The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, March 28, 1850, Image 2
" I!. \v. KUVtlli KI'!Wl;s" U4ooiu<-burg, Thursday, Karchlßso. rvv: I? PA I ■MEB, general newspaper, sub > iripticm, afilttd utilising agent, N. IV. Corner t>l Third diuL£Jitshuit streets, Philadelphia, Yhird nn/t Whhn4 %*y^i^7tli7^iclmnTe' > 6 ' U*UMM: I'n.vrr. I*4 -Nassau street, New York, V'iil. receive (lint receipt far imbscriptions and atlvaitscmeqlejor, the -Star of the North." tVC. PI'.IKCE (Jeiicrul Advertising Agent, Bulletin Buildings Philti., J* ,Jso agent for sub scription and advertising iit the Star of the North. M. GUMORK, SR., trill net as our agent at Berwick, Pa., in receiving ami receipting for subscriptions, advertisements and job-work. Ad vertisements left with him on Tuesday will ap pear in our paper of the same week. All orders or job-work trj t with him trill be attended to im mediately. Prejudice and !*> iuoiple. What vrc most deprecate in politics is the system of man-worship so common among the toadies and hangers-on who have no o pinions of their own. Thoy do not look to the elevation anil progression of a principle, but, with thorn, every thing is a personal pre . direction for men. They vote according to their passions and prejudices, and cannot be brought to look upon caria idates as the expo nents and embodiments of principles. Thoy cannot view a candidate as the representa tive of certain political ideas. Their political laith is in favors, cleverness aisd generosity -in a cold calculation of dollars and cents ; und not in any devotion to justice or proprie ty. They vote fur a man because he will ei- [ ther let them rob him, or will aid them to 1 plunder somewhere else. They do not re- j yard t]je fitness or honesty of a candidate, j but otily ask how much can bo made out of j him. They aro not satisfied to see their j party triumphant, but tho standard bearer ! must be their especial friend Colonel Guz- i zleem, or else tlicy cannot fight. In fact, ' these men only wage a dirty, dishonorable I warfare for thoso whose supple tools they j arc, and have up political faith to contend I for. With them every thing is impttlsc, and j their motto is "rule or ruin.'"' This servile man worship maybe worthy of those who livo under a monarchical gov- ; eminent, but it does not becomo republican America. The great distinguishing charac- | teristio of a Pemocratic government is tnat ' its peoplo should think for themselves. A j republic in which a majority of tho citizens will not take the (rouble to form correct opin ions, can only continue to exist by accident. | and that man who merely votes from perso- j ual preference without regard to principle or j to the fitness of a candidate, is not only a j dangerous citizen, but it> fact a libel upon our repuclican institutions. Democracy has a higher and a holier aim 1 than to work for any one individual alone, It looks to tho welfare of Iho whole country, and to t'oo success and triumph of correct I political principles. Its object is above sel- i fisbness and sycophancy. A good democrat democrat cares first for the success of his po litical faith, and looks to the elevation of men in his parly only as a mean 6 of good, and not as the end of political organization. As to J whom shall be the candidates of his party he j cares not, so that they be good men and true. The late Judge Cooper. A bill is before the U. S. House of Repre sentatives, to pay to tho heirs of the late Dr. Cooper the sum of .S4OO, with fifty year's in terest, the sum being the amount of a fine j unforced upon Dr. Cooper for an alleged li bel on President John Adams, under the Well known alien and sedition laws. This, we balieve, is the Dr. Cooper who at one time tvas Present Judge of this Ju dicial district. He had been an English bar- | lister, and immediately on his arrival iu this |, country commenced an attack upon I'rcsi- j, dent Adams, which was felt by the adminis- j trillion as a serious blow. Ve was prosecu- ■ ted by the government under the alien and 1 sedition law, and imprisoned, tried and fined. In the confinement of his jail he was a mar- 1 ked object of attention and sympathy, and ; immediately upon his release, he attained a high consideration iu the esteem of tho libe- j ral minded men of the country, lie was ap- ! j pointed a Judge, arid became the author of a , number of legal and scientific works. His intelligence was of a high order, and his mind wa stored with a most rich and varied I fund of general knowledge. ESTTho sickness of one of our hands has l aliltlo ('played tho issue of ourprcseu'. num ber, and compels us to give less reading J matter