The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, March 28, 1850, Image 4
120 Josiah Galbraith 2 04 120 Moses llofTmon 1 32 90 George Masters 2 90 130 John Moore 7 84 150 Benjamin Piatt 4 10 125 Jacob Swisher 2 04 21 Lewis Schuyler 32 10 Isaac Shoemaker 1 G4 100 Robert Hunter (in part) 1 10 290 Alexander Scott " 3 18 52 Henry Lebo 00 70 Robert Lyon 70 200 Joseph Strech . 220 ORANGE TSP. 20 Jacob Hagenbach 1 48 84 Isaac Hagenbach 42 400 Mathew McDowell 1 20 17' George Sloan 1 28 ' ROARINGCREEK TSP. 289 William Elliot 13 24 330 George Ashton 17 27 378 Caleb Lownes 17 30 382 John Young 17 45 372 John Whiteman 17 0C 331 Joseph Gordon 15 18 4 Richard Twines 19 337 John Warner 15 14 350 Daniel Reese 10 09 380 William Porter 17 83 398 William Miller 18 23 394 Peter Dehaen 18 00 380 William Powell 17 38 5 Leonard Adams 49 10 Philip llrobst 03 02 James Hud sen 8 50 4j John Barr 43 35 Jonas Barringer 3 50 10 Margarelta Davis 70 10 John Daly 100 1000 John Fisher 23 15 Richard Griffith 1 3' 19 Michael Graham 1 ®3 15 David Harper 50 Henry Hoffman sen 3 00 18 George Hower 2 33 13 Peter Helwig 2 44 00 J..lin Kriher sen 399 05 William Millard 7 34 20 Jacob Olwine 1 20 2$ Samuel Pilkington 49 5 Isaac Roads 47 5 Cornelius Reiriboltl 47 100 Henry Roads 7 79 10 Joseph Stokes 03 14 Peter Strouse 2 05 50 Abraham Whiteman 4 72 134 William Yoeum 10 42 50 Frederick Miller 2 09 205 Thomas Billington 8 85 400 Nathaniel Brown 10 30 195 Bark Bid-lie 5 94 309 John Cook' sen 7 80 941 Mary Davidson 381 400 Samuel Lobdell 12 90 134 William Lemmnn 1 08 249^Andrew Kennedy . 757 180 Edward Lynch 7 35 221 Mary Myers 898 190 Martha Miller 7 75 216 Stephen Peabody 8 08 380 Mary Rustan " 15 47 200 Mary Rustan 8 15 193 Daniel liceso 7 82 209 Thomas Rustan 8 40 100 Thomas Williams 2 20 26 Th-mas Williams Bft 400 John Young 8 22 4t>9 John Young 10 05 200 Charlotte Rustan 8 51 200 John Reynolds 8 15 LIBERTY I SP. 12 ffenry Buyer 52 10 /?ichird Barclay 22 16 John Douty 18 295 Charles Frickle 3 00 100 George Grant 1 64 22 Adam 7/endrickson 22 10 Dennis //Sigerman 51 12 Philip 7/eberling 14 14 John 77oppcr 12 50 Laycock 80 12 John Moore 12 12 John Bonn 51 80 James Strawbridge 50 15 James Simonton 44 40 Daniel Snyder 34 8 John Wheatley act 80 SUG*A RLOAF TSP. 010 Oompt. Aslow 1 72 03 N B Y Beach 2 4 I 413 N B Y Beach 2 50 105 Alexander C-dley 3 01 357 Philip Creekbaum 3 54 034 Samuel 77a1l 1 00 102 Jnhn Kile 1 42 08 Joseph Lockhart 148 25 McT/enry's heirs 26 33 Tfobert Montgomery 24 313 " 2 32 80 ' 24 38 John Pennington 82 200 William Stephens 1 10 375 J?ebccca Vanderslicn 12 10 200 Wcodsides and Frick 2 20 127 Joseph Yorks 2 20 VALLEY TSP. 20 Peter Blue 1 10 35 David Blue 1 90 30 Peter Balily 3 30 50 William Curry 3 30 25 William Caldwell 1 00 150 Colon Cameron 009 70 John Childs 2 30 50 Abraham Fenstamacher 2 74 3 Joseph Mauss 32 50 Alexander Montgomery 2 74 36 " " 2 74 90 Murdock, Leavitt &Co 4 04 S5 Samuel Middleton 1 80 ■22 Conrad Springer 1 20 20 John Wilson 1 98 49 Thomas Yorks 5 90 A. LEVE7?S, Treasurer. TREASURER'S OFFICE, ? 13 looms burg, Mitrcfi 29, 'SO. y TREASURER'S SALE Of Seated Lauds, in Columbia County. LIST of Seated Lands situate in Columbia CO., on which the taxes assessed remain unpaid', winch lands the collectors of iho respective town ships in which said lands lie. liavo returned for sale, according to the 41st section of an Act of Aemhlv, pased April 20, 1814, entitled "an art to reduce the State debt, Ac.," there not being suf ficient personal property on said lands to pay said lazes, and the owners thereof having neglected and refused to pay the same for the space of two years. The nme will be sold at the Court-houe, tn the town of Hloomsburg, county of Columbia,- on the second Minday in June ncrtt, and to con tinue by adjournment from day to day, for arrear ages of taxes due said county, and the coals ac crued on each respectively. Acres. Owners. Tonants. . Taxes. Fishingereek, 1847. 18 Haycock John M 176 Bloom, 1847. J lot r>;'y (widow) Terwilagsr A 30 1 lot Powell William self 05 1 lot Reinhart Daniel self 85 Orange, 1847. Miller Peter Green Win 3 00 1 lot McPhcrscfh Chas self 2 G7 Motioning, 1847. 1 lot llrobst Daniel self 80 4 lot Cook Jonas self 147 Cook Wm W self 2 20 Greenwood, 1847. 120 McPhcrson Chas 2 20 50 Morris George unseated 41 40 Vallcrchamp A 1 21 Briarcreek, 1847. 3 lots Davis John unseated 2 70 4 lots Frick Gentge A unseated 22 318 Fowler David self 7 24 3 lots Jackson Josiah 405 1 lot Knouse Levi D self 175 2 lols Reed William Chamberland J 137 1 lot " •* Clerry J W 2 20 2 lols Seibcrt Sebastian 2 01 42 Smilh S Heirs Mastcllcr C 2 31 72 Sny.ler John Basin Peter I 88 4 lots Soil Peter 3 10 8 Scibert Honletcr Brockway US 105 Madison, 1847. 100 Arter William vacant 148 50 BlecherJacob vacant 27 100 Kline Lowry vacant 2 20 70 Orwig Joseph self 1 10 100 Stackson Thus er self 2 25 Mifflin, 1847. 