[ THE CROAKEKB. I Senator Frlck writes from Harrisburgh to ! lit* paper, the Miltonian as fallows in rela- lion to Montour county:—The bill to create ; the conty of •' Montour," out of parts of Col umbia county, Passed tbe Senate on Monday by a.vot of 15 yeas, to 14 nays. This bill was placed upon tbe files at tbe commence, turut of the session, and after some resist ance' Mas finally passed. The. bill is now tin tho House, and will pass that body if bard boreing can cliect anything. There are several borers hero frcm Danville, and more are expected shortly who are constant ly among the members, giving „ most woe ful account of thoir sufferings, at the hands of the Blootnburghers. If any confidence car be placed in their piteous lamentations, the Danville folks have been grossly and justice denied them til their Court.*.— Whether the bill can be "bcrcd" through re mains to be seon. My opinion is that it can j not. There appears to be no disposition in | that body to make new counties, and I hope [ this bill without any merits whatever, will ! be killed as it deserves to Le. t3f . Amuck ror Coal transported on the Philadelphia and Reading Rail Road, during tho wdek ending Thursday, February 21, 1840: Tons. CwV From Port Carbon, .... 4.416 n8 ; " Potuville, - • - - - 1,289 08 Schuylkill Haven, - - - 4,119 12 •' Port Clinton, 1,864 18 .'Total for week, ..... 11,690 07 Previously thisvear. from Lire. Hi 1849," ---. 145,138 05 I Total, .... 156,828 12 To same iitne last year, - 124,968 12 CF'Hoback, the Astrologer, lias beon in dicted for obtaining money under false pre tences, and found guilty. CURE FOR BAD FITS—Not by any pa tent medicine, but by a good unit —not such a suit as a man can get into at court, but such a neat, well-made and fashionable suit of | clothing as every body sth uld wear; just inch as you can find —Sit A. 11. Bit's', if you will rail anil examine his Block of coats, JHmts, vests, .aid other articles of dress at the lower door ol ihe new Exchange Block near ly opposite the Couri-House, in Bloornsbiirg Ilia stock of ready-made clothing is not the "flop-Mark made up for sixteen cents a daj', but is cut with attention and made up to i ccur ' and not only to sell. Mr. Ellis has also on hand an assormcntof cloth, cassimeres, sattincts, and suitable trim mings ; so that lie is prepared Ui innko up clothing to order at the shortest notice. He will ptay particular attention to cutting out. MARRIED. In this place, oil Tuesday morning hist by Rev G. 11. Day, Mr. I,'VV. HAUTMAN and Miss MARY M R1 ITER happy pair have our best wishes that their path thro" life may be ever bloom ing with the fairest flowers of happiness, contentment and bliss. On the lTth inst., by the Rev. Mr. Web ster, Mr. Wm. Bkibf.l, of Wilkesbarre, to bliss Mxar IIXHT, of Lausanne Carbon County. In Klkland. on Saturday the oth inst., by- Joseph Woodhead, Esq.. Mr. J. Wknck, jr.. of Forks tp., and Miss Saiiah Fawcxtt, of Elkland tp , Sullivan co. Pa. 'ln Wilkefbarre, on the 13ih inst., by Rev. Thomas 11. Pearne, Mr. John K. Hei.me, to Miss Ei.iza Gbuver, both of tVilkesbarre. DIED. In Cattawissa. on Sunday last, after a very short illness. Mrs. Jane, wife of Charles Ilartinan, aged about 35 years. In Roaringcreek township on the 2-tth February, Mr. Aukm Mencu, aged 60 years 5 mouths and 28 days. [Reading papers please copy.] At'Kxeter, Luzerno comity, Pa., on the 18th iriM , Sarah, wife of Lewis Jones, aged 75 years. At the residence of his son, in Davidson tp., Sullivan co., on .the 22d of November, 1849, Mr. John Keeeek, aged 86 years. I r" Mr. Keeler was one of the old re*- olmioiiary soldiers, and drew a pension for many years. He Was Born in Orange coun ty, in the State of New York. JPublic Sale. , In pursuance of an order'of the Orphan's Court of Columbia county, on Friday the , 29th day of March next, at 10 o'clock 111 tho forenoon, Philip Uillmeyer. Esq. trustee, ap pointed bv the Orphan's Court of Columbia 'county, to sell tho real estate of Nicholas fia chord, late of Madison township in. said co,, deceased, will expose to sale by public, veu di'td, upon the premises, two ceiiaiu lots of ground, situate in New Columbia, Madison township, atoreeaic, and numbered, in the I>ian of said town number one and two, lafo the estate of said deceased, situate in the township of Madison and county