than usual, but this our patrons must forbear with for once, as wo usually treat I' them io a full feast of good things. , Bluamsburg Academy. —The public cxami- | < I nation and exhibition of Mr. Bradley's scho- . I lars look place last Friday. The exercises , which wo witnessed in the cvoniug were . rrcdilablu to both preceptor and scholars,and , tho interest luaujtested by the parents speaks < well for llio cause of education among us. | ,-t- - m • ts*'Auhe lima of going to press we have i no news of any definite action in tho House I upon "Metitour" county. The statement in t some Philadelphia papers of its passage on Tuesday, was simply a blunder of the Tele- 1 graph. f £ tyCongress has spent another week iu j fruitless talk upon tho slavery cpieslion. 'Fhe i proceedings of that body aro most flat, stalo { and unprofitable., . ... .... . , ryriio apportionment bill passed the So- r nate fast Tuesday in committee of the whole, f and was made the order of the day for Wed- f needay, and every day thereafter until dispo- t ed of. £ 1 "AirrvTDTJR" COIJNI Y. ' . We have received, tlmtogh tho kjndne m a.npcmber of gm I louse, a oppy of i printed statompnt fijtuishoj&to members ii favorgf" "Mentouflji County, undesigned by JohrTSnopcf '*nd 'ffhers of W< hesitation false and shameless document; and if it is i fair sample of the electioneering going on a Harrisburg by Best and his supporters, it wil be no wonder if many mombors gain a very . improper idea of llpj merits of the divisioi ' IWB. i. j Jho bold and unscrupulous assertion of in ' justice in the proceedings of our courts, i; ' hazarded b£ mhn'' who know ifs entire fa! i sity. > An "existing bitter personal hostility be tween the eastern and western parts of tin I county," is also alledged without any ade • | quale foundation in fact. R is known tha | the Removal question was sottled in 1845 by a vote of about two to ono in its favor, am | from that time until last winterno local ques | tion existed. This now county project was started for tho first time last winter by Best At this moment offices in the county are dis ; tributed as follows : In the new County dis j trict —Senator, Representative, Sheriff, Reg. ! ' Plc f & Recorder, Treasurer, a Commissionei j and an Auditor, a majority of whom are, in fact, division men. There has been no such ! "bitter hostility' asis pretended, nor has pro. | scription or injustice been manifested toward the western part of the county. All state ments nf thai cHiraoler uro mud 1] abroad j simply for ell'eet, and to subserve selfish and improper purposes. A long and labored complaint is made that the county has expended money upon the public property here in violation* of the Re j rnoval act, and tho facts in relation to that ; object are entirely perverted. The county J statements show that the outlays have not j conflicted with tha Removal act at all, but | have been unexceptionable as well as neces ! sary. j 'J he false and foolish assertion that "by j the division the seat of justice in Columbia | would bo tnoro central than it is at present," | affords a good idea of the lark of truth and j fairness in the whole of this extraordinary j document in favor of division, j It cannot bo possible that members will j vote for Best's iniquitous n.r.j injurious bill | upon the ground tt.t it has any merit. Its passage would be an outrage of no common TiSgnitude, and the abiding impression upon I the publio mind would bo that it was accom | plished by corrupt influences A Senator j who pledged himself to his corstituents a gainst such a project when elected, puts him i self into the market and expects to rend and j destroy this county by hawking his vote in the halls of legislation 1 It cannot be possi- I ble that such perfidy aud corruption will be j successful ■ the Representatives of the peo j pie will not become parlies to this projected , aud infamous outrage. Allegheny County. I The Democrats of Allegheny county met | at Pittsburg last Friday, and chose Henry S Magraw, J B Guthrie, Perry Baker, C Barnet j and Alexander Black delegates to the Wil liamsport Convention, vith inslructionß to support tho nomination of Nimrod Strickland through every ballot- Upon this tho Pitts burg Post says : "It will be gratifying to the good Democrats of the State to learn that our County Convention, by an almost unanimous vote, instructed the delegates to support Nim rod Strickland, of Chester county, for Canal Commissioner. Tho Judge is well known in tho East and throughout tho State as s ra dical democrat, and a man whose private life" is abovo reproach. He is also competent to discharge the. duties of the office. Tho east has spoken for liim, and tho voice of the west is rising in his behalf. We anticipate the almost unanimous nomination of Judge Strickland by the William.