The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, March 14, 1850, Image 4

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Celebrated Family Medicines.
B®. SMA$m>S
The Original and Genuine Preparation!
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Liver
Comphint, Spitting Blood, difficulty of
Breutl ing, Pain in the Side and Breast,
Palpitation' of the Heart Influenza,
Croup, broken Constitution, Sore
Throat, Nervous Debility, and all
disease* of the Throat, Breast
and Lung: the most efFeclual
and speedy cure known for
any of the above diseas
es is
Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of
Wild Cherry.
WM. MONTF.LICS, a respectable merchant of
Bt. Clair, Schuylkill county, writes, January
30, 1849 Enclosed I send you a certificate
of Worn. Beaumont, a citizen of our town.
His case of consumption is well known here,
and of long standing; he attributes his euro
entirely to your Compound Syrup of Wild
"A safe and effectual remedy for I Forms, Dys
pepsia Cholera Morbus, sickly or Dyspep
tic Children or Adults, and the most
usrjul Family Medicine ever of
feredto the public.
tod, Anderstown, Indiana. A man purchased
a bottle of your Vermifuge the other day for
his child, and by itsuso it discharged 63 ol
the largest worms he had ever seen. It is
somewhat difficult to get the peo. le to try it,
as they have so ofleti been gulled by nause
ous and worthless worm medicines. Yours
being so very pleasant to the taste, at the
same time effectual, I shall be able to dispose
of a largo quantity. Respectfully, yours, dec.;
Remember: Dr. Swayne's Vermifuge is
now put up in square bottles, (having recent
ly been changed;) covered with a beautilul
.wrapper, (steel engraving.) with the portrait
of Dr. Swaynethereon engraved. Bear this
in mind, and be not deceived. CLENSE AND
* EXTRACT OF TAR PILL*.—A mild and etfec-;
live purgative, great purifyer of the blood,
they correct all the lunations of the Liver, !
and as an alternative Dropsical affections,
they are very valuable. Giddiness of the
head, dimness of sight, depression of spirits,
headache, &c., aro cured by these purifying
Pills. No medicine can have a better effect
for monthly irregularities, which occasionally
happen to women, they aro perfectly salo,
and will in conjunction with Dr. Swayne's
compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, take all
pain and disease from every part of the sys
The above valuablo medicines aro pre
pared only by DR. SWA FNE, N. VV. corner
of EIGHTH and RACE Streets, Philadel
E. P. LCT 7. X JOHN R. MOVER, Bloomsburg,
Pa; M CGrier&John Moore Danville; John
Sharpless& C llnrtrnan & Co., Catawissa; G
aißShuman Catawissa Forge; Brown and
Creasy, Mifflinville; A Miller Berwick: John
Doak Briar Creek tp.j Peter Eat Williams
bur"' E. Lazarus Orangeville; JK Millard
Espylown; Elias Wertm\n Rohrsburg; Geo.
Masters Millville; J M Sheldon Jerseytown ;
McCay & Patterson Washington'.'!!!? J Hugh
McWilliatns Moresburg; and by most ait
Storekeepers in the adjacent Counties.
Bloomsburg, Feb. 21, 1850.—6 m.
No. 238 Market St. above Seventh,
southYide, Philadelphia.
Although we can scarcely estimate the
value of TIME commercially; yet by call
ing at the above Establishment, JAMES
BAKBEIi will furnish his friends, among
whom lie included all who duly appreci
ate its fleetness, with a beautiful ami per
fect INDEX for marking its progress, ol
whose value they can judge.
Ilis extensive stock on hand, constantly
clanging in conformity to the impnve
inents in taste and style of pattern and
workmanship, consists ol EIOIIT-DAV and
TIIIRTS iiouit Brass COUNTING House,
Clocks, French, Gothic and fancy styles, ,
as well as plain, which from his extensive |
connection and correspondence with the
manufacturers he finds that he can put at j
the Lowest cash Figure, in any quantity,
from One to a Thousand, of which he ;
will warrant the accuracy.
il®T"Clocks repaired and warranted- !
Clock trimmings on hand.
Call and seo me among them.
'238 Market si., Phila. Sept. 20, '49-ly j
Where may always be found aMfev large
and varied assortment of fine Watches, E
legant Jewelry, Fancy Articles, fine Cut- ;
Icrv, Silver and Plated Ware, s*c., offers
greater enduccments to purchasers than
tiny ether similar establishment in Phila
In addition to my heretofore large slock
I have just added a new lot of Watches, 1
Jewelry, Fancy making my
present assortment one of the best in Phil-1
indclphia, Mv assortment consists in pnrt 1
of Gold and Silver Lever, Lepine, Quar- j
tier and other wa'clirs; a full assortment ,
of Jewelry, such ns Cameo, Stone and
Mourning Broaches, Finger Rings, in a
great variety, Silver and Plated Table and
'lYn-spoods, Butter Knives, Thimbles and
Pencil Cases, Lcckeis, Purses, Keys, a
line lot of Razors, Penknives, <s-e., with a
full assortment of Gold Pens of all the
different Makers nt the greatly reduced
price ol f1,25.
No, 238 Market St., above 7lh, Phila.
All kinds of Watches and Jewelry care
fully repaired and warranted - My goods
■re offered at the very lowest cash prices.
Call and sea, if costs nothing to look.
Septembar 20- 1818.— Iv.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of Administration having been
granted to the nndersignud by the Register
of Wills of Columbia eounly upon the Es
tate of Thomas McN'air deceased, late of
Berwick, alt persona having claims agains
said Estate are renuested to make the same
known without delay, attd those indebted to
t he Estate to make payment to
Berwick, Jan. 7th, 1890.—flt.
