CB. IIOLDEN'S JEWELRY STORE. Where may always be found a very large and varied assortment of tine Welches, E legant Jewelry, Fancy Articles, fine Cut lery, Silver and Plated Ware, offers greater endueements to purchasers than any other similar establishment in Phila delphia. In addition lo my heretofore large stock I have just added a new lot of Watches, Jewelry, Fancy Articles, ij-., making my Jtresent assortment one of the best in Phil adelphia. My assortment consists in part of Gold and Silver Lever, f.epine, Quar ticr and other watches; a full assortment of Jewelry, such ns Cameo, Stone and Mourning Broaches, Finger Kings, in a great variety, Silver and Plated Table and Tea-spoods, Butter Knives, Thimbles and Pencil Cases, Lockets, Purses, Keys, n fine lolof Razors, Penknives, s*c., with a full assortment of Gold Pens of all the difierent Makers at the greatly reduced price ol t1,25. ELI UOLDEN. No, 238 Market St., above 7th, Phila. All kinds of Watches and Jewelry care fully repaired and warranted* My goods are offered at the very lowest cash prices. Call and sea, if costs nothing to look. Seplembar 20' 1818,—ly. WHOLES ALE AND RETAIL CLOCK STORE, No. 238 Market St. above Seventh, south side, Philadelphia. Although we can scarcely estimate the valuo of TIME commercially; yet by call ing at the above Establishment, JAMES BAKBER will furnish his friends, among whom he included all who duly appreci ate its fleetness, with a beautiful and per fect INDEX for marking its progress, of whose value they can judge. His extensive stock on hand, constantly clanging in conformity to the impnve menls in taste and style of pattern and workmanship, consists ol EIGHT-DAY and THIRTV HOOR Brass COUNTING House, PARLOR, HALL, CHURCH Alarm Clocks, French, Gothic and fancy styles, as well as plain, which from his extensive connection and correspondence with the manufacturers he finds that he can put at the Lowest cash Figure, in any quantity, from One lo a Thousand, of which he ; will warrant the accuracy. repaired and warranted.— Clock trimmings on hand. Call and see me among them. JAMES BARBER. 238 Market si., Phila. Sept. 20, '49-1 y Be Rise in Time!—'Tis Folly lo Defer I AFFLICTED READ ! ! Thousands are suffering from disease from which there is no difficulty in being perma nently relieved, provided the right means are used.—As every vice has its own pun ishment, so it would seem every disease has its remedy. This is true, and there is noth ing in this life more certain than that the American Compound is the most speedy and certain remedy for all diseases of a delicate character, known to the world. Adapted to every stage of the disease, sex and constitu tion, at all limes and seasons, there is no fear of exposure, detention from business nor restriction in diet, from the certain and speedy relief that it gives it is now one of tne most popular medicines of the day.— Ten Thousand cases have been cured effec tually by it during the past year. Prepared by a practical physician, the afflicted can re ly with confidence on its curative powers o ver diseases of this character. Full direc tions accompany each bottle. CAUTION. —Askf ir the American Com pound, and purchase only of the agents, 294 market sireet, Phila. For sale by J. R. MOVER, Bloomsburg Chalfant & Hughes, and Dr. J. A. Moore; Danville; E. Frauciscus, Jersey Shore. Bloomsburg, Nov. 22d, 1849.—3 m. HATS AM) CAI'S. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and customers, that ho has iust re ceived from the city, a large and select as sortment of FASHIONABLE Hats and Caps, of DURABLE MAKE AND IMPROVED STYLE, which he offers for cash sales very cheap, al his old stand, on Main Street, sec ond door South of the Court house. 