The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, March 28, 1850, Image 1

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mmm. -■
r c*VF.H.
Graai Jams tor April Tern I9M*
Anthony —Wm McVicher, Aid Holdron
Bloom —Peter Shuck,
Briarereek —Wm Herrin, Enoch Uittenhouse,
Cattawissa —Thos. Harder, Abraham Ludwig,
Danville —Henry Vandling,
Greenwoof— F-lijah Albertson,
Jackson —Fred'k Knouso
Limestone —Daniel Dtidino,
Mahoning —John Heinbaeh,
Madison —Wan Dildine,
Jlfl Pleasant —Wm Hilburn,
Orange —John Rembly,
Roaringcrtik —Samuel B. Deiroer, Solomon
Fetterman, Daniel Keller,
Sugarloaf— Reuben Davis sr., Andrew Lau
bach, Wm Appleman,
Valley —Allen Welliver, David Heinbaeh
David, J*. Blue, > ,
Anthony —Jonathan Strouse, Lucus Young,
Beaver —Jaoob Brown,
8100m —Mahlon Hamlin jr., Eli Criveling,
Philip Chrislman,
Briarereek —John Doak, V. Richard,
Centre —Emmet Aickman, Win Hutchinson,
Dapville —Wm C Yorks, Abraham Lechler,
Henry P. Baldy, Wm Beacher,
Derry —Jaines Miller, Alexander Cummings,
Fishingcreek —John Bright
Greenwood —lsaac R. Kline,
Hemlock—Adam Stroup jr.,
Liberty —John Simingtofi Israel Machamer
Redding Herring,
Mt. Pleasant—Jacob Shipmatl,
Mtulison —Enoch Fox,
Montour —Jno Deitrhh,
Mifflin —John Bond,
Orange—' Conrad Adams,
Boaringereek —John Snyder, P. R.^McMur-
trie, PeterJlacboin.
Sngmrloaf —Wm Stephens Reuben Davis,
Philip Fritz Gearhart Kile,
Valley— Andrew Childs,
Anthony—J awes G. McKee,
JBeaver— John Iloatz, Henry Lehr, Isaiah Lon
Bloom —Geo. Gilbert,
Cattawissa —Jacob Gonsel Paul R. Baldy,
Cesttre —H. DKnorr Andrew Freeze,
Derry —John McGonigal, Robert B'ee,'
Franklin —Valentine Vocht,
fishingcreek —Daniel Thomas,'J. D. McHctl-
ry, Peter Criveling,
Hemlock —Alexander Roat, Jartloe Roat,
Liberty —John Bower,
Limestone —John Gouger,
Maine —Dauiel Fenstahiacher Daniel Yettof,
Mahoning —Edv.snf Morrison, John Kocher,
Madison —David C. Albertson, Wm I louder-
shot, M ,
Blifflin —Thomas Aten, Peter Smoyer,
Orange—lsaiah Conner, Geo Appleman WM
Roaringtreek —lsaac Rhodes, P. S. Aeagftr,
John Perry sr., Jacob Fisher,
Sngarloaf— Elijah Hess,
'FaUy—Chas. Fenstetmacher.
List or Causes
For Trial at the April Terra, 1850.
1 Commonwealth et al. vs. Matthias Kline
2 Commmonwe ilth vs. Charles F. Mann
3 Edmund L Pipor vs. John Baily^
4 Elisha B Steltervs. Samuel
5 Henry Hartman vs. Noah S Prentis
tt Jacob Welliver vs. John Runyan
7 Isaac Tyler vs. Benj. P Frick
8 Geo. Fox, Admrs. vs Andrew Emmans,
. 0 Lloyd Thbrilas vs. feter Mcairer
10 Thoi. Wildoner, Admr. vs. Robt. Lock •
11 Same vs. Same.
12 John Shtvely vs. Jacob U Howox
13 Manassa Bowman vs. Joseph Sharpless
14 Aline Dilman vs. S M B Yautz
15 John Davis olal. vs. William II Wooden
16 Isaac Bamheimer et al. vs. J K Freder
ics et al.
17 Levi Ashton vs. Abraham Cool
18 Frederick BeatesKxr. vs. James llartman
19 David Bitter eta), vs. Joseph Alaus
20 W. Donaldson etal. vs. J P Grove et al
Si Charles Kalbfus vs. Nicholas Seybett
22 John Barret vs. Thomas Welliver
23 Samuel Yost Admr. vs. Elijah R John
admr. et al.