Tbe Greatest Because the Best Fam
ily Medicine in the World
ATIVE PILLS, they have succeeded in
curing some of the worst cases, of disease
eve; recorded, and are daily accomplishing
(he restoration of persons after having tried
in vain to obtain relief from any other
sourco. One of -the Proprietors is a regular
physician of extensive experience, who de
votes his time exclusively to their prcpera
tion. For FEVER & AGUE, they have nev
er yet failed. At least one thousand cases
in the neighborhood of Philadelphia, have
been cured since tho first of Sept., last. In
Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Liver Complaint,
Scrofula, for Worms, and all other diseases
of children, they are unequalled by anything
ever prepared for the purpose, while for the
various diseases of Females there is no me
dicine can compare with them. There is
more of them sold—they are in greater de
mand than nny other pill—and when once
introduced in a family, they need no other
medicine. Each box containing Fifty Pills,
readers them the cheapest, while they are
decidedly the best, as well as the mildest in
action, of any now in the market.
The Editor of the "City Item," thus
speaks of them:
P?" READES, you are suffering from fever
and ague, and you have never tried H'ors
delt's Vegetable Hestora ive Pills. Shake no
more. There is still hope for you—you may
yet be cured - Go, or send at once to A.
Weeks & Co., 70 North Eighth street., and
procure a box of these unrivaled pills, which
are a sovreign antidote for this distressing
Col. Forney of the Pennsyloaniun,
I says :
WORSDELI.'S PILLS.—This excellent family
medicine is daily winning new triumphs
over disease, and consequently in the high
road to public favor. In the removal of the
every day ills that flesh is heir to, wo know
of 110 better compound. We heard the oth
er day of a desperate case of scrofulous e
ruptiotts of the head and face being e nirely
cured by them.
Du Solle of the "Times," says :
ty The great popularity of Worsdell's
Vegetable Pills, is attributed to tho just mer
it which they really possess. They have
been quietly gaining the famo til y now
have, by the force of their own virtues.
The means usually employed to give eclat
to new remedies have not been adopted by
the proprietors. Tiiey have been content to
let their medicine speak for itself. It is now
doing it in every section of tho country.
They are for sale by most of the Store
Keep? r throughout the Country,and in quan
tities at reasonable rates, at the Laboratory
No 70, North Eighth Street.
A. WEEKS & Co., Proprietors.
Agents, JOHN R. AfOi'Eß, Bloomsburg:
E. Lazarus, Oraugeville,
M. G. Shoemaker, Buckhorn,
Funston & Diefenbaeh, Jerseytown,
M. C. Grier, Danville,
C. Harlmaii & to., Cattawissa, and by
most merchants throughout the uountry.
The Trustees of the Columbia County Insti- '
tide take pleasure in announcing to the public
that they have secured the services of the
as Principal of the School to be opened in
Bloomsburg on Thursday, the sth day of
April next. The highly attested abilities of
Mr. Schafler afford an ample guarantee for
thorough instruction in all the various bran
ches taught in the school. These will con
sist of the following:
Ancient —Latin, Greek and Hebrew.
Modern —German, Spanish, French and Ita
Arithmetic, Geometry, Algebra, Survey
ing, Navigation, Geography, with the use of
globes; History, Natural Philosophy, and |
Chemistry, with lectures and experiments;
Moral and Mental Philosophy, with lectures.
Penmanship and Elocution will receive daily
TERMS. —In order to secure the greatest a
mount of benefit to each pupil, we think the
standard number should be twenty-five, un
less the demand of the public should warrant
an assistant. The, prices will bo as follows :
The English branches, S5 per quarter.
Do. with addition of languatres. 6 " "
CALEB BARTON, j Trustees. I
Bloomsburg, March 15, 1849.
The subscriber would inform his old friends
and the public in general, that he has taken
the well known stand recently kept by Dan
iel Snyder, Esq., on the head of Alain street,
in Bloomsburg, and will continue the public
house known by the sign of "THE FORKS"
where he is prepared to accommodate those
who may favor him with their custom. His
arrangements aro complete, quarters spaci
ous—location pleasant, and without promis
ing too much, he flatters himself ho will be
able to do ample justice to his guests.
Stabling anil the best faro for horses, &c.
Bloomsburg, April 26. 1849.
From California.
There is news that clothing is dear, but in
Light Street
J. E. Fredericks anil James Smith
make the neatest kind of clothing at the low
est prices. They have opened a shop it ex
door to S. L. Bottle's store in the lower cut
of Light Street, where they will do all kind:
at the shortest notice and lowest prices. They
invite only a trial to givo satisfaction. They
receive the latest city fashions, and will givo
particular attention to cutting out.
J. E. Fredericks will also continue his busi
ness at the old stand in the upper part of the
I town.
i Light Street, April 19, 1849.
Has opened a shop in one of the upper
rooms of the new building ppposite the Forks
] Hotel, iu Bloomsburg, Pa., where he invites
| all customers who wish fashionable, well-fit
ting and well-made garments to visit his
shop, examine his work, and give him a
trial. ' He regularly receives the
j and ask only for a trial tu ensure satifaction.
Particular attention wlllbogiven to cutting
j out.
Bloomsburg, April 9, 1849.
0. C. KAHLER, 7
Attorney at Law and Counsellor,
Respectfully informs his friends and the pub
lie that ho has commenced the practice ot
1 law in Bloomsburg, Columbia county, Pa.,
\ where he will promptly attend to ull legal bu
l siness entrusted to his care.
! Office on Main street, three doors south ol
| Hayhnrst & Baldy's store.
Bloomsburg, April 26, 1849.
F. Stewart, Attorney-at-Law,
Has removed from Wilkesbarre to Berwick,
where he will attend to all business entrust
ed to hie cure in Columbia and Luzerne
counties. OrrtcE oyposile the "Rising Sun
lloii." 'ly.'
(Do SCo dLMJISS©!?*
No. 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
Will effectually cure Liner complaint, Jaundice,
Dyspepsia. Chronic or Nervous debility, Dis
ease cf the Kidneys, and all diseases
arising from a disordered liver or
Such as Consumption, Inward Piles, Ful
ness of Blood to the Head; Acidity of the
Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for
Food, Fullness or weight in tho Stomach,
Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at
the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the
Head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Flut
tering at the Heurt, Choking or Sullicaling
sensations when in a Ly ing l'osturo, Dim
ness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the
Sight, Fever and Dull pain in the Head, Defi
ciency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the
Skin ami Eyes, Pain ill the Side, Back,
Chest, Limbs, &c., Sudden flushes ot Heat,
Burning ill the Flesh, Constant Imaginings
of Evil and Great Depression of Spirits.