10 Enoch Charles self 78 39 Luilwig Jacob self 1 40 1 lot Melich Samuel Winlerslcin R 34 2 lota Swoats Henry self 08 Slots Winterelein Philip self 28 Briarareck Township, 1848. 35 Bowman Wm 2 75 1 lot Bowm Daniel not occupied 34 1 lot Brewer I W vacant 85 j let Brown Hannah A Opd-lto 220 31S Fowler Daniel 7 02 2 lots Deadly S F Shires Mariah 220 150 LineeJohnP not occupied 82 Greenwood . 1818. 1 lot C -ok William McllcmyßN 82 120 McPhcrson Chas 2 20 42 Ult David 71 100 Waits Benjamin 1 8S Madison, 1848. 190 Berry Jamrs 2 20 Cleaver Juhn 1 10 100 Kline Lowry 2 20 1 lot Moore Catharine Am ine Vincent 0s 1 lot Robbins J D 27 70 SUckhonsc M 1 10 70 Taylor William 77 Mahoning, 1848. 1 lot P Ik Philip 67 1 lot Divert Susan vacant 40 lint llafley Thos' (widow) 205 1 lot M irlclc Abraham 82 1 lot M.Clutc SB 2 25 I lot Plocklu'ge Levi vacaut 41 1 lot R -bson Thomas 1 30 2 lots Weaver Cditarine 105 Boaringcreek, 1818. 11 Limber,son John self 00 Lloyd Thomas 4 40 Beaver. 1848. 105 C 'X Char'es Sherman John 2 75 350 Long B W Noglc Peter 212 3 Further B P vacant 09 J lot Mears William Rees Salomon 27 15 Weiklo Charles self 07 Mt. Pleasant, 1848., 100 Jacoby Andrew self 200 Fiipot Wm II heirs 460 Bloom, 1848 1 Biltenbendei Satn'l A Co 90 1 lot iiowerJohn Kramer John 148 Berry, 1818, 1 Allen Elizabeth 1 10 33 Ray man Henry _ 10 45 S einrna-i John 7 31 1 Smith H.i m M'Faddin WW3 10 AMANDUS LFC.VEP.3 Trtasurer. TREASURER'S OVSICE, > Btoomsburg, March 30, 1850. ) Philadelphia Heading and I'oltsvillc RAIL! j§§g.i£ OJID. WINTER AR RA NG EMENTS. ON and after November Ist, 1810, the | Passenger Trains will run between Phil adelphia aid Potlsville, as follows: Leaves Philadelphia at 83 A. M., daily, I except Sundays. Arrives at Heading at 11 IS Arrives at Potlsville at 12 50 Leaves Potlsville at 8 J M. M. Daily except Sundays. Arrives at Reading at* 10 00 Arrives at Potlsville at 12 50. rS3=, Potlsville and Philadelphia 53.50 an: :'S.- 00; Potlsville and Reading Si, 4) and Sj 20: Reading and Philadelphia 2.2u and 1,90. Passsengers cannot enter the Cars unless provided with Tickets. There will be no afternoon Train. (IT NOTICE.—Fifty pound of baggage i will be allowed to each passenger in these lines: and passengers are expressly prohib ited from taking any tiling as baggage but their wearing apparel, which will bo at the risk of its owner. By order of the Board of Managers. S. BRADFORD, Sec' ry. Bloomsborg, Nov. 15, 18-19. <JauaUiic£>!ja. u £3 Indian Vegetable licmcdy-No Cure NO PAY. —Read Physicians'opinion of I its virtues. I have precribed the above medicine in | several cases of Primary Vencrnl Diseas es and Secondary Syphilis, and the ef feet has been strikingly beneficial ; so much so a to induce me to continue its use in such cases with much satisfaction. It is generally agreeable to the taste of patients. JOHN A. ELKINGTON. M. D., No. 102 N. Fifth st, Phils., Juno 12, 1845. I have piescribed "Dr. Cullcn's Rem edy," in many cases of Gonorrhoea, and found it to effect a cure in a very short time. A. WILSON, M, D., Cor. Twelfth & Shippen sts. Phila., Dec. 16th, 1845, Messrs Itowand &■ Walton—Gentle men : I have prescribed your celebrated "Dr. Cullen's Remedy," in several cases of of Gonorrhoea and Syphilis, and can conscientiously recommend it as a certain and speedy cure. Yours, &e„ Jos P FITLER, M D., Corner of Second Sp Beaver, N L. Wholesale and Retail, by ROWAND fy WALTON proprietors, 21 SIXTHS), and by the persons named in another column ns agents of Dr Cullen's Indinn Vegetable Panacea. Bloomsbiirg, Jan. 3d 1850.-6 m . ~ TO COLLECTORS. The Collectors of State and County Taxes aro requested to meet the Treasurer in Bloomsburg, on the first week of court, and settle their respective duplicates. Those ha ving taxes fi-r years previous to 1849 will give especial attention to this notice, as the next one will be of a more serious naturo. AMANDUS LEVERS, Treas. Treasurer's Office, j Bloomsburg, March 20, 'SO. j Hasty Legislation. It appears that a section has been passed by tho Legislature at Harrisburg, attached to somo private bill, lo revive the charter of a company to make a railroad from Harrisburg lo Reading, which got through tho House,the Harrisburg Telegraph says, without tho knowledge of the members from the city & county, who appear to be* interested to defeat its passage. Dr. Burden's attention was call ed away from its reading when it came to the House as a Senate amendment, and some of the other city and county members seem ed to notice it. To rectify the mistake, a res olution was offered to call upon iho Governor to return it; but this motion was negatived by a large majority, 45 37. Tho Governor will now have to oppose or sign it, as ho finds most proper. lie vetoed the North Le banon Railroad bill, passed under like cir cumstances, and with a similarly smuggled section. The AVcbstcr Case. Tho