in judgment; her mind tilled with false notions and fanciful day-dreams, derived lrom novels and roman ces. She meets with a young matt at a ball or party, or no matter where, who seems in terested in her, and she is flattered by his apparent admiration. He conducts her homo calls on her tho nexl day ; repeats his call, and they are thenceforth in love, if they are not at the first glance. They have become the Romeo and Juliet of what is a play in the outset, but a tragedy in its close. Tho incompetency of the young girl to es timate the character of her lover, is perfectly apparent to every one but herself. It is e nough for her that he appears to love her, & is probably accepted without reference to her parents, lie entreats that an early day may bo named for their uuion. If there is any doubt of her parents' concurrence, this is granted, too; and if parental objections or dif ficulties threate to interpose, an elopement is the next question agitated and agreed to. They are consoled by the thought that there is something romantic in a runaway match; and that such things are rather praised than condemned ; and beside, after all is over, it will not be difficult to make up with father and mother. A reflecting woman would see that the young man who sues for her love without the sanction of her parents, gives prima facie evidence that something is wrong about him —something that shuns the light and fears investigation. A woman in her right mind would say, "My parents I know and confide in; they love me and my happiness; their lot in life is bouud up with mine, so that if I err, they will be wretched. They shall be my counsellors. I will not trust my own too par tial eye to investigate my lover's character! and I will refer it to them." Such would be any prudent girl's course, and such a course would seldom, if ever, end in an elopement. But such is not the course of that large class of young girls who figure in runaway matches. And die consequence is, that such girls fall an easy prey to the thousand [gen teel loafers, worthless, portionless and heart less vagrants who contrive to keep up a re spectable exterior by preying upon society. While we write these lines, re think of the multitudes of once young, thoughtless girls who have fallen into such hands, and found, after a few months of married life, their terrible mistake. They see, when it is too late, they realize when there is no rome- Jy for it, that they have plunged into an a byss of misery, instead ot stepping into a heavett of eternal bliss, and now casting themselves ouce more upon the parental bo som, exclaim in a concert of agony, "would to God we had never wandered hence." (New York Organ. ' E?*AN JEROUTE. —The St. Louis Repub lican states that on the 25th ult., an iErolite fell near Jefferson Barracks, Mo., which weighed half a ton. Torn Hoilgkiss nnd the Widow. You are not acquainted with Tom Ilodg kiss, Messrs. Editors? Ah! then I pity you bottom of my heart and so you may no longer continue in this lamentable state of ignorance, pray allow me to intro duce him to you: Our friend is not of the de scription known as 'tall commanding;' far from it; indeed he scarcely measures fi-e feet five, in his boots; and so far from being 'stately and dignified,' he would make a cap ital model for a novelist's little dapper gen. tleman' to figure in love scenes with pretty barmaids. But, although he is physically small, Messrs Editors, he posssesses a soul of such magnitude thai his body had to be peculiarly constructed to contain it; honest, brave, generous, unsuspicious and truthful —no wonder that his legs were made dis. proportionately short or else his body could have never held his principles. Added to these he is obliging, persevering and indus trious, and per consequence, popular; and thriving. He is 'THE match' for all the young widows,and the object of 'particular attention' from all mothers with marriagable daughters on 'our street. And many have been the plots laid by these mattaruvering individuals to entrap him into the noose of matrimony, and remarkably narrow the o scapes he has made from their evil machi nations against his liberty. One ot recent occurrence, in my opinion will do 'to print.' Not many sqnares Tom's store, there lives a widow lady, who, until recently has been one of his 'most particnlar friends.' This lady had met Tom somewhere, and ad miring his