Tho Genuine are Entirely Vegetable and
free from Alcoholic Stimulant Syrup, Aloes,
Rlieubard, Calomel, Acids, and all Mineral
and Injurious Ingredients, they are pleasant
in taste and smell, and mild in their opera
tion, never griping or giving any uneasiness,
they give strength to the whole, system
I whilst they drive from it disease. They can
t i administered to tho most delicate infant
with perfect safely.
It appeared in the leading German Jour
nail of Philadelphia—the "Philadelphia
Democrat." The Editor was personally ac
quainted with Dr. Hoofland, and prizing the
services of this great mail he could not qui
etly look upon the assurance of an impostor,
without apprizing the public of approaching
danger: ,
tilljristopl) tUilljdm Ijufclmto.
Christopher William Hoojland. ,
"One of the most renowned physicians,
one of the greatest benefactors of modern
times, was born at Langen Salza, Germany,
oil tho 12th day of august 1762. After a
careful scholastic education, lie, like his lath
er and grandfather, (two celebrated Doctors.)
voluntarily devoted himself to the study of
Medicine, at Jena and Gottigen, and in 1783
obtained the degree of Doctor of Medicine,
at the latter University. From 1793 to 1801,
he officiated as Professor at the University of
Jena. In 1801, ho was appointed Private
Physician to the King of Prussia, Member
of the Academy of Science, and upon the
establishment of the near College at Berlin,
Professor and Court Physician by the Minis
try of the Interior. His characteristic nro
loundness and deep penetration enabled him
iO combine the theoretical and practical; to
inlite oid and uew systows; produce in com
mott the practical and useful, and thus draw
therefrom the results and necessary applica
ble means.
"It was Dr. 11. principally, who exposed
and destroyed the 'Brown's System,' which,
notwithstanding the brilliant exterior, could
not conceal its many imperfections, brought
to light by Hoofland's noble impartiality,
sound truths, and deep penetration. Inde
pendent of nis practical usefulness as Phy
sician and Professor of the healing art, he
has earned uddying fame for his superior
knowledge in Materia. Medica, as well as for
his manifold works on Medical jurispru
dence. Among these may be menitoned his
world renowned ' Mtikrobcolik, or the art of
prolonging life,' 'System of practical healing
art," 'ldeas ol Pathogenic,' Journal of prac
itical Medicine,' &c. He has besides all this
gained eternal fame and praise from suffer
ing humanity for the discovery and combi
nation of several irtallible medicinals, a
motig which is the far ramcd and justly cel
ebrated compound, known as
The application of asciduous earth for the
cure of Sulphuric diseases—The celebrated
Diaphoretic remedy—and numerous inval
uable recorded recipes.
Alter the celebration of his fiftieth profes
sional festivity in 1833, upon which occa
sion tho King of Prussia, honored him with
the insignia of tho Order of the lied Eagle,
and many other lloyal Orders and marks of
distinction, he died on tho 25th day of Au
gust 1836, (as the King of Prussia's private
Medical Counsellor,) without any legitimate
%ale heir or offspring.
"Dr. C. M. Jackson, of Philadelphia, has
had tho means of obtaining the genuine re
cipes of tho great medical councellor 'Chris
toph Wilholm llufelaud,' and those invalu
able medicines are prepared with the utmost
care at the German Medicine Store. The
bitter mixture: Hoolland's German Bitters,
is the result of many years study and expe
rience by tho great inventor, and known and
prized in Europe as an infallible remedy for
tho cure of L'tcer Complaint Jaudice, Dyspep
sia Ifc. Dr. C. M. Jackson's preparation of
this medicine has obtained tho same celebri
ty in this Western World. The testimonials
and innumerable confirmations of thousands
of the most severe and difficult casas cured,
is ample proof of this. The medicines com
pounded by Dr. C. M. Jackson have produced
tho very eifectsand tho same happy results,
which the immortal inventor • indicated, and
intended, and consequently must be ; prepar
ed with scrupulous accuracy. In view of
tho above facts it seems singular, that any
body could have the hardihood and impu
dence to abuse the name of this distinguish
ed Doctor, who died thirteen years ago. To
pass off a charlatan quack preparation as tho
real and genuine medicine, and to give a
semblance of originality by affixing a fac
simile of the deceased, is indeed extraordi
nary ! The public will understand what to
expect, and what to do under such circum
A number of German papers copied the
abovo and are therefore entitled to our
These bitters are worthy the attention of
invalids. Possessing great virtues in the
rectification of disease of the liver and les
ser glands, exercising the most searching
powers in weakness and affections of tho
digestive organs, thoy are withal, safe, cer
tain, and pleasant.
Tho German "Illustrated News" says:
. "Our editor and others of this office have
used the German Bitter, and can recommend
it with confidence to our readers. As prepa
red by Dr. Jackson, it fully oquals if not sur
passes in its effects upon diseased Liver and
Stomach, the fullest expectation of the dis
tinguished physician.
The City Item, October 16th ssys:
JOY KOH THE INVALID. —How many of our
readers are atliicted with diseased liver,
stomach or nerves 1 Many, no doubt.
They are to be pitied, yet to all there is a
cure. Dr. Hooliaud's German Bitters has al
ready cured hundreds; and that it will cure,
no one who once uses it will dout, if they
uso it as directed. It has established for
itself an ut. lying fame, which few have
done out of the vast number that has been
thrown before the pubic. It is one of the
most perfect preparations in use, and, as a
German eontempory has said, that as pre
pared by Dr. Jackson, it fully equals, if not
surpasses, in effects the fullest representa
tion* of the distinguished physician who
first compounded it. As a spurious article is
now before the public, we would caution all
agalhst using any but that signed C.M. Jack
son and sold by nim at 120 Arch street.