proceadings in the jury -oom we un perstand to have been ns follows:—They en tered upon the consideration of the case, by inquiring into the questions to be determined, and arranging them in their proper order. They then balloted on the question, whether tho remains hadjbeon identified as parts of the body of Dr. Parkman, and the vole was unanimous that they were. They then ballot ted upon the question, whether he came to Lis death by the hands of Dr. Webster, and the vote was unanimous that he did. They then ballotted whether tho homicide was wiful murder or manslaughter, and the vote was elovn for tho former, to one for man slaughter. The jury now passed half an hour in profound silence, and at tho expira tion of that time, the juror who had vo ted for manslaughter rose and disclosed his vote, and said he had concluded to cliangs it to murder, and did so, and the foreman there upon declared that the jury had agreed upon a'verdict of guilty of murder. Information was then sent to the Judges that the jury had agreed. MARRIED. By Rev. I. Bald, on February 20, Mr. oohn Conley and Miss A. Maria Christophel, both of Danville. By the same, on March 2, Mr. Jamci Spon enberg and Miss Mary Jane Garner , both of Briarcreek. By the same, on the 4th, Mr. Stephen Lchr and Miss Catharine Shuman, both of Beavet Valley. By the same, on tho 28th ult., Mr. John Snyder and Miss Lucetta Bitters, both of Sch. county. By the same, on tho 20lh ult., Mr. Peter Sliellhamcr and Miss Sarah Hinncrliter, both of Beaver Valley. In Rittston, 14th inst, Rev. A. llrook, Mr. Wm. Paulhames, to Miss Nancy Hale, all of Pittston. At Forty Fort, 14th inst., by Rev. Mr. Gid dings, Mr. James Space lo Miss Luanda Pugh, both of ATingslon. In Rhorsbutg on the 12th ult., by John Richards Esq. Mr. Peter Nagle to Miss Hann ah Anionic. On Wednesday the 27ih ult., by Rev. D. J. Waller, Mr. Jacob K. Berlin, to Miss Miner va C'liamber/in. both of Hemlock. i In Jcrsejtown, on tho 21st till., by the Rev IJ- IT. Rittcnliouse, Mr Julius Anthony, si. D. ; formerly of New York, to Miss Martha J. \ Park, youngest daughter of Dr. R. Park, of j the former place. ! On the 26ih nit., near Washingtonville, by ! the same, sir. Charles Shoemaker, of Fruits j town, to Miss si ary C. Real. | In Philadelphia on Tuesday evening the | 2d instant by the Rev. Dr. J.Berg, J)r. John j F. Tobias (formerly of this place) to Miss j Sarali J. Taylor, of tire former place. We arc highly pleased to chronicle the good fortune of our young friend tho Doctor, and tender to hint and the fair one l-y his sido , our boot wishes, for their prosperity and joy through a long life. May their shadow nev er be less. DIED. In Briarcreek, on Saturday last, Christiana Sponenbcrg, aged 91 years. In Briarcreek, on Sunday last, Leonard Sponenherg, aged 40 years. WASHINGTON CAVALRY, d | ..srygrra wr? rtt-\^r rrrtnyy 0 You arc hareby commanded to meet at the house of George VV. Nicely, in Berw ck, on SATURDAY, the 13thday of April, at 10 o'clock, A. M. armed and equipped for drill and'paradc. A court of appeal will be held the samo I daj. Members knowing themselves in ar rears for fines or htherwise, are requested to bo present Also, those members whose term of mem bership has expired, and who have not yet returned their arms, are requested to do so on that day. By order of the Captain, J D CONNOR, O S LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in tho Post Office at Bloomsburg for quarter ending March 31, 1860. Culp Samuel Murray VV A Coplirr Ira M'Cauly John Cook James Measle VValle Deibler Joseph Nine John Davis Wm Richard Ann Fuller A J Rico Daniel Fisher Jacob Slater Sidney Geier Christian Thomas John Galavin John Williams George Jones John Persons calling for the above letters will please say they are advertised. J. M. CHAMBERLIN, P M Administrator's Notice. Letters of Administration having been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Wills of Columbia count yapon the Es tate of Adam Meusch, deceased, late of Itoaringcreek township, all persons having claims against said Estate are requested to make the samo known without delay, and those indebted to tho Estate lo make pay ment to ABRAHAM MENSCH, or PETER BITNER, Adms. I Roaringcrcek, March 14th 1850.