24 Daniel Hoats et al. vs. Writ Schuyler
25 David Masters et al. vs. Ilenty Johnston
26 John T Davis vs. Charles F Mann
27 Thomas Brandon vs. Benjamin Wintei
28 Jcsso Hughes vs. Benj. P Frick et al.
29 Alem Sechler et al. vs. John M. Fiester
80 William McKelvy el al. Simon P Kaso
31 Charles Kram vs. William E Albright et al
32 Samuel P Hucy vs. the Alonlour Iron Co.
33 Jacob B Alaus vs Samuel Boudman
34 Lafayette Kessler vs. Eliehu H Hess
35 William Sloan vs. Joseph J. Fry
36 Frederick Islcr vs. John K Grotz
37 Azima Vallerchamp VS. Ge6. Mears
38 David Ritter v. Lewis 11 Alaus
39 Wm Montgomery exr. vs. DSvid N Kow
40 Drake & Bechtelsvs Nicholas Sej'bbrt
41 Isaac Pollock vs O C Kahler.
42 Dr John Ramsey vs. Rev. John P. Heister.
OWCE— Two doors below the Court-llouse.
North side of Main Street.
Nov. 8, 1849.'
f PfeQCiXAI&TIOKr. '
j >JOTIGE is hereby given that the
several Courts of Commom Pleas, Gen
eral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and
Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer and
Terminer and Jail Delivery, in and for
the County of Columbia, to commence at
' the Court House in Bloomsburg, on
: Monday the 15th day of April next, to
' contiuue two weeks.
I The Coroner, Justices of Peace Sc
| Constables, in and for the county of Col
' umbia, are requested to be then and there
in their proper persons, jyith their rolls,
| records, inquisitions, and other remem
brances, to do those things io. their sev
eral offices nppartaining to be done.
And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf
of the Commonwealth against any pris
oner, are also requested and commanded
io be then and there attending in their pro
per persona to proraeula opsins' him, as
shall be just— and not to depart without
leave at their peril. Jurors are request
ed to bs punctual in their attendance, at
the time appointed agreeable to their no
Given under my hand at Bloomsburg the
12th day of March, is the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and
fifty—and the Independence of the U
niled States of America the 741h.
(God save (he Commonweulth.)
For Young Ladies aniLf entlcmen
J. E. BRADLEY, Principal.
The next Summer Session of this Institution
will commence on MONDAY_ the Bth of
Text Books.
Emerson's Spelling Book and Reader.
Goodrich's Geography.
Bullion's English Grammar.
I'arker'B Progressive Exercises.
" Aids to English Composition.
Blair's Rhetoric, University eaition.
' Do vies' Arithmetic.
" Algebra.
" Geometry.
" Surveying.
" Mensuration.
Shea's Book-keeping.
Ackemau's Natural History. .
Cutter's Anatomy, Physiology, & Hygiene.
Guernsey's History of tho United States.
Lardner s Outlines.
Olmsted's School Philosophy.
Burritt's Geography of the Heavens.
Johnston's Turner's Chemistry.
Wood's Botany.
Schmucker's Mental Philosophy.
Waylaml'a Moral Science.
Webstors Dictionary.
LATlN. —Bullion's Latin Grammar, Bullion's
Latin Reader, Authon's Cmsar, Sallust, Cic
ero, Horace, Folsom's Livy, Levcritt's Latin
GTlEEK. —Bullion's Greek Grammar, Bul
lion's Greek Reader, Robinson's Greek Tes
tament, Xenophon's Anabasis, Xenophou's
Memorabilia, Pickering's Greek Lexicon.
GERMAN —G J Adler's German Grammar,
Ollendorff method of Learning the German
Language, Adler's German Reader.
There will be frequent exercises in Decla
mation and Composition. Instruction will
Also be given in Penmanship and Book-Kee-
P ing-
Pupils attending this School can enjoy the
advantages of instructionon the Piano Forte
at a modei ate charge
It will be tho aim of tho Teacher in this
School, to impart to tho pupils a thorough
knowledge of the branches studied, to educate
their minds, and thus to prepare the'm for hon
orable places in life.