The l: Camden Democrat the best paper in
West Jersey, says, July 21.
"Wo have seen many flattering notices of
this medicine, and the source from which
they came induced us to inake inquiry res
pecting its merits. From inquiry we were
persuaded to use it ; and must say we found
it specific in its action-upon disseases of the
liver and digestive organs, and the powerful
influence it exerts upon nervous prostration
is really surgrising. It calms and strength
ens the nerves, bringing them into a stale of
repose, making sleep refreshing.
If this medicine was more generally used,
we are satisfied there would be loss sickness,
as from die stomach, livor and nervous sys
tem the great majori y of real and imaginary
diseases emanato. Have them in a healtljy
condition, you can bid defiance to epidem
ics generally. This extraordinary medicine
wo would udviscur friends who are at all in
disposed to give a trial—it will then recom
mend itself.—lt should, in fact, be in every
family." No other medicine can produce
such evidences of merit.
This medicine has attained that high char
acter which is necessary for all medicines to
attain to induce counterfeiters to put forth a
spuiious article at the risk of rhe lives of
those who are innocently deceived.
Look well at the marks of the genuing.
They have the written signature of C. M.
JACKSON upon tho wrapper, and his name
blown in tho bottle, without which they are
For sale wholesale and retail at the Ger
man Medicine Store, No. 120 Arch Street,
one door below Sixth, late of 278 Race St.,
Philadelphia. And by JOHN R. MOYER,
Bloomsburg, and by respectful dealers gene
rally. 41-6 m.
D'. Henry Turner's Rheumatic Lir.iincnt.—
This superior remedy fof the Rheumatism, bu
reecntly introduced ii to this country by the pre
sent proprietor, has long been known in Eng
cand, London particularly, as the best and only
certain cure for that distressing and painful af
fection. Its cllect U| on the system is mild and
nothing, at the same lime certain and etlicacious
rarely failing to give relief upon the first appli
cation, end by repeating it a few times, a per
manent cure is effected.
We have known cases of pain in the breast
and back, with soreness, of several weeks dura
tion, cured in oue-ingle night, and heard the
patient express his grateful thanks that such re.
tnedy was ever discovered. We have also heard
individuals say they would give thousands of
dollars for a cure for rheumatism, yet the same
individuls were cured by two bottles of this great
Liniment, costing but fifty cents each. Who
would regret giving such a price fur such s rem
edy -to be free from the exciutiating tortuoe of
that most painful of all diseases.
Afflicted go procure a bottle of Dr. Turner',
Liniment und be healed at once ; do not longer
delay, but cast asido all nostrums and cuto alls,
fur the one thing ueedful to insure a cure. Sold
wholesale and retail hy D Wonderly &. Co. pro
prietors No 20 Commerce street, and iheit gen
oral agents Rowandantl Hon, No 21 North Sixth
street, Philadelphia.
Also, by JOHN K MOYEIi Bloomsburg. 6m
CsauaD.ll(3S>m. 9 ss3
Indian Vegetable Remedy-No Cure
NO PAY.—Read Physicians' opinion of
its virtues. r
I have precribcd the above medicine in
several cases of Primary Veneral Diseas
es and Secondary Syphilis, and the cf
feet litis been strikingly beneficial ; so
much so a to induce me to continue its
use in such cases with much satisfaction.
It is generally agreeable to the taste of
NO. 102 N. Fifth st,
Phils., June 12, 1815.
I have prescribed "Dr. Cullcn's Rem
edy," in many cases of Gonorrhoea, and
found it to effect a cure in a very short
time. A. WILSON, M, D.,
Cor. Twelfth & Shippen sts.
Pliila., Dec. 1 Gilt, 1845,
Messrs Rowantl Si Walton—Gentle
men : I have prescribed your celebrated
"Dr. Uullen's Remedy," in several cases
of of Gonorrhoee' and Syphilis, and
can conscientiously recommend it as a
certain and speedy cure.
Yours, &c„
Corner of Second Beaver, NL.
Wholesale and Retail, by ROWAND
WALTON proprietors, 21 SIXTHSI.
and by the persons named in another
column as agents of Dr Cullen's Indian
Vegetable Panacea.
Bloomsburg, Jan. 3d 1850.-6 m
To Physicians, Druggists and Country
Dr. J. N. Keeler and Bro. most respectful
ly solicits attention to their fresh stock of
English, French, German and American Drugs,
Medicines, Chemicals, Varnishes, Paints,
Oils, Dye Studs, Glass ware, Perfumery, Pa
tent Medicines &c. Having opened a new
storo No. 294 Market St. with a full supply
of prosit Drugs awUt edicines, wo respect
fully solicit Country dealers to examine ou
stock before purchasing elsewhere, promts
ing one and all who may feel disposed to
oxtend to us their patronage, to sell them
genuine Drugs and Medicines, on as liberals
terms as any other house in the City, and to
laithfully execute all orders entrusted to us
promptly and with dispatch.
One of the proprietors being a regular
physician, affords ample guarantee ol the
genuine quality of all articles sold at their
We especially invite druggists and country
merchants, who may wish to become agents
for Dr. Feeler's Celebrated Family Medicines.
<standard and popular remedies,) to forward
their address.
Soliciting the patronage of dealers, wo re-
Hpectfully remain, .... ,
J. N. KEELER & BRO., Wholesale
No. 294 Market street. Phila.-33-ly.
FORNIA, but the business of Coach and
Wagon making will Be continued by the sub
scriber at the old stand on Market street. He
will promptly attend to all orders for work in
his line of business, and is always ready, at
short notice, to furnish Wagons, Coaches
Carriages, Buggies, Sleds and Sleighs of any
style ; out always of the bost materials, and
made in the most substantial manner.