\oort Convention." 6irThe Telegraph wires aro being put up on the routo between Berwick and Danville. They are already put up through our town, and the work is going on below. ".W On last Thursday the bill to allow tho peoplo to elect the Auditor General and Surveyor General at the next fall election passed the Senate on filial reading by a vole of 28 to 4, a decided vote. Tho bill had previously passed the House. The Williams port State Convention will therefore have tho duty of nominating those officers, whoso terms ofoffco will bo three years. CSP I.ovi I, Tate has enlarged his nowspa- j per, and engaged J. G. Freeze, Esq. as As sistant Editor. PEN NSY L V ANIA I, EGJSLAT U HE. (Correspondence of the Stir.) I IAUKISDCRG, March 25, 1850. MESSRS. EDITORS : To-day an attempt was mado to get up the Montour county bill, but without ef fect. Thebill, apart from what can be mado out of tho apportionment bill by a trade,can not make a respectable appearance in tho House, The apportionment bill is yot suspended like Mahommet'scoffin. It will bo amended and re amended until it shall look like every thing else than a reasonable bill.' Columbia and Sullivan will bo left together for two members, and Columbia and Luzerne for a Senatorial district. It is a matter of open boast here that Best will vote for just such an apportionment bill as will secure him the most votes for Montour connty, without tho loast reference to the character or merits of the bill ho shall voto for. The divorce cases are the groat affairs here. The Senate Committee have reported favorably to Mr. Forrest's case, and there are several distinguished Philadelphians hero to press it through. Tho Middleton case has been brought up, and tho bill indtreolly de feated. _ Tho session is not likly to close before the middle of April, and now, as the end draws nigh, tho strange things happen. An appro priation bill must pass, and this, with the ap portionment bill, will take up the time until the session ends. Meanwhile you will hear from me again. J. CyThe following Statement in relation to Best's hat bee*ptiu(ed HW laid before meggers or tho Muse. ■ n give it a plage IUI week |ocaufe it is a jMt view of the subffcet, anf.may afford fuller ; information to geiitleirfq who fe ceivo ou^paper, 1 Ihan they already posskis 8 in the itlatter. a at HI SUGGESTIONS Against the Erection ot "Montour County" out of I'nrts of Co lumbia. Too the Senate and Iloiisc of Representatives n- of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania —Tire is undersigned, citizens of Columbia connty, rl- part of whom reside within the limits of the proposed new county of "Montour," respect e- fully state, on behalf of thoir fellow citizens ie the following facts and outlines of argument e- against tho election of said now county : at 1. Tho county of Columbia ranks among iy the small counties of tho Stale, and although nt generally settled, contains but 6721 taxables s- according to tho recent numeration, is 2. Tho seat of justice is located at tho con it. tre of-the county, and is of convenient ac -- cess to all our citizens. From Bloomsburg, s- the seat, to Danville, the distance is but 10 r. miles—to Berwick, on the opposito side of )r tho county, but 12 miles, and to the most n distant part of the county but little over 20 1, miles. )• 3. Good new publio buildings have been d recently erected at Bloomsburg, and are now i- in the use of tho county, requiring but slight il | outlays for a long period to keep them ill d repair. For these buildings and the ground on which they are situate, the sura of about it $12,000 has been subscribed and paid by in p Ji"idua!s, in expectation that the county i- j should remain as at present, it | 4. The courts of the county aro not bur y j thoncd with business. Litigation is limited, it | and upon more than one occasion, within a t few years, our courts have adjourned as early . as the foul tli day after their meeting,tor lack of business.j f 5. Tho division proposed would cast upon , our cHi/.ens tho support of two county orga i nizatiohs instead of one, against the wishes 1 and earnest rcmonstranoeof all remaining , in the old county, and a largo part of those included in tho new. 1 8. The new county would be exceedingly I small in territory, wretched in shape, and its support a grievous burden upon its citizens. Further, it is noyioTr, aud never would be, entitled by- its number of taxables, to a sep arate representation in the Legislature. 