The Summer Session will consist of twenty-
Four wceeks or two quarters of 12 weeks
each. The price of tuitiou will be as follows
per quarter :
For Reading, Penmanship, Grammar, A
rithmctic, Book-Keeping by single entry, Ge
ography, History of U. S. $3 25
For same, and Algebra, Geometry, Survey
ing, Mensuration, Boook-Keeping by double
entry, General History, Natural History, Phy
siology, Phitbsophy, other English branches,
and Drawing. $4 50
For Latin, Greek and German, 5 75
t# Good boarding can bo obtained iu pri
vate families at fronaSl 50 to $2 00 per week.
REFERENCES. —CoI. Joseph Paxton, Hon.
Stephen Baldy, Hon. Geo. Mack, Alichael
Brobat. Esq. John M'Reynolds, Esq., Rev.
Bloomsburg, Feb 2i, 1850
The subscriber is now doing a large busi
ness at Tailoring in Light Street, and invites
all who wish for fashionable, well-fitting and
■heaply-made garments to visit his shop and
i give turn a trial.
Ho has two shops in operation, turning ofl
work. One Is iu the Upper end aud the other
in the lower part of Light Street. He regu
larly receives the CITY FASHIONS, and
asks only lor a trial to insure satisfaction.
Particular attention will be paid to cutting
out. B. F.DOLLMAN.
Light Street, April 12, 1840-ly
Boots and Shoes.
Entourage your own Mechanics, and you
\ . „. *■-courage Yourselves.
. The subscriber would inform his friends
ana tlio public, that ho has on hand, and
t makes to order all boors AND
i SHOES, at tho following lo\v prions :
; Men's fiue calf or morocco boo(s, 50
do kip or cow hide, 3 3u
do calf shoes 2 00
do cow hide 1 75
do miners', nailed, 2a2 50
Ladies'gaiters, 2a2 25
I ", 102
j " Thick soled slippers, lal 37
[ " Pump soled, 100
" Excelsiors, 125
Boys', youths' and children's shoos i^,pro
' portion. He manufactures his work of lli'd
best of stock, and warrants it to wear ; and
he is determined to 6ell it as low as
can their Yankee or city work. Call and
see for yourselves, till op ou Alain St., next
dob'r below Hartman's Store.
! Bills
[ Ofany dosirable style, neatly and cheaply
printed at this office.
It published every Thursday Morning, by
Weaver A Gilmore.
OFFICE!—Up stahs in the New Brick building
on the south side of Main street, third
square below Market.
TERMS :—Two Dollars per annum, if paid
within six months,froru, the time of subscri
bing ; two dollars and, fifty cents if not paid
within the year. No, subscription received
for a less period thaq six months: no discon
tinuance permitted dhtil all arrearages are
paid, unless at the option of the editors. ,
ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding one square,
will be inserted three times for one dollar, and
twenty-five cents for each additional insertion.
A liberal discount will be made to those who ad
vertise by the year.
'Twas on a winter morning,
The weather wet and wild,
TJtro htrw kfero llto itawmnif!
The father roused his child;
Her daily morsel bringing,
The darksome room he paced,
And cried "the bell is ringing,
My helpless darling, haste !"
'•Father, I'm up, but weary,
1 scarce can reach the door,
And long the way and dreary,
Oh, carry me once more !
To help us, we've no mother •
You've no employment nigh,
They killed my little brother.
Like him, I'll work—and die !"
Her wasted form seemed nothing,
The load was at the heart,
The sufferer he kept soothing,
Till at the mill they part.
The overlooker mellior,
As to her frame she crept,
And with his thong he beat her,
And cursed her as she wept
Alas, what hours of sorrow,
Made up her latest day,
Those hours that bro ight no morrow,
Too slowly passed away ;
It Beemed as Hhe grew weaker,
The threads the oftener broke,
Hte rapid wheels ran quicker,
And heavier fell the stroke.
The sun had long descended,
But night brought no reposo ;
Her day began and ended,
As cruel tyrants choose.
At length to a little neighbor,
A half penny she paid.
To take hor last hour's labor,
While by her frame she laid.
At last, the engines ceasing,
The captives homeward rushed,
She thought her strength increasing,
'Twas liope her spirits flushed.
She left, but oft she tairied;
She fell, and rose no moro,
Till, by her comrades carried,
She reached her father's door.
At night, with tortured feelings,
Ho watched his sleepless child,
And close beside her kneeling,
She knew him not, nor smiled.
Again the factory's running,
He last preceptions tried,
When from her straw bed springing,
" 'Tis time!" she shrieked, and died.
That night a chariot passed her,
While on the ground she lay,
The daughter of her master,
An evening visit to pay.