He will give his porsoual attention to the
business, and employ none but good work
men. Repairing will be attended to with
care, and upon the most reasonable terms.—
He proposes to serve his customers to such
work as will secure for him a continuance o
their patronage, and from all who need arti
cles in his lino of business. He asks only a
trial of his work to insure satisfaction.-
Bloomsbung, Feb. 18, '849.
wAicr mill meaning of the Age.
77 most extraordinary Medicine in the World !
This Extract i> put lip In Quart Bottles; it is six times
cheaper, pleavantcr, an.! warranted aupcrior to any
SQIJ. It cures disease wiibout vomiting, purging,
sickening, or debilitating tho fttitnt
The great beauty and superiority 6t' this Sai?P®r|k
la over all other Modiciues I>, while it eradicate* .'.'la
case, it invigorates the body, it is one of the vory best
ever known; it not only purifies the whole system
and strengthens the porson, but it creates, new, pure
and rich blood ; a power possesred by no other Med
icino. And in this lies the grand secret of its wonder
ful success, it has performed within the last two years,
more than one hundred thousand cures of severe cases
of disease, at least, 60,000 were considered incurable.
It has saved tho lives of more than 16,000 children the
three past seasons.
100,000 cases of General Debility and wont
of Nervous Energy.
Dn. 8 P. Town: \?*D'S Sarsanarilla invigorates the
w hole system psnnunerHr. 'jjp those who have lost
their muscular anrcgy, by the Wects of medicine, or
indiscretion committed in youth, or the excessive in
dulgence of tin passions, and brought on by physical
prostration of tie nervous system, lassitude, wantpf
ambition, feinting sensations, premature decay and
decline, hastening tow ard that fatal disease. Consump
tion, can be entirely restored by this pleasant remedj*
This Hanaparilla is far suporior to any
As it renews and invigorates tb® system, gives activity
to tho limbs, and strength to the muscular system in a
most extraordinary degree.
Consumption Cured.
Cleanse and Strengthen. Consumption can be cured.
Bronchitis, Consumption, Liver Complaint, Colds,
Catarrh, Coughs, Jlsthma, Spitting of Jtlnod, Sore
ness in the Chest, lleclic Flush, Night Sweats, l)if.
ficult or Pro/use Expectoration, Pain in the Side,
4 c., have been and can be cured.
Spitting Dlood.
Pa. R. P. Townarno—l verily beliove your Santa
puriila has been the means, through Providence, of
saving my life. I have for several years had a bad
Cough It became worse and worse. At last I raised
large quantities of blood, bad night sweats, and was
greatly debilitated and reduced, and did not expect to
live. I have only used your Sartaparilla a short time,
and there has a wondeiful change been wrought in
mc. lam now able to walk all over the city. T raise
no blood, and my cough has left me. Von can well
imagine that 1 am thankful for theso results. Your
obeuieut servant. WM RUBBEL, 65 Citherint-st.
File? Kite! I Fits 111
Da. R. P. Townsxsn, not having tested his Rarca
par ilia in CB9C of Kits, of course, never recommended
it, and was surprised to receive the following from an
intelligent and respectable Farmer in Weatchestet
County :
Fordham, .dugust 13, 1847.
Da. 8. P. Townswn—Dear Sir : I have a little girl,
seven years of age, who lias been several years
afflicted with Kits ; we tried almost every thing for
her, but without snccess ; at last, although we could
And no recommendation in your circulars forcasos like
hers, we thought, as she was in very delicate health,
we would givo her some of your Sarsaparilla, and art
glad we did, for it not only restored lior strength, but
she has had no return of the Fits, to our very great
pleasure and surprise. Rho is last becoming rugged
and healthy for which we feel grateful.
■ Youft respectfully, JOHN BUTLER,
Female Medicines.
Ds. 8. P. Townsf no's Rariaparilla is a sovereign
and speedy cure lor Incipient Consumption, barren
ness, Prolapsus Utori, or Falling of the Womb, Cos
tivoness, Piles, Leticorrhaea, or Whites, obstructed or
difficult Menstiuation, Incontinence of Urine, or in
voluntary discharge thereof, snd for the general pros
tration of the system—no matter whether the result
of inherent cause or causes, produced by irregularity,
illness or accident Nothing can be more surprising
than its invigorating efi'nets on the human frame.
Persons all weakness and lassitude, from taking it, at
once become robust and full of energy under its in
fluence. It immediately counteracts the nerveUr*
aess of the female frame, which is the great cause of
Barrenness. It will not be expected of us, in cases of
sordelicate a nature, to exhibit certificates of cures
performed, but we can assure the afflicted, that hun
dreds of oases have been reported to us. Thousands
of cases where families have been without children,
after using a few bottles of this invaluable Medicine,
have been blessed with fine, healthy offspring.
Great Blessing to Mothers and Children.
It is the safest and most efl'ectual medicine for
purilving the system, and relieving the siitteungs at
tendant upon childbirth ever discovered, it strength
ens both the mother ami the child, prevents pain ami
disease, increases and enriches tho food ; those who
have used it, think it is indispensable. It is highly use
ful both before and alter confinement, as it prevents
diseases attendant upon child-birth—in Costivenoss,
Piles, Cramps, Swelling of the Feet, Despondency
Heartburn, Vomiting, Fain in the Back and Lions,
False Pains, Hemorrhage, and in regulating the secre
tions and equalizing tho circulation, it has no oqual.
The great beauty of this medicine is, it is always safe,
ami the most delicate use it most successfully, very
few cases require any other medicine, in sumo a
little Castor Oil, or Magnesia is useful. Exercise in
the open air, and light food with this medicine, will
tlw3)t secure a safe and easy confinement.
• BlackwelPt Istand, Sept. 14, 1847.
Ds. 8. P. Towssf-nu— Dear Sir : 1 have sud'ered tsr
rihly for nine years with the llheumatism ; considera
ble of the time I could not eat, sleep or walk. 1 had
the utmost distressing pains, and my limbs were ter
ribly swdllen. I have used four bottles of your Sarss
paiilla, and they have done me more than one thou
sand dollars worth of good, I am so much better—in
deed I am entirely relieved. You are at libeity to
use this for the benefit of the afflicted.