aforesaid. JACOB EYERLY, Clerk. Bloomsbnrg, Feb. 26 1850. ________ FASHIONABLE TAILOR, Has just reccjjed'tlie spring & Summer Fash ions, which lie will use in cutting all gar meats entrusted to his care for making. Bloornsbiirg. Feb. 28, 1860. Notice.'" | All parsons H-dobled to llm Estate of James | Evori*. Sr., late of Uri are reek township, yly eeased, either by Nolo or Buok account, are requested tu meet at the house of Enhraim Evans, tu said lownsfffp, oil Monday K TUBS , ■lay the 4th ami sih of March next, prepared ; fur settle moat, when the Executors will be ; IN otieuiianee on the above days. Those who neglect this notice may expect to pay J AOltl. JOHN DOAK, JOB. PILKINGTON, HENRY M AHTZ, ; 1 Etmilors. i Horse Hills 'Of any deeirable style, neatly ami cheaply 1 primed at this office. MllOfc A new lot ju*t received and for sale oheep I MORGE WEAVW. ..i| t- . % ' ' - 1 ;|k;, v v - l U jy i_|, Sheriff's Sale. I 9-Y. Virtuo of a writ. of Levari Facias to mo directed will be exposed ki public sale, : on etpurday tho 23d day of March next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., at the old Court-House in Danville. all that certain lot of ground, situ ate on the.i North west side of Mill Street, and described as follows : Beginning at the corner of Charles White's lot in,said. street, ihenue along said Ipt one hundred and fitly feet to an alley, theitce along said alley forty one feet to a corner of Daniel Ramsey's.iot, thence along said lot one hundred and fifty feet to a corner on said Mill street,, thence a long said Mill street forty-one feet to tho first mention comer, the place of beginning: eon* mining six thousand one hundred and fifty square feet of ground; be the same more or less, and numbered with the number two in the plot of lots, so ,laid out on the North-west side of said Mill street. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the properly of John Arler and Jesse Ar tcr. PETER BILLMYF.R, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Bloomsburg, I February 20, 1856. ) VALUABLE PROPERTY ! For Sale Or Rent. ' The house and lot in the town of Illiors bnrg, Columbia county, lately belonging to John Stiles, deceased, is offered for sale or rent by the undersigned. Tlia properly is a good situation for a And has been occupied as such for soveral years. For the last two years it lias been used as a STORE HOUSE, and it lias all the , necessary preparations about it for use as a store. "1 he House is a largo two story frame building, and affords room sufficient for a dwelling-house and store-room. The property is also well provided with stabling, and the ! lot one of sufficient ground to accommodate I any public business. There is upon the pro mises a never failing well of water.. For terms and further information apply to either ot the subscribers, residing in Sugar loaf tow uship, Columbia county. . RICHARD STILES, , JSx, JOSIAII STILES, Feb 3t. BUERIFF3 SAI-E. By virtue of a writ of fi fa. to mc directed will be exposed to public sale in Orangeville at the .house of Jacob Good, on Thursday t lie 7th day of March next, at 1 oclock, P. i M.. a certain lot of ground situate in Orange ville, Orange township, Columbia county, bounded as follow? : beginning at tho corner of Main street, and land owned by George Harmaii, thence nearly west twenty one and one-half perches to lands of Pavid Herring thence nearly north six perches to a lot of Wm DeLong, thence by the same Ifhd a lot in possession of Jacob Good nearly east 21i perches to Main street, thence along the said Main street nearly south six perches to the place of beginning, containing one hundred and iwepfy-nine perches of land on which are erected a two siory frame dwelling house u frame shed with the appurtenances. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Peter Miller. P. UILLMEYER. Slid. Sheriff's Office, Bloomsburg. ) February 6, 1850. j GIVE "EM FITS J! Peter S. Leidy Can manufacture just as neat and fashiona ble a suit of clothing as any other tailor in these diggins. As a sample of his work manship. lie refers you to the ' BEST FITTING COXT i To be found in Ihe town, which is quite cer tain to have come from his shop. Ho regularly receives the latest city fash ions, and from his experience in the busi ness can ensure satisfaction in his work. Ho has also on hand an assortment of CLOt'H, CASSiMERKS, & TRIMMINGS, At the lowest prices, from which lie will make up to order coatr, pants, or vests of any desirable style. LVHis shop is on the North side of Main Street, a few doors above the Court-house. Ulooinsburg, Feb. 14, 1850. (WHITE SWAN HOTEL. The Subscriber bpgs leave to inform his friends and the public in .general dial lie lias taken die WHITE SWAN -HOTEL AND STAGE OFFICE, NO. 108, RACE STREET, Formerly kept by J. PETERS A SON. The House being large and convenient, and in the business part ofc the city, he hopes by strict attention to business, that. bis friends, and all who may come to the city on busi ness or pleasure, will give him a call. lie pledges himself,that nothing shall be wanting on his part to make jthein at home. TERMS — One Dollar per,day. GEORGE RAHN, Formerly of Schuylkill County. Philadelphia, Mareh 22, 1849. dti&AP TAILORING. The subscriber is now doing. a large busi ness at Tailoring in Light Street, anu invites all who wisli for fashionable, well-filling anil cheaply-made garments to visit his *iop and give linn a trial. lie has two shops in operation, turning ofl work. One is in the upper end and the other in the lower part of Light Street. He regu larly receives the CITY FASHIONS, and asks only for a trial to insure satisfaction. Particular attention will be paid to cutting it'. B. F. DOLLMAN. Light Street, April 12, 1849-ly A House & Lot At Private Sale. AmL THE subscribers offer to piir i jTTj*chasers, at private sale, a house HHBllK a "d lot upon the Main Street of Bloomsburg, in the business part of the town, between the two principal hotels, and only a little more than a square from the Court' House. The lot fronts 66 on Main street and extends 214| feat bark. The house is a large stone dwelling, and the property in every way offers a fair cnance fo any person wishing a residence or business location in the county-seat. For terras in quire of A. H. ELLIS. Bloomuburg. or C. D.'GEAUiI ART II enrich ■ Boot and Shoeaaking. JACOB F. DEITTRRICU Has removed his boot and shoe establish ment, into the new frame building on Alain Street two doors above Albright & Mongol's stare, opposite the Forks Hotel, where lie in* vitas his aid customers and the public gener ally to oall and give his work a fair trial. He will furnish all article* in liis line of b'tisi ness neat, strong and ehoap. Bloomsburg, April 19th 1849.-fy. MOUNT VEHNON HOUSE, NO. 95 NORTH SECOND STREET, PHIL- A DELPHI A, PA. This hour* is kept by D. Bi.xta, and is one of tht best in the oily. Merchant* and oth ers visiting Philadelphia would do well to .give him a >aU. Boots and Shoes. BP* Encourage your (Hen Mechanics, and you encourage Yourselves, jgj The subscriber would inform Ins friends and the public, lliat lie has on hand, and makes to order nit kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, at llio following low prices : . Men's fine calf or morocco boots, 84 a 4 50 (1° kip or cow hide, .3 35 do , calf shoes 2 00 do ..cow hide 1 75 do . miners', nailed, 2a2 50 Ladies'gaiters, 2a2 25 -' Luce boots, 1 62 " Thick soled slippers, lal 37 " Pump soied, 100 " Excelsiors, 125 Boys',,youths' and children's shoes in pro portion. He manufactures his work of the best of stock, and warrants it-to wear ; and he is determined to sell it as low as others can their Yankee or city work,, Call, and see for yourselves, t-hop on Main St., next door below Hartman's Store. WARREN RUSSELL. JVEW GOODS. The subscriber has just received and open ed a new and choice lot of goods which he offers for salo at tho lowest prices. 'An abundance of the necessaries and lux uries of life will be found in his assortment. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. BATTINETS, ALPACAS, CASHMERES. DE LANES—HATS, & CAPS, BOOTS,SHOES. MUFFS PRINTS, &. SHAWLS. IN short, everything for Ladies and Gen tleman's wear, beside a liill variety of GRO CERIES. QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, AND CEDAUWARE, Those wishing to purchase will do well to call soon. WE charge nothing for showing goods. GEORGE WEAVER. Bloomsburg, Oct 15th 1849. liveuy stash,ic j9\ NOAH S. PRENTISS M . J—invitee the public to tryOflEjEflf U/\ his new stock of carriages and buggies, a vaiiety of which can be found at his Livery Slable.. fie can always furnish horses and vehicles of the best kind, and on lensonable terms. He has recently added a number of fashionable ve hicles and good horses to his former stock.