There, tender hearts were sighing,
As negro's wrongs were told,
While the white slavo was dying,
Who gained their father's gold!
Incident of Byron.
It was getting towards midnight when a
party of young noblemen came outfrom one
of the clubs of St. James Street. The ser
vant of each, as he stepped upon the pave
ment threw up tho wooden apron of ca
briolet, and sprang to the head of the horse,
but, as to the destination of the equipages
for the evening, there seemed to be some
dissension among the noble masters. Be
twixt the line of coronet vehicles stood a
hackney coach, and a person in an attitude
of oager expectancy pressed as noar the ex
hilirated group as he could do without exci
ting immediato attention.
"Which way!" said he whose vehicle
was near, standing with his foot on the
"Altogether, of course," said another.
"Let's make a night of it."
"Pardon me," said the deep and sweet
voice of the last out of the club: "I sccedo
for one. Go your ways, gentlemen!"
Byron stood looking after them for a mo
ment, and raised his hat ansl pressed b" a
hand on his forehead. The unknown per
son who had beeu lurking near, seemed bil
ling to leave him for a momont to his thoughts
or was embarrassed at approaching a stra „.
ger. As Byron turned with h jlg half halting
steps, however, he camq suddenly to his
"Aly lord P'ho said, and was silent as if
"""ting permission logo on.
•.k "."'i. "r"''® 1 * J'y oo . 'urning to him
without the least d , ooki close
ly into his face by the light or S | toet
"I come to you with an errand, which per
"A 6trange one I ain sure, but I am pre
pared for it—l have been forewarned of it.
What do you require of me ?—for I am
"This is strange!" exclaimed the man.
"Has another messenger, then—''
"None except a spirit—for my heart alone
told I should be wanted at this hour. Speak 1
at once."
"My lord, a df ing girl lias sent for you !"
"Do I kuow her?"
"She has never seen you, Will yon come
Trath Mi Right—God' Mi oifr Covitry.
at once, and on the way I will pxplaio to
you what I can of this singular, errand;
though, indeed, wden it is told you, you
know all that I comprehend." n
They were at the door of the hackeny
coach when Byron entered it without further
" Back again!" said the strauger, as" the
coachman closed the.dooi, "and drive for
dear life, for wo will scarce bo in time, 1
The heavy tonguo of St. Paul's struck
twelve and the rolling vehicle hurried on
through the lonely street, and though so far
from the place whence they started, neither
of the two occupants had spoken. Byron
sat with folded arms and bare head it) the
corner of the coach; and the stranger, with
his hat crowded over his eyes, seemed sup
pressing some violent emotion; and it was
only when they stopped before a low door in
a strpct close upon the river, that the latter
found utterance.
"Is she alive 1" ho horridly asked of a
woman who came,out at the sound of the
carriage wheels.
"She was, a moment since—but be quick!"
Byron followed quickly on the heels of
his companion, and passing through a dimly
lighted entry to the back room they enHred,
A lamp shaded by a curtain of spotless pu
rity threw a faint light upon a bed, upon
which lay a girl watched by a physician and
a nurse. The physician had just removed a
small mirror from her lips, and holding it to
the light he whispered that she still breathed.
As Byron passed, the dying girl moved the
ii ngers of the hand lying on the coverlet;
and slowly opened her languid eyes—eyes
of iuexpressible depth and lustre. No one
had spoken.
"He is here!" she murmured. "Raise
me, mother, while I have time to speak to
Byron looked around the small chamber,
trying in vain to break the spelt of awe
which the scene threw over hjm. Appari
tion from another world could not have
checked more fearfully and completely the
more worldly and scornful undercurrent of
hisnature. He stood with his heart, beating
almost audibly, his knees trembling beneath
j him, awaiting what he prophetically felt to
be a warning from the very gate of heaven.
Proped on pillows, and left by her atten
dants, the dying girl turned her head towards
the proud poet and coble standing by the bed
side, and a slight blush over spread her fea
tures' while a smile of angelic beauty stole
through her lips.
In that smile the face rewakened to its for
mer lovliness, and seldom had he who now
gazed brea hlessly upon her looked on such
incomparable beauty. The spacious forehead
and noble contour still visible, of the emaci
ated lips, bespoke genious impressed on a
'ablet all feminine in its language; and in
the motion of her hands; and even in the
slight movment of her graceful neck, the re
was somethiug that still breathed of surpass
ing elegance. It was the shadowy wreck of
no ordinary mortal passing aw ay—humble
as were the surroundings, and strange r had
been his summons to her bedside.