—Gt ; For the Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRON CHITIS, CROUP,ASTH MA, WHOOPING-COUGH AND CONSUMPTION. The uniform success which has attended the ' U3O of this preparation; its salutary effect; its povv -1 ei to relieve and cure uffections of the Lungs, have . gained for it n celebrity cquelh'd by no other mcd ccine. VVe ofler it to the afflicted with entire ' confidence in its virtues, and the full belief that it will subdue and remove the severest attacks of dis ease upon the throat and Lungs, The results, as I they become publicly known, very naturally at tract the attention of medical men ond philanthro pists everywhere. What is their opinion of CH LKfIV PEI'TOIIAL may bo seen ill the follow ing ; Valentine A/ott, Af. D., Professor Sur gery. Medical College , A. F, says : jt gives me pleasure to certify to the value and effiicary of Aycr'a Cherry Pectoral, which 1 con sider peculiarly adapted to cure diseases of the Thioitand Lungs The lit. Rev. Lord Bishop Field Writes in n letter to his friend, who was sinking f I under an affection of the Lungs, *Tiy the Cheiry Pectoral, and if any medicine can give you relief i with the blessing of God that will' Chief Justice Eustis, ' of Louis'uir.n, wiites that n young daughter of his was cured of several severe attacks of Croup by the Cherry Pectoral ( Hartford, Jan "6,1818 Dear Sir: Having been rescued from a painful 5 and • angeious disease by your medicine, gratitude • prompts me to send you this acknowledgment not i only in justice to you but for the information of I others in like affliction * | A sligh'cold upon the lungs neglected at first, ' | became so severe that spitting of blood, a violent * 1 cough and profuse night sweats followed and fas t I tcned upon mo 1 became emaciated, could not sleep, was distressed by my cough, and a pain } i through my chest, and in short had all the alarm -1 j frg symptoms of quick consumption No mcdi i cine seemed at all to reach my case, until provi* dcntially 1 tried your Cherry Pectoral, which re lieved and now has cured ine Yours with respect E A STEWART Albany, N Y. April 17, 1848 Dear Sir; I have for years been afflicted will i Asthma in the worst forin; so that I have been i obliged to sleep in my chair for a larger part of the time, being unable to brca'ho on my Icd I bad tried y gre. t many medicines to no purpose, j- until my physician prescribed, as uu experiment, your Cherry Pectoral At first it seemed to make mc worse, but in less r than a week I began to experience the most grati. r fving relief from its use ; and in four weeks the disease was entirely removed Icm sleep on my bed with comfort, and enjoy a state of health 1 which I never expected GLO S FAURANT Prepared by J C JJyrr, Lowell, Mass Sold by E P LUTZ, Hlnomsburg " A B WILSON, Berwick April 4 Gin cli DR. SWAYNE'S 1 Celebrated Family Medicine? TURK FOLLOWS CURE. - MORE PROOFS OF THE EFFICACY ; OF si. sways mm 1 COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CIIERRY, The Original and Genuine Preparation! Coughs, Colds, Asthma. Bronchitis, Liver ' Compl iint, Spitting Blood, difficulty of Breati iug, l'ain in the Side and Breast, • Palpitation of the Heart. Inllucnza, ' Croup, broken Constitution, Sore Throat, Nervous Debility, and all diseases of the Throat, Hreast and Lung; tho most effectual and speedy cure known for any of tho above diseas es is ; Dr. Swayue's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. RELIABLE TESTIMONY. WM., a respectable merchant of j St. Clair, Schuylkill county, writes, January 30, 1813:—Enclosed L send you a certificate of Bom. Beaumont, a citizen of our town. Hi sense of consumption is well known hero, and of long standing : lie attributes his cure entirely to your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. Sir.irXE'S VERMIFUGE. I "! and effectual remedy for Worms, Dys pepsia, Cholera Morbus, sickly or Dyspep tic Children or Adidts, and the most uscjul Family Medicine ever cf feredto the public. EXTRACT OP A LETTER TO DR. SWATNE, Da ted, Anderstown, Indiana. A man purchased a bolde of your Vermifuge ihe other day for his child, and by its use it discharged (i 3 of the largest worms he had ever seen. It is somewhat difficult to get the peo le lotry it, as they have so often been gulled by nause ous and worthless worm medicines. Yours being so very ploasant to tho taste, at tho same time elfec'.ual, I shall be able todispos® of a targe iiuantily. Respectfully, yours, &c., TOWNSFNUT. SHARP, P. M. IriTBEWARE OF MISTAKES.,/rj 1 Remember: Dr. Swayue's Vermifuge is now put up in square bottles, (having recent ly been changed;) covered with a beautiful wrapper, (steel engraving,) with tho portrait r of Or. Swayue thereon engraved. Bear this in mind, and be not deceived. CLENSE AND ' PURIFY. DR. SWAYNE'S SUGAR COATED SARSAPARILLA ' TC EXTRACT OF TAR PILLS.