— lie will furnisfi to parties four horse convey ances with good and safe drivers, at very low prices. Call at the lower end of Hopkinsville, on the East side of Main street. Bloomsburg, Dec. 13, '49-ly IIATS AND GAPS. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and customers, that lie lias just re ceived from the city, a large and select as sortment of ■ •- FASHIONABLE £| Ilats and Caps, of DURABLE MAKE AND IMPROVED STYLE , which he olfers lor cash sales very cheap, at his old stand, on Main Street, sec ond door South of tho Court house. He continues to manufacture Ilats to order as usual. THOMAS WILLITS. Bloomsburg, Nov. 15, J849. NEW SADDLER SHOP- The subscriber announces to the public that lie has just opened a Saddler Shop in the central part of Bloomsburg, on Main street, one door above Rupert's Kiore, where he will keep constantly on hand and make to order all kinds of HARNESS, SADDLES, TRUNKS, VA NIECES, Arid every other article in his line of busi ness. He will also attend to TRIMMING carriages and buggies, in every desirable style, and will turn off all his work neat and good ; and at the low est pricos. Those who wisli work in his line will do well to give him a call. WHides, country produce, and even gold dollars will be taken in payment for work. W. M K. THORNTON. Bloomsburg, May 15, 4849. -Public Sale. WILL BE sold at public sale, on the prem ise?, on Saturday, the 9th day of March, A. D. 1850, at 11 o'clock, A.M., that certain property, known as the , Roaring Creek Mill Propel ly. Situate in Franklin township, Col. County, near the mouth of Roaring Creek. Said property consists of about Forty A cres of Land, on which are erected A GRISTMILL AND SA W MILL, And Several Dwelling Houses. The water power is one of the Desl and most unfailing of any in this section of the Stale, being suf ficient at tho lowest stages of tho water to turn two run of stone. The properly will be sold with a reserva tion of tiie water and privileges con nected therewith, ot the Roaringcreek Fur nace. Terms of sale—one fourth cash, and the residue in pnp, two and three years, with in terest, secured by bond and mortgage on the property. • E. H. BALDY, For the Trustees of the U. S. Bank. Danville, Jan. 7, 1850—9t. Administrator's Notice, , Notice is hereby given that letters of Ad ministration have this day been grantod to the undersigned upon the estate of Daniel Peaier, deceased, bile of Fiskuigcreek,town ship, Columbia connly. All persons know ing themselves indebted to the estate, are therefore requested to make immediate pay ment, and those havingclaiins to present the in to the undersigned, residing in Fishingcreek township at the late residence of the decea sed. GEORGE PEALER, HIRAM PEALER. : t Adms. Fishingcreek, Jan. 24, 1846—6t. BERWICK HOUSE. And Cicncrul Singe Office. ... „ BY G. W. NICELY. Tire subscriber lias taken the large and commodioua hotel In Berwick Pa., lately kept by Frederick Nicely., and refitted it up anew in a style comfortable and convenient for travellers and boarders. HIS TABLE will bo supplied with the best produots of the markets afford, and HIS BAR furnish the choicest liquors. Attentive hostlers will always be in atten dance, and by obliging attention to the wants of hispatrous he solicits a share of the ynb lic, patronage. G, W. NlCfitV. Berwick Pa. April 19th 1849.-ly. | BLANKS!! DEEDS. SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPCENAS, and JUDGMENT NOTES, o! proper and desirable forms, for sale at thee* oifice tho ' Star of the North." Philadelphia Beading aid Pottsviile WINTER ~ARRANGEMENTfi. " ON and ufler November Ist, 1849, the Passenger Trains will ran between Phil adelphia and Pottsviile, as follows; ~ Leaves Philadelphia at 81 A. M., daily, except Sundays. i Arrived at Heading at 11 18 Arrives at Po.tßville at 12 50 Leaves Pottsviile at 81 M. M. Daily except Sundays. . . Arrives at Rbtuling at n) 00 Arrives at PoUsviflaat 12 50. ua.g3o Pottsviile.and Philadelphia $3.50 an: fB,- 00; Pottsviile and Reading $1,40 and 8120: Reading and Philadelphia 2,26 ynd 1,90. Passsengers cannot enter the Cars unless provided with Tickets. There will bejjo afternoon Train, ty NOTICE.