"And this is Byron!,, she said, at last, in a
voice bewildering sweet evert through its
weakness. "My lord! I could not die with
out seeing you—without relieving my soul
of a mission with which it has been long
burtheneci. Come near—for I hare no time
left for ceremony , and I must say what I
have to say—and die !"
She hesitated, and as Byron took the thin
hand she held to him. she looked steadHy
upon his noble countenance.
•'Beautiful 1" she said; "beautiful as the
dream of him which so long haunted me !
the intellect and spirit of a spirit light! Bar
don me, that at a moment so important to
yourself, the remembrance of feel
ing has been betrayed into expression."
She paused a moment, and the bright col
or that had shot through her cheek and brow i
faded again, and her countenancu resfj, '
its heavenly serenity. "I am near P ' ed
to death," she resumed—" nea r •'tough
point you almost to Heaven fi" 0 - enough to
and it is on ray heart lflk'j ,i w h ere I am j
my life—like the bid-'p one errand of
you to prepare fo-. ''*> ® od t0 'tplore
with your gle • ' d ment • 0h lord!
drous gift" b : J9 P° w ° r , ™th your von
please- e -V M , tl '° Po< "
aitv • a ke lhl s > loße an e,er '
t . M iti which your great mind will outstip
tile inteligence of angels. Measure this
thought—scan the worth of angelic bliss with
the intellect which has ranj ;ed so glorious
through the universe—do no t, on this one
momentous subject of huma.n interest—on
this alone be not short sighted!,,
"Whatshall I do?" suddenly burst from
Byron's lips in a tone of agony. But with
an effort, as struggling with a, de.ep pang, he
again drew up his form, and sumed the
marble calmness of his countenaa ce.
TWdying girl, meantime, seemt 'd to have
lost herself in prayer. With ha. r wasted
hands clasped on her bosom, and her eyes
r-'ied upwards, the slight motion of I,'ier lips
betrayed ,w ,i, 05e aroun j ber lba( , be was
pleading at the thro.,^ fmercy The hys ;
ician crept close to the bed situ,, KIU with
hands on his breast and his head bowen, be
seemed to be .watching for the momenr
when the soul should lake its flight.
She suddenly raised hersoit on the, pillow
—her long brown tresses fell over her shoul
ders, uml a brightness unnatural and almost
fearful, kindled in her eyes. She seomqd
endeavoring to speak, and gazed steadfastly
at Byron. Slowly, then, aud tranquilly, she j
sank back upon her pillow, and as her hands i
fell apart, and lier eyelids- drooped, alio
murmured, "Come to Heaven!" aud the still
ness o) deaihwae in the room. The spirit
hod fled. ■
ings have been held in Philadelphia, having
for thoir object the improvement ol the con
dition of the Tailotesses of that city and :
county. From an appeal published by them j
it would seem thai they are most outrageous- i
Iy oppressed and imposed upon by tailors &
others, who compel them to work at less
than living prices, paying but from 37$ to 75
cents f>r thick heavy men's satinet coats, 50
cents for making heavy blanket coats, 10 &
15 cents for summer pants, from 15 to 50
cents for all kinds of vests, 8 and 12$ cents
for flannel shirts and drawers and from 15 to
50 cents for linen and muslin shirts. They
state that "in many cases the trimmings fur
nished aje insufficient to make up the gar
ment, and have to be furnished be the tailor
esses themselves" and ask can any woman
find bread for her children at such prioes ?
Their object is, with the help of the benevo
lent, to form an association, open a shop
where they can sell their work at fair prices,
become their own employers and reap the
profits of their own industry. God speed the
undertaking '.—Easton Argu).
PROGRESS IN MEXICO. —In the Monitor Re
publicano of the 18th and 19th appears a re
port of a commission, charged with
of colonization and industry, which ill re
markable for sentiments of tolleration
which it proposes as one of the means of
resuscitating that country. Tho report states
that Mexico has not one-tenth of the popu
ation which it is capable of sustaining, and
'hat thp policy of the cquntry should be to
iuduce emigrants to conns into it. It attri
butes the growth of theallnfted States to its
wisdom in allowing emigrants of all religi
ous denominations to come into the country
and enjoy equal religious rights. The exclu
sive religion ol Mexico keeps desirable emi
gration out of the country. The - commiss
ioners goes on to spoak of tho importance of
railroads, and other faciltiea for intercommu
nication, and of the condition of the cotton,
woolen, glass, and paper manufactories
which have beon.establ ished, and deserve,
the protection of the government. From the
sentiments contained in this report, it is ev ;.
dentl 'hat there are minds in Mexico which
are full awake to tho causes interfere
with a nation's prosperity, and the influence
of such persons upon tb'e minds of the people
at large, must •avent'jaly be productive ol the
oappiest effect. The intercourse which has
sprung uij, between the Mexicans, and the
Amevioans will hasten this result.