Youri respectfully, JAMES CUMMINOB.
The Rev. John Seger
Of Jersey City, en old end highly respectable clergy
man of the Baptist Denomination, handed in the fol
lowing certificate at Dr. 8. P. Townsend's office. It
speaks for Useli.
Da. 8. P. TOWNSKNO—Peer Sir: I am constrained to
give you e statemout of the benefit 1 derived from
using your Sarsaperilla, believing, by so doing, 1
shall render a benefit to those who ere suffering es J
have been. I was reduced for many months by the
Dyspepsia, so much that it was with much difficulty
for ine to wAlk or keen about, i had also a tetter,
which oovered the roost part of my head—which was
extremely troublesome and sore; it got to be almost
a scab. I used quite a number of remedies for both
the complaints, but received little or no benefit, until
I took your Sarsaparilla, which, through the kindness
of Providence, has restored me to more than my usual
hoalth, as I am now enjoying better than I have for a
number of years. I am now 60 years of age. I be
lieve it to be an invaluable medicine, and recommend
it to my numerous acquaintances, which is very
large, as I have been a minister a great many years
( hope this hasty sketch may be an much benefit to
you as your medicine has to me.
July 11, 1647. JOHN SEGER, Jersey City.
Methodist Clergyman.
The following was sent to our Agent in Railway,
by the Rev. J. O TUNISON, of the Methodist Kpisco
pal Church—one of the most learned and respected in
the connection —and is another evidenco of the won
derful effects of Dr. 8. P. Townsend's Samporrlla en
the system.
Fatsxu PKAHSOW—Having for some time yon
are aware, experienced great general dohility of my
system, attended with constant and alarming irritation
of my throat and lungs, I was, at your instance, and in
consequence of having read Captain McLean's de
cided testimony in Its Tiehalf, induced to try Dr. 8. P
Townsend's fur-fkmed Snrseparilla. I tried it, / con
fess, more in the hope than in the confidence of its
proving efficacious ; but I am bound In candor now to
acknowledge, that I bad not tried it long before I be
gan to experience its salutary effects ; and I may now
say, with Captain McLean, "that I would not be with
out it on any consideration." It has done me roore
good than any previous remedy I have tried, and If
tuis stutement ta deemed by you of any importanou,
you have my full consent to make it public.
Rah way, August 3d, 18J7. J. O. 1 UNISON*
.This certificate conclusively proves that this Sana
oarilla has perfect control over the most obstinate
diseases of the blood. Three persons cured in one
house is unprecedented.
Three Children.
Da. 8. P.—Dear Bir : I have the pleasure
to inform you that throo of my children have been
cured of the Scrofula by the use of your excellent
medicine. They were afflicted very severely with
bad Sores: have taken only four bottles ; it took
them away, for which I feel myself under great
Da. 8 P. Towwsrwo is almost daily receiving orders
from Physicians in difl'erent parts of the Union.
This is to Certify that we, the undersigned, rhysi
ciansof the City of Albany, have in numerous cases
prescribed Dr. 8. P. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, and te
lievc it to be one of the most valuable preparations in
the market.
Albany, April 1, 1847.
Notice of Removal —After the first of September,
1849, Dr. 8. P. Townsend's New York Office will be
in the South Baptist Church, No. 9*4 Nassau street,
which is now undergoing a thorough change, and
wilt be fitted for tho hotter accommodation of the pro
prietors and tlie public.
AOKNTS.— Redding It Co, No. 8 Stato-street, and
Mri. E. Kidder, No 100 Couit-street, Boston ; Samuel
Kidder, Jr., IJOWJ1 ; Henry Pratt. Halem; James B.
Green, Worcester; Allison c Gault, Concord; J.
Balch St Son. Piovidence ; and by .Druggists and Mer
chants generally throughout the United States, Weal
Indie*. nod the Canada*.
Is the sole agent in Bloomsburg, for the sale
of Dr. S. P. Townsend's Sarsaparilta-36-ly
A new lot iust receired and for sale cheap
* C£Zaljl£Xjjj£4lAlllsilHiftfi I SISHMiSIEV
Beqgusc they are >fer, better end more efficaci
ous then any others, and because the public will
take no others if tliey can obtain them.
500,000 BOXES
have been sold annually for, the last Ave years.
Young end old, male and female, can always
take them with equal eafcty. withonl fear.
for purging and cleansing the stomach and bow
els, and purifying the blood and fluids of the bo
dy lako no others— for no other pills produce those
combined effects, or contain aarsaparilla in thein.
Eat, Drink, and Live as Usual,
and pursue your usual occupa ion whilst taking
them, without fear of taking cold during all kinds
of weather.
aro wagered that more genuine certificates [from
physicians, clergymen; Members of Congiess and
respectable citizens] can be produced of their ef
ficacy than of any others, and
Ten Dollars
will be forfeited in every insianco where ova noz
will not do moie good than two boxes of any o
Forty Pillc are in a Box I
and sold at Twenty.five Cents a Hot, with direc
tions and much wholesome advice accompanying
each box.
They have no taste nor unpleasant smell
free from dust or powder of any kind—do not
gripe the Stomach or bowels,—produce no sick
ness, vomiting or bad feelings—they are good at
all times, and adapted to most diseases common to
mankind. No one having once taking them will
be willing afterwards to take any ethers, because
they always do good, and if they do not then no
others will. *
Dr. N. B. Leidy, the Proprietor Manufacturer,
is a regular Druggist, Chemist and Physician, of
fifteen years experience in Philadelphia; member
of different Medical Institutions of Philadelphia,
New York, Boston, Baltimore, ire., and associate
and corrcßOonding member of several Medical In
stitutions of London and Paris—hence the rea
son of the greater confidence placed in. his pills,
and there being recommended in the practice of
most respectable physicians throughont the Uni
ted States.