—Fifty pound of baggage will be allowed to each passenget in these lines; and passengers are expressly prohib ited from taking any thing as baggage but their wearing apparel, which will be at the risk of its owner. By order of the Board of Managers. - L S. BRADFORD, Scc'ry. Bloomsburg, Nov. 15, 1849. Hood tsud nineties. - JEWELRY AND SILVER-WARE, wholesale slid retail,at No. 00 Notlh 2nd street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. (void lever watches, full jewelled, 18 caret cases. <3O and upwards. Silver lever do, full jewelled, $lO and upwards. Silver lepine do, jewelled, sll and up wards. i .. Silver quartier watches, from $5 to 10. Gold pencils, from $1 50 in $7- Superior gold rings, from 37 to 80 els. Oilier articles in proportion. All goods warranted to be vvhlit they are sold for. Con-tanHv on hand, a foil assortment of fine GOLD JEWELRY aod SILVER WARE. Also, nn assortment of ,\J. J. Tobias cfe-Cn. ; E. Simpson Samuel and Brothers; E. S. Yates o furnish at short notice any required style i f Waich, for which orders will be" taken and the name and residencn of the person order ing put oil if requested. ; , O. CONRAD. No. 96 Noith Third Street. Importer of Watches. January I, 1850.-ly 49 S.IRONI'S MUSICAL TIDIES. _ A WEEKLY JOURNAL, devoted to Literature, Mugiq, and the Fine Arts. Office, New York, 251 Broadway. TERMS —S2,OO a year in advance; for which our subscribers will receive nearly ONE THOUSAND QUARTO PAGES of LETTER-PRESS, besides fifty pages of elegantly printed original Music, by the most celebrated . composers, and a magnificent STEEL ENGRAVING OF SAN TA CECILIA, worth by itself more than the whole subscription. ty Editors copying our terms, and giv ing a synopsis of the charistics of our. jour nal, THKEE TIMES, and sending us marked copies of the same, may depend upon the regular transmission to them of die Journal, together with the engraving. Edward L. Walker, 160 Chestnut street, is our principal agent for Philadelphia. Specimen numbers will ho sent by mail, to any one addressing us, post paid. SARONI & CO., 251 Broadway, New York. No. 1.-3t DON'T ALL SPEAK AT ONCE ! To HAVE the best fitting suit in tdwn>fta made by who (ft , does Fashionable Tailoring as cheap & --111. a little better than it can be done in town by any bpdy else. He has just received the la test Fall Fashions, and with his e.xperiene in cutting garments, he can promise the best, satisfaction to those who patronize him. If CALIFORNIA Was to be supplied with such garments as he Huns off, a fair fortune might be made at once. His shop is on Main street below Mar ket, in the building lately occupied as an of fice by C. R. Buckalew. ESTIo will take country"-produce for his work, and gold dollars will not be refused. Bloomsburg, Nov. 8, 1849—if. For Good Watches. Henry Zuppinger returns gYV. his thanks lor past patro alK' '"vhesthe pub '"wtw li°-1 0 his new (if >,> a assortment of (F# -' •' CLOCKS, WATCHES, Tri rnini 11 "s. Glasses,, and Keys, Balance Wheels, Jewels, which he offers for reasonable prices. He will alsore pnir clocks, watches, and musical and opti cal instruments in a satisfactory manner. His shop is in the middle room of the Ex change block, nearly opposite to the Court House. Bloomsburg, Nov. 28, 1849. Rising Sun Hotel—Berwick, Pa. THE subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the 11a vetlairji: public, that has taken ihe well known Tavern Stand lately occupied by Tito*. M'NAII,-which has titled np in the best pos sible manner for the accommodation of those who msy favor him with4heir-pa-Tenage. He Hattrrs: himself that by unremitting attention on hk part, he can give entire saiiefaction to all. IIIS TA BLE will be supplied with tho best the market nlfurde, and HIS BAR with the best and choicest liquors, is Obligmg nntf attentive Ostlers always on hand, and his STABLING is the most extensive in this section of counrty. R. B. SI'KDMAN. Tailoring; in Eight Street. James Smith Invites the attention of the fashionables of Light Street to,his. style of cutting garment.. He makes them in the. best and most tasty manner, and can ensure satisfaction in his workmanship. He receives the latest fashions, ?. n d when cutting only is desired, the "work, is marked carefully for the maker. tdf All kinds of cour.try produce taken in exchange for work. LigfitStreet, Feb. IJ, 1850. NS'W AUBITAIi BY different arrivals we have replenished our STOCK OF GOODS, which we will sell at our usual low prices. J. H. BARTON k 00. Bloomsburg, Nov. 8, 1849. For Rent. A Urge and convenient dwelling house, end e suite of roome suitable for a email fa mily, or for an office or shop. Enquire at this office. A ' ■ ' ' 58 BLOOMSBURG ACADEMY. A HIGH SCHOOL N For Young Ladies sad Gentle men, J. E. BRADLEY, Principal. MDhe text WinterJgession of this Institution will commence on MONDAY tRe Bth of Oc tober. . Text Bodes. Emerson's Spelling Book and Reader. i Goodrich's Geography. .