Andrew Jackson.
Friday last was the 83d anniversary of the
biithday of General JACKSON, and our State
Legislature marked and honored it by meet
ing in joint Convention to hear his Farewell
Address read. No more devoted patriot
ever lived than ANDREW JACKSON, and, next
to the immortal WASHINGTON, his name, his
fame, and the glorious principles ha inculcf
'ed, should be kept in perpetual remem
Glorlous New Hampshire!
The Demooracy of the granite State re
main true as Bteel to tneir principles. At
he election on Tuesday last, me Democrats
eleoled all the State officers and a largo ro- a . I
tjority in the Legislature, about 3 to 1! '
much heavier majorities than at th-j'i- .
tion. The Free Soil vote has f- d V "* eeo
sidorably' and Federal W>> ' f ( C °"'
• . . . e . .ggery is faet run
ning into a state of c'.i- ' . ,
_ f c .V .apse. This is the
first gun fcr the y„ f •. , ,
.t 1850, and its sound
comes boomi'.,, , ' , . ~
... , •" , up from "away down Last,'
with tone' v .. .L r.
at encouragement to the Demo-
J where,.while at tne same time
( • chaunts the requiem of defunct Taylorism.
100 guns lor t|y glorious Democracy of New
' Hampshire!
1 "Seventy-five cents per gal!" exclaimed
Mrs. Partington, on looking over tho Price
Current- "Why, bless me, what is the
1 world coming to, when the gals arc valued
• at only seventy-five cents 1" Tho old lady
pulled off her spectacles, threw down the
r paper and went into d brown study on the
want of a proper appreciation of the true
' value of the feminine gender.
i *
The Spring Elections.
i In the County of Philadelphia, on Friday
, fast, resulted gloriously tor the Democracy.
In Southwark they elect sof the 7 Commis
sioners. Spring Garden has been effectually
redoemed from Nativism—so has Kensington.
The Northern, Liberties aud 71/oyamenaing
are Democratic all over. The other Districts
have also done their duty. So, we go.—Tho
campaign of ]Bso*opens auspiciously.
"Isn't it Straqge," asked a friend, the oth-
QJ day, "that Sir Isaac Nowton should ever
have indulged in clownish freaks?" "When
did he?" we inquired. "Why when ho
was dividing tho rays of light, to be sure—
for wasn't that cutting up shines?"
ORJiH.-r An importer in New York attempt-y
in# to smuggle some diamonds in u letter
has j,had them forfeited to the Government.
Then: cost was S6OO.
iy The man who hasnover taken a news
paper wus seen in Cincinnati lately. He
was inquiring the way to the poor bouw.
My father is growing old; his eye
Looks dimly on the page ;
The locks that 'round his forehead lie,
Are silvered o'er with age :
My heart lias learned too well the tale ;
Which other lips have told,
His years and strength begin ufai.-- I
'•My lather's growing old."
They tell me in my youthful years,
He led rae by his side,
And strove to calm my childish fears,
My erring steps .to guide.. .. |
But years, with all their sewnos of change, !
Above us both have rolled !
1 now must guide ins faltering stops— j
"My father's growing old."
When evening's rosy glory departs, j
With voices full of mirth,
Our household band with joyous hearts |
Will yuthoT rotttul tho homth ,
They look upon his trembling form,
Hie pallid face behold,
And turu away with chastened tone—
"My father s growing old."
And when each tunefut voice we raise,
In songs of "long ago,"
His voice which mingles in our lays
Is tremulous and low.
It ued to seem a clarion lone, „ I
bo musical aud bold,
B u htl vei j' tor , fainter has it grown—
"My father's growing old."
Ine same fond smile he used to wear,
Still wreathes his pale lips now, '
But time, with lines of age and care,
Has traced his pallid brow;
But yet, amid the lapse of years,
His heart has not grown cold,
Though voice and footsteps plainly tell—
"My. father's growing old."