—A mild and effec tive purgative, great purifyer of tho blood, ' they correct all tho functions of tho Liver, and as an alternative Dropsical affections, ' they are very valuable. Giddiness of the head, dimness of sight, depression of spirits, headache, &c., are cured by these purifying Pills. No medicine can have a better effect for monthly irregularities, which occasionally ; happen to women, they are perfectly safe, and will in conjunction with Dr. Swayue's compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, tako all paia and disease from every part of the sys tem. Tito above valuable medicines are pre pared only by DR. SWA i'NE, N. W. corner of EIGHTH and RACE Streets, Philadel phia. AGENTS FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY. E. P. LUTZ A JOHN 11. MOTER, Bloomsburg, , Pa; M C Grier k John Moore Danville; John Sharnless& C Hartman & Co., Catawissa; G &II Shu man Catawissa Forge; Brown and Creasy, Mitfiinville; A Miller Berwick; John Doak Briar Creek tp.; Peter Eat Williams burg; E. Lazarus Orangoville; JK Millaid ! Espytown; Elias Werlmui Uohrsburg; Geo. r Musters Millvillo; J M Sheldon Jerseytown; McCay& Patterson Washingtonville; Hugh r McWilliams Moresburg; and by most all Slorekeepers in the adjacent Counties. ; Bloomsburg, Feb. 21, 1850.—tiro. For Rest. A largo and convenient dwelling house, and a suite of rooms suitable for a small fa mily, or for an office or shop. Enquire at this office. Young Ladies' Seminary, Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania. Rev. John Sinalley, A. M., Principal. Mrs. M. 11. Sinalley, Associate Principal, Assisted by two well qualified teachers. This Seminary is designed to afford as good an education, in both the solid and or namental branches, as can be obtained in any school in Pennsylvania Hence, instruc tion will be given in all the brandies usually taught in (he highest order of female schools The Summer Session will commence on Wednesday, the first day of May, and con tinue five mouths TERMS. For boarding, and tuition in all the En glish and Scientific branches, together with drawing, painting, and embroi dery, per session, S6O Extra —lnstruction on Piano, with use of instrument, per session, 20 Latin, French & Wax Flowers, eacli 5 Washing, per session, 4 lyTnirty dollars must bo paid in advance and the remainder at I lie close of the session For further particulars address Rev. John Sinalley, Muncy, Lycoming Couniy, Pa. BOOT AND SIIOL-: S TORE. New Arrangements and Great Bargains. Tho undersigned respecfully informs the ' citizens of Bloomsburgh and tho public in ! general,that lie has purchased Mr. Franlz's Boot <V Shoe Store and lias added largely to his stock, and will contiuuo the business at ' the same stand in the Exchange Building, . on Main Street, where he will bo happy to 1 receive the calls of old and new customers. Boots and Shoes, of every variety at prices to suit purchasers, kept constantly for sale, ' and customer's work made to order as usual. GTHe invites the custom of his old friends and the public, and hazards nothing in prom ising fat bargains. ' tx?-Stoic in the Exchange Building, Maine ' street, sign of the Golden Boot, i ' JOHN EGAN. ' Bloomsburgh, March 28, 1850. | ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. By virtue of an order of tho Orphan,* 1 Court of Columbia County Jacob R. llowej 1 Adrn'r. of John Shearman, deceased, will ' exposo to sale by public vendue at the pub ' lie house of Christian Shttmau, in Beaver ' township, on Saturday, the 20th day of A pr'l next, at 12 o'clock M. a certain tract of land situate iu Beaver twp., aforesaid, con taining 102} acres, adjoining lands of David Johnson, Peter and Jesse Roberts, Thomas Shearman, and other lands of said deceased, j. Terms and conditions made known on the . day of sale. By order of the Court. JACOB 11. HOWER, Adm. of John Shearman, dee'd. ' JACOB EVF.RI.Y, Clerk, O. C. March 28, ISso—ls. FOR RENT. THE subscriber offers for rent his house and lot upon IRON street near Bloomsburg. The house is a large two story frame build ing nearly new, situate on the best part of r the growing street for business. It is also a '. pleasant location, and offers a fine opportu nity to persons desirous of renting such property. The lot is a corner one, arid there is a good pump upon the porch at the side of the house. The property will bo rented on the most reasonable terms. Enquire of r ROBISON KAY. Bloomsburg, jl/arch 21st 1850. DON'T ALL SPEAK AT ONCE ! To HAVE tho best fitting suit in made by BERNARD RI'PERT, who (ft does Fashionable Tailoring as cheap & -.lT a little better than it can be done in town by any body else. He has just received the la test Fall Fashions, and with his experienc in I cutting garments, lie can promise the best satisfaction to those who patronize him. If CALIFORNIA Was to bo supplied with such garments as he turns off, a fair fortune might be made at once. His shop is on Main street below Mar ket, iu tho building lately occupied as an of fice by C. R. Buokalow. Es?"ll'j will take country produce for his work, and gold dollars will not be refused. I i Bloomsburg, Nov. 8, 1840—if. | WHITE SHA Pi I! tTTIT j Tho Subscriber begs leave to inform his • friends and the public in general that ho has i taken the WHITE SWAN HOTEL AND STAGE OFFICE, NO. 108, RACE STREET, Formerly kept by J. PETERS U SON. The I House being large and convenient, and in the business part of tho city, he hopes by strict attention to business, that his