<> j Bullion's English Grammar.< Parker's Progressive Exercises. " Aids to English Composition. Blair's Rhetoric,JJniveieity edition. Davjetp. Arithmetic. " Algebra, " Geometry. ■" Sun-eying. " Mensuration, Forter's Book-keeping. Ackeman's Natural History: ..Cutter's Anatomy, Physiology, &.Hygiene. Guernsey's History of the United States. i .Lardnor s Outlines. Olmsted's School Philosophy. .. ... Burritt's Geography, of the Heavens. Johnston's Turner's Chemistry. Wood's Botany. ' Sclunucker's Menial Philosophy. . Wayland's Moral Science. Webster's Dictionary.. ... LATlN.— Bullion's Latin Grammar, Bullion's Ijitiu Reader, Authon's Caesar, Sallust. Cic ero, Horace, Folsom's Livy, Leveritt's Latin Lexicon. GREEK. —Bullion's Greek Grammar. Bul lion's Greek Reader, Robinson's Greek Tes tament, Xeuopheu's Anabasis, Xenophon's Memorabilia, Pickering's Gnn Lexicon. Thero will be frequent exercises in Decla mation and Composition. Instruction will also be given in Penmanship und Book-Keu ping. It will be the aim of the Teacher in this School, to impart to the pupils a thorough knowledge of the branches studied, to educate their minds, and thus to prepare them for hon orable places in life. TERMS. The Whiter Session will consist of Twenty- Four weeeks or two quarters of 12 weeks each. As this session is two weeks longer than the last summer session, a corresponding addition is made to the price of tuition, which will be as follows per quarter: ■ For Reading,; Penmanship, Grammar, A rithmetic, Book-Keeping by single entry, Ge ography, History of U. S. $3 25 For same, and Algebra, Geometry, Survey ing, Mensuration, Boook-Keoping by double entry, General History, Natural History, l'hy sHogy, Philosophy, other English branches, and Drawing. $4 50 For Latin and .Greek Languages, 5 75 HTGood boardeng can be obtained in pri vate families at from $1 50 to $2 Clock trimmings on hand. Call and ate me;amotig them, i . JAMES BARBER. 238 Markets!., Phila. Sept. 20,'49-1 y , The argest Stock of Goous in Town. IV M. M.CJLSIVY A Co, at their pld stand ou corner of Main and Market Streets, offer to puie.uosera the best assoitment of ne\y FALL AND WINTER GOODS, That can be found in Bloomsburg. Their now supply just opened, consists of every desirable kind of ~ DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QURENS WARE, HARDWARE, EARTH ENWARE.. BOOTS,SHOES, Ac., &0., Ac., Ac. Every thing in the way of Dress Goods for Ladies' or Gentlemen's wear, can be found ill their assortment to suit every taste. Cashmeres, Alpacas. Delaines, Meritioes, Prints, Muslins, Ginghams, Shawls, Hand kerchiefs, YVoollen A Cotton Flannels, French, and American Broadcloth. Cassitn ers, Sattinetts, Beaverteens, Tweeds & Jeans of. every style and price can be furnished by (hem. . CUAULLS E. BUCKALKW, ATTCHN2JT JLT LAW. BLOOMSBURG, COL. CO., PA-, Ornce—Two doors below the Court-House, North ride of Main Street. Nov. 8, 1849. Dr. Keltr'B Celebrated Family Medicines. Dr. Keeler is a regular graduate from one of the best medical schools of the country, and a practising physician of the city of Philadelphia. We take great pleasure in presenting these remedies to the afflicted.— They are alt of undoubted medical powers i and hold out to the invalid a promise of re i lief, such as none others possess. They each have been thoroughly tried in a long successful private practice, and have estab lished for themselves a reputation but few possess, and given bettor.satisfactioii to the afflicted thau any of ilea boasted remedies of the day. In offering them to the public, the proprietor is iutiuenced by no sinister motives of gain, but feels conscious that they,are eminently deserving of public con fide nee. No medicines ever before the pub lie have acquired such deserved reputation upon their merits alone, or appeal with such irresistible force to the invalid. . ■.