13*" He continues to manufacture Hats to order as usual. THOMAS WILLITS. Bloomsburg, Nov. 15, 1849. MVEICY STABLE. NOAH S. PRENTISS the public to try&gfinSyjr' dZjkhis new stock'of horse* carriages and buggies, a variety of which can be found at his Livery Stable. Ho can always furnish hoftes and vehicles of the best kind, and on reasonable terms. He has recently added a number of fashionable ve hicles and good horses to his former stock. He will furnish to parties four horse convey ances with good and safe drivers, at very low prices. Call at tho lower end of Hopkinsville, on the East side of Main street. Bloomsburg, Dec. 13, '49-ly For Good Watches. Henry Zttppingor returns _ his thanks tor past patro nago, and invites tho pub jtkiv/ Ho to examine his new uis wfiti assortment of (jfcf i * ffiES CLOCKS, WATCHES, iim 7iT*i Tr ' "*i"Classes, and Keys, Balance Wheels, Jewels, which he offers for reasonable prices. lie will also re pair clocks, watches, and musical ami opti cal instruments in a satisfactory manner. His shop is in the middle room of tho Ex change block, nearly opposite to the Court House. Bloomsburg, Nov. 28, 1849. Executor's Notice. Notice is hereby given that letters Testa mentary upon the estate of Jeremiah Martz deceased, late of Orangeville, Columbia co., have this day been granted to tho under signed. Al! persons having claims against the estate are requested to present them to the undersigned, and those indobtedto mako immediate payment to JACOB D. KLINE ALFRED HOWEL, , Executors. Orangeville, March 11th 1850.—tit Bills Ofany desirable style, neatly and cheaply printed at this office. SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of a writ of fieri facias lo mo di rected, will he exposed lo sale on Monday, the 15th day of April, at 1 o'clock in the af ternoon, ai the Court House in Bloomsburg, a certain lot of ground situate in Anthony township, Columbia county, bounded by lands of Andrew Shoemaker, John E. Derr, and others, whereon is erected a Hvo-slory frame house, frame stable, and other out buildings, with the appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Robert 11 Cary ALSO, At the same time and place, a certain tract or piece of land situate in Sugarloaf town ship, Columbia county, containing 53 acres more or less, about 18 acres of which arc cleared, bounded by lands of John Laubach, Joshua Brink and others, whereon is erected a one story frame house, a frame wagonma ker shop, a log barn and other out buildings, with the appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Robert Campbell ALSO, By virtue of sundry writs of venditioni ex ponas to mo directed will he exposed topub j lie sale at the court house in Bloomsburg, on Monday the 15th day of April next, at one o'clock, P. M. the following parcels of land to wit: A certain lot of ground situate in Bloom township, Columbia county, in the town of Espy, containing one-third of an acre more or less, hounded in front by the road leading from Bloomsburg to Berwick, B Vanauker k by an alley along the Pennsylvania Canal, whereon is erected a two story frame dwell ing house, a frame shop, a frame stable, and other out buildings with the appurtenances. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Alex McKainy. ALSO, A certain lot No 4 in block No 5 in the plot of North Danville Columbia co hounded by Milton street on the West, lot belonging to Alexander Montgomery's heirs, on the North by an alley on the East, and a lot ol Mr. Bickley on the South, whereon is e i reeled a two storyframe dwelling house with basement story, lot forty live ieet front and one bundled feet deep with the appur tenances. Seized taken in execution and to ho sold as the property of David J Davis, ALSO, A certain lot of ground situate in Mahon ing township, Columbia county, containing one-eighth of an acre more or loss, hounded by lands of James Keneption, Edward Halh aivay, Philip Sidler and others, whereon is erected a large two story frame dwelling house with the appurtenances. Seized taken in execution and lo be sold as the property of Thomas Bobison. ALSO, A certain tract of land situate in Madison township Columbia county, beginning at a sione, corner of land of Benj Wintersteen. thence by tho same East one hundred and 30 perches to a post on a line of James Pep pards land, thence by the same North 162 perches and nine-tenths to a stono corner of land sold to David Miller, thence by the same West 95 perchos aud nine-tenths to a stone corner of lauds sold to Daniel Deick, thence by tho same South 98 perches to a chestnut and stile, by the same west 81 and three-tenths perches to a stone corner, thence by lands sold to Thomas Cox and William VVinlersteen South 04 and eight-tenth perch es to the piace of beginning; containing one hundred and twenty four acres and twelve perches and allowance Also one other tract of laud situate in Madison township Colum bia county, bounded and described as fol