7. The division line of the proposed new county cuts through, in an inconvenient and oppressive manner, no less than four lown- I ships, throwing the burthen upon the people , of supporting/our additional township organ . izations and severing those ties of intercourse , and neighborship which have heretofore ex isted. I 8. Deducting Danville and its immediate neighborhood, (including a large foreign pop ulation there resident,) a heavy portion of those living within tho bounds of the propo -1 sed now county are opposed to it. A majo rity of Franklin township are so opposed and have remonstrated accordingly. In the parts of Roaringcreclc and Madison included, the i majority against division is still more decid l ed. Near one half of Anthony and Limestone respectively, have remonstrated, and the part of Hemlock included is about equally divided. • 9. The erection of the new county start into life two local questions already contom ' plated :—First, the annexation of a portion ' of Luz.erne to Columbia, and second, tbo an ' nexatiou of a portion of Northumberland to this now county of "Montour." These pro jects would be plausible, ana xvould be ne cessary to both counties, requiring, as they would, additional teriilory. The foregoing considerations are but a ' part that might be urged against "Montour,, county, but they are believed to be more i than sufficient to shjw the highly injurious . character of that protect. , Tho atteution of members is respectfully direced to the map of our oounty, as abun- Jjmt evidence, of itself, to prove that no coUDtJ* can be cut from the western side of Columbia, without deeply and disastrously affecting public and private interests. But. it is alleged that excitement exists, with reference to this subject, that will con tinue until a couu'.y is granted. —None ex ists except that produced by efibrts of inter ested persona for division, and they aro not at liberty to make the results ol their act tho i very reason to justify it! Besides, we do not j doubt that if this project is Ejected, it will I not again trouble tho legislature. It derives consequence solely from a posture of affairs that will terminate with the present session, and will riot probably ocour again during the present century. The undersigned emphatically deny the existence of partiality, oppression, or injus tice, cither in tho administration of justice or the transaction of county bpsiness in Col umbia. Imputations of that character, il made, must be urged simply because no good reason exists for cutting lip tho county, and some pretext must therefore be sought to urge in its justification. This division project, was first agitated last winter—it has no merit—it is of injurious tendency to all concerned —and if defeated now, will be unheard of hereafter. Such is the deliberate judgment of tho uudersigned, and they therefore trust that the legislature, after an examination of the subject, will be "opposed to any division or other dismem ■ berment of Columbia county." Respectfully submitted SAMUEL OAKS, DANIEL SNYDER, E. C. THOMPSON. JNO. McUEYNOLDS, JOHN F. DERR, EMANUEL LAZARUS, STEPHEN'BALDY, JOHN S. FOLLMER, THOMAS A. FUNSTON, GEORGE SMITH, ' CHARLES R. B'JCKALEW, Of" A yount* gentleman steped tn a book store, and said he wanted to get a /Young Man's Companion. " Well, sir,"Btv'id the' The new is sued from the Mint, RiMfe ofCaliforfisa gold, it has been proposed, oSst appropriately, to t s'yle "Washingtonp." jTliey jpe about tho • size of the silvor dollaq/btU ohjloursa consid * erable heavier. On oroide if has tho old original head of "Liberty," with the w4fc 'liberty' across the forehead, surrounded by I the thirteen stars, and stamped "lido." 'i 'Oil ■ the rcvorse is lire coat of arms of the Union, being tho figure of aq eagle .with spread , wings, 4( thffcreu'. ifesifn to those 011 any , oilier oTiyo I iraflch and shield, and the m'otto t; E Pluribus Ur.nm" on , scrolls on either side. The eagle is surround . Ed with the words "Unjtedf States of Ameri , ca," "Twenty D.," and has immediately [ over it, a circle of thirteen small stars. It is a most substantial and beautiful coin, and , will be both useful and convenient. 