My father, thou didst strive to share
My joys and calm my fears,
And now, thy child with graleTu] r jare
In thy declining years,
Sh v f-T h '/V palh ' ap<l brighter scenes
By faith and hope ut'Tohi •
And love thee with a ho.Vier' love,
biuce thou artjjriowtvig old.
' " Economy is wealth," says somebody; but
it is more than this; it is independence, lux
ury, freedom of body and mind. The ab
sence of it is poverty, degradation, slavery.—
From our own observation we are inclined
to think one half the misery in this country |
is owing to a want of economy. There are ,
very few persons or families who, at some
time, have not been in receipt of a sufficient
income to make some provision for tho fu
ture, if they but understood the art of econ
omy. We call it an art, for it is something
to be acquired. Almost every one, will ac
knowledge it a virtue, and most persons fan- j
cy that they themselyes possess it, when not j
one in two really understands or practises it.'
To illustrate—we rymember a friend we hud
once, who prided herself no little on b'er
ring propensities, showing us a l>"eau'.',f u l|y
'quilted skirt, that she had made oj t of a
dress. "Fou see," she said, '"it- >Tas begin
ning to cut along the sear., of the s^eV c and
on the edge of the ple; lts r jn the 6vkt; B0 j
just took the skirt 8 -.,j and it lS a3
goo as new. . ne; <er let..Aay thing go to
OSS if ° / ' e ,voc ' bet work with the ut
most se cr ym pi a |^ anc#) and was shocked
w ® D we i pronounced it a peice of down
r^,nf extravagance. Bui sho yiotJad at*r
r .e had counted up the items. First the silk
for ihe dress hail cost ono dollar and fifty
cents per yard, and fourteen yards was the
pattern—Tivcnty one dollars; fivo mote. • for
making and trimmings, twenty-six. A cord
had been inserted in the seam of,sleeve, that
had worn its cover off and cut the plaits at
the side, before the dress was one third
worn, then instead of changing the plaits and
mending the sleeve, the twenty-six dollars
were converted into a skirt, when seven
yards of silk eighty seven cents or a dollar
per yard would have a prettier and mort> tu
mble one, for the dress, being, a heavy, fig
tired material,- did not show the quilling so
well, and would not wear so long as a plain
article; but the owner thought she had been
! 'ery economical. This-is a pretty fair spe
cimen of übout one half the household ecqu
omy. ra the world. Many housekeepers no
sooner get a garment made lip and .natural
ized to its proper use than it is fqrthwith rip
ped up and made into something else, the
good, constantly congratulating herself as if
she had found the material of the new itisled
of foit the making and trimingaof the old.
Both men and women economise by buying
cheap articles, and arjtjules they do not needi
because they are cheap. Men economise
by making large debts to pay small ones,
and by measuring their, neighborts outlay,
and bringing their own inside of that, instead
of measuring their own means, and actual!
necessities and conforming to thein. But a
large, perhaps the largest number, despjsa
economy as meanness, and pride themselves j
on their prodigal expenditure. Very few of 1
this class escape poyptty and none contempt. '
If there is 110 body of more sense to des-1
1 pise them, they always despise ono another. 1
aud in trurth iliey are generally despicable.
No man can bo truly or permanently great, I
without understanding and practicing econo-1
my—without being able to regulate his ex !
penses inside his income. This- is what
stands in Daniel WebstoPs way to the first
plpce in the rank of his compeers- His im
providence makes largo sums of money in
dispensable. To gain he has done and
always will do much he would not otherwise
We would not implicitly trust any man
who could not save a part of hie income bo
[Tw Miters F*r tmi>
,it great or snuJl. Such at on* ban Mrre Av
toy the "glortoaa pririlaga ot being indepen
dent."—HU impulses and purposes may be
j pure as the pureet, but his iieessities will
sell him in cose of on emergency. It was
; fcirnply the lock of ecoiiemy that made Ar
! nold a traitor; it was the absenco of it that
gave the wives of the puddlcrs and boileis of
our city a pretext for breaking the laws If
their husbands and themselves had practieed
this art they would have had money plenty
to establish works of their own and to, ,havo
secured them from all starvation horn an in
terval in work. These men have bqon gop
ing throe and four dollars a day, and now
when ofT work for a few weeks, people talk
übout them starving. If there is any danger
of it, they deterve to be very hungry. ,A
family that saves nothing, for futqtp Agen
cies, from an inoome of three or four dollars
or one dollar a dav or even fiftv cents. if that
be all they have, has very good reason to ex
pect hunger without food, at some period.