lows: beginning at a small chestnut in a line of John Low and John Fleck, thence by the same East 111 perches to a stono heap, aud thence by other lands of which this was a part, South 98 perches to a small chestnut. West partly by the same and partly by land sold to Thomas Cox 11 1 and three-tenths perches to a post about two perches from a small run, thence by said land sold to Thos Cox North and crossing said run, thence 98 perchos to tho place of beginning, containing 66 acres and allowance, whereon is erected a log house, and an apple and peach orchard. There are about 25 acres of cleared and im improved land. Seized taken in execution as the property of Thomas' Maschell. ALSO. j A certain tract of land situate in Valley j Township, Columbia County, Containing five acres more or less. Bounded by lands J of Samuel A/idillcton, and others, whereon I is erected a log house and a log barn, with the appurtonancos. Seized and taken in Execution as the prop erty of Eli Row. ALSO. A cetfain lot of Ground situate in the new part of Danville, Mahoning township Colum | bia County, containing one-eiglith of an a cre, more or less, bounded by lands of Heath, and a new street, and others, where on is erected a two story frame Dwelling, with a small Back Kitchen with the appur tenances. Seized and taken in Execution as the prop erly of Anthony Dishey. ALSO, A certain lot of ground situate in Beaver township, Columbia county, containing thir teen acres more or less, bounded by lands of Jacob Hinterlitcr, Jacob Hostler and others, whereon is erected a frame house and a frame barn with the appurtenances. Seiz.ed, taken in execution as the property of Moses Moyer. ALSO A certain tract of land situate in Jackson township, Columbia county, containing 80 acres more or less, of which about 25 acres aro cleared, bounded by lands of Joint Kile. Samuel Kitchin and others, whereon is erec ted a one and a half story log dwelling house, a frame %ank barn, n saw mill, and other out buildings with tho appurtenances. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Elisha Hess, now in the possession of Lafayette Kessler. ALSO, By virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas to mo directed will be exposed to public sale at lite Court House in Bloomsburg, on Satur day, the 13th day of April, at 2 o'clock, P M all that certain tract or piece of land Bituate in Roaringcrcok township, Columbia county, containing 50 acres more or less, bounded by lands ot Philip Yost, Conrad Yost and others, whereon is erected a two story log dwelling house, and a log shop, with the ap purtenances. Seized, taken in execution and to bo sold as tho property of Peter Miner. PETER BILLMYER, Sheriff, Sheriffs Office, Bloomsburg, ) March 12, 1850. J A House & Lot at Private Sale. J&agA THE subscribers offer to pur chasers, at private sale, a houso jw9jl|Kaml lot upon tho Main Sireet of Bloomsburg. in tho business part of the town, between the two principal hotels, and only a little more than a square from tne Court House. The lot fronts 66 on Main street and extends 2144 feet back. The house is a large stone dwelling, and the properly in every way offers a fair chance to any person wishing a residence or business location in tho county-seat. For terms in quire of A. H. ELLIS. Bloomsburg, or C. D. GEARHARt Berwick To Taxables. Notice is hsreby given, that in pursuance of the Act of Assembly, the Commissioners of Columbia county will bold their appeals to remedy any irregularities or errors which may exist in the assessments of taxables, throughout the county, at the usual places of holding the general elections in the several townships, at the following dates respective ly, between tho hours of 10 A M and 3 P M In Bloomsburg, on Friday, April 26 ' Catfawissa, ' Monday, '29 1 Franklin, ' Tuesday. ' 30 ' Roaringcreek, ' Wednesday, May 1 ' Maine, ' Thursday, ' 2 ' Beaver, 1 Friday, ' 3 ' Milllin, ' Saturday, ' 4 ' Orange, ' Monday, ' 6 ' Centre, ' Tuesday, ' 7 ' Briarereek, ' Wednesday ' 8 ' Fishingcreek, ' Thursday, ' 9 ' Sugarloaf, ' Friday, ' 10 ' Jackson, ' Saturday, ' 11 ' Greenwood, ' Monday, ' 13 1 Alt Pleasant, ' Tuesday, ' 14 ' Hemlock, ' Wednesday, ' 15 1 Madison, ' Thursday, ' 16 1 Anthony, ' Friday, ' 17 1 Limestone, ' Saturday, ' 18 ' Berry, ' Monday, ' 20 ' Liberty, ' Tuesday, ' 21 ' Valley, ' Wednesday, ' 