1 THE WEBSTER TRIAL. —This trial increases in interest, and the excitement in Boston has reached a high pith. The testimony of Lit tlofield, the Janitor of the College, is clear in its details, and is not shaken by the cross examination. What course the defence in tends to pursuo is not yet manifest. They seem to be waiting some favorable turu in the testimony of the prosecution that they may take hold of to their advantage. If ,they have any rebuting testimony to the many circumstances which bear against the prisoner they have not yet given any inkling of it. The trial lias now reached lis highest point of interest, and its course is eagerly watched by the public, who have given more attention to this oxlriordinary trial than has been given perhaps to any trial tho last twenty years. THE UNITED STATOS SENATE'— The one tbioi of this body, belonging to the class whose term expire with the present session of congress, consists of 12 Democrats and 8 Whigs. The twelve scats vacated by Dem ocrats are one each from Florida, Indiana, lowa, Maine, Mississippi' Michigan, Miss ouri, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, Vir ginia, and Wisconsin; the eight by Whigs are from Connecticut, Delaware, Massachu setts, Maryland, New Jersey, Ohio, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Two of of those va cancies liaye already been supplied by the re-election of the present incumbents, Mr PKATT of Maryland, and Davis of Mississippi. Tse filling of the sthers will lend peliar inter est to the State election this year. Thus on the 4th March. 1851: DW F S Senators hold over, 21 17 2 To be filled, 12 8 0 Tuxables in Comity Towns. Gettysburg, 451 Pittsburg, 9176 Kittauing, 346 Beaver, 487 Bedford, 225 Reading, 8349 Holltdaysburg, 553 Tow anda, 256 Doylestown, 259 Butler, 276 Mautli Chunk, 400 Bellefotue, 283 West Chester, 596 Clarion, 148 Clearfield, 109 Lock Haven, 168 Meadville, 471 Carlisle, 979 Harrisburg, 1703 Erie, 1 187 Uniontown, 582 Chambersburg, 659 Indiana, 186 Brookville, • 177 York, 1598 Lancaster, 3043 Lebanon, 457 Allentpwn, 802 Wilkesbarre, 503 Williamsport, 664 Mercer, " 246 Lewistown, 520 Norristown, 996 F.aßlon, J399 Sunbury, 282 Bloom tie Id, 136 Philadelphia city, 22730 Coudersport, 64 Potlsville, 1231 Somerset, 179 ► Montrose, 164 Wellsborough, 144 New Berlin, 153 Franklin, 205 Warren, 215 Washington, 575 Ilonesdale, 342 TunklMMpck, 124 MifUintown, 400 Tho boroughs having taxables over 1000, are Harrisburg, York, Easton, Pottsville and Erie. A NEW ARTICLE or FOOD.—A new article of palatable food is some attention. It is called meat biscuit, and consists in an improved process of preserving the nutritious properties of meat, or animal flesh, of any kind, by obtaiiuning the concentrated extract of it, and combining it with flour or vegota blo meal, and drying or bakiug tho mixture in an oven, in the form of a biskuit or crack er. 0110 pound of this bread contains the essence, or extract, of more five pounds of meat, (including its usual proportion of bone.) and one onnce of it will make a pint ot rich soap. Fi? e ounces a day would be an am ple supply for one man. THE FORREST DIVORCE CASE. —It is the goncral impression at that the Forrest divorce bill will pass the Senate, but be defeated in the House, as the public mind has been thoroughly awakened to the evil of these constant applications for legis lative divorces, when the courts are knq-^ u | to havo all tho power necessity i 0 ibjyjjg any tenable ground of iction,--Besides, the raysteriou" jn fluencg s within and without tho halls of le£ : 11( j a ti oll have created suspicion Something wrong. / u Tho business on the Pennsylvania Canal ha 9 been very largo since Its opening. Tpn thousand dollars for transportation were re ceived in tolls at Pittsburg in four working days. This shows how groatly this trade is increasing on our internal improvements. — The canals are now iii fino order, and boats are daily arriving at Pittsburg from the East, laden with dry good* or gciiPrul merchandise Thp Etvjyhmit and hhc Canpl. er J Elephants hav* the b4te'rest enmity,, to ' camels.-WhoitTlio cam#w soents ' the ele " pliant it stops &, trcmMes in all its limbs, 1° and uttarß art umntegjjSbied cry of teffor j anil airtight, flji pcrsd(|jtion, induce it to risdl it moves its hcaT backwards and forwards, and its whole frame is shaken H with mortal anguish. The elephant on the contrary, as soon as he perceives the camel ' elevates his truuk, 6lamps with his feet, and Willi :hjs trunk throW^' sndrmg j with a noiso like the sound of a trumpet, he tttptos towards the whicli with its neok outstretched, and utterly defenceless, a waits, with the most patient resignation, the opproach of,its enemy. The elephant, with y its enormous shapeless limbs trampleß 011 ® the unfortunate animal in such a manner that in a few minutes it is scattered around in small fragments. s S EP"A man calling himself ERASTUS A. SCOTT, was committed to the Jail of this R County on Thursday last, 14lh inst , by Esq Bulkely, on a charge of stealing a horse from . the stable of Jacob Sloyer, in Nescopeck F township, in this county. The chargo was 1 cleary proved, and we learn that he confess or ed the fact. In his possession was also found f a small sorrel mare about four years old, 3 partly broke, about fourteen hands high, 3 both hind feel white. The mare was proba > bly stolen and is left in keeping at the stable t of William DCIML, In HI LA Durongh, wheio iho R owner can find her.