friends, and all who may come to the city on busi ■ ncss or pleasure, will give him a call. Ho pledges himself that nothing shall be wanting on his part to mako them at home. TERMS— One Dollar per day. GEORGE RAIIN, Formerly of Schuylkill County. I Philadelphia, March 22, 1849. f GIVE 'EM FITS I! Peter S. Leidy i Can manufacture just as neat and fashiona > ble a suit of clothing as any other tailor in ► these digtfius. As a sample of his work , m.mship, ho refers you to the BEST FITTING COX T To be found in the town, which is quite cer s tain to have come from his shop. lie regularly receives the latest city fash- I ions, and from his experience in the kusi t ness can ensure satisfaction iu his work, lie has also on hand an assortment of CLOTH; CASSIMEREB, & TRIMMINGS, At tho lowest prices, from which ho will make tip to order coats, pants, orvestsof any desirable stylo. TP*llis shop is on tho North side of Main Street, a few doors abovo tho Court-house. Bloomsburg, Feb. 14, 1850. Take Notice. ALL persons indebted to the snbscibors for six months or mote, are earnestly reques ted to call and settle the same by the last of this month, without fail. H. C. & I. W.IIARTMAN Bloomsburg, March 12,1850; TAJ LURING IN LUj7IT STREET - ! _____ JAMES SMITH Invitesjihe attention of the fashionable in i Light Street to Ins slsie of cutting garments I He makes them in the best and most tasty I manner, andjean can elisure satisfaction in i his warkmanihip. He receives tho latest fashions, and when 1 cutting onlp is desired, the work is marked carefully for tho maker. ; kinds of country produce taken in exchage for work. I Light Streot, Feb. 14, 1850. MOUNT VERNON HOUSE, NO. 95 NORTH SECOND STREET, PHIL ADELPHIA, PA. This houie is kept by D. BLAIR, and is one of the best in the city. Merchants and oth ers visiting Philadelphia would do well to give him a tall. 1 l)r. Keeler's Celebrated janitly Medicines. Dr. Keeler is a regular graduate from one of the best medical schools of tho country, ami a practising physician of tho city of Philadelphia. We take great pleasure in presenting those remedies to tho afllieted.— They are all of undoubted medical powers and hold out to the invalid a promise of re lief, such as nono others possess. They each have been thoroughly tried in a long successful private practice, and hav estab lished for themselves a reputation but few possess, and given better satisfaction to the atllicted than any of the boasted remedies of tho day. In oflering them to the public, the proprietor is influenced by no sinister motives of gain, but feels conscious that they arc eminently deserving of public con fidence. No medicines ever before the pub lie have acquired such deserved reputation upon their merits alone, or appeal with such irresistible force to the invalid. DR. KEELER S PANACEA, For the re moval and permanent cure of all diseases a risiug from an impure state of the lilood and habit of the body, viz: Chronic diseases of the Chest, Pleurisy, Bronchitis, Catarrh, etc., Scrofula in all its forms, Tetter, Scold Head, Cutaneous affec tions of the face and extremities, Chronic enlargements of the Joints, White Swelling, Syphlitic Affections;" Constitutional disorders, arising from debility, Mercurial and Heredi tary predispositions, &e. t'if' In every change that is taking place in the body, it is manifest that it is brought about by something having a substantive ex istence. If we suppose the organs of our body originally perfect, they must continue perlect unless changed by the intervention of something that bears an unhealthy rela tion to it. In all cases of disease, there must be the interposition of some new ingredient, which by playing its part as a course served to modify the properties before connected with the body. It is absurd to talk of spon taneous disease taking place in organs pre viously healthy, without the interposition of some inorbilic agent, as well might we ex pect a piece of chalk to transfer itself spon taneously into Plaster of Paris, without the aid of Sulphuric Acid. In all disease there is a prior cause which must be removed, through the agency of the Blood. For this purpose there is no remedy superior to the PANACEA. llf' In the evidence the following is sub mitted to the public: PHILADELPHIA, June 9th, 1847. Having been appraised of tho nature of the Panacea, it affords me much pleasure to bo able to recommend it as a valuable reme dy for those chronis, constitutional and glan dular diseases, to which it is especially a dapted. To those who are afflicted, and re quire medicine as an alterative cunnotohtaiti it in a more agreeable, active and uniform state, than is to be found in the Panacea. I have used it in several instances with deci ked and signal succes. Yours &c. D. Allison, 31. D. For details certificates. &c., see circulars, &c.