22 ' Danville, ' Thursday, ' 23 1 Mabonir.g, ' Friday, ' 24 ' Montour, ' Saturday, ' 25 All persons considering themselves aggrie ved by any error in their assessment can at tend at the above times and places, if they think proper. JAMES LAKE, 1 BARMAN LABOR, 1 Corn's. JOSEPH YETTER,) WESLEY RO.VT, Clerk. Bloomsburg, March 20, 1850. MOT ICE TO CAPTAINS OP VOL UNTEER COMPANIES. By the sth Section of the Militia Law of 1849, it is made the duty of the captain or commanding officer of each company in full uniform to furnish a copy of the roll of said company, under oath or affirmation, to the County Commissioners, designating the bo rough or lownshipin which each member re sides. The 25th day of April has been appointed for receiving a copy of the roll of each com pany in the county, and each captain or commanding officer is requested to attend at the Commissioners' Office in Bloomsbtfrg on that day, prepared with a copy of the roll of his company. By oruer of the Commissioners, WESLEY BOAT, Clork. Bloomsburg, March 20, 1850. Register's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given to all legatees, creditors and other persons interested in the states of the respective decendenta and mi ors that the following administration and uardia n accounts have been filed in the Of fice of the Register of the county of Colum bia. and will be presented for confirmation and allowance to tho Orphan's Court, to bo held at Bloomsburg, in and for the County aforesaid, on Wednesday the 17ih day of April next at two o'clock, P. M. 1. The account of Joshua Webb, and Sol omon Neyhard, executors of the last will and testament of Joshua Webb, late of Centre township, Columbia county, dee'd. 2. The Supplementary and final account of Samuel Mellick, adm'r of the estate of John Bright, late of Bloom township, Col umbia county dee'd. 3. The account of Jesse Shanon, guar diau of the person and estate of Angelina Paul, now Angelina Egan, one of the" chil dren of Wm. Paul, late of Bloom tp., Col umbia county, dee'd. 4. The account of William Girton, guar dian of Catharine Nicholas, a daughter of George Nicholas, dee'd.—said Catharine, al so now deceased. 5. The account of John Hendrickson, Ex ecutor of the last will and testament of Ab salom Cole, late of Liberty township, Col umbia county dee'd. 6. The first and final account of George Zaner, admr., of tho estate of George Zaner, late of Briorcreek township, Columbia coun ty dee'd. 7. Tho account of Solomon Neyhard, ad ministrator, of the estate of Susanna Tum linson, late of Centre township, Columbia county, dee'd. 8. The account of Jacob Hartman, admr., of the estate of John Hartman, lateof Hem lock, township, Columbia county, dee'd. 9. The account of John R. Moyer, admr., of the estate of William S. Smith, late of Bloom township, Columbia county, deceas ed. 10. The account of John Richard, admr., of the estate of Valentine Hock, late of Hemlock township, Columbia county, de ceased. 12. The final account of Michael Sanders and Michael Wertman, Executors of the last will and testament of Michael Sanders, late of Montour township, Columbia County, de ceased. JESSE G. CLARK, Register. Register's Office, j Bloomsburg, A/arch 20, 1850. j Cioodaml C'lienp Watches. JEWELRY AND SILVER-WARE, wholesale and retail,at No. 90 North 2nd street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. Gold lever watches, full jewelled, 18 caret cases. S3O and upwards. Sdver lever do, full jewelled, $lO and upwai Js. Silver lepine do, jewelled, 811 and up; wards. Silver quartier watches, from $5 to 10. Gold pencils, from $1 50 to 87 - Superior gold rings, from 37 to 80 cts. Other articles in proportion. All goods warranted to be what tltey are sold for. Constantly on hand, a full assortment of fine GOLD JEWELRY and SILVER WARE. Also, an assortment of M. J. Tobias & Co. ; E. Simpson Samuel and Brothers; E. S. Yates Co.; John Har rison ; G. ever recorded, and are daily accomplishing 1 the restoration of persons after having tried ' in vain to obtain relief from any other | source. One of the Proprietors is a regular physician of extensive experience, who de votes his time exclusively to their prepera ' lion. For FEVER & AGUE, they have ncv j. or yet failed. At least one thousand cases in the neighborhood of Philadelphia, have been cured since the first of