—( Wilkesbarre Farmer.) 1 A NEW IDEA. —Mr. Roeiller in the Ohio t House of Representatives, lias presented res olutions to inquire into the practicabrlity of substituting a certain amount of labor to he performed by criminals, instead of tho con finement for a certain number of years, wtth a view of introducing a system of punish ment enabling the conviot by voluntary, hon est, and persevering industry, to shorten the lime ofhis coufinemen and calculated to re store him to such habits of industry as con stiture a useful member of society. EF" In the "course of a debate in tho House of Representatives, at Harrisburg, op the resolution to inquire whether any of the banks of the Commonwealth havo violated their charters, by putting in circulation an a mount of notes more than double tho amount of their capitals actually paid in, Senator FORSYTH said he unuerstood that many of the banks had violated their charters in this respect. The Honesdale Bank, especially, he had been informed, had notes in circula tion to more than siz times the amount of thei r capital. READING RAILROAD. —The net cash earn ings of the Reading Railroad for the first thtee months of the current financial year, ending Ist March, exceed those of the cor responding months of the last year,591,169, of which sum about $40,000 were realised from diminished running expenses, and the remainder from excess of.coal tonnag, say 29,771 tons, at the winter rates of $1.70a180 freight. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. —The Democrats of Montgomery county, on Saturday select eb G. W. JACOBY as senatorial, and A. H. TIPPIN, J. C. SMITH, and SPENCER SHOEMA KER, representative delegates to the William, sport convention, with instructions to sup port WM. T. MOKRIRON, of Montgomery coun ty, for Canal Commissioner. TELEGRAPH SUlT.—Professor S. F. B Morse, and Amos Kendall, are at present at the Revere House, Boston. The Traveller, of that city, says, tho injunction prayed by them, as patentees of the Morse Telegraph Line, against other lines, in that city, will probably come before Judge Woodbu'y for argument, the present week. MR. CALHOUN.—A Washington correspon dent of the Herald communicated by tele graph, on Tuesday, that Mr. Calhoun's ( health had become so much worse that the next twenly-four hours was considered as decisive whether he would die or not. earthquake was experienced at Chaquiinbo,in Chilli, on the 20th of Nov. last and considerable damage was done by the sea rushing in and destaying ptoperty. Mr. Lambert, a mine proprietor, is reported to have lost $40,000 by it. STATE CONVENTION. —The Whig State I Central Committee met at Harrisbuigh last week, and decided upon holding the Slate Convention TO nominate a candidate for Ca nal Commissioner, at Philadelphia, on tho 16th of June next. Gov. HAINES of Now Jersey, has signed a bill, authorizing Dclawars, Lehigh SehuyU kill and Susquehanna Railroad Company to 1 construct a railjjad Bridge across tho Dela- 1 ware river at Easton. 1 I TJ" A Meeting in favor of the choap pos- ' tage movement was held HI Newark, N. J., I on Tuesday evening last. Tho Mayor of the city presided, and tho mooting was ad- ' dressed by Mr. Bates. ITMr. Calhoun is again alartnlngly ill His physical infirmities are ° up o„ him, and the Vending the de bates in th£ Senate is too much for his bodi ly neulth. The marked ability with which the Potts ville Mining Register is eilitod merits the con mendatiou of every discriminating and in telligent reader. Mrs. Partington, noticing th 3 recent death of Mr Kyan, the well-known inventor, is anxious to know if he is tho person who iu- , vented Kyan pepper also ! AMONG tho fashionables, coach maker ' remarked that a "sociable" was all tho ton { during the honey moon, and a "sulky ' af- 1 forwards. ' s | k/- orCMtriH r ) lion. TJilimai Butler Sport oftii - missKMj;to California, unavotdaßn deljjgrei , by Mr. Kind's indisposition,'haigiow beer r ctolmunicjped to the i yd* made public. It is (gid to be a hJjguij i ! interesting and ir.iporlant document. Mr ' King estimates the value of the gold obtain > ed in California up to this time at forty mil 1 lions of dollars. The product of the curreni I year lie also estimates at forty millions ; and 1 the aggregate preduot of the two succeeding ' years, 