Principal Depo*, Dr. Lzrnr's Dispkmsxrv,
No. 114 North Fouith Street, Philadelphi i. and
sold wholesale and retail by
J. R. Moyer & E. P. Lutz, ISloomsburg; Dr.
A. B. Wilson, Berwick; Peter Ent,
Light Street; M. G. Shoemaker, Buckhorn ;
J. A. Moore, Danville; Ricketts & Stewart,
Orangevillc; John Schrnick, Cattawissa ; A.
Levers, Washingtonville; J. M. Sheldon, Jer
seytown; J. F. Derr, Whitehall; J.S.Woods,
Columbus; Brown & Creasy, Mifliinsburg ;
E. Wertman, Rhorsburg, and by Storekeepers
generally. 49-ly
Dr. Pearson's
Pulmonic Expectorant,
Is the most certain and effectual remedy known
for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Consumption, In
fluenza, hoarseness, spitting of Blood, difficulty
of breathing, Bronchitis, pain in the breast and
side, palpitation of the heart, whooping cough,
asthma, croup, and all diseases of the Pulmonary
The proprietor of this Pulmonic Expectorant,
having graduated as a physician, and followed the
practice of his profession for several years, can,
therefore give to those persons who require such
medicines that assuranco which cannot be expect
ed where a compound is only concocted Irom an
antiquated recipe, taken from the leaf of an old
almanac or some similar source.
Prepared by S. A. Pearson, M. D, No. 106
North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, price $1 per
bottle, or six bottles for $5.
1 r. S. A. Peaison : Dear Sir—For the benefit
of othcre, I would inform yoo that I have been
usngyour Pulmonic Expectorant for a cough
vod pain in my breast and aide, the cflfecta of a
retry heavy cold—l find that it has given me great
haief. I consider it an invaluable medicine. I
cidve also used it in my family with the moat de
uacd benefit—lt cures colds in the least ooasible
time that medicine could cure them. If its vir.
luee were generally known, it would save thous
ands from an untimely giavo. You shouldaparo
no pains nor expense to have it brought into use
throughout the country.
Yours, dec. WM. M. CADE,
No. 212 Cherry St.
Dr. S. A. Pearson . Dear Sir—About a year a
go I was attacked with a severe inflamation of the
Lungs, which threatened every symptom of a
speedy Consumption. I called upon one of the
mos'. eminent physicians of Philadelphia,who jwo
nounced me incurable. My husband then procu
red for me six bottles of your Pulmoaic Expec
torant, which I had heard highly recommended—
and before I had taken the last of the sixth bottle
my lungs weio well, my rough and other symp
toms of Consumption euliroly cured. lam now
cnioyin? fine health and becoming quite flesh>
Jay St., betwein Coates dc Wallace.
Hunterdon County, N. J,
Dr. 8. At'Pearson, Dear Sir—About a year a
go I became severely afflicted with a pain in my
hreat and side, an extremely bad cough, Bpiltingof
blood, debility, night sweats, and other symptoms
of confirmed consumption, I became so much re
duced that I was unable to attend to my ordinary
business. I made application to a physician, who
examined my chest, and gave it as his decided o
pinion that my lungs were seriously afflicted. I
then app.ied to another, who was of the samo o
pinton, and after having presctibcd advised me to
return to my friends.
Provious to Ibis I had for s long time been la
boring under all the symptoms usually found with
persons laboring under disease of ihe lungs, and
it was thought by all who knew me that I was fast
wearing away with decay.
At tho lime I applied to the physicians I was
laboring under a severe attack of spitting blood,
with pain in my breael and side. Their prescrip
tions failed to relieve tho pain, and all their skill
could not arrest the discharge of blood from my
lungs. This being my condition, I was induced
to make atrial of your valuable Pulmonic Expec
torant, oy the use or which I was immediately re
licved of all those unplcnsant symptoms, and am
now so far restored to health, that i am able tu
attend to all my ordinary butiness, and expose
myself as much as it Is prudent for any one to do.
I would therefore confidently recommend every
person who is laboring under disease of tho lungs
and breast, or who are afflicted with colds or with
coughs, to mike trial of your most valuable prep
aration I would further add that after having
made use of your Expectorant for a few weeks, i
beeamd so flesy that persons with whom i was
acquainted hardly knew me. i still remain in good
health at this time, March, IB4G.
Yours truly,
The following card of three reepectnble physi
cians Beta. forth the virtues of Dr. Pearson's Pul
monic Expectorant -
Having mode use of Dr. Pearson's PULMONIC
EXPKCTOHANT, WO feel it a duty to recommend it
as a safe and cfifetmal ctrt "f tbo various diaras.
es for which it is intended. We arc acquiti.M
with many persons who have been cured of cough
bronchitis, pain in the breast and side, spitting of
blood, palpitation of tho heart, and incipient con.
sumption, cy its use, and mony of tl.:m after all
other meaue had failed.
A. PEARSON, M. D;, U. S. Navy.
S. K. LEF.DOM, M. D. Uhsmpiain Uo„ U.
Patients may consult S. A. Pearson, M. D-, at
his office No. lU6 North Fouith Street, above
For sale in Blomnsbnrg by William Robieoa,
Merchant,and also at Pittsloii Perry, by Dr. A.
Curtis, Druggist.
Agents in Columbia county..
Wm. Robison, Bloomsburg,
Peter Ent, Light Street,
John Schmick, Cattawissa,
M.G. Shoemaker, Buckhorn,
E. Lazarus, Orangeville.
A Word to Horsemen.
Dr- Pearson's Barber Embrocation is
cidcdly the beat preparation that can be uecd fur
the cure of Bprains, Bruises, Cuts, Galls, Splints
suilr, rwgbonq, spavin, stiffness of the joints, +c
it is an articlo which gjiould bo in the hands of
every horseman, and no stable should ho without
a bottle of it. rrico 25 and 50 cents, rrepared
only by 8. A. Pearson, m. n. and foraale, whole,
sale anil retail, at 106 North fourth street, rhilad.
Tho following certificates ere from horsemen of
the highest respectability who have given it a de
cided preferenco ovor other preparation of the kind
in use.