—Price SI per bottle, largo size, 6 bottles DR. HEELER'S COUGII SYIIVP. Among all the remedies before tho public this stands pre-eminent in incipient Con sumption, Bronchitis, Catarrhs, Coughs, Hoarseness, Whooping caugh, Pleurisy, As thma, spitting of Blood, and for all affections of the pulmonary organs occasioned by cold. To much praise cannot be bestowed upon this remedy, and the proprietor urges any one afflicted with any of the above com plaints to secure it at one. It is warranted to cure or no pay. Price 50 cents. Dr. Kcclcr's Cordial and Carminitive. Every family whether rich or poor, who values health and all its blessings, should have this invaluable remedy at hand. It is infinitely the best remedy known for Diar rhea, dysentery, cholera morbus, cholera in fantum, cholio flatulency, griping pains, cramp, cel., and for all diseases of die sto mach and bowels caused by Teething. The numerous testimonials from Physicians and others unsolicited, has given it a reputation as tirm as adamant. Price 25 cents per hot ' tie. Dr. Heeler's Vermifuge Syrup. —This reme dy is pleasant to the taste, bunnies to the pa tient and all powerful in destroying and re moving all kinds of worms from the body. It is without doubt, the cheapest and best worm destroying medicine betore the public, and will if administered according to direc tions. remove them within sor (i hours after taken.—The dose is small, and each bottle contains twice as much as similar remedies. Price only 25 cents per bottle. 11 r. Keeler's Liver ami Sanative PILLS. Although not recommended as a '-'cure all," yet they are the mildest and best rem edy to remove Constipation, Jaudicc, Dys pepsia, Biliousness, nervousness, foul stom ach, head ache, indigestion, etc. Unlike other purgative medicine they leave the bowels always relaxed consequently are the proper medicine for females and persons leading- a sedentary life. Price 25ets. Lr. Keeler's Rheumatic Lotion. A justly celebrated external application for paiii3 ot the chest, neuralgia, head-ache, sprains, bruises, tie doloreanx swellings of the joints, rheumatism, gout, sciatica and for all disorders wherein a sedative and ru befacient remedy is applicable. Price 37F cts per bottle. All of tho above celebrated and extensive y used medicines, are prepared and sold Wholesale and Detail, 294 Market street, Philadelphia. For sale also by J. If. MOVER, Blooms burg; Chalfant & Hughes, and Dr. J. A. Moore, Danville; E. Franciscus, Jersey Shore: and. by Druggists#and Merchants throughout tho County and State. Bloomsburg, Nov. 22d., 1849. ly. Bl] R H I C K II 011 S E. And (nciicml Singe ttffiace. RV G. IV. NICELY. Tho subscriber has taken the large and commodious hotel in Berwick Pa., lately kept by Frederick Nicely., and refitted it up anew in a style comfortable and convenient for travellers and boarders. IDS TABLE will be supplied with the best prxliicts of tho markets atlbrd, and HIS BAR furnish the choicest liquors. Attentive hostlers will always he in atten dance, and by obliging attention to the wants of his patrons lie solicits a share of tho pub lic patronage. G. W. NICELY. Berwick Pa. April 19th 1849.-ly. 0. €. KAIILER, Attorney at Law and Counsellor, Respectfully informs his friends and tho pub lic that ho lias commenced the practice oi law in Bloomsburg, Columbia county, l'a., where he will promptly attend to all legal bu siness entrusted to his caro. Office on Main street, three doors south ot Hayhurst & Biddy's store. Bloomsburg, April 20, 1819. 11. W. Brown, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, Has just reeeived'tho Spring & Summer Fash ions, which he will use in cutting all gar ments entrusted to his care for making. Bloomsburg Feb. 28, 1850. KIEBICAL HOUSK, Established Fifteen Years ago, hi. Oil. liIMKLLLV, . A r . W. Corner of Third and Union *l> between Spruce and Fine xfrnts, PHILADELPHIA. Fifteen vcam of extensive nnd uninter v practice spent in thin city hnvo rendered i' . tho n;oht expert nnd sue. CSBI'UI practitioner fai O near, in the treatment ot all dituMeea of a priv 1 nature. Persona afflicted with ulrcra on the dy, throat ot legs, pains in (lie hern! or bone.4 mercurial rheumatism, strictures, grnvd, disci arising from you'hUl excesses or impurities the- blood, whereby the constitution has become 1 enfeebled, ure nil treated with success. 1 fie who places himself under tho care of Dr K. may religiously confide in his honor as a gen tleman, and confidently ie!y upon his suit! us a ' physician. Take Particular Notice ! ) Young mon who have injured themselves by n ; certain practice indulged in, a habit frequet t'y learned from evil companion!) or at school, the ei . feet- of which arc nightly felt, even when asleep and destroy both mind and body, should apply Im mediately. Weakness and constitutional debility loss of muscular energy, physical lassitude and general prostration, irralihility and all nervous uf , fVctions indigestion, sluggishness of* the liveufe I every disease in anyway connected with the dis order of tho procreativo functions cuied, and full vigor restored. 