•DR. HEELER'S PANACEA, For the re moval and permanent cure of all .diseases a rising from an impure stato of the Blood and habit of the body, viz: . ■ , Chronic diseases of the Chest, Pleurisy, Bronchitis, Catarrh, eto., Scrofula..in all its forms, Tetter, Scdld Head, Cutaneous .affec tion!} of the lace and extremities, Chronic enlargements of the Joints ; White Swelling, Syphlitic Affections, Constitutional disorders, arising from debility, Mercurial and Heredi tary predispositions, &c. nr In every change that is taking place in the body,it is manifest that it is brought about by something having a substantive ex istence. If we suppose the organs of our body originully perfect, they must 'continue perfect unless changed by die intervention of something that bears an unhulthy rela tion, te it.. In all eases of diserftefthere must be the interposition of some new ingredient, which by playing its part as a COUKO served the properties before connected with the body. It is absurd to talk of sgpn taneous disease taking place in organs pre viously healthy, without the interposition of some morbific agent, as well might we ex pect a piece of chalk to transfer itself spon taneously into Plaster of Paris., without the aid of Sulphuric Acid. In all disease there is a prior cause which must be removed, through the agency of the Blood. For this purpose thero is 110 remedy superior to the PANACEA. R 1 * In the evidence the following is sub mitted to the public: PHILADELPHIA, June 9th, 1847. Having been uppraised of the nature of the Panacea, it affords me much pleasure to be able to recommend it as a valuable reme dy for those chroma, constitutional and glan dular diseases, to which it is . especially a daptedz-i-To those who are afflicted, and re quire medicine as an alterative cannot obtain it iu a more agreeable, active and uniform state, than is to bo found in the Panacea. I have used it iu several instances with deci ked and signal succes. Yours &c. D. Allison, M. D. For details certificates, &c., see circulars, &c.—Price SI per bottle, largo sixe, 6 bottles 95 • •• 1)11. HEELER'S COUGH SYRUP. Among all the remedies before the public this stands pre-eminent in incipient Con sumption, Bronchitis, Catarrhs, Coughs, Hoarseness, Whooping caugh, Pleurisy, As thma, spitting of Blood, and for all affections of the pulmonary organs occasioned by .cold. To much praise cannot be bestowed upon this remedy, and the proprietor urges any one afflicted with any ol the above com- I plaints to secure it at one. It is warranted to cure or no pay. Price 50 cents. Dr. Keeler s Cordial and Carminitiue. Every family whether rich or poor, who values health and all its blessings, should have this invaluable remedy at hand. It is infinitely the best remedy known for Diar rhea, dysentery, cholera morbus, cholera in fantum, cholic flatulency, griping pains, ctamp, ect., and for all diseases ol the .sto mach awl bowels caused by.Teething.. The numerous testimonials/rent Physicians and ' others unsolicited, has given it a riputation as firm as adamant. Price 25 cents per hot tie. Dr. Keeper s Vermifuge Syrup. —This reme dy is pleasant to the taste, hartnlos tethepa- ■ tient and nil powerful dn i destroying awl re-i moving all kinds of worms from the body. It is without doubt, the cheapest .ami best j worm destroying medicine betore the public, and will if administered according to direc tions, remove them within sor 6 hours after taken.—The dose is small, and each b ullj contains twice as much as similar remedies Price only 25 cents per bqttle. ~ Dr. Heeler's Liver and Sanative PILLS. Although not recommended 'as a "cure all/' yet tltoy are the mildest and best rem edy to remove Constipation, Jaudice, Dys pepsia, Biliousness, norvousnoss, foul stom ach, head ache, indigestion, etc. Unlike other purgative medicine they leave tb-y bowels always relaxed consequently are the proper medicine for females arid persons leading a sedentary life. Price 25ci'„ Dr. Keeler's Rheumatic Lo'ion. A justly celebrated external application for pains ol the chest, neuralgia, head-ache, sprains, bruises, tic doloreaux swellings of the joints, rheumatism, gout, sciatiea and for all disorders wherein a sedative and ru befacient remedy is applicable. Price 