Phila., March 2, 1847.
Dr. 8. A. Pearson, Dear Sir—i feel ft a duty
which t owo to you and tho community at large,
or rather thet pari of the community who possess
or in any way have charge of Horses, to euy, that
i hive used your "Embrocation" for horses, it is
deeidedly the beat preparation i have ever natd, or
have any knowledge of for tho various diseases
w. ich it is recommended.
I also know a g-eat number of my friends who
have used it and they all say that it is the best
medicine for horses they have ever used. I would
confidently recommend every person who has a
horse should keep a bottle of this valuable Embre
cation in his stable.
Yours respectfully,
Salem, N. J., May 19, 1847.
Dr. 8. A. Pearson, Bii—Having tried your
■Embrocation' for horses, I have found it tho best
remedy tho' I have ever seen or tried for the cures
that it is recommenc ed to perform. It cures galls
with the least possible delay that it could be done.
I would cheerfully recommend it to ell stoblokes
peers nnd owners of horses.
Proprietors Snlem Line Stages tj Bridguton,
New Jersey.
• Phila. May 28, 1847.
This is to certify that I hove used Dr. Pears*
en's Barber's Embrocation for horses, and unhes
itatingly say that it is decidedly the heat remedy
of the kind, for the various diseases which it is
recommended, that I have ever used, or hava any
knowledge of,- and confidently recommend it to
all horsemen and of horsci, to be kepi
constantly in their possession,
White Horse, Corner of Wood & 3d sts. l'hiln
I fully agree with the above certificate and o
piuioii of Mi. King, in the use of Dr. Pearaon'e
Barber's 'Emhrocntiun.' JOHN CAB£,
Bucks County, Pa., June 19, 1847.
February 13, 1848.
S. A. Pearson, M. D. Sir—This is to certify
that I have used your Embrocation for horses,and
give it a decided preference over every other arti
cle of the kind in use for tire various diseases for
which it is recommended/ it does not destroy the
hair as most other articles do. 1 would recommend
it to every horseman to be kept constantly in their
stables, Yours, Ac.,
Solebury tsp, Bucks Co., Pa.
Doylcstown, May 29, 1848.
Dr. Pearson,Sir—Having used your "Embro
cation for Horses" on several occasions with greet
su< cess, I do mus* fully recommend it as an in
valuable preparation for sprains, bruises, cuts aad
in short almost any of the ills that horse flesh is
heir to. Yours, Ac.,
High Sheriff of Bucks Co., F^.
Philad., Sept. 7, 1848.
Dr. Peatson, Sir-Hiving made use of your El I
brocation for horses on sevetal occasions, wi h
great success I do believe it to be a most exccllc it
aud valuable preparation, decidedly the best tl it
I have ever used, or have any knowledge of, >r
the purpose for which it is intended, and wot d
most confidently lecommend it to the notice if
every horseman. It should be kept constantly n
theii possession. Very respectively yours,
Fhiladelpl i.
I have tiicd Dr Pearson's Barber's EmblOt •
tion for Horses, and I am confident tlut it la Jt a
most useful preparation that can be used, for II
diseases which it is recommended ; and also, r
Sprains, Biuises and Rheumatics, of men.
December 23rd, 1848. ' I
Fittsgrove, Salem Co,, N.jl
We, the undersigned, having made us of Da
Paaison's Barber's Embrocation, fully agree ti|
the opinions expragred in the above Certificates!
and fully recommended it to every Horseman anil
Parmer who kecpß horses, to be used by them in
pieference to any other article, for the various diss
eases for which it is recommended.
A. J. Beaumont, New Hope. Pa; John V.
Scheck, Stablekeepcr, St Louis; A. Pearson.
M. D., Dublin, Bucks County, Pa; J aired
Boyd, Solebury Tp., Bucks Co., Pa; Win.
R. Dickerson, Esq. Philadelphia; James F.
Nicholas, Boxboro, Pa; J. H. Reading,
Fleraington, N. J.„ Merchant; H. C. Buff
ington, Flemington, N.J.,Editor; J.Larrison
Hunterdon Co., N. J., Merchant; Wm.Erley
Bristol, Coroner of Bucks Co; John Shaffer,
Lancaster, Ohio; llonry Johnson, Milford,
N. J.; William King, Esq. New Pork; Wm.
Robison, Bloomsburg, Pa , Wm. Scudder,
Scudder's Falls near Trenton, N. J; Wm.
M. Cade, Philadelphia; Dr. A. Curtis, Drug
! gist, Pittston Ferry.
Wm. Itobison, Bloomsburg,
Peter Ent, Light Street,
John Schmick, Cattawissa,
M. G. Snoemaker, Buck horn,
E Lazarus, Orangeville,
Eyes Open Tight.
A word to the sick and afflicted.
E. P. I.UTZ, would again invite the attention
of the citizens of Bloomsburg, and vicinity, to bia
new and splendid assortment of Drugs, Medicine*.
Oil* Paints, Varnishes, Glass, Dyeatufls, Con
fcctionaries at d soforth, which he has just, re
ceived, and will tell upon the moat reasonable' .
In addition to the above, ho would offer a gen
eral assortment of spices. Paint Brushes, Varnish
Brushes sash-tools and Patent Medicines from a
Pill up to any amount of Townssnd's Ssrsepa.
Also, Large Glass for pictures and cicek-facoa.
as largo ns 24 by 30 inches, and should the sixes
not suit he will cut (hem et his own risk for e very
little addition to the original prices— Gold, end
Silver Leaf, French Leaf, Dutch Metal, Red,
White, Green and Yellow Bronze*, Kept Con
stantly on hand varying in price* from Slots to
sf. an ounce—
Physician's, Painters, Gilders eoti the public
generally ere initeu to call end examine hie stock
before purchasing elsewere. Nocborgefor look
ing at articles. Remember the sign of the golden
Mortar and pestle.
N 11. Glass-cutting done to order at tho short
: est notice.
Bloonnburg. Feb. 8, IfHDr-tJ