1851 and 1.852, at one hundred- ngt • lions. Ho recommends to the United Stater - government not to soil the gold land*, but to ! giant leases or permits lor digging & wash -1 ing gola on them, at 1 a rent of one ounce foi 1 every pound obtained. He proposes that ' leases for regular mining operations be gran- I ted at a fixed contingent rent. He advises that no permits or leases be issued to any but citizens of the United States, or persons who declare their intention of becoming , such. The subject of Sunday travelling on the Pennsylvania Railroad is claiming the atten tion of the citizens along the line. The citi zens of Lewistown held a meeting on the Bth instant, approving the resolutions of the company suspending travel on tho Sabbath, and on the 11th, a county meeting was held on the same subject, which adopted strong resolutions in favor of tho Sabbath on all the public works, and asked of the Legislature some enactment calculated to secure such a such a Tesult. A Duel—came off in, oh Thursday, between two gentlemen of color, in "the lumber business." Cause—jealousy and three pint of rum. They fought with a pair Of saws and bucks—ono pfthe belliger ents lost au ear, and the other the basement of his corduroys. No insurance. Vermont, by annual election, has decided against granting licenses for the sale of in toxicating drinks. The vote just held shows the following result : For Licenses 12,600 ; against Licensgg 10.940—majority against die license 7,340. Every county in thoState but Washington and Essex, went with the ma jority. One of tho contractors of the Western di vision of the Central Railroad informs the Pittsburg Journal thnt there are over 1,000 hands at work on that division—that is, be tween the foot of the Allegheny mountain and Pittsburg. Domestic Queensware, which is manufac tured in the great Western valley, has in creased in use so much of late, and there is such a demand lor it in Eastern cities, that a Western firm intend to establish an agency in Philadelphia. The North Pennsylvanian is tho name of a new weekly started in Bradford county, by Wien Forney. It is a Democratic paper, op posed to Wilmot, in whose district it is pub lished. ur'Tho French goods received by the last steamer are said to be very beautiful; iu par ticular some Foulards, printed in ohintz col ars, which surpass anything heretofore im ported. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Columbia County Jacob R. Hower Adm'r.'of John Shearman, deceased, will expose to sale by public vendue at the pub lic house of Christian Shuman, in Beaver township, on Saturday, the 20th day of A pr'l next, at 12 o'c lock M. a certain tract of land situate in Beaver twp., aforesaid, con taining 102} acres, adjoining lands of David Johnson, Peter and Jesse Roberts, Thomas Shearman, and other lands of said deceased. Terms and conditions made known on the day of sale. By order of the Court. JACOB R. HOWER, AJm. of John Shearman, dee'd. Jacob Eteblv, Clerk, 0. C. March 28, 1850—ts. BOOT AND SHOE STORE. New Arrangements and Great Bargains. Tho undersigned respecfully informs the citizens of Bloomsburgli and the public in general,that he has purchased Mr. Franlz's Boot (f Shoe Store and has added largely to his stock, and will continue the business at the same stand in tho Exchange Building, on Main Street, whore he will be happy to receive the calls of old and new enstorners. Boots and Shoos, of every variety at prices to suit purchasers, kept constantly for sale, and customer's work maA; to order as usual. invites the custom of his old friends and the public ; and hazards nothing iu prom ising fat bargains. Ci?" Store in the Exchange Building, Maine street, sign of the Golden Boot. JOHN EGAN. Bloomsburgh, starch 28, 1850. Young Ladies' Seminary, Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania. -8 Rev. John Smalley, A. M., Principal. Mrs. M. 11. Smalley, Associate Principal, Assisted by two well qualified teachers. This Seminary is designed to afford as good an education, in both tho solid and or namental branches, as can bo obtained in any school in Pennsylvania Hence, instruc tion will bo givon in all the branches usually taught in the highest order of female schools The Summer Session will commence on Weduosday, the first day ot May, and con tinue five months TERMS. For boarding, and tuh'.hn i a -jj t -„ 0 E„. glish and Scientific, branches, together w '.'