principles, and approving his cir- ■ cumstances, had come to the resolution of, making him the husband of her daughter, j a very pretty and inocent girl of about fifteen, j After making a lesolution Mrs. I. was not i the woman to hesitate in its execution. She maneuvered to have him attend her daughter at all the ball? and soirees of the 1 season to which she had access, and man- j age to take him to the theatre in their party i 011 several occasions; and at church on Sun day, our friend was to be occupying a place in her pew as regularly as 'one of the family.' And more this—she even opened an account at his store, and two or three times daily, in fine weather, Miss S. was despatched to pur chase some indispensible nothing 'that no body could select but herself !' Her plans worked admirably for about three months. Tom's attentions had been generally remarked, and the gossips of his acquaitance had leng settled it among them selves, that he was'in for it,'and the good mother daily expected, and was constantly on the QUI VIVE for a proposal.—This was the posture of afTairs, when Tom called one morning about eleven.—lie was shown in the parlor, and soon joined by the young lady. After a few moments of small-talk, he re quested her to be so good as to send her mother to him, as he wished to have a few minutes' conversation with her on business. We acknowledge there was a slight trem bling of the hands visible, as Mrs. I. smooth ed her hair to obey the summons. 'She has been succescful! Yes; notwithstanding the sarcasms of the widow M.' and the inuen does of the Misses T, and the opposition of the whole street, she had triumphed! 1 These, and other thoughts of like pleasing complexion, caused her cheeks to assume an unusual glow, and there was considera ble elation in her steps as she entered the room and aflectionately greeted her future son-in-law. Wo have intimated that Tom, is honest and straightforward; and so without the least circumlocution or embarrassment, he at once approched the delicate matter. • 'As I intended,' opened our friend, 'leav ing for the Noith the latter part of this week, I thought I had better have a word with you, Mrs. 1., and come to an understaning about matters.' 'You are perfectly right,' replied the lady; it is always best to settle such things as soon as possible. But have you spoken to my daughter?' 'Realy, madam,' answered Tom, 'I have not. True, Miss., is princiyaly concerned in the matter —but then she is so very young that I thought it would rest wholly with you.' | 'Far from it—far from it,' exclaimed the I cunning mother. 'The matter is left entire | ly to her, and whatever she says j will agree to.' 'ln that case,' said Tom, rising and putt ing his hands in his pocket, 'I have only to leave the bill " BILL!—BILL?' screeched the widow. 'Yes, ma'am; just $59 50—for articles pur chased by Miss E. But why are you sur prised ?' 'Because, sir—becanse I thought you—l —thought—it—had—been—paid, sir,' ma king an effort, but choking with rage. And rising, she made a dignified inclination, af 'er telling him she would send a servant with the money in the evening, and swept out of the room. '1 wonder,'soliloquised Tom, on his re turn from New York, 'what can be the mat ter with the I's ? Miss E. was as cold as an icicle when I called on her the other eve ning, and to-day the old lady gave ma the cut direct. Somebody must have been tell ing lies on me while I was gone. I AM OLAD, THOUGH, SHE PAID HER BILLJ!" and he resumed His pen, and scratched away at his books. ryThe West Branch Canal is now in fine navigable order, and considerable business is already being transacted upon it. The packets have commencod their trips. Truth and Right—Gad And aur Country. lIE IS GONE, HE IS GONE 1 He is gone ! he is gone ! Like the leaf from the tree; Or the down that is blown By the wind o'er the lea. He is lied, the light-hearted 1 Yet a tear must have started To his eye, when he parted From love-stricken me! He is fled ! he is fled ! Like a gallant so free, Plumed cap on his head, And sharp sword by his knee : While his gay feathers fluttered, Surely something he muttered He at least must have uttered A farewell to me! He's away! he's away ! To far lands o'er the sea— And many's tho day Ere home he can be ; 4 But where'er his steed prances, Amid thronging lances, Sure he'll think of tho glances That love stole from mo! He is gone! he