Sept, last. lit Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Liver Complaint, Scrofula, for Worms, and all other diseases of children, they are unequalled by anything ever prepared for the purpose, while for the various diseases of Females there is no me dicine can compare with them. There is more of them sold—they are in greater de mand than any other pill—and when once introduced in a family, they need no other medicine. . Each box containing Fifty Pills, renders them the cheapest, while they are ' decidedly the best, as well as the mildest in j aetion, of any now in the market. i The Editor of the "City Item," thus speaks of them: EST READER, you are suffering from fever and ague, and you have never tried Wors dell's Vegetable Restora ive Pills. Shake no more. There is still hope for you—you may yet be cured- Go, or send at once to A. Weeks & Co., 70 North Eighth street., and procure a box of these unrivaled pills, which are a sovreigu antidote for this distressing complaint. Col. Forney of the Pennsylvanian, says : WORSDELI.'S PILLS.—This excellent family medicine is daily winning new triumphs over disease, and consequently in the high road to public favor. In the removal of the every day ills that flesh is heir to, we know of no better compound. We heard the oth er day of a desperate case of scrofulous o ! ruptions of the head and face being enirely cured by them. Du Sollc of the "Times," says : tj?* The great popularity of Worsdell's . Vegetable Pills, is attributed to the just mer it which they really possess. They have been quietly gaining the fame they now • have, by the force of their own virtues. The means usually employed to give eclat to new remedies have not Ijeen adopted by the proprietors. They have been content let their medicine speak for itself. It is now doing it in every section of the country. They arc for salo by most of the Store Keepers throughout the Country,and in quan tities at reasonable rates, at the Laboratory No 70, North Eighth Street. A. WEEKS & Co., Proprietors. Agents, JOHN R. JI7OYER, Bloomsburg: E. Lazarus, Orangeville, M. G. Shoemaker, Buckhorn, Funston & Diefenbach, Jerseytown, M. C. Grier, Danville, C. Hartman & Co., Cattawissa, and by most merchants throughout the uountry. To Physicians, Druggists and Country MERCHANTS. Dr. J. N. Keeler and Bro. most respectful ly solicits attention to their fresh stock of English, French, German and American Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Varnishes, Paints, Oils, Dye Stufls, Glass ware, Perfumery, Pa tent Medicines &c. Having opened a new store No. 294 Market St. with a full supply of Fresh Drugs and M edicines, we respect fully solicit Country dealers to examine ou stock before purchasing elsewhere, promis ing one and all who may feel disposed to extend to us their patronage, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medicines, on as liberals terms as any other house in the City, and to faithfully execute all orders entrusted to us promptly and with dispatch. . One of the proprietors being a regular physician, affords ample guarantee ol the genuine quality of all articles sold at their establishment. We especially invite druggists and country merchants, who may wish to become agents, for Dr. Feeler's Celebrated Family Medicines, (standard and popular remedies,) to forward their address. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we re spectfully remain, J. N. KELLER & BRO., Wholesale Druggists, No. 294 Market street. Phila.-33-ly. THOUSANDS HAVE GONE TO CALI FORNIA, but the business of Coach and Wagon making will be continued by the sub scriber at the old stand on Market street. Ho will promptly attend to all orders for work in his line of business, and is always ready, at. short notice, to furnish Wagons, Coaches Carriages, Buggies, Sleds and Sleighs of any style ;Tmt always of tho best materials, and made in tho most substantial manner. He will give his personal attention to the business, and employ none but good work men. Repairing will be attended to with care, and upon the most reasonable terms.— He proposes to serve his customers to such work as will secure for him a continuance o their patronage, and from all who need arti cles fit his line of business. He asks only a trial of his work to insure satisfaction. JONATHAN BloomtAmrgt Feb. 18, 1849.