.u drawing, painting, and embroi dery, per session, S6O Extra —lnstruction on Piano, with use of instrumeut. per session, 20 Latin, French & Wax Flowers, each 5 Washing, per session, 4 t3P"Thirty dollars must bo paid in advance and tho remainder at the close of the session For further particulars address Rev. John Smalley, Muncy, Lycoming County, Pa. FOR RENT. THE subscriber offers for rent his house and lot upon IRON street near Bloomsbur". The house is a large two story frame build ing nearly new, situate on tho best part of the growing street for business. It is also a pleasant location, and offers a fine opportu nity to persons desirous of remit]" such properly. Tho lot is a corner one, and there is a good pump upon the porch at the side of the houso. The property will be reuled on the inbst reasonable terms. Enquire of ROBISON KAY. Bloonisburg, il/arch 21st 1850. [1 TH§fisiirer's Sale h HpF WjSEATED LANDS. 1 m jfV yjp Columbia County. ■ ';REEaS,E to ihe provisions ot an act of f 'y Ammblj entitled an set directing the mode 1 r , ot selling unseated lands fogjures and for other purposes, passed the 13th March 1815 and the Ircasurer of Calumbia Gounty hereby eives notice to all persons concernrd therein, that nn- U less the taxes fhp Ut>*iig tiarfolualeat g ed lands situate u> C,4ufottlroune,r,JL f.jj i fors the day of sale, the whole or nnrh as r I each trtttftr-wm pay the taratnAlj^^.! >S ble thereon, will be s >ld at the CwPlLrtMtfHta 0 Q wn C .unty of Columbia ort ' the 8 -f.end. fl<Msy'in.Jgno a*t *n*lA* B ?inue by adjournment from day 1o day, for arrcrages ,f >r taxes duo said county, aqd the cost .ceroid on xt each respectively. ' i- BEAVER TOWNSHIP. is Acres. Warrantee or owners. Tax*. y 80 Adum Croll lg 30 Jonathan Fisher na 200 John Groff 2 sft ® 150 Henry Harriger . 2 46 100 Hoats and Shuman ]qq e 2 Isaac Longaberger 55 i- 200 George Longaberger sn. I 20 [„ 400 Shuman <fc Frick 1 2 o' N* 50 John Vanblarigan 1 10 I ° BRIARCREEK TOWNSHIP. 25 Mary Brown 2 id. 'j 27 WA J Britton 1 jg II 27 Blank & Montgomery 143 ? 30 Michael Bower 3 gg b 00 Jesse Bowman 594 b 20 Solornan Bower j7g 1 20 Jacob Dower's Heirs I 75" 15 Reuben Bower 1 575 Charles Calbfus 4 7. > 28 W J1) Clem ,00 ' , 10 John Doaks 44 r 26 George Evans 343 1 38 James Evans. 4 ,0 - 150 Andrew A Freas g 2 t 40 Gilbert Fowler s a Id Philip Freas, 12 53 John Freas - 3 6fi 1 35 Samuel Gensil ,n, 32 Edward Hughes 2 10 j 11 Conrad Ilippengteel 34 ; 119 Daniel K Hostler 15 70 > 533 Samuel F. Headly 5 04 t 13 John Kisner j 14 . 150 John Kelchner g 2 20 Henry Mentz 1 j 0 300 Jos. Sharpless & others 6 60 • 210 David Schaffer 2 30 1 133 Joseph Stackhouse 7<l • ) 40 Samuel Siller 440 300 Nicholas Seibert 13 2 0 1 30 jlacob Schaffer 22 25 Hugh Thompson 2 74 40 John Yost gg CATTAWISSA TOWNSHIP. 14 Benjamin Beiber 30 1 100 Siacy Marjarum Sr. 3 30 1 7 Peter Mensch • 122 4 Joseph Paxton 10 30 Daniel Shuman 3 30 5 Able Thomas Sen. 44 1 10 SB M Yantz 44 FISIIINGCREEK. 25 John Allegor 40 160 David Fowler 1 04 401 George A Frick 13 20 200 Andrew Freas &. Hoffman 2 20 60 Jacob Hibler 1 32 60 Thomas Hutchinson 66 * 100 Samuel & Joseph Lilly 2 74 .*■ 200 Edward Mcllenry 8 80 100 John Lazarus . 110 ' 100 Samuel Pcaler 1 64 FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP. 437 Lardner fy Whitehead 19 16 , GREENWOOD TOWNSHIP 59 James Dewit 2 58 50 Andrew Gray 1 10 24 Ji-seph Ikeler 1 64 70 Thomas Lundy, 1 10 67 Longstreths heirs 1 64 50 George Morris 1 10 HEMLOCK TOWNSHIP. 187 Baltis Appleman 10 28 100 John Brugler ' 4 40 13 Obcd Everet I 40 40 Robt. Montgomery 2 20 60 McUrides heirs 3 30 50 Robert Moore's heirs 4 94 12 Vaniah Reese 22 JACKSON TOWNSHIP. 50 Slot E Colley 6 76 30 George Dilts 1 25 84 George A Frick 7 83 122 John Frits 4 lo 15 George Ness 1 42 73 George Kile 2 is 75 Elias Kline 5 16 137 Malhew Mcllenry 4 50 22 McCall's heirs 66 SO Wm Patterson 2 54 106 Jacob Wellever 1 72 220 Yorks ar.d Frick 8 20 50 " " 4 62 200 " 16 01 MAINE TOWNSHIP. 11 Daniel Brown 96 4 George Kelchner i 22 13 Christian Miller 70 ' 48 Henry Miller 2 64 112 Philip Miller 6 23 10 George Miller 57 60 George Miller 3 33 100 Pifer and Miller j 40 400 Paxton and Bovd 6 63 5 Benjamin Revnbold sen 26 414 Jacob BhiVman's heirs 11 61 24 Snmue't Webt) J 43 126 Y'elterSj ejehmnck and ProbU 3SO Id Ge; ur ge Brown Ifj aohn Bond 98 1 -Zl Samuel Creasy Jr 1 12 25 David Hartzell 14 8 Christian Lulz sr 44 200 Pifer and Miller 76 1 34 John Michael 394 7 Michael Ulrich 34 391 Jacob Scwepenheiser 4 28 13 Philip Wall 70 110 Peter Yohe 00 214 Christian Zimmerman 1 18 391 John McCauly 4 28 MT. PLEASANT TSP. 22 Samuel Boon I 44 5 Lorenzo Grimes 32 4 George Kessler 32 33 Samuel Mellick 2 16 11 Adam Stroup jr 70 28 Peter Shugh 1 84 MADISON TSP. 100 Legrand G Bancroft 3 80 50 William ChSmberliu 183 150 Charles Dotbler 2 20 200 Benjamin Eves A6O 275 Stephen Ellis 5 54 ,360 Geo A Friclt, (Warrantee Mary Conelison) 4 91