is gone ! Like the leaf from the tree ; But his heart is of stone If it ne'er dream of me 1 For I dream of him ever— His buff coat and beaver, And long sword, oh, ndver Are absent from me ! Christ and Mahomet. Go to your natural religion; lay before her Mahomet and his disciples arrayed in armor and in blood, riding in triumph over the spoils of thousands and tens of thousands of those who lell by his victorious sword; show her the cities which he set in flames, the countries which ho ravaged end destroyed, i and the miserable distress of all the inhabi-' tants of the earth. When she has viewed him in this scene, carry her into his retirements—show her the prophet's chamber—his concubines and his wives; let her see his adultery, and hear him allege Revelation and his divine commission j to justify his lust and oppression. When sh# j is tired with this prospect, then show her the j blessed Jesus, humble and meek, doing good to all tho sons of men; patiently instructing ; both the ignorant and perverse ; let her see him in his most retired privacy: let her fol low him to the mountain and hear his appli cations to God; carry her to his table to see his poor fare, and hear bis heavenly discourse —let her see him injured but not provoked— let her attend him to the tribunals, and con sider the patience with which he endured the scoffs and reproaches of his enemies. Lead her to his Cross, and let her view him in the agonies of death, and hear his last prayer for his persecutors —"Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." Whenua tural religion has eeen both, ask which is the prophet of God. But her answer we have already had. When she saw part of this scene through the eyes of the Centurion who attended at the Cross, by him she spake and said, "Truly this man was the son of God." — The two Misers. A miser in Kufa had heard that in Bassora there also dwelt a miser, moro miserly than himself, to whom he might go to school, and from whom he might learn much. He forth with journeyed thither, and presented him self to the great master as an humble com mencer in the arts of Avarica, anxious to learn, and under him to becomo a student. "Welcome!" said the miser of Bassora— "we will straightway go into the market, to make some purchases." They then went to the baker. "Hast thou good bread ?" "Good indeed, masters —and fresh and soft as butter." "Mark this, friend," said the man of Bas sora tho one of Kufa—"butler is compared as being the better of the two ; as we can only consume a small quantity of that it will be the cheaper—and we shall therefore act more wisely and more savingly too, in being satisfied with butter." They then went to the merchant, and ask ed if he had good butter. "Good indeed—and flavory and fresh as the fines? oil." "Mark this, also," said the host to his guest, "oil is compared with the very best butter ; and, therefore ought to be preferred to the latter." They next went to the oil vendor. "Have you good oil ?" "The very best quality—white and trans parent as water." "Mark that, too," said the miser of Basso ra to the one of Kufa ; "by this rule water is the very best. Now, at home I have a pail ful, and most hospitable therewith will I en tertain you." And indeed, on their return, nothing but water did he place before his guest—because they had learned that water was better than oil, oil better than butter,and butter better thanjbread. "God be praised," said the miser of Kufa —"1 hare not journeyed this long distance in vain." The Governor of Massachusetts has ap pointed the lllh of April to be obsorved, in that State as a day of fasting. Out of 1,175 brave fellows who be longed to the N. Y. Regiment of Volunteers and served in Mexico' only about 170 are now alive. t# Elections in Wtrtemberg. —A letter from Stultgar says:— I learned that 51 eleotions have been announced to the Government, of which 39 are Democratic. Pressure of the Sea. If a piece of wood which floats on tho wa- j ter be forced down to a great depth in the j sea, the pressure of the surrounding liquid will force it into the pores of the wood, and so increase its weight that it will no longer be capable ol floating ot rising to the surface.