'i IN infill J rigorous Life, > Premature Death. , KINKELIN ON SELF PRESERVATION, Only 25 Cents. I This hook just published is filled with useful • information on the infirmities and diseases of the - generative organs. It addresses itself alike to S youth, manhood and old age, and should be reud - by nil. The valuable advice and impressive warning it gives, will prevent yeurs of misery and suffering and save annually thousands of lives. ' Parents by redding it will learn how to prevent the destruction of their children. ? A remittance of 2f rents enclosed in a letter, addressed to Dr. Kinkelin, N W corner of Th rd " nnd Union streets, between Spruce and Pino, in Philadelphia, will ensure a hook under envelop* per return of rnnil. f Persons ut a distance may address Dr K by i letter, (post paid) and ho cured at home. Packages of medicines,directions, fee. forward ed by sending a remittance, and put up secure from damage or curiosity. Booksellers, News Agents, Pedlars, Canvasses , and nil others t upplied with tho abeve work ut , veiy low rates. 2-1-ly AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS! 1 THE EXVY OF ALL PILL MANUFACTURERS. Because they are safer, better nnd more efi.c&ci ' ous than any others, and because the public will take no others if they can obtain tHVtn. 500,000 BOXES have? been sold annually for the last live years ? Young and old, male anil female, can alwnv:? | take tnern with equal safety, without fear. 4 IF FILLS BE NECESSARY . for purging anil cleansing ihc atnmacn ami ku vis, unJ purifying the blood and fluids of the b dy lake no others—-fur no other pills produce (he , combined cflecls, or cantain sarsapardla in thai 1 Eat, Drink, and Lire us Usual, l and pursue your usual oecupa ion whilst tailing them, without Icar of taking cold during all kind, of weather. ONE THOUSAND DOLLAT.S are wagered that more genuine ceriilicaics [from physicians,clergymen; Members of Uongiesa and j respect able citizens] can bo producad of their ef ficacy than of any others, and Ten Dollars r will bo forfeited in every instance where OM BOX > will not do mote good than two holes of any o „ there. Forty Pillc are in a Box.' nnd sold at Twenty-fivo Cents a Box, with direr ions and much wholesome advice accompanying each box 5 They have no tasis nor unpleasant smell • free front dust or powder of any k ; nd—do i, t • gripe the Stomach or bowels,—produce no sick - ncss, vomiting or bad feelings—they arc good at 3 all times, and adapted to most diseases common to 3 mankind. No one having once taking them noil a bo willing afierwards to tako any others, btcitieu s ulway. do good, and if they do not then no othcis will. Dr. N. 1). Lcidy, the Proprietor \ Maniifjcturcr, is a regular Druggist, Chemist and Physician, oi r lilieen years experii nco an Philadelphia; member ' of difl'erent Medical Institutions of Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Baltimore, Ac., and aasttriulo and corieseonding member of several Medical In " stitntioiis of London and Paris—hence theme 3 son of the greater confidence placed ill his pills, and there being recommended ill the practice of ' most respectable physicians throughout the Uui ' ted States. i Principal Depot, l)n. Ltanr's DITK-VSAIIV , No. 114 North Fottilh Street, Pltiludclphi l. aid - sold wholesale and retail by J. R. Mover & E. P. Lutz, Bloontsburg; Dr. ' A. B. Wilson, Berwick; Peter F.nt, S Light Street ; M. G. Shoemaker, Buckhorn ; J. A. Moore, Danville; Uicketts St Stewart, Orangeville; John SC mick, Catlawissa ; A. Lovers, Washingttmville : J. M. Sheldon, Jer seytown; J. F. L)err, Whitehall; J.S.Wood Coluntbus; Brown St Creasy, Mitllinsbur; E. Wertman, lthorsburg, and by Storekeeper generally. 49-ly I THE FORKS HOTEL. ~ Tito subscriber would inform his old friends J and tho public in general, that ho has taken ; tho well known stand recently kept by D: r iel Snyder, Esq., on the head of Main stn I, | in Bloomsburg, and will continue the pttl < ! house known by the Bign of "THE FORKS" where he is prepared to accommodate th • who may favot him with their custom, lbs ' arrangements arc complete, quarter- T>,l. ous — location pleasant, and without premis ing too much, ne flatters himself ho will LIO able to do ample justice to his guests. Stabling and the best fare f'JT horses, Htc SAMUEL BLUE. Bloomsburg, April 26. 1849. i €II.\RLES R. BOCK ALE T, : ATTCxttTJT AT LA7f. BLOOMSBURG, COL. CO., PA. OFFICE —Two doors below the Court-House, North side of Main Street. Nov. 8, 1849. R. W. WEAVER, . ATfOMII-AT-LAW . BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO., P OFFICE —On the East side of Main Street three equina below Market.