37J cts per bottle. All ot tho above celebrated and y used rnedieir.es, are prepared Wholesale an-u Retail, 294 Market street, Philadelphia. For sal a also by J. R. MOVER, Blooins hnrg; 'jhallunl & Hughe*, and Dr. J, A. Aloo.e, Danville; K. Francisous, Jersey Sl.ore; and by Druggists and Merchants I '.nronghout tho County and. Stat*. Bloomsburg, Nov. 22d., 1849—1y. New Boot ft Shoe Store. JOSEPH B. WEAVER Has opened anew Boot and Shoe Store at the lower end of Main street, in the building lately used as Nathan's Clothing Store. He will always keep on hand an assortment of ready made work, and will make to order at the shortest notice coarse and line Boots, Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers for Gentlemen; bad ics and Misses' t wear. He will furnish his work, made in a neat and substan tial manner, at tho lowest prices. •-. ot With articles made..strong and neat, awl sold cheap, he solicits a share of publio pat ronage. i < l it Bloomsburg, April 5, 1849-tf New Goods.—New Firm. The Cheapest goods in Light Street Can be bought of PETER ENT, who has taken the store formerly kept by ..Sloan and Thompson, and filled it up with a new and choice selection of the most fashionable and desirable goods. He has every article usu ally kept iu a country store; and will sell Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queehswure, Crockery, Ce dar Ware, Hats auu Cape, Boots and Shoes for Cash or country produce, a little .cheaper than they can be bought elsewhere in the neighborhood. Call and see, *(1 who wish a grand chance for bargains. JETER ENT. Light Street Jan. 8d 1850. , i i 1 j 11 ptmmmnifja 3jE>nf lidiaii Vegetable Paaaeea. Rowand ft Walton invite attention to lb* following advertisement: DR. CULLEN EVER VICTORIOUS I At a proof of tho continued suoceee of DR. CULLKN'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PA NBCEA, we refer to a few of the many cer tificates in cur possession, of curt* perform ed by this groat purifier. Captain T. L. Sanders, constable of Sooth Mulberry of Barber's Iteh. Mr. J. P. ItMH child, No. 83 North Sev enth street, cured of hereditary Tetter, which covered Ids entire body. Mr. E. W. Maxwell, Grape court, Market street, above Eighth, cured of Scrofula, had fourteen open ulcers upon his body at the ti©e he commenced taking the Medicine. Misr Christiana Sands. West Spruce street, between Beach and Willow streets. near the Schuylkill,, cured of Scrotals; had suffered eight years; her much affected that tea amf coffee -would pass out at her ear —this is a strong case. t Capt. John K. Barclay, No. 4 speedy and certain remedy for all diseases oP a . delicate character, known to the world. Adapted to every stage of the disease, sex and' constitu tion, at all times and seasons, there is no fear of exposure, detention from business nor restriction in diet, from the ocrtain and speedy relief that it gives it is> ndw one of the most popular medicines of the day— Ten Thousand cases have been cured effec tually by it during the past year. Prepared by a practical physician, the afflicted can re ly with confidence on ita curalivo powers o ver diseases of this character. Full direc tions accompany each bottle. FT CAUTION.— Ask f>r the Ameritan Com pound, and purchase only of the agents, 284 Market sireet, Ptula. For sale by J. R. MOYER, Bloomsburg Chalfant ftHughes, and Dr. J. A. Moore; Danville; E. Franciscus, Jersey Shore. 8100/nsbvirg, Nov. 22d, 1849.—3 m. HOOTS AND SHOES. FR ANTZ ft JOHNSON _ ■ Have the largest assort- BL mont of BOOTS AND*^^^ SHOES that can be found in Blooms burg. They have on hand every variety ot City and Eastern work which uiey warrant to be well made, and they are continnually making to order every kind of Boots Shoes, Gaiters, Ladies Misses and Childrens shoes that are desired. Every taste and size can be suited o< their STORE, and their goods will be sold as cAseeas they can be bought any where else in the COUNTY. Their Store is on the East side of Main Streot, in Biggs' new Exchange building, Bloomsburg, Dec. 8, 1849. Administrator's Notieft^.^#*^ LETTERS of 11niiiiisliiiiinii fiMie| been granted to the subtotiber, nmuyhnßrtete of Rackfl Tcncntend, deceased, tflpkhimek township, Columbia cmuMflVpeiaoiis In debted to said Krttts ari£gpMsied to make immediate payment 'persons having claims are also requested