Wo have known two girls who each worked
for fifty cents a week, aud boardmg, who
dressed well, provided themselves with beds
and bedditur of superior 'quality and put
mouey kt interest. These girls wero indc
' IWident with their $25 per aminm while we
hear talk of folks stsrving on a thousand u
year. We offer no apology for those who
would withhold from the laborer the full a
mount of his earning; bat until people learn
the usaof money is very little use to them,
except as a means of pnrchasing pampered
appetites and ill health; and the. family that
cannot live on three dollars a day will bo
likely to starve on twenty. The man who
has regularly spent that much ' and hat no
provision for the future need not talk about
any one trying to enslave or oppress him.
Ho.ip liis own enslaver—his own oppressor.
Throe clollars a day should aud would keep
a family in a handsomely furnished house,
with'.warm carpets, tasteful curtains, sofas,
cushions and ctcetras —a table supplied .with
an abundance of wholesome food, and hand
some servjeies of china and silver to eat it
with, and allow a horse and nine little,priyatu
carriage for evening airing, and have money
enough to educate the children a.od. buy
hooks. We make no allowaliceifor rent, for
we do not think any one should begin to
live until he gets a house to live in.—Ho
who will wilfully and deliberately pay rent
for six years, in this country, should have
guardians appointed to take care of him, ou
the gronnd of lunacy. We could, not sleep
| at nights if we knew the 'shingles or clap
! boarbs or boards or straw that kept the rain
olTus, belonged 1.9 somebody else- We
would live under an oven-shod all su rumor
and save tbas monoy.allowed forront. fov be
' gin to go'i a honse with, rather than bo with
out one. ywe were the wife,of a laboring
! me.'n w',lo got but fifty ,cents a day, and he
I Woi-;,d not oonsent-to -do. without tobacco,
I Ooffee, tea,.spico, butter—to live on potatoes
I and beans and coarse broad and beef until
' \ve woutil get a little home of our own, „wo
would leave him, go off to the far West, and
build a little 0 abin with boughs rather than
live all ourlifo depending on any ono for a
shelter. . '
We are anxious for the elevation >of tho
laborer, but he can never be elevated until
he gains more independence, and this he
can never get until .he learns to practico that
economy which alone oon- raise him ahoye
the fear of want. Talk as you please about
soul ami spirit, Um h •• '<>"♦ pric
ed by animal wants ho becomes more i and
more the animal. \#ness tho higl. r spirited
sons of Erin in their hungry degradation. If
tho laborer wants to be able to rosist the en
croachments of capital he must tear* to pro
vide in summer for the cold and storms of
i winter, and if our puddlers' aiul boilers'
wives had saved what they throw into the gut
i ters, they- need not liave committed a breach
of the peace lor fear of starving.
Interesting from Mincsotn.
The St. Paul's (Miuesota) Chronicle, aim
i ounces the return of Govenar tßamscy, on
' the 12tli of February, after a three months
absence in the Eastern States.
' Ho reports Mincsota stock high among tho
, Eastern people, and the prospects are Hater*
I ing that we will have a large immigration
I next season. i .
The St. Paul papers are.filled with letters
: asking information from persons intending
! to emigrate, which would seem to corrobor
i ate the statement of Govenor Ramsey.
A tract of laudtnorth df St. Paul, recently
! surveyed, says the Register, produces about
five hundred dollars worth 01-c ran berries to
the acre, and the streams and lakes swarin
with the finest trout, buss, pike. pickeral.&c
White sand ofexcellentquality being very
j abundant out in the vicinity of St. Pgul.
' some of it was taken to the Cincinnati Glass
\Vo.rks by \vuy of experiment, and with it
most excellent glass was made. The expe
riment was so successful that a company is
I forming in Cincinnati logo into the matiu
; fucture of glass at St. Paul this season.
I A matrimonial fever, the Register also tells
us, has seized upon all tho bachlors in that
region, and wives are scarce and in demand,
being the dearest article in the Mincsota
Fuss WITH NAPLES.— A letterj received
from Naples, and dated tho 12th inst., says:
Mr Brown, an American, formerly Consul at
Roma, has been ordered to quit Naples with
in forty-eight hours; whereupon an indignant
and angry correspondence hoe taken place
between the American Charged'lAaffrii M i 4
the Neapolitan government.