— Hence the timber of ships which have foun dered in the deep part of the ocean never rise again to the surface, like those which have sunk near to the shore. A diver may, with impunity, jilunge to a certain depth of j the sea ; but there is a limit beyond which j he cannot live under the pressure to which | ho is subject. For the same reason, it is probable that tnere is a depth beyond which fishes cannot live. They, according to Jos lin, have been caught in a depth at which they must have sißtaiucd a pressure of 80 tons to each square foot of the surface of their bodies. EF*AMERICAN CAST STEEL has been mado in this country but a year or two, and has at tained an excellence that defies competition. It has been manufactured by a parly who never satr a pound of steel mado till pro duced by himself, but ho is a Yankee—and having had put iiito his hands some of the new celebrated Adirondac iron, ho worked and thought, toiled and persevered till lie produced a steel pronounced by competent judges unexcelled by any other in the world. The article competes, in price, with the im ported. Farming Machines. Nearly all the grain raised ill Michigan and other wheat growing States in the west, j is now cut by horse machinery, at the rate of | thirty acres a day. Within two years the \ same has been introduced extensively in the lake counties of Now York. But a good mowing machine lias yet to be invented. CAFITAL. —We heard a good oneol a green sprig from the Emerald Isle, who, tho other day, entered a boot and shoo store in Low ell, to purchase himself a pair of "brogans." —After overhauling his stock in trade with out being able to suit hisjcustoitier, the shop- keeper hinted that he wo lid make him a pair to order. "And wha-what will yer ax to make a good pairiv them ?" was the query. , The price was named ; the man demurred, but after a "batin' down," the thing was a trade, l'helan was about leaving the store, when the other called after him asking : "But what size shall I make them, sir ? "Och!" cried he prompty "niver mind a bout the size, at all— make them as large as ye convaniently can fir the money." I MR. VATTEMARE. —The newspapers are dis cussing Mr. Vatteinare's claim that he is the agent of the French government for the distribution ol international exchanges. This geutleman had the modesty to ask the New Jersey legislature for some thousands of dol lars, as a perpetual salary from that state, and he has been equally importunate to oth er Legislatures. It was denind in that body that he was the agent of any ghvernment, and the Newark Advertiser says that his own aggrandizement has alone been sought in all his recent movements: that he keeps a bookstore in Paris, which the gifts of the A mericar. cities and states are to enrich. He has so_far taken no notice of there assertions. EF°THE CENTRAL RAILROAD. —One of the contractors of the Western Division of the Central Railroad, informs the Pittsburg Com mercial, that there are over one thousand hands at wotk on the Western Division; that is, between the foot of the Allegheny moan tain and Pittsburg. This looks like progress, and we begin to | realize that the great work will be completed j within eighteen monthes, which is to bring Pittsburg and Philadelphia within fifteen hours of each other.—The Mining Register- THEWKBSTEK WATCH. —Fifteen subscribers, all of them Eastern merchants, have united to purchase the very best plain gold watch that can be got in New York city, to be at tached to the heavy gold chain already pre pared, for presenta'ion to DANIEL WEBSTER. The watch and chain will be the most splen did establishment of the kind ever got up. CF.I Joke frr the Ladies. The editor of a paper in Providence lately informed his rea ders that the ladies always pull off the left stocking last. This, as may be supposed, created some little stir among his fair read ers, aud while, in positive terms, they deni ed the statement, they at the same time de clared that he had no business to know it e ven if such was the fact, and pronounced him no gentleman. He proved it, however, by a short argument: when one stocking is pulled off first, there is another left on; and and pulling off this is taking offthe hfl stock ing last. A Queer Fight. Notice is given in Ihe New Orleans papers, of a match to come off in that city, in June next, for $5OO a side, be tween a grizzly bear and a New Jereoy snap ping turtle, weighing 210 lbs: The time of running from Philadelphia to Pittsburg, by railroad and stage lines, has beed reduced to 41 hours, and by railroads and packets to 6(5 hours. IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY a Brigadier General receives s246 50 par month. COUNTY CALENDER. Grand Jurors for April Term 1850, ! Anthony —Wm McVicher, Aid Holdroa I Bloom —Peter Shuck, * Briarcrcck —Wm Herrin, Enoch Rittenbouse, j Cattawissa —Thoe. Harder, Abraham Ludwig, Danville —Henry Vandling, Greenwood —Elijah Albortaon, Jackson —Fred'k Knouse Limestone —Daniel Dildine, Mahoning —Join: Heinbach, t Madinm —Wm Dildine, ] Alt Pleamnt —Wm Hilburn, j i Orange —John Rembly, ( Roaringcreck —Samuel B. Deiroer, Bolomon 1 Fctterman, Daniel Keller, *■ ] Sugar loaf- —Reuben Davis sr., Andrew Lau- I bach, Wm Appieman, Valley —Allen Welliver, David Heinbach David P. Blue, I TRAVERSE JURORS FIRST WEEK. 1 Anthony —Jonathan Blrouso, Luous Young, Beaver —Jacob Brown, Bloom —Mahlon Hamlin jr., Eli Driveling, Philip Christman, Briarcrcck —John Doak, V. Richard, Centre —Emmet Aickman, Wm Hutchinson, Danville —Wm C Yorks, Abraham Lechler, Honry P. Baidy, Wm Beacher, Derry —James Miller, Alexander Cummings, Franklin —MichadljMensch, Fishingareck —John" Bright Greenwoo'lr— Isaac R. Kline, Hemlock —Adam Stroupjr, Liberty —John Simington Israel Machamer [ Redding Herring, Alt Pleasant —Jacob Shipman, Madison —Enoch Fox, Montour —Jno Deitrich, Mifflin —John Bond, Orange —Con rad| Adams, Roaringcreek —John Snyder, P. R.} McMur- j trie, Peier_Harbein. Sugarloaf— Wm Stephens Reuben Davis, I j Philip Fritz Gearhart Kile, 1 Valley —Andrew Childs, j TRAVERSE JURORS—SECOND WEEK. j Anthony —James G. McKec, i Beaver —JohnHoatz, Henry Lelir, Isaiah Lon- i I genberger, Bloom —Geo. Gilbert, ] Catlawissa —Jacob Gensel Paul R. Baldy, i Centre —H. D Knorr Andrew Freeze, I Derry —John McGonigal, Robert B'oo, 1 j Franklin —Valentino Vocht, i F ithingcreek —Daniel Thomas, J D. MoHen- i | ry, Peter Criveling, ■ Hemlock —Alexander Roat, James Roat, | Liberty —John Bower, I Limestone —John Gouger, Maine —Daniel Fenstamacher Daniel Yet tor, I Mahoning —Edward Morrison, John Kocher, j Madison —David C. Albertson, Wm Hender shot, I Mifflin —Thomas Aten, Peter Smoyer, | Orange —lsaiah Conner, Geo Appieman Wm Delong, j Roaringcreek —lsaac Rhodes, P. S. Ycagfrr, i John Perry sr., Jacob Fisher, ! Sugarloaf— Elijah Hess, j Valley— Chas. Fenstotmacher. List of Causes I To* Trial at the April Term, 1800r | 1 Commonwealth et al. vs. Matthias Kline | 2 Commmonweidth vs. Charles F. Mann j 3 Edmund L Piper vs. John Baily^ j 4 Elisha B Slelter vs. Samuel Stetlcr | 5 Henry Hartman vs. Noah S Prentts 6 Jacob Welliver vs. John Runyan 7 Isaac Tyler vs. Benj. P Frick 8 Geo. Fox, Admrs. vs Andrew _Emmns, Amr. 9 Lloyd Thomas vs. Peter Mourer 10 Thor. Wildoner, Admr. vs. Robt. Lock art. 11 Same vs. Same. 12 John Shively vs. Jacob R Howar 13 Manassa Bowman vs. Joseph Sharplcss i i 14 Anne Dilman vs. S M B Yantz j 15 John Davis et al. vs. William II Wooden j 16 Isaac Barnheimor et al. VB. J K Freder- I ics et al. | 17 Levi Ashton vs. Abraham Cool j 18 Frederick Beates Exr. vs. James Hartman j 19 David Bitter etal. vs. Joseph Maus [ SO W. Donaldson et al. vs. J P Grove et al | 21 Charles Kalbfus vs. Nicholas Seybert 22 John Barret vs. Phineas Welliver 23 Samuel Yost Admr. vs. Elijah R John admr. et al. 24 Daniel Hoats et al. vs. Wm Schuyler 25 David Masters et al. vs. Henry Johnston 26 John T Davis vs. Charles F Mann 27 Thomas Brandon vs. Benjamin Wintet steen 28 Jesse Hughes vs. Benj. P Frick et al. 29 Alem Sechler et al. vs. John M. Fiester 30 William McKelvy et al. Simon P Kaso 31 Charles Kram vs. William E Albright et al : 32 Samuel P Huey vs. the Montour Iron Co. I et al. | 33 Jaoob B Maus vs Samuel Boudman 34 Lafayette Kessler vs. Elisha H Hess 35 William Sloan vs. Joseph J. Pry 36 Frederick Isler vs. John K Grotz 37 Azima Vallerchamp vs. Geo. Mears 38 David Ritter vs. Lewis H Maus 39 Wm Montgomery exr. vs. David N Kow nover 40 Drake & BechteUvs. Nicholas Seybort 41 Isaac Pollock vs O C Kahler. 42 Dr John Ramsey vs. Rev. John P. Heister. Legislators at Harrisburg amuse themselves by throwing paper balls at each other. CP"NEW BOATS. —Frick & Co., of Lewis town, advertise for two hundred boat buil ders. [Two Dollars per Annan, NUMBER 10. Kiss Cotillions. The editor of the Windsor Journal—an ob stinate sort of a bachelor—learns that Profes sors of dancing in New York have recently introduced a new style of Cotillion, called the "Kiss Cotillion," the peculiar feature of which is that yon kiss the lady as you ewing cornets. The editor is a crusty sort of a fel low who never dances, but says he would not mind waiving his objections to the am usement so far as to "swing cornors" now & then, in this new cotillion—the selfish scamp Ho reminds us of an old lady who had an un accountable aversion to rye, and never could eat it in any form, till of late years, she said, "they had got to making it into whiskey, and 1 find 1 can now and then worry down a lee tie." PROFESSOR AGASSIZ. —The statement attribu ted to Professor Agassiz that he was ready to maintain, in opposition to the Scriptures, that mankind was not of one race, does not do strict justice to that learned gentleman, as wo see by a fuller report of his own words as follows: "For his own part, after giving to this question mudh consideration, he was ready to maintain that the different raceß of men were descended from different stocks, and he regarded this position as fully sustained by divine revelation. The Jewish history was the history, not of divers races, but of a singl race of mankind, but the existence of other races was often incidentally alluded to and distinctly implied, if not absolutely as serted in the sacred volume." This expression of opinion produced a strong sensation among the members of the body. r*T When boots first came in fashion, a pair was presented to a worthy Mayor in En gland. He examined them attentively, and concluded they were a new kind of basket- Accordingly, when he went to Church the next Sunday, he slung one around his neck, and put his praper book into it. His wife u* sed the other to bring home her marketing | in. tWFatal Amusement. In Pittsburg on Sun day morning, a little girl, seven or eight years of age died from the effects of over ex ertion in skipping the rope. On Thursday last a spirit of emulation arose between her and her playmates as to which could jump thegreateet number of times consecutively, and by extraordinary exertions she was ena bled to accomplish 350, but her life has pro ved the forfeit. The Drama in Germany. In Germany, at present, there are 523 theatres of the first and second order, employing 3398 performer t 612 singers 2540 dancers, 5835 musicians, 148 prompters, aud 2070 employees. Among the actors are one count, two barons, and 36 untitled nobles. taP :: Hallo\'' ejaculated an anxious guar dian to his lovely niece; as he entered the parlor and saw her seated on the sofa, in the arms of a swain, who had just popped the question, and sealed it with asmack. "What is the time of day, now!" "I should think it was about half past twelve," was the cool reply, "you see we are almost one. Vetoes in Mississippi. —During the recen sesion of the Legislature of this State, Gov. ernor Quitman vetoed more than thirty bills. Sixteen vetoes were sent in on one day, and threo or four of the bills were repassed by the constitutional majority. TV Experimental Railway. —The Legislaturet of Virginia has appropriated 316,000 for the construction of an experimental railway, to i test the value of a certain new invention made by James French, Esq., of Old .point j Comfort. i GTFeeling in Kentucky. —The Louisville Journal, after referring to the Nashville Con vention, says:—Any individual who shall go into that body, assuming to be a representa tive of the State of Kentucky, had better not come back within her limits. UVNew Constitution in Michigan. —On tho 7th instant, a bill passed both branches of the Michigan Legislature, providing for the time and place for holding a Convention to vise the constitution of that State, and for election of delegates thereto. THE Pottsville Railway Station, has been finally located. The site selected is th|p same as was contemplated at first, below thto American Hotel and adjoining it. The Pass enger office will be on Centre street CF"CAPITAL PUNISHMENT IN OHIO.— The bill for the abolition of capital punishment has passed tho Ohio Senate by a very decided majority. Hopes are entertained by it* friends that it will also pass the House. EP"TIIE number of piano-fortes annually manufactured in the United is estimated to be ten thousand. CP" When Jemima went to school she was asked why the noun aachelor was singular.-*- "Because," she innocently replied, "it' so very singular they don't get married." "I'm a done sucker," as the child Hid when it